o O O o G O o o O o o o Will G antlo.c ? DON" PIATT OX THE GREAT COXUX "DSUJI IX THE WHITE HOUSE. In a recent letter to the Cincin- nati Commercial, Don Piatt, the j racy correspondent of that paper, ; says: POLITICIANS here are no longer discussing the resignation of the inscrutable. The last I heard urjxed in behalf of Gen. Grant by his friends was that we would be forced to re-nominate him, because if we did not he would use the patronage of his of fice to defeat his own party. Now I pledge you my word that this, in just so many words, is what one could have heard urged in all the hotels, and on the avenues, nnd about Congress and the depart ments, in favor of the present in cumbent, and what a commentary it is upon him and his associates ! GAVhat a high-toned gentleman he must be. What an earnest, hon est supporter of the Republican party, when his friends openly tell us that if he is not re-nominated all the power that he can bring to bear through his office will be thrown against the organization that made him. This, of course is all bosh. The day of the National Republican Convention, when some candidate has been selected, Gen. Grant will have no more influence ir? this country than the poorest citizen. The men h" proposes to control the oiiiee holders of the United States would in a body turn their backs upon him and be gin courting the coming man. I old- refer to this as an illustration of the .way in which the man's own friends look upon him. Til EKE AI'.E SOME M EX IX THIS wi;m one cannotQbe friendly with, and whose service? one cannot have without a feeling of dislike. Of thisl'lass is Itch. Grant. I doubt whether he has a friend in the world, or ever had. I have at last learned, after two years' inquiry, that no one to use a popular phrase "runs him," nor is there any set of men that can influence him through their persona! rela tions. The story about Tngalls, Porter, Babcock, Conkling, and others, is all bosh. Being some what complimentary to these men, they have cultivated the general belief that tly.-y make up the Ad ministration; but the fact is, no one of them or all of them put to gether can, through their personal influence, control his Excellency. They made a great deal of monev out of this popular belief, and doubtlessly some of this money has found its way into the pocket of tJ'e i resident. lie is very licit, ami getting richer every da y. This accumulation of the world's goo-h does not come from saving his sal ary or great business talent, for nobody ever suspected him of hav ing any. Let us take for example THE SENECA SANDSTONE QUARRY that has made so much noise of late. By turning to the books of 'The company you will find the name of Ulysses S. (J rant as stock holder to the amount of $10,000. Now, I do not question this, and knowing the men who make up tin' company, I am strengthened in mv belief that every cent of this 10,- 000 wa honestly paid into the treasury of the company; but where did the 6 I 0,0 00 confe from ; and how it should be invested in this way ? In this I mean to cast o no imputation upon the company. 1 have taken some pains to lind out all that could be known respecting its condition and operations, and all that can be said is that the company is the fortunate possessor of a valuable quarry near Wash ington, and can furnish better ma terial t.o the Government for less monev than can be got elsewhere. One might question the good taste, cto say the least of it, of the Presi dent uf the United States being a stockholder in a corporation that has heavy contracts with the Gov ernment. The Vieksburg (Miss.) IF raid publishes the indictment found in the Circuit Court of Mississippi last December against William t urges, the expelled Mayor of Me r'dian, for felony. He was charged with swindling treed men in the pur chase of their cotton. And this is the scoundrel who not long since was in New York manufacturing stories of Ivu-Klux outrages to the Tribane. and urging upon a willing President the necessity or" sending more troops to the South to pro tect sucTi rascals as himself. The first of the Peabody trusts Ui London amounst to ITS, 73 , and under this trust live groups or buildings, accommodating 403 families, have been erected. The second trust, which amounts to 29,J1$, will be increased in 1873, under Mr. Peabody's will, 150,000. Sixteen new blocks of buildings will be built under this trust. Always. A Western paper has an article on "The Care of Idiots." A cotemporary says that paper is always dragging family affairs be fore the public. Qukku. The Chicago Times, in ehromchno: the i;u-t that a man there tnarneil to t out of jail re marks that "some ehaps have a queer klea ot liberty." Switzerland, a eountrv with a pmaller population than that oV Scotland, maintains an efficient army of 200,000 men, at an annual cost of" $3,330,000. f 'Ir- J .R. RALSTON , -TS STILL AT UTS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN and SIXTH STREETS OREGON CiTV, OREGOJN'.f WHERE HE WOULD INVITE HIS friends, and the public in genei-?.l, to all and examine his stock, consisting ot a general assortment of Dry Goods, CiolIaiEag", CrocJtcry, Groceries, &c li ning frotr many years expeiienc learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES IN SMAIl PROFITS IS DETERMINED TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL S I nee t lie Cry of l'r land Piices! Oregon City, August stli, lSG'J. g II A PES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAIX STREET, Oregon City. Bet BIT. T A ART) TABLES in OR EG OA" Have been '.nlrodtieed, and the Proprietor in vites the mention ..f the lvns of this popular amusement to them. THE B A R I S S UP PLIED With ail the choicest qualities of Liquors anj Cigars. Scotch. Irish and ihiurbou alreaih famous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE ALE! ov Da vicar. 8Tg Families supplied. C. W- POPE & CO., EALE13 IX STOVES, TIN PLATE. SHEET TRO- A IERV OPPE !. 1 i K A I ) PIPE, I" ON" pi e nd Fir i ings, m; h it HOSE. FniiCE AND I.Ui PUMPS ZIX( COPPER,, BRASS AM) I HON WiRE. A'so a srenoral assoi tment ol Ilous ni-hing Goods. MANUFACTURER-OF Tin, Coppor, and Sheet, Iron Ware. ROOF'XO AND JOP.UING OF EVERY DESC: I i'TmX lONK to OR 'Ell, AND A T Ln PRICES. o Also, at POPE'S KTOVG STORE you will liud ilAfJI)VA':E "D P.ASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND UN V ARK, L.XTE.:NS, LA.M.'SAaD OIL, LUCINE AND XL. HI" LAMPS. AL-U PER A i .iULAToRS. All iTf the above ait ebs are for sale at PRICES TO UIT THE TIMES. c. v. rai'E co. M:ly OtegnCity O.egon. COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. Front Street. I'OIiriiVXD OIIEiiOV. Ziober l Holton Propr's. 'pilE UXDEi.SltJ .ED HAVING RE 1 lurmshe i an.i re iitt d the above uameu Hotel, will In- e f i tli u inhu t d un the i-; c 2 m v i-: a s i'i k. Rooms cm be hai by the Day, Week A RES 1' A U RAN T ii tie lions.-, urnloi hti liDimu-MiiMt ..f 1'lLllit ti MAN'CIEI", hi t' of i he Lata . et t e. Ovvio t it-loca i n and co i-tructien, it is the n.ust de-nab llote in the(.'il. aim V.- intc.d KKtIi.tJ IT AS IT OLGIiT TO B Khl'T. Frrc Coacii :ni;l Il iJ ue A ag n it ii 1 fi iiiii 1 ; J 1 1 ot e 1 . ZIEBER & UOLTON. Proprietors. t)lii- of tlie On s,'n si iid California. Ct. 21tf. Slat CoinDniv C II AS. HODGE .. CII AS. E. CALEF. .GEO. W. SXELL HODGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IN DHUSS and MEDICINES, PAINTS. OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, rARXSfES, B RUSTICS, PAIXTERS Aatrriuis, una t n-wj'jiHs' Sundries. 97 rront Sfrt et, 3o. Portland. Oregon. W I L L 1 A M SIT-1GER His Est-ihlhhtd FOli THE MAX U FACTORY OF SASH, BUNDS AND COORS, AND MOULDINGS OF ALL S ZFS &e- Th"V wi'l hNo do TURNING, of ttv dt--c; iptiou to order, With Neatness and Dispatc) o ALL W()!!K W A KR ANTED. Shop on th - Rire". h ck of AcKrrman's StnFr, Oretron City, O.egon. FUR1MITTJRE WARERODBIS. I Ivive oopmpiI a Fh'ihmsT room i Dr. T e-Mr-srs Ui ick. under fie old Clerk- 1TI e. where I am prepared to furni h all arti.-les ! of mv m.imifae ure, at as low a p ic- c.m 'be tnireh sed i (Treir''i. Constantlr on ; t-and nil kin.;! of fut niturt-, and vvliat I have ot. w Ii be m i !e to ordVr, nri shoi t notice. . Ci- e -nc call ;ind Vx-imine my stock. 1 4 fcOreou City, July GEEAT REDUCTION ) m PRICES AT 33. L. STOISTE'S, Ko. ipr Fiosit Street, jPortliil9 Oregoia. WALTIIAM WATCHES, GOLD CIIATXS AXD RIXGS, CLOCKS, OROIDE WATBIIES AND CHAINS, FINE JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. .All at jSTevv Yoi'k Pvicee. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. EVERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED. "Watches and Jewelry repaired. juOlf TOTICE. The Peop .fs Transportation Company WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FROM OREGON CITY AS FOLLOWS: FOR PORTLAND : At, 7 A. M.. everv clay, except Sunday. And 1 P. il. Monday, Tuesday. Thurs day and Friday, FOR Salem, Albany and Corvallis. AND ON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY, i-ou :e3s r.sr si2 o A. A. McCULLY, President. Nov. 1C, 0 4tt.tf N JEW WAGON AND Carriage Manufactory ! Thp undersigned, having increased the di mensions of lii ireni:f-es, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as many new ones as mav be j!easfd t call, tl at he is now prepared, w th ii pi i o m . tiood materials, and the very b -1 f)f ini'C'hani s, to buihl mih-v, ri-con- rnct. make, paint, iioi and turn out all romiilete anv sort ol a vehicle 'rom a com- mnii cart to a concord end.. Try rue. Rlack-initiiinir, Horse or f)x s! oeincr, and irencral jobbing nr.itlv, rpncklv and cheap ly done' DAVID -.Ml II. . Opposite Excelsior Market LINCELHBAKERY. BAILEY & KAriDlfJC , Successors of L. Dillkr in the Lincoln IJakiM-V, 1FCr LEAVE TO INFORM THE CITI y ztnis of Ore on and snt -round mil' co.iiitrv, that they keep constantly on hand and f r sale, all kinds of brfad.cr :ki;!:-, cakls. pa--tiiy, can die and nuts. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders promptly fill'-d. and po ds d livei el at the residence of the puicha-ii r when desired. T-e hi'iest p ices paid f t Butter, Eggs and Ve.iretald s. A liheml -hare of public patronage is re-spectfulL- s die ted. April 23, iS7t:ly T! standard rem. ly t. r oughs, Iiifln- eii7.il, Sure I'ltratlt Al'li'iiin n Cinth, Crmtp Lirrr Comi!'l' nt , UiincM'x, l:hfling of tin Lungs, and very aflVction of the Tlnoat. Lunirs and Chest, inclmtintr Consumption. AVI.lur's Itsi's.. tit does not dry up h Conirh, hut !o sens it. cleanses t'-e lumrs. and a!la s irri'ation .thus renmvi up; the a 'tr of the cMiiplai t. None jrenu ne unhs slaved 1 IiVTT. Prepart d by M:t ! W.Fowlk & Son, Boston. Sold by Redinct.-n. Ho tettkr it Co., San Franisco, and bv dealers geneially. Jel:ly Patronize r u." i 1 1 i vj u ci try. THE PIONEER CURLED HAIR MANUFACTORY IS NOW 1'RFPARED TO SUIT Y THF market w th a N. 1 nrliele of Curled Ha r tor Up olstery work, which will c.in p :-( witn any imported article In quality oi i rice. 1 p!,v the highest price for Mat es and Tails of Horses and Tails of C'-wa at my store, corner Front aud Salmon streets. I). MKTZ'.rit, Portland. Oregon. J acob Stitzkl. J ame' H. Upton. STITZEL & UPTON, Heal. Estate Brokers and Ge'iem Agent", Corner of Front and Washitirjton Sired. PORTLAND, " OREGON. Z3f Will attend to the sale and purchase of'lfeal E-taie in all parts of th City and st ite. Sp "cial attention given to the sale o! East Portland property. Address P. 0. Box 4'V2, Portland. Oregon. STITZEL A- UPTON, 8t. Estate Brokr. WALTER EROS. New CAI&IFri VELVETS, BRUSSELS, THREE - PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES, PAPER-HANGINGS, LACE - CURTAINS, &c, &c We JVovld Call the attention of pur ties filing up houses, oi being in need of anything in air line To our Stock, it? huh is OXE OF 'lUh COMP1ETEST On Use Psteiflc Cosisi! Ow Goods being specin'jy selected at the Factories in England, and the Eastern States, we cav. sell AT THE LOWEST SsinFrajicisco Prices VVAI-TEE. KKO. No. SO Front street, between Alder oo.) and Washington, Pjrtland Oreroi SEWING- MACHINES ! ! COMl'ETlTIOA fd-ITEI). T7E SELL THE SINGER, WHEELED VV Wilson, 11 we. Elliptic, (iniver A ikiT. Weed. 1'arh.iio, Keystone, Hb es, ioUl Medal, America i combina ion, I 'avis, Kmpire, '-'inkle k. Lvmis, Wilcox A (Jibbs wi h a coirplett outfit, late t improvements, II extra att a I-ment and use at Siin. The Wilson, Fo'som, McLean A Hoop r, :'arthrani A Faiiton, wi !i outfit, improvo ueots.'all extra att dmients ami case at The Uu -keye, D';imond. American, Hume h-.ttle, Ii; istol wit h outlit, taole, attach uients and case, at f.'!0. fhe Conpnoii Sense, Octacron, Ibmner am all ot'n r hand machines wi ll outfit hemmet nd tucker at Slf. N- toy machines sold. A com deie sot of att iclrnents tor h in nin line, coarse and wide, binding any ma renal, qudiii!;, tucking and making thonex 'nek. iu'lhn;4 a-.d iratherin-.', d liner jtwa vviih bast ng altogether. Made to sn t mix machine. On y the complete set s dd, KNITTING IlrlACHINE?. T!t La-nb at 8"o : the Crane at $1") ; tin llinkley Diamond 'J7 ; the Hic.iford, Ame. -ican, Essick, New Haven J'.'o. Terms- When the money is sent with the order we -duo with all freight charges prepaid as tar as the Mississippi, or sent C. 0. D., n receipt of had the amount, aud charg s added. L. PERKINS & CO., 5 .lw Si REE 1', WILMINGTON, LEL. ATIV E PERSONS W1STJ3D. $100 A MONTH! ENERGETIC PERSONS, CLERGYMEN. 1 doctors, lawyer-, agents, business men far i-ers, salesmen, dealers, and all other m.ile a-id feni.de willing to give their vn hole t nie or part of it. er.n eiily make lo0 OR MORE A MONTH, by engaging in liixht, h morable and staple nainess, in which o m -r-ey is required. No competition. Fxclu-iive territory irivrn. References as to h.:racter required. Stanin lor return postarr-desired. Write your ad dress in full and p aiuly. H. A. CARTY, NO. S15 CHESNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ACTIVE PERSOXS WAXTEP. Jan. 6:m6 STEERS HINDEP WhoJesale Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Wines, D randies, Whiskies, JEJj , No. 40, Front Strket, Portlaxp, Or-on. Constantly on hand a genuine article of C-.ttei W s'k Blanks. All kinds of blank? can be had at thi? officf' Job Printing of every description neatly executed, at short coti. R. H.HcDONALD&CO. TZ20LS 1LC n n ! ; n n ? n t n Ca'l t:.o ctorjtTon of Pcr.le-s t-- tiirir l.irjn f.?? : ment of " Newlr Arrived" Goods, corrpwu. part of toe 'following article? toe t; er wit ev rv t'.ii : bept in a well sr.j plied V11 0 SALE DIHG iiTOl'E. FnFsn Dnrcs. ! Tu.iexs Pp.KPAr.AT'yf. Patent Meiji.-ives. Pi Truss ks & tri'PCCTEF.s F.ssENi ial Oils, SflAKE" llEFFS, I'EKFfMERIEP, PaIMS am Oils, IiE::OSES!i OIL, "Which vrc ofC-.-T the lorf-ft Cash Trices, and ara determintd not to be undersold. R. H. HcDONALD & CO., S.ii.' 1 EAJrcisco, Cal- F0R SALE. OU' DRUO BUSINEf" loooted in Fan Fra sco, Cil. At'i-r rurbost wishes and exiift..-uig onr tluinks ior the lil eial put roi. a-re we haye receiy?-d for more than tweity-' ne ears, dnrit.ir wldch period we have hei n ?t a.'ilv en-xairtd in the I)i og bu-iii-ss in ("al t- ruin, we bt ir to siy in coi-se-qnence ot t!'e rapid ri owth i f Dr. W'iilki r's ,'ali nnra Vinc-ar 11 t.'tis, n- v sprend oyer the United -taes and countries f.ir beyond, we are nei essit;itt d to devote oir entire tin.e to said business. We are he O d- st Driic firm on the Pacific Coast and the only oi e, eontinon under the same proprietors ince 1S4'J a d have de ie. mined to sell our ai'ie, pr sneroos. at:l well e tabli-lud b s nes- on f'avorabl terms. This i a rai e oppo. tnnity f- r men with meau of ntenri'Jt into a pn fitah e business with advantages never b fore tlVred. I- o1" part cnlar- enquire o k. ii. Mcdonald & co.. R. II McDonald W h le-i lel) iil'UI ts. .1. C. Sri nckii. f Sa Fi anei co Cal. N. 15 Un il a sn'e is mad- v- t-hll cn 1 i n i e nir ini oi ta'-ons a d kee"r5 a lare to k ot f s!i o r's c niai tlv on hand, and sell at priees t 'e y c nipetition. The Great ilfedica! Discovery! Dr. WALKE2'3 C LIFOENIA VINEGAR BITTERS, f i Hundreds cf Thousands T r'"z Bear toptimonv to their "Wonder- i; Err o'o t'ul Curaiive HC'ects. Its WHAT ARE THEV?!i p ' ! C'C? THEY ARE -VOT A VILH o; ?. llF A fJ C V D R I N KM--- Made of Poor Hum, "Whisker, Prol Spirits andllefnse Iiqiiurs doctored, spiced and sweetened to pleass the taste, called Ton ics,"" Appetizers," "Restorers," &c, tliat lead the tippler on t o drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the Xative Hoots and Herbs of California, free frinu nil Aicohvlic Stimulants. They arc the J IlKAT ItLOOD PUICIFIK1C and LIFEGIVIXU l'UIX CI PIE a perfect Kenovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. So person can take these BiLters according to direc tion and remain long unwell. For Iiiflatinnnf ory and Chronic Rheu matism and ('out, Dyspepsia vr Indi tresiiou, Bilious, Komi t tent and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases t" IJlooI, Liver, Ividneys, and 15Iadler, these Hit ters have been most successful. Such Iia rases arc caused by Vitiated Iilood, which is generally produced by deraiiijenient of the Digestive; Onauis. DVril' i: I S I A OR INDIGESTION. Headache. Tain ia the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Stmr Eructations of the Stomach, Bad tastj Li t'.ie Month B.lious At tacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs. Paia ia the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off springs of Dyspepsia. Th' y invigorate the Stomach and stimulate tins torpidlivcr and bowels, which render them of un equalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SlvIN DISEASES, F.rnptions.Tetter, Salt r.heum. Blotches. Spots, Timples. rustules. Boils, Carbuncles, Bing-.Vorms, Scald-Head, Sore Eves, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorationa of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a ehorr time by the use of thesa Bitters. One bottle In such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. CK-anse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin inPim ples, Eruptions or Sores ; cleanse it v. l:cn you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of fie system will follow. PIN, TA PE and other WO U3IS, lurking- in theBystcmof so many thousands, arc effectually destroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle. J. WALK EH, Proprietor. R. II. McDOeTALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Cal , and 37 and 31 Commei ce Street, New York. SOLD BV ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. Feb. 1.: i 'I h - ..i it;, n it r of this wonderful medicine, claim . to I ave discovei el and combined in aiui'ihii n ore of Xnrtii -'-' mvi xovt-nigt mt i il rt'pti t -t-s than was ev r h. iore c un ed in o e medicine. The evid ikl" f'this 'nit s touod i i the urea' variety of most ob tin it'' (iisea-'s vh c'n it lias been lound to c imiin r. In the cure of liroudiilis, v ere ( o";-', :i nd t in-earl y st ipes ol' Von .!, pt on it has a lonish- d the medic A l'a cui y, and hundreds of the best p! jsicians prommiice it t he i -itet riu dirnl t i.x'-t.ut ry "f the one. AVhi e it cures the severe-i 'oii"bs. ' st 1 1 fitithens the ss'in and pun lies 7 e bh-od. 15v its ijieat and thonnajli 'lot d jiri!ii X pn p iile., it cures (ill Humor Ir rn the worst crof,ilt to a common JJotcti, f'hr'p'.e '-r Eruption, Mercurial Di-ease, Mineral Poisons, Svp i : i 1 1 ; and Veneral Di -Has--, and t '-"'f ff-'ts ar - erad i at-d and rig 10 9 hm'th a'id a xouinlco tihrion, rstab I 'st ed. Era jxhi.o, Suit liheurn, Ci'd ' Le id, Fe er Sore-, Sc.d: or Roo-jh .A-".in hort, all t. ii- numerous iise.s ci -sed ' had fdood, are e-.nqu-eri l bv thi- ji-swerful j. urifVmg a d invi,' ra in medi ne. For " Ltstr Co;nnriiT?," Biliii Lisoiders and llahdual Von' t patiot,. M lias pu dueed huudreos of per ci and permanent cures wlire oilier tne I cities bad ta 1. The proprietor oTers 1""0 reward f.r a ined cine that w.ll emial it in the cure of ui. r ...i.;.v. i prntiin.i'nded. Io- (i st-ases ioi i!i.niv . w ,re ofcoonUrfeit ai.d xr-nrthit imitation. See ar mv private l.ove. nmt-i.i w li Ii r a ,; five ana ran tee of .rie.- .i,0 ,..,tsidfvraiioer. This medictn? s W- b'l l)wz'--its at 00 per bottle. 1're pared bv K. V. PIERCE. M I'., Sole Pro prietor," at. 1 is Chem-cal Laboratory, Semci -tree . T'oa! , N. V. 0BEGCN CITY BEEWEEY! II C X RYI1U 1 H C L,, flavi'-Ec pnrchnsed the above Rrewery wisli e to inform the public th.it he i now prepar ed to raanufaetnre a No. 1 quality of LAGER BE Ell, As wood as can be obtained an where in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled. ioi pa z.p 4c S gs;2 ES.ii s -.: ' ': ,;vi 7 - K "3 V- Mbmptfh tU iiDiMM KLNF;Y "I. HLLMLtLfi'S Compound Fluid Extract Catawba E PILLS. (omponent Parts Plait Extract Ulnulri 'eiixil Fluid Kvtiait - taw ha. Griiiic Ju ce. FOR LTVEIl COMPLAINTS, JAUXDTCF, I5ILIOUS AFFECTIONS, ICK Oil NER VOUS H FA I) At 1IF. t 0T1VFNESS, etc. PURI FY VFOETvIilE. CONTAINING NO MKIiCUKV, MINERALS, OR DLLE-TEU10U-5 DtiUGS. M These Fills ar the most delightfully pleas ant purgative, so; csedniy eator ul. saLs, niair es;a, etc. There is iioihinjr tnoie no ceta!de to ile stomach. I hey give tone, and cause neither raiisea or j-nping pains. Tiny are compiled of e ft'ont ingvdieit-s. Aftci a few day' use of them, such an iu viuoration of the eniiie system take- place us to appear miiaculous to tin- weak and en ervated, whether aii.siujr , rn imprudence or disease. 11. T. Helmbold's Compound Fluid Ex raet Catawba Grape Fills are i ot sujzai -coated, fr m the tact that, susrar-coated Pills do not dissolve, hut pass through the stomach with u; dissi lvn g, eon-equeutly do i ot produce the devred elt'ect. TllE CA TAW ISA GRAPE PILLS, bei g pleasant in tate and odor, d not necessitate their be ing siuar coated, and are prepaid accord -lo rtil'Mif Jbarniicy and Cheiuistiy, and are i;ol Patent Medieuies. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCKNTRATKD COMPOUND Fluid Extract harsupnrilla Wi.l r.idicilly exterminate from the system Scrofula, S h li-, Ft v-r 'ores. Ulcers, Sore E) t-H, Sore Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore Ileal, lii-uiicln . is, skiij Di.s. a es, Sa t Rheum. Canker.-, Ri. ni)!i. g- Loin ihe Ear, hite Swe.l mgs. Ti.nn i, Cane runs Affections Nodes, Rick.ts, (ilauduiar Swellii.gs, Ni-ht Mivat-, Rash T tier. Ilium is of all Kinds, Clnonic liheuniati.sm, Dyspepsia, aud all di.Masi-.-that have Lteu established in the system for years. Ileing prepuired expressly for the above oinplamt.-. it.-, blood purifying propeities aie giealer than any o.bef Jrepai atlon of Sars.ipai llia. It gives t f it complexion a dem and liealt.;.j ii ior and re.-tores the patient to a state ol In ;dth a .d pe.1113. For purify ing the blood, I (-moving all c h ouic Cou itu 1 coal iliM-aM-s a.'i.-ing lnun an inij ure :tate f" tbe blood. A d 1 be only reliable and e; te. tu.il k own remedy ior he one of pain and Swelling of the li.nn s, Ulcei at ons ot the Throat and Legs, La tches, Pimples 00 tiie F..cc Erysipelas and a 1 Scaly Eru,. lions ol tne Skin, and ISeuutify ng the Complex ion. Price, $1 50 per liuttle. M HENEY T. HELMEOLD'S CONCENTRATED FLUID LVnuCT 1,11 III, THE GREAT D.L'RETIC. has cured evi-ry ca-e of Diabetes in which it aus been given. Irritation ot the Nerk of the hid tic s, U leiation of the K.dneys and iJiaddei , Retentt n of Urine, Di-eatses of ti.e Prostate Gland, Monuiti the Uiadiler, ( alcu iiis, Giuvel, ISriek-dust Deposit, aud Mucous r Milky Discharges. And lor Enfeebled Delicate Co it si tut. ons of" b -tii SeX'es, attii d ed w th the following symptoms: lnd.spo- :tion to E.t i tion, s of J'ovver, Lo-s of Meinory, Dithculiy of Ibeatliing, Weak .Nerves, Trembling. Horr r oi I)isea-e, aketullness, Dimness of Vision, 1'a.in in ibe Lack, Hot llaiujs, Flushing oi the Rody, IMynes- of the Skin, Eruption on the Fae, I'ail.d (,'ounteuatue, Universal Lassitude ol ihe Muscular ytL'iii, etc. Ued by per.-ons from the ages cf eighteen r( tw. -live, mid iium ihirty-hve to li ty-.ivt- or in ti.e ilci one or change of iitt- ; a(t, r eonfinement or labor pains; bed-wetting in child rein. I Helmbold's Extract Rticbu is Diuretic and Blood-Pui ity ing, aid Cnea!i disc a es ant ing ii!in Habits of i ssipat on. and Exce.-f-es and 1 m irudence in Life. 1 nipi.t it les of i e is. ;!)(!, . tc. . Su;n i.-idin.ij- C pa na in Af : ct iii. for wh'ih it is n.-.eii, ami S-jdi iitic vliectio-us In these Di eases u-ed in con nection with Helmbold's Rose Wash. LA I) 1 1 S. In m my ulTei tious (peculiar to Lr.dics. the e'xtr ct i Such u i.-, uneij .aid by any other meily a in CIi.im os.s or rete .tion, irregu anty, Pa i : ! ul ness or Su jiji i es-iion of cus oim ,rv Evacuations, Ulc rated or S h rr s t itf- d the Cuius. Lcncoi rlui'a or Whites, -tt riliti , and for all lomjilaints i. cid. nt to be sex, vvheilier arising tioiu indiscretion r l abits of dissip tio i. It is preset ibed xtensively by .he most emim nt )!isici.ns id iniihvives for eu eebled and d licate cous.itutious, of bo.h sexes and all ages. II. T. IIE'.Mr.OLD'S EXTRACT RUCHU CURES D -i- . SES ARISINCi FROM IM- raroENCKS, Ha hits oi- Dissipation, Etc., in all their staves, at little xpcne. little or o ihaiiL'e in diet, no inconvenience, and no expo ure. 1 causes a frequent des re, and ivcs -trength to Urinate, M ere'.y removing O.;sti uctioii- , Prevent n- and C'n in Stric t its ot th- Urethra. Allaying Pam and Iu llan, niation, so ''fequent i i tin- class of disease.-, and expelling all Poisonous matter. 1L HENRY T. Ill-1 M F.oi.D'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH cannot be surpassed as a FACE WASH, and wi I be iound t e nly specifi - remedy in every spec s ot Cutane ns A flection t peediiy erailicat s Pimples. Spots, Si-orbu-ic Dr- nes-, Indurations of the Cutaneous M o brat ce, -tc, dispels Redness and Incipi ent 1 nliarniuation. Hives, Ras'i Moth Patch es D yne-s o Sctiln or Skin,F.nst lit s and all pui poses for which S .lvos or O fitments aie u td ; ietoies the skin t a state of po lity and -oltness, an 1 i-.stii'os c -n in tied healthy action to tl e t ssue of its vessels, on which depends the agieeable clearness and vivacity o; couiph x-oti so much oght and a Imiit d. Rut h- wi v r aluable as a reme dy for esis ing defects ot the skm. 11. f. llelnibod's Rose Vasil has long sustained its prinei.'ai claim to iiubou ded patronage, oy possesing qualities which r.-nder it a Toilet Apjendage of tie- most Supi-dative and 0oiii; iiial charade-, combining in an i legal, t formula those prominent, requisites. Sa ety ami Etlicacy the invaiiab e acconi panimcnts of ds use as a Preservative and R fresher of the Complexion. Ir. is an ex cellent Lotion for di eases of a S philitie Nature, and as an injection for diseases of the Urinary Organs, ai i ing from habits of dis-ipat on, used in connec ion w th the Ex. trai ts Ruehu, Sar-ap i rilla, and Catawba Grape Pilis. in sm h niseases as reco mend ed, cannat oe surpassed. 1'iice, One Dollar per bottle. 1 Full and explicit directions accompany the medicine. F,rid: ce of the most responsible and reli able character furnished on application, w.th hundred- of thousands of livinir witnesses, and upward of :io,i -(M i unsolicited cettifieates and recommendatory letters, many ot which are from the highest sources, incl tiding emi nent Phy-icians, Clergvuit n. Sta'e-inen, etc. I he proprietor has never resorted t Lieir pi b ication in the newspapers ; he d its not do i his f; om the fact that his articles rank as St.i ndard Pi ejiai ations. and do not Leed to be pmpped tip br certificates. HENRY T. HELMCOLD'S Genuine Preparation-, Delivered to any address. Secure from otj-ei v iti n. E-t.iblishcd Upward of Twenty .Years. S Id by Orogiiists everywhere Address 'etters for into matian, 'in confidence, to IIexryT. Helmbole, Drug-ist and Chemist Only D- pots: n. T. HEi.MRuLp'S lmig and Cleniical Waiehonse, No. r,04 Rroad way, New York, or to H. T. Ile'mbold's Me di. .-il D pot, 104 South Tenth Street, Phila delphia, Pa. Heware of Counterfeits. Ask for HENRY T. HELM ISOLD'S, ! Take do other. an.O OR. JUL ILN FEhhAlLTi Dr. of Metticine of tlie Faculty Y Paris, Giudnate of tlie 1 Hivorslt y Queen's t oilge, antl PliysiVia.n cf Ihe tt .John liapti.te So icly ot SanFran tico. . , Dr. Perkallt has the pleasure to iDform patients and oth i s seeking contidet tial o ed ical advice that he can be consulted daily at his oflice, Armory Hall Building. Jioith East comer of Montgomery and Sacramento streets, San Francisco, Ro ms Nos 'J, In. 11', first tlo. r. up sttits, ei trance on either "Montgomery oi Saci aniento streets. . Du! I'erkaclt's studies baVe been almost exclusively devoted to the cuie of the va'ious fonns of Nervous and Physical de bility, the result of injuriotis habits acquiied in yi titli, which usual y terminate in impo tence and sttiilit.i, and pel inanenti v nduc all the concomitants of old age. Where a secret n firmiiy exists involving the happi ness of a life and that of others, reason and morality dictate the necessity ot its ten. oval", for it is a fact that pi en atut e decline of the viiior ot manhood matrimonial unhappiness, cotnpulsoiy single life, etc., have their sources in causes, the get m of w bich is plant ed in carlv life, and the bitter fruits tasted long afterward; patients, laboring under thifi eoniplaint, wil. complain d" one or mote ot the following svmptonis: Nocaial Emis sions, Pains in the Rak and Head, Weak-nes- of .Memory aitd Sight. DiscliSirge froni the Urethra on'going to stool or making Wa ter. Ftehctual .Faculties are Weakf-ied', Los of Memo-y ei sues, Ideas are clouded",, arid tirere is a disim linatioii to attend to bus; iness, or evt n to re.iding, writitig or tlie soei ty of friends, etc. The -atient wilj probably complain of Dizziness, Vet t go, and that Sigiit and Hear ng are weakened ana -leep disturb d by dreams; melancholy", sig! ing, palpitation, faint ings. cough and- slow fevers ; while some have exti rnal rehu matic pain, tnd iiuiiibness of the body. Some i f the common sy nipums are pimples in the face, and act ing in different parts of the body. Patients suilering ftom this dis ease, should ;pply imni-diately to Dk. Pkk haI'lt, e tin r in person or by letter as he will u .rantee a cute i f Seni'nai Emission and Imp. fence in six or eight weeks. Patients suffering from Tenet ial disease in any stage, Gotionhca, tileet, Strictures, bubo, Lie is, Cntaneott? Eruptions, etc.) will be tieatid .successfully'. All Sjphililie and Mercurial Taints entirely letnoved liom the .-ystem. Dk. Pki, k.m lt's diplomas re in his office-, where j-.atients can -(e for themselves that they are under ihe care of a reguhr educa te d practitioner. The best relet ences given, if reqnin a. Patients suffering tinder chronic disease, can call and examine for themselves. We invite investigation; claim not to know . verytl.ing. nor to cure every bi dy, but wte i'o claim that in all cases taken unuer treat ment we fullill our prom ses. e patticnlar y request those who have tried th.s boasted do: t r, and that, advertised physician till rtorn out and d scournged, to call upon usr. Low barges and quick cures. Ladii s sufl'ering tior any complaint inci dents to their sex, can cot. suit the doctor with the as-u i ance of relief. "Female Monthly Pills. Dr. I'eh-iai i.t is the only agent in Cali fornia for Di:. Riott's Female Monthly Pills. The.r immense sale has established theirrep utatiou as a lemsile ren ecy unapproached, and far in advance of every other remedy for suppress ons and irregularities, and other obstructions in females. On the teeeipt of lived Mais, these Pill.-will be sent by mail r exi te-s to any part of the world, secure from curiosity or damage. Petsons at a d stance can be cured at home, by addressing a letter to Dr Pkr ral'lt, cor er of Sa c rn m i n t o and Montgom ery streets. Rooms 10 and 11, or Box !7", P. O San Francisco, stating the case as minutely as possible, general habits of liv ing, occupation, etc., etc. All communications confidential. Iyr4p Pi IVATE MELICAL 10. Q.nitk tuns and lIolerut Cliargei' Dr. . Koherty's Pi-ivate Ule.lical Mirgiral Institute. No. 519 Sacramento Street, corner of LfcidfcSGCrtl ta lew doors below tl .- hut Cheer House.) (Private entrance on Leidesdoi ff street.) Establish, d Expressly to Allot d the Afibcted Soatid and Scientific Medical Aid, in the Treatment and Cure of all Private and Chronic Ii-e.tses, Cases of Sectecy and all Sexual D.surders. To tlie A filleted. DR. W. K. D0HERTY returns his sincere thanks to his , U!, erous pntients tot their patronage, an 1 would take this opt or'nnitr t r nnod 1 1 em that he continues to consult at his Institute for the cm e of chroric dis eases of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Diges tive and Genito-LTiiiiary Or pans, and all private di-ra5e-; viz : Svpbilis in all its forms nndstagis, Seminal Weakne s and all thb horrid consequences of self-abuse. Gonorr hoea, Gh et, Strictnr. s. Nocturnal and Diur nal Emissions. Sexual Debil ty, Diseases of the Rack and Loins, inflammation of thfe 151 adder and Kidnevs. etc and hp linnpi that his lo' g experience ami successful prac- - - r nee wi!' continue to insure bin. a share of public patronage. I!y the pfpetice of many yea-s in Europe and the United States, he is enab fd to apply the most efficient find suc cessful remedies against diseases of all kinds; lie uses no mercury, cl nrpes mbder ate,treats his patient- in a cot red and hot orable way, and has references of ut questionable veracb ty f'om men ol known respectabi'iiy anri lntrh standing in soc ef3". AM parties con sulting him by letter or other wise, will re ceive the best and gentlest tieatmejtaifl implicit secrecy. To Females. "When a female is in trouble, or afflicted with disease, as weakness ol the back and limbs, pain in the head, dimness of t-ight; lo-s of muscular power, palpitat ?on of'thfe heart in-it bi ity, nervousness, extreme ur inary difficulties, derangement of die tive functions, treneral dehilitj-, vaginit "s, all dis eases of the womb, hvs'eiia, stet ility and all other diseases peculiar to females, she should tro rr wri'e at once to the celebrated emale doctor, W. K. DOI1FRTV. at his Medical Jn sntntc and consult him about her troubles and diseases. The Doctor is effecting more cures than any other physician in tlw State of California. Let no talse delicacy prevent ou, but anply immediately and save yourself from p;inf'u! sufl'ei ings and premature death; All married ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase in t heir families liould write or call at I)UW K. DOHER1 Y'S Medical Insti tite, and thev will receive every po-sihle relief and help. The Doctoi's oflices are so arranged that he' can be consulted without fear of observation.- To Correspondents. Patients residing in any r art of the Ftate' however disrsrit. who mav des're the opinion and advice of DR. DOHERTY in their respec-' tive cases and who think proper to sut mit a wi itjeri statement, of sneh. in preference to hohling a persoi al interview, are respectful ly assuied that their cou-municat ons will be held sacred and confidential. If thp case be fully and candidly described, personal com n.nmcation will lie unne- essary. as instruc tions for diet, regimen and the general t-eat- e ment of tne ca e itself ("including; the reme- d es). will be f .rwa'ded without delav, and in such a manner as to convey no ideaof the mtrnoi-t of Die letter or parcel. rg-C. nsultation by letter or otherwise, FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no pa j. Spermatorrhea. DR. DOHERTY has just published an im portant pamphlet, embodying his own tiews ai d experiences in relation to Impotence of irility ; being a Slnut Treat'es on Sperma toi roie nr Seminal Weakness. N'crTons and Physical Debility consequent on this aPec t on, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs This little work contains information of the utmost value t all, whether married orsinlo a;.d will be sent FLEE by mail on receipt of ix cents in postage stamps for return post age. Address. W. K. DOHERTY. M. ., julySoly San Francisco Cal I o Vmil'UA' k'.-A vici "ofe lvin r di cretion. causine' nervous dphiiitT-. oremaiure necav. &a , having tried in vain every advemsed remedv,' as a simple means of -self cure, which ne w'll send free to his fellow sufferers. Address J. H TUTTLE, 7S Nassau st., New York. Jan. 13:6m 4 G 0 o 0 O O O o O 0 G o V o e I- 1 COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY. CALIFORNIA .