o t!)c lUcckltj (Enterprise XOAV.V AND VCrVXTY. "County CockT. The following are the 'County Court proceedings for the May Herm. J. K. Wait, Judge. Jn the matter Of tbe -petition for change W road from Abel. Mai toon's to Cutting,, 4J pe i IL ..as indefinitely postponed on Wunt f the notice not stating at what ?'ertn of Court the petition would beheard. iiivid W.igbt reigned the ofhee of Justice of the IVnce lor Beaver Creek Wcin'ct, J. W- May was appointed to fill 'ths vacancy. Ou petition of James Cutting and others. Albert Wright. Andrew Sprowld and Isaac "i-'arr. were appoiuted viewers to locate 'several changes in district No. 33.- IL. X. U'or.-ham declined to serve Road Fuoervison of disUH t d. 39. N. S. Xo'yer u.s app )inted in his place. On hi- petition. M. Werthimer's taxes vvre ivcuced S50'). Ab;l Mitt.jO.i. Cm. Rhodes and Henry 'Rjwley were appointed 10 aascaa uamages 'claimed by Win. Butcher on account of a 'road running over his farm. The apprais 'ers to meet on the 21th inst. Th report of the viewers to locate a 'road from Walton's and Ringo'a lane to 'intersect the Oregon City road, was ap proved and the road declared a public highway. Richard Bradley, who was appointed to 'examine the condition of the bridge on Mill Creek, near (i. J. Tniliinger's. report ed th; same in od condition. He also 'reports that St. Clair, a county char-re. at James ();Iicers, was ia a critical condition, ayd that Rebecca M ty. a county charge, at the hoiHi; of Lafayette May. was cared fur in as gooJ a manner as could be under tin? circumstances. The report was ap- 'proved. and Mr. Bradley allowed $9 lor his services. The report of Henry Will, appointed to examine the condition of A. Lambert, ' county charge, was approved, and the Court ordered that Robinson Ford be al lowed the sum of $ti per week hereafter for keeping said Lambert. The Co'irt also allowed .Mr. Will $4 for services iu this 'matter. The Court ordered that (he board and ''keeping of St. Clair be not increased to a sum of over ?2 ;"() per week. S. S. Bailey and Weeks & Morton were 'granted license to sell liquor in less quantities- than a quart in Linn City. O John Rilter was removed from the posi tion of Road Supervisor of district Xo. id, and John Ring appointed in his place. The report of the viewers annoinied to locate a road from the gate of Geo. Wal ling to Aurora, was approved and said road declared a public highway. In the matter of taxes paid by E. A. Vi!s ):i, on property which did not be Tong to him. it was ordered that when 'said Wilson executes a quit claim 'deed to Clackamas Coiintv. the Clerk is 'authorized to draw an order in favor of Wilon for a.n. The Clerk was instructed to draw a Hvrraut. f:i favor of W. II. Ross for the amount paid by him, with interest, for a lot purchased at Sherilfs salt! for delin quent taxes, it being shown that said lot was assessed twice. The Clerk was instructed to notify road supervisors when new roads have been ordered opened. Chas. Walker was allowed $71 70 for ':n Miey advanced by him for the Abcr Tiathy bridge and for extra labor. The Sheriff's delinquent taX list was placed on lile, showing a delinquent list of Ssaj 'J i. q The billowing bills were ordered paid ; 7tnbert Ford, for boarfl of A. Lambert, Sl.". Geo. H "lines, for county record book, "5 J I. A. V. Beebe, S2 S.. A. .7. Stout. 2 fcO 'G. K. Mavli.-ld. S Hi). J. 1. Ringo. $2. H. C. Ringo. S2. II. II. Campbell. S2. S. L. 'Ctirt-pbell, $10. G. W. Walling. S2. A. Cisco. s II. If. Cariipbell. $2 S. L.Camp- iell ,s 10. H . H. liuek. )!). John o 1.1 l !.... I. 'Meldrum, 2 00. James MeXnmara! 82 1?0 W. 1". Darns. ." ."). A Warner. $7 70, C. II. Warren. S2 i), J. L. Rarlow. SI 70. A'. Warren. SIM 1). V. 1'. Ruins. So 8.". (J. E. Warren. S2 .(). Maxwell Ramsby, SI .";). V,"m. Welch. SI ol). George llar-Vin.--on. Si ."0. C. P. Wilcox, $ t .10. David M iv, SI .10. W. V. Hums, S. 70 Wm. Driskill. 7.1. J. II. Raker, for board 'of prisoners for April. S"2. A. Warner as per bill S1D7. J. M. Frazer. as per bill. Slt. 4.1, 1 1. Miry Wills. Sit) 40. Richard Uradloy.SU CO. Total. S'ilil 1.1. i'iioiiA iK Du!Ks.s. fn ihe matter of the 'estate of Harrison Wright the Widow ttllowed the use of all yiersonal .property 'not necessary to Tie .sold for expense of administration ; Li the matter of the estate of S. Iluelah ?nveniory filed and approved, and license granted for sale o f personal, propel ty. In the matter ot the estate of T. G. ?toork, sale of real estate ordered. Iu tlu' matter of the estate of II. S. Moore sale of real estate ordered. Crrv Ei.Kcriox. The following is the official vote cast last Monday : For Mayor T. Cliarman, 1()3; J. Mayers. ".)1. Recorder M. C. Alhey, 103; D. Jen nings, ft. Councilmen Charles Logos, 101; J. M. Moore. !-'S : W.W. Ruck. 102 ; J. D. Miller, 113: J. M. Haeon. 10'' ; Owen Wade. lOli; .1 . G. Porter. 10 1 elected : J. G. Ronnet. J3 ; J. II. Sehram. 90 ; R. Caneld. 04: Charles II. Kellogg. 77 : W. F. Ilighfidd'. K): U L.Kelly, Ho; George Claik. 9o 'defeated. Assessor and Collector S. D. Pope, 101 : Ambrose Railey. D.I. Treasurer Chas. Pope, 111 ; A. Lew, M. '" Schorl Superintendent W. C. Johnson. 0'.) : A. Noltner. I7. City Attorney Charles E. Warren, 107'; ho opposition. City Marshal J. W. Ryan, 9S ; C. J. iJarcl.iv. 17. Thk ' ()u E;m.;kaxt Roan."" We had a cail last week from our friend Joseph A'oung. who in formes ns that the Emi grant Road" (Foster's) will be open for travel by the loth inst. lie says the road is in splendid condition, all the bridges being iu good order. The Company pro pose to cut a good wagon road this spring to Mount Hood, so that pleasure-ne.-kers can have an easy access to visit this most desirable spot, where they can see the whole of Oregon and Wash ton Territory with the naked eve. The 1'oad will be in good condition for buggies or anyother conveyances, and we bespeak for it a prosperous season this year. Mr. Y. informs us that this is the best road leading from the Willamette valley I) Eastern Oregon, and that the tolls are less than on an other. DOKAT.OXS TO THE AMERICAN 1'lBLE So- cikty. Rev. I. D. Driver, Agent for the Society, lias furuished us the following list ot cor,-ulut;ons made in this citv : Public collection ut the M. E: Churc!!, ?.V io, do. at the C'.aizrcgati,,nal Cborch, 7 5. A J Ap-per.-oii. k ,, James M Moore, 50 cents, W P Ibirns. To cents, c.isn, 2" cent?, S A Pope SI, C P i'hnrch. si, J M Bacon, 1,,IR Lalstoa. John Mvers, l.Jas 1 Milter, C Po;e. T J Spooner. $1, V H Pone C- 1 I T n - . , ...... - . I" ' ? vC!V;y rren i O T Loey, f 60, Mrs C J ope, i, , Rsudall, si Owen Wade. ?2 5itot;V, $:J.3 u5. I fe iged E 1) Wh:tIow, ?1, O L 65, Geo A Pease, iff, Jas Mdae, $; Cms. , C M Greenraan, 5 ! . Kedlxep. The river opposition hns caused the railroad fare to be reduced. It is nnv 50 cents from Portland to this pUee. S2 50 to Salem, and Si to Albany. 1be fare on the boats is not quite one-hall the above tales. Exhibition. There wa3 an entertain ment ,iven last Evening at the new Court House, for the benefit of the Congrega. tional Sunday School, by the young ladies and gentlemen of this ci.y." which was well attended, and everything passed off to the satitfaction of all. The 'entertain ment will be repeated to night with a change of programme, and we bespeak lor them a full attendance. Two Sides. A case of child-burning wa3 tried last Saturday before Justice Burn3. and the defendant fined &30 There appears to be. several reports in re gard to the matter, therefore we forbear mentioning names. Gone. Hon. D. P. Thompson left here yesterday for Eastern Oregon. He has the contract for surveying the Cm a tilla Reservation, which he will commence this fall. He expects to 'return here in July. Wool. Our merchants and the factory are paying 25 cents for wool. The farm ers are holding on to it. and the prospects are that it will advance in price. Ix thh River. A team belonging to Mr. Ferguson, jumped off the ferry boat into the river, the forepait of this week. They were rescued with great difficulty from being drowned. Biu.sk. The upper boats now corne down with large numbers of asseifgers daily. They arrive here about li o'clock and pass on for Portland without delay. What i.s tiik M.vrn-:it. We have not re ceived the Duly Mercury for the past three days. What is the matter? WoitKMiiN. There are about fifty men employed on the locks. The City Election. The city election passed off very quietly last Monday, re sulting in the election of the entire Republican ticket, by majoiities ranging from 1 to 2G The average majority on the whole ticket is a little over eleven, while last year they carried the election by an average majority of thirty-three. The vote polled was not full by about 2;, of which the Democrats lost 16. which, had they been polled, would have elected the entire Democratic ticket, with the ex cepiion cf perhaps one or two candidates. The Democracy had become so accustomed to being defeated in (he city that many of their members concluded that it was useless to go to the polls, and hence as they must now see, the defeat last Monday is the cause of their own neglect. There was no lack of energy on the part of our opponents to poll every vote they had. and they left nothing undone that would secure their success, while the Democrats thought that suecss was not within our reach. It may be taken for granted that Ore on City has gone Radical for the last time, as now Democrats must know that if they do their duty in the future success will be their reward. Let us take courage from this result and redouble our energies for the fight next year. Wk Can t Axswkk. A friend asked us last Monday whether a certain Professor in this city was hired by the parents of his selolars to electioneer for the Radical ticket or teach their children? We are not prepared to answer the question, but will say, that it does not become a rf.an who relies ou the public for his support to dis miss his school on such an occasion and devote himself all day to the success of a partisan ticket. We hope our friend will take the hint We notice a statement published last week in the .Bulletin relative to the finan cial conui ion of this city. Th'o Mayor says that we had made an "incorrect state ment" in our last issue. Whet we stated as facts coincide with the statement pub lished; and we only differ from estimates made by the Mayor. We presume that the Council will publish a full exhibit of the city affairs soon, and we therefore reserve further comment. Wki.com::. A number of our citizens, who were heretofore strong Republicans, cut loose from the Radical party last Mon day, having ascertained that their leadeis had made most humiliating and disgrace ful combinations. We heartily welcome all good citizens to our ranks, and are pleased to record the fact that the sub staniial. working and tax-paying citizens ga e their support to the Democracy last Monday. These people have at last found out that the Democracy is truly the party of all linfitimate reform. Fct.iiin Kit's Monthly for Mat. We have received this most excellent maga zine for May. As usual it is full of inter est. The last number commenced its secand volume, and the magazine has taken rank second to none i i the United States, and we can recommend it to our readers. Address Scribnet tfc Co., (3.31 Broadway. New York. Cosmopolitan Benevolent Society of Nevada City. Have you secured your ticket? If not. do so before the 2fMb of this month. Have you examined the ad vertisement and noticed the list of mag nificent Gold Coin prizes? Evt n the small est one of" $J). would be acceptable; and then look at the thousands. Who won d be so unwise as to delay investinir $2 50 in a ticket and thtu secure a fortune, all in Gold Coin. Vote i you a Goon Max. We arb in formed that the Radical candidate for City Recorder voted for himself, after his more honorable opponent had voted for him. We take the 1. Inh'tne of April 14th : Cassimeres of decided excellence of material and texture, manufactured at Oregon Cby. Oregon, may be een. and bought, at the store of fokla. Ilahn A: Co.. No. o'J Warren st. (Toods of more elegant finish abound ; We believe tli.-se would outwear the b.-st of" them. Chinese labor is that mainly employed in their production. We have hereiofure spoken of tie peerless Red Rlankeis fabricated in California ; but we are not aware lhat Oregon Woolens were ever before off -red tor sale in this City, these worth a scrutiny. are surely Lr.crur.K. r. Jordan has been lectnr- ing on phrenology lor the past week to : r i houses. Rev.FatukrGibnky will celebrate Mas3 j and preach at the Church of the Sacred ! Ueart, at 11 o'clock. Sunday next. j Ior Govkknou A telegram from ! Louisville, of May 4th says that ihe Demo j crane Convention, at Frankfort, yesterday i nominated I II. Leslie, (he present act- ing Governor, for Governor, by GSS to 432 for J. Proctor Knott. Not Much. The Statesman says : J. L. Parrish received from California, on Monday, two full blood Angora Cash mere goats the first, "we believe, intro duced into Marion count-. The above goats were borfght in th;s country from J. R. Ralston. Esq.. who hi.s a few more of the same kind on hand. Close. "It will be observed by the re turns published elsewhere, that one of the Democratic Councilmen was only defeated by two votes, and Ihe City Marshall by one: afso ihe School Superintendent by I wo votes. On the latter a mi 8 determined effort was 'bade by the Radicals to secure tl e;r candidate's election. Ltur in 3iiml. When disease has underlined the health, and the physical ss!em has become pros trated, a stimulant that will not o'nly fctrengtht-n, but remove the cause, should be immediately resorted to. Mental distress is also a fruittul source of the breaking down of the constitution, and the ravages of this enemy to health are truly alarming. For all such maladies Hostctter's Stomach Bit ters have been fuuud unsurpassed. By act ing directly upon the digestive organs, tht-y remove the heavy, disagreeable feeling after eating, so often complained of by per.-ons of a delicate tempi-rame..t. AS soon w ui-ge-tiou is restored, ihe pa ient linds his .strength increasing, and his general heihh impi oved. Thousands of persons certify that it may be relied on in nil cases of weakness or uer voui dei.iliiy atleada. i upu sede.-tary liaO its. The generality ot Bitters are so disa greeable turtle taste that ihey are object. onal to a weak stomach, lliis is nut the case with llostetter's Bitters, which will be found mild and extremely pheasant. Balsamic plants, baiks an. 1 loots contribute their res toiative jaices to render it soothing and strengths ng. Its basis is the only pure stimulant which has tver been produced, coat.iiuing no jvtl oil, or any other delete rious eleaant. The wo-t careful ai.d skill ful chemists have analyzed die Uitte.s, a.d pronounce them harmless. This is .-cientilie testimony; but the testimony id' the hun dreds oi thousands who have experienced the preventive a..d curaiive effects of the GUE.VT VhOlil Al Li: TOMC and ALTERATIVE (if model u times is still more coi.cliir.ive. Iu 1-V ver and Ague, Dyspepsia, BLliousn es -, Nervous C'oniplatn.s, Ciirouic Complaints uud general debility it U as neaily infallible as aiiytiiini; in this f.dlinle woiid can be. WILLIAM DAVIDSON", REAL ESTATE DEALER. titiiee, , o . 01 Front St--ot, PORTLAND, - - - OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST PoUTLAND, in the most desirable localities. coiis.i-tinj: of LoTS, HALF RLOCKS and RLOCKS, HOUSES and STOKES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located iu ALL parts of the STATE tor SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Property purchased tor Correspondents, in this CITY and throughout the STATES and TEKIil TORIh'S, with great i-are and oil the most AD VAN TAG EO US TER M S. HOUSES and STORES LEASED. LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. Ai d a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of tins OFFICE in all tbe CITIES and TOWNS in the S I ATE. will re cc-ive descriptions ot FARM PROPERTY andforwiird the same to the above address. Feb. 3, 1871. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE,. PORTLAND, - - OREGON GEO. JL. CUKKY, ; DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS- Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Ovei flowed Lands. F.irm L inds sold and purchasers obtained for ail kinds of landed piopeity. Valaab'e securities transferred in exchange for real estate. Loans negotiated on property, and titles examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed with fid'diiy an 1 prohiptue.-s. .OFFICE -No. It C.irtei's Building, corner of Alder and Front streets. Ftb. :t, 7o:tt Willamette f-nMlge Xo. 131. O, . T Meets every Snturdav evening, at the roorrs S.E. corner of Main and Filth str eets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are irivHed I) attend. By order of V. C. T. Ktbu ia D-grt-e Lodge Xo. ii, I. O. O. F1 Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDA Y EVEXIXGS. of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree aie invited to attend. By order of N. G. Ortgun Lod'c No. 3, I, hi. o. or o. F. Thursday even '',. v jtircis e e i y i&gf&i- ifig at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Hall, Main s eet. Members of the Order are invited to attend Bv order. x. a. .Iliiltimiioili Iole Xo. 1, A. K. au.( A. ?J .--Holds its regular c mmun ea vvii'ins oil me (W'l i nil c-nruf- fity in eacn month, at i o clorK tram i ti e until ot e;temoer to the ot March, and 7 o'clock from the '2oth of Mareii to the 2'Uh ot September. Breth ren in good standing aiv invited to attend. Dec. :j.ls7o, By order of W. il. Cii vrrKi) !I vxns and Face, sore lips, dry ness of the skin, Ac, te., cured at. otn e by liegeman's Caninleir be with Glycerine t keeps ilie bands soft, in all weather. See that veil get liegeman's. S ld by all drug gists', only 2." cents. M;i?nn!acttired cely by llegema i tY Co., (Jhem sts mid Druggists, New York. deciM-lv ACE GUIDE. EVERY ONE HIS O'A'N LO( TdR. A private m-tructor f r married persons or ti-os about to be nmrried, b tii male and fern de, in everything conceini ig the plus ioloirv and relati ns of our .-exual system. S L " 1 1 1 HH (U i u , i :tc nrjiv ui.ii uCl lc? by WM. YOUNG, M. D. Tins is reailv a vat uibleand mteresiiig work. It i written in plain language for tbe general reader- and is diustr.ited with numerous engravings. All vou.ig married people, or tho-c cont'-m I nlati marriage, and tiavmg tlie least nn- per dim -nt to married l.fe, should rend tbi- ii .ntc It discloses secrets mat .every one should be acquainted with ; still it is a b-'"k that must be lock- d up and not lie about the h us.. It w 11 be sent to any.addies on re eipt of fifry cents. Address Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. Jdii Spruce street above Fourth, Philadelphia. Nov4:fim. A. G; nVALLING'S Pioneer Book Bindery. OUCGOXLLN BUILDIIW, Comer of Front ami Alter Street, PORTLAND, 0REG0a BLANK ROOivS RULED and ROUND to anv dev.red pattern MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at ended to. . . MILLINERY Al FANCY GOODS OF THE MRS. M. E. WHITE, CLIFF HOUSE, XO. 5, UP STAIRS. TT7UILST THANKING THE LADY I J pnb.ic tor uieir irici liberal -pa'ron-ae in the p;r.st. she w. uld most resiieetfully invite their attention to her new styles ot FASHIONABLE II TS AND BONNETS, now on hand an 1 just received. . Dess Making coue ia the very LATEST STYLE. April 14, lSTl.tf 'speissc GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT DEALER in DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, - ROOTS AND SHOES. 11ARDW RE. GROCERIES, CROCKERY. NOTIONS, iC. MAIN STREET, OKEGON CITY. WAjXTJED, AAA POUNDS OF WOOL, for JUUUU which I will pay the highest market price. ALSO, PRODUCE of all kinds bought, for which I pay the highest market price. If you desire eood Goods, at LOW Friers, call at I. SELLING'S, and examine his fresh stock of Spr.ng Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mv Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. I. SELLING. April 14, 1871:tf E8YAU RAT. LEON DeLOUEY, Prop'r, LA TE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE H VIX STRtET, OREGOX CITY, OREGON. rrIE UNDERSIGNED RE- I soee i f'n 1 1 V Tiiifiiiiiees to hie fi lends and the ti ave'iiiii public. that lie has re-opeued the above nainexl Kestaurant. Tlie proprietor knows bow to serve his I'sutomers with Oysteis, I'i's Feet, a good cup ot Cofl'ee or a" SQUARE MEAL. L.-.UN DtLOUEY Oregon City, Jan. 27, lS71'-tf IB47. 1871. New Goods ! New Goods ! II. CAUFIELD BEGS LEAVE TO INFOIiM TE P UBL1C that he has refitted the old stand, coriu-r Ma:n and Seventh Sts., Oregon City, and has received an entire new stock of goods, con sisting of DRY KGOODS, GHOCEniES, CROCKER Y, GLASS WARE, WOOD ES WARE, and a general assortment of everything in our line. Thankful tor past favors, westil solicit a share of tliK uiilie patrot age. Country Produce akeu in exchange for noods. 43: ly JOHN II. sen RAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SA Dl) LES, II A RSESS, etc., etc., , JHein Si-ttf.f Oregon City, 5" Wishes to represent that be is now as well prepared to furnish any article in bis line as the largest establishment in the State He particularly requests that an examination of his stock be made lietore buying elsewhere'. Grammar SchooL TIIF BOAKI) OF TRESTLES ORGAN ized for the purpose of establishing the above School, would respectml 1 y announce that tfiev b ve engaged the services of Mr. s. I. ltI'K. as leaidier, for a sessam of six months. The Scbo-d will open on Tues day, the 3d day of January, in the room lately occupied 'as tue ' ' Enterprise Ollice." All the usual branches c unprising a tfior ough English, Classical, Mathematical and CoinmeiC al ed i ation will le tatuht. Applicatio-i for ndiuittance, terni, &c, to fe made to the Teacher. Hours, from 9 a. m. to 12 in., and from 1 to .1 p. m. WIGHT SCHOOL. The undersigned will commence a Night School on Tuesday evening next, January 3d, in the Grammar School Room. Hours, from tjj to i. S. D. POPE. Oregon City, Dec. 20, 1S70. t'f JM PERI A L MILLS. Savier, LaRoque & Co.", OREGON cm. dL-Keep constantly on hand fu snle, Midlmgs, Bian and Chicken Feed. Parties pui chasing feed mast furnish the sacks. Notice of Guardianship. In the matter of flip Guard iaiisliip of SJeptimus i L uf io.t, insane, in t lie ouiuy ( ourt ot the Sjtiite ot Oreiron. for the Comity of Claoknmas. TO ALL VUOM IT MAY ('UN'CKIlN. fLEAM: TAKE NTiTTt'E, THAT THE UN dersiirtie.l has lieen duly appointed and le gally qualified as Ommlian ot the, person and estate of Septimus Jlurlat, insane eliarge, and persons having claims ugainst said Estate are hereby required to present them with the proper voueliers, -w ithin six months from the date of this notice, to the imdersirned, at Chas. E. Warren's law oiiiee, Oregon City, Oregon. . A. F. HEDGES, Guardian of Septimus Unolat, Insane. Oregon City, Oregon, April 21, 1871:vv4 AGEMS bOlt THE EMEKPK1SE. The fellotving persons are authorized to act as agents for the Enekrprise : J M. Baltimore. Po'tland, Oregon. Thomas llo ce, San Franc. sco. L. P. Fisher, Hudson & Menet, 41 Pa k Row, New York. Geo. P. Howell & Cc, -10 Park Rnw, New York. Abbe'tt.S, Co., No. 82 & SI Nassau street, New York. Hud-en, Me'et ,fc Co..rhieago, Illinois. Coe Wet'.eriil & Co., (',07 Chestnut street, I hlladelpl.ia. ,. Moore & Howard oiT Locust street, Phila delphia. GuarJian's Sale. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT BY virtue of an order and license, issued to the undersigned, by the C'ounty Court cf Multnomah county, Oregon, I wili.f.-ll at .public auction, in front of the t ourt House door, in Oregon Citv, the real estate of ileury WaUer Ineallsa minor' beir.3 the. !-and claim m Clackamas county, Ore gon, occupied by II. V. Lambert in his lifj time and at the time of his death, in IStiT, particularly descntied in two deeds made to said Lambert, one hy G. W. Wallinar and wife and Aaron :i.co dated 21th December, 13G4, and recorded in Book D ot Deeds, of Clackamas county, at page 731, and the o-her exeeuted by Thos! Johnson and wife to said Lambert, dated 27th February. 1"65. and found recorded in Book II of deeds, at page au-i, conraining aoout 11a iieres. Said sale to be on the 2d day of June. 1871. at 10 o'clock a. m. Terms Gold coin, one-third down on delivery of deed, and balance in one year, with interest, secured by mortgage on the property sola. N. E. INGALLS. Guaniian of Henrr- Walter Ingajl Fdrtlaa2, April 22, 171. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TO YOMG MEX t TO YOU BELONG TnE jrUTURE OF our beautiful and fast growinsr State. Soon the sbrifl whistle of the IRON HORSE. hs he comes smoking across this great con tinent, drawing after him the rich products of the Nrttion'd Wealth and Industry, will announce the il GOOD TIME COMING " when Oregon's own Sons and Daughters will be called to till tbe new avenues f Busi ness. Everyone should prepare tcr an ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE, Great changes have been made in the com mercial it flairs of Oresjcn iu a few vi ars. What the developments ef our State will be in the future, is a questio 1 which depends upon the .BUSINESS VJU ALI FIG A 1 IONS of ber Young Men. Within the past four years of continued prosperity, the National Butiness College, of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES of young men fully qualified, and man- of whom are now tiding high and lucraiive po siiions in the Hoiks, I'ount nj- Rooms and Stores, of our State. So gre.it is the demand lor Good Accountants, that Business men h ivC been frequently compelled to send East tor as istan. e. No entc-rprisin j:, ttudi-ius Young Man who lias pissed through, the pre.-cribcd course of studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has con plained for want cf a situation and at g' od salary, too.- - Every fatilisy is here afToided for acquir ing a SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPENSE. Every student will have an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE ' After having cnra L-ted the Theory, he is introduced into a ' MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS, which has tbe effect of thoroughly familiariz ing him with all the minntue ot real business Ti e course of study embraces I) uible and Single Entry Look-Keeping, Commercial Arithmetic, Commercial L iw, Corr. spoiid enee. Bu-iness J'u imansh p, regular and special Lectures, etc., etc , combining theory w.th "practice. also, Superior ndvn ntages for securing a thorough knowledge of O UNA MENT A L PEN M A NSIII P, TELEGRAPHY, PHONOGRAPHY, FRENCH, SPANISH, GEUMAN. ITALIAN. ETC. Far full particul ns, call ar the College Of fice, in Carter's bu hlin;r, corner of Front and Alder stieets, (cntranee on Alder) Port land, Oregon, or send fur cicular. Address EeFRANCE &, JAIVIES, PORTLAND, OREGON. Merch SI", ls71:yl The FLORENCE is the best Sewing Ma chine for Family use. because it so seldom gets out of Order. If there is one in Ore gon not working well, if informed of it. I will fix it without expense of auy kind to the owner. 19 Montgomery St., South Grand Hotel Building, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA SEM FOR CIUCUIARS. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY PLACE. March 31, 1371:mlo THE GREAT An Infallible iiLooa ptnincn, possess ing rare toajc and sritvnE properties a certain cure for nHriniTiSJi, ooi;t. sr inALCi i, tnd all kindred Diseases. It cotnpletely restores the system when Im paired by disease, revives the action of ths Kiit:vfl and ttiT VL OBCAxs, radi cally cures scnofiLA, silt riicimi and all eiiiptive ana citaxeous Dis eases; gives immediate and permanent relief in dyspepsia. EnYsir-ELAS, Tumors. Boils, Scald Head, Ulcer3 and Sores; eradl cates from the system all traces of Mercurial Disease. .. . , It is piuelv vegetable, being made front an herb found indigenous ia California. It is therefore peculiarly 6aitable for by Females and Childred, as a dlood rim- t lEn and IlEOVATOn. For Sale by ail Druggists.. R E B t ft QXQ K , tlQSTCTTER & CCS AGENTS, CCD and CGI llariet Street, erct Ifij . . I 1 , v ' 1" '' ' . REDINGTOXIIOSTETTER & CO. Stop lhat Coughing I Some of you can't, and we pity you. You have tried every lemedy buttle ONE destined, by its inti in-n merit, to supersede ail Mmilar preparations. It is not surprising you should ie leluc tant to try sonietLing else af.cr the many experiments you have made of trashy .compounds foisted on tbe public as a ceriuiu cure ; but Mewell's Pulmonary Syrup is really the YKRY BEST remedy ever compounded for tbe cure of Coughs, Sore Throats, Asthma, IVhovphtg Coughs, B'OTichilis and Conzttmjiticm. Thousands'of people ,In California and Orepou have been already benefited by the surprising curative powers of NewoU's Pulmonary Syrup and with one aceord give it their un qualified approbat on. We now ad.li ess ourselves to all who are unacquainted with Ibis, the.reatest panacea ot the are. for the healing of all diseases of the Throat uud. Lungs, assuring j-ou that Newell's Pulmonary Syrup has cured thousands, and it will cure YOU. if you try it. This invaluable medii ine is pleasant to the ta-te ; sooth ing, healing and stiengthening. .in .its efl'ects; entirely free fr"ra all poisonous or d.'eleter'ous druj.and perfectly harm less under all circumstances. For.Sale byll Druggists. REDING I OX, HOTET1ER & CO., and 531 Market street, tan Francisco. Redington's Essence Jamaica Ginger, IVhich if confidently recorrtmrndicf ax the best prepcit tion nmo before the public. This valuable preparation, containing in a highly co. centrated form all the properties of Jamaica iint'er.hus become one ot the most popular dome-tic reme dies for all diseases of the stomach and digestive organs. A a ionic, it will be found invalnnble to all persons recovering from debility, wdielTi'er 'produced by fever or otherwise; for wi lie il imparts to the system all the plow and vigor th.it can be pioduced by wine or biaudy. it is entirel- free from the reacti'inary ellects that lollow the use ot spoils of any kind. It is a'so an excellent remedy for females who suffer from diftieult men struation, giving almost immediate re lief to the spasms that so frequently ac company that period. . It irives immediate relief to Nausea, caused by ridii'g in a railroad car, or by sea s:ck ess, or other causes. Iti lo valua-.l'e s an external up plicaton for Gout, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc. IIEUIXGTO.V, HOSTETTKU & CO., 529 and 531 Market street, Sau Francisco. Redington's F i av o r i n g Extracts ARE THE Pi-.RFECTI.Y PfRE AND highly c, ncent rated Extrncls from Fiesh Fruits, prepared with gieat are. . Thev re put up in superior style, and in a bottle holding TWICE AS MUCH as tlie ordinary brands of Extracts. Comparing quality and coutents, none other are nearly so cheap. W henever tested on thkir merits, they have been ad 'pted in- preference to-jill otheis., arid are. now. the . STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS ol the Facilic Coast. MARK THE AD VANTAGES. By purchasing Redington's Concen t rated Flavoring Extracts, you obtain an article not only superior in richness and delic.icj oi fl tvor to a:.3r g her of a simi lar nature, but. far mine economical, be cause ench .b ttle In Ids double the quantity contained in a bottle of any oihec .flavoring extract sold. , REDiSGTO.V. IIOSTK'ITER CO., Agents for the Pacific Coast. M. P. Would von escape FEVER AND AGUE, and preserve health and vigor durirjsr the s ckly -eason, make occasional use cf the following as A PREVENTIVE: If you are ATT CKED with Chills and Bilious Fever, or have been a victim to such disease, at d used ol her so-called remedies wi-bout permanent relief, seek at once the safest and suiet CTJEE, by usinc. according to directions MASOM & PGLLARL' ANTI-MALARIA, or, Fever and Ague rU. Time has proved them thoroughly to be the safest and most i;cliabie remedy known. They contain no mercury or oti.er mineral or chemical. Tln-y aro exclusively vege table. Thy stimulate the fin:tioi.s"of the liver. Conre-t:on isunpossible wh-re thee are used. They do not deter frorn daily labor, liy a-sTsting digestion tl ey add flesh and m,u cleio the fiarre. They are adapted to n.11 agts and both sexes; ai-d as a FAISLY MEDBcirck Will CURE in their incipiehey, three fourths of all diseases incidental .to a mala i-us climate. For Dyspepsia, in small doses they have noeq ial. For sale by al! Drngvi.-ts. RED1SGTO.Y, HOSTETTEI! CO.,. sule Agents. The Battle for Life Which is continually sroing on between health and disease, has never received from anv medic ne such marked and un mistika'ble assi-taiue, on the side of health, as it has fiom NewelTs Pulmonary Syrup REDIXGTOy, HOSTETTER & CO., 523 and 531 Market street, 8m Francisco. AUCTION AND COMMIS$10& u L r u I, i 'r- mm gfc A II KicSi;iilson, 0 AUCTIONEER ! O Corner of Front and Oak streets, PfrrtlaVd. 1. ' "w . .. . AUCTION SALKS . . Of Real Estate. Groceries, General Merch an disc and Horses, Every Wedue8dau and Saturday I A. 13. Richardson, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Rar RnJ Bundle lion English Square and Octacon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws ; n fecrews, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G.ron'j also : , ... A large assortment of Groceries and LiquorV A. B. IicriAitPsny. Atictiotifer n i . . . - B1XJJ For a few cents you can Tbuy of your Groce? or Druggist a rackageof SEA MOSS F-VRlNE, made from puro Irisaj Moss, or Carrageen, vhicli will mate sixteen quarts of Elanc Mange, and a lite quantity of Pud dings, Custards, Creams, Char lotte Russe, &e. It is tho L .4 1 . lil ,1 a tiiuapusi, iiLUiuiiL"s.t, uiiu mosi.0 delicious food in tho world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. 0 A Glorious Clmnrro ! I o THE CHEAT WORLD'S TOXIC. Plantation Bitters. Tliis woaidca-ful veirctablo rcstoratii'c tiic s!jcct-un-clior of llac fccljlc mscl tlcbili ta:cI. Ai n Coi'ic ;i:2:l cordial Tor tlae afjcsl ziiyA Innjjaacl, it has. no .eqiaal aihorij sJoki aciiics. A-i ii rcii3cIy for the iici'tous Avca!iwcsi fo wlaicli women arc especially sub- jeel, it sapcrscdiuj every olSier sli:3iEs2;iuI. ia till Cli mates, . Ironical, teiuaperate, or frsic?, it acts as :i specific in every species of disorder wlaiclt underanisic Jlse imdily strenlla aiad Ssrcaks down tlie aiaiiaiai sjjariis. For sale ly all rug:g:ists. 0 A.ig. 'tj, i 01 iy OREGON CITY, OBEG0N, RETAIL DEALERS IP BOOTS & SHOES, o 0 I also keep constuntly on hand O SALEM CASSIMFRES, Ft ANN ELS'. TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Q , 9 Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. will also pay ihe. highest price for Q Butter. Errcs, and. all kinds, of good country produce. I will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash o- its equivalent in good nicrchnritable produce. . Give me a call and sati.-fy youraelvst DEER SKINS WANTED; CASH PAID FOR COUNTY ORDERS'. JOHN J1VERS. Jan. 13,1871 tf O r ESTABIIISIlEt) 1840. LR.xEST A. FRLANDSON D GENERAL Commission rlerchahtj AND DEALER IN o o DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ESSENTIAL OILS,-. DYE STUFFS AND : i GENERAL MERCHANDISE. . , BY T II E P AC lv AG F ON LY., Cah Oiders for Goods of every . descrip tion frnm this or any .Foreign Jlarket, will rei eive prompt ami fistliful attention. O MINEUS. M A N U F A ' T U It E R" AND W . O L I :S A L K THAI) E SUP PLIED FOR CASH. No notice or attention p i d to orders for 'roods, if there i- no provision made for tho pa.t men t. of the sari.e. Consignment Solicited. OFFICE, - Merchant' Exchange. ( Man Fruncisco, California. TERMS NET 0SH. N DEL! VERY. '1$ U. S- GOLD COIN. Package prices. N B. Oreg-on Propucts Solicited Cn Consignment. .It". 27-tt J- BUCHTEL'S NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, No. 91 First Street. (Second door Pouth of his old stauil), Portlaml, Oregon. I AM PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL work in my line in A sui eri'ir manner, with ;dl t l.e lat- st im-r ven ert- in tl e it. Notions but firclas woik dor e : t rr y new and m.ig'i ficnit r- on s. t low r cw. CALL AND EXAMINE HFZClUElTSo fetr. 10, l'71:rra5 O o 0 G O o Q O 0 O G e 0 0 o o o G o o o O O