The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, April 28, 1871, Image 2

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vijc iU;chln vi3iitcruvisc.
Ore jo n (Jitjr, Oragja,
April 3), 1D71.
City Elections.
xt Monday the voters of Oregon Citv
rrill be led upon to exercise the elec
ti ve'fYanchise by selecting city officers for
tb'e ensuing year. .This election, though
"apparently of but little consequence, is of
vital importance to the people. and tax
payers, itiid every voter should exercise
the privilege thus offered in placing into
ofliee good .men, men who hae the inter
est and welfare of the city at heart. For
the past three years the Republican
parly have had unlimited control of our
city affairs, and the taxes have been tin-!c-ualy
high, and would have been higher
had not the charter of the ci'y interfered
and protested against it. The city is in
debt to-day (no one can' tell ex ictly) in
the sum ol over $3,000. City orders, not
nithstaniliiiR they draw ten per cent, in
terest, are worth only 70 cents on the dol
lar, and the city is thus forced to pay an
advance of 30 per cent, on all it has to
purchase. Th at the alf.urs of our town
have been badly m m iged, no one, except
those who have had the handling of fhe
O funds, will deny, and now. in order to ef
fect a reform, the Democratic City Com
mittee, feeling the importance of the oc
casion, have thrown open the doors for
Qll who are infavor of a refoun. to parti
cipate with them i.i selecting good men ;
those who pay (he taxes and are here, to
make Greg m City their 1'uttire home
These men should hold the offices, and
"wo hope -the Convention will select no
others, and thereby secure an economical
From an exhibit furnished us by the
Liudne.-s of A. J. Apperson, Esq., we are
enabled to give to our readers, in an ag
fcregife s ateuu-nt.. the ammut of revenue
raised by the city, and also its expenses,
Which shows a remtrkablo collectioi for
such a Ft-all place as Oregon City. The
total unfbnnt of taxes, licenses. &c. collect
ed during the year, for the general fund,
vhs $-1.2 U. j 8'J for school purposes
5-1.002 22 : total. $8,298 11. To this um
QQ'-hould be added about $1,800 more that
is collected annually as a road or -street
tax. making over ten thousand dollars our
people pay fur the niainteinauce of our
city governmctit. 1-roin the statement
furnished us. it is shown that this amount
Mill cover about the expenses, including
interest on the debt, provided ii is uot
over $7.00;) or $8,000. but leaves notuiie'
towauls a reduction of the debt.
We had intended to make a fuller state
ment of I he financial condition of the. city,
but the figures were not furnished us ui
til it was too late, and we tnu-t ak our
readers to consider over the above and
M-e whether ihey had not better change
che afl'iirs of our cirv in J( other and nine
competent hand-;. They may rest as-nred
that no perm men! prosperity will be vis
ible iu Oregon City unit! capital can c me
lieiv without the fear of being taxed to
povci y.
Last Saturday the City Commit lee pre
pared their call. Yesterday a posler ap
peared on the st re .Ms signed by a repub
lican and good citizen embracing the sub
MaTice of the call. Let no one be deceiv
cd by this. It is probably the same wolf
in another dress. The Republicans dare
net make a nomination, not withstanding
they have held undisputed control of the
town heretofore. They know they will he
repudiated for their past extravagance
and seek this dodge to retain power. Tax
payers, he not deceive,!. If our friend is
sincere in his eVsir. h
attend the
Convention at .dyers' hall. tomorrow
veiling. Thatispiaceforull such who
desire a change.
Ca:.ifot;ia Chops. The crops in Cali
fornia are saiil to be almost a complete
failure this year. This is an inducement
lor our fanners to get in all the wheat
possible. A Stockton paper says ;
- ft is ouite certain that ender the most
favorable circumstance now possible the
grain ami hay crop of the State wiil be
light, and if favorable showers do not
continue to fill the failure may vet prove
to lie a very serious matter to a large
number of farmers and to the State at
large." No ram- have fallen in the inte
rior since the date cf the Independent's
ExcorriAOixcj ton. tuc Citv Tvx-P.vy-F.r.s.
The present year Ihere were audited
loC city orders by the Council, aggregat
ing the nice lit tie sum of $3.29 1 10. Out
of this sum. $1,000 was paid for the wafer,
and the balance. $2,201 10 fur incidental
expenses. Why did not our worthy city
fa hers make up their import to the people
before the clec.iou ? Probably the above
figures looked to large for them to risk an
endorsement front the people.
Titnowx Away. At the last June e'ec
fiuVi, the City Marshall appointed ten
deputies and the city fathers paid them
$10 00 per day for the service they ren
dered in electioneering for the Republican
ticket. Are our city tax payers ready to
endorse this kind of business next Mon
dav ?
r.tsy. Our farmers are engaged in
feeding, and the present indications are
that there will be a vers- large amount of
wheat this year. There is already a large
amount sown, and they hat e at least two
weeks longer. Any time before the 15th
of May will bring a crop in this S tile.
The Dallas ll jmLara fays that all
available fotce is being brought into requi
sition by our farmers during the fine
weather in order to get seeding done as
s son as possible. Not withstanding the
late i.ains. an unusually huge amount of
seeding will be done.
The StaitshHtn sns that J. G. Holbert
J; as had l is sentence" ?o lessened that two
months and $1C1V line will let him out.
'l his word came by telegram from Wash
ington The tax-payers will do well to remem
ber that they owe it to the fact that the
charter prohibits a higher rate of taxation
than h is heretofore been levied or the
would have been called on tor more.
To IUr on-. It is it potted that Ren
llollnday's visit to San Francisco is for
the purpose of buying off th propose,
opposition be twee a Purlluuvl an J Sia
SfECLLATiox. An exchange pays that
should the United States be so foolish as
to take San Domingo, we would have to
take with it a debt of $158 000.000. to be
paid by the peop'e of the United S'ates.
And there is not an acre of uugranted or
unpledged land in the country.
To show just the character of this real
estate speculation, we may ptate that the
amount of territory comprised in San Do
mingo is only about 20 000 square miles
12.8O0.O00 acres ot land, all told, which
belongs to private panics. For the prvi
lege of having the -old fl ig,? fly over this
land, and allowing its owners to be repre
sented in Co.-.giess and fill fat offices tren
erally.we must pay a little over $12 33 for
each , acre. As a land speculation, we
scarcely think the investment will pay.
And there is no money jfi it, otherwise, for
the people there are as iittle able to pav
taxes as they are to navigate fhe air.
A Good Way to Pkotect gardens.
The Walla Wal'a Statesman hers tbe fol
lowing on this subject:
We have heard of several enterprising
ladies who have adopted peculiar plan
oi keeping their neighbor's chickens from
scratching up their newly made gardens.
They mix salt and corn meal together and
lay it nicely along the edges of the beds.
When the chickens fly over the fence, they
of course pounce eagerly1 upon the meal,
and they come to an untimely decease.
Salt, we believe, is -cold peen" to a
chicken, and we take this opportunity lo
warn the feathered tribe that before they
had better send for a lawyer and have
their wills drawn up in due and regular
form, in which they should not fail to
make some provision as to t he disposition
of their coid corpus, which miv be found
lying about loose in the gardens.
Coxviotkd. Mrs. Fair, the woman who
shot Mr. A. P. Crittenden some time since
in San Francisco, was found guilty of
murder in the first degree. Her sentence
is to be pronounced to-morrow. The fol
lowing is from a dispatch of the 20th inst.
Contrary lo all expectat ion. the jury iu
the Fair case were out only 40 minutes,
and returned a verdict of murder iu the
first degree. The prisoner was a IP tie
paler than usual, otherwise unmoved.
The mother v. oot and her child wept and
clitng to her. Some of the jurors were
much affee'ed. The public received the
verdict 'vith much .surpii-e. but with
cverv manifestation of satisfaction.
The verdict in the Fair case is almost
the sole topic- of conversation on the
stive's. Up to wfhin the past, week it
was generally believed that the trial would
result in a peileM f arc a l 1 the a -q i fal
ol" the .prisoner c-t the disagreement, of the
jury. This week the impress o i w vs
sii-fMig that thv jury would convic t her of
mans.aughter ; still nobody ex.iec e 1
them to agree so quickly. It, "is probably
not improper now to s.iv that the juo-ecii
tion had the.names of numerous witnesses
by which specific ac s ol the prisoner
could be shown which would have ex
hibited her character in a lar more revolt
inn light than it now appears. These acts
were committed dining her imim.iev with
Cri.ti-ndeii. and indicates a heart iessne.-s
and vileness almo-t beyond beiief. The
impression is general that her sentence
will be ultimately com -no ted to imprison
ment for life. The gratification expressed
at the rebuke of the doctrines put forth in
her defense, the open and avowed
sympathy of a certain class of females
with the oris oner, is almost universal in
the c.uiiuiuni y. This evening Judge
Dwinell ordered the prisoner brought up
for sentence on S-i:urdav nect.
The Street. Coinm issi.iner ttas hereto
fore collected hei ween $l.f00 and $1 H;)0
per annum road tax iu this city. Yet we
have but one street, and that in a good
condition when t!
proper'y owners
keep it so. The office has been abolished
but he desires another. Will the people
elect a man who has proved his incompe
tency st) completely in the past to any po
sition? Let them look at the manner he
has appropriated the road money, and the
condition of our si reets. ami we apprehend
that the people will conclude that they
have no place for him.
It is now understood that the Republi
can pa-rty. which has had undisputed con
trol of the city for the past three years,
lias become aware that its miserable man
agement of affairs has lost them the confi
dence of the peo ale and that they cannot
gain another victory. The leaders of the
parry, under such circumstances, general
ly become very anxious for a reform U ion.
and try to deceive the people undercover
of -'independent"' tickets, while it i- the
same element, only under a different name.
The only show- we have for a refo m ttn n
in city matters, is for those who desire a
correction of abuses, to come into the
Democratic convention and nominate good
men and elect them.
Let the voters remember that the Detn
ocratic ticket which will be nominated to
morrow evening, is by (he action of the
City Committee pledged to an economical
administration of our city affa'.rs. and a re
lormtion in our public school. The tax
payers are interested in this matter more
than they are in the success of party. Let
them turn out on Monday ami achieve a
victory which will benefit th" town, and
take the heavy burden of taxation from
their shoulders.
New Paf-ku. We have received the
first numder of the Democratic Era, print
ed at Last Portland, by Messrs. Hicks &
Raveley. The paper presents a very neat
appearance, is ably edited, and is a credit
to the place where it is published. The
issue before us indicates a very healthy
appearance, and the well-known abilities
of its editor. Mr. Hicks, is a sure guarantee
that the paper will rank among the best
in the State. Success to the enterprise.
Accident. A tel. gram from CorvalKs
untie: date of the 2 5th says that Messers.
Cmivey and Miller, proprietors of the Hen
ton Dtmoenrt. were returning from Al
bany, the team became frightened, ran
away and both gentlemen were thrown
from the buggy with great violence. Mr.
Milter escaping withiut serious iniurv. but
Mr Q aivey s right leg broken and b ol
y cut by the hoof ol one of the horses,
besides other bruises not so serious.
Taj f.mmi.k Facfohy CntxK.Mr. Jack
Met. ally informs us that he heard, ve-ter-day.
at independence, that the Li lend ale
Mills had burned d
own Tuesday night.
The word was brought from fi.ti.l, .? '
day. and the news wis Considered reliable
at Independence. Work had been stopped
at Llhn la'e about a week, and it- is
though: no fi e was kept oti the premises
to occasion the tire. ,8?.'( .svn-m.
The clique which has controlled our
chy for the past three year will control
any nomination? which may be made in op
position to the Detn cracy. Let the people
rvuitfiabtr Uihs cext Jloudjv,
liKV. W. 11. Stoy. We lind the follow
ing notice of this much esteemed gentle
man iu the Bulletin of last week :
The Rev. William II. Stoy was born in
Hamilton. Rutler county. Ohio, from
which piace hit family removed to La
layette. Indiana, where he received his
education. Thence entered the Theolog
ical Seminaiy at Nasota in 1832, and
graduated as R. D. in 185S ; was ordained
(let -con on Trinity Su inlay, in 1838. and
advance! to the Priesthood in December
of the same year, at Lafayette, by Bishop
Upfold. Took charge of the church at
Rristol. Indiana, and transferred to
Michigan City in 1858. Was recalled b
his Alma Mater to tale charge of St.
John Chrysostom at DelafieUl, Wisconsin
In 18ti3 was appointed by Missionary
Roar J to Nevada, and arrived in 18(13
In 1801 became Rector of St. John
Mary sviile. Calilot ni i. and in 18(13 Chap
lain of the New Almtden Quicksilvei
mines : thence received call from the ven
erabie Rihop Scott, and Vestry of Trinity
Pitish. Portland, in June. 180i. where h
remained nearly five years. Has a wile
and four children in Wisconsin, whom he
is now going to see. Fine classical
scholar, well versed in theological learn
ing, tearless it: declaring the truth as held
by the Fpiscopa! Church, amiable in his
manner, generous to a fault ; noble in his
character itifd 'bearing ; won golden
opinions from all clas-es of society, be
loved by the younger members of his
flock, ami esteemed by all. The active pro
motor ot the finest educational institution
in On'gon. in which State he leaves behind
hosts ot friends among rich and poor,
who grieve his departure, but hope for a
speedy return, if not to Portland, to some
oilier field ot the missionary jurisdiction
of Oregon and Wa.-hington Territory.
BntC. The Merciri says that one Mal
lette who calls himself a doctor, has been
victimizing the people of Salem generally
and t tit Odd Fellows' fraternity in partic
ular. He is an elderly mm of fine ad
dress, and a consumate bilk, as sucn tle
press are requested to "pass him around."
The same papet says that ex-Gov. Geo.
L. Curry. Deputy Swamp Land Commis
sioner for the District north of Lane
county, and west ot the Cascade moun
tains. filed with the Governor his selec
tions of swamp and overflowed lands for
the county cf M-iltnomah. embracing
an area of 12. 053. -13 acres, and being iu
T. 1 N.. R. 1. 2. 3. -1. 5. and 0 E.; T. 2. N..
It. 1 11, and Towoships 2, 3 and i '., R.
1 W.
New Stati-; Stamps. We have been
shown specimens of the new Stale stamps
for insurance business, in accordance wit h
-An Act to regulate anil lax foreign insur
ance and express corporations or associa
tions doing business in thss State." ap
proved October 21. 1801. amended and
approved December 10, 1805. amended
:iid approved October 25. 1870. The
s are of the denominations of one
dollar, liity cents, twenty cent, and
ten cents, and were lithographed by
iiritton & Ray. San Francisco. The ten
cent stamp is green, the twenty cent ones
blue, the li'tv-cent ones brown, and the
one dollars red. The devices on ail are
similar, and consist of the shield of Oregon
siirniouatetl by an eagie in the centre, with
scroll-work atifl a star in each corner. The
word "Insurance" on each side of the ob
long stamp, and at the ends. "Oregon
State Tax. 10 cts.'' Lkiukl
P-norosiit) Colony. Fx Gov. Curry has
received from his agent in California, says
the IL ra'd, a letter, from which we are al
lowed to make the following extract :
"An association that menus business.
wants to purchase not less than nine sec
tion i of laud, for farms, with good wood
and waiter, to be paid for. one-1onr t h down,
and balance in three equal installments
annually. They propose to establish a
Colony of from three' to five thousand in
habitants within five years, but would
uinience immediately if a good bargain
could be made.
SiXGi' A i'roiNTn;.T.-Di -patches from
Washington say that the President has
appointed Fred Douglass to the Legi.-la-live
Assembly of the District, of Columbia
tor the lei m of two years. This, it seems
lo us is rather a romarkeble appointment,
as no one has ever atlniepted to out
any relationship between the President
ami the nigger Douglass, and further
proves the truthfulness of tint old aphor
ism thai there is "nothing new under the
sun.'" 1 hid! !e r.
A Laugk Sai.k. We learn from the
Statesman that Capt. J. F. Miller has sold
his 3.000 acres of land in Yamhill ccunty,
to S. G. R.-ed. of Portland, for $15,000.
and I lie stock, utensils and tools bring
about $7,000 more lie reserves the spring
clip of wool and about 2.000 bushels of
grain on hand.
Rki.kaseo The JLicuhj of the 21th
says that yesterday John Shaw, William
Wilson and Starling Saunders and Fill
Look, a Chinaman, who were convicted in
Umatilla county at the May Term. 1870.
ot the Circuit Court, of the crime ol
larceny, were discharged from prison.
They were each sentenced fir out; year
ami have served out, their time, less 18
days awarded them by Statute for good
An coMiioi. We are informed that
Fraik Fletcher, who until recently was
engaged its mail-carrier between Roseburg
aud liandolph. on his l ist trip received
nearly two hundred dollars from Chris
Lehniierr and other parlies on the Co
quille. to deliver to parties in this valley.
Upon his return to Roseburg on the 1th
ins!., itistead of perfoi ming his trust and
delivering the money, he look the stage
going south, absquatulated, and is now
doubtless safely beyond the reach of
those he has wronged. - 1'laindecder.
School Lands. The Hoard of Commis
sioners at Salem has given notice that ap
plication for Sute, School and University
Land must be accompanied with one
third cash payment ; aud all applications
for the above lands now on file in the of
fice ol the Commissioners must be
good by one-third payment within sixty
days from April 15th. or they will be de
clared null aud void.
It will be we I tor those persons who
give their time ami service to the city as
firemen to remember what party it was
that collected from them a" street tax in
gold coin, and then paid it back in city
scrip, worth 70 cents on the dollar. Theie
are neglects which the boys will re
member next Monday.
" How the mighty have fallen." was the
rem u k of a friend on seeing the posters
stuck up for a Republican convention un
der a new head. 'They were 'chief.'
bat have been comp'elled to abandon the
orgnnization and seek protection under
some new twine."'
Tm-: Occasional. This is the title of a
neat little paper, devoted to the instruc
tion of music, edited by J. B. fc II. S. Mc
Gibenv. at Portland.
Goxk to Salkvi. A man named Brad
ford Remer was last week taken to the
penitentiary Irom Columbia county for
DTD jTTT TyT t T TT-trTtTr- .
Navigation of ,be SaN'tiam. W e lirn
from S. 11. Claughton. Esq.. says the Dn
ocraf. ol Lebanon, who was on bo' ru int.
steamer Odhope on ber late trip from Jef
ferson to Lebanon, that the distance be
tween the two points is about twenty
miles, and in that distance there are but
two difieult points in the way of the suc
cessful navigation of the river, and they
can be overcome at but a trifling expense.
When the Gdiiope arrived at Lebanon
there were probably one hundred and
fifty passengers on board, who had got on
at different points as the boat ascended
the stream. It is thought that with a
-mall outlay nf labor and money in
removing obstructions, the boat can
H-reafter ascend the river as far as
Waterloo some eight miles aoove
Lebanon It is the intention of the owners
f the Calliope to procure new engines
t seventy-five horse power, immediately.
Alien regular trips will be inaugurated.
V large and commodious warehouse will
e built at. Lebano i for the reception of
-rrain and other articles for shipm ent by
Le steamer.
Opposition Line to San Fiiaxcisco.
Tiie Pacific Mail Steamship Company
purchased recently in San Francisco, the
U. S. steamer Newbern. and is fitting her
up in an elegant manner to run as an op
position boat between Portland and San
Francisco. The Mohanga. an iron-hulled
double-ender. is also being fitted in mag
nificent style to run in connection with
the Newborn. She is one of the fastest
steamers on the coast, her cylinder being
85 inches in diameter. She is intended to
make the trip in three days in the worst
weather. Four fast steamers, belonging
to the same Company, will leave New
York ii the course of two or three weeks,
ami wiil be placed on the route. The
first boat of the opposition line will leave
San Francisco about the 1st of July.
Die Moui;wklt. We have received
this illustrated magizinefor fashions and
fancy work. It is the most comp'ete pub
lication of its kind we have ever seen ;
giving yearly more than 1,000 illustra
tions. 200 patterns, 400 diagrams for braid
and embroidery, and 12 colored fashion
plates: two numbers each month. It is
published at Berlin. Prussia, but will be
supplied, at $3 per annum, either in Ger
man or English, by S, T. Taylor, Im
porter of Ladies' Fashions. 301 Canal
Street, Ne-.y York.
Statu 1 1 o i i t i c i' lt r r a l Sociki'v. A. R.
Shipley, Esq.. the Secretary of this Society,
has ghen notice that "there will be a
special meeting of the Society at Port
land on the 2d day of May next, at 11
o'clock a. in., to bear the report of the
committee appointed to investigate ami
report on the propriety of holding an ex
hibition of summer ftuiis. flowers, etc.. in
the city of Portland, ar.d to make arrange
ments for holding the same, it it be
deemed expedient."
Oit ok R::ht. Folk cornty is out of
debt, nnd has a balance in he- treasury
ol S3. (JO!). Three years ago the Demo
crats went into power in that county, and
a heavy debt was hanging over the county.
They have relieved the county of debt
since that on a less tax than their prede
cessors had levied.
AccinKXT.-W. II Watkins, Superintend
ent of the Penitentiary, met with an acci
dent on the 21st inst. While diivimr a
span of mub'S they became unmanageable
and started to rue. and Watkins attempted
to jump out. but bdl on his head, disloca
ting his shoulder and otherwise injuring
AnMirrKo to FneRATK. The 1 1st will
and testament of Stephen T. Church was
yesterday admitted to Probate. The ex
ecn'ors are Mrs. Church. A. A. McCully
and C. F. Church ; appraisers appointed
were David Mcf'nlly. T. McF. Patton ami
T. I J. Rickey. Tin will shows a constd.'r
ate remembrance of many relations and
friends. The bomestead is left to Mrs.
Church, and the property is to be equally
divided between the widow and three
children. 'I he estate has been valued at
about 8T0. () )') by those best able to judge
of it. Statesman.
DiFrKUKXCK. The city government of
Eugene is administered fr a little over
S7U0 per annum. It costs the tax-payers
of Oregon City about SI 0.000 per an
num. This is quite a difference. Will our
tax-payers try a new set cf men next Mon
day ? This is a matter in which every tax
payer is interested.
Coi.rMKtA Coi'ntv. Columbia county,
says Ihe Ib-rald. litis made more rapid
progress than any other county in the
State within the past twelve months.
During that time it, has almost, doubled its
population. About a year ago the num
ber of its inhabitants was 800 to day it
is 1.500. ami is, besides, constantly filling
up. There are not two sections of State
land to be found for sale in the county.
From a gentlemen who has long resided
there, we learn that it possesses the most
productive land in the Siate. Of the
settlers seeking homes there, the major
portion are single men. There are only
about 120 families in the county. As a
proof that even in pioneer settlements
they do not. enjoy that domestic peace and
tranquilly which they are supposed to do.
we learn that six divorce cases are to be
heard at the next term of the Circuit
court, which will convene there in a short
time. Taking ail things into consideration.
Columbia comity seems to be a good
place lor those seeking homes among the
wild roses and pines.
Nkw I'apeu. We have received a pros
pectus for a new paper, to be published
at Corvallis. by Messrs. Quivey t Miller.
The paper is to be Democratic in politics.
The first issue will probably appear next
Thursday.' We wish the new candidate
abundant success.
Notice to Arn.tCAXTs for Statk Lanes.
The following notice has been issued by
the Roard of Commissioners lor the sale of
school lands, under date of April 15th :
Notice is hereby given, that, from and
after this date, all Applications for State,
School and University L iu Is. must be ac
companied with one third cash payment;
and all Applications for ab ve described
Lands now on file in this office, must be
made good by one-third payment within
sixty days from date, else they will be null
and void.
The Walla Walla Statesman says that the
Orcjonian calls upon the Republican
party to organize. Talk to Sumner and
Schurz of organizing for the support of
Grant, and they will tell you to go 10 the
place where his Satanic majesty presides.
The Democrats of Mnir.e claim that they
will place their State by the side of New
Hampshire in September.
Reward. Superintendent Watkinds of
fers S2UU reward for the apprehension of
Win. But st, who escaped from the peni
tentiary on the 21st inst. L'nrst is about
27 years old ; 5 feet 7 inches high ; sandy
hair ; blue eyes, light complexion, wears
No. 8 shoes ; marked on rizht arm. "W.
Burst Co, 1.. W. VV, has a sloop in his j
gait when walking, aud is round-shoulder- t
dr . , . .
Telegraphic Clippings.
Washington-. April 19. In the Senate,
consideration of the Ku-Klux bill was re
sumed. The debate continued mainly as
to Sherman's amendment, which was in
serted w hen the bill was previously before
the Senate, without discussion.
The conference report on the Ku-Klux
bill recommends, w ith regard to the jurors'
oaths, a provision for the repeal of' part of
the present laiv. and makes the giving of
encouragement to the rebellion the ground
lor challenge of disqualification of a juror,
leaving it discretionary with the District
Attorney to impose the oath.
Suspension of ifie writ of habeas corpus
is continued tint il the end of the next reg
ular session of Congress. A provision tcr
assessing damages is demanded, so its to
require "suit to be brought against individ
uals; w here judgment remains unsatisfied
for two months, loss may be assessed upon
the county or parish.
Finally a vote was reached, and the re
port adopted by oO to 18. Schurz and
Sprague voted with the Democrats, in the
negative; Trumbull, negative, paired with
Rice, affirmative.
Washington. April 20. The Senate met
at 7 o'clock. The committee appointed to
wait on the President reported that he had
no further communication to make.
The President pro t?m. (Anthony), then
declared the first session of the Forty -Sec
ond Congress adjourned sine die.
In the House. Poland presented the re
port of the Conference Committee "on the
Ku Klux bill. A -discussion ensued, and a
vote was taken. Tdie House agreed to the
report strictly by a party vote. Ayes, !i;
nay s. 71.
The Speaker announced Ihe first session
of the House of Representali ves ot the
Forty-Second Congress adjourned without
Chicago. April 22. A Washington spe
cial says that Chief Justice Chase and all
the members of the Supreme Court are in
conference to-day on a question involving
the constitutionality of the legal tender
a'ces. One of the Justices stated that he
thrufght the Court, would reverse the deci
sion rendered at the lust. term.
The Court is known to stand four to five
as follows: For 'sustaining the former de
cision. Chase. Clifford, Wilson and Field ;
tor reversing it. Miller. Strong. Bradley
and Sawy er. It is not known how Davis
stands, it; has the casting vote, it wiil be
some days before anything is known about
The organ of the Administration makes
ii statement to tl
ie effect that the Joint
High Commission has disposed of the ques
tions before it. and the British Commission
ers have received partial information from
thei- Government, that the terms ngteed
upon are satisfactory. It is ascertained
on authority, however, that there -are still
some matters unsettled, and it is not cer
tain there wiil be a non agreement; but. to
use the language of one of the Commis
sioners, "ever) thing looks hopeful
St. Fai l. April 21. Track laying on
the Northern Pacific Railroad is progress
ing at the rue (if mi" mile perday. Over
3.000 men are employed. Cars are run
ning 20 miles bey ond Brainat d.
Nfc.w VtitiK. April 25. A Tribune Wash
ington special says the decision of the Su
preme Court i:i the legal tender cases will
be announced in open Court on Monday
next. The opinion; will not be delivered
until the December meeting of the Court,
in order that the Judges may have time to
perfect them. It is positively as.-etted
that the decision will reverse the former
decision, by deciding the Legal Tender
Act constitutional that contracts made
prior tt the war have been unfilled by
payment of greenbacks.
A dispatch In in New 0,lf:i;,s. last night,
says the ci'y is Idled with rumors of
C-revassfs and probable inundation. Care
ful inquiry reduces (lie nuinber ol crows
scsl'toiii which danger is anticipated to
four Poverty Point. Wallace Plantation.
Bonnet Carre and Nat a Plantation. To
niiiht t'nieeo! these me reported under
control, leaving the bn
iit Bonnet Cat iv
as the only one to be comb t! .ied; here the
danger is great and imminent. The waters
of the Mississippi are rushing through an
opening seven hundred feel wide, with a
roaring sound audible for miles, flowing
through a channel li.'ty feet d"ep far into
the v.iii.ui' lands, and the levee is rtpidly iti'o i tie boiling waters. N-
efforts can now close the crevasses, and a.
soori as the Hood hats cut its way inf the
iale the latter will oveillow the whole
rear portion of New Orlt-ans.
The latest news is that Rennet Carre
crevasses issiill extending. Twelve miles
of the Jackson Railroad has been wa-hed
away. Two -oil er crevasses, one at Point
M itiotr. west of Raton Rogue, and one on
ihe Mclhiaough estate, below the city, are
A 'Vilbnnc Washington correspondent
telegraphs that it is authoritatively an
nounced tha' il successor has at last been
found tor Pish. The next Secretary of
Sta e wiil cither be ex Senator Morgan or
ex-At tort iey General Rva i ts probably
the latter. The change wiil not be made
The Joint High Com mission Ii wo mad-.'
such progt ess within the pa-t few dav
th it it is authoritatively stated they will
finish their duties on Wednesday or Thurs
day next. The Commissioners are now
engaged in preparing a treaty, all points
between the parties having been agreed
to except certain matters which are sfiil
under discussion by the English Govern
ment. The report that there was to be a
separate treaty for each viz : Alabama
claims, the fishety question aid the San
Juan boundary, etc. point, is not true.
All cases wiil lie embraced in one treaty,
and if one is rejected all will be that is
the settlement of all questions. The
American Commissioners will not be dis
solved until alter the treaty is disposed of
by the Serate and the English Commis
sioners will probably remain here until
the close of the Senate debate on the sub
ject. The treaty will not be made public,
by 1 hi1 State depart merit.
Washington. April 2.1. The recent
opinion by the Supreme Court in the case
ol Day vs. RoKingion. in which it. was held
that the salary of a Judge of a Stare Court
was not liable to income tax. was brought
before the Commisioners of Internal Reve
nue for decision of a very important ques
tion as to the liability of other .State ofli
cers to pay income tax on salaries. The
opinion referred to was based on ici argu
ment that if the right of the General Gov
ernment to tax salaries is once admitted,
then the State Judiciary might- be taxed
out of existence. Other State officers ap
peal Iron; assessments made upon salaries,
holding that the argument applies to their
Cases as well as to Judges. Ihe question
involved is an extremely important one.
as the decision on cases now pending sim
ilar to that already given, would probably
be followed byr a ib-m unl from all juris of
the country for drawbacks of all tax on
salaries paid since the income lax law was
passed. A quesMon would also be raised
as to the legality of income tax 0:1 fees of
sheriffs and other officers, whose salaries
are not fi ed.
Nkw Yoiix. A pril 2 Ik A Tribune Wash
ington special says it is positively asserted
that the treaty of the Joint High Cornrnis
sioti will coi.tiin no provisio'.s of any kind
for reciprocity w ith Can" da. . That, a prop
osition to balance free fisheries with free
importation of lumber co il, etc.. was made
in the Commission is doubted, but sis
American Commissioners were assured
that no treaty which contained such pro
visiorH would be ratified, all reciprocity
was omitted.
The eternal mares' nests the
Radicals discoYer ottth make one
think of Rill Arp's lamentation in
18Go-"Tljis is the most hardest war
to AYind up that historj- records."
rp.VEYS ui:m:in:n. r-jutHMintenaent
Meacb am has ordered surveys on the sev
eral Indian Reservations.
A profuse and many times excessively of
fensive discharge from the nose, with.'Vtop
ing tip ",of the nose at times impairment
ot the sense ot smell and taste, watering or
weak eyes, tmpaiied bearing, inegula.r ap
pe ite, occa-I'iianl nausea, pressure and pain
over the eyes, and at times in the back of
tb" head, occasional chilly ser.s.itions, cold
ieet. and a feeling of lis-itutle and deb:b?y
are symptoms which are common to Catarrh,
yet all of them ore not present in every
case. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures Ca
tarrh in its worst funis and stages. It is
pleasant to use. and contains no poisonous
or cau-tic dings. Sent by mail on leceipt
of sixty cents." Address R. Y. Pierce, 183
Seneca Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by drug
To a veil tvil is one ot" gi :iii(st
triumph-; of human skill. This triumph
is aciiKveu ny im. m.alkehs icetaiilk
ViNEOAti Bitthrs. They build up, 1'oitifA
and renovate the feeble system, thus en
abii g it to defy the elemental causes of dis
ease. Hence their e Hi racy as a pioteetive
medicine, in districts where the air ;ind water
are impuie. The weakest and most su-cep-yrgainzation
is rendered proof against nil
malarious dsordeisby tikiug one or two
doses dai!y as a preventive.
Wi.-tsir's 2::t!Miisi nfwiUl Cherry is a
pleasant remedy for every kind of a cough,
cold and irritation ofthe breathing apparatus;
it is a sate leuiedy ; it is a po.vert'ul runedy;
it s a speedy remedy; it is a remedy that
Willuiste: te tu.t!j;e o. 151. O, v i'
Meets ervjaturday evening, at the roosro
S.F. corner ot Main and Fiftb streets, at 7 1-2
o'clock. Visiting members are invited O
attend. IJ3- ordt-r of "W- C. T.
Travelers are alw.eys liable to sudde-i at
t e ks of Dysentery and Chob-ra M rbus,
;sni ti es'- oc'civ ing "whoa ab-ent fr - m bom
are vci v rmpleastvit. The Rain Kii.lkr may
i.lwavs" be v- lie 1 upon in such cases. As
soon'as von ft el the symptoms, take one te 1
suoonfiif in a sill of new m'rk and molasses
and a trill of hot water, snr well together
and dri d hot. Repeat ihe dose every hour
until relieve 1. If tie; pains be severe, bathe
the bnvels and back, with the medicine
In cases of AsHima and Phthi-ic, t ike a
take a teaspoonfu! in a gi 1 of hot water
sweetened we 1 with; also bat'.e
the throat, and stomach faithfully with the
medicine . clear.
Dr. Sweet savs if takes out the soreness
in cases of b un-si-fting taster than anything
be ever ;i pplicd.
Fishermen ;n often exposed to hurts by
hming their skin juiced wiili hooks, and
lies -fusli. oil) be relit-veil by baihing with
he Fain Kdlfi as soon as tile accident oc
curs ; in this way the anguish is soon abat
ed ; Lathe as f;e as once in five minutes,
s;-.y tin e or tour time.-, and you will seldom
h i e any ti oubU-.
The bites amd scratches of dogs and cats
are soon cuicd by bathing With the Pain
Killer clear.
QuardJsn'o SaSe.
virtue oi an order and license, issued to trie
im lersaj-uiel, by the. 'ounty Court of 2. 1 u It noma U
coanry, vre- ii, 1. will st-ll'at public auction,, in
float of the Court Mouse door, in Oro-ron City,
the real es'ateot Jlcnvy Walter lnjjaUs, a minor,
1 u -1 ii-j t he Ian I eta ir.
t:i, u;-e inie.i bv 11. V. Lamb
it 01 Iris bfj time
m.i 1 .,1 :... litn.. of bis ,1,
tl-il II. oi I -.-.). Klliil "i.iaj
ii---!-! ibed in two dot.'
one i.-v C V'. Wallin.
Is made to said LataKrt,
s and wife and Aaron Cisco,
( ire-t ;
B id f
fh iHc: Tut
!s. d
o '; -; ex. .
..r. ISii-l, an-1 recorded in Book
ekuinas county, at page 731,
'i.'j.I by 'I'lios. .loaii.son and
i t. dated 27th February, 1 aty,
M to -
ari.i to;:n
2.1;. einsl;
';ald s;.
IU o!..i 0:1
y. ,r, wit
1 a opt. iv,-
i La I
ret-nr .i-l in Bo-ik II of deeds,
at page
.1:;: - d.ant ) Ui aires,
tu 1 1: on th.- -2d day of June, 1S71, .0
a. m. Terms (.iold coin, oue-thir.l
dc'.iv.-ry of tteod, and balance, in one
interest, secured by mortrfavre 011 the
-:. B. INOALI..S:
Gear-dan of jlenrv Walter J tisralls.
Portland, April -22, 1S71. apriSvvl
Ci I
tlie Cin.-uit Court of the State of Ur-
i e:;-,m, lor the Coim'y of Clackamas, iu favor of
S-..:iiuel J.!it.
Aini'iri.-r, U-
1S71, at 11 o'c!
acz.unst "William
I i):lV,
s i--1 upon, and
1 ii K H2d DA Y OF M AY, A. J).,
t-k a. 111., at the Court House door.
in u. -o!i Citv. in sai.i countv, I will soil at pul
V.f iiitt- ion, to the hwliest bidder, to satisly a bal
ance ilu..' i;;i)!i sail exvru'ion, of six hundred
and err.'i . y-ioar r.i-itMdoi
lars and acrrut
' costs,
allot ;.ie rii-'nf, title and interest ot s u 1 rn.
Ai nii'i'-est, ni and to, the folio wins described
real propnty, situated in said Clackamas county,
to-wit ". 'oiuuieiH-injr at the southwest corner of
the Lite Yv'm. lar-tle's land claim, and running norl h nineteen and one-half decrees east,
on the -western boundary line of said land claim,
thirty eii.tins ; thence south sixty-nine
an-1 oae-h tit' decrees east, thirty-three
and one-thud chains; thence south nineteen and
oi.t-'e.aU" I'.e-.riees west, thirty chains; and thence
ii'iriit sixty-nine an I one-half decrees west,
thirt y-t bree. and one-third chains, to the place of
hi-jouuiiur-, contaiuiji.f one hundred acres.
Ail 1 11 L i t V.WBNKR.
fsVui!! of (la
21, lb71:w i
ckamas County, Oregon.
1 r 1.
- " i
S- AC LI E R ill A & GO.
htot k of
Cheaper than the Cheapest.
We would say, come and convince your
self befn e pu -t basing elsewhere. Our stock
consists in ( art of
and a great many articles too numerous to
ment ion.
ALSO, Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty.
ALSO. WOOI, wanted for which we pav
Oregon City, April -21, ls71itf
m ,
xJ' ""-' '-,-'
JL entire Stcck of
Uutil the 30th of this Month',
That we are SELLING fJOR COST will Jbe
seen from the following Lst :
ouii owjv jiAiiitl!
Gent's F. C, Sewed, Roots
" Tap t-oled "
F. Kij, Balmorals..
F. C'.lt
Oxford Ties...
Men's D. S. Kip Boots
. 8
. 3
. 3
. 3
1 55 to 5 00
G 00
2 50
2 50
J. O
Boy's F. C. 0 xford Tiesl . . . . .. . . '. '.
Ladies' K d Foxed 'jVaf.
' F. C. Extra llighfaced Bal.,
Rest Grade French Cilf
. 2 5u
3 00
9 00
&ir All tne above goods warranted as rtp.
reseated. .
('; 1 itVu-iiiiv anrt Eater. 3l.c.-. Goods
Gent's Sewed Boots P. . .$i 50 to 6 50
' Screwed and Pegged Buots 4 01 to 5 5a
" French Calt Sewed Gaiters 4
" " " Oxford lies.' 3 S
Ladies' Bronze Kid, brassheeied, sicol-
.lop t-p, extra quality 5 5-
Ladit-s Bate French Kid, Pampadour
heel. s-i!ttip top, Balmorals f; p()
Ladies' Kid Fox, Bui's, extra quality..
" " second quality. O 1 75
M " ' " " "....1
Luc its' " All Cluth, Button Gaiters
extra quality 3 r()
Men's Ltm lop Itubber Boots, (Hay-'.-) 5 r,
Ladies' (.'loth Bat's 1 25 to 2 50
.ill we ask is to come and examin our
Opposite 'fJ: c-dentul Hotel,
Coi ner First and 3Ior igoii Streets'.
April 21, ls71:tf
29th Day of April, 187L
X Society ot California, will hold their
Second Pair at the Broad Street Theater'
Nevada City, California, in aid of and tor
the following cb-ai itiib'e purposes :
1st, Public ScVrls of Nevada Co.
2d, Public Library of Hevada City
3d, Orphan A&yluin, rievada County.
4th, .Fire Department, Nevada City.
WILL BE SOLD AT f o0 each, Gold Coin.
in the Bank of Nevada Countv.
4,i icQ
1 .!!,
2,4 0-J
12,; oc
2e ,?ijO
d co n
Premium gold coin
1 Pi e 1 iutii tioid coin
1 Pieiiiiuni o!d coin. . . . , . . ,
1 I'reni urn j:'old coia. . . . . . . .
1 Piemiuni iroltl coin
1 Premium gold coin....
1 Pi ciniuni e;t.!il coin '
15 Preiiiiii'-ns gold co n, flooij each
o Premiums, gold coin, ilef) each
8 Premiums wld com, each,
2" Premiums gold coin, each 'J.'iO.
loo Premiums gold coin, lo0 each
lo,. Premiums gold coin, fea each.,
2od Premiums Gold coin, each,
"on Premiums gold coin, So each
Io-EJ Premiums gold coin, 520 each..
2'jo5 Gold Coin Premiumsl
A. W
By fpcc-al permission vc refer to the fol
lowing well known citizens:
'oh i II. Dickson, Sheriff', Nevada countji
T. W. Sigournev.
John A. Laticasier, National Exchange!
M. S Deal, Etiitor Nevada Transcript.
Ge , Yo,i Schmittburir, Postmaster.
Julius Greenwald, Countv Treasurer.
Geo. B. New; II, ex-Count v Supervisor ..
Ibos. J. (Bmlner. Ed.tor Nevadj, Gazette!
P. Banner, Merchant.
J. Earl ilrown. City VYater Works.
H. B. tJ ntrv. l ite Sheriff Nevada countv'.
L. Nihil!, Citv Marshall.
i 1-. I... .1 1." . .
n. v-j. neu, iiepntv J'ostmasier.
Jr.i A, Eattui, Union Hotel! ,
(J- G. Allan, Nevada Foundry.
Judge J. 11. Rolle.
(ieo. K. Phillips. Merchant!
A. Go!d-mith. Merchant.
Vv' in. R. Cue, Chiel Engineer Fire Dep't.
T. Cautield, e-Cliiet' Engineer Fire Dep't!
A. anf'ird. Merchant.
Bliven Si Potter, Merchants.
Les'er & Mulloy, Merchants.
Good responsible Agents wanted. Liberal
Couinessioiis allowed.
.Money should be sent by Express, or tf
Dialt on any solvent Bank. J
Address all communications to
Nevada City, California.
A. Levy, Oregon Cty, Agent.
MAY 25, IS 71.
COUPONS, One Dollar Each.
1 Cash Gift.
1 Cash Gifr..
1 Gash (Jift
1 Cash
1 Cash
1 Gash
Gi t.
1 Cash
1 C.s'i
1 C.ish
1 C;ish
1 C.ish Gift.
1 Crf-h (lift.
1 Cash Gtit.
1 Casii Gift.
1 Cash
1 Cush
lo Gifts,
lo ('ash Gifts,
'JO Cash t.ifts,
50 Cash Gifts
100 Cash Gifts.
100 Cusli Gi't-,
looo Cash Gift..
1( 00 Cash Gilts
00 each . . . ,
$2) each '.
Si 0o each
?.r0 each
$30 each
10 e ich
, $ each. . .9.
21110 Gifts, amounting to $100,000
Which wiil be distributed by the Mutual
Aid Association.
Jt?"Tbis enterprise vrill beeoiiductcd in ft
precisely simiiaf manner to that of ihe late
(irand Concert of the Mercantile Library'
Associaton, ot Siii rrincisco; which gave
such universal satisfaction.
Good, resporrsilde agents wanted. Libera!
conniiissions allowed.
For full particulars address
LYFURU & CO , Omaha, Xebrasfca,
Business Managers;
A. Levj, Agent for OTon Cbj--