VOL. 5. OlfcEGJON CITY, eiEG03f, FI5IIAY, APKSJL. SS, 1871. o NO. 23. 6 0 O V ' ".CV. i. )c lUcckln enterprise. A DEMOCRATIC PAPER, FOK TUE business FVlan, the Farmer .lii the FAMILY CIRCLE. sn:n every fiiiday ey A. NOLTNER, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. OFFICII In Dr. Thewirr.'&'s Piick liuilJing. O 7-: it ms of srrj.'S' rh'tioj,-.- -" y.Sin'Tle Copy une year, in advance, $2 50 TEH MS of A 1) VER TSIXG , 'Transient advertisements, ineluJing all legal not-iees, V sfj. ot 12 hues, 1 w . 2 50 For each subse'iiietit insertion 100 One Column, one year - $120 00 Hilf " " 0 Ourter " " 40 lliiTiness (Jarel, 1 square one year xz r.'f Remittance to b-J mode at the risk o Subicribert), and at the t.rjx nse of Agents. ROOK AND JOB PFJNTLXG. fi-'g" The Enterprise office is supplied with brviutiful, approved styles of type, and mod orn MACUIXE FRKSSi:, which will enable tJie Proprietor to do J;b IViriting at all times Neat, Qick and Cheap ! ir'y WorU solicited. AH i:tiiri.r-s.i tra HMitetions upon a Specie basi.-'. J) US IX EES CA RD S. I'll All L. LIS K. WAUKEN, Attorney at Law, Oregon City, Oregon. Sept.lO:ly. TOIIX M. BACON, Importer and Dealer in f-Ttf-f ncis crx ced ;a-QL STATlONTJtY, PERFUMERY, &c, &c, Oregon CHy, Oregon. At Churmi-fy Wurrn-r's old rfnnd, lat'hjoc-ciipit-d by A:kertii'tn, Main, street. 10 tf JOHN FLEMING, DEALER IX BOOKS AND STATIONERY, IX MYKRS' FIRE -PROOF BRICK, MIX STIIEKT, flRKHON' CITY, OH OX, rACK & ELCH, Ol'l'lc:-: -In Odd Fellow Temple, cornet id' Fust and Alder Streets, Portland. Tii.' patrnae of thoe desiring superior operations is in special request. X it tous ox idf for the painless extraction of teeth. vf.'".V rtiiieial teeth "better than the best,' and cheap .-' the cltt-:tptt. Doe. 2:v.tf Dr. J, H. HATCH, DENTIST, The patronage of those desiring rirt Class Oj, rutions, is respeettully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. X. i;. Xitroii dry le administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Off i ci? In Weigant's new btiilding, west side of First street, between Alder aad Mor rison streets, Portland, Oregon. "Live and Let Live." DEALERS IX PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, CWXTRY PRODUCE, Ac, cnOTOI. AVINES AND LIQUORS. ' ?'"'At the oi l stand of Wortman & Fields Ch'egon Cit , Oregon. 13tf T K. W ATKINS, M. D , SURGEON'. Portland, Oke( n. OFFICE Odd Fellows' Temple, corner fVirst and lder streets Residence comer of iMiin and Seventh streets. A LAN SON SrVllTH, Attorney and Counselor at Law, PllOt: TO 11 AM) SOL1CITOU. AY0CAT. Practices in State and U. S. Ccurts. 0 yj n -e X. 10S Front Strctt.Forihind, Oregon. U; site MeCormick's Book Stoaj- W. F. IIIGHFIELD, Established since IS 10, at the old stand, Miin Street, Oregon City, Otryon. An Assortment of Watches, Jew elry, and Seth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to be a represented. Repairi ni;s done on short notice, uid thankful for past favors. o CLAUK GREENMAK, City Drayman, "fT- 0F,EG OX CITY. tJ" All orders for the deliver' of merchan xlise or n lckares and fieisrht of whatever des 'criptioa. t- any part of the city, will beexe t it o.l promptly and with care. JEW YORK HOTEL, (Devitfches Oafthaus." No. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam- ship lauding, Portland, Oregon . H. ROTHFOS, J.J. WILKENS, PROPRIETORS. o 0 Board per Week $5 00 " " " with Lodging 6 0 1 " " Day 1 00 A. NOLTNER, NOTARY PUBLIC, EXTERP j OFFICE Oregon C t. JarJ- I3:tf o r , o Tlhc Unfliii,it(l Prayer. 4 Now I lay me," say it darling ! "Lay me." lisped" the tiny lips Of my daughter kneeling betidinET, O'er Ler folded finger tips. "Down to sleep." -'to sleep, 'Vhe murmured, And the curly head dropped low ; "I pray the Lord." I gently added, "You can say it all I know." Tray the Lord !" the Words came faintly Fainter still, -my soul to keep Then the tired head fairly nodded, And the child was fast asleep. But the dewy eyes half opened When 1. clapped her tvinf lcas , And the dear voice softly whispered ; "Mamma. God knows all the rest!" Railroad Meeting at LaGrande. On the 5th a larsje and cnthusi nstic meetinor of the citizens of Union county was hehl at the Court House in La Grande, for the purpose of expressing their sympa teies with the people of other lo calities in their efforts to obtain legislative aid in the construction of a railroad from some point on the X. P. 11. R. to the navigable waters of the Columbia river. The meeting was organized by electing Hon. James Ileudershott President, and E. S. McComas Secretary. W. W. Raker, J. R. Huley, A. C. Smith and E. S. JlcComas were appointed a Committee on Reso lutions, and reported the follow ing, which were adopted : Whereas, The Union Pacific Railroad Company has been ask ing for the right of way, and a grant of land to enable them to construct a branch railroad from some point on the U. I. R. R. to the navigable waters on the Col umbia river; and whereas, it ap pears from the report of the Engi neer, Col. Iludnutt, that this route has natural, geographical and other advantages, over any other pro jected transcontinental route, to connect the trade of China, Japan and the West Indies with our great Eastern mercantile cities and Europe, therefore be it Jitsoiver, That the recent move made by the citizens of Portland, Oregon, towards the permanent organization of a railroad company, is, in our opinion, a move long neglected, but yet a move in the right direction ; and whereas we consider that the proposed route presents every desirable feature of a great national thoroughfare ; we, therefore, ask our Senators and Rep resentatives in Congress to do all in their power to obtain ti e right of way and a reasonable grant of land to enable Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake Railroad Company build said road. Jtesoh'eJ, That in our opinion the line of railroad proposed to be built by the P. P. fc S. L. R. R. Co., offers great inducements to capitalists than any contemplated line of road of the same length in the United States ; and in view of the fact that the future prosperity and development of our mineral and agricultural interests must shortly make that portion of the country through which said road must naturally traverse, a country of greater wealth, be it further Jlcsolvcd, That we will aid and encourage said company in every manner within our power in car rying through the undertaking. Spirited and appropriate remarks were made by W. W. Baker, A. C. Smith, Dr. J. I. Ilulsey and E. S. McComas. On motion of 3lr. MeComns the President appointed a committee of five to collect statistics in re gard to the nature of the country over which the line of road will pass. E. S. McComas, J. L. Curtis, "W. W. Raker, E. Shoemaker, Terry Tuttle, E. C. Erainard and S. Hannah composed the committee, which were to report to the Chair man within four weeks. After re turning said report the Chairman was empowered to call another meeting to take further action. Mr. R. S. McComas moved that the Monntaui Democrat be re quired to publish the proceedings ot the meeting, with a request that all papers friendly to the cause copy the same. The meeting then adjourned. Saut vs Cunxs.The following appears m a leading editorial in the Cleveland ILmld: "We wish to give a very simple remedy for fever, and wish to emphasize "it by saying that it has to our certain knowledge proved very efficacious. It is simple common salt. A tea spoonful taken in water, and a teaspoonful deposited in each stocking next to the foot just as the chill is coming on. That's all th ere is of it ; but knowing that it has been very efficacious in 'break ing' the chill and perfecting a cure, we put it in our columns", where no humbug remedy shall ever find a place, if we know it. The Xew York Herald has pay ed out since the European war be gun -$150,000 for cable news alone, a fact unparalleled in the history of newspapers. Costly Marrying. Tn our days, hearts and darts, living on loving, dying for one another, and all that sort of thing, is played out ;" aiitgespielt, as our German friends so accurately and indomatically express it. "We want a solid foundation to build matrimony on ; blocks of bullion, and cement of greenbacks, and supports of bonds, and girders of stocks. STone of your ethereal castles in the air will answer for our inudciii I'adies of fashion. Chateau en Expanse are airy resi dence and not suited to a Northern climate with the thermometer at zero in the sun in winter, and ninety in the shade in summer. Tho fiance of the present prefers bricks and mortor if they are more prosaic. Cottages can no longer be erected in this city under our fire laws, and lodges in vast wil derness will do well enough in summer when the play of catching trout and hunting deer is being enacted, but will not accommodate a modern ball or give room for the German. Our girls are not brought up to save ; not they pe ndimr is their strong point, and in that we will back them against the world. An average American wife will get through more money than any female representative of any nation on earth ; and if our wives cannot ruin their husbands, nothing can. Ther hate account books and despise arithmetic, and know that it is low to go into the kitchen to look after the servants. Their fathers have worked for them all their younger days without limit ing their expenditures. "Why should not the husband follow this excellent example ? It was only the other day that a fashionable lady sent her sapphire engagement ring, just given her by her lover, to Tiffany to be valued, and when she found it was a "'doublet," actually a sham, or at least half a sham, and only worth three hundred dollars, she dismissed her lover ignominously. She foresaw what such economy meant. She was to have " doublets" tried on her at every turn. IleT furniture would be sham and cheap ; her horses poor and ugly ; her house in a side street, and not on the avenue'; her elresses American silk, and made by third-rate milliners; her jewels mean pearls or common trarnets; her carriage second hand perhaps. Horrors ! "Was she not sensible in putting an extinguisher on such possibilities? "Save for thee" indeed! Vhy, where." is the fun ? Husbands are net engaged em those conditions, and their privileges are limited while their duties are plainly defined. AT 1. Citizen. The X. Y. J'Jree'niij .Post thus contents on Grant's choice of friends : First Wells, then Cox, and now umner. Fish is to follow seon. it is reported and thus, one after another, the President rids himself of those advisers who, being men of acknowledged experience, wis dom, and knowledge in their de partments et the public service, seem to be peculiarly offensive to him. Thus he has eliminated from his counselors, first the man who had most ably and thoroughly mastereel the question of taxation and reve nue ; then the man who had most, clearly and honestly urged upon him the conditions of the needed civil service reform ; ami now the man of whom Senator Schurz very justly said, yesterday, that he- is of all the Senate most eminently fitteel, by study and training, to fill the important position of Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. And in place tf these truly emi nent men, men whose acquirements and high personal character the whole country respects, Avho are the President's confidants? 3Ior ton, Cameron, Chandler, Eutler. Is any comment needed? Could any criticism be more stinging than the mere juxtaposition of these names of the Presidential favorites with those of the men whom he has wilfully ami igno miniously cast away ? Oxe Drop at a Time. Have you ever watched an icicle as it formed ? You noticed how it froze one drop at a time until it was a foot long, or more. If the water was but slightly muddy, the icicle looked foul, and its beauty was spoiled. Just so our charac ters forming one little thought of feeling at a time adds its influence. If each thought be pure and right the soul will be lovely, and will sparkle with happiness"; but if im pure and wrong there will be final deformity and wretchedness. A farmer of Scipio, Xew York, has a turkey that has laid one hun dred eggs in a hundred days, never missing a day on account'of sickness, or a circus in town, or anything. Death of a Singular Person. THE KING OF rAJN's DEMISE HIS FKEAKS O-NCK IX OKEGOX. rFrom the Sacramento Record. r The .People, a weekly paper pub lished in Indianapolis, gives the following account of the death of Dr. McBride, whose FA XTA STIC APPE A R A X C E is this city, as the '"King of Pain," seme months ago, excited thecuri- "osity of the public. The iAo'' says his relatives are unknown, but we are informed that the Doctor had a wife, residing in Baltimore, who was considered wealthy, and who frequently supplied the pe'cuii iary means with which her eccen tric, wayward husband extricated himself fvom many a difficulty. The eleath of t his man, who was known from Alaine to the Pacific coast, will be read with some sur prise, ami not unlikely by semi 3 with regret. No human creature dies without leaving something good behind him, cither in act or char acter. We feel at liberty to mention a circumstance which occurred while Tins st r a x e ; E c i : E a t r it u was in the flush of his prosperity in this city. Reckless, immoral, improvielent, an empiric, a gambler, a roue whatever the public may consider him it elemonstrates a strange and worthy trait. In the course of his elissipation. Dr. McBride became acquainted with an abandemeel girl, whe was only about I t years of age, and exceed ingly ignorant. In a freak of gen erosity he is said to have placed in the hands of the abandoned child, in the presence of a witness, the sum of 0,700, on conditieui that she would leave the city ami ge to some small place, or another city, and the re eelucate herself for some honorable pursuit. He gave her six years to accomplish this refor mation, and showed her into the street. The gentleman who wit nessed this strange act remonstra ted with the doctor, who replied with a laugh : - "I won it in four nights at faro, and if I can do a wen thy deed with TDK IXFERN'AL MDXI-V, why shouldn't I? I'll make up for it in di'viltrv before anether week passes." The girl, with her fortune, 1 is :ijM)eared, no one knows whither; perhaps to honestly carry out the intentions of her he-nefactor. The J i!c says he die-d one1 day last wee k, "afte r a very brief ill ne'ss of some species of lung af fection," and adds: "j lis relatives are unknown, although we hear that he has a sister living- who has been notified of his eleath. Mean while the body, late so full of life, lie's in the vault of an undertaker, subject to the ele manel of relatives or friends." A corre'Spf.mdent of the Cincin nati (Jonnio read gives a cheerful picture of the state of affairs in Arizona. He thinks that civiliza tion is making progress there, be1 cause the Apaches now do not hang a man head downward from a mesqnit bush, pull his skin off, and bake his brains over a slow fire, at a nearer point than three miles from Tucson ; while three years age) the red devils were in the habit ot" amusing themselves with such pastimes within two miles of the capitol of the Terri tory. Still, he says, a man who goes to Arizona and gets back alive is compelled to ele vote the remainder of his natural life to pulling the arrows out of him and plugging up the hede's in his skin. This correspondent further expreses the opinion that army ollie'ers who march eighteen miles a day, with lobster sauce, champagne, and canned ciiicke'ns in their wagons, are not likely to achieve brilliant success in catching Apaches who ride eighty miles a day on their fleet, little, tough mustangs, and think nothing of it. Out of a col ony eif one hundred and thirty-five pioneers wlu went te Tucson in 1850, nearly every one has been killed by the Apaches. Ninety murders by Indians have been com mitted in one county in a single year. When an army ofiicer trie's to push the Indians in earnest he is transferred to another command. Baez, the president of the mon grel republic of San Domingo, has one trait of character similar to that of our own beloved President. He providcth for his own household to this extent : The Deputy Col lector at the capital and one other ofiicer are the sons of Baez; the Governor of the city is his broth er a half brother is Governor of Azua; a "brother-in-law" is Secre tary of State, and there are several cousins yet to hear from. . "Young man, lo you believe in a future state?" "In course I duz, and what's more, I mean to enter it as soon as Betsy gets her things ready." COURTESY OF BANCROFT Wade and the huggists. The rage of Wade is fearful to behold. He has turned himself into a volcano of profanity. He asserts that Grant has sent him down here with a pack of damned fools who, now that their work is done, want to spert arounel the West India Islanels and ?coop up snakes and lizards. He sweats and swears, ami swears ami sweats in the hot sun until one could al most imagine that his great soul was just ready to jump out of his body. The fact is Ben wants to go home. 1 1 is work is elone and he dem't want te leaf around any longer. He objects to being the figure head of a crazy lot of buggists, who are incessantly talk ing nbemt searabrei, umbelliferous, and luminous orders, arachimhe, coprophagi, anthropomorpha.', the phytelephasrnacrocarpa, larcetina, thorictes, ami other " damned nonsense," as Ben calls it. The other elay one of the buggists came ml on board with a fat spieler strung te a stick. " "What in the name of heaven is that ?" asked Bern, as the kicking Spider was passing him. "That Mr. Wade," said the buggist, bedding up the spider, 'is a beautiful specimen of thetarantu lateel lycosa tarantula?. It's the finest specimen I ever saw.' The t)lel war horse gazed at it one moment and then growled out, "The hell it is! Take it away !" Soon after another buggist came on board with a three tailed fish, and told Ben it was the most com plete specimen of hemocersal ever found. A more disgusted man than Wade was when he received this information has rarely been seen. I am told that Ben has said that he expee-ts next to meet a bugg'st 'with a six teieel negro, or a Carip with a double row of ears all aremn'd his head strung to a pole. Correspondent AT JT Sun. Thoughtless Husbands- FJnder this heael, a writer for the London Telegraph says: "I am ahusbanel of nearly thirty year's experience, and I thought this morning, that the face of my "old woman" was as soft and fair as it was some twenty-nine seasons oaeic. l tniuK I can see why. l do not play at any game of chance I lu'ver get drunk or sleep out at nights, imleed I am only to glael to rest at home, and abeve all, I court my wife as much as I did when she was sixteen. If I can manage it, I remember her birth and weeldiug days by a new dress, a jewel, er a simply flower; and should she be sick, I try all I know how to smooth her pillow, and above all, never allow chil elren or servants to rebel against her authority, as mistress of the house. I need hardly aeld that the house is a happy home. I said to a would-be- husband the either day, "look ent lor a loving, affectionate daughter ami sister, and if you use her well you will get a loving wife and mother for your little ones." O o-t- Elliott, a negro member of Con gress from South Carolina, made a speech in the house against grant ing a general amnesty to the peo pie1 of the Southern States. It is ' said the scene was quite an interest-1 iuor one. The Democrats all left their se-ats and crowded the space in front of the Clerk's desk, where theyr e-ouhl see and hear the darkey member. Of course, that individ ual would speak against amnesty-, for whenever the white people of the South become reinvested with the right of which they were tin righteously and basely deprived j by the Radical party, the days of nigger membership ot the United States Congress will be over. What a sight to see, and what a thing to hear! A negre) Congress man stands up impudently and ig nerantly speaking against restor ing te white men the inestimable right of suffrage ! - -- VW- - . Boys, Do Yor Hear That? A Xew Orleans paper tells of a print er who, when his fellow workme n went, out to el rink beer, during the working hours, put in the exact amount which he would have spent if he had gone out te) drink. He kept to this resolution for five years. lie then examined hisbank account and found that he had on deposit 852 1, SO. In five years lie had not lost a day freun ill health. Three out of five of his fellow workmen had, in the meantime, become drunkards, we're worthless as workmen, and were discharged. The water drinker then bought out the printing office, went on enlarging his business, and in twenty years from the time he be gan to put by his money was worth 8QO,C00" The story, wheth er new or old, teaches a lesson which every boy and young man should layT to heart. The first printers were Titans. There are a good many "tight uus" among them still. LIBRAE!, Salaries of State Judges exempt frcm the Income Tax- Our "Washington corresponelent writes as follows under date of April 4th : In the Unit eel States Supreme Court yesterelay a decision was maele in the case of Burlington vs. Day. The defendant in error was Judge of the Probate Court of Barnstable coutrtv, Massachusetts, ami the plaintiff in error was Col lector of internal revenue. The Judge paid the income tax on his j salary uneler protest, and brouglit suit te recover the amount. The lower court held the tax to be un constitutional, and awarded junelg ment for the plaintiff. The Su preme Court yesterday affirmed" this judgment, holding "that the judicial power is exempt from Fed eral taxation. This being one of the1 powers never granted to the Federal Government remains un altered and unimpaired, and in re spect of which the States are as iu d pendent of the General Govern ment ers the Getered (rovermnent is of the Strts. This 1hmii- an original reserved power in the States, the judicial officer ap pointed under it to carry it into ef fect, the exemption of the ofiicer from taxation, stands upon as solid ground and are maintained by principles and reasons as cogent: as those which led to the exemp tion of Feeleral officers frenn taxa tiem by the States, for inrexpect o;" these reserved jov:ers the State is tt sovcrcifii and independent as tie General G ' ovcrnicvHt." LTpon this eleeisiou, so stronglr assertive of at legist some reserve.! rights of the States, our corres pondent proceeds to ceunment: Such a judicial deeision recalls the edd time when the Consti.u tiem and the laws were paramount, and the decrees of the Suprene Court of the Unit eel States were final. That day has passed, and in its place we- have the voice of the judiciary stilled on the political acts of " the thirty tyrants," an Executive whose daily life is re peated violations of law, a Con gress who pass acts without regcrel to laws, human or divine, and whose daily wish is for another era of ldood, that their rule may be continued. In the face of this con elition of things, I am surpriseel that the Supreme Court is per mitted te talk such treason as "the re-served rights of the States," when it was stated a few days ago in the Ilenise of Representatives, by good Radical authority, that the eld conelition of things had passeel away, and that now we liael a strong centralized Govern ment. Look te) it, ye Radicals, that such rank treason to your party of much morality' and ad vaneeel ideas be not disseminated from the bench of the Supreme Ceuirt, or it may- sink into the pub lic heart and rear such fruit as once grew so plentifully on the tree of Democracy' and the Con stitution. Bring m a bill at once, Messrs. Conkling, Morton, Ed munds ami Butler, and stop such elam nable heresy against loyalty and raelicalism. We read in a Xewnrk (X. J.) newspaper that a "Missionary So- t - 'h'ty" intends to employ an un- marneel clergyman, because the Directors see ne use in paying 81,500 for the support of a man and family, when an unmarried man can be got for 8500." Dedi cate and cool, th;it is, isn't it? W'e suppose that the'se economical Chritians, if stirred up on the sub ject, would howl with anguish and horror over the celibacy of the Ro- man prie'sthoeul, as net only hard on the priest, but. as tending te) all manner of sexual immenality; and here they are going te work delib erately te establish clerical celib acy in a Pretestant society. But suppose, that the cheap $500 man shemld want to get marrieel. Must he give up his Xewark ministra tions for that crime? Henry Ward Beccheronce hearing one of his own published sermons delivered in an obscure village, ac costed the preacher em his way emt ami said, "That was a very geod discemrse; how long did it take yem te write it ? ' "O, I t tct-rwl it off one evening when I ha T 1 1 i leis- ure,' said was Mr. tl ic reply-. Indeed," it took me" longer to think of the framework of that very sermon." "Are you Henry Ward Beechi-r?" exclaimed the clergyman. "I am," was the reply. "Well, then," exclaimed the unabashed preacher, "all I have te say is that I ain't ashamed to preach one of your sermons anywhere." Moveable or adjustable horse shoes have become a "fixed fiicf," and a company inCh:eepee (Mass.) are engaged in their manufacture. This shoe can be taken off at night, or when the horses is not at work, and put on again when wanted as easy as a pair of boots. A Dutch Spirit. xV Dutch widower oat West, whose befter half eleparteel on the long journey to the spirit-land some twelve months ago, determined the other o day to consult the " rappers," and 'endeavor to obtain a spiritual communication, feeling anxious reP 0 speeting the future state of his wife. After the usual ceremonies, the spirit of Mrs. Ilauntz mani festeel by raps its willingness to : converse with her disconsolate peutso. "Ish dat you, Mrs. Ilauntz?" inquired the Dutchman. " Yes, el ea rest, it is jour own dear wife,, who " , O "You lie, you tevil of a ghost," interruptetl Ilauntz, startling from his seat ; "my vrow speak notting but Dutch, and she never say "tar est" in all her life. It was 'Ilauntz you tief,' or 'Ilauntz, you dirty schamp.'" Ami the Dutchman hobbled from the room, well satisfied that the rapping spirits were all a hum bug, and that lie was safe from any further communication with his shrewish vrow on this earth. Boxns Fori-kitki). The follow ing singular case, accoreling to the Standard, appeared in the County Court at Marysville on the 5th: 0 Charles Burch, at a former ses- sion of the Grantl Jury, was in die-ted for grand larceny. The man was arrest eel and gave bail to appear for trial. When the case was called, the District Attorney moved that the bemels of Burch be declared forfeited. This 'motion was met by official papers from the County Clerk's 'office at Portland, going te) show that Burch was serving out a two-years and a half term in the Oregem Penitentiary. Among these papers was also an affidavit from his father stating that his son was confined in the State Prison. 1'nder these state of facts, the bondsmen were given further time. G o i We sometimes tire, says the Galvestem Daily SXtics, of writing elenials of the outrages anel crimes that are laid te) the charge of the South. Every paper that is in tire I Veside nt's interest is busy in cir culating these reports againstous. They are repeated anel repeated, with every variation that the im agination can conce ive, and we are punished for it. This is hard. We are not confront eel with the wit nesses against us; but we are ac cused, and the accusation istheini meeliate preen sor of cem vi(tion. Quixixk. There are but two manufacturers of quinine in the United States, and tlicy are located in Philadelphia. In order to gire these two manufacturers absolute penver to fix their own prices, a tariff of 45 percent, isimposcel on imported quinine. The revenue frtmi this seniree last year was just 810,545-, but the duty serves its puipose, by enabling the aforesaid manufacturers te add 45 per cent, to their prices and take several hundred thousand dollars from the 2ockets of quinine consumers. - -o- The Cotton Crop. The cot ton crop of 1870, it is now estimat ed, will exceed four millions bales, not falling more than twenty per cent, short of the largest crop ever grown before the war. Planting this year is going em upon a still larger scale1, anel, with favorable weather, the largest crop ever gathered may be expect eel. This eloes not k)ok as though the South was the scene of so much violence and warfare, as the carpet-bag agi tators would have the people of the North believe. Sumner's repudiaton of Grant and his schemes of selt-aggrandize-ment, says the Courier-Journal of Lemisville, certainly elevates him far above the common herd of Radical politicians, but his frienels are mistaken if they suppose that a thousanel feet of well-rope would be long enough to lift him to the level of a Democratic candidate for the Presidency. Salt Lake has risen thirty feet since the settlement ofUtahby the Mormons. This inland sea will soon assume oceanic proportions at that, rate of rising, and theparcheel desert become a vast expense of water. Muen Makriei. An Illinois ladv is living with her eighth hus band. Within two years she has married three', all of whom are known to b" alive, with several counties to hear from. Under the Equator, tree vegeta-1 tion reaches an elevation of 11,000 feet, when it gives place to grass lands, which extend up to the line of perpetual snow, found upon the Amies at 15,740. Nothing can tend more to the he alth of the body than the tran quility of the mind, and the due regulation of the passions. O o o O O o o o G o o O o o 0 o o o o o o o o e o o o o o o 0 o 0 o s 0 o o o o Q o 0 0 V?