O O o o e 'f o o 0 O o O o O o o o O O o o O Jefferson's Old Age. Jeff-trson's public life was now brought to a close. He had at tended the inauguration of his frieni ison, his sncces sor in the Presidency, and still was a vigorous man of sixty-six years ofe. lie retired to Montieello about the middle of March, able to accomplish the journey there on horsuback. Here he resided through the, remaining seventeen years of Chis life. Mr. Jefferson can not he re proached with any fondness for money, or for any disposition un duly to hoard or to accumulate it. His expenditures wei e always those of a generous and liberal mind. In his youth, when it could not have been the custom for vounir men to collect a library, we find that h lost by the burning of his house a! QShadvcll, books which cost him a thousand dollars. Not discouraged by this, during all his active life, lu ha 1 purchased books in literature, science, history, diplomacy, tlx classics, belles-lettres, such as wen important to his mental culture. The hospitalities of his mansion. to, had always been without stint or bound according to the custom of the country in whieh he lived, an 1 this, the attraction of his dis tiu'jcuished and agreeable soda qu ilities, and of his important po lith-al position, had rendered very burdensome to a fortune which eVu'd never have been considered very large, and of a nature which could only have been made to yield any considerable income by a de gree of care and attention which he was never in a position to afford. In his public life he had always considered it (hie to the dignity oi his high political positions, to ap portion his expenses in a libera' maimer for hospitality, service and equipag". And, in fact, during hi time, in memorv of the aristocratx institutions which had existed, and of the circumstances of fortm Und dignities with which Washing ton had recently surrounded him self it would have hard I v been possible for him to make anv sav ings, either from th allowances of his ollieial e nployments or from Ihe income of his private fortune. He returned, then, to Montieello in declining life, with a moderate income, and with great demands upon it. The principal occupa tionsofhis remaining years ver the education of his grand-children who lived with him. the manage ment of his own estates, hospital! ties toQinmerous guests, and inos: of all, the writing of replies to ; multitude of letters with which h was quite overburdened and almos overwhelmed. Thus for sixteei years he passed his time, for tlx most part in the daily duties ani; the daily pleasures of the life of ; count ry gentleman. The order of hi life was at times shaded and dark eiK'd by serious anxieties as to hi pecuniary affairs. These severeh grossed npDi) him during his latte years, not so tniich lv reason of lih own liiiitrovid 1 leiiee, as of failure oi the part of friends whom lie ha trusted. Y't, notwit hstandin tli!e things, he still reerved his )hilosohy and serenttv ot rnntd. and made such arrangements a Were possible to meet his oblia tions and preserve liis indepein! cnee. During tin. period from 181. to 1S2G, he h.nl also found very se rious and continued occupation h fnuiidin.u- the establishment of th GlTmiversity of VirLcinia. He ha. resumed the projects of his youth whieh were for the edueat ion of a! classes of white people. By iuilii euei', constant! and un remit tin u 1 oxhiliited, the Leu"iiattire of hi State had made grants, not indeed so larue as lie ilem.Mided, but. stil in l.irie and liberal incisure, to the purposes of education, ixeaeral y for tlie foundinir ot t he Univcrsi fv of Virginia. The control an i superintendence ; . i - . i . t t t oi tins estaoiisii mi ni in us earner vears, nideid 1 u intimation and foundation, wen conti h-l by the State to :i bo:u' board ot v ;s tors, upon w h cli verc i;l a 1 to st-rve t lie most d winixuisht men of Virginia, with Mr. Jetrerson ns their rector and chief. To Mr. Jefferson it was mainly due tha: th. mot able and learmd nu'i were induced to serve as professoi in this institution, and that its con stitution was ot t tie most libera, character. The year 1823 found him at the C.'isis of his fortunes and of his life. Kiu:hty-three years old, infirm in body, the vi'jjor of mind failing, the embarrassments of his pecuniary a IT airs harr;issinr, and suddenly much Tixi'Tii ati-'u by an iinwpe -t I loss ot considerable amot.nt, In fbunil hiiiiself oblinfl to consiiU-r how he shouM ntanajie to tlisjiosi of his reiiiainiuLT ropt'rt y so as to i;i;v lii tlebts and supply the reees sities of living. While eivjraed in pro posing sneti arianeinents as occurred to him, and while his pri vate and public friends and the Legislatures of some of the states Ave re occupied in devising measures for the pecuniary relief of one to whom they wereso much indebted, worn with cares and disorders, he quietly expired, a little alter noon, on the 4th ot July, 1S20, about fajir hours0before the death of his compatriot and friend, John Adams and just fifty years alter himself and the same John Adams had signed that declaration which, on the 4th of July, 1770, announced to the world the independence America. 1 neodore larker Thirty-five More. An ex change in countinLr 'p Cugresman UoweiTs wives, says there are yet thirty-more States to hear from" J .R. RALSTOiMl, " IS STILL AT UTS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN and SIX ! II STREETS OREGON CTY, OREGON . TXniERE HE WOULD INVITE HIS V friends, and the public in general, to call anl examine his stock, consisting ot a general assortment of ; Cioilaiia; lints :a tsd Caps, Crocltcry, Groceries, A:c Having frorr many years' expeiienc earned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES IN SHAJL PROFITS IS DETERMINED TO FFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL S hnce the Cry of I'..r land Piices! Oregon City, August 23th, lStiy. J LI A PES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MA IX STREET, Oregon City. O 3et BILLIARD TABLES in OR EG OX lave been '.iitioiiiired , ami the Proprietor in vites the attention t J he fivers ot this popular amusement to them. T II E B A II I S S UP PI J ED Vith all t!io choicest qualities of Liquor anj .iirars. Scotch, h isii mid Horn bou alreadj anions v Iiiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE STONE ON I)U U till i . 3" Families supplied. C. VV. POPE & CO., DK.VI.KKS IX STOVES TIV PLATE. SHEET IRtr. A- 1LR OPl'L ;. LKAD !I''K 1 ON" I'li'E AND FITTINGS, RUBl Ll llUSi;. EoucE AN,) hi l'U.MI'S ZINC, COlTKR, BRASS AND IUUN WiRH. Also a general ussot tment ol Ilous li-liing Good-;. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet iron Ware. ROOFING AND JOiiUING OF EVERY DESClMi'l iON LONE iO OR.'ER, AND AT Low TklCES. Vlso, at POPE'S swvc will ti n J STOIIE 3'oit I A R I) W A ! ; E AND P.ASKETS, WOODEN, WAUL; AN D i IN A AUK, l..-N i'El.NS, LAMi'SAMf OIL. LUtTNE AND Niulir LAM I S. AL-0 I'EiiAM i.ILaTdIW. t Al. of the jl.nve ait.eles are for sale at .'iUCLS TO tUIT TIMES. C. W. POPE & CO. Oreg m City Oi eyim. ' 1 : 1 v COSMOPOLiTAN Eli) I EL, Fri;t street. POILTl-VM). OIlEi;O.V. Zieber Q. Eio!ton Propr's. HUE UXDL! Slti v Ei) HAVI(i RE- Huinsii.'j ami re nit d the above tiameo :iolel, will hcnc. f nil ciiiliict. d on the looms can be had by the Day, Veck or i-xonta. A RESTAURANT tu t,e House, under . u." maiLmviiH'ut ot 1'if.RU K M AN'dE I', latt I i he Laf t ( s te. Ofti.ig t it loca l 'ti and co:i-tructien, n s ifc o ost ile 1 1 a I.) Jiotf in the ( il. and iiite..d Kt.Ll'iXO IT AS IT OL'CUT TO Bf. . I-.1T. !: t'o;rh a i i IS .guv; A a g ll .jii i i'loia t !n "..iti l. ZIEP.ER& liOLTviN. l'roprieiors. fii-; i.f tin- Or. sou ami California Ct. 21 if, Sliim'toiiiu v II AS. HOOGE . . C1IAS. E. CALEF . . GEO. W. SXELL. HODGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IN DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND WtXDoW GLASS, 1-AA'XISES, Dh'USljrs. PAIXTEI2S Materials, ana lrvj'jists Sundries. 97 Front Street, S. l'ortland, Oregon. 840,00 0 W RTII OF BOOTS and SHOES COMPRISING ALL THE LEADING California & Eastern MAIn'UrACTURES. For Fall and Winter Wesr. Are on hand and b mr onst.intlv t-- 1 1 , J V l ' V. LJ - ihed at the Philadelphia Boot Store, U3 Front Slrtrt nni 131 First Strut. JOHN S. KAST. X. 15. Lid"s and Gent'mor!' i..., j VT-uers ma.ie t- nieusun-. D.' . .i:tt' ...... j iu j0 UI.U of i pi PERI A I, MILLS. Savier, LaRoqne & Co., VHEGOX CITY. fr-Rppp mns'antjy .n h.-M-ri f'.i ale M d ui.'s. Bi-:,n jn.,1 .:hu-krn f-'. ed. Parties parcliaaius iced raui fmiiiali the sacks. GREAT PRICES 33. L- STORE'S, No. 107 Frout Street, WALTIIAM WATCHES OROIDE WATBIIES AND CI1 AIXS, FINE JEWELRY AND blLA -LMiv iitr,. .All at ZESTew Yoi'k Prices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. EVERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY" REFUNDED. Watches and Jewelry repaired. N OTICE. The Peop K S Transportation Company WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FROM OREGON CITY AS FOLLOWS: FO 0 AND At 7 A. M., every dav, except Sunday. And 1 V. M. Monday, Tuesday. Thurs day and Friday, FOB Salem, Albany and Corvallis. AND OX MONDAY, WEDNESDAY A D FRIDAY, rOR t-w rer ccd zr o A. A. McCULLY, President. Nov. 16. 1VT0 U".tt" EV WAGON AXD Carriage Fslanufactory ! The undersicned, having increased the di mensions of Li- premies, at the olu stand Corner of Main and Third streets. Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat- . . i . r'M)-, and as niaitv new cues as nav imj i!eacd to call, tl ai lie is now prepared, w th implc room goon materials, ami uir er b'-t of iitcchani s, to buihl atn-w, recoii--iiict. make, paint, iron and turn out all omplete any sort ol a vehicle from a com m'ui cart to a concord c- atl.. 1 rv me. Rlaek-mithinir, Horse or Ox s! oeinr, and ireneral jobbing neatly, quickly and cheap ly done. DAV II) -.Ml II. Opposite Excelsior Market LIMGLLH BAKERY. BAJLEY HARDING , Successors of L- DiLLi:n in the Lincoln Dakery, CEO LEAVE TO INFORM TI1K Citi zens of M e jon ('it v and surrounding .1 . i ... . .. .1.. .... i..... i c i .nn v, inai uiev Keep cunni.uiii.ij. on uuuu arid tor sale, a'l k'mls of BREAD, CR Civ E S, CA.xES, l'A P Y, CAN DIE - AND NUTS. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders pr mpt'y filled, and go ids d -liver- el at the residence ot the pin chaser when lesin d. T o highest p. ices paid f r Butter, Eggs ind Vegetald s. A dbeial -hare of public patronage is re- soecttull s die ted. Ann! lS7o: The standard rem. iy Inr t oughs, Influ mia, Sore 7 hrit. IVhwpiri g Cough, Croup. Jrrr Compfahit, Bronchitis, BUtdiv.g of the LiinfrK.Hud i-veiv affection f the Throat, Lunirs and Chest, inchulios Consumption. I lair's liJilsaiii does not div up a Con rh, hut loosens it. cW-anses the lunjrs and al la v s irritation . thus removing the en use of the CMmplaint. None trenu ne unless si an fit 1 Ht'TTS. I'repui't d bv Sti:i V. Eowle A Son. Boston. Sold bv Rei)inct.;n. IIo. tettek A Co., San Frariisco, and bv dealer. yeiuiaib'. .Iel8:!j Patronize Heme Industry. THE PIONEER CURLED HAIR MANUFACTORY IS NOW PREPARED TO sUPP Y THE maik- twtha No. 1 arti. le of Curlt-d Ha r tor Up olslerv work, whieh will cnn. p re vvit.'i any imported article In quality oi pries. I p y the highest t rice f-r Mat es and Tails !' lliir-p and Tails of C- s at my store, corner Frout aDd Salni'-n stt- pts. D. MKTZuFR. Portland, Ort eon. Jacob Stitzfi.. James P. Utton. STITZEL & UPTON, Real Estate Uroker-t and General Agents, Cnmer of Front and Wash ing ton streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. Sf W"iU attend t thpsale and purchase ol Heal E-tate in nil pat ts of thf City and Stte. Sp cial attenti n gireu to the sale ol East Portland nroj ertr Address P. O. Box 42, Portland. Oregon. iSTlTZEL A UPTON, 9tf. Real Estate Brokers. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. ' I - '. ' ' - '-.a-.. ' REDUCTION - Portland, Oregon. juOtf WALTER E VELVETS, BRUSSELS, THEE E - PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, WIN DOW - SHADES, PAPER -HANGINGS, LACE - CURTAINS, &c, &c We IVoiil'l Call the attention of par ties jit tiny up houses, or being in need of anyitin in our line To our Stock which is OXE OF 7 Ilk LOllPLETEST On the Ps Cosisl! Ow Goods be'intj specially selected nt the Factories in Enyluwl and. the Eastern States, we can sill AT THE LO WEST SsiialPs'soacIsco Trices WALTi 11 EJi:0. No. SO Front street, bet ween Alder 35.) and Washington, l'ortland Oregoi SEWING- MACHINES ! ! COSH'LTiTIOX DEFIED. 7E SELL THE SiXOER. WHEELED Wilo t, II we, Elli;.fi-. tjn.v.-r A IViker, NN'eed. Parh.iin, l cv.-lonf, Ll 's, (!o!d Me.lal, America i coinoina ion. Davis, Emjiire, 'inkle A L'mus, W'j .ox A (Jibbs wi h a cii pb'tf us i tit, latt? t improvements, all extra attachment- and iscat ?') '. The U il-on. l-D som. McLt-an A Hoot) r. Uaitlnam A Fantnii, wi h outfit, improvi-- ntet.ts,.all extra att .ci.nients ;in case at $')s. IIh- I!u - ki'Ve, moiid, A mci i''an, Hume In. tile, l'.iistol with oiniit, taale, attach ments and ease, at .'! 1. Ihe Com i on Sense, Oc'airon. I'anner and all otln-r taiid marhiiies wi ii ontlit hemmei nd tucker at f 1 '. A com ,Ieie set N i toy rna'-h i m s sold, of utt lehnients fur h-mi- mintr line, coarse and wide, binding anv ma terial, qu ltiuir. tucking and makiiu thenex' tuck, iiiffllii ' a:.d iratheritij-. d inn awav wiih bast im alto-elher. Made to sil t, i nv machine. On y tl;e coniidi te set s dd. ". KNITTING MACHINES. The Lamb at ".' Hinkley. Ibaimind the ('ratio at 15 ; the 7 ; the Bickford, Amei- ican, Essick, New Haven '20 Terms. When the money we shij with all lrei is sent with the order lit charires prepaid as far a:? the Mississippi, or sent C. O. D., n receit of ha.t the amount, aud chargts added. l. PEftuarjs & co., 5 1 1-G STREET, WILMINGTON, DEL. A0TIVE PEES0NS iSTED. $100 A MONTH TNERGETTC PERSONS, CLERGYMEN, j doctors, lawyer-, airents, business men, farmer, salesmen, dealers, and all other-, male and female willing to give their whole time or part of it, can eisily make I duo OR MORE A .MONTH, by engaging in liht, h morable and staple business, in which vo nvney is required. Xo competition. Exclusive territory given. References as to character required. Stamps for return postal'-desired. Write your ad dress in full and p'aiuly M. A. CARTY, NO. S15 CHESNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ACTIVE PERS0XS WAITED. Jau. 6:m5 STEERS & H8NDE Wholesale Dealers In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC IViues, Brandies, Whiskies, E'j,. No. 40, F'roxt Strvet, Pohtlanp, Ortgcn. Constanth on hand a genuine article o' C' W sk . Rl-ANKs-. All kinds of blanks can b had at this office' Job Printing of erprv description neatly executed, at short R.H.McDQNALD&CO. DRUGGISTS, T. ; . 1 1: o c'tnfoa of rscnl?-"? t- their i.r s.ir. .jut f ' Newly Arrived " (-oofc, cr.n picl -. part of t ie r.!lowir'. prticlee toff'-t er w.t ev rv 1 !il l' kept in a well supplied WHO lit is ALE J) K L'ii TiiE. Fresh Btscgp. I Tuden s Fkepa-rat'?;? Patent MEiicTxrs. TRUSSFS& Sl"PI"Oi:TEES Essential Oils, Kehosexe Oil, SriAKET Hsn:f, 1-ERFX'MEBIES, F.UMS A XI OILP, Which Tv-e ofTt r fit the lotvcst Cafli Trices, and arc determined not to be undersold. B. H. McDOSAlD ci CO., EiN Fkaxcisco, CaL- FOR SALE. OUR DRUCr BUSINESS locnted in Fan Era' isco, Cat. Af-er our best wishes nd expressing our thanks lor the literal pat uLae we have received or move than twetitv- ne ears, dui itiir which period we have be n stea.lilv engaged m the I) ug bus ness in Calih rni s we beg to say in conse quence of the rapid giowth fl)r. Walker's ;ali ornia Vinejar L tttis, now spread over the United States and conntiies t'jr beyond, we are necessitated to devote our entire time to said business. We are the Old: st Drug firm on the Pacific Coast and the onlv one, continou- under the same propr etors since 1S49. and have de termined to sel I our arge, prosperous, and well e tabli bed busincs-i on favorabl terms. Tliis i-a raie opportunity t. r men with meaus of entering into a profitab e business with advantages never before offered. Ko" particular- enquire of r. ii. Mcdonald & CO., R. H McDon ald ) W h- le.-ale Di ugci ts, J. C. Spi ncer. Sao Eranci co Cal. X. 15. Until a sale is mad.- w shall con tinue our imj oi tato.iis aid keep a larye stock of fV sh fO"(!s c-nstarttlv on hand, and sell at prices to dc'y c mpetition. The Great Medical Discovery! Dr. WALKER'S C : LIFOPultfIA VINEGAR BITTERS, ii Hundreds cf Thousands Bear testimony to their "Wonder- f,s.5" lul Curative inecis. .2 VJHAT AR THEY? S 2 THEY ARE NOT A VILE " ilFAIJCY D R I M :.,' Made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Prot't Spirits and Refuse liquors doctored, spiced and sweetened ta plcasa tho taste, called " Ton ics,"" Appetizers," ' Restorers," AC, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the Native Toots and Herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. Tlicy are the (il! EAT ISLOOD 1'UlMFlElt and LIFE I VINO PRIN CIPLE a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Eiltcrs according to direc tion and remain long unwell. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheu matism ami Sout, Dyspepsia u- Indi crcsliou, JSilious, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of the lilood, Liver, Kidneys, and IMadcler, these Hit lers havs been most successful. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Rlood. which is generally produced by derangement of the. Digestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. Headache. Pain i.i tli3 Shoulders, Coue;h3, Tight ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad taste in the Mouth Bilious At tacks, ralpitr.tion of the Heart, Inflammation of the Langs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off springs of Dyspepsia. Thry invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpidliver and bowels, which render them of un equalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all Imparities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Ernptions.Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches. Spots, Pimples, Pustules. Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a Bhort time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its imparities bursting through the skin in Pim ples, Eruptions or Sores ; cleanse it vrhen you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and tha health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE and other WORMS, lnrkingin the system of so many thousands, arc effectually destroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle. J.WALKER, Proprietor. R. II. McDONALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents. San Francisco, Cal,, and 82 and 31 Commerce Street. New Vork. SOLD BV ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. ' h .ii iiiin.iti'r (d' this winlcrtul un -tiicine, cli im . to have discovered and combined in luii nionij more of Xiliae,s moat iioveriign mco'iful prope.rt.t than was ever before cmi biied in ne medicine. The evidence -f t his fai t is found in the great, variety of most ob tin ite diseases wh cli it has been found to c qm r. In the cure of lirortrhuis, Se ere L-omjhs, and 1 In- early stages of Con sri.pt on it has a lomsli-d the medic tl fa cn! y, and hundreds of the best, jif sician.s ro oance it the gre'ilet me'licul dtcvci ry of the age. Whi e it cures the severest ("on-'hs. ii strengthens the s.xs'em and puu fies t e bh'Oil. liy its great and thoruurjh hloorf p iriiyifg pn.p-rtie. it cures all Humor (V im me woi.-t crofntu to a common Buitrh, I'inp'e tr Eruption. Mercurial Di-ease, Mineral Poisons, Svp i:itic and Veneral Di--eas -. and t ir ti'ei ts are ct adrat -d and v'g io s hni't'i a id a son nd fori'-t'duiioo estab lis ed. Eris.'pef'is, So It llhium, vdd Ilend ', Eei er Sore, soil; or Eonh kin. short, ai; t ie nii'iierous dise ,s caused t.y had blood, are c niqiuivd by tbi p-.werlul pu; dyinji ad invir r:t' itiij tnedi ine. For "Liver J(,.nr,!iiit." L'l'mHs JJi--oders and Habitual C. ' t 'p itio". it has pu duced huudreos nor . Kl t.nil ne II 11 all C 11 1 CUl'CS Wtlire btl of bther me ! cim s h.ol ta 1. The proprietor oiTt-ra l.o'i0 reward for a int d cme tha' w 11 eqna it in the cure of all d sease for which it is i ecommended. IV w re of C'lutiU rfeit ai d xrnrth e$ imitation. ,ee t!ia.t mv private (iovei ninent Siamp, which is a poxUire qunrariUe of Gt nuiaetu.-, is upon theoi.tside wiaoi er. This medic ne s Sold b'l Drug i t at $ (iO per bottle. J'rp pared by R. V.'l'lKRt E. M. !., Su!e Pro prietor, at his Chemical Laboratory, 133 r-en c. stree . IJ.iHa! , N. Y. OREGON CITY B HE W E E Y ! HENRY 11 U.TIBET., Havi g purchased the above Brew-fry wish es to infoi in the public that he is now piepar ed to munufacturi' a No. 1 quality of EAGER BEER, As good as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale, Orders solicited, and promptly filled. c ri c - 1 - t. s r, r HI. X fi U f ? 1 3 If? W r " a m7 a mmmmm HENRY T. HELMBGLft'S Compound Fluid Extract Catawba CRAPE PILLS. C cmpoiit nt Parts Flult Extract llliubnri ntoH Fluid Etiatt Ciitiuvbit Grape Jii '-'. FOR LTVEII COMPLAINT?, J A CNDTCE, P.lLlOUS AFFECTIONS. SICK OR NER VOUS HEADACHE, t OTIVENESS, etc. PUUKLY VEGETABLE, CONTAINING NO MKIiCUliY, MINERALS, OR DELE TERIOUS Dul'US. 11 Tl;ese Pills ar the most delightfully pleas ant purgative, su eisedmg ca.-ior dl. salts, mag t-.s a, etc. There is noihiiig tno.e ac ceptalde to Hie stomach. I hey give tone, and cause neither raiisea or griping pains. They ale composed of UtC fint-fi, irigreditit. Aliei a tew days' use of them, such an in vigoration ot ti.e eniiie system takes place as to appear miraculous to tin: weak and en ervated, whether arising from imprudence or disease. 11. T. llelmbold's Compound Fluid Ex.iai i Catawba Grape Pills are i.ot sugar-coated, fri ni ti c lact that sugar-coated Pills do not dissolve, but pass through the sioiiuuli with-in dissolving, consequently do not produce the defied ett'ect. TllE CA TAWBA GRAPE PILLS, bei g pleasant in taste and odor, d not necessitate their be ing suuar-coated, and are prepaied accord to rubs of lliaiiiiicv and Chemistry, aud are not Patent Medicines. HENRY T. HELTvlBOLD S 1110 ULY CON'CENTKATfcD COMl'OCXD Fluid i:irael Marsaparilla Wi.l radically exterminate trom the system r-cr..iuia, h lis, F.vi scores. Ulcers, Sore Ljes, ,vorc Legs, ore .Mouth, bore Head, orwiichi.is, Ski'i Disia-es, ha.t Rheum , Can kers, lit. nun. g- ti om the Ear, V hite Swcd uigs. Tumors", Cane, ions Atlections NoUes, Kick.ts, (ilauduiur Swellings, Niht Sweats, R.i.-h Titter, liuuiuis of ah JvitiUS, Chiouio i.heiimai ism, Dy epsia, and alt diseases tiiat have been eaiubl.shed m the system lor 3 ears. Reing prepaired expressly for tie above . Oii.piuinl.-. Us blood purifying propel lies me fiieaier than any o.her prepai a liou ot csai s.ipai Hki. It gives tht complexion a clear ami lie.illnj c Un ana li.-ioies ine laneni t.i a state .t hiaUlianl puiily. Lor purify ing the b.ooil, l einoviug a 11 cli . on le Cuu.. l til i oi.ai dis ast s a. isiug irom an inij in c siute of toe blin d. A. d i he only reliable and ei leiiuai k .own leioeuy for he cure of pains and ."swelling ot toe Rums, L' kei at ous of ihe Throat ai.di.-.s, R.. tches, Pnnples on Hie Face, Erxsipelas ail I a 1 ci!y Ll il, l:ons ol t.ie rrkin, and lJi.aiitify iig the Couiiex ijU. Puce, 1 ou per iitile. HENRY T. KELMBOLB'S CONCENTRATED ViXii) i:THcT bucisu, THE GLEAT DIURETIC, lias cured every ca-e ot Diabetes in which it oas been tiiveii. Iriit itiuii of the Neck of J lie iidne s, Uieiatioii o! the K.dneys and lhaiidei , Releiiti n ot Urine, Di.-eases ot tlie l'roslate tilaiol, iine m the Riadder, t.'alcu uis, Giael, liilek-dust Deposit, and Mucous or .Miiky Discharges. And lor Euteebled Delicate Const tut ons cf buta Sexes, attend ed w.ili the following s inploius : lndispo ition lo Ext itioii, Lo s of Power, l.o:-s of .Meoioi v, 1 i Hie n 1 1 v of Iheat.luii .Nerves, Trembhng, Horror ol Disease. W akeiullness, I'lmness oi Vision, pain in ilie Rack. Hot lLmus, Il isbmgof the R;dv, lMynes- (jf the ."-km, Ei-oplion on the Pave, Pallid Couiileii aiiee, Universal Lassitude of me .Muscular .-y.-teoi, etc. U.-eil by per.-ons liom the ages cf ei-ihteen to tw nty -live, and .loin thirty-live to li tv i i v , or in the dei lme or charge of lift- ; alter n liiiesueiil or labor pains ; beu-wttiing in ch.lu . em. II Helmbind's Extract iJuchu is Diuretic and Dl.iini Piirilying, a tl t'ute- all ihsea-es ails log liom Habits cf Dissipat on. and Exce-s-es and Imprudences in Life. Impurities of I e Blood, . tc. Supt iscd.ng C"paiiia ui A f hct.oiis for wioch it is used, ami Sph litic A llect ions I ii ihese Di eases u-ed in cuu neclioo with Helinbo!ds Rose Wash. LAI Hi S. In m iny affections peculi ir to Ladies, the Extract iiucliu is uneq ia 1 d by- any other r.-medy as in L li.oi os,s or rete .tion irregu arity, Paiuf uhiess or Suppression of cus tom, ii-y Lvai iiati. ns, Ulcerated or S -h rri s state of the Uierus. Leuconha-a or Whites, ter;li,y, and for all i-omjilainis incidi nt to ihe sex, whether arising from indiscretion r habits of dissipation. It is preset ibed xtensively by .he most eminent pinstci ins aid midwives for enfeebled and'd.licate consiituiions, of bo.h sexes and all ages. o II. T. HELM HOLD'S EXTRACT RUCHU cui;es d seases arising from im- riUiiENCES, Habits of Dissipation, Etc., in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change jM diet, no inconvenience, and no expo ure. D causes a Inquent des.re, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby remov,ng Obstruction . Prevent n and Cminu Stric tures of the Urethra. Allaying Pam and In flammation, so 'requent in" this class of dis eases, and expelling all Poisonous matter. IL HENRY T. HELM HOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH cannot be surpassed as a PACE WASH, and will be found ti e only specific remedy in every species ot Cut'ane us Affection. It speedily eranicat s Pimples. Spots, Scorbu tic Dryness, Indurations of the Cutaneous Men.brance, etc., dispels Redness and Incipi ent Inflammation, Hives, Ras'i .Moth Patch es D yne-s of Sca!n oi Skin, Frost lit s and all pm poses lor which S.iLes or O ntments are u.-td ; lestorcs the skin t a state of po lity and oftness, and in sines c-n iuued healthy action to the t ssue of its vessels, on which depemls the agieeable clearness and vivacity ot complex on so much sought and almirtd. Rut ln wev, r valuable as a reme dy for exis'ing defects ot the skin. II. J lielmbo d's Rose Wash has long sustained its principal claim t uubou ded patronage, by possessing qualities which r-nderua Toilet A ppeiulawe of the most Superlative and Congenial eharacte, combining in an elegant formula those prominent, requi.-iteg. Sa.ety and Eflicacy the invaiiabe accom paniments of its use as a Preservative and R fresher of the Complexion. Ir. is an ex cellent Lotion for (ii-eases of a S philith; Nature, and as an injection lor diseases of the Urinary Organs, aiiing from habiN of dissipat on, used in Conneciion w.th the Ex tracts IJuchu, Sar-ap trilla. and Catawba Grape Piils. in sm-h diseases as reco mend ed, cannat oe surpassed. Price, Une Dollar per BoUle. Full and explicit directions accompany the me, ii ine. Evide ce of the most responsible and reli able . hat acter furuished on application, w.th hundred-, of thousands of living witn-sS and upwaia of :jo,. On unsolicited certificates and recommendatory letters, nmnv l whieh arelrom the htghe-t sources, including emi taent 1 hy-.c.ans. Clergymen. Sta-e-men etc I he proprietor 1ms never resorted t , t ,eir pnb icanon in the newspapers ; he d .es not do tin, horn the fact that his articles rank as Standard P. epai at ions, and do not need to be pn.pi ed up bv eertilicates HENRY T. HKLMlioLD'S Genuine Preparation-, Delivered tuany address. Secure Irom t bei v t i n. E-Ublished Upward of Twenty Years S Id by Dn.girists evervwhere. Address -ters for into niatian, in confidence, to He.vkyI. Hei.mbule. Druar ist and Ohemi-t Onlv D pots: H. T. HELJIROLD'S Drug and Clemical U arehonse, No. 59i U road way. New York, or to H. T. Ile'mbold's Me-du,-.l Depot, lol South Tenth Street, Phila delphia, Pa. Reware of Counterfeits. Ask for IIENRY T. HELMDOLD'S I Take do other. .uto FBLNH MEDICAL CFXCE. DR. JUL UN PERRA1ILT9, Dr. of Meidtine of the "Vacuity of Paris, Giacluate of tlie L'nivorsity Queen's College, ami Pliysieian c-f the St. Joliu BaptUte Society of San Fran cisco. Dr. Perkaclt has the pleasure to inform patiei.ts and oth rs seeking confidential med ical advice that he can be consulted daily at his office, Armory Hall Building. Noith East corner of Montgomery and SacrametHo streets, San Francisco, Rooms Nos. 9, 10, 11', first floor, up strirs, entrance on either Montgomery oi Sacramento streets. ViC Perkailt's studies have been almost exclusively devoted to the cuie of the va-ious forms of Nervous and Physical de bility, the result of injurious habits acquired1, in youth, which usual. y terminate in impo tence and sterility, and permanently induce all the concomitants of old age. Vhere o secret ii.linniiy exists involving the happi ness id" a life and that of others, reason and. morality dictate the necessity of its removal-, for it is a fact that piematuie decline of the vi;or of manhood matrimonial unhappiness, compulsoiy single life, etc., have their sources in causes, the getm of which is plant ed in early life, and the bitter fruits tasted long afterward; patients, laboring under this complaint, will complain of one or more of the , following symptoms: Noctual Emis. sions, Pains in the Rack and Head, Vj eakr nes- of Memory and Sight. Discharge Trom the Urethra on going to stool or making wa ter Intellectual Faculties sre eakenedj Loss of Memoiy ensues, Ideas are clouded, and there is a disinclination to attend toVus iness, or even to reading, writing or the society of friends, etc. The patient wilj probably complain of Dizziness, Vertigo, and that Si'ht and Hear ng are weakened and t-leep disturbed by dreams; melancholy! sighing, palpitation, faintings, coughs and slow fevers ; while son, e have external rehu matic pain, end numbness of the body. Some of the common symptoms are pimples in the face, and aching in different parts of the body. Patients sufieiing from this dis ease, should apply iu;ni dialely to Dr.qPer it.U LT, eitln r in person or by letter as he will guarantee a cine of Sem-nal Emissions and Impotence in six or eight weeks. Patiei.ts suffering from veneiial disease in any stage, Conorihea, Gleet, Strictures, Rubo, Lie rs. Cutaneous Eruptions, etc., will be Heated successfully. All Syphilitic and Mercurial Taints entirely ieuioved Irom the system. Dk. Peukailt's diplomas are in his oflice, where patients can .-te for themselves that they are under the care of a regular educa te d practitioner. The best references given, if r equirt d. Patients suffering under chronic disease, can call and examine for themselves. AVe invite investigation ; claim not to know everything, nor to cure everyb d', but we do claim that in all cases taken unuer treat ment we fulfill our prom sts. We particular ly request those who have tried th;s boasted dort.-r, and that aoverti.-ed physician till worn out and discouraged, to call upon us. Low charges and quick cuies. Lad it s suffering Iron, any complaint inci dents to their sex, can coi.sult the doctor with the as.-ui ance of r elief. q 1 tiniilc Monthly Pills. Oq Dr. Perkaclt is tlie only auent in Cali fornia for Dk. Riott's Female Monthly Pills. Their immense sale has established their rep utation as a female rernecy unapproached, and far in advance of every oiler lt-medy lor suppress ons and irregularities, and other obstructions in females. On the itceipt cf five d llais, tin se Pills will be scut by tria l or ex) te-s to any part of the world, secure from curiosity or damage. Persons at a d stance enn be cured at home, by addressing a let'er to Dp. Plr u.vclt. con er of Sac r amcnto and Montgom ery streets, Ri oms 10 and 11, or Rox VI 5, P. O Sin Francisco, stating tie case as minutely as possible, general habits of liv ing, occupation, itc.etc. All communications confidential. Iyr4p PRIVATE KECIGAL AlC Quick tints and Moderate Charges" Dr. W- K. Doherty-s Piiv; He Medical t Mirgical Institute. No. 519 Sacramento Street, corner of Lfcidtsdcilr, o '-w doors below I ho U hai Cheer House.) (Private entrance on Leidrsd.. iff street.) Establish, d E. ressly to Afford the Alil.cted So..iid and Seientific Medical Aid, in the Treatment and Cure of all Puvuie ard Chr onic 1 i.-e.tses. Cases of Secrecy ur.d all Sexual D.soiuers. To the A III let cel. O O DR. V. K. DOHEUTY returns his sircere thanks to hi r un eioiis patients for their patronage, and would take this opportunity to remind them that he continues to consult at his Institute for ti e cut e of chi oi n- dis eases of the Lungs. Liver, Kidneys, Diges tive and (Jeiiito-Uririary Organs, and ail private di-ease, viz : Syphilis in all it-forms and stagi s, Seminal Weaknes and all the horrid consequences of self-ahu-e. 0 m rr hcea. Gh et, Strictures, Nocturnal and Diur nal Emissions, Sexual Debil ty, Diseases of the Rack and Loins, inflammation of the Hl idder and Kidneys, etc. ; and he hopes that bis long experience and successful prac tice wi;' continue to insure him a share of public patronage. P.y the practice of many yea-s in Europe and the United Stales, he is enab'f d to apply the most efficient end suc cessful remedies against diseases of all kirfds. He uses no mercury, cfarpes nioderate,trtnts his patients in a coirect and hor orabie way, and has references of unquestionable veraci ty from men of known respectability and h-gh standing in soc.ety. All parties con sulting him by letter or otherwise, will re ceive the be.-t and gentlest tieatnie it ai d implicit secrecy. To Females. When a female is in trouble, or afflicted with disease, as weakness of the back and limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sit ht. lo.-s of muscular power, palpitation of the heart irrit ibi ity, nervousness, extreme ur inary diflieul ties, derangement of digestive functions, general debility, vaginitis, all dis easi s of the womb, hysteria, sterility arid all other diseases peculiar to females, sheshould tro or wn'e at once to the celebrated female doctor, W. K. DOHFRTY, at hisMedical In stitute, and consult him about her troubles and diseases. The Doctor is eflectincr more cures than any other physician in the State of Cahf.rnia. Let no false delicacy prevent ou, but apply immediately and save yourself from painful sufferings and premature death. All married ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase in their families hould write or call at DR W K. DOHERTY'S Medical Institute, ar.dihey will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctoi's oflice s are so arranct d that he can be consulted without fear of observation, To Correspondents. O Patients residing in any part of the FtafS however distant, who may desire the opinion and advice of DR DOHERTY in their respec tive cases, and who think proper to sut mit a wi itten statement of such, in preference to holding a personal inter view, are respectful' ly assuied thattheir communications willfe: heltl sacred and confidential. If the case ha fully and o.andi lly described, personal com-0 munication will he uine essary. as instrnc tions for diet, regimen and the general treat ment of trie ca-e rtself (including the reme d es), will b? forwai ded without delay, and" in such a manner as to convr no idea'cf the purport of the letter or parcel. C nsultation by letter or otherwise", FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no pay. Spermatorrhea. DR. DOHERTY has just published an im portant pamphlet, embodying his own view.? nl experiences in relation to Impotencecf irility ; being a Shor t Treaties on Sperma torrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Nervous ami Physical Debility consequent on this aficc t on, nd other diseases of the Sexual Organs This little work contains information of the utmost value t all, whether married orsingle and will be sent FREE by mail on receipt of -ix cents in postage stamps for return post age. Address. W. K. DOHFRTY. M. P.. julygnly San Francisco Cal 1 VOID QUACKS. A victim f earlv in discretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay. Ac , having tried in ram every advertised remedy, has a simple means of self cure, which he wll send free to b s fellow sufferers. Address J. II. TUTTLE, 78 Nassau st., New York. Jan. l-3:Sra o o O O o O O V V G o M M. K M I M V PAT t r-y-M-inT-T- ,