o o o O O o o o vEljc lUcckln Enterprise. TOWN" AXD tOUXTV. A Card from Dr. Barclay. Mr. Eihtoi:. Please allow mo. through 'the medium of your paper, to say to the Vuizens cf Oregon City that I liave no 'desire to hold any office at the next 'municipal election on the first Monday in May. I have served the city over H years fw School Superintendent and mem ber of the City Council, iberefore I claim the pi?vilege of being relieved from the duties of public life. Forbes Barclay. A Visitor. We had the pleasure of a visit from our old friend. II. C Street. E-q.. formerly of Id iho City but now from Car bon City. Nevada'! and the able editor of 'the i:,ji-iler. Mr. S. came to Oregon on "a visit to ee what progress she had made :-i:ice he was last hei'- a-id expresses Iiim- self much disappointed at the marked and h-apid prosperity that, is, everywhere visi ble. He returns overland in a few day?. .May he have a pleasant journey to Ii is 'home. Mr. Theo. Durmeiter also gave us u call. E.vtkkt.unmkxt A.i Fair. The Ladies 'of the Episcopal Church will hold a Fair on Wednesday evening, April 2("th, at Myers' Hall. Children.- clothing, fancy articles arid a few choice plants will be 'offered at reasonable rates. Jlef'resliments "will also be in readiness for all those who feel and reaiize the umpdurss of this world. Posters will appear next week. Pkr.sonak. We had a call last Thursday from Mr. Geo Daly, foreman of the San Fr?mcisco Attn. Mr. Daly is on a short visit to his relatives and friends. He will return on the steamer next week, in company with his farther, who goes to Australia on business, about, four mouths. He will be absent Commk.ncki). Woik lias been commenced on the new steamer Alert. The timbers for her hull were taken down below town this week, and it is expected to have the hull set up tomorrow. This is to be the largest, as well as the best fini.-hed boat that lias ever plyed the waters between here :i;d Portland. Workmen are also engaged in preparing the timbers for the new lieli nice. Exc R.sro.w-We acckn-iwledge the n c ipt 'of an invitation fioiu th s Committee of Ar -T.ingeinen'.s to attend an exct.T -ion to Day ton, on W ednesd-iy. April 2 '" t h . given in in honor of tl?e anniversary of the organiz i tio't of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in the United States, by Oregon Eody:e No. We anticipate a fine lime "on the occasion. It k ruK.-j k vf.vn v ks . Th e I , 1 1 o v i tig Pas. t (J rands have been elected representatives from Oregon Lodge No. 3 to the Grand Lodge, which meets in Portland next 'nniiiih : J. T. Apperon. A. J. Apperson, 11. 11. Fellows and Wm. F. Funis. Goon ( itiu xanck. In our advertising columns will be found tin ordinance, vvl.iuh was passed by the Council last M mdav. prohibiting bovs from I, l Tt t i is g the saioi.ns. 1 1 is a good ordinance and many parents will feel the good ef fect of sue!) -J law. Boors A M SilKMS. Me Giwihan A: Co. announce thaf. tliey arc selling their ;rs. Protznvrn, to the public stock for the next ten d ivs nt cos d. These gentlemen u i as r nev sav. ane itcrsons ( eir ,r 'lag any thing in their line car. get bargains. Pkusova!.. We h el the pleasure of a lc;sll from 1 lo:i. W. II. Dunbar yesterday. Mr. I 'unbar was a member of the last, Legislaure from Marion, hut is now lo cate lili i ieservation. Ckowdki). The P. 1. Company's ware house is again crowded with produce, to its utmost capacity. The boats continue t brTtcr down full loads ot reiLrht, and I there brinr no shipping at Portland, it is forced to accumulate here. Omittki). We unintentionally omitted the name of Mr. Reuben Smith as one of the Vestry elected for the ensuing year It would not be a complete Vestry with out him. :1 Town. Dr. Flumtner. Siiperintend ent of the Telegraph Company was in town last week. We were pleased to no tice the D octor much improxed in health Kit'Ki:,') i:r a House. Mr. A. Willis was kicked by a horse last Saturday, just over the eye. inflicting a painful wound Stock. Mr. A. Levy has just received a new stock of goods, consisting of every thing from a Chinese fishing pole to a line suit of broadcloth. ?fXK. The steamer Success, which has been lying in the basin for some time took a notion to go down last week. The 'cause of her sin it ing is probably old age. Xkws. In another column to-day will be found a new advertisement from Mr. Ackerm an. lie has a fine stock of goods on hand, just received, and his prices will ! fi nil very reasonable. Give him a call. Feckivkp. J. 11. Ralston received a new addition to bis stock of goods last week. Give him a call. S::vr S ci:-:rv. The L i lies' Sewing P-iciety of the Episcop ii Church, meets next Tuesday at the residence of .Mrs. J. W. ."-ell wood. Tho gentlemen who have taken tin1 C11T; Huuse. did not purchase it, as statsd by us last week, but leased it from the p reprietor. La:;ks. Mrs. F. I). Kelly has a stock of bonnets c just received. Ni-.w and YAT.VAiu k Skfi.s Given" Away. We have received from N. F. IJoTKit. .t Co.. of Farkesburg. Chester Co.. Fa., sample's ot" I mnortod "Norway Oats. Alsike Clover and (."iiester County Mammoth Corn ; ihev gener-m IV o 'dvr to send simple packages fri to a!i Farmers who i,J stumps to av post a Messrs. N. F. Boyksj A Co.. the Largt st Importers of Thoroe.gl, bred Mock rid Choice Seeds in the United Mites. lU,,i ns (hero is so much Norway Oats and other Seeds beun bogus sold. th 9-, y wish to giri untrv a c!i ir-.c every F. inner in th. to test their Oenuiue Seeds, fi ee of charge. We hope all our IVietid- will avail themselves of this gen erous oiler. TlIF. FiliiENOI.OGiCAL JoCKXAL AXD LlFt: Ii.i.vsrtiATKO for April, appears in i:s usual becoming dress, and contains an ex cellent variety of readin: nntser with seve.al portraits. A good number. Frice '.' cts. : S3 ay ear Sent half a year, on trial, for SI." Address, . R. Wells, 3it) Eioadvvny, N. Y. t-ECOND award of Cold Coin by the Cos mopolitan Benevolent Society of Nevada City ! We would call th attention of our readers to the advertisement of the C. B. Society in our columns, and would pay to those who purchased tickets in their firt award and did not win a pr'ze. now is their opportunity to zvt square hv purchasing a-ticket in the second, which is the most liberal of any ever altered to the public. We have received the April number of the American Stock Jouitx.vL.published by Messrs. N. P. Buyer & Co.. Paikesburg. Chester county. Pa. We look upon this publication as one of the most valuable of iis kind published in tiiw United States, and earnestly recommend it to our read ers as a text book in rearing arid manag ing stock. The Hibscription price is onfy SI per yeai. for which any one of its valu able articles may return to the subscriber many limes its cost in the saving of the lite or usefulness of a valuable horse, cow. or other domestic animal. Sjjecimen copies scut j'r"e. Ovkrlano Monthly. In the Overland Monlhiy for May. 1871. will appear one of the most int'eresting articles ever published in that magazine. It is contributed by the liev. Thomas Condon, of The Dalles. Oregon, and bears the suggestive title of "The Bocks cf the John Day Valley. Mr. Condon has created a deep'in teres t" in the geology of Oregon by his famous lec tures on the Three Stone Heads." recent ly delivered in Portland Oregon, and his contributions have already attracted the earnest attention cf thinkers and scientists, who pronounce them valuable. Lightly Imperial. Don Piatt tr rites ironi aslnnton : "We are t ttin to be just the least bit imperial in our ways here, ami have the countenance. For the first time in the history of the executive mansion servants appear in livery. lis Kxcellency is surrounded by the military. There is a continual jingling of spurs and clank of sa bers, and the illustrious 'tanner,' now uptown so great, can only be reached through a battalion of llunkies, and brigadier generals (by brevet) are as thick as blackberries. 3 Irs. Grant, when she receives, is surrounded by her ladies of honor, and the handsome, jolly General Michler acts as master ot ceri mon ies, and presents the vulgar crowd to their exclusive excellencies. A Good Time Coming ! Mrs. Stanton says: "When in the new development of the race we shall have true marriage a union of souls then love, wisdom, justice, mercy, liberty, equality and fraternity will make olad our earthly pii LrriueiLiv, and men aud women, so lonoj wanderers in the reat wil derness ol life, - will regain the lost Paradise, and live in obedience to eternal law. "When marriage is a true union of spirit and intellect between healthy, happy men an women, and when mothers and fathers give to these holy offices the same preparations of body and soul, that the artist bestows on his poem, statue or landscape, then will marriage acquire a new sac redness and dignity, and a nobler tvpe of manhood will glorifv the earth." At ihe residence of the bride's father, in Clackamas countv, April li, IsTI, bv E. Wittlon J. P., Mr. Wm II. Jj..ud of Mult nomah county, and Mi-s Sasin J. Cockel reas, d' C'kiekii nas countv. Oregon City Prices Current. The following are the nriees naid for produce, and the prices at which other ar- lc'.es are selling, in this market : Y HE A T Y ! i i r e . bushel.. -Si h(7i. 20 OATS "ft bushel, id cts. FO fATtjE-i bushel. .j()p7,7. cts. ONIONS e bushel. $1 oi if,;-; si 50. FLOL"U-l! bbl. S 00(s"f o.). J JEANS hile. T lb.. ',Uv, 1 cts. mni'ii i:ntni i d fi).. 7c: 11 - iv., io (v , t lam.-:, i in cts.: Currants, ft lb.. lOerJO cts. EFT I'Lll -ft 11... :;7cfs. K'.JUS "ft dozen. lCflS c's. CHICKENS "ft dozen, $:',(,; l. SL'C Ail Crushed. ft lb., o c;s.:Ishmd ""ft HP2.3 cts. ; N. ).. 'ft lb.. l. cts. ; San Francisco refined, ft lb. KiJ cts. TEA Young Hvson. fl lb., $1 50 ; Ja pan, ft fi., J0cT3c!i 2o ; Black. ) II)., 75c. (.51 00. COFFEE "ft lis.. 20(J.22 cts. SALT ft it).. lKi cts. SYIIL'P Heavy Colden, ftgall., $1 00; Ex. Heavy Golden, ft gall., si 25 BACON Hams. m.. 1C cts. Sides, 15 cts. -ft lb.: Shoulders. 10 cts. LA lit) "ft lb.. Vl(.? 12 4 cts. OIL Devoe's Kerosene, "ft gall. Linseed oil. raw. ft gall.. 81 Linseed oil. boiled, "ft gall., SI 50. WOOL "ft lb.. 22C.7-.23 cts. t o. 50 : UEEF roiHs -On foot, -On foot. c: :s, f. in. rets, -ft ib. siii:r;i-niDivs- -Per head. S2 Hil(V 52 50. (ireen. "ft, lb., oc. ; Drv. lb.. 12 ct a 1 1 i-d . ;-c C'liccriiig JP;'ti-fi for llic Uillious. Every day demonstrates more clearly that liver complaint, in all its distressing funis, can be controlled and cured without diHo-idty or incon veniecne. It.is an obstin ate di-ease, but its obstinacy is nut proof agaitt the pertinacious, remedial and re st.nat ve operation ot llesteiter's Stomach Bitters. Tiiat ueuial corrective comprls f,e '' S't " t dn it.i itif. It in it. at secrete r- gu- uly and liea.ltht-.il v under the intluence of ; the Bitters. Fiich- acttjii biings it back of tebellion into perfe. t har- ! trmii a state motiv witii ine la-A- s of heatt i. If theie is ichc. it ceases if the O tc' e or b ick-; skm with id th whiles of the eyes aie tinged in ei tluo.is l,de. thev' reeoi-er t'o-ir natural hue ; it tiirns ; if the t' tore 1 ; in bn. the comid.ont the atipetite is trone, it re- iresiion, is impaiied; it is re , whatever ihe symptoms of mav be. aud whatever the I l.l so it uis aiiimii, , cure i. cttf'ii .U. .1 .il V- III! 1011101111 t . j J;) j. I i O . 1 111'! I1 U O 1 I O ..i S devel'-ped ; but in mere y a eoi.siitut is- as.- has been .dreadv cast's whri-e tlier is ,!liit tendenev to liver li:c by the regular ue, in sni.t.l quai.tit.cs, of t'n sj'alatab e a.itiJu e. These atv proven fac ts, and sh d he serimsMy p,,i' iei ed -or latner. i.iey fiioui.i Le proa ptiv iicied by all per.-ous of bi lious habits. UJlon AGENTS 1 Oil THE EMEiiPUiSE. The feliowing pei ,ons are authorize d t , act as agents fji the Knelrpkise: J. M. Baltimore. To lland, Oregon Tnomas i!o :ce, San tYunoeo. L. V. t isher, Hudson & Menet.41 Io k Rw V- -. .tv.-. i . noeu c. i.c., 40 1 Yu: k. i Phih.detpl.ia. ' s.uuweei, ! dobihia! & UlWarJ- 517 Locst reet, Phiia- era- i WILLIAM DAVIDSON", REAL ESTATE DEALER. Office, . Vo. C4 Krojit Street, PORTLAND, - - . OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the. most desirable localities. cousUtins of LuTS, HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKS, MOUSES and STORES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Pronertv purchased for Correspondents, in this CITY and throughout the STATES and TERIil-TORI1-S, with jrreat care aud on the most ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. HOUSED and STOKES LEAPED. LOANS NEGOTIATED, an. I CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. Ai.d a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES aud TOWNS in the SI A IE. will re ceive descriptions or FARM PROPERTY andforward the same to the above address. Feb. 3, 1371. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, PORTLAND. - - OREGON - GEO. la. CUKKY, DEALER IX REAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Ovet flowed Lands. Farm Land- sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed propeity. Val.iab e securities transferred in exchange for real estate. "Loans negotiated on property, and titles examined and determined. Co.'iunis-dons solicited and executed with fid -liiy and promptness. OFFICE No. 14 Carter's Building, corner of Alder an 1 Front streets. Feb. "i, )-7o:tf licbct t ;i Dcgn c "LO(!i;e Xo. 'Z, I.O. O. F Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDA Y EYEXIXGS, ot each month, at 7 o'clock, in 0 Id Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree aie invited to attend. By order of N. G. CARRIAGE GUIDE. EVERV ONE IMS O-.VX I'Ot Tnli. A private instructor l' r married persons or ti-,os ab uit to be mai ridl, b.th male and frm de. in everything conce.nrig the phs io'ogy and relations of our sexual system, and the production ami prevention of off sp ing, im-Iu ing all the new discoveries never bef oe give.u in the lnglish laumuige, .V WM..Y(H;.Vi;, M. I). This is really a v'al uibleand mteres'i 'g work. It is written in plain language (or t'e- general reader-, and is ibusfrited with numerous engra ings. All young m trried people, or tho-e conteni plati ig marriage, ainj having the lead im pedim -.'tit to married l.fe, should read 1his hook It. disc.oses secrets that every one siemui 0e acquainted wit i ; still it is a b x k that must be locked up and not lie nhout the h uisc. It w 11 he sent to any address on re eiptof fifty cents. Address Dit. WM. YOUNG, 'o. 11G Spruce street ab ve Fourth, Philadelphia. Novdnim. On gon L.ol;; o. 3, I. O. or O. F. ggjtMc, Meet 3 ever j- Thursday even SCjF ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's n all. Main s eet. Members of the Order arc invited to attend By order. IV. O. w'iHuijinJt' rc,,it- .v. 15 j. r Meets every Saturday evening, at the roirr; S.K. corner of Main and Fitthtreets, at 7 1-2 o'cloc.c. Visiting members are invited o attend. By order of W. C. T. .Iiilt si-jsiia It Inl-t' o. 1 A. h atirl A I'ohls its reiru'ar e mnmniea -tions on tiro Fi r-4 r,xl "tliL S.ttur- d.iy m cacti month, at 7 n'cloi k from ihe -joth of September to the 2"t!i ol March, and 7.', o'clock from the "ioth of Mitrch to the L'oth et SetdemScr. Biet'u ren in good standing ar - invited to attend. Dec. S1A S70, Bv order of AY. M. CiT U'pkd II nis axi) Fu e, sore lips, dry ness of the skin, tVc, Ac'., cured at om e by liegeman's t'amplior Le ith Glycerine t keeps the hands soft in all weather. See that you get liegeman's. S d l hy all drug gists, only 2") eent-i. Mai milaetnred only by Ilegeman A Co., Chein sts and DruggisLs, New York. dectJO-ly A. G. WALLTXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery- O HUGO A I A . JJUIl DIING, Corner of Srovt ami Al.lcr Street, POllTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. MUSIC F.OOKS, .MAGAZINES, NEWS FA I'LUS, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at ended to. Ueliiiious 5-ei-vices. St. Pauls (Episcopal) Church, the Rev. John W. Sellwood, rector. Services on Sunday at l'h . m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School and Bible class at ii r. si. 1st Conerrogationnl Church ..... .Seats Free M o i n i ti g Set v i ee s, 1 0.-15 Sabbath Sch'.ol, 12 o'chak M. Evening Services .7 o'clock. Rkv. E. (Jerky, Acting I'astor J'HAVKll MKETl NGS. Sunday evening, . . Tuesday evening,.., .5 o'clock .7 o'elock. -o- M. E. Church, ..; Seats Free. Morning Sei vices, l.3o, Evening S' i vi'es, 7 o'clock. S CIAL MKETINOs. Clas Meeting following Moininir Services. Fraver Meetintr Thursd i v evening 7 co'clok. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock F. M. T11IR1Y YEAR-? Have e'aps,a-l since the intro luct'on of the Pain K ill -r t the public, a id y t at present it is more popular and commands x h rger sale than ever efore. Its popularity is not e mhned t th s con itr,- alone; ad over ,t e woild its bem ficial ell'ec"s in caring t ie 'il s that flesh is he r to." aie aekn .wiedged and ajij.reciat.'d. and as it pain EIUER its fame is limited t i no connry, sect tnor race, it needs only to be known to be piiseJ. Tuirtv Years is c rtain'y a long enough time to prove the etiicacy id' any medicine, and that the vais Kii.Li;a is deserving of all i s propri, t-rs clai.u lor it, is amply proved by the unparalleled popu an y it has att lin ed. It is a si.ik and kff.-.ctive remedy. Sold by all dr- g.ists. Price 2-5 cts., 5u cts., and 1 per bid lie. Directions accompany each bottle Notice. LL OUTSTANDING COUNTY ORDERS - endorsed pnor to March 15, 1ST 1, will be paid on presentation. Interest thereon will cease Iroia this date. II. SAFFARRANS, Treasurer ol Ciackaraas couuty. April It. 1971:w3 k lie GriatFaiu y ietlirine of tlie Age. ! i FANCY GOODS OF TEE LATESTJSTYLE. TiRS. m. E. WHITE, CLIFF HOUSE, NO. 5, UP STAIRS. -TTTH1I.ST THANKING THE LADY V public for their most liberal pamo ate in the past, she would most respectfully invite their attention to her ne-.v styles ot FASHIONABLE .11 TS AND BONNETS, now on hand and just received. Dress-Making ooue in the very LATEST STYLE. April II, ISTl.tf JUST RECEIVED AT MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. WAITED, . AAA FOUNDS OF WOOL, Tot OUUUU which I will pay the highest market price. ALSO, PRODUCE of all kin is bought, for which I pay the hi .best niarke; price. If toii desire s:o id Gooils, at LOW Prices, catl at I. SELLING'S, ana examine his fresh stock of Spr ng Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mv Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. I. SELLING. April 14, lS71:tf TAURANT. LEOTJ DeLOUEY, Prop'r, A TE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE SIIX STREET, OREGON CIT V, OKLGON'. qIIE UXDERSIGN'ED R E JL spec; fully announces to his ' friends and the t. ave'in p dj ic, 1 that he has re-opened the above named Restaurant. The proprietor knows how to serve his csutomers-with Ovstei s-, Pisi's Feet, a good cup ot Coli'ee or a QUARK MEAL. LrMS DiiLOUEY Oregon City, Jan. 27, lb71:tf -i i a,s i . New Goods ! New Goods ! 11. CAUFIELD BEGS LEAVE TO INFOI.M TE PUBLIC that he has refitted the old stand, corner Main ai.-d Seventh Sts., Oregon City, and has rec ived an entire new stock of goods, con sisting of DRY -GOOI1, GROCERIES, CROCKER Y, G LA SS WARE, IVoODEMl'ARIi, arid a genera! assortment of everything in ourli ie. Thankful tor past, favors, westil solieit a share of the u .lie patronage. Country Produce Cdu-n in exchange for i;oods. 43:ly JOHN II. SCII RAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, HA RXESS, etc., etc., Jfiin Slaf, 0vgo7i ( i!y, T3 Wl.-hes to represent Unit he is now as well prepared to furnish -my article in his line as the largest establishment, in the State lie particulai ly requests that an examination cf his stock be made before buying elsewhere. Grammar School. riMIE HOAi: D HF TRUSTEES ORfiAN JL ized tor the purpose of establishing the a ove Sclujol, would r espectiuliv announce that 1 1 1 e v h ite engaired the services of Mr. S. I. I)iI-;. as I ea dier, lor a se-s;on of six monllis. The Seho- 1 will o;cn on Tues day', the 3d day of January, in the room lately occupied as tne ' Enterprise Oilice." AH the usual brioches c imprising a thor ongh i-:Hg!ish, Cla-si al. Mathematical and Comme.cnl edir ation will be. taught. Appii'-atio i for ; daiittance, terms, Sec, to be made to the Teacher. Hours, from y a. in. to 12 m.. ami from 1 to :i p. m. niCHT SCHOOL. The undersigned will eommence a Niiht School on Tuesday even ng next, January 3d, rn the Grammar School Room. Hours, from fi.', to 'J. S. D. r()PE. Oregon City. Dec. 0, 1S7i". tf WILLIAM SINGER Has Es(uhlihed FOR THE MANUFACTORY OF SASHj BLINDS AND CGORS, AND MOULDINGS OF ALL S 55 Erf. ift-S They will also do TURNING, of fv ry descriptiuu to order, With Neatness and Dispatcl o ALL WOo-K WAUR ANTED. Fhop on the River, back of Ackrrrnan's Store, Oregon City, Ougon. FURKITURE WAHEROOTiIS. I have opened a Fi'iisbinz room H Dr. Tiie-sing's Brick, under f-.e old Clerk's efTi. e, where I am prepared to furni, h all arti. les of mv mannfac tire, at as low a p ic.- ns can be purch 'sod i i Oroiiou. Constantly on hand all kinds of furniture, and what I hare i ot, w 11 be made to order, en sho;t notice. Giee me a call and examine my stock. .Oregon Ciiy, Julv ; o:tf Citation. In the re'attrr of the Estate of Thorn as Roork Ins.a-ie. "HEREAS. AN ArrLICATTON HAS been made by Archron KfUr, Guardian of the Estate of Thomas lloork. insane, tor a license to sell certain real estate lx;loii;in-4T to saiil wari, in Clak '.riias count r, Oregon, to defray his exjicnst-s in tl;e Insane As luni. Take notiee, to all porsons whom it may cot cein, that anr'rkr was made by the conn v 'onrf, setting apart the 1st day oi May, A. 1.).. 1S71. for all in'cres-e l i)erscris and next of kin, to appear and show- cause, if any there lie, -why sai 1 apiieaMon should not t'e aTunti-d to said (iuardian. Ry order of lion. J. KAVait, County J udge. J. M. FEAZr.R, County Clerk. CIIAS. F-. VVARRFN, Att'yi'or Ouaiviian. Oregon City, March 23, )S;i:w4 Final Sottlornont. In the County Court, Cl-n-ka mas County, Oreiron la the matter of the Estate of Francis Jackson liJ'A R All A. JACKSON, THE APMINISTRA- tri: of said Estate. hainar filed her accounts and vouchers for final settlement in the Court aforesaid, and the Court havintr appointed the 1st day of the May term of said Court, in 1S71, for the examination of the same, all persons are nc tirted to Hie their exceptions, if thev have ai.y, before said day. SARAH A. JACKSON, Administratrix. J0irN!?CN' & JIc'OO'TN, AttVi'. ajrTTr4 : ; i ill 't:'0"'''l COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TO YOUXG MEi ! TO .YOU BELONG TITE FUTURE OF out beautiful and fast growinsr State. Soon the shrill whisi le of the IRON HORSE, s he comes t moking across this great cou iuent, drawtng after him the rich products f the Nition'd Wealth aud Industry, will announce the "GOOD TIME COMING," when Oregon's own Sons and Daughters will be called to till the new avenues of Busi uess. Everyone should prepare lor an ACTIVS BUSINESS LIFE. Great changes have been made in the com mertial alfaits of Oreixon in a few years What the developements of our State will be in the futui e, is a Tuestion winch depends upon the BUSINESS QUALIFIC A'llONS ot her 1 oun-r Men. Within the past four years of continued prosperity, th3 National Buuness College, of Cortland, Oregon, has spat out SCORES of young men fully qualified, and many of whom are now tilling lrzh and lucraiive po siiionsmthe Banks, Count nz- Rooms ttid Stores of our State. So gre.it is the demand for Good Accountants, that Business men h tve bei n frequently compelled to send East tor as istau. e. No enterprising-, studi uis Yountr Man who has passed thro' gh the prescribed course of studies at tins MODEL COLLEGE has co p'ained for want of a situation and at g od Salary, too. Every fuiili y is here afforded for acquir ing a SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPEXSE. Every stud nt will have an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE ! After having completed the Theory, he is intro luced into a MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS, which has the effect of thoroughly familiariz ing l.im w.th all tho minntia.' ot real business. ,T! e oYn-se of. study embraces I) uhle and Single E try Book-Keeping, Commercial Arnhm'tic, Commercial Law, Correspond ence. Badness I'e imansh p, regular arid special Lectures, etc., etc , combining theory w.th practice. also, Superior advn ntages for securing a thorough knowledge of ORNAM ENTA L PENMANSHIP, TELEORAPU Y, l'HONOl-RAPIIY, 1" UKNCII, S PAN ISTI, . CEWMAN, ITALIAN. ETC. For full particulars, call at the College Of fice in Carter's bu hlinir, corm-r of Eiout and Alder stieets, (entrance on Alder) Port laud, Oregon, or send for cicular. Address ' BePRANCE JAIVIE8, PORTLAND, OREGON. Mercb 31, ls71:y t FLORENCE The FLORENCE is the best FewLig Ma dune fu- Family use, because it so seldom f-eis out of Older. If there is one in Ore gon not working well, if informed of it. I wid lix it without expense of any kind to the owtier. 19 Montgomery St., South Grand Hotel Building, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA SEX I) FOIl CIRCULARS. CTIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY PLACE. March 31, ISTlimlO THE GREAT An Infallib'.e blood PiniFiEn, possess ing rare iic and M:nviE properties a certain cure for hheimaiism, con, M t n iua i. end all kindred Diseases. s It completely restores the system when im paired hy disease, revives the action of the kidaets nnj tcxiTAL organs, radi cally cures scnortxi, silt riiccti and ail cntPTivt and (ut.wcols Dis eases, gives immediate and permanent relic." in iivsj'epsii, ervsipelas. Tumors. Boils, Scald Ilead, TTlcers and Sores; eradi cates from the system all traces of Mercurial Disease, It is Ptaciv vilcitTAni.i:,beinmade from an herb found indigenous in ci. fornix. It ia therefore picul'arly suitable for uss "by Females and Children, as a blood ri;ai. FI and IlLAOVATOH. For Sa'e by a!l Druggitts. R E B t N Q.TQ Ti , tt QSTCTTCft & QQ. agents, . 5Z0 and ZZ1 Llarket Street, Baa Frasoieco. e't 23!y .: BLOOD PURIFIERi . i ' i ., (V '':: V'VV' KEDINGTOJ,, IIOSTETTER & CO. Stop that Coughing I Some of you can't, and we pily yon. You have tried every remedy hut tl 6 ONE destined, by iis intiinie merit, to supersede all imilar preparations. It is not sufprism tr yo;i shot. Id he reluc tant to try something else uf crthe many experiments you have rnade of trashy compounds foisted on the public a a Ct-riaiu cure ; hut Newcll's Pulmonary Syrup is really the VERY BEST remedy eVer compounded for tlie cure of CougJis, VolJs, ore Throats, Asthma, IVIiovping Cough's, B.--oncAitis and. Consumption. Thousands of people in California and Oregon have been already btnejited by the surprising curative powers of Newell's Pulmonary Syrup and with one accord give it their un qualified approbat'ou. .s -.. We now ud.iiess ourselves to nil who are unacquainted with this, the greatest panacea ol tlie aire for the healinjj of all diseases of the Thiout unci JLungs, assuring you that NewolTs Pulmonary Syrup his cured thousands. an it will cure YOU. if '.you. try it. This invaluable medicine is pleasant to th- ta ; .-ooih-in?, healing and strengthening in its effects; entirely freefn-ni all poisonous or deleter:ous drus.nnd perfectly harm less under all circumstances. For Sale by all Druggists, RKDING I ON, IIO.TETlEn & CO., 5'29 and 531 Market street, San Francisco. Redingtoii's Essence Jamaica Ginger, ll'hich iV confidently recor.tnundt d as the bett pretcu tiot nolo he Jure the public. This valuable preparation, containing in a highly co centrated torm all the properties of Jamaica ('in;j-er,has become one ot the most popular !ometic r nie dies foj- all diseases of the stomach and digestive organs. As a ionic, it will he found invaluable to all persons recovering fi om debility, whether produced hy fever or otherwise; for Wiile.it imparts to the system all the glow and vigor that can be piodiu ed hy wine or biandy, it is entirely free from the reaeii'.naiy ellcets that lolfow the usp ot spuiis of any kind.. it is also an excelUnt remedy for females who suffer from -difficult men struation, giving almoGt immediate re lief to the pnsui that so frequently ac company that period. It give immediate yelicf to Nausea, caused by riding in a railroad car, or by sea s'ck: ess, or other causes. It is also valuable us an external ;:p plicat oti lor Gout, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc. Aedixctox, IIOSTETTER & CO., 529 and 531 Market street, San Francisco. Redington's F I av o r i n g Extracts APE THE PERFECTLY PtfRE AND highly c- ncenti at.-il Extracts from Fresh Fruits, prepared with great care. Thev ;'ie put up in superior sivle, and in a bottle In Iding TWICE AS M ECU as the ordinary brands of Extracts. Compar ing quality and contents, none other are near l so cheap. W henever tested on their merits, they have been ad pted . in preicrence to ;J1 otheis. and are now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS ol the Pacific Coast. MARK THE AD YANTA GES. By purchasing Redington's Concen trated Flavoring Extract-, you obtain an article not only superior in richness and delicacy of ll.jvor to a: y o her of a simi lar nature, but far mure economical, be cause each b t tie holds double the' quantity contained -: in a. bottle of any other liavm ing extract sold. -KEUIStiTOX, nOSTE JTER it CO., Agents for the Pacific Coast. Rfl. tt P. Would yon escape FEYER AND AGUE, and preserve lie dth and vigor durinsr the sickly season, make occasional use of the following as A PREVESMTGVE- If you are ATT CKED with Chills and Bilious Fever, or have been a victim to such disease. ;v d used other so-called remedies wi hout permanent iclicf, seek at once the safet and su;et CURE; by usincr, according to directions MASON & POLLARD' ANTI-MALARIA, or, Fever and Ague PUR Time has proved them thoroughlv to be the safest and most reliable remedy known. Tin y contain no mercury or oti.er mineral or etie nical. Th-'V are exclusively rege tab!e. They stimulate the f in-ions of tt,e liver. Conse-thm is impossible wh: re thev are us d. They do rno deter from daily labor, liy a sUting diee-t ion they add fl.-sh and uiu clem the fiarre. They are adapted to till ages and both sexes, aid as a FAMILY lEDSGINE Will CURE in Jheir innpienov, tfirce foiu ths t all diseases incidental to a malarious climate. For Dyspepsia, in small doses, tl.ey have ueq-.al. For -ale bj ali Druggists. ItEDIXGTO.V, IIOSTETTEK & CO., SOLE AGENTS. The Battle for Life Which is continually going on between health and diea-ii "has never received from anv medic tie such marked and un mistakable as-i-ta i e, on the siae of health, as it has fiom Newell's Pulmonary Syrup REDINGTOrf, IIOSTETTEK. & CO., 529 and 531 Market street, San Francisco .Q AUCTION AND COMMISSIClf A. 15. Ricliatfdsoiiys- AUCTIONEERd Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, General Merchan dise arid Horses, q Every Wednesday and Saturday I A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SA?k English refined liar and P.undle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steol Horse shoes, Fi!e, Rusps. saws Screws, Fiy-pans, fl.cpf iron, R.'g Iron ; . , a i.so ; A largeassortmentof (Jrocetirs and Liquor- A . I'lnuKpgov. A m i iotiper For a few cents you can buy cf your Grocer cr Druggist a rackage of SEA 3IOS8 FARIXfi, made from puro Irteli Moss, or Carrageen, which Will mako cixleen Vxuarts of Blanc Mange, and a Ii!:o qi:anlify cf Pud dingc, Custard Creams, Char lotte Eusse, &c. It is tho cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food in tho world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light ani delicate food far Invalids) and Children. A Glorious Chano ! ! TIIIZ CHEAT "WOIirD'S TOXIC. o Plantation Bitters. TSsas wosuslcrftsl ycsfeta'bld restorative is tlse &5soei-iaii-cljsr of tine feclilc mud cleiili tatccl. Ai n Co:23C airJ ecrdial for t5io aged mscl I:2:2tiid, t Im no eq-iaI anio::3S' stotn ncSsics. A3 ri ressaedy Ter- else ncrvoin wcriliaiess Co vljicli woEncn are cspecjrIIy su!7 Jecl, it i superseding every o:l2cr stinasalss. S:i till CXi kshScs, tropiCiiJ, teKajcratcf or lai-sil, it sscl as a specific iji every sisecac? of disorder wlsicSt undcrsiiinc cSsa fjodily sls eiBds jssil breaks dow n the miiitial spirals. For sale by all Druggists. rs ' OREGON CITV, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, BOOTS c SHOES, MA KB WARE; I al?o keep constantly on hand SALEM CASSIMFRES, FLA NN ELS', TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Wbich Iwi'I sell nt tlie Factory Piites, and will take wool iu exchange. 377 will iilso pay the highcFt price? for BnttiT, Eprts, and iol kinds, of gor d country produce. I will uil as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash o- us equivalent in good mcrt haiitiiblc produce. rs Give me st cuil and sati-fy yourselrca. DEER SSCSmV'flHTED. CASH PAID FOR COUNTY ORDERS. JOHN ERS. Jan. 13,1871 tf ESTAIlIIISIiEO 1849. IRHEST A. FRLANDSON, GENERAL Commission frier-chant, o AND DEALER IX o DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ESSENTIAL OILS, DYE STUFFS AND G K N h R A L M E I : qil A N DIS E. BY THE PACKAGE ONLY. O Ca-h O deis d-r Goods of every descrip tion fr.-rii this r any Fo-eijjn Market, will re. eive prunipt aiiil f.nthful .itreroiun. MINE US. MAN UFA T CICERO AND V. OLKSALK TRADE SUP' PLIED FOR CASH. Vn tif tire or attention nid to orders for goods, it' there i- no provision made for th pa merit nf tlu sau.e. Consignment Solicited OFFICE, Merchant Exchange. San Fi iincisco, California. x TERMS NET G-S1I. iN DELIVERY, "IN U. S. GOLD COIN. Package prices. " B. Cregon Propncts Solicited0 Cn Con--'gcmnt. J. EUCHTEL'S NEW PIIOTOGPAi'IlIC ROOMS, No. 01 First Street. (Second door south o his old fetand), Portland, Oregon. I AM PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL O work in n y nnc in a UJ erior mant-er, with all t he -. t. pt imj r vr n ent- :n il e -it. Nothinrr hot t;r'cla!-s wnk dore : t my r.evr j ( ALL AN EX-MIKE SiEOlHEyH, Feb. 10, l?'rt:ai3 0 ft o o 0 0 o