o a o gI)C iUrckhj Enterprise. TOWN AXn C'OfXTY. Will watC- 1- .- L'JUftgWWB School Ret-out. The following is the re Vortof the Oregon City Seminary for the term ending April 7, 1371 : ROLL OF HOXOR. Classical Departmant.-Girls-Sarih iMds. TM, ra.,fi,l,l Emrni Ciienew.rrn, n" ti Mon, erBor..-Harr,y Cmffl, Charles Ilacfcct. John'll-fl-es, Edward Holmes, Jam's Polan, James SwaiTord, William Stafford, William Whitloek. Edward Whitloek. James W arre:i, John Switzer. Edward Mazoiie. Certificates of V-nor received in t.ne cif ferent br -riches, names and number of each 'certificate rec-ived : 1st, Modern History L. II. hillock, No. .. o,Aneient History E. II. Whitloek, No. 1 j M. Warren, N't. 1. '3d C.eo "raphv Moliie J. Hcdzes. No. 1 ; Edward Ma-one" N. 2; Jennie C. Winston -o. 1 ; Ella A. Jennies. No. 2 ; Paehael L. Tish. No. 2 ; Gustina Stdlmcr, No. 2. - 4th-Sin-!e E;itrv U k keeping John 'Hedges, No. 1; Nannie C Bold. No. 1 "Rth fltronomv Annie L. U mst n, .No. 1 ; Nora Ross, No. 1 ; Fannie Bold, No. 1 ; "Jennie Roberts, No 1. Cth Natural Philosophy E. II. hitlork, No. 1 ; Nora Ross .No. 1 ; Nannie Bolds, No. 1; William Wliitlock. No. 1. 7i j'm;!MrSoi. icc Harvey Cross, No. 1 ; James Warren, N' t. I. ,th Oe.nlstry E. II. Whit lock, No. 1 ; W, T. Whitloek, No. 1 ; Edward Holmes, No. 1. 9th Z-xdosr Annie E. Winston, No. 1 ; Sarah W. Holds, No. !; Carrie E. Huusaker, No. 1. Kith Composition and Rhetoric Clara Canfielcl, No. 1. lltli Penmanship Rachael Fish, No. 1 ; Marv E. llacket, No. 1; Lizzie Hedges. No. 1 ; Eddie Holmes, No. 1 ; Kil.i A. Jennings, No. 1 ; Ionp Saftarrans, No. I. 12th Anatnrnr, I'll vsioiojjy am? Ilverene , William T. Whithx-k, No. 1 : E. II. Whit lock, No. 1 ; Eddi Holmes, No. . 13th- English Gramin ir Annie E. Win ston. No. 1 ; lone Salfarrans, No 1 ; Sarah Holds. No. 1 ; Jane Roberts, No. 1 ; Nora Ross, No. 1. Number on the roll, 53. Average daily "attend, nice, r.n. Academic Department, Rnll of Honor. Girls Laura Hell, l'li'-be Eoperlev, R ixana "Fish, Kate Fr.er. Eugene llmvarl, Lav ancha Ilaeket, II-lie Potter, Mary Sintjr, Mary Switzer, Nettie Switzer, Flora Williams Hoys Edward C-ictield. Leonard (.'bar man," Lnnq;don Caldwell. Albert Fellows, Wmadloward, Ed.wn Howard, William Je i-'nhi'-, Leandens Mmtolion . Mentor Rand til, ramre Barber, Theodore Fouls. James Barlow. Average daily attendance, 4i r Intei rued ate f'epai tmenrR '11 of Honor. Girls II sit ti e McCarver, Minnie Cochran, .Martha Fish. Ro-a Fox, Lirzie Ritzer, Amelia gliomas, Lotua Pambran, Bertriee Randall, ilattie Han.ilron, Liza Eudy. Ii..vs Archie Clarke, "James Winston, "Frank Dolan. Number on roll. 40. Average attendance, 35. Preparatory Department. Roll of Honor. JirI Mary G.irrin. Clara Bronghton, Ntllie Sm th. Lizzie Il.ias, Marv I)dau, Laura liac-tti. Rosa Bonnet, Net a M?C,rvcr, EsfeH.i Hacker, Nettie Huberts, lua Cochran, Dora IVaneis. Roys Eugene LaForest, Charles ilcDar inot. Average da fir attendance, SO. Primary Department. Roll of IT mor. TYed P.tinter, Lula Levy, Simon Selling, Frances Boelim. Total number on the roll, 02. Average at tendance, 17. Total number on lolls, 200. Aveiageat 'teodance, 173. PROF. J. D. ROBL, Principal. Teacher Academic Department, N. W. Ran:u.l. Intermediate, Miss H. I'isiekax. Ii eparatory, Miss Kats Hokakek. 1'rimary, Jh-s Azusorir Monouox. . Counutv Contr Allowances. The County Court, at its last term audited and Ordered warrants to be drawn for in favor 'of the following : W. P. Riwns 82 4.". A. Warner f! 0,". W. P. Hums $' 7o". C. Warren ).), Will 81 ) 20. It. JiradlerSll. CD. J. M. Frazer 812 90. A. Warner 81.) s.l. W. P. Burns 8C 00. Chas. Holds 8b" 20. San burn and Pascal 830 00 J. M. Fraze.- 82:) t ) 0. A. Warner S3.t) 94, Jt. Ford 81"t 50. J. II. Baker 810.") 00. J. M. Bacon 81.") To. Thos. Cfarman 83 70. A. Noltner 813 "0. Geo. II. I limes 88 1 00, I). J. Slorer $(', 00. Jas. Ofib-er 820 00, A. Warner 8 to 1.1. 11. Merrick 83 70. I). Wills 817 4f.. A. Warner 8:5 S5. G. P. Lark 88 00. E. I). Whitlow 87 To, Jas. Milne $X 00. S. Aekenn in 8." 25, . C. T.V. Pope it Co. 88 50. A. Warner SC 25. A. Wright 81 00. J. W. Palnvitier 81 00. J. D.jPalmatier 8 1 00.11 II Campbell 8 I 00. S. L. Campbell 811 50. A. Sprouts 80 GO. J. Strowbridge 81 1 10. J K. Grih.un 80 20, II. S. C. Phelps 89 40. II. Lee 810 00 J. Grim 810 no. S. D. Moore 8S 20. II. Adams 811 SO. J. Adams 811 10. M. 1). Baldwin 810 20. J. P. Bhsnchard 810 20. QS. Bailev 812 .20. S. Brown 814 80, J. S. Church" 814 40. J. Card 81C50. Z. S. Podsori 810 20. A. B. Dillev 810 00. J. Dickens 813 20. W. Emir 812 20. J. Fer guson 81D 20. A. F. Hedges 812 20. E. J?. Lueliing 81C 00. M. Miller 811 00. S. W. Moss 812 20. S T. Chitwood 88 40, J. II. Boing 82 50. S, throve 83 CO. W. L. White 82 20. Mrs. W. L. Whi'e 82 20. A. Warner 82 00. H. Davis 83 90. K. Shone $3 40. W. P. Burns 82 00. B. F. Linn 83 t20. Dr Barclay 85 00. Dr. Saffi ans 85 o) J. M. Frazer 85 45. A Warner 89 45, S. P. Gilliland 89 00. Thos. Bohna 85 00. G. It. Roork 81 Tit. J. Vancuser 81 40. P. Judd 81 00.11. II. Campbell 815 50. A. Wright 84 00. F. Pietee 84 00. II. Raw ley 84 00. J. W. PalmatitT 8 1 00. II. 11 Gampb.'ll 81 00. S. I.. Campbell 812 00, II. Rawlev 84 00. F. Pierce' 81 00. Gvo. J.arocnne'82 20. A. P.. Diilev 8i 00. F. I; harm an JO. J. F Her 82 20. Indian Mnndy 81 20. Mrs. Mundv 8f 20. J. M. Eraser 829 45, A. Warner 813 90. E. Ross $2 20. 11. Mattoon 82 20. I. Cahn $2 20. F. Cahn 82 20. B. F. Linn 82 20, Wm. Ryan 84 20. J. M. Frazer 813 80. A. Warner 811 05. F Charman 82 20, Ceo. Eorocpte 82 20. Jas. Frazer 82 20. J. M. Frazer 811 50. A. Warner 811 05, T. Montgomery 82 20. Indian Carlotta 82 20. Indian Nancv 82 20. J. W. Rvnn 20, W. P. Bunis'82 20. Jas. M. M orel -20. J. Meldrum 812 20. W. Potter 813 no 0. kriiez :S10 20. Ceo. Rho;t les 811 40. A. R. Shipley -813 00 II. C. S iwtelle 1G 00, A. 11. Sharer 81C 00. J. M. Traev i t.. 00. Jos. VosS 814 8 J. J. Walton 8'l410 D. D. Thompkins 812 4 0. W. Whiiloek 812 20. T. B. Buwen 85 00. Mrs. JWen 85 00. C. I.inn 85 00. J. Ring 88 00. W. P.Burns 82 00. IL Mattoon 83 20. II. Hedges 82 20. C. Fonts 82 20. W. Rvan $3 2D. D. Wills 83 20, Indian Nancy "82 20. J. Sehram 82 20. C. MeCue 82 20. Indian Charlott 82 20. T. Montgomery 82 20, B. F. Linn 83 20. Total, 81.705 C4. A Nl-isance. We have frequently no ticed when the cars arrive, that there are a number of young boys allwaya around the depot who jump on the train and when c1 xirly started, jump off. This is a danger ous practice, and i: lias been a matter of great wonder to us th at there has been no accidents. Parents hid better caution their children against this practice, or yy may have either a funeral or doctor bin to pay. The conductor endeavors to keep them otf. and when he says any :in ' to them, they commence throwin:; rock. It would be well for the city au lion ties to look after these young culprits. Couxtt Orders. The County Treasurer this week advertises that he wmts to pay all orders issued before the 15th ol March 1S7I. . . . lUcket, Mary lleiig -(. " r ,p! Fis;. Jlunsaker, Alice Ilnnsaker Raeh.el ILzzie K ilr, Clara Potter; -Nora u- a Se hrsz. Annie him'.., -- Kila Jennings, uui v, a Prop Ate Bcsixess. The foHowing pro bate transactions at the lsst term of the County Court, were crowded out last week: Publication of final "settlement ordered in the matter ot the estate of Francis Jack son. Final bearing set for the 1st of May. In the matter of the estate of Horace Eagle : ordered thai upon guardian filing receipts and showing' proper distributions and settlement, he and his sureties be re leased from further responsibility. In the matter of the estate of Harrison Wright; ordered that the personal proper ty of said deceased be sold at private sale. S. IluehU, insane; A- F. Hedges ap pointed Guardian. In the matter of tte estate of the heirs of M. Summers, deceased; sale of property confimred. In the matter of the Guardianship of Robert Williams, a minor; report of guard ian approved, and released from further liability. In the matter of Guardianship of Em ma and Ira Cutting. J. G. Trullinger. Guardian. Annual report filed and guard ian allowed Sod for last year's service. Remains of S. T. Cult.ch. The remains of S. T. Church arrived in Portland last Monday night, and were immeuiately taken to Salem. A large number of citi zens from Portland and this city accom panied the corpse, and we learn that the luneral was one of the largest and impres sive that has ever taken place in Oregon. Mr. Church was n man universally es teemed by all who knew him, and his be reaved family has the sympathy of a host of warm friends in their sad affliction. Patusii Meeting. At the regular an nual meeting of St. Paul's Parish, held last Monday evening in this city, the following gentlemen were elected as Vestrymen for the ensuing year : John Myers, II. L. Kelly, R. Canfield. S. D. Pope, Chas. Logus and A. Noltner. At a mee'.ting of the newly elected Ves try, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Senior Warden, John Myers; Junior Warden. II. L.Kelly; Treasurer, It. Caulleld ; Secretary. A. Noltner. Caivl. Rev. W. H. Stoy gave us a fare well call last Monday. lie took his offi cial leave from his congregation at Port land, last Sunday, and left on the steamer next week for the East. Mr. Sloy was a true and taiihful worker in the cause ot his Master, and won for himself the es teem of ail who knew him, and a host of friends will sadly miss him from our Slate. May the richest prosperity attend him wherever "Le may go. Commenced. Work was commenced on the locks last Wednesday, on the other side of the river. The company had a force on making a new road in place of the one vacated. The contretor proposes to employ v, ihi:e men on the work, and it is expected that he will employ about two hundred. A number of men hav. already arrived here set-king employim nt. Scrvi;ying Pauties. Two surveying parties left this place last Monday, for th ! eastern part of the State, to execute con" tracts received from the Government One party under John Meldrum. and the otiier under Hen. David. They will be absent about three months. Military. Considerable feeling is man ifest in this plact among the young men to organize -a military company. We hope that some one will take ike matter in hand and petition for the organization of a com pany in our city. There is plenty of good material to mike an efficient company. Concert. Toe concert given by the Oreg m City Music il Society under the leadership of Prof. McGibbeny, last Fri day ev ening, for the benefit id" the M. E. Sunday School Library, was ;i grand sue cess. The singing wms excellent, and the house was crowded to its inmost capacity. Election. The annual meeting, for the election ot Directors, of the Oregon City Woolen Manufacturing Company, will be held at their office, in this city, Saturday the 2 2d inst. Changed Hands. The Cliff House ha3 been purchased by three experienced ho tel kec pet s, and we have no doubt but what they will give satisfaction to all who may favor them with a call. Bcsy. Our street preserved a busy ap pearance last Wednesday. From one end to tire other t full force was out cleaning up rubbish which hid accumulated dur ing the past winter. The street presents a very neat appearance. Mtf.t.'.NEiiY. Mrs. While has an import ant notice in this issue for the ladies. It "ad the advertisement and give her a call. New Goods. I Selling, us wni be seen by the advertistnent. is in the field with his new Spring; stock. lie also wants wool and produce, for which he pays the high est price. Read his advertisement and give him a call. Goot) Singing. The choir at the Epis copal Church, in this city, sang very beau tifully the Easter anthem last Sunday. It is very evident that we lure some excel lent musical tallent in our city. Sewing Society. The Ladies' Sewing Society of the EpF-copal Church, meets next, Tuesday at the resideuce of Mrs. Cochran. See the advertisement of the N. P. R. R. Company if you want a contract. iiai:iiiki. April 12th, at the residence of the bride's father, in Clackamas -ou:ity, Oregon, by Elder John Stipp, Mr. Robert A. Irvi i and Ellen M. tJnbbie, both of Clackamas county. Stockholder's flseting. "VOTICi-: IS .HEREBY GIVEN THAT JN the Stockholders of the Oregon City M iinit.ictui ing Company will hold the r an miai election, at the oilice of the Company, on Saturday, April 22, lsTl. It. JACOB. Presic ent. Hotice. A T L,1l T-STAXDl.(f (Ol'XTY OUDERS - "na.Ts,M prior to March U, 1571, will be paid on pre- ntation. Interest thrrcon will cease iiom this date. H. S A F FA r, R AX?, Treasurer ot Clackamas county. April 14, lS;i:w3 REAL ESTATE EXOHANG! P0HTLAND. OREGON- DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHF" INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Ovei fiowed Lands. Far in Lands sold and purchasers obtained jui a.i Miiu ui laa icti p'Oiie tv. far r:tt .roa Lir-tTl1 11 er, r t t rt rn Ti.i.. j, .... " . - , . f''o, ana t.ties examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed with 6d'-!hv at) 1 prompt ;es. OFFICE No. 14 C .rter'a Building, corner ui .Ataer ana rront, streets. Feb. 3, 3;70:Tf New To-I)aj. MILLLBY A1I FANCY GOODS OF THE LATESTMBTYLE. RfiRS. m. E. WHITE, " CLIFF HOUSE, NO. 5, UP STAIRS. "T7"HILST THANKING THE LADY V public for their most liberal patron age in the past, she would most respectfully invite their attention to her new styles ot FASHIONABLE II iTS AND BONNETS, now on hand and just received. I) ess Making done in the very LATEST STYLE. April 14, lS71.tf 9 5VS JUST RECEIVED AT I. SSMjIIG, MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. WASTES), Kf AAA FOUNDS OF WOOL, fr tJUUUU which I will pay the hi-het market price. ALSO, TRODUCE of all kinds bought, for which I pay the highest market price. If you desire erood Gooils, at LOW Prior a, call at I. SELLING'S, ana examine bis fresh stock of Spr.ng Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mv Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. I. SELLING. April 14, lS71:tf BAILK0AD LETTING. MIRTH PACIFIC KAILRO.iS 25 MILES. EALED TROrOSALS will be received until noon Wednesday, April 2'", at the Lngmecr s Othi e, in Poi'dand, IJiegon, lor doing the work on Twextv-five iln.Es, from Kalama northward. Grading, including such grubbing as may yei re main. Pilb-trkstlk and other trextie work. . KmnoKs (f-ur, from 100 to 200 feet span). Laying Timcx. The work will be arranged in subdivisions, not less than tive miles. Parties can bid for one or more subdi- visi ms. Woik to be commenced forthwith after al lotrnent, and finished tieml of 2" miles by the 14ih, ot October, and sooner on tlu southern ei d of the line. The Company h ive some Pile drivers, im plt men's, etc , which contractors can take at fair valuation. Plans, spi'Ciiications, etc., may be se n, and further explanation i; veil at. the oflice o! Tuom s I! Mounis. Enf ncer of the Pacific Division, in Poitlank, o.i and after Monday, April 17. By order of President, J GREGORY SMITH. W. MlLXOR POBKIlTS. JviUineor-in-Cli:ef. Portland, Oreg m, April 12, tS71:tl New Goods ! New Goods ! I. CAUFIELl) BEGSAVKTO INFOI M TE P URL1C i hat he has n-titte.l the old stand, corner Aia:n and Seventh Sts., Oregon City, and has tec ived an entire new stock of goods, con sisting of nilY GOOHS, GROCERIES, CHOCK Lit Yt GLA SS WARE, WOOD EX WARE, and a general assortment of everything in our liae. Thankful tor past f ivors, we stil solicit a share of the ttolic patronage. Country Produce hiken in exchange for uoods. 43:lv JOHN II. sen RAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, HARNESS, etc., etc. 3Ijtin Street, Oregon City, y Wishes to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish any article in his line as the largest establishment, in the State He particularly requests that an examination of his stock be made before buying elsewhere. Grammar School. THE ROAi; D OF TRUSTEES ORGAN ised for the purpose of establishing the a ove School, would respectfully announce that they h ive engaged the services of Mr. S. L. POPE, as I rn'ilicr for n t.ir,ii .l six montli3. the School vyill oen on Tues day, the 3d day of January, in the mom lately occupied as tue " Enterprise OUt c." All the usual lir.i nr.lipa enmr, r-i; n,r tl. ough English, Classh al, MatbemK; ical and r....,... .l 1 :ii i... i , . vuiniuc: v,:u i i ' i (ii ion win oe i a u . ii i. Application for admittance, terms, ,Vc, to tie made to the Teacher. Hours, from 9 a. m. to 12 m., and from 1 to :5 t. m. PJSGHT SCHOOL. The undersigned will tonr.nencn a Niffbt School on Tues lay even rig next, January "d, in the Grammar School Room. Hours. from ij.V to t. S. D. POPE. Oretron City, Dec. 20, 170. tf BAI RESTAURANT. LEON DoLOUSY, Prop'r, LATE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE MIX STREET, OHEGOX CITY, OREGON'. ' I -lli IJ. IM.I01UA l-U 1, Yi- ff. 1 spectfullv announces to his vN( r j' 1 .- ..':.. i. - Vt.. 1 iiieutts nou me iitte oiii ji ti.ic, that lie lias re-opened the above named Restaurant. The proprietor know customers with Oyst-is. i cup ot Coffee or a SQUA 1 Oregon City, Jan. 27, i how to serve his ia's Feet, a good RE MEAL. ON DeLOUEY -;i:tf Final Ssttlsmeht. In the County Court, Clackamas -('ounty, Oreann In the matter of the Estate : A raneis J ackson .1 ifcJARAH A. JACKSON, THE ABMINISTRA " trix of said Estate, havinir filed her accounts and vouchers tor final settlement in the Court aforesaid, and the Court having ap pointed rue ist ,1 nf Ar ,,- t..i-Tii nf s:i t I'nurt. in 1S71. toi the ex;Vinination of th.e same, all persons are r.o- titiel to tiic their exceptions, it they have any, Wf jre said dav. SARAH A. JACKS IN . Administratis. JOHNSON k MeCOWN. A'ys. nr.rTtv Oregon L.olge No. 3. 1. O. ot O. b'. vv. Meets e.ev Thursday even gjsl in.? at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow'.- i. nan, s eet- Members of the Order are invited to attend ti.y o- r. x. C Willamette roclire Nn- 1.1 I. O. Meets evt rv Saturday evenmcr, at the roo. 8 S.E. corner of M .in and Fifth streets, at 7 i 2 i Jr' lslur-, members are invited attend. By order cf TV. C. T. .1. ii. UiGOUviALUc CO. wmm cr sis rr - J7. -1 igij-Zg Li ii, ck 4, .-j-.:! t. c r.ttcntcon c'Pc2ir,r3 t-j t'.ir-.r Iarir-1 r.p -.-ac'itc t ' N'givlv Arrivtti " OtcUs, .-oi; pc,.,j .art of t';c f-.tlcwiiiit srttclp? t::.-.-t Pr v rv t:-.! T:"rt- 5r. a rM Mtrphcd WliOIJ.. SALE liKUti .3TOP-I . rxvsn TJrrr.s. j Titfitv-s Fbejai;avN-' ?iTc.f Mkuictnt-s. i)r.rniiTS' bfsEii-.-'" l'SVPSt?R& SrpPOKItSS 1 SHAKE': IlEIliE, KssEXTtAV Oils, I 1 eek rMEr.i r. , 5sitO!i3K OfLi i'I.V-.S 2X1) OILS, Which we off r r.t the lnvrcn Cas'a 1 tIccr, and are detcrmiricd ri.'-t to be u::ea re , :'.. R. n. HcDONALD C CO., C-.i:,' l iixciscc, Cal- F0R SALE. OUR DRUG RUSINESS locnted in Fan Fra isco, Cal. After our best wighes, and expressing our thanks for the liberal pat ronage we have received for more than tiventv-.one. years, dining which perio'd we have been steadily eng-tgtd in the Ding ful ness in California, we beg to say in eorse quence of tlie rapid growth t f Dr. VVulktr's (ali'orii'a Yinejar R tteis, n iw spread ver the United States and cornt tes f.r l)ey nl, w e a re nei essit ted tj. ceV .te t ur entire time to said business. We are - he O d:st Drug firm on the Pacific Coast and the only one, continous under the jsame proprietors since 1849. a-ut have de le, -mined to sell our 'arre, prosperous, and well e-tablished business on favorabl terms. This is a rate oppoi utility fa- men with meaus of entering into a profitable business with advanta-res never b -fore offered. Fo- particulars enquire o' r. h. Mcdonald t co.. R. ILMcDon ald. ( U h de.-ale D uc;i-ts, J. C. Spkxcer. I Sati Eranci'co Cal. N. R. Until a sale is made w- -sh dl con tinue our importations and keen a larce stock of fresh o isIs constat tl- on hand, and sell at prices to de'y c mpetition. The Great Medical Discovery! Dr. WALKER'S C -HUFORUTA VINEGAR BITTERS, ia Hundrcd3 cf Thousands f" 2" Bear testimony to their Wonder- c n iui uurauva fc.nec.t. s? a. WHAT ARE THEY? 2 TIIEY ARE rOT A VILE 0 - ' 5 F A NCV DR! I K,pf? Made of Pool- Ruin, Whiskey, Proo! Spirits and Itcfuse I.inuors doctored, spiced and sweetened to please the taste, called "Ton ics,"" Appetizers," " Restorers," AC, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from thcju'ativ-: T!oots and Herbs of California, free from nil Alcoiit'lic StiuiuLiuis. They arc t'.ieCUEAT LOI PITKIFIE1C nncl LIFEtilVINli PIIIN- CI PLE a perfect Henovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring- the Dlood to a healthy condition. Iso person can take these Litters according to direc tion and remain long unwell. For Inflninmutory nml Chronic Ilhcn- malisiti nml out, Iysieisin. tie Inui" Creation, Iiiliots, IJemiiicitt nml luter mitienl Fevers, Diseases of the Itlood, Liver, Kidneys, and lilatltlcv, these Hit ters hava been most successful. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated IJIood, wliich Is generally produced by derangement of the. Dim-stive Orjrans. DYSPEPSIA OR IXDIGESTIOX. Headache. Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Ead taste in the Mouth Bilious At tacks, ralpitr.tion of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain iu the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off springs of Dyspepsia. They Invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of un equalled efficacy ia cleansing the biood of all impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR S Iw I X I ISEA8ES, Krnptions.Tetter, Salt Kheum, Blotches. Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, King-Worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a Bhort time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pim ples, Eruptions or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and tha health of the system will follow. PIN, TA PE and other WO lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle. J. "WALKER, Proprietor. R. Jt. McDONALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Cal,, and 32 and 31 Commerce Street. New Vork. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ASD DEALERS, eb. I : 1 840,000 WORTH OF BOOTS and SHOES COMPRISING- ALL THE LEADING California & Eastern MANUFACTURES. For Fall and Winter Wear. A eon hand and h in r constantly replen ished at the Philadelphia Boot Store, 113 Front Street ami 131 First Street. JOHNS. ICAST. N. U. Ladies and flcnt'emcn's Boots at;d Gaiters made to measure. I)e-. t:tf Citation. In the nflatter of the Estate of Thnrnas Roork Inanf. 'IIEREAS, AX APPLICATION IIAS been in ade by Archrou Kelly, Guardian of the Estate of Thomas ltoork. insane, for a lietn -e to -1I curtain reil es.aff V-loir-rimr to said ward, in ( 'hik inias county, Oregon, to defray Lis expense in the Insane Asylum. Take notice, to all r-f-r-ons whom it may cot -cern, that an order wis made by the Oo'm y 'ourt, settinir apart the 1st day of May, A. I., 1S71, for all interc'.el persons and rioxt of kin. to appear and show cause, if any there le, why said application should not le anted o iii Gu irdian. By order of lion. J. K. Wait, County Jud-c. J. M. FRAZER, County Clerk. CHAS. E. VVAItREX, Att'v for Guardian. Oreson City, March 20, IS71:wl Partnershiis fidtlco. I HAVE APMITTKD L. ACKEKMaX AS a full p.ntner iu my business, S. ACKER. MAN. Orepon City. March lri, 1S71:w4 .t;ultiioina)i Ijortue No. 1 A. F. nn-' A A. Ilohis its regular c mnum'ca- ,tions on the Fir-t nn4 'Ihbd Sntur r(Ittj in each month, at 7 o'c!o k from ibe 2oth i f Se'tt--niber to the 2"tli oi March, and 7i o'cio. k from the 'ioth of March to the 2"th ot September, bietli ren m good staadin? are. invited to attend. Dec. 2,1570, Ur order of W. M. v x t , ni r, " I f ? c 4 - a C3 - X P-;" iii K l r w s. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY", miVERSITf OF CALIFORNIA, TO YOUNG MEXt TO YOU RELOXG THE .FLTTTJRE OF ou Leautitul and, fast 4 rjwinpr State. Suoti the shrill wiiiutle.of tP,3 IitON HORSE, is be comes tmoking across this great con tinent, drawing after hirn the rich pnducts of the Nation a ealth aud Industry, will announce the "GOOD TIME COMING," when Oregon's own Sons and Daughters will be e illcd to till the new avei.ues id Busi iiess. Everyone should prepare for aa ACTIV3 BUSINESS LIFE. Great changes have been made in the com mereial affairs of Orciron in a few vrars, What the developeinents f our State will he 111 the lutui e, is a quetto-i wtiicli depeti'.ia noon the BUSINESS QUALIFICATIONS cf her Young Men. Wkhin the 1 ast four years of continued prosperity, the National Business College, of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES of young men fully qu ilified, and many of wiium are now ruling litgii and lucrative po sitions in the B uiks, I'ount nx- Rooms and Stores of our State. So gre..t is the demand lor Good Accountants, that Business men hive be n frequency compelled to send East for as ist am e. No entei pricing, studi-us Young Man who has passed tbroi.gh the pre.-.cnbt-d course of studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want of a situation and at g'-od salary, too. .. Every fatuity is here afforded for acquir ing a SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPEXSE. Every student will have an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE 1 After h-ving c mipleted the Theory, he is intro iticed into a MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS, which has the effect of thoroughly familiariz ing bint with all the mini. tue ot ival business. The i ourse of study embraces Double and s-ingle E dry Book-Ke pinr, (yomuierci.il Arithmetic, Commercial Liw, Corrcspond i nee. Bu-iness Puainansh p, regular arid special Lectures, etc., etc , combining theory w.th practice. t AT.so, Superior advantages for securing a thorough "knowledge of ORNAMENTAL PENMANSHIP, TELEGRAPHY, PHONOGRAPHY, FRENCH, SPANLsII, . . GEKMAN, ITALIA. ETC. For full particulars, call ar the College Of fice, in Carter's budding, corner of F.ont ind Abler stieets (entrance on Alder) Port land, Oregon, or send for cicular. Address DeFRANCS &. JAB1ES, PORTLAND, 'OREGON. Me'r,-h 31, l71:yl 5 MaLclaiues The FLORENCE is the best Pewitrg Ma chine for Family use. because, it so seldom gets out of Order. If there is one in Ore o i not working well, if informed of it. I wLI fix it without expense of any kiud to the owner. 19 Montgomery St., South Grand Hctel Building, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA SEX!) FOR CIRCULARS. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY PLACE. March 31, !S71:ml0 THE GREAT mm An Infallible blood puniFiEn, possess, ing rare xo.ic aDd sxrvixe properties a certain cure for nHttMAtisM, oout, MA ii vi.fci v. and all kindred Diseases. . It completely restores the system when im paired by disease, revives the action of the ki.et and i.i-mtIi. ontAs, radi cally cures scnoFitA, salt iir.i-n and all Enirnvi: and u tam ocs Dis eases, gives immediate and permanent relief in dyspepsia, erysipelas, Tumors. Boils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; eradi rates from tie system all traces of Mercurial Disease. ... It is n aELT VECETAniE, bein made from an herb found indigenous ia Cartomh, It is therefore peculiarly suitable for tise by Females and Children, as a blood pt:m. FIEn sod nEAOYATOR. For Sate by !l Druggits. REBtNGTQN, HQSTETTER & C3. AGENTS, 5D and C31 llarket Ctreet, Gaa rraaasca,' act 23ly v , ,, h., .. Ill REDINGTOIS, IIOSTETTER i CO. Stop that Cmiglrtng ! Some of you can't, and we pity yotj. You have tried every lemedy buttle ONE de-tined, by its inti hwc ih'efi?; to supersede ad !-imi!ar preparations. It is not surprising you should tie rchif tnut fo try something else at er the many experiments 3 0U have made of trashy etnnpuuiids foisted on the public as a certain cure ; but Weweil's Pulmonary Syrup is really the VERY BEST remedy ever compounded for the cure of Cvughs, Chld. Sore Throats, Atthma, IVhoopixg Coughs. Bronchitis and Consumption. Thousands of people in California and Oregon have been already, benefited by the surprising curative powers of Newoll's Pulmonary Syrup and witlj one accord give it their un qualified approbation. We now address ourselves to all who are unaequ noted with this, tlie greatest panacea. of the age. for the healing of all diseases of the.nrout mid Luugs, assuring you that Newcll's Pulmonary Syrup h is cured thousands, and it will cure YOU. if yoi try it. This invaluable medicine is pleasuv to the la-te ; -ooth-ing, healing and stiengthening, jn its effects; entirely free fu m all poisonous or deleter, 011s dnus.iind perfectly harm less under all circumstances. For Sole liy stll Druggists. RE1HNG ION,. IIOTEl lER & CO., 5'2'3 and 531 Market street, San Francisco. Rcdingtoii's Essence Jamaica Ginger, ff 7dch :V confidently recor.imer.th-d 0 s the best prepai tion. now before the public. This valuable preparation, containing in a highly concentrated form h!1 the prcrpeKties of Jamaica Oinger.has become one ot the must popular domestic r nie dies fur all diseaes of the stomach and digestive organs. - '. As a tonic, it will be found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; f jr. Yi ile.it imparts to the system all the clow and vlgoj- tb.it . can be pi educed by wine or brandy, .it is entirely free from the reactionary etlects that follow the ttso ot spuiis of any kind. It is also an excelKnt remedy for females who suffer from difficult men struation, giving almost imieediate re lief to the !-pi!sm that so frequently ac company that period. Itirive- luimedjat e relif f to Nausea, caused by j iOng in a railroad car, or by sea sick ess, o other causes. It is al?o valuable iis an external pp plicat 011 fur Ooiit, liheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc. KEUI.GT), IIOSTETTIilU CO., 529 and 531 Market street, Sau Francisco. Redingion's F 1 av 0 r i n Extracts A!!E THE PKRFEOTLY PURE ND highly c .ncer.t rat-d Extracts from Ficsh Fi-.iiis, prepare! with great 1 aie. Thev 're put up in superior st ie, and in a bottle b. Iding TWICE AS MUCH as the ordinary brands of Extracts. . Comparing quaiity. and contents, none other are nearly so cheap. W henever tested on tiikir Merits, thev have been ad pted in preierence to -A otheis. and are now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS of the Pacific Coast. MARK THE ADVA XT AGES. Bv purchasing' Ttcdington's Cohcen . trnted Flav. ri ng Ea 1 1 act.-, veu obtain an article not only superior in richness and deliCiic ot tl ivor to at-y o her of a simi lar n.iture, but. far more economical, be cause . encli b ttle .ludds d' ubb- the quantity contained in a bottle of any ojjier flavoring extract sold. KEDIKUTON', Ill)STEITE & CO., Agents for the Pacific Coast. fl. & P. Would yon esc.ipe FEVER AND AGUE, and preserve he dth and vigor durintr the s ck!y reason, make occasional use of the following as A PREVENTIVE. If you are ATT CKED with Chills and Biliou- Fever, or have been a victim to such disease, ai d used other so-called remedies without permanent relief, seek at once the safest and surest CURE, by usinr. according to directions MASON & POLLARD' ANTI-MALARIA, or, Fever and : Atrne niU: Time has proved them thoroughly to be the safest and most reliable remedy known. Th-v contain nc mercury or of er mineral or chemical. Th"y are exclusively vege table. They stimulate the f in. tioi.s of the liver. Congestion is impossible win re thev arc us d. They do n t deter from daily labor. Py a sisting dieestion t l ev add flesh and mu cle 10 the fi arre. They are aitapted to all agvs and both sexes, and as a FAMILY FEDSCIWE Will CURE in their incipiency, three fourths of all d seases in- idental to a mala, ions climate. For Dvspepsia, in small I dose-, they have no equal. For sale by all Druggi-ts. REDIXUTOX, IlOSTETTE II & CO., SOLE AGENTS. The Battle for Life Which is continually going on between health and disea-e, has never received from any no dicme such marked and un mistakable assi-tauce, ou the side of health, as it Las fiom NeweM's Pulmonary Syrup ttEDIXCTOr-r, IIOSTETTER. & CO., .I29 and 531 Market street. San Francisco. 1 AUC T70N A JVD COMMISSI O A. S. Riciidtdoii AUCTIONEER! . Corner of Front and Oak streets, PerUani. .... AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, General MikrcbaB- dise and Horses, livery IVedvesdat and Satvrday A. B. Rickarcson, Auctioneer AT PniVATE.SAtS, English refined Par and llundle :IroW. English Square and Octagon Cast stel Horse sbes, Files, Rasps, saws ; . Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G Ir9n ; . .. . .also : , A largeassorfmrtt of Groceries and Liquor' A. R. XXicxt Afii)sn-. A it-ttVvnf.fr Xij iMXiW Uti). . uxmm rftc 'm For a few cents you caa hujm cf t)ur Grocer or Druggist a fackageof SEA MOSS FARINE, made from pare Irish Moss, or Carrageen, whlcli ivill malio clxlcen quarts of Blanc Mange, end a like nrsaTitirv nf Pml- 1 rf ---0 dings, Custards, Creams, Cliar- lotte Eusse, &?. It is tlid clieapest, healthiest, and most0 delicious food in the world. It mates a splendid Dessert, and has 110 equal as a light and 0 delicate food for Invalids nd Children. A Glorious Change ! ! THE CHEAT WORLD'S TOXIC. o Plantation Bitter. Tliis "woaiderfnl vegetable0 restorative is Hie slaeet-u.11-chcr of flic feeble and tlebili tled. Ai :i tonic and cordial for tlie aged r.iul languid, ft Iis 120 equal among stom achics. As a remedy for the Bevvoas weakness toJ whicli jvbsnesi arc .especially subr Ject, it is superseding every other stimnlant. I si all Cli majes, tropicai, temperate, or ft-iid, it iscl as a special in every' species of disorder which ti2?lcriasae jlie bodily strength and breaks down the animal piril. For sale by all Druggists. A..y. .... jo,o:1i q p OREGON CITY, OREGOZi"', RETAIL DFALERS IN BOOTS & SHOES, I also keep constantly on hand SALEM CASS I II F R E, FLA SS ELS. TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which I.will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. IFT will also pay the highest prices for Purer. Eprsrs, and ail kinds of good country produce. I will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash o- its equivalent in good merchantable produce. Give me a call and satir-fy yourselves. DEER SKINjTwAHTED; CASH PAID. FOR COUNTY ORDERS 5 JOHN 31 VERS Jan. 13,1871 tf ESTAEIIISIIEli 1849. LR.EiT A. FRLANJSON, GENERAL Commissicn Merchant, AND PEAlER IN DRUGS, CHEMICALS, essential oils. dye stuffs and -gkneral m bcchandise. by the package only.. Ca-h O dei s lor Goods of every decripj tion fr- m this r any Foieigu Market, wiil re-eive prompt and faithful attention. MLNEIIS. MANUFAf TUKERS AND WHOL 1 ;S A L F.. . I li A ) E S UP PLIED FOR CASH. No n'-tice x utt"ntion pa d toOrders fr goids. if there no prVldih made Ar the pa merit uf the same. Consignment Solicited." OFFICE, - Merchants Exchange.' San Fruncisco, California. TERMS NET C SH, ON I)ELlVJE.BY,.il IT. S. GOLD COIN. Package prices.' N B. Oregon Propucts Solicited Consigcm&nt. Ja". 27:tf J.EUCHTEL'S NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, No. 01 First Street. (Second door south of his old stand), Portland, Oregon. J AM PREPARED TO EXECUTE ,ALL X work in my line in a superior .marner,' with all the lt st improvement-' in tr.e aitJ Nothing but fir-!class woik done s t my new anu it ji . iiccni r ou s. at low rr qe.s. C ALL ANiEX ilLNE SPFClMBNS. O feb. I,lsn.tn5 o O O