The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, April 14, 1871, Image 1

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VOL. 5.
AY, APRIIi M, 5.871.
jVO. 23te
eljc'lUcckln Enterprise.
Businessman, the Farmer
And the FAMILY UKLisM,.
OFFUJUln Dr. Thesbiiifa Brkk Building.
Single Copy one year, in adraDce,
.12 50
Transient advertisements, including all
hval notices, y sp of I '2 lines, I w.$
2 50
For each sub.-,eiut;itin.seii,ion
One Culuitin, one year
Half " '
I,) i.trter " "
Badness Card, 1 square one year. .
1 00
$10 00
. &TS Remittance to be made at the risk o
Subscribers, and at the expense of Agents.
tt- vhf office is supplied with
J- o ,,.tifnl annniiw! stvll'H of tVUC. Hlld 1110(1-
m HcilIVF, I'RKSE. which will enable
the l'ropi letor to do Job Punting at all times
Neat, Quick and Cheap !
fi- Work solicited.
AH Il't-tine tt-u.txuctins upon a Specie baxte.
Attorney at Law,
Oregon City, Oregon
Importer and Dealer in
Orrgon City, Oregon.
At CharmaoS,- ll'arnrr'i old ."tat, d, lately oc
cai'ud bj S. Acker man, Main street.
Tx - .
OFFICK-Iu Odd Fellows' Temple, corner
of First and Aider Streets, Portland.
The patrfnajr of tlio-e desiring superior
operations is in special request. Nitrous ox-idr-
lor the painless extraction of teeth.
I'f" Ai tilicial teeth "better thau the best,"
ami a cheap as the cheapest.
Dec. 20: tf
Dr. J, H. HATCH,
The patronage of those desiring first Class
Vyerat'fns, is respectfully solicited.
Satisfaction in all cases ruaranteed.
X. U. Xitrvus Oxyde administered for the
Painless Extraction of Teeth.
Office In Weitjant's new building, west
side of First street, between Alder and Mor
rison streets, Portlaud, Oregon.
"Live and Let Live."
Oiegon Cit , Oregon.
SURGEON'. Portland, Oregi n.
OFFICE Odd Fellows' Temple, corner
First and Mder streets Residence corner of
Main and Seventh streets.
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Practices in State and Xj. S. Courts.
O Vice X. 108 Front Street. Portland. Oregon.
0;:p site MoCormick's liook Stoaa
Established since lS4!,atthe old stand,
Miin Streit, Oregon City, Vmjon.
An Assortment ot n ateties. Jew
elry, and Seth Thomas' weight
Clocks, all of which are warranted
to be as represented.
Repairing done on short notice,
ind thankful for past favors.
City Drayman,
All orders for the delivery of merchan
dise or packa-zes and freight of -whatever des
Vsription. to any part of the city, will be ese
V; itel promptly and with care.
( DeHtfehes Gafthaus.
&o. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam
ship landing, Portland. Oregon.
Board per Week 5 00
" with Lodging 6 on
" " Dav 1 00
re-on City, Jan. 13:tf
Eastern Oregon-
We take the followinjr doscriptire
sketches of Union and Umatilla counties
from the Jlouidain Democrat ot the 22d
uxiox COUXTY,
Although much has been said of the re
sources of other counties east of the Cas
cade Mountains, great injustice has been
done to Union county. Even in the re
port o! the L ruled teta'es L--mrniasionjrs ol
il ninx Statistfcs. west of the Rocky Motm
tains, we find that it has claimed but a
small portion of bis atlention. lie merely
mentions the lact that such a county, of
considerable mineral ana agricultural re
sources, exists east of the Cas'caOe Moun
tains. That LTnion county is one of the
most productive counties of Oregon will
be established beyond the shadow of a
doubt. He!- chief source of wealth is of
an agricultural nature. There exists how
ever, quite an extensive auriferous dis
trict in this county. The principal mining
camps are located in the Eagle Creek
Mountains. Metals of various kinds
namely, gold, silver and copper - abound
in these mountains. When these nines
become opened and developed they will
perform no inadequate part of advancing
the interests of the people.
Notwithstanding the mineral resources
of Union county are very extorsive, her
agricultural facilities lar exceed them,
llcr pasturing lands are simply imperial
in area, and the grass growing upon these
lands is of the most riutricions quality.
Horses and cattle will fatten upon it in an
incredible short time. The soil of the
farming lands is of the most prolific char
acter. Vegetables of every variety are
cultivated, and fruit also has been culti
vated with considerable success. The
United Staes has yet to produce a better
country for raising grain. Water lacili
ties are of an extensive nature, and timber
is in great abundance. Mountain streams
come rushing from dark ravines, bearing
with them alluvial washings which help to
increase the fertility of the soil. The clim
ate, which is an important feature, is sa
lubrious and healthy.
The population of Union county at pres
ent is not so numerous as it will be as
soon as its vast agricultural and mineral
resources become belter known. It is
moving steadily on in the path of progress
to wealth and prostvnty. 1 he slumber
ing 'resources of mountain and valley will
awaken, union county wan its uense for
ests ana picturesque mountains, its ue
lighttul valleys and fertile plains, is des
tined to become the banner county of
Oregon. The time will come when its
vast extent of pasturing lands will be cov
ered with herds of horses and cattle, feed
ing upon the far famed bunch grass; when
its remarkable water facilities will furn-
sh power for manufactories of all kinds.
ind when many wealthy and populous
cities will spring up.
In the point ot natural resources, there
is no county in the Ea.tern portion of the
5tate more wealthy than Lmatilla county.
The extent of its agricuhurl land is nearly
unlimited, and in the event of the Umatil
la Indian Reservation being thrown open
for settlement, it will boast of an extent
of farming land lliat would sustain a
irge population. The soil is very rich.
and of the character that will last forever.
l'he amount of small grain it will produce
to the acre is about : Wheat, forty bush
els; oats, seventy-five; bailey, eight'.
Vegetables grow well, and all varieties
flourish in a manner that speaks loud iu its
ivo; Desides, it presents many lin.e op
portunities to stock-raisers, and its endless
roiling hills furnish abundant pasturage
for innumerable herds of cattle and horses.
At the present time this branch of industry
is very profitable to those that engage in
it, and it will continue so for many years.
The climate is very fine and healthy,
and sickness very rare. Many immigrants
that have settled in the county, who were
afflicted with disease cf the lungs previous
to their locating, have been cured by the
climate, and now advise others ill with'
lung affections to visit their country and
find relief. I
Hut Umatilla needs population, and like i
the other counties of Eastern Oregon has
many resources undeveloped, that, put in
operation would increase its wealth to a
great extent. Though the likelihood of
an outlet by railroad in a few years is
growing stronger each day, and it is
thought that, in i:self, it will bring the re
lief j) rayed for. it has an outlet at the pres
ent time sufficient to satisfy all demands,
in the Columbia river, if it bad lie popul -tiou
to develop its wealth. It needs pop
ulation as much as a raiuoad. for a rail
road would only bring that, in the end
that would add to its prosperity. Popu
lation would come faster by railroad, but
it is no: the lacking of a railtoad that pre
vents the county from rapidly increasing in
wealth. It has a natural outlet, bat not
the people to build up a flourishing trade
with the outside wor ld.
Too Poor-
Moore, of the J lured Xew- ITorJc
cr, was sitting in his oiTiee, one
afternoon some years ago, when a
tanner friend came in and said :
"Air. Moore, I like your paper, but
times are so hard I cannot pay for
"Is that so, friend Jones ? Ptn
vtry sorry to hear that you are so
poor. If you are so hard" run I will
give you mv paner."
"Oh, no! 1 can't
take it as
'Well, then
, let's see how we
can fix it.
You raise chickens, I
lit V.
"Yes, a few, "but they
bring anj-thing, hardlv." "
Don t they ? Neither does my
paper cost anything, hardly. Xow
I have a proposition to make to
you. I will continue your paper,
and when you go home you may
select from your lot one hen and
call her mine. Take good care of
her and bring me the proceeds,
whether in eggs or chickens, and'
we will call it square."
"All right, brother Moore;" and
the old fellow chuckled at what he
thought a capital bargain. Ho
kept the contract strict fy, and at
the end ot the year found that he
paid about four prices for his pa
per. He often tells the joke on
himself, and says he never has had
the lace to say he was too poor to
take a paper since that day."
Modd Farmer.
Bontwell Refuses to Pay his Income
Tax in Groton.
From the Grotnn .Mass.; Public Spirit. I
Many of Secretary Uout well's
neighbors and townsmen have been
at the course he has taken on the
repeal of the income tax law. lie
has opposed it persistently and ob
stantly. Now nobody who knows
Mr. Uoutwell bcl ieves that any
thing but pure selfishness, and not
public spirit, lies at the bottom of
this movement on his part. He
undoubtedly thinks, that by pay
ing 'off largely the public debt, he
will so engraft himself into pop
ular favor, so as to by and by
be able to ride successfully the
presidential horse. Would" that
we could believe that our old
townsman was animated by a high
er motive; but we connot. And
no man in Groton, who knows Mr.
Eontwell well, will ever be made
to believe that he ever acts, except
as influenced by selfish motives.
At home Mr. Eoutwell has had
an opportunity to pay a State and
town tax on his income as Secre
tary of the Treasury; but has he
done it? Tl i e la w rep u i res t h e A s
sessors to assess a tax on the in
comes of the citizens : and our phy
sicians, lawyers and others have
been assessed this tax and paid it.
Hut when the assessors called, Mr.
lioutwell, who was in the receipt
of an income of
as Secretary of the Treasury, and
asked him if they should tax him
on his income, replied "No!" and
they did not tax him- Now, sauce
tor the goose is sauce for the gan-
ler. Air. IJoutwell likes to have
everybody else taxed, but he don't
want to be taxed himself This is
one ot the wrongs ot taxation
which the "Junction" has hereto
fore submitted to. Let it be right
ed in our town. Let there be no
respect of persons. What is right,
is right. It as a printer, we nay a
tax on an income ot one thousand
dollars a year, to support Town,
County and State, why, as Secre
tary of the Treasury, should not
Mr. lioutwell pay on his income of
eight thousand? A grievous
wrong has been done to the poor;
and he who is champion of a Gov
ernment income tax, dodges the
tax tinder the Statute law of his
own State. Mote's the pity.
A Reconstructed Court.
The Savannah. (Ga.) 1l:puLUrtn
thus describes the opening of the
District Court down there, of which
one Jim Simms, a mulatto fiddler,
is Judge :
At the hour named, Jim took his
A. 1 . 1
scat on me west enu or a very
large table in the grand jury room
of the Superior Court, which had
been placed at his disposal by the
ordinary. On his right sat in
solemn and satyr dignity and
black as Erebus and loud as fish
guano. Several other darkies cau
tiously gathered about the door to
see how the thing would be "did,"
and opened their eyes and ears as
if to catch the mysteries of the law
as promulgated by the immaculate
Simms, who sat, and sat (waiting
for the appearance of the Sheriff
and Clerk and District Attorney),
until 1 he "purty nigh took root,"
no Sheriff or Clerk or District At
torney appearing. Jim looked in
to the code, which (a brand new
volume) lay before him, then into
the recent Acts of the Legislature,
which he held before him. Having
become satisfied upon the legal
points in the case, he directed a
yellow negro to open the Court,
who proceeded to the grave task,
saving :
honerbel Distrik Court am now
open ; God sabe dis honerbel Dis
trik Court."
Court being thus formally opened,
at the Acts, at King Thomas and
at the Deputy Constable, and then
commenced writing, as we after
ward learned, orders to the Sheriff,
Clerk and other officTs to appear,
produce the jury-box on to-day,
the Sth instant, or showing cause;
why they should not be attached
for "contempt. The Court t hen ad
journed, and Jim took up his code
and his Acts, and vacated the seat
with the dignity which would have
graced a Kichefieu. Judge Schley
had refused to grant an injunction,
to which the bar resorted as a legal
restrainer upon Jim Simms. The
officers, however, having taken
legal advice,will act upon that ad
vice, and thus bring the matter to
au issue direct.
Good Counsel. In any busi
nessj never wade into water where
you cannot see the bottom. Put
no dependence upon the label of a
bag ; and count money before you
receipt for it. See the" sack opened
before you buy what is in it; for
he who trades in the dark asks to
be cheated.
Mark Twain's Trials and Tribulations-
I arrived in New York a few
days ago, and instinctively took
rooms at the Astor House. To be
sure, I had no money to pay for
them; but why think of pay if we
are only good? I have always
made it a rule to have the best of
everything, even it I am obliged to
get trusted for it. This sterling
maxim was instilled into my mind
by a kind father; and who shall say
that gray-haireu old man is not
proud of his orphan boy ?
now that I find it very difficult to
make b.oth ends meet and lav up
money besides. I had not been at
the Astor more than one day, when
the clerk brought me my bill. "Is
it customary," said I, "to pay by
the day ?" "It is with men of vour
stamp," he replied. "What "kind
of stamp do you take me for ?"
said l. ion looiv like a two-cent
stamp." he replied, "mighty thin.
v anvnouy snouiu wet it once
you'd stick like thunder. lint
don't propose to try it. You either
pay this bill or get out! Have
you got the money? "My estim
able young friend," I replied, "you
have probably heard of Dr. lienj.
That eminent physician was atone
time in the proverb business, and
did a good thing. He said among
other things, that 'time is money.'
Now, I hav'nt got any money, but
as regards time, I am in affluent
circumstances, and if you will re
ceipt that bill, I will give you a
check for as much time as you think
equivalent, and throw you in a
couple of hours for your trouble."
but from the lact of a poiter com
ing up immediately thereafter, re
moving my trunk to the sidewalk,
and hustling me out after it, I in
ferred that I wasn't considered a
financial success.
"Say, Mister," said a small boy
with a v ery long coat, and cap with
considerable visor, "don't tear
yourself away." "Oh you let him
alone," said anothet
sent for him." Oh,
lis mothei
w o 1
Id thou art
I immediately called a hackman,
and told him to take me to a cheap
but repectable hotel. "And the
cheaper it is the more respectable
1 shall consider it," I added.
lie drove me to the Excelsior
House, and I told him I was under
A GREAT OBI, It; A 'I'll N
to him, and if at any time I could
do him a favor, I should feel
grieved if he didn't speak to me
about it, tor mv proud snirit snurns
an obligation.
"If you don't fork over that dol
lar," said he "there'll be a funeral
in your family, and it won't be
your wife, nor none of your chil
dren !" "lint I'm busted". If meeting-houses
were selling for two
cents I couldn't buy the handle of
a contribution box."
lie swore at me awfully, and
said lit; would have it out" of my
trunk-so he bursted it open.
lint the contents of that trunk are
far from valuable, for I carry it
tilled with sawdust. It looks just
as respectable, and in an emergency
of this kind is valuable.
I will not say this hackman
looked daggers at me.
with a backroom full of bayonets;
and as he mounted his box and
drove away the air was fully blue
with oaths. He got off string af
ter string without making a single
mistake, and he must have had the
devil's dictionary at his tongue's
It fairly curdled my blood to
heir him swear such awful swears.
I afterwards heard that this
hackman was always very wicked
and would not go to Sunday School
when he was a little boy; but when
his mother put on his cap with a
tassel on it and gave him a cent to
put in the contribution box, he
would go otf with the other bad
boys and pitch pennies. Is i: any
wonder that he is a great horrid
thing and uses oaths when he
swears ?
Character. The differences of
charactrr are never more distinctly
seen thau in times when they are
surrouded by difficulties and mis
fortunes. There are some who,
when disappointed by the failure
of an undertaking from which thev
had expected great things, make
up their minds at once to exert
themselves upon fate ; others grow
desponding and hopeless; but a
third class of men will rouse them
selves just at such moments, and
say to themselves, "the more hon
orable it will be," and this is a
maxim which every one should im
press upon himself as a law. Some
of those who are guided by U,
prosecute their plans with obstin
acy, and so perish; others ho are
more practical men, it they have
failed in one way will try another.
A Ci. ila Falls Six Stories.
The Louisville (Ky.) Xedycr of
March 14th relates this remarkable
incident :
Yesterday afternoon between 1
and 2 o'clock a number of small
children were playing upon the
fourth floor of the Gait House, and
one cf them, Freddy Giles',
of about nine years, son of J. Giles,
of the linn of "S. T. Suit & Co..
Mam siicvf. ?ct vMi Second and
Third, taking advantage of the
remporary absence or his nurse,
! dimled upon the hand-rail of the
staircase and attempted to slide
down, but lost his balance and fell
to the floor of the laundry room,
six stories below, had a distance
of between 90 and 100 feet.
The stairway is in the northwest-
i teni '-' r of the building, and is
, il windirg stairway, built lor the
! u.muhujuo m- wvmu
ana aiso as a means ot escape in
case of fire, additional to the broad
flight of stairs an elevator in front
of the building. There is a space
of four feet in width and ten feet
in length between the railings of
the stairway, extending from the
roof to the ground floor,and through
this narrow, deep well the body of
young Giles
An examination showed that on
the staircase of the second floor, a
distance of about thirty feet from
the point from which the lad fell,
his body first struck, breaking off
a portion of the molding of the
step over an inch in thickness.
The fall was then unbroken untill
the floor of the laundry room, TO
feet below, was reached, where it
seems that Ins head struck one of
the bannisters.Jwhich are nearly two
inches in diameter and of hart
wood, breaking it in two.
The children whoalone witnessed
.1" f-t,
tins ingnuui rail, ran screaming
for assistance to the nurse. Col
Johnson, the manager of the Gait
House, was the first to hear of tin.
MM . 1
occurrence. l ue parents or the
unfortunate boy were seated in the
dining-room which was filled with
guests, and Col. Johnson,
succeeded in getting them out of
the room without creating a scene.
A physician was immediately sum
moned, and with Col. .Johnson pro
ceeded to the laundry room, which
is two floors below the office. I here
at the foot of the railing was found
the bruised and mangled body of
little Freddy. lie was uncon
scious, but strange to say, still
breathed. Upon examination it
was found that both ankles were
broken, and that one arm was
broken in five places, and that he
had received a severe cut m the
back part of his head. His injuries
were dressed as speedily as possi
ble, and in a few hours he recovered
his consciousness, and last night
at a late hour was still alive, with
a possibility of ultimate recovery.
Another Radical Row -Disgraceful
Scenes in Congress.
lien liutler and Speaker Blaine
had a terrible row in Congress last
lien, it appears, had written a
letter in which he alleged certain
reasons why he refused to serve on
the "Committee on Southern Inves
tigation," and not content with
this, he fiercely assailed lilaine the
Speaker of the House. A. Mr.
Kellv, in rising to explain, referred
to this letter and the ball opened.
The Speaker descended from his
chair and gave liutler a terrible
scoring. He denounced lien, as
not only indolent, but guilty of
falsehood, treachery, deceit utteiiy
unworthy of the confidence of gen
tlemen, "liy and by the gentle
liutler got the floor, and for a short
time was unable to speak so great
ly was he enraged. His- face was
livid; he champed his bits like a
horse and foamed at the mouth
like a mad dog. So soon as he
could command the language he
opened out on lilaine in his usual
beastly manner, but it was evident
that the Speaker had sunk his ar
rows deep and the great monster
writhed in agony.
It was a disgraceful scene from
all accounts, and has no parallel in
the annals of this country. The
decent Kepublieans who witnessed
it were overwhelmed with shame
and begged the gladiators to desist,
but thev were determined to light
the battle out.
The result of the fight will be to
widen the breach between the
Grant and Sumner factions. The
cry now is "war to the knife and
the knife to the hilt !" Let them
ovi it ! T-l.r.
In the Sulks. Chicago is in
the Milks because a young ladv has
presumed to lecture it on marria'T
and divorce, when she has tried i
neither. She is told that there are
any number of people in Chicago
who have tried both.
Voice from Washington-
From the Daily Patriot.
It is with no assumption of au
thority that we claim to have the
ability from this central point,
whence certainly much politcal
suggestion radiates, of ascertain
ing the prevalent Democratic sen
timents of the land. That senti
ment, shaping the hopes and the
fears, the 'plans and .policy of the
future, we strive honestly to rep
resent It is entitled at least to
this eoniderajLi, that it is tinged
by no personar or local influences,
and free from that bias which
often, in the most innocuous form,
mere neighborhood creates. Never,
in our judgment, was the future of
the Democratic party, comprising
in that organization all the ele
ments of discontent with Radical
misrule, brighter or more, assured
than now. It has thus far been
the result of extremely judicious
conduct, as well as of causes, out
side its strategy, for which adver-
saries deserve the credit. The
utter and blank disappointment of
the popular confidence in an Ad
ministration which came into
power with such pretensions, is, of
course, one large element of pub
lic feeling just now. As a mere
machine of party, it is a dead fail
ure, and the shrewd men of the
Republican organization not only
have no faith iu it, but stand off at
a distance, as if not sure what mis
chief the ill-regulated, dislocated
contrivance may do. Presidents
freaks cannot lead parties'. Presi
dents with passions such as was
Andrew Jackson may, for they
were noble infirmaties. I jut, when
the dull, impassive nature of a man
in high executive station seems to
make no ripple, no motion, but
such as a paltry -personal prefer
ence implies, it is not to be won
dered at that he has no influence
with masses, or, outside a narrow
circle, with men. When, too, it is
seen that the circle of favoritism
becomes smaller and smaller every
day, and the agents within it are
compacted in a sort of military
and family gray, a dark suspicion ;
enters the minds, even of professing
friends, reluctant to admit mere in
tellectual torpor, that the intensity
or seinsnness wnicn sacrinces
party may ripen into something
that will sacrifice the country. At
this moment there is a dark sus
picion in hi ore hearts or brains than
one, that ir me ivxecuuve nas ins
way the means are blindly sup
plied him such as bayonet elec
tion laws and the machinery of
coercion he means "to certify
himself again," at any cost. lie
.-,'.1 T ' I" 1-
this as it may, there is discontent
and .alienation and suspicion, all
conglomerating in the one word
" disappointment."
Then, too, aside from the short
comings of what may be termed
jcrson)(d of Republicanism, there
is an enormous accretion of
strength in the disgust and weari
ness of the general mind at the per
sistence ot certain men and factions
to whom the President gives
countenance in a policy of intol
erance and proscription to the
South. This is operating with
effect, not only on the intelligence
ot the North, out on the bouth
itself. When they. Radical South
ern Senators and Representatives,,
not sure of their places, but heart
sick at the thought of the actual
misery around them in their,
adopted or native homes, come to 1
Northern men and ask, as in the
case of the impoverished "loyal
ists," for succor and sympathy, and
ire coldly repelled with the asser
tion of some fanatical or economi
cal dogma, whither can they, or if
not they, their constituencies, drift
but into opposition? Thus is it
throughout, and thus is the Democ
racy invigorated by an actual ab
sorption of the strength and nerv
ous force which, as it were, is ex
uding and ethereahzing from,
morbid, demoralized Republican
ism. This being so, what is obviously
the policy, and is the policy, the
duty of Democracy ? Its duty, in
the first place, is its discipline.
We are encamped before an in
trenched enemy, and must make
our approaches the more cautiously
since there is mutiny, or, at least,
murmuring within. A strict in
vestment, a moderate famine, such
as even an economical minority m
1 1
Congress can apply, and shells.
lextrously thrown at some weak
salient, is our strategy ; but no
rushing forward of restless, ambi
tious leaders; no hoisting of Presi-
lential flags on our ramparts for
the enemy to fire at; no explosions
of impracticable ultraisms; no
Dutch Gaps or Petersburg mines
monuments ot maiviuuai auiu.-
tion and no wasting ot resources
in attacking an impregnable po
sition ; no biunaermg ami .-..j
n-ty Cold (Coal?) Harbors.
Drooping these military and un
rrino - enial
from this center, in plain English,
to impress upon our friends, near
and at a distance, the necessity of
toleration as well as vigor ' of con
certed action everywhere, which
can only be attained by avoiding
extremes; the obvious policy of,
keeping wide open the doors, of
party organization, and showing
to the disorganized, discontented
masses of our o'p'p'onenjs.. outside
that within, there is not only iVa
mony, as there is, but magnanim
ity, and generosity, and welcome.
But, aboyell, to bring these
generalizations to a point, let uk
avoid not only any committals pf
the pfrty to preferences for the
Presidency, but for a time the dis
cussion of individual merits. .it
can do no good. It may do infin
ite harm.. This we say, who are",
literally and accurately speaking,
conscious of no preference. .We
have no candidate, and intend, -to
have none, but the nominecof the
National Democratic and Conser
vative Convention, whoever he
may be. Let us first direct our
energies to the great work of organ
ization, and of exposing to th,e
country the usurpations and cor1
ruptions of the present party in
power. Strong as our ranks are
with men lit to be leaders and
worthy to carry the flag forward to
victory, this is not the opporturte
moment to consider their claims'.
It may be prudent, perhaps, in
view of events to be developed
between t'ns time and the meeting
of the C n vent ion, to postpone
the well-recoghized merits pf men
who now occupy much of the pub
lic thought. Who can venture to
predict what events will happen
within the. iiext year ? Impro
vised candidates are sometimes de
manded by a public necessity, and
it may be that the name is not
yet breathed of him who, in 1872;
is to lead the willing and co-opera-O
tive array of a Democratic organi
zation into tlje conquered or aban
doned stronghold of the enemy.
Trimming. One of the most un
mistakable indications that the
Democratic party is soon to be re
stored to power is the fact that the
so-called independent napers are
assuming a decidedly Democratic
tone'. For the past ten years the0
"independent papers" have beeifciri
active sympathy with the Radicals;
but now we find them changing
front, and charging all the ills of
the nation upon the party they
have so long championed. The
Sacrarn.ento Union. a representa
tive of this class of journals, and
has a record for thorough-paced
Radicalism that will compare with
any avowedly Radical paper on the
coast. Lately, however, .the tone
of the Union is changed, and so
decidedly Democratic is it in its ut
terances that it is a common thing
for Radicals to denounce the Union
as an apostate and convert to Dem
ocracy. In the same lead weP
find the San Francisco JJulletin
formerly an ultra-loyal sheet, but
now strongly tinctured with Dem
ocracy., These papers are the
"straws which show which w,ay
the wind blows." Their editors o
have no fixed principles, but trim
their sails to catch the popular
breeze, and seeing the Radical ship o
hard aground, they veer about and.
hitch on to the good, old ship
Democracy'. Their trimming is an
unerring sign that the Democratic;
party is "soon to sei'ze the helm of
government, and so, like the rats0
they are, they desert the sinking
hull of Radicalism- W. W. States
man. . D
Why this Secrecy ? The Treas
ury Department, in Democratic
days, published an "annual account
of the receipts jfnd disbursements
of the Government, and gave the
name of each person who received
public money and for what pur1
pose the money was expended:
This custom wns itrauurated ill
1791 and continued until 1866:
Since then it has been discontinued:
There can be no reason assigned
for this, unless it be that the Radi
cals dare hot let the people know"
what has become of the immense
sums of money that has been year
ly wrung from them by the tax
gatherer; So much for the party
of progress; thev dare hot expose
their villainy to the public eye.
Particular. A beggar who
asked for a coat at a. clergyman's
house handed back One slightly
worn which was offered him spy
ing "Madam, I want a coat that I
should not be ashamed to wear iri
the daytime.
Geo. II. Pendleton is named
by a number of Ohio papers as the
next Democratic candidate fot
Governor of Ohio. It is stated
that he will accept the nomination!
and that his election is certain.
Gushing Description. A poet
describes ladies' lips as "the glow
ing gateways of pork and potd-
May Be. Cabbages are saia1 td
act on the brain. On the princi
ple, my be, that one head aHecU
O -