o 0 &essssm o l)c ilfcekln Enterprise. x TOWS AM COUXTV. CocrTY Cockt. The fo'lowiag are the County Court proceedings of the April term Judge Wait presiding: J. P. Bino and others pct.!:onocJ Mr toe location ofaroa 1, commencing at the road tingle post or stake at the vve-t end cf W al ;Wsml Itinfto-R lanes then !ne east or.e ifcaltmi'e; thence due sout,, to the ."ter.-ec- tion of the Oregon ( lfy road. A. stum, A P. Beebe arid J. K. Maylield were appoint ed viewer?, to meet on the ith mst. The report, of the viewers to locate a road from J. W. Pahnatieis to Abel Matoon s, was read ilr.-d time ami repor t tiled. ' The report of the viewers to Inrate a rta' from Harding's mill to S. Ram.-dou's, was read tirst tune and tiled. ..The, viewers ar.pointed to locate a road lr-m the M. B. Church, in Heaver t'reik pre cinct, filed flieir report, which wart read tlrs' t.me, T. Chitwood, J. K. i;.nn:- and aniuel Crone, win were appointed to assess df.majres, reported that the road was of no damage to S. V. Moss. i The following rates of ferriage were estab lished for the lerry o: .J. M. Mo .re, on me Willamette liver : Foot . pa-ci!gers H cent-. ;man and horyt? '25 cent-; wami und si fin at horses or cattle, ro cents: each additicnal horse or ox. 10 cent?; one horse or bug-v, 87i cent; cows with or without calves, H fiits; c.iives, not with math-r, 5 cents, horse, sheep, or go its, each, 5 cent-, eac h 100 pounds of merchandise not in a wam, each. wuv. f cent-. Report of Isaac Frost, of Road district ,N'o. 30. lad over from last term, was ap proved and frost allowed 12 for extra ser vice. Report of J. II. McCubbin, supervisor of .rod district No. Pi, Was approv, d and h'T allowed 27 3-i for extra -ervice. t'enj. Porter was appointed road super visor lor district No. 41. i Joseph Wal on was appointed supervisor of r ir.d district No. -to. V. .1. Kendle was appointed supervisor of road district No. 51. John Meidrum, W. .V. Buck and James McNamara. were appointed vn wers to locate a road irom G. V. Walliou's irate, in Oswego precinct, on the reuret route a'jross the new bridge on Soccer Creek, thence on Ihtjjnost practicable roi.te to intersect the C'-mftv road h ading foni Aurora t- Oswego. M. G. Wills was i oinibiirsed in the sum of for money j aid by him on account ol road damages ai'jinlged against him. Thrad located iron, J,.hn Tattle's to the Molalla was declared a county hisihway. The road located by th viewers from ,T. "W. Pahnatiars to Abel Mattoou's declared a publ.c highway. . The roud looted by the v'ewer from Harding's pasmre to S. Ransuon's was de clared, a public h'ghway Isaac b'rost, super- sor of d 'strict Xo. :l.", was ordered to h.no the lloor of the b' iilire across the Molalla on the State road re moved foithwith, as said bridge had iieietu lore been condemned. Henrv Will was appointed to itopiire into the condition and care ol A. Limb, rr.a county charge, and report to the next term of Court. Richard Bn.dlcv wns appoint d to exam ine the bridge on' Mill Creek, and e his renort at the net tvnn of Cout. He was also appointed to inquire into the car of Jamcs'Si.Cl rr, a cotnty charge, and repoit the E:une at the next term oi CVii't. Piihard Rradley was ajipoin'ed to vi-it and ascertain the coud.t on of Rebecca May, a ountv charge, and lepoi t at next term wnetlo r Lafayette May lscoinplung with his agreeoient.. "The taxes on Spencer Hal', at Milwai-kie. on petition of J. W. .Schv I, John Myers atd T.A. SeShvuod. showing that said nail was us d for educational put poses, were re. cinded S. 1 Johnson was allowed -an cxem;.-t:on from his taxes to the am-anit of s. ;.),. EiigeJie La forest was a! owed a redaction on F.Vs taxes to the amount of3?i,;n. Robert Maso-i was allowed a induction on his taxes to the amount o t ' ?-V ai. The She ill' was al lowed one mou th further ififre in which to make Lis dclii.q :ent tax repoi , , Wears unaMe topablish the allowance tiiide: by the Coin t i.t tiiis t- rirt. We shall ?;'ve tJiem iii (h tiii! next week. Grammar Scnoot . Tl.e first quarter of this private school, under the tlciice of Mr. S. D. Poi e, assisted by Miss Mollie Harlow' cbfcd last Friday. O a Tlr.o-sday th- re was a special exami nation oi piies oll'ered b ur citi'' n-, whii li were awarded by com inittees appointed fir the purpose, and on Fndav ttie q'l uterly exam n at ion took plaC". The schidais showed a inaiked linjirovement during the term, r.nd the patrons of th school are hiuhiy pleased with 'hi prog ess in their .studies. Tie aveiage attendance during the pi titer was 4 wh lo tn ue rave been enrolled 5"2. This is an eMdence that a select high school can be su-tained in this place, niil we art truly t-iatitied it the suc cess with which the school li.is met. The jiccond quarter c inmenet d last Mocda-, with increased prospects success. We prom ised last week to give the nane's of those who were aw -riled special prizes, but have rnmduded r.ot to make this di -t i .:ct ion. as i manv cases the cente-t was s close b tween a numoer of the contest ants, that taeie was th;ub!s in the min is i f the committees as to whom the prizes sho .Id be awarded. Sutlice it to say that the sel.t dai s all did w II, am the -examination was u ere it, t them and Iheir teachers. We wish th; scho.J abundant success, -is it is vrell worthy of tin support of our citizens. Pkki lvK.cii;iKi A deed was recorded fn the County Clerk's ofiice, in this city, on they'll) inst. cxeetitcd by M. S. Lath am. F. I. A thert on i'ml H'tn. Xorris. Trus tees, and Hon. Ilnlladay. President ot the Oregon anl Cali'onna Uailroad Conipnny. to all acquired lands, am) all that may liereifter be acquired, all franchises, pat tMits.kc. to lam's belonging to said Oregon ami California Uailroad Company, or that may hereafter belong to said Ctunp any. to the European and Oregon Land Comp any. Joseph S. Wils m. President, nt the rale of Sl per acre tor each and every acr'c. To Commi-nce. Woik wi l be commenced cn the Locks in the course of, a couple of ,Mr?eks. - The contractors ami engineers have been engaged daring the past week in mak ing the prt liminarv ai i augements. Tie; i says that the cont factor will use. the celebrated diamond tl i i Is, the suite a lhost' used in the boring of the great St. Cenis railway tunnel through the Alps, and Which exceed any driils ever invented, j TUyr-y ate driven by machinery to make l.luo J revolutioiis a ininut-, and thev b ee through I ttie hardest p'CK at tlt-r rato ot troni twelve to twenty feet au hour. Last Lectvke. The lat lecture of the course for the benefit of the Good Templar's Library Association, was de'ivered last Wednesday evet.mg, by Rev. Mr. Lindsley, of Portlaru', Tht,rC was u very Urge au hence present, and the lecture was very interest ing ami instructive. The entire course of ll.vse lectures were well attended and the so.-iety has realized suliici- tit to make quite a start towards their library. Robbed. Two Indians and a half breed robbed two Chinamen last S-mJay morning of soma money. We are u t informed-as to the amount they got from them. It was a daring piece of business, as it was perpe trated in plain view of town. No a. rests have been made. urxAw.vT. -v mine te m, auacnet: to a wagon, took a spin up cur street la.-t Mon day morning In front of our ili,e, a ma 1 who was driving an ox team, attempt, d to stop them, but it w?s no go, when he took after them and caught the lines an I shopped the destroyers. That man can omnia any mule team we ever saw. T- . . Examination. We acknowledge the re- " t ceipt ot an invitation irom 1 rtsf. K-mb, pr'nciple of t'.e Seminarv, to hive been 1 present at the quarterly examination ye--t'-rday. We regret that- our time v,;s oeeu 2 pie.', so as t) prevent our attendance. The school u-:der Mr. Robh is well spoken of aad it' patrons nre well pleased with hiai. Troi:t. Col. White caught a mountain trout last week cf extraordinary size. It was about twenty inches in length, and had bright-red specks on it. The Col. always catches them v. hen be goes angling. rERSONAi".. We have been favored with crlls during the past week from E. U. Hicks, Esq., and Mr. Painter of tl.e firm of Painter Bros.. San Francisco; and Mr. W. E ITmtoii ot the Mercury. Joseph Teal, Esq., and Judge A. E. Wait were also ia town. Catu;?. We have received a package of nfty visiting cards, with Ihe Compliments of Mr. W. ri. James, ot the National College, at Pordand. Thy are written, in a manner that is truly superior, and are fully as heat as a printed card, Mr James writes vis tin" cards with pen or pencil for $2 per box of' ft ft v cards. Salmo.v. Salmon ars beinsr caught in large quantities- this season, at this place. Last week, so w1" are informed, one person caught Gl in an hour. Accident. A little irhi, about three years old, dangh er of Mr. Xoon.fcll off a trestle la-t week, fracturing the collar-bone. The little sufferer is doing well. The Bai-hst Ci;.RCti. This building is commencing fo assiim? quite an appearance, The frame is up and if the weather continues good, we may soon able to chronicle the fact of its complet ion. Imtrovemext. Mr. Leon Delouey, pro prietor of the Bnrnum Restaurant, has been repainting his building and putting up a new awning, which has added greatly to the appearance of the place. (loon Friday. Theie will be service held at the Episcopal Church this morning, at 11 o'clock, being Good Friday. On. Sunday next, being Easter, there will be ttprropriate services. Concert. There will be a concert given by the Oregon C ty Musical Society, at the M. E. Church, this evening, at 7k o'clock for the benefit of the Sunday School Library of t eM. E. Church. 'I he public are requested to attend. Admission fiftv cents. IxTowx. Deputy U. S. Internal Assessor, Eyron Cardwell. E-q., has been in town dur ing the past week, attending to business for Mr. Moga;i, the Assessor of this district, who is ton busily engaged at Portland to en able hint to attend to this eontv. Ch xge of time. The P. T. Company's l.ioats now leave Portland for this place in the n oni ng, at 5 o'clock. There is n change in the other arrivals and departures. RuTt'itNTn Dr. Weh h returned home last Tuesday from a professional visit to Shoal water Ray and Astoria. He met wi li splendid succesi. and will be here , next week to attend to his teothaching friends that may need his sci vices. W ill A muvE - -The remains of the late S. T. Chun h will arrive in Portland abo next Mon-'ay. T.-e Masons and Odd Fel lows d' Salem have appointed cornmittees to receive the remains, and will be hurried under their charge. Sitwixt; Society -The Ladies" Sewing Society ol l!i Episcopal Church, meets next Tuesday at the residence of Mrs Cochran. 1840 W 18 70 1 H l 44 i ?c tri-jf.t Fam.;- ?Iclifiue of tlc A-e. TII1IM V YEARS Have e'nps;),.1. since the intro duct'on of the i'ain Kil, r t the public, a id v. t, at present it is more popular ami comman Is a lcrge, -.ih: than ever efoi e. Its populariiy is not con fined t tlrs mmatr alone; a 1 over the wnild its hem filial effects in c uing t ie "ills that f'esh is he r to." ase acknowledged ami appreciated, and as a I'ain kii.llr its fame is limited t no counry, sect t n r i at e. It needs only to be known to be piised. TitiRTY Ykaks is certainly a long enough lime to prove the ellicaey of any medicine, i-t'd that the rain killer is deserving of all i s propri.-t'us clai.n tor it, is amply proved by the unparalleled popu'ariiy it has att lin ed. It is a st-RS ami kff.-:ctivb remedy. Sold by all lr; g-ists. Price 25 cts., 50 cts., and .1 )er hot ale. Diiections accomoanv each bottle. 'UST RECEIVED AT MX1N STREET, OliEGON CITY. Tf you desire good Goods, at LOW Pric s, cill at I. SELLING'S, aidexamne his frc. h s.ockof Soring Goods. April 7,ls71:tf RESTAUR A N T. LEQH DoLOlSEY, Prop'r, LATE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE MIX STREET, OREOOX CITY, OltEGON'. UNDERSIGN E D R E- ss .L spec fully announces to his j 0 frientl' and toe t. ave'.ing p ib.ic, N' that I e has re-opt neJ the above named Restaurant. The proprietor knows how to serve his cost oners with Ovsteis, Pig's Feet, a good cup ot Cod'ce or a SQUARE MEAL.- LON DicLOUFY O.-e-r City, Jin. 27, ls7!:tf His EstubUthid FOll THE MA.XLTACTOhY OF FUIIZV ITU HE, SASH, BIROS AND EGQHSj AND MOULDINGS OF ALL S 7,rA. Tlev wi I also do TURN ING, of ev rv I descriptii.ui to order, i j With Lieatcess asd Bispatcl . o j ALL WOllX WARRANTED. c',.-., .,n t, , r?;r.. i...t- r t'""!1 " "oci, ine. oi .wKcrmnn s St. .re, Oregon City, Oregon. FTJHniTUREWABER00r?I3. I have opened a Finishing room in Dr. ! 1 e.e-sing s ii iciv, under t'-te old Clet k's offi e i where 1 am prepared to fnrni-h all articles i of my mannfac'ure, at as low a price as can ; be micch ied ia Oregon. Constantly on : hand all kinds oi" furniture, and what I hare i not, w li be ma !e to or.h r, on shmt notice, j Gi-p me a call and exaaiine my stock. Oregon City, July U:tt TO YOI'IG MEX I TQ YOU BELONG TITE FUTURE OF our beautiful and fast prowin-r State Soon the shrill whistle if thi I ROX i6h.SE! as he comes smoking across this great con tinent, drawing affer-him the rjeh product of the Nation's Wealth and Ladustry, will announce the "GOOD TIME COMING," when OiT-gonS cvrn Sons and Daughters will be.c.uled to fill the new avenues of Rusi ness. Everyone should prepare for an -ACTIV3 BUSINESS LIFE Great changes hare been made in the com mercial affairs of Oregon in a few vears What the devrdopentents of our State will L in tUe f tture, is a question which depend ripen the RUSIXEd QUALIFICATION of her Young Men. Wiihin the past four years of continues "prosperity, the National Buciness College, of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES of young men fully qualified, and many of whom re now tilling h gh and lucrative po sitions m the Banks, Count. ng-Rooms und Stores of our Stale. So great is the demand !0r Good Accountants, that Rusincss men have bet n frequent 'y compelled to send East for as istan. e. No enscrrpriirg," studious Young Man who has passed f.IiTor.gb. the pre.-cribed course of suiuies at ill's MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want uf a situation and at good salary, too. ' Every facility is here afforded for acquir ing a SQUMj business education in the shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPENSE. Every student will 'nave an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE! After hr.ving c uni let-d the Ti e3iy, he is intro iic. d into a MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS, which has the effect of thoroughly familiariz ing him With all li e mini tue ot real business T .e course of sti.dy embraces D u le and Single E dry Rook-Keepin r, Commercial Ar.ihmctic, Commercial Law, Corr sp ud-i-nce, Business Pe iinansli p, regular and special Lectures, etc., etc , combining theory w.th practice. AT SO, Superior advantages for securing a thorough knowledge of 0 R N A 1 I E N T A L PEN M A N S 1 1 1 P, TELEGRAPH Y, PHONOGRAPHY, FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN, ITALIAN. ETC. For fu'I particulars, call at the College Of fice, in Carter's budding, corner of Front and Alder stieets, (entrance on Alder) Port laud, Oregon, or send for cicalar. Address Be7RANCE a JAIS23, PORTLAND, OREGON. Merch 31, l-Tliy I r LO The FLORENCE is the best Few ing Ma chine f r Family use, because it so seldom gets out of Order. . If there is one in Ore go a not working well, if informed of it. 1 will fix it without expense of any kind to the owner. 19 Montgomery St., South Grand IIot;l Eullding, SAN FRANCIS DO, CALIFORNIA SEX!) FOR CIRCULARS. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IN FVERY PEACE. March 31, lS71:mlU mmm4 ill 1 1 I IS.I i" 111 ill ,i Oll, IC.Mv.-i, IJl Dr. W -ndei ful, or any other man, fras dis covert! a remedy tint t ur?s Consumption when the lungs are half co isunied, inshorr, will cure ad diseases wheth rof mind, bodv or e-tate, ma e me a live forever, and leave death t' pbiy for want of work, and is de si m d to make our sublunary sphere a bliss ful Paradise, to winch Heaven it-cl f shall be but a side sli-iw. Y'u have heard enough of that kind of humbii ggerv. Rut when ' I ttll you tlv-t Dr. Sage's Catanh Re uedv rrlll pos'fivd; cure the worst case of Cat u rh in the Head, I only as-ert thnt, which thou sands can testify to. 1 will pay reward tor a c.sethat I cannot cuie. A pamphlet giv ng svmptorns and other inf irm ition sen five to any ad iress. T a- lemedy is . SOLD Y MOST DRUGGISTS IN ALL PARTS OF Til E WORLD. Price. oO cents. Sent by ma I. postpaid, on receipt of sixty cents, or four packages f r two dollars " Beware ol ccntd rf'nl and wort.')!? imii ifi'iri?. See that my private stirap. which is a ti'ive guard nt?? of (im iiim is upon the outside wiapper. Re member t hat tir-s private stamp, issued by the United States Government exprcsslv for stamping my medic ines. has rny portrait, name and address, ana the words "U.S. Certiririite of Genuineness," engrave a upon it. and need not be mistakeu. Don't be swind'ed by travelers ahd thers represent ing theniselves as Ur. Sage ; I am the onlv m in now living that has the knowledge und rig it to manufacture the Genuine Dr. Sage's atari h Remedy, and I never travel to sell this medicine. . R V. PIER'"E. M. D. febionrl U Seneca stree Uufla'o, N. V.' Stockholder's meeting "V'OTICR IS HEREBY GIVEN TH T toe s-tockho'ders of the Ore-on C'itv ! :,,,ut .ctarmg Cm.,anv wiJ1 hold the r an- o.-Y V . ' 4 oiUc oF tlie Com paiiy, April lit l. R. JACOB. Preskent. .-iJtrCii i , i ; 53 if 1 vr'-r D :zo: wooyootsis, m m r.fr.-rd- 1 la'-jr arscr .t i" ' Newly Arrived " t -eoi . cr p'-scit ... i r i t .e i-e o-i::r arric.tt- tt! -t .rr n t rv led -r Jtort n a v-il fv.i jIIjcl VIiJ I.t : Tn.r.FN's rrEi.T!..T'f j l"'M noliTS hl jiDElEsl iTEXT 'ISOlClS'fl, Et-SSKS& sn'I'OilTEIl? .SSRNTIAF. '!Ls, vEiiosnxii Oil, c II K K 1'ekitsieeifs, Prists j.si Cup, weft CcsU rrices. &nd Viiicawe otrer rt tre .re deterir.Jncvl not to he ui.de rtoid. R. H.iicDOXALD a CO., 6.x Feakciecc, CAT FOE SALE. "UR DRUG BUSINESS located in San -"rancisco, Cal. Alter our best wishes, and xprtssiiig ouf thairks for the liheial pat onai;e we have received dr more than wenty-one years, during which period we ave been steadilv Engaged i the Diugbu--:ess in Calif rni wo b g'to sav in corse- uence of the rapid gi ovrtli of Dr. Walker's an orira inear l t:eis, mw si)re:'Q over the United states and ountiies far beyond, we i re ne essitated to devcte c ur entire time to said business. We are he Old st Drug firm on the Pacific Coast and tl.e only one, rontinou under the same i roprletors since 1810, and l ave de te.tninel to sell our arget prnsperous. and well e-t abli.-hed business on farorabl terms. This is a rare oppoitunity 'for men with means of entering into a profitable business with advantages never b-f'ore offered. Ko' part xulars enquire of r. ii. Mcdonald & co., R. II McDonald. ( W h -k ale Druggists, J. C. Spkncer. ( Sao Eranci-co. Cal. N. B. Until a sale is mad; we shall con tinue our itnpoi tat-ons and keep a large stock of fit s'i :o t-ls cciistantlv on hand, and sell at prices ty tle'y coinietition. The Great Medial Discovery! Dr. WAlLXErS C LiIFOHNI A VINEGAR BITTERS, -ia Hundreds cf Thousands ... .... . -'--5 . xsear testimony to tnir wonaer- lul Curative iuuects. k sr w 3 C Z ' WHAT. ARE THEY ?g :'E S THKV ARE 'UFA N C Y fJ EC Made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Prot Slirits and Refuse Liquors doctored, spiced and sweetened to please the taste, called " Ton ics,"" Appetizers, Restorers," tc, tliat lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from t'ac Native Roots and Here of California, free Irnni nil Alcoholic Stimulants. They arc the GltEAT 11LOOI) PUItlFlKlt and ,IFE(;iVIX(i l'UIN CI TliE a perfect Renovator and Invisorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. Ko person can take these Bitters according to direc tion and remain long unwell. For inflamm:.! ory and Chronic Klicn mr.tisui nnd -oul, I)ysic:ia r Iudi Siestiou, ISilioiiN, ICcuiitteut ami Inter mitteiJt Fevers, Diseases ot" the Itlood, liver, liidnej s, a nd Itladder, these Hit ters have been most 'successful. Such Dis eases arc caused by Vitiated Hlood, which is generally, produced by derangement of tho Ditrrsti vc Org-ans. . DVSI'KIVSIA (tU, lXDlOESTIOX, Headache. Pain ia the Shoulders, Coughs, Tisilit ncss of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, T.ad tastu in "the Mouth Bilious At tacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off springs of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of un equalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. Fflll SKIN DISEASES, F.rnptions.Tcttcr, Salt Rheum, Blotches. Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-AVorms, Scald-IIcad, Sore Eycs,Erysip(dasvltcli, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and DUeascs of the Skin, of Whatever name or nature, arc literally dug up and carried ontof the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. " Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin inTim ples. Eruptions or Sores ; cleanse it srhen you find It obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and tho health of the system will follow. PIX, TAPE and other WORMS, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle - J. WALKER. Proprietor. R. II. McDONALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Cal,, and 32 and 31 Commerce Street. New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS, hob. 1 : l 8 4 0,000 "UVETH OF E00TB and SHOES C0MI RIHING ALL THE LEADING California & Eastern MANUFACTURE S. For Fall and Winter Wear, At e on ha. id and bein r eons.ii.tly replen ished at tho Philad phia Boot Store, U-iFront Street anJ 131 First Street. J . CAST- X. 1L Ti d' - an 1 (lent emen's Lo its and Gaiters m ide t measure. De . Hit'" Ci ation. In the matter of the Estate of Thomas Ilooik In -:m.'. rU ERE AS. AX APPLICATION HAS been in tile by-Arrhro'i Kellr, Guardian o; the Ksta'e of Tlt.iiiias ikii iv. ni.-uie, ior .t i.ot-ti h.' to s -li eertairt i- il -; :t i; Iieloiviiii r to svd ward, in Ciak.unas county, Oregon, to defray his expenses in the Insane Asylum. Take notice, to all in-r'sons whom it may cor cern, that an orJer wa made bv the -ijoun y Court, sotting :ipir the 1-t day of May, A. l.K, is;i, for idl interes'el jH'rrons an 1 next of kin. to appear and show caue, if any time be, why sii.i application should not be irr.-uitcd 'o said (iiiar.lian. By order of Iiou. J. K. Wu.it, Cjunly Judge. j. m. FRAzrn, County Clerk. Cn.VS. E. BARREN. ' - Att'y tor Guardian. O.vroTi City, Man h 21). l.Tl:w4 a "LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS aeainst xjfc. the Estate ot Mrs. M iry Ann Ad lison, de ceased, arc notitie.1 to p;-e.ent them to the tmder sijrn1; 1; Exoe-itor, . at hii otliea, in Ore-roa City, with the necessary voix-hers, within siv months from this du te. - - . v.". CAREY JOHNSON, Dated March 17, 1S71.W-1 Executor. Partnership Notice. r HAVE ADMITTED L. ACKEUllAX AS L a lull partner iu tnv 1'iisine-s-. d. v..n.uri Art . Oregon City, March 13, l?71:sv4 2 ll K 111 xot a vn.r. Slzi D R I r IEW STORE; ?Flf STQ PACIFIO 10GTAHD SHOE STORE, Cor. First & Morrison "ists. II VYING OPENED OCR NEW STOCK of 1 We are now jirejiattd ito-fu nish our cus tomers with Best Quality of Goods, i. Of our own and Eastern Manufacture, at VERY LOW PRICES. Call and Examine Our Stock Boots fe Slicves OF ALL KIULS AND STYLES, We Always have the Latest and Most Fashionable Styles on Hand. Protznian, GUlilinn & Co.. Corner First and lo:r ken Cts TORTLAND, OREGON. Feb lo liTl-tf THE GREAT mrm An Infallible m.on piniFiEn, rosse83. ing rare toxic and sn:nvii; properties a certain cure for RiicmiTiSM, conr, KEtn.iLCiA, and all kindred Diseases. ' It completely restores the Bj stem when Im paired by disease, revives tho action of the Kin.iKT.t and KCXITAL ORGAi, radi cally Cures NCROFL'I.A, KALT H V. and all eiiiptivi: nnd citaxtoos Dls cases, gives immediate and permanent, relief in oyspkpsia; erysipelas. Tumors, Boils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; eradi cates from the system all traces of Mercurial Disease, It is pi:nEiT VECETAnLC. beinj made from an herb found indigenous In. Cai;firDii. It is therefore peculiarly suitable for u-e by Temales and Children, as a diood i-l'Ul- FICn anJ nEXOVATOn, For Sa'e by a!l Drucgitts. REBtftaTON. ttQSTCTTEft & 0Q, AGENTS. -529 and 531 Market Street, Saa rrancisco, ect 291 v 1847. I 37 I . New Goods ! New Goods ! 11. CAU FIELD BEGs T t AVE TO INFO LM TE PUBLIC that be has relitted the old stand, -corner Ma.n and tSeveiuh Sts., Oi ejrnn City, and has received an entire nuxv stocU of goods, con-.-i-ting of DRY GOOLS, GROCERIES', CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, n'OODEXlVARE, and a general assortment of everything in our line. Tbanktul tor past favors, westil solicit a share of tbe uiilicpa ro i ge. Country Pr-du. e lakeu m exchange for OOds. . 43:lv JOHN II.SCIIRAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, HARNESS' etc., etc., Mi in Street, Oregon City, fiw-Wi-dies to represent that he is now as wed prt-parcd to furnish any article in his line as the largest establishment in the State. He particulaily requests tiiat an examination of his gtcck be made before bu;,icg elatwhere. mm po . ;, ''' 'V. ' a, ! " " ft: REDIGTO-N, IIOSTETTER & CO. Stop that Coughing ! Some of you can't, and we pily vow. You have tried every lehicdy buttl b ONE declined, b- itS inti inlc merit, to supersede ail tdniilar. pt-eparations. It is not surprising .you should ie leliic tar.t to try something else at" crtbe niatiy expt-i inients 3"ou have made of trashy coinpiiunds .foisted cu the public as a certain cure ; but Newcli's Pulmonary Syrtip is really the VERY BEST remedy ever compounded for the cuia cf Cvughs, Col., Sore 1'lirotits, Asthma, IVhovjiing I'o'jgh, lirirnehitis and Omx-iimptiott. Thousands ofc people in California and Oregon have been already bmctitedlby the surprising curative powers of - WewelTs Pulmonary SyrUJj and with one accord give it their un qualified approbat on. We now add i ess ourselves all who are unacqit.iinted with this, the greatest panacea ol the are. for tbe healing of all diseases of the Tinoal und JLuiigs, assuring j ou that ficvveH's Pulmonary Syrup has cned .thousands, tmd it will cure YOCiif you try it. This invaluable medicine is pleasant to the ta-te ; sooth ing, healing ami strengthening in its effects; entirely free V-m all poisonous or deleterious uriirs.iihd perfectly ti arm less under all circumstances. For Sale ly nil Ui tiggisls. PiEDINOION, IIOTETIER & CO.,' 521) and 531 Market street, San Francisco. Rediiigt oil's Essence Jamaica Ginger, If'Itich confiJi-nty rtor.imendi-d on the beat prtpai tion nuw before the public. This valuable preparation, containing in a highly co centralcd -form ail the propel tics of Jamaica. ( .inaer.has become one ol the most pcpular ' dirmetic rt me dies fur all di U-a-es of tire stomach and digestive organs. As a ionic, it will be found invaluable to all persons lecovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; for Wv lie ir impai ts to the system ail the gh.w and vigor that can be pioduced by wine or biaudy, it is entirely free from the reactionary eMrcts that follow tbe use ot spiiiis of any kind. It is a'si an exeelh ht -remedy for females who sutler fntin diuicult men struation, giving almost immediate re lief to the spasms that so frequently ac company that period.'' ' It gie immediate relief to Nausea, caused by ridirg in a railroad car, or by st a s ck- ess, o1' other causes. It is also valuable as an external v p pli'-at on for tbiut, Uheurnatism, Neu ralgia, etc. ilEDIXGTH.V, IIOSTETTIiR & CO., 529 and 531 Market street, Sau Francisco. Redington's o r i n s E x t r a c t s F i av AKE THE PKTIFECTI.Y PUKE AND highly c- ncev tratnl Extracts from Fresh Fruits, prepared with great i are. Thev t'le put up in superior stvle, atid in a bottle b-bJing TWICE AS MUCH as the tinlinary bra-.ds of Ext racts. C"teiariiig' quality and contents, none other nre neatly soi'ht-vp, Whenever tested on tiieiu MEniTS,they have been ad .pted in pi eiercnce to nil othtos, nnd are now the s I ANDAliD FLAVOKING EXTUAcTooithe Pacilic Co?st. MARK THE ADVANTAGES. By purchasing Rtdingtun's Concen trated Flavoring Ext tact-', y uobfcin an articie not only supeiioi in richi.tss aiiti dclic.ic of fl tvor to a: y o her of a simi lar mtuie, but far moie cct lomical, be caase e -ch b ttle In Ids d 'ubl.- the quantity, contained iii a bottle of anyT othertiavoiing extract sold. ItEOtXvilOX. IIOSTK'l TEU S. C O., Agents for t je PacificCoast. ii. & p. Would yon escape FEVER AND AGUE, and preserve health nnd vigor dorms' the s cklv season, make occasional use of the following aa A preventive:.. If you are ATT CKED with Chills and Bilious Fever, or have been a X'ictim to such disease, a' d used other so-called remedies wi bout permanent relief, seek at once the safe.-t and suiet O T J R :k , by usinar, accordinc to directions FV1AS9 ! &, PGLLARD AI1TI-EALARIA, or, Fever and Ague Pi!!--. Time has proved them thorough! v to be the shiest and most reliable remedy known. -Thr-y contain no mercury oroti.er mineral or chemical. Tdo-v are exclusively vege table. Tli'-v slimulate the f in:tiotiffof tl.e liver.-Congestion istmpos.sible where they are usi d. They do not deter from daily labor. By a-sisting dk'e-tion tl ey add flesh and inu cleto the fiarre.'Tbcy are adapted to ail ages and both sexes, ard as a FAEV2ILY rvlEDSCIE Will CURE in their -incipiencv; three fourths d all diseases incidental to a malauous climate. For Lhspepsiu, in small doses, they hate tiocrpal. For sale by 'all Druggi.-ts. REDIrVCJTO.V, iioSTETTER CO., SOLE AGENTS. The Battle for Life Which 13 continually going on between health and disease, has never received from anv nudit ine such marked and un mistakable assi-tance, on the side of health, as it has from NeweiTs Pulmonary Syrup BEDIXGTO:-', IIOSTETTER & CO., 529 and 531 Market street. San Francisco. AUCTION AND COMMISSION A. II. I?iclasirtStiiy AUCTIONEER!" " Corner of Front and Oak strcetS PbrtUa8. AUCTION SALES : Of Real Estate. Groceries, Genera! iercht dise antClIorses'C'.. ' ' Every Wednesday and Salilrdoy ( A. D. RicifAnDsox, Auctionefer O o Ar.PKl VATE sale.. English rcuned Bar and BurTdlenion English Square arid Octauon Cast steel Horse shoes. Files, Itusps. saws ; ' Screws, Fiy-pans, sheet iron, R. G Iron : A largeassrirtment ol tiroceries and Liqnori A. I. lilCIIAItr.SOV. Alt if'-f For a f,1 iv cents y6it can buy cf your Grocer or Druggist a paefcaso of SEA MOSS FARINE, made from pure Irisli Moss, Carrageen, which will mako sixteen quarts of Blanc 3Iangc, and a like quantify of Pud dings, Custards, Creams, Char- lotto Taisse, fjc. It is lho cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food in tho world? It mahes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids an& Children. - - A Glorious Change ! ! o o THE GREAT AVORLD'S TOXIC. o Plantation Bitters. TEis Avoau3ea-fs3l vegetable rcilorative is tlso tSict-ani-chor of tlac iTccIsIo nnd dcilir tlctl. Ai n Coaic tiacl coaliaI for the sages! asi;l Ia:iu5d, it liirs no . CQiirl n;ioas' stosnr achics. Ai :i rcKscdy for Ihe Mcrtos5 weakness' to wliictt womca arc cjjcciIJy. sub ject, it 1 superseding every oilier siarMJJt, In all Cli Baales, trogssca!, tcsn;crate or frigid, it izct m ji pecifie ia every specacs of disorder wliiclt iiaderssiisnc flic Itodily si reiit Ei and Erc;iks 2ovii the nniaial splrils. For sale toy all Irufgists. . A .... :.j q . OREGON C'ITV, OREGON, q RETAIL DEALERS IX - '. I - BOOTS & HOS, IS A 21 1 A H IE) I also keep constantly on hand SALEM C A S S I M F R E S, FLANN ELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, O Which I will sell at the Factory PHces, and will take wool in eScbunge. ' - . o - ' W tT'l will also pay the highest prices for Butter. Eptrs, and til kinds' of co d 'countrf produce. I wili sell as low as hny hdiis1 in Oregon, f'-or Cash o-its t quiyalent in good men lnmtable produce. : . - Give me a call and sati-fy yourivelres. DEERSXIHSWANTEDi... CASH PAID FOR COUNTY Ok'OFRS. JOHN il VERS. Jan. 13, 1871 tf ES'i AIiIlIsiiKI 1849. ERNEST A; FHLAHOSON,' Q GENERAL Commission EVacrchant AND DEALER IX DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ESSENTIAL OILS.' DU2 STUFFS ANt 1 ! f. G E N ERAL M El 611 AN DISE. BY THE PACKAGE ONLY.. Ca-h O: dei s for (Hoods of every descrip tion IV'im this or any Fo' eijrn ilarket. kill re. five prompt and faithful 'rttreminn.. MINEIIS." MAN UFA ( TURER-i' AND WIIOLESALK I ItADE .UP PLIED FOR CASH. t J' r No notice r attention pa d to orders fr goids, if" there i-i no provision made for the pav meiit if the same. - Consignment Solicited. . OFFICE,. , - . Merchants Exchange. San Fruncisco, "jflilornia. TERMS NET CS1I, OX DELIVERY. 'IK U. S. GOLD COIN. Package prices. . -t!'! N- B.-'-Oreon Propucts Solicited Cn Consignment. Jan. 27:tt NEW PIIOTOGHAPHIC ROOMS O No. 01 First Street. ("Second door south of his old stand), Portland, Oregon. I AM PBEPARED TO EXECUTE ALL work in my line in a superior manner; with :.ll tbe bitt st imprr veriarb in thait Nothing but irsfclas woik done ut mfnew and mag'i ficent r on s, at low ( rices. r CALL AND EXAMINE SPECJMEKS. Feb. 10, 1571 :xnQ " ' J- BUGHTEL'S Q (S3 o o Q O 0 o O o o 0 G 3 O 0 O Q O o O UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA,