The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, April 07, 1871, Image 1

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SIjc iUccklij Enterprise.
': " rOR THE
Businessman, the Farmer
. is d it on and rur.Lisiii:u.
OFFICE In Dr. The-sing's Drk-k Building.
TERMS of sunsnniPTioX:
Dingle Copy one year, in, 52 50
Transient advertisements, including all
lel notiees, ! a. ' 12 hue, I v.$ 2 oft
,For each subsequent imertiwn 1 (:')
One Column, one year $11,0 00
iuit " " ;;'
Q.arter " "
Business Card, 1 square one year i-
' Kg-Remitt ance fn he mailt at Uterisko
Sab-icribers, and at the tspenge of si gents.
t.ii- The Enterprise office is supplied with
beautiful, approved .-tvU-s of type, m d mod
ern MACHINE PRESSES, which will t-nalde
the Proprietor to do J.d) Punting at ail times
Xent, Quick and Cheap !
Work solicited.
AU nuiii'i Iran-McHon upon a Sptcle leix!.
Attorney at Lav,
Oregon t-'lt' Oregon.
o O
Importer and Bealci in f T..:
13 K Q D CZJT! -SS f'i j
Orrgon City, Oregon.
At Charma f)- Ji'inu r'," oW st'intl, lat"hj oc
cupied Oil S. Ackr;, Main
10 tl
rfc1ACK & WELCH,
OFFICE -In Old Fellow' Temple, corner
of First and Alder Streets, Portland.
The patronage- of tlio-e desiring sup-rior
op iratio ,s is in special reqmt. Citrous ox
ide for the painless extraction of teeth.
Jf Artilicial teeth "better than the best"
and as chrap ts the che-.t .ti.
Dee. 2:3:tf
'' The patronage of those desiring tirsi C1u-a
'Vp-'ralioiix, is respectfully solicited.
rf.UU faction in all cases guaranteed.
Y JJ. H. Xttroii (.: administered for the
Painless Extraction of Teeth.
Ori'tCK In Weigant's new b lildiog, west
side of First street, I eiweea Aldur and Mor
rison streets, Portland, Oregon.
"Live and Let Live."
"rf.U the old t.uid of Wortnian & F.clds
Oiegon Cit , Oregon.
SURGEON. Poktlaxp, Onv.Gi n.
: OFFICE Odd Fellows' Temple. cornet
First and Vlder streets Residence corner of
Main and Seventh streets.
Attorney and Counselor at Lav,
Practices in State and U. S. Courts.
t?iee Xo. 10S Front S!rc tJrUad. Orryon.
Oppsite MeCor.niek's Uook Sto?.r
. .
Established since ls t'.,at the old stand,
Miin St ret!, Oregon C1f;i, Otryon.
An Asnrttnent of Watcl.e-. Jew
elrv, and Seth Thom-is" we;ght
Clocks, all of which are warran.ed
to be as represented.
Renairins (.o-n on short notice,
, xnd thankful for p st favors:
. All orders for the delivery of merchan
dise or packages and freight of whatever dV
ription. to any part of the city, willbeexe
bited promptly and with care.
( Dentfches Gafthaus,
jfo. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam
ship landing, Portland. Oregon.
- 0
Board per Week n0
' " with Lodging o"
" Dav 1 00
Creoi Citv, Ja". l:tf
Father and Eon.
Upon the literal acceptation of amce radical row the clay
the proverb that the child is tox-joiixsox muddle.
Father of the man, we might regard
44 LTH-?s" responsible for old Jesse 3lEMnns, February 20th. The
Grant's corrupt manipulations of Appears Little Hock dispatch to
the Government oilices in the day gives the following presume
neigh borliood of Cincinnati atid of the cause of the trouble at
Covington. But this M ould fail Little Rock. It is as follows :
to account for the extension of i Clayton, who was a few weeks
ollicial corruption through the nu- ago elected to the United States
me rous Grant family and still more Senate by the aid of Democrats in
numerous Dent familv. We can the Legislature, desired, while
only explain the constant and managing rind manipulating
varied developements of moral Ai kansas aftairs at the Capital of
coiiupiion in this ctan upon the the Kepublic, to be able through
same hereditary ami contagious his succession to so control the po
principles which physicians have litical destiny of the State as to
adopted for certain kinds of phys- ; maintain himself as upper dog in
sical corruption, with even greater perpetuity. This was made mani
regularity in bequeathing it from , lest on the 13th instant, when, in
generation to generation, and in- , reply to a committee from the
oculating all with whom they come House of Representatives, appris
in contact. We should say that ing him ofhcially of his election to
the Grant family has it very bad, : the United States Senate, he said
and in the tertiary degree. i he would inform them when the
The si-j;ns of this repulsive moral time arrived for him to qualify for
rottenness come to the surface I the oilice, whether or not he would
with that periodical regularity ' accept the position: it depended
which can now leave no manner
of doubt as to its deep-rooted ex
istence. Scarcely is its superficial
manifestations suonressed in one
:irt, until it breaks out in another,
The friends of the President have
not. vet invented, a means for de-
fendin"- him from his implication
with his brother's wIhskv transac
tions in this district, and now old
Jesse- turns up, playing Pantaloon
to Flyss1 Clown in the great sensa
tional immoral pantomime of " The
Whisky King." The triiks are so
numerous, and follow each other in
such rapid succession, that the
friends of the Administration will
probahly Lrivo up all hopes of ex- f tion that he knew he had a ma
plaininir them. ! jority of the Senate on his side, and
.With Flvss as the head center; i was sure of the Supreme Court,
Dehino, a cousin of second remove-, j three of the members of w hich
as prime minister ; Orville to look J were decided in expressing their
out for the Illinois district; old j meaning towards him and their
Jesse to watch the opportunities ! detei mination to stand by him.
in Ohio and Kentucky, and a full j The q'uo warranto proceedings
force ot loyal relatives carefully j were immediately begun,
distributed elsewhere throughout J To these Johnson demurred
the country, it may be assumed i through counsel, and the demurrer.
that the Grant whisk)' ring has a j
very thorough organization. e
had no idea, however, until the re
cent exposure of old .Jesse's tricks
in Cincinnati, that the Grant fami
ly could be bought so cheaply. It
seems that it only required -s.300 to
secure a guager's place for a noto
riously dishonest man, and one who
had already been removed from
the same position for misconduct
in oilice. -Old Jesse was (-ven will
ing to divide this b'5'H) with the
Assessor who controlled the ap
pointing power. This would leave
Jesse 250, which he would have
to divit.o with his son Flyss, leav
ing the President ylL'o one of the
transaction. Even, if we admit
that every man has his price, it is
not to be denied that $1:2 5 is very
cheat) for the President of the
Fnited States.
Old Jesse's latest exploit is too
strongly confirmed to admit of any
doubt about it. The Assessor to
whom Jesse made his proposition
to divide the $500 to be received
for the appointment makes a clear,
pointed and unmistakable state
ment of the matter. Jesse's de
fense is not even so ingenius as
that of his sou Orville in a similar
difficulty.. Orville imitated the
golden silence which hio brother
Flyss lias found so profitable, and
did not even undertake to make an
explanation, while his father has
committed himself to an imbecile
imitation of John V. Farwell's ex
ample, and has placed the apocry
phal $500 to the credit of the poor.
It is evident that the younger
Grants are much smarter than
their progenitor as was Schneider's
boy who whipped his daddy.
It does not seem altogether right,
though the principle is a Christian
one, to visit the sins of the father
upon the son, and perhapF, if old
Jesse's transactions we're record,
no one would think ol making the
President responsible for it. Hut
as it. is only one among the many
rakish sores and pimples which at
test the family corruption, we must
conclude that the President was at
least equally interested with the
President's father in the $500 trans
action. Though it would at first
seem almost impossible to conceive
that the Grant family can be bought
at so low a figure, it must be ""re
membered that there are a o-rcat
many of them, and, having the
tield entirely to themselves'they
can coin money even at cheap rates.
This latest transaction should al-o
teach the lesson that hard cash,
though it be small in amount, w ill
go further than a larger equivalent
in cigars, horses, or even houses
and lots. The family is now well
provided with the" latter, and
money is the only reliable means
henceforth for securing oilice.
Chicago Tiincs.
Handsome Eequest.-A wealthy
Englishman, Thomas Dutton, re
cently deceased, left 2,000 in his
will to the familv of the late Gen
eral Robert E. Lee.
Affairs in Arkansas.
entirely what interest the Jstate de
manded whether or not he would
te rests
the Executive
case o
f tlie State in this
j meant the supremacy of the Clay-
ton radicals. The dirty business
of maintaining this supremacy
: could not be intrusted to
Lieutenant Governor Johnson,
who, although a Republican, is re
garded with great respect as a lib
eral, upright ami just citizen.
Clayton therefore set himself to
work to have him removed, with a
view ot having iMallory appointed
his successor. Jle enteied upon this
work with all the more, determina-
much to the chagrin and mortilica-
tion of the bar of this citv, not to
say the disgrace of the bench was
not sustained. Chief Justice Me
Clure and Justice Dennett were
barefaced in the perpetration of
this outrage against law and jus' ice.
Justice (iregg and Harris dis
sented. The writ was issued ami
served upon Johnson ; upon his
showing Cla vton his designs and
intentions, the war for power and
a vindication of the law ensued;
Clavton lor power, the Representa
tives in vindication of the law,
and Clayton was impeached by a
vote of forty-two ayes to thirty
eight noes, whereupon two mem
bers of the Supreme1 Court, Vilk
shire and Eowen, precipitately re
signed, their places bein"- filled by
3IcClure and iSennett, the former
of whom has heen impeached, and
from all accounts deserveelly so.
A majority of the Senate be-ing
for (.'lay ton it is entirely controlled
in his interest, and has been ad
journed as long :ts that course
will serve1 the purpose of their
master, Clayton. Senators are
secreted so that the Sergeant-at-arms
of the Senate cannot, lind
them. This continued adjourn
ment of the iseuate affords Clayton
plenty of time to look about him
and prepare for the future-, which
he thinks himself sure ot, as in any
eve nt, even if articles of impeach
ment be served upem the Senate,
he is sure of acquital, as he owns
fifteen, more than half of the whole
number of Senators. What, he is
contending for is to place iMallory
in Johnson's place as Lieutenant
Governor, and in the line of suc
cession to him when he leav es f e r
Washington, where he is due on
the 4th of March. All of the brag
and bluff which he has played
during the past week was put on
with a view to excite Congress
and Grant to some action in his
favor. For this, however, there is
no hope, because Grant is the un
yielding friet id of Senator McDon
ald, who, together with Senator
Rice and Representatives Rogers,
Howels and Roots, is sternly op-pe)se-el
to Clayton and determined
upon his overthrow. We know
that the United States troops have
orders from Washington to hold
themselves in re-adine-ss to act ibr
the preservation of peace and
strictly as neutrals, and we do not
think, knowing how earnestly
Rrooks, who has the absolute man
agement of the niggers and the
Radical whites of Arkansas, is op
posed to Clayton, that the Gover
nor will be able to control the mi
litia, since that gallant corps must
be largely made up of both these
classes. Fpham, Major General
of the militia, is a strong Clayton
man, and would willingly lend
himself, as he has often done before,
to Clayton's vilest purposes; but
without the rank and file he is
w anting in power to prove himself.
Again, the vidian Patterson, who
once served Clayton faithfully, and
very vile and cruel ways, is
United States for the dis
trict in which Little Rock is situ
ated, but as he nov a bitter
enemy of Clayton's, it is not
likely that he can be hireel to
move a peg in his favor. To sum
up, Clayton is opposed by the
whole Congressional delegation,
by Congress and Grant, by a ma
jority of the House, by a majority
of the people of all shatles and
political faith,' and by all the
United States civil officers in Ar
kansas, and can only rely upon a
maje)rity of the Senate and three
members of the" preine Court,
who received their appointment
upon the distinct understanding
that 4hey would statu! by him
until the last moment. Such is the
status of the embroglio that may,
be-fore it ends, lead tej icsults that
all good men everywhere would
deplore, as only to-day the Jlejnib
licau contained another incendiary
article, threatening fire and sword
and vilest visitations upon people,
and Clavton has notified the citi
zens of this city not to gather
about the State-House or his residence.
A Miser's Freak.
The " freaky" miser that
ever lived and died was probably
one Louis laniard, who ehed in
a Xew York hospital a lew days
ago. He had lived! upon earth (32
ye ars, but how many years in Xew
Y ork is not known. There it was
discovered that for a long time he
had lived in all the squalor and
wretchedness of ahject poverty.
His habitation was a little apart
ment, high up in the rear of a mis
crable building. It was lighted
by a very small window, patlially
covered with heavy wooden bars
fastened to the window-frame with
st rong screws, and on the door were
no less than eight different bars
and locks. Totally devoid of all
furniture1, save a broken table-, the
room present ed a frightful picture
of wretchedness. A lillhv mat
tress, supported by : few boards
raised from the lbor upon several
bricks, lay at tile end under the
window, and at its side stootl a
trunk Idled with .alternate layers
o' gold and silver watches and
jewelry such as breastpins (many
of them set with diamonds), chains
an 1 ri igs separated by siteets of
blotting-paper. There were no
signs ef lire, noranv place wherein
t make one. In addition to his
stores of je'Wi lry the wretched man
owned large amounts of real estate.
In his miserable de-n he was found
by Rergh, President of t he Societ y
for the' Prevention of the Cruelty
to Animals, in a dying condition
and conveyed him to the hospital.
He lived there long enough to
make- a will be-queathing to the so-e-iety
of which Mr. In-rgh is Presi
dent, the sum of $100,000. Her
nard lived a miserable lifetei amass
his wealth, but now t hat he is in his
grave a thousand abuse-el and tort
ured cattle, she-e p and eltgs will
rise up and bk-ss him.
Three others two of them
Quakers, have presented Rergh's
society with $200,000. On the
whole, prevention of cruelty to
animals appears to be a paying
Republican Prss-s on the Removal of
The plain fact is, and it will grow
clearer day by day, that his depo
sit on is due to his opposition to
an island, and the needless expend
iture of millions of money, for
which there is no necessity. That
is the held and front of his offend
ing. Ci no a aril i Coiiiiiu rcial.
This expulsion of a committee of
which he has been sej long the1 able
organ, is a mistake in whatever
way it is regarded. A blow at
him, without cause, and against all
rule and precedent, will be resent
ed as wns the blow given by
Hooks, as intended to silence all
brave and earnest remonstrance
against wrong, and will be remem
bered to be rebuked. Chicago
Leaving out of sight the moral
wrong, the deep injustice of this
proceeding, and looking at it in the
light of a mere question of political
policy, we ask, in all solemnity,
can theRepublicans of the Senate
afford to pay out the friends this
thing will cost the Republican tar
ty V Toledo Jiladc.
' Every Republican paper that
comes to us, with one or two ex
ceptions, denounces the removal of
Se nator Sumner from the chairman
shit) of the Fore ign Relations Com
mittee, and protests against the
unjustifiable and insane action of
the Senate caucus. Jhiadc.7phia
President Grant, by his interfer
ence with the composition of the
Committee on Foreign Relations
of the Senate, has damaged his San
Domingo scheme irretrievably.
It is now impossible for any treaty
for the annexation of that territory
to receive a two-thirds of the Sen
ate, even if it could secure a ma
jority of that body, Which is very
doubtful. loatoti 'Transcript.
The deliberate sense of the Re
publican party will disapprove of
it. There is no need to review the
course of Mr. Sumner, with a view
to exhibit the mistaken policy of
throwing overboard one of the
founders of the party, ami a con
sistent Republican, to give place
to one who lias small claim on that
pat ty's support, or on the respect of
citizens of the country. Hartford.
The San Domingo quarrel has
assumed proportions out of all rea
son, when the present value of the
island and the public inelilference
to annexation is considered. These,
and a dozen other causes of conten
tion, are on hand, and to these the
obstinate Mr. Grant proposes to
add a quarrel in w hich he is wholly
wrong, and in which success will
be worse for him than failure. If
this is statesmanship, the le-s we
have of it the better. Sjringjield
Mr. Stunner justly stands so
high in the estimation of his asso
elates in the Senate, and of the
whole Republican part", that he
cannot be placed in a subordinate
position in the Republican councils,
in this way, without proelucing an
unpleasant shock throughout the
count ry. Iloci ester Dent oerat.
The whole movement is a mis
take, and will so appear befere the
unhappy icsults are fully reached.
This has been supplemented by an
other on the part of the majority
of the Senate. Neither of these
mistakes will be supported by the
great majority of the -Republican
party of the country, while the re
fusal of twenty-three Senators to
vote on a question which necessa
rily involves the humiliation of the
Senate, will strengthen the oppon
ents of President Grant's San
Domingo policy. Providence Tress.
We say without cause, lor we
cannot make it bear any other loe)k.
We will give them all the credit
for respectable intentions which
the case admits of, ainj then we
must add that they have done a
great wrong and made a great
mistake. J? est oh Journal.
The almost universal sentiment
ed the Republican press throught
the country is that a grave mistake
has been .made by Mr. Sumner's
ejection from the place he has so
long tilled with' credit to himself
and to the nation, and the fact that
he is succeeded by a man mt his
equal in talent, or culture1, or the
kind of experience needed for the
pesition, increases the gravity ot
the mistake. Tiiladtljdtia Hulle
tia. The President forced this quar
rel upon Mr. Sumner, and it is to
be ho peel the latter will not shrink
from it. Sumner has ti deep hold
upon the affect ions of the best men
of the party; his enemies are not.
respected by anyone. Trocidence
Grant, on Monday last, "elicta
ted the names of the committee of
five wdio reported Sumner's re
moval to. the caucus," and this was
the result of "a -certain agreement
between President Grant and cer
tain Senators." Patterson (AT Y.)
When the highest legislative
body in the land discards Sumner
and selects Simon Cameron as its
instructor, its leader', its organ, and
its enquirer into the complicated
details connected with foreign re
lations, the schoolboys' should no
longer be surprised that a horse
was made consul in Rome. To
strike Sumner down for one disa
greement war. an outrage, and is
an indication that the independence
of the Sen ate is gone, and w ill com
pel the belief abroad that it is trucu
lent to patronage. Philadelphia
Free-Love Socialism-
From the St. Louis Times.!
It may not be generally known
to the public that, there are in this
city the elements of what is com
monly known as a "community"
or societ', formed tin the basis of
what they call "mutual assistance,
co-operative labor, and common
property.1" Such, however, is a
fact. About three years ago, the
pioneers in the enterprise, thinking
that they had strength enough to
make a start, and relying upon the
promises of pretended friends, left
St. Louis and established themsel
ves in Jasper county, in this State.
There they struggled along till last
Summer. Those upon whom re
liance had been placed for assist
ance, afte r the first movement, how
ever, failed to fulfill their promises.
The land had been bought on time,
and they found themselves unable
to meet their obligations. So they
were obliged to disband about the
middle of last Summer, and give
up their lands, upon which consid
erable improvements had been
made. Before the disorganization
the community numbered ninemen,
six women and twenty- seven chil
dren. Some of the members at
once moved further west, declar
ing it to be their intention to buy
land where it was cheaper ami con
tinue to propagate the principles
ol Communism, ami form another
such organization as soon as possi
ble. Others returned to St. Louis
to gather additional strength, re
cruit their numbers, and make a
new start.
Among these was Alexander
Lcngley, the leader in the move
ment, ami a man who has been
pretty nearly fill hi life endeavor
ing to combine in practice the prin
ciples of business, social and peliti
cal co-operation, having been a
member ot the famous "Phalanx,"
which attracted so much attention
some years age), and also for some
time a member of the Icarian com
munity of Iowa. There are now
over 200 Communists in St. Louis,
and those who are in a position to
know say they have reason to bei
lieve that quite a number are dis
posed to look upon the doctrines
with favor. Their publication, or
organ, called the Coramajiist,
winch was suspended for some time,
has just been revived, and the as
surance is held out that it will be
issued regularly.
The organization of the support
ers of the theory is being gradual
ly perfected, ami they have attain
ed such strength as to make an ex
position of their principles of no
little interest to the public, especial
ly so since this is perhaps the first
movement of the kind in the State,
and it is proposed to establish one
of those societies near the city.
The fundamental basis of the
theory advanced by the St. Louis
Communists is -"friendship, in its
practical workings." They hold
that as friends they should be will
ing to share equally all their pos
sessions, and that only thus can
true friendship be proven. This is
what they call reducing friendship
to a science. They would have
one treasury, a common table1,
spend their ie-asure time in society
together, and give the youth the
same advantage of education. ... In
short, they would make the com
munity one great family,-and a fa
vorite argument is that there neeel
be no parting or separation of fam
ilies except by death. In reply to
the query which naturally arose
in their reporter's mind as to
whether the community would not
se)on become too large, the reply
was that communities should
swarm, just as bees do, and that
by this, propagation of the theeu y
"a complete revolution wouhl be
workeel in society, in politics, in
law, and everything." It is claim
ed that another great advantage to
be gained from a co-operation in
business would be freedom from
care and trouble, and plenty of time
for social iiPercourse ami lccrea
tion. As regards the government
of tiie community, they grant that
some rides are necessary, and pro
pose to elect some one who shall
carry out these rules according to
the wishes ot the community, but
who can be deposed just as soon
as he fails to give satisfaction to
the fixed majority... Many of these
societies are kept up and controlled
by one master minel, and s-uch, the
St. Louis Communists intimate,
would not be the case with them.
Concerning religion, they propose
to grant the greatest libe.rtyof con
science, and a man may believe
pretty much as he chooses on that
of the peculiar features of
the theorv is the prcatical declara
tion of woman's rights. Men and
women are to be em an exact equal
ity, and the vote of" one counts just
as much and no more than the
other. The community wouhl in
troduce the democratic principle of
our Government into society, into
business, into the family, and ev
erywhere, thus abolishing all dis
tinctions of wealth, learning, sex
and castes of every kind. The
bearing of these "principles" upon
marriages and the social evil .are
of special interest, and to these
points particular attention was giv
en iii our inquiries. It was declar
ed that the community would take
away every inducement for mhr
riage except "pure, unalloye d affec
tion." No woman wouhl be driv
en into it for the sake of support,
because all wouhl be provided for
in this respect, whether married or
not. Then, after marriage, all the
business being attended to by a
committee, there would be nothing
to cause disagreement, and their
time would be devoted to ;i culti
vation of the aflectionsand looking
after their children. This state ol
affairs w ouhl abolish the social evil,
it is claimed, on the ground that
the larger proportion of abandoned
woman5 lall to that degredatiou
through want, At present the
Communists, as regards the inter
course between men and women,
will live in accordance with the
laws of the State, but it is expect
ed that alter a time some special
provision in the marriage laws will
be made in their favor. Indeed,
- uMj33paaa
in ineir tneoreticai, ideal commu
nity, there are no marriage laws at
all, but the same unlimited "free -dom"
as in religion. Those who
wish will unite themselves as man
and w ife with , some ceremony.
Others will live together in the con
nubial relation without 3ny binei
ing contract, continuing together
as long as they choose and then
separating. .; If there be some in
the community . w ho indulge in
promiscuous intercourse, it will not
be regarded by the community
as pi ostitution, because "simply
prompu-d by love." 'The offspring
of such intercourse wouhl be rear
ed the same as the other children,
and their .mothers, simply looked
upon as "unfortunate."
As already hinted, the leaders
and exponents of the theory "pro
pose to settle this time somewhere
near the city, and onone of the.
railroads leaving here. They also
have it in. mind to hold meetings
before long and invite free discus
sion of their "principles."
A Horrible Death.
A gentlemen from Hamilton,
Ohio, gives the 'particulars of an
accident so horrible in its sicken
ing details as to be almost beyond
credence. The circumstances are
as follows : -.
On Satuielay morning week, car
penters set to work in the third
story of Heckett's paper mill, in
that town, for the purpose ol mak
ing repairs and improvements in
the third story of the building.
In the eourse of their repairs it be
came necessary to take up part of
the floor. ' o
After this had been done, it
seems the carpenters went to anoth
er portion of the building for the
purpose of preparing material to
complete thu improvement. It ap
pears that this aperture was direct
ly over the huge hopper on the sec
ond lh)or, used ter grinding rags.
1 lie carpenters it seems careless
ly and culpable failed to erect
any barricade around this hole,
thus leaving it a death-trap to any
unfortunate who might happen to
pass that way. During the after
employed in the establishment,
were passing through the third
story when one of their number,
Miss Martha RreckinhenrP,- who
was in the lead, suddenly disap
peared through the hole1. No soon
er did her companions discover
this than the horrible thought
Hashed upon them that she had
'fallen inte the1 huge jaws of .the
rag-hopper below. Indeed, they
had iHt much room for doubt, for
the next instant the shrieks of he
unfortunate girl rang through the
building, curdling the blood of all
who hearel. -
throughout the building, but none
but the persons, w ho had witnessed
the fall knew from whence they
came. Several of the girls, know
ing that the only salvation for the
girl was in stopping ot the ma
chinery, ran down to the first story
and had it stopped, but ajas, too
late as the sequel proves. As soon
as the ponderous machinery could
be brought to a stand-still, the
whole force of the establishment
rushed to the hopper' to see - what
had become of their friend and com
panion. The hopper was found to
be nearly- empty, but
gave painful evidence of the trag
edy that had just been enacted.
A hurriyd examination of the re
ceiving trough below showed the
remains of the girl rushed into a
shapeless mass, and ground into
pulpy mincemeat. The hon-yde
news spread throughout the vil
lage, and within a few hours the
mother of the girl was soon upoil
the ground, beseeching informa
tion of the fate of her daughter
from the terrified spectators.
None dare to inform her of the
terrible fate of her daughter, and
every effort was made to lead
away from the shapeless mass of
flesh that a few hours before was
Martha Rreckinhe-art, her daughter,
Martha was seventeen years of age.
and is described as a very beauti
ful, industrious and affectionate
voting lad". -
The Forty-second Congress can
boast of five specimen of pro
gressive liberty five niggers who
have been elected to seats in Con
gress by revolution, fraud and
usurpation and this is progres
sive liberty! What a spectacle
for white men to contemplate !
Niggers picking their baboonish
fangs and jabbering their ignorant
gibberish in our halls of legisla
tion, making laws for white men !
Satirical. It was an English
satirist who stated that "Fanenil
Hall is supposed to have been he
original Solomon's Temple, and
Boston Common is known to be
the Garden of Eden with modern