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About The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1871)
0 Eljc iUcekitj (Enterprise. TOWS AXD COUXTY. - Cis-lit Cocrt. The following were the prtfceediDgs of the Circuit Court after Sve went to press last week": . State vs. Pdul Grisbar ; grand jury Tailed to iind an indictment. Scate vs. J. Cordon : -rani jury faded "to find an indictment. , Vm. Keiser vs. W. T. Matlock et al ; 'settled. , . O & C n. R. Co. vs. J. Bauer ; plain tiff entitled to hind, and damages assesed tit $30. .Same vs. Will. Parloiv ; landappropri nted and damage's assessed at 370'J. State vs. Indian Jim ; indicted for os "fiault ; found guilty and fined $100 "hi de fault sent to j.ul. . . C. E. Murray vs. Executors of the es tate of Daniel Harvey ; verdict for plain tilf. State vs. Chas. Hall; found guilty of "nn assault with a dangerous weapon. 'Sentenced to three months imprisonment 'ii the county i til. Rebecca 11. Jones vs. V. A Jones ; di- Vorce granted. S. A. Seeiy vs. D. Sebastiori et al ; 'plaintilf given judgment for SloO ; plain tiff to pay $7.3 id costs and deleudant '$19 7o Dkatu oi-' 8. T. Ciili;cu. Mr. C. P. "Church, of this city, last .Monday, received a dispatch from Sulfa Clara, Cal., an nouncing the sad intelligence that S. T. "Church, well an 1 favorably Known by Tnany in Oregon, had died at that place last Monday. He lelt here about two months ,igo to seek a mure favorable climate for liis failing health, but his constitution had -been too far destroyed to find relief, and lis health began to fail" very rapidly afer he arrived at Santa Clam. There are 'few men in Oregon who were more uni versally esteemed than Mr. Church, and 'many a warm friend will mourn his death. Tlis remains will be brought to Salem by the first opportunity. His- wife was with him at the lime of tits death, having gone 'down about a month since. Peace to his ashes. LKCTrRK. The iiith lecture, for the ben 'efit of the Good Templar's Library, was Meliverd by Hon. J. II. Mitchell, of Port land, la-;'. Wednesday evening. The lec ture was very interesting, aiid the audi Vuce was the largest of any yet in attend-"auc-e. The next lecture wiii be delivered 'next Wednesday evening by liev. Mr. "Lindsay, of Portland. The high reputa fihn of this geutleui in as a lecturer can 'riot fail to draw a full audience. This will be the List of the season. Git.v.MMA.'t Sc:ioor,. A very interesting examination for special prizes took place yesterday afteidoo'n at the Grammar School. The first term of this school closes to-day. We shall speak' of this subject at length in our next issue, and iirooainy give the naiii'-s of the parties WDO received these special prize. ... ... Sn.Ks. A man was in. town last week 'selling silk dress patterns very cheap around among private families. The 'cheapness cf the article makes us suspic ious that all is not right. Hon. W. T. New by called on iis last Monday. He reports all nourish ing in Yamhill,, and don't look as though 'the Radicals have him subjugated. Comim;. Mr. AcKermtia is opening a Tiew'stock of Spring goods, which he wants 'the public to come and examine. His ad vertisement, will appear next week. SntfNU. i'he u.-a: ler has chari: ed. and amonir a priuc is upon us. Our rains are the tilings ti',n were, and r.nw we are en-j-jying the beauties of Oregon climate. 1'TottsK Sr Mr. II bt. Irvin h id a iiorse stolen from his farm last Saturday. 'He followed the thief, and recovered the Iiorse at Crooked-Finger Prarie. but failed 'to catch the tF:ief. PnisoXiK.s. Tle re are two prisoners in the county jail. Chas. Hall, for an assault vith a deadly weapon and an assault, for Seventy-five !ays', and Indian Jim. for an ussault, for sixty days. Lost. Last week a la.-ge brass Key, and also, last Monday a, similar Key. The iirider will confer a fivorby leaving them, 'or either, at. this office, and will be suit ably rewarded, Frxisin:i. The new sidewalk from the the corner of Main street to the Episcopal Church, has been completed, and is a great improvement, besides a convenience. Commi;('::p.-- Judge CanfiVid com menced work on the new steps lust Tues- d.iy. It wii! be a groat improvement, to ihe hill -climbers. Skwixo SociKrv.- The Ladies' Sewing Society of the Episcopal Church, meets liext Tuesday ' at the residence of Mrs. A. Noltner. Pkusoxai.. L. C. Ireland former, editor bf this paper, gave us a call yesterday. He looks as well as usual, which is saying a good deal. Moxky. The County Treasurer adver tises that he wants to pay all orders en dorsed before the H):h of November last. CorxTy Covkt. The May term of the County Court commences next MonJav. Por.TI.ANl) N.VIIOXAI. lkilXCS.s COLLEGH. The above fine institute, under the ex cellent management of Messrs. De France & James is a credit to the educational in stitutions ot our State. The course of studies pursued there is thorough and comprehensive. Persons desiring" to fi; themselves for any department of commer cial life, can receive there an education ia a few weeks, that generally occupies j .'Vornl years in other colleges. Tele rj'. ;-phy, phonography, penmanship, in .Mion m business and correspondence. : D T mereial law, political economy and i,.-.gujges, are taught. See new adver tisement. Gkumax Cuh llaks ox Okkgox. We have received from Mr. William Davidson a copy ot some circulars whi -h he has had printed in the Germ in language, for gra tuitous distribution throughout Germany. Denmark. Norway and Sweden. The cir culars contain a very accurate statement of the resources of the State. Ps climate, soil and fertility, and contain, besides, the extent of the German element, in Oregon, and its societies and schools. They are handsomely gotten up on the best of pi per, and contain a map. showing the dis tance between various peunfs. German d siring to send thesp to fiends in Fa let land, can procure them by calling at the office of Mr. Pivlds n. on front street. rAi.T.ou's Magazine ku;i Apkil. The April number of this superb family maga zine is already issued, and contains a list of contents such as will plea.e every one old and young. "The Rivals on the Deep," which will be found in the April number, alone is worth more than the price cf the . UiVKLf TO TAXES." If Warner fixed the price of grace, ' With " Wait and mercy too, Salvatianlo this martyred race Wculd cheaply flow to you. For (hen no taxes would tie paid, And Ear tii thrts in the leaven. Would seem to be. by him new-made A " Holladay in teaven. ' Cliccring Facts for lie llillion. Every day demonstrates more clearly that liver complaint, in all its distressiiv forms, can b controlled and cured without difficulty or inconveniecne. It is an obstin ate disease, but its obstinacy 13 not proof against the pertinacious, remedial and re storative operation of Hestetter's Stomach Hitters. That genial corrective compels ihe organ to do its duty. It taunt secrete regu larly and healthfully under the influence of the Hitters. Their action brinr it iv.mL- from a state of rebellion into perfect har mony with the laws of health. If there is side-aclie or back-ache, it ceases ; if the skin and the whites of the eyes are tinged with siii-eriiuous bile, they recover their natural hue ; if the appetite is gone, it re turns ; if the digestion, is impaired, it is re stored ; in brief, whatever ihe svmpoms of the complaint may be. and whatever the phase it lias assumed, a cure is certain. Such are the uniform t fleets ot this prc er.i tion where biliious disease has been ulrtadv developed ; but in cases where there is merely a constitutional tendency to liver complaint, n may be prt vented throughout lite by the regular use, in small quuntit.ts, ot this pal atable antido'e. These are proven facts, and should be seriouslj' pondered or, rather, they should be promptly acted upou by all persons of billions habits. ESotico. & LLi OUTSTANDING COUNTY OltDERS 1 - endorsed prior to Novemlter l'J, 187f, will be paid uii presentation. Interest thereon will cease Iroia this date. H. SAFFARKANS, Treasurer oi Chiekainas county. March 31, lS71:w'i TO to voa reloxg tiis future op J our beautiful and fast growi Sf-.te. Soon'the shrill whistle of th IRON HOUSE, iis ha comes t rooking across this great con tinent, drawing after him the rich products of the Nation's Wealth and Industry, will announce the il GOOD TIME COMING," 1 when Oregon's own Sons will be cilled to lill the new and Daughters avenues of Uui- 11 ess Everyone should prepare tor an ACl-IVE BUSINESS LIFE. Great changes have been made in the com mercial ali'iirs of Oregon in a few wars. Wioit tl e devtdopements id our State will be in the futuie, is, a questioa which depends 11 mm th ItUSLVE-S tjUALIPlUATlONS d' her Young .Men. Wilton the past four 3ears of continued prospei itVj the Kational Bu: incss College, of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES of 'u;ii mei fully q 1 ditied, and many of whom are now fiiimg high and lucrauve po stiioiis m the Hanks, " 'ount n x- Uoonis and Stores of our State. So great is the demand lor .5 W U W-3 ii- 4 to ' A that com; enter r.iisiness men h ive been frequently elle.d to send East for as isUin e. No pr. d n . .-tudi us i outer Man who b is pass through the pre cribed course ot studies at US MODEL COLLEGE hr.s complained for want of a situation and at g 'oil salary, too. "Kvesy faciliiy is here afforded for acquir ing a EOUIJD EU3INS3S EDUCATION in the shortest jios.-ible time, and at THE LEAST EXPENSE. Every student will "nave an ACTUAL BUSINESS rUACTICE ! After ?iaving ompleted the Theory, he is intro iuced int.) a MINIATURE WORLD OF JUSTNESS, which has the effect of thoroughly faniilianz ing him w.t h all the iniiii.tue ot ri al b :sines T!.e course of study caibraces Double a:id Si'i'gle Entry Itook-Keeping, (Commercial Arn hnietic, Commercial Law, Correspoiid-eii.-e. lia-iriess Pe onansli p, regular aroi special Leet .res, etc. , etc , combining theory practice. aV so, s:upcrior advantages for securing a thorou.b knowledge of ORNAM F.NTAL PENMANSHIP, TELEGRAPHY, PHONOGRAPHY, FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN, ITALIAN. ETC. For full particulars, call at the College Of fice, in Carter's budding, coi ner of Front and Alder street-, (entrance on Aider) Port laud, Oregon, or send for cicular. Address DeFRANDE &, JABIS3 PORTLAND, OREGON. Merch 31, ISTLyl e The FLORENCE is the best Sewing Ma chine tor Family use, because it so seldom gets oat of Order. If there is one in Ore go a not working well, if informed of it. I will fix :t Without expense of any kind to the owner. SAMUEL HISL,Ei, 19 TV rlontgomery St., South XT. Grand Hotel Building, SAM FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA SE?i I) FOR CIRCULARS. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY PLACE. March 31, 1571:niIO 1 ''-J I Stockholder's fleeting. "VTOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT li the Stockholders of the Oregon City Manufacturing Company will hold the'r an nual eleetion. at the oilice of the Company, on Suturdav, April 29, lt71. R. JACOB. Fresicent. March 31, 1S71:w2. Citstion. In the matter of the Estate of Thomas Itoork, Inline. JHKREAS, AX APTLT CATION HAS beer made by Archron Kelly, (iuardian of tin Estate of Thomas Itoork. insane, for a licence U sell cer aiu real estate belonging to said ward, ir Clakani is county, Oregon, to defray his exiense ia the I tisane Asylum. Take notice, to ail persons whom it may con cera, that an order was made by the Comit Court, setting apart the. 1st day of May, A. I . 1S7I, for all interested persons and nt xt of kb to apiear and show cause, if any there be, wh said a pplieation should not Ve granted to sa: Guardian. By order of lion. J. K. Wait, Count . Jude. J. M., Comity Clerk. CHAS. E. WARREN, Att'y for Guardian. Ore-on City, March 29, S71:w4 Executor's Notice. ft LE PI-RSONS HAVING CLAIMS a-ainst thfe Estate of Mrs. Mary Ann Addison, de eeaseil, are ii.itiiied to present thorn to the under-siirrn.-d, Ex'H-utor, at his otiiee, 111 Orexou City, with the necessary vorehers, withm six mouths from this date-. W. CAREY JOHN SON, Dated March 17, 1S71.W4 Executor. Partnership Notice. T HAVE ADMITTED L. ACKERM.VN AS X a full partner iu my business. S. ACKERMAN. Oregon City, March 16, 1671 :w-i I do n .t wish to inform you, readei. tha Dr. Wonderful, or a.ny other man, i as dis covered a remedy that cures Consumption when the- luns are half consumed, in. short. will all whether ol uomt live forever, and bod v have or e-tate, raako men death to p lay tor want, ot woik, :uiil is oe sij ned to make our sub hmarv sphere -i bliss ful Paradise, to which Heaven it-elf shrill be but a ide sh-w. have heard enough of that, kind of huntUn.nery. Bit when 1 tell you that Dr. Safe's Cutari h Ke:ued will pofiitictly cure the worst case of Catarrh in the Ilea l," I oi ly as-ert that which thou sands can testily to. 1 will pay reward for a that I cannot em e. A pamphlet ifiviim symptoms and other is. formation sen. free to any address. This i emedy is SOLD BY MOST DRUGGISTS IN ALL TARTS OF THE WuRLI). Price 50 cents. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of ixty cents, or four packages f two (hdlars Bewar - ol etui - it and wurUUe imitation.. See- that my privatf st imp. which is a positive guarantee of (Jen- iiiiu in: .is, is upon the on; siile wi upper. Ke- member that this private .-tamp, issued b the United States Government exprcssh- hi tamp;!i;c niy medicines, fas my jiortrait, name and ad ire5, ana the words " I, .s Certi.'Ictte ot Genuineness,'' on raven npot. it. ami need not be mistaken. Ilou't In swiiid'ed by travelers and others rejireseni ing themselves a- Dr. Sare ; 1 am the onh in m now living that has ihe komvlede and riijl.t to manufacture the Genuine Dr. a.ue. Catarrh Remedv. and I never travel to sel this medicine. R V. I'lER'. lv M. !,, tebiom.'J Bid Seneea stree . B i'I'i'o. V. Y. E st ray . . ... raiAKEN UP BY TUB XTNDKRSKJNET), dan. 1, 1.S7I, iiviu' 1 1-2 mile somliof Milwaukii', two bond of two year-olds tlii sprinyr, one stii-i and t lie o; her a heiter ; tho lieif.-r is branded by : suvarc crop oil" rudit ear and idir, with underlit in lefi, pale-red ; steer is dark re I, s. pi are crop ol, each ear. C i!. P.'i'XNEEE. Clackamas county, March 10, 1871. wj hsbtms m ik m i LEO?3 DsLOUEY, Prop'r, LATE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE MUX STUEKT, OREGOX C.'TV, OitKGO.V. IIE UNDERSIGN ED R E- e;: fully announces to his friends and the t.ave'ini; p ib ie, that he lias re-opened the uhove named I! --t iiirant. The prorietor knows how to serve hi eustomers with Ovstos, l'ii;'s Feet, a gooii cup ot CoSI'j-: or ii SQU ARM M E A B. B ON DkBOUEY Oregon Ci!v, Jju. 27, ls7i:tf WILLIAM 8 1 ?J a - lias Established Si FOll THE 3IAXUFACTO.LV OF "FT1 JTT r7P ITT f SASIhBUrOSAilD CG3F no llVI 0 AND MDULDIN'GS OF ALL S ZES. KW They will also do TURNING, of evry description to order, With Neatness and Dispatch o ALL WOI1K WARRANTED. Shop on the River, back of Ackrrman's Store, Oregon City, Oregon. FURNITURE VAREIiO 3IV1 3. I have opened a Finisbinc room i i Dr. T he-si nji's Brick, under the old ( ller k's oil! e. where I am prepared to I'arni h all article. of n IV irianuf ac: ure, at as low a price r.s c.o be imrehased i i Oregon. Constaotlv oe hand all kinds of fu: niture, and what I have not, w 11 be ma de to order, on short notice. Give me a call and examine my stock. Oregon City, July i'0:tf f 1840 mi xo w The Pa.X Nillek i Uv on v rsal cons m allowed t h ve won for itself a re oituti .u un-ui jia n the history of medic 1 pre peratins. Its instantaneous effect in th eradication and exMnction of Paia in all it various forms incident to ti e h unan family, and the unsolicited writ en and v rbai testi mony of the masses in its fivor, have been, mo 1 are its 1 est ad' cv isrments. The m rredielCs of the PaIX KlIXER, Oe inc ntirfU- Yko - T v B I.E. render .t p letilv -ale and idtieacions remedy tak nucernally, as well as for external appHc Hi s. when u el sceoriiina io directions. The stain upon Bnen Bom Its use is real ly remove! b. wastiimr wii h alcohol. Tei- Medeme just I v el eb rated for the cure of so mu'iy of the a Illicit ois iiicidi nt to the human fiud'y. ha- now been before' t ie public uv, r TifiKTT teams, and lias found its way into almost every corner of the world; and wherever it has been ued, ihe same opinion is expressed of iti medical proper In any attack, whre prompt ac'ion upm the system is rvcpiirfd, the Pain" Killer is invaluable. Its almost in-tautaneo is e3 et iu Ueliev'ng Pain is truly wonderful ; ani when used a cording to directions, is true to its name, a I'xiy Killee. 3 1 U' H. D0NALD&C0e Wf u ilsJuUlO 0 1 u-a- A C'i'SV". " r A I'al! t. c rttcnt'on fr-ah-uei.t c 1 " 'e-y Arnvau 1 - t"rr"!r l.irco rrsr- art -i . t:.e 1 oloY:r rrt5c!e i" 1 v .v!t' ' Tti MxVrri i-u; n-ifGOISTS HliI)EIE; saiAKr: Ht-pr.5. 1-ESrVS'EKIi-?, 1'aINTS ISD (OTP. atsnt 5lEiir?jrr r.rf-srs& ti'i i'01.: SEXTIAL OlLt", iEOSSS Oil., Tlnch Tre o r.r ire lowc?t Cr.rh Triers. Brirf iro icteri::ir.el not t ii. n. Mcdonald CO., I'daxciscc. Cilr FOR SALE. BUSINESS locate! ir Sn oun DRUO Francisco, Cal. Afu r our best wishes, am "Xprcsrdng our thanks for the liberal pat onajre we nave leeeiveu tor rnoie than wenty- one years, duriiijr which period we owe been eis.crarcd In the I):"us bu -ass in California, we bej to say in con sa pience of the rapid owl h of Dr. W alker's Call ornia mejar i t'eis, now spr'd over the United States and coiaitiies far bevood. we are ne essit-upii t, aeVote time to sad business. mr entire We are he Old st Dru ? f; rm on the Pacific Coast and t e only o e, coniinou- under the same proprietors inco 18-1 'J. and 1 ave dc-le.-mined 10 sell our are, pr s perous. and well e tabli.-h d b asaies- a i lavorabl terms. This i-a rto e oppo, tiinitv f .r men with meaus of nte ini; into a pro Citable business with advantages never fc -tore oli'cred. I'O'- part.cular-s euq iire of . u. 11. Mcdonald t co., R. II McDovali). ( V'h desale D: iitmi-ts, J. C. SpscxCE.t. S;ri Eranci-co. Cal. N. 15. Until a s;de is made we. shill con tinue our importation's and keep a lar-e stock of fn-sh jio-iJs p.-nstatitlv 'on hand, and sell at priees'to de'y c--mpetitioa. The Great Mcdica! Discovery! Dr. WALSEE'3 C". LIPOPwIIIA VINEGAR BITTERS, Hundreds cf Txiausaiids Bear testir'ioDT to their Wonder ful Curative Efi'ecls. c j tr- gliWHAT ARE THEY? TREY PT3 NOT A YIL" UII F A U C Y D R ! f! ' Made of Poor Timr;, Whiskey, Proul Spirits and Ilelus;-;;sor:s doctored, spiced and sweetened to please the taste, called "Ton ics," " Appetizers," "Restorers," ic, that lead the tippler on ta drunkenness and rain, but are a true Medicine, made from the Native Hoots and Herbs of California, free SVimi all Alcoholic Htiianlanrs. They are the V. II !'AT Ii LOO I) rUHiriElt and 1 j I F 13 (J I V I X 1 1'ItIX- CI VIjIZ a perfect Kcnovator and Invigorator of t'ac System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring tuo blood to r. healthy condition. No person can take there Bi iters according to direc tion and remain Ions unwell. For I lifliiinmutary suul Chronic llhen- inri?Es:: an:l iout, Iysicpsia vr liuii jjesiiou, ISilious, Kemittent una Inter mitlent Fevers, Diseases of the Klood, l.iver, Kidneys, mid lihiditer, thesa Hit- ters bavo been most kucc. Fsful. iucli Dis- casrs are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of tiro Diaresi i ve Oi'tans, DYSPEPSIA Olt IXDlfSESTIOX. . Headache. Pain ia tho Slioaldcrs, Coui;h3, Tight ness cf the Cliest, Dizziness, Sour Kructations of the Stomach, Bad tast.; ia the Mouth B.I:ou3 At tacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain ia t'ae regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off springs of Dyspepsia. Th"y invigorate the Stomach and stimulate- the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of un equalled efficacy ia cleansing the blood of ail impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Ernptions.Tcttcr, Salt Kheum, Blotches. Spots, Pimples, Pustules. Boils, Carbuncles, King-Worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in ehort time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle iu such cases will convince the most Incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its impurities bursting through the skin in Pim ples, Eruptions or Sores ; cleanse it rhcn you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it ia foul, and your feeling will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. . FIN, TAPE and other "WOR3IS, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. For fall directious, read carefully the circular around each bottle. J. WALKER, Proprietor, K. n. McDOSTALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Cal., and S3 and Si Commerce Street, New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. 1 eb. 1 . 1 $40,000 Yv RTII OF BOOTSandSH COMPRISING ALL THE LEADING OailforrJa MAI." UFACTURES For Till and Winter Wear, .be on h md ami bein : constantly rcplcu ishtd at thj Pliilacblphia Boot Store, 113 Front Street 131 First Street. 5 1 P3 s, C". Pi W N. 15. Lr.di'-s and Gent'cmcn's Hoots and G. liters made t measure, lb"-. p;tf Grammar School. TIIIi BOAh'D nf TRUSTEES OK';AN- iz.M for toe purpose 01 e-ta .Hsluntr the a nve )1, would les'iectlidl V annoin ce that the v h : ve en I'fd the services of Mr. li?!K, as ieadier, lor a -e-- oa t six nriit!:s. The Scbo 1 will o.K-n on Tues day, th.e 3d 1 -iy of Jaiiti u v, io the room iately occupied as t; e ' Enterprise Office." All the usual brinchi s c tr:prisiiur a thor ough English, Cla-si -al, Mathematical and CoiniO'1 c al ed 1 afrm will be A jip'i'-atioa tor : 1 uittancp, terms, &'c, to te inade to the Te icher. Hours. Houi 9 a. m. to 12 m . an. I ff- 111 1 t . p. m. n 3 G H T SCHOOL; The undersigned will i-onKiieuce a Nisht S.-hool o'n T.ies -hiy eveii i;t xt, January :'.(!. in the (irainmar School Room; Hours, from ') to ?. S. D. POPE. Oregon City. Dec. 2?, ISTo. tf Sa!e. vTOTICE I- HEREiiV GIVEN, THAT ON i Mo-'day, t e loth day of April, 1S71, at be resi lenci of t'-.e im lers goe.l there will be sold one sorrel MARIv b 1 1 fwee, iibout fourteen bauds high. Said mare will be sold to pay cha.ges for keepm j:. V ' W. T. MATLOCK. Oregon City, March 2 l;71:wi:- . - Z, u S v c S o - N. f? . --3 V- " - ' ' I t---' pit p .' .-, .' ' , - I rf, ii V- - -vi,:-i; . ;w STOR SMEW S fi PACIFIC BOOT AND SrIOE STORE. Cor. First & Morrison sts. II AVING OPEN! ID OCR NEW STOCK of SHOES, We are now prepared to fu. nish our cus tomers With Best Quality of Goods, Of our own and Eastern Manufacture, at VEiiy low riucES. Call and Examine Onr Stock OF Boots & Slioes OF ALL KINDS AND STYLES, Wc Always have the Latest and Host Fashionable Styles en Hand. Protzniai, Gilllhan & Co., Corner First and Icorricnts . .rORTIAVD, OREGON. Feb lo" THE GREAT An Infallible dloos Pt niFirn, possess ing rare tomc and XEitvixt properties a certain euro for iie:i;.iiaxin.-si. i.oit, M'.ciialgm, and all kindred Diseases. It completely restores the system when im paired by disease, revives the action of tha uixr:vs and ti;lTAL luic.vxs, radi cally CUrCS NCRUFCL.l, SALT nilEOl and all eriptive and ci't.meous Dis eases, gives immediate and permanent, relief in nvsPEPSiA, crvnipelas. Tumors. Eoils, Scald llead. Ulcers and Sores; eradi cates from the system all traces of ilercuria". Disease, - It is pi;nni.v vesetauli;, being made from an herb found indigenous in Cai:fomi3. It is therefore peculiarly suitable for me by Females and Children, as a m.ooi pi:ri. I li;jJ. on:! RUXOV.lTOa. For Sale by ad Drugits. REBING.TGK , HQSTCTTCR & C5. AGENTS, C20 and E31niarket Street, ect 231V IS47. 1371. New Goods ! Hew Goods ! II. CAUFIELD B EG S LE A VI-; TO INF M TE P'JBI.IC that he bus n-titted the old stand, coru-r la-.o and Sevenrh Si.s., Oieioi City, ami has rec- ived an entire ut.w stuci of goodsj coo-si-ting of nilV 'GOODS, GROCERIES; CROCKER V, GLA SS U'A R Et JVOODEXlV'ARE, and a crcnCral assortment of everything iti our line. Thaoktiil tor past favors, vvestll solicit u slmreuf the u .Ii patro ai fe. Country Pr.iduve laken in c-xchaugi for oods. AZ:U JOIIX II. SCII RAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, HARNESS, S- etc., etc., JSIain Street, Oregon City, 3V7islies to repreer:t that he is now as well prepared to furnish any article in his line as the largest establishment in the State He particularly requests tliat an examination ol his stock be made before buying elsewhere. liLllyil Punlrloi. KvV 1 ';''',' REDIXGTO, IIOSTETTER & CO. Stop that Coiigliin fr f Some of you can't, and Ave pity yon. Ytm have tried every lenitdy but tle ONE destined, by its inti in-io merit, to sujitfsede ail t-imitar preparations. It is not surprising vou shoi ld be ieluc titnt to Xry sometLingelse af crthe iiiany exp imeuts you have made of trashy coihpti'uiids foisted on the public as a ctriaiu ture"J but WevvclTs Pulmonary Syrup is realty the VKHV BEST remedy ever c nipotnided for the cure of Coughs, Colds, oe Throat', Aftlruut, U'lioopuig Cough-; Bronchitis and Consumption. Thi'iLsaruls of p ople in California 11 nd Orefion luive beeu already benefited by the surprising curative powers of rSewelTs Pulmonary Syrup and with one accord give it their un qualitied approbat 011. We now ad.ii ess nurselves to all who are unacquainted with this, the f:ieatost panacea i the are. fer the healing of nil diseases of the . Thi-oul uil Lungs, assuring you that f'ewcIPs Pulmonary Syrup b s cured thousands. r it will cure YOU. if you try it. This in valuable piedieina is pleasant to the ta te ; ootli inpf, h alini; and 'stu-nutheniug in its ttl'ects; eiitir. lv free fr to nil poisonois or deleter. ous drus.;inil perfectly harni less under ali cii cutnslantcs. Kor Sale ly all I: npjjit 3. REDING I ON, . IIO.-sTE 1' 1 YAl &. CO., 5'2t and 31 Market street, San Francisco. Rcdingtoxis Essence Jamaica Ginger, Which L- confidently reeonimendi'd t the btst prepai tion. roiv before the public. This valuable preparation, containing in a highly co cent rated trm all the properties f Jamaica ( iun-erjois become one 01 the rimt pojoilar doiue-tic n nie dies fiV all diseases of the steniach and digest ive organs;. As a ionic, it wil he found invaluable to all pers i;S Recovering Jrom debility, .whether produced by "fever or otherwise; f.r w. lie it ts to ihe system all the clow at.d vigor thil can be pioduced by wine or biatidy. it :s entirely free fn.m ihe 1 cacti' nary elh-cts that follow the use ot spii i;s id' any kind. It js a's, an excelh nt .remedy for feniides who solier from diHieult men struation, giving almost, imii tdiate re lief lo the asm- that s-o frequently ac cooipanv that period. It Live- immediuie ? el i f to Nausea, caused by l ion g in a ruilroud car, or ;y st a ck ess, o otb-r eaiises. ., It is also valua le its an xterpal ap "plieat 011 for Gout, Uheniati.-iii, Neu ralgia, etc. RICDIXCiTOV, IIOSTETI JZIX & CO., 529 auJ 531 Market street, San Francisco. RecIingto:i's F I av 0 r i n g Ext r a c t s AHE THE PKRFECTl.Y PKRE AND highlyc ncer.trat' d bxiracls from Ficsh Fruiis, jirejiar.-d with great aie. Thev -'ie. put up in uperlor si vie, and in a bottle h hiiug TWICE AS .MLCII as the ordinary brands of Extracts. mpanng quality mid contents, none Other are ne. irl so cheilp. . believer tested on tiikik merits, they have been adapted in pi e.erence to a il otheis. and are now the I VN 1) A R I FLAVORING EXTRACTS oi the 1'acinc Coast. MARK THE ADVAXTAGES. By purchasing Redington's Concen trated Flavoring Exti act.-, you obtain an article n t only supeiior in rich:. ess and dehc tCj o? il ivor to a- y o her of a simi lar n 1 tu 1 e, but far moi e economical, be cause ei'di b ttle h Ids double the quantity contaiiii-d in a bottle of any other llavoiing extract sold. ItEUi.VyTO.V, UOSTK'l TER & CO., Agents for the I'acific Coa.-t. m Wonldyonesc ipe FEVER AND A CUE, a- d preserve he .Ith ami v'gor duriim the S ekly -ea-bn, make occa?ional use of the followiiig as A PREVENTIVE; If you are.ATT CK.ED with Chills and Hilious Fever, or have been a victim to such disease, a1 d used ot her so-called remedies wi bout permanent relitf, seek at once the safe-t and suie.-t CURE, by usinir. according to directions RI or, Fever and Ague I'ilK Time has proved tliem thoroughlv to be the s il'est and most reliable remedy koovvn. Th v contain no mercury 01 ot icr mineral or ctieiiiical. They are excinsivelv vege table. They stimulate the f in-rtioesof theiiver. Conge-tion is impossible wh-re thee arc tisi d: They do n o deter trom daily labor, by a- sisting diec-tion tl ey add flesh and mu clelo the farre. They are a-iaotcd to all A,'ts and both sexes, at-d its a FAMILY EDSOSSME Will CURE in their incipiency, three fomthsof all diseases io. ide'ntal to a iiiiiiii' i"u ciiniiue. for iiysprpaia small doses tney have n equal. For sale by all I)ruggi-ts. in REDLVGTOX, IIOSTETTER & CO., SOLE AGENTS. The Battle for Life Which is continual'y going on between health and di-ea-e, has never received from anv medic ne such marked and un mist.ka'ble assi-iance, on the side of health, as it Las Flewell's Pulmonary Syrup KEDISGTO, IIOSTETTER & CO., 329 and 531 JIarket street. San Francisco. A UCTION AXD COMMISSION Ac 15. JUiclisiiMlsoii AUCTIONEER! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Tertland. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Grocerit General Merchac dise and Hoises, Every I Ved h esdo y and Sa t'v rday A. 13. Kichakdsox, Aiictioheer AT PRIVATE SALE, . English refined IJar and Bundle lion Inniih Square and Octagron Cast steet Horse shoes. File, Rasps, saws Screws, Fiy-pacs, sheet iron, ll.'o Ir?n a : Aargeassprtmentof Groceries ;md Liquor - a. n. i ' JL For a .vr cents yo:i can Lay cf ycui- Grocer cr Druggist a r aclzagc cf SEA TJGSS FAHINE made from Irisli jIoss, cr Carrar;ec:i, rhlcli will mako extcc:i qcsrts of Elanc Maifge, r.nd a IlI:o cnzziUiy cf Pau dlns, Custards, Creams, Char lotte Fusse, &c. It is tho clicapest, healtldfit, and irJst delicious food i:i the world. It maiie: T:r-'; r splendid Dessert, and has 110 equal aia a Iift and and O delicate fjod far Invalids Children. o A Glorious Chan-re ! f Tin: cicn at vror.i.:)-:: tcJJ-ic. Plantation Bitters. restorative ii tEac f.?;oeS-issa-c'acr of Hac fcej!G and Ic!;iii tn:ccl, A3 n Conic Z2:a.l ccrelsal for t!:c asc-I rO. I;2r:53icJ, it ztcliics. A3 n remedy Tor tEac jeel, it 3 Rsi2rselcs2 every oilier Gfarsizslnr?!. Iz nil Cli- or fi'ajjid, it sacf n specific in every rprj53 of tlisnrclcr wliicls ti32tSir5:iJ33r3 EIjo Itailily 6lrcsisrlEa asarl La'craSss dowsa tlie nrsinml sijia-ils. For sale Ir o OREGOX CITrPOREC.oV, RETAIL DEALEKS IN I also Iccep constantly on hand SALEM CASS IM F R E P, FI.A!f SELS. TWEEDS AD liLAXKETJ Which I wi'l sell at tbe Factory I'ikes, and vvlll take Woo. iu exchange. will also pay the highest prices fojr Putter, Egtfs, and i.'ll Vii:J.'.f jro d .country produce. I vil; sell us tov as any boused in Oregon, for Ca.-b o-it's quivQt htiu gooti men .turntable. jTodtice. : G fiCS" Give mo a call ai;d sati-fy yourselves; DEEP. GKSHSTWANTED, CASH PAID FOR COfNTV OliHEllS: jollN.MERS. Jan. 13,1871 tf KSi'ABIUslii;;) t : t 18f9 LRflEST h, FBLANDSCN, GENIRAL Gomrnissicn Merchant, AXD EKALER IX (9 DRUGS,, CHEMICALS. o 9 ESSENTIA I, HES. 0 DYE ll'Y S AND GENEKAl. MERCHANDISE. BY THE PACK AG F ONLY. Ca-h Oidersfor Goods of every descrip tion Iruiii this or any Foreign Market, will re- eive iromj.t and faithful ;.ten;ion. MINEi.S. MAN TFA TCKI.R-i AND WliOLKSALK TKADE SUP PLIED FOIi CASH. No nctice r atfntion p 1 d to orders fr grti.-ds. if thre is no pr., vision made for tbe pa meut d' the Si.n.e. 0 Consignment Solicited. OFIICE, - S'erchants Exchange.' San Fruncisco, California. TERMS NET c SII, ON DELIVERY, IX V. S. GOLD COIN. Package prices. II B.-- Oregon Fropucts SclicitedL On Con'gr.nint. J l- . 27:1t J. BUCHTEL'S NEW PEO i OG1 AP11IC RO03ISt o 01 First Street, (Second door touth of No. tii3 oiU staiiiJK Pxtiam', Oren, O I AM PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALI, work in my line in a supermr manner, with idl t be lit st imj r.ven. nts in tl e ait, Nothing but firsieiis woik doi.e at my new i)d niag i licent r o:. s, at low 1 r ces. CALL AN (J EX -v MINE SPECIMENS.' Feb. 10, 1971:w$ o Q O , ;T r.---.y --.i-- .". !,.--- .-.-:f tv--' --..;:4 O o C0URT3SY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY,