O O e Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still- A BEAUTIFUL AND POPULAR BALLAD. 'Tis years since last wo met. And we may not mtct again ; I have struggled to forget. But the struggle was in vain, For her voice lives on the breeze, And her spirit coini's at will ; In the midnight on the seas, llerCbright smile haunts me still. For, her voice, &c. At the first sweet dawn of light, When I gaze upon the deep, Her form sLill greets my sight. While the stars their vigils keep, "When I close my aching eyes. Sweet dreams my senses fill ; And from sleep when I arise. Her bright smile haunts me still, When L close. Ac. I have sailed "neath alien skies, I have trod the desert path ; I have seefi the storni arise. Like a giant in hisvrath. Every danger I have known, That, a reckless life cm fill , Yet her presence is not flown. Her bright smile haunts me still. Every danger. &c. A Word to Bimnes? Men-Does it Pay to Advertise ? icre are few perhaps who re- 0 quire to have even ;i stiLf.;estion oti this point, but we may perhaps ven ture a word. A very large number of the peo ple act only us they are influenced to act. Half of thtir enjoyments are the result of action which they are stimulated to by the influences around them. 31 en fall into inac tion and sloth for want of incite ment to enterprise and enjoyment. They have few and simple desires and make no exertion beyond their immediate exigeeics. Hence we have communities in similar eir cumstancedistinguiidied for thrift and enterprise on the one hand and j for listlessness- and indillerence on the other. The one labors more and enjoys more. AVhat are the means which ex cite a cmmun!ty to enterprise and acquisition and enjoyment? Sure ly among them may be named a tempting display of the objects which give eomfor:, gratification and pleasure. How are people tempted to possess themselves of such objects 't Obviously by their being brought to their attention by whatever means. This is effect ed in Virions ways. Sometimes by tasteful and showy places of busi ness. Sometimes by the opportu nity of judicious salesman and bus ness solicitors. lut t he most effec tive and by far the most eeonomi q cat means are the columns of the newspaper. There is not the shadow of a reason to doubt that one of the most certain means of inducing activity of exciting the desires and inciting!, community to industry and to thrift and increasing its bus iness, are the advertising columns of a well circulated newspaper. Sensible, judicious advising, by thoroughly and constantly adver tising the the people ot the man)' good tilings they may have for a iiitle exertion, and of the means of prolit in trade and barter around them, not only concentrates trade to those who do it, but it increases the whole volume of trade in the community. A Negro J. P. Grants a Divorce. The Shubuto (Miss.) Times chronicles a very rich divorce case in that county, that for brevity, cheapness and dispatch beats Chi cago a long way. It appears that Jameg)Chapman and Jenn'c Wil liams, or James and Jennie Chap man, had "tuck up"" with each other and been living together as man and wife for a long time, and that Jim had got tired ot the old woman and courted Miss Lindy, who promised to share his bed and board providetLhe would get a di vorce from Jenny. Jim therefore hastened to the office of T. II. Clay, one of Alcorn's colored mag istrates, and offered S-3 for a divorce. Clay pocketed the "live-" and wrote 3 the following certificate of divorce ; ".Miss Lindy, this is to certify that James Chapman and Jennie Wil liams has this day seperated before me, and you and him are at liberty to marry when you will." "T. II. Clay." This is decidedly the cheapest and speediest divorce ever obtained in the United States. A Ivii.iiccTED One. A Louis ville girl whose lover called every morning, and stayed all day and long into the night, became dis couraged at so much attention. And concocted a plan to get rid of him by asking to help move the piaQo up stairs, and after that was done, changed her mind, and had him help move it down. She kept, on till she had removed all the fun tit ure in tiie house seven times, and (h;e didn't see the point; but the other night in despair, when he called her, she threw a pail of water on him from the window. He says lie can't phve any confidence in women, and has presented a bill for removing furniture. True love never did run smooth by water power. Hard to Answer.--At one of his lectures, George Francis Train shouted, ' Xow, then, anybody can ask me questions." Whereupon an old lady got up and said : Mr. irain, I would like to know what makes a pot leg always burn in two in the middle." The great Amer ican traveler weakened? Io daily and hourly your duty do it patiently and thoroughly Do it as it presents itself; do it at the moment, and let it be its own re ward. Never mind whether it is Known or acknow -r,i "but do not tail to do it. , v A not; rH'rT-wtigM J. R. RALSTON, IS STILL AT HIS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN and SIXTH STREETS OREGON CITY, OREGON. WHERE HE WOULD INVITE HIS friends, and the public in general, to call and examine his stock, consisting ot a general assortment of . . ISoois si sad. SItocs, EI:aN sas2l Csips, Croc leery 5 Groceries, &c. Z7 Having frorr. many years' expeiienc learned Unit TiJE SECRET OP SUCCESS LIES' IN SIIAJL PROFITS IS DETERMINED TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL S If me the Cry of Por.land Piices! Oregon City, August 23tli, 1SU9. Grammar School. rpiIE I'.OAl;!) (F TRUSTEES ORUAX JL ized tor the purpose ot estuulishing the a hive School, would respect. iilly announce that tiie.' h ve engird the services of Mr. . I. f I'lO. us i ea .her, tor a e:itn ot six in nt!is. Tiie Seine -l will open on Tues day, the 3 1 d iy of January, in the mom lately occupied as t..e 'Enterprise Oiiiee." All the usual br. inches e mpi isinir a thor ough English, Cia-sh al. Mathematical and Com me c al ed t ation will he tauiht. Appli.-atio i for i.duiitt.-tnee, terms, Ac, to he i miik to the Teacher. Honrs, f.oin (J a. m. to l'j ni.. and from t to : p. m. NiOHT SCHOOL. The undersigned will commence a Ni"ht Sjiiool on Tuesday evcn'ng next, January 3d, in the (Jraimnar School Room. Hours, from ti f lo y. S. D. POPE. Oregon City, Dec. 20, 1S70. tf SEIJD TO RU33SLL & FEHE.Y, E PORTLAND, Oil TO JOHNSON &, M'COWN, OTZZQGn C3TY, FOR TIIE OREGON REAL ESTATE GAZETTE PIIEC OF G II A KGB. S. pt. H tf 840,000 WORTH OF BOOTS and SHOES COMPRISING ALL TIIE LEADING- California & Eastern MANUFACTURES. For Fall and Winter Wear, Are on baadaoJ bein constantly re4'eu- lsheu at the Philadelphia Boot Store, 113 Front Street ua-1 J31 First Street. JQHEU So KAST. N. 1. Lmli "S and fjent'eineu's Boats-and Gaiters made to measure. Dec. J:tf JOHN II. SCII RAM. Manufacturer and Dealer ia SADDLES, HARNESS, etc., etc., JLiin Stett, Oregon f ilu, J?rg-Yishes to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish 1113' article in his litie us the l.ireest estahli-hnient in the State. He particularly rcqnest that an examination ct his -toi:U he mi le lielore Imyiisjl elsewhere. 1347. IS7I. ITew Goods ! Few Goods ! I?. CAUFIKLI) pECSLEAVETU INFOI.M T E PUB' 1C l! that he has relitte I tiie old stand, corner Ma.n a' d Sevenvh Sts., Oregon City, and has rec ived in entile Ulv stock of goods, con--i'tiiig of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, IVOOD EX IV A RE, and a general assortment of evorvthino: in I our li e. Ti'.tnktui tor oast f ivrs. we stil solicit ti share of the u li - pat ro iape. Country Pr diue lakeu 111 exchange for i:ood$. LlflOu'LNBAKERY. Successors of L. Dillf.r in the Lincoln Bakery, BEG LEAVE TO INFORM THE CITI ze is of Ore-roii City and surrounding c .ntrv, that thev keep "constantly ou baud and f'-r sale, eJl kinds of .BKEAD.CR VtivE!-;. CAKES. I'A-sTlcY, CAN DIE AND NUTS. Also, a pood ami general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders prompt' y filled, and goods deliver ed at the residence of the put chaser when desired. Tfe highest pi ices paid for Butter, Eggs and Vegetahl s. A liberal "-hare of pnblic patronage is re spectfullv solo-ited. April 23. lS70;ly Estray Notice. rgAKTX IT BY THE. YXDEKSIGNTHD, .Tan. 1. 1871. livin-r 1 1-2 mile sonthot' Milwaukie, two head of two year-oi l this sprinpr. one seer an.l the other a heiter : the heifor is branded bv a sq-.are crop off rirhtear and slit, -with underbit in left, palc-red ; steer is dark red, square crop oif each ear. c. B. BUNNELL. Clackamas coantv, March 10, 1S71.W3 GREAT REDUCTION m PRICES AT 0 13. Hi. STONE'S, No. 107 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. WALTIIAM WATCHES, GOLD CHAINS AXD RIXGS, CLOCKS, OROIDE WATBIIES AND CHAINS, FINE JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. AJ1 at jSTew Yoit 3?i-ices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. EVERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED. Watches and Jewelry repaired. juOtf JNOTICE. The People's Transportation Company WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FROM OREGON CITY AS FOLLOWS: FOIL PORTLAND : At 7 A. M . every day, except Sunday. And 1 P. M. Monday, Tuesday. Thurs day and Friday, Foa Salem, Albany and Corvallis. AND ON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY, COR "TSr ".OT" COS W o A. A. McCULLY, President. Nov. IG. 1S70 4o.tf SAWBtTRIT & PASCAL Be to inform the! public and tLeir f iends ajat tiiey liuve leased tiie lower pare 01 tbe CLIFF HOOSE, Which they have opened as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT The table will at. all times be supplied wit the beat the market aOords. Orders for suppers and parties will' be prompily attended to. Ore-ron Cit-, .Jan. '20: tf JEW WAGON AXD Carriage Tanufactory I The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, arid as manv new ones as mav be pleased to call, fl at he is now prepared, w th ample room, good materials, and the very b-.'ft of Tiiechani'-s, to build anew, refoii ! met. make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort ol a vehicle from a com mon ctrt to a concord cach. Try me. IJlacksmitiiing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing neatlv, qnn klv and cheap ly done.' DAVID Mi ru. Opposite Excelsior Market g HADES SALOOX. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAfX STREET, Oregon Cily. O Best BILLIARD TABLES in OREGOX Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of ihe lovers of this popular amusement to them. THE B A R 1 S S FTP LI ED With all the choicest qualities of Lirpiors anj Cigar. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon already famous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE OV DRAUGHT. fiTamilies supjdied. .SEWING- MACHINES ! ! C0JIPET1T1. DEFIED. Y7"E SELL THE SINGER, W HE ELK I? & Wilson, II 'we. Elliptic, Grover & Hiker, Weed. Parliam, Keystone, lib es, Gold Medal, American combination, Davis, Empire, inkle & Lvon, Wilcox & Gibbs wi.h a cttnplet outfit, late t improvements, all extra attachments and case at ?0. Tiie Wilson, Foisom, McLean & HoopT, Rarthram & Fanton, wiih outfit, improve ments, all extra att ichments and case at $3S. The Uii'keve, Diamond, American, Home Shuttle, Bristol with outfit,, taole, attach ments and case, at. 130. The Com noii Sense, Octagon, Banner and all other haid midlines wi;h outfit hemmer and tucker at $12. No toy machines sob). A complete set of attach'iients fr hum ming fine, coarse and wide, binding any ma terial, quilting, tucking and making the next tuck, milling and gathering, doing away with hast ng altogether. Made to sa t uny machine. Ou y the complete set sold, $3. HrJITTirja MACHINES. The Lamb at S"5 : the Crane at t5 ; tbe Hiukley. Diamond 27 ; the Bickford, Auiei icau, lisiek, New Haven $2i. Terms. When the money is sent with the order we ship with all treight charge prepaid as far as the Mississippi, or sent C. O. D., on receipt of bail the amount, and charges added. L. PERKINS & CO., SllilvlNG STF.EilT, WILMINGTON, DEL. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY. I TjNTVRRSTTY nv nnTOAmiT. WALT VELVETS snu ssl s, THRE E -PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES, PAPER -HANGINGS, LACE - CURTAINS, &c, &c We Wovhl, Call the attention of par ties jilting up houses, or Leini in need of anything in our line To our Stock, which is OXE OF 'lilt COMPLETEST On the I?saci!c osis! Ow Goods being specially selected at the Ear tor ie in England and the Eastern States, ice can sell AT THE LOWEST 8sa E2 !'V:2 Esrlrio Prices. No. SO Front street, between Alder 05.) and Washington, Cortland Oregon LAUGEN & Dc RANGE'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, PORTLAND, ORSGOET, For the instruction of TVIiddIe-,ged ETen, Yon: g Men and Eoys, In tiie blanches of a business Education. rpnis is without dchtut a mot 1 thorough and cliicient. In-ti'.utiun, and has made for i slf a name in Oregon, of which its friends arc ju-tly proud. 'I'he b:a:.ch s wbicn tan.l out prominent ly in the curi iO iliua of study are I JOO K KEEPING. ( ( ) M LliC I A L A III T 1 1 M ET I C, POLITICAL ECO.NOM V, PENMANSHIP, COMMERCIAL LAW, CO R UI'Sl'ON DEN CE , &.C. A most thoroijh practical department is in constant operation, i 1 which arc com r sed all the minutiae of business atl'tirs. Students can enter at any Mine. No va cations. Call at room; coiner of FRONT and AL DER streets,, or nid for a circular contain ing full information. Address, LAIUE.V fc DfPRASC'K. Portland, Oregon. The standard remedy for Cone; lis, Tnflu- fiiM, Sore T1troaf,lliiOing Cough, Croup, Li car Compldi nt, Bronchitis, BUt-dhig of the Lungs, and every affection of the Throat, Luivjrs and Chest", iuc uding Conscmptiox. AVI lair's ISstlsaiu does not dry up a Cough, hut loosens it. cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing theenn.e of the complaint. -None irenune unless signed 1 Pi tts. Prepared by Skt;i W. Fowle A' Sox, Boston. Sold by Reimxotox. Hn. tetter tV Co., San Frurcisco, and by dealers geneialb-. JelS:ly A. G. WALLIXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery- ORECOMAX IJUILDLXG, No. 5 IV'ashington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOORS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every Tariety of style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. STEERS & H i M DE? Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC IVlnes, E randies, "WJtislxics, Eic. No. 4D, F ioxt Street, Pohtlaxp, Osraov. Constantly on hand a genuine article of Cattei W iek v. i '' C- W- POPE & CO-, DEALEKS IN STOVES, TIN PLATE, SHEET IPvON J A IERs: COPPER, LEAD PIPE, 1 OX I'll E AND FITTINGS, RUB1 -R IIOSE. Ft)RCE AND Llt'i PUMPS. ZINC, COPPER, BRASS AND IRON WIRE. Also a general assoitment of llous nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware- ROOFING AND JOBBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW P RICES. o Also, at POPE'S STOVE STORE you will tiud HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND UN WARE, LANTERNS, LAMPS AM) OIL, LUCINE ANDJ NIGHT LAMPS. A LbO PERAMBULATORS. o All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. AV. POPI2 CO. j;ly Oregon City Oregon. COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. Front Street. POIITLAXD, OUEGON". Zicber & Holton Propr's. riHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING RE X lurnisheu and re fitted the above named Hotel, wiil henceforth conducted ou the EUIOPEA.V STLE. Rooms can be had by the Day, Week or Month. A 'RESTAURANT in the House, under jhe management of PIERRLM ANCIET, late of the Lafayette. Owing to its location and construction, it is the inost desirable Hote. in the City, ana we intend keeping it as it ought to be KEl'T. Free Coach ami Ilange agin anil from lite Hotel. ZIEIiER & HOLTON, Proprietors. OiBce of the Ori soii anil .California oct. 21tf. Staije Comuaiiv CD AS. HODGE. .CHAS. E. CALEF. . GEO. W. SXELL. HODGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IN DKUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND "WINDOW GLASS, VARXISIIES, BRFSI1ES. PAIXTERS Materials, ana lruygistis1 Sundries. J7 Front Street, 05, , Portland, Oregon. Jacob Stitzkl. Jams 15. Upton ST IT ZE L & UPTON, Ilcnl Estate Brokers and General Agents, Corner of Eront. and Washington streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. 3? Will attend to the sale and purchase of Peal L-tate in all parts of the City aim St.ite. Special attention given to the sale o: East Piu'thmd property. Address P. O. P.ox l Portland. Oregon. ST IT EL A UPTON, Otf. Rail Ett1e Brokers. OREGON CITY BREWERY ! a rvi II EMI Y 11U7IB1-:L., Having purchased the above Brewery v.-i.; li es to inform the ptiD' th.it he is now piepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 qn 'lity of LAGER BEER, s sood as can be obtained an-, w' ere in tY.e Stale. Orders solicited mid ini'iNjitly filled. Patronize Home industry. THE PIONEER CURLED HAIR MANUFACTORY S NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY THE markrt w th a No. 1 artii le of Curled Hair tor Upholstery work, which will coni- p .re with any imported articie In quality 01 price. I pay the highest trice for Manes and fails of Horses and Tans of Cows at my store, corner Front and Sulnv n streets. D. Mi TZLFR, I'urtla'.d, Oregon. READING MATTER FOR OWE DOLLAR!! the AMERICAN STOCK JOURNAL, A larpje Handsomely Illustrated Monthly, continuing :2 to 4( large Doub'e Column Page-, hi led with original matter from the utilt'sf writers 111 the country, on the various subjects connected with FARM INC. STOCK-BREEDING. WOOL-OROWING, DAlIiVINO, POULTRY KEEPING Ac. Bound in hand-onu ly tinted covers. It has a VETER IX a R Y DE PA RTM EN T under the charge of one of the ablest Pro" lessors 111 .the United States, who answers through the Journal, frte of charge, all ques tions relating to Sick, Iijured or Diseased Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine or Poultry. This make- it a very valuable work for re ference, and an almost indi -ptn-db!e compan ion to all interested in slock b re? Jing. The low price at which it is published i$l.(n"u year) brings it within the reach of all, while "the Sdendld inducements offered to Agents and I rem hods to Subscribers. make it to the interest of every Farmer and htock Breeder to extend its circulation. Send Stamp for Sptciman, Copy, large Illustrated Show Hill and Ere- i alum Elst. Get up a Clnb and obtain one of the many valuable Premiums oltVred, consisting of Chester White, Berkshire. Sull'olk, Magic and Essex Pigs, Short-Horn, Alderney. Ayrshir- and Devon Calves. Southdown, Cotswold and Merino Shep, Cashmere Gouts, Pine-Bred Poultry, Norway Oats, Seeiis, Airrii ul urAl Implements, Pianos, Watches, Silverware, Hooks, Ac. Specimen copies scttt free. Address '. P. BOYER A CO., Publishers, Parkesburg, Chester Co., Pa AYOID QUACKS. A rictim of earlv in discretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay, &c , having tried in vain erery adveitised remedy, has a simple means of self cure, which he w'll send free to l 's fellow snflerers. Address J. II. TUTTLE 73 Nassau st., New York. Jan. 13:6m Blanks. All kinds of blanks can be had at this office Job Printing of every description neatly executed, at short notice. 3. h. Mcdonald & co.. itt v J Jil . i ssta nntifipso msf UllUUulo 3 -A 3 t t-'nt'on of ncalsrs ti tt"'.r larirs cssor cl- '. Xe"'y Arrived" ( ; ooUs. am: nosed i ' "iiowuitf sriic'.es. toff''T: er wit!. loft inawfli Biif plied WIIOI.I- RT!ST1 IJrGS, ATENT Ji1eOiVt"E5 TlI.r-rK's PP.HPATIAT'yS Shakki IlFrrs, 1 ERFVMEKIES, Pii.NTSiMi Oils, RVSSKSk .-TI-fOKTEKS .sential Oils, wEitOSEXE Oil, "'J'.?..?mT Rt lhe lovrst Cash Trices, and ire cetenr.mod not to be undtrpold. R. H. IlcDOXALD i CO., San frlxcrsco, Cai Thc Great Medical Discovery t Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, 3 o 0 Bear testimony to their "Wonder- lui curative JiHects. WHAT ARE THEY? Ia St TIIEY ARE NOT A VILE n n i'j 1 1 1 j s-. Made of Pool- Itum, Whiskey, rrof Spirits and Refuse I.iquurs doctored, spiced and sweetened to please the taste, called "Ton ics,"" Appetizers," "Restorers," tc, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herbs of California, free from nil Alcohvlic Stimulants. They arc the GltEAT BLOOD l'CUIFIEllaud LIFE tilYIXU PRIN CIPLE a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying olT all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bitters according to direc tion and remain Ions unwell. . For luflamiiiutory and Chronic Rheu matism and Jout, Dyspepsia rr Indi rection, Iiilious, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bit ters have been most successful; Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. Headache. Rain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad tasto ia the Month Bilious At tacks, ralpitation of the Ileart, Inflammation of the Lungs.Pain in the regions of the Kidneys.and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off springs of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of un equalled efficacy la cleansing the blood of all Impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SlvlN DISEASES, EruptionsTetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches. Spots, Pimples, Pustules. Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in ehort time by the use of these Bitters. One Lottie in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin ia Pim ples, Eruptions or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and tlia health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE and other WORMS, lurkingin the system of bo many thousands, are effectually destroyed arid removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle, j. "WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. McDONALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Caland 32 and 31 Commerce Street, Xew York. SOLD BV ALL DRUGGISTS AKD DEALERS, rtu. i ' i) ' ,, I I I 11 1 n.. n isii lu.o..., you, ic.wei, tiiat Dr. Wi nderful, r any oti or man, 1 a- dis covered a remedy th it inres Consumption, when the luns are half consumed, in short, wili cure a 1 diseas s whether of mind, body or e-tate, make meu live forever, and h are death to play for w nt of woi k, and is de signed to make our sublunary sphere a bliss ful Paradise, to which Heaven itself shall be but a side show. Yu have heard enough of that kind of humbmrt:e: v. H it when I tell you that Dr. SagV Catanh Remedy will ' positively cure the worst case of Catarrh in the Head, I ot.lv assert that which thou sands can testify to. 1 will pay -"0' reward for a case that I cannot cuie. A pamphlet giving symptoms and other information scut free to any address. This remedy is SOLD HY MOST DRUGUISTS IX ALL PARTS OF TUl-J WORLD. Price 50 cents. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt f sixty cents, or four packages fr two dollars. Heware of cvunftrtit and worth-ess imitations. See that my private Stamp, which is a positive guarantee of Oen uiucTifss, is upon the outside wrapper. Re member that this private stamp, issued by the United States Government expressly foV stamping my 1 Cdicines, has my portrait, name and address, and the words "U.S. Certificate of Genuineness," engraved upon it, and need not be mistaken. Don't be swindled by travelers and ethers represent ing themselves as Dr. Sage : 1 am the only m.iii now living that has the knowledge anil right to manufacture the Gen nine Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, and 1 never travel to sell this medicine." Ii V. PIERCL. M. D teblom3 133 Seneca street, JLiffalo, X, Y. ACTIVE PERSONS WASTE!). $100 A MOIfTII INERGF.TIC PERSONS, CLERGYMEN, doctors, lawyers, agents, business men lariners, salesmen, dealers, ami a I .,11, male and female willing to give their 'whole time or part of it, can easily make tlOO OR MORE A MONTH, by engaging in light, honorable and staple business, in which to nv uey is required. ..u winnuuu. iscinsive territory given. Kefeiences as to character leqnired.'Siami s for return postatre desired. Wrir vn.n i. dress in full and nlamlv c . H. A. CARTY, 50. 815 CI1ESXUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ACTIVE WAXTED. Tan. 6:m6 FT t-o o 2 n SoS IS5 H I 1 jkPS9$--. : 1 I? 2 !ll 111 FRENCH MEDICAL OFFICE. DR. JULIEN PERRAULT, Dr. of Metiieine of tlic I'1 11 1 ult y or Paris, Graduate of the l-'nivorslty Queen's College, ami Physieiancf the St. .John Baptise Society of San Fran tieo. Ir. Perraii.t has the pleasure to inform patients mid otlu i s seeking confidential med ical advice that lie can be consulted daily at his office, Armory Hall Building. Koith East corner of Montgomery and Sacramento streets, San Fnmci.-co, Rooms Nos. 9, 10, 11', tir&t floor, up strirs, er.trance on either Montgomery 01 Sacramento streets. Dit I'erkaclt's! .-tudics have been almost exclusively devoted to tbe cure of the va-ious forms of Nervous and Physical de Liiitv, the result of injurious habits acquired in yi'iuth, which usual y terminate in impo tence and sterility, and permanently induee all the concomitants of old age. Where a secret infirmity exists involving the happi ness of a life and that of others, reason and morality dictate the necessity of its reni0T8l, for it is a fact that piemature decline of the viyor of manhood matrimonial uiihappinessr", cotnpulsoiy single life, etc., have their sources iii causes, the germ of which is plant ed in earlv life, and the bitttr fruits tasted long afterward; patients, laboring under thi complaint, will complain of one or more 01 the jfollowing sjmptoms: Is'octual Emis sions, Pains in the hack and Head, "Weak" nes of Memory and Sight, Discharge froni the Urethra 011 going to stool or making wa ttr, Intellectual Faculties are Weakened1, Loss of Memoir ensues, Ideas are clouded", iin.l there is a disinclination to attend to bus iness, or even to read in sr. writing or the society of friends, etc. The patient wilt pmhably complain 01 1 lzzmt, imuu, that Sight and Hear.ng are weakened and sleep disturbed by dreams; melancholy, sighing, palpitation, laintings, coughs and slow fevers ; while some have external rehu matic pain, and numbness of the body. Some f the common symptoms are pimples in the face, and aching i different parts of the bnly. Patients suffering from this dis ease, should apply imm. diately to Dr. Pek rai i.t, either in person or by letter as he will guarantee a cure of Sem;nal KmissionS and Impotence in six or eijrht weeks. Patients suffering from venerial disease in any stage, Uonorihea, .(ileet, Strictures, Bubo, Lie is, Cutareous Lruptions, etc.", will lie treated successfully- All Syphilitic and Mercurial Taints entirely icmoved from the system. Dk. I'ekrault's diplomas are in his office; where patients can see for them selves that they are iiiidt r the care 'of a regular educa ti d practitioner. The best rtfeitnces given if required. Pat itnts suffering under chronic disease-, can call and examine for themselves. We invite investigation; claim not to know everything, nor to cure tvervb dy, but we !o claiji thiit in s.11 cases taken uuuer treat ment we fullill our piomises. We particular ly request those who have tried tins boasted doctor, and that adveitised physician till worn out and disci uraged, to call up on us; Low charges and quick cures. Ladies suffering flora any complaint incis dents to their sex, can consult the doctor with the as-ui ance of relief. Ftiiiale Monthly Pills. Dk. Perrai i.t is the only af nt in Cali fornia for Hit. JJk.tt's Female Monthly Pills: Their immense sale has established their rep utation as a fen. ale remecy umipproaohed, and far in advance of every other remedy for suppressions and irregularities, end other distinctions in females. On the icceipt of five d. liais, these Pills will be sent by ma.l or express loanypaitof the world, "secure" from curiosity or damage. Persons at a d stance can be cured at home, by addressing a letter to Pit, Pkr rai lt, corner of S:;c l ament o and Montgom ery streets, K"oms lo and 11, or 1'ox tf73 P. O. Sun Francisco, stating tie case h3 minutely as possible, gtneial habits of liv ing, occupation, etc., etc. Al! communications confidential. Iyr4p PRIVATE MEDICAL AID. Qiiitli Cures ami Itrtcrate Cliargea Dr. W. Ooherty's Private ?Ific:il ("ingif al institute; 519 Eacraiii nto Street, corner of LiiaiS ( rl", (a low doors below the h;n Cl.oor House.) (Private entrance on Loidesth 1 ff street.) tabli.-ln d E.i-iess!v to Ati'ord the Aflhi-tprf Fs Sound and Scientific Medical Aid, in the Treatment and Cure of all Private ai d Chronic Pi-oases, Cases of Secrecy and all Sexual DisoiGer-!. To tin- Alii let eI. K. DOHERTV returns his virro DR. W thaul.s to hi t.urieious pntitnts for their would lake this -.ppor!unitv patronage, and to remind t hem that he continues to nonsuit at his Institute for the cuie of hioric dis eases of the Lnn.es. Liver K irlvove TlnoC: r ........ ' f ' 1 k - tive and C( nito-Ur nai v Orcans, and all private diseases, viz : Syphilis in all its forms) and stag s, Seminal Weffkne-s and all the hornd consequences of self abuse. Ocncrr-ho-a, Ch et, Stricfi n s. Nocturnal and Diur nal Emissions, S xnal Dcbil tv, Diseases of !.l,le ,Vack !ir,(1 Loirs' infiainmation of the ldadder and Kidneys, etc. ; and he hopes that his long experience and successful prac tice will continue toinsnife him a share of public patronage. Hy the igctice of many years in Emope and the United States, he is enab'ed to apply the most efficient end suc cessful remedies against diseases of all kinds. nt uses no mercury, cl nrpes modcrate.treats his patients in a coireet and f.i.i nr.,l,; and has references of urquestionable veraci ty u oni men ot Known 11 respectability and mgii staiiiiini: in sc c cty. All parties con- suiting i.im bv letter or otherwise will ccive the best and gentlest tieatment ai d m.pucit secrecy. T- I"tmalcs. When a female is in trouble, or afflicted: with disease, as weakness of the back and limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sipht, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the' heart in itabi'ity, nervousness, extreme ur inary dilliculties, derangement of digestive functions, general debility, vaginitis, all dis eases of the womb, hystoiia, steiility and all other diseases peculiar to ft males, she should go cr write at once to ti e celebrated female doctor, W. K. DOI1KRTV, at his Medical In stitute, and consult him about her troubles and diseases. The Doctor is effecting more cures than any other physician in the State of California. Let no false delicacy inevent ou, but apply immediately and save yourself from painful suff'eiings and premature death. All married ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase iir their families -hould write or call at DR. W K. D01IKR1 Y'S Medical Institute, and ther will receive every possible relief and help, The Doctor's offices are so arranged that he can be consulted w ithout fear of observation. To forrrfeponflc-iif s. Patients residing in any part of theStafe nowever distant, who mav desire the opinion and advice of DR. DOIIERTY in their respec tive cases, and who think proper to submit a written statement of such, in preference tcr holding a personal interview, are respectful ly ns.Miicd that their communications will be held sacred and confidential. If the cae bo fully and candidly described, personafeom n.unu ation will be unnecessary, as instruc tions for diet, retrimen and the general treat ment of trie case itself (including the reme dies), will be f.rwaidfd without delav, and in such a manner as to convey no idea'of the purport of the letter or parcel. I REE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no nav umtiaornopaj ri.- nsultationbv letter r-r ntkrw-tco - - r Spcmiatorriiora. DR. DOHERTV has just published an im portant pamphlet, embodying his own views ard experiences in lelation to Impotence or 1 ii iiity ; 1 c ing a Short Treaties on Xperma toir'oa'a or S minal Weakness, Nervous, and Physical Debility consequent on this aflec t mi, and o'her diseases of the-Sexual Organs This little work contains information cd the utmost value t all, whether married orsingle and w ill be sent FREE by mail e.n receipt of six cents in postage stamps for return post age. Add 1 ess. W. K, DOHERTY. M. D., julyS'ly San Francisco Cal 1 JM PETIT A L MILLS. Savier, LaHoque & Co., OREGON CITY. trKeep constantly n ha? d fot ale, ft X'Vllinrfe T,. n ., , "pi,,Vln Vwrl Port'.. ; . 11. 1 II . . , 1 1 1 ! II 1 LI. 1 V 1 1 : " " v v v. , 1 pnichasiDg feed must furnish the sacks. O O O 0 o G O O n o G O O ft O o .3 Vi 3 r c 1 0 3