SEE o v - O o o o o 'O O l)t Ukckin (Enterprise TOWN AXD COL' XT Y. CmcctT Colrt. The following are the Circuit Court proceedings up to the hour of lossing our paper. The Court will pruba bly adjouru to-morrow : v State vs. Chas. Hall j inJIcted fcr aSsau, . with intent to rob ; found pruiH.i , at an as sault will be sentenced this horning. i (i i I j v Executors of the Estate of Daniel Harrrv continued until next term. Darnel SVills'v,. JMniel Wilson ; Verdict Tor defendant. , , . ... , Chas. Logos vs. Jacob Boehm; Sheriff s sale confirmed. , . - T Kebacca E. Jones vs. m. A. Jones ; J. M. Frazer appointed referee. State vs. Abraham Jams; indicted for f;n .'assault with a dangerous Weapon ; verdict iiot gu hv. , O. C. K. R. vs. Sylvester Hathaway; ver dict for defendant. Lucinda lledpalh vs. Robert Redpatfc ; J. M. Frazer appointed referee, Vettu!I vs. B C. Weitfall j J- 31. Vrazer appointed referee. , V. C. John.-oti, Executor, vs. Jas. Atfcy ; (plaintiff allowed to issue aa execution lor valance due. Samuel Funic vs. William Armpr'.est; Verdict for plaintiff for 010 and costs. Upsetting ok a Skiff. List Sunday afternoon, our town was tbrown into considerable excitement by the cries for help from three men in the river. They got into a skilf for the purpose of cross ing the river, and when a short distance from shore, they ran into a whirlpool, the .fjkiff making a couple of turns and then drawn under by the strong current, stein .first. The skill came to the top. bottom up, and the three men managed to catch hold of it. The m ate of the steamer Sen ator, which boat w:w fortunately lying at the lower part of town, siuv them go down, and he with two .others started in n skiff to rescue them. Tvhieh they were successful in accomplishing. They had jbeen carried down the river about three quarters of a mile before they Vere res .cued. and were near!v exhausted. They could not have held on ulany minutes .longer, as they had become chilled in the cold water. It was a very narrow escape for them. We have been unable to learn the names of the men. Rt.SE in I'uoi'Kiirv. From .Mr. Ross, of Milwaukie, we learn that property in that lace has materially advanced. lie in forms us that parties from Portland have been buying small tracts there for the purpose of erecting residences thereon. .Milwaukie is handsomely situated, and we can see no reason why it should not bo jcome a favorite place for country resi dences for Portland merchant.-. Af'CinicsT. We are sorry to announce the fact that Jennie La Forest, A highly esteemed young girl by all who know ,lier, met with a painful accident last Satur day. Just as she was entering the front door of her parent's residence, she fell, the whole forse of the fall Coining on her deformed arm. splitting the bone above Jthe middle of the arm. At last, accounts the suderer was doing as well as could be expected. Attounkv.s. Among the attorneys at tending the Circuit Court, we notice 'Messrs. W. F. Trimble. J. II. Mitchell, M. P. Hull. 13. Kllleti, J. C. Mo-oland. M. F. Mulkey, of Portland. Mr. Forbes of La fayette, and Messrs. Ciias. C. Warren and W. C. Johnson, of this cily. .The attorneys complain about the small amount of busi ness before the Courf, They should con sole themselves with the knowledge that what is their loss is the people's gain. Two Xkw 15 oats. The P. T. Cornpany will build two new boa's this season, one to take the place of the Alert and the oili er that of the Uolianee. lloth bo. us are to be built after Cup;., neilogg's modi!, lot) feet long, having a tonage f 2."d tons. They will be .in- largest- boats the Com jvany has, and also the fastest as well as the most handsomely finished. Litem-i:. The fourth lecture of the course for the benefit of the Good Tem plar's Library, was delivered last Wed- nesd ly evening by Rev. C. C. Straton. to In large audience. The next lecture of the course will be delivered by lion. J. 11. Mitchell, next Wednesday evening. Subject '-Medical Evidence' Patent. We h ive been .shown a model Tor a patent window fastening, invented by T. J. MeC ir'ver, cf this city. It ap pears to be most complete, and can be jnanufacturt d for a much less price than ny now in use. while we think it superior. T:ie model ha -been forwarded to the Patent Otlice at Washington. RKTrr.NKD. Mr. C. W. Cook returned yesterday from a short visit to California. He brought with him twelve head of fine blooded Cashmere grafs. These goa's. are .regarded very valuable for their line coat of pure white wool. Mixstuki-s. The Nlckersou Minstrels will give an entertainment in this place to-morrow evening. This Company is very highly reconimeded. and we believe that it is the best that has ever vhhed our city. PEn.soN.vrl. We were fav red this week with a call from M. P. Bull, Esq.. and J. C. Moreland. Esq., Both of Portland.' They were in town attending Court. Dkatii. Rev. Mr. Clark, died at his residence, about four miles from this city, last Sdrtd ly niirr.inj. 11 leaves a wife and several small children to mourn his death. Fai.t.inu. The river has fall enough to enable the boats to came into the basin hgain. The railroad is also able to make its way through the bottom. Beige may bo declared raised The Water John Myers advertises that he wants to pay cash for county orders. Give him a show to get rid of bis coin. iMror.TANT. Mr important notice Singer has added an j to his advertisement, j Head it and give him a call. SoWin Soomrv. The Ladies' Sewing Society of the Episcopal Church, meets next Tuesday at the residence of Mrs. II. Caufield. National Coi.i.eok. A new advertise- merit of this popular place of education will appear next week. No Ckanck. We have no change to re cord in our local market since our last is sue. Wuv it Was. It is said that John W, ! Forney lost a hundred thousand dollai by the Washington Chronicle. It all came, nays the Louisville Courier-Jonrnal, of his inveterate habit of selling his paper to rverv ery species of personal and political scanty for a few hundred dollars, when ra lie migat have demanded as many thuti Saads. The grain trade of Philadelphia and the Northwest has doubled the last three vears. - O i COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, STATE iEWSi From the Htrald : The man Jas. Pcoley, who had been missing, was heard of at Raineer. Messrs. McCoy. A. P. Dennison, R. J. Hunter, and ex-Governor Cnrry have formed a reining bureau for the purpose of c riling attention to the mines of this State and having them developed. Joe McBrien, the proprietor of the Pearl Saloon, on Front Street, between Oak and Pine, committed- suicide last Monday evening, by jumping off the ferryboat plying to East Portland, when she was half way across ths river. The Mountain Democrat of March 15th says : The heaviest snow storm of the season commenced on the night et the 10th hist., and continued about twenty-four hours when the clerk of th weal her took a fre.-b hold an.d gave ns twenty-four hours ot almost Iricessafrt rain ; the consequence was that we came near baviDg quite a flood at a most unreasonable "season of the year; the roads and highways had became channels for livers, and almost impassable. When another change brought cool Weather and checked the rising waters From the Albany Democrat : In Linn County there are 4. 1G7 children, two districts not reported. The amount of funds for the current year is, $G,837. At Albany the O. & C. R. II. Co. has commenced suit against property holders for the right of way up the city frou', for a railroad switch. The Library Association of Albany has been successful in raising books' and money to the value of S300. W. F. Settlemier has sold his fine farm five miles South of Albany, (200 acres) for 8(5,00;), or 830 per acre-. From the Mercury : The militiaia of the several counties of the State is numbered as follows. Denton. ()')() Jackson. 78t) ; Linn. 1,412; Wasco. (io'J ; Josephine. 23l ; Coos. 130 ; Mult nomah. 2.55GS" ; Grunt. (i3 1 ; Yamhill. 7(58: Curry, lUU. ; Clatsop, 2t'il ; Tillamook; 57 ; Lane. 1.030 ; Columbia, lit) ; Laker, a 15 ; Washington, 5(17 ; Marion. 1.778 ; Union, 5'o ; Douglas, 1.153; Clackamas, 1.J25 ; Umatilla, GOD. Total, 10,871. Gov. Crover on yesterday appointed G. W. Dolan Notary Public, to reside at Silverton, Marion county. Oregon. From the Dallas Tl'pablican : Last Thursday afternoon. Linn Nichols a lad about terr years of age. son of Frank Nichols, of this place, went into a pasture in company with two other boys, to catch a horse. They drove the animal into a corner, and as Linrt approached the ani m il. it kicked him on the side of the head breaking the lower jaw. and otherwise in jnHng him severity. He now lies in a cri cii condition. According to report of N. Garwood Clerk of Dallas School District, there are in the District 233 shcolars drawing school funds. 112 female, and 121 males, an in crease over last year of 33. From the Statesman : The Grand Jury of Marion county have brought in twenty-five indictments thi term. and will probably be compelled to hold over next week to complete the busi ness in hand. In the Circuit Court. March loth, in the case of The Stale vs. Charles Parker, in dieted for larceny, the Jury returned a verdict of guilty. He is still hel 1 to an swor a second indictment for the same of fense. Jacob F. Fenton, couvicted ol larceny, received a sentence of one year's imprisonment. In the case of The State vs. Goilloite, indicted for illegal sale ot liquor, a demurrer was argued and over ruled. He gave bonds, and is held for trial. Tiie case of Cornelius Carrol, foi selling liquor to a minor, was submitted t the jury. Last week a farmer over in Polk hired one James Lyon to drive team and do general farm work, but as several mem bers of the fanner's family were sick and unable to give the new employe proper ai teniioi. upon the seeond day he com plained that his bed had not been made a the proper angle, and that his coots had not been cleaned the night before. Any T -v. mi "jiving employment to a traveling irti-t in farm work and teaming are ad vised to keep applied with a snllicient corps of servants.''' A State teltfgnun from Oakland states that two men from Looking Glass Valley, named John Perdue and John lleasley went into the Coast Range mountains on the evening of the 11th of March, only intending to remain a few hours on a hunt have not been heard uf since and it is feared they have perished with cold Some who searched tor them near' perished, and it is feared that three of one party and live of another are lost. Large parties are farming to go after them. Our fellow-townsman II. C. Kinney, i. the lucky bidder of three tickets which drew prizes in the Nevada lottery, in ! which then were only twenty live thou sand prizes. He heard of these prizes yesi.eru.ay. ;nv was a gent ssnirt, anouier an infant's dress, a third a pair oi sleeve buttons to match the shirt. The Court House, at Salem is rotten and urivife. The grand jury, it is said, will condemn it as unfit, for further use. A Model lladical State- There can be no doubt. that South Car olina will be ultimately given over to the negroes and to barb:. via n. At present the state ot society theie L such as to ren der it almost impossible i'r any decent whites to remain. The consummation o' her ruin will soon be wrought in extend ing suffrage to women. At the elections last November it is said hundreds of negro women voted in the names of their sick husbands, and the thing c true so natural that it has been growing in popularity ever since. The leading Radical politi cians. including Governor Scott, flavor ii It is predicted that women suffrage will he log tli.'-d th'ue in less than three rears It is said that the negro women are in ex cess of the negro m.nes. and largely in ex cess of the white females. Of course their admission to the ballot would greatly in crease the Radical strength, and help to fasten still more firmly the yoke of tyran ny and misrule upon the people of that de voted State. The Radical leaders only ask for power for tlri opportunity to plunder. They care not how this is ac quired. 1 heir present aggrandizement is all that concerns them. They know that when the State becomes unlit for them to nve m, wLien there is no more ptunaei for them to gather up. they can pack up bag and baggage and depart whence they came and enjoy their ill-gotten gains. They care nothing ftll- those they leave be hind, nor what becomes of the country. Th condition of things now is the veriest burlesque on republican government. Ig norance and Vice rules in the Courts arid j V"' A wri,er from the Capital ... .. ....... rn.-iv v.naorumary can oe conceived than the mot'ev of Five l.ini- negroes, plantation hands. Yankee adven iniers anung ,ng gmdarues assembled at Cy.mnbia. and calling themselves the Leg.shuure ot Somh Carolina' The ame wnter it lis us that a large portion of the members cannot read or -i-it t hJnlllf ;U1il comS.amon0of the - --. ;i worst men from the North inev are o j course corrupt. Very few bills nass with j out being paid for bj" outside parties. If ! Ihe rendition of things now. what ! ' j the S r?f ,T.W!n'n add i tuc voting mas. .. Lc-imvier. Appoint Eo. From the Mercury we learn that the Governor has appointed J. U. Wiley, of Portland. Brigadier General of the 2nd Brigade of ibe Oregon State Militia, vice O. F. Bell, resigned. Not Much. The New York Herald, of a recent date, say : New Hampshire, of course. Is safely Re publican. She will return three members to swell the Republican majority." There is nothing sure for the Radicals now-a-days but death and taxation. DORS. In this city, March 11. 1871, to the Wife of J. S. McDonald, a Daughter. In this ci y, March 17 , 1S71, to the Wi.'e of Julius Logus, a Daughter. In this city. March 21, 1371, to the Wife of A. Levy, a Daughter. WAKK1EIT. In this citv, at the residence of J. M. Bacon, Esq., on the '22 i inst., by Rev. John T. Wolfe, Mr. Samuel R. Newman to Miss Anna Sp: ague, aU o- Clackamas county. UiED. At Ids residence, near Oregon City, on sitndav iiioruing. March 10, 1S71, of pneu monia," t-'apt. J. 15. Claik, aged 43 years. His dying hours were a triumphant testi mony for Chr.stiatr.ty. C'liVciin fact Billions. Every day demonstrates more clearly that liver complaint, in all its distressing fums, can be controlled and cured without difficulty or inconveniecne. It is aa obstin ate disease, but its obstinacy is not proof against the pertinacious, remedial and re storative operation of Hestttter's Stomach Bitters. That genial corrective compels the organ to do its ilatif. It mast secrete regu larly and healthf-Jly under the influence of the Bitters. Their action biings it back from a state of rebellion into perfect har mony with the laws of health. If there is side-ac'.e or b,ick-ac!i2, it ceases; if the skin and the whiles of the eyes are tinged with suyeiOuoas b,le, they recover tiieir natural line; if t!ie appetite is gone, it re turns ; if the digestion, is impaiied, it is re stored ; in brie!, whatever the syrup oms of i he complaint may be. and whatever the phase it has assumed, a cure is attain. Such are the uniform t fleets of this prvptra tioti Where billions disease has been a I ready developed ; but in cases where there is merely a constitutional tendency to liver complaint, it may he prtvented throughout life by the regular use, in small quantita-s, ol tins pnlutab:e autidoie. These are proven facts, and shon'd be seriously pondered or, ratiier. t! ey should le promptly acted upon by ;di persons of billions habits. Sale. TOTICE IS IlKUEliYCJlVEN, THAT ON Monday, the loth dav of April, bi, ai ha residence of the undersgned. there will be sold one sorrel MARK, b dd f.ce, abo t fourteen hands high. Said mare will be sold to pay charges for keeping. W. T. MATLOCK. "Oregon City, Match 2 l71:w2 His Established FOll THE MANUFACTORY OF SASH, BLIfOS AND CGGR 0 AND MOULDINGS OF ALL S ZF.S. They will also do TURNING, ofn-ry description to order, With Neatness and Dispatcl o all wo::k Warranted. Shop on the Riven b-ick of Ack.- rman's Sture, Oregon City, Ougon. FURNITURE WARER002I3. I have opened a Finishing loom i ' Dr. Tiie-sing's. I!i ick, under t ie old Clerk's fii. e, where 1 am prepared to furni-h ail articles of my manufacture, at as low a price ns can be purchased ia Oregon. Constantly on band all kinds of furniture, and what I have ot, w 11 be made to order, on stunt notice. Give nlc a call ami examine my stock. Oregon City, J ul y L'o:tf The Pain b n.i.i u is by rn:versal cons m allowed to have won for itself a reputation un-urpasse in the history of medic, 1 pre perations. Its instantaneous effect, in tin eradication and extinction of Pain in all its varions f rms incident to ti e human family, and the unsolicited written and verbal testi mony of the masses in its fiyor, have been, and are its best advertisements. ingredients uf the Pain be ingp irelv Ykutablk. render it p'utectly -afa and . Hicaci us remedy t-'k nimernally. as wdl as for external a plic . ; ioi s, when u-el aecoiuiag io directions. The stain upon linen from its use is readily remove., by washing with alcohol. T it- Medicine justly clebrated for ihe cure of so many of the aflhotions incident to the human f-imi'y, has now been before tin public overritniTY YEAits.and has found its vay into almost every corner of the world; and wherever it has been used, the same opiniou is expressed of iti medical propei t es. In any attack, where prompt nc ion upon the system is required, the Pain Killer is invaluable. Its almost in-taataneous fib cl in Reliev-ng Pain is truly wom.'erf ul ; and a hen used according to. directions, is true to its name, a Pain Killer. Partnership Foi!de. " IITE ADMITTED L. ACKEKMaN AS a lull p u tner la tnv business. S. ACKER MAX. Oregon City. March 1;, ls71:wi FJ Dtice. 50D00 Reward. 1 S H II AS BE EX CURRENTLY RE- ported-by some malicious liar or liar, liist I have a wife in I lie La-t, or that I ever had; second That I have.beeu la e ly man led, or ever was; third D i ogatorv statements against two certain j on g fl-males in coinu etion with the above. 15y truly and iMiblicl pt'oymg either of the above reports the above s ands re tdy for piymeut to the party who will C me . tit and s-iovv the same to t.!e world on a public investigation. S. E. STONE. Cowlitz, W. T., March 8, Wl.wi RESTAURAK T. LEO?J DsLOUSY, Proper, LATE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE MVIN STREET, OREGON CITV, OREGON. THE UNDERSIGNED RE-,, spec! fully announces to his )9 f.iends and tiie tave'ing public, xX that f:e has te-opencd the above named Restaurant. The proprietor know how to serve his customers with Ovstcts, Pie's Feet, a good cup ot Coffee or a' SQUARE MEAL. Li-.OX DiiLOUEY. Oregon Cifr, Jan. 27, lS71:tf HENBY T. MELMBGLD'S Compound Fluid Extract Catawba CRAPE PILLS. CoiiMet Irt Flult Extract liliubarJ ami Fluid Extract Csi1avl Grape Ju r FOR UVEU COMPLAINTS, JAUXDTCE, BILIOUS AFFECTIOXS, SICK OR NER A'OUS HEADACHE. COST I VEX ESS, etc. PURELY VEGETABLE, CONTAINING NO MEPXURY, MINERALS, Oil DELE TERIOUS DRUGS. These rills ar the most delightfuPv pleas ant gurgative, superseding castor oil, salts, magnesia, etc. There U nothing more ac ceptable to the stomach. '1 hey give tone, and cause neither nausea or griping pains. They are composed of t.efirtji ingredient. After a few day,' use of them, such an ia vigoration of tiie entire system takes place ai to appear miraculous to the weak and en ervated, whether arising -from Imprudence or disease. H- T. Uelmbold's Compound Fluid Exuact Catawba Grape Pills are not sugar-coatec, fn m the fact that sugar-coated Pills do cot dissolve, but pass through the stomach without dissolving-, consequently do not produce the des'red efiect. THE C TAW BA GttAPE PILLS, beii g pleastnt in taste and odor, d not necessitate their be mj -Suuar-coated. PRICE FIFTY CENTS I LI1 BOX. E HENRir T. HELMBOLD'S inOULY CON'CENTa.VTKD COMPOUND FSuiii Extract Sarsaparilla Wi.l radically exterminate from the svstem Scrofula, Syph lis, F.ver Sores, Ulcers', Sore Eyes, Sore Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore Head, ifrouehiiis, Skrl Diseases, H ut Rheum. Can kers, Running- fiom Cue Ear, White Swe.l in. Tumors,-Cancy-oirs Affections Nodes, Rickets, Glandular Swellings, Nii;ht Sweats, R i.-h . Tetter, Humors of all Kinds, Chronic Rheumatism,. Dyspepsia, and all distases that have been elubl.shed in the system for yeurs. Being prepaired expressly for ti e atove i-omplaints. its blood purifying properties aie gieater than any o, her preparation of Sars.ipai ilia. It gives the complexion a clear anil healthy color and restores the patient t a state of health at.d purity. For purify ing the blood, remov ing all clii onic cuusiit.i t.onal diseases arising hum an impure state of the blood. And ihe only reliable ami ef fectual k.mwii remedy far he cure of pains and Swelling of tiie Bon. is. Uleerat ous of the Throat and Le-s, Batches, Pimples on tiie Face, Erysipelas an 1 a.l Scaly Eruptions ol the Skin, and Beautifying the Complex ion. Price, $1 60 per Bottle. M HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED FLUID LXTKACr BUCHU, THE GUEAT DIURETIC, has cured every cu-e of Dubetes in which it has been given. Irritation of the Neck of the Kidnevs, U eei ation of the Kidi-.s and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases of tne Prostate (iiand, Stbne in the Bladder, Calcu lus, Giavel. Brick-dust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Discharge?. And lor I nfeebled Delicate Const let oas cf b da Sexes, attend ed the following symptoms : Ind.spo--ition to E.t ition, Lo-s of power. Loss of .Memory, Dilliculiy of 15: eatia ng, . Weak Nerves, l!orr..r ot DisHa-e, akeadlness, Dimness of Vision, Paia in the Back. Hot Hau ls', Fbtshiiigtf the Body, Dryness of ihe Skin, Eropiion" on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular ."system, etc. Used by pei'.-osis fro.n the ages cf ei j.hteen to tw ntv-li)'e, andlrotn lliiity-uve to fi tv' live or iu the ilecbne or change i f lib-; after con linement or labor pains; in chddre.n. HelmbohVs Extract Bnchn is Diuretic and B..M d-Purifying, and Cuies all disea-es aris ing irom lLibtts of fissipat.on, and Excess es and 1 mprudene iu Life. Imp iitiesf it.e Blood, i tc. Suit l sediu- Copaina iti Af lectuns tor which it is Used, and S ph litic Vib ctiors In these Di tases u-ed in cou n cii on with iieLn o.o's Ku.,u Wash. LA DI In ma j- affei tio is peculiar to Ladies, the Extr.tet i.uehu is ntiei) ta 1 -d by any other r. medy as m ( h'.orosis or retention, irregu arity, Pai .fulness or Sujip i ession of cus tomary Lvat-u,.ti nis, Ule rated or S h rr. s state of the Uterus. Leucori -hoea or Whites, -ti l .ii' , ami for all omplainls incident to the sex, whether arising from indiscretion or habits of dissipation. It is prescribed extensively by ihe most eminent ptnsicians and inidwives for enfeebled and delicate ousiituiions, of both sexes and all age- (at tended .with any of the above or symptoms. :o II. T. IIELMT.OLD S EXTRACT BUCHU CUUES I) sKSHS ARISING FR;)M J M- iMUUK.vt i's, 1 1 a jj.ts ok Dissipation, Etc., in all tl'eir sta-es. -t'. Ittfle expense, little rr no change in di t. no inconvenience, and no expo n-e. L causes a frequent des re, and gives strength to l iin tte, thereby removal: ;.rsti nctt. , Prevent ng and Cu in Stric tores of vthe Ureibra, Allaying Pam and In flammation, so 'Yevui'iit in" thV class of dis eases, j)nd exrielbng all Poisonous marter. Thousands who have been ihe victims of incompetent per-o s. and who have paid he ivy lees to be cured in a short tune, have found tliey have been deceive), an I that the Poison" has, by the use of "powerful as triogent-t," has dried up in the sv.-t.em, to pei haps alter Marriage U-e Helmbnlds Extract Buchu for all af fect io ts and dis -asfs of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever ca-is.? oriiiiatinss, and no matter of how long sta-idm. Price One Dollar and Fifty Cents per Bottle. IL HEXRY T. HELM HOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH cannot lie surpassed as a PACE WASH, and wiil be found t e only specific remedy in every speca-s f Cntane us Affection." It peediiy eranicat s Pimples. Spots, Scorbu tic Drvnes-, Indurations of the Cutaneous Me i bianco, etc., dispels Redness and Incipi ent Inflammation, Hives, Rash, Moth Patch es. Dtyne-is of Scaip or Skin, Frost B t s and all put poses fcr which Sites or O ntments are u-cd ; i elor?s the -kin t a state of pu rity and softness, nn 1 i sure.s em'inued hetdtliy aclicn to the t sstte of its vessels, on whi !i i depends the agreeable clearness and vivacity of corntd -x on so much sought and ai nired. But howev, r valuable as a reme dy for exis injr defects of the sktn. JI. . Helmboal's Iiose Wasii his long sustained its pro ci a! claim t u ibou ded patronage, by iossessin,r qualities which render it a Toilet A ppendage Of !he most Superlative and Con - haracte , combining in an elegant f .irrnnht tliose pymnjneht requisites. Saiety and IiTieacv the iuvariab e aceoai n.minients of fs use as i Pteservaiive and R fresher of the Complexion. It is an ex cellent Lotion, for tli -eases, of a Syphilitic Nature; and as r.n injection for diseases of the Urinary Organs, ari ing from habit- of dis-ipat on, ued in c nmec inn w th ttie Ex. t -ttcts I'.uchn, Sar-ap irilla, and Cats wba Grape Pills, in such diseases as reeon end ed, caimat. oe surpassed. Prico, One Cellar per Botiic. 1 Full nnd explicit directions accompany the medicine. Evide ce of the most responsible and reli tible character furnished on appficatiou. with hundreds of thousands of livi mr witn- ses, and upwtira of .'o.oO unsolicited certiti ates and recomrnemitit rv letters, m my of vvi ich are from the highe-t sources, incl udincr mi nent Phy-icians. Ctergvm 'n. Sta'e-men, etc. Ihe proarictor has ntver resorted tT their nid) ication in the new.sp ipers ; he does not do -his fiom tiie fact that bis arti les rank as Standard. Reparations and do not need to he pr.,p-'ed un bv e rti'ir ites . HENRY T ID- LMHOLirs Genuine Preparation-, Delivered to aDy address. Secure irom nb-erv tin. E-tiblished Upward of Twenty Years. S Id bv D.-oggi-ts everywhere. A Idres b tiers for info; matian; "in confidncp, to llExnr 1 . Hei.vboi e, Orujr ist and Chemist Only Depots; H. T. HELMBOLD'S Dm and C'.em:cil Warehouse, No. 591 Rroaif wav, New York, or to H. T. Ile'mbold's Me di . -d D -of, B4 South Tenth Stree', Phila eel; h a, Pa. Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for HFXRY T. HELMBOLD'S '. Take no other. au20 SMEW STORE; NEW STOP? PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE STOBE, Cor. First & Morrison sts. II AVING OPENED OUR NEW STOCK of noom jHi2ssr,QZ399 xi-r: '".mr1 azz s 9 Wc aie now prepared to fu;nish our cus tomers with Best Quality of 'Goods, Of our own and Eastern Manufacture, at VERY LOW PRICES. Call and Examine Our Stock Boots & Slioe; OF ALL KINDS AND STYLES, Wc Always have the Latest and Most Fashionable Styles on II and. Profzman, Gillihan & Co., Ccrner first and ETorr iC n ts PORTLAND, OREGON. Feb 10 1871:tf THE GEEAT An Infallible m oon piniFtEn, possess ing rare toxic and xrRVixE properties a certain cure for niti-XHATisM, cotr, KEtitAUiiA, and all kindred Diseases. . It completely restores the system -wheo im paired by disease, revives the action of th Kinxcis a tEMTAi. ora9. radi cally cures scnoFl'tv, i.t rhevtm and all cniPTivi; nni ciiTAsrous Dis eases, gives immediate and permanent relief in dyspepsia, erysipelas. Tumors. Boils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; eradi rates from the system all traces of Mercurial Disease ' It is ptu'ELY VECET.iOLE, being made from an herb found indigenous in tai.forain. It is therefore peculiarly suitable for use by Females and Children, as a dlood rem. FIER anl IIEXOVAIOn. For Sala by ell Druggists. aeetfiGTQK, (qstctter & cq, AGENTS, 529 and 531 Llarket Street, Eaa rranciaco. oct 2' 1 . Citation. In ihs County Court of Clackamas County, in the fstate of Oregon. In the matter of the Est ;itc of Henry is. Moore, deceased. . - To The unknown heirs of said Henry S. Jtoore, u;d all persons interested in said Estate: grXOVV YE THAT JAMES M. MOORE, AT) minislmtor of said Est.ite, has applied to said ''ourt for license to sell the south half of the N. W. 1-4, and the fratinnal N. E. fourth cf the N. AV. feurih of Sec. 32, in T. 2 Ii. 1 E., of v lilamette lTifridian, contamiri i2 8S-10 acres of laad Ix lon-j-intr to said Estate, and .the t'ourt lias set Monday, the lat day of May, 1871, for the hearinp of said application ; therefore, in the name of the s?tae of Oretron, yoa and each of yon, are cited to be and appear m mud Court on said dav, and show cause it any there be why such license should not be granted. By order of lion. J. iv. v art, county judge. JE.S.S Witness the Seal of said Court-. J. M. FflAZF.rt. Clerk; Marfa 17, !S71.w4 Executor's Motice. A1 LL fERSOXS 1TAVIXG CLAIMS against tie rotate Ot Mis. Marv Ann Ari 1 cc is 1 are notified to Treaeat them to the under with the neces-sary vorehers, within six montlla frnm tn,'. dt VT. CAREY JOHNSON, Dated March 17, 1S7I.W4 Executor. Notice; LL OUTSTANDING COUNTY ORDERS - endorsed prior to November 11, 1S70, will be pauiu.i ljrustiniauon. xnieredt tnereon win cease . . . 1 : . l H. SAFFARRANS, , Treasurer of Clackamas county. March 3, 1971:-w3 REDINGTON, HOSTETTER & CO. 11 or f Some of you can't and we pity you. You have tried e'verV ifernerly buttle ONE destined, by iis intiiiisic merit, to supersede ail t-imilar preparations. It is not surprising you- shouId. be reluc tant to try something else abcrthe niuny experiments you have made of trashy compounds . foisted on the public as a certain cure ; but KewclTs PulrVidhary Syrup is really the VERY BEST rerntdy ever compounded for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Asthma, IVItovping Coughs, Bronchitis and Consumplivn. Thousands of people in California and Oregon have beeu already btnelited by the surprising curative powers of KewelTs Pulmonary Syrup and with One accord give it their un qualified approbation. We now addrefe ourselves to all who are unacquainted with this, the greatest panacea ol the age. for the healing of all diseases of tbeTlu-oat mitl Lungs, assuring you that paevveirs PuFmohary Syrup his cured thousands, and it Will cure YOU. if you try it. This, invaluable medielne is pleasant to lbt- ta-t' ; soothing-, heabng 'iJ - strengthening in its effects; entir lv ,.1'K'e fn in all poisonous or deleter. otis driiis.nhd perfectly hurui j less under all circumstances. . For Sale Ijy. jtll Druggists. REDING ION', IIOTETIEIt fc CO., ; 5iJ9 and 531 Market street, Sun Francisco. Rcdington's. Essence Jamaica Ginger, Which is confidently rtcoKimended u$ the bevt prepai tion now btjom the public. This valuable preparation, containing in. a highly coi.centruted form all the properties of Jamaica t Jinsrer,has become one ol the most popular domestic all-diseases of the stomach and disfpstiv-e firgans. As a tonic, it will be found invaluable to all persons lecoverinjjj from debility, whether produced by lever or otherwise; for WLtle it imparts to the system all the glow and vigor that can be produced by wine or brandy, it is entirely free fir. in the reactionary effects that follow the use ot spu its of any kind. It is also an excellent remedy for females who suffer from difficult men struation, giving almost immediate re lief to the spasm that so frequently ac company that period. It gives immediate relief to Nausea, caused by rhlirg in a railroad car, or by sea sickness, or other causes. It is also valuable as an external fip plicat on fur Gout, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc. UKD1XGTOX, HOSTETTEn & C O., 529 and 531 Market street, San Francisco. ilcilington's F I av o ring Extracts AI1E THE PERFECTLY PURE AND highly concentrated Extracts from Fitsh Fr uits, prepared with great care. Tliev ire put up in soerior style, and in a bottle hording TWICE AS'MLX'II as the ordinary brands of Extracts. CoinpHl ing quality and contents, none other are nearly so cheap. . - Whenever tested on their meuits, they have been adopted iu preference to all othet. and are now tl STANDARD f FAVORING EXTRACTS of the Pacific Coast. MARK THE ADVANTAGES. By purchasing Rcdington's Concen trated Flavoring Extiacts, you obtain an article not only superior iu richness and delie.icj ol flivor to any-bther of a simi lar nature, but fV.r more economical, be cause ench .bottle holds double the quantity contained in a bottle of any other flavoring extract sold. REDISiGTOX, HOSTETTER CO., Agents for the Pacific Coast. & P. Would yon escnpe FEYER AND AGUE, and preserve health and vigor dnrinjr the s ckly season, make occasional use of the following as A PREVENTIVE. If you are ATT CKED with Chills and Bilious Fever, or have been a victim to such disease, a'-d used other so-called remedies wrhoul permanent relief, seek at once the safest and surest CUEE; by using according to directions MASON & POLLARD i ANTI-MALARIA, or, Fever and Ague Pills. Time has proved them thoroughly to be the safest fctid most reliable re nedy known. They contain no mercury or otser mineral or che nical. Tlny. are exclusively, ve e tab e. Thry stimulate the f.ini lions of the tiver. . Congestion is impossible wht-re thev arc used. They do not deter from daily labor, liy a-sisting digestion tf ey add flesh and mu cleto the fi aire.-They are adapted to all ats and both sexes, and as a FAMILY M&DiQINE Will CURE in their incipiency, thrce fonrths of all diseases in. ic'.ental to a malarious climate. For Dysprp&ia, in small dose-, they have no equal. For sale bv all Druggists. UED1XGTO.V, HOSTETTER& CO., SOLE AGENTS. The Battle for Life Which is continually going on between health and disease, has never received from ant medic ne such marked and un rmst.ka'ble assi-'a .e, on the side of health, as it Las fio.n Ne well's Pulmonary Syrup REDIXGTOS, HOSTETTER & CO., 529 and 531 Market street, Saa Francisco.. A UCTIONAJp COMMISSION rj; ' A. 13. Kiciaai'dsoii, -. G AUCTION E ER-l , lA Corner of Front andOak streets, Portland; AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate,. Groceries, General Herchan ' dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday A A. B. JthcHAEDsox, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined I5ar and jlundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, siWs ; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron. It. G Iron ; also : A large assortment of (Jroceries and Liquors . A. H. ficnARrso. Anpfwtiper For a fw cents you can Imy cf your Grocer or Druggist a fackago of SEA FARIXE, made from pnro Irish lloss, or Carrageen, Yrhicli will mafco Lixtcen juart cf Blanc 3Iange, and a like quantity of Pud dings, Custards, Creams, Char lotte Russc, "&c. It is tho cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious foel hi the world. It .makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal 3 a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. 0 A Glorious Chango ! THE GREAT WORLD'S Plantation0 Bitters. Tliis Avossrtcrfsil vegetable restorative Q.tlao sEatcl-an cljor of tlic IccIitS :ii5;l dcili Inlcd. A a Conic cordial for llic :ig:cd nsa;l liEzigaitl, it no equal :i:nc:j siora acliics. , As ix rca23ctSycXbr tli nci'von3 weakness so wSiicli v.oiBca arc especially sub ject, it' is suifjerscuiaijyo cvgry oilier siinsalitat. Iti all Cli mates, tropical? tcssipcratc, or fvigitl, it acts as a specific in every, specicseof disorder wli ich H53derisaaes tiie Iiodily slreiijlli and breaks down tli animal spirals. For sale lij all IDrusrgists Aug. AOiV.ty q O OREGON CITY;, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN dry goods, groceries; boots '& siiox:'0 mardyare; I also keep constantly on hand SALEM C A S S I M F R E 5, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, . - - . ' ,. Which I will sell at the Fnctory Trices, and will take Wool in exchange. q C37T will iilsrpav the liigiiept prices lor Mutter, Eptrs, end til kinds of good country produce. 1 will sell as-low as any. hons in Oregon, for (!.sh o- Us equivalent in goodo merchantable. produce. - - - 1 - ' e" Give me a call and sati.-fy yourselvesl B'LH SKI S VifArJTED. p CASH PAID FOR COUNTY OEDFTiS. JOHN MYEKS. J m. ir.lSTl tf ESTABIIISHEO s : : ls4 . o GENERAL '3 Commission P-l e rc h a h tj AXD DEALER IX O DRUGS, CIIKMTCALS, ESS.KNT1 A L OILS DYE STUKISAND : ' G EN E Ii A L M El ' C II AN DISE. BY TIIE PACKAGF O.LY. . Cn-h Oidersfor Goods of every descrip tion, fnun this or any Foieign Marker, wiil receive prompt and faithful attention. MiNEUS. MA FA( TCUERS AND O . OLKSAl.E TR.-JDE SUP PLIED FOR CASH. No nnfice r attention pi id to orders f rroods. if there is no provision . r the pa merit of the same. o. Consignment Solicited OFFICE, - Merchants Exchange.' San Fruncisco, California. , TERMS NET 0SII. ON DELIVERY, "IS U. S. GOLD COIN. Package prices. .... " t N- B. - Oregon nopuctl Solicited 0 f'g-rniint. J . 27:tf ,. UOHTEUS NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, No. 91 First Street, (Second door south of Lis old staud), Portland, Oregon. I AM PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALh work in my line in a superior manner with !l the lit st improvement in tl.e ait. Notions hut t,r- cla-s woik do ie at my new .nd mag i tic nt n o s, at low i r ce-. ( ALL AN" EX .MINE SPECIilEXSJ Feb. 10, 1371 :mS O O