I o 0 Q . O o o Q o G O O o O Ylfli'i'f r!grr kv , , . i Dfh tUCCkll) QlitCtPVlSC. I ' - r t TOlVS AXD I'OUSTY. Notice". The' public will take notice j the bridge on Clear Creek, at Abel Mat tht all Fstrav notices which have hereto- , torn s. Wbe pubuXl by the State Printer On etiuon 0. Peter I.ewt,. the f,me nr ronn red under me i.mg."."- . , be published in the paper depute, la- j the cffic al paper of the county m which Iheronertv- Is found- As the Entku- i Aha official organ tor Clackamas be published m ' the official paper o tho property is 1 VRI.sk is the official County; all E.tray Notices. Iro.n it. &?i& published in th.s pap,r. I ub Tubed elsewhere., they are l.-egal and 'worthless. CoCRT "Docket. The following com- prises the docket of the Circuit Court, for the March term : O. C. R- U. vs. Wm. Davlow. The same, against Jacob Uauor. Samuel Engle vs. Win . Atmpnest Win. Keiser vs. W. T. Ma i.ck and J. L. IE '.V.Shipley vs. A. T.Matlock. C. E. Murray and Wile vs. Lioisa liar- Vey et al. . . , O. C. R. R. vs. Daniel Harvey s E.vecti- Qt0 C R R.vs. Svlvcfter llaihaway et al. David Wills vsWui. Wilson et al. EijLITY CaSK.S. P. T. Company vs. A. MeKinW ct al E. A. Seely vs. Daniel Sabesune tt al. E. J. Westhtll vs. 11. C. Westlail. Kebecca E. Jones vs. William A. Jones. Lucinda Redpath vs. Robt. Redpa'.h. a Jury List. The following gentlemen hiave been drawn as Jurymen for the March term of the Circuit Court for Clackamas County : Geo. Rhotides. Hugh Adams. Win. End v. Sr., James G mil, Jacob Adams. James M. Tracy. A. H. Shal'er. II. S. Hess. J. Ii. Clark. Henry C. Siwiell. II. S. C. Phelps. Joseph Dickens. Ceo. Will. Isaac Clauses. Joseph Voss. J. U. Hntton, A. I!. Dilicy. Wm. Potter, Andy Sprowls, Jr.. J. S. Church. John Strowbridire. Samuel Ilrown. E. P. Luelling. Jacob Card. Moses Miller. A. R. Shiplev. Hem in Eee, J. K. Graham. Joseph Walton. E. Baker S. D. Moore. U x fit v.&: Is k 1 Et . In conversation w i t h Judge W. T. Matlock, of Marshliehi, yes terday, says the Bulldui, a farmer of twenty-two years standing in Oregon, we were informed that this season is the first tha: 'lias passed within his recollec'.ion when farmers 'could not plow ifor sow during the ncnth of February. The weather is entirely different from anything ever be ibre known in this S:ate. Personal. Mr. Trios. Miller, leaner of the Oregon City Hiass Hand says the JJ'd ! let in. arrived on the morning train ytster lay. .bringing his insti nment with him. 7'or the purpose of assistiivr the Portland Hand at the funeral of Mr. l'hi.lippi to-day. Mr. Miller has "been a very so cress! ul 'leader, and has a band at Oregon City Vlyeh the public might well be proud ot. llKSii WiTiiit.-Tlic water has bi-eti very 'high during the pa-t w.'ek. The river is higher at present than at any previous time luring the winter. The railroad j irackjost below town is so submerged j that il has been necessary to bring the j passengers across what is known as j t lickamas bottom in a skill'. Present in- ; i;.:iii,.ns vie that we will have a change In the weather and that all will be right ugain in a tew days. Taken IIumk. The m my friends of Mr. -J. 1). LoVe, purser of the Shoo-Ely. will r-gret to learn that it has be m neee.ssa ry for him to be taken home to his family, owing to serious ii'l tie's;, lie was taken f Harrisburg o i me r mine l attou . 1 asi Monday, which boat was ex; re--oy uis lyatched wita him. We ln.pe lint hi health may be recovered, and that he wid Wain be on the river soon. TjKOTI'uk. Mr. Caples lecture d b- good audience last Wed lesdiy evening. As we predicted, it was the lecture of the 'course thus far delivered. L'tl'.e. cireum Htanees over which we h ive no control, prevented us Iron being present. Lev. 'CO. Stratton will deliver the next id' the 'course on We'auesuay evening next. AcciDi'.NT. Tw o chi'.dten'Of Mr. Clark's. Triding about four miles from town, ha;t heir fingers cut otf, one of them two and the other on", while playing with a slruw "cutter.n few days ago. Goxk. The old warehouse used by the "Willamette Steamboat Compar'y. was washed away the other day. This was the iast remains of said company. Ox a Visit. Mr. Kdly. broiher of E. P. mm ii. u. ivnii oi uos, lo, .u.u " last Sunday on a visit to his brothers. He ,i it t r .a . :,. arrived here I taking a flip for his health, . which we j hone will be ;mnroved in our c iiiii ite. i Damage!. Tho Alert, while maUng her landing last Wednesday morning at this place, unoe'aed off a part of her guards. The Senator took her p.lace jres terday, and the Alert was laid up fur re pairs. pARTXKHsiur. As will be seen by a notice elsewhere. Mr. S. Ackerman has associated with him his brother in his huge business in this city. The name ot the dm will remain unchanged. Tuk Stioo-Fi.Y. This boat broke her j Shaft last Saturday a few miles above Cor- ! Vallis. The Fannie Pattern went to her' t ... ., , ,. . , , , I teliefand brongnt her down to !b,ck Island. , wht(re she is now lying to await the fall of ; the river before she can be brought d.wn J PEnsoNAi,. Judge Hurnett. of C.uval ii-. gave us a call last Wednesday. The Judge Iooks as young and fresh as ever, and it always does us good to see his pleasant free. The basin has been too full for the tipper boats o come down to tho ware- l.nus f..r il... r, ,t New Rot'TK. The Fannie Pat ton has taken the place of the Shoo Fly on t! . T.!j- e t! .. - She wis disp-Uch- route to Harrisburg eJ last Mondav afiernoi n for that place. ' Circi-it Cot UT. The March term of the Circuit Court, Judge Upton, ju-esidittr. commences next Monday. There is but little business before the Court, as will be Been from the docket published elsewhere, Serving SortETV. The Ladles Sewin v L' --j -. .j .4... next Tuesday at the residence of Mi IiaRoque. CorxTY Coirt Pm-KKnfXos. Tin "Ol lowing are the proceedings hael !v tl the County Court c I Clackamas county. Judge Wait, presiding, at the March term : " On petition of J. W. I'ahn it'er. Messrs. Albert Wright, Frank Ihice and U,.:iry Kamsby. yere appointed to vl-.v and '- cate a road, commencing at th- c.nr.ty road qear J. W. Palmatier's and running we-t lo intersect wiib w m. Dashml s claim; j i hence west to the X. K. corner of said j claim: thence west to the county road at I V II 11. Wades': thence to the bridge across the Clackamas, at U. 1 Strickland"-: thence on the most practicable route to r ' ' "' "' , "i tw,!"' vi.-.n-H to ocate a road irom the N. E corner oHlar. ing s pasture, running up the east stdo ofJleur Creek and blowing tht. main traveled road as far as prae ii.iu Uiii.i it i!-.iiHt- Hit- o. . Cornel of Ai e' Mattooti's orchard; from thence fanning nearly' south to near the house o N. Walker: thence following that line to Peter Lewis; ther.ee following said Lewis' Hue to N. W. corner; thence to S. Rani die's boue. on the most practicable rou'e On ptttion of Cr M;.nert s itae person.' ti nned above, were appointed to locate ; road from the M. K. Church, in Iieavi Creek precinct: 1 hence west on the ii: between Laac Parr's Sr., and C. Misuf to S WaldronV; thence following the rou as now traveled lo the S. E. corner of J. Ranch's pasture: thence west on his south line to intersect the road west of his place; ihence south half mile t the tov. n-hip line: thence west on said line to intersect May's mi 1 arid the C;-nby road. Jas. M. Moore was g.uiited license to run a ferry from Oregon City to Linn City. Peti ion of J. 1J. 1'i ice for license to run a ferry between this city and Linn City, va refit-ed. The Clerk was authorized to issue a duplicate county order to Chas. Walker, he having lost the original. E. Puss, supoivls r of road disfiict No. 1 made report which was approved and the Clerk ordered to turn over delin quents to his successor. David Mull, district No. 2 maderepoit and allowed sL for extra labor. Japer CI ill', district No. M made re port and a 11.) wed for extra labor. S. drove, dis. No. -1 made a report which Was approved. N. Williams, dis. No. . made a report and allowed ';( for extra labor. C. 11. linnnell. dis. No. d made a report which was received and he allowed 20 for ex! ra la!) or. Jas. lioot.diiS. No. 7 made report which was approved and he allowed 20 for extra labor. David Lein'z. dis. No.' 8 made report and allowed 12 for extra labor. J. A. Euruett. dis. No. 9 made report .:..! ; l : 1. ... w- J and allowed 12 for ex'ra labor. A. 1. 1-Vt trn-on. dis. N 10 mule a re port which was received. Hiram Si! dis. No. 11 mole re- port which was ace.'ptt d an 1 ','leik order ed to turn over deiimpients to his suc cessor. M. Hatton. dis. No. 12 report received and allowed for extri labor. J. II. McCuhbt!!. dis. No. Ill made re port and allowed 1 - lor extra labor, and instructed to report what amount of lum ber he used. J. K. Hai-ton. dis. No. 11 made report, v, Inch was approved. J. Wortm.iti. dis. No. 15 report made and allo.ved 1 91 for extra labor and lumber used. Chas. Walker's report, from dis. No. Hi was laid over until the next term. Joel Dixon, dis. No. 17 report leeoived and Clerk ordered to turn uelimpients oVe'r to h;s sticee.-s ir. .V. i ! a s'i . a No. IS -report received and ailowed ' 1 .' for ex'ra laboi. O. Ohhens. d'.s. No. ID - report received and all jwed 17 GO for extra labor and 1 iaibe.. L A. Laeey, dis. No. 2 ) report receiv ed and u'dowt-d lt! fo r extra hd;or. Isa ::: .;!!. ti- so. :!- report received atid allowed 1 for extra labor .Jos. Einu-n. f:-. No. 22 'i ee.nri received and allowed -;1'; for extra labor. . M 11 di N . .': re..o-.-t r-ei-hed Jess ce'n e, Hail ck. tits. No !'pori re (.-. W. I'rvatst, dis. No. 25 report n- ! ce.veu. M. K. Perriti. dis. No. 25 report re cetve.i. lb. br. Ford. d's. No. '27--report receiv ed and allowed S lor ex'ra laVior. Wm. :-harp. dis. No. 1 report received. John Znmw.ilt. d'.s. No. -it) report le ceived ami allowed I u for extra labor an 1 lumber u-ed. I--.t tc i-'rost. dis. N i. 11 ) report received and aSioweil b' hn ex ra labor, and or dered t; mike hir'lier explanation in re g.ir.l to six day- extra labor claimed U have I ioe:i pel iei'ue-d. August Verger. No. 112 report accept ed and allowed for ex'ra labor. h. Vatsderchea. dN. No. 33 report re ceived jj:;d allowed (' tor extra seiwice. Alien i !;-. .no. ., J ropo; I received ami a: lowed 4 for extra labor. E. L. Jones, dis. No. l!5 report received and allowed S ior extra labor. N. II. Trtillinger. dis. No. :)') -report received, and allowed 12 10 for ex in. labor, spikes and lumber. R. K. Munis, dis. No. .a report recei ve I'. .Nonas, (its. .No. eS report, received and allowed : 1 2 lor ex'ta labor, and the ("Seik oideii d to turn over delico'ients to i his successor lor collection, and li h- can- j li(,t Ci,de(-t ti-e amounts, to i;iru the saau j over to the h"ri;i' for 'oile;:tioii. Ira "Mnody. dis. No. iil' Vi-prud receives itat ail owe ' it) lor extra labor j S. IL Taylor. U. No. 11 - report re ceived and allowed 1 for .ira hibor. J . K. i . Oriijbte. i:s. .No. Z rejuu t re ceived and allowed st for !r;i lalor. C. W. Noblett. dis. No. r.', report re ceive. 1 atnl allowc'l 11 fur extra labor. 1. W. Garrett, dis. No. li report re ceived. J. E. Penile ux, dis. No. 15 report re ceived and allowed S' for extra labor. E. Mershberer. dis. No. -Hi report re ceived and alloweil ti tor extra labor. A. B. I'il'sa.dis. No. -17 report received and allowed :trld for extra labor. (". W. Covey, dis. X,). 4' report rc- ceived and allowed Sic) for extra labor. E. Kitvin. ilis No. -19 leport received and allowed : for extra lalior. J - Kirvin dis. N... 5: report received C. ii. Ko.o. d.s. i. nl repent recei veil iin,, alh-wrT -ss fur extra htboi and :-2 lot tVc,.v loan's 'ri'.V' Miller, dis. No. 52-report re f.i.i,..,) .....i ..Me..,-...! r.. ..-.-v.. i a.,..- A. R. Xiipi.-y, dis. No. 5:1 report re ceh ed and allowed 25 for extra labor. R. J. Moore, dis No. 51 rei ;rt re ! ceived and allowed 20 for ex'ra labor. I J-V. . Lcuiord. dis. No. 55 removed j 'ro:n the County and left no report. 1 - :.I e.-k. dis. u. ,")!; report received and w.al 2 for extra labor, ! t5 . ,,! ';Uh.t!l. for a rcilr.c- i " l;1.''' :;-essment wr.s grau'ed. ',"' loooa .,f the Wilh.meite Falls i 111, ( e. 1 .- . , . .. I r s tie r; ut of wa v over re ,-ou, ;n ,. ,. ri.v ..; ' j., .,, '.: .1 .. . . . ... ' -i !T?':l!i n ! ; 1 V V '""s-a-.u t ouu'.uiv make a good ; ;;- :J;-he ilree of tl... vacated bv ' ',. N ',' ' . I , iS" ,,nvi"S vere ordered paid : j .I'''1'.. I,:i.;:',r 11 l"; r- insane A. : w V-". i' ' J 'N' ','.'''" ul--!'-!i eaie. ' ('ow n 1 " S o " i ' i ' ,"" ni" 'iiC , "" .' " e .: 1 1 o.( e( SS J dl" : tcKent .ey .; t. t.,, Nevvueo, t'j j,' i I-" ;ey. f. r tie-. sis. -s, ; -., ',.' :sl'i! . O'. t1 - ' -U . 1 1 a Ze r i i r. I archiv 85 n'.- ' '''"''.. 5 ... - - . '.i'l i ..Ui S. . T wn 8 -! ioan U f;;:iwm:d 82 20. Wm. Wid'tlok-. -- - "O'ttltlMHl s. e , J . ... S .... . . ! 11- . Oil ,i i - -- -''. -'lli 'i,:- A. Warner I ' 1 ' " ' i' i.-.Z r - i I , e. i.a : ,. f'.V. i s-o,;.; 1 - . a 8U o i. J e ' r r..zer c 1 l " '"" C t -... l.ai.1,.;';. 1-uid 81 f -s ! !n;':i l iul-uy ?2-. J. . ibwni't.ui i vM1 .!' VKl' : S'.;,S!;. V!i- J"- Me- . .'iiii.ii.i i.i. i.ii rus .- ; j , r v i ' 8o 15. C. E. Warren 50 C r-'T I si To. J.,.. inland si 7 , Fr '.. si 7u : S:.; e vs. Indian Jirn-lvr'p Ha-'u- i 85 Id. J. V. Evan 87 ..1 c F y-' . .' " ! S3, Mt:::dy, an Indian. SI 70. Mrs MuV'jlI SI 70. John Kelly $1 70. Sarah SI 70: State vs. 1'aal (iiiuar Vr. lUiurns SS fi8. J. W. II van 6.1 50. C. E. Warren S." John Kelly 1 70. Chas. Colds 1 70 ; State vs. Catherine, an Indian A. arner o Co. W. P. Enrns 5 50. Lucy.an Indian, SI 70. John Cooloo 1 70, Jas. Wa'iers 1 70. C. Holds 1 7 J ; State vs. Catherine, an Indian W. 1. Ihuris 5 10. A. Warner 5 (15, Lucy, an Indian. 1 70. Mary, an Indian. 1 70, John Cooloo, an Indian, SI 70. A. Warner 1 70 ; State vs. A. Jervis W. P. Hums 4 -10, J. W.Hyan ;7 25, C. E. Warren 5, T. Montgomery si 70. Jane, an Indian. 1 70, Chariot, tn Indian. 1 70, Nancy, an Indian, 1 70. J. Holds 1 70: State vs. A. Jervis W. l Hurns 1. C. E. Warren 2 50, Nancy, tndian. 1 70, Chariot to, Indian, 1 70. Tias. Holds. 1 70. T. Montgomery 1 70 ; i. Will. Countv Commissioner. 18 20. i. Lradlev. do."19. P.cad Supervisors- The following persons were appointed Mipcrvisors for the ensuing year at the March term of the County Court: Road Pistrict No. l.Thomas Seilwood. No. 2. M. Uatfiehl. No. if. A. A. Wade. No. i. Wm. l'hiliipps. No. 5, S CI rove. No. 6, F Chitwcod. No. 7. C R Rook. No. 8. Frank W Foster. No. !J, John Strobriuge. No. 10. Tims Corwui. No. 11. Phillip .Moore. No. 12, Timothy Howen. No. l:j, J Ilowiett. No. 1 1. John W Palmatier. No. 15. J M. lacy. No. In. I M Fester. No. 17, M llatton. No. 18. -V J Casnn. No. Pi, V! ilichardson. No. 20. Charles Walker". No. 21. E A Parker. No. 22, J Wortman. No. 2o M !v Fen in. No. 24, S Miller. No. 25. George Walling. N). 2!i. A R Shipley. No. 27. Cami.m. No. 28. N Robins. No. 21). Josejdi Harstow. No. '.)). Jotiti Zumwalt. No. 111. E H Lneiltng. No. 152. Peter Law's. No. ''. Jones Cutting, No. o !. C F He ie. No. '''. Iaac I'lo.-t. No. V . Johsi W White. No. 117, Robert Irvin. No. 58. A Carmicliael. No. 111'. R N Worsham. No. -10. A Stout. No. -11. Harrii- ;'on. No. 12. J M 'fay lor. Ne. fd. H Savage. No. J 1. C Callahan. No. -15. J C L Miller. No. iii. T J Huff. No. 17. J W ign er. No. 18. T H Killen. No. -P.). John ilitter. No. :). A Sand.'rs. No. 51. R J. Moore. No. 52; George Ridding. No. 5.5. Jo-eah Frank im. No. 51. Robert Theipipson. r : . . . J . .- . j .'.r. 3 E... . J1 'I -..I ... J All wtio i Fi'!:i; IVotn coughs, voids, braaciii its, er-'Up, whoojunr cough, iin 1 the ui ist to be d ea .0 1 ot all. ( uu-urupt a. car: tial s-.rereiict in Dr. H'ittr lln 'm n of It'll, I Citrnj, which always cures, when other i cuddies fad. "WillsnsivtSf fi !!gc o. I.j I. Oa fcl. T Meets '-very Sat in 'day evening, at the roorr.3 S.K. eorner'of Mam and Filth streets, r.t 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are invited to attend. Hy order of VV. ( 'v. li 2j J U e-S vv f- -h &X3 ti a E ) 3 DoLOUSV, Picp'r, LAT Oj THH CLIFF 1WUSF mi;-,- sritmiT, oartu ox c:tv, o:;e:;ox'. L spe-ofubv ,i!eiou:ice to his ( Of !Vicnd and the t. uve'iug ..b'ic, i' at 1 e will re-omm ttie at.o.-e .'. i:-;, d Restaurant, on Monday, January Z: is71. The pro-prietor know"? how to serve his li.-t auers with Ovst -is. Pig's feet, ;i goo.! cur- ot Co flee or a SOU ARM ME VI.. Ll-.ON D.J.OUllV. Oiegon City, Jan. 27. is,:tf S A3 25 "I j -i 2 4 i'iOilaia O O j Successors of L. Du.i.rrt in the Lincoln bakery, i:C; LEAVE TO INFORM THE CTTI--eas of nrecon City and surrounding cosmtrv, ihat thev keep constantly on hand and h r sah a! kiiels of hread. ci; rki;'?-s, CAKES. PA-sTi;Y, CAN DIE AXD NUTS. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders promptly tilled, and goads d. diver el at the residence of the pnichascr when lie-dred. The liighet ii ices paid f r Butter, Eggs ;!nd Vegctahl s. A libeiul -hare of public patronage is re sjM'Ctfnllv S"Iie:ted. Ami! g:, 1 s7 ' ': v THE GREAT m mm a u a u 3 Mm An Infallible ijoot prniFiEit, possess' ing rare to.ic and ri:nvixr. properties certain cr.ro for iiiaTitwATSssi. ;x, MtrRALGM. nr.d ell tindred Diseases. It romrlett-ly restores the system when im raired by disease, revives the action of tfc? KIDAEYS and F.IT.L OnGASS, Tadi- cally cures srnortu, salt niiEO and all ehittive and ci'i.wEofs Dis cases, gives immediate and permanent relit-.' ia iyspeisia. EHYS3PELAS. Tumors. Eoils, Scald Head, riecrs and Sores; eradi cates from the system all traces of Mercurial Disease, It is itrzi.Y vrr.rTAr.LE, beias made from an hevb found indigenous in Cas.fomia. It is thereforo p-euliarlv suitable for no by rciiialcs and Children, cs a ulooo isti- FIEli and RE.YOYAT03. For Sate by all Druggists. RSDtKQTQK, HQSTETTER & CQ. AGENTS, 520 and 531 Harket Street, Sis Fr; 0:200. set 291 j If -YNts i, U. McDON A LD & CO. r ..... ' -'ev.-'r ,-'.r' r r ' ' ; ;' ' . .i-.i-o- p.-':,:,j 7. y::-:sJ:r-.t. V-''l.'ircawiioi.i:. .. to- t 1 r If . 1 'i!'t.'s rrf"i?M'v- i stsaarl-; ----- 'Sii k yi !Irj:j j ? 1-1:1- T Mr iIti,' ' ati r ?f;:o- -t riV ss f .0 Si : -to ofT-r r8 I: v. - t rn-i r rices, and irj Ci t, : a . to r- i.i ; . rti V.. II. :cIOXAL:; ( O, lrKcucr, Ca- Thc Great Hcdicai Discovery! Dr. VAL2EIl'3 Ct.irOBIVIA VINEGAR BITTERS, ia Hundreds cf Thousands c : Bear testimony to ibpir "VTondcr- 0 i t'" lul Curative ucts. j 7? zti WHAT ARE TMEY?? v,-..? Z ;z fi t " c s ? a tht: v Aim not a vil & 1 1 "I I F A fJ C V DR I fj K.Pff Made of Poor Raw, Whiskey, I'roif Siii-its a ml IJ,cfii?c' Iiii:uirs doctored, spiced and sweetened t please tho taste, called "Ton ics,"" Appetizers," " Restorers, " &c, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but arc n true Medicine, made from thcXative Hoots and Herbs of California, free fi'itm all Alcoholic tiiii!i!nnts. They are the ; It HAT H LOO I I UK I FI Kit niul LIFEtJlVlXU l'KIN C 1 1' I. E a perfect lh-novator and Invigorator of the System, carrying oil' ail poisonous matter and restoring the- blood to ft healthy condition. Xo person can tal-o these Bitters according to direc tion and remain long unwell. I'ir lisflnmiisiilory and Chronic Klicii matisiii and (ioni, Iys:c:Hia r Indi eos!iu, ISi!i:iiN, It cm i 1 1 cut and IaCcv i:iill nt revcis, DiseascM of the Kluod, Ivt'!', Ividncys, an:! Uladilcr, these Iiit tci s have been most successful. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of tho JJiNtivo Organs. )VSPH1'SIA OR lNniCESTIOW Headache. Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness of the Chcftt, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad taste- ia tho -Mouth Bilious At tacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other palniul symptoms, are tho off springs of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of un equalled cOieacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. . FOIS, SKIN DISEASES, EruptionsTetter, Salt Khcurn, Blotches. Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, King-Worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of Whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a Ghort time by the use of these l'.itters. One hottle in such cases will convince tho most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pim ples, Eruptions or Sores; cleanse it v.-hen you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings, will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. 1 IN, TA I'll and other WOKMS, lurking in the system of so many thou-ands, are effectually destroyed and removed, for full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle. J. WALKEIi, Proprietor. It. H. McDOXALI) & CO., Druirgists and ten. Agent. San Francisco, Cal and ti and 31 Commerce Street, New Vork. SOLD BY ALL DP.UGGISTS AND DEALERS, to!). 1:1 OI'ECON CITY, OH HO ON, Hi-'TAIL DL'AI.ERS IN T T "" r ri I7 . is? v5 kJ j t ha iLii9 Hi '4P' ! ISZil&l&f) I al.-o keep coustaiitl y on hand SALEM C A SSI M E II E S, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND ELANKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take woo! in exchange. 7"I will also pav the highest, prices for i'ntter, Egucs, iiiiil all kinds of good country produce. I will se'J as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash or its equivalent in good merchantable r:nluce. K'iT (J-ive me u cull and sati-fy yourselves. BEG SKi;i3 WAITED, JOHN Al YE US. Jan. ir, 171 tf kstaisiiis::k: : : : lsir. ERslEST a, frlahdsoh, OENEHAL Comiriisjicn Merchant, AND PKALKK IX DUUCJS, CH EM K'ALS, E-SENT1 L OILS, )': STTFFS AND ( ; 1-1 N Ml ' i A I j M EIICHANDISE. HV Till: l'Af'k'.VGF ONLY. Ca di O iJ.m-s fr (ioods of every descrip tion fr m thU or any Fo-citrn M .tket, wi.l recei vo pto ti:;t and faithful attention. MINE S. M AN I FA( T'"l;Elt- AND WHOLES EE TRADE SUi' 'E1E!) FOli CASH. No notice or attention i d to orders f r ffo-wls, it' therv i no provision iiiuJc for the :i incut id' the sa:i:e. Conslgnmsnf Solicited. OFFICE, ' Merchants" Exchange. San Fiuncisco, Odihirnia. TERMS NET (MS11, nN DELIVERY, 'IN U. S. GOLD COIN. I'ackae prices. IT- B. Gresa. Products Solicited Ja-. 7::t NEvr I'lioroGRAriiic rooms, No. 01 Firs' Strc-t. ("Second door south of Lia old st.iti 1,), Portland, Oregon. X AM PREPARED Ti) EXECl AM PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL jU uurx in " r manner. wlth?ll the lafstm5,r,!vemet n the a,t. Noihni- but t:r- cla-s x,- lo:seat my new ami mi'' i !ie nt r o s, -at low prices CALL ANiEX Teb. 10, I87l:nr'i CALL ANi EX V MINE SPECIMEN?. u S- ;J j j j -n -: .s 1 v---v .-! . - .?" .. '..- COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. TORE; l!EW STOKE. PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE STORE, Cor. First & Morrison sts. JJAYING OPENED OUR NEW STOCK SHOES, 32'La9 JL:'Ta7,Cs5 We are now prepared to fu nlsli our cus tomers with Best Quality of Goods, Of our own and Eastern Manufacture, at YERV LOW 1 IH CHS. Call and Examine Our Stock 0: Boots & Shoes OF ALL KINDS AND STYLES, We Always have the Latest and Most Fashionable Styles :i Hand. Prctzmaxi, tiillihau & Co., Cc rn.er Tirt an d X'o :r kc n ' s PORTLAND, OREGON'. Feb 10 187, :tf 1-s?i .. - 1 wmm I iin 11 i wish in o .n yon, ieutfi, that Dr. Wi ndci'ful, an oti or ni-in, la dis-covcrt-d a remedy th it r.rss Consumption, when the luns are half consumed, inshor , vvili cure :i 1 diea.ss whi ther of ii.ind, bodv or e-tat.', make men live forever, and h-ave ui-ath to play for want of woik, and is de sii'ticd to make out sublunary sphere a bliss ful Paradise, to which lie iven it-elf shall be but a side show. Y"U have heard enough, of that kind ol' hunibiv:ge:-v. Hat when I tell yon t!;it Dr. Sa-ji-'s Clatanh Rea:edv trill M!i fivdy rure the worst case of Catarrh in the IK-a l, I 01 ly as-ert that which thou ..ands can testify to. 1 will pay $."un reward tor a c ase that I cannot (it!e.; A panijihlet i;iv n; symptom-! and other i: for ti-atioh sent tree to any address. This icniedy is SOLI) 15 Y MOST DRUOOISTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE YVuRLD. Price HO cents. Si nt hy mail, postpaid, on receipt i f sixty cent-, or tour packages f y two rlollars , l!cwar ol C( u,t.-rfi il and irorthhts iiiit'tfi'iiis. See that my private st imp. which is a pnxiiiue unranltt '' Gen iKf -is', is upon the outside wi upper. Ke memlu r ! hat this ju ivate Mamj), issued by the Ehited States (Jnvernment exjircsslv for stamp n my medicines, ha my portrait, name. and adilros, ar:o the words "U.S. Certilie.ite ol Oenuineness," eni;iavert npnii it. and need not. be mistaken. Don't be swind'ed by travelers and ethers represent in themselves as Dr. S;ire ; I am t lie only in 111 now liviri that has the knowledge and ri!it to manufacture the (ie.n'iinc Dr. Sage's Catanh Remedy, and 1 never travel to sell this medicine." R V. PIERCE M. D tcblt'mii' 13.J Seneca street, Uull'alo, N. Y. OABOEHiMO FOB PROFIT." 1 AND ii Practical Floriculture," PETER HENDERSON, The f 'nner detailing the system of Markrt tii.Kleiiing; ; the latter DESCRIPT1 YE of ll.e modes of fiuiun-i-rial lluriciilt iir- tis practiced in the vici dty of New Yolk Mailed, prepaid, for 1 50 each. Our Annual Descriptive Catalogue of Y EG ETA RLE am) FLOWER SEEDS. Containi-.g two nevv and REAUTIFULLY CoL;)REt PLATES, is now re;idy. Also, Catalogue of NEW AND HARE PLANTS ILLUSTRATED with Colored Plat-s and Engraving-. Rotli will le mailed on receipt of Tventv-tive Cent-, or sen:, with either of thi above Hooks free of charge. IIE.VOKlt'SO.'V KlI I itlaiils ansl CJiov-rs, G7 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. febioml Eotray fJoticc. rp.P7F.X VP HY THE UNDEUslGXED, Jan L JTl, hvmjr 1 l-l mile w.thof Mihvaukie. to fiCa'l of two year-olds tins i:ir, one Kt-r air-i the other a Loiter ; tlte l.eif r is I randed by a square crop oir li.ht. ear and slir, with imdeiblt in l f;. pale-red ; steer i. dark red, sqiMi r-rop oil' each ear. f. . TtUXlSELL. Clacsamas county, March 10, 1S71.W3 Piotice. n. TT, nrTSTWnrvc. mr-VT nor, t-tc , J . -;;r Wsomr U.IH70 'wiii paid on presentation. Interest thereon wiU cease fixra tiiis date. T I H SAFFAERANS l Trearirrr rf Clackamas countr. J March 0, JS:j:w3 NEW s ' ' - -- - REDI"SGTON, HOSTETTER & CO. Stop that Coughing! Some of yuu can't, and we pity you. You have tried every lemedy hi.t tl 6 ONE destined, by iis intiiuic merit, to supersede all inila repai ations. It is not surprtsmjr you should he reluc tant fotry sometl.inu; else af cr the many expi riments you have made of trashy compounds foisted ou the public a-s a Ct r;aiu c ure ; but Rcwcll's Pulrrscnary Syrup is reallv the YERY BEST remedy ever compounded for the edit: Of Coughs, to. A. ore Throats, Asthma, IVluivpiiig Coughs, Bronchitis and Cjusvwplion. Thousands of pi ople fn California and Oresou have been already bt rented by the'surprising curative powers of fic well's Pulmonary Syrup and with one accord give it their un q 11 al i lied app rohat on. We now ad it ess ourselves to al! who are unacquainted with this, the greatest tumacea oi the ure. for the healiny; of il diseases of the Throul uud Luiigs, assuring you that NeweH's Pulmonary Syrup has cured thousands, am' it will cure YOU. if yon try it. This invaluable medicine is pleasant to the ta-te ; sooth ing, healing and sti engthening in its tllticts; entirely free from all poisonous or deleterious dnus and perfectly harm- less under all circumstances. For sjule ly sill Druggists. REDING I ON, IIO.-TETILR & CO., b-'d and 531 Market street, San Francisco. Reilingtoii's Essence Jamaica Ginger, H'hich i.- cin fth i-thj TKOivimfudi tl a the btt it pai tion iiutr lifore the public. This valuable preparation, con'aining in a highly co ceiitrated toiin all the properties of Jamaica my er.has become one oi the most ponnlar domestic rime- dies f. 11 diseases of the sU.mach and digest ive organs. As a ionic, it will he found invaluable to all persons lecovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; fur Wt lie it iiuj.aits to the system all the eh.w and vigor th.it can be produced l.y wine .r biandy. it is entireJy free from the reactionary .'lltcts that follow tlio use ol spiiiis of any kind. It is a!s,) an exeelUnt remedy for females who suffer I'm in dilTicult men si mat ion, givi ng almost immediate re lief to the si. asms that so frequently ac company that period. It gives immediate relief to Nausea, caused by riuii g m ;i railroad car, or i;y sea s.ck ess, o- other causes. It. is iilso valua le ;is an external ; p p!i'-;it on for Gout, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc. K11I.;T)V, IlOSTETTE.'l & CO., u-2'J and 531 Market street, San Francisco. Reilington's F 1 av 0 ring Extracts AllE THE PERFECTLY P ERE AND highly c ncer.t rated Extract s from Ftesh X 1 tiits, prepared, with great care. Thev ; re put up in superior style, and in a bottle h bli.ng TWICE AS'.MLCII as t!ie oriiinary brands of Extracts. Comparing quality and contents, none Other are Deal l so cheap. W believer tested on tiikir MKi:iTS,they have been ad pted in pi e.erence to -,: oTheis. and are now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS, ol the Pacitic Coast. MA UK THE ADVANTAGES. Ry purchasing Rcdington's Concen trated Fla vo't ing Exti act-, you obtain an article hut only supeiior in richness and delic.ic o! flavor to a' 3' o her of a simi lar nature, but. far mute economical, be cause ecii b ttle holds double the quantity contained in a bottle of an3r oilier llavoring extract sold. ItKUIXGTOX, UOSTE'ITEll A C O,, Agents for the Pacific Coast. m. p. "VYonhl yon escape FEYER AND AGUE, U:id preserve health and v'gor during the s ckly season, make occasional use of the following as A PREVENTIVE. If you are ATT CKED with Chills and Rilious Fever, or have been a victim to such disease, at d used oi her so-called remedies without permanent relief, seek at once the safe.-t and surest , CUEE, by using, according to directions MASQN i FGLLARD 3 APITI-PALAilIA, or, Fever and Ague Pills. Time has proved them thoroughly to be the safest and most reliable remedy known. They contain no mercury or other mineral or chemical. They are exclusively vege table. . They stimulate the f motions of the liver. Congestion isimpossible where thev ate used. They do not deter from daily tabor, liy a-sisting diire-tion tl ey add (iesh and inn cle to the frame. They nro anMoted to all ages and both sexes, and as a FAMILY PJ1EDICBNE Will CURE in their ineipiency, three fourths ot all d seasps incidental to a malarious climate. For Dyspepsia, in small doses, they have noeqaal. For sale by all Druggists. nrrbi.v tiiox, hostettiju & co., SOLE AGENTS. The Battle for Life Which is continually roh)2 on between dealt!! and diea-e, has m-ver received from anv medi.-lne such marked and un mistikable assi-tance, on the side of health, as it Las fio:n NewelTs Pulmonary Syrup I5EDI VCTOK, HOSTETTER & CO., 523 ami 53l Mzrkct street, San rrancisco. 3R33 5? AUCTION AND COMMISSION A. IB. IieI&S-i4lsoii9 AUCTIONEER! 0 Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portknd. AUCTION SALES . Of Real Estate, C4roceries, General Merch'a dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday f A. B. Riciiardsox, Auctioneer . AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Par and Bundle Iron I. FT ! I I 1 -W . I . .1 I' . 1 .1 . . . t f l......,. .. FT . . , . I ..uiii.Tu mill utniiviai. ciiM steei Horse shoe Files, Rasps, saws ; Of Screws, Fty-pans, sheet iron, R. G Iron-; also: o A large assortmertt of Groceries ind Liquors A. Is. KicitAunsoN. AnctioneeP .r- v.r mt yw For i few cents yoti can )rj cf your Grocer or Druggist3 a I aeL-age of SEA MOSS FARIXE, inndo from pare Irish 3Ioss, or Carrcei, vIileh will mak6 cixtccn qnnrts of Blsnc ?Jange, r.nd a like quantity cf Pad dinrjp, Custard.?, Creanis, Char Icito iillSGO, c-C. It 15 tho cheapest, 1 1 ea I tli i est, cud most delicious food in the world. It nates a, splciidid Dessert, and lias no equal as a light and delicato food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Chaurre ! ! o o rrnr: cheat world-s toxic Plantation Bitters. Tlii5 AvoBadca'-Ttal vcgtai5o rciioratSvc tlsc slat'ci-a.i-c!icr of t"c fcc5je zim dcl;ili tnlcd, A3 n o::5c as:l cordial for t"Ec :ig:ed nB;l Ias:ual, il li.V. I2 eqianl Q;5;agr sJoea iiclaics, A3 z re:3's2y for tiae ticvotas ren!iiiacs3 . to. wSiicEl vonac:i are esjccially sub ject, it ii gtijterscsHissg' "every oilser slassssalnsaj. E.i nil Ci malos, tropaca, tcanpea'atc, or frijji, il sjcl : j :i sjjccislc iia every S3?ecae3 of disprdep wIjIcSj BJiijJcrssaasac? Clae I;odily sii'CEatEi uaa:3 Eja-caSi eSowii the mai:iaal spirals. For sale hf all DrEHgrgists. IS STILL AT JUS OI.TTT',- , CORNER ;F MAIN am. S1XI H MI.EET3 OREGON C. TV, OREGON. .. . . ,o TTllERE II E WOULD INVITE lllM friends. ad ttie public in f.'et)eial, to all and e xamine liis stock consisting ot "eueral assortment of O - o- Hoots :aisd &cS'$ s ;ai4l Cstps-9 IICIw5.2C Having frorr many years' experienb learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES IN SMAJL PROFITS IS DETERMINED TO OFFER SU(II INDUCEMENTS AS WILIi S l tice the Cry of Iceland Pi ices! Oregon City, August 2?th,lSG'J. O AOTIVE PERSONS ' WAITED. $100 A H0HTH! o -rNEKGETIC PERSONS, 0EERGYMEX; Jlv doctors, lawyer-, agents, business rpen, tarn er, salesmen, cale, ami all otliers, male ai.d fern de willing to give their whole time or jiart of it, tv.n ea.-ily make ?100 OR MORE A .MONTH, by engagin.? in light, honorable and staple business, in which to nvney is required.' Xo competition. Exclusive territory givem References as to character required. Stamps lor return postage desired. Write your ad--dress in full and plainly. Q H. A. CARTY, o XO. 315 CI1ESXUT STREET; O PI1ILAEELPI IA, PA. ACTIVE PERSONS AVTEP Jan. 6:rx.6 O G O c