G 0 0 ESS ssncjaBBHgg o Health and Happiness. The two tilings which conduce $nost to health and happiness are labQj and abstinence. Spartan severities are not recommended; nor could they be conductive either to health or happiness; but the de cree of labor which may be had without being oppressive, and that quantity of food which suffices to support nature without loading the stomach. Jitit labor and abstin ence are two things which mail- kind take most paillS tO avoid. Vet ! what can exercise a more health v ! iniiuence uotn upon the mind and body than these? And not only phouhl a man botcmncnitein f'iwwl but modeite in ail' tilings. Mod eration of disposition teaches us to restrain all the evil working's of the mind to repress jealousies, envy, anger, malice, hatred, re-. Venge0md nil these baneful pas sions which have ruined the health and peace of thousands. It directs us, too, to cultivate all the benevo lent feelings of our nature, to mod erate our desires, and above all, to do unto others as we would they should do unto us. y this means ve shall insure peace and tranquil ity of mind, which are adsolutely requisite to the full enjoyment of Gall the faculties of the mind, ami the thorough performance of all the animal functions of the body with out impediment, pain, or molesta tion. The mind thus disengaged from tumultuous passions, and the body free from disorders, render existence a happiness to us, and lilan object to desire, while the loss of every thirg pleasant and delectable. '"To enjoy good health," said St. Kvermond, a celebrated French philosopher, 'Ms better than to command the whole world. Heath is the fountain of every bless ing; for without this we could not relish the most exquisite pleasures, or en joy the most desirable objects." "Without health we can neither be ! happy ourselves, nor useful at least, not in a considerable degree to our friends, or to societv. Much, undoubtedly, depends on original vigor of constitution. lnt by a judicious attention to sundrv particulars, health may in many cases be preserved where it would otherwisebe lost. . : -0 O- Getting Skutous. This thing is getting serious, remarks an ex change. Chief Justice Parker, of (Massachusetts, announces the opin ion of the Supreme Court of that State that an engagement '"may be proved by those circumstances which usually accompany such a connection," and the Kentucky Court of Appeals has declared that, mutuality of an engagement mav be priced against a young lady "by showing that she demeaned herself as if she concurred in or ap proved the young man's promises (Jr oiler. It is not necessary that there should be an ex press promise on either side; an engagement may O be evidenced by the unequivocal conduct of the parties, and by a general yet definite reciprocal uu- i rien ils atui relations, evidence-1 and ocorrobonited by their actions." rp, ....... . . 1 ills IS indeed a serious viCW ot tne case, and j-arties interested s'.iould ;tko0 ai iitn: accordm-ly. Two II::akts. A man in Ilart- r..,i n..,,,, i..,.. i w v..,:,,, j.. iu oe.u i,oue on ; u:ul tucker at N .. tov ma iniu s sold, the lett, wliicll performs all the or- i A com de.e set d' aft ich nc-nts t if !) -m-dinarv functions of a heart, and ! '" ' c ,;irs'J an'1 wi h' i'':1!n - ' ,lia- . i , i-i ii I tiTi.n, ipi J: i n-z, t neUi.i x and tn.t.vi nj; i he next. tlie other, on the nv;!it, much larger, j tuck. luiilm.V a ,d -aihen.i d .in- away appears to CXert Some illflueilfe Oil I wi'u hast alto-ether. M ide to. su.t i.uy the brain. The doctors advise that. ia c'liu0- -' v t .e com.l. te set s dd, $ . this extra lieart should be cut out, I KJlTTim IJAO HiriB 3. and the 'imiii wife was warmly in favorof the operation, fearing some r'i;al would sei.e upon that heatt. and dispossess her of the other. Rut the obstinate :ian refused to be deprived of ariv of the organs Avitli which he w;is endowed, pre ferrinir derangement or death. The line, of conduct chosen bv younix men during the live years i'rom iifteen to twenty will, in al most every instance', determine his character for life. As he is then careful or careless, prudent or im provident, industrious or indolent. tt'llt l)n i I- I ! : ! 1 .1 i i t t rut lit ti I or dissnnulatia-, hit i Hi- ent or lejioranin temperate or dis- Koluto, so will lie be in after years, and it needs no prophet to cast his j horoscope or calculate his chance? in life. Coxcr:ir. There is one thine; worse than ignorance, that, is con ceit. Of all intracticable tools, an over wise man is the worst. You may cause idiots to philosophise ; you may coax donkeys to tirej;o thistles; but don't think of ever driving eomm n sense into the licad of a conceited person. vorxii la ly school teacher was, one Sabbath lately' endeavor ing to impress upon her scholars the terrible punishment of Xebuc hadnezzar. S!ie tohl them that Feven years he ate irrass, just like a cow. Just then a small boy asked, 4Did he ufive milk. A I'Al'Ki: lias this . -id vort iseinojit- "Two sisters want washing." We fear there are millions of brothers in the same predicament. O -.. . girAV sii'it medimu, with a view to indtieine; editors to commit suicide, imparts the information Unit newspapers llourish in the spirit world. Xo matter how much desire von hove to ti-ht, never lH-in on a mule or a m-,.,-...! ' m. - b.o's.l ,-.'t , 1 men-! io.vs.io.j ta-ivertiseclearlvenou'rlj wiiat they are e;ii:i-r t0 j,p ! " " 'pi, . i ... " x.i.u. a possession is in the use that is made of it. Grammar School. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OROAX ized for the purpose of establishing the above School, would respectfully announce that thev tuve eni.l the services of .Mr. s. i. I'OI'E. ils leather, lor a se-on uf six months. The Stbo-d will open on Tues day, the 3 1 d iy of Jaunarv, in the mom lately occupied as .tee ' ' Enterpi ise Otlice." All the usual branches cuiprisiu'r it thor ough Ewlish, Classical, Mathematical and CoimneiC al edratum will be tau.-ht. Application for admittance, terms, Ac, to he made to the Teacher. Hour?, fioai 'J a. m. to 1'2 in., and from 1 t.i :5 p. in. SCHOOL. The undersigned will commence a Night S '!uo1 "n Tuesday evening utxt, Januarv ivm,!,e V I'mumir Sc!l0ul'1Iotuu- Iiuur S. D. POPE. Oregon City. Dec. 20, 1370. tf SSIID TO HU33ZLL & PERSY, REAL ESTATE PORTLAND, Oil TO JOHNSON & M'COWH, OREGOF3 CITY, FOR THE OXIEGGIJ HEAL ESTATE GAZETTE Fit 22 1: Or GZIAUGE. S-pt. n tf sToTooo woimi of 1 " i a ' S '1 -t 1 f J. i l '-ii b J, ! H f; i COMPRISING ALL THE LEADING i.1 U -I. j.a W j. J .i-.i ?gi Fall ani -Wintsr Weir. Ai e on hand and b-'in? constantly replen ished at tho PhiladGlpliia Boot Store, 113 Front Street aii-1 XC1 First Strttt. N. 1. Ladii s aud (Jeiit'emeu's Roots ar.d Gaiters made U measure. Dff. '.:tf JOHN II. sen RAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SAD1) LES, II A RJXESS, etc., etc.. TtL'iin S Oregon "My, !TYi-l)es t ) re;veont that he is now as .veil pivp.tr. -d t'i fill Miy artiele iuliis life i the Iari:e-t e.sia'nli-hfiH'nt- in H e Mate, lie !at I iriiia i ly l etju.-.-t 1 t'iat an x . i .' i i i : ! . 1 1 i t s e-i his -toi.k h nri.it1 in-fine UitviliiT td-evhere. SSWIHS IvlAGHIi-IES ! ! (i "f 5 s Tl 7 '.r f 7 '''' ' 17"E SELL THE SINGER. WHEELER k Wilso i, 11 we, Eiiipti .-, Givver & !'. iker, Weed. J'arh.tni, IcSTone, III es (i;!d j'.eial, Arnerici i co uliini ion, I i v i . wi.ii a e enph-tn i.utiit, late t tmpmveinouts. I "'''f'"' f'-'- I I.U 'VlUN, r (;.S. );!! , .11.1,11111 iv UUU;i;l, j I5arth:am A; Fa;:tiMi, wi It nut lit, iuiiuove- j '",;;,,!i,:,ul ','x?r;l itX, c i,il,,nts "idcase at s ). s;, ;ltl,. n,,;,! wi,:, .m.tir ,..,!... inmeh- nients u. nl c-a...', ut ). i he Co in i.o.i Si'iHr, Octazon, II. inner and i ' 1 1 ' Th La::;b at. ; the Orr.-ie at ? tr, ; the Hinkiev. Uia u.iud -?-7 ; the iiicLIord, A:ne. -lean, Essi k, New li.ive.i fa. w u s a A ia? 3 When the mom-v is .sent with th? order we .-!u; with all tivi-ht char-e prepaiii as far as the Mississipri, or sent (J. O. I)., n receipt uf ha.t the amuaut, aud ciiar-ts aided. L. PStlsvliJS 5l CO., 511. KING STREET, WILMINtJTON, DEL. 3 347. !G7i. I 'TTott fin-l ? T- H-oo ? ki"2-""? pEGS LEAVETO TNFul.M T V. WAV. 10 i ) that he has ivhtted t .e old tand, corn -r ea:n ;i .i Severn h St.-., ();e: m C.ty. a id has n o ivrd in entire uw t.ick of goods, cuti- -i tin- of dry Goods, giioceriks, CROCKER I", GLASS WARE, IVOODEMVA RZ7, ami a crenera! assortment of evorythincr in our li e. Tl'.inkt'.i. lor past f tvors, we stil solicit a sdiare of" the u .li-- patro-utse. Country Prduje Takeu m c.eaau-e for uoods. 43:1 r VJ 1 1 5 3 f F:1 f 1 f f7 p JIjs Etu?jti.fil FOR THE MAX IT AC TORY OF jry twt ? t t rr ri v w, " - . Ul - JS LiU'l L COO. ! j AND MOULDINGS OF AI L S ZES. C5- They will also d-. TURNING, ofvry dec!'iption to order, Vlth IJcatne53 and Dlspatcl o ALL W(;?K W A UR NTED. Shop on th River, b -ck of Ack.-rman's St r , Ore-on City, On -ou. Ore-oa Ci-y, July Ceaf A vnin QLACKs. A victim f eo!v in- l- discroti .n. ,-.ui-in- n.rvmis d-M ilitv, remature deeav. &c, h ivin- tried m vam every a.lve Used reined .-, I a-i a simple n eans of M-:fc.nf, which h- wll -en 1 frp to l,is VOTO QUACKS. A victim f e.ilv in- ti '!'';vs tie.ers. Ad Iress J. II. T UTILE, o .i3au st., .ew Yurk. Jan. l:Sia GREAT REDUCTION" AT 13. L. STONE'S, " o. 07 Frosst Street, Pos-Hasael, Oreg-osa. WALTIIAM WATCHES, (OLD CITATXS AXD RINGS, CLOCKS, OROIDE YTATLUIES AND CHAINS, FINE JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. .All at jSTew York Prices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. FA'ERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONET REFUNDED. Watches and Jewelry repaired. juOtf OTICE. o The People's Transportation Company WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FROM OREGON G8TV AS FOLLOWS : F0?v POIITLAND : At 7 A. M . every dav, except Sundav. And 1 V. SI. Monday, Tuesday. Thurs day and Friday, For. Salexn, Albany and Corvallis. AND ON' MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY, xi2 -.-"i." r nr cud xt0 o A. A. McCULLY, President. Nov. lfi, IsTO I4".tf C5 . SAITBUIIII PASCAL Re r to intot ni the public ai.-i their f tends that t'.cy Lave leased t..e lower pari of the s-iii 2 i a Li - Cis vj vj j Which they have opened as a T-TTc?sp f'T A s?C p-i.'vrn . ryr vtti The table will at all times bo sup) lied wit the best the market aHords. O.ders for suppers an 1 p irti -s will' be prompdy attv'iidvd to. Oregon ('itv, .Jail, -jiirtf WAGON AND Ul IU w hiJk.vw. The unders'gned, having iiiereased the di mensions of hi.- j'lera.tes, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City .... - Oregon. Takes this method to inform hi- old at rns, a'id as manv new cries as i ;iv he pleased to call, t! a' he is now prepared, w th ample ro'm . ioxd materials, ami the very b '-t if uif chani.-s, to build an--w, recoii-i-:nict, make, paint, ir"n and turn out a!l eooiplete anv sort ot a vehicle Iron) a com mon cart to a cuicnrd c .aeh. Try me. l;i:ickmit hing, ll use or Ox s!.oeiur, and irenci-al jubbitig neatlv, ipui klv and chean ly done.' " DAVID -MI 'i II. Opposite Excelsior Market LI A 1) bis SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAIN STREET, Oregon City. O Bt RILTAARD TAR RES in OREGON Have been '.un uouced. and the Proprietor in vites i!:e at tent mn .d i lit- l-ivf i s ot this p-'pular amusement to them. THE RAR IS SUPPLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquor an.? ( lLTirs. Si-oteii. ir;s!i aed lioui lion aireaiij fatuous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE o,ncf , it .tit1. o; r5i u giit. r"5" Fam'Hes supplied. XuSX itt w g- iiJ Laa-' Vs.i' -'I?g koE3 m k a Till J ii Juu A large flind-omely Illustrated Monthly, containi n-.r :2 to l-i large Double Colanm Page--, tided with vrrii-nl matter fioui the i'j!'-1 wrif rsm the country, on the various Slll'jeets eomiLCted Witt FARM INC. bTOCK-P.REEOINO, WOOh-OEOH'iNG, D AlilVINt;.' POULTRY KEEPING Ac Bound in handsome ly tinted covers. It has a VETERINARY DEPA II TM ENT under the charge of one of the abn-st Pro fessois in the I'nited States, who answers through the Journ ii, fie" of c'or'g all ipu's tions relating t Sick, Ljire i or Di-eused Il-oses, C.ittle. She p, Swi ie or Poultry. Tin- make- it a very valuable work for re fei enc a.d an almost indi -pe'rs-ible cniiii iin ion to all inteu sted in ,' ovr Vwg. The low pric at which it is punlis -ed -fl.ooa .U'ar) brings it within the reach of all, while the Splendid (ihf.'r,i' afs (ffcrcd to Ajcnts ijnd lreinitin$ to Sit.bsct'ihf-ra. make it to the interest, of every Farmer and stock RrcediT to extend its circulation. .S;ji Stamp for Spiclmau L'p;. large Illustrated Bill and 1'rc- mhtm X,tst. Get up a Club and obtain one of the many valuable Premium- ll'-red, co- si-ting ! CheAtt r White, Rerk-hire. Sull'dk. Magie and Essex Pig-, Shott-IIorn, Aldernev. Ayrslrir- and Devon Ca ves, Southdown. Cotswol.l and Merino Sheep, Cas' mere Goats, Pu e-R;ed Poidtiv, Norway Oats. See's, Agii u! ural Implements, Pianos, Wjttches, Silve:vare, Hooks, A'c. Specimen copies tCut tree. Address P. ROYER & CO., Publisher?, Parkesburg, Chester Co., I'a. New Ali PISTlg V E LV ETS , SHUSSEL5, THE EE - PLY, OIL -CLOTHS, V I I T D 0 VI -SHADES, PAPEE- II A II G I II G S , LACE - CUETAIIT S, &c, &c H"e Would Call the attention of par tics fill lu j vp houses, or helu: in need of anythiiif in our line To our Stock, which is ONE OF 'L Ilk C OUTLET F.ST 0i- Gooth hehif specidll selected at the Iuictoriet in Jlttjlind and (he JIa stern States, v:c can stll AT THE LO WEST Hi1 r"J ii"! if ?l titi "Pl?OC i3 4.iu.ij. JU: jtL' No. ,0 Front street, between Alder Y).) and Yi'asiiiiigion, Portland Oregon i v. J - .-A M t'-::. .:. 1 k. U- M w J Li SX J Wi J wi Wi3i ' T . fv r1 l.i I sy !. .Ml ,M f f-l.-,-. " j PORTLAITD, CnSQOIT, For the Instruction of ci a - j u j I:i the branchi'S of a Pusincss Education, i rpms jsyririPfUT doui.t a mot JL tin rough and t hiciftit lu-ti -ution, and i has made tor i s-!i a name i:i Oregon, of j Thebia-.cli s w !, ic.i st ... nd out pi otn incnt y in the curl ie duiu uf stiidy are POOKKKEP1NG. CoMEilClA!, A iMTIF'ETIC, POLITICAL ECONOMY, PEN M NSIIIP, CO.MMK1ICIAL LAW CoRivESi'ON DENl'E, AC. A most thorough practical d-par!ment 1 tn constant jt-r.i? i m, i i w!iic!i are coin pr sed ail l ie minima, of bus ties- aff.iis. ss,..i,... . .- c-.-iMV " my NO I n.'. .... .r .-Tw.v-.n ... , ,t ! )''" streets,, i r st ml lor a circular contain stig full in:orniat ion. Address, h Vl U;'t c l)i !'"l.? ('". Portland, Oregon. I L t I . ..... c.nnei (i, I'li'l.viiliw.ui-; The standard re an dv t-r CoitJt!i, Tnflu- !-., X .(' ''Iii (:.' . I J7,vrf;.,';,g 'ollgt, VfoUp, I.ircr ComjJaint, Ih inH,ii( I'd a ill n; of the Lungs, and (very affection of ti e Throat, Limus and Chest, including Consi .mp i iox. WI t:' I.ul-iia does not dry up a Cough. I, nt loosens it. cUanses the" lungs, and a Hay s irritation .thus t-tttn ii i,g t'i( .tcz-v ot the i-.-nipIai it. None irenu m unless signed I Ih rrs. Prepared hvShT-i W. Fwle t Sox, Riistou. sold by Rk!.;x.;t ,n. Ilos. tettkh ,t Co., San Francisco, and bv dealers genu ally. JeLb:!y A. G. WALLING'S Pioneer Beck Bindery. GIIKGOMAN IJUIIJ3ISG, No. ," "Washington Sti'cet, PORTLAND, OREGON. RLANK ROOKS RULED and ROUND to anv desired pattern. Ml SIC ROOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of stvl? known to the trade. Orders from ths countrv promptly at tended to. Wholesale Dealers in FOSEIGII AMD BOILESTIC Wines, Ii randies, WiisIcics, JEix No. -10, Fkoxt Street, Portland, Oregon. Constantlv CQ hand a wnirin nrtW Cuttei W. ifckv. ' ' 5 . C- W. POPE a GO., DEALERS IN STOVES, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON A IER.V COPPEit, LEAD PIFE. I OX Pli E AND FITITNGS, RU IE Eli 11 USE. FOKCE AND I It x PUMPS. ZINC, COPPER, ERASS AND IRON WIRE. Also a general assoitment of II0113 nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING AND JORUING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. o Also, at POPE'S S'iOVE STORE you will tiad HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND '11NWAKE, LANTERNS, LAM I S AND OIL, LUC1NE AND NKillT LAMPS. ALoO PERAM bULATOKS. o All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIME 5. c. w. pope & co. JLly Oregon City Oregon. COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, Frosst Street. POKTIiASD, OllHUOS. Zsobsr ci HoltOiT Propr's. rjHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING RE 1 tin tushi'-.i and re iitt. d the above named Hotel, will hencefYiith Cfnulueted un the KUIIOEA.V STILL. Rooms can be had by the Bay, Week or Jionth. A RESTAUR A N T in the Iloiwc, under he niana.i'ineiit of PIERRE.ilAN'ClET, Lite of the Lafa, ette. Owing to its location and co'Mructien, it is tli e n.ost de-ii abie Hote in t he City, and we intend keeping it as it ouciit to be KEI'T. Free Coach aril l'nvz-ie Wagon a cul from tint ilotc-l. ZIEEER & HOLToN, Proprietors. ttIIc c of Hie Or t;on ami Califurnia ( Ct. liltf. !tasctuuiu:iliv CHAS. IIODGE . . C1IAS. E. CALEF . . GEO. W. SXELL. HOEGE, CALEF & Co., DE ALE ItS IN DEUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, VARNISHES, J RUSHES, PAINTERS Alateriais, ani itriiy-jisW Suuiirus. 07 Front Street, So. , Portland, Oi ciron. Jacor Stitzkl. Jamcs D. Urrox. STITZEL i UPTOTJ, Real Entitle li rakers and General Agents, Corner of J'Vonf. and Wash iuqton streets. PORTLAND, " OliEdON. T? Will aftenil to tlie ntut T-nrf-lniio Of Ileal I. -tare in all t:i i 1 s , . f t li I i n- i ...1 "-t ite. Sp'-cia! attenti. n givcti to the sale o! r.ast i-ri.a'.ci iin.pei! -. Addi-ess P. O. Pox P'.'J. Poi tland. Oregon. SiiT.Eh .v rp ion, Otf. Real E-t iU lir!,t,-s. 0HE3CI7 CITY BEEWE II Y ! II EN II Y IIUJSKei,, Liwiili Having purchased t he above Rtewerv wish- j es t.i inform the public tli.it he is now piepar- eu to rnanulacture a No. 1 quality ot LAGER RLER, As good as can he obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited end promotiv tilled. Patronize Memo En due try. THE PIOnEZIi CURLED KAIR M Ai: UFA C T OH' T"S NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY THE X market vv th a No. 1 article ot Curled ll:ir l..r Ut.'-cdsl err w.,rk vl,i,., .,..... p:rc with any iuiioi te.l article In (jualitv or prL-e. " I p iy the highest price f"t- Ma!es and Tails of Horses and Tails of (Jews at mv stoic, corner Front and Salni'm s'reets. D. IKTZtiFR, Portland, Oregon. In the Cire-mf f'oi'it of the isiate of Oregon, for Clackamas count y. Lueiada It .a! path, plaintiff, vs. Robert Red pa 'h, defendant. rjlV)R)I5:TtT irilDPATII, the alwive named Oef-'ii taiit : In the mini! of the State ot Oregon, you are hen by r -pmed to appear atid answer tht eonijihiint td rl a- diist you in the atune entitled suit Iy thr first day of the next regular iiiiiu of sai l Court, to be he! 1 in thi our! House, in 'l:wkama cutin'y, tlreiui, on the At)i day of Jlaicii. A. P. ls.7l"; and if you fail so to answer, the plaint ill will applv to 'the Court tortile re!i.-f d.-tn p.ide-I therein.'' 'lhe said suit is brouL-ii!- against you to ohiaina decree dis solving the niairiiip.' contraer hereioioro existing between you and said plain iili, on the c-iound of cruel an I inhvinati t; ca'ntcat, and to'have the care and ous'ody of Uiio !a .lane, the issue uf said marriage, awar.U.-.t to said pluintiif, an I fi .r gen eral relief; audit at pealing io the satisiuction of the Ron. W. W. Upton, 'udL.'e of said Court, '- Ids haiubers, on the ia. h day ot January, 1871, that -vrviee of stimmnas cannot V-e li id nji on ilefenoant in accordance -with Sec. .V! of l he "oiie of civil procedure, and that the deh-nnant is not a resi-lerit of the state ot" Oregon, it was then and there ordered that this summons be served by publication. CIIARLKs 11 Vv Alt REN", Attorney for Plain tilC Oregon City, Oregon, Jan. 27, lS7i.:w(;. Gusnmcns. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county. 3larcli Teim, 1S71. Samuel Euvrle, Plaint iiT, j vs. j Action at Law. William Amipriest, deft. ; ripo WILLI AIM ARMPPIEsT, said defendant In the name ot the state of Oic.mii, you are requu'e l to app.-ar in said Court within ten days aner the service i.f this summons upon you, "if frvrved in Clackamas county, or if served in anv other county in sai l Slate, m twenty days after service, and answer the eomjilaiut tiled in t;e above c-ntivltHl action : and this summons licing onlered to bo seive.l by pul.lifation, you. are heie by reijuiieil to appvar in sai:l t ourt and answer t lie coin plaint on or bef.ire the first hiv of the next term thereof, c oniinencirig on the 31 M(rlI day of Maich, A. I)., Is71 : or m case you tail s0 to answer wuen uch service is m.viv iiion Vmi the idamtitf will take judgment against von r llie sum M iuui ui.ii'.KM aim CisiltV-ei ht '111.1 8a -100 noil ars, and interest at. ten per cut r r annum since the .;h day of I-'tbiuarv, A. J) lsi l and lor his to.-ts and ilisbur-t mcu s' , i t !.', -' ' .- i.-tiiv.,..- 1 1 ois ai- UUUi Jan. 27, 1871.:wG JOHNSON &m.-:-ovn" Phf's Atfys A. HOLTMER, NOTARY PUBLIC, ENTERPRISE OFFICE Oregon City, Jan. I3:tr 15 r.ANKS'. All kinds nf l.hri-, i . had at this office Jub Printing ' 0f everv desenptioa neatly executed, al hoi:t cuuee. ADD ZRJE S TO THE SERYOl-S & DEBILITATED "WHOSE SUFFERIKGS HAVE EEEN Protracted from Hidden Causes, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE Prompt Treatment to render existence desirable. " If vovt are Ptifierincr or hare suiTered, from involuntarv discharges what edlect does it Trodu'-e upon your general health ? ho you ieel weak, debilitated, easily tired ? Does a liftle extra exertion jiroduee palpitation of the heart r Poes vaur liver, or ui iiiai v or gans, or your kidneys frequently get out of order Ls your ui me sometimes tli.ck.milUy or ilocky, or is it ropy on settling? Or does a thick scum use X) the top? Or is a sicti merit at the bottom after it I. as stood awhile? Do you have spe Is of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated? 1) you have spells of fainting, or rushes of bl - od to the head ? Is your memory im paired? Is your mind cons'antlv dwelling on tids subject ? Do you leel du, I, listless, imping, tired of company, of life? JJd jou wish to be kit alone, to get awaj' from every body ? Does any little thing make you start or jump ? Is your sleep broken or restless ? Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you en joy yourself in society as well? Do you pur sue your business with the same energy? Do you leol as much confidence in 30111 self? Are your spirits dull and Hugging, given to hts of melancholy? If so 00 not lay it to onr liver or dyspfpsia. Have you restless nights? Your buck weak, your knees weak, and have but little appetite, and you attiib ute this to dyspepsia, or liver complaint? r:w, READER. self-abuse, venereal diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, aie all capable ol'pi oiiueiiig a weakness of the genei alive organs. The organs of generation , when in pel feet health, MAKE THE MAN. Did You Ever Think that those bold defiant, energetic, persevering, successful business men, are always those whose generati.'e organs are m perttct health? You rever hear such men complain of be ing melancholy, of nervousness, or palpita tion of" the heart. They are never afr id they cannot sun ted in busimss; they don't become sad a: d t iscour aged ; tiny are all ways pi lit.- and pleasant in the company ot ladies, and look you ;:n 1 them rlit in the face none of-onr downcast looks or other meanness about them. I do not mean those who keep the organs infiattd by running to excess. These will not only RUirj TESIR CGETETITUTIGNS, but uLn thoe they do business tvitb or for. How many men. from badly cured diseases, from the e fleets of s. lf-abuse and excess s. have brought about tlu,t state of wea !;r,':-ss in those ore;; ns that has reduced the general system so much as to induce almost cverv other distase IDIOCY, MJACTS' PAKALYSIS, sm'nal a flection"!, suicide, and almost every other form of disease which humanity is heir to. and the real cause of tl e trouble scarcelv ever suspected, and liavu doctored for all but the right one. Diseas.-s of these organs require the usecf a Diuretic. HELfvlBGLB'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU is the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for disease- of the Madder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakn. ss. Female Com p'aints. Cer.e al Dt biiity. and all diseases of the t'rir-ary Orafrs, w het her existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of now long standing. It no treatni- nt is submitted to, Consump tion or Insa.' hy may ensue. Our flesh ami blood are supported from these sources, ami the health and happine-s, and that of Pos t rity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. HELM CLD'S liXTIl ACT ISITCSSU, Established upward of Nineteen Years, IS PEEP A RED P,Y H. T. HELEIBOLD, Druggist, 094 D roadway, New York, AND 104 South Tenth St., Phila., Pa- Proe Si. 2.- per Bottle, or 0 Pottles for ?h.,(i, delivered to any address. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. None are genuine unless done up in steel engraved wrapper, with fac-simi!e of my Chemical Warehouse, aud signed , n M. T. HELfiOCLD. Aug. 20, Ib70:ly FRENCH MEDICAL OFFICE. BR. JUL UN FERQAULT, Dr. of Men it ill e cf tlic Faculty or Pauls, Ciiarttiiite of tle L'uivovsity Q, utens College, ami Pi sii ian tf the St. JoUiiHaptiote Society of Sun FraiJ cisco. Dr. Perka'clt has the p!ea-nrc to inform patients and oth i s r-eekmg confidential n.ed ical advice that he can be consulted daily sii his ollice, Armorv li all IJiuidiug. NoitEi East corner oi Montgomery and Sacramento streets, San Francisco, Rooms Nos. J, 10, 11', first floor, up striis, ei.tiai.ee 011 either Montgomery 01 Saci smeiito streets. Dit I'tRKACLT's studies have been almost exclusively devoted to the cu;e of the va'-ious forms of Nervous and Physical de bility, the result of injurious habits acquired in youth, w hich usual y terminate in impo tence and stciility, and permanently induo all the concomitants of old age. Where v secret ii.tirmhy exists involving the happi ness of a life and that of others, reason aud morality dictate the necessity of its removal', for it is" a fact that pi en -attire decline of the vigor of manhood matrimonial unhappiness', eonipulsoiy single life, etc., have their sources in causes, the get in of v bieh is plant ed in early life, and the bitter fruits tasted long afterward; patients, laboring under thip eotiipbtint, will complain d' one or more of the ilol'.uwir.g symptoms: Noetual Emis sions, Pains in the Dai k and Head, Weak ness of Memory and Sight, Discharge d'rom the Urethra outgoing to stool or making tta-9 , ,. 1 . t: U r.t 1, ! i l ':ll'l;l-.I(. fto V'.r,L- ... ...V . . I , J i. n . 1 ..... - - - -. . - I'voiwiiCU. . . . . 11 . i-os ei .Momoiy ei.s'.ts, jtieas are ciottaecj and there is a disinclination to attend to bus iness, or even to leading, writing or the society of friends, etc. The patient wilt probably complain ofDizzine.-s, Ycrt'goand that Sight and Hear ng aie weakentd and sleep riisturbiil by dreams; melancholy", sighing, palpitation, huntings, coughs buC slow fevers ; while some have external rehu- . matte pain, tnd numbness of the beer. iSome of the common sv uipionts are pimples in the face, and aching in uitieient parts of tire body. Patients suiierii-g . iiom tins dis ease, should i.ppiy ili lii. diatelv to Lit. Pek-kai-lt, eith r in person or by" letter us be will gm.rantee a enie f Sem'nal EniissioES and imp tein e in six or eight weeks. Patients suh'ei ing from vt neiial disease jti any stage, (ioni.'i 1 hea, (Hett, Stiietureis', Eubo, Lie is, dtai'tcus Eruptions, etc., will be tieated successhil! y. Ail H ohililis nd Mercurial T nts entirely iemovtd Irom the system Dk. PEi;i!At LTs diidomas are in his office; w here patient s can s e for then, selves that they me undi r the eaie of a 11-guh.r educa ted praetil ioi.er. The best 1 elci ences givea if reqn irt d. Patients snfT'erir g under chronic disease; can call ami examii e for themselves. We invite investigation; claim not to know everything, nur t- cure tttnb dr, tut we do claim tin t in all cases taken uriucr treat ment we fulfill out pioni ses. We patticular iy lequest those who hae tr'ed th s boasted doctor, and that aoveiti-ed physician til worn out ai d d;sc ursigd, to call upon us. Low charges and quick cuks. Ladii s sulk-ring jror any com hunt inci dents to their sex,' can coi.sult the doctor with the assuiance of iclit f. I' mule Jloitilily "Fills. Dr. Pk!II:at i.t is the only i gei.t in C'uti fornia for Dk. Piott's Een.a.'e .V 01; tidy Pills. Their immen.-e sale has cstahliLtd their rep utation as a fen. ale lett-ecy iu;;;j proaclied, and far in advance of every oil er icn tdy for suppressions and ii 1 cguhuities, i.d otter obstuietions in females. On the u-eeint of live d. Ilai s, h se or exj res to any Pills will he sei.t by ma ) pa it of the world, secure :10m curiosity or damage. i eisons at a d stai.ee can be home, by addressing a letter to erred at I Ik i'kn- kaclt, on er of Sac 1 aim nt ;. ;;nd i, . , . Montgoni- ei Miecis, ix'vv.iS I o ami II, or Eox IT?; 1. O. .-. n J iiiiK lsco. statir.ir t! e case a-: minutely as possible, gineial habits of lil-- ing. oceuj.at ion, tie., etc. All c( inmunieatior s cor fidcntlal lyrtp P. -iVATE KZlim t lH. Quitlc Cuits and .lit citrate tliargcs Or. ". i Dcfoerty's Pi ivate Mtilital Mn-.al institnte: Ko.519 Gacram-.nto Gtrect, corner of lisidtS , 1 a lew ooors beiotv Iho V. hut Cheer Ii..u:-e.) (Piivate eritranee or. Leh!- s.h ifl stieet ) T.' r..l 1: 1 . .! r' . . . . . . , , ' . LsmuiiMH ti rcssivro .1 i;f hi u e ;nl Ufa Sound and Scientific dh-a! Aid, io the Treatment, and Cure (fall Pnvate ar (J i hionie 1 i.-tv.?es, Cases oi Seeiei v and -Al Sexual D. soi ct i s. T o tl; A ill UiKi. DR. Y. K. Dol! EI; TV reuuns his sircere thanks to his tuiieious pnticnts foi the r patronage. M.-d w. uid tai-e this ( pj erti.nity to rt mind them that he cot .times to ecu ft ft at his Ji.stitrte for tl e en; e of , hi eric dis eases of the Lungs. Liver, Kidnevs, Digeg. five and (ieiiiio-I'iinai v Organ's, .nd" ail pi'ivate di-tases, viz : SvS ilis in ail it-fbrn 9 and stag, s, Sen.;,.; ' Wtakr.e-s and all the horrid ( onseoncr.ces f st If-al u-e, (b rx rr hou'i. fib t. Stricter, s. N etuinal ai d Diur nal J.nussioi:s, c-xn:,,' lU (-., the Mack laid Loiit. ii.fi ItV, lMse;isrf mmation of ite Jjladder ami Kidnevs. ft.- ...o.-l l,a W.T.i that his lo g ex pei lenee and successful prac tice wii conrinue toil sure him a share of I ulilic palronage. V.r the pun tice of many vea:s in Luu-jie and the I'nited States, he ii t nab'cd to apply ti e m st fl.c 1 nt and sue ccssful lemeoies against diseases of all kinds; li e ust s no iiiereui y. c! ma-s 11 oct rate,treatn his patients in a couei t an, , o i orabie war, and has 1 e'en nets of m ;i:t tionable veraci ty fiom no 11 oi known res eetabiutv and Ingh standing in s. eefv. All parties con sulting him by letter o-r otheiwise will re ceive the test and gentlest tieatme .t at d iiupiicit secrecy. To FfRinif,. O female ism tiouble nr nfTtir Yvhen a Willi disease, as ivi-:ilin. , t n. k... 1. j, limbs. .ain in the ht ad, din ness of sight loss of mi'.-cuhr rower. n;.!i,it..t v, . r .vJ" heait lrnt .huity, n, rvcusness, extreme ur inary oihiculties. th larucmt nt of di-evtivo fuuetioi s. general debiiit v. vaginins, til d: eas.s of the womb. l0ste,ia, stciility and all ot! er dise iscs r-nilun- 10 U males.sheshouhi go cr write at once fo t' e ceh biafed fema'e doctor, W K. DOII1 RTY, at his Medical In stitu c, aud consult him about her troubles and diseases. The Poet r is r Ct cting more cures than any , !i( , pb.tsician in the" State of ( alifernia. Let no false ("elicacy piert on, l ut ar ply iminetl iatelv and save vourself from pa.nfu! suil'eu, gs and premature death. All married James, whose delicate heaUL or other circumstances prevent an increase in their (amines should write or call at Dli IV K. D01IEK1 Y-S V. dical Ir.stiMlte will leceive every poihle relief and help. Hie Doetoi s offices ate so arranged that he can be cousulfcu without fear if observation, O To CoiTopnittltntg. Patients residing in any ait of the Rat now ver distant. ho may'th s:re theopiniark and advice of PK.DOIIEUTV in their respec tive cases, ami who thick proper f sui mit a wittt. n statement of such, in preference fa holoing a perse- 1 interview, are respectful y assui ed that their con -municat'c ns will le hehl sacred and con!"dcntial. If the case bo tuily and candidly ("escribed, persona com. munu ation will be in. necessary, as instruc. tions for tlict. legimen and the general feat ment 0f tlie case itself ( Including the reme i os), w ill be forwards! without delav, and, in such a nienurr as toconvev no idea of the luirport of the letter or iarcrl. q nsnltation by h tier or otherwise FUEE. I'ermaneSt cur." gnaiantced or no pa.. Ppcrmstloii Iiora. DR. D01IEKTY has just published an im portant amphlet, embodying bis own views and exj erieiices in nlaiion to Impotence c? iii'ity ; 1 ting a Slmi t TreaiTes on Sperm a forrinea or Seminal Weakness, Nervous, and; Physical Debility consequent on this af-ec-t on, tiiil other diseases of the Sexual Organs This little work contains information of th utmost value to ah, whether married orsinpl and will he sent FLEE by mail on receipt of -ix cents in postage stamps for return post age. Add less. W. K. POIIEETY. M. P.. jalygnly -'an F'rancisco Cal 1 'MPERIAL .MILLS. 'Eavier, Lallcqiie & Co., OREGON CITY. fiTUKten constantly on hand for sale.fl Midiings, IJran and Chichen Feed, Parties purchasing feed must furnish the sacke, O COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, ' BERKIRT.-RY n.iT.TsnoHTi