o 3U)C iUcckhj (Cutcrprisr. TOWS AVI) COU-VTV. Noth-k. Tliti public will take notice that all Estrav notice which have hereto fore been published by the Suite Fruiter are required under the LUi-ant Act to ,be published in the paper designated a, the official paper of the county m which the property is found. As the L.Mhit r ii iAhcofr'cial orgoa for C ackamas Ootintv. all E-UI'JV polices, iuui 11. must be nubli-hed in this paper, rub- lished elsewhere, they Worthless. are illegal and Notiiino Donk. The City Council met last Monday, and adjourned without do ing any business of importance. It wag hoped that they would luve done some thing with the mud holes leading to the railroad depot, but we suppose tint they concluded it, would soon str.p raining and then old Sol would dry them up. It wonhi be well lor the ame charitable individual Who cicrulated the petition to raise the "money to pmcliase the lot for llolladay jto build the depot on. to pas.s around an lother subscription to tix the streets so us to enable teams to get to it. . Tiik LKcnui:. Itev. Mr. Roberts, of 'Portland, delivered the second of the "course of lectures for the benefit of the Good Templar's Library, of this city, last Wednesday evening, instead of Rev. Mr. Knight, who was unable to attend. We ! informed that there was a large an- dience in attendance, and that the lecture j was very instructive and interesting. The ,next lecture of the course- v. id be deliv ered by Mr. Cap'.es, of FortLutd. on next AVeudesdav evening. II Mr. Caples does himselt justice, this will be one ol tlte best ) of the entire course. Pkkhoxai. ty, Indiana Mr. Sneil, of Madison conn- i lias favored us with a call, j ' tth pil I -w r, r . t . .. : ... I...,.: .1 .... t 3ir. o. IS neie on puiaie uumiicm aim v.v- pects to return home short iy. lie speaks j very highly ot what he has seen oi Ore- ; gon. lie is or tne opinion mat i nuiuu a i .will be strong lor I londricks in "72 and it .he is nominated 1 1 : . Stale wii least 40, (UK) majority. 1 vrive him at Locks. Last week we announced the letting of the eontracj for constructing the locks on the wet side, but were tin able to give the names of the contractor. Messrs. Morrison k. Co., of California, are ,the contractors, and we -are informed that Work will be commenced within sixiy days from the time the contract was let. The County School Superintendent, Mr. Gerry, requests us to inform the School Clerks of this county that their orders tor .the appoi tionmeut of H71 are ready and may be had on application to him. . Pkii-sovw.. 11. II. Gil fry. 1L.h.. ha? been in town for the pad eek selecting lands. He is busily engaged in securing the lands which should have been selected, years 'ago and which h ol nearly been lust through the neglect of the late iiadica! officials. The morni uz oat Il'om city to I ort h.te in ihe land, does not return until evening, owing to tin ai'ge cargoes of .freight she takes down to the ocean steam er, which is now loading at Poilland. OitiKi:.s. Ihe County Treasurer has made a change in Lis advertisement this week, lie wishes to p.yv all the orders eudorsed prior to the iliii of November, IS70, instead of ctober. SlN';ti UOOL. 'i'he secuid term of : singing school for lev. Mr. Sell wood's t chihlren, will comn ;e on to in u row O.week. (Saturd y '! ;.. '.! 1 :10 10 o'clock a. tit., in the Laiscopal Cliti a. B.u.i.. Til House will bails next T; proiir.etors ot t!:e ive one d' their p.'. day evening. M i: cii iK Clif a-ant 1 1 h . at the Hotel. The be very agreeable. parties are said to Potatof.s. Mr. Myers this week sold nbout one hundred bushels of potatoes, .which were shipped to (.'orvallis to up- ply that market. Rather anew feature to Lave this ar'icle shipped up the river. The McGinley troupe gave two perform ances in this city. Saturday and Monday erenings. On the first evening tln-re was a fair house, but rath-r thin on Motiday. The audience was hilly as large as tne berformatice deserved. Cot'XTY Cor kt. The Cuui Btill in session at llie time ty C of i art was oing to ;pre-s, 'We shall publish the proceedings j in our next l-v-nc. ' S k w i ; Sot "i it r v . T ue L rdies Sewim Society of the Kpi. iie U TatA lay at th jonal Church residence o meets " Mr- Lodloque. o " Ei.kctiox. At the 1-trenien s election l;iit Monday, J. L. Barlow was elected Chief Engineer, and J. W. Ryan, Assist ant. IIigii W.vrKK. The river at this place very high, higher than it has been at any time during the past winter. At renxK v. Chas. F. V.'arren, Esq.. lias been appointed attorney for the Willam ette Falls Canal Company at this place. Tastkitu.y. The Barnum and Fashion saloons have been beautifully decorated with ilr-paper. sr. vi 1: m:v. From the Jura''! : She-rut' Bills leaves for Sah-m t' i morn ing, h a viiisT in charg.' Uot.ert Willey, w!i is being co-iveyed to th- I ''eniteat'ary, where he is sentenced for a term uf three yers tor perjury. T.ierc were tw.-r.i y-one appl'citsons for divorces on the. docket of the Circa t Com t on the opening ot the present term, and one ol these was a traiis'Vr from Washington coantv. Ofthis number, live divorces have b en girnted itui toar dismissed. Fro a 1 th 1 Or-v:"?! im: Mr. V.. M. W.tite, Seen tary of the Stite Agrieultiiral Society, jin'oiishes, an ai!!1 . mice men t that Me-srs. Drey man IJ.-os. have p'.aa d in his baa Is a ' French silk an. I wo . I em.hr, i ier. d dress pa-tern to be sriwn as a special piemiunt for the best M) ponn ? of lm tri-. made ta foro the iir-t of .Iniv and exlr launl in c-unpvtition at the i.ext State Fair. The di e-s pattern" is valaed at Here's a chance far the maids o: the liiiikmg p;vih From tne j.r- rcr.ry: Chatlos Watsoi.. m icted in Orant conn- tv ot larcenv, trrm six wars. Seat o '--- prison in Is. a. dis earned ja-rh pr iso! his tii 1-71 iiue haviuj ex pi re-1 on that da v. The Y n Factory omtd- . e. i $bi ) to the relief of the uiJ .w of Win. Jlilton, who has been an e: e.p eye. v Mr. Mv, The subsidy of :0,no0 asked ta Ideate machinery woiKs la f.uem is neailv suhscrioed. There is a school for the d tu b in Salem undr eh irxe of Mrs. .Node. A iroyj ikiuii for the g 10,1 service. , i Fro u ihe R.jse!-urg Phtht r7r: A f.ien I ' wries us fi oni ,J .seehinr t!i,t the ol b" cfj that ceun'.v hi, be,v. ,.M!,V,' to h s. th,n i $3,00o, and that it is the intention to pay it all off tli s year. He also informs us that there is ample range in that county for loo, ouo head of stuck, and a large importation is expected this season. I: seems to us like folly for our stock raisers to go off east of the mountains in search of grass when there is such openings in an adjoining country ar.d that, too, where their Mock is likely to be killed by hard winters and snow storms. J.VCK.30XVIU.E, March 4. Th following card from Senator Fay in relation to the ual.s ditiijulty. appears in one of" the lo cal papers to-day: -Card. In view of atrocious calumnies put afloat by inter ested persons in regard to my alleged councetion with a woman lately in uv employ, 1 deem it proper to state that I deny the charges alleged against rne. and court a thorough K-gai investigation of the affair. 1 therefore a.-k a suspension ol the pttbiic judgements until-the case receives the investigation whih I trust it win have before the courts, and as to the result of such investigation I have no apprelnm-iou. -Signed, James 1. Fa v." V. S. Rails and Jatni's D. Fay, the par ties of the shooting a:5Vay oflast Saturday. "in: owuoo o-.iinu:iv in hjl SIII11 ol two thousand dollats each, to keep the peace. Ralls was arrested on a charge of an attempt to kill, and gave bonds for his appearance at the next term of Court. Telegraphic News, ECROPEAX 1VAK XEAVS. Lovdov. March i. The New York Il.r n!d cable dispatch says : A letter from Paris, the 3d. states that the avenues are almost deserted. There is an extraordin ary scene at Arc de Ti iomphe. Two pieces of artillery have been placed in position. G tinners. ner at hand are ready to sweep every avenue radiating from the Arc ; also a strong guard of infantry with arms are stationed in the vicinity. Soldiers are ssii.gin'ig from sonsr books 1 here i much dilfeience in their temper some fratern- I i.tng widi blouses and ehutigi:jg cigars and drinking wine, while others do not al- low straiiueis near their ires. All are ui.i- ting of the conquest of Alsace and Lorraine, vet are triad the war is nv;.r tllUt llu.v , IV -,.t t.ack to fatherland. No OKe js allowed under the Ave in Flace d- , t j()n! ,,. T h. if is a strong guard oi ! Ravaiian- lvim on the ground in front of t ii e ixa i es o t I '! ndlcr! The Ravarii o'diers are picking immortelles !im the tatue o! Strasbiirg. Frenchmen pa.-sinrr j cried -Re ware.'' At tnidniirht I re-entered ! the lines. Large bodies oi guards are j stationed around the watch fires. As the j Germans are to leave Palis this morning, j the papers re-appear. The DJ.-iis says j that iti spite of patriotism. Alsace. Lor I mine. Me . ami La Puce'de p.i-s under the control of Geim.-ny. The French can't continue the war The future does not belong to us. but following generations may take vengeance. We cm only say three words : "S.lenco, Patience,7' the other we dai e not no right to decide prononne for future We have generations, i !e how to Thev can ;u I't-ely ami tie act. The I)-.,a!.s blames the Parisians as dekle wi:h a feminine love of sigh t -seeing. They ouiit not io gaz-' on the Prussians. The ladies sa v ihe G,-rni hi so-dlers. quart- 1 1 . . 1 1 1 ! 1 auk A ard. an i va s:.-u:er. :L- Miperior to French, mid h md Tiiev Ii tve beesi liist rate custom er.. cL io French shopkeepers fur wine and Another leMer from ;i French lady says the 1'inssiaii occupation of Paris isended. Fvaeuatiou com. leneed last n'.-iif. It was not geiierally known at six in the morning. It begun in reguiar order, wiili cava!r and arti.lery in advatice. The Pru-.-ian iind '?avariau infatttry faced light ub.uit at it.'.):). The li.s; of the main body pass ed ihrou !) tae Arc de 'l iioni .he widi bands playing and colors (lyii g right un der the arch. Ubs'iiea-- had been remov- ed ill the side t he col n m n- ( leiieral Shacker. c ittitnaiiuiii; the 1-ieventh Corps. w;is stationed, ami received the saiuies o the m -u p;iss.iig. Many men wore eagles on ttieir hehu-ts and one r-g'.t:i.'ttt wore laurels. At nine o'clock t i , 1 iitVar'an iufaiitry ;iud iirtiliery, accompanied by f 'IS !aads. ;ii rived. A few m meats af- : terw a! il ! tie h or tne r;ats-.itn Col- coi- u-iin re;iched the arch, marching in I umiis by sections. Tie i'oji-zy. l.uit ih" sun n v mor.iiug !l id let!i nir-t oif. in skimr ! evei vtuisig ap;i ar grand Ti oo;s ci e ' 1 ;a' lei'ed itpi-;' ii'.itl .'e I loudly, iiiid ihe o i I he! r colors proudly borne, attracted the iittracied ! aiten'iou of ihe French. Next c;tme some lragooiis. then the F'.eventh r.-guaeut of i J.iger's Juard 'and Prussian aniliery. I Furis. :.uch 4. Not a ( .Jena in soldier i remains here. The Saxons p:.ssed out at j 10 o'clock yestet day morning, inarching j in front, of the .rc de 'i'riomphe amid pro j found s lein'e. Tiieie were but 'e v Sjiec i t -a tors. By noon the i-vacua' ion was com- !eie. The (li'i'iM;!!! L'nipefor ii'terwiird I reviewed I u') o i I men in the Bois tie Bo i ioe-iie. The Prtissiiin leiolers were disap- poniie.i ;it tlie conji'ess ami implacable aiiiiti'it' oi tne ranstans. 'ict.r F.i'.ia'iuel has written to Kmperor William. x pres.-ing surpri-e and disap pointment at the hard term imposed on France especially with regard to terri- t; ry B-mi.ix. March -!. The Emperor will return to Berlin in about eight das. Prince Frederick Charles has been op- no He t eomte irnier lu-ctnet ot tne army eeupation in France, headquarters at RliietllS. Thiers declines to make a treaty of com merce wiili Germany, 0:1 the ground that i is m-ees-ai y for France to join with the United Su'es and restore the equilibrium of hiuh tarilf. Pauls. March i. Paris has resumed its ordinary appearance. The barricades have been removed. -ev ral battalions of National guards proposed to reston the irons the removed from the Place d du Wugratu. but ihe nu'liorities replied that the guns were to lie left, .under their care a lew days longer. SomyX.iBa lions have si-gned a protest .igainst tlie pretended Cetitral IJepubliean Coiutuittee of the Na tional Guard, wdiich seeks to arouse agi tation. Art'oiXTMMXT.s. Governor G rover has appointed Parker Crittenden, of San I-r.meisco. ami Norman 11. Stevens, of i'hi'adet phia. Commissioners of deeds for Cregon. lie has also commissioned the toFow hijr persons on the Sfidf of Mator Ceuer;.l John F. Miller: C. B. Bellinger. As-.stant Adjunant General, with rank of Lieut. Cob,,,.. I A. Neltner. Hon A. C. Ci air. with : d T. G. IL-ndrieks. Aids Camp, lank of Maior. fr,,l Tint Surgeon, with r ink of (,orel. Mercury. K . ,.- .- ! 1 s 1 i.i.iO'ri:i).:4(t.Tiiliiy put in type small item in regard to we the , v-'.jo.SO.l oil .fid;,. Boise's lecisjoji . and pre.liC'e;! Ill It Milt P r woald -o n open a ecu-arc on the Jml n Lii Wednesd.v's issMe has a cointnencenMu t as we prodded Some of. fudge p,,,-,,,- Irien'.s wan'e, him to hive the Jud-re s:,ip a to see o .(uuge Bea,v. Th is w mil t!:e matter. s Catiirrh Itemi(Jv r,v.,,. i P" 'Vet cur- of f.L wwst eases' of Catirrl. t 1 o u m iae ne.ui," Cotiza and Cat ,1 ( H -auaehe. as hu-i beds -t testniuuii ds Ph:d I ro-n 1 r"'m ' cu, V'n? -vul emmen! phvsie. tin 1 :e." a ue n t-ii it iti tee P a. t ce a .1 v testify. .It is rr-i d. U 11- 5 Hit ad unir- 1 i-uiiee. 1 in- pi -pni-iiir i-n. is C !-e of Ca'ur.- h that. I,P .-aaiot "''o !or a cure. Sent i oiv a..:-!re-s nv novo on r- eeo.f. ,.f j cents A. id-ess U. V. i'leiee. J. n ' "i:r. :l SM C t. bun do. N. . Sold br ,1 i n ist Ue.iteni !)"i 1! d Or. Pierce's; mlv,tu I tJ ." e l" one t ! t ivt- euu- .-i imp is. on everv KiCKae I 1 ue tfimrip, f th All i roa.-- I!i St t. ti" ii s: irrd vc 1 : o M'FFtn fte.ui osi.hs. c!,ic uo. whoo m con -h nJ th,l e e I . t ail. ('ni, uncit o . C:,-. !n, ".'- r' F,!1, nn f which always cures when fad, r L it t-nj, reinidles Gciltt. The jury brought in a verdict of guilty against Dr. Loryea. on the sec ond trial, and recommended him to the mercy of the Court. UOH.V. In this ci'y, March 7, 1S71, to the Wife of A. Xoltner, a Son. In this city, March 9. 1871, to the Wife of C. 1. Church, a Daughter. Guardian Sale. In County Court for Clackamas County, Stafe of Ore-oa. " . In the matter of the Guardianship of the Estate of Thomas . Itoork, Insane. ALB WHOM IT MAV CONCERN, TAKE notice : That in pursuance of au order of he County Court of Clar-kamas county, Oregon, made and entered of ree.or 1 of said Court on the il.h day of ii arch, A. !-., 1S71, ordering the sale of certain real esta'e hereinafter described, le-l-mg'm, to the sai.l 1 lies. t". liooik, insane, u'xrn .hi; pot 1 lion of Areinon Kelly, his guardian, 1 will sell at public auction, to the hiuhest bidder, for cash iii iiaii l, at the Court House door, in said count- and State, the followinsr deseiibed real estate, "to-w;c : E, 1-2 of the X. W. 1-1, and W. 1-2 of X. E. 1-1 of S. 7, T. 2, S. 11., 4. east, cjutaiuinj 1-.0 acres, situated in Claekatnas coim--" Oregon, about 17 miles east of Oregon City, oa the 1st day of April, A. L., 1871, aline Lour ot oae o'clock P. M. of iaid day. Deed at the expense of purchaser. AUC1IUOX KELLY, Guardian of the Estate of Thos. G. liooik, lusaue. CHAS. E. WAHEEN, 31arch 10w4 Att'y for Guardian. Estray FJotice. rgl.VKF.N UP HY THE UXDI.USIGXED, Jan. 1, 1H71, living 1 1-2 mile southed' MiHvaukie, two head of two year-olds this spring, one steer and the other a heiler ; the heifer is branded bv a wjuare crop oif riht ear and slit, with under'bit in let':, pale-red ; steer is dark red, square c rop off eaeu ear. ( . lib XX ELL. Clackamas county, March 10, 1871. w3 Notice. LL OUTSTAXDIX( COUNTY OH DEES - endorsed prior to'Novi mVjr 11, 1370, will be paid on presentation. Interest thereon will cease from this II. SAFFARRAXS, Treasurer ot Cla jkamas count v. Jlaroh 9, 1S71:3 The T'aix KiLLicit is bv 1 nivsrsal consent allowed to ha.e won for itself ,1 ie, uta 1 11 n 11-u rj as-e m the history of inedici.l p. e peratious. I;s i.istantaneous ell'.-et in the eradication an I ex'inetion of Fain in all its various fi nis incident to the h inian fan.ilv, and the unsolicited written and verbal te.s i inony of the 111 iss s in its f ivor, have be -n, and ate its best, adver iseinents. T ie niaredieii s of the I'aix Killer, be ing parely ViiiiiCTABLB, render it per.'e tlv -ate and elli -aoions reined' tak-n internally, as well as for external 11 pplic it i mis, whei u el according 10 directions. Tlie stain upon linen fioni its use is readily removed b . washi tn with alcohol. T..i- Med enie justly elehrated for ihecui t of soma iy of the allbci uis incident to the h'unan f itni'y, has now been betote t e public overTHiarv YEvi's.und has toun 1 i's way into almost 1 vei y Corner of the world and wherever it has been ued, the sano opi .ion is expre-s d of iti medical piope. t e .-. In anv attack, u li re prompt nc ion upm. the system is retfti.-ed, t'ue I'ain Killku is 1 nva. liable. It.s.d.nost i n -taataueoas etl c" in IteiievMii; Fain ,s trulv wo i-erf ul ; and v ben used a cording to directions, is true te its na.no, a Fai.v Kn.i.iiil. P? CfS Agio A P.? U 'A. ' W Id IS a ii x 4 A hi 2 2 ) 1 DzhQUZY ILATK OF THE CLIFF HOUSE M VIX STl'.EET, OilfXtOX CtTV, OREGON'. rpilK UN'DKIISKJX KI) HE- 1 r,,Mv .... ,..-..,e,. I.-, i,; . f. lend and tiie t. ave'in p h ic. t at le will re-open tne aaove named Restaurant, en M laday, January 3 1 1 The proprietor kivivy how to servo his east uners xvith Ovst-os. 1'iii's Feet, a gooii cup ot Coll'ee or a SQL.: ARK MEAL. LKO.V DkLOUEY. Oreuon Ob v. .Tun. ?7. ls?':tf BA!LEY,iiARDiraaCO., Succes-ois of L. Dii.i.kr in the Lincoln 1 akc ry, jV'dd LEAVE TO INFORM THE CITI zens of Oregon City and surroun line CMintrv, that tbev kce constantly on hand and f t sale, all kinds of EUEAi), OR Velvets, CAKES. FASTUY, CAN DIE AN 1) NUTS. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders promptly filled, and goods deliver ed at the residence of the purchaser when desired. Tl-e highest pi ices paid f r Butter, Eggs and Yeretahl s. A liberal share of public patronage is re spectfull v solicited. April ii", lS7o:lv THE GREAT An Infallible m.ont) rtaiFiEn. possess ing rare toxic and SF.nvi.E properties a certain cure for Riir.iMiATisM. goit, Lt11, and all kindred Diseases. It completely restores the system when ini I aired by disease, revives the action of the Kini.:vi nn,l tCMTAL oisG.us, radi cally "cures snioFi'LA, salt nuciH and all i:m itivi; nnl cltweous Dis eases, gives immediate and permanent relief in nvsprrsi v, luvsipelas, Tumors, Boils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; eradi cates from the system all traces of Mercurial Disease, It is p;:nri vrortTAKtLr:, being made from an herb found indigenous in ct:forai. It is thfrcfore p -r-edlarly suitable for s3 by Ft-niales an 1 Children, us a CLOOO FIECR ana HEOV.VTOa. Tor Sale by ad Druggists. K E B t ?t C.TQ M , IIQSTCTTCR & QQ. Ci KXTs", ZZO and 31 Llarliet Street, an rracisco, ect 2&ly I Ml I yLliiiil I ilailrlhB ..''.'.''' 1 vVs'"- .-', e : vv a.K.McDONALD& CO.. snRiiaiiim. w" Ci.- "ail t'..c r'tont'on of reatfr f th " la-r -e.e s ot ' e v aniita -oeas. con r.os;-, j art ft t'.e i'odow:i;.- t-rt'-clc-s. t"i (.f i v rv 1 hi -w I:o t 1m ft rril sej-plicd WJIiil t. 'nrsn Drrfis, j T'.ihsn's pRypAr.T'"-'" -'ATKKT JdEI'l "Tr. I P.. I (..! sts" s.- Vi :- ' iiussisi si"i-roi.r;n? i Shake n flEKts v?ftXTHL 'Hi-, j 1 RKft'KrklFS, iEitoscKi: Oil, i P-ivfs jiji Oils. Thich rrc off r rt t vest Cat I rices, and j.rj deter. iii::cd !.. l- to v.ra..t reoid. R. H. :icDCXALI CO., -.ix iTiXciico, CAL- Thc Great Metiical Discovery! Dr. ?ALEEH'S CJILIFORNIA VINEGA.R BITTERS, Hundreds cf Thousands 1" c 2 Bear testimony to their Wonder ful Curative Eiitcts. Us C 3 'iti WHAT ARE TFsEV ? t THEY ARE XOT A VILE 'UFA M C Y DRi j K Made, of Poor Ruin, Whiskey, Vra Spirits nud Ilel'uso Idqiior-s doctored, spiced and sweetened to please the taste, called "Ton ics,"" Appetizers," "Restorers," &c, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the Xativc Roots and Ilerhs of California, free l"rm all Alcoliwlic Stiiiiulnnis. They are t'.ic ; 1II1AT IJIOOI) PUiriFIElt aiul I.IFEtJlVIX l'KIX JI PIE a pcrrect Renovator and Invisorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to v. healthy condition. Xo person can take these Eiders according to direc tion and remain long unwell. For IiiIlaiiKimlory and Chronic Ilhou i:i:ilisisi suul (iuiit, I)yscpMiu nr Indi ercwJioti, I.iiious, IlcmiJtfiJt and Iiiti-r. nitlent Fevers, Discuses of tbe Ulood, Ldvor, Iiidiipys, and IJIadiler, these Hit ters have been most successful. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Riooil, which is generally produced by derangement of the Disri'stive Organs. DYSPEPSIA Oil IX DIGESTION. Headache. Pain ia the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Rad taste in the Mouth Bilious At tacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of tlie Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, arc the off springs of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of un equalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. VOll SSilN D ISE.YSES, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches. Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, R:ng-V. crms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Hiscolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of tiic Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in ft ehor time by t'.ie use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cloansc the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pim ples, Eruptions or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feeling will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE and other VOIOIS, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle. J. "WALKER, Proprietor. R. IT. McDONALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, Sail Francisco, Cal,, and "2 and St Commence Street, Xcw York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. 1 l 1. : 1 S! OREGON CUT, OK KG ON, RETAIL DEALERS IN HOOTS & MOE, HAIIBWAISE, I also keep eousiantly on hand SALEM CAS S I M E R E S, FLA NN ELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will tjke wool in exchange. r-7 I will also pay the highest prices for "utter. Kgs, and all hinds of good country 'trodnee. I will se'l as low as any house in Oregon, for fash or Us equivalent in good meivh tillable pr-'ilnce. Give me a call and sati-fy yourselves. JOHN Ali ERS. Jan. 13,1371, tf GENERAL Commission Flo reliant, AND DKALER K," DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ESS EN" T I A L OII., DVE STTFFS AND G . . N i: 1 1 A L M E i : C II AN DISE. BY THE PACKAGE ONLY. Oa li 0 tiers for Goods of every ch'scrin tion fr in this or anv Fo eign Mark t, wi.l ret oivo prompt a:; 1 faithful attention. MINE IS. M A N" 1 .' F A ( ' T C R E R AND V OLESALK TRADE SUP PLIED FOR CASH. No n tict i.r att-ntiori p i d to orders f r go .ds, if ther is no irovisi'n m-idc t r tiie ni ni"!it i.f the same. GonGlgnnicnt Solicitor?. OFFICE, - Merchants' Exebange. Sin Fi unci sr-o, Ca'i fornix. . TERM N ET CMSI1. ON DEi.H FRY, 'IN L". S. GOLD t OlN. Packa-e prices. K- B.---rregon ProEcts Solicited )n Gon- g1 ni.ut. J . :tf 'S NEW FlIOrOGlIAPHIC ROOMS, No. 01 Firs Sret. 'Scon 1 door sonta of h'.i oh! sL.u t !, I'urlian 3, Oregon. J AM PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL JL v.'.ok in mv ne ia a su .eii r manner, wuh all the lat -st i,rn'ir-vtMii-i,t- in the ait. N.dliin;! but. hrsc!:i-s work tloae r.t my new and mag fic. nt r. o s, nt Ion- prices. CALL AN EX AMINE SPECIMENS. Feb. 10, !S71:ra3 lit Wi COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY . iJEW STORE; sysvv STORE PACIFIC BOOT AND SK9E STOfiE. Cor. First & Morrison sts. JJAYING OPENED OCR NEW STOCK SHOES, GAFF "Ye are now prejuired to fu.nish our cus tuim.13 with Best Quality of Goods, Of our own and Eastern Slaaufacture, at V LI lit" LOW I'iilCES. Call and Examine Car toc OP Boots c& Slioes 0? ALL EirJES APjD STYLE 3, VITe Always have tlie Latest 1ST' , Qi". ffQ ( Protzman, Gillihan & Co., C rnor Ii :st a'.d n's P0RTLA 'T, OREGON. Feb lo iS7i:tf 1 u; ii i wish in o, .ii Juu, leader, that Dr. n let fill, ;r any iitiier mini, I a- dis rovered a remedy th.t tur.s Cunsuniption , wlien the lungs lire half cO'isiuned, inshorr, iv l! cure ail tiiscus 'S whether tif iriiitl, body or e-tat- niiike men live forever, and h-ave leath ti play for w.mt of woik, and is de si ;in d to make onr sublunary sjiheie a bliss- ni Paradise, lo which Hea en itself shall be but a side show. You have heard enough f that kind of hmnbuirge-.'y. Hut when I tell on th:it Dr. Saire's Catarrh Resnedv '' poxitivfly cure the worst case of Cat u rh in tlie llfii'I, I only assert that which thou--ands c.m testi'y to. 1 will pay ."oo rewattl or a c.tse that I cannot cine. A panijddet Liivinc symptoms and other irlbrirmtiou sent free to arty address. Tiiis icniedy is SOLD DA MOST DRUGCISTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Price 50 cents. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of sixty cent-, or four - pack.igctg fr two dollars Beware ot cvunf rfnt. and 'forth I ess i m it at in it s'. ee that my private stimp. which is a positive gnu rn litre of Gen- (liveliest, is upon the outside wiapper. Re member that this piivate Mamp, issued by the United States Government exprcsslv for -tamping my medicines, has my portrait, nime and addros, and the words " U. S. (VrtinC.ite of Genuineness," engraved upon it. and need not he mistaken. Don't be swiiid'cd by travelers and ethers represent ing themselves as Dr. Sago : I am the only mm now living that has the knowledge and riilht to manufacture the Gen 'line Dr. Sage's 1 'atari h Kemetlv, an 1 I nvt-r travel to sell this me Heine. " R V. PIERCE. M . D., ieblomi; 13:5 Seneca street, lJad'alo, N. Y. "QARBEKIKG FOR PROFIT." AND " Practical Floriculture," BY POSTER HENDER30IT, The f inner detailing the svtem of rnrlict Oairft nliii;; the latter DESl RIPTI VE nf ihe modi s of ComiiiciTlul F'loririilf nif, as practiced in tins vicioify of New York. Mailed, prepaid, for 1 50 each. Gut Annual Descriptive Catalogne of VEGETABLE and FLO WE h SEEDS. Containr g two new and BEAUTIFULLY Ci)L REi i'LATES, is now ready. Alo, C.italogue of NSW AND PLANTS ILLUSTRATED with Colored Flat's and Enravii gs. Jh.tii will be mailed on receipt of Tcuty-five Cent-, or nent with eit;.er of thi above lhoks free of charge. . i .v u i: ii o i a k i Kiiix a, .Sri "!t )in lid n n;l CiroT- r, or NASSAU ST.,NEV YORIv. fehloinl Final Settiomont. f N TIIE MA ITER OF THE ESTATE OF av Daniel Tr allin?er, th'-' i..-e : In 1 he County '"o'.ir!: of ( liokamas cnunty, State of Oreron : The AduinisTaior of said .-"ate having filed his linal aeetmiit tor settlement 1 hereof, it was orJtr e l by the Court t!r-it the first dav of the next regular term of said Court, beinar the 7th March, 1H71, le set apart for hearin? objections to said Sinai a-i-oant and the settlement of the same wun saia Aamuustiutor. IJvoi-ierof said Court "J. M. 1RAZF.K, Feb. ,, 1871. wl Count v Clerk. Willamette r.-Mlge Xo. 15T. O. t-. rJ Meets every Saturday evening, at the roorr .L. corner ot Main and t llth streets, at 7 1-2 0 clock. isitmg raember3 are invi vited to attend. By order of W. C. T. . liHHi.1HHpiH,j; iu 'm-IU' 1 .. 1 1 " " . ' u Mtji ' ' y -i 1 ' -- - - REDINGTOX, IIOSTETTETi & GO. Slop that Coughing ! Some of you can't, and we pity you. You have tried every icniedy but the ONE desiined, by its int.iinsic merit, to supersede ail similar preparations. It is not surprising you shoi.ld be leliit tant to try something else af crthe nrnny expi rimeV.ts you have made of trashy coiiipi ui.ds foisted on the public as a certain cure ; but rSewclPs Pulmonary Syrup is really the VERY BEST remedy ever compounded fur the cut of L'vitgt, 6oAs, Soie 'I'hruoti, Ant!imJ, H'ttoojung i'ottghs-. Bronchitis and i'oitsumplion. Thousands Cf people in Califbrni.t and Oregon have been already, benctifed by the surprising curative powers of fSevvelPc Pulmonary Syrup and with one accord give it their un qualified approbation. e now uddiess ourselves to all who are unacqu tinted with this, the greatest panacea uf the age. for the healing of all diseases of the Thruat uiiii Lungs, assuring you that fiewcii's Pulmonary Syrup h is cured thousands, and it will cure YOU, if you try it. This invaluable niedi. ins is pleasant to the ta-tf- ; sooth ing, hi-ahng and strengthening in its tii'tcts; entirely free from all poisonous or deleterious drills. ml perfectly haria less under all t n ciimstances. ForSiilt ly iH Diuggists. IiEDlNG I ON, HO.-TE 1' 1 Eli & ("O., 320 and iZl Market street, san Francisco. Reslirgt oil's Essence Jamaica Ginger, JVhirh r'.-" confali rihi reror.imemhil a the bet pi t pCli turn, tote !vfurc the public. This valuable preparation, ct -Training in a hi.L'ldv co cei:trated form all the properties of ,1 urnaica ( linger, tins hecome fne oi the most poj.ular ihnae-tic i me dics for all diseases of the fete much and cigesiive organs. As a ionic, ,t will he found invaluable t' all pers -us lecoyeiing lroni debility, whether produced by fi ver or otherwise; f r w. lie ii imparts to the system all the j.low a;. d vigor th it can be produced by vine 1 biatidv. it is entirely free from ihe reactn iii'iy eihets tliat lollow the us" ot spi.iis of any kind. It is a'so ao t Neclb nt remedy for feniiilt-s ho suffer from difficult men st 1 u. il ion, gi vi ng ill ni st, immediate re lief to tin: sj asm- that, so frequently ac coii'panv that peiitid. It i; ves Hi'Hiiediatti :edief to Nausea, caused by ridirg in u railroad car or ty s a s ck; e.-s, o; other causes. Il is also valua.de us an 1 xtem.i! :p ,!i at on for out, Ehcumati.sm, Neu ral tji.i, etc. USCIiSXOTif?;, ikisteti inn & CO., ii.-;0 and 031 Market street, San Francisco. Rc-iington's F I tix ovlii g E x t r a c t s a;:e the ri kfectey peee and highly c ncer-tiated Extracts from Fresh l'ruiis, prepared with great t are. Thev 1. re put up in Sii.erio;' st vie, and in a bottle In hiing TWICE AS ML' CII as the ordinary brands of Extracts. Comparing quality ami contents, none other are ue.uty so cheap. Whenever tested on Turin merits, they have been ad pted in preierencc to nil otheis, nod are now the SfANDAKD FLAVOUIXG EXTKAtTSofthe i'acilic Coast. MA UK THE ADVANTAGES. . By purchasing Redington's Concen trated Flavoring Extracts, you obtain an article not only supei ior in richness and dehe.iC ol flavor to a; y oher of a simi lar nature, but fur more economical, be cause each bottle holds double the quantity contained in a bottle of any other flavoring extract sold. REDIXGTOX, IIOSTETTER A CO., Agents for tlte l'aciac Coast. m. $t p Would you escape FEVER AND' AGUE, and preserve health and vigor during the s-ckly season, make occasional use of the following as A PREVENTIVE. If you are ATTACKED with Chills and Hilinus Fever, or hae been a victim to such disease, at d used other so-called remedies without permanent reiitf, seek at once the safest and surest CUBE, by usicjr. according to directions MASON & FOLIAR ANTI-BflALARlA, or, Fever and Ague Fills. Time has proved them thoroughly to be the safest and most reliable remedy known. They contain no mercury or other mineral or chemical. They are exclusively vege table. They stimulate the functions' of the liver. Congestion is impossible where thev are used. They do not deter from daily labor. Ey a-sistiniz digestion they add flesh and muscle to the frame. They are adapted to all ages and both sexes, ard as FAPJiSLY FSDICinE Will CURE in their incipiency, three fourths d all diseases incidental to a mala; ions climate. For Dvspepsia, in small doses, they have no equal. For sale bj "all Druggists. REDIXGTOX, IIOSTETTER & CO., SOLE AGENTS. The Battie for Life "Which is continually going on between health and disease, has never received from any medicine such marked and un mistakable assistance, on the side of health, as it Las fiom Newell's Pulmonary Syrup HEDIXGTOr', IIOSTETTER & CO., 520 aDd 531 Market street, gaa Fraocisco.E, AUCTION AND COMMISSION A. II. JSielasiWlson, AUCTIONEER! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland, AUCTIONALESo Q Of Real Estate, Groceries', General Mercian dise and Horses, JZvery Wednesday and Saturday A. B. niciiARDsox,cAuctioti"eer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Iar and Eundle Iron' English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; .-crews, riy pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron; A large assortment of 'Groceries and Liquors- r. n. itlCITAKPSOY. A nffimipof VV tuui), . ".tv-T- For a feir cents you &2i huy of your Gi'occr cr Biggist Fuelzagecf SEA MOSS FARIXE made from pure Irish Moss, cr Ciirrageea, which will mako sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange, mid a like quantity cf Pud ll:igs, Custagd, Creams, tlhar Ictto E usso, &e. It is o tho cheapest, heal Hi lest, and most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and lias no equal as a light ami delicato food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Chanrro ! ! o XI IK GREAT WORLD'S TOXIC. Plantation Bitters. This wonderful vegetable restorative S3 the 6lseeJ-aa c'isr of tlie fce?33e and tloibili tnted. As ra foasic and cordial for tae asred r.:i;l Ia3:a3id, it lins no CQaal ansosj gtosw-0 aclsics. As a resiacdy for tlie nervous rca!incss to wliicSi voi22e:a are esecsrslly sttl iecl, it is Euperseciiwjj every oilier sti'issslanl. lz all Cii Biiatcs, tropical, tenaperate, or frijji2, il acis as a specific ia c.rc;y sricries of eSasordcr v.SiscIs iidermsacs tike f;otJily stresig:t!a nuil lircislss down the anisnal spirits. For sale ly nil Druggists. Au. 20, i 01 u:i y O f M 4 S. m w B li G IS STILL A T HIS OLDSTAXI, : C0ENEU OF MAIN am. SIX! U STliEETS Olil-GOX CiTV, VKEGOS. O 7IIEKE II E AVOULd INVITE HIS friends, and the public in gpnerai, to call and examine stock, consisting ot a general assortment cf o o Msitssad Caps?0 o Cr let4; y9 o 27 Ilnving frorc man3" jears' expericno learued tliat THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES IN SMAIL PROFITS I S 1) E T K Ii M 1 Si I TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL S U-nee tiie Cry of For land Piices! Oregon Citv, August 26th, 13t9. - O ACTIVE PERSONS WASTED. 100 A MONTH! o o , TNEKCETIC FEIONS, CLERGYMEN, XI doctors, lavvyi i. agents-, business meti arii'Crs salesmen, dealers, and all othersj male ar.'d fern de willing to give their wholo tiuie or part of it, e.-.n e isilv make ? 1 00 O R M 0 R E A M ON I II, bv ennpinsr in liht, honorable and.stapta ,us:ness, in which to nv ney is required No competition. Exclusive ten itorygiT? n; iiefereiKCS an to licracter icqnired. -Stampt 'or return postage desired. SVrite your ad. Iress in fud and plainly. H. A. CARTY, NO. 315 CIIESNUT STREET O G rillLADELPLIA, PA. ICTIYE PEES0AS WAITED.' Jar. G:rc6 O IS '-'W.-' - " -:: V. - CAi.l o O O O