5 G The Home Paper It may not bo the greatest and best in the world, but take it and read it over carefully ; note every item of news contained therein, for there are things that we may learn in an hour as they transpired yesterday in another country. While there are a thousand things which mark the growth of mail's intellect and contribute to the dis semination of knowledge, there is no one thing that so largely con tribute to it as the country press. Eacli issue is a harvest thought ; the world is the field ; the seasons come and go with each day it step out from the unknown future, inSkes it impression on the Book of Time, and passes on to the rec ord past. Take the paper that is published nearest your home: spread it out before yoit and see how the world's doings arc drawn within its focus through this lens you behold city and town, river, hike and ocean, the country, state and nation. The men who are moulding the history of the day are pictured out before you; the unfortunate poor are made known to you. Xo man can read that paper thoughtfully without benefit. It will broaden his mind, quicken his intellect, deepen the channels of thought and feeling that lead from brain to heart, and find ex pression in action. The person who reads his newspaper becomes familiar with the world, a well in tovjned man, developed to suit the age in which he lives. He who does not rend. h; but a grown up child, his mind, compared with the man who does, is like his baby life measured by the life of Me thuselah. To the children of those who will not take a paper we would say, if you wish to become men who can command the respect of your neighbors, and occupy a position in life worthy of a man, take the home papea and read it. Newspapers are the great in mo tors of the people. They are making this age a remarkable one, on account of the general intelli gence which exists among the masses. They are published so cheap, that the poorest can a fiord to take them and the owner' of a cabin derive as much benefit from them, so far as general information is concerned, as the deniscn of a costly mansion best friends of They are the people, the ami ' should be liberally sustained by them. Newspaper men all have the en terprise to publish neat, creditable f papers, and they strain every nerve to do (j, fits but the people don't second their elforts. They don't consider that the size and appear ance of their country newspaper is a pretty fair index of their own intelligence and enterprise that it s-hovs by its face, every issue, vHi'eThet it is starved or well sup ported. There is no class of peo ple who do half as much for the freneral irood, or who work so hard as newspaper men. Many ot them tare fuit to all kinds of expedients to get along, when there arc hundreds of influential men who are greatly benetitted by the paper, who do nothing, comparatively speaking, to sustain it. these same men might easily speale a good word for it; get their friends to subscribe for it : sustain it with their advertising patronage, and help build up a paper that T,V",uld be a? e red-is to tli-eiv eouutyy and thus remunerate also" ! hard working man.- Every citizen" of a fonWy night ho more to think of tlo"-(Lj without his paper than with out his meals. lie ought to be an imated by sufficient pride, if by no other motive, to sustain it, and Othus see it a worthy representative of the people. JVeio Jersey Jle ctanic. Cleveland, Ohio, has a sensation a loyal one. For some weeks past a highly intelligent contraband has been wandering through the streets at night, committing terri ble outrages upon unprotected fe males. The last case is that of a lady sixty years of age, Mrs. Camp bell, who was choked to insensibil ity and nearly killed before the .purpose of the black villian was ac complished. If the administration 'does not take better care of its pets there will be a Klu-Klux organiza tion in Cleveland before iongV" Then will come CongtessNTTTaMnvesti $iting omwr'tCe for the people to yny.-J ma'(y s .JemOerat. Not "Jim'' Xyk. Somebody is curious to know, ?avs tlio San .loa quin l('ublioan, if "Iiill Xyi," uhom the heathen Chinee swindled in a xame of j.oker at Table Moun tain, is any relation to the CI rev E.'sle of Xevada. The querist djtn't know Jim Xyc, or he would nevPr have asked that question. AVhy, he played a little o-ame of draw with "the Government at WaiinLrton, made a saw mill blutf, and n;ot away with a forty thousand dollar not. The beauty of the lay was that he made it after tire d v.wv on no pitir, and shot his mouth off for the saw mill. X'o heathen Chi-tt'-e can beat Jim Xyey nor any of his relatives. The fall of a large mass of roek net wei n lleidenburg and AVeis loeh, in Germany, has brought to light the works of a silver mine which was known to the ancient Komans. There is no silver ore of any importance U tt, but a very vieh zinc, ore is -met with in large quantities. An Towa paper ha"s a correspond imil fining against capital ishment, and signing his ''One who has been tjiere.''' pun-name. Grammar School. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ORGAX ized for the purpose of establishing the above School, would respectfully announce that they have engaged the services of Mr. S. 1). POPE, as Teabher, tor a session of six months. The School will open on Tues day, the 3d day of January, in the room lately occupied .s tiic " Enterprise Otfice." All the usual branches comprising a thor ough English, Classical, Mathematical arid Commercial education wilt kre taught. Application for admittance, terms, Ac., to he ninde to the Teacher. Hours, from D a. m. to 12 m., and from 1 to 3 p, m. NIGHT SCHOOL. The undersigned will commence a Night School on Tuesday evening next, January od, in the Grammar School Room. Hours, from iJi to y. S. D. POPE. Oregon City, Dec. 20, 1S70. tf SEND TO RUSSELL & FER&Y, REAL ESTATE PORTLAND, ' OR TO JOHNSON &, M'COWN, OREGON CITY, FOR THE OREGON REAL ESTATE (SAZETTE FREE OF CHARGE. Sept. 6 tf 840,000 WORTH OF BOOTS and SHOES COMPRISING ALL THE LEADING California & Eastern MANUFACTURES. For Fall and Winter Wear, Are on hand and being constantly rcplen ished at the Philadelphia Boot Store, 113 Front Street and i31 Kirst Street. JOHN S- KAST- N. IL Ladies and Gentlemen's Boots and Giiitefs made to measure. Dee. J:tf JOHN II. SCIIRAM. Manufacturer and Dealer m .Q A n 71 T Q IT 1 7? ,V P.SZX tic. etc. Main Street,- Oregon City, fJ Wishes to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish any article in his line as the largest establishment in the State. He particularly requests that an examination of his stock be made before buying elsewhere. SEWING MACHINES ! C0MPETTH0X DEFIED, E SELL THE SINGER, WHEELER & TTE SE V Wilson, Howe, Elliptic, Grover it Baker, Wed, P?Tbam, Keystone, Bices, (told Medal, American combination, Davis, Umpire, 'inkle;& Lvons Wilcox & Gibbs wi.h a complete outfit, late t improvements, all extra attachments and case at st,o. The Wilson, Folsom, McLean it Hooper, Barthram !fc lauton, with outfit, improve ments, all extra attachments and case at $03. The Bu keye, Diamond, American, Home Shuttle, Bristol with outfit, taole, attach ments and case, at $30. The Common Sense, Octagon, Banner and all other hand machines with outfit hemmer and tucker at $12. No toy machines sold. A complete set of attachments for hem ming tine, coarse and wide, binding any ma terial, quilting-,- tucking and making thv nert me, mining ana gathering,- aomg away r with' bas't.nir altogether. Mulo to suit any liuculii-. ;;,e com,iete set sold, b. KNITTING MACHINES. The Lamb at "." ; the Crane at t5 ; the Ilinkley. Diamond ; the Bickford, Amer ican, Essick, New llaven '2y. Terms- When th"fc" money is sent with the order we ship with aiT freight charges prepaid ?s far as the .Mississippi, or sent C. O. D.(("on receipt of halt the amount, and' charges added. L. PERKINS & CO., 511 KING STREET, WILMINGTON, DEE: 1847. 1871. New Goods ! New Goods ! IX. CAUFIELI) BEGS I.K A VETO INFORM T E PUBLIC that he has refitted the old stand, corner Main and Seventh Sts., Oregon City, and has rect-iv-ed an entire new stock of goods, con sisting of DRY 'GO OPS, GRO CEEIES, CROCKER 1", G LA SS WA R E, Jl'OODEXirARE, and a general assortment of everything in our line. Thankful for past favors, we stil solicit a share of the u'.lic patronage. Country Produce laken in exchange for uoods. 45;ir W 1 L L 1 A f3 S3NCER His Established I ..lMtlHIj FOR THE 3. f A UFA C TOE Y OF FURXITURE, SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS, AND" MOULDINGS OF ALL S ZES. They will also do TURNING, of T"ry description to order, With Neatness and Dispatcl ALL WORK W A KR A NTED. Shop -n th- River, b:ick of Ackrrman's St'r. Oreiron City, Oregon. Oregon City, July ?0:tf VVOID QUACKS A victim . f e.ily in-discreti-n, causing lvrvous debility, premature decav. Ac , h iving tried in vain ererv atlve-vtsed remedv, ! as a simple means ot -.'if cure, which he w;ll send free n his (. How sntlerers. Address J.H. TUTTLE, TS N issan st., New Yurk. Jau. 18'Jra GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT 33. L. STORE'S, Vo107 Fvont Street, YALTIIAM WATCHES, GOLD CIIAIXS ASD RINGS, CLOCKS, OROIDE WATBHES AND CIIAIXS. FIXE JEWELRY AXD SILVER WARE. .All at New York Prices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. EVERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MOSSV REFUNDED. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Jti9tf JVJOTICE. o- Tiie People's Transportation Company WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FROM OREGON CITY AS FOLLOWS for Portland : At 7 A. M.. every day, except Sundays And 1 P. M: " " Monday, Tuesday. Thurs day and Friday, Salem, Albany and Corvalhs. AND ON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY, rnrt less jstrsrrur 3 A. A. McCULLY Nov. 18. 1370 r-to.tf President. SANBURN & PASCAL VtcX to inform the public and their friends that tliey have leased the lower part of the OLiFF HOUSE, Which they have opened as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT The table will at all times be supplied wit the best the market affords. Ciders for suppers and parties will) be promptly attended to, Oregon City, Jan. 'jouf JEYY WAGON ANI Carriage Manufactory I The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method 1o tn form nTs oT(T pat rons, and a. rrifnir new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ampler rcrofif, gooU material, ana the very best of mechanics, to build anew, reeon atriW r."v.", "ni.", iron and turn out all complete any sort of a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. lllacksmithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing ueatlv, quicklv and cheap ly done. DAVID SMI TH. Opposite Excelsior Market gllADES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAIN STEEET, Oregon City. O Rett U ILIA A R D TA B L ES in OEEG ON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. THE BA R 1 S S EVP LIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors an j Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourhou alreadj famous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE ox draccht: H-'FamiIies supplied. READING MATTER FOR ONE DOLLAR!! THE AMERICAN STOCK JOURNAL, A large Handsomely Illustrated Monthly,' containing 32 to 40 large Double Column Rage-, tilled with original matter from the ablest writers in the country, on the various suhjpcts connected with FARMING, STOCK-BREEDING, WOOL-GROW I XG, DAIRYING, POULTRY KEEFlNG. kt. Bound in handsomely tinted covers. It has a VETERINARY DEPARTMENT under the charge of one of the ablest Pro fessors in'ithe United States, who answers through the Journal, frrrof charge, all ques tions rrlatmir to Sick, Injured or Diseased Horses, Cattle. Shep, Swine or Poultry. This make- it a Very valuable work for re ference, and an almost indi-pen-ible compan ion to all interested in stx k breeding. The low price at which it is published i1.0'h year) 'brings it within (he" reach of all, while "the . splendid inducements offered to Agents and Premiums to Subscribers. make it to the interest of every Farmer and Stoek Breeder to extend its circulation. Srnd Stamp for p-'it nan Copy, large Illustrated Slant Bill and Pre mium Pisf; Get op a Clfrb and obtain one of the many valuable Premiums oMvred, coi si-ting of Cle.ter Yhitv Berkshire. Suffolk, Magie and Esses Pigs Short-IIorr? Alderney, Ayrshire and Heron Ca!res. Southdown, Cotswold and Merino Sntep,( ashmere Goats, Pu-e-Bred Poultry,- Norway Oats. Seeo's, Agrit ul ural Implements, Pianos, Watches", Silverware, Books, Ac. Specimen copies sent fiee. Address P. UOYER A- CO., Publishers, Parkeiburg, Chester Co., Pa. WOTlCE.Ifl; Portland Oregon. WALTER BROS. New CAltPETIiYGS VELVETS BKUSSEliS, THREE-PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, WIND0 W'SHADES, PAPER -HANGINGS, LACE- CURTAINS, &c, &c We Would Call the attention of pur ties Jilting vp houses, or being in need of anything in our line To our Stock, which is ONE OF HIE COMPLETEST Oil the Pacific CosikI ! Our Goods being spetially selected at the Factories in England and the Eastern Stdtce, we can sell AT THE LOWEST SsiiiFrsmcisco Prices. Walter bid. No. SO Front street, between Alder 35.) and Washington, Portland Oregon LAUDEN & BcFRANCE'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, PORTLAND, OREGON, For the instruction of Middle-Aged Men, Vonng Men and Boys, In the branches of a Business Education. rpHIS IS WITHOUT DOUBT A MOST JL thorough and ellicient Intitution, and has made for itself a name in Oregou, of which its friends are justly proud. The branches which stand out prominent ly in the oup -ionium of study uto liOOKfvEKPINti. C ) M E Ki: I A L A HIT 1 1 M ETIC, POLITICAL EC0NOM.V.- , . PENMANSHIP, r?n!i n? -j LAW C( ) R R Esi'ON DEN CE ,' AC. A most thorough practical department is in constant operation, in which are com prised all the minutiae of business affairs. Students can enter at any time. No va cations. Call at rooms; corner of FRONT and AL DER streets,, or send for a circular contain ing full information. Address, LAIUE & 1 FIS.;KCK. Portland, Oregon. The standard remedy fur Conghsi, Inllii etii.ii, Sore ThrontAVI"'(ing Cough, Croup, Liver Compbtiot, Bronrhitix, Weeding of the Lungx, and every affection of the Throat, Lnnsrs and Chest, including CoxsofPTiov. .AVIslar'g lilsjur does not dry up a Cugh, 'but loosens it, cleanses the ?lngs, and allays irritation , thus removing the eatt.e of the complaint. None genuine unless signed 1. Bi tts. Prepared by Setji W.F6'wle A Son, Boston. . Sold by Reiix;tgn, fl.os. tetTek A Co., Sail Frai'iisco,'and by dea,"er generally. JelS:ly A. G. NVALLTNG'S Pioneer Book Biridery- OREGOMAxX BUIL-DINOj 3Vo. 5 AVitsliington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and ROUND to anv desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Eft., bound in every variety Of style known fo the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. STEERS & H3IN3DE, Wholesale dealers in FOREIGN ANS DOMESTIC Wines, Brandies, IVuslies, Etz No. 4?, Froxt Street, Portlaxp, Orf.gox. Constantly on hand a genuine article ol Colter W iky. C. W- POPE & CO., PEAI.EK8 IN STOVES, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON -XERS)' COPPER, LEAD PIPE, I' PIBE AND FITTINGS, RUB1 lt UOSE, FORCE AND LI Ft PUMPS, ZINC, COPPER, IirtASS AND IRON WIRE. Also a general assoitment 'of Uorts nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware ROOFING AND JOBBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. o Also at POPE'S STOVE STORE yott Yvili find HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WAKE AND TINWARE, LANTERNS, LAMPS AND OIL, LUCINE ANDj SIGHT LAMPS. ALSO PERAMBULATORS. o All of the above articles are, for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIME3. C. W. POPE & CO. Oregou City Oregon. COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, Front Street. PORTLAXD, OREGON Zieber & Holton Propr's. rpilE UNDERSIGNED HAVING RE JL furnished ahd re fitted the above named Hotelj Will henceforth conducted jon the EUROPEAN ST V LE. Eooms can be had by the Day, Week or $onth. A RESTAURANT in the House, under he management of PIERRE.M ANC1ET, late of the Laf'avette. Owing to its location and constructien, ft is the most desirable Hotel in the City, ana we inteud keeimxu it as it ought to ni-: K EFT. Vice Coacli anil Hnsgage U agon and from tlieIIotel. ZIEBER & I10LTON, Proprietors. OIice of tlie Ort goii anil Culifornia. Oct. 21 tf. Sfuce toniDanv CUAS. HODGE. . CHAS. E. CALEF. . GEO. W. SXELL HODGE, CALEF & Co., DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, VA UNlSH St Bit US ENS i PAINTERS Material, ana uru'jfjists' Sundries. 97 Front Strt-ft, Portland, Oregon. 3-3. , Jacci! Stitzfi.. James i. Uriox STITZEL & UPTON, Real Estate Brokers and General Agents, Corner of Front and Wash trig ton streets, TORTLAND, OREGON. JjrT" Will attend to the sale and purchase ot Keal Iv-tat.e iu all parts ot tne City and state. Special attention given to file sale of Last Portland property. Address P. O. Pox Portland. Oregon. STITZEL A UPTON, 9tf. Real Extuie Brokers. OREGON CITY BREWERY! IIEMIY II UMBEL, Having purchased the above Brewery wish es to inform the publk- that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of LAGER BEER, As good as can be obtained ai wh.ere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled. Patronize Home Industry. THE PIONEER CURLED HAIR MANUFACTORY IS NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY THE market with a No. 1 article of Curled Hair lor Upholstery work, which will com pare with any imported article In quality or price. I p;iv the highest price for Manes and Tails cif Horses' and Tails of Cows at my store, corner Frofrt find Salmon streets. 1). METZt.I R, Portland, Oregon. JOHN M. BACOX, Importer and Dc'al6r in STATIONERY, PERFU.M ERY, Oregon Cilii, Oregon. At Charmanfy JYarnfg old utand, lately oc cupied, by S. Ackdrman, Muiii street. In tf Summons In the Circuit Court of the Htate of Creg'to, for C'htckatnas county. I.ueindii Hud path, plaintiff, vs. Hobort Rely)ath, defendant. rpOKOIlKRT RKIU'ATII, the &ovc named Defendant: In the name of the State ot Orptron, you are hereliy reiuirel to appearand answer tlie complaint tiled ajrainst you in the iibove entitled suit Vy the tivst day of the next regular term of said CtnM,tO tx; held in the Court. House, in Clackamas country Oregon, on the 20th day of March, A. D. lS7l"; and if you fail so to answer, the i)laintitf will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein. The said suit is brought against you to obtain a decree dissolving- the marriage contract heretofore existing lietween you and said plaintiff, on the yround of cruel and" inhuman treatment, and to have tlie care and custody of 1'hoda Jane, the issue of said mairiatre, awarded to said plaintiff, and for gen eral relief; audit appearimr to the satisfaction of the lion. W. W. Upton, Judire of said Court, at his Chamlrrs, on the 25th day of January, 1871, that serviee of summons cannot be had uj oti defendant in accordance with See. 53 of tlie Code of civil procedure, and that the dtfendant is not. a resident of the State of Oregon, it was then and there ordered that this summons le served by publication. m chart.es e. warren, Attcmey for Plaintiff. Oresron City, Oreiron, Jan. 27, 1S71.:w. SummoilSr In the Circuit Ornrt ot the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county. March Term, It '-. 1. Samuel Engle, riaintiff, ) vs. V Action at Law. William Arm priest, def't. J rw0 WILEIAM ARMI'RIEST, pail defend a t In tlie name of the State of Oreiron, you are reoum-d to apiear in said Curt within t-n days after the H'rviee of this irnmmons ujion you, if served in Clackamas cf"nty, or if served in any other county in sa td State, in twenty days after service, anil answer the complaint filed in the alKive entitled action ; and this summons beiriy onlered to be served T iublication, you are here by requiwl to appearin said Court and answer the complaint on or t-el'ore the first day of the next term thereof, commencing on the 3d Mon day of March, A. J)., 1S71 : or in case you fail so to answer when such service is made upon you, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for tlie sutn of four hundred and eighty-eight and 85-1 00 dollars, and interest at ten percent, jier annum since the 5th day of February, A. I). 18jl and tor his costs and disbursements of this ac tion. JOHNSON & Met 'OWX, , Plli 's Atfys. Jan. 27, 137l.:w5 Ac, Ac, TO THE NERVOUS DEBILITATED WHOSE SUFFERINGS HATE BEEN Protracted from Hidden Causes, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE Prompt Treatment tt reMfer existence desirable. " If von are suffering or haVe suTereJ from Involuntary discharges, what e fleet does it produce upon 3'ouf general health ? Do yon feel weak, debflitftttd, easily tired ? Does a little etra exertic! .produce palpitatibh of the heart? Does your liver, or urinary or gans, or your kidneys frequently get out of order Is your urine sometimes thick, milky or llocky, or is it ropy on settling ? Or does a thick scum rise ta'the, top? Or is a eedi ment at the bottcrh after It hs stood awhile? Do you have spblls of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated? Do you have spells of fainting, or rt"hes of blood to the head? Is your mtmory im paired? Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subject ? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of life? Do you wish to be left alone, to get away from every body ? Does any little thing make yon start or jump ? Is your sleep bi tkt:n "Or feslless ? Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant ? The bloom on j our cheek as bright? Do you en joy yourself in society as well? Do you pur sue j-oUr business with the same energy? Do vou feol as much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to tits of melancfioTy? If so do not lay it to yourliVei-br dyspf psi;!. Have you restless nights ?. Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but little appetite, and you attrib ute this to dyspepsia, or liver complaint? KOWi READER, self-abu'e. venereal disesses badly cured, and sexual excesses, aie all capable of producing a weakness of the generatite organs. The organs of generation, when in perfect heultb, make the max. Did You Ever Think that those boId,defiant,encrgt?fic,persevering, successful business men, are Always those whose generative organs are in perfect health 7 Vou r ever hear such tlien complain of be ing melafccholy, of nervousness, or palpita tion of the heart. They are never af raid they cannot succeed in business; they don't become sad and discouraged ; they are all ways polite and pleasant in the company ot ladies, and look you and them right in the face none of your downcast looks or other meanness about thern. I do not mean those who keep the organs inflated by running to excess. These will not only RUIN THEIR CONSTITUTIONS, but also tlrtsG fhet do business rrith or for.' How many men, from badly cured diseases, from the effects 6f self-abuse and excesses, hafe brought about that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced" ,the general system so much a to induce almost every other disease IDIOCY, LUMCY, spinal affections, suicide, arid almost every other form of disease which humanity is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored for all but the right one. Diseases effhsfe organs require the ttseof a Divrrefc- HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BtJCftU iS the great Diuretic,- and is a certain ipte for diseases of the Hladder, Kidneys, (irav'el. Dropsy, Organic Weakness. Female Com plaints, Oeneral Debility, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, arrrf no matter of howr long standing. If rio treatment is submitted to. Consump tion of Insarity mtty ensue. Our flesh and blood are fuppOrtcd from these sources, -and the health and happiAess, and that of Pos terity, depends upon1 pCrmpt use of a reliable remedy. HELM OLD'S i;TU.CT isuciaiT, Established upward of Nineteen Year? IS PREPARED PY H. T. HELMBOLD, Druggist, 594 Broadway, ftew York, AND 104 SdnthteithSt.-, Fliila., Pa. Price SJ.25 per Bottle, err 6 .Pottles for ?G.o0, delivered to any address. Sold by all Druggists" everywhere. None are genuine unless done up in steel engraved wrapper, with fac-simi!e of my Chemical "Vfarenoase, and signed v. H.T. HELMBOLff FRENCH MEDICAL OFFICE. DR. MIEN PERRAULV Dr. .of Medicine of He Faculty or laris, CJrHtluafe of tlie Univorsity . Ttttc-Viis College, a nl Physician cf llie, St. Jolin Ilaptistc Society of San Frai. cisco. Dr. Perk aclt has the pleasure to inform patients and oth rs seeing confidential med ical advice that he can be consulted daily at his office, Armory Hall Building. oith East corner of Montgomery and Sacramento streets, San Francisco, Rooms Nos. t, 10, 11$ first floor, up strirs, entrance on either Montgomery oi SadVamento streets. Dtt Perkatlt's studies hate been almost exclusively devoted to the cure of the various forms of Nervous ami Physical de bility, the result rjf injurious habits acquired in youth, which Visually terminate in impor I'ehce and sterility, and permanently induce all the concomitants of old age. here n, secret infirmity exists involving the happi tiess of a life and that of others, reason aut morality dictate the necessity of its removal! for it is a fact tlrat piemature decline of the Vigor ot mantioou man lmomai utinappines, compulsoty single life, etc., have their sources inVaVes. the germ. of which is plant ed in early life, and the bitter fruits tasted long afterward; patients, laboring under this complaint, will complain of one or more of the viollowiiv? symptoms; ocmai (r.misr sions, Paihs in the Rack and Head, "Weak ness of Memory and Sight, Discharge from the Urethra on" going to stool or making wa ter, Intellectual Faculties are "Weakened, lUoss of Memory ensues, Ideas are clouded! and there is a disinclination to attend to bus-. In'ess, or even to reading, writing or ths society of friends, etc! The patient will probably complain of Pizzinef, Vertigo, ant' that Sight and Hear.ng are weakened and sleep disturbed by dreams; melancholy sighing, palpitation, fain tings, coughs and. slow fevers ; While some have external reho matic pain, and numbness of the bodv ISohj of the common symptoms are pimples in th& face, and aching in different parts of the body. Patients suffering fiom this dis ease, should apply immediately to Dr. Pek rai lt either in person or by letter as he will guarantee a cure of .Seminal Emissions a!id Ihtpotence iu six or eight weeks. Patients suffering from venei ial disease in any stage, Uononhea, Ulect, Strictures, Bubo, Ulei rs, CutabeVi!? Eruptions, etc., will be treated successfully.. All Syphilitic and Mercurial Taints entirely ien.ived lroin the system. " Dr. Pekraclt's diiilomas are in his ounce," w here patients can see for themselves that they are under the-care pf a regular educa ted practitioner. The best references given if required. Patients suffering under chronic disease,' can call and examine for themselves. "We invite investigation ; claim not to know everything, nor to cure every bi dy, but w e do claixJi that in all cases taken unuer treat ment we fulfill our ptomises. We particular ly request those who have tried this boasted doctor; and that advertised physician ti.l worn out and discouraged, tqa call upon us. Low charges and -quick cures. Ladies suffering lioni any'compl'aint inci dent's lo their fex, can cot sult the doctor with the assurance of relief. female Monilily Pills. Dk. Pkrravlt is the only agent in Cali fornia for Dr. Ujott's Female Monthly Pills. Their immense sale has established their rep utation as a female remedy unappronched and far iti advance of every "other i tmcdy for suppressions and .irregularities, and other obstructions. in females. On the receipt of five lollars, these Pills will be sent by mail or express to any part of the world, secuie from curiosity or damage. Persons at a distance can be cured a borne, by addressing a letter to Dr. Ptu R.vtLT, corner of Sacramento and Montgom ery streets, Rooms lu and 11, or Pox ;7S,' P. O. Snn Francisco, stating tie case as minutely as possible, general habits of liv ing, occupation, etc., etc. All communications confidential. Iyr4p PBIVATE MEDICAL AID. Quiclc Cures and Jlodcratc Clinrares' Dr. W. K- Doherty's Private Medical S; Surgical Institute. No. 5 9 Sacra rjiento Street, corner of Leidesdcrftj (a few doors beJow l be What Cheer House.) (Private entrance on Leidt sdor ff street.) Established Expressly to A fiord the Afllicted Sound and Scientific Medical Aid, in the. Treatment and Cure of all Private ard Chronic Diseases, Cases of Secrecy arid air Sexaal Disorders. t t ... To tlc Afllicted. DR. V. K. DOHEPTY returns his sincere thanks to his numerous patients for their patronage, and would, take this opportunity to remind thm that lie continues to consuff ai. nis institute lor the cui c of chronic dis eases of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Dices tive and uenito-Urinai v Oreatis; and all private diseases, vjz : Syphilis in all its forn and stages, Sem!?iil Weakne.-s sirid all the horrid consequence? Of elf-abtise. Conorr heft Gh et, Strictures, Nocturnal and Diur nal Emissions. Sexual Debility, Diseases of the Pack und Loins, inflammation of the Bladder and Kidneys, etc. ; and he hopes that his long experience and successful pi sic-, fice will continue to insure him a share of public patronage. Py the practice of many years in Europe and the United States, he is enabled to aply the most efficient and suc cessful remedies against diseases of all kinds. He uses no mercury, charges fliodcrate.tieaU his patients in a coirect and hor orabie way, and has references of urquestionable veraci ty from men of known respectability and' his? standing in. society. All parties con-' salting hfft by letter of othei wise, will re ceive the bs! and gentlest tieatme .t aid5 implicit secrecy. To Females. "When a female is in trouble, or afflicted' with disease, as weakness of the bark and limbs. naiA th thf hfart H loss of muscular power, palpitat;dri of the' heart, irritability, nervousness, extreme ur inary difficulties, derangement of digestive functions, general debility, vaginitis, all dis eases of the womb, hysle'ifa, steiility and all5 other diseases peculiar to females, shtshould go cr write at once to th celebrated female' doctor, W. K. DOIIKPTY, at bis Medical In stitute, and consult YtiA al 7 - ...... t vut ;ici llOUUJfS and diseases. The Doctor is tflt-Cfipo- fnofe r r. , 1- J j"'.iciaii in tne Mate ot Calilornia. Let no inlwo tot;. U-x.: . von, but apply immediately and save yourself ....... fuuciincs una premature deatb. All married lad oilier circnmstiinrps nwnn i.w...... :.u . ' v vim oil 1IH IFdJC IJi their tiimilies hould write or call at DR. W.- rw. 1.UU1.K1 1 -h .Meflical Institute, ar.d jHevv will receivp piim- riAcir.fA i:..- . , ui.:. T, ,. unci l 1 1 ij , II ej V . lhe Doctor g offices" re so arranged tha ft' cau ue consulted witSont fear of obseiVatiOU. To Correspondents'.- Patients rcsidintr in anv r.ott nni.oCtnl. I ... J , w . I t -- nowever fiismnt n-i.n n. i- ;:.. " " u( on r I lie ;;.'llltHII and adviceof DK DOllFirrv ir, tive cases, and who think proper to sutn.it a , ... ik v. i-u.ii. in jii r iei t uce I IP ly assured that their commfinieations w ill be held sacred and confidential. If the case h? full3' and candidly described, personal com munication will be tmnecessnry, as instft!c tions for diet, r egimen and the general treat ment of the case itsel f (including the reme d:es), will be forwarded without delav, anoS' in snch a manner as to convey no idea'of ther purport of the letter or parcel. q Consultation by letter or otKcrWisr, FUEE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no pajv- S per in a t orrlior a. DR. DOIIERTY has iust nuMisbf-d a ,rr. portant t!amrhlet. e mbort and experiences in relation to Imr.of ence cD iiimij , oeiug a .-non treaties em peima torrhft a or Seminal Weakness, N'ervous, and- : n sicai Dc rjiiity consequent on this afiec t on, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs This little work contains information of the' utmost value to a!l,whefrier marriedorsingle" and will be sent FLEE by mail on receipt off -ix cenfs in pestate stamps lor return post age. Address. W.-K. DOIIERTY. M. P., Jjlygol San Francisco Cal 1 piPETlIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoqne & Co.r OREGON CITY, tSrLKeep constantly on hand for sale.fl Midlings, Bran and Chicken Feed, Parties pui chasing feed must famish the sacks, O o o o 0 G O i I COURTESY OF BAJGR0FT LIBRARY. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. T5T7DVT7T T-ntr n .