0 (lc tottkitj (gutgrpttsg. TOAVX AXI COUNT V. Notice. The public will take noUce that all Estr&y notiws-vhich have hereto-, fore been published by the Siate Printer ire-required under the litigant Act to be pnfclishel in the paper . designated as the official paper of the court- m which the property is found. As tae- Enteh fhisEH the official organ fur Clsckama County; all Estray Notices, iron it, must be published in this paper. 1 ub xlibed elsewhere, Ihey are illegal and Worthless. Death of Edwai D O. XEr.nrawf. A sad gloom was cast over our city last Sunday Jtnorning by the announcement of the sud den death of Ed. Meldrum, a young man Veil and favorably known in this place. . trho has worked at different iinies in this Office ever since this paper was started, find learned hi3 trade in the Anus oflice, The circumstances of his death are some what remarkable. He had been, so it ap pears, stiffening Vlth the tooth ache tho night before, and in the morning ho got viip about 5 o'clock and went out to the roodshed for wood to make afire. In a ;j6ff rniatC.es. probably five, Mrs. Meldrum Imagined that she heard a strange noi-c 4 . I. ."It : nrl.nro 1 1 '1 fl (TlinO fl tl 1 .rushed out with a candle. She found him Jyingn the ground in an insensible con .:lition. lie Was earned in the house, and 'his pulse ceased to beat almost instantly, ifiedical .aid was summoned and at the ifiouse within fifteen minutes from the time jLe went to tho. .woodshed. The physician pronounced him. dead, lie was not a very Wealthy young man. but had been in the enjoyment of his - tisual health up to the time he retired Saturday evening, lie .tvas to Church on Salurday evening and ifter going home, sat up With his parents Until adout 11 o'clock, showing no signs jof being unwell, but on the contrary, ap peared unusually good natnred and Kept happy conversation. It is supposed that .disease of the heart was the cause of his death. The body retained sotr.e warmth ittntil Monday, and the funeral was fixed tbr that day at 2 o'clock, but va defferred N.'.ntil the rteXt day. The Good Templars attended his funeral in a body, of which brder he was a member, lie was born on the 11th day of October. IS 13 and llied on the 10th day of February. 1871. being 21 years. 4 months and 5 days of nge. IIj was universally es'omed by til! ,Avho knew him. and his sudden and nnex .'peeted death has made many a sad heart .among those of our citizens who had known hhu from childhood. Peace be to his spirit. . School L.wnj. We are under obliga tions to II. II. Oil fry, K-q-, for the following i 11 relation to School and Univer.-ity lands: 42,028.23 acres of indemnity school lands have been approved by the Register and Receiver of this phr-e and sent to Washing ton some time since for approval by the ."Coitimis sinners of the General I. and ollife. ;';y, f59.yi act cs have been propeily U-te University lands, cleir of conflicts, and ready (or approval, and will be f'01 w .irded to Wa.sh'ng'oa in a lew 2ay-. i,fSt.73 acres were selected on Wednesday last by His Ex-cllenev Gov. G rover as Univvrity .iands, the same be'ng for t!i deficiency V tcasioaed by pre-emption and homes-cads having been flieJ 0:1 University l.-.nds se lected sjvi-ra! 3 ears airo. t1, "(;'".. 5 are-s of fie old selections of the otV.oni) acres have been lifted, and ,'."!;. 01 acr s were selected by the Governor t ; 1 i -s we.-k for tin? same pur pose, all of which wi I lie approved and for warded to af.irijiton at an ear.v day. Wauufn-'s Kecoud of Attaixmkxt.- We l, liaffe received from the publisher. Mr. S. J. McCormick. of Portiand, a small book bearing the above,' title, designed for the itse ot parents, teachers and pupils. Prof. 11. K. Warren. Principal in one of the Hchools at Portland, an old and experienc .. teacher, is the author. It is designed .to be a daily record of the attend. usee, p orress in study, and deportment of the pupil, with a month!' report of the same to t lie parents. The little work is certain ly most complete and convenient. The work also contains some useful hints to parents, teacher and pupils. It may be had from (he publisher at 2.3 cents fVr a single copy, or S2 per dozen. pHnsoxAr, Governor a Call last Wednesday. Grover give u? The Governor is j .TPrttnir Jita l,cf onnret ef.M-. ihts i "i .' , " . . " i jaous uouaieu 10 me ou.ie 101 ccuooi auo j Ajniversity. purposes, which have almost j become lost to the. State by reason of no lect ot the. Kauicai.s. . i lie tovernor is broting almost his entire time to the in terests of the peojile. and we predict that ,vhen his term of ofllee exp-'ren. the peo jle will have reason to congratulate jthemselves that they had succeeded in se curing his services to place matters right. Sai.i.ik Bkcwx. We received a vale i en- tine rom this young lady last week. We regret very much that we cannot give her the desired information. If there were jitt some serious obsticies. in the way. we would suggest onrself as the identical .person who could gratify the desires of our -dear Sal. JJu,t as this, is impossible, jve will say to I;cr to wait a. little longer and we will take our devil in train ing, and should we meet with the success anticipated, in a few years will be the jvery chap -Sal'" is seeking after. That is the best we can do for you, "dear Sal,'-' ( Toetuv. Editors sometimes get strange tricks played on them,, but we have never before heard of an ? tempt to palm off I " i. ' h3 original a certain piece of doggerel ivhieh has gone the rounds of almost all the advertisements in the country. The liext time our lriend wishes "Gossip one to Gossip , Two'; published, she had belter cut it out of some paper and furnish it in f printed form, as compositors prefer to e?t from reprint to bid manuscript. Correction. Some of our exchanges have the farm recently sold by Capt. Hodges located in Linn county. We made an error and placed it in Linn Citv, opposite this place. The farm is located about five miles above here, on the west pide of the river. The sale was effected through Gov. Curry, and is generally re garded as a good one. Lectiuk. The first oi' A course of lec- ures for the benefit of the Good Toirm- lar's Library Association, will bo deliver rd next Wednesday evevtng bv Rev. T. L Eliott, of Portland, at the Conijiega tional Church. The well established reo utation of Mr. KSiott as a lecturer should attract a full house. N-vnitow Rsc.vrr;. A m:m who jrocs bv the name of Count, came near goin" over the falls last Sunday. lie was intoxicated and did not appear to realise his perilous condition. Mr. Chas. Fonts seeing the danger in which the Count was. took a boat, and at tho risk of his own life saved hiiu from Eroinsr over. rRisoxKits. The county jail contains two prisoners at present, awaiting the next term of Court, Indiiti Jtrn. for stab bing another Indian, and Hall, who made nn attempt to rob .Mr. Kahn at Mil waukie. They both will probably be engaged to tnake brick for the ttate this summer. New Bcilpixg. Mr. Worfman is erect ing a frame building south of the Barlow Housed IIlkt. A in an named William Nelson met with a severe accident in the factory last Wednesday. He had his hand caught in a card, which tore a terrible gash the length of his forearm, and leaving the bone exposed. Revival. The revival still continues. We learn that it ihjo continue ith a set determination to create an excitement. Generally very little good is caused bv such excitements to the cause of Christ. " Jcpgs Stout. "We karri, with sincere regret, that Judge Stout's illness 13 of such a nature that his life is despaired of. Skwixg Societt. The Ladies Sewing Society of the Episcopal Church meets next Tuesday at the residence of Mrs. Noltner. The steeitiship Ajax leaves Portland to morrow afternoon, at i o'clock, for San Frat) Cisco. . . .. Thanks. Judge Can Held has our thanks for copies ol the" New York Day Book. The Guilty Ones. - - The Radical press 7:-;?3 much to say about the outrages perpetrated in the Southern SUtes. The Washington Patriot thus explains who the guilty parlies are in these outrages : When Mr. Morton's incendiary resolu tion was presented to the Senate, Mr. Wilson was prompt to claim the floor, and without waiting for the papers sent in by the President to be primed, or any testimony to be taken, he proceeded to denounce the South in the most violent and unseemly manner, with the evident purpose ot exciting predjudice over the country, lie said on that occasion : These papers I know something about,. They present an appalling record of the" terrible crimes t b r t have been committed in this country, and which have dishon ored not only the country . but the ago in which we live. There is official this counirv. record from the officer of It is a very sni all part, as all men who know anything about it know, of what has been done. And yet there is a record there such as no Christian and civilized land during the last live year c m present. And when these are printed or come to light, whoever exam ines the subject will come to that conclu sion." The papers have been printed. We have examined them with the utmost, care, and have published the testimony of the oliicei's of this country," called as wit nesses by Mr. Wilson, and they, one a.id ail. without t'.xceptidd, pronounce his charge to He wholly vni'ouudcd. They are wilfully and wickedly untrue. That is the every Clear and emphatic utterance of army ofl'.jer who served m North Carolina, and it is confim-d by the omeial message of Governor lloldeU; delivered only a few weeks ego. Tile Radical Governors of South Carolina. G.'orgi 1, Alabiitvi, Florida. Mississippi, E misin 1, and Arkan'a have spoken out. in emphatic cmtradicion of Mr. Wilson's chargt-s. because 'hey well knew that I lie only real outrages committed in those Sta'es lay at the doors of their own revo lutionary ami venal iollowers --the loyal" miscreants, outlaws and plunderers whom Mr. Wilson had sent down as emmisaiies among the Southern people as (it expo nents ot the " humanity'-' and " moral ideas ' preached by the coi rupliomsts in Congress. Vet this man. who has thus vilified a whole section of the Pnion because it has spurned, as it ought to snurn. the contwn ination loathsome adventurers who prop erly represent Northern Radicalism, and refit ed to kiss the rod of the spud r. is one 6: the committee or cabal appointed tojnllame the pi-si m of venganee, an I to exV;te, if" possible, another crusade a'jaiast a po:s cured people. How elver fully and with what candor he will do LP share id' the work, may be easily imag ined from Judge l!acks recent exposure of his suppression of the truth in regard to Mr. Cameron's removal from tho War De partment by President Eincolu. Here are the blustering words: After your fht article appeared, and before uiy answer to it. a leading and very distinguished member of the Repub lic a"n party in this State told yort that you h id misstated the tacts concerning Mr. Cameron's retirem nt, and especially the HUnOrtanl and j riUCipat MCt Ol IUO Slip a , 1 r.-ti- 1! nre.sseu note from the President: and he referred to the C.tief Justice who. upon being interrogated give you '.he authentic Information that such a note had been and . suppressed. written, delivercl, Thereupon you jo'r.nnly promised that if you ever had occasion to refer to the sub ject iicrair! you Would till the whole truth. iiesides Judgn Chase, after m; review of you. wrote me a letter irom canuusivy. Ohio, in which he said that he wrote tin; note in question, and mentioned that he had also written ti you. What he wrote you of eoiiise I do.not know, btit he cer tainly did not give 7 ni one version and me another. You have therefore tin; written statement of ti c. Ch'ef Justice, in addition to his verbal nscur ince. With i.ll these before you, and with all the obligations of common veraci y. strengthened by an expressed promise to tell the truth, what do Vet; do in 'your second article ? Why. y On simply stick to yorr first story. Nay. you take great trouble to smuggle the truth away and bury it out ot sight ; for. instead cf, producing Judge Chas-e's letter to yourself, in which the fact, no doubt, is fairly stated, you give us an ex tract from another letter written by him to Cameron, from which you are per milted to quote"' nothing whatever on the sub'oct of that important letttr. ... r 1 . , AxoTiiKit Rkhuft-. Experience is a stern teacher but Grant do--3 not seem to heed its lessons. He dabbled in the local poli tics of Missouri, and a lesson was adminis tered to him that a wise man should have remembered. Hut it seems that the im passive mummy of the White House is im nervions! to iuir of those warnings that statesmen acknowledse, and is yet blind in his own vanity and conceit. Senator Thaver. of Nebraska, is a reryilo and truc- u'ent adherent. of .the fcrturirs cf Grant, lie desired re-electi.cn at the bands of the Nebraska Legislature. Grant desired it aiso. and wrote a letter dictating to uie legislature the reelection of Thayer. Thayer had fair prospects previously, but Grant's letter destroyed them. The inde pendent members of that body repudiated the President's unmannerly interference and defeated Thayer si nil elected Mr. Hitchcock who, if not a Democrat, at least opposes Grant's admin:stration. Will I Grant heed this lOSSOit i:'.xchanqc- Srr.ci.vi. IxnrcKMnxTs. Ve arc having enm-avod. by the celebrated Jackm in. a tnaniucent Steele r!:iti likimc nt" Dr. plate likeness V in Evrie. o.li or ot tho lit,, Ilnul- and ; author of White h'llprtll.,cv.J, " The j Normal Condition cd" the Nt-ro." &c. ic. t a sjnendid work of art. a Picture thirteen 1 oy sixteen inches, which we shall present j to-Dry h,)frc ciubs ot five to'twentv mem i b:rs: w,; pd 2 each. No na'me can I obtain the likeness under 52 ;V; V.'e open the year with a" new 'and bri'. j hart story by Mary J.Taylvr ; sCl-neslaid j 1:1 South, before the war. and the first ; i-it-sruiawoa 01 a true picture of South ern , no-, uroer specimen papers. M ake ui V'JUr C.ltlH, :mt Send .It nnon .1,1.',. . . J'".v m-v-jk, iii-Nassau street. Xew York City. MED. In t,is citv. Feb. !, 1S71, Edwh, O. Mel-d.-um. nged .1 renis, 4 months and 5 davs. The Patrons of Husbandry. Thi3 is the name of a Farmers' Associ ation now being organized in the Western States. Men. women and children may become members of it. The Associations are called Granges, and denominated local, Suite and National, and are after the plan of ether Associations, formed for special purposes, centering, in State and National representative bodies. Col. Daniel C. Curtis, ol Washington City, has been chosen organizer, and is now in Ohio on that business. . The New London Record is a paper published io New London, Huron county, Ohio, from which we learn the farmers held a meeting on the lt'ih of January to consider the propriety of organizing a Grange. Col. Curtis was present, and said: It was a good Institution he was organizing throughout the country, he lelt interested in it.s success. It does not re quire the wisdom ot a Solom n to see and understand, that every mm wants what is his own, and that he Wants protection in the sale and transportation ot his Wares. This protection cannot be left to others, for if a man does not attend to his own business, it will not be attended to." . The paper named concludes its report as foiltiws : . Then as agricultural industry is the most important of all. and the foundation of success to all others, it should possess every possible facility to give it efficiency, and it if the duty as well as the privilege of farmers to adopt every legal means to keep pace in progress and intelligence with till other classes, and to prevent mo nopolies and speculators from taking ad vantage of them in the matter of markets, prices, etc.. as is often the case by combi nations and concerted schemes. The speaker showed that the Order cf 'Patrons of Husbandry7 is an organization in which the farmers combine for fira ern ity. and effectually to protect themselves from the unjust operations of middlemen and railroad and other monopolies. He showed thit it was for the advantages of farmers everywhere (o form Granges of he l a ror.s Of Husbandry. . He explianed its objects and woi kings, how to proceed to get ihern up. and allud 'd to their bene ficial resu t; i:i States where they already have been organized. This is all we konw of ihe asociation at present, but we will t y and keep the run of this as of every other movement that may be made for the benefit of our indus trial interests. Agriculture form Ihe b 1 sis of our national weait t. It lias built our railroads, our great cities, and most of our new States. Even in California our mineral products, in value, have, be come secondary to those of farming and grazing. If any branch of industry re ceives protection needed by farmers is against being preyed upon by capital end etpiialP 9, They are swindled out of millions in the name of protection and it is time they were combining to protect them selves against sue!) protection. Examiner. Nk'W Paf Kit MAxrFvcri iaxG Company. Articles of incorporation were filed at the County Clerk's oilice in this city yesterday, for the purpose ot m inniacturing and selling priming and wrapping paper, by George T. Myers. Win. Lueth .vaite and 1 r. Williams. The incorporation proposes leasing the mills of H. L. J 'i t:tek & Co., on the Clackamas river, and for the pur pose of their business have incorporated with a capital stock of 820.01)0, in shares of SlUdeach. The principal otlice is to be kept in Portland. Iiuiletin. i f you have a disctiai ; iioni toe nose, of fensive or otherwise, partial iosso ihe sei:se of sme!l, taste or hearing, eyes watering or weak, f'.el dull and .ta;id or debilitated. I a;n or pressure in the ht'ao, take col. J easily, you may he sure you have the Ca tarrh. Thous in Is annually, without mani festing haif of Ihe above symptom-;, Urmi- II ite in (.'on-uaiptien and end ia the grave. No disease is so common, more deceptive or less uaderstjod by phy.-iii iaa-s. Dr. It. V. Pierce, 1U3 Sen?ca street ., balfalo, N. Y., is the .sole propriet r ' or f . Sage's Catarrh U on rl v a effect sperifis for (J.iturrh ' Cofd in the Head," or Catarrhal Headache, which he sends to any address b' mail on receipt o" six:y ccuts. JSold by all dru.rgi.sts. No Wonder. So many worthies modi-eir.e-! advertised for the cure of various dis eases, and v.h.-ri tried ''foun I wanting'' that the invalid loses all faith in speeifics. We have yet to learn, however, of the first failure of If 'irl-.ir's Ej'-um ot I Vild Cherry, to cure coughs, colds, and pulmonary disease. Tlio Great Tamlly Bleilic'no. TAKEN INTERN" ALLY, It cures sadden ro!ds. Coughs, vc., and Weak StoMUu-h, General LVbility, Nursing Sore Mouth, Canker, Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia or Indigestion, Cramp or Pain in the Stomath. Rowel Complaint, Painters' Colic, Asiatic Cholera, Diai i havi and l'ysentcry. AP PL! EI) EXTE R N A ELY, Cures Felons, Boils, and Old Sores, Revere Ruins, Scild-, Ruts, Bruises and Sprains, Swelling of the Joints, Ring-Wo- m and 'fet ter, Broken Breasts. FnsteVl Feet and Chi. blains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, JSeural ria and llhe'uoatism. : It is a sure remedy lor Ague, Chills and Fever. Taken ihternal-, should be adulterated with milk or water, or ;nade into a syrup with nio'asscs- Fr a Cough a few drops on mi gar, caUn, will be more effective than anything else. See printed directions, which accorrpany cach bottle. Sold by Druggists. feb3 ml RESTAUR AN T. E 3 M DcLOUEY, Prop'r ILA TE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE MUX STREET, OREGON' CITV, OREGON". HpiIE UNDERSIGN ED IlE- a. r j 1 I it u,v diuiutun.U't n Ilia VI-." V friends and ttie t. ave in p.,b!ic, that tie wit! re-open tie? a: ove named Restaurant, on Monday, January SO, 1ST 1 . Th-3 proprietor knows how to serve his customers with Ovst ms, Pi's Feet, a good cup of Coffee or a SQUARE MEAL. LivON DtiLOUEY. Oregon Ci!v. Jan. 27, lS7i:tf BAKERY. ITS A F2 Y,HARDEKG&CO., Successors of L. Dilltcr in the Lincom Bakery, BEG LB AYE TO INFORM THE CTTI zens of (reon City and surrounding conntrv, tlirxt they keep constantly on baud and l r sale, all kinds of BREAD, CR U'kLKS. CAKES, PASTRY; CAN DIE" AND NUTS. Alsri, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders promptly tilled, and proods deliver ed .at the residence ot tne puicnastr wnen desired. The highest prices paid f ;r Butter, Eggs and Yegetabl -s. A liberal -hare of public patronage is re spectfully solicited. April 23, 157c:l7 I I W L84oWlBZO I m : I! t.H.McD0NALD&C0.. wizard a rs .'4 TAtT T2ZSZZZZZ, CL MA .;. t..c r.lf ?it"on of Deal ."3 t- ttirSr Izrjtt assort f Arrived" OooSs, coip-Wert V ' ?rt of tae f-tlowii! rrttelcs. tosr-t'tor v.--'r rr U;i or !:ort. In a irptt Bttpusd VlIOLi. IR L ti oTOKE. TE NT Mai.'ICINTTS. J'Klv.McTa' fcrA-CUIE!.. :5SPNTT r. OIL--, I l'KRFrMERirS, vE20S3Sa Oli.. I F'lSKJM Cits, TTh'." i-c riir.T r.t tlie lcxrrft fr.rh Prices, and ire cteterurlui-il net to l c undersold. K. n. J'cDOXAiD CO., Sax Veakcisco, Cal- thc Great Medical Biscovery! Dr. WALKEE'3 CJlIilFOIlNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, Hahdrcds cf Thousands Bear tcrlimony to their Wonder- h. o o ful Curative x.uucLs. g tH WHAT ARE THEY?bi c F 2 tiiet ai:e ::ot A vile N C Y DRIN K.Pf? Made of I'ooi Tti:i, Whiskey Vvavt Bpirits and licfiiso biquui s doctored, spiced and sweetened to please .the taste, called"Ton Ics,"" Appetizers," "Restorers," &c, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a trao Medicine, made from lUeK,atiye Roots and rierbs of California, free f rinu nil Alcoholic Stimulants. They arc the U It EAT BLOOD PUItlFIElt and llFE i 1 VINO PttlN CI PLE a perfect Kenovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying oflfall poisonous matter and restoring tiic blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bitters according to direc tion and remain long nnwell. For Inflammatory nan! Clironic Rhcu 10 at i soi and (lout, Dyspepsia, ttv Indi tresliou, liilions, II ensi 1 1 en t and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases ol" tho DInod, Iiver, Iv'sdneys, and Iiladdcr, these Bit ters have beca most successful. Such Dis cuses arc caused b7 Vitiated Blood 'svhleli ia generally produced by derangement of the Di'stive Orprnns. DYssPEl.-IA OK. INDIGESTION. Headache. Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad taste ia the Mouth Eiliou3 At tacks, "Falpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain id the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off springs of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of un equalled efficacy ia cleansing the blood of all impurities, and imparting uow life and vigor to the whole ss'stem. FOR Sit. IN DISEASES, Krnptions.Tetter, Salt Itheum, Blotches, Spots, rimples. Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, King-Verms, Scald-Head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of Vhatcver name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a Ghorttime by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such tascs will convince the most incredulous of their curative eCecta. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its impurities bursting through the skin inPim plcs, Eruptions or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure und tho health of the system will follow. FIN, TAPE and other -WORMS, lurking in the system of so many t'aousands. are effectually destroyed and reninvoJ. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. II. McDON AL15 & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Cal and S3 and SI Commerce Street, New" Vork. BOLD BT ALL Dr.UGGISTS AND DEALERS. 1 e 0 . 1 . : 1 , OREGON CITY, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN T"? 62 tf iTh TTfc . -1 GROCEE5SES, BOOTS &SISOES, ft I also keep coustantly on hand SALEM C A S S I M EKES, FLA N X ELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which I will sell nt the Facfory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. 57I will also pay the highest price1? for Butter. Eggs, and all kinds of good country produce, i will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash o-its equivalent in good merchantable produce. jKff".Iiv me a call and sati-fy yourselves. DlER SKINS WANTED, .; JOHN MYERS. Jan. 13,1871 tf JESTABIIISISEIJ : : f 1S19. EBKE3T A. F.RLAN3S0N, GENERAL Commission lilorchant, AND bMALEU IK DRUGS, CHEMICALS. ESSENTIAL OILS. i)YE STTFFS AND G ( E NERAL MERCHANDISE. BY THE PACK AG F ONLY'. Ca-h Orders for Goods of every descrip tion frem this or any Fo- eign Market, wiT id eive prompt and faithful 'attention. MINERS. MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE TRADE SUP PLIED FOR CASH. Xo n'dice 1 r attention piid to orders fr go-'ds, it' there i- no provision made tor the pa nient of tlie same. CoriGignmont Solicited. OFFICE, - Merchants' Exchange. San Francisco, California. TERMS NET C VSII. ON DELIVERY, IN U. S. GOLD COIN. PackaSe prices. JSt. E. Oregon Prcpucts Solicited On Consignrnenf. Jan. 27:tf JTBUCHTEL'S NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, No', fl First Street, (Second door south of Lis old stand), Portland, Oregon. I AM PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL work in my line in a superior manner, with all the latest improvements in the ait. Nothing but tirst cl ass wot k done at my new and mag.i ficent rooms, at low prices. CALLAND EX AMINE SPECIMENS. Feb. 10, 1871:m5 c ri m M u 1 if zr- 3 O c r; -i " 0? s C0URTESX OF BANCROFT LIBHARI, TrMTVRRSTTy OF H AT.T5YYPWTA NEW STOR m 9 !!E ST PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE STORE. Cor. First & Morrison sts. JJAYING OPENED OUR NEW STOC.T SSttOES, 9 9 We itz now prepared to furnish our cus tomers with Best Quality of Goods, Of our own and Eastern Manufacture, at ."VisiiY LOW PRICES. Call and Examine Our Stock IBoots & Slioes OF ALL KINDS AKD STILZ Wc Always Iiavc the Latest Most Fashionable Styles osi Hiinil. Protzman, GiSiihan & Co., tic rnsr Tirst and Morr ictn iis PORTLAND, OREGON. Feb lu 187. :tf 1 mi 11 1. w iso 10 niitii ui you, it'a'Jci, mat I):-. Wonderful, or any other roan,' I. as dis covered a remedy that cures Consumption, when the luns are half consumed, in short, will cure all diseases whether of ndiid, body or e-tat?, make men live forever, and leave death to play for w nt of work, and is desk-nod to make our sublunary sjdiere a bliss ful Paradise, to which lleav?u ;telf shall be but a n'de show. You have heard enough of that kind oi' humbmxge.y. . Hut wliea I tell you that Dr. Sage's Catdrih Remedy vill positively cure the worst case of Cat n 1 h in the Head, I only assert that which thou sands can testily to. 1 will pay 000 reward tor a case that f cannot cute. A pamphlet giving svmptorns and other information sent (ice to any address. Thi.-i remedy is SOLD 15V MOST DRUGGISTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Price 50 cents. Sent by mail, pos'paid, on receipt of sixty cents, or four packages f.r .wo dollars. iseware 01 ccuiiierjai ana tcorthleM imitation. See that my private ,-t imp. which is a positive guarantee of Cen-vivtuf-'sP, is upon the outside wrapper. Re member that this private .-tahip, issued by the United Stntes (Government esprtsslv for stamping my medici'oes, has my portrait, nuiii! and address,, aed the w ords " U. S. Certificate of Genuineness," engraved upon it. and need not lie mistaken. Don't be swindled by travelers and others represent ing themselves as Dr. Sage ; I am tlie only m 111 now living that has the knowledge and 1 i tr ! 1 1- to manufacture the. Gen-uine.)r. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, and 1 never travel to sell this medicine.' R V. PIERCE. M. D teblOnrf 13:J Seneca street, Uufl'alo, N. Y. GAROEMiMO FOR PROFIT," AND " Practical Floriculture," BT PETER HENDERSON, The firmer detailing the system of MntrUet (,atbning; the latter DESCRIPTIVE of ll e modes of Commercial Kloricult urr, a- practiced in the vui iity of New Y'ork. Mailed, prepaid, tor 1 50 each. Our Annual Dsscriutive Catalogue of VEGETABLE axd FLOWER SEEDS. C n tain ins- two new and BEAUTIFULLY" COLORED PLATES, is now ieady. Also, Catalogue of NEW AND RARE PLAINTS ILLUSTRATED with Colored Plates and Enut avings. Roth will be mailed on receipt of Twenty-five Cent-, or sent with either of th above Looks tree ct charge. lt!siKtl!OX & FLEMtjG, . Seed ItlcrcUants ami Browrrt, G7 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. feblOml , . Final Settlement. "S-N TJIK MATTiR OF THE ESTATE OF Daniel TruUinjrfr, deeeasee: In the County Court of Clackamas county, Htate of Onsron : The Adir laistvator of said estate having hied his final account for settlement thereof, it was order ed by the Court that the first day of the next regular term ot saia Court, oem? the tfi Alarcli, 1871, he set apart for hearing objections to said linal aeeount and the settlement cf the same with said Administrator. By order of said Ccurt. J. 21. FKAZER, Feb. 7, 1S71.4 County Clerk. Willamette Lndge Xo. 151. O. X Meets everv Saturday evening, at the roo:rs S.E. cornerof Mam and Fiftli streets, et 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting raemberB are invited attend. Vj- crdsr 01 . v. 1. 1-3""-"- t f ut1 n REDINGTOX, IIOSTETTER & CO. Stop that Coiigliiii 1 Some of you can't, and we pity yos. Yon have tried every remedy bnttl b ONE destined, by its intiiusie merit, to supersede all similar preparations. It is not surprising you -should be leltie tant to try somctLingflse af cr the many expe riments you have made of trashy . compounds foisted ou the publui as a Certain cure ; but NewcSI's Pulmonary Syrup is really the VERY' BEST remedy ever compounded for the cure of Coughs, Cold. Soie Throat, Asthma ll'iooping Coughs, Bronchitis and Consumption. Thousands of people in California and Oregon have been already benefited by the surprising curative powers of NeweiTs Pulmonary Syrup and with one accord give it their un qualified approbation. We now address ourselves to all who are unacquainted with this, the preatest panacea ot the age. for the healing: Of all diseases of the Tlirout mid Lungs, assuring you that fewell's Pulmoftafy Syrup Ins cured thousands, and it will cure Y'OCif you try it. This invaluable medicine is pleasant to the ta-te ; !-ooth-ing, healing and strengthening in its cfl'ecfs; entirt-ly free fr n all poisonous or deleterious drills. and perfectly harm less under all cii cumstances. For Sale ljr nil iri:egis'. REDING ! ON. IIO.TETIER & CO., 529 and o3l Market street, San Francisco. Iietlington'd Essence Jamaica Ginger, JVhich is conf.dvT'thj rtcorutncndi d as. the bent prepa, tioi nolo before the public. This valuable preparation, containing in a highly Co. centrated torni all the properties of Jamaica Ginger.has become one of the nmst popular domestic n nie dies for all diseases of the stcinach and digestive rgans.' As a tonic, it wilt be found invaluable to all persons iccovering fioin debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; for wf lie it imparts to the system ail the glow and vigor that can be produced by wine or brandy, it. is entirt ly free fri-.m the reactionary eflects th&t follow the use ot spiii;s of any kind. It is a'so an exeelh n.t remedy for fetoales who stiller from difficult men struation, giving alnv st immediate re lief to the ;-piism-; that s-o frequently ac company that period. It give-; ltnriii-iliaie . relic f to Nausea, caused by riilii g iU a .railroad car, or Ly sea sick;. ess, or Uwr causes. It. is also valua le us an external np plicatoti for Gout, Uheumatibin, Neu ralgia, etc. ' - - -. REDBGTUX, HOSTETTKR & CO., 529 and 531 Market street, San Francisco. Rediiigton'S F i av o v 1 11 g Extracts ARE THE PERFECTLY' FERE AND highly c need rated Extracts from Fiesh Fruits, prepared with great are. Thev ;'ie put up in superior stvle, and in a bottle li hiiiig TWICE AS MUCH as the ordinary brands of Extracts. Comparing quality and contents, none other are neatly so cheap. Whenever tested on thkir merits, they have been ad .pted in preference to nil otluos, ami are-now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS o! the Pucdic Coast. 31 A UK THE AD VAXTAGES. By purchasing Rcdington's ,Cnr ch trated Flavoring Extract.-, you obtain au article not only supei ior in richness and delicac oi flavor to u; y o her of a simi lar nature, but far moie economical, be cause ecch b- ttle holds double the quantity contained in a bottle of any other flavoring extract sold. UElilNCiTOX, IIOSTKITER 2. CO., Agents for the PaciGc Coast. P. Would yon escnm; FEYER AND AGUE, and preserve heyl.th and vigor durinjrthe sickly season, In eke occaional use of the following as A PREVENTS VE. If yoa are ATT VCKED with Chills and Bilious Fever, or have been a victim to such disease, and used ot her so-called remedies without permanent relief, seek at once the safest and surest CUEE, by usinr. according to directions MASON & PGLLARL' or, Fever and Agi?c Fill. Tirne has proved them ttiorouglily to be the safest and- most reliable -remedy known; They contain no mercury or it!;er mineral or chemical. Thy.are exclusively ..vege table. Thoy stimulate the timetions of the liver. Congestion isimpossible where they are used. They do not deter from daily labor. By a-sistinp: digestion they add flesh and mu-clelo the fiarre. They are aoaoted to all ages and both sexes, at-d as a FAMILY MEmomE VYi',1 CURE in their inctpichry, three fourths of all .diseases incidental to. a malarious climate. For Dyspepsia, in small dose-, they have no equal. For sale by "all Drugi.sts. HEDIXGTOX, IIOSTETTEIt & CO., SuLE AGENTS. The Battle for Life Which is continually going on between health. Jind disease, has never receive.! from anv medicine such marked and un mistakable a.Hi-tance, M e slde of health, as it has from NeveH's Pulmonary Syrup BEDHCTO?, IIOSTETTER & CO., 529 and 531 Mirket street. San Francjsco.g ttT AUCTION AND GOMMI& AUCTIONEER ! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Pertlsnd, - . ATJGTJON SALES - Of Real Estate. Groceries, General Merchttri disc and Horses, Every Wed fend ay and Saturday f A. B. Richardson Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel Hois shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G A I SO - Iron ; A large assoi tin eh i of Groceries sr.d LicrC A. I. I'iciiAnnssnx. X!or-f tonerr 1: ' ' Li- ':- lr-' For a feir cents you caa luy cf your Grocer cr Bra rackaoof SEA .ii Uo"3 -4. it. IN made from pure Iriii . Kos3, or Carrageen, v.lucli Vill ifialio cixtccn quarts of Blanc Mange, and a llko quantity cf Pud dings, Custards, Creams, Char-' Ictto Ensso, &c. It 13 tho clieapest, health lest, and most delicious food in tho "VTOiiU. It makes a splendid Bosert, and has 110 eoaal as a Ifcht and delicato food for Invalids and Children. A GIcrio:is Chango ! ! tzzxz creat tvo fix r-s cvorcic. Plantation Bitters. cljcr of tlse Ccclilc and clcZjIJi- for t?2C tJcosl nss;! Im-sstii-sg, it lizis 110 -oqiiiil Eiiiio-jgf cson acSsicg. An n resi3C43y for filho nCIV05B3 YCCalj3C33 CO VS32Cll vokuch , tire especially si!;- JecJ, it i3 supcrsccliug cycry or ffagid, it acti iz specie iii every secscj of eiisortios wSascia B3:at3:;ki5iEa- else E;sc?:Sy st'en!la 522il E;se:2S 2ov,u fisic rtissES!:n3 . sparils. For sulc l" all DrtEg-gists. Aug. ;u, 1 570:1 1- . , IS ST TLB AT HIS OLD STANP, CORNER OF MAIN and SIX! II i-TFEETS OREGON C.TVj OREGON. - Q X7I1ERE II B WOULD INYITE HIS V friends and the public in gt-reial, to all and examine his stockonsisting ot c trenerul assortment of Goods, P.J? -v x-v ! er-t im n tl 13 n t. V-- IlltS 111 Cl S158, o O o Having frorc many years' experienb learned that O THE SECRET OF SUCCESS . LIES III SMALL PROFITS IS DETERMINED TO OFFER. SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL S lenee the Cry of PorJand Piices! Oregon City, August 2sth, 1S09. ACTIVE PEESONS O WAITED $100 A IIOllTHi I7NERGETIC PERSONS, CLERGYMEN"! , 1 doctors, lawyers, agents, business men, farmer- salesmen, dealers,: "mi alb others, male and femle willing to give their whole time or part of it, can e.isily mase q $100 OR. MORE A M ONTI1, , pn-inrr in lisrht, fionorabtc and staple l.usiness1? in which to in. ney is required. No competition. Exclusive territory given. Refeicuces as to character required. Stamps for return postage desired. Write 3 0145 ad : dress iu fu.l and plainly. 0 H. A. CARTY, SO. S15 CHESN'UT STREET; ril ILADELPE I A , PA; ACTIVE PERSONS U AVTEfi Jar. C:rr.5 o o o c o o o G o