e o o 5 O O 0 o O o o o o o Democrats, Be on Your Guard. nc President lias sent to Con gress a message, with accompany ing reports, upon the fcouthern condition. , The purp6se'of this dodore is an cxcitsc lor a new reconstruction of the Southern States, so as to bring t hem to the support of the Radicals. It is enough to know that Morton, or Indiana, wlio is rising rapidly to a bad eminence, proposed and ad vocates the? appointment of a spe cial committee of five Senat6rs,with attachees, fcc, to travel South and picli up grid-pack up all the false Uioods that ignorant negroes and scoundrelly whites haveset afloat relative to Klu-Klux and all that sortoof nonsense. u The simple and plain truth of j tiie matter is this : The country is going to the dogs hs fast as it can be driven there by Grant and his special friends. They will commit any crime to secure Qtheir pecuniary ends and keep their hold on office. Did not Grant, when he ent South after the war, "recommend that the South should be admitted to its old status at once for peace and order reigned there ? If it is otherwise now, whose fault is it? If the condition is other wise, it troves that the Black lie Hibliean administration of the country is a complete failure, and that instead of being the means of reuniting the sections on the In sis t'f peace, they have driven them further apart Words are getting to be of no force now-a-days, and it is one of the great, if not the greatest sign of the approaching struiri-de in which the strong arms A' the people will strike, even witlV out challenge of a word, these mis creants from their usurped power. Kvery movement, it has been ob served, made by Grant to his parti sans in Congress, has been toward the neutralization of all power in he hands of the President and Congress, and we speak sincerely when we assert that we should not be surprised to find on some line t'lay a proclamation, printed in of ficial papers, of the establishment indue form of a military govern ment. ' i 'j "'. Do 1 1 o era t. The First Nail. The authori ties of Memphis, Tennessee, have proceeded in a matter which should long since have engaged the attention of every community where decency is regarded and it is esteemed good to guard the moral and social life of the people against evil influences, to Wit: the exclusion from the people, so far as the regular channels of trade can be controlled, of the flash sen patioifJil papers of the East. The newsdealer of Memphis who shall sell these papers is liable .to indict ment for a criminal olfense, and properly so, for manifestly the man who disposes of these publications over his counter is only in degree Jess criminal than the publisher who issues them bv thousands it is as ten, or twenty, or fifty copies to one, or live or ten thousand. There are certainly evils of a more serious and dangerous chraacter than these flash papers, but that they are Qa potent instrument for trapping the youthful mind and oleading it astray, we think no man will question, and therefore thev should be nreveuted.as far as it is possible to do so, from circu lating. -- Tin: Sr. Domingo Exrrcnrriox The Xk;k Qukstiox Abroad. The good United States ship Tennessee is on her way to St. Do mingo with the expeditionary par ty sent out to invest igate the island. Or. in other words, to "spy out the olaud." The party includes states men, politicians, geologists, me teorologists, botanists, entomolo gists, iclit hyologists and journalists. !est of all for St. Domingo, the expedition is represented by the Caucasian and tiie African races. Fred Douglass, Sr., is assistant sec ret arv to the commission, and Fred Douglass, Jr., is private secretary of the commission. Xo doubt General Grant, in this mixed com mission, wi.-ditul to illustrate to the mixed Dominicans the equality of all races and colors in the United States a shrewd idea, looking to annexation by w ! bsidt'i : but how will it work on hoard si iij. liojie thciv will le tho harmonv oj' "the h:ijy I'ainily"" on loar,l be tween the two races, for otherwise the main object of tho expedition may be spoiled. X. Y. JLrahl. The average cost of each stu dent in the class of 1870 at Yale, during the course of four years, was s .), 0.3 50. j lad crawled into a sucrnv liops head, and his lirst exclamation was, '''Oh, for a thousand tongues."' AYhy i it possible for chickens to have a future existence? lie cause they have their necks twilled in Mis. Stephen A. Douglas (jfrs. Gen. Williams,) is said to have in herited a larjjt; amount of proporty iii cotlatul. Am ICnlish bishop once said : '"; Our u;irls arc poorly educated, but our 'boys will never i?nd it out." 9. schoolmaster in Ireland adver tised that he would keep a Sunday school twice a week Tuesdays and Satimlavs. " Is that clock il-rlrt over there ?,, asked a visitor the otb.-r dav. Kijrht over then," said a, bov : "'taint any where else.'1 . A listner complains that m the debate at a late meeting f the "milk producers' ass,-; ,tw, O nothing was said about water. It has been ascertained that there are in the United States, 61,9(0 ministers, of all denominations, at an average salary of 700. A girl must certainly be getting into the -lumber business when she pines for a spruce young man, of whom she thinks a trood deal. "Woman is a delusion!" ex claimed a crusty old bachelor lo a witty young lady. "A man is ah ways hugging some delusion cr other," was the quick reply. A magician advertises that "tie can cause brandy to disappear from a tumbler.,' We used to know lots of fellows 'do that trick' as easy as swallering.' Guess the onlv" difficulty in the way of accomplishing it is in find- ing the fluid "The blessed man that preached for last Sunday." said Mrs. 1 ar tington, "served , the Lord for thirty years first as a circus rider then 'as" a locust preacher, and last as an exhauster," Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State cf Oregon, for Clackamas, county. Lucinda Iiedputh, plaintiff, vs. Robert Eedpath, defendant. rOHOIUiKT KPDPATU, the alve named -a- Defendant: In the name of the State ut Omrmi, von are hereby required to appear arid answer the complaint iiktl against you m the above entitled suit by the first day of the next regular term of said Court, to be he id m th? Court House, in Clackamas county, Ufftfon, on the oth day of March, A. I). 1 ; and it you fail so to answer, the plaintiff will app'v to the Court lor the relief demanded therein. The .-; 1 suit is brought against yon to obtain a decree dis solving the inarriasiC eo-itraet heretofore existing between you and said plaintiff, on the ground ot cruel and" inhuman treatment, and to have the care and custody of Ithoda Jane, the issue of said marria--'e, awarded to said pUuiiltli, and lor gen eral if Iff ; audit "ppcariini t' ti'e satisfaetion of the Hon. W". VT. Upton, Ju ice of said Court, at his Chambers, on the ioth day of January, 1H71, that service of summons cannot be had up on (i' feiidant in accordance with Sec. Xi of the Code of civil procedure, and that the defendant is not a resident of the State of Oregon, it was then and there ordered that this summons be served bv publication. CHARLES E. "WARREN, Attorney for l'laiutiff. Oregon City, Oregon, Jan. '27, 1871.: wo. Surrmtons. In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county. March Term, 1871. Samuel Eagle, Plaintiff, aintiti', 1 St, def 't. ) vs. Vction at Law. William Armpriest rgpG WILLIAM ARMPRIEST, said defendant In the name of the State of Oregon, you are required to apnear in .said Court witlnn ten days after the service of this summons ujioti you, if served in Clackamas county, or if served in any orher county in said Si ate. m twenty days after service, and' answer the complaint tiled iu tlw above entitled action ; and this summons min: ordered to be served bv publication, you are here by required to appear in said Court and answer the complaint on or netore me nrsi uay u me ne-ct. term thereof, commencing on the 3d Mon- chiv of March. A.' I).. 1871: or in t-a.ie you fail so to answer when such- service is made upon you, th nlaintilf will take judgment against you lor the sum of four hundred and eighty-eight and 85-100 dollars, and interest at ten per cent, per annum since tiie 5i.h day of February, A. J). 1S01, and tor his costs anil i! istmrs eineiits of tins ac tion. JOIlMSO.S Jc MeCoWX, Phi's Att'ys. Jan. 27, 1871.:w6 SEWING MACHINES ! ! COMPETITION DEFIED. TE SELL THE SINGER, WHEELER & 7 Wilson, Howe, Elliptic, Grover fc P.iker, Weed, Pallium, Keystone, Ulet Gold Medal, American combina: ion, Puvi Empire, tinkle & Lvons, Wmox & Gibbs wi.ii a complete outfit, late t improvements, all extra attu hinents and case at X'h.K Tiie W ilson, Folsoni , .McLean A. Hoo)'t-. harthram ft 1 anion, wii li outlit, impi ove ments, ail extra att tci;nicut and ease at SOS The 15u:keve, I)iai;iond, American, Home Slmttle, Uiistol with outlit, taole, attach ments and ease, at i'.i.). 1 'he Common Sense, Octagon, l?anner and all other hand machines wis it optiit liemmef and tucker at spj. No toy siiiiciiines sold. A eoni dese set of attacliiiieuts for li-rn- inliiL; line, coarse and w ide, binding any ma leriai, ('.idting, tucking and making ihe nest tuck, mining and gatbei lniTj doing away with M.st.nir altogether. Jtade to su;t auv machine. Ouiy tise complete set sold, $5. KfJXTTINCr BIACHIWESi The Lamb at slo : the Crane at ; the Ilinkley. Diamond '-7 ; the Hickl'ord, Ame lean, Essiok, New Haven $'10. 8 WS allija When the money is sent with tho order we.-hip with ail trcight charge- prepaid as far as the .Mississimu, or sent C. o. I)., on receipt of had the amount, and charges added. L, PERECfirJS & CO., 511 KING STREET, WILMINGTON, DEL. 1847. 1871. New Goods ! New Gorods ! II. CAUFIKLI) 1 EOS LEA VETO TNFOIiM t E PUiiLTO 13 that he has refitted the old stand, corn da.n and Seventh Sts., Oregmi City, and lias rec ived an entire new stock of goods, con sitting of I) II V G OODS, G It O CZMES, CROCKER I', GLASS WARE, WOOD EX WARE, and a jreneral assortment of everything in our Hue. Tbankt'nl for past favors, we stil solicit a share of the 'lis- patronage. Country Produce lakeu in exciiange for ixoods. 43:ly WILLlAsVl SSiOER lias llstuh!ifhd A Factory FOR THE MAXCFACTOTiT OF SASH, BL1HDS AND OOORS, AND' MOULPIN'GS 05 ALL S ZES. e? They wi 1 also do TURNING, of ev"rr cse;i;ition to order, With Neatness and Dispatel o all vo;:k warranted: o n t li.; River, back of A ck?m st ir.', (resell U Oregon City, J ulv ?0.tf itO on VVOlit QL'ACK. A victi n f e .ily in discreti n. cansin? nervous deldlity, premature decay. Ac, hiving tried in vain every advertised remedy, has a simple means of -if cure, w hich he vv;ll send tiee to I s f. How s atlerers. Address J. II. TUTTLE, 78 Nas-au st., New York.' Jan. 13:Gia GKEAT REDUCTION 33. L. STOSTJE'S, !V6fl07 Ffoiit Street, a'orliaEad, Orcgojji WALTIIAM WATCHES, OLD CHAINS AXD IHXGSj CLOCKS OKOIDE WATBIIES AND CHAINS, FINE JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE, :AJ1 ai: isTeAV Y"oik 3?xices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EtES. EVERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MOXEY REFUSDfiD. Watches and Jewelry repaired. luOtf T N JOTICE. -o- The People'3 Transportation Company WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FROM OREGON CITY AS FOLLOWS: FOE, PORTLAND : At 7 A. M., every d.tr, cxccpl Sunday. And 1 P. ii. " Monday, Tuesday. Thurs day and Friday, FOll Salem, Albany and CorVallis. AND OX MONDAY) WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY, FOR 33 1 "ST rCT STj3) LT, o A. A. McCULLY, President. Xot. 16. is?0 4).tf WOTBOE SANBURN & PASCAL Vax to inform the public and their f iend.s that tliey have leased the lower part of the LiFF HOUSE, Which they have opened as a FIRST CLASS RESTAUBAt The table will tit all times be supplied with the be.-t the market affords. Orders for suppers and parties will be promptly attended to. Orrnn City, Jan" !0:tf NE JEW WAG OX AXD V Carriage F1anufactory ! Tiie undersigned, having increased tiie di mensions of hi premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets. Oregon City : Oregon. Takes this method to inform his eld pat rons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that lie is now prepared, with ample room, good rnaterials, an.! .the very best cf mechanic?) to bi'ild anew, .recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out it! I complete any sort ot a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. IMacksmithinjr, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing neatly, qun-klv and cheap ly done." DA VID SMI 1 11. Opposite Extelsior Market g HADES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAIS STliEJST, Oregon City. Bt BILLIARD TABLES in OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. T E B A R 1 S S VPPLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon aireadj fatuous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE STOIVE ALE! O: BIIAUGIIT. frs'Fam!lies supplied. READING MATTER FOR L THE AMERICAN STOCK JOURNAL, A large Handsomely Illustrated Monthly, containing 32 to 4' large Double Column Page-, tilled Cith original matter from the ablext writers in the country, on the various subjects connected with FA KM INC, ST0CK-PREFDINO, vool-;rovlng, DAinvixo, POULTRY KEEPING. &c Bound in handsomely tinted covers. It has a VETERINARY DEPA RTM ENT under the charge of one of the ablest Pro fessors in',the United States, who answers through the Journal, free of charge, all ques tions relating to Sick, Injured or Diseased Horses, Cuttle. Sheep, Swine or Poultry. Tins make, it a very valuable work for re ference, and an almost indr-pen-dble compan ion to all interested in stock breeding. The low price at which it is published (1.0'"a year) brings i within the reach of all, while the Splendid inducement offered to Agents and Premiums to Subscribers. make it to the interest of every Farmer and stock Breeder to extend its circulation. Send Stamp for Sjciman Copy, large Illustrated Sioic J) III and Pre: mi inn X,ist; Get up r. Club and obtsrin one of the' many valuable Premiums offered, consi-tin-r of Chester "Whitp, Berkshire. Suffolk, Magie t and FsseX Pigs, Short-Horn, Aldernev, Ayrshire ana iieron waives. Southdown, Cotswold and Merino Sheep. Cashmere Goats,' Pute-Bred Poultry, Norway Oats. Seeds,' Agricultural Implements, Pianos, Watches,' Silverware, Books, Ac. Specimen conies sent free. Address N. F. BOYER & CO., Publishers. Parkesburg, Chester Co., Pa. ILTER BROS. VELVETS, BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, OIL GLOTHSj WINDOW-SHADES, PAPER-HANGINGS, LACE- CURTAINS, &c, &c We WonM Call the attention of par ties fitting vp houses, or Icing in need of anything in our line To our Stock , which is OSE OF 'lilt COMPLETES1? On the Fsiii Cos&st ! Ow Goods being specially selected at the Factories in Knghxnd and the Eastern States, v;e can sell AT THE LOWEST Ssm FFsoaelseo Prices No. 8! Front street, between Alder 35.) and Washington, Portland Oregon LAUD EH & DeFRAMCE'S BUSINESS PORTLAND, OREGON, For the instruction of Middle-Aged liieu, Ycang Blen r,nd Boys, In the branches of a Business Education. rpiIIS LS WITHOUT DOCBT A MOsT A. tloTough ai.d efficient ntit ution, and has n:ad; tor ii-!f a name in Oregon, :f which its friends are ju.-tly proud. 'I'lie biaiichi-.s wliieii stand out prominent ly in the curric ilum of study are BOOKKKKPINO, COMKKCIAL ABITHMLTtC, POLITICAL LCO.NOMV, PKXM ANSI11P, CO.MMKKCIAL LAW, ColiUL.SPONDLNCi:, &C A most thorough practical department is in constant operation, in which are com prised all the minutiae of business affairs. Students can enter at any time. No va cation?,.' Call at room':; comer of FRONT and AL PKU streets,, -r send for a, circular Contain ing full information. Address, LAtOJEV fc IKFUASOK. I'ortlaad, Oregon. - x ' Jm T!ie standard remedy for t'onglis, Inllw- en.:? Srire Throat, I I'ioopi ;g Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, liron chilis, UUfding of the Lintgx, and every affection of the Throat, Luntrs and Chest, including Consi mptiox. WMar's Jislsam does not dry up a Cough, but loosens it, cleanses the lungs, and allays irritaffon , f hits removing thecuase of the complaint. None genuine unless signed I. Bi'tts. Prepared by Skth W.Fowle ct Son, Boston. Sold by ItEiuxfjTcx, Hos. tetteii ,t Co., Sau Frar-jisco, anil by dealers generailj. JelSdy A. G4 WALLINCS Pioneer Book Bindery. OIIKGO N I A N Bull, D ING, So; 5 "XVasliington .Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to any desired o:ittprn. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS- l.ii r,u, iac, bound in every variety of olic unuwn ro ine xraae. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. STEERS & -HINDEp Wholesale Dealers in OREIGIJ AID DOMESTIC IVincs, Jirandies, IVilsAics, Eix No. 40, Front Street, Portland, Oregon. Constantly on hand a genuine article of Cuttei Whisky. C. W. POPE & CO., DEALERS IX STOVES, TIX PLATE, SHEET IROV.a. lEIi' UOPPEB. LUAD PIPE ON" HOSE. FORCE AND Llfj. PUMPS, ZINC, COPPER, BRASS AND IRUN WIRE. Also a generafass'oitment o( Hons filshibg Goods. MANUFACTURERS Of Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware ROOFING AND JOBBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW I'RICES. f : t- o A at POPE S &1GVE J13 will find HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND TINWARE, LANTERNS, LAMPS AND OIL, LUC1NE ANDj SIGHT LAMPS. ALssO PERAMBULATORS. o All of the above articles are . for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. AV. POPE & CO. Oregon City Oregon. 11:1 J I CGSMQF0L1TAM HOTEL. Front Street. PORTLAXU, OREGOS. Zieber & Holton Propr's- rpilE UNDERSIGNED HAVING RE I furnished and re fitted the above named Hotel, will henceforth conducted on the EUKOPEAX STL.j, Rooms can be had by the Day, "Week or Month. A R EST A U li A N T in the House, under ;he management ol PIERRE.M ANC1ET, late ot the Lafayette. Owing to its location and con-tructien, it is the most desirable IloteL in tiie City, and we intend KttPixG it as it ought to he kept. Free t'oafh :ul lisiggngc A agon mid tTrni !e Hotel. ZIEBER & HOLTON, Proprietors. OIIce of Hie Orroti ami California oct. 21tf. Slat t'omiiiitiv CHAS. HODGE. .CHAS. E. CALEF. . GEO. W. SNELL. HODGE, CALEF k Co., PEALERS IX DEUGS and MEDICINES TAIKTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, I'ARXISIIES, EliUSIlFS. PAIXTERS Materials, ana uruyyUW Sundries. 97 Krorst Street, Portland, Oregon. Jacob Ptitzki.. James B. Ui'ton STITZEL & UPTON, Jli'ftl 1'Jstate Jjrokers and General Agents, Canter of Front and Wash ingitSn Slrcrtx. TORTLAND, OREGON. Will attend to the sale and purchase ot Ileal E-tare in ail pairs of the lty ami Stite. Special attcntiiu given to the sale o! East Portland property. Address P. O. Box 42, Portbitid. Oregon. STiTZEL - UPTON, Otf. Real Kxtute Brokers. OREGON CITY BREWERY! It EMI Y IIUMBEL, Having purchased the above Brewery wish es to inform the public- that he is now prepar ed to manufacture j No. 1 duality of LAGER HEEltj As good as ran be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly tilled. Patronize Homo Endustry. THE PIONEER CURLED HAIR MANUFACTORY IS NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY THE market r.th a No. 1 article of Curled Hair for Upholstery work, which will com pare with any imported article In quality 01 price. I pay the highest price for Manes and Tails of Horses' and Tails of Cows at my storey corner Front and Salmon streets. I). MKTZWFR, Portland, Oregon. JOIIX 31. JiACOX, Importer and Dealer in gP 3355 Q;i XZsS 9 STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, ic, &c, Oregon City, Oregon. At Chartnai $ JVif'-ner' old stand, lately oc cupied by S. AckerMan, Main street. 10 tf BILLIARDS! Hessrs. Pheian & Colk'iidcr The well-known R Iliard Table Manufac tures, of New Yotk, have established at 541 JIarket St., San Francisco. An extensive branch of their business, where they propose to keep Constantly on hand the LA R(EST and most complete assortment of UlLLIAKn TAIihES.t LOTHS, CUES, ETC., ON THIS COAST. TIIE TABLES a'e ot the latest style and size recently adopted in the Eastern States ; are manufactured in the best possible man ner, and furnished with PHELAN'rf LAT EST IMPROVED CUSHIONS. The new composition Billiard Ball made bv the Hyatt Manufacturing Co, of Albany, N. Y., the best substitute for ivory yet dis covered. For sale only by us. Price $12 On per set. . All goods strTd will be of the best quality, and trie prices fully as low as any otbei house in the business. Parties visiting the city are invited ti visit our ware rooms and inspect onr stock GEO. E. PHELAN, 541 Market St. N. B. The public are notified that m other parties on the Pacific coast have tly igh to sell PhelatVs Cu hio'rfs'. Nov4:-3m JOIIX II. SCIIRAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES. 1IAXAKSS etc., etc.. Main Street, Oregon City, Wishes to renrpPtit. thnf u ; well nrenared to fnrntt! ar.. o,t,i : , , .iuiij unn ir III Ills inf as the largest establishment in the State II particularly renneKt tht n.s stock be made before buying elsewhere. TO TIIE AERY01S & DEBILlTxlTlD WHOSE SUFFERINGS HAVE BEE!f Protracted from Hidden Causes, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE Prompt Treatment to render existence desirable. If vou are PufFcririir or have Siifl'ered, from involuntary discharges, what effect j.loea It produce upon your general health ? 10 you feel weak, debi'lituted. c-asilv tired V Does a little extra exertion protluce palpitation of tnencart.' loes your liver, or urinary or- cans, or your kidneys frequently pet out ot order ? Is your urine sometimes thick, milky or flock-, or is it ropy on settling; V Or does a thick scum rise to the top? Or- is a sedi meiit at the bottom after it has stood awhile? Do vou have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated ? Do you have spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the lit ad ? Is 3"our memory im paired ? Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subject ? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of life r Do you wish to be left alone, to net away from every body ? Does any little thing make 3'ou start or jump ? Is your sleep broken or restless ? Is the lustre of 3-our eye as brilliant ? The bloom on your cheek as bright " Do you en joy yourself in society as well? Do you pur sue your business with the same energy? Do you frol as much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to tits of melancholy V If ho do not lay it to your liver ol- dVsptpsla. ilave ycJti restless nights? Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but little appetite, and you attrib ute this to dyspepsia, or liver complaint? selt-abuse. venereal diserses badly cured, and sexual excesses, aie all capable of pi oducing a weakr.cis of the geneiative organs. The organs of generation, when in ptil'efct health Make the man. Did You Ever Think thai tliose bold defiant, energetic, persevering, successful business men. are ilways those whose generative organs health ? are in perfect Yon rever hear such men complain of be ing melancholy, ,of nt rvousness, or palpita tion Of tbe h?ait.. TT are never at raid they cannot succeed in business; they don't Income sad and discouraged; they are all ways polite and pleasant in the company ot holies, and look you and them right in the face- none of your downcast looks or other meanness about them. I do not rocau tln-sc who keep the organs inilatid by running to excess. These will not only RUIN TEEIR CCETSTITUTIOWS, but also thosb fhey do bit-iness with or for. How many men, from badly ctird diseases, from the effects of s lf-ahuse and excesses, have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced tiie general system so much as to induce almost cVeiy other disease: IBiOCYj LUNACY, spmal af'ec'J.ins. suicide, and almost every otner form of disease which humanity is hefr to, and the real causeof the trouble scan elv ever susjiected, and have doctored for nil but the right one. Diseases of these organs require the use of a Diuretic. II ELMB OLD'S fLusd extract IUCHU is the. great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for disease of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Wcakn ss. Female Com plaints. General D bility. and all disease of the Urinary Organs, whe'ther existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. If no treatment is submitted to. Consump tion or Insar ity may ensn. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Pos terity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. HELMGBLD'S 1 ISXTRzlCT BUCIIU, Established upward of Nineteen Years, IS PREPARED Bt H. T. HELMBOLP, Eruggist, 594 Bi-oadivay, Hew York, AND 104 South Tenth St., Phila., Pa- -!Cf f-l-2r er EoUle. or C Bottles for fp-5' delivered to any addrcSs. Sold br all Druggists everywhere. None are gennme unless done up in steel en frn v ot wronnAi. . .-; 1. r . -. - . , ""i,i" "i 1.11 lac-simue 01 my Chemical Warehouse, and signed K; "ELiVIBOLD. Auj FRENCH MEDICAL OFFICE- DR. JULIEN PERRAULT, Dr. of Medicine cf tiie Fatuity of Psirls, Giadtiate of the lnivorty Q,in'ii's Colli gt, ami Pliysit iuit cf tiie St. .Toll 11 Baptistc Society of Sun Frai. t-isco. " S; ;,. Dr. Perrault has the pleasure to inform patients and 0tln i s seeing confidential u.efl ical advice that he can be consulted dailj- at his office, Armory Hall Building. North East corner of Menfgomery and SacramentuQ streets; San Francisco, Rooms Nus. 5, 10, 11; lirst floor, up strirs, entrance on either Montgomery 01 Sacianiento streets. Ditr Perhai lt's studies have been almost eitcliisivel v devotee? to the cuie of the Va-iolis forms of Nervous and Physical d bility, the result of injurious habits acquhed in yrtithi which nsuafiy terminate in impp fence and sterility, and permanently indue all the concomitants of old age. Where a steeret itifirmity exists involving the happfe-. ness fit a life and that r! others, reason arnr morality dictate the necessity of its remoTal, for it is a fact that premature decline of the vigor of manhood matrimonial unhappiness; comptilsoiy single life, etc., hate their sources in causes, the germ of which is plari, ed in eaily life, arid the bitter fruits tast long ufeerward; patients, laboring under thi complaint, will complain of one or more of the , following symptoms i. N&ctual , Emis sions, Pains in tbe IJack and IlVadv iVenk ness?. of Memory ar.d Sight, Discharge from the Urethra on going to stool or making wsu ter, Intellectual .Faculties are Weakened, It)ss of Meinory ensues, Ideas .are clottded? and there is a disinclination to attend to bus iness, or even to reading, writing orGthj society of irunds. etc. The patient wiU probably com) lain of Iiz?.hiess, "Vertigo, anJ that Sight and Uear.ng are weakened' am' sleej) disturbed by dreams; melancholv. sighing, palpitation, fainlircs, coughs and slow fevers ; while some have external felitoi mafic pain, mid numbness of the body: Some of the common symptoms arfe pibripUii in the lace, and aching in diill-ient parts of the body. Patients suilering fiom this dis-s c ase, shoidd jspply in.ni. tiiately to Dr. Pkk Rai lt, either in person or by letter as ha will guarantee a cuie of Senpnal Kmissions' and Jmpotcncc- in six or eight weeks. Patients suffering from vtr.eiial disease iq any stage, Uonoiihea, (ileet, Stricture?, Bubo, I, Jc is, Uutii;eour5 Eruptions, etc will be ti eat ed successf ully- Ail Sxpbiiitic and Mercurial Taints entirely ffcu.oved Irom the system. Dk. Pi:):i:AtLT's diplomas are in his oftlce, where patients can see for themselves (Si they are m,dr the care of a tegular educa; ted practitiouc-r. The best lefeienccs given if require a. Patients snCerinc under chronic disease: can call and exhum e f r themselves. We invite investigation ; claim not to Iv.ow. everything, i:o'r to cure every bt dy, but wc do claim that iu all cases taken unuer treat ment we fill (i I i our piomi.-ts. We partici.lt.ri ly request those wLo have tiied th s Loustcd doctor, and that aovertii-ed physician "li J worn out ai d d sn m aged, to call uyvn us. Low charges ai Tl quick cures. Eii'lif sti.Heiihg libE: any complaint incir dents to their .'ex, can cisult the doctor with the asi-ui ance of relief. I'tinale Kontlily Pills. Dh. Pi uravi.t is the only parent in Cali fornia for DR. Pi'dtt's Female Monthly Pills! Their immense raie l.:;s establi-. bed their rep utatioii as a It male r( n e"y i.m pprcached. and far in adsanee of (very oil er itn tdv for sippress!t)i)s .ai.d it 1 g--ih : itics. itv.d ether" ob.-ti uctionrs in fern ales. On the icceipt of five d. liais, these Pills will be serf by mail or exi tess to any pint of the woild, "secuie from curiosity or damage. Persons at a d stance cm be erred at home, by addresipg a letter to I'r Pik: r a i lt , con cr of Siici unit nto and Mi nfgom ery streets, Keoms 10 and 11, r Box t'TS; I'; O. Han Francisco, stating tie case us minutely as pbs.-ible, general habits of Hy ing, occupation, etc., etc. All communications cor fldential. Jyrlp Qi:itU Cures and 3IcIc-ratc C.liaigts Or. WB E-IEokerty'S fiivate Xtlt-c! seal I: i sil institute: IJo. 518 Sacramento Street, corner of LeiCLtSCCl'i ", tM i-w doors Keiow o tho V, ha; Cheer House.) 0 (Private entrance on Eeidttdoifr street.) ;t Establish! d les.-iy to Aiioid the Afil tted So:, ml and Srie: tilic h d 7 al Aid, in tim treatment and Cure of all Private- and Chronic Lueses, Casf'S ol Selieey and al! , To l lit- MV.U-tnl. DR. W, K. DOIIUHTY renins his sircere f.ninks to his nu, eror.s patients for tlieifO jiatronage. :.n I would tsj.e this pj ortunitx to remind J hem that lie contnutes to consult at his Iistitute tor tie en: e of ebi or ie dis eases ot the J.r.ngs, J.ivcr, Kidrs, Digs five and C en ito-Ui inury Organs, and all private diseases, viz ; Syj.i.ilis in all its fours and stages, Semii:al AVeakne-s and all the horrid consequences of self-al use. (Jenerr; hO;a, C5I. et, Strictur. ?, .Nocturnal and Diur- nat J-.misions. HeMmbDebil 1y. Diseasts he Back and Coirs, ir.fiammaticn of tl .C: i Watt-ier anri .Kidneys., i-U:; s-nd he loi a that his long experience and successful rW iice will coytii ue toirsuie him a share of public patronage, py the practice of many ycas in Fuioj.e and the United States, he is enab d to ap.!y the most c fl':c:cnt end suc cessful remedies against diseases ot all kiljdf. He use s lio mercury, cl nr; es moderate.trcals his patients in a co'irctt and hot orable wav and hiis uieitiics ol in qne.-tior.feble Atracir tv from mm of known 1 espectabiiity and high standing in sec:e!v. All paifies con sulting him by letter or .of !,ei wise, ill re ceive the lest and gentlest ti tat use ai d implicit secrecv. When a female is in trcuble or afflicted with disease, as weakness ol the ba k and limbs, pain in tbe head, dimness of sight, loss ol muscular power, palpitat on ff th henr, lrrioilitli'v, nt 1 veiisness, 4 xt;-eie iir- .11,1, , .iiiiK-iiiius. cei ang( rnt nt of digest ir functions, general debility, vaginitis t.ll d;s eases of the womb, hysteria, steiilit and l other diseases peculiar 10 ft males,she.hou'd go cr wn'.e at once to the celebrated female doctor, W. K. I)()HKRp ,at his MedicVi In stitute, and consult bun about her troubled and diseases. The Doctor is effecting h,6r! ctirc", t.oin any other physician in fhttstate of ( alifornia. Pet no false delicacy prevent vou, but apply immediately and save v ut " f lrom pamtu suiieriugs and prcnaturV death A H niarried lad. es, whose delicate bealtlvpr other circnmslances prevent an iuceaseW u I'm "? ?'T, or oal1 at I)K- w- K. UOl!i.hl r Mo:cal Instrnfe, aud thev T, ,.ve,tv"T po-sible relief and help? i ho Doctor s ofhet s ate so airsnccd that he can be consulted without fear A oLseivatiou' To Ccrv(fcioiicJ nts. Patients residing in r.r,v j ait of theFfafe nowever distf-nt, who ii;ay di sire the opinion and advice of PR.DOHERT Y in their ,v4c" tive cases, and v, ho think r roper to submit A written statement of such, in prtference d hoidmg a persora! interview, pre icsp-cif.,?"" y assuicd thai their commfinicatVns will IU he,d sacred and confidential. If the case be tuily atid ranaidlv described, personal com -munication will he. ut.r.ecessary, as irsfiQc t.ons for diet, regimen and the ycncial t'eaf ment of tr.e ca-e itself (including the rcme", d .est, will be forwauWd without delay, and m sucii a nu.niK r as to cor.v y no idcaf the purport of the kiter or parcel. pim ''dtation-bj h ;;er or otherwise, r i.i.l'.. 1 trmar.entcure guaranteed or 1101 ay: Sprvmatori liK a. DR. DOIIERTY has just published' an im portantpatMphlct, embodying his own view.' and experiences in lelafion to Imj.otence cf' itV.it y ; being a Shoi t Treaties on Spernia-r torrheca or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and Physical Debility consequenUon this4t;ec t on, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs This little tork Contains information of the' utmost value to all, whether married orsinle and will be. sent FREE by mail on receipfof six cents hi postage stamps lor return post aire. Addiess. W. K. DOIIERTY. M. P., jnlygf'ly ' San Francisco Cal I . piPERIAL SIILLS. Savier, LaRoque & Co.; OREGON CITY. tSKeep constantly on hand foi sale, 3 M'dlings, Bran and Chicken Ford, Paitics p f chasing feed must furush the sacks. O 0 o O O C C O o C o o o O o o