0 O net, TOWN AND tOt'VTY. A. ' Cl.ACK.VMAS COUNTY AND OllEOOX ClTV. We find the following notices of Clacka mas county an'l Oregon City in the Pacific Coast Bu.3in.e33 Directory. They are rather fair and complimentary, yet fully ustified : , ' " ; O Cmckamas CWNTT.-Bounded north by Multnomah, cast by Wasco, south , by Mj rion and west by Marion. ambill. ana W.shCton. Area, 1,600 square mil.. IZd vacation bt property for J809, 5l 700 0tW Codhtjr seat. Oregon City, V ,inc ?pal owns. MUwaukie and Omega .The county comprise, a most importan a-ctiotiofthe Stafe-, extending from the. summit of the Cascade range onlihe eat and includes the Willamette river within ; its limits, which runs from south to north. near its western border. The eastern por- , tion is mountainous, us noruieast tui.K-i-:tone being laid beneath the lo hy an fvmmetrical Mount Hood, the rtost noble ,and conspicuous tei ritorial.monument any political division can boast. The Valleys iof tlie Willamette and other streams are exceedingly fertile, and generally well Cultivated. The peculiar Jeatrtre of the -Comity is the great water power alforucd by the fails of Willam, at Oregon City. Where this large streae: precipitates lt.-elt over a ledge of roctts in a . perpendicular rail of thirty feet. aTordlng for the uses of man a force calculated .at odc million horsepower. The river - being navigable above and below, . the broad, valley ex ceedingly fertile. f?rta. of, the grandest character abounding, and extensive -beds of the richest iron ore known, all combine to give a value to thtt manufacturing ca pacity firVnished by the falls impossible to fstim .te. The Oregon Central, or Fast i,ide Railroad, being the northern portion of the California anA Oregon Railroad, is already completed through the county. -.H-hicb affords additional means of comimi nication with Portland, the coimnercial center of the State. i Oregon City, Clackamas Co. P. O.. in corporated and county scat, .i on the east .bank of the Willamette, th'.vty-eight ttiles 'north of Salem, and thirteen miles south -of Portland. Here the hills upon each aide approach the river, crowding it .through a deep canon, and forcing the Avaler over a ledge of rooks u.f from twenty Uf thirty feet in height, t'?.rnidmv2 a power tor manufacturing purposes of unlimited .capacity. In this canou is Oregon City. ,inmaiiding the great water power, and profitably engaged in the transhipment of goods from the" lower to the upper river. .'This is the oldest incorporated town in the 'State, its great manufacturing advantages brine observed and appreciated by the :ntrly settlers, who selected it for their fu ture capital. The power given by the -falls is already well applied, extensive .flour saw and woolen wills being operated Jy it. The Oregon City Woolen Mill has gained a wide" celebrity from the excel lence of its manufactures. The. annual (Consumption of wool amounts to UU0 ."pounds, and it sends its goo Js to every .niavket on the Pa'citfc coast. A flourish ting graded sthol is in operation, and pother schools and religious institutions are jiutvhiained. The RsTKurHMK is published Sveekly. Mi.ss'onakv Cowoi ation-. The Mission ary Convocation of the Episcopal Church commenced in this city last evening, and Will continue until after Sunday. Services will be held in the morning and evening of each day. and on Sunday afternoon, in stead o! the regular Sunday School, there will be an especial service for children and parfiits, with short missionary ad dresses. The public are respectfully re quested to attend these services. Among the clergy present are lit. lie v. l'isliop Morris. Kev. Mr Stov. of Portland, Kev. Mr. Nicholson, of Vancouver, lie v. Mr. Hyland. of Astoria. Rev. Mr. EonneTI, of tS.ilem. Kev. Mr. Sellwood. of MUwaukie, und Kev. Mr. Sellwood of this city. SriMiK.v Ukatii. Mrs. Addison died very suddenly in this city last Tuesday night, from the effects of mortification Of one of her legs. She was at work in the factory lat Saturday, but the injuries to her leg occurred some time since. We learn that fhe recently sent for two young girls, d aueh'ers of her sister, who are now on their way here, and will probably arrive tn the next steamer, to find the generous friend anil relative they expected to meet gone to that long home from whence no traveler returns. . Ixkoumation , Wantei. -Any person knowing of the whereabouts of Valentine Kiefer. or his brother, will confer a favor liv furnishing such - informaiton to the Oregon City - KxTPUt-Rfvk. Should this meet the eye of either of the above pat ties, they will hear of something to their Advantage by letting us know their ad dress. The last heard of; Valentine, he 'was at work on tli'J Columbia riVer. and 2eft there about tvVo years ago for Jack sonville. Oregon papers will confer a favor by publishing this notice. Salmon. Mr. Diller shipped this week nbout a thousand pounds of smoked nalmon to Portland, as un experiment. ?We learn that the parties to v.-hoi it was shipped were so well plrasfd with it that they propose to send it East as a specimen of Oregon smoked salmon. It was well put up, and we may expect that this little beginning will yet result in the establish, inent of a lucrative business in that line at this place. cTakkn Oik. The opposition steadier Calliope has been taken off the Yamhill trade..,, The Oregoninn says : The people of 'Yamhill -county tailed to see the adran- j tage of dividing the freight when there is barely enough to pay one steamer to run i he river the year round. It is deemed, too. that the T. Co. deserve well of the people and merit their support.' , Xkw Stokk. By reference to our ad vertising columns it will be seen that the popular firm of Prot.tman,, GUlihan & Co. have removed their immense stock of boots and shoes to their new store, corner of Morrison und First stree'.s. Portland. t : t . tA .1 anything m their line, should not fa l to give them a call. KiNAW.w. A.hprsa wis hitched lo a post In Mr. Smfth's blacksmith shop last yeuncsuav. ana tne animal not caring . . . . , about remaining took the post along with him and ran abotit our. streets with it dngling about his heels, to the great j amusement of all who were out o.f danger. It was the only excitement we have have had this week,, but as .there was no damage done It did not make much of an iU'ta. . iVvccN. Mr. Lcgu3 shipped a large amount of his bacon th!s week to Califor nia. We learn that Oregon bacon brings ft better price in that State than its own. The bacon put up by Mr. Logus is of su perior quality, and we hope he mny real ize a handsome return for bis investment. 0 In Town. Hon. II. II. GiltVey, Private fr-.retary.to the. Governor, has been in town for the past week attending to the selection of school lands. We learn that these lands are in a ve,ry bad state, and that it will require m ich labor and trouble !or the State to secure them. iueekin dhiicrp CtUNuEi) Again: The "powers that be have again changed the schedule of arri vals and departures from this place. It is hard to keep the fun of these frequent changes, and they are not very agreeable to the people, but we presume they will Lave to be satisfied if it suits the manager. Goxe to Astokia.' Or. J. Welch, of the firm of MaCk & Welch, has rone on & "busi ness visit to Astoria. If any of our friends desire first class work in that city, they have a good opportunity presented them. The Ooctor is a good dentist. Nkw Hoat. We are informed that the P. T. Co. propose building anew boat this spring. It is to be constructed after the model of the Senator, and to be the larg est boat evOr run 0"n the WillaVnette. and finished in a superior manner, with suffi cient power to make her al.-o the fastest. Kkau. We call attention of our readers to the advertisement Of Messrs. J. II. Vin son and John llolton in this issue of the grand opening of the East Portland Park next Sunday. Pictckks. Read the advertisement of Jo. BTichtel. of Poriran 1. The reputation of this gentleman is too well known to need any recommendation, and he is now better prepared to execute work than Bver. Cocntv CVjht. Owing to the illness of Judge Wait and Commissioner Will, the County Court was only in session a short time this week, and but little business was transacted. Latk. The Senator has been returning from Portland for the past four days after dark. We presume it was inconsequence of the heavy loads of freight, she was tak ing down lor the San Fniiteiseo steamer. Popular.. The Cosmopolitan Hotel at Portland. under the management of Messrs. Zieber & llolton. has become the hotel of Portland, and persons giving them a call Will always be well cared for. Fink Sake. Mr. Thos. CUarman th!s week received a very handsome safe, di- rect from the factory at Cincinnati. It weighs near .5,100 pounds, and cost deliv ered here. r.eir Sl.tKK). It is us fi;ie a s:i!e as there is in any business hi usj in this State. Tempkkaxck MfctriMJ. The tempe-ance meeting last Saturday wa; well attended. At the close of the exercises an invitation was given to all who desired to join; when about twelve united will) t! e Lodge. Valentines Day. Next Tuesday is Valentine's Day. We presume the usual number of epistles will find circulation on the occasion. AfiKEsTKP. Three young boys weie ar rested this week for lighting. They were released on a pfftirise that they would pursue more peaceable ways hereafter. Sk.wlvo Society. The Ladies- Sewing Society of the Episcopal Church meets next Tuesday at the residence of Mra Sellwood. tx Luck. We drew a silver watch in the Nevada gift enterprise. Who will say that newspaper men are not in luck ? Continues. The revival at the M. E. Church still continues. We have not learned with what success. The Shoo-Fly has been repaired and is out aenin. Oancx. A dunce is to come of? next Tuesday at the Cliff Hons;', A pleasant party is expected. The Democracy of New Hampshire have placed in Homiitaliou Mayor Weston as their candidate for Governor. They adopted a good platfoi m. and aresanguiii. of success. An exchange says : Mr. Weston, the gubernatorial nominee, has been Mayor ot Manchester, a strong Mongrel city, for three years, and he is everywhere regarded us the strongest man his party could have nominated. He came into the Convenihn just belt re lt adjournment, and made a live minute speech of acceptance. Sympathetic. A Uadicil friend re quested us not to say anytning about the assessor, as he hoped the party would be able to induce him to resign or appoint a competent deputy. Says our friend. '-The fact of the matter is. he (the assessor) has not sense enough to make a correct valu ation. He Means well though, but don"t know anything. We did not diller with nor friend. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Uemedy is no Patent Midicine hmr.bitg gotten up to dupe the ijr nomnt and credulous, nor is it 'vpi-espnled as beitii; "composed of lare and precious substances brought from the tour corners of the earth, carried seven times across the (Jreat Desert, of abaridi on the b::cks of ft'iirten c.tmels, and brought across the At lan'ic Olefin on two .ships.' It is a simple, mild, soothine, pleasant Remedy a peilect specific for C hronic Nasal Catarrh, "Cold in tbe head.'' and kindred diseases. The pro priety. II. V. Pierce, M. P., 13.J Seneca street, Buffalo, N. V , otters a reward of S'Ou farucas'i of Catairli that he cannot cure. Sold by drugg;sts, or scut by mail for sixty cents." Time Tries all Thi"c.s." a'id has proven that Wisttirs fcal.-am of Wild Vierry is the rem dy pur txctUf uee for the core of coughs, colds, croup, whooping cot gh, bronchitis, asthma, phthisic, sore throat, influenza, and " la.t, not lta.-t," consumption. WIXIATrl DAVIDS OIT, REAL ESTATE DEALER. Omtc,., ?.o. OA: Front Strict, FORT LAND, - - - OREGON. i nr: i. pt tt? : ' T,. ni!Pn it in iH-.-s in i ana j lam x oku.anj), u the most desirable localities. consigner of LOTS. HALF HI.()Ck and ULOCK STOHL'S; also liOUSES und u-VXJ valuable lY V. ,V,;V.".V'.'1' .. ""ned in ALL parts oi uivi i? l A l L lor rSA Lhi. KEAT, ESTATI and oilier Pronert-v pnrchased tor Con esivj-idents, in t i lT and.hro.ighontt':e STATES and TEUIU- 10Llh. wu!i ercat care and on the most ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. TIOPSF. nn.t STORE-? I. A SET). LUA.X.-s N l-.(i(TI ATi-'Di l.U...-s M.l.liUATiia, and CLAIMS OR ALL PESCBIPUONS PUOMi'ILt COl LECTED. And a General F1NANCI M.nH AGENCY" BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in the SPATE, will re ceive descriptions ot FARM PROPEUTY andjt'orwaid the same tj the alove address Feb. 3, IS71. XOTICE TO UTIGAXTS. . The ExTEnpRKEliaf ing been designated by Governor Grover as the official" organ for Clackamas county nnder the -Litigant Act." we give notice that we are prepared to comply with the terms of said act. Oregon City Prices Current The following are the prices paid for produce, and the prices at which other ar icles are selling, in this market : WHEAT Wb.he.j- bushel. $1 10(5 1 20 OATS bushel. 40 cts. POTATOES 1 bushel. 50075 cts. ONIONS "f? bushel. SI (M.- s?l 50. FLOUR bbl. $5 00(n -:?.) 50. BEANS White. r. B.. 'dfo 1 cts. DIM ED FRUIT Applesr - HI.. Sc.: Peaches. lb., ICjc: Plums. lb., 15 1C cts.; Currants. ) It?.. li)Q2Q cts. BUTTER --'f Bi.. 37 cts. KGf'S dozen. 20 cJs. CHICKENS dozen, SL SUGAR Crushed. lb.. 20 cts.; Island t? lb.. 1012i cts. ; N. O.. lb.. 15 cts: ; San Frn.ne.isen refined h) ft). 1 (i CtS. " TEA Young Hyson, lb., SI 50 ; Ja pan. "pV lb., yOcg.-Sl 25 ; Black. fi)., 75c. SI 00. COFFEE "e? 9..2a cts. SALT t lb.. 12J cts. SYRUl' Heavy (iolden, galh $1 00 ; Ex. Heavy Golden. gall., $ I 25 BACON Ham. "lb.. 16 Ct?t ; Sides, 15 cts. f lb.; Shoulders, 10 cts. iAlilJ ri, 10.. 12(o)m CtS. OIL Devoe's Kerosene;. srall 0 00; Linseed oil. raw, '). gall.. i. 7 Si GO : Linseed -oil. boiled. sail., SI CO. WOOL--";) lb., 20022 cts. BEEF Ori foot, 7 0?,S cts. J3 lb. POICK On foot. Cro Jcts. " To. SHEEP 'Per bead.2 0002 50. HIDES- Grt'en, lb.. 5c. ; Dry. ft).. 12 cU ; Salted, 8c Rebecca Degree Lodge No. , I. O. O. F CL Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVZXIXGS. ot each morith, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree aie invited to attend. By order of N. (J. Chaffed Hands and Face, sore lips, dry ness of the skin, itc, tc, cared at once by liegeman's Canipin r Ice with. (Hycerine. it keeps the bau-Js soft in nli wiather. Sei that you get liegeman's. S l l by all drug gists, only 2." cent--. Mainuf'actured onl' b' Hegemau & C)., ('hem sts aud Druggists, Xev York. dec:;i-ly MARRBACE -GUIDE. EVERY ONE HIS OWN DOCTOR. A private instructor for married persons or tiioso- about to be married, both male and female, in everything concerning the phys iology aiid rclafii-ns of oar sexual system, and the productio'i ami prevention of o!f spvinr, in- hr ins; all the new discoveries never before priven i ri the English language, by VM. YOUXli, M. D. This is really a val uibleand interesting work. It is tViitten in plain la'tguage.fnr the general reader, and is dlustr.tted with numerous engravings. Ail yoaitg married people, or those contem pla! ing marriatre, and having the least im pediment to married l.fe; sliould read this J ik'OK. it !isc;ises secrets iiiat every one should be acquainted wit'i ; still it is a book that triust be locked up and not lie about the h-jusc. It w.ll be sent to any add: ess on re -eipt of fifty cents. Address Dr. W.M. YOUN(i, c. 4lti Spruce street above Fourth, Pb iladcSnhia. 5SV 4:n-n. luli :iom:iI I.ofle '. I, A. P. iiml A A. M. Holds its regular c iminnnica V-tions on the Firt and, Third Stur- 'I'UJ in each month; at 7 o'clock from ihe i!oJi d' Septi ruber tO the oth ot March, und 1 o'clock from the 2nlh of March to the 2oth ot September. Breth ren hi good standing ar? invited to attend. Pee. 3,tS7", i,.y order of V. 51, 3, i. . of rt. r1.-- Mtets every Thursday even g&Z&fX-k inc at. 7 .Tclor-k in fl.trl Fnilnvi-'c 'im n Ri Main s ect. Members of the Order arc invited to attend IJv order. IV". i. its roi The fellowing persons are autboiizedtj act as agents for ti e Kxekrprise : J. M. Baltimore, Port'a.id, Oregon. Thomas Bo-, ce, Han Fraacisco." L. P. Fisher, Hudson A- Meiiet.41 Park Row,Xew Verk. G.-o. P. lioweli & Cc, 40 Park Bow, New York. Abbott & Co., X.-. P2 & Si Nassau street, New York. flu Ison, Me::et & Co.. rhicauro, Illinois. Co.;. We'l.ei ill & Co., GU7 Chestuut street, Fiiihob Ipt.ia. Moore cv, Howard, 517 Locust street, Phila delphia. REAL ESTATE EKOHANGE, PORTLAND, - 0RBG01J. GEO. l,o CUBBY, DEALER IN BFAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS. Commis.-ioner Selectiitg Swamp and Ovei fiowed band . Fatm Lands sold and purchaser'? obtained for ail kinds of landed property. Vabiab'e securities transferred in exchange for real estate. Loans negotiated on property, and titles examined aud determined. Commissions solicited and executed with fid-li;v an 1 promptness. OFFICE No. 14 Citer's Building, corner of Alder and Front stieets. Feb. It, 70:tf The Great Family IsTedicins. T A KEN- IN TERN ALLY, It cores sniid'eii Colds, C nighs, &c , and Weak Stomach. General Debility, Nursing Sore Mouth. Canker, Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia or Indigestion, Cramp or Pain in the Stomach. Bowel Compiaiut, Pa!ncrs Colic, Asiatic Cholera, Diarrhoea and Dysentery. ATPLIED EXTERN' ALLY, Cures Felons, Pods, and Old Sores, Severe Burns, ScihL, Puts, Brcis- and Sprains, Swe'lin-r of the Joints, Ring-Wo: m and Tet ter, Broken Breasts. Frosted Feet and Chil blains, Tiioth'iche, Pain in the Face, Neural gia and Rheumatism. It is a sure remedy for Ague, Chi.ds and Fever. VA1X ICILIKtl, Taken .internally, should be adulterated wlih milk or water, or made into a syrup with molasses- ir a Couch a few drops on sugar, eat;n, will ba more cifjctive than anything else. See printed directions, which accompany each b tile. . ' Hold by Drngg'sts. feb3 ml RESTAURAN T EDI DeLOUSY, Frop'r, V ATE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE XI .IX STHEET, OHEGOX CITT, OREGON. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED HE- JL spec:fu!Iv aunouiicp-t to bis I & f.i.rT. .... 1 ,- .- t' at ho will re-open the above named Restaurant, on Monday, January 30, 1 v 1 1 . Th proprietor knows bow to serve bis cr.t t 'oo-rs with Ovst-is. Pi's Feet, a good f ot Coffee or a SQUARE MEAL. CU n LEON DeLOUEY, 0:e-oa City, Jan. 27, lS71:lf JOiilV MEHS, ' OREGON CITY, OREGON", RETAIL DEALERS IX BOOTS' SIIOEg, .HiyJDWAKE, I also keep constiintlf On hand SALEM CASS IMF RES, FLAXXELSj TVi'EEDS AXD BLANKETS, Which I will sell at th3 Factory Prices, and will take wool -in exchange. iI M-ill also pav the bighebt price Batter, Ejrs, and all kinds of good country produce. I will sell as low as any house in Oregon, fot C'ab c its equivalent in good merchantable produce. itS" Give me a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYEKS. Jan. 13,1971 ti To Builders and Contrac tors. SEALED PPvOPOSALS WILL BE BE ceived untd noon; March 1. 171, for constructing h Cunal and Locks around the Willamette Fulls. Plans aud specifi?attons Of thS wo-k may be seen at the office cT the Cdinpi'.ny, utr'.ia Front street, Portland, Oregon, where all information may be had. Bidders may propose for part or for the entire work, and all bids must he accom panied by good and sudicieiit bonds. Blanks for bidding can be had at the faHice of the Company. Bids may be addressed to S. lluelat, Secretary W. F. C. & L. Co, Portland, Oregon, endor.-ed, " Proposals far constructing Locks. The Company reserves tbe right to reject auv and all bids. B. GOLDSMITH, President W. Falls C & Lock C ). v,i5rtand, January ISth, 1 1-7 1, ml Religious Services. St. Pauls (Episcopal) Church, the Itev. John W. Sellwood, rector. Services on Sunday at iiij a.m. anl 7 p.m. Sunday School und Bilde class at 2 i'. m. 1st Congregational Church Seats Free Morning Services, 10.4") Sabbath School, F u"cl'k M. Evening Services, 7 o'clock. J'.KV. E. (Jebkv, Acting Pastor 1'liAYEit MEETINUS. Sunday evening,. . Tuesday evening,. . .5 o'clock .7 o'clock. -o- M. E. Church , Seats Free. Morning Services v . .lo.3o, Evening Set vices,. : i .7 o'clock. So'Tvr. MEETINGS. Cia.3 TMeeMnsr following Moi nin.tr Services. Praver Meeting Thursday evening 7 co'clok. SaiAialh School at 2 o'clock P. M. Grammar School. rplhi BO AH D OF TRUSTEES (Hl(;AN JL ize.d for. the purpose of estaiilishing the above Scluiol, wuild respectluily announce that they h ive engaged the services of Mr. . I. l'UIK. as Veaiber, for a session of six months. The School will operi on Tues day, the ?d day of Janrarv, in the loom lately occupied 'as the ,f Entetprir.e Otlice." All the uual branches C'mpriing a thor ougb ErHsIi, Ctassii-al, Matbematical aud Conuneicial eda-atton will be t i'iuht. Application for admittance, terms, ,';c, to he made to the Teacher. Hours, bom "J a. m. to 1- m.. and from 1 to .'! p. m. FfllClKT SCHOOL. The unders'mneil will commence a Night School on Tuesday evening to xt, January .'Ut, in the Grammar School llom Hours, from ij j to ',. S. P. POPE, tf Oregon City, Pec. 20, 1870. TO ETJSSELL & 3FESUY, REAL ESTATE PORTLAND, Oil TO JOHNSON &, M'COVN, QREOOn CSTY, FOR THE OREGON REAL ESTATE GAZETTE FREE OF CHARGE. Hept. ; tf ESTAKMSIIED s : : lSlO. ERNEST A. FRUNDSGiS, GENERAL Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IX DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ESSENTIAL OILS. DYE STTFFS AND G I N E R A L M E R C II A N D 1 5 E . BYTilE PACKAGE ONLY. Cash Orders for Goods of every descrip tion from this or any foreign Market, wul receive prompt and fai'hful atTcnrion. MINERS. MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE TRADE SUP PLIED FOR CASH. Nb notice or attmtion paid to orders fr g x ds. it' there is no provision made Lr the p xy merit of tbe same. Consignment Solicited. OFFICE,- - - Merchants' Exchange. San Fruncisco, California. TERMS NET CASH, ON DELIVERY, IN U. S. GOLD COIN. Package prices. XT. B.---Oregon Ffopucts Solicited On Consignment. Jf. 27:tf LMCOLNJAKEnY. BAILEY,HARD!NC&CO., Successors of L. Diller in the Lincoln Bakery, I A EG LEAVE tO INFORM THE CITI 3 zens of Oreso'n City and surrounding country, that they keep constantly ou Laud and for sale, all kinds of BREAD, CR VCKEI?, CAKES, PASTRY, CAN DIB - AN D NUTS. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders promptly filled, and poods deliver ed at the residence of the pui chaser when desired. , ; . , The hisi'iest prices paid Kr Butter, Eggs and Yepetatd--s. A liberal 'bare cf public patronage is re spectfaliv sibeited. April 23, lS70:ly WIll.mottc fjndgf "o. 13 I. O. T Meets everv Saturday evening, at the rosxo S.E. corner'of Mam and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are invited to attend. Ej order of W. C. T. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, 01 LEE. THE FINEST CULINARY IN VENTICN OF THE AGE. Embodying in a plain and clieap utens'l as simp.e as a pet or skillet, a iu wei hing 1 ss than three p'cunds- AIl tle I?ri iscijile Involved Ii tlie lr i-lVet lii oiliin r Jlcsits, WlTII THE GK iATi ST Cox VEN'IEN" J LS AXD AD VANTAGES OF PltACTK'AL Use, AND lOtNG ITS Woil v WITH a Rapidity More than Double tu.t pk axt Uthkk Bkoileii It ft fiord s to tho poor and ricTi alike the FIRST and ONLY relief ever offered from the tedious, troublesome, juice-v.tporatin-, tirid dyspepsia producing bi oiler of the past ; from tlie dtadlv ft-e'-to liLitiiam health, the FRYING-PAN;' and from Hi-at-Couk ng A?;oiii tuitions of a.11 It renders broiling, heretofore so vexati ous, the Quickest aud Easiest of all Modes ot Cooking, aud meais bi oiled by it Slorc Pt lut utile antl utritimisi Than by any c'lt)er mode of cooking them, because it prevents tlr; loss of nutriment by evaporation or otherwise. It sets on the top of ibe Move or range, over one of the open ings ; requires no preparation of tire; no C ke or Charcoal : no puV.nding of Steak ; renders tough meat tender by its action ; does awu- with all moke uni snullof grease; broils equally well Over Coal or Wood ; answers to!' all i?ed stove or range openings; and is equally good fjr Beefstake, Chicken, Chops, Karri, Fish and Oysters, It broils stfitk, over an average fire, in Seven to Eight Aii-uites, and over a very hot fiie, Within Five Mi. mtes. Other meats" in proportion ; and Retains all the Juices and Flavor, which no other broiler do.'s. Sixty-Fivo Thousand are now ia Use. All s dd under Standing and Unconditional Guarantees, and have yiven an unanimity o saiistact ou unprecedented in the cuiiuary inventions. AVe guarantee them, whenever sold, to fu' fill the above specifications, and authorize all dealers to do so with their customers. An universal te.t is invited on these terms; and to any net satisfied after a fair trial, the money will be refunded, with charges both wa vs. Each Broiler will have the authorized la bel attaeheu with the trade mark, "Amei :can Broiler," stamped th- ieou. Tbis Croder is also an unequalled Cr?ad Toaster tnd Corn-Popper, and a good ColTee Roaster. Ilttail Piicc only Two liollars. Fine Mesh Gr.ite for Corn roppinor an 1 Roasting Co Pee, it' desired, 80 ccuts extra:. LIRERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. Fcr srde in San Fi anci.-co by tbe liou-e below named, in halt cloz -n and dozen pack ages, a(. the minimum rates, who will be re sponsible to the full extent of the above Miaraiiteos f-jr all Uroilei. sold bv t;utn. EUSSELL & ERWIIT, MAN 17 F CO., S-14 Sarsome St., San FranciscD, Manufacturers & Dealers In J Ini ihrare of every Desert) t Ion. And at Retail by r.ll Stovo, T.n and Ilause Furnishing dealt rs evervvvheie. Jan. 20 ail THE n Ti n A m LT lb .Dill runr c An Infallible Bioon puniFiEn, possess ing rare tomc and sehvke properties a certain cure for Evsir.tJi.vnsM. coit. .i-:t;nAi.;iA, and all kindred Diseases It completely restores the system when ir.i raired by disease, revives the. action of the kiimevs nn a ;EMT.VJ. orgam, rad; cally currs scnort-ti, salt ishei'x and all EntPTivj; nnd cutaseoui Dis eases, gives immediate and permanent relic.' in dyspepsia, r:nvsiPi;t.As, Tumors, Boils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; erad cates from the system all traces of Mercuria: Disease, It is pl'iiely vegetable, bein made from an herb found indigenous in faiifom. It is therefore peculiarly suitable for nso by Females and Gliiiaren, as a ui.ooi rrra- I- 1 1: II and ItEOVATOa. For Sate by all Druggitts. REDtNQTQ-K. HOSTETTCa & CO. AGENTS, 529 and. 531 Market Street, Ban Francisco. Oct. 2fJ:ni 84 0,000 WORTH OF BOOTS and SHOES COMPRISING ALL THE LEADING California & Eastern MANUFACTURES. For Fall and Winter Wear, Are on hand and bein? constantly replen ished at tbe t i - , I Philadelphia Boot Store, 113 Front Street and 131 First Street JOHN S. KAST. N. B. Ladies nnd Gentlemen's Roots ar.d Goiters made to measure. Dec. l':tf l-'.T' It yoti wish the very best Cabinet bototrrnnhs. vou must "call on Alt ADLE tRULOFSON, 433Montgansery street, Saa Francisco. ;.?.',: REDINGTOX, HOSTETTEPw & CO. Stop that ..Coughing ! Some of you can't;, and we pity yort. You have tried every remedy but ti ti ONE destined, by its inti in-ii" tncrit, to supersede all Minilur preparations.- It is not surprising you should he leluc tant to try sometLing else af tr the many exp rj-nents you have tnnde of traihy coirpr:ui:ds , foisted on the public as a Cerium cure ; but SMewelPs Pulmonary Syrup is really the ..VERY REST remedy ever compounded for the cine, of ('otighs, ColJfi, Sore Throat, AeUmhi, IVhovpiitg t'ovghit; lironcTiitiH and i'snstirrpliot. Thousands of ptople in Calib'ini, aid Orepon have bet-n already benefited by the surprising curative powers of NeweH's Pulmonary Syrup and with oihe accord give it their un qualitied'approbat On. We now address ouraelvest to all wbb are unacqu tinted with this, the preatest panacea ot the ape. for the healing "of nil diseases of the Throat und. L.ungs, assuring you that MeweH's Pulmonary &yrup bns cured thousands, and it will cure YOU. if vou try it. This invaluable medk-ine pleasant to tlo1. fite ; sooth ing, h.eabhx oud Ktrt-nurtheiiing , in its fetlec.ts ; entirily free fr-(n.n!l poisonous or deleterious drus.aiid perfectly harm- !ess under all circumstances. For Sale hy all Drugijists. P.EDINGTON, IIOSTETIER A CO , . os:'J and 531 Market street, Sau Francisco. Redlngtoii's ice Jamaica Ginger, irhich is conf.dcnUy j fcnr.imendid nn the Lett prepai tiut ncic l(fohe the public. This valuable preparation, c n'air.ing in a Iiipluy concentrated form all the properties of Jamaica (iinger,has lerome one ot the must pojmlar domestic reme dies br all diseases of the stomach and digestive organs. As a ionic, it will he found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or othet wise; for wLile it imparts tothesystt'm ail the glow and vigor that, can be produced hy wine or brandy, it is entirely free from the reactionary et'ects that follow the use of spu iis of any kind. It is also an excellent remedy for females who suffer from difficult men struation, giving abnf'St immediate re lief to the spasms th.t so frequently ac-co:-. p?nT that period . It Lrivps mi mediate relief to Nausea, caused by vidii-jr m a railroad car, or by sea sickt ess, or other causes. It is also valuable as an external ap plieat on for Gout, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc. niCDUGTO.V, IIOSTETTKR & CO., 52? a Sid 5lurket street, Sau Francisco. Rcdiilgioii's F 1 av o r i n g Extracts ARE THE PERFECTLY PFIE AND liiyhly c. ncer.t rated Extracts from Fiesh Fruits, prepared witii gieat i are. Thev i'ie put up in superior style, and in a bottle lo hlinj; TWICE AS"MCCII as the ordinary brands of Extracts. Comparing quality aud contents,, none other a;e nearly so cheap. Whenever tested on thkir JiKKiTS.they have been adopted in pieitrcnce to ail otheis, and ai-e now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS of the Pacific Coast. MA UK THE ADVANTAGES. By purchasing Rtflington's C'oncen t rated Flavoring Extract-, yen obtain an article not only supeiior in richness and delic.icj of flavor to any oilier of a simi lar nature, but. far more economical, be cause each bottle holds double, the quantity contained in a bottle of airy other flavoring extract sold. REUiSUTOXj IIOSTETTKR CO., Agents for tue Pacific Coast. VTonld yon escn pe FEVER AN D A CUE, and preserve health and vigor during the S'ckly season, make occa.-ional use of the following as A PREVENTIVE. If you are ATT CKED with Chills and Bilious Fever, or have been a victim to such disease, and used other so-called remedies without permanent relief, seek at once the safe.-t and suiet CUEE, y usin!i. accordinir to directions MASGi' & POLURC or, Fever and Ague rill. Time has proved them thoroughly to be the salest and most reliable reined- known. They contain no mercury or other mineral or chem'.cab- They -e exclusively vege table. They stimulate the functions of the liver. Conge.-tlun is impossible wln-re thev are used. They do not deter from daily labor. Fy a-sisting diize.-tion tl ey add flesh' and inu-clelo the fi ame. Tin y are adapted to all ages aud both sexes, and as a FAE8JLY ME Will CURE in their incipiency, three fourths ot all d seases incidental to a malarious climate. For Dyspepsia, in small doses, they have no equal. For sale bv 'all Druggists. REDISGTOX, HOSTETTERtCO., SOLE AGENTS. The Battle for Life Which is continually going on between health' and disease, "has never received fiom any medicine such marked and un mistakable ussi-tance, on the side of health, as it La from PewelTs Pulmonary Syrup REDING TO 77, HOSTETTER & CO., 529 and LZ JUrkct street, San Francisco."fJ AUCTION AXD COMMISSION A. B. ISiclasirdisoiij AUCTIONEER ! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland, AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, Genera! Jlerchan disc rind Horses, Kvt ry 1 Ved i estf a a tf J Sa tv rd or '! A. I. IiiciiAiSiix, Auctioneer, AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Rar and Rnndle lion Enghsb Square ami.Octacon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fiy pans, shoe! iron, R.'g Iron ; also : A large assottment of (Jroceries nnd Liquors A. H. I iri! at:pov. Anctionper JLxh. ti. 'i.',!.0-Vf FOOD. t. X.5.-3-.-.-'i.vJJ v V rv7.,i-- wi kB--'- a if I.; mmz' if. For a feTV cents you can huy your Groc cr Draira-ist a r stckage of SEA MOSS FI&NE, inado from Carrageen, inado from pure Irisli Moss, cr t-7, viil ci&tceii quails of B2auc 3iar.i:e find a like quantity cf Pnd dings, Custards, Creams, Char lotte Kusse, Arc. It if tho cheapest, liOaltlilest, and most delicious food in the vrorld. 1 1 makes a splendid Dessert and lias, no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Change ! ! o o :iIE CHEAT WORLD'S TOVIC. Plantation Bitters. o restorative B3 Ciac s"3eci-.ian-clacr of lia Ceeljllc asusl tlelsEli tajed, At ii Co:e2c iicl cordial far ilia ajjetl keij! InsigiaicS, it aclaacs. As a rensesTiy for fiSce nervoir wcaisicss Co -vSsali wcnjcia . arc cspcciuISy suSj-o jcci, 't sii2prscc3i5Bj every ollaer cisnsejlss. Ia all CJi czaales, tropical, tesaajjeraic, or rragi13, ii acts a-3 a' sjjeciflc in every specSes of disorder wlaacJi tissderiSiiiiieg eSac EoliIy !5Jren?g'tEa aad Hireaiss elona elic asiiaial spirals. For sale ly all Brt3g:gisis. o TS STILL AT JUS OLD STAND, -CORNFR t)F MAIN am) SIXTH STRFETS ORFGON C.TV, OREGON. TTHFRE HE W O TJ Ii D IN7ITE HIS V f riends, aud tlie pnMic in geneial, t0 call arid examine his stock, consisting ot g. general assortnie.nt ol r t! , Ifsst?5 sukI Caps, O GE0eieIef9 Ike o Zi Ilavin troir many years' cxpciicno 9 learned 1h:it THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES IU SIIAJL PROFITS IS DETF.RMiXEI TO . OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL S lence the ot Fur land 1'iices! Oregon City, August 2Stli, ISiJ'J. ACTIVE PERSONS WAITED. o mo A MOUTH 1 o o I ENERGETIC PERSON'S, CLEFGTMENV. Ii doctors, lawyer.-, o -rents, business men,, larn.ers sale-man. dealers, ami all' others male ai dfeui. e willing to give their whole time or part of it, can e.iM.ly make .100 OR MORE A .MONTH, bv engaging in liglit, iunoi able and staple O l.n;ness in hic'h to ni r.-ey is required X comjietuion. l:xclusive territory riren., iioft-renees as to character required. iSiamjis (or rttiirn i"ostng" debited. W rite your ad liress in u:H aud plainly. H. A. CAR7Y, NO. SI.j CIIESNUT STREET, rilILADEL?ElA, PA. ACTIVE Ja-. G:rr 6 4 O O 3 o o G o o o o o to- o 0 o o G