O - o o ts5 o o O o o O o 0 I ItAVE SOMETHING NEW TO TELL YOU. To solve the mystery, read the words 'itnlicised from the first verse down. 'I'ha'v'5omething new to tell you, Were I certain you would keep Everv word Totter, Anil not tell it in your sleep. s I have something new to tell you. When the breezes kissed the plain Do you promise that your bosom Will not throb with bitter pain ? ThaVe something new to tell you Did I know you wished to hear ; Something very new to tell you ; But I'm running o'er with fear. I hnvcsomething new to toll you Of a 'darling little pet. With the -very sunniest bj-ow and Biit l fear to ttll you yet. 1 have"sotnethinr new to tell you. Something while your gentle eyes Look so sweetly down upon rue In their beautiful surprise. I bave something ne to tell you, Were I certain yon would be E'en the -sweet little angel That you've evar been to me. I have something new to tell you, But the secret's fihpt so long, That t fear I have forgot it la the ardor of my song. Oryaltk Grant's Letter. The brother'ot the IVesklent has writ ten a private letter, which a Wash ington correspondent of the Cin cinnati Commercial sees fit to pub lish, in which he Warns his brother- the President, that (general Ilooni- Jield, Su district, Suporvisor of the Chicago Jias made propositions to the whisky men now under in dictment for frauds' offering to guash their -cases and surrender up to them all the evidence iii his pos session f8r twenty thousand dollars down: Mr. Orville-Grant was hirn- "fieli" asked to be a party to the trarisaction, but evaded a direct "reply, and sent word, as reported, to the President, urging hin to dis miss liloomfield. The letter is dat O cd in June last, and the inference is made b7 the correspondent, that the latter has personal motives for failing to take his brothers advice. Another Sheet, ix the llEruft f:iCAX Camj1. -Governor (xeary has effectually disposed of the last Chance Pensylvania had of a rejre fientativc in the President's Cab inet. In his Message sent to the Pennsylvahia Legislature yester day he takes direct issue with his party in regard to the Knforcment uct, denouncing the employment of government troops ?.t Congre?it?nal elections as an interference with the Sovereign rights of a State not con templated by the federal constitu tion. Is this intended as the first move toward the repeal of the En forcement act? Or is Governor tienry preparing to assume the leadership of a new party. A bridegroom, of this city, re cently ate too liberally at his wed ding euppt,-r, and his sleep was dis turbed b- a nightmare. He dreamed that he was chained to a log and placed on a railway track. He tugged and pulled and twisted to free himself before the train ap proached, but was unsuccessful un til the train dashed up, when he "Was lifted by the cow catcher, and lie awoke to find himself lying on the floor, his wife standing over hiifi5 brandishing a chair, and de manding to know of him why he had pulled her out of bed by the leg. Plxhawjc. & TeA5 Coffee and Sugar. The revised tariff that went into opera tion the 1st of January, made a re- miction of lifteen cents a pound m the duty on tea, Of about one and a quarter cent a pound in the duty on coffee. On spices there is a large reduction, and also ri considerable addition to the free list: this last mainly in the special interest ot the manufacturers. The surplus rev enue for future years is estimated by protectionist organs at one hun dred millions per annum, and they propose to keep it up nt this fig tire for their own benefit and that of the bondholders. The other day the front door of the New York 'Tribune office had to be closed for some purpose. So 31 r. Greeley wrote on a piece of pa per, "Entrance on Spruce street,'' and sent it down to the man who. does the painting of the bulletins, to be copied. The man studied over Greeley's tracks all the fore noon, and finally, in despair, wrote "Editors on a spree!" and posted it up. ' The Reconstruction of the South ern States on a republican basis has been a very unfortunate venture for the radicals. All the States Uueaten to jo democratic in tlie next Presidential election, and some of the extremists in Washington seriously contemplate a fresh recon struction. They ought to seriously dread any further handling of the subject. An Town lawyer, indrawincr up a complaint for assault and battery, made the following representation of facts: "And plaintiff further ab leges that, at said time and place, t)ie said A. !. said to complainant "If you come- another step nearer, III kick you to h 11," which com plainant verily believes be would hare done." O Afi Indiana paper says that Gar ret Clawson, of that State, who is eighty years old, "shoots squirrels without spectacles." Squirrels without spectacles are quite- com mon in Oregon. A-man in Boston is so short that When he is ill he doesn't know whether he has headache or corns. Show me the boy who obeys his parents, who has respect for age, always has a friendly disposition, and who applies himself dilligcntly to get wisdom, and to do good to ward others, and if he is not re spected and beloved, then there is no such thing as truth in the World. Hiram "Walbridge, who died in Xew York the other day, was the man who first re-nominated Gener al Grant for the Presidency. To say that this is what killed him may be truthful and jnst, but it is certainly unkind to say so. "I have lost my appetite," said a gigantic fellow, who was an emi nent performer on the trencher; to airiena, l nope, saui tne inena, ""no poor man has found it; for it Would ruin him in a Week." A young man recently took sick in Somerset county, from the ef fects of courting a girl who pov dered. and painted. Yonng men, beware. Tt is said that Texans arc so fond of riding that they will walk three miles to catch a horse on which to go a mile. Guardian's Sale of Eeal Estate. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' THAT IN x' pursuance of the order of the I'robsite Court of the count v of Clackamas, s-tate ot Oregon made on the 7th el ay of November, -170, in the watter t' the ctatc of the minor heirs of Micheal Summers, deceased, the undersigned Guardian of the persons and estate of said minor heirs, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder tor I . S. gold or sliver coin, and subject to continuation by said Probate Court, on Saturday, the 4rh day ot ieliruary, is, I, at 'Z o clock p. m. ot said day, at t lie Court House door, in . Clackamas county and State aforesaid, all the lijht. title, interest and estate of said intestate at the time of his death, and all the ri-ht, title and interest that the said estate has or the heirs of sail estate have by virtu? of their relationship to said intestate by operation of law or otherwise ncpiired in and to all that lot, piece or parcel of laud, situated, lying and bein;.? in the town of Oregon City.Claek amas county, Oie-rosi, particularly deseribed as follows, to-wit : As Cots N os. ;1 find 4, in 1'loek tifty-four, on the town plat of Oregon City, Ore gon, and on tile in the CWk's oiiiceof the county and State aforesaid. Conditions of Sale.--3Ioney to lie paid down ; deed at the expense of pun haser. KL1ZAB IvlTI SfJIM LRH, Guardian of the Minor Heirs of Micheal Smmw, deceaseds CJlAS. Fa AF.i:EN, Att'y for Guardian. Jan. IS, 187 l:v4 Administrator's Notice. 7STOTICEIS I1KUKBY GIVEN THAT TI1E -i- undersigned have been appeiirvred Adminis tratrix and Administrator, respectively, of the Estate of Harrison Wright, deceased: All per sons havinir claims agains sai l Estate arc here by nut i tied to present thorn to the undersigned, properly verified, withm six months from this date, or be forever 1 -aired. 1-1 l.A BET II A. "WRIGHT, JOSEPH A. "WlilUHT, Jan. 12th, lS71:wl Administrator's Notice. ""OTICE IS HKIiEKY GIVEN THAT Til E t undersigned has been appointed Alliums trator of the estate of Frances Jones, deceased, late of Clackamas county, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate will ptv.-ent them within six months, at the residence of the undersigned in said countv. JOHN J;. GAP. D, Jan. 2, 1871:wl Administrator. 1847. I07J. New Goods ! New Goods ! 15. CAUtMELD B' EOS LEAVE TO INFORM T E PUBLIC that, lie has refitted the old stand, corner Main and Seventh Sts., Oregon Citv, and lias rec ' lveu an entire nnv sistinf of stock of goods, co!i- DRY 'GOOpS, GROCERIES, CROCKER Y, G LA SS U 1 R E, WOODENWARE, and a general assortment of everytliing in our line. TiTankt'ttl tor past favors, westil solicit a share of tlie patro lacro. Couatry Prudueo a ken in exhunire for iooas. 43:ly 1 M BU Th s is the moat thoiouLii b!o: d i urilier yet dicoVerctt, and cure all humnr from tlie W'irst Scrof ii'i.i to a common Eruption. Pimples and JHofche on tlie fice anc scab or 0'Jg!i ki, which pre such annovin Mem ihs t ) nianyyoiingj jicKonS, yiold to the u-e of a few bo; tics of this wonderful medicine. From one to eight bottle c:in- Suit Rhium, Eryxipthi. Scidi livid, Ring Worm.", Uoils. Sen! Ei vpfions of the Skin, Scrofula Stre Ulcers nnd Canker' in fje m&vth and stomach. It is a pnre meuiriii;:l extri'fct of native roots r nd piants, combining in har mony Nature's most (ovtrei2n i-iuative prop crti which ( d has instilled info the vegetable kingdom for healing thd -ick. It is a grc.it lestoror for the Ftrength ami vigor of the system. Tho!i who are languid , ?leep lcss, have mervo'i apj)i flit nsions or to irs. or any of th affect ions s f :npt ornatic of tn ak wil! find convincing evidence of its re storative power upon trial. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated and despondent, have freouent Headache, mouth t;i: tes Dadly in the morning, irregular appetite and tongue eo.ttf'it. you are suffering from Torpid Liver r " riliouness." In many cases of ' Jdver Complaint" only a part of tuese symptoms are eXnei icnecu. As a remedy for all such cases, Dr. Tierce's G d.'.en Medical D scovery lias no equal as it eff -cts perfect cures, leav ing the liver strengthened and health. For the cure of Habitual Constipation "of the liowels it is a never failing remedy, ana those who have used it for this purpose are loud in its praise. In Eronshi il. Throat and Lung Diseases, it Ims proJuced many re markable enre , where oilier medicines had faileJ. S dd by druggists at $1.00 per bot tle. Pi enured at' he Chemical Labia'orv of R. V. PIEIiCE, M. D. , Buffalo, N. Y. A Factory FOR THE MANUFACTORY OF SASH, BLINDS AND CCORS, AND MOULDINGS" OF ALT, S ZF.. KS They will also do TURNING, of VTy description to order, "Vith Neatness and Dispatcl 1 o ALL WORK WARRANTED. Shop on the River, bnck of Ac km Store, Oregon CitjO cd Oregon City, July cO:tf it si I't'i'oiii GREAT REDUCTION PRICES 33. L. STORE'S, ?io. lOr Frosit Street, Poi'tlaml, Oregon. WALTIIAM WATCHES, GOLD CHAINS AXD KIXGS, CLOCKS, OROIDE WATBIIES AND CHAINS, FINE JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. .All at jSTew York 3?xices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYESv EVEKX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED. Watches and Jewelry repaired. juOtf N OTICE. The People's Transportation Company WILL DISrATCIl THEIR STEAMERS FROM OREGON CITY AS FOLLOWS-: FOE, PORTLAND : At 7 A. M., every day, except Sunday. And 1 I'. M. Monday, Tuesday. Thurs day and Friday, 01t Saleln, Albany aii'd Corvallis. asd on MONDAY) WEDNESDAY AND FlilDAYj FOR A. A. McCULLY, President. Nov. D5. 1570 40.tf WAG OX AND Carriage FVi an is factory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets. Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons; and as. man v new ones as may he pleased to cr.'l, that he is now prepared, v th ainpfe room, good materials, and the verj best of mechanies, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort "ct a vehicle .from a com mon ("art to a Concord Coach. Try iVe. IJiacksmitiiing, Horse or Ok shoeing, and general jobbing neatly, qnieklv and cheap ly done.' DAVID SMI TIL Opposite Excelsior Market gLLADES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAIX STREET, Oregon City. O Bext RILLIARD TABLES in OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the 'overs of this popular amusement to thein. THE BA R IS SUPPLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors anJ Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon already famous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE a it Air mix fi'S'Farriilies supplied. "reading matter for DC THE AEIERICAN ETOCK JOURNAL, A large Handsomely Illustrated Monthly, containing :J2 to 40 large Double Column Page-, lided with original til a iter from the able-tl writers in the country, bii the Various subjects connected with EAILMINO, STOCK-DREED I NO) WOOL-OUOWING; DAIRVINU. POULTRY KEEPING !tc. Dound in handsomely tinted covers. It has a VETERINa RY DEPA RTM ent under the charge of one of the ablest Pro fessor!" in',the United States, who answers through tlie Journal, ft ec of charget all r-ues-t iona rchitin to Sick, Inj.ired or Diseased Hoises, Cattle, Sheep, Swine or Poultry. This make- it a very valuable work for re ference, and an almost indi-pensible compan ion to all intert-sted in clock breeding. The low price at which it is published $l.fma year) brings it within the reach of all, while te Sbnlil iiiiJitennrnis offered to Agents and Premiums to SabscrWcrsi make it to the interest cf etery Faftr.er and Stock Drcedor to extend its circulation. Send Stamp for Specinmn, Copt, large Illustrated Sanc Jilll and Pre mium Pi st. Get up a Club and obtain one of the manv valuable Premiums ottered, consi-tjfig of Chester White, Uerkshire. SuflAdk. Maple and EsSeS Pigs Short-Horn, Alderney, Ayrsiiire and heron Calves. Southdown, Cotswc? ! arid Merino Shep, Cashmere Goats, Pire-Cied Poultrv, Norway Oats. Seec's, Agricultural Implements", Pranos, Watches, Silverware, Hooks, &t. Specltneri copies scut free. Address N. P. KOYER A- CO., Publisher--, Parkesbnrg, Chester Co., Pa. Dr. J, K. HATCH,- DENTIST. x iie i-uironage 01 inose denTins first Cuius Gyration, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. 15. Xltrou-i Cryde administered for the raintess Lxtracticij of Teeth. Officb In Weigant's new buifdin-r west side of First street, between Alder au"d Mor rison streets, Portland, Oreo-ou.' Tl 4 r . . . - Blanks. All kinds of blanks can ln had nt this office Job Printing of everv description neatly, executed, at short i.otice. WALTEB jVcw CA15PETI1VGIS VELVETS, BRUSSELS-, THREE-PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, W IK DOW-SHADES PAPER -HANGINGS, LACE - CURTAINS, &t;, &c We Would Vail the attention of pon tics fitting up houses, or being in need of anything in our line To our Stock', which is CXE OF Ulh CVJirZETEST Oil the Pa? elite Cosst I Ow Goods being specially selected at the 'Factories in Pa gland and the Pastern States, we car?, sell AT THE LO WEST S2isiI?issii2ciseo Prices. No. SO Front street, between Alder 3o.) and Washington, Portlun'd Oregon LAUDEH & De? RANGE'S mm COLLEGE, POH7LAKD, OREGON, For the instruction of le Aged iuen, Young Elen and Boys, In the branches of a Business Education. rpHI3 IS WITHOUT DOUBT A MO.-T JL thorough and eliicient Institution, and has made for i s If a name in Oregon, of which its f r iends arc ju-tly proud. The brauchi s whicii stand ont prominent ly in thr? curi ictduin of study are BOOKKEEPING. C ) M E U C I A L A R ITHM ET t( POLITICAL ECONOMY, PENMANSHIP, COMMERCIAL LAW, CO R RESPON DEN CE , &.C. A mot tliofough practical department is in constant operat'on, in which are com prised all the nilnutir.e of business affairs. Students can enter at any time. No va cations, Call at room; corner of FRONT and AL DER streets,, or send for a circular contain ing full information. Addrcsr, b.VlOi; it IHI'ltAJfEy Pot tland; drcgoii. The standard remedy for t'onglis, Infin enzn, Sors Throat, Whooping Cough, Croup, Lietr Complaint, Bronchi tin, Bleeding of the Lungs; an 'J every affection of the Throat, Luiiirs and Chest, including Conpcmptiox. Vi,t sir's U-ilsitm does not dry tip a Cough but loosens it, Cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation , th us removing thecante of the. complaint. None genuine unless signed I. Brrrs. Prepared by Seth W.Fowle tt So. KoMon. . Sold by II epinhtjx, Hos. tktter it Co., San Frar-sisco, and bv dealers generally. Jel8:ly A. G. VALLIXG'S Pioneer Book Blnclery- OltEGONIAX I1UIL.DING, Xo.' 5 "IVasliington Street, FORTLAND, OREGON; BLANK BOOKS RULED aad BOUND to anv desired pattern. MUSTC TtOOI-IS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to'. STEERS & HSSMDE, Wholesale Dealers in rOHEIGK AXD DOLIESTIC Wines, Prandies, WhisJcics, PJe9 No. 40, Front Street, Portlakt, Oregon. Constantlv on hand Cutter Whisky. a genuine article orj 1 POPE & CO., DEALERS IN STOVES, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRO lERs' COPPER, LEAD PIPE, V ON PIPE AND FITHNUS, RUB R HOSE. FORCE AND Lit A PUMPS. ZINC, COPPER, BRASS AND IRON WIRE. Also a general assoitment of Ilous nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, "and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING AND JOBBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. Also at FOFES SlOVfe )I2 , will find HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND TINWARE, LANTERNS, LAM PS AND OIL, LUCINE ANDj NIOHT LAMPS. ALSO PERAMBULATORS. o AE of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THtt TIMES. C. W. POPE & CO. 1 lily Oregon City Oregon. GGSMOPQUTAN HOTEL, Front Street rORTLAXD, OKECOSi Sieber & Solon Propr's- TT--I1E UNDERSIONED HAVING RE JL furnished and re fitted the above named Hotel, will henceforth conducted on "th-j EUROPEAN STILE. Rooms can be had by the Cay, Week or Month. A RESTAURANT in the House, ii'ri(J?r ?he management of PIERRE.M ANCIET, late of the Lafayette. Owing to its location and construction, it is the most desirable Hotel in the City, and we intend keetixg it as it olgiit to be kevt. Free Cosiclai sml I5as;i;iis( AVagoii :tul lmtlio lioicl. ZIEBER it ilOLTON, Proprietors. oct. 21tf. !?tJiue liaiuiiuiv CHAS. nODGE. .CnAS. E. CALEF. . GEO. Y. SXELL. HODGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IX DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AXD WINDOW GLASS, Varnishes, he usees, painters MuC'Jriai8, aha i.rua'jists' Sundries. Front Street, Portland, Orcj-'On. J.uor, Stite'l. James . Urrox STITZEL a UPTON, Peal P.sfale Brokers and General Agents, Comer of Front and Wash ington streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. Will attend to the sale and purchr.se cf Real E-tare in all pat t of. the. City and slate. Special attention i en to the sale o! East Port! anil property'. Address P. O. Box 42. Portland. Oregon. STiTZEL it UPTON, Otf. I':ul Estate ifrckcrs. OREGON CITY EllEWEPvY ! !EMl Y il U ?a B K L,, Having purchased the above Brewery wish es to inform the public that he is now prepar ed to nianuf'ai b.ire a No. 1 quality of LAGER BEER, As good as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled. Patronize Home industry. the pioeerTcurlsd hair TvlAKTjFACTORir IS NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY THE mat ki t w.th a No. 1 article of Curled Hair for Upholstery work, which will com pare with .try impbrt'.'d article In quality or price. I piy the highest price Tor MnceS and Tails of Horses and Tails of Cows at my store, corner Front and Salmon streets. D. METZdER, Portland, Oregon. Importer and Dealer in X3S 33 s5 STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, tc, Oregon City, Oregon. At Ch'srmav 5" Warner s old .."dnrd, lately oc cupied by S. Ackennan, Jlabi atrbet. lo tf BSLilARDS! Messrs. Phelan & Collciulcr '31 Uvtl? The well-known Rilliard Table Manufac tures, of New York, have established a.i 511 Market St., an Francisco. An extensive branch of their business, where they propose to keep constantly on hand the LARGEST and most complete "assortment of UlLLI VIiW TAltLKS, tl.tfTIIS, CfES, ETC., ON THIS COAST. THE TABLES are of tlie latest style and size recently adopted fn the Eastern States; aie manufactured in the best possible man ner, and furnished With I'll ELAN'S LAT EST IMPROVED CUSHIONS. The new composition Rilliard Rail made by t he Hyatt Manufacturing Co, of Albany, N. Y., 1he be.-t substitute for ivory yet dis covered. For sale only by us. Piice 12 00 per set. , All goods sold will be of the best quality, and the prices folly as low as any otLer h6'use in" fhe hnsiness. Parties tisiting the city are invited to visit; our -rare rooms' and inspect, our stoc k GEO. E. P BEL AN, 541 Market St. N. B. The nbtic are notified that no other parties, on the I acific coast have tl lo-litosell Phelan'd Cu hions. Nov4:Sm J"OIIX II. SCII RAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SABDLFS, PARNPSS, etc., etc., Muin Street, Oregon (Hty, S"Wishes to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish any article in bis line as the largest pstnl.tUI.mf.r.t in xi.. particularly requests that an examination o' his stock be made before buying ekeTlier-K c. w. TO THE NERVOUS & DEBILITATES WHOSE SUFFERINGS HAVE BEEN Protracted from Hidden Causes, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE Prompt Treatment to render existence desirable. If roil .re sM tiering or have euflVredi frtm involnntary dis'chari'es, what efl'dct does it produce upon your general health '! Do you teel weak, debilitated, easily tired V Does a little extra exertion produce palpitation of the heart V Does your liver, or urinary or rans, .or your kidneys frequcntlv get out of order ? Is your urine s'ornet ihVes hick, milky or .flock', or is it ropy on settling? Or does a thick si um ? isx: to the top? Or is a sc-li incut at the bottom after it has stood aw1lilcV Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated"? Do you have spells of faint ing, or rushes of blood to the head ? Is your memory im paired ? Is j'our mind cons'P.nt Iy dwelling on this subject ? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of life V Do jou .wi'hh to be left atone, to get away from every body' Does any little thing rtake3'ou stait or jump? Is your Sleep broken or restless Is the lustre ot' your eye as brilliant ? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you eti yourself in Society ur Well? Do you pur sue your busi'ne.-'S With the san;e energy ? Do you feed as nuich confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull find flat-ging, given to fits of melancholy? If so cfu 'not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you resth Ss nights? Your back Weak, your knees weak, and have but little "ppetite, and you attrib ute this to dyspepsia) or liver complaint? KOW, self-abuse, venereal d'sep.ccs badly curcd,nhd se'rnal excesses, ate all capable ofproduc,ihg a weakness Vjf the geneiative cigans. The organs of generation, when in pel feet health ; MAKE THE MAN; Did You Ever Think that thoSe ltrld defiant, energetic, perseTerinxi, successful business men, are .lWays lli'ose Whose geuiratie organs are in perfect health ? You rever hear such men complain rf bf ig tnelancholVi of hcrvousne.ss, or paljnta t on of the heart. They are never afraid theV 'cannot succeed in Insimss; the- don't become sal and tliscoutaged ; they are all ways polite and pleasant in the company ot laiiies, and fool' yo'i ahd them right in. the face none of yohr dow nca look"" or oiht-r meanness about them. I do not mean those who keep the organs inflatt d by running to excess. These will riot onl-v B.UIBJ THEIR COKSTITUTIOhS, but alo tliose they do biisihess with or for. How many men. from badly cured diseases, from the effects of sHf-abuse and exce.-ses, have brought aboi.t that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced the. genera! system so much as to induce almost bTeiy other disease IDIOCY, LMACl, rpinal aflections. suicide, and almost every other form of disease which h'upar.Uy is heif to, and tlie real cause of tt e trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored for all but the right one. Diseases of these organs require the useof a Diuretic HELMBGLD'S I" E SO 4 i (i i. - 4 0 I is the great Diuretic; nnd is a certain cure for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Graved, Diopsy, Organic Wcakmss. Femalfe Coni plaints, (Jeneral Dt tnlif r. and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, w het her existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. . . If nt) tieatm tit is submitted to. Consump tion or InSar ity may ensub. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that e f Pos terity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedyi 53 E L M 0 D L D ' S MXTRA.CT IsilCilU, Established upward of Nineteen Years, IS PREPARED RY H. T. KELMBPLD, Eruggist, 594 Broadway, Kew York, AND 1C4 South ?enth St., Fhila., Pa- Price fl.2o per Bottle, or 0 Bottles for ?fi.50, delivered t- any address. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. . isone are genuine unless done up fn steel eninaved wrapper, with fa.-'-siiVir of mv Chemical Warehouse, and signed H. T. HELM BO Lb Aug. 20, iS70:ly FRENCH MEDICAL OFFICE. r . DR. JULIEN PERRAULT. Dr. of Medicine of tlc Faculty or Pnris, Cirailustte of tlie I'nivorsfty Queen's College, and Pliysitian cf th St. .Toll ii Uaptiite Society of Sun Fiuu. tisett. Dn. PERTtXt-LT has the pleasure to inform patients and otht is seeking confidential med ical advice that he can be consulted ySaily at his office, Armory Hall IJudding. wNoi th East corner of Montgomery and Sacramenttu streets, San Francisco, Rooms Nos. 11,10, Up first floor., up strirs, entrance on either Montgomery" oi, Sacramento streets. Q DKri'KKisAri.T's studios have been almost exclusively devoted to the cuie of th va-'ious forms of Nervous and 1'lijsical de bility, the result of injurious habits acquired: in youth, which usually terminate in impo tence and sterility, and permanently induce all the concomitant of old .age. Yhe?t a secret irdnn:y exists involving the happj- f ness of a life and that of others, reason aiid morality dictate the necessity of its removal, for it is a fact that piematnre decline of thr0 vigor of manhood matrimonial unhappiness', compulsory single life, etc., have therr sources in causes, the get niSsf which is plantO ed in early life, and the bitter fruits tasted long afterward; patients, laboring tinder thifc complaint, will complain of one or more of the ".following symptoms: Noctual ' Ktnis- sions, Pains in the Rack arnV Head, "Weak ness of Memory and Sight, Discharge fioir the Urethra on going to stoolor making wr tt r, Ii.felhctual Facv.ltics. --re "Wea-cno'd, n Ross of Memoiy ensues,.- Ideas are cloiided. and there is a disinclination to attend fo)bu iocs, or even to reading, wilting or tJifc society of friends, et;Q The 1 aticnt wiki prubaidy complain of Dizziness, Vertigo, and that Sight and Heanr g are weakened and id e'en disturbid bv tircams: tnelanrhr.tv sighing, palpitation, famtings, coughs nntf slow fevers ; while some have cMeinal i9hu matic pain, t-.nd numbness of the bodv;V?'', Some c-f the comrnon " tnptoms are pimple in the f.ice, ami acl.ihg in different parts of the body. Patients suffering fiom this dis ease, should i'.'jiy irnnn diately to Do. Ptit kai'lt, either in person or by letter us he will guiirante a cme cf Semmal Kmissiona arid lmji tn;re in six or eight weeks. 1 Patients suffering In in veneiial disease in any stage, (Jonmihea, (jlet, Strictures, Bubo, L lc is. L'ctarcous Eruptions, etc.' will be mated snccessfully All Svi.hilitia r.n'd Mercurial Taints entirely jeti.oved from the system. " Q Dn. I'Ki.u-.-t i.t's dij Irmas are in 1 is office, where patient s can see for themselves thut they are nndir the caie of a regular ednca td practitioner. The best ltJeieucts givti if rt quin a. Patku.ts fufTr-ring under chronic disease', cancall and examii.e for themselves. "We invite investig:9i.u ; claim not to knew every thing, nor to cure e oi)bi dy, lot tei do claiui ihsst iia, ;:11 cast s taken unuer treat mei.i we fulfil! our picmcs. We partici.lar ly request these who have tried th s 1 ousted docti.r, and that auvciti.-ed jd.ysician l w orn tv.t a; d d:sc uragtd, to call i pon us. Low charges and iuitk cuies. l.a'dits sutfciitig lior ai y comj laint inci dents 1b their s-cx, can coi.sult the doctor with the as.-ui ance of relief. I tiiialc aioiulil' Pills. Dn. Pi. n it Aft. t is the only agent in Cali fornia for Rn. Riorr's Female Monthly l illdi Their immense sale has establu heel t i.tijrep utution as a le male Jtn.ecy uiiaj-pn-.ached and fat" in advance of every oil cr rcn ttlv for upii ?s OuS ai.d irit guhaitit. s, at.d t thtr ohr ti lictioiis in Icma'es. On thenceipt o( lived llais, these Ihs will be sei t by ma I or expre.-s to any patt td' the woild, sccuie fiom cuiio.-ity or Uiri 'igc. J'erse.i.s at a d stiii.ee cm be erred at home, by addressing a letter to Pit 1'i.r kai. lt, t on t-r of Saci ;.n;e nto :,nd M nonP t-ry stieets, R.- cms 10 i.hel 11, t r Rox 5TS P. O. Sa n Francisco, stating tie case a 'minutely as pos.-ibie, gti.cial habits of liv ing, occuput ion, tc. , e; c. All ce mmnnieati-Ji ; Conlident :aJ. lyrlg) PRIVATE MMIUL AID. (itiidc h:sjiii(! .tI:IeiaJe Cliargea S O Pi-iviste Me tlie stl t Mugie al i ns il utc.'. No. 5 10 Sacramento EtreM, corner of l.e:dtsdcrl'l t; i'w ie..ih below the- U liT.i Che-e-r I leu ::-.) (Private cntrsince on LcieUsth iff street.) ' Establis-lied Kxpressly to AllVud the Afll-tted O onnl and Scientific Mt dical Aid, in th Tl t i.ifi. t .,..! ',,,... ..!' ! .1 ...... ... ,. ...iv. v.. (it: I ,.11 i IIIUIC ill.q Chronic i'ise.i.-cs, Cases oi Seciecy and all oe.xuid D. soi tie rs. o t lie AflSJtted. K. DOHEUTY re iirns his sircere thanks to hi l uti erous jatitnts for their wt uld tafe this rt ortimitv patronage-, ai d to r mind I I t in that lie contir.ues to consult at his Institute for t! e cine f t hit-Lie dis-. ta-esof the Lungs. Liver, Kidntvs, Diges tive and Oi niio-Urinai v Organs, ai d ail private diseases, viz : Svphilis in all its forms Undstagts, Semincd Wt-nkne s and all the honid iisc:ucnces of self -id use. (Je-norr-. h'ea, Gh et, Strictnr. S, Ntcti.inal ai d Diur-ii-il Lmi-sions. Sexual De bil ly. Diseases of he IJack titid Loins, infiammation of the Bladder and Kidneys, etc,; and he-, hopes i. pit his hg e-cperienceml successful prac-. lice win continue toil sine him a share o I ubnc patronage. By the piPcticc of many years in Em ope and the Uniled States, he i enab'ctl to a j ply i he im st eflicxnt (aid snc ccssfnl remedies against diseases of all kinds.' He uses no mercuiy. cl cif.es n.oderate.ti eat his i atit r.ts in a coireet and hoi orabie way,' and li.is reference srd ui:piieftiom!ble veraci ty from m. n of known respectability and high stiin.iing in st cetv. All parties con sulting Li,,, by letter or tthci wise, will re-s ceive the 1 est and gentlest tientme -t aid impacit seciecj-. F' Feiiialcn. "When a female is in ti oubie. or afflicted with disease, as weakness of the back and limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sight loss of muscular pow er, palpitat on d"""tha heart, in itabiiity, nervousness, extreme ur-. inary difficulties, derangement of dige-tive functioi s, general debility, rsiginitis, I1 dis. casts of the womb, hysteuia, steiility and alt other diseases peculiar to ft males, sheshould go cr wri'e at once to the celebrated female doctor, W. K. DOII I- RTY, at his Medical In stitute, and consult him abouti her troubles. AUf liri-iw.c 'I t.. 1W...4 l. Y. .... v ...... i .it iui.ii:i i cncciing more." cure-- than any other physician in the State of California. Let no ia'se delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately Jind save- yourself from p-::infi;! snft'ei ings and jr mat ore death,' All married ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an inciease-iil their families -dioohl wiite or call at Dll. W. K. DOII 1.U1 Y'S Mt dicnl Insti nfe, ai d thev will receive : every possible rtJitf and lely:. The Doctor's ofiiees m e so ai ranee d thut he can be consulted without fear jf observation,' To ( orresijoiieTcMts. Pat ients residing in any pr.it of the Rate' nowever disunt, who mav th sire tl ic opiniort and adviceof Pft.DOllLl'iTY in their lesp'cc tive cases, and w ho. think I rot;e?-to sui ' it a v. t ittt n statement of such, in r-re fi-fmrp in holding a j.ersoral interview, kio respectful loldmg a j.ersoral interview, kio respectful y assuit d that their con inniiications will t eid saci'5.1 and confidential. If i!' IV fully and candidly described, personal com-"" municatioii w ill ,e unnecessary, as . ins'trn'c'-. lions for diet, legimen anil tbe general t'-eat"- ment of t lie ca-e itself (incliidiuij she lemeX d es), will be fi-rwaided with oat" (lelav, antf in such a m Miner as to confer no idea'of the'" iMirptjit of the luter or pr.iccl, O t.,(J llrl;li:i,i&r!-,iJ letter or otkerwi.," r l.'LL. Pt i fnanent cure guaranteed or no i;ay.' - " 0 fspcl-m.-iton Jin. O DR. DOlIEKTY hasjnt pr.M'ishr,;. an im' poitant par.:phUt, endvdying his own viewsi' and experietices in t elation to - Imj.-oter.ce iiility ; I e ii-g a Short Treat es e-n Spernia torrheva or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and Physical i). b lity cer.?eqnent on this atlcc t on, sir.d o' her diseases of the Sexual Organ This little .'-oik contains information of the.' utmost value to all, w hether married orsinglci. and will ho sent I'LEL by mail on receipt ef -ix cents ;o po ae. Add; ess tage stamps lor return post- XT. K. DOIIERTY.M. D.. jnlyO' ly San Francisco Cal 1 . jMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaE.oque tS: Co.,' f OREGON CITY. . tt5Keep constantly on hand foi sale.l i.u Midlings, Bran and Chicken Feed, Pa. tie fu rchasing feed must furnish the sacKs,' O O r