o o 4 o G o o Little of Everything'. Watfeiing places that remain bpen all winter; the mouths of hiilk cans. Ftfty-otlil female matriculants in medicine are accredited to the Michigan University. Figaro says lie has reflected a good deal on the lajyse of ages, and prefers, on the whole, the age of seventeen. GThe late James T. Brady once remarked that his experience con vinced him that a man's wife was highest lawyer. There is a female law student in Chicago. The kind of law she j should practice is that of a daugh-ter:in-law. An old JjLdy in Holland, whose sole occupation was housewifery, scrubbed her sitting-room floor until she fell through into the cellar. The women teachers, at the re cent meetings of the Crawford county (Indiana) Institute, signed a pledge not to wear corset ibr one year. If we do not want our faults no ticed we Tnust not speak of the faults of others. Buy the truth and sell it not; al so wisdom and instruction and un derstanding. It, is a noticeable fact that peo ple who change their mind often never get a ( 1 one. Whoso stoppeth his ear at the cry of tlie poor, he also shall cry himself hut shall not be heard. Jean Paul says of children: "The smallest are nearest God, as the smallest planets are nearest the sun it lie that covcreth a transgression procureth love, but he that re 0 peatheth a matter separateth very 0 friends. If you have been tempted to evil, flv from it: it is not fallinu: in to the water, but lying in it, that drowns. One-half of the children of Eng lar.d doiot goto school. Thirty per cejjt. of the English army can not read or write. The world, estimates men by their success in life, and by general consent it is evidence of superiority of a certain kind. liven a fool when he holdcthhis peace is counted wise; and lie that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding. There are manufactured in the United States each year over 1, 500,000 scythes, at a' cost of about the same number of dollars, employ ing not far from 1,500 hands. fcir Thomas Overbury says that a man who has not anything to boast of but his illustrious ances tors, is like a potatoe, the only good belonging to him being un der ground. When a man and a woman are made one, t lie question is: ''Which one ?" Sometimes there is a long stru"4rle between them before the matter is sett led. A young lady, upon one occa sion, requested her lover to deiine her. " Well, Sal," said he, " it is to me, an inward impressibility and an outward all-overishness." Mrs. Susan B. Anthony is said to have the clergy men's sore 0 throat." In common with the rest, of the women, she has a perfect right to all she wants of this minis terial perquisite. Generd Sherman, in a speech in Cleveland, a few days ago, is re ported to have said that the Army of the Cumberland would never hav permitted itself t o oe eoope't tip like the army in Paris A little boy, whose mother had promised him a present, was saving his prayers preparatory to going c bed; but his mind running on a norseJie began as follows: "Our Father who art in heaven wont yOu S,vc '0 a not si tnv King- dorr come witft a strin- to it i Tiik Xr.T Ai'voution'mi-t. The House of Representatives now lias 244 members. By the new law, Congress, under the next ap portionment, is to have 23 4 mem bers. The census returns irdicate that the population is about 38, 000.000, an increase of 7,000,000 since 1800. Th's will give about 3 03,253 population to each mem ber. The New England States will each lose one .Member, Mas sachusetts losing two. New York will lose four, Pennsylvania and Ohio three each. Of t lie Southern States, Virginia. South Carolina, Lousisiana and Kentucky will lose fine each, and Texas will gain one. . Of thiPWestern States, .Michigan, Minnesot, Iowa, Wisconsin and Kansas ain one each and Illinois and Missouri two. New Jersey, it is thought, mav gain one, and is the only State on the Atlantic coast" which will gain. Of the whole country, New England loses r seven, the Middle States nine, and the Southern States three, while the ; West gainbine the Pacific States remaining as heretofore. It is said an absent-minded pro fessor in going out of the gateway of his cottage ran against a cow. In the contusion of the moment, he raided his hat and exclaimed liI beg your pardon, madam." Soon after he stumpled against a lady in the street; in sudden recollec tion of his former mishap, he called . nr. .i ... 1 ' . wuu is iiiuL von a"ain brute?" you Jpf hqcoiiQ A man was lately "'"owned in a beer vat. in Ohio It has often been thought that some powerful inducement must be held out to Chinamen in their own country to induce them to leave their Celestial home and to seek fortune among the barbarian El Dorados of other lands. A speci men of the advantages pictured to the untutored Chinese mind which would follow their passage across seas is curiously shown in a trans lation, which has come to light, of a circular which is distributed in China, and in which the Chinese are informed that in this country "Chinamen have become richer than mai-darins" in the flowery kingdom. As if this picture were not sufficiently intoxicating, the poor pig-tails are further told : "ITiy, first year, 300, but after wards made more than double. One can do as be likes in that country. .Nobody better nor get more pay then does he. Nice rice, vegetables, and wheat, all very cheap. On the ships that go there passengers will find nice rooms and very fine food. They can play all sorts of games and have no work. Everything nice to make man happy. It is nice conntrv: Better tlirm tin "Vr sickness there, and no danger of death. Come! go at once. Don't heed any wife's counsel or the threats of enemies. Be Chinamen, but go." Apart from the false hoods set forth in this circular, two interesting social facts are present ed in the above. One is, that the poor Pagan is just as much a suf ferer from petticoat government as his Christian brother; and, finther, that intimidation is used to prevent the departure of emigrants from China. True Couktesy. Real courtesy is very different from the courtesy which only in the sunshine of love and the smile of beauty and with ers ami eoolsdown in the atmos phere of poverty, age and toil. Show me the man who can quit the brilliant society of the young, to lis ten to the kindly voice of age, who can hold cheerful converse with one whose years has deprived of charms; show me the man of generous im pulses ; who is always ready to help the poor and needy; show me the man who protects unprotected maidenhood, as he would the heir ess, surrounded bv the protection of rank, riches and family ; show me the man who never forgets for an instant the delicacy, the respect that is due to woman as woman, in any condition or class; show me such a man' and you show me a gentleman. Xever intentionally wound the feelings of anybody. The good opinion of the world is the best kind you can have, and the more the better. The man or woman who says he or she don't care a pin what the world thinks or savs, gives utterance to what they know to be false. We do care, and it is well we do; and those are gravely mistaken who say the' do not. An exchange says: "It is not good taste for a gentlemen to stay alter ten o'clock when visiting a young lad'." We never noticed any diiference in taste. It tasted good alt the time. An exchange says that "colored women are manifestly born to blush unseen," Yet they do not "waste their sweetness on the desert air," "to any great extent." j 5 l 1 fi - V r j - Tr I it s .- tne tin s O oio i li u.oi el : m iner yet discovered, and cures aft lanwrs from the w.-rst. Scrofula to ;i common Eruption t impfrx sml Dlotrhcs ' n the J ce anr tcd.or rough .kw, winch are s ich annoying I. lem i-hos t niahv oting ptr-o s, yield to !h of a few bo tb's of tins wonderful medi ine. Fr- in one to oiuht boiil m F.n;rltx. S'caU Head, li c iiv Salt KJif itm, IT Wnrmfi, Ijoix, Scaly lit a j i '.'oris of the Tcei x (fiiJ ' CaitLt t ' "j 1 ni'inth It i- a i-iirp n;edn in;d extract of native r.-ots r nd jl ints, combining in har mony Nat i 1 e's m ( st po verei n i n rat i ve ! op i:i s, wl.icli (I d h:i instilled into tiie v tret ible kin.udo'.o ior lieulint: tlie iek. It i-; ;1 ,t i et tor the ?(ieijif' and vijor :' the systt m. 'f !i'i- w o a re lani.id , s'eep les, have w rvxtx npni thi -nxions or tears. r a y .f the afT' cti u s s. ;nptoinatic of rcutk "( n'v, vv 11 li d convincing videnre of" its re storative lower upon trial If von feel di.ll. duuv-y. dt-'niitated and despondent, have tVennent Ilea iach. , inouth tastes oadly in tlie mornin jc irreur' lar appetite an.) toiieue co it. d. you are sullerin fr.-m Torpid Liver r ' WW im-ne-s." In rn i i.v eases of "Liver Co ni daim " onfy a par; of t esc symptoms are ex cii iic d. A-a remelv 'orallsueh eaos. ! . I'i ree's G 1 'on Me.in-al 1) scovery has t o e.ju . as ir elf ct.s perf et cures, leav rii,' the h ver -treivj;; hened and le-alth v. For the cute i f Habitual Constipat on "of the U.nveis it is a never tailing n niedv, ana tlios who have used it for 'his purpoVe are loud in its praise. In I ronshi d. Tnroat and Lunr Oiseas s, it h is rdluced many re m ai kable c ae- , where o ner medicines hart Mile '. S dd bv druasrits at -S1.0:) ,er l,ut- tie. Pica red at lie Chenii.al I.abiat(.ry of U. V. PIEUCK, M. D., UntruIo.X. Y. WILLIAM SirQER lias Etttablihtd . Facloay FOIl THE 3IA.XLTACTOLY OF SASIIj BLINDS AND EGCB3, AND MOULDINGS OF ALL S ZES. They will also do TURNING, of ev ry desciiptiou to order, With Ieatness and Dispatcl . "I o ALL WORK WARRANTED. Shop on the River, bnck of Afk m Stor-. Oregon City O on Oregon City, July 20:tf W.Yifl-.MT IV r'1 -.t--Tii "mTH,ll-V ' ' V -f GEEAT EEDUCTIOX 91 IN PR5CES A T 13. L. STOSTE'S, 15 o 107 Front gfrcct9 PoitInd9 Oregon. WALTIIAM WATCHES, GOLD CITATXS AXD RINGS, CLOCKS, OROIDE WATCHES AND CHAINS, FINE JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. .AJ1 at Xew Yoi'k 3?xices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. EVERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY" REFUNDED. Watches and Jewelry repaired. JuOtf JSfOTICE. o The People's Transportation Company WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FROM ORE 0 GH CITY AS FOLLOWS: F0H P0E.TLAIID : At 7 A. M.. every dar, except Sunda3'. And 1 P. M. Monday, Tuesday. Thurs day and Friday, FOR Salem, Altany and Corvallis. AND ONT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY, I'D Tt ED 1"W r.Z2r 3J& 3STo o A. A. McCULLY, President. Nov. Id. 1ST 0 i-io.tf TT EW WAGON AND Carriage rlanufactcry ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of bis premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets. Oregon City. Oregon. Takes thi method to inform hi old pat rons, and as manv new nes as irav be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, w th ample room, ij'iod materials, ami the ver-be-t of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort ot a vehicle from a com in 'mi cart to a concord couch. Try me. IJIacksmithinj;, Horse or Ox shoeinsr, and ireneral jobbing nratly, quickly and cheao- IV cone. DAVID smi rii. Opposite Excjlsior Market 11 A I his SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MA IS STUFF T, Oregon City. B-?st BILLIARD TABLFS in 0 RFC OX Have been introduced. nd tlie Proirietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popuhir amusement to them. THE B A 11 1 S S UP PLIED With all tlie choicest qualities of Liquors an,? ("i-.ir-;. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon already fjmoiwi WhL-kies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE fir'Familie-- supplied. READING MATTER FSB MB Till AMERICAN STOCK JOURNAL, A lare Handsomely Illustrated Monthly, containing '.VI to large Double Column Pae-, tilled with original matter from the nbpt writers in the country, on the various subjects connected with FARMING. STOCK -TiREEDTXr., WOOL-CROWING, D A I K Y 1 NO. POCL'l RV KEEPING if Bound in handsonulv tinted covers. It li .is a V ET K R I a R Y D E PA R T M E N T under tlie charge of one of the nbicst Pro fessors in the United States, who answers through the Journ-i, fie-' f charge, all ques tions relating ti Sick, Iijured or Di-eased ll-rses, Ciittle. Mie;'p, Swi'ie r Poultry. 1 in-! make- it a very valuable work lor re terenc", and an almost indi -pen-ib'e compan ion to all interested in to"k brrtJ :ng. 1 he low-price at which it is publis ted l.nna u'ar) brings it within the reach of all, while the i2lendid inducements oijered to igents eirtd 1 rcrniinns to Subscribers. make it to the interest of every Farmer and Mock Breeder to extend its circulation. Send Stump for Sptc'tmcin Copy, large Illustrated Sioic Bill and Tre raium Bist. Get up a Club and obtrnn one of the many valuable Premiums offered, co si-ting' (it Cl.c.Mer White, 13eik-hire. Soil' Ik. Magie and Essex Pig", Short-Horn, Alderney. Ayrshire and Devon Calves. Southdown, Cotswold and Merino Sheep, Cashmere Gouts, Pu e-lbed Poultry, Noiway Oats. See- s, Agricul ural Implements, Pianos, Watches, Sii vet ware, Monks, &c. Spec. men copies scut free. Address ". P. DOYER A: CO.. Publishers, Purkesborg, Chester Co., Pa. Dr. J, II. HATCH, DENTIST. The patronage of tnose desiring first Ctass Vfratioii, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. 15. XttrOUX Wvc ;i(lmir,KltiH V.i-4tio Painless Extraction of Teeth. Offick In Weigant'a new building, west side of First street, between Alder and Mor risou streets, Portland, Oregon. Blank?. All kinds of blanks had at this ofliee Job Printing nf pwn- descriptioa neatly executed, at ghort noiicc. !.- -,-.-T.fG 'j VELVETS, BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, WIIJD0 W-SHA DES, PAES-KAU GINGS, LACE - CTJRTAIHS, &c, &c We WovVl Call the attention of par tics fitting up houses, or beinj in need of anything in our line '.Co our Stock, which is OXE OF Hit C OIL PL FTF.S T On (he IPsieilie Cosasl ! Our Goods being specially selected at the Factories in Buglutd and the Bus tern States, zee cap. sell AT THE LO WEST Qsi5iiTfi2aEaIsco Prices. WALTS' Ell . No. SO Front street, between Alder and Washington, Portland Oregon 35.) LAUCEN CeFRAHCE'S m u tj si FORTLAI7D, CRSGOIT, For the instruction of Lliddle-Agecl Elen, Yc-nrg Lien and Boys, In th.e branches of a Rusiness Education. rpiILS IS WITHOUT DOULT A MOST JL thorough and ellicient I u-tit ut ion, and lias made for i;s' if a name in Oregon, of which its friends are ju-tly proud. The branch- s which stand out prominent ly i I he c;inic iiuiu of study are bOOKKKEPIXG. ' C 1 M 1 1 RC I A L A R IT II M ICTIC, POLITICAL ECONOM Y. PENM ANSI1IP, COMMERCIAL LAW, C ) RRES 1 'ON DEN CE , A C. A most thorough practical department h in con-tant ojv rat v n, i-t which are com posed ni 1 the minutiae of business a IF sirs. Students can enter at any lime. No va ca: ions. Call at room; rni.-UTof FRONT and AL DEi: -treets,. .r stud for a circular contus ing lull insinuation. A-ldress, LAl'i)E.V ii J. FIIAC'". l'ortlaud, Oregon. The standard remedy for "nglis, Titflti- ciizji, Sore TlirontAVho"p';ng Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, Blenling of the Lvngx, and every affection of the Throat, Lunrs and Chest, including Consumption. AVi iai's liiils-iisi does not dry up a Cough, but loosens it. cleanses the" lunprs, and alhts irritation, thus removing the can ft of the enmplai it. None irenu ne unless signed I Ri tts. Prepared by Sktu W. Fowlk iv Son, Boston. Sold bv IIei ingt is. Ho'. tcttek Co., San Frarcisco, and bv dealers generally. Je'lS:!y A. G. WALLIXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery. OKECOMAN BUJL,DISG5 Jiu. 5 "Ysiliingtoit Stret, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BAt; vn any desired pattern. -Ml.MU IJOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to the trade. Orders from the country nrAmntlir a. - j f .wu.is Hi tended to. STEEKS & 9 Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Wines, Brandies, WlasJcies, BJ:c No. 40, Frovt Street, Portlanp, 0rec.cn. Constantlv on band a crmiin artit-lp nt Cattei Whib'ky C. W- POPE & CO., DEALERS IX STOVES, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON. V lERb! COPPER, LEAD PIPE, V ON PIPE AND FITTINGS, RUB; R HOSE. FORCE AND LIFi. PUMPS. ZINC, COPPER, BRASS A NO IRON WIRE. Also a general assortment o( Ilous nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF- Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING AND JOBBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. Also at FCFE S feiOVB 13 will find HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND TINWARE. LANTERNS, LAMPS AND OIL, LUCINE AN Dj NIGHT RAMI'S. ALbO PERAMBULATORS. o All of the above articles are for sale at TRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. W. POPE & CO. Oregon City Oregon. ll:lyl COSMOPOLITAN II8TE Prosit Street. PORTLn'D, OUECOS. Zieber & Holton Propr's. rpilE UNDERSIGNED HAVING RE JL lurnisheu and re li t tt d tlie above named Hotel, wiil henceforth conducted on the EUKOPEAS STYLE. Rooms can be had by tlie Day, Week or Month. A RESTAUR AN T in tlie House, under jhe management of PIERRE.M ANC1ET, late of the Lafayette. Owing to its location and constructien, it is the rnos desirable Hote. in the City, and we intend keeping it as it ought to bk k KPT. Vree t'oaoh an-.l Hi;SSe aSan a tul l'rnisit le Hotel. ZIEBER A- HOLTON, Proprietors. Office of the Oregon aiitl California, oct. 21tf. Siat'e loinn.uiv CUAS. HODGE. .C1IAS. E. CALEF. . GEO. W. SNELL. IIOBGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IN DEUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, I 'A liXISIIFS, J R US7IES. PA IXTERS Jlutemats, ana ruoji(-ts' Sundries. C7 Front Street, 05. Portland, Oregon. Jacod Stitz-l. James B. Upton. S T I T Z L & UPTON, J2i(il Estate Jjrokers and Gemral Agents, Comer of Front and Washington streets. PORTLAND, " OREGON. 2?T Will attend to the sale and purchase ot lieu! K-tan; in all parts id" the ,City and state. Sp.-cial attention given to the sale ol Eat Puitiaud projiert v. Address P. O. Pox V, Portland. Oregon. ST1TZEL A UPTON, Otf. Feat Estate Brokers. OREGON CITY B 11 EWEEY ! IIEMIY IIU13i;i:i Having purchased the aliove Brewery wish es to inform tlie pub!i- that he is now piepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of LA (! Eli BE Fli, As srood as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and i-romiitly lined Patronize H o rn o industry. THE FIGrJSER CURLED KAIR MANUFACTORY TS NOV. PREPARED TO SUPPI Y THE 1 iiiii-..t .1, ., v, i ,.;.. i,. r.y n. .. i,i in. .1 ix' i. ,ni i'. i (11 Ul li: Itl VHIILU lia r tor Up'iolstery work, which will com pare with any imported article lu quality oi price. I iv the highest urice for Mar.es and tails ot Horses and Tails ot C ws at my store, corner Front and Salmon streets. D. MLTZUFR, Portland. Oregon. JOIIX 3L I5ACOX, Importer and Dealer in CZZ2 JI"JS S-ffiL JS j STATIONERY, PERFUMERY. Ac, &c, Oregon CHy, Oregon. At Charman $- Jl'arner'x old ftand, lately oc cupied by S. Ackerman, Jlain street. , Jntf BILLIARDS! Messrs. Pliclan & Collcmlcr The well-known R lliard Table Manufac tures, of New Yoik, have tstablished at 5-11 Market S.., San Francisco. An extensive branch of their business, where they propose to keep constantly on hand the LAROEST and most complete assortment of HlLLIAlil TAUIjES, CLOTHS, Cl'ES, ETC., O.N THIS COAST. THE TABLES are of the latest style and size recently adopted in the Eastern States ; aie manufactured in the best possible man ner, and furnished with PH ELAN'S LAT EST IMPROVED CUSHIONS. The new o mpi sition Billiard Ball made by the Hyatt Manufacturing Co, of Albany, N. Y-, the het substitute tor ivory yet dis covered. For sale only by us. Pike $12 1)0 pei set. All f;oods sold wiil be of the best quali'y, and the prices fully as low as any other house in the business. Parties visiting the city are invited to visit our ware room and inspect our stock GEO. E. I'll ELAN, 541 Markr t St. N. B. The public are notilied that no other parties on the l'acifm coast have tlye igh 10 sail Ph elan's Cushions. Nov4;3ni JOIIX II. SCII RAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, HARNESS, etc., etc. Main Street, Oregon (iiy, y Wishes to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish any article in his line as the largest establishment in tfce Sf.,te ne particularly requests that an examination o his stock be made before baying ekewhere. iffl TO THE XERY0U3 & DEBILITATE 8 WHOSE SUFFERINGS HAVE BEEN Protracted from Hidden Causes, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE Prompt Treatment to render existence desirable. If vou are suffering or have suffered, from involuntary discharges, what effect does it produce upon your peneral health ? Do you teel weak, debilitated, easily tired ? Does a little extra exertion produce palpitation of the heart? Does your liver, or urinary or gans, or your kidneys frequently get out of order ? Is your urine sometimes "thick, milky or I'.ocky, or is it ropy on settling ? Or does a thick scum rise to the top? Or is a scdi ment at the bottom after it has stood awlnk? Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated? lio you have spells ol fainting, or rushes of blood to the head ? Is your memory im paired ? Is your mind cone antly dwelling on this subject ? Do you leel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of life ? Do jou wish to be left alone, to get away from every body ? Does any little thing make you start or jump ? Is your sleep broken or restless ? Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant ? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you en joy yourself in society as well? Do j on pur sue your busines with the same energy? Do you feol as much confidence in youiseif? Are your spirits dull and flagging given to fits of melancholy ? If so (io not la v it to your liver or dyspepsir. Have you restless nights ? Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but little appetite", and 3-011 attiib ute this to dyspepsia, or liver complaint? p:ow sel-a!,ue. venereal d:ser ses badly cured, and sexual excesses, aie all capable of producing a weakness of the geneiative organs. The organs of gei.e-ration, when in pei feet health, MAKE THE MAN. Did You Ever Think that those hold defiant, energetic, persevering, successful business men, are Always those whose sreutratie organs are 111 perfect health ? " Von revcr hear such men complain of be ing melancholy, of nervousness, or palpita tion of the heart. They" are never afraid they-cannot succeed in busiiu ss ; they don't Income Fad and discouratred ; they 'are all ways polite and pleasant in the company ot ladies, and look you and them right in the (ace none of your downca.-t looks or other meanness about them. 1 do not mean those who keep the organs inllattd by running to excess. These will not only EUIN THEIR COrJSTITUTICETS, but also those they do Juiciness with or for. How many men, from badly cured diseases, from the ettcts of self-abuse and excesses, have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced the general i-ystem so much as to induce almost cveiy other disease spinal affections, suicide, and almost evcry other form of disease which humanity is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble sctin elv ever suspected, and have doctored for all but the right one. Dise ises of these organs re quire the use of a Diuretic. HELMB OLD'S FLUID EXTRACT is the great Pinrefic, and is a certain cure for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Diopsy, Organic Weakm ss. Female Com plaints. General Debility, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Eemale, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of now long standing-" If no treatment is submitted tn 'cr tion or Insar ity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health ami hiirniinins ami il,..t r i j...n . wim I li.lb ! IVfi- ttrity, depends upou prompt use of a reliable IClUfUV. HELM HOLD'S 1SXTK ACT BUCilU, Established upward of Nineteen Years, IS PREPARED BY H. T. HELMBOLD, Druggist, 594 D roadway, Hew York, AXD 104 South Tenth St., Phila., Pa- Price Si. 2." ner f!ottle. nr fi ntl, r ?.f.o, delivered to any address. Sold by all ii-ujjisis evtrvwnere. None are cennine nnless dmu nn ; ?i engraved wrapper, with fac-simile of my Chemical Warehouse, and sigDed An;- 20, 1870:ly . FRENCH MEDICAL OFFICE- DR. JULIEN FERRAULT, Dr. of Meiticine cf the Faculty Purls, Crailuate of tlie Univorsiiy Q.u-ns CoIhge,and Pli j sit ian cf tlie St. .Tuli 11 Baptiste Society of San Fran Cisco. Pa. Perraclt has the pleasure to inform patients and otlu rs seeking confidential med' ical advice that he can be consulted daily at his office, Armory Hall Building. Noitta" East corner of Montgomery and Sacramento streets, San Francisco, Rooms Nos. 9, 10, 11,' first floor, up strirs, entrance on eithef Montgomery 01 Sacramento itreets. Pit. Pekkavlt's studies have been almost exclusively devoted to the cure of the various forms of Nervous and Physical de-( bi'ity, the result of injurious habits aequued in youth, which usual y terminate in impo tence and sterility, and permanently induce" all the concomitants of old age. M"hcre af secret infirmity exists involving the happi ness of a life and that of others, reason and? morality dictate the necessity of its removal,' for it is a fact that pien ature decline of thft vigor of manhood matrimonial unhappiness, compulsoiy single life, etc., have their sources in causes, the geim of which is plant" ed in early life, mi.i ti.w bitter fruits tasted1 long afterward; patients, laboring oulpr thigt complaint, will complain of one or more ot the following symptoms: Noctual Emis sions, Pains in the JJack and Head, "Weak- ness of Memory and Sight, Discharge from the Urethra 011 going to stool or making wa ter, Intellectual Faculties r.re Weakeicd Loss of Jlcmoiy ensues, Ideas are clouded; and there is a disinclination to attend tbji-" iness, or even to reading, writing or ia6' s-ociety of friends, etc. The patient will probably complain of Dizziness, Vertigo, and that Sight and llear.i g are weakened and sleep disturbed by uieams; melancholy sighing, palpitation, lainiings, coughs antf slow fevers ; while some have external rehu" matic pain, and numbness of the bodjf Some of the common symptoms are pimples in the face, and aching in dilieient parts of the body. Patients suffering fiom this dis-" ease, should rpply imni.diately to Dk. Pek h.u lt, either in person or by letter as he" will guarantee a cine cf Semmal Emissions and Impotence in six or eight weeks. Patients suffering lr m vtneiial disease ia any stage, Gonoiihea, (Jieit, Strictures,' Bubo, UlC' rs. Cutaneous. Eiuptions, etc., wiil be treated successfully. All SpbslitiC: and Mercurial Taints tutiely lemoved from the system. Dk. I'eiirai-lt's dij lomas are in his cfilce, where patient s can ne for themselves that thej- are under ihe care of a regular educa t(d practitioner. Ihe best 1 elerencts givea if requir ct. - Patients f offering under chronic disease, can call and examit e lor themselves. We invite investigation ; claim not to know everything, nor to cure t veiy bt cly, but we do claim iln-.t in all cases taken imuer treat ment we fulfill our pi onuses. We particular-" ly request those who have tried th.s boasted doctor, and that advertised physician ti.I worn out ai d d:sc( uraged, to call upon . Low charges and quick cures. Ladits suileting lion: any complaint inci-. dents to their t ex, ca cousult the doctor with the as- ui a nee ot 1 elief. Fcinnle Kcntldy Fills. Pn. Peiu'.m i.t is the only ngent in Cali fornia for Dn. Lion's Female 'onthly Pillji, Their immtnse sale has established theiriep utation as a fi n. ale lenit-cy imn; preached, and far in advance of every oil tr remedy for sujiprcss'ons and i: n guhn itics. and ether, obsti ucticus in females. On the rtceipt of five dollars, these Pills will be sei.t by ma,l or expiess to any ait of the voi Rl, "secure from curiosity or damage. Persons at a d stance can be cured at home, by addressing a letter to Kit Put-i'-U'LT, t ri.n- of s-ac 1 ; UK nto and Mt ntgom eiy streets, K(-oms lo and 11, or Pox JlT3r P. O. San Francisco, stating tie case as minutely as possible, gc uerai 'habits of liv- in r, occuj'-rit i)ii, tc., etc. ill communications confidential, lyr-lp PRIVATE ttEMQM. AID, tlxiitlv CmtsaiK! Jlcdirat Cliaigea Or. Wo Km Ocherty's Pi-ivate Mtdical tt Mngual Institute 21 0. 518 Sacraxrnto Street, corner of Lfeldt tl ( r." , (a few !.ois below the hat Ch.Tr V o (Private entrance on Leidesdoi fl street.) Established Expressiv to AfiV id the Affhctcd Sound and Scientific M dlcal Aid, in the ireatn.tnt and (Jure of all Private and Cbiome I-1.-e.1scs, Cases ot Secrecy and a!" Sexual L'.scrctrs. To the Hlietccl. DR. V. K. DOHEIiTV returns his sirccre thanks to hi run eions pntients for their patronage, and would take this opportunity to remind them that he continues to consul to at Ins Institute for t! e cine of , hroric dis eas.s of the Lungs, l iver, Kidnevs, Dices' five and (.eiiHo-UriiMiiy Organs, and alF private oi-ases, viz : Syphilis in all its forma andstagis, .eminal Ucakne s and all the bonid (on.Mquences of se!f-abme. Conorr l.aja Oh ct, Mrictun s. N cturual and Diur nal Emissions Sexual DcLiI ty, Liseases of ;i- - V" Ta f' "'fianimation of thtr ; ;fc:f;T1iiml m,.; Clid he hopes hat his long rv; ( nonce and successful prac tice wn! continue foinsuie him a share of ) ribnc palromige. P.y tl,e pia. tice of many years ,n LIOI,e and ihe United States, he nV enab eo to a r ply 1 J 0 no st . ilie ii.t r nd snc c. ss.ul remeo.es against diseases of all kind, he us, s no mercury, c! n.-es model ate.treatu his patu r.ts i a cone t and honorable way, ar.o b.s leicitncfs of unquestionable veraci ty from mm of known respectability and high stanomg in f oe eiy. All parties eon suiting Inm by letter or otheiwise, will re--ceive the lot and gentlest t. catiue .t ui d imp. Kit secrecy. T reiaalrsr. When a female is in ti oubie. or afflicted Willi disease, as weakness of the bark and' imbs pain ,n the head, itnness of sipht,-lo.-std muscu.ar power, palpitation of the l.eart. irritability, m ivimsness, extreme ur lr.aiy cnfnculties. dci ange ment of digestive' Junctions, geneial debility, vaginitis, til dis eases of the womb, hysteria, sleiility and all other diseases peculiar to f males, shei-honld go cr write at ome to ti e celebrated female doctor, U K. POIIi-IlTY.at LisMedical In stitute, and consult him about her troubles ana diseases. The Doctor is effecting more cu.rs ,,l';tn :!n-v ( ihi V I l'vsician in the? State of California. Let no lal.-e delicacy prevent ym, but apply immediately and save yourself from painful snfj'eiiis and premature death, AU married ladies, whose delicate health or otiier circumstances prevent an incieasein toeir famines -hould write or call at DR W KDOIIE111 Y'S Medical Insti ute, and "they will receive evt ry j.o sible n lief and help, Ihe Doefoi's ofliefs aie so arranged that l.e can be consulted without if ar A observation, To Corrcipoiulenfu. Patients residing in anv pait of the Ftafe nowever di-uimt who n.gy'des re the opinion and advice of Ml.lJOHEKTY in tlielr respec tive cases, and ho think proper to sui mit a wntten statement of s, eh, in preference tc ho, ding a per.-oi al ii teiview, are respectful, y assmed tnat their con inunicatir ns willbtf he.d sacie 1 and confidential. If the case bJ fn.ly end candidly cescibed, persontl com munu-atum will be unnecessary, as -instructions for diet. iCi-ir.M-i, ui.d the yeneial feat ment of trie ca-e.tsclf (including the r-l d es), w.Il be f-rwaichd witlxot Uelav, and in such a mi-uircr ass to ceuite r no idea'of tli uurport of the letter 01 pared. vpC,j'nsultation--by h tter or otherwise. t UEL. I crmanent cure guaranteed ornopay, Pperiiiistorrliora. DR. POHERTV has ju-t published an im pr.Oantpai.phlfct, emb. dving his own view an., experiences in iclati.m to Impotence cr u nity ; being a Shoit Treat es e.n Sr.erma to.rncea or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and i .)s:ca Demhty consequent on this afiec tor,, am other diseases cf the Sexual Organ I Ins little work contains information of the utmost vame t . all, whether married orsingle ami wnl be sent EE EE by mail on receipt of six cents 1:1 postage stamps for return post age. Add: ess. W. K. DOIIERTY, M. P., jul Z' ly San Francisco Cal 1 JMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaKqne & Co., OR EGOIST CITY. t tJ3Keep constantly o'n hand foi sale, floaf M dlings, Bran and Chicken Feed, Parties pi rchasing feed must furnish the sacks. O O G ( O