o O Is. !: Oft - O O 0 5 TOAVS AND COUNTY. VOTICE TO imGAMfc. The ExTEitrriT.SK having been designated by Governor Grover as the official organ .for Clackamas eonnty tinder the -Litigant Act," we give notice that we are prepared to.comply with the terms of said act. AGENTS FOll THE R?'Itl E. . TIiefol!owing persons are authorized tj act as agents for the Exekrpkisc : vJiM,JL5aItimore, Portland, Oregon. "Thomas Uorce, Sun Franc. sco. J.. P.-FUher, - " , Hudson & Menet.41 Tai k How, New rrk. v. Geo. P. llowcii & Cc, i-J Park How, .New Abbott & Co., No. 82 & 64 Nassau street, Xew York:' . . Hudson, -'Tenet Jfc Co., Chicago, Illinois. V Coe. Wetherill & Co., CUT Chestnut street, O Philadelphia. ' Moore & Howard 517 Locust street, x uua delphia. :'I'-Bir.KEr. We take great pleasure in Acknowledging the fact that we hare been -most handsomely bilked oat of advertising by the following rascals, and in order that "our readers may not be served in the same Ciyay by sending them money, we publish Qeir names all of Xew York Ci:y : Dr. -dark, claiming to have London Remedies; ";Vmily Sewing Machine Company ; L. V. Jelforeat, jeweler ; Ciias. P. Xortoa & Co., jewelers. About three weeks since an ad vertisement appeared in our columns from ,the Victoria Company, claiming to have "''something every lady needs, which we are rather inclined to put down as a Uik, and ., 'dvise ocr readers to send no money until . further notice. We have been bilked out .!$f afcdut $140 w.nth of advertising by ? , these sharpers, and we think it has learned ; : 3 a "trick" which prove worth more fj.Cb.un double the amount. Hereafter no Advertisement will be inserted in ourcol ,:,lm'13 unless received through our agents, ,.0'r paid for in advance, unless the parties rare .know to tu as reliable. While we We been most handsomely bilked by 'J" these petty thieves, we have the consola tion. that we are not alone, as almost evew flittr I t-i ........ I. . 1 .1 . . .-t-vt uwu-iim nan mese advertisements. md a number are still publishing (hern. .To those who are still publishing"!.1!',-;d- :irM't-isement3 we won Id' suirest '"the pro priety .of tak ing i hem out. lf the publish- - -frs have been bilked there is n rwwi --Avhy they should Ivy lb there cc'uuhdrels to u.lk their patron. 3. Oswego. The proprietors of this dow u svu intents; and purposes) dead i-.jv.-u ,8eem to be in excellent spirits respecting their prmpyrfty. It would indeed be grange ir the reroi.rc-s abounding about '.Oiwego did not give them this hope. One of the best water privileges, itiex .haustable mines of iron, and a good re gion ol country must put new life 'into tlie place so mo day. The Oregon Iron Company have expended a large -um ot G,inoney to test the tact that Oregon Iron cannot be excelled in Europe, and they resume operations wh-t; the proper time comes. Next week the Oswego Mill ing Company will commence the manufacture- of lumber. The town site ha lately been platted, and there is room enough there, and mines of Wealth sulTici tmt about the place, to make it the Puis--urg ut the PaciPc Cuut.B,i!eUu. Had I'ov.s. -Oiegou City can match any place in Oregon for bad boys.. Within Ahe past two weeks we have "haiia good iPpportuniiy of seeing ;Se:"e rising young -men show themselves. Whenever there is any am.isemeuf. going on. thev croud around the door and keep up a continual noise and disturbance, and if they do not ueeeedju beting tu.j,. W;IV ln,() (htf . show." .climb uj) on the awning and have -confederates on the inside who let them m the window, and when once inside ihey .inake it disagreeable to all who pav their money to see tho performauce. Th'ey are :u nuisance and disturbance, and we be . dieve that if one or tw.. ni' h , - .made an example of. it would have a ben- I etlcial effect on t!ie ethers. The climbing ! in of the windows is nothing better than I -petty larceny, and boys who would be! J '-"! c. ' ou:o nn, 1'esitaie to teal the same amount it cos!;? to go into .the door were they not fearful of being caught at it and punished. Bcsinks.s Notices. Nothing perhaps .shows so. well the public spirit and busiu ..i!t fjual iucations o" the merchant, manu frtcturers, etc., as t!eir aiveriisemeiHs in ocal papers. Lo sides showing their pub lic spirit in supporting the press, knowing ;th&t the status of the local piv.-s of any ;cify is a criterion of pr spcrity. thev how that their wares are open tor inspec tion to every one. and that those who ad--Tertije thus liberally, cannot but deal lib erally, honest! and conscientiously with their customers. , Ckotki. The P. T. Company's ware house at this place is filled to its utmost .capacity with wheat a-'d flour. It has been found necessary to lay up some of the boats, as there is no room either here or in Portland to store the wheat that is ready to bring down. There are no ves ei loading at pvsent. and the amount nc-mm-lated has filled all the warehouses in bth places, it is esiimalod that there :ure nvcr two thousand tons of trheat and ilour m the warehouse at this place. . Dbt Dock. The Shoo-Fly has bcr-n placed in the dry-dock to undergo repaid We learn that her stern v. i'T be recon structed, and made after the jnndel of th .Senator and Fannie 1'atton, which is cal cu ated to give her more speed. 1Uid she will driw less water. The Success i c.U0 .. jam up iuu nuving ncr hauled. machinery ovcr- I'rsiNK.ss Notick. Messr I'rotzman. lillihan & Co. ar. preparing fo remove .their stock of goods to th J corner of First pud .uprno!i streets, whero th.v n,-,. t, t-. ud : I,. fin CVl'C I'ilf. SI ..o (!.,..! .. Thus will oe tho sl, a,Voi for tho salo of ne rrood-s m inn! i,Oi,-...l ... . i ... V. ? V V. - "u; -loneer " - ' tiuauu. , Some Lkmox. A Ch ncacian preented 11 ssrs. Harding & Fo'tbr with a lemon "hich he brought from China, measuring I wx inches in diameter and eighteen and i pne-quatter inches in ci rc urn fere ne -rid ' fcross.the ends twenty ana one nuarter 1 inches. This may be called some lemon. ! a. ..PAKAmsB Lost. This panorama y,-as exhib'ited here last Wednesday ni-ht to a fuU hoii?e, in fact all that could bo crowd ed in. The . views are very protfv and the lectures given r. connection v. ithVich - scene-were well delivered. It js v e-th the aamission fee to see it. Sewing Society. The Lndi. sewing Society of the Episcopal Church meets next Tuesday afternoon at the residence of Mr. D. U. Gccd. o PKsoxal. We had the pleasure of calls from the following gentlepjen during the past week : lion. A. J. Dtifur. of Portland; Mr. Handler, editor of the West Side ; L. Fieischuer. Esq-, State Treasurer, and Hon. II. H. Gilirey, Assistant Secretary of State autl Private Secretary to the Gov ernor. We are always pleased to receive those friendly calls. Bhewkkt. Mr. II. Hurnbel continues 10 make the best of lager beer at his brewery in this city, ad persons desiring a good article will do well to give him a call. See his advertisement ia another column. Pr.orosAi.s. We call attention of per sons interested to the advertisement of sealed proposals for the construction of locks by the. Willamette Falls Canal Com pany. All bids must be handed in before the 1st ol Match nekt. Increasing. Mr. Pope's school has in creased to such an extent that he has been compelled to employ Mis3 Harlow for as sistant. We are pleased to know that the school thus far promises to be a complete success. Cf.TFK IIot sK. We call the attention of our reaacrs to the advertisement cf this well known hotel. The new proprietors will spare no pains to eater to the com forts and wants of all who may favor them with a call. A Faii.uhe. The Wellington Sisters per formed here last Saturday evening to a very thin house. The performance is tot very highly recommended ly those who attended. S'EAV.EK. The next steamer will xoave Portland about next Saturday, the 2Stb hist. Ditort.Ei:. Read the advei tiseimmt of the American llroiler. It is of importance to all hotels and private families. Fit est i Sensation WonoerkVt Phe nomenon. An acquaintance relates, the following acoi.unt ol a s'range phenomen on, witnessed by himself and several other ))erons last Sunday evening, at the resi dence of a M. Rhndes. two miles east of Oswego. Mr. Rhodes and family wife and two children and a MV. Derr. wife and child, ocenpy the house, and our in formant, with his tdster, was spending the night there when, tl.a occtinence took place. The stVanae is.iipeavance was seen j in the orchard adjoining which the house ! stan. Is. It was at first, like one of the I India rubt'ej: balloon Which we have o.'- len see: i in our streets, with abiilliant light inside, by which the ball was illuminated, showing all the colors in distinct rings This ball of light moved around, some times iu otve direction and then again in another; sometimes ascending higher than the tops of the surrounding fir trees, and then coming Jo .the ground again. Several times it changed its form and, instead of being round and variegated in color, it suddenly took the shape of a fiery bril liant star. Two or three times it d!-ap-pea'-ed as if going into the g"ound, reap pearing asraiu iu a moment at exactly the same spot. While the entire party stood gazing at it. Mr. Rhodes V elated to our in formant, a former occurrence exactly like it. ou!v a few mouths ago. and stated that when U then appeared, a huge panther or an animal of that species, happened to be in the orchard, and that when the ball of light ca'e.e near it the animal uttered the most unearthly screams of fright and ran away. Mr. Rhodes had hardly Completed the narration of these circumstances when the light began to approach the h uise. When it had come finally within a few feet. a large animal set up a ternhc roar near the corner of tbw house and sprang away just in fiont of the party and disappeared. The entire party, though they had not be lore manifested anything more than curi osi'y, were of course, greatly startled by this denouement and rushed recklessly into the house, nearly carrying the door off Its 'hinges, one of them exclaiming. 'My God, it is as big as a lion!'' Just as it had done on the lormer occasion, the ball of light then made a circuit of the house and taking a straight line, ascend ing g'adiially, it disappeared in the. dis tance. Our inlormant says that -neither of the persons who witnessed it is super stitious, or a beiiever either iu ghosts, gob lins, spiritual apparitions, or any ether such foolishness," but having seen it (some of them lor the second time) they ar nat urally curious and puzzled as to the ex planation of the phenomena. If we were to make a niess, we should say that some person or persons had played a clever trick with a Chinese lantern, string, etc., to frighten the inmates of the house. The witnesses, however, utterly refuse to be lieve in such a thing as possible, and we give the story for what it is worth, as .here is some excitement in that neighbor hood about the occurrence. Oregonian William TJoyd Garrison on the Sari Eomingo Job. It appears that the Radicals are greatly out with Grant on his little San Domingo speculation. Lloyd Garrison, in a long letter published iu the New York Indt pcitdcd, closes as follows : V'i;h a territory capable of sustaining the present population of the globe, inex haustible in its resources, unrivaled in its enterprise, and peerh ss in its strength, is it not humiliating to. see the chief magis trate of the nation magnifying the annex ation of the petty island of Si'n Domingo" as a measure essential to our national se curiiy and prosperity, and "to provide honest means of paying our honest debts without overtaxing ti.e people''? We no more need k for any such purposes than we do the planet Saturn. Such exagger ation may do for "buncombe"'; but it is unworthy a sensible man, and a satire upon Ihe boasted inherent- excellence of our republican institutions. To secure the object for which he so zealously contends a eal unite, inexpli cable, not to say suspicious, in view of his phlegmatic temperament and weliduiown cncin,1po'ct'ou t':e 1 resident ceunseia annexation by the passage through both houses ol Congress, like an ordinary en actment, and by a bare majority of votes, of a joint resolution. This Is to override the treaty-ratit ing power ; and he finds his justification in the lawless disregard of thai power by the manner in which Texas was acquired at tbe diclaiidn of the slave holding South. Let Congress refuse to exercise a perojrativo not conferred iinon i l-y the Constitution : and lot tooniror he ; allowed oxcrnt wlnt. is dnn.. by and with j i.ifiiiiv,co ()! the Senate.1- according to ! the tuode prescrih.'d hv th.. .-,. - ! of the lanp."-' The Piahideaier says that the citizens of Camas Valley have built, at their own ex pense a bridge about lot) feet long, across the Coqille. about 5 miles below Mr. Win. D iy's. It is a great .convenience to the traveling pnlMic. b'etrg on tl?e mail route between Roseburg and the coast. . A Pitttlmru; girl prevents the men about the I)t-ollice from star ing in her 1'aeo ly showing a little of her ankle. An oxpe; icncfil old wnflomnn says that all that is necessary in the ! enjoyment of love or sausage is conttaence. The Walla; Walla Statesman comes to us ia a sev dress,- and it- presents a very handsome appearance. It is one of our very best exchanges, and a credit to the town wheae it is published. The Phrenological Journal kok Jan c.vnv. New Volume contain-'-Tho Uee chersof to-day' with five xcelltfnt por traits ; Importance of Chenistry; by Prof. Charles J. Joy ; II. B. Clalliu. the emmi nent merchant ; Dream laud, the nature of Dreams ; Physical Education Eating and Mental Action Dyspepsia, etc.; Moderation, a Poem ; Woman's Sphere and influence ; R. 1- Woodvrard, of Cali fornia ; Decision, its relation to a success ful life ; The Mormon People, who and what they are. their Religion, Social Life, Accomplishments and Trosptcts; The Editor s Message : The Study of Man ; Leig!i Hunt as an Essayist ;. What Shall I do?'' Adventures of a Xcn Combatant ; TJhe condor, illustrated, and a dozen other articles, brief, pertinent and interesting. The who.lv, making tip a peculiar excel lence among the. issues of a Monthly whose general superiority is universally acknowledged. Single Numbers. 'M cents; for the year $3, including a handsome chromo premium. S. R. Wells, Publisher. tS) Broad wiy. X. Y. The LnrLE Corporal Magazine for January is received. It is small praise to say that this magazine has no superior and fcT equals in the world, for children of all ages, and for older people with youug liearts. The new., serial begun n this number ppena admirably, and the whole number is as full of good thing ""sa an t'gg is of meat." The illustrations are exceedingly . creditable. $1.50 a year, and beautiful premiums for club?'. Ad dress Sewel & Miller, Publishers, Chicago. 111. The November and December num bers td -'70 are sent free to all new subscri bers for 1ST 1 sent before January 1st. , Yovng Pilot. The January nnmder of this handsome new Monthly. for vouth. is very brilliant. 7 My Uncle's Watch." a serial, by Win. Everett. anthor 0f '-(harS ing Rase"' and '-Double Play? promises to equal eiher of those popular works. Rooks and Reading." by- Robert x.iard Collier. -Tom's Christmas' by Horatio Alsror. Jr., as well as "Reminiscences 0r nn Ejigineer.'' are all capital. In fact, t.V(ry article is good, and the fall page iihtration ex cellent. .$1.00 per iinn(im. g(M,d stamp for specimen. Young ljot Pub. Co., Chicago. Agents want0(. DIEU. In Mihvnukie, Janunry 1 Rt h. 1 871 ,.3Irs Elizabeth II. Fellwood, wi'e of Uev...T W. Selhvood, need 07 veirs and s month-. Tn Lane county. Jan. fith, of typhoid fever Elizabeth -Olive, daughter f)f Geo. W. and Martha Rineiiart, aged 8 years, 4 months arid 'S.1 days. Pimples on the Face. Eruptions. Riot oli os. Scrofulous diseases, and all sores aris ing from impure blnod. are cured by Dr. Pierce's Alt. Ext. or Golden Medical' Dis covery. For lironchitis. Laryngitis and all severe and iimrerincr conjrhs nothinf" equals it. It cleanses, purifies and strengthens the system. As an Anti-Ril-ion-5 or liver medicine and for habitual constipation of Mm bowels it works won derful cures. S Id by druggists. Healing on its "Winos," say a'l who b've mr.de use of Dr. Winter'' Bulfir.mof Wiul Cherry, and by such use cured them selves of coughs, colds, and envsumption. The prudent will always keep this remedy by them. janlSWi Oregon. City Prices Current. The following are the prices paid for I produce, and the prices at which oilier al leles are selling, m this market : WHEAT While. bushel, UOKoSl OATS bushel, it) cts. POTATOES r bushel. fOf7?.7f cts. ! ONIONS "t'l bushel. SI 00C7S1 50. FLOUll-V i:l5k.SA.OO0S.V 50. DEANS White. lo.. 1 cts. DUJ.ED FEL'li Apples. lb.,. 5c: Peaches. lb.. U$e: Plunis. 1 lb., 15(2, 10 cts.; Currants. It).. 10(2)20 cts. BCTTEll-V .. SJOcts. F(;GS-4l lozen. 25 cis. CHICKENS J dozen, S3 00. SUGAj: Crushed. lb.. 20 cts.; Island 1O012J cts.; N. (.. lb.. 15 cts.; San Francisco refined. H . HiJ cts. TEA Young llvson, lb.. SI 50; Ja pan. lb., y0c.$l 25 "; Black. 1 tt., 75c. S1 oo. . COFFEE cts. SALT- lb., cts. -.. BYltUP Heavy (Jolden. 1 gall., COc. ; Ex. Heavy Golden, "f. gall.. Si 00 BACON Hams, In.. If! cts; Sides. i; cts. Shoulders, 10 cts. LAUD t lb.. 1212 cts. OIL Devoe's Kerosene. gall., 75c. fh, lot); Linseed oil. raw, gall.. 1 GO : Linseed oil. boiled. "P gall.. SI GO. WOOL -f) lb.. 2((22 cts. BEEF On foot, 7 V,8 cts. J, lb. POKK On foot. Go- 7ets. If). s SH EEF Per liead."62 0i)(WS2 50. HIDES Green. lb.. 5c. ; Dry, 13 lb., 12A cts ; Salted, be WILLiIAM DAVIDSON, O.Tice.j Xo. Gl Front PORTLAND, SiOt, OREGON. REAL ESTATE DEALER. Special Collector of Claims. A large amount of CITY and EAST PORT LAND Property for Sale. Also, IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un cultivated LANDS, located in all parts of the State. Investments in REAL ESTATE and other PROPERTY, made for correspondents. CLAIMS of ail descriptions promptly col- . lected- - " HOUSES and STORES leased. All kinds of Financial and General Agency busiiiess transacted. Parties having FARM PROPERTY for sale Will please tiirnih .lescr ptions of the same to the AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in each of the principal ClllES and TOWNS of this STATE. July 2:tf Stockholders' Meeting. rpHEUE WILL RE A MEETING OF THE L St n khol(le; s of the O. F. Hall Associa tion iu the Court House on Saturday, the 21st mst., at 7 o'clock p. m., to elect thr?e Directors for the ensuing year, anil totians act uch othor bu-iness as m ty come before the mreiincr. N. W. RANDALL, Pips. Oregon Citv, Jan. 5th, 1-S7L lC:wl Llr. T H. HATCH, DENTIST. Painless Extraction of Teeth. Office In Weigant's new bui.ld'nig, west side ef First street, between Aldr aud ilor risoh street?, I'e'l tland, Oregon. IjI.axks. All kinds of blanks can be had at this office Job-Printing of every description neatly executed, at short notice. Tbe, patronage of those de?iunsr tint Clas ? mos; every desirable 1- lower and Vegetable. Oprra'i,,,,, is fespectfblly solicited. 'V?'11 i KV; Satisfaction in all cases cuarauteod. 1 Illustrated with three Hundred fine Wood N. B, Xitwnz Oxyde adihinistered for the i Lugravmgs and Two beautiful Itcbecca. Degree loIge Xo. .'4, I. O. 0V Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVEXIXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree aie invited to attend. By ordr of X. G. . Willamette Lodge Xo. 13 I. O, . i Meets every Saturday evening, at the roomr S.E. corner c Main and Fifth streets, at 7 1-J o'clock. Visiting members are invited to attend. 13y order of ... W. C. T. I Chapped Hands and Face, sore lips, dry ness of the skin, &c, &c, cured at once by liegeman's Camphor Ice with Glycerine. ft keeps the hands soft in all weather. See that you get liegeman's. Sold by all drug gists, oidr 2." cent. Mainufactured only hy Hegeina'i & Co., Chein sts and Druggists, Xew York. dec30-ly MARRIAGE CU1DE. EVERY ONE HIS OWN DOCTOR. A private instructor fjr married persons or thos3 about to be married, both male aud female, in everything concerning the ph.; s 'ology and relations of our sexual system, and "the production and prevention of o2 sp:ing, including all the new discoveries never before given iu the English language, by WM. YOUNG, M. D. This is really a val uable and interesting work. It U written iu plain language for the general reader, and is illustrated with numerous engravings. All young married people, or those contem plating marriage, and having the least im pediment to married life, shoujid read this hook. It discloses secrets that every, cne should be acquainted with ; dill it is a Look that must be locked up and not lie about the hause. It will be sent to any oddtess on receipt of fifty cents. Address Dr.. VM. VOUXG, No. 41ti Spruce street above Fourth, Philadelphia. , Nov4:)in. Mult itotimli Loile ."Vp. 1, A. 1'. aii't ja A. M. Holds its regular cnmmunica f "Options on the First and Third Sutur in each tnon'iVat 7 o'clock from ( , the U'Oth of Septeinber to the 20th of Man'.!, and 7i o'clock from the , 20th of March to the 20th ot September. Rreth ren in good standing are united to attend. Dec. 23,157?, Ry order of V. M. Oregon Lolgc IVo. 3, I. O. of O. F. n'..,.,i.,., iSSi t l. : An L-,.11 j . '" Hall, Main S pet. Members of the Order Uy order. arc invited to attend X. i. lteligioiis Services. St. f aids (Episcopal) Church, the Rey. John V. SelUvooJ, rector. Services on Sunday at a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible class at 2 r. m. 1st Congregational Church jdoruing Services, Sabbath School, Eveninn Services . .Scats Fr?p io.h 12 o'cl.ick M. . . . .7 (lclock. 1!kv. E. (Jkhkv, Acting Pastor I'll AYKIt MliKTINU Sunday ceiling, Tuesday evening, o - .5 o'clock .7 o'clock. M. E. Church, Seats Free. Morning Services, ln.30, Evening Sei vices, 7 o'clock. social mkktinus. Class Meeting following Moining Services. Praver Meeting Thursdny evening 7 co'clok Sa'vhath School at 2 o'clock P. M. SEWING MACHINES ! ! COMPETITION DEFIED. WJE TELL THE SINGER. WHEELER & Wilson, Howe, Elliptic, Grov'cr " Baker, Weed, Parham, Keystone, Bices, (ilold Medal, American combination, Davis, Empire, 'inkle fc Lyons1, Wiicox & (Jibbs wi ll a coiii)let oi'tfit, lati t iinprovenieuts, all extra at tuchment s and case at ). The Wilson, 1'olsom, McLean t Hooper, I Barthram & rauton, wiih o'otht, impiovc meiits, all extra attachnic:ivs and case at f Tin? BuckfVf, Ili:i inond, American, Home ShuMle, Bristol with outlit, table, attach ments and case, at 30. The Comiii'Mi Sense, Octagon, Banner and all other hi'ui 1 machines with outfit hemmer and tucker at 12. No toy machines sold. A complete set of attachments for hem ming fine, coarse and wide, binding any ma terial, qu.lting, tucking and making (he next tuck, milling and gathering, doing away with basting altogether. Made to su.t s.ny m 'cb'ne. Ouiy the complete set sold, $-3. KNITTING MACHtfriSS. The Lamb at .lo ; the Crane at f." ; the Hiiikley, Diamond -"27 ; the L'ickford, Amei iean, Essick, New Haven $20. Terms- "When the money is sent with the order we ship with all freight charges prepaid as far as the Mississippi, or sent C. O. !., on receipt of halt the amount, aud charges add'-vi. L. PERKINS & CO., 511.K1NG STREET, WILMINGTON, DEI . ACTIVE PERSONS WAITED. 1100 A MONTH ! 1 ENERGETIC PERSONS, CLERGYMEN, 2J doctors, lawyers, agents, business men, fanners, salesmen, dealers, and. all other;, male and female willing to give their w hole time or part of it, can easily make 100 OR MORE A MONTH, bv engaging in light, honorable arid sfaple t-'siness, in which no numey is required. No cornpctithTh. Exclusive territory given. References as to character required. Stamps for return postage desired. W rite your ad dress in fi'd artd l plainly. H.AiCARTY; NO. S15 CHESNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ACTIVE PERS0AS WASTED. Jar. G:m6 VICE'S FiiOUAl. GUTIDE T HE FIRST EDITION OF ONE IIUN dred and fifty thousand copies of Yield's Illustrated Catalogue of ils mill Flovsil Guide, is published and ready to send out loo uarres. and an enravins of COLORED PLATES. The most .b't-au ti!"nl and the most instructive Fhual Gd:de published. A GERMAN EDI TION published, in ad other respects similar to the English. ; . . .- Sent free to all my customers of 1S70, as .lapidly as possible, without application. Send to a!! others who orderthem for ThN CENTS, which is not half theost. Address JAMES VK'K, dec23ir Rochester, N. f '. COURTSSr OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSIH OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA PACIFIC BOOT AND JSKQE HOUSE. Crnnd Opening Out OF OUR FALL GOODS. 835,000 WORTH OF Boots ;& Shoes TO BE KETA1LEO AT WHOLESALE FIGURES. THE LARGEST AMOUNT In Ahy Retail Store on the Paciiie Coast. we Have boots tor .Men, Boys & Children, fr? ALL SHAPES, STYLE and QUALITY. 220 DIFFERENT KINDS of MEN'S BOOTS ALONE. WE HAVE BElsKERT'S i'HILAI) QUILTED BOT TOM FOOTS; BUCKINOIIAMS HANDMADE SEWED BOOTS, French Calf, Single Double and Tap Soles : all shapes ; Eli HELL'S BOOTS, Fine Cal?, Channel Nailed, and Pegged and Tapped Sole ; Heavy Calf, Double Sole, Wne Quilted and Tap Soles ; Light Kip, Tap Soles Men's. Bov's and Children's. SElBERLICirS FRENCH SCREWED PHILADELPHIA MADE BOOTS, Heavy and Light alf. REED'S, FOGG & HOUGHTON'S GODFREY'-, Batche!d-r's, Johnson & Wood's Partridge's and Underwood & Co's CALF KIP and SLATGHTER BOOTS, Enstein M anufactur?. Cu5iroriii;i "Work inside Expressly For Us. HECHT BROS. UNITED WORKINGMF-N, California Co-opeatives, Maiks A Oal isher, Buckingi.ap" & Ilecht's, and On in Jone' make "of BOOTS and SHOES, BHOGANS. and LADIES' and CHIL DREN'S DRESS BALMORALS. Ve have also a fine assorment of GENTLE MEN'S FRENCH CALF, HAND-MADE . SEA" ED . 0.faid Tics, Jailt i s iS; l?rli Albc ts. Tl oe who crms'der themselves difheu't to fit or su't with a Boot or Shoe, we would be very nuicli pleased to have call and examine our gooJs. Protzmaii, fiiUihun & Co., PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, Ko. IQi Front Street, St. diaries Hocl IJ u ill i n . PORTLAND, OREGON. Octlttf THE GREAT Aalnfailtblb ni.n ir pi:siikiei. possess, ing rare tomc and xervie properties ti certain cure for huei'matmm. coi'r, KELii.iLcaA, and all kindred Diseases. ' It completely restores the system when im paired by Hisease, revives the action of tho liIIi:TM and CEMTilL ORCASS, tadi- cally cures scisofila, salt iiiielm ailtl all Enll'TlVE anil Cl'TAXEOUS Dis tascg, gives immediate aud permanent relief in kaspei'sia, euvsipelas, Tumors, Boils, Scald Ilead, Ulcers and Sores; eradi cates from the system all traces of Mercurial t)isease; ... , It is pi'beiy vegetable, bcinf? made from art herb found indigenous in California. It ia therefore peculiarly Buitable for use by remalos and Children, as a bloou "i:tii- F1ER a Ili:VATOB. For Sale by all Druggittf. REBtNGTQN. HOSTETTER & CO. AGENTS, 529 and 531 Market Street, Ban Francisco, Oct. 20:3m LKGCLNBAKERYi BAILEY, HARD INC & CO., Successors of L. Dtlleii in the Lincoln Ritkery, "OFG LEAVE TO INFORM THE. CITI- JD zens of Oregon City ami surrounding country, that tliey keep constantly on hand and for sale, all kinds of DREAD, CRvCKEKS, CAKES, PASTIfY, CANDIES AND NUTS. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders promptly filled, and goods deliver ed at the residence of the purchaser when desired. ' . - Tiie highest prices paid for Butler, Eggs ana egeuiois, . A liberal, that's of public patronage is re spectfullv solicited. April 20; 1S70:1V . Grammar School. rhllE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OR(;AN I ized for the purpose of establishing the above School, would respectfully announce that thev hive engaged the services of Mr. S. IJ. POPE, as Teabhcr, for a session of six months. The School will open on Tue day. the 3d d iy of January; in the room lately occupied as the ' Enterprise Oiwce All the usual branches comprising a thor ough English, Classical, Mathematical ar:d Commeielfd ednation will be taught. , Application for admittance, terms, Ac, to he rpacla to tue ieacner. - uonrs, irom y a n. to 12 m.. and trom 1 to .t p. m. NIGHT SCHOOL. The undersigned will commence a Night School on Tuesday evening next, January ?d: tn the Grammar School Room. Hours from 6 to 9. S. D. TORE. Oregon City, Dec. 29, 1S70. . tf -' ' i -i .' x "' , ' ' ' V fjl 1 ,';.''.' REDINGTCTN, IIOSTETTER & CO. Stop that Coughin fr t Some of you can't, and we. pity you. You have tried, cvery remedy buttle ONE destined, by its ihtrinic 1 merit, to supersede -n!l sdmdar prepai-ationa. It is not surprising yon should be reluc tant to try scniettingt'lse after the many experiments you bave made of trashy compounds ..foisted oil the public as a certain cure 5 but U e we i I s P u I mo n a ry Sy ru p 13 really the VERY BEST remedy ever compounded for the cure of Cwghs, Ctld., Svre Throat., Asthma, IVhooping Coughx, Bronchitis and Coiixnmplio. Thousands cf people in California and Oregon have been already btnerited oy the surprising curative powers of faeweiTs Pulmonary Syrup and with one accord give it their un qualified approbaton. We now adilress ourselves to all who are unacquainted with this, the greatest panacea ot the age, for the healing of all diseases of the Tlirout uml Lungs, assuring you that RJewelTs Pulmonary Syrup hns cured thousands, anr5 it will cure YOU. if you try it. This invaluable medicine is pleasant to the ta-te ; s-ooth-in;r, heftlmg and strengthening in its jefl't'Cts ; entirely, .free from all poisonous or deleterious drills, ;ind perfectly harm- less under all circumstances. For Sale Ity nil Druggists. RED!N(;T()N,..H0STET1ER & CO.,,, 529 and 53 1 Market street, San Francisco. Rctiington's Essfcncc Jamaica Ginger, Jf'tich is confidently r (cor.ivier.d iu 'as the beat prepai tion now before the public. This valuable preparation, containing in a highly concentrated form all the properties" of Jamaica (.Jinger.has become one of the most pojiolar .domestic reme dies fr all diseases of the stomach and digestive organs. As a tonic, it will be. found invaluable to all persons recovering , from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; for vrLilc if. imparts to the system all the gh.yr and vigor th.it can be produced by wine. o r brandy, it is entirely Vee from tlie reactionary effects that follow ihe use of spuhs of any kind.. It is, also au excellent, remedy for females who suffer from difficult men struation, giving almost immediate re lief.te. .the s;pams that so frequently ac company that period. It jrives immediate relief to Nausea, caused by t iding m a railroad car, or by sea sickness, or other causes. It is also valuable as an external n p plicat'.on for Gout, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia", .etc, . REIHXUTOX, IIOSTETTER & CO., 520 and 531 Market street, Sau Francisco. Ftcdhigtoirs Flavoring Extracts ARE THE PERFECTLY TFRE AND highly c ncer.trateil Extracts from I-iesh Fruits, prepared with great care.. They are put up in su peri 01 stvl?, and in a bottle holding TWICE AS MLX'll as the ordinary brands of Extracts. Comparing quality aid contents, none other are nearly so chetip. ;; Whenever tested on rif Eir. merits' they have been ad.'pted in . preference to all others, :ind are now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS of the Pacific Coast. jsiAiiK The advantages. Rv purchasing Redington's Concen trated Flavoring Extracts, you obtain a:t article not only superior in richness and delic.iC) of flavor to an' other of a simi lar nature, but far more economical, be cause e;ich buttle holds double the quantity contained in a bottle of any other flavoring extract sold. REDIStiTOV, IIOSTETTER & CO., Agents for the Pacific Coast. TYoul.d yon escape FEYER AND AGUE, and preserve heaRh and vigor during the sickly season, make occasional use of the following as A PREVENTIVE. If you are. ATTACKED with Chills and Bilious Fever, or have been a victim to such disease, and used other so-called remedies without permanent relief, seek at once the safest and surest CURE, by using, according to directions mm POLL ABO 3 or, Fever and Ague Pill?1. Time hag jiroved tlieni thoroughly to ba the safest and most reliable-remedy. Known. Tlu-y cont:tin no mercury or other mineral or chemical. Tlu-y are exclusively vege table. ' They stimulate the fiim tious of the liver. Congestion isimpossible where thev are used. Thev do not deter from daily labor. liy a.-sisting dicre.-tion tl ey add flesh and inu-cleto the frarre. They are adapted to ail ages and both sexes, aLd as a FAMILY MEDBCiriE Will CURE in their incipieney, three fourths ot all diseases incidental to. a malarious climate. For Dyspepsia, in small dose-s, they have nortinal. For sale by all Druggi.-s. REDIGTO.V, IICfSTETJEIl & CO., SOLE AGENTS. The Battle for Life Which is con'tinually going on betw een health" and disea-e, has never received from any medicine such marked and un-m-'strtkable assi-tauce, on the side of health, as it Las from Jewell's Pulmonary Syrup REDIXGTON, IIOSTETTER Sf CO., 520 and 531 Market street, S.in Francisco. a A U CTTONAND COMMISSION Am 15. Ilielasilsoii) o A UCTIONEER 1 "n Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland. ,. O AUCTION SALES ; Of Real Estate. Groceries, general Merchan disc and Horses, Every Wednesday aiid)''S(tivrday ! A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer. AT PRIVATE SALE English refined Par and Rundle Iron' English Squax.0 and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoe's, Files, Rasps, saws;" ' 5 Screws, Fiy pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iroq; - . also : A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors A. I. Richardson1. Auelioneer wMmrn For a fev- cents you can buy cf your Grocer or Druggist a raciaso of SEA HG8S FAIilNE niado from puro Irisli Hoss,r 1 Carrageen, which will Qnakp sixteen quarts of Blanc Hange, and a like quantity cf Pud din, Custards Creams, Char lotte Eusse, te; It i tho cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food in the world, ,It mahes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and o o Children. A Glorious Ch; tiis cheat Tvonp S TOXIC. Plantation Bitters. - . Tlii Avoaaderficl vegetable rcsioralivc i tlta sSaect-aiv-cicr of tJ3c feclSiSc and tleSjill tatecl. As a tosiic nd ccrdiut for tine is;jf si atiti l:gruidf it lias no eqssal nsnosig' etoars acSaics. As n renjiecly ot tSie ncrvoa weaSisicss to wEiscSi woEscsa :ase especially sub ject, it sufierscdin every oiker sSisaasuZanl. En all Clir iniles, jropicaU, temperate or frigid, it sis as a specifie ia c'ey species of disorder wliicla BaadcrEaiEies Sae Idily sirengtli aaast EireaSis down tUe anisisal gpia'its. For isalc ly all Druggists. Anr. 20, In.'O: ly " " j. e. r aLston; TS STILL AT JUS OLD STAND, '; CORNER OF MAIN and SIXTH STREETS OREGON CiTV, OREGON. -o 0 1 ; TT7UERE II E WOULD INVITE 111!$ V V i'rienJs, and the jiublic in general, t call and examine his stock, consisting ot ft general assortment of ------ o o 0 O iDlbtlaiiBg:, IffsitssftBaI Caps 11' Having frotr. many years' experieace leari.ed that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS 1 . ;; .v--.;:. -. .... -.-:.;-itwi LIES IK SIIAIL PEOET! IS DETERMINED a a ( OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL 0 S.lence the Civ of Portland Prists! Oregon City, August 2Sth, 1SGJ. O 84 0,000 . - WORTil OF . v BOOTS and SHOES COMPRISING ALL THE LEADING California & Sasterri IuAN TJP A C T TJRES! Fcr Fall , ahf Winter Wear) Are da haul and beinfr ronstatitly replen- iA'.cd at the Philadelphia Boot SJore 11:3 Front Street anj 131 First Street O 6'OHU KAST. . . ... 4 N. It. Ladies and Gentlemen's Boots ar.d Guiters made to measure. . . Dec. 0:tf , WIRGK & WELCH, dentists: OFFICE In O.id, Fellows' Temple"-corner . of First aud Aldtr Streets, Portland. , The patronage of those, desiring superior, operatiorsi in special request. Nitrousox ide (or the j ainless extraction of teeth. t ;' .; ;f"Art ficial teeth "better than the best;'' aud as che.yp as the chearezt. D ec; 23tf O G 3 0