o o o 3 oil 1 o o 0 o o A o O o ?0 o O o o I o CO o o o 0 O l)C iDtckln (Enterprise TOWS AND tOUXTV. Stabbixo Affray. Last Saturday a boy Kbout IT years cf age. named Nathan IIil iery. stabbed another boy eeVcral times in ihc back with a pocket knife, severe tbotigb not dangerous wounds The boys had some trouble about an u watch and took this mean.3 to. cuttle the Sifficulty It is a Bad state of affairs srhen boys ofthM age carry thlr little trouble to an exienPwhich becomes criminal, and we Lope" tliat these liorS may prow wiser and better as thoj jfoV ohk'r, or they hiay be the cause of bringing their parents to an unhappy grave, and themselves (feitber to the penitentiary or gallows. CoNCKur. Our citizens were treated with a rare musical entertainment last Saturday and Monday evenings by the VieilJttemps Bros, and the Taylor Family (Mart, Taylor.) The music by the two brothers eyas excellent, and the humor displayed by Mart. Taylor kept the house In a constant roar. The Hall was crowded lo its utmost capacity both evenings, ana bur citizens have looked happier and youriger ever since, owing, uo doubt, to Ifc hearty laughs they had. We cannot harticnl arize any part of the performance, but suffice it to say that it wai the best that has ever b'een'in this city since our residence here. VTn hope they may have fcrowded houses wherever they go. O Cif Axr.Ki Ao.u.v. The time of the ar- rivaran'd departure of the mails front this city has again undergone a change. The lnail arrives . now from the south iii the tnoraing at about 11 b "clock, and from J'(rtland in the afternoon about 4 o'clock. We have been so long accustomed to hav ingyhtt mail a ider the old management that the change comes somewhat awkward, but we suppose we must get used to it. I.noitTAXT. Mr. John Myers has an im porUtat notice under the h'Jad of ' New To-day" to otif readers. Read it. lie Mill continues to sell goods at a small profit, and wants persons to call and set tle tfp their accounts tor last year, and then he will be ready to open a new ac count fof the present. Ciiaxoko IIaxps. The Cliff House has changed hands. Mr: Leon Delouey has Hold out to Messrs. Pascal A Sanborn. Tiie hew proprietors have a high reputation as hotel keepers, and we are assured that they will fully sustain the high reputa 'oi the Cliff House has. so deservedly ucqui:Kd while: under the charge of Mr. Delouey. CADKNDAisa We are under obligations lo Mr. J. M. Bacon, postmaster, and to Messr3. Johnson & McCown, agents for the Pacific Insurance Company, for very handsome calendars for 1.S71. 0lKSKXTATio--Mri A. A. McCtilly and bther officers of the P. T. Co.. pfesbntl'd to Mr. William Marshall. In behalf ol the Company, a very flue gold watch, as a token of their appreciation of his services. Indian- Dance. The Indians are having a salmon dance on the Clackamas. It bommenced last Monday night, and is to continue live nights. All the Indians in 1 his county are present, by a general itivi tation. Po.stma.stki'.. Cap't. J. C. Norton has been "appointed postmaster at Clear Creek, and the postoflice has been removed to his fctore."1- Mr. William Moreland ha?!, been appointed postmaster at Nee!v, in this County, Potli these appoimntents are ex cellent. Nkkdkd While the Postal Agent is establishing po?t.(T!ces anywhere oil the iine of the ntilrMd, '.vould it hot be well for him to attend a little to the wants of the people (Hl'the railroad ? Ki'iKXK. Two boats have been to Eti- ne (luring the past week. Freight is coining down the river in great nbmi 1 anee. and the warehouse is kei t fit 11 to oversowing. Snow. Snow fell last Tuesday night iti sufficient quantity to whiten the ground, but it disappeared in the dar'.y part of the e.vt morning. Coming. The Wellington Sisters are Announced '0 give an entertainment at Myers' Hall to morrow eveninir; Skwixij Socikty. The Episcopal Sew ing Society will meet next Tuesday after noon at the residence' of Mrs. Clark. A Carp. The Vioo'tempS Pros, and Taylor "Family return their hearty thanks to "the people'of Oregon City for courtesies extended to theirt, especially mentioning the loan of instruments and good will of Ihe people in furnishing items for local Song. Respectfully, , VlKfXTKMPS IjROS. Mart. Taylor. 'SxvkE.s ix Boots.'7 We have known men, whose noses were beginning to blos ftom, who were occasionally troubled with -snakes in their boots." Not long ago we were experimenting with a microscope? and among the things subjected td its Uonderlul powers was a Small di(? of brandy brandy that, had teen purchased of one of the druggists ol this city for medicinal purposes. How suppose you. did it look? It appeared like a lake Whose L'anlts were covered with denSe and liearttiftil forests, the leaves of which reflected all the gorgeous tints of llie rainbow. And so far very well. But the lake itself was absolutely full of liv ing animalcule in every Conceivable shape tadpoles, bull frogs, lizards, terrapin al ligators, tarantula, scorpions, and finally Several . big. red eyed, forked-tongned Snakes'. We looked for the devil himself; but he was not in that drop like he is in some others. If such things exist in the purest and best brands of Honor, what tuust there, be ii rot-intestine whisky? We don't wonder that some poor fellows have snakes in their boots not now we don't. Ilow caT a man who has from one to six iuches of whisky in lite stomach daily each drop Containing miliums oS animalcule of the reptile order expect to be without snakes in his stomach ? And where there are Po many, how can he pre vent some of l hem from working down in to his boot? Bed Eock Democrat. Eleven hundred shefp belonging to S IT. Wart on the Touchet. have lately died S. ately died. On examination, a species of worm called a leech, is found in the liver of the dead Sheep, -and this is supposed to be the cause Of death. In Dodge county. Wisconsin, a German while on his way to the polls, intending to vote a Republican ticket which he held in bis hand, said to a friend : "I peiieves it ish not right to go vote dish, but I makes bromise to do hiui und I do him.7' Hardly were the words out of his mouth when be fell dead. A solemn warning other volers mar do well to heed. New Postmaster. Capt. Z. C. Norton has just received his commissicd as Post master at Clear Creek. Clackamas county. eMails for that section of country willhere Air be forwarded to bis plac?. The Ti:.sEny.-We have received the Xursery for January, published by John L. Sbdrey. No. 3G BrbohifiVU street, Bos ton. It is one of the vry best young folks" magazines published in the United States, beautifully illustrated, and full of good reading matter for young .people. It is published for SI 50 per annum, and no better present could be given to any child. American- Stock Jornx.vr.. The Decem ber number comes to lis with a new and handsomely engraved cover, and an at tractive table of contents, varied to suit the tastes of almost every Fanner. Stock Breeder. Dairyman. Poultry Keeper, Sec. while the splendid Premiums oifered make it an inducement to all to work for if. Specimen copies. Show bill. &c. sent free Address N. P. Buyer & Co.. Publishers" Parke.sbnr. Chester County. Pa, A rro i x r m e x ts .The f o 1 1 o w i n z a p p o i n f meats have been made bv His Excellency Ihe Governor during the week: John C. Work. Notay Public, Multnomui counts P. L. Willi, Notary Public. Salem. Marion county ; Erasmus M. Correll. Commissioner of Deeds, Hebron. Nebraska. Carpet-bag Congressmen. Two members of" ComTess are J alxmt to be arrainretl in the Crim inal Court here to answer indict ments for converting the pension money of soldiers' widows by fort ius their names, and for bigamy. We will not prejudge them. Jut the occasion invites reflections of a scope and gravity seldom incident to such trials. Xir. Yl. K. Kutler, Mr. Bowen, Mr. Whittemore, Mr. Deweese, and, upon perfectly cred ible statements, several other mem bers of Congress are now subject to prosecution for various felonies. One, elected to Congress, remained at home, iii consequence of a recent exposure of his attempt to deal in counterfeit money. It is remark able that these lirpresentatives are not only all extreme Kadieals, but that thev arc nearly all of the class known as 'carpet-baggers ues- tnrition )eculiany scandalous to 1 .,, v,.,,.,, ., f ; -i-..t -i,;,. 1. r...,., ap)li(.'l in common speech by peo ple of all parties. Let us inquire how a specific class of Congressional incumbents, among whom the detection ofbribe tak'orsj counterfeiters, bigamists, and forgers excites no surprise, have come to exist in our day, and What causes have provoked such a national shame. It will not be disputed, that if the Southern States were fully admitted to their just rights in the Union, their representatives would com pare, as they have always hereto fore done, with the hightest stand ard of Congressional character. And it is equallv certain that their votes would be almost unatiimouslv east against high t a rifts, subsidies, and schemes whereby monopolies are aggrandized. Jhit class legislation is now notoriously rife, and the vast combinations engaged in pro- curing it ii.ive an interest m excimi- j ing from Congress every man who j maV be suspected of opposition to 1 their selfish imlicv. Hence the ef- ! 1 forts which have been made to pre serve the present ascendency over the National Legislature, by means the most unjust, inhuman, and out rageous. This ascendency arose from a coincidence involved by Avar be tween the mercenary and the vainglorious, ever since bound to gether for mutual aid, and calling themselves, together with the con fiding masses who have not yet de tected the imposturCj the Ilepubli can partj". On the other hand, the persua sion of the people that in the war they were carrying the musket of the Constitution, and conquering the ewenih's of fraternal Union, nat urally authorized the 'expectation that the cause was consumated when the Confederacy laid down its arms and honestly resumed an eoual allegiance to the laws. This result, sedulously inculcated wherever volunteers were solicited, threatened., nevertheless, to be fatal to their colossal combination for power and profit. The super vention of peace would detect the fraud as the. rising fun daits through the mists of night. 1'e-i criminaucii; Subsiding m general jov, was easily exasperated. The distracted, bleeding, and voiceless South could only appear ii! the Xorth as Northern observers might describe Agitation was the word, and libel the means. The consequences were well .assured. Passion was roused, the negro ele nluut employed as an instrument of insult, thousands of venal agitators sent through the South, wholesale slander acredited by Congress, the army, and the Freedmifs Bureau, whue tl e constitutional clemency of the President was denounced, and the agitation culminated in di viding the Executive and Congress. And, after years of unrepresent ed anxiety, the pretence escaped popular detection in the exciement ui me ua mat me rsoutii was more treasonable than ever, and the rings-."' triumphed in the most aoonnnaDie .measure ol moderii times the outlawry of ten States of the Union, and the loading cf all their intelligent and virtuous citizens with legislative attainders, bills of pains and penalties, and r-x pyt ftwto laws, all expressly forbidden by the Constitution of the Union. But tliis enly opened the Yr.iv. To deny representation was not enough lo insure their power .Hid their plunder. -It was necessary to aid to their Congressional strength against inevitable veac- ,n :,. t. "V.-rl. ti i i Uon U ne .Noitll. ihe clianty j wlmse plea for mercv had Ih-ph i arowneu ni tne incited ovfries of hate, mnst ere loncj somd the sac red name of Aitniesty in the voice of sovereign autlioritv. Xow aiose th e loIdest crime of all for lerpet- ; uation as the only teciiritv of ' " cess. The forms and local ma chinery of Congressional elections were to be revived among a peo ple who were to be excluded from choosing representatives, and agents of the usurpation, with mil itary cooperation, were to come up to Congress, clothed in a spurious representative character, to hold, in the interest of their patrons, the seats of proscribed constituencies on the floors of national legislation! That this detectable dishonesty might bo the less obvious the "rings" upheld the semblance of amnesty, peddling it in the South to desperate, the mercenary, or the confiding, in return for their sup port at these sham elections, The individuals who have been found qualified, by habitual knavery to accept and preform such a service, are popularly known as '"carpet bag Congressmen." And we inquire further, why, without surprise, tile public witness the intrusion into the Capiiol of the claims of the penitentiary? Pat riot. Oregon City Prices Current, The following are the prices paid for produce, and the prices at which other ar icles are selling, in this market : WHEAT White, bushel, UU0$1 OATS "f, bushel. 40 cts. POTATOES bushel. 5073 cts. ONIONS bushel, SI ()!!V,S1 50. FLOUU "f bbl. So U0(o)S3 50. PEANS White, 7 Lb.. cts. DIH EL) FRUIT Apples," lb., 5c; Peaches. lb., lfi$c: Plums, ) Hi., 15 10 cts.: Currants, "j), lb.. 1U,20 cts. PUTTER-- lb.. HUcts. Et.OS "jl dozen. '.5 c's. CHICKENS dozen, S3 00. SEGA 11 Crushed. lb., 20 cts.; Island v io., ioov'i.j v. - i vr. ? yj. jl is uiOt j San Francisco refined lb . KJi cts. TEA -Young Hyson. lb., SI 50 ; Ja- pan V, lb., yocSl '..) ; Black, (f. To., inc. S1 ou. COFFCC B..2." cts. SALT ib., cts. SYRUP Heavy Golden, all., POc. ; Ex. HeaVv Golden. f); gall., SI 00 BACON Hams. B.., 1G cts 5 Sides, 15 cts. lb.: Shoulders, 10 cts. LARl)-"rl lb.. 12.12i cts. OIL Devoe's Kerosene. "fl gall.. 75c. 100; Linseed oil. raw. J jrall.. SI o'O : Linseed oil. txtiled. gall., SI GO. WOOL V? lb.. 20,22 cts. BEEF On toot, 7 Or.S cts Tb. POKK On foot. fi7cts. lb. SHEEP Per head. .-S2 0(S2 50. HIDES -Green, B lb.. 5c. ; Dry. 11 lb.. 12 ct Ited, 8c Ihe American Stock Journal. Improve your Stock, improve your land: Ere the best means at your command, 'i'h' Amkuicax Stock Jolknai., read A sui t; relief in time of need. If horse is sick, or sore, or lame, Consult, ihe "Jouhnai; Cor the same; II yot. r Horses. Cows Sheep or Swine Exhibit symvtoms of decline. Apply at oi;vj the tnie prescription. Worth more than one whole year's sub scription. The Journal gives in every case, A proder remedy in its place : Just how to mix and how to give ; And thus insure the beast to live : Tell how to work and how to teed. All( wht.n to vesl Jn timt of net,( . How crops to grow, and how to cures How to make and apply manure H''" 'M Phl!,t ':w deep to plo. Tells how to frear and how drive. IJy noting which your horse will thrive. From hitching strap to working collar, All all for one currency dollar. '1 his knowledge then's a mine of wealth, Keeping your stock in perfect he.ilth; Tims every month the whole jear round, These useful lesson may be found. .Subscribe at once, the prize seccure ; The benelit to you is sure. The next best thing that you can do ; Get your neighbor to subscribe loo. Send for free specimen copies, show bills and subscription lists. Address N. P. Eovkk tt Co.. Pi m.isiii-.KS. Paikesburg. Chester County, Pa. WILLIAM DAVIDSON) Office,,, :Vo. G-t Front Street, POIJTIiAN L, - - - OREGON. REAL ESTATE DEALER. SpsDial Collector of Claims. A laire amount of CITY and EAST PORT LAN I) 1'mperty for Sale. Also, IMPi.'OVEf) FARMS, and valuable un cultivated LANDS, located in all parts of the State Investments in REAL ESTATE and other PROPERTY made foi correspondents. CLAIMS of all descriptions promptly col lated. HOUSES and STORES leased. Ail kinds of Financial and General Agency business transacted. Parties bavins- FARM PROPERTY for sale will pla-e uriii-h descriptions of the same to the AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in each Cf the principal CITIES ai.d TOWNS of this STATE. Julv li:tf Ilebeccii Degree IoiJge So. a, It O. O. F Q Q Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVES'lXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in O Id Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree aie incited to attend. Pv order of N. O. AVillsimette r.iJge Xo. I. O, C. T Meets every Saturday evening, at. the roorr.S S.E. corner of Main and Filth streets, r.t 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are invited to attend. IJy order of Y. C. T. CiiArri n Hands an& Fack, sore lips, dry ness ol the skin, A:c, &c, cured at once by lineman's Camphor Ice with Glycerine, it keeps the hand's soft in all weather. See that you gt liegeman's. Sdl by all drug gists onlv 2" cents. Manufactured only by Hegetnan Sz Co., ('hem sis and Druggists, XeTv York. dec30-ly fUJARRSAGE GUIDE. EVERY ONE HIS OWN IHK TR. A private m.-truCtor fr manied persons Or tiiosc: ab'ut to be married, both male and feiri de. in everything concerning the phvs iolotrv ftifd r cdatiuns of our sexual system, and the production and prevention of oif spMiiL', in I'T ing all the new discoveries never bet'ee siren in the English language, bv WM. YtiUXG, M. 1. This is really a val u'tble and interesting work. It is written in plain I 1 rmige for the gerieral reader, and is illustrated with numerous engravings. All young ma- : ie l people, or those con te na pkin" ig m'arriage, and baring the least i.m-pedini'-nt to married life, Should read this ii-iok It, di.-closes secrets that every one should be acquainted with ; Still it i3 S bfik that must be locked up and not lie about the h nise. It w 11 Vie sent to any address on re eipt of tiff v cents. Address Dr. YM. wt, .No.4ib5piucesireeiaonve rourui, Philadelphia. Nov4:'',m. 3iil(nu th Iol xe Xo. 1, A . F.smtl A. i .Holds its reiiuhir commun'ca t'.uis on the First and Third Stifiir- v each month, at 7 o'clock from -1 .e '2"ih of September to the 2oth of Mirch. and 7j o'clock from the 2oth of M ircl to the 2oth of September. Breth Tela standing are invited ta attend. Juec. i.j,l ; , (., By order cf Vf . M: Oregon Lodge Xo. 3, ! O. of O. F.-- S Meets every Thursday even kS ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's II all, Slain s eet. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. X. G. Religious Services. St. Paula f Episcopal) Church, the Rev. John 4 W . .Selhvooj, rector, services on Mmnay at loi a.m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School and Bible class at 2 p. m. 1st Congregational Ctmrch Morning Services,...,:.. Sabhath School, . : Eveniuir Service?. . .Seats Free 10.45 12 o'cloi k M. 7 o'clock.. Rev. E. (JeiIky, Acting I'astor ritAYEK J1MET1US Sunclav eeninj: , .5 o'clock .7 o'clock. Tuesday eveniug. M. E. Church, , , Seats Free. Moi-ainpr Services, il0.3o, Evening Sei vices, . . . . ; ; 7 o'clock. S'lCIAL MEETINGS. Class Meeting follnving Mondng Services. 1 'raver M eting Tiiuisd iyevening 7 co'clok. I'ain is supposed t be the lot of us poor mortals, as inevitable as death itself and liable at any time to come upon us. T here lore it is lmpoitant that remedial agents i-hould be at hand to be used on an finer gencv, when the seminal principle lodged in the system shall develope itself, and we feel the excruciating agonies of pain, or the de pressing influence oi disease. Such a reme dial agent exists in the Pain Killer, whose fame has made the circuit of the clobe Amid the eternal ices of the polar re&lonff or beneath the intolerable and burning sun of the tropics, its virtues are known and appre ciated. Under ail latitudes, from the one extreme to the other, suil'ering humanity has foun:l relief from many of its ills by its use. The wide and broad area over which this medicine has spread, attests its value and potency. From a small beginning, the Pain Killer has pushed gradually along, making its own highway, solely b;. its virtues. Such unexampled success and popularity has brought others into the field, who have attempted, under similarity of name, to u.-'urp the Conliiieiu e of the people and turn it to their own selfishness and dishonesty, but tneir efforts have p oved fruitless, while the Pain Killer is still growing iu public lavor. Jan. o. hi 111 SEWING MACHINES ! ! COMPETITION DEFIED. T7E SELL THE SINGER. WHEELER Wilson, Howe, Elliptic; Gmver & Laker, Weed, I'arham, Keystone, JJK-es, Gold Medal, Amenca.i cotubiua ion, Davis, Empire, 'inkle & Lyons, VVi.rox & Gibbs wi.ii u complete out lit, late t improrements, ail extra attachments and oaseet ?o. The U ilson, l-'oisum, MeLeuu h Hooper, Darthrain & lauton, wi h out tit. improve ments, all e.vtra attachments and case at J-3S. The IJirrkeye, Dianmiid, Amei iran, Home Shuttle, JJiisto! with omlit, taole, attach ments and case, at ). 'ihe Couiiuoa Sense, Octagon, Banner and all other hand machines with outiit hemmer and tucker at 12. No toy machines sold. A complete set cH' attachments for hem ming liiiej coarse and wide, binding any ma terial, quilting, tucking and making the next tuck, milling and gathering, doing a'way whh bast.ng altogether. M.ide to su.t i.uy machine. On y tne complete set sold, $0. " KrJITTIigC- EIACHIWES. The Lamb at ,-;- : the (.'rane at $15 ; the Hiiikley. Diamond gJ7 ; the Uicklbrd, Auie. - lean, H.SSICK, New Haven 'Jo. Terms- "When the money is sent with the order we ship wah all height charges prepaid as far as the Mississippi, or sent 0. O. D., on receipt of ha. I the amount, aud churgis added. L. FERKifS a CO,, 511 KING STREET, WILMINGTON, DEL. A0TIVE PERSONS $100 A MOUTH I7NERGFTiC TEIlSONS, C jj doctors, lawyers, agents, I EI.GVMEN, business men, tanners, salesmen, dealers, and all others, male and fern do willing to give iheir whole time or pari 6f it, can easily make . $100 OR MORE A MONTH, by engaging in light, honorable and staple business, iu which o nvmey is required. No competition Exclusive teriitory given. Reference? as to character required. Stamps for return postage desired. Write your ad dress in f oil and plainly. H. A. CARTY, NO. S15 CIIESNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ACTIVE PERSONS WASTED. Jan. fl:m JFliOKA.li 6U I 3 JE For QT 1 - T HE FIRST EDITION OF ONE HUN dred athl filtv thousand coiues of VicU's l.l tist ra tel Catuloiiiip of hfttls iiml Flurni (jieitclc, is published 3nd ready to send out loo paeS. and tin engraving ot almost every desirable Flower and v egetable. It is eleg.m ly printed, on tine tiut.'ii paper, Illustrated wiihilme Hundred line. Wood Engravings and Two beautiful COLORED PLATES; The most beauti ul and the most instructive Fhual Guidrf published. A GERMAN EIH riON 1 -ublished, iu ad other respects similar to the English. Seat iree to a' I my customers of 1S70. as .iapi II v as possible, without a;q':catio:i. S'mhI to all others who order them forT.-.N C'ENTi. which is not half the cost. Address J.5H VI Ii, dec23rnl Ii ch, ster, N. Y. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TIIE i undersisned has 1'i ni api-ointea A iminis trator of the estate of Francs Jones, dec eased, lae of Clackamas county, Ureg,n. All persons having claims Hsainst .-tsd e-stare will present them within six jnontns, at the residence of tire undersized in said c'T-JQJiy j GARD Jan. :, lsrirsrl Aimuiktiitcr. Sa..liath S.-hmi :.t 2 o eloeU I': M PACIFIC BOOT AHb SHOE HOUSE. Grand Opening Out OF OCR FALL GOODS. $35,000 WORTH OF Boots & Shoes, TO BE RETAILED AT WHOLESALE FIGURES. THE LARGEST AMOt'XT In Any Retail Store on the Pacific Least. WE n.lVE BOOTS FOR Men, Boys & Children, OF ALL SHAPES, STYLE and QUALITY. DIFFERENT KINDS ef ALONE. MEN'S BOOTS WE HAVE BEX KK IT'S 1'IIILAD (. IIILTED BOT- TOM HOOTS: BUCKIXO HAM'S HANDMADE SEWED BOOTS, French Calf, Single Double and Tap Soles : till shapes ; EIUIKLL'S BOOTS, Fine Calf, Channel N:ii:ed, and Pegged and Tapped Sole ; HeavjF Calf, Double Sole, Wire Quilted and Tap Sides ; Light Kip, Tap Soles Men's, Iv's and Children's. SElBHIiLICJl'S FRENCH SCREWED PHILADELPHIA MADE BOOTS, lleavr and Lit;ht Calf. REED'S. FOGG & HOUGHTON'S GODFREY'.-, Batchelder's, Johnson & Wood's Partridge's and Underwood & Co's ' CALF Kip and SLATGHTElt BOOTS, E.:slei n Manufacture. Ciilifariiia, Work i:i.rte Expressly Kol I s. IIECHT BROS. UNITED WORKINGMEN, California Co-opcatives, M.uks 4t (al isher, Bii.-kiiisri a it Ilecht's, aud On in Jones' make of BOOTS and SHOES, Bi.'OGANS. and LADIES' and CHIL DREN'S DRESS BALMORALS. We have also a fine assonnent of GENTLE MEN'S FiiENCIl CALF, HAND-MADE SL.VED Ojfad Tits, Gaiti m Prin Allje ts. Ti ose who c nis'der themselves difticn't to fit or su t with a Boot or Shoe, we would be very much pleased to have call and examine our goOaS; Protzsiian, GUIihaii & Co., PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, PJo. 121 Front Street, St. t fiaiks il tel liuilding. PORTLAND, OREGON; OctHtf THE GREAT An Infallible Dtonn pirifieii, possess ing rare toic and si;nviE properties a certain cure for niirxn tish, goit, mx'r.ilgia, and all kindred Diseases. It completely restores the system when Im paired by disease, revives the action of the iii.-t:v.s and tr.siTAL oiic.ixs, radi cally cures SCKOFU.A, salt miEi'n and all crii'tive and cutaeoiis Dis eases, gives immediate and permanent relie' in dysplpsia, emsipelas. Tumofs, Boils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; trad: catcs from the system all traces of Alercuria: Eiseasej It is M nELY vggetadle, being made from an herb found indigenous in California. It is therefore peculiarly suitable for us3 by Females and Children, as a blood rati. FIER and BE.MIVATOR. For Sala by all Druggists; R E B t & Q.TQ N , HQSTETTER & CO. AGENTS, 529 and. 531 Market Street, Baa Trancisco. Oct. 2D:3m LlNCOLNBAKEtlV. B A1LEY,HARD!KG cSl CO., Successors of L. Dillkr in the Lincoln Bakery, 17ECr LEAVE TO INFORM THE CITI y zens of Oregon Cit- atid surrounding country, that they keep constantly on hand and f'-r sale, all kinds of BREAD, (II Ck LI'S, CAKES, PASTRY, CAN DIE AND NUTS. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders pmmpt!y filled, and ponds deliver ed at the residence of the put chaser when desired. The highest pt ice'3 pttitt f r Butter, Eggs nd Vegetables. A liberal --hiire of public ratron;?e is re spectf'iiil v S'dic.ted. April 20, lS70:!r Grammar School. rpIIE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF.tiAX JL ized for the purpose of establishing the above Schciol, would resyecthiMj annb'nnce that, thev h ive engaged the services of M r. s. n. POPE, as Tedjdier, tor a ses;on of six months. The Scbo'd will open on Tues day the 31 ri.iy of Janri.arv, in the room lately occupied as" ti:e' 'Enterprise OHIce." All the usual branches cmprisinr :t thor ough English, Clai.-sil, Mathemaf ical and Co'timcc nl edu-ation will be f au f.t. Application for admitiahce, terms, &c. to be made to the Teacher. liolirs, rro m 0 a rn. to 12 m.. and from 1 to ?, p. m. raaaHT SCHOOL. The undersigned will commence a Xisht School on Tuesday even n next, Januarr -d, in the Grammar School Room. Hours, from ii to 0. s. r. ro-E. Oregon City, Dec. 2?, 1870. tf -. . l 1 . ' 1 1 s . ' rCdigton, HOSTETTER & CO. Stop that Coiighin Some of you can't, and we pit' yon. You have tried every remedy but tl e ONE destined, by its intiin-ic merit, to supersede ail similar preparations. It is liot surprising you shoiild' I ii reluc tant to try sometLiugclse uf cr the many ciptHiuenls yon have made tif tr ishy compounds foisted ca the public as a certain cure ; but Kewe.'i's Pulmonary Syrup is really the VERY BEST remedy ever compounded for the cure of Coughs, C"ld., t"s Threats, Athmt, ll'ho(jd))g fought. Broach it if and (Jonsumptio. Thousands Of people in California and Oregon have been already bme!ited by the surprising curative powers of Jewell's Pulmonary Syrup and with one accord give it their urj qualihed approbat 011. We now address ourselves to all who are unacquainted with this, the greatest panacea ot the ajre. for the healing of stll diseases of the Throat uiitl Luiijjs, assurihg j'ou that Ncweirs Pulmonary Syrup hfls,curd thousands, and it will ture YOU, if Tu try it. This invaluable inetli. itie is pleasant to the ta-te ; ooth in, healing and fttrengtheiiing in its Jell'ects ; entirely free fr in all poisonous or deleterious driiis.smd perfectly harm- 2 less under all circumstances. For Sstlc by nil lrn:gi.-ls. REDING I ON, HOTEnER & CO, 52'j and 531 Market street, San Frai.ci.-co. Rciliiigton's Essence Jamaica Ginger, JVJiich jV confidently rH-or.ivuridt J as the best prcpai tiuii tow Itfore the public. This valuable preparation, containing in a highly co-.centrated form all the properties of Jamaica (I inger.has become one ot the most popular dome-tic r( ine dies for ai! diseit.-es Of tte stomach and -digestive organs. As a tonic, it will be foiind invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; for wt.ile it imparts to the system all the glow and vitror that can be produced by wine oi brandy, it is entirely free from the reactionary eth cts that follow the usf ot t-piihs of any kind. It is a'so an excellent remedy for females who sutler from difficult men struation, giving almost immediate re lief to the spaeln-; that so frequently ac company thai period. lt'ive-1 immediate relief to Nausea, caused by 1 idii'g in a railroad car, or ty sea sickness, or other Causes. It is also valaa de as an external p plicaton for Gout, RheLimati.-m, Neu ralgia, etc. ftKUIXCiTOX, HOSTETTER & CO., 529 and 531 Market street, San Francisco. Rcdlngton's Flavoring t x t r a c s ABE THE PERFECTLY PURE AND highly c ncer.tratt d Extracts from F;csh Frails, prepared with great rate. Thev iM c put up in superior stvle. and in a bottle holding TWICE AS MICH as the ordinary brands of Extiacts. Comparing quality and contents, none other are Nearly so chei'p. Whenever tested on tiikir MfciUTS,they have been adopted in pie'erence to all otheis. and are now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS ol the Pacific Coast. MAUK TIIE ADVANTAGES. By purchasing Rtdington's Concen trated Flavor'ng Extracts, you obtain a: article not only superior in richness and deliC.icj of flavor to any cMher of a simi lar n iture, but far more economical, be cause each buttle holds double the quantity contained in a bottle of any other flavoring extract sold. REKlStiTOX, HOSTETTER & CO., Agents for the Pacific Coast. EOT. t P Would yon escipe FEVER AND AGUE, and preserve health and vigor durintr the s ck'y eaon, make occasional use of the following as A PREVENTIVE. If von are ATT CKED. with Chills and Bilious Fever, or have been a victim to such disease, and used other so-called remedies without permanent relief, seek at once the safe.-t and surest CUEE, by using, according to directions MASON & FCLLAR ' ANTI-MALARIA, or, Fever and Ague Pill. Time lias proved them thoroughly to be the safest and moft rtliable remedy known. Tin y contain no inercurr or other mineral or chemical. Thy are exclusively vege table. They stimulate the functiot s of the liver. Congest-'on is impossible where thev arc used. They do not deter from daily labor. By a-sisting dicestion they add flesh and roucleio the fraire. They are adapted to all ages and both sexes, ard as a FA&1ILY R.1EOIC8NE Will CURE in their incipieticv, three fourths of all d seases incidental to a malarious climate. For Dyspepsia, in small dose-. they have noeqnal. For sale by all Di'uggi.-ts. REDlSGTOi HOSTETTER & CO., SOLE AGENTS. The Battle for Life Which is continually proing on between health and disease, has never received from anv medicine such marked and un mistikable assi-ta e, ori the side of health, as it has fio.u NeweM's Pulmonary Syrup REDIVOTO:, HOSTETTER & CO., 529 and 531 Mirkct street. Sin FraDcisco. AUCTION AX! CdMMJiSK Cilr A. B. Richardson AUCTIONEER! Corner of Front and Oak streets, l'ortUn'3, , AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, Genera! Merchai clise and llor-es, Every Wednesday and Saturday A. U. IiiciiARDsox, Auctiuijceri AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar a:rd Bundle I: on Lni;iih Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws ; Screws, Fiy-paus, sheet iron, R.'g Iron; a 1 so A large assortment of Groceries und Liquors A. II. I -'t - I 1 -A'.-v.'! M'?: ' s-1.-? a 1 ST as 1 If ., . . a'' tiki For i few cents yoaQfcan Luy cf your Grocer. or Druggist a I-ackago cf SEA 'I0SS VARl inaile from psro I ni 1 jIgss, or Carrageen, wlileh will 11 yi? Mange,' ------ and a liko fjnality cf Pusl- diiir;?, Ciistard-3, Creams, Char- I clto Eusse, jc. Ii ii tho" clieapest, Lealthiest, and most delicious food in the world. It naI:e-3 a splendid Dessert, and lies 120 equal r.3 a light and dclicalo food for Invalids and Child re::. A Glorious Chane ! ! THE CliCAT WORLDS TOIICJ Plantation Bitters. "FSiis woradorftil vcgeinlill rciorasa'c is ilia gl3teS-s2EB-chor of tlac Zeclilo nrad delbsii t3icc3. A'3 11 an:I co2iaE) for tlzc ;ag:ccl iztuzl Iis-ssaassl, it nciiics. A3 :i rceiacdy fa Jlic liCi'voiaa vca!i2icss to wSsacEt woEiacza nrc cspccirslly sia5 jccJ, it is szsiicrscdiEjg evcay lEcer slasaaualnl. lit nil Cla laa ales tropacal, Cesaasserate, oa fa'aid, it nct zi ti sssecific f2a every sjaeeac of dasos'der wlaacSa t33i(3eafi!iasso f Sae I;oe!:iy sia-esi8Ea naa!lEBcalis down filae niiicsial S2iril-. For sale ly all Da"uggisl. J.R.IF8 ALSTON TS STILL AT HIS OLD STJ P, CORNER OF MAIN and SIX'lH SH.EETS OREGON C.TV, OREUON. XT 71 ERE HE WOULD INVITE Hl5 V ? tiicuds. and the public, in gri eial, to call and examine his stock, consisting oi ii cuei'al assortment of W Ik Ci'G cilery. O vT Having frorc many years' experieacS Icari.ed that THE SECRET OP SUCCESS LIES IK S M AIL PEOFITSl IS DETEUMiXKI' 10 OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS iJVILD S 1' lire the Cry of Finland Prices! Oregon City, August 2Sth, 1S'J9. O ' n 84 0,000 WORTH OF BOOTS and SHOES COMFRLSIVG ALL TIIE LEAD.NO California & Eastern MANUFACTURES. For Fall and Winter Wear,; a ,c nn imnd Jihd. bc'fi' constantly rc,i.'en- isLed at the o Philadelphia Boot Store, tlii Front Street an l 1.31 First Street; JOHN S. KAST. N. P. Ladies an 1 Gent emcn's Boots and o C;iter3 made to measure. r Dec. i.:tf o MACK WELCH, OFFICF In Odd Fellows.' Temple, corDcf of First and Alder Streets, Portland. The patrprnpe of lhoe desirJnsr siip rior operatior-s is in spec'al r quest. Nitrou s oxJ ide for the 1 ainless extinction t f teetb. . gT'Art.ficial teet 1 ''-better tl an the b st" and a cheap as ihe chca: est. De:. 23if O o o ?5 0 o 0 0 o S