o o iEljc Ulrd-Hn (enterprise, TOWN ASJL CCUXTY Cos-'N'rr (Jouitr. The following are the proceedings of the County Court for Clackamas county, Judge Waite presid ing : At request of Supervisor Truliinger, of Tbiad District No. o(i, tho Court allowed $'5. spikes i,n planks to aid in coustruct jn'cr a bridge across Mill Cret-k.. licuort of J as.. M. Moore and .7as. Wins ton. appoint t'A''Amine into the coui ld tint against .Lt.fayotle May, was filed. Mr Mav'jrve bond in the sum of $2500 ihat : he wonld maintain bis sister in a. hu hiiinAi ;nner free of county eha-ge. M Kercher petitioned to have a road id out over the land of C. E. Tracy, II. CII iwU'V, find Eli C res? well, to lead r-Vm 'nriiurwater to Oregon City.. Jos. VI) v i",' Al'n'rt Wright and T. II. Forester wen- ain,0nle(l viewers.- T U. Forester and others presented a Qi el Hi -j i ai"- t,Jdt v5t?wtrs u appointed lovievv a road commencing al the south nd of J- Tattle's land, on the road lead in to ruVtli'-nd, to follow the present road r,at Pleasant Judd's to th$ trandy road, rie ir T. IE Forester's; thence along the Siuuh" t t5ie Mitlalla road ; thence to the Jjoiihwe-t corner of Vancuser's claim : Uier.ce south until It Intersects line of township 2'i thence to the Molalla road. S Gilhlar.d. -Thos. Uolmo and Chas. lioork We re a p p o in te d vie w e i s. IJeport of" Samuel Waldron, II. Andrus and Chas. Walker, appointed at last term t,f Cuari. filed their report and said road was ileclare l a public bigway. County mycosis. () ie.-,ec V. Jk 0 :n-e was granted a renewal V,.' ferry license. The viewers appointed to locate private road far J as. Clark over the land of Jas. Miln report damage to be $50 ; report received and road granted on condition of said Clark paying $50 andthe cost of the same, SH). .Mrs. Emily Bradley prayed for a red u c--ilJiCof taxes ; granted. Forbes Birclay prayed for reduction of taxes tor indebtedness; allowed, except 45: ate tax. for wh'c'i amount he .is -ordered In in ke an affidavit and file tbetsame in this Court. h" The County Clerk yns ordered to notify the City Council of Oregon City that the bridge across the Abernetby was eot:i jde.ed, and request them to pay one-third of 1 he cost, as per agreement. Mills Ofd'Tol P'tld. The following b'Hs W.eri ordered paid : S. Waldn. 511 80 ; R. Andrus. $t) 70; Chas. WaUcer, $7 50; F. C. Mack. 58 00; . S. C. 1'helps $8 00; F. W. Camobeil. SO0; S. L. Campbell. $210);" V. W. j'.uck. $2 10; Jas. Eaton. $2 iO; YV .Holmes. $2 20; Ji.s. Winston, '.) 00; J. M. Moure. .:) U0; G. II- Ilimes, $8 75; J. M. Dacon. $;j 50; 1 hos. Charnian, $3 75; Entkkpuisk. 00; F. Wilde. $0 00; John Myers. 31 O0: It. Ford. $15 50; A. Warner. S.'OO 53; J. M. Frazer. SS( 35 ; State of Oregon vs. Cminn : W. 1 Ihitris. SS 55; A. Warner. y.i; C. E. Warren. $5 00: John Hamil ton, id 70; II. Ford. SI 70; Win. Whitlock. ' $1 20, W. W. Duck, $120; S. W. Moss, .?120;Z. Dodson. $1 20; C. J. Hi relay. $1 20; I). I). Tompkins, SI 20; State of ;Oivgon vs. John Kelly. Frank Drake, and Llward Jackson: V. 1. Btirua. SU 40; A. Warm r. $30 25; C. 11 Warren. J 15 00; John Hamilton. $1 70; Allen White.Sl 70; Y.dney Moss. $1 70; Ed. Deuimt. $1 70; J. L. llarloiv. SI 70; A. C. liailey, SI 70; State of Oregon vs. Indian Pekee : W. P. Funis. Sii 00; A. Warner. $5 45; C. II Warren. $5 00; Molalla Henry, $1 70; Fowhatte. SI 7t); II. Eradley. County Com anissioner, SO 00; Henry Will. $8 20; State of Oregon vs. Kanaka Keuo : W. P. Burns. S3 10; A. Warner, SI 05. Total, S503 03. V rob-tie. Estate of Chas. Cutting ; one iKonth turlher time allowed to collect and juake distribution. llond ti'ed and approved for sale of real estate belonging to tbe estate of Micnaei .Summers. Estate of Or. A. Area : final account of administrator allowed and approved, and lie is ordered to pay the balance to Secre tary ot State, according to law. E-tat'; of Francis Jones ; J. J. Guard sippoi:i!ed executor with the will annexed. F n 1 given in $".)). Colin 1:1 Ilucknev. 'A chary Gu ml and Marion MoCormick were appointed apnr.iDers. E-tate of Harrison Wright ; E. A. Wright mud Jos. A. Wright were appointed ad ministrators ; John S.:ith, U. C. Iiatnsby and Asa Sanders were appointed ap praisers. II. N. Worsham. guardian of Juliet How ard ntd E Iwiu Howard; report aiul re signation accepted. C. 1. Howard ap pointed guardian. Estate ot .Nathaniel Kobms; annual re port tiled. Es:afe of W. C. Dement report tiled. Estate of A. M. Harding report filed. semi-annual serai-annual IvavMMvi: Scnooi..- As per annonnc- incnt this school was opened last Tuesday commencing wiih scholars, and the iiiilht scliocl was opeuel on the same eve- nin'jr with a fair nuuiber. A number of our ciii.t'as have formed themselves into a corporation for thti purpose of estab lishing a private school of a high grade in our city, a want of which has been sen ously felt for a lone time. This is a v id'iV important move for Oregon City, am pressed to a success will do much for the benefit of our town. The place is located in the healthiest part of Oregon, accessible Jto any pari of the valley, and we may ex pect persons from all parts of the State to come here and take advantage of this op portunity. e believe that such a school can be built up here which will be a. credit to our town, and notion": add more to the wealth and prosperity of a community 'than good schools. There is room for even" more schools than wo now have. There cannot be too many. Let our citi- Kens sustain this institution, and if not xolf-snppor'Vng at first (but from the pres ent miMiher it appears to be) let them sup port it by voluntary subscription. It will come back to them fen-fold. The night school should be encouragedand sustained JJetter for the parents whose children are now running around town at night for them to be at school, thereby they will be out of mischief and cultivating their mind. J his institution may be made an import ant auxiliary to the progress of Oregon city, ami it should be the object of every citizen to encourage every etfort made to bring tbe town out of the lethargy in vviiiea it has been for the past two years. tJjod schools, the factories, and all the natural advantages properly developed. wdl m ike Oregon City a town of import ance in this State, and we urge oar citi zens to wake up and put their shoulders to the wheel for the advancement of our c immcn interests. Good schools will bring families to our town to winter, and ni my will come to invest their money wnero gooi educational facilities are offered. The trustees of the Grammar School are Messrs. J. R. Ralston, Thos. Charm n. P. Da relay, Capt. Cochrane, and Ala-swell uamsby. - Adjourned. Tho County journcd last Tuesday. Court ad- IurouT-VNT KcMon. We hear it reported that the Eiiendale and Brownsville woolen companies arc about to; copsolrdaie ami remove their factories to t'uis place. Wo hope that this may prove true, f here is not a place in Oregon that ohers the same inducements to this branch ot manufac ture as Oregon Ciiy, arid we are sa isfied th-tif these two companies will cciis'ilt their own interests, this combination will be e.Tected. and their manufactories lo cated where they will be a source of prnSt to the owners end a benefit to the State at lurse. We cannot have too many of these tacUries In successful., operation "in our State, and we hope that all the natural advantnges which this point offers for such investments wnl be brought' itilo speedy use. -..--. - - - -. . - - :r Fine I)i.a:xkt.s. We were shown a prar of blankets made nt tlic Oregon City Woolen Factory which surpasses anything of the kind tte" have ever seen. The weight of them was 21 pounds ; on one side they were pure white, rind on the other scarlet. The wool wits as Hue as down. They were certainly the finest blankets ever made on this coast. The price per pair is SdO, and twelve pair were made to order. Impkiua-?. Mt!.u.-V,'e took a visit through this establi.-hnient last week. In its various arrangements it is a most com plete mill, and the grade of Hour .made ranks equal'to any mill in 'the Stat. The mill has a manufacturing capacity of about 250 barrels per day, but at present it is not run to it full extent. They arc making about 150 barrels per day. IO. O. F. At a regular meeting of Oregon Lodge No. 3, held at their hall in this city on the 29th ult., the following ofiicels were elected for the ensuing vear: B. A. llu-hes. N. G.; J. M. Frazer. V. G.; S. D. Pope, II. S.; A. C. Eailey. P. S.; J. Wortman. Treasurer; Trustees. A. J. Ap person. N. Vr'. Randall, nnd W. P. Durns. Installation took place last evening. Stkamroats. The P. T. Company now have all rfceir boatfc afloat, and. freight is coming down the river ie great quantities. The warehouse at present has about 1.000 tons of flour and grain in it, which is for warded as fast as possible. There are seven boats on the river" from here up. which enables the, "Company to dispatch a boat almost daily from here. Chax(;;:. The P. T. Company have changed their m inner of charges lor freight., and now carry by weight instead of measurement, .which makes consider able of a reduction on light freights. The price on wheat or 'heavy freights remains about the same as heretofore. Rain'. Tin,- river is now at a good boat ing stage. Should the present rains con tinue a few days longer, boats will be able to reach Eugene next week, which is a desired object. To ExlAnos. We shall probably en large the Ext;:i::'!Uskv next week. We hope that every Democrat in the county- will feel it his dutv to sustain the county paper, v, o are trying 10 give ineia a paper worthy of their support. . x . .. ...... I.ieno.Vi.ucNT. The b u ild i ng auj 01 n mg the engine house is being raised to a level wkh the street and put in repairs. It is to be used for a carpenter shop and un dertaker's establishment by Messrs. Lmg- nian & Hedges. Ciiano::. Purser Hile has changed his base, and is now engaged on the whan at Portland receiving freight. Capt. Pease acts m bo'ai capacities as purser ami master. D.vntk. A New Year's, dance was ba:i at Myers' Hall last Monday evening. The attendar.ee was veiy good "and a pleasant time was had. Eituoii. We stated last week that the proposed Fuiptist Church edifice was to cost :..-jt'K). The contract was let to Mr. Win. Droua;hton for the sum of $f,2o(). Hi-: aw K:sk. Capt. Appcrson informed us mat me 1 amniu river raisetj imceu feet in 21 hours at McMinnville last Satur day. Cat.t.. Gov. Curry gave us a call yes terday. The Governor looks wed aim hearty, and it appears that active business life agrees with him. Lost. A small fur cape, in going from the Episcopal Church to the residence, of Mr. Larocnue. The finder will please at the leave the same at this office or above residence.- Sicwing Society-. The Ladies' Sewing Society of the Lpiscopal Church meets next. Tuesday at the residence of Mrs. P.. Canfield. Coxckut. The popular .Vieuxtemps Bros., in connection with the Taylor Fam ily, will give an entertainment at Myers7 Ilall, to-morrow, evening. They come very highls recomended br our State ex changes. The Corvallis Gazite says: They had been so highly recomended by the paoers alonir thir libe ot travel through Southern Oregon that we wore really anxious to hear them. Having had that pleasure wc pronounce tiieir enter tainment the very best we have listened to whilst in Corvallis. Thev -deserve, as we are rhul to see they are receiving, U;e highest encomiums from the press." Heat, Lstatb. Siltzel fc Upton , have negotiated sales of real estate during the month of December, amounting in the ag- srretrate to S98.500. as follows: frales of lots and blocks in the city of Portland pro its roper, $l3.200 ; East Portland, within corporate limits. S2;l (J. ID ; .Marion tountv. farming lands. SS.oOs) Washing ton county, iarmmg lands, 5..u Jo. the transactions by other agents have been quite large, showing that the month of De cember has been the best for the year tor transactions in real estate prices remain very firm. Herald. Rk.vt. Estate S.vi.ks. llv. William Davidson has soi l for the week ending Dec 31. 170. the 1- ront street Distillery property, 210 feet on Front street, and the river north of the new Railroad Ferrv and Steamship Wharves, in Couch's Ad dition ; consideration i?l!).0t):) : tosether -with other blocks and lots, also situated in the Couch Addition, amounting to $ 1, 700. Iltrakl lc I stated hat the Ilaytien. Minister be.v wiU .shortly enter a protest a-ai: s he annexation of San Domingo to the Lmted States. He will also show that CO European Government has made a propo sition to purchase it. Mr. Sumner relies upon tuis document, to aid him in bis on position to the San Domingo treaty.-, . A llv, K--.VAY MeacLiik. The : Hon. Joseph H. Rit-ney, tbe new -listo com-l.iectfd-' colored member of the House of Kepresentatives from Solt;h Carolina, sworn in yesterday. Let the fnll-blooded cijm AJricanus appear and then the House will be !! right. The Oregon Rqmliiean says : "We can inform the Eynnhter and The balance of the-world, that Gen. Grant will not be the Republican candidate for President in lb72 or at any other period. This effectually closes out U. S.. Grant's chances loi a renom'mation. Ecuopkax axi Oueoox Laxu Compani We clip the following from the A'da Oxl Iforhia of December 21st : ; This company, recently formed, filed yeterday in the ofUce of the County Clerk a certificate of incorporation. The objects Of the company, as set forth in the certifi cate filed, are to purchase, hold and sell lands of the corporation known as the Ore gon and California Railroad Company, and any lands wheresoever situated, in either or "both the States of Oregon and Californ ia; to engage in the transportation of emi grants from Europe to those lands men tioned, and facilitate immigration to this State or Oregon, or both, by such meas ures and means as the corporation may prescribe. The capital stock of the cor poration is five millions of of dollars, di vided into fifty thousand shares of $100 each. The principal place of business of the association will be in this city. -The trustees are: Edward II. Green, A. De L-rsTu. U. Suisbach. Julius E. May, Faxon I). Atherton. William- C. EaVon. Milton S. Latham. Pen Ilolladay. W. F. Rulol'Son, William Norris and LoydTevis. Thk Pkot'i.k'.s Litkkaiiy Companion-. The January number ot The People's Lit erary Companion, has been received. It presents ;e, tine an appearance as ever ind. ot course, is filled with all sorts cf good things. Its enterprising publishers. Messrs. E. C. Allen & Co., Augusta, Maine, appear determined to publish a paper that will please and benefit all, and its large and increasing, general circulation proves that tuey are succeeding admirably. The Companion is always very handsomely illustrated.- The price, for such a paper, is very reasonable, indeed, only seventy- live cents per year, and each new subscri b t gets a fine. s'eV e i-r iving, represent ing the journey of life, from childhood to old age. It is published monthly. Ixkohm atiox Wantko. Of- Felix Ro setii. a native of Switzerland, about thirtv years of age, pock-marked in the lace, of about medium heighth. He was reported to have been sick during the month o! October in the County Hospital at Port land. Anv information of him would be thankfully received by his brother, Alex. Eosetii, of Virginia City. Nevada. In these times ot high juices, it 13 well to remember that children can be supplied with shoes for less than half the usual an nual -cost, -by wearing Metal-Ti pped Shoes to saying nothing of stockings destroyed and health endangered by wet feet, arising from the childlike habit, of wearing out their shoes at the toes first. Boston Jour nal. EORS. In this city, Jan. 2 1, 1-71, to the wifo of C. W. Cook," Ksq., a daughter. In this city, Jan. 4th, 1S71, to the wife of S. 1). Pope. Jv-q.,a daughter. Oregon City Prices Current, The following are the prices paid for produce, and the prices at which other ar-i-.-'.es are seliintr. in this market : WHEAT White. 1 bushel, i) 0()51 OATS "ft bushel. 40 cts. POTATO flS Y bushel, f :if7r,.'0 c's. ONIONS X bushel, 61 50. l-'LOlTU-" bid.?.. 0(S$5 a-.). PEANS White. Ib.. o(i cts. DRIED FRUIT -Apples.' f If)., oc: Peaches. lb., H'.'e: Plums. l lb., 1 .",(, 1(5 cts.; Currants, 'ft lb.. LJ20 cts. PTjTTER -- lb.. 2octs. KGGS "fl dozen, '.',.' c!s. CHICK i:NS " doze S 5 0 SUGAR Crusued. C lb.. 20 cts.; Island 1 lb.. 10(12J cts. ; N. ().. q-) lb.. l. Cts.; 6.n Fraucisco refined, . cts. TEA oung Hyson. ri ib.. SI ;0 ; a- -1 i III 1. " 1. -.. pan. rt id., yucDi io ; uuicii.. io., t .e. 3l ):. Ct)!' hh- yi in- l-V) cts. SALT "$ lb.. H:''cts. SYIiUP Heavy Golden, V, gall., ?0c. ; Ex. Heavy Golden. g"., 51 0) RACON Hams, -j! if,.. 10 cts; bides. l.j cts. If).: Shoulders, 10 cts. T.ARD t lb.. 12frU5 cts. OH Devoe's Kerosene."j? grvll., Trc.(S) It).); Linseed oil. raw. 0 gall.. SI 00 : Linseed oil. boiled, rfi KiiUM $1 GO. WOOL xl lb.. 20f722 cts. REEF On foot, 7 WS cts. ft lb. ROKK On foot, fi cts. Ib. SHEEP Per head. $2 00 $2 50. HIDES Green, ft IK. 5c. 5 Dry, 1 Ib., 12i cU ; Salted, 8c Grammar School. THE rtOATlD OF TKLSTIS UICUAA i7ad for the purpose of establishing the uve Sotioi.d, would respect.'ully announce that they h tve engaged the services of Mr. s. . m?lfcJ, as leaiiiier, tor a .scs:on oi six months. The School will.operi on lues- lay, the 3 1 d iy of January, in the room lately occupied as the ' Enterprise Otlice." All the usual branches comprising a thor ough Esglish, Classical, Mathematical aud Coin m ere rd cdncrtt'.on will be taught. Application ltr adaiiUancej terms, &c. to l)e made to the Teicher. Hours, from 9 a. in. to 12 m.. and from 1 to 3 p lm 3QHT SCHOOL Tho undersigned will commence a Niiht School on Tuesday evening next, January fd, in the Oramniar School Room. Hours, from ti to 'J. - s. o. roi'i. Oregon City. Dec. 29, 1S70. tf S047. 1371. New Goods ! New Goods ! K. CAUFIELD BEGS LEA YE TO INFORM T E PUBLIC that he has refitted the old stand, corner .Ma:n and Seventh Sts., Oregon City, and has received an. entire new stock of goods, con-si-ting of DRY GOODFt GROCERIES; C.1G CKEit Y, GLA S WA R E,. JVCO DEN IV A R F, . and a general assortment of everything in our H ie. Thankful tor past ftvors, we still soticit a fb ireof the "uV.l'ic patronage. Country l'r .duce laken ia cxciitng Jfor iood-i. PACIFIC BOOT AMD SHOE KOUSL. Grand Opening Out OF OUR FALL GOODS. 835,000 WORTH OF TO BE RETAILED AT WHOLESALE FIGURES. AMOCST In Any detail Store on the Paciii?! Coast. We have boots fok ' - Ivlen, Boys 82. CMldren, OF ALL SHAPES, STYLE and QUALITY. OVER g20 DIFi-FKENT- KINDS of MEN'S BOOTS ALONE. WS HAVE BENKERT'S PI1ILAD QUILTED BOT- TOM BOOTS; BUCKINGHAM'S IlANO-MADFl SEWEB Bt)()TS, French Calf, Single Doubb and Tap Soles : ll shapes ; EIJIiKLL'S BOOTS, Fine Calf, Channel Nailed, and IVgge-l and Tapped Sole ; Heavy Calf, Double Sole, Wiie Quilted and Tap Soles ; Light Kip, Tap Soles Men's, Hot's and ( hildren's. . SEIBKUblCIl'S FRENCH SCREWED rmEAOELPIUA MADE BOOTS, Heavv and Light Calf. KFI-:i)'S. FOOti & HOITHITON'S GODFREY'-, Batehekl.-r's Johnson Wood's I'ai-t ridge's and Underwood & t'o's CALF KIP and SLATG liTEIL BOOTS, E:stein Mannfactur?. for Us. IIECHT BROS. UNITED WORKING M EN, California Co-ope'-atives,. Maiks & Cnl-isbt-r, IJukuis?t.a-" & I lecht's, and On in Jone' make "of BOOTS ai d SHOES, RiiOGANS. and LADIES' and CHIL DREN'S DRESS 15 A LM ORALS. We have also n fine assormcnt of GENTLE MEN'S FRENCH CALF, HAND-MADE SE.VED Ovfnl Ties, tlnitvv i Vitrt AIle ts T! o-e who c ms'der themselves difficult to tit or su.t with a Root or Shoo, we wou'd be very nmcti pleased to have cad aud examine our roo;Js. Prctzmm, GISllhaii 4 Co., PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, F5o- 123 Front Street, St. CIiailc-3 Hotel PORTLAND, OREGON. Octl4tf L!NCC1NBAKERY. Sucees-O'.s of L. DiLi.r.n in tbe Lincoln liakcry-, 15 EG LEAVE TO INFORM THE CITI- zcds of Orejron City and sTirrounding c.umtrv. that tnev ;eei Constantly on ham! and t'ir sate, all kinds of UREA I), ( It WW K'.l. CAULS, PASTitV, CAN DIE-. AND NUTS. Also, a good aud general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders promptly filled, and goods deliver ed :it the residence !' the purchaser v.bcti desiri'd. T;e highest pi ices paid f r Butter, Eg and Vetcetatd'-s. A liberul -hare of public patronage is ro- specilullv s'Uiciti'U. A old 2:), 17o::y TO RUSSELL & FEEP.Y, AG-ENTS, PORTLAND, Oil TO JOHNSON a M'COWIT, OREGON C3TY, FOR THE 0REG0IJ REAL ESTATE GAZETTE niEE of ciiaIIge: Si-pt. (i tf : . r ; JOHN FLEMING, Sfp' DEALEIX IN BOOKS AND STATIONERY, IN MtERS' FIRE:PROOF CtUCK, MAIX STnUET, OUEGON- CITTr OREGON". Dr. J H. HATCH, D EN TIS T. The patronage of those desiring rirst Class Upcratum, is respecttully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed N. 13. XUrous Oxyde aelmimstered for the I'ainless Extraction ot leeth Ocfick In Weigant's new building, west side ot l irst street, between Alder and iior risou streets, Portland, Oregon; Administrator's Notice. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT X 'I the undersigned has been duly appoint ed admimsti ator ot the estate ot Henry S. Moore deceased, late of Clackamas county , Oregon. A 1 persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same to me, at my otlice at Oregon City, for pay ment, within six mouths from date. All persons indebted to saiel estate are required to make immediate payment to the under signed. .1 AM l-.S M . Ml (ORE. Admiristrator of taid Et.te. Dec. 2Z, 1ET0:w4 'MS-HBW FOOD.'' itoliiSiiiii liBSIM For a .foTr cents yozi can huj of ycer Grocer or Druggist a l&ck&go of SEA HGSS.. FARINE, t::at!e iroin pro Irish :TtIoss, cr Carrageen, whicli will malio sixteen quarts of Blanc Siaiige, and a Iil:o qnanUy of Tad dings, Custards, Creams, Cliar lotto Ilussc, S:c. It Li tho cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no ccraal as a I!-:hi and and deli cat o food Children. Tor Invalids A Gloricns Chango 11 . cheat 'vvoiixu-s Tornc. Plantation Bitters. clscr of Slac Ccc"3c and lc;12'' t:ii e3. At n CoisSc and ccuei:il iTor ll2c ;2gcl zzziH liaiaHuca, it ncrs!cs, A3 n vcz2zs-uf fear tCac iccS, fit '3 sssca3ead3':27i every oiSnctr GSassasaJaMl. En all Dli- or Ifrasislf it siefs m n fipec5ac f:i every- fipecse o-T Ciasordcr sircsigtla :i22-,l fcrealis eSown fiSac anlEiaal sparals. For sale l)y sail E5Eggasls. Aug. 20, ", C:ly THE GREAT PURIFe. posse s- jng rare H-zc and .-vzsiVME properties n certain euro for rt:sET:35Axrs32, colti r.r.s.'JtAi.ftJA, and ell hindrcd Diseases-. It completely restores the srstem when im- pnircd hy disease, revives tho action of th- HUJ.Tir.'.s mi .5 ciixiT.Vi. OKCAss, radi cally cures scnoFtx.i, salt eissevji end all catPTivE .-.n : cjltameous Dis eases, gives immediate and permanent relic. i:i z'v.'ii:::i3iA. r.aTsi?EL.is, Tumors. Eoilr,, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; eradl rates from the system' all traces of Slercuria'. Discaso, It is n:ssr:i."V tes'tasle, beinrnade from an herb found indigenous in c.-.::fomi:i. It is therefore peculiarly suitable for use by rcmales end Children, as A r.Loaa rs;i- rlEK nnJ E:?.OVATOn. For Gate by a!I Drugs'5- ncstriGToci, hq3tettc cq. CCD and 531 Market Street, Can rranclsoo. Oct. SOm MtM WILL HAVE STS THE CELECltATED BD0I3N AND SHOE BIAKEHj A. I,. riTELlFS, has oprned a siio! i:i coTiirvinv wun G. CilARMCK. on Jinn Ptree', one door above Thos. Cli:irnrn here thev will be ready to receive orders for all hinds id' R-.'Ms !id SAocs to su.t t he pco;de. tiis laicsi and bes Ladies saocs mice m st v Nothing but Santa Crr.zo leather isusc.t for s j'.cs," r.nd for tbs uppeiF. only tlic Very best tiuaiUv of r.i i.oh eaif uutt .ip. - . .... , . i .ii i .i iiH" rf u ki:i( s nromiuiy aiieuuLu to, at low iate- a'id in a neat manner. FIlKi li'S & CHAilNlCK. Oregon City, Dec. V;jor- LEON DZIiOUSlT, OF fhP TtAUNUM Ksl'AUKA.M, Alain street, OREGON UiTY, Begs to inform the public nnd his tnem that he has leased the lower par. oi me CLIFF HOUSE, Which he has rpened as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT The table wdl at all times be supplied wit - the be.t the market a3ords. . - - , . , MS ;m-. & ;v Orders for suppers and parties wil.he promptly attended to. July 2:tf PvEDlNGTOX, llOSTETTEIi & CO. Stop that "' CoiigMng ! Some cf you can't, and vre yi'.y you. You have tried every remedy but tt e ONE itestined, by its intiin-ic merit, to supersede ail similar preparations. It is not surprising you should be reluc tant to try something else f crthc many experiments you have made of trashy co!i:piu:ids foisted on the public as a ctriaiu cure ; but SSeweH'G Pulmonary Syrup is really the VERY EE.ST remedy ever -compounded for the cure of Cviizrix, W...s, So-e Thruat, Aellmo, H'uzvphig Cough, Ercuchlt.i and Cistnv.jtiv. Thousands of people in Ciilifornia and Oregon have been already beretited by the surprising curative powers of F swell's Pulmonary Syrup and ri!h one aceord give it their "un qualified approbation. We now udJics ourse'ves to r.ll who are unacquainted with ibis, the greatest panacea ot the age. for the heating of nil diseases of the Throat unci L. tings, assuring you that FtaGivefi?G Pulmonary Syrup his cured thousands, nr it will cure -YOU", if yon try it. This invaluable medicine is pleasant to the ta-te ;' voolh 5 ing, healing and strengthening in its fjett'eets; entirely free fr m all poisonous "or deleterious druss.smd perfectly harii; gless under ull circumstances. For Sale by sill Uruggtsts. REDINGTON, IIOSTETTER & CO., 110 and 413 Trout street, San Francisco. Ecdington's Essence Jamaica Ginger, ll'liirh )V confidently rfcnr.mnt!rda iJie heat prepai tion noio before the public. This valuable- preparation, con'aining in a highly concentrated form all the properties of Jamaica (linyer.luis heenme (me of the most popular domestic reme dies for all diseases of the sternach and digestive org:ms. As a tonic, it will be found invaluable to idl pers-uis recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; fir Wi lie it imparts to the system all the glew arid vigor that can be produced by wine or braudy, it is entirely free from the reaetmnary eibcts that follow the use of spii i;s d'ny kind. It is a'so an cxcelhnt remedy for females who snl'er from difficult nieii stt ual ion, iiiving alm-st imiiiediate re lief to the spasms that so frequebt'y ac company that period. It jiives rmmcdiarc :eli( f to Nausea, caused by ridii.g in a railroad car, or by sea sickness, or other causes. It is also valuable as an external ap plieat'on fur Gout, llheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc.. RliDlSGTOS, 1IOSTETTER & CO., 410 and -418 Front street, San Francisco. IkHiillgtOIl'S Flav or lug Extracts A11F, THE PFTtFECTLY TUKE AND hishlv c . ncer.l rated Extracts from Fresh Fi'uits, prepared witl tireat eare. They are uit up in superior stvle, and in a bottle holding TWICE .AS MUCH as the ordinary brands of Extracts. (tnjfat ing quality and contents, none ether are ne uly so cheap. Whenever tested on tiieir merits, they have been ad qited in preference to all ot-heis. nnd are now the STANDAKD FLAVORING- EXTRACTS of the l'acilic Coast. MA UK THE A I) VA NT A OFF. Iy purchasing mdington's Concen trated Flav ring Extracts, yen obtain "a a article not tdy superior in ii;-hfuss and delic ici o! thivor to any oilier of a simi lar niture, but far mine economical, be cavsc eacii bnttle lu. Ids double the quantity contained in a bottle cf any either ifavoring extract sold. UEDISGTCX, IIOSTK1 TER S. CO., Agents for the Pacific Coast. M. P. Would you escape FEVER AND AGUE, a-;d jireserve health and v'gor during tho s ckly reason, make ccca.-ioual use of the following as A PREVENTIVE. If you are ATT VCKED with Chills and I?ilious Fever, or have been a Victim to such disease, ard used other ?o-cal!ed remedies without permanent relief) seek at once the Safest and surest CTJEE, by usinc, according to directions MASON & POLLARD' A N T I - M A L A ft I A., or, Fever fthd Ague EiIlJ. Tinip has proved them thoroughly to be the safest aue! most reliable remedy known.. They contain no mercury or other mineral or chemical. They are exclusively vege table. They stimulate the functions of the liver. Congestion isimpossible where thev are ustd. They do not deter from ehulv lahor. liy assisting digestion they add llesh and muscle to the fHitre. They arc adapted to all ages aud both sexes, at-d its 'a FAsVISLY !IEDIOIE Will CURE in their incipiency, three fourths d all diseases incidental to a malaii'ius climates. For Dvspfpsia, in small eloses..they have no equal. For f-ale bj alljlruggists. UEDIXGTOX, ISOSTETTISU & CO., SOLE AGENTS The Battle for Life Which is continually going on between health and disease, has never received from any medicine such marked and un mistakable assi-tfiace, on the aide of health, as it has from FSewelS's Pulmonary Syrup REDIXCTOrt, no? & CO. 410 and 41 S Front street, S m Francisco. A UCTION AND COMMISSION AUCTION EE R f Corner of Front and Oak ptreets, Fertkgd. AUCTION SALES Of Keal Estate, Groceries, GeneraUIercha clisc and Horsey Every Wcduetday and Saturday A. LL IhcuARDsox, ' Auctioi cer- AT PPaV ATE SALE. Englisj, rciined Dar and Hun die lion English Square and Octagon Cast steel ! Horse shoes. Files, Ile-sps, saws; Screws, Fiy-pans, sheet iron, It. O. Iron ; ' also : A large r.Fsottment ot Oroceric? end Liquors A. li. KiciiAKEsd-k, ' "Auctioneer For si 871 O rpiIE FIRST EDITION OF ONE IIU2f I died and tifty thousand copies of t K" l:lustratcl Catalogue of Sct-i and Kloral Guide, is published and ready Ut send out loo pages, and an engravintr of - uhr.ost evtry desirable Flower and 'egetable.. Jt is tle.gan.iy printed on tine tin tea p.ipe'r, Illustrated villi- three Hundred fine Wood Engravings ar.d Two beautiful COLORED PLATES- . The nu st beautiful and the most instructive Floral Guide published. A GERMAN EDI TION published, m a'd other respects simitar to the Englit.h. t Scut free to a'l my customers of 18T0,1 as japidly as possUde.without-appUcation. Send" io ali othtos Who order them for TkN CENTtl. which is not half the cost. Address JAMES YKK,. N . Y? dec23ml Rocht&ter, N. lie -, in Oddfellow.-' Ten pie, corner of Fi"st ai d Aldir Streets, Foilla id. The patrpftae of those desir'ng supt rior operations is in special request. Nitronsox-" ide for the pa ii: less extraction of tceth ISTArlil'ieial teetii "better than the best,"" and as cheap a$ the cheirertl Dec. 2:itf s i J. R.ii ALSTON, IS STILL A T I1TS OLD FJAND, CORNER OF MAIN ,vi SI XI If STREETS OREGON CiT , ORLUON. T"V7"IIERE HE VrOELD INYVE 11T friends, and the public in (,r-nei al, tt all and examine his stock, consisting ot a- general assortment of Moot Site csj ilsa.il Csaps ft "T- 1 A 'wrr- o t3T Haying frorn IearLed that many years experience THE SECRET OF SUCCESS . LIES IN SHAI L PBOFITSI IS DETERMINED TO ; OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILD S U-nce the Cry of Portland Ibices! Oregon-Cityj August 2Sth, lSGy. UNDER TEE COURT .HOUSE ORECON CITV, OREGON. RETAIL DEALERS IN . : - - - - - iff BOOTS SHOilgj ;; S2Ai2.S WAHE We also constantly keep on hand . SALEM CAS8IJIFRES, FLANXEI.3 TWEEDS AND BLANKETS,' iV Which we will sell at th.e Egctory rritcS1, aud will take wool in exchange. . . - o ....... . : Wc will alsb pay.tlie highest price for "Butter. E-gfrsi and all kinds of good countrf produce. We will se!l as low as apy hous in Oregon, for Cash o- its equivalent in eooel mercbantable produce. . O .... JKsT Oive us a call and satisfy yourselves; 840,000 WORTH OF BOOTS and COMrEISING ALL THE LEADING GaSIfornia & Eastern MANUFACTURES. For Fall and Winter V7esr, Are oil band and. hencr constantly replen ished at the Philadeipljia Boot Store, 113 Front Street an 1 iCl Kirst Street, -''-"" '. . . JOHN S- KAST. 2C. IJ. Ladies ml C-ent'emcns Tocts acel 1 G-oters m de to n easure. Dec. ?:tf - ? C o O