4 o o G o o O O o. O O O O o 0 O O 0' 0 o o cThe Weekly Enterprise. A DEMOCRATIC TAPER, - '" FOB THE Dusfno3S Man, the Farmer ISSUEDEVEUY PIWDAY BY A. NOLTNZR, -.- EDITOR AXD rUBLISIIEK. " OFFICE la Dr. Tnesning'a Brick Building. - o ' TERMS of SUBSCRIPTIOX: fiiasl Copy one ear, in advance,. . .. - .$2 50 G . - ... TERMS of AD VERTISIXG : Transient advertisements, including' all lejal notices, 2 sr. of 12 lines, 1 vr.$ 2 50 Fr each subsequent insertion 1 00 One Column, one year. .$120 00 Half " ' 0 paarter " " 40 Business Card, 1 square one year 12 HJT Remittances to bt made at the risk o Subscriber, and at the expense- of Agents. jjooaT asd Job prixting. jCST" The Enterprise offie s supplied with beautiful, approved styles of type, and mod ern MACHINE PRESSES, which will enable the Proprietor t do Job Piiuting at all timed Neat, Quick and Cheap ! q fg Work solicited. Jill tliines transactions vpon a Specie basis. BUSINESS CARDS. ciiVrl.es e. w arise Attorney at Law, Oregon City, Oregon. Sept.l6:ly. AW PA I tTXE IIS 1 1 1 p. j as. k. ki:lt,y, ltMideav, Columbia st b?t. 2J aud 31 dts. J. II. 11 F.ED, Ite-udenee corner of Columbia and 7th ots. Jas. K. Kelly and J. II. Reed, uudor the lirm name of KKLLV A HEED, Will practice law in the Courts of Oregon Ollice on First street, near Alder, over the new I'ost vflice rottm, Portland. (-iOtf T AXSIXG STOUT. Attorney and Counselor atLaw, PORTLAND, OREGON. Office Under the United States District Court Room, Front street. iOtf pAGE & THAYER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE U Creeps Building, corner of Front and Stark streets. Portland, S-tf J. F. CAPI.K. ' J. C. MOKEL.VSD. CAPLES & MORELAND, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Cor. FROXT and IVASIIIXGTOX Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. 11 OSS, 31. D., Phy3iciaii and Surgson, tSr"jme on JLiiu Street, opposite Mason ic 11 1. Oregon City. 13tf JJ S AF FA 1 1 1 IAN S, Physician and Surgeon, Office at his Drnz Store, near Post 03i:e, Orejon City, Oregon. 13tl XL "Liva and Let Live," O JjMELDS & ST1UCKLEB, DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE, Ac, CIIOICK MINES AND LIQUORS. the ol 1 -stind of Woitnian & Fields Orcgoii Cit. , Oreg in. 13tf II. WATKIXS, M. D., SURGEON, Portland, OnEGtn. OFFICE Odd Fellows' Temple, corner First and Uder streets Residence corner of Main aud Seventh streets. ALANSON SMITH, Attorney and Counselor at Law, PaOCTOll ASD SOLICITOU. AV0CAT. Practices in State and U. S. Ccurts. CJice Xo. 10S Front Street,Porlland, Orejon, n Opposite McCormick's Rook Stooj O W. F. HIGHFIELD, O EiUld'uhed since lS49,at the old stand, Miin Street, Oregon City, Oregon. An Assortment of Watches ..Jew elry, and Seth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to be a-epresented. Repairing done on short notice, ind thankful for past favors. CLARK GREENMA2T, City Drayman, 0 KEG OX CITY. B3 All orders for the delivery of merchan Jms of p ieka e- and freisrhtof whatever des riptiaic) any pirUof the city, willbeexe u'el promptly and with care. JTEW YORK HOTEL, (Deutfches Gafthaus.) . 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam ship landing, Tortlaud, Oregon. H. R0THF03, J.J. WILKENS, PROPRIETORS. Bord per Week ?5 00 . fi oo . 1 CO with LodiDcr. Dar. OXE I'E.VR AGO. One year ago! how many a change JUKhouj-fit old Time would brinf- As Hope, in gayest, wildest rantT,' Went forth on Fancy's wing. Visions and dreams, as bright and fair As Morpheus could bestow,. And smiles as sweet aa Angels wear. Were mine one year ago. One year ago! the future bore No shadow on its brow: But ah! like grass that went before, 'Tis closed in darkness -now. Hope over smiles on coming lime, While shadows dark and low Hang o'er the hopes that had their birth One little year ago. Children's boolis sliould be Iected with great care, and, least, the story-books should SC at Le carefully perused by either father or mother, before being put into tlieir Lands, l'arents arc too ant 1 - ,. 1 A f"jl T 1 to iuis.e navuiwac or me tleiue of modern story-l)ooks, to pamper uieir cniuiren s taste ior re:n ino with stones gusnmGC aiJd over abundant sentiment. Tlie result is that the children, perceiving the vast difference between their own life and that of which they read, come to think of the latter as the real, and spend much time in vain longings for a condition which they never will attain. There is a great plenty of excellant books for children. Stories abound of na tural life,and books of a more sub stantial character; but to choose well requirs good judgment, the judgment of intellect and high toned moral and religious feeling. Some children very easily manifest a taste for reading books cpm monly supposed to be the food of older people. This is well enough, if they are only entirely kept from novels, aud made to read slowlv the works which are allowed them. There are novels which contain ab solutely no mawkishness of senti ment, and these it would be safe to put into a child's hands; but ther are so lew in number, and so much discretion is requisite in their selection, that it is better to make the rule with no exception, until the child has attained the stature of a man, and such a healthy knowledge of life and character and sentiments, that he can choose for himself between the gold and the dross. Children should be taught to. think little of dress; but a mother should dress them well. To do this, it is not necessary to have any great variety of dress; but the clothes should be of good quality, of becoming styles and colors, and never loaded with the burden of ornamentation, in pro viding with so many foolishly-fond mothers wear out their strength and drain their purse. Children should be taught neatness in the iirst place, by always clothing them according to their occupation. When they are very young, not beyond the mud-pie stage, they should be made clean every day when through with their fancy cookery. "When older, they should" be taught to play and work in such a manner as to keep clean ; but they should never be fretted at nor scolded for soiling or tearing their clothes, or any thing else, in fact. - A pleasant, quiet word of reproof is more effectual than a hundred words of fret fuln ess. When children have acquired some knowledge of work, they sliould begin to learn something of the value of money, and that it can bo obtained by the employ ment of that knowledge of work. Their duties to their parents and friends sliould be as carefully per formed as ever without a thought of pay, but there are many other means for an active boy or girl to earn money which every parent can think of for himself. After the money is obtained, it is im portant that it should be invested well. Parents approving their children for hoarding all they get, are as much mistaken as most who admire their children's gener osity in lavishing all their little store upon their little friends. Some part of their money they should lay away for the future, where it will gain some interest ; a certain definite portion of it they should, of their own free will, 2ive to some charitv of which they have a personal knowledge; some they should, without fear of parental frown, spend for their own pleasure. If children are not taught even before they can talk, that the legitimate use of a penny is to buj- a stick of candy, it will not be difficult to guide their taste to the selection of more worthy objects. We will furnish the Enteupri-e and Stock Journal at $3 per year, in advance. OliEeON CITY,. OEEGOI, FJKIBAY, AKIJAK i" ,t71, 1.1 ! .11 fr . J.. in M . umji ... ,, , - M. Uuad's Experience with a Buck eye Editor. A weekly contributor of humor ous sketches to the Detroit Free Press under the non de plume of "31 Quad." (he is doubtless a print er) gets off the following ; "I don't suppose that another man ever lived like that Ohio edit or, who lifted me out of the . back end ol an omnibus one night, led me up five pair of stairs, and un dertook to tell mo how I was to as sist in running the local depart- mem- or me paper. lou see said lw. . i , . . , nvjuuuinjj u cociv-roacn with a pair of shears, 'you want to be pos itive in what you say; folks here won't believe any of your "suppose sos and allegations, bay what you say m words that can't be dis puted, if they are disputed, send the fellow into the next room, and I'll fix him.' He was a great man for fun; he never laughed himself. but he had a high appreciation of humor, lie was always wantincr me to get olF something sharp on me one, no matter who, and Jie run me so much that 1 had to quit. or instance, he came down one morning and said: Now Charles, get off a local hit on Julius Caesar." 'Why, siu, the old man died years ago. ;Xo matter no matter," he went on, "get off something or I'll discharge you." As seventy five dollars a year was an object to me then, 1 handed m a pretty bit ting item. 44 1 hat s good, that's positive," he replied, and it went in. The paper hadn't been out an hour before a dozen were crowding m ifter an explanation. 'Ts vour name Ciesar?" asked the old man ofeach in turn. 4Xo" "Well, then, who's running this Cicsar business? iirt I hereto disseminate know- edge.' Don t x do heir -Anu he inally threw another sheet on the points. "Xow, Charles " said he again sgct off a lick at George Washing- something under a lively head inc. "lut he s been written up replied. "Xo matter get up nething, or here's my note of land for the ballance due you." s the note of hand was rather a good thing to keep, I dug out a se vere th.ng under the head of 'Brutal Outrage." There was a Washington society in town, and half its members were rushing up stairs before the edition was half off. "Base wretch," shouted the iresident. "Calumniator of ge nius," squeaked the old maid sec ret a i v. WiU rascal " hissed a young man, with his hair behind ns ears. "Gentleman aud old ir aid," began the editor as he roll 11 I ed back his sleeves, 44 why am lere? If any of you know more nbout George Washington than . I do, iust take and run this ollice." And they had to go away with their minds in an unsatisfied state. nother time, when he had run over a whole volume oi ancient listory without finding one to hit. says he: "Get off something on me I" That's just what I wanted and I wrote: e want wood on sub- scrption to this paper. Some of our subscribers promised to pay for their paper m wood more than ten years ago, and its about time they brought it in. Av e want wood wood wood." It was in July, and there were thirteen loads of wood in front of the office bofore noon. They got there about the same time, and thirteen farmers came up in a body. "Gentlemen," said the old man, after they had stated their er rands, "wood is wood ; wood i-3 a noun ; "is" is a verb, and wood is a noun again. The objective case governs the requirements of the ad verb, which is the possitivc of thir teen loads, according to chapter seventy-one, rule three." And every time they went to say any thing about wood, he got off that at them, until they all went down in a body, threatening to vampire him at the first opportunity. "The last thing I have any dis tinct recollection of was, getting off somethig on the mayor of the town. He went by old Sykes one evening without nodding, aud I had no sooner entered the office than I heard, "Go for iluggs, give it to him hot; yahkhim all to pieces and leave his shattered soul hano-ing to the steeple of the court house. ,p "But, he" I began, when Svkes came close up to me, breath ing hard, and says he: "Young man, vot'ov 3Iuggs. " I hate to part with you, but Smith offers to fill your occupation for a dollar less.' So I sat down to do up 3Iuggs.. Sykes was going away and he left me to my judgement. I wrote an article that I thought wuld please the old man for positiveness, and it went under a triple heading. I was just locking up the paste pot in the burglar proof safe, to keep it from the lats, and I heard a yelling it thu streets, and the of fice door came in on me. I saw stars, comets, spots on the sun, new nioohs, and "came to" in the next town, when I sent the . following dispatch to the old man: "If -you can pay your board bill stay where you are. The press is ruined, the Long Primer is in JTardy's horse pou.d The mailing table, the bank and that job rack went over the dam last evening. Things ain't as they was. We made a big hit on 3fuggs, and he retaliated power fully. I have hired out to a quiet old farmer here, and I think I shan't pursue the "get off " business any farther. In about two months I got a reply. Here is all that was said: "Young man, always be posi tive in your assertions." Truth Stranger taan Fiction A divorce case was ventilated in a Xew York court the other day, which as an exhibition of infamous baseness, involving all the parties to it, is unparalelled in our cxpiri ence. The facts are thus nrrated by the Xew York Tribune : It is known as the Peck divorce suit, and these are the incidents which follow : A scheming moth er-in-law, offended at her daughtcr in law, offers a sou 30,000 to di vore his wife. The son, who seems worthy of such a mother, consents. The wife, deservedly bound to such a husband, secretly agrees to the separation on laith oi his promise to marry her aga'n as soon as the mother has been robbed of her 30,000. A rascally bookkeeper, worthy of such a master, swore to the commission of adultry with the wife, and the divorce is granted. Very naturally, such a husband re fuses to remarry such a wife, and quite naturally the wife goes into court, exposes the conspiracy, and makes .humanity blush at its base ness. Had novillists introduced such a story to a work of fiction, there would have been a general protest, miscd against' Jt " as utterly im probable, unnatural, and mon strous. As it stands, however, a shameful record of facts, all that need be said is that the parties to the suit obtained their deserts. Monopolies and Cheap Labor, The J-lra miner shows up the in consistency of the Sacramento Vniem in the following style. "The Sacramento " Union in its war against particular monopolies, includes among them, especially, a monopoly of land; and at the same time, with palpable inconsistency, advocates the introduction of cheap or Chinese labor into this State. If there is any one absolutely fixed principle in political economy, it is that ciieap labor tends to concen trate landed property, or in other words, to admit of the ownership of monopoly" of vast tracts of land by a few individuals. This was a standard ground of objection by the Abolistionists against the slave system of the South. They alleged that because of the cheapness of slave labor the lands of the South monopolized by a few wealthy owners, and that such a condition was against public policy. It was not the fact of slavery : but the fact of cheap labor that led to the con. centration in comparatively few hands of the lands of the South. The same result will follow the same cause here, for free labor, if it is cheap, as well as slave, is a neces sary basis to maintain land monopo lies. 3Ionopolies are so evident a result of cheap labor that we won der that an intelligent journal can oppose the one ami advocate the policy of the other." A Desirable Trio. Some sen sible person has given publicity to the following waif, which is cer tainly beautiful : Three things to love courage, gentleness ami affection. Three things to admire intel lectual powers, dignity and grace fulness. Three things to hate cruelty, arrogance ami ingratitude. Three things to delight in beau ty, frankness and freedom. Three things to wish for health, friends and a cheerful spirit. Three things to avoid idlness, loquacity and flippant jesting. lhree thmge to pray for hon or, country and friends. Three things to govern temper, tongue and coduct. Three things to think about life, death and eternity. . -e To bring up a child in the way he should go, travel that way voiu Tacts for the People. Alexander Delmar, Esq., late United States Commissioner of Statistics, delivered a speech at Columbus, Ohio, on the 25th ult., which is a telling and graphic ex posure of the whole financial policy of the Kacical party. 31 r. Del mar dwells in facts and figures which cannot be contradicted, and inflicts hard blows upon the party, which, after robbing the people, attempts to cheat and deceive- them. The first bubble which 3r. Delmar pricks is the claim put forth by the liadical orators and papers that the party in power at the present time have succeeded m paying oft a por tion of the public debt, and so re ducing it; and that, too, in a man ner as if it were the first adminis tration to make payment and re duction, lo this claim 31r. Delmar replies : "As to its claim in respect to the payment of the public debt, I have to reply, in the first place, that a gradual reduction of the debt has been going on ever since the fiscal year 1SG5-G. At the close of that year (July, 18GG) the public debt (and by this term I mean just what the Administration means, viz: the written, debt of the government; the sum of bonds and treasury notes actually outstanding and un paid,) amounted to 2,873,000,000, as is stated m the last annual re port of the Secretary of the Treas urr, (1SG9, p 317). On the 1st of July, 1870, this debt, calculated by the tame method and upon the authority of the last (the. July) monthly statement of the Secre tary of the Treasury, was $2,5 1 f , 000,000. This shows a reduction of 8239,000,000. Of this amount there was paid off in 18GG-7, the sum of $91,000,000, and in 18G7-8, the further sum of $50,000,000; al together, $ 47,000,000. This year 1&G7-8 was the last complete fiscal year of the Johnson-3IcCulloch Administration. "During the following year 18G8 9 there was no debt paid off, but on the contrary the debt was in creased $20,000,000. 3lr. Bout well did indeed claim that he had reduced the debt somewhat ; and he attempted to demonstrated it bv means of an arithmetical compari son, in which the Pacific liailroad bonds, the accrued interest made on all the other bonds, and the cash in the Treasury, were so ar rainged as to make it so appear, But it was not the fact, and the pretense set up afterwards dropped when his annual report on his fi nances was transmitted to Con gress. The present method of pre paring the monthly debt state ments involves a similar reprehen sible practice. . r 'During the fiscal year 1SG9-70, there was paid off the debt- $112,' 000,000. Allowing for . the in crease of $20,000,000 during the previous year, the net result is $92, 000,000 paid ofi'under Grant-Bout-well, against $147,000,000 paid off under Johnson-3cCulloch" That Was 3Ie. A Yankee hav ing told an Englishman that he shot on one particular occasion, 999 snipe, his interlocutot asked him why he did not make it a thousand at once. "Xo, sir," said he "not likely I'm going to teM a lie for one snipe." Whereupon the English man, determined not to be outdone, began to tell a long story of a man having swam from Liverpool to Boston "did you see him yourself.-'" "Why, yes, of course I. did I was coming across, and our vessel passed him a mile out of Boston harbor." "Well I'm glad you saw him. stranger, Vos yer a witness that I did it. That was me. JoiIX 3IlTCHEL,S El'LOGY' UrON Gi:.v. Lke. The highest head, the noblest and grandest character of our continent, the most conscien tious, humane and faithful soldier, the most chivalrous gentleman in this world, the mast buperb '"exam ple of the Ainerisan warrior, has fallen like a mighty tree in the for est; and men wonder, after the first shock of the news, to find that there is such a gap, such a blank in the world. What is there wanting in the name of this illustrious American ? Irish Citizen. The Democracy of the,. Third District of Ohio invite, rather than fear, the contest for Hon. L. D. Campbell's seat proposed by the Schenck people. T.icy desire an opportunity to bring out the fact, by proof, before a Committee of Congress, that the protection "Ring" at the Eat sent thirty thousand dollars into the District to carry Schenck's election by bribery and corruption. The Democracy and Negro SuCxage. The gains made by the Democ racy in the late election?', notwith standing the new element of polit ical power they have to contend with in being opposed by the en tire negro vote, significantly tes tify to the strong feeling prevail ing among the white voters of the country against sharing the priv ilege of the suffrage with the ne gro. The large negro vote in Philadelphia and in other districts was completely offset by the share of the 3Icngrel vote which was lost to that party by reason of its position in favor of negro suffrage. Striking instances of the value of this element of strength to the Democracy, is found in glancing over the vote cast at the polls in Lancaster county. Columbia, for instance, which has a large negro population aud wherein lies Two Hill, the celebrated negro head quarters, was carried by the De mocracy for the first time in many years. In Drumore township also, where negroes abound, every Democratic candidate was elected, a thing which has not occurred be fore iu our reccollection ; indeed, we do not remember when we even elected a single candidate there. Such votes as these, general as they have been over the Stale, sig nificantly teach us that policy, no less than principle, requires our arty to maintain its position in opposition to negro suffrage and to remain where it was placed by Stephen A. Douglas strong in the conviction that our govern ment was made by white men for white men, to be preserved for them and their descendants for ever. Five Hundred Weddings a Day. The London JVcics says: 3Iarrying and giving in marriage are such characteristic occupations of society that they probably went on within the wails of starving 3Ietz, and we krjow that they are .going on -within the walls of.be leagured Paris. There is,however, a certain difinite relation between the number of marriages and the property of the people. Even Eng lishmen and women, as a rule, only marrv when they have something to marry on, and in hard times they put off their marriages until they are better off. During the long depression of commerce the marriages declined, aud it is one nroof of reviving trade that during the spring of this year the number of marriages rose as nearly as pos sible to the usual average. During the quarter ending 30th June there were nearly 10,000 more persons married than in the first month of the year. The number of we.ddings in April, 3Iay, and June was 43,491 an average of a little more than 500 a day. Five hundred mar riages a day, though they are scat tered over the whole surface of England, gives us a tolerably large aggregate of social happiness and comfort. Five hundred new house holds set up every day gives us a vivid sense of the increase of the nation. Of course we should have to set over against these several hundred households dissolved every day by. misfortune, death, emigration, and all the influence which disintegrate society. But there would still remain a large margin, quite large enough to answer the question put every day in every growing city and town in the kingdom "Where clo the people come from to fill all the new houses ?" It is these 500 nfnrriagcs a day, forming 500 new households, which are at once the means and the sign of our national progress. 4 A singular incident of mistaken intentions occurred in Boston. A dentist made a set of false teeth for a minister and when the elder put them in his mouth lie went to the looking-glass, and said, "Jesus Christ," in a loud voice. The dis couraged dentist told him if he didn't like the teeth he necdn t take them, but he would be deuced if he would have any profanity in his house, especially by a minister. Explanations followed when it proved that the pious gentleman had an impediment in his speech, and wanted to see it he could pro nounce the name of the Savior with his new teeth. He laughed at the mistake, in spite of his teeth . t "Carrie," of the Boston Traveler, says, that if women were as par ticular in the choosing ot a virtu ous husbond as men are in the choosmir ot a virtuous wite, a moral reformation would be soon begun. Sententious. The wife of a manufacturer in an inland town, whose daughter was about to be married, sent notes toc her friends requesting that if they ' intended to make wedding prcsentsQ of silverware, they would send they money instead, as she was about to visit Xew York, and it "would be so nice to have the things match, you know." - k ; The Lfomes family, in 3Iichigan, lias '""dissolved. 3Irs. H. ' chopped"" the family wagon pieces rplit up all the sap trougli, and bnrneti 10,000 shingles for her Husband. ' He being a man 'of spirit, smashed the cook-stove, and destroyed Vtho wife's trunk, full of her good clothes. A blushing damsel 'called at one of our agencies the other day tp buy a sewing machine. "Do you want a feller?" inquired the modest clerk in attendance. The in genu-"' ous maid replied, with some asper ity. "Xo, sir! I havi' one." . ; ; Boston directs the a9t instruc-; tion of six hundred teachers in the public schools to enable them,, in turn, to teach he rudiments of art to their classes. Hereafter, some knowledge of drawing aviII be re quired of all who apply for sift! ations as. teachers in that citv. "I guess you mean to bring ftp that 'ere one to be pretty sharp at a bargain," said a fellow to a wo man who was rocking and singing with all her nyght Co a little re sponsibility." " "Why?" "Because you keep bawling, 4By low, baby, by low, baby,' into his cars all tho time Plum-s are so plenty in Wiscon-Q sin that the farmers are making them into wine. Plum wineQwill certainly be a novelty. 3Iuch in terest will be manifested to lear how much of it will be required t cause a man to lose his plumb. Duriug the earthquake excite ment, when persons were running out of a high building, ope cool ' man mounted to the roof; saying that if the structure was going lown he preferred to be on the top. A girl in Brown county, Indjana, has disreputed the matrimonial en-, gagement because her lover, having a a musical turn, desecrated Ids vocal powers by singing frivolous songs, and obstinate!' refuses to , learn "psalm tunes." A great many people of Boston, of. all denominations, who are abundantly al le to pay 1 1 c a til i y for the support of public worship, attend free churches, where their benefactions are unknown. Q A Boston store-keeper, the other day, stuck upon his door the la conic advertisement, "A boy wan te 1." The next morning op open.- ' ing his store, he found a little5 urch in in a basket, labeled "Here he is." Kindness should be stoweLawav in the heart lifce bags of levender in a drawer, and employed to sweeten every object around them. Hobbs says that he has on) of the most obedient boys in the world. He tells him to do as he please s, and does it without nun- - muring. Working and thinking should go together, 'the thinker working and the worker thinking. We think a man carries theboi'r rowing principle too i'af when asks us to lend him our ears. i- A Louisville dairyman has been fined $75 and costs for not putting enough rftilk in his water In marriage you tie a knot with vour tongue that you cannot iun- do with your teeth- 3Iodesty in a Woman is like col or on her cheek, decidedlycbeconi-Q ing if not "put on." A Louisville girl sold her hair the other day in order tp get mon ey to go on a visi The Connecticut Quakers prefer to go to jail "rather thanay their military taxesj o' Xot to enquire after each other's "chills," is considered the height qf discourtesy In Indiana -G Heayy Assessment. -The Chica go Tribune is responsible for the fol lowing: 44 A postmaster in 31is souri, whose annual salary is $12, and who has been in office only three months, received a notice to1 pav 1 per cent, of his salary to hefp t-'leet the 3IcClurg ticket. The postmaster . complied, inclos ing three cents ; and by putting a three-cent postage stamp on tin letter, anticipating next year's con tribution to be the same. Even" with this 'contrbution,,, 3IcClurg I was not elected. O o O o 0 O 0 0 G0 o o o o o o o O