o 0 I o o 0 .1 o : it o o O O 5 0 - O o 5 1 - . 7 AV1IAT I MVE-fOn. I Uvo for thosso who love me, For those who are true, For the heaven that smiles above me, Ant I wait? my spirit tool For the human ties that bind me. -For the tusk by GoI assigned me, For the bright hopes" left behind, me, And the good that I can do. I live to learn the storv, Who have suffered for m sake, To einarihu their glory. And follow iu their wake ; Thn'ds.' Martyrs. I'atiiots, Sag '5, The noble of all ages. Whose tlooi'.s crown In Tory's pages. And Time's great volume nitke. I lhe to hail the season. By gifted minds fr"fo!d. When mm shall rule by reason, And'not alone by gold ; When man to man unite ,- And ererv wrong tunij r:g d. The whole world shall be lighted. As E Jen was of old. I live to hold communion Willi all that is devine, To reel there is a union Twixt nature's heait and mine ; To pro lit by affliction. Heap truths from fields or fiction, Grow wiser fioirr conviction. And fulfill each grand design. To live for those who love me, For those 1 know are I me, For the heaven that smiles above me, And waiis my spirit too ; For the wrmig that nee Is resistance, For the cause' that 1 icks assistance, For the future in tbo distance, And the good that I can do. . . o - A Sad, Sad Story. The San Francisco Call relates the follow ing: : Yesterday morning, in tlie tlock of the Police Court, in the mitlst of the cosmopolitan crowd of prison ers, sat a women , who had passed thonieridan of life, awaiting her trial on a- charge of misdemeanor violating a "cit y ordinance by begging on a public street. Ihe Woman was scantly dressed, and the ragged shawl which encircled her shoulders appeared to oitvr but poor protection against the chill air which pervaded the Court-room, f Her face bore the traces ot a history saddened by unkindness, and made wretched by a sorrowful experi ence. As she appeared in the dock, she was a wreck of her former self; and but few inthe Court room could have recognized in the person of the accused a woman who, but a few years since, moved in the lirst circles of society, and who Avas noted for her generosity to the unfortunate and needy. For many years this woman had a loving hus band, a happy home,and little prat fling children, who clung to her and called her "dear mamma' Her cup of happiness seemed to be full, by some unfortunate speculation in mines her husband became ruined, financially. His friends friends in name only turned from him, and" in a few months he sicrkenedand died of a broken heart. That cup of happiness turned to one of sor row. A few months after his death she was reduced from afiluimce ,to poverty, and to add to her misery her children were taken sick ami died' Avithin a lew weeks of each other. All that was near and dear to her Avas taken away and she had nothing to live for. Hopeless of the future, maddened by th thought of what would become . f her, she took to drink to drown her sorrows, and her destiny led her downwards, still downward--, lintill she reached one of the lowest rounds of the ladder of misfortune, and found herself in the city prison a common drunkard. A few months since she promised to reform, and r as not seen again untill three days ago, when she, who iu years gone by assisted those avIio stretched out their hands for help, was ar rested for being a beggar. She now treads her appointed path and looks on the past as one might look n a sorrowful memory. Xo ray of bright sunshine lights up her darkened life now, but the future spreads desolately out and her heart nurses despair. - Ditorcks. The Supreme Court of Massachusetts has fifteen hun- dred divorce eases on its docket. "' 1 ''-' 1 e are not told llOW many more there would be, had not one or both- tlvo parties gone to Indiana or Chicago to be relieved ofthier eon mibial infelicities. Up to the late war of sections, there has never l)cen a divorce granted in South Carolina. Since the war the blacks of" that State almost come up to Massachusetts iu the number of their applications to be relieved, of their matrimonial yoke. Had prac tices are-more catching than good ones, which may account for the great spread of the divorce epi demic. Massachusetts just now seems to be pretty deeply nliiicted . with the complaint. Just as a traveler was writing his name on the register of a Leav enworth hotel, a bedbug took its xr ay across the page. The man paused and remarked: "I've been bled by St Joe Ilea5:, bitten by Kansas City spiders, and inter viewed" bv Fort Scott gray-backs, but I'll bed d if I was ever in a place before where the bedbugs looked over the hotel register to find out where your room was"! And he sadly gathered up his bag gage and departed in "search of a hmtso where the bugs were less highly educated. TO THE XEEYOUS & DEBILITATED WHOSE SUFFERINGS II AVE BEEN Protracted from Hidden Causes. AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE Prompt Treatment to render existence desirable. If rou arc suffering or have suffered, from involuntary discharges, what' effect does it produ c upon your general health ? Do you tcul weak, debilitated, easily tire i ? Does a ILtle ex'ra exertion produce palpitation o! tliehe.irt? Does your liver, or urinary or gin, or your kidneys frequently get out of order ? Is your m ine sometimes thick, milky or tloc.ky, or is it ropy on settling? Or does a thick scum rise to the top? Or is a sedi meat at the bottom after it lias stood awhile? Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated? D you have spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the head ? Is your memory im pa:red ? Is your mind cons antlv dwelling on this subject ? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of life? Do 3-011 wish to be left alone, to get away from every body '? Does any little thing make 3-011 start or jump ? I- yo-'.v sleep broken or restless ? Is the lustre of you r eye as briibant '? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you en joy yourself in society as well ? Do 3011 pur sue your business - with the same energv ? Do you feol as much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fits of melancholy? If so do not lav it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights ? Your back weak, your knees weak, ;iud have but little appetite, and you attiib ute this to dyspepsia, or liver complaint?" il w n Era. a i-na sclf-abu-e. venereal diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are nil capable of producing a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of generation, when in perfect health, MAKE THE MAN". Did You Ever Think that those bold, defiant, energetic, persevering. successful business men, are .-.Iivays those whose generati.e organs are in perfect he.ilth : You rever hear such men complain of be ing melancholy, of nervousness or palpila t"on of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot suer-red in business; the' don't become sad and discouraged ; the' are all ways polite and pleasant in the company of ladies, and look 3'ou and them right in the face none of your downcast looks or other meanness about them. I do not mean those who keep the organs inflated by running to excess. These will not only KUIN THEIR CONSTITUTIONS, but al-.o those thv do bit-mess with or for. How many men. from badly cured diseases, from the effects of solf-abue and excesses, have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced the 'general -y-tem s much as to induce almost every other disease spinal affection, sui -ide, and almost every other form of disease which humanity is heir to. and the real cause of the trouble srareely ever suspected, and liave doctored for all but the right one. Diseisf-s of these organs require the use of a Diuretic. - H t LO'S iu b. if i FLUID EXTRACT BUOHU - is the great Diuretic, and is a certam cure for diseases of the Bladder, Kiducj-, Gravtl. Dropsy, Organic Weakness. Female Com- Gen,tT:i1 Dbiiity and all diseases of the linnarv Onrar;s. whether existing m Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how Ions standing.' If no treatnif-nt is submitted to, Consump tion rr Insa.-i v mav ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and th health and happin s, and that of Dos tcrifv. depends upon prompt use of a reliable rcmed . KELPfl 3QLQ'S SiXlKAC T ISUCilU, Eshillished upward of Niacte u Year -, 18 PREPARED BY H. T. KELBIBDLD, Bra-gist, 594 Broadway, Kew York, AND 101 South Tenth St., Phila., Pa- Vri.-" $l.2.- per Bottle, or G F.ottles for .5' delivered to any address. 8old by all Drug-gists everywhere. None are genuine nnless done np in steel en graved wrapper. wit.!i fac-simi'e of my Chemical "Warehouse, and signed H. T. HELJV1BOLD. Aug. 20, lS70:3y GREAT E M PHIOES wyti -t t 13. Hi. STONE'S, No. 1 Froiat . Street, For iisiml9 Oi'cgoia. WALTIIAjI YrATCIIES, GOLD CIIATXS AXD KINGS, CLOCKS, OUOIDE WATBIIES AND CHAINS, FINE JEWELIiY AND SILVER WAIiE. .All at Kew York Prices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. EVERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED. Watches and Jewelry repaired. J"0tf THE "ISGER" NEW FAMILY HACKirJ JVitli Attachments fur all kinds of War:, is fast icinnh'g f ror in, tfuJ liawt' hold, its it! own !a the m!r of laH i)i Li', aiiwuntlng to eight -fix thousand .vi re it Auu'red 1 nil. tirrh lity-one T.i clt in e.s , v!; i h fur exceed those of any other Company. This new FAMILY MACHINE is capable of a ran.vre and variety of work such as was thought impossible, a sh jrt lime a sjo, to per form by jnachineiy. V e claim, and can show tho-e whom it may concern, that it is the cheape.-t, most beai.t iful, delicately arranged, n'celv adjuslel, easily operated,uiid smoothly i unning of all t!ie family tSewin Machines. It is remarkable, not only for the range and variety of its sewing, but also for the variety and diflerent kinds of texture which it will sew with equal facility and perfection, using, S.lk-Tw'.st, Linen or Cotton Thread, fine .r coarse, making the INTKU LOCK ED ELAS TJC STITCH, alike on both si.'es -f the fabric sown. Thus beaver cloth, or loathe1-, may be sown with great stiengtli and uni formity of stitch, and in a moment this w-i!!-!ing and never wearying m;u h'ne may Le adjusted f r fine work on gauze or gos-nmer tissue, or the tucking of tarh-tatr.or infllio, or almost any otr.er work v hich delicate lingers have been knowr to perforin. Purchasers cau soon be convinci-d that cur new Family Machine embodies NEW and essential principle- simplicity of eon..f ruc tion ease of operation uniformity ot PRE CISE action at any speed e;p:ieif f -r 1 ange and variety of woi k, lino ti cjui se, leaving all rivals behind it. Tlie I'oliling Casts. The New Family Machine may be had in a variety of folding covers and cu.-es. Sni show in polished suifaee ouly the irrain ana j tint ot the wood, wlme others areliiu-he iu all the elaboiatiou of ait. The Aitiiclimoifs For TTcniming. Felling, liuiM ng, V raiding, iVuding, Cording, (Jathtiing, Tucking, lim broidv'i ing. Ac . ave not only i.nmerous, but i-.w brought to trreat perfection. Most of them can be attached or leta bed by a sim ple move ot the baud. The quality of li e work can only be fully apprec ated on ob servation and examination. JUstcliitac Twist. J.J X EX Til ItK VI), STOOL COTTON, OIL, AC. We have and shall keep i:i stock at our j Central VJitice, ami Agene es, ion sp o s ot vaiious sres.) Twist of all si.es and colors, Linou Thread, Spool Cotton, Oil, and all other articles necessa.y in the use of our ma chines, Ve wish it understood that we manufacture the Twi-t sold 13- in ; that, we shall s.im to have it excel in quality ami exceed in quan tity, for a given price, that of other manu facturers, and that the Twi t made by us in our new and extensive mills, supplied as ihey are with the mo.-,t impioved machinery and skilled labor oh be relied on for the desirable qu ,1'ties of uniformity of si.e, even ness, It ngth of thread as n.arkeu on t;:ch -pool, strength, excellence of color, and beauty of finish. The Singer Manufacturing Co., No. 458 Broadway, New York. San Francisco Office. . . AZ'd Montgomery St. Aug 2?:$:n TEW WAGON AND Carriage !iariufaetory ! The undersigned, having iuerensed the di mensions of liU premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets. Oregon City. Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old paf rons, and as manv i;ew juics as may be pleased to call, that be is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very bWt of mechani s. to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out nil complete any sort of a vehicle from a com mon curt to n concord coach. Try me. Black-smithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and ""npral jobbing neatlv, qun-klv and cheap ly done. DAVID SMI ni. Opposite Excelsior Market g HADES S A 1,0 OX. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAIX STREET, Oregon City. o Bettnir.TJAnn .TAiiLE&in onnaoy Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention -f the lovers of this popular amusement to them. THE BAR IS S VP PLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors anj Cigar-. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon alreadj famous Whiskies anil Puncn. Also STAFFORDSHIRE ox nTi.viTGiir. ."SFam.ilies supplied. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITI OF CALIFORNIA, EDUCTION Mr FIRST PREMIUM IMPROVED FAMILY SEWIHG MACHINE $12.50 clear propt per day. $7o.o0 psr ire eh. $:;oo per man ill made easy by any Lady or (Jkxtlkmax introducing this (Juxcixk and Original Oli Favokitk. Wiih its many m xc anfl prarfirtd uddUiohH, making the most ciuupletti combination, f valuable and useful hitprovrruentt ever effected in any one ma chine. The embodiment of extreme sim plicity, efficiency and utility, entiiely differ ent in model and design from any low priced machine. If is the most serviceable. elegai.t and reliab'c Family "Mkwixo Machine ever invented, gives perfect sati-fact on wherever introduced. Has received I'i:i;mkis. Stood the test of 10 years, and is fully a proved ot by c veiy family who have il.ern in use. Is noixele.:, makes the strong and beautiful Elastic Iack Stich, with wonderful rapid ity and ckrtainty. S'irs (in Jt h in g ci needle will go Til Horun. fiom the finot 4o the thickest fabric, firm- and neeit with et?e. U-es a!! kinds of silk or thread direct Irom the ftptjef ; is improved with new ei!-actinj feed, spring tension, self-guider, and uses the adjustable stkaioiit xi:;:rLK, perpendicu lar motion, with powerful 'ever ac tion. Pos sesses all the good inalities of the bet big!: priced vineliir.it condensed, without their Cf-iupHcatioi on FAfi.T. Samples of sewing si-.NT FitKK on receipt of st.imii Fore rtili Crvtes, Ac , see m scriii'Ti vi: A.Mi'iii.in s.niaih ' fn e. A tiioiouh practical sewing machine for family use. " I'ribu i.e.'" A very strong and reliable machine, at a low price. "Stan dard."' This beautiful sewing machine is one the most ingenious pieces of mechan ism ever inventi d. -"Democrat," Ca. Worth many times iis cost to any family N. Y. Weekly.'' It is quite a new mach-ne with its many late improvements, and sews with astonishing p.isc. rap'dity and neatness. Reputdiean," X. Y. Single machines, as samples, selected with care, rou family i sk, wiih everything complete, sent to any part of the country per express, packed in strong wi oden box, fuke, on receipt of price. .").oi). Sa fe d 1 i very ef g 'O.is guaranteed. Forward cash by registered letter, or P. (. money or der, at our risk. Agents wanted, mala or fern ah", everywhere. New pamphlets con taining extra !ib ial inducement, sent free. Address Family Slwixo Machine Co. Ofliec tc Nassal Stiikj.t, Ntw Yoik. LAU&EH & Cf RANGE'S FtlATIOIAL BUSI1IESS COLLEGE, PORTLAND, GRSGOIT, For the insf ruction of li'Iidaie-Ageil BTen, Ycniig Men 4 Jii the branches of a Ihisiness Education. rpilLS IS WITHOUT DOLM'.T A MOST JL thorough and eilicient In-titution, and has made tor i'seif a name iu Oregon, of which its friends are ju-tly proud. The b: ancht s which stand out prominent ly in the curiiculum of study are P.OOKKHEPIXCt. 'OMi:h(TAL ARITHMETIC, ' POLITICAL ECONOMY. PEXMAXSIIiP, COMMERCIAL LAW, COP KliSi'ON DEN CE , &.C. A m sf .thorough practical department is rn contnnt operati n, in which are com r sed all the minutiae of bus nrss si Hairs. Students can enter at any time. No va ca ioi s. rail at room'-; comer of FRONT and AL OE It streets,, or st nd for a circular contain ing full information. Address, lauue;; a oi-pras :ce. l'ortlaud, Oregon. The standard remedy for C'o?jj;;i3, Tufln- rna, Sore Thrfxit, Whewping Covh, Croup. fJerr Computiut, Ih-onehiti, Bleeding af the IsHtig, and cveiy affection of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including Coxsi ji ttiox. WKiar'n lisa does not dry up a Cough, hut loosen.1! it. cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation , thus removing the en hps of the complaint. Xone genivne unless signed I. I'i'tts. Prepared by Setii W. Fowle it Sox, Boston. Stdd by REiuxtiT ix-; Hos. tetter it Co., San Francisco, and bv dealers generally. - JelRdy A. G. WALLTXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery. Oil EG O A I A N B U ILDIRti, Xo. "V!li iijrfon Street, PORTLAXD, OREGOX. BLANK BOOKS RULED and EOL'XD to any desired pattern. 1 A 1 hK Ltc, bound in every variety of style known to the tracie. Orders from the country rromptly at tended to. USTICES' J.LANKS. of every dose r tion. prinlQ l at the E XTnp.rfu.ss eCi $5 00 $8 WATCHES, AT OLD PRICES. Having Leen the first to adopt the plan of affording persons residing at a distance the opportunity of obtaining first-elass watches for their own use, at wholesale prices, and being also the original inventors and sole manufaturers of the widely advertised Oridc Wartehes, of which there are so many imi tations, and now the inventors and sole pro prietors and manufacturers of the new ma terial, which we have named the Norton Gold Metal, ("and secured in legal form.) su perior to all other metals an.l lolly equal in brilliancy of color, weight, wear, it-c. to hoe 18 karat gold, and to be obtained lhro'nph no o her source. We have concluded to resume lie retail bus-ness so success'ullv conducted by us from 157 to lsG5 in connection w.th our wholesale departing, for the purpose of placing again a rdiabie line of our special ties before the pub ic Afsc being Sole Agents In the United States for the Livevpo I Watch Co. we are autot ied by them to cioe out a large line of European Watehes, chains, Ac. tow in stock for, cash at prices never before known. All beautiful in finish arii.-tic in de s gn, reliable for accurate time, durable ami of the latest styles. Kverv Watch wdl be retailed at less than the c'st of transporta tion, ard forwarded securely packed, pre paid, to any part ?f the country on ieet ipt of priee. Money can be sent to us by Ex press, with orders fur Express Co. to return Goods or Cash, which will secure prompt uess and safety to purchasers. Among our list will be found A Bcautifd Eng!i,-h Silver Solid Double Case Watch, genuine English full plate jew eled movements, adj i-ttd regulator, steel cut ha:a3s,' engii.e turnt'd ncr!, correct and ser vicable article, large or small size, in com plete runrj' g order with an elegant Gent's Vest Chain, Locket and Key, all complete, mailed fi ee for sS.y A Yer Handsome Watch iu fine IS karat Gold plaf-d Double Cases imitation of $10" Gold Watch engraved or plain, genuine English full plate j -weled movements, ad justed regulator, correct, ami in complete ruining order, with elegant Gent's Vest Cha n, with Locket and Key. mailed, pre paid lor only S. .The Orldo Geld Watch In Massive Oride Gold Double hunting Mag ic Spring C:;ses. elegantly engiaved, or en gine turned. Genuine Paiei.t Lever Move ments, fid! jeweled, regu'ated and -warranted to keep cei rect time, and wear cquai to irold, prt cisely like in appearance, make, finish biilianey of color, id Sinn Gold Watch, some of lbes: splei.d d watches will be for- 1' warded bv mail free to mv address, in b some moi- iei o case, iineu with velvet antl satin- (Ladie.V or 'Gents' sizo Watch,) for only .pj. Patent Stem Winder, Or Keyless Watch. Winds up from the Stem, requires no Key can not be wound the wioug way, in heavy Oride Gold D ub!e Cases, three-qnai ter late live Jeweled Lev er Movement, Exposid Action. Accura.e as a Timekeeper. Supeiior regulate d. Single one sent to any handsome case ioi ..... addre s by mail, i f 1 ' Watch. 5 or ton This widely known, reliable and eh'gnnt Watch, so long and full approved of by the Government and L'ailroed Ollieials, is now encased in the new improved Norton Gold Metal, the very lates dii-overy in the sei- ence ol' 'Metallurgy," which durability ami brilliancy of co has been found to surpa-s all metals. It does n it tarnish le lor hardness, ur and polish other known wear, expos ure to heat, inoi.-ture, change of climate, or the action or any acids or ga.sses, arid per manently retains its beautiful color fully equal to the lincst gold, and never wears out. This cebbrated watch is in solid d ml le hoi;. iig eases, of Noi t'ui Gold Metal, r'ch iu design aitistie in tini-h, with magic spr ng push pin, imitation patent si I;' winding stem, improved bevel swell, double joints, engine tinned nerl, extra fine fell ruby jewel, d L-vi r movement--, covered wi h engiaved do. t caps, accurately aej ist' d to ad d gre s of heat or e ld, with all the lata st improve ments, cannot f u surpas.-.. d lor correct time keeping qua! ties, m d experts cannot dot- ct the slight e-t d fit rente ;t appearahce from one ot the li 'c t .f-joo G. hl Watches and las's as 'oug, w ai s as well, and keeps as correct tin e. They are mannfuel nred solely by rs, ai'd a e thrr:ghly warranted in every rcspebt f r five yea.s. A -single one of the above-beautiiul Watches mailed : re paid to anv address, in velvet lined morocco case, with K y, .c., a' I complete, t Watches Uv Jldliday presents fined to order. or oiii v m .nu at- Genuine American Waiehe in T' Id or silver cases, from ? Other goodi watches cipially I cry club of six Watches ot send one cxni Wa'e'i of sam cf all grad-. s, IS lip to --ii.io. -iw. W.th ev any kintl, we kind fi ce, as a jo en iuni to g ttcr n f CIul.. A super- stock ot (enuiue Oir'e Gold Ghaius. trom yi to each, warranted Lilly equal to Gold in biillianey of color, wear, Ac. Bill of over Su' colhctcit on di llvciv, if desired. All bills of and less mnst'l e ca-h iu P. O. money orders, or ugi-tered letters, at our risk. G -ods eaiefully selected, lmcked and f rwai d. d pre on receipt of pa d by mail, or by expre-s, price. Safe deli-cry of a!. gooos gnai uuH-i-d. .1 atch s fo; w.nued to be examined to parties known, when express chr.rues b th wavs are raid. No gocids for warded west of the Missi.-sippi Riref, with bill to collect, on delivery. I'n: ciia ei s must pay all express charges on goods sei t G. O. jib; also for return c money. All cash or I dels forwarded free of charge to destina tion, uaiaiogaes v ree. Aii.!ies nil ordeis ciiAs. p. xoirrox x co. I.MroiiTi.L's of Wintni-s, ,St .S-'i Xassau Street, Fstablishetl po7,:nov-i i7o. liV or: e ri JO, UKAT.KH.S IX OVES, TIX PEA' TE. SHEET IROX, HRA- jim-.x vi'i i-.K. I IFF, IROX PliE AND ITT I I NO'S, RGRBK-.i" JIOSE. FOI1CE A N! I l FT PUMPS. ZINC, COI I'l R BRASS .AND IUOX WIRE. A'so a general assoitmcut of House ur nisi, ing Goods. M A X U FA CTURE R O F Tin, Coppeiyand Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFtNG axt jorrixo of every PESCllII TIOX POXK TO UPPER, AND AT LOW PRICES. Also; at l'OfJn'S SI OVE ETC II E oi ;will find HARDWARE AXD BASKETS, WOODFX WARE AXD rI INWARF. I A Nl'LPNs ' LAMPS AND OIL. LUCINE AXD ' X I CUT LAMPS. ALSO PERAMBULATORS. o All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. CO. Oregon. 1Ely Oregon Oitj? JM PERI A L MILLS. Savier, LaRoqne & Co., OREGOX CTTY Yrs,ivfep cons.antly on hand fu JEdlings, Rran and Chicken -.(! Part purchasing feed must furnish the sacks.' ' ieiv CAB iFILTHVC S VELVETS, BRUSSELS, TKH EE-PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, 7 I N D 0 W- S H A D E S , PAPER - EAHGIITGS, L AC E - C U 11 T A I IT S, &c &c We Would Call the attention of jiar tic fi ftinf? jp houses, or being in need of anyth iner in our line To our Stock, which is 02s E OF Ulh COllPLETFST On the PtcfIc Const! Our Goods' being specially selected at the Factories in Knglund mid the FJjslem States, we car', stll AT THE LOWEST siEi2?aTsi3sci Trices. WALT I i; F:tLO. No. 80 Front street, between Alder 35.) and Washington, P01 tiand Oregon j B H .iv.i s r v. ra "1 sS sSLr-i.S- Vr i tlie most tl cooii'. ii b'o d 1 urilicr vet disc "wrist vi nil, and cm thrill til -mem irom f! e rrnfidu to a r inmon Krin.t'.im . I'hrphx r-nd Diet el re-i-n'it .-1,'iJi, which i--hes t mail v our:; on the I'i ee ant renin e r ;re sntdi an 1 n ing ) h m ; pei soi s, vichl to the u-e of a few bo'tles of ihis wonderful n:cdi inc. From one to eight bottles cure full Lt.env, St-aid lln:d King Worm., Fudlx 'CO. '7 l-lrv't'.tli? if the fhht, Scu'fitlu y-rr-f; I7re; and " Ond-.er" in tie mri.th end j li'vutrli. II is a pure rrtdicinal extract of 1 j native ri ots nu! plants, con bining in h.ur I luony Xatioe'- most soveieitn nrativc prop jerii s, which tied has instilled into the jv get. tide kingdom for healing (lie sick. It i is a great :c-st rer for the- fiet.gth and vigor of the s sf i m. Those who are langi id.slctp- less, nave wcrvei'i nppreui nrtowt or Jeers, or a:v of the aff; t tioi s symptomatic (A'vinh nsx, w li tii d convincing evidence of its re storative power upon ti-ial Ifvcu fee! dull. drowsv. detiilitated ami dt siiei dcnt. h ha v e frequent Ilea'ache, in( nth ia:tes taly tlie moining'. iiregi lar appetite and t ns coated, on are su.iti ing m 1:1 lo-rpni i.iver er " llil dn-re-s." In many cases ot "Liver Conndaini " t niy a paif of t'tsc syrr jtt-ms are exi 01 h i;ci d. As a remedy !or all sm h caes. Dr. I'i ice's (? l 'en Medical D sci vriy l.as 10 equal as it cif els perf. i t cures, leav ing the liver st i eng; bened audio a It! y. For the cure of Habitual Constij at on 'of the IJowels it is a ntver failing rtmtey, arti thi'sc who have u.-cd it for this piopose are load in us praise. In ronchia I, Throat and Lung L'b cas s, it has j rodneed many 10 mai kable cure.- , where other n'n dicines had failed. Sold by druggist s- at l.o per bot, tie. Pi eiia red af he (ihomicsil Labia'ory of R. V. PIERCE, M . Ik, bnhiilo, N. Y. m a v U 'k. Ses iJ u V C'3 tl O i' 11 AS I Ef'X LliXI ERl U A VEIIDIC by 1 v, nd- ds ( n this coast to the Su peiior Med'cn Virtues t t nil. .7. V. KVKKAV ECSB' C S; f. t arid sinest renudv cengeiiinl wiih the ii.ws tf i:it:.ie evr 1 t di.cover d in medic; I Science. Also. Dr J. W. iiuiiav iV Sons' SI AI- Oil., the King of si! Pii'ins. The best fiiinily nu d ici 1 c iu t lie woild. Si re remedy for smhlcn at tucks as Spa-ms, Croup. Cramps, Neuralght, Ileadsiche. Too'iI hc! e," etc. it i; one ot the most reli::ble nuali. ii es in a-l luivous and hnlaiiitoi v t cinrl;. int mid pains, siuh us I. h i.nu.tisnl S; it Throat, Ditheri.'.. Spiiiim-. l!ri.i?s, Fc"'i ns. Weak'. Sw.diei: and Stiff .! mts, Co tractcd Cords ai d Mu.-cles, Liui e U..ck,:.nd numeicus other c mj hunts Directions ! ea. h bottle. rd other- end nurses will f nd it an incom-1-arable Soot'di gSymp, sate anil l.aimbs w In n diluted i:h s'.o i'h'i.cci wa!e: , ter Ihe most delicate child. OdiceP i VtoA strut. loitpmd. J-or s;de by all dmggi-ts and uuui is t n lias const. Scjd. ,1:tf tT t v fe B i! Ul w to; - hoiesaSe Ceaiers in f-i-. -VyX iJ.Aii i,ClrX I', i II. w 1 h Isle lo, Xo. 4D, Front Sthfet, Por.Ti.Axn, Om ocx. Constantly on hand a genuine aiticlc cf Cuttei Whisk v. WILLIAM! vj t lL i Ml Has Exfubti.-l.ed ! ku A TOR THE JIAXiTACTCLr OF FUJS' STUBS E. SASH, BLENDS AMD EC8RS, AXD MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. inr They wiil also do TURXIXG, of evry docnption to order, J With reatnecs and Eispatcl 1 o ALL WORK WAKRAXTEI). Shop ch the River, b.-.tk of A k m . Store, Oregon City, O cn Oregon City, July o:tf Final Settlement IT otice. HENRY HUillJEL, ADMLISTRAT(:R' ot the estate of G. A. Aico, having tiled his accounts and prayer for final settle" ment, it was ordered that Mondav, the 2d d:-y of Januiiry, 1671, be set aj-ai t lor Use examination of said accounts, at which time all persons interested can appearand file objections if they have anv. .I.K.WAIT, fAffcs. Court tv Judge. J. M. FnAiicr:, CTctk. dec:;w-i wmmmm tow This is T-J'..-i J... . . I PREKCH KEBICAjTn oe, mum fmm rails, CaIule cf r' Qi s C JItKc,j,IMi pi,.,,. 1:Jvstiv 51 . Tui 11 irapti..tt SctUt t-f,k; O-co. - 1&aiiaueu Pi:. Pj:lkai-i.t has fl e v.;ccrr , 1 ntients i.v.0 of hi rs Fi-ikbo, j.V0 km teal advice that he can be ' ', 1 n his cf;!ce, Anrniy lJalI Oinly 8t Lust comer of Monfgr n erv ,V Z'S' oilk streets, San Fiai.ciseo, llo, niViosT?'' first Hor, up sfn,s, ,;'1,Ml, Mi ntgon eiy 01 Sacrnnif t.u, itlr, titbtt 1 , , - , , . 4 1 1 1 T S 1.1!. l.Pitirn t td i 1 . r :5- - . . j uum a nave I. uuiaoi 10 ij.e ta-itjiis loimsoi ClVOus 1 : : .. . f , . . - , 'It fjl i.uiM . nit- risen or irjurn i is Jls:t.;, ";'U! in yt ut 11, I ici itli, M ich usual y tcind- i, ,;C(i,; aLd-stLlility,:d J et i ' (!D .T) tei c all the ate. -r secrei i nrmiry exists "vulrinir ,' " ne.-s (,t a lile sd tl at t t long afterward; j atieis, ua-. ,.-,. K,tatd ecmplaint, v, il;V!:;! ?it of cne" Ike following ,n. totns; sions, Pains in the Back Or,d nT ness of Mi n 01 v a 11 e 1 re una o: irg to sltol 01 ;m U r, I, tedcdLaT Faci Jt.es ,i Lo,s ,.f Memoiy ers-;(F, Id es are and there is a disinclinai;,,,, ,0 , . r5' S ti e I retina o o atticdti.1,, ' mess, or tun to soci. ly of in- ndf pr 1 ablv C( L- ben . 1. ... . . uiai r-itiiii, iii.o Ci fares si 1 r;dpitati n, iaintirtrs "puliation ' ' ut some l.rve cttniairra il ! I VI " 1 O l' 1 1-i ..-1.1 . ' 1 S e ot tiie c n.n'on kvmr.t,. . the face, ami uci.in in,; 'v' the b case. tdy ratnts s,:lQ ir.pV.cn, & SLOLIU i T ill v in t, f ,.,,, ;,. , , .. ,. .H(..r, eitlnr in person by U-tu-r ff'-ifi.fie a cine t.f Sunu.al ir.ll and ;mp ttnee in six or t iel.t wee-k- ' " I'atients tufkvii g li, ln vmeiiul iWEc. ;ea, Olirt. Mi ft,. Lnlo, Lie is, will be, treat td C.tti.rt.-r.s Lruptier.? ( su ci ssluilv. Ail w,,'i and Mercurial Ti.ii tuliieiy the f stern. l)u. 1'Ki. r.Ai i.i V tin rr in lis (f ' in H'lvc,; ' L'ld;.r (rn w 1h re patients c; 11 ut for thej' sie m dt r il.etaie t f a n u prat u:;oi.tr. ll.c Itst if 1 1 (11. irt ct. 1 CitH LCtf 1 Patients ; uTr rirg rider Li t i.ic c;.,. 1 can call and txsnnii e for it , two,,.. , mviie invi-stig;.ti n ; claim ry i to', cvcryti.ii-g. nor to cute iu il fx ,'.. th: t it: all (sis tr.ki 11 m i .,, !i (s( s .... . (.'.!' M . u. 1 l e, 1 i 1 . . I - 1 i 5 1 I It nous. Vi ( 10 1 1 i Kque.-t these who luve trltd th s iQ. doctor, and that fa uili.iti li vid;.; worn out aid disc wr.r d, to ti-il i.ji'L Low 1 targes ai d qtotk ct us. Lrdi'.is sniveling ii or.: ai y c u j hir.f ii tu r.is ou;tir kx, can cm suit il. e Ctc with iliC i.s.-uiante of relief. 'i male '7c.n:tiiiy Tillx. liTi. 1 riir.'.m is the only ; foinia foi J)ii. L'lt-iT's Pi male ;;.m i.t 1? u. c i n!v ercr.t .1 ( lhi. Pipit's Pi male .Voul.iv ! 'i er in n erne sa'e l.a? t stthiixi.. ,1 tl ',9, utatlon r.s a ft nude u nc'v v.v.-.q j ,( ai d far in advance of even oil er at; uh suppn ssi;r;s ami jiri ti!h jitics, t-idoi oli.-t; littioi.s infin aTTs. (;n tl.cKctijt five th ihu s, tin se I'iiP will l c sei t tv r. i tx rcfs to any part of the wtiitl, fir :10m ti; My or th n s:ec. at a d stai.ee cm 1 e ci nd (idiessii.g a hfti to i 11 I Pctsor.s Iu me. by a ha t i t, t en ei y s'.i cct--. P. O. San miii utt iy as ing, oecupi. r et Si t 1; tin imo j rd IU r.p. Ri cms t.i i.j;d il, ? x ; Fratit i.-co, stat ire tie cum OS: il le, g i.t ad hi ttceic. :iiors coi f cert's hits (! 1. lufp Hon All ct iMiii.ine. ?m VAT E Quit Jt ts i .1 a. . I i.a uiiini! v iiargts IT?- r - if?. s.iff lv.lLi it O iPiivate "It 1 1 It is I f, corner 0: i a lew in is leluw the W hi.! CI ei i !;o';:-e.) d( sdi -ii st rei t."S u rn me ri.tranec on t.eu staldishtd Exj ressly in .'. Stiiu.d ami Scicntilic i. Triiilnent and Curt- tf Cbionie Li e.'.scs, C.V.scs t Se.MU;! I si r., t i s. i.--: ii.e .-.ai iitu ( i.i .;.". ;ii ill 1 R. W. X. i liELl 1 C I: i 5i; cere ill l-S t!. t l .'.l lie t 1 1 i:n tie 1 1. Hi v. i i; .0 ;t i ; .j. i m i.riYi'v tO 1' ll.l at 1 is I cast s o live a: pi a ate ,1 tl iii be t ( i t:i re- id c.'i..-U for 1! e erne ; f t L n : ic c' -n g s. 1 i'.ir, Kii'r.fs, J-ni 1 Silt! 1 e 1 . nito-l f!.-:;, v (vrtiU.s. mi nil di-ti se-, viz : Syridisnadl it- fen s and sti.g, s, Stii.ii r.l Yuslrcs 1; ad all t; e foriid com tju i-ci s c! sif r.l ii: e. (iimit-l.o-a. Gl ct, Sirieii r. p. Nt.cii.it al ai ii I'ii.i- m.l l-.n.i-sici s. Si xu.. I I tl il ly, Hm-i'm rf" the Ibitk i r.d Lou ,-v, ii i; n in 1: ef il f El, ddcr i.i d Kidiis, t iQ ; n d ! e hp that his hrg t xi ci ii i.ee i-iii'. .-iK'ttsdi',! ju.r- lice pu! wii". tont ;i.ue c r nti to-age. to ii 1 1, iin a s ft k 1 1 1 n af yt a is n 1-1 ei.ab'i ti to 1 t 1 d ihe Ii o ii Su.ti s. 1 e , the m- siQtrciud trd ftc- i piv C.i-s-.-fnl 11 ii:t aiics ; gi I : e ust s i t: mci i ui - gainst dis sescf all k'm. n.i ii iii!c,1: tilts ci r i ' 1 ! at: 1 1. is in ii co; ie t i i it re; 1 r; be -v, 'in. d 1 1 !t I cid s of 01 t r.ti a r; I !c u 1v from nu n of M:i in its'. tctiLiiitv logo str.nding in mc c:v. All Mtirs sidtirg him byhtt. r 1 r t tl ei wise, will i' ccivc ti e t c. t ' and ct nt'ett iitutnif-t i-i in p icit sic. cc r. "'I'ti JT twits. Whrn a female ism iu i.l'c tr sUkitfd with disease, as wtakcess el the laksrd limbs, pain inthe hesd, din t cs? of Mil', loss of miiscular pow er, pidj init on f df heart in Stability, m 1 v usi.ess, txtn n t v.r int v cfitlici.lt ft.-, dean--t n.t nt of d;cest; functions, e-enrri;! ffct.iiv. TaLoni:s. nil ci:si s of ihcwdh li lii -tt'i in siei ilitv in , i sll other diseases peculiar 10 ft males, she sfcni'd go or wri'e nt ot,ce to tl e rrlcbixtcti f nrad d.-ctor, V. K. PC II I R"oY, at his Malic; ' 1 5 stiti.tr, ard ctrsih'ni alt r,t Lt-r t:ti-Ue and disease s. 1 he Doctor is t Ti cting niere cure s of Cid hiiti ar.v ( Ibcr r b' sieuiii in the N"' ... i - . ... . , ......t iurii'ii. J.t f no isilse 1 cutr.ci v"'". n, but in mediate!'.- and saveywrs .If from ri: tiite.l vi tUu ires j.:tl tu ernafe.vc ceatli. All n.i.rrud latlies. wfose diha-fe 1 etdtli or other circumstances prevert n j act case their families honM write or call i.t Tlygii . I o i will receive every po-sihie The Docfoi's cllict s arc so can be consulted without ft ni; ajrunrfd llsat J e ar of t.hseiviaiuiu To ( ni - cm! iits. Patients residing in ony i nt of thety' however distrnt; w 1 mev th s re the ojiin.ofl and adv.ee of I R.LOLEi'i'i Y in their u.-pc--five cases, ami w ho think proper to Mii niit v. i itten fctatuntiit of suth, in p 1 1 ft rt nee holding a persorril ii.tcivitw, ?ie rcspecht.i Iv assuitd thai their ccrrniur.iratier.s winU held sacicd and confidential. If the c:is W fully and candidly described, pcrscnal n m--n.unication w ill he ur nc cssnry, as iitiac tioi.s for diet, icgimen ai d the general t :est inent of tlie cii-e'ifsclf (including the rti; e d es ), will Le foi waidid withi ut '.! , i-nl m such a manner rs focci.vty no itltatf te iHiipoito! the Idft r or paiccl. XtirC r.sultnfion by htttr or rlicrtvisf, FI. EE. Permanent cure guarar teed oruorau .tjicrliiiitoii lie ft. I) P. P0IILRTY has just published r.n im pot tant perwpldet, emb- dying his own rit and txperienccs in it lafio-j to In otercc-cr iiilitv ; I eii g a Short Treat'es on Sj-crn;- Touv.u-a or Sennual eiikr.e.-s, Aervetis Physical Debility cel. sequent on lids al.ee- t on, ma other diseases ot tlieseximivij.-" This little w-.ik contairi.infotinati' n of utmost value t- ii) i,wbi t her married ornki and will be.scrt FLEE I v mail en rcceiftfii six cent in postage Stan ps for iciuin l- age. Addiess. v. K.prnrriTY.y. , iuhS'lr San Fr: .ncisco Ci-i- O molality 'ictatt- the neces.-itv ,.!. a!if!n k"I for it is afat th:.t p.u, nfure docn?1. ML-or o! mai-bocul mat. i...iai ... "T0.' "'e com ulsoiy single life tt-- 1 'T'jj, sources in'( aies, tl e gei n; o'rL 1, '.'V? fir cd in (ally life, CE,1 ,fe i,:, ,, R luWt- 1 1