o 1 QKBGBNAL DEFECTIVE 1 . TC ' "' -' ' ; ; t , , 1 rnrr i i n rit i i , j.,,. ,. , ,, -. . - - -. " a 1 ft ic Sedan (Siiicrpri0. "" i.,.ri.T Pills, of Multiioiutui A!-:r:s..-'- , ,v arrested a young man. io was V ft,r the Uailroud Company hi tin X"U varvas known by they.-aitu f V.i;,!,utw!!! n-.im ia Jacob K. ;V,t nnarcciuuioafron, the Governor Hn". a,ka. 0:1 a charge of a unl.er t,th,tcra Ln.on ic. 3 Ai, .', and Kxire. Gompai.y o. w.v ....... ' A.'A ,. ,,a . '. -e ogeuthe was ae im u thutTetrltory. W e ; iVluid uot deny .1,. crane cl:.rS..a ,! ;v ;.,:.:'IV'.ri" ,,i awav.and had been " ,'V- V Wi'-avv two pi ices before on ) in '-' V? ..ot ' i,;,!ff :ir:.. r I i h a . ! I1, - that he lost the money at ganm (:;! 'il,a!-s-a:e:naat. he left this eity ".V .,! jv before his arrest 'who me or gg .he ,1, , .. ,... i.,v in"! iro its te.outh Ain-r- '' V " ' - ., . .1 ,.i....t l.ia "O-T lhat ii.f knew the ouharith- ero alter h,:n and kae, I . s ;!;.,;.,u5,j:'?. He '-ed having a wue n';':I. .UHluM' father and ni-niior trer ,!.. ; I Lilo l-mre he- couuutoed e!:a ;..;r j. a very be,-om:.iu' nmoner and the '..,. of his was received wita stu- ond astonishment by all who hi. i':;,.!.. CT ile.tance. lie left Portland ,v' e' e !e will 5u3 :riel. lu n..l!er c .u.mn v.e jt a Ion- aocjnut iak.n from the c, v , .poX.r;;.-ewhere we publish the r.Mort of the Health Committee. It will from the report that the disease wd.'duvl hr thna on the V.Hh insf as ,,o ion ;er being prev.Uenf in oar midst 1 t';J! anar of ike faaioy where it had j..; .j v,.r.. i:, dinner of fa hi,.- the p,:.,;!. Vv'e are h'epy to iaie ihat (l: !i:a to yelh.wtls- h -s been lV-s tlie aliey op-'ned and no t H of sai i:l ! 'X u .'W exist.? in our j.'.T. ;rhr town. ','e are free fram it. and did not think th-re was any j.''.!.' w,; y for a -scire'' n tin; sart, yet v: :a ri'iht the niveau' ion by the city ;j -. v , 3 -y ;vi i jn a'eiaas. That wh ih' '!V 'o ?hp U in iti ommenee .:e. We felt a litfb interest ia this ,t only far Ike. heaeat of the ;, !,:;: oa'" resld ee. : is n-!. furty feet 'o:.. i-,.;.:. ! of 31 r. Jo:l-e, and we t .nVs that fi'.nall-pox Is not an ; v i . e ! : -) C::::;s ; "t s Tit.-:;;. There will be a L" ("iri-ii: .i tree in ?d. Fani'-S (np'soopnl) f . . . i ... : T ' . . .. r ('.! ;"C a 0:1 r-.ca' -i ay t e.ung. a ae par- h4 -;' na! friea.l- of t!ie children ar.. in- l vi c-I ! 1 hri.acr tleeir pres'u!s bir the tr.-r ! , - .. .. 1 c- , ... .. 1 ..- j j -..ia 'j - a -.o:iiaiit:ee to receive an 1 arrange h i':e:!i 0:1 t:je tree. A;t persor-a are cor:.- J f,o-.- hivi'iM tn h.e pte-'er.t in ili' eenia;r. f( when ti ere will be .: aging of Cliris-ir.a-5 1 ' ' )'.- he 'he ch'ldren. sc'm d ad lrea s t , tfi-i tite ili-triitution of irifts. A gentle- ei :;;";',:;;.' troru tne e,-..-,t. is ex pee'eu to : I "'s-' die ch'l In -a. The Hector informs ie :h 1' there will be a collection taken f ;! ; f e-'d-hh;:- of lie- ere).)! with fmifab'o ia-'rae' her U a ::-. V, "e ti-v-pea'c a larg toliect.'oa for -ai -h a wo thy object. Ma ".an v.- I Ise.. :;:. A young ie.dy vns '.veki:4 ca the tres-U'-work this wo(-k. I el ay town, when tie lucoinolire came r the tr-r.-'c. crentlenftn .-ished to the r:'.aen-.e f the la ly with a ladder, nn 1 'vh :he pt off lie oars wer wi bin ee.v.' i'r f.-e -if h-'r. The ire.eb work e.t !:;-- ai r- - where she we..-: is about l.", feet. K-.''i. i'-'eple s'i ial 1 leirn to keep off tli ' :;-e.eh' v.mv.v, and then there will be ! i: i -1 ;rer V ;'f. - h he Pair n hieh was held 1 " -. ' ;y cverdng. uttder ii.e riT!Sdees .' It- 1 - -;h -b AM -h-ty of the M. E. j : 1;.:-c'iqw;;s. well a! tended and we e:irn j t:'-si it : x tin aeci-d sucr-e.. Ti;e ; bill yary t is eibily oecorafed and everv-"'""tgl-: serve i up in keo style. Tlte cxhlh'i'oo wer- displayed, to "'.' -id :a: ; - . 1 1: 1 wet 1 'f:., . t . i'.; :c aimi mt oy tinnr ime suigmg. '1 - ; .;-' Pi.i.rriox. T'ne. election ed 0"' ;: for Mulb: a-! ;h Lod'e. No. I. of i -A !'. raid A. M.. in Oregon City, cane off j h ;':; .; a; - v ';:. fh. and refajpod ' t ' .'.-cis:i of JAM. Fraeer as W. M. : A Ah IAor Ml. S. W. ; Tharies Anderson. A.: J. 'id A uoerson. Sec v. : Forbes i IA.v!ar. Tr.. aud'tb MA'-., Tybux The i ' a- r : . ; ; p,. boedled on Mo-.I iv. j nl h a :. ;hor. -at one O clock p. 1 A" A A". b Mr-a r I. i' . Clark. tn.. 11 y ThV- ;:; is to oe pitb.ic. at tae .-.iii-'oiiic .e-'Autv, ;:;.; itc,!ix.ic. Wo hare re-ta'tv.-i coey of this valuable Oregon !ehl':-a'i,a trot; the -i;bli.--her. Air. S. J "'F am" - k. nnd hod it full of useful iu Unnt'ion and statistics relaiive to the F-'-.hitaei an 1 resources of Oregon, adm'g'on and Idaho. It contains an ao-.'.r tct of ih Into census of Oregon. 'Aa-he; returns. a:;d ranch other inteiest lag laattta djs Axt) Shoks -M esters. P r 0 i 7. : n 3 n . ;id;hun A Co.. in White's building, Fort 'Ctb hare all that any person needs in 5:;4 5 'Ot and shoe line, and their stock is ta." very best, quality, while their - sa-.e s iow. il not bjwer. than any ace it,,' r.'.t,. ir .1 ,.. x 1 c'o, - w nit : 0 1,101 i' !"ty your boots and'Mioes, don't fail to c vc them a call. 0r" on Lrcrp Our friend Piles, the man tvli' (, rbedy in Oregon knows as the ' -e'crfui and obliging purser on the Alert. d with a sad accld--nt 0:1 the ice ti is tie was skatmg and ted and an- pita rpersen ran on bi:n. cutting a painful gash in his head with the skates. Ftioznx. A man was picked up one uy this week on the hill nearly frozen to Mbh. Jt appear:? that he loft town in an ia'e-clcpel condition and it is supposed Ftp he fed out of his wvgon. ' Had per s in u p s - m him. he would hare been -ahi-d.st .b-uak for this world, as he A' ahl have frozen sti:T before uwrnia". w ::iT::t:m For the past week the """ibmr his been remarkably cold for '-.g.-m. Lie indici'ions are at present b' A the river from this pbico north will o fy..l ,,o. though U is vet fief to iv'v i"n; ,)"!n''o the cold weather will Pb ,!.- The river Is closed below Portland. n.vx?s H-rATrnxo. There is a bad hole U'i snn:l! --'' r tke cisiern cover. nn orner of Fou-th nnd Main p;r,n.; .v; repairrng befoae some datn- Cu:nsTfAS ri::;-i;xT. We s?haii be mo;l happy to give ail persons who are In;lubt to this office a ChrisisJVis ' present in the shape of a receipt. It v. onhl 1 sucb a niot th:n- to cou:uiece the New Year even with the printer. - S:c.i.Ti:a The skatiii-j; excitement has fieea very h";rh diiring the p it week. nnl the yorung foilw. and gomj of I he older, have had a preat l-al of fun. ssnd some blaciv eyes, bruised faces. &o.,ns a re ward lyr their ia le.s'ry. Di:roi:AT.;:). The Episcopal Church will be beantifitliv decorated next -Sundiv in accord nice wi'b the- car. to vi of that do nomiaa'.ion on Christmas 1 ly. Low Yyatkh. Thy low &taa: of water has conipeiled t-ie upper boats to lay up a-iin. There ..are nrw o:j'v. two ban's ninnina; above. W doift appreciate ihis Fovx:. A friend of oars Sound a purse can tain;:-.? money tliis week. The owner can have ihe , ?.:iiKi by proving, proper! v and paying charge?. . Sixt:ra Pc:io;)T.. Mrs. McCJibbeny re q-:ests ns to s-ati' iliat she was unavuida uly t-e;tt las: Saturday from her .school, hat she wiii hereafter bo on Land. Acsvt. Mr. Fred. Strong has been ap pointed station agent r.nd operator for the iliitruad Company at'thls place. Nota'U- Vi-Uliw. We have been dnly c unml.ssiani'd as Notary Public for Oregon from Clackamas cotitity, liy-the (Jovernur. It-' yon go to Fort land to. buy jewelry for liotiday presents, don't fail to go and exuuuuf ttie rieh stock that 1. L.Stoue. Xu. hrt Front street, iris on ha::d. I::::. Messrs i'iattiey & Kent up ice for next summer. are putting Judge Oaley died at Astoria, on the 21st. Tin: Au:tK-5T o;-- J. K. FA!:n. IIov.- tr WA.sn )xi; ax: w.iat Fon T:r: -incz;-. Mttxr x or u:.-? i-'-u.jt c;tt:-::-:. The Oygonltn !tas the f illovrl:. parilcnlars of tin' arres: of Jacob K. Oaer, at this place, hut, Satur day : Jacob K. Fear Is the red rtame of the nmti arrested last Saturday at Oreeon City and taken below on the steamer. The crime for which' he was arresVd was committed at Frownsville, Nebraska, and t e rerpiisiiion ea:u,: from tie- (; pernor of that state instead i Nevada, as !.!efji;.t, staled ia (tie papers. TI was n i'petrnted :n Auge. e en; :e;:teni J . ;;.i. end the t:.ken w '. S . It from -the Unit, at Consisted of Sie-- r'e'es i.X'it a.'-s (. o 307 ia money ate! valn-tba tr.itislt. ami valaab-e pack prckf.ges i: pes on haml uneabe-.i lor. Know:! m cxpn-.-s p-nriarice as - on hand package.-?. - Ja reality the crime was efpiiralent. to a robbery, as he took the packages eian lestinely bom the t-Pae and ran -away in the nlir';?. Alter d-)dgi:t around under an r.sr.nmed name, not Ftoppin.' lotig anywlie.ve, he came here ab otf nie.e month.s ;uro : word very s ma to Victoria, ana re! it rued to this cltv five or six months sinee. Mr. Mills, tl.-e S ape. ,i(-leni of Weds. Far-ro Sc- C-o's. o.lice ia tliis. city, having had infarinailon of the robbery an:i a dose; option of the man. ; t on his track very soon after his second arrival here, rnd kept hint Cott s'atttiv nenler sttrveill-imte til! the day of s arrest. Wishing to see-ire some ;;or- ; ion of the ( nde-zzled treasure. Mr. Mtt's waited a ior-g tine- for itl-gotten to )!y. Fin i ago. findkig that. 1 er considerable stim of ser to splay his a to e;'h depesif a he tele al egetb Co at y. about had on m-mov. graphed t Henry Kip, the gene; of tic United Sta'e-s Ilxoress Oarih wi,h a, nnu c.d. A I. Aaoarm was sent out j a re.'ruswt m ior b on-s arri'-t... s co m e cue under an n -suiued n and the ih-st, iniPi! itiim E tor had of d 1:1- g'er wa.a the service of warrant tr.r Ids ar i rest. Poor at he ilme of the en:b"-;;le- metjt wn t lie Cos agetif. at E-rownsville. ! A .-'tort time be lore he had get. up a rob- be;-y -n h;s own accoaut. wlticit. for a time, was oulte a .sensation, lie had the duty to pes form of conveying to the cars, the express paak'g'S sen' away every d 'v. This was done i-ar'y in fhe ;u tmitig before d iv ligltf. ii iving otie morning a vain tble !;e .so re e : ore ;s,he I brew it out of fhe wagon, at a ca m ronton by lonely pl-mo. jumped out fd the wag ei. stint him sef it; the arm with a ppp.j, scared the horses, tuakbur them !-ue away, and then rushed back, reporting hime! robbed ami shot bv to ep-e's. I!; w 1 s laid up with a lame arm '01 a ! .v d pvs. and then w.uil b u : to ids one ploy m-mt iti the ofiic-. Meato ttme. o.- on ' m umtng of the pretended r.0,bory. he Pole the t re:;15 ttrer box attd bo-!-. I p. At Iirst ii w 1- generally ledier j'.i ihat ho pad been robbed, hut it h. sinee been Filsc-'svered ihal he himscb was the only action. The r'-b'oer engaged in the trans money ohmicd bv this per- iarm-m :. was no p-sr! el toe i-ata wit it which it" 1I1 Fly ran away and fur whtah lie is now under arrest. Paer. at t!ia tini'. bad a yout;g wi'A at Prowt.svllie. Nebraska, who has sfnee pvoetjre.l a di vorce lroi:i hut a fact of which he was not aware. Cireums'auees have been de: reiopelln the i n res! Ig at ions that, hare been prosecuted which show that no! only the embezzlement, hat the robborr abore mentioned, were the premeditated nets of a vidian. We get this ie.forr.ta- lion from a gentleman who has full knowledge of nil the fuels. PoAn;)fK I It: . T.rtr. -The Foard of Health mot lit the court room. Present Dr. Earchty, Chtiirma-i, Dr. Satfarrans and Vv". V,A Puck. Dr. Parclay reported ihat there wer no indications of any new casos of smail-pov in Mr. Dodge's family, ami that "s- I '!oge. wiio had had an aback oi vario kid. had cimipb-fely recovered. It was resolved taat Dr. Da relay be re quested to e-iH at the residence Mr. Podge, and uako run her examination as to fhe condition of his family, ami desire him to have thoroughly washed all the clothes or materials used during his wife's illness w;th the small pn-c. an 1 also to fummabe tne 11 on so end furniture. '' It was further les.-dvod that (he cifv Marshal be mtrnc'ed to o.,en I'm Fb'v new closed on account of Ue "mab-pov 1 b " o"i!ie. is otrecteii to send a of tbe;;e proceo.Ung in oeeh of th papers of Portland, and to the ;'--this cit r. 1 ' Copy daily sc. o! Tiw'nard adj-vtrncd. to meet n-a:n on iaa;su iy next, at U o clock. S. Lb Poco ' , -refarj Loard of Health Dec. lO'.h. la'Mb . Jrno:: r CVn:r CorxTV.-Gov. G rover has appointed Cant. Tichoner .Jd-, 0r b't-ry county, m the yiy c e- e ' by the do i?h of ipvi. G. M. Scud ' ' " A iMogra,m frin Veu'-bi- nTchaniEsc at Foriiand. spprtiiser of Facts xot Coxstitctixo a Ro:uAnci-:.--The people of Salem were, considerably surprised to hear, about a msnth since .that, a l.uly wlo tad been left in comfortable circumstances' by her late husband was wedded to a person considerably younger titan herself, named Y. lb Chandler. The day of the marriage he drew over So. (););) of her money from the bank, and they took the iirst train for. Portland and wen: by steamer lor San Francisco. The gen era! prediction made here was that she had been deceived into tnirrying an adven turer who wonid-seeure what money he could easily lay hold of and make some excuse to forsake her. This prediction has been verified by thu return of ihe lady, woo;.-:, and it appear.- that the. d y before the sailing of the steamer, jnst arrived, he famished her with a pretended telegram forged tor tin occasion, and fdgr.ed wl-.it the name of her oldest son. which stated Salem were taken that her children at- down with small-pox. S he was therefore induced "to return next day. while he fotntd an o.vmn' thjsl he had import:'!; t !e;s;n"ss which made it necessary that he shook! reman until the next steams r. i ne falsehood of the bogv.s dispatch gives ho Me. to this, end we must conclude that he h:s deliberately acted the vil'aia. it Is unpleasant to relate these things, but it is the duty of a : public journal to exm se dishonesty, and there fere make these hats known. .' -'.v.' .--.-.-, OtvattAt. Vis.rr. lb-. Filis. vi.-idng phy sician. c.ccomp-m:e:i by !r. K.-ii5 -ick. Lr. I'tspector of Marine Hospitals, and K. P. Font, of San Franmseo, m de an extra of ficial visit tii the Insane Asylum on Fri day last. Ir. Kaiioek rem irked that he had never seen an iustbufion of the kind conducted in so aide a manner. The gen CiuS hyglrii of- the institution was com-tn-nled on at considerable length by both physicians, and it was conceded that the institution stood superior to- any on the American continent, no far as regarded all the comforts and attentions necessary to alleviate the puffer ings of the unfortun ate who needed its fostering care. Jlcr all. S.M t.t. Pox. M'e hear from Coir.tn'f si e;er Feh'shniutt that the smdl-pox is stii! so-evading in the northern pari of- the c.oi.ity to almost an alarming extent. There has no; been less than thirty, eases, four of which have already been fatal. The disease still exists in eight or nine families. In one instance, every member of she family, consisting of eleven, being down a' the same time ; ami there will doubtless be many in ;re eases yet, as others have been exposed. Wo let re heretofore refrained fro a in iking any ex-n-ude I nun irks upon this p-bnful snbjee. but the time has coma when the people of this nttd rurro-iudmg community should be pti! upon their guard, in ismuch as we are informed thai a number of physir'ans r-til! persist in catling the uh-oo-e 15 ly chlckete -ox. m-asle:;,'" or some other c m parativeiy li armless diseas", thereby iu dacing porsonss to expose tLcmselves to it. who would u.ot otherwise (b so. Such culpable conduct on the part, of pinede'ng physicians cannot be too srong!y con dom med. and justly merits th- labuke given to a Portland physician a short time since iti a simiiar case. Ik-pnUicm J);::.!on:tsT s Moxtmt.v M'.G'A"!x:t. Choice Piterature. fashions, music, house hold matters, etc.. combining the ontertain iii.tr. the rUeful. and beautiful. The model parlor magazine of America. Splendid our. m ' premiums 1 jh each yearly std; serlber at 'tl .; . will b- senb imst-fiee. a beautiful iU ).) parlor c.hromo, sie 10 x l: and .;ui;' enu.il to bee cd! painting : or. fo:; .cd ;).) ex a'-o giren C-arter. si .a r 1 with the Sort Ctit'Oto ) the Mischief ions Pei.v' by FsxlT, price Si", '.;. each": frr. ior ei Oit extra, tteu ivtn.tttg ii-;-.u !;j ibo'enba-h. coze Flrcio. jcriee Alia) ) an I the oo.'jt) chrmtto ; fir, for 3.00 extra Jerome Thompson's masterpiece. '-Ileiwa tha's si . 1 Ao.O) r ooiag. " x in. price ccromocd or tjurtiey. bib-"- b to include the f brom or. tor tnree ;-a o e.o-pr--'. - ospin'A! will be sent -1 i A wa ! S.a's. Woohvr."' with the Al.t)0 chrotnos to two of the sub cribcrs. This is the most lit) oral oh? T its the way ot premiums ever m o..-. ledng b,t. GO in vab: for a clngl--::'. a-; I;-'I-..; retpbrlag otdy ! 1 : ca h or AIM b! in ralue for F b'it) in cask, or . .h t In value for A.".!-;! In ca.-a. or .S;dA b) In yaltie for Oadh) in cash, or AdbO;! in value i'e.r AAhd in ea-h. and the !5ae: atd taest chrotnos c!er published. Specituen opies ff the .l!r,-iz'r.-?. with circu'nrs, mailed free 0:1 receipt of !o cetbs. Add res. YA Jembngs Ibunorest. 8;jd Froadway. Ne-.y Yo;k. The chrome. 'Hiawatha's Wooing." without any other premium, will be given f-r only two su'i scibptlons, or one subscription lor two rears. jThe A'mei ic m 'aocb o-o-oo. for Xc ver.dor. comes to w ith an abundance of liloasaut and instructive reading tnaf lor nnd a goodly supply of attractive en-grtrr'-ngs. u-aklug it an acceptable con; p.m'e.ti 'special!y for the Farmer and Ata-t-Freeder. VAe Sit;. I in it most sub-j- ats pi-rtaiaicg to Farming and SFe-k. pdalidy discussed, and any who fail to ..rait themselves of its teachings deprive imms"; vos of much valuable praciicil knowledge on the various sobiects eon O'cied wi'h Farming. Stock-Preeding. Dairying. Wool Growing, Poultry Keep ing. vo, 'Ve will send She ExTitatmts" and Slnak Jn.nvtl one year for S.TOD to all who jiay iheir subscriptions ic advance. Wki.t.V, Itaa sniATot) Axxcap on P;in:;x ar,re;y axo Pu v.S'o ;xor.ir. vo:i 171. Ih' ; lot? Portraits.' Cha racier. nnd Epigra phies of numerous dlslmtrnlsko.l Men and Wo;nen. it contains thirteen Ma'ional Types of Female ib.v.uty : Organs of tho E'r.tin illustrated and defined ; '-What ban I Do Eest How to Etifer West Point as a Student ; Personal P canty, how . Attained: What i? the "use of Phrenology? Just the thing for learner.-. A inch am! racy 2o cent book, sent first post. Address cmieto. j'urcnoiogiC'it Journal. HS! Froadway. New Yob The iirst number of t he 10027 t:- S Tlitrul is re?e;red. it IS ftne-oie,.vpor : , sheet of eight pages, the largest of the young peoples' papers, full of entet tainlng matter good stories, dialogue.? ami piec-s for school eexerci.-C". pictures, etc. It is designed to cultivate a taste for Rural lib.0 $1. 00 per rear ; s-imrle numbers, ten rentx Published by IP N. F. Tpewis.pub. Western Il'ir.d. Chicago. III. "7nF.it: Xam--; is Leoiox," rmr be npr.bed ta those who die annually ot C msumphom Srrce has of late years s-mMhly dimimsh ed t' nmb", nn 1 it is cratifvi ig to know that Dr. V.'ist'ir J2-!Tm of Will Cha-ry h oa created a potent influence in attaining this end. O.-guTi Z.wle Tin. 3, I. O. of .. -a -, Meets cvtry Thursday even AA 7r-Sr',S''- -eg at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's " ' ' lbbtl, Main s cct. Mf.yot.-r-- of the Order ars invited to attend By order. It von wish the verv oct-'t Caht Photo.rnnh'', vou mast end 01 i!l? !i,!-;Y A PJJL'oFSON, 43!bMontgomc. y 'street, San Francisco. n viMilMO. ! i . ,r :r REDINGTON, UOSTETTER & CO. I " I At the residence of the Bride's father, fit Pleasant ILH, Nov. 24, 1S70, by Ker. J. V. . M"ore, Mr. James V. J)ugbi3 and Miss Vioia Allis ilowlett, of Clackamas county, Orego 1 If you desire rasy cheeks 2nd complexion fa r and free fo.an piintO.es, blotches, ere.-; tions, pa ify your blood and invigorate your sy.stom by taking Dr. Pierce s Alt.'Mxt. t r Geiden 2ddic.;I Uiscovery. It has 110 cqu .' for this purpose, nor as a remedy far Jan ; Complaint, ' or B:I ousness. Constipation o; tae ibe.v-.-!-? sevcte in; serine: Cousrhs in I Bronchitis. Sehl by drejrg'sts. Dr. Pierce's I pnvate tfavci line, lit it rv, tun! itamp, bear nig u;;.n ;t tae words 'U.S. (a 1 tiheute o! (Senuineee.-S " is o.l the oul.-ude wrappt r too genahie. PACIFIC boot amd mn imm, Oram! Opening. Out OF CUP. FALL O0ODS- op - Boots & Shoes, TO JiS i;;.7AILED AT WH0LSSilI2 - FIGUHSS. T 11 II lAItGIUST AltlOUXT In Any Ectail t-srs en tiio Pacifls Coast. v: 11 a v n" c o ots f o it Mgii, Boys cx Children, OF ALL SHAPHS, STYLE and QUALITY. DIFFIdlilNT KINDS f MiMS'-S FOOTS A hOX F. LFXKldirs tdiiLA!) QUILTED D0T- T ; m it;)t)i'S: puck 1 :-;r. mam's danp-m adf slmmip J,!).;TS, Fr.-nch Calf, So-gie Double a;.d Tan Soles : rii shape-1 ; EbbilLb'S StOuTS, Fine CnF, Chnr.n.-1 Mai e-i, and P.-g-e ! sua! T'an;-ed SoFj : Itaavv C;.'.f, Doa'dft Sole, Wee Cailted a.ol Tap Soles ; Light Kip, Tap it-oKs M eit'.-. ituv's aiol-i btbii en's. SFIFbtt'dt'tl'S J-dtLXCi! SCblAVFP ibi ibAtddd !! i A MADE buOlS, II -aw and i.i-bt f'alf. KFMlbS. Ft ).'.;" a A IHiUCIiTON'S ftOD FPEV-, itetchehi -v's, .'ubnsoii A- Wood's Partvidire's ;o.d P ;eiiiv.e 1 & bo CAfd' Kll' atid SLATUllTEit PV0TS, 11. ste; 11 M anufacturr . CjsIii.j3-3! 1:1 tVos-Jc rAiTc Ex;!:.K'y, IIEClPf Plb'o-t. EXITED VfOTUHTMaMFX, (hdiforrda .!.-operaives, M.nk- A bo isiur. itackiug.oi - Jb ci.tb, ;oot ;r;;n ,ba- -' !oat (,! .). nru SL ! ! b, .lb;ULNS. I LAIMi-X' aa.l CiilL-DUl-AN'S DitbSS b A LMOitALS. '.Ve hare abm a fpi assormeat of GEXTI.E MUX'S FidlXCil CAFF, IIAXF-MAFF bb F.) Ot.C.xC VIi-c, Cbi!i-rt5 I"fin: c Albci t- T'o e who e ashler theiuselrei dihbcu't t. tit or su t w ii h a boo t or Shea, we none! b very mucO picked to hare call and examine -. ur gou ts. Prolxman, GlHCinn '& Co., IbVIMFIF BOOT AIF) SHOE HOUSE, o. 2 SS Front Street, POETbAXD, ()EFb;t)X. Oc'bttf blfiU!.lb? t-.inti-.i 1 3 A 2 L E Y , H A s-2 mn il f i GO,3 Succc.-.;:o:s of L. Dn.ta-n in the Linco'n Pakmy, buUFQ.ibEAYE TO IX FORM THE CITI JL3 cas i.if Orecon (-hty ami rut reuiuiing c;.ntrv, that'tbev keep coiistai:t!y on l.anu ami t'-r sale, ad kbds of lJKEA i, FK (d!Au CAFES, PAST FY, CAM PIE AND Xl'TS. Also, a good and general assortmcn? of FAfIiLY GROCERIES. Orders j.rnriffy filied. aml.poads d. lirct ed at the rcsbb-ui. of the pu; chasm- w ittn desifi. d. T: e highest p: ices paid far Butter, Fggs and Yegetahi s. A liberal Mmre of public, patronage is re spect full r srdi.uted. Ann! i'S. Hbihiv - HRST Will lips ITS THE CELEFlt ATEf) 3 DDT Aim mOZ niiEEB. A P- PIIEblFS, has oprned J e a shop in conunnv W:lh U.CiiAKXlCK. on Main 'street, jM- one door above Titos. Ch iriion's i ba where thev vvili be ready to receive ' riris for all kimls of Pacts and Shoos to salt the people. Ladies shoes made in the latest and bes style. "Nothing but Santa CrttzT leather is used for sales, and for the uppess, only the very be-t .piality of Faon.m t alf and kip. Kepniring of all kinds promptly .attended fo, at law rate an! i:i a neat manner. jblFidbS k CIIAUNiCJv. Oregon City, Dec. Ik.'lnr"- AOSI7 T3 WAITTSD. In ail parts of the United States, to sell L. V. DEFOREST & COYS Aliimmiim Gold Jowolry ! A CENTS ARE M A KINO R2eo TO SGOo J. A per week selling the Aluminum .iew cby. The host iniifation cf g dd ever ii;ti e-lne-d. It lets the exact color, wh'ch it. al ways retains, and stands the tert of the strongest acids. No one can ted it from gold only by weight the Alorainuai (odd being ebont I -10 tighter. L. V. h'KFOKTtsr A Co. are selling their goods for 1-1 p t!ie price gold pewelry is sohl t'.r, and on most liberal U rms t pgents 1-t c o h, bbar.ee in f.o, fio and f 1 ilays. We send pcrsjns wisldi g ' netns agents!, a full and complete asartmcnt of goods, -consisting of Seals, bracelets. Lork rts. Ladies' aiid Oc'nts' Chains, Pins, Kings. Sleeve Mnttntis, Studs, A-c., for 'b)o $. to be paid when !k 1 good are received, the other " in 30, Co and 00 days. Ibirfes wi'-bing t- order goods rmd 'art 13 nerevO-s J address" I- V. UTIi-'OItliST ?j CO., p) ajid -12 Fro;v.lw-y, ... a. J 21 ' AUCTION AND COMMISSION S. c ; - ( ' Fcp c. fdw cents yon cimi Lmf :S jx::r Grocer cr I).?uggl:;t r. - i-clrr-o cf SEA 31033 FAMINE, Mince frc:n pure Irlbbi Hosib, cr CarnirjcCii, wIiIcm will emiIig .'.Ixtccn qnsrttd of Bl'nc blnnrce, fiEtd n IlI:o f;;antily cf Pud cIIiif, Ci:stsr;l Creainr Ciisr lGlto,..Eusr;c7 Lq. It i;s tiio clicapest, healliiiest, nnd most Celicloss food in Uio Trcrld. Ii malic.'i a splendid Bossert, and Iins no cqnbl as a ligM and dclicato food for Iiivaiids and Cliildron. A Glcrions Change I ! Plantation Bitters. rctjtomliivc t5 Hzq fS2ccantta-c-2-atr of tl2ft fbcHo ntsxtcl do:;5i2' Cnlo-bl, A--; n toraac n;2d ccrcilisl for tl2s agieil nzi& lagakl!, il nc"a2C5. -3 a 10232027 3Tc2 ciso ncrvcrtn vycaliiicij to xx-SaScIa Tortiaczit zzi'o especially Gzalv Joci, it i- citzzcrsc&mg every iales, Srop-;c."iIl, tomicrn;fo, or iz-gM, ii :icp m a npcsiSs i:a every spocaes of dl.jtDtrxIcs xvlaicua t!s:3dcr-:2a2233 CSae E;ctliSy ajaeiagrtEa sssail tvcnSss alo-ivr-i glue aa3i2a2ral spisvis. Foa sale toy Aug. 10, 1S70:1 THE CIEEAT b '. 1 ' An Tii fallible zs 1.033 prairista, posscst? vsro xo.tjic rmd xrciiYi.ts proocrtiea r. certain euro for KSinttftiATistti, coa. r.tjti'iJ.'.i.GiA, ui) el all luudrcd Discescs. It ceiepiett ly restores the fo stem when Ira- -j nired 'oy l:se;ife, revives Ike eclica of th .- ri.tu.i.T.-i-5i uoA GiisrrAi, oscaxs, radi cally cr.rea scnoFtxA, s.u.t Ei5aa:;.n cad zll e-;im;i' ivi: citTAszaus Dis cuses, ives immediate nrd x'-crinanent relic-: in i v.;r-:rt-si.-i, eis-vsi2eias. Tumors, Iteile.. Sabl Head, Ulcers rued Gores; cradl rates fro::i tiio systia. r.Il traces of Alereuriae. Ii:is-rKC, ' It is mr-ji-' vG:t?anit, being made from an leal) foau.l indenous ia CaitfortiP. It is tt;ercforr; pacubarly suitalilo b;r usa by re-raales and Ciiiif.rcu, zs a ciooa t;:r Fir: is oaj nn:;ovATo::. Tor Cat ty at! Crutpsts. nCBtKCTCK, HQSTCTTCr, a ce. bbO c-jicL CGI Idlarbtet Clrect, flaa rrazclsct). Oct. 2tbmn JTOTICE. o The Peoples Transpcrtatl-on .Company YflLL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FriObd ORG 8 ON G!TV AS FOLLOjrS: rOIl P01XTLA rtD : At 7 A. M-. every dav, except Sunday. And 1 P. M. Monday, Tuesday. Thurs day and Friday, FOIi Galcm, Albany and Corvailis. xxr ox MONDAY, WEDNESDAY' AND FRIDAY, KOIl' o A- A. MrfULLY, President. 97. 16,1 A, A, 4 -.ft. BLOOD raiffIE8s ' ,' A A CP V. : ,' , " m-mav ;A;;:b, AcAA-J S3 :AtX' V- ' ' 0 n .r-'" Slop lliat Coiiglilng! Sonterf you can't, and we pity you. You have tried every remedy but t! a ONE destined, by i s inti insic merit, to suiitusctle all similar preparations..- It is not surprising you should tie lebw tant to try something else af.tr the many r pa i intuits ye tt have made of trashy couipnuads foisted on Jhe; public as a certain cure ; but f2-G"c!iys Pulmonary Syrup is reel ly. the YERY BEST remedy t-rer ceiiipoteude 1 for the cure of (.'vufiX, Cota.i, Sore Thrt-oU, Asthma, l'i;topjitg (?trt!Z!t!, BnirtcAiilt old Cans iimp I Ion. Thousands of p oj!e in Cabf.n ni l nnd Oregon have bceir idready btnefitedby the surprising curative' powers of McvelPs Pulnicnary Syrup end with one Rceord give it -heir nn qua'ihcd approbnt'on. We now add; ess ourselves to all who are unacqu-tintcd with this, the siTiHest panacea t the age. for the healing of all diseases of the ThixaU. utiH Lungs, assuring 3"ou th.it osIFs Pulmonary Syrup bis cured thousands, an it will cure Y-OC. if you. try ir, This iuvalmdde medicine is pleasant to the ta-tc ; soo h ins", heiihag an.l strengthening in its eilVefs ; entirely free from all poisonous r deleterious druees.and perfectly liaria- 2less under nil circumstances. For tili; Ity all liJrijggiats. RKDINGTON, POST Ed"! Ell & CO, 41G and 41S Frout street, San Francisco. liCKlKgtOIl'S Essence Jamaica Ginger, 1ik:ch A coiif:-li)iflv rfcvr.inrenilt d as ike Vent prepca tion ncto Iff ore the public. This valuable preparation, containing ii a diiiddy concentrated form all the properties of J amaica (Jinacr.bas become one of the most popular domestic reme dies far all diseases cf the stomach and fllgcstire organs. As a tonic, it v. ill t-c found invabi ible to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; far while it imj-aits to the system all the alaw and rigor that can he proebiced br wine or brandy, it Is entirely free from the reactionary ofkefs that follow the use ot fbi its of any kind. it is a'so an excellent remedy far. females who sibfer from eliffieult meui siruation, giving a rncst . immediate re lief to the spaiins that so frequently ac company that period. It gives immediate relief to Nausea, ciee.sad by lading m a railroad cur, or by sea s'eki.ess, or other causes. Iris also valuable "s an external fp p'ileat'ou for Cout, Uheumatisin, Ncu--raigio, etc. II 1-1 D I X G T d T , IIOSTIHTTI-lIt & CO., 4.10 an ! -118 Front street, San Francisco. Enling ion's F I ay or 1 11 g E x t r a e I s A TIF THE P i-Tt I Tlf'TFY Pt RE AND highly c iicer.ti aten Fxtracls from Fresh Fruits, prepared with great rare. They lire pe.t up in superior stv'e, and in a battle holding TWICE AS" MUCH as the ordinary bra nds 'of Extracts. C inparing (piality ami contents, none other are ne.nly so cheap. Whenever tested on iuntiii iEiUTs,the.v have been ad pte-.l in preference to till ot'ieis, and are now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS of the Pacific C aast. MA21K THE ADVANTAGES. Py pr.rchasins Redington's Concen trated Flavoring Extract.-, you obtain an article uot only sispeiior ia ricioiess nnu debc ic. otdlivr.r to a '' o'her of a simi lar naiuiC, but far moie ecouMrbcul, bc caase each b ttb: hi Ids double tiie. eeiantity coutaim d in a buttle of any toher Uavoidng extract sold. KIuOIXUTClY, UOSTlSTTIill CO., Agents fortibc Facidc Coait. Would yoa escape FEVER AND AGUE, and preserve health and vigor-dnring tho s ckiy season, make occasional use of the fo! lowing as If you are ATT HIKED with ChiPs and bilious Fever, er hare been a victim to such bscr.se. and used other so-called remedies without permanent rclbf, seek at once the safh-.-t and surest - - CUES, by usinsr. according to directions MkBm & F0LURBsS- X Fever and .gtl0 Pill. Time has J'feved them t'.or.:Ughlv to be the sufest rual nwt reb jble remedy known. They contain no mercury or ot!,er mineral or chemical. Tlo y are exclusively rcce tabTe. Tlv y stinudate the fanetions of the F rer. Conge.-tien isimpossible where tje.c are ustel. They elo not deter from 'yni'y labor. Py a sisfir.g diee.-tion tl-cy add Sesh and nm-cleio j'.ic fraire. They are adapted to all ages and both aexes, ard as a family mmmomm Will CURE in their incrpiency, three tourths of all diseases in.-ldental to a re.atatuuis climate. For Dyspepsia, in small doses, fhey have no equal. Per sale by all Druggists. nnmxGTOev, nosTETTEr.it co., SOLE AGENTS. The Battle- for Life Which is continually going on between beaD.il and disease, "has never received from any medieine such marked nnd un mistakable ass.pta:ee, on the side of health, as it has from ficvoIPs Pulrnonary Syrup riSDISGTO?, irOSTETTKU & CO., H) and 41$ Tront street. San Francitco. A. IB. Hiclaardsoiiy AUCTION BE R ! ' Corner ot Frout and Oak'streets, Portland. A ACTION-S ALES Of Real Estate, Croeeric-s, General Merchan disc and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday f t. 13. IiicitAr.Dsox, Auctioneer. AT PRIVATE SALE. - o English refined Bar and Bundle lion English Square and OctHgon Cast atctd Horse shot, Files, Km, ; O Screws, Fiy-paus, hbeei jrou, K, G. Iron ; Aiso; A largeassottmcnt of Groceries and Liquora A. 13. IticiiAKDSON, Auctioneer Harvest of 1S7 ! I Selling off io Close o Mie Sraiirc --Stock ! - OF DRY GOODP, EE-fi DY-HADE CIOTHIKG, O o C0TS AND SHOES, Mens' Lae:ic!,3isscs,aICIdMB,' HATS AHD CAF. Crcceries, Crockery Glassand Plated Ware, Pairts, Oils, tamps. Wicks, ChiniEeys and burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has goi to ie sold Regardless of Price !Q fb. To convince ynr.rse.-lf with respect to this matter, call at the old coiner. I. SELLING, SouJi tfT'.pe Co.'s 7 in Here, Crest n City. JR RALSTON, IS STILL AT JUS OLD STAND. C0RXER OF MAIN am. SIXTH STREETS, ORECON CiTV, OR PGDN. 711 ERE II E WOULD INVITE HIS friends, and the public in general, to call and examine his stock, consisting ot .a geueiid assortment of , Hoots stsl Slaoej Ilzztn tint! Cpsf llardwarca' h3b Having frouc maaiy yars esperirtrea learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES III SHAIL profits:! IS DETER.MiXiEP TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS "WILL S h ncctheCi y of Pordand lb ices ! Oregon City, August 2StU, 1SGD. q JOHN MlclEItS UNDER THE COURT HOUSE, 0 OPEOON CITY. OREGON. RETAIL DEALERS Ftf KEY COOI, BOOTS SMOlES, . MAMIWAia3Ev "We also constantly keep on band SALEM C ASS I M F RES, FLA5WEF.S, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which we wit! 011 at the Factory lietes, and will take wool in exchange. q lWVTe w ill also pay the'bighest -price Tot uter, Eges, and all kinds of sood cemntrr produce. We will sell ar low as ariv 'hoi: in Oregon, for Cash or its er;uiva!eut in eood merchantable produce. fibr Gire irs a call aiid'satVfy VoursePrcs. Sheriff's Sale, BY VIRTUE OF AN FXECUttoN t'ft. sued out of the Circuit. Court 'of be State of Oregon, for the f'onntv of 'Cftackn mas:, in favor of Patrick Daly, 'ptajntiflF, anA against Saul Wixon.defendan"ttfr the sum of four Vundrcd and niney -eight dollars, (flOS 00), in U. S. gold coin, now due. and with interest at the rate of ten per cent, ger an num from the.Sath day of October, 1S.0, and tl'2 further sum of sixtv-two 90-100 dollars rG2 fiO) costs. I hare levied upon and on Monday, the 26th day of Deember, 1870. at o'clock n- m.. at the Cotirt Nonse door. Q in t)regon City, in said toniHy. I will sell at rublic auction, tothe. highest bidder for U. S fold coin, 'to satisfT Mid execution, cost and acennn? costs, an m uie rigni line ana inferes-t of said Saul Wixon in and to the. following described real property, sitftitedt in said Clackamas county, to-trit : TK sonth-ea't qtiarter of section twenty.nne, (29). east half of ionf h-west quarter of aee t on twenty-nine (29) ; east half of north east quarter of section thirtv-tTTO (S3), con taining three Minorca . ami twenty (520) acres, all in township five, peath range, one ecst of the Willamette meridian. - ARTHUR TKAKNER. . SheriCf of Cbicitnaa county Oregon City, tvPber 25iS70.w4 o 1 ' o o I- 0 G O 3- c i O o o b P.nTrPTnlY OF R A MP. T? OPT T.TRRARY.