O O o o o o o o o o A Beautiful Thought A man without some religion is at best a poor reprobate, the foot ball of flcstiny, with no tie linking him to infinity, nnl to the wond rous eternity begun ; but with a woman it is even worse -a flame without heat, a rainbow without color, a flower without perfume. A man mav in some sort tie his frail hopes and honors to this wcak- t f. . i i.ii ,. i -i1 smmnir irrouna tacKic. to ins misi' . , - --. , ness or the, worhl ; but a woman without that anchor called faitli. i adrift and a wreck ! A man may clumsily continue a soit of moral Tcsponsibility, out of relations to mankind, but a woman, in her comparatively isolated sphere, "where affection and not purpose is the controlling motive, can find no basis in any other system of right action but that of spiritual faith. A man may bring his thoughts and brain to quietness, in such poor harbonagc as fame and reputation as may stretch before him ; V jt a woman where can she put her Jiopes in storms if not in heaven? And that sweet truthfulness that abiding love that enduring hope, iiiellowintr every pane . anu scene of life lighting them with smok ing" cgnnon what can bestow it all but a holy soul-tie to what is stronger than an army with can non ? Who has enjoyed the love of a christian mother, but will echo the thought with energ, and hal low it with a tear? rn t r inr: jiousk of jikiuksi:nta t ives. We find the following in the Washington correspondence of the Chicago Journal radical pa pen The remocraic committee claim that they will have in the next house one hundred and eight mem bers, and that they only require a few revenue reformcrs(f ree traders) ia secure an organization in the House. Overtures will be at once made to revenue reformers elect, wiin a view m seeurmir tneir co- v. operation. The Democrats pro pose to throw their strength for revenue reform for speaker and other offices, with a view of defeat ing the straight lepublicans. Kight or ten of this class, they think, will be sufficient. 3 -- e-s The Territory of New Mexico wants to be admitted as a state into the Union. A population of 200,000 is claimed. As Colorado has a prior claim, it is thought that Con gress will admit that Territory first then, no doubt, if Xew Mexico will promise to work in the interests of the ladical party, she will be per mitted to come in. In such mat ters, the party now in power works solely for its own advancement. The radicals were very confident of carrying Delaware under the operation of the fifteenth amend ment. The fact that the Democrats carry every county in the State and elect every officer in it shows how greatly the radicals miscalculated when they counted on Delaware. The Democratic majority in the State is 2,470. George Francis Train, the great American blow-hard, who has been missing for several days, has at last turned up in a French prison. The Leavenworth llullftiii docs not know hownhis will additionally complicated matters between Rus sia and England, nor what effect it may have upon the Alabama claims, or our monthly ;as bill. Din EOT Immigration to the South A movement is on foot to send immigrants direct from Den mark, Sweden and Norway to Mobile, and thence to their appoint ed destination. Tennessee and other Southern papers encourage the project, and it will probably be carried out. -- It is said that the republican ma jority in Illinois, on the State ticket will fall short of 1 0,000. Two years ago if, was 50,000. Illinois is" get ting in good trim to swing back to Jier old democratic mooring m The Courier-Journal says : "The Xew York editors are con stantly talking of the Hull Gate obstuctions. Let them stop talk ing and go on. The obstructions won't keep many of them out." What is thats man may have never possessed, and yet leaves behind him ? A will. If a man's aim in this world be good,the chances are that he will miss fire in the next. Wmcir Place. A fellow in this county who has been for some time paying his addresses to a young lady, a few days ago started for Missouri. In a day or two after his departure the young lady sud denly left home, vowing that she would follow him to Missouri or h 1 A few days ago we would hare supposed those two localities a stand off, but since the Radicals have been cleaned out in that State we hope soon to hoar that our friends have turned up in OId3Iissoury." Dt nocraf. Have You a Core; it. Cold, ;Pa in in the Chest, or Bronchitis ? In fact, htiye you the ' premonitory symptoms of the -'insatiate archer," Consumption ? Know that relief is at hind in lf'itar' Balsam cf Wild Cier- TO TIIE XEIIYOUS S DEBILITATED WHOSE SUFFERINGS ii a Ye been Protracted from Hidden Causes. I AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE Prompt Treatment to render existence desirable. " If vou arc suffering ct hacr suffered, from involuntary discharges, what effect does it produce upon your general health ? Do you teel weaic, debilitated, easily tircl ? Does a little extra exertion produce palpitation of the heart? Does your liver, or urinary or gans, or your kidneys frequently get out ol order i Is your urine sometimes thick, milki or fiocky, or is it ropy on settling ? Or docs a thick scum rise to the too-? Or is a sedi ment at the bottom after it lias stood awhile: Do you have spells of short breathing 01 dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated? Do you have spells of fainting, or rushes o' bioou to tne head ? Is your memory mi paired? Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subject ? Do yo;i feel dull, listless. mopnig, tiretr or company, ot life ? Do you wish to be left alone, to net away from every body ? Does any little thing mike vou star t or jump? I your sleep broken or restless? Is the lustre ot your eve as brilliaut i I lie bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you en j y yourself irr society as well ? Do you pur sue vour business with the same energy? Do you fool as much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to (its of melancholy ? If so do not lav it to your liver or dvsncn-sia. Have vou restless nights ? Your back weak, your kuees weak, and have but little annetite, and you attrib ute tlia to dyspepsia, or liver complaint? RE A self-abue. venereal diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of producing a weakiics of the generative organs. The organs of generation, when in perfect health, MAKE TIIE MAX. Did You Ever Think that those bntd. defiant, energetic, persevering successful business men, are -.lways those whose generative organs are in perfect he.dth ? Von rever hear such men complain of be ing melancholy, of nervousness, or palpita tion of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in business; they don't become sal and discouraged; they are all ways polite and pleasant in the company ot ladies, and look you and them right in the face none of your downca-t looks or other meanness about them. I do not mean those who keep the organs inflated by running to excess. These will not only RUIN THEIR CONSTITUTIONS, bnt al-a those they do business with or for. How many men, from badly cured diseases, from the effects of self-abuse and excesses, have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced the general sj-stcm so much as to induce almost every other disease LMAC IT. spinal affections, suicide, and almost everv other form of disease which humanity is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored for all but the right one. Diseases of these organs require the useof a Diuretic. HE 110 OLD'S FLUID EXTRACT !UCHU is the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for disease of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel. Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Female Com plaints, General Debility, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. If no treatment is submitted to. Consump tion or Insa.-iiy may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Pos terity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. ITELMBOLD'S HlXTBiCT I5UC1IU, Established upward of Nineteen Years, IS PREPARED BY K. T. HELIflBQLD,- Druggist, 594 Broadway, New York, AND 104 Scratli Tenth St., Phila., Pa. Prifift $1.2- per Bottle, or f, Bottles for So.oo, delivered to any address.. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. None are genuine unless done up in steel engraved wrapper, with fac-simile of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed H. T. HELtVIBOLD. Aur. 2 H7'.!y i GREAT REDUCTION PRICES 33. L. STONE'S, No. "SOT Front Street, WALTIIAM "WATCHES, GOLD OliOIDE WATJIIIKS AND CHAINS, K FINE JEWELRY AND ML. " vc. .All at Srew York Prices. SPECTACLES T"0 SUIT ALL EYES. EYERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED. Watches and Jewelry repaired. juOtf TIIE " ISGEK" SEW FAMILY SEWING BIACHIWE, IVith Altticlwentsforall kiwis of Work, in f ixt icinning J'aror in the house hold, as siow, by ul( of last xjtor, uiivjimting to eighty-xtx t'lO'tsdiid dcrt-ti Itiuiilrtd itn i eighty-one JT.icliines, whirlifar excee 1 iUse vf ny other Company. This new FAMILY MACHINE is capable of a ranjje and variety of work such as was thought impossible, a shrt time ajo, to per form by machineiy. S e claim, and can show tho-e whom it mr.y concern, that it is the cheape.-t, most 'beautiful, delicately arranged, nxely ailjnsted, easily operated, and smoothly running of ail the family Sewing Machines. It is remarkable, not only for the range and variety of its sewing, but also for the variety and different kinds of texture which it w ill sew with equal facility and perfect ion, using S.lli Twist. Linen or Cotton Thread, tine or coarse, making the INTERLOCKED ELAS TIC 8T1TCL1, alike on both !-i les f the fabric sown. Thus beaver cloth, or leather. n ay oe sown wnn great stiengiu ana nut formity of stitch, and in a moment tids will iing and never wearying inm li no may be adjusted for line work on gauze or gossamer tissue, or the tucking of tarh tan.or ruHling, or almost any other work which delicate lingers have been known to peifonn. Purchasers can soon be convinced that our new Family Machine embodies NEW and essential principle- simplicity of construe tion ease of op' ration uniformity ot PRE CISE action at an' speed capacity fr range and variety of woik, line 01 coarse, leaving all rivals behind it. Tlie Koltling Cases. The New Family Machine may he had in a variety of folding covers and cases. Som r-how in polished surface only the grain an tint of the wood, while others art linUhed in all the elaboration of art. TIic Attachments For Hemming. FeU'ng, Unfiling, Rraiding. Binding, Cording, Gathering, Tucking, Km broid' ting, Ac, a'-e not only numerous, but now brought to great peifection. Must o! them can be attached or detached by a sim ple move ot the hand. The quality of the work can only be luliy appreciated on ob servation and examination. r.liicliiuc Twist, I.IX EX Til RE VP , SPOOL COTTON, OIL, iC. We have and shall keep in stock at our Central Oihce, and Agencies, o;i spuols of various sizes.) Twist of all sizes and colors. Linen Thread, Spool Cotton, Oil, and all other articles necessary in the use of our ma chines, ' vVe wish it understood that we manufacture the Twi-t sold by us ; that we shall him to have it excel in quality and exceed in quan tit y. for a given price, that of other manu factnrers, and that the TVUt made b- us in our new and extensive mills, supplied as thej' are with the most improved machinery and skilled labor J can be relied on for the desirable qualities of uniformity of ..ize,even ness, length of thread as marked oa each spool, strength, excellence of color, ami beauty of finish. The Singer Manufacturing Co., No. 13S Broadway, New Y'ork. San Francisco Office. Aug .139 Montgomery St. :3m JTEW WAGON AX I) Carriage Fel ants facto ty ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets. Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as many new ones as in;i ue oleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort ol a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concoru coacn. in me. JJlacksmithlng, Horse or Ox suoeing, and general jobbing neat I v, quickly and cheap Ivdone. DAVID SMITH. S UAPES SALOOX. . G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MA IX STREET, Oregon City. O next BILLIARD TABLES in OREGOX Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. THE B A It IS SVPPLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors anJ Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Dourbon alreadj famous Whiskies and ranch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE OV DRAfGHT. yTatniiies fupplicd. 3 COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Portland Oregon. TAprc CHAINS AN V JJUNUi?, oj.wvivo, $5 FIB ST PREMIUM 5 IMPROVED FAMILY SEWING MACH HE !2..'0 clear profit per day., 7.".00;r ireek. -:;oo j. r mouth inade easv by any Lady or CJextlimvn introducing this Gkxi ixk and Oiii3i-Ai. Old Favouitk. Wi h its many new ai d practical addilions, making the most vompl'U combination, of valuable and tk iiopi'i.ve uent's ever effected in any one ma chine. The cmbodimtnt of extreme situ plici y, efficiency and utility, entirely differ ent n model and design from any low priced mat h ne. It is the most scrvieeable.elegant and reliab'e Family Sewjxo M a ciiixg ever invented, gives perfect satisfact on wherever iutiod iced. Has leceived Prkmu ms. Stood the test of 10 years, and is fully approved ol by everv family who have ihem in use. 1 no'nele.s, inak-s the strong and beautiful Elastic Lock Sticii. with wonderful raph lty and ckltaixty. S ics anutliing a uei dh Avii.i. no Ti-noron, fio n the finest to the thickest fabric, firm and neat with Ues all kinds ol silk or thiead direct from the fpot-l ; is improved with new self-acting feed, spring tension, aelf-guider, and use the adjustable strahiut xkkcle. perpt ndicu lar motion, with po ver'ul 'ever a ti"ii. Pos sesses all li e good qualities of b bexf hitfli pricd vicc.'itics condens d, wit out their comp'iratio) or fatlt. Samples of sewing skxt fuEE on receipt of stamp For c rtili cMes, Ac., see hkschii'Tive pamphlki s,rnailef' free. A' thorough practical sewing machine for family use. "Tribune." A very strong and reliable machine, at a low ju ice. ".Stan dard.'' This beautiful sewing machine is one of the most ingenious pieces of mechan ism ever invented.-" Democrat," (ia. Worth many times its cost to any family ' Y. Weekly." It is quite a new machine with its many late improvements, and sews with astonishing ense, inp:dify and neatness. Republican," N. Y. Single machines, as samples, selected with care, ton family i sk, with everything complete, sent to any part of the country per express, packed in strong wooden box, fiiek, on receipt of price. -".oo. Safe delivery of g-'Oi!s guaranteed. Forward cash by registered letter, or P. (). money or der, at our ri.vk. Agents wanted, male or female, everywhere. New pamphlets con taining extra libeial inducement, sent free. Address Family Sew 1x0 Machine Co. Office 80 Nassau Strekt, New Yolk. LMOE DeFRAHCE'S a i BUSilfESS - COLLEGE, PORTLAND, ORBGOI7, For the instruction of riliddle-Aged Ien, Ycnrg Hen and Boys, In the branches of a Business Education. rpnis is without douivt a most JL thorough and efficient Institution, and has made for iisejf name in Oregon, of which its friends are justly proud. The branches which stand out prominen' :y in the curi iculum of study are I'.OOKKLEPING. C ) M E 11C I A L A H IT II M ETIC, POLITICAL ECONOMY, PENMANSHIP, COMMERCIAL LAW, CO U II ESI 'ON DEN CE , & C. A most thorough practical department is in constant operation, in which are com prised all the minutiae of business 0 flairs. Students can enter at any time. No va cations. Call at room; coiner of FRONT and AL DER streets,, or send for n circular continu ing full information. Address, L.VUUE.V & Oi FRAS CK. Portland, Oregon. The standard remedy for Con glis, Inflw fiua, Sore Throat, If 'hooping Cough, Croup, Aver Complaint, Bronchitis, Blet-ding of the fAtngx, and every affection of the Throat, Lunjrs and Chest"-including Coxsinirxiox. "XVist.-ir's lS:is:nti does not dry up a Cough, but loosens it. cleanses the lunjrs. and albiys irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. None genuine unless signed I. lit TTS. Prepared by Setii W.Fowle & Sox, Doston. Sold by Kedixgtgx, Hos. tetter A Co., San Francisco, and by dealers generaily. JelS:ly A. G. NVALLIXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery- OREGOXIAX JBUIJL,DliG, No. 5 "Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK ROOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. MUSTC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc.. bounds in everv variety nf siie Know n to tne traae. 1 . . . Orders from the country promptly at- tended to. JUSTICES? BLANKS, of every de?cr tion. printed at the Entkri k if m $5 GOOD $8 WATCHES, AT OLD PRICES. flavin f been the firot to adopt the plan of affording persons residing at a distance the opportunity of obtaining first-class watches for their own use, at wnoiesaie piico, ami beina also the original inventors and sol manufaturers of tlie widely advertised 0 ri-.lt Wartches. of which tlieie are so many imi tations, aim now tne inventors aim oie prietors and manufacturers ol Hie new ma terial, which we have named the No; ton Cold Mettl, (and secured in legil form.) mi i,erior to all other metals and tuny equal in .... 1 ....... t.n 41. .t. brilliancy 01 coior, weigui, i nu , u-c, i nm 18 karat gold, and to u ootainea uiiougn no V" 1. . rn ..-tw 1 11 1 1 1GI1 111 i o". lifer source. n k mi . . v.,..... he retail business so successluliy conaucteu by us from 1S57 to I8O0 in connection with our wholesale depart met, for the purpose of placing airain a reliable hue ot our special- ties ueioie uit piiu.iv--. Also being Sole Agents In the United States for the Liverpo 1 Watch Co. we are autoi ized by them to close out a large line of Furopean Watches, chains, Ac. now in stock tor, cash at prices never before known. All beautitul in tinUh artistic in de sign, reliable for accurate time, durable and of the latest stvlet. Every Watch will be retailed at less "than the cat of transporta tion, ard forwarded securely packed, pre paid, to any part cf the country on rect ipt ot juice. Aloney can be sent to us by Ex press, with orders for Express Co. toeturn Goods or Cash, which w ill secure pronr.pt ness and safety to purchasers. Among our lic-t will be lb tu d A Heautiful English Silver Solid Double Case Watch, genuine English full plate jew eled movement, adjusted regulator, steel cut hands, engine turned nerl, correct and ser vicable article, large or small size, in com plete runni: g order with an elegant Gent's Vest Chain, Locket and Key, all complete, mailed fieefor --?i. A Very Handsome Watch in line IS karat Gold plated Double Cases imitation of $10o' Gold Watch engraved or plain, geniine English full plate jeweled movements, ad jusred regulator, conect, and in .complete runi.ing order with elegant Gent's Vest Cha u, with Locket and Key, mailed, pre paid lor only fcS. The Orsde Cold Watch In Massive Oride Gold Double hunting Mag ic Spring Cases, elegantly engraved, or en gine turned. Genuine Patei.t Lever Move ments, full jeweled, regulated and w arranted to keep correct time, and wear equal to gold, precisely like in appiaranoe, make, liitish. bii.haney of cohr, to j2no Gold Watch, some of thes; splend d watches will be tor warded by mail free to any address, in hand some morocco case, lined with velvet and satin- (Ladies' or Gents' size Watch,) for only L-. Patent Stem Winder, Or Keyless Watch. Winds up from the Stem, requires no Key can not be wound the wiong way, in heavy Oride Gold Double Cases, three-quai ter plate live Jeweled Lev er Movement, Exposed Action. Accurate as a Timekeeper. Snpe.ior regulated. Single one sent to any address by mail, n handsome case for 1.". The Norton Watch. This widely known, reliable and elegant Watch, so long and fully approved of by the Government and Uailroed Officials, is now encased in the new improved Norton Gold Mtt.il, the very latest discovery in the sci ence of Metallurgy," which for hardness, durability and brilliancy of color and j olish has been found to surpass all other known met. lis. It does not tarnish by wear, expos ure to heat, moisture, change of climate, or t.ie action or any acids or gasse, and per manently retain its beautiful color Hilly equal to the tint st gold, and never wears out. This c-eh bratcd watch is in solid double hunting cases, of X01 ton Gold Metal, rich design artistic in tioi.-h, with magic spring 1. t : . . . : ..,..,.- ... l,- . .... 1 .... - ... luisli pin, Imitation patent self-winding stem, improved bevel swell, double joints, engine tinned nerl, extra ii::e Full ruby jewtUd Ievir movements, covered wi.h engraved du-t e.ips, accurately aejusted to all figrees of heat or cold, with all the latest improve ments, cannot he surpassed lor correct time keeping qual ties, ai tl experts cannot detect the tightest d. lit rent e it appeai ahce from one ot' the, finest fiioo Cold Watches and las's as long, wt ars as well, and keeps as correct time. They arc manufactured solely by us, and aie "thoroughly warranted in every respeht for five yeais. A single one of the above -beautiful Watches mailed pre paid to any address, in velvet lined morocco case, wit h k"y, A'c, a'l complete, for only 15 Watches for Holliday presents manu'ac turcd to order. Ct-nuine American Watches of all grades, in gold or silver cases, from $18 up to -2oo. Other good watches equally low. W.th cv ery club of six Watches of any kind, we send one exi a Watch of sanm kind free, as a premium to getter up of. Club. A snper tock ot Cenuine Oride Cold Chains, from 2 to i each, warranted fully equal to Gold in brilliancy of color, wear, Ac. Bill of over sU2 collected on delivery, if desired. AI! bills of $12 and less must be cash in P. O. money orders, or registered letters, at our risk. Goods cai efully selected, packed ami f rwardt d pre pa d by mail, or by express, on receipt of price. Safe delivery of all goods guarunteed. Watches foiw;iiued to be examined to parties known, when express chr.r.srcs bi.t'i ways aie paid. o goods for warded west of the Mississipi River, with bill to collect on delivery. Purchasers must pay all express charges on goods sent C. O. I).; also for return ci money. All cash or ders forwarded free of charge to destina tion. Catalogues Free. Address all ordeis CliAS. P. NORTON A CO. Import!-' us ok Wiitcues, Ac, 8!! Nassau Street, New York. Fstablishcd lS57,:nov-i 1870. POPE & CO, DEALERS IN OVES, TIN' PLATE. SHEET IRON, BR bT IKRs-(. OPPEi:. LEAD PIPE, IRON BRA- i'lrj-j AM) FITTINGS, R Li B BE It HOSE. FOIiCE AND I I FT PUMPS. ZLVC, (HM'PFIi, RRASS AND I RUN WJRE. Also a general assoilment of House v.r n idling Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF t in, copper, and Sheet Sron Ware. ROOFING AND JOBBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION PONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. o Also at POPE'S STOVE STOHE on will find HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOOD FN WARE AND TINWARE, LANTERNS, LAMPS AND OIL, LUCINE AND NIOIIT LAMPS. ALSO PERAMBULATORS. All of the above aiticles are for sale .at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. c. vr. pope & co, Oregon City Oregon. JLIJI JMrERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaKoquc & Co., OREGON CITY. TJKrep eontantly on hand foi sale, Monr Midlinprs, Bran and Chicken Feed, Patties pnrchasi:i feed must furnish the sacks. 3b Icw CAM F ETIIV'G VELVETS, BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, OIL -CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES, PAPER-HANGINGS, LACE - CURTAINS, &c, &c We Wovld Call tie attention of par ties filling up louses, or leivg in need of anything in our line To our Stock, which is OXE OF 'lllh COMPLETF.ST On thc-JPacilic Const! Our Goods being specially selected at the Factories in England and the Eastern States, we can sell AT THE LOWEST SsiiaFi'saiacigeo Trices. WALT I 11 EKO., No. 80 Front street, between Alder 5.) and Washington, Portland Oregon Th;s is the most thorouch blood 1 urilier yet discovered, and cures all humor from the "worst Scrofula to a common Eruption. Pimples and Blotches on, the fire ant coly or rough kin, which are such annoving 1.1cm-i-hes to many 3"onng persoi s, yield to the u-e of a few bottles of this wonderful medicine. From one to eight bottles enre Salt Ii'henm, Erysipehi. Scald Head, Ping TIVW.", Potts. Scaly Ei options of the Skin, Sc ofula Sores; Ulcers and "Canker" in the'inr.vth and Stomach. It is a pure medicinal' extract of native mots mil plants, combining In har mony Nature's most Foverei.211 curative prop er! i s, which God has instilled into the vi getable kingdom fur healing the -ick. It is a great restorer for the ftiength and rigor of the system. Those who are languid, sleep less, have vu rvoas apprehensions or fears, or any of the nfft-etioiis symptomatic of irtak ness, will find convincing evidence of its re storative power upon trial Ifyou feel dull, drowsy, debilitated and despondent, have frequent Headache, mouth - ta: tes oadly in the morning, irregular appetite and tongue coated, you are suffering from Torj id Liver or " Bilious-nos." In many cases of "Liver Complaint" only a part of tl esc symptoms are cxi ei i'-ncr d. As a remedy 'or all suc h cases, lr. I'l'-i ce s(i i.'eti 3leiical I scovc i v lias ,.0 cqUili as jr cff cts perfect cures, leav- , 1 . 1 ... .. ing the liver strengthened and healthy. For the cuie f Habitual Constipat on of the Rowels it is a never failing remedy, and those who have used it for this purpose are loud in its praise. In Bronchial. Throat and Luii sr Diseases, it has produced many re markable cure- , where other medicines had failed. Sold by druggists at $1.00 per bot tle. Pi opart d at 1 he Chemical Labiatory of R. V. FIERCE, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y. WALL AM E T IRON WORKS COMPANY Si 1 B d And Eoiler Builders ! Aortlt Front ami E sts Portland, Oregon. rpiIFSE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the JL bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and have facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and cfliciently. We have secured the serv'ices of Mr John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coat for fifteen years gives him a thorough knowledge" of th vrimi kinds of machinery required for mining and milling purposes. We are prepared to exe cute orders for alj. classes of machinery and 1 , . L, 1 . "V J MINING AND RTKAMROAT f A rf rTTTv JKAiVi FLOUKING MILLS ! SAW MILLS? ! f QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING PUMrS ! ! &C, &C, &C.. Ma nvj act 11 re and WALT! actnreand Repair Jfachincr? of all T- V " .S' -aS ,w r T ncs "lC L"r"u IUOX SHUTTER WORK ai SanXmhr Pain ',n the luad' "'. ? fcf t'inifs. rranatco coet and .freight. 11 heeler tt- Jfan- aaus latent Grinder ant Amalgamator. 1'iinoar aril Steven Self Adjuxtinn Patent 1 iston, l ack utj, either applied to oil or neu steam cylinder. Quartz Stampers, Shoe and naru ron Z:y o AvtBUiur DAS LEEN RENDERED by lundretlson this coast to the Su perior Med-cal irtues tf DR. J. V JH'KRAY t SONS' PREMIUM LUNG BALSAM ! The safest and surest remedy congenial with me !.. oi nature ever vet tiiscovered in medical Science. Also. Dr. J. W. Murrav A Sons' WAUI OIL,, the Kino- r,r n r.i.. The best family medicine in the world Sure remedy for sudden attacks, as Spasms.Croun Cramps. Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache etc. Jt is one of the most reliable medicines in all nervous and ii,flIim.,t, t , - . and pains, such as Bheumati.-m".Scre Throat, ii (m iivi l.i. i-praill , JJlui-CS F Swollen and Slid" Joints Co t i:!. nu' H'd numetousoihe; h rV. uo"s-.Vn bottle. " 7" V "'"-scs wm find it an incom parable SootlllPtr ,-v . ... ; .i.n jm t , .v- i' ' UIC anu Harmless rA'tei ? wened water, for the p'ti; "Vva, ' uua- 'JI"ce lot; Front street luuii. v or saie by all traders on this coast. druggists and Sept. H:tf STEERS & .HIMDE Wholesale Dealers in F0EEIGN AID ECSIESTIC Tf. Htnes, Jirandics, IVriskie No. 40. Fkoxt Strkxt, Poktlaxu, Orkoon-. CuttWhC iiUnU a Suiuoaiticlc fV,....-.t oil TEEIICH MEDICAL CJlW DR. MIEN PERRAULT Dr. of Medicine f th- i fc! Paris,. Oi actuate of , Quest's Coll. ge,n,ltl Pl.ysiti,J",y Cisco. ' 1 Sa,rl,ll. Dr. Perravlt has the plea-nro t , patients and oth, rs feek!i .. co;t?iI?t-,lift, ical advice that he can te TiSuliT!" his ofllce, Armory llall S Last corner of Montgomery -,t,H So streets, San Francisco, KoJ x""1 first floor, up strirs; eitrarce . Montgomery 01 Sacrr.mtnto streets " Dk. PERK.vt-LT's studies have hn.V 1 exclusively devoted to Z ! eme ? vanous foims of Nervous and vt,,-.- V fcf bility. the result of injurious l,abit?",-d':" in y uth, which usual v terminate 'i'rT'"llf tence and s-tcrility, and permanentlr J'P0'' all the concomitants of old I, w' secret ii.firmity exists involving 'thP " rt ness of a life and that of others tIL 1w moralitv dictate the-necessity of'iut alf for it is a fact that picn.ature decli, TT$' 'or of manhood matrimoni:il .,..v? . ,t)e compulsory single life, etc., huiV'' sources 111 causes, the geim of nl.i, u ;! r, lr cdin ea.lylile,andthebiufr SJtr long aiieiwaro; patients, lat.orhio- Ur,j .M complaint, will complain of oneor'nimW the tfollowing symptoms i NocHialVn'0 sions, Pains in the Jlaik and Head t: T tirss of Memory and Sight, Discharge frn the Urethra on gr ing to stool or mukV ter, I.lelhctual Facrltiej 8rc Wclkfi,5 Loss ofMemoiyens-.es, Ideas are cleucW and there is a disinclination to attend to W in ess, or evtn to reading, wiitir.e or u society of Intnds, etc. The pa,fent probably complain of Dizziness, Vcrtico trA that Sight and Hearing are weakeni A .1 leep dislurbrd by dreams ; melaiW,0'T sighing, palpitatitm, faintings, conK, slow levers ; while some have external n a matic pain, and numbness of the bm Some of" the common Fjmptcms are tanipl in the face, end aching in difl'eicut i.aitr,f thebidy. I'atients sufleriig ft cm tliisdi,' ease, should spply in.mtdiatelv to Tu plK" rai lt, either in person or by" letter s le w ill guarantee a cuie if St niuial EmisMcn, and Jmpottnce in six or tipht weeks. Patients stiifeving from vcneiial diWastin any stage, Cononhea, Olcct, Strictnrt Bubo, Ulctrs, Cntareous Eruptions, etc will be treated srcccssfully. All Sjliiliiic and Mercurial Taints entirely lenicv'eU lam the system. Dr. Pei.rai i.t's diplftras are in liistfTtt w htie patients can st e for li en f elves tl,ki they aie under the caie .f a lcguh.r fdvt. t( d practitioter. The Lest nftitcci gitta if rcfjuirc tl. Patients ftifTeriBr rndcr 1 ionic disc.i?f can call and cxanui e for tl.i nu-tlvts. Vt invite investigation ; claim r t ttPlnw everything, nor to cure i vi 1 j b dy, 1 m e do claim tlip.t in all cases tiikui umitr tnat mcnt we fulfill our pirmins. W epailictMsr. ly request Ihose w ho Iim e tritd Hi k lcairj doctor, and that ncvutiscd lyitii:n till worn out ard disci 111 nyi, to call iitnm. Low charges and quick nuts. Ladies sr. Bering lion: ary consphtint iiici dents to their tcx, can en suit the dtcttt with the assurance of relief. O Female Monthly Pills. Dr. Ferraii.t is tlte xmlypcint in C-J-ffrnia for Dr. Biott's Ft ma!e i'ontlily 1 ilU Their immen.-e sale has cstubJLht tl tl.tii rep utation as a female it ti cry v-imj j icttftd, and far in adai ce of ever oil er mi tth kr suppressions and ii rt guh ritics. ar d i tl tr obti uctions in females. On the ict-ei t f live di llars, thtse Pills w ill be m-i 1 hy nl r exj res to any ju;it of the wmld, fiimt from curioMty or thm age. l'etsons at a d sfarce can be crrtil tt home, by iiddrtssing a Ittter to l it In K.irtT, con er of Sac? aim nto s.nd iMtn'jioni. ey streets, litems lu fcnd 11, tr Lex P. O. Sail Francisco, stating tie cae s minutely as possible, gti.ciol habits tt lit ing, occupation, etc., etc. All communications e i fidcnfal. Ivi4p PRIVATE MEDICAL AID. Quicli Cures anil ItXotTcrat'e Clinrgej Or- W. KOohertyTs rrlrnte JI tIJcnl 4& Sjirgit-al Iiisf itutr. Ko.519 Sacramento Street, corner of Leidt Sd(TF, (a few doors fecluw . tin' What Cheer Ilonse.) (Private entrance on Leider-doifl' strn t.) Established Exj ressly to A fiord the A flikteil Sound and Scientific Medical Aid, in tin Treatment and Cure of all Private nnd Chronic Di.-c.tses, Cases of Secrecy ucd ll Sexual D .-order. To tlso A fllitfrd. DR. W. K. DOHERTY retmns his sit cere thanks to his miii rrous j.-.ticr.ts foi tla-ir patrcnace. and would take this y rrfuiiitr to rt mind them that l; eoi.tinrcs to rriiM.it at his Ii stitntc f r tl e cm e t f t hn iic dis eases of the Imnps. Liver, Kidr.tys, L'ipt tive and Gcnito-Uriiiary Or-:u:s, ni:d nil private dist ase--, viz : Syp.'hilis in all its forn and stagts, Semii.al Wtaknes and all lie horrid cotiFcrjtiences of self-al use. (irnnr l .o?a. Gh et, Strictr.n s, Nocturnal ard l)inr nal Emissions, Sexual Pelil ty, Pist t cf Ihe Back and I.oir.f, ii.fiiin n;atn n of tie Bladder and Kidneys, etc. ; rnd 1c 1 f ft that his lonjr experience ami uctcs;Tnslf tice will continue to it sure him a pharnf public pafrciiajre. By the jr?ctice cf msrj years in Europe r.rd the Fnittd states, lie i enab'td to apply the m st tflicitr.t 1 nd ftc- ccssful remedies nj;aiiist diseases of all lii fo lic usts no mcrcniy.cl arc es mot!e iatp,tHt his patients in a coi ret t and hot oriiblr i.T and has referti.cts ol nrquertior.shle tf rari ty from mt n of known rcspcctaliliij ni hitih standins in fec:ety. All parlies con sulting him 'by letter of tfhci wise, n IH r ceive the l e t " and gentlest ticatmc -t a: d implicit secrecy. To F mr. lc. When a female is in trouble, or t fflided i . o vi uiiiov llidl U1HI, (IljJ tit ' heart, irritability, nervousness, extreme t-inarj-dilliculties, derangement of difrti?e functions, general debility, vaginitis, til dis eases of the w omb, hysTcifn, sfcrilifj nnd ether diseases j ecuhar to ft malcs,flie f go cr wn'e at once to tl c celebrated hnisle doctor, V. K. POIir RTY, at his Medicid In stitute, and consult him about her trtr!!c and diseases. The Doctt r is c fttctirg nmre cures than any other physician in the ta6 of California. Let no liilse delicacy prevent J cu, but apply immediately and save yourself from painful "si.li'eiirirs and niematnre drain. All married ladies, whose delicate htaltbpr other circumstances prevent an iufrrase'n their families -hould write or call at IB K. DOIIER1 V'S Medical Insti.ute. r-d H.r.T will receive every o-sihlc relief and M'f' The Doctor's oflices are so arranccd that l can be consulted without fear of obseivahon. To f'nni sunnilciits. Patients residing in any pait of tl.effafe however distent, wl o mav'desire the opinion and advice of PR. DOHERTY in their respec tive cases, and who think proper to sutniu written statement of siuh, in preference to 0 holding a persor ol interview, are respeehu' ly nssuied that their corrmunicatirns will ' held sacred and confidential. If the cm t fully and candidly described, personal "in mnnicntinn will ho m np pssarv. as ii.stme- tions for diet.iegimen and the general t:ciit ment of the rase itself finclndinc i)e 1(n'e." d;es), will le forwarded without delay. in such a manner as to convey no ideacf Die Purport o I the letter or parcel. fif"Consnltntion br letter or otherwise, FLEE. Permanent cure guaranteed ornoraj- S jicrm a t on li or n. DR. DOHERTY has just published nn im c nnrtnnt Tiflmi.tilft- emborivilisr his own vit- and e xperiences in relation to Impotence er irilitv ; being a Shoit lreaues on .-j :- torriitea or Seminal H eakness, nervous " Physical Debility consequent on this aTec- tr ..n.l nll,ir,llcC9Cl'li n f f hp TC 113 1 OrC rS This little work contains infoimatiop ot the utmost value to nll.w hefher marricdorsinpie and will be sent FREE bv mail on rccei 1 01 ix cents in postage stamps lor return po aire. Atuiress. . ,v W. K. DOHERTY. M. jnljSCly San Fiancieto Cal.i 3