o o O D iASD COUNTY. .it 1 1 , v x . 1 1 ' by the' County Clerk of Una county ol nfh appointment of the HxTBUpkise as the 0,iIP,Ln for this county by the Gov- aormu c a l-Fox This loathsome disease has DJde i'ts appearance io our city. It U In rte family of Mr. MModge. Mr Dodge. it appears had a very light attack ol lhe IrLloi-l. at Aurora, a short t.me ago ind ,.t thinking Unit n . i'; - ; 1 , 5t was not severe enough to K liS to spread. Our city authorities Luve taken the nceess.iry precautions to .n-ve-it i;s spreading, an' it behooves L,ple to be cautious in this matter If toper care be taken U m iy be confined fo this one house, and we hope to tins tflftaatf. Those who have been ex Lied hi uuy way whatever it i hey feel inv symptoms, should take the necessary precvu.uori to prevent the spread of the ksea.se and not expose themselves to Mhers Our citizens should resort (o vac cination, which is acknowledged to be the H-t preventive against the small-pox. und while it does not prevent persons from taking the disease, it has a coanter acliti" intlueiice. and relieves the patient from much suffering. The per cent, ot d-atli anion? those who have been vac cinated is very small, and while it is so accessible no one should neglect this plain duty. We are informed by reliable per sons that that: is no need of any tears trom this easel unless some other member of the family has it, and as the precaution Ikis been taken to prevent its future ex posure, W5 may hope to soon record the laijt.that the disease is no longer in our midst. We call the attention ot our reau v$o the city ordinance in this issue, and also the report of the Health Committee, and be governed accordingly. Mrs. Doile is so far recovered as to be able to be tip. am! should any el the reft of the family take it. Mr. and Mrs. Dodge will be able to give them proper care. &- U.m:km:So. Our streets presented a very ' brilliant" aspect of darkness last Moti plj night. There Was ilot a street lamp If' lit ru that dark and dreary night, and those who Q ere compelled to be out after night had either to hug the fences or take their chances of pluuginir 6ft' the sidewalk. We don't know whether the oil gave out, tPwh at was the matter. The watchman q probably knows. o ' Uito Fixo TitK.vTKii. This popular place of am iSv'injut, under the management of Mrs. F. M. liates, is playing a very suecess lul season at Poril.ui I. The pieces put uii the stage are superior to any eve- per formed in Oregon. Mazeppa was recently porionued lo crowded nouses. It is a good place to spend an evening when you go to Portland. C;.osi::. -Mrs. Martin's se'.e;t school vu3 closed last Monday in eoiisv'qnenee of the sin ill pox, and we are informed that tiiu scholars have generally been with drawn by Uk parents iiom the Seminary, s i ihut u will probably be obliged iu close lor a snort time. At IIo.mk. Capt. Sam. Holmes, fro.m the tlpper Columbia, is spending his vaca tion with his p ire. its at thispla.ee. The boils on the Ooiumb.i abot'c the Dalles li.u c uli beou laid up in' the while;-. '1'he t.tpuiu ., looks leat iriv.ibiy well, and as li.ia.lso.ue as ever. Ho is deservedly pOi liar wiierevcr ue is i.io.v.i. .Sow. o'e see from the PuiiUmd pa pers tti.tt snow lell in tLit cit.y last Mon ti iy night. W h ive not seen any yet up la..s v iy. Tae ao.ilIkt, h vev er. lor liie 1-I. iuvj days n is iijj.i ti lUe co.d, and a general ireeze-u, iui; be looked tjr. ' J::v.:i,':v. J. Q j. Stone, at No. 107 Fro.f Street, i'or.la.i 1, displays a choice mi l eleg nit assortment ol jewelry, watches, Miwiwuro. cioelv-i, t'cj., and they wooid uj ii ird to p!ea-e wn- cannot find -uK'ia.ng to su.t tneir tas.e in ilia well se.ejted s.ojk.. Tit,: t'.u.t. The. Fair to b.: lie.d by the Likes' Aid Sjo'ieiy of the it. 1-5. dialed tiVe.j pi ice next Tues 1 iy evening, at -'tj 'i's 11 ill. .v H ie ti.ie: may be eX-pi.-o.ed, a i I everybody is i.iviied io attend. o lli Tj iitii-J.t.v. l'ae iiel laace. on her last trip up. g,jt as far us Fairfield when s'le bar.iied one of her tubes and was com pel k-d to ret'Tv.i for repairs, sau is uli ligulagiia, an 1 left here yesterday. D.vir.v. The up-river boals leave here tUily now. They come down with full freights. The Fannie brought down 130 tons yesterday, a-.id the Dayton, from Yamhill, about 7o tons. Hons. Chas. Bogus and Albright & Logus are receiving a large number of li"gs. which they are putting up. We learn that they pay from six to seven .wats. Danc7.. There will be a grand ball given at Butte ville by the Masons, on the -7th inst., on th occasion of the installa tion of the officers Tor the next term. It w to be a very ti io ailair. Indian- Fiour. We learn that a fight occurred between two Indians on "the hill last Saturday night. Oneofthem took an use aril hit the other over the head with n, inflicting a serious wound. Iiirrut:o. i ki. ttev. . Mr. Seliwood returned f''o:a Astoria last Wednesday. The next missionary meeting will be held in this city on tho fourth Monday in January next. Uuti .K.-G.Mr. A. Levy has put up to be t raffled lor, some valuable articles, which may be seen at his store. Sot.n. The Oregon House was sold last Moud iy by the Sheritf. Mr. Chas. Losjus ?archased it, for the sum of $2,000 gold Coin. ew G oo.s.-?Mr. "11. Can field is con staiiily adding new roods to his stock Which he. e sells at reasonable rates. Tho big ox raised by J. Yamhill, weighing about toa to Portland on t,;rd.iy. J. Ben ton, o 3,000 pounds the Alert vo o Mrs Pot sre went iu " ' , t- St the disease. She was take,, s.cki about two weeks ago. ana asio... u; .... b ol e out. in a very light form. Dr. iiar K has visited the lnj..sc'.anl pronounces - o vrv ' ' Tkack. A ride track is being laid at Rockland to connect the river with the railroad.. This is for the shipment of freight brought down by the opposition steamer Calliope. The President's message will be found in full in this issue. We did not receive it until yesterday, and consequently it is too late for comment this week. Let our readers read the document fur themselves. Pioneer Bdot and Shoe llaa-ofactory. Yesterday, Messrs. Protzmnn. Carson & Gillihau formally opened their Boot and Shoe Manufactory at the corner of Taylor and r'rout streets, the ceremonies of he occasion being a cbristeneing. chamiajrne lunch, toasts, r-csponse.s.aml a general feli citation of the proprietors by iiuuerous friends wliO dropped in to participate in the festivities or to take a look through the establishment. This is an enterprise of much greater magnitude than most persons would be led to believe by the bare announcement above, mid as it certainly is one of great importance to the State, it deserves more than a pacing notice. At present, the machinery which it is intended to, employ has not all arrived and, consequently, the force of laborers is not so large a.s it will be wiihin the month. There are now twenty-two workmen employed, bat wiih in the next two weeks and" immediately upon the receipt of the balance of the machinery, the force will be increased to (ifty men, women and boys, which will be the average, as now contemplated, for the first year. A very huge propor:ion of all the wot k, when the factory shall linallv be in complete miming order, vi 1 be inn by machinery. The company have, or will soon have, all the modern appliances used in the most successful manufactories at the oar.t, so that lilty workmen will be able to turn out an amount of work in any given time that woul4 require the labor of several hundred, working by hand. The work of making a pair ot boots or shoes is performed oy a consider able number of persons, eacli having his or her especial part Id do. I'rietly, the h mils which a pair of boots, for instance, goes through, may be described as follows: 1. The cutter who has a given size given him, cuts from a pattern, the vamps, backs, etc. 2. The vamps or fronts are then passed to the crimper who passes them through a machine, thence to crimp ing boards to briirg them to their bent shape. Ii. Back to the cutter who trims and shapes them. 4. The first stitcher then takes the parts and puts in the line or fancy stitching, a Singer or Howe ma chine bei ig used. 5. The paster then lakes them and pasts the parts together and adds the stays when any are required. i. Another stitcher sews on the straps and counters, etc. 7. The siding up then follows the work being done with a New England Wax Thread machine as rapidly almost as ordinary clotU sewing. 8. The next process is rubbing down Uie seams and turning the legs--the latter by machinery. !. The uppers next go to the bottorners who work in teams or gangs of four. The first lasts and tacks on the sole; in pegged work, the second drives the nails, and tacks on the heel ; the third is the trimmer who pares the soles and heel to 5l;apC ? a'd fourth, the finisher who blacks and polishes the soie3. 10. The boots being made, pass to the treer who stretches and puts them in t hape for pack ing. In sewed work the process varies unly in the work done by teams the soles being taCked on by one in in and the sew ing being done by hand by another. Shoes are made bv nearly similar pro- cesses. At I lie close, msieau oi oemg tree 1, they are dressed" or ' gummed.7'' An expert, with the New Ehgland Wax Thread Stitcher, will seam ul. from 1 G to IS dozen pairs per day. The average earnings in a factory like this, are about $20 per week lo each of the fifty, making total of S 1.000 per week. Each four men will average tot:rteeu pairs of boots daily, or one hundred and seventy-five pairs lor tho . whole force the Value i which is about In a shop of filty operatives, a'oour ten men. women and lhihlre.ii. will work at women's and chil dren's shoes, m il; ng an average of live dozen pairs per Jay. valued at $21 per doen. The cost of stock is about equal to the cost of labor with oae third added, where, as in this factory, the material is all French brands, and iri s!iy of the very fluent and best (i ialitv. The investment. then. here, is not less than about $i:i..0)0 per vear in maierial and labor, to say nothing of incidental outlays. The home p aymei! s of the factory fjr a year will reach about $n'.).0 Id. .The linn will un dertake at. present only the manufacture of the superior grades of work, the stock used beinu: from (he q aality uf French kip up io lhe very ii.ie.-a an I most costly fancy French mate.hil; and the make to correspond. And. now having as biH'fly as wo well could do it. noticed the general processe in thi- factory, and the purpose of its eon doctors, we tV.ke pleasure hi commanding t hi? enterprising firm to the trade and Uie public, partly because they are yeni ti and worthy young men ; but eh:eiy be cause the "enterprise in which they have engaged is one of that class of which our young State stands greatly in need- a home manufactory for home consumption. This manufactory will not only fur lish employment at "remunerative prices for fifty workmen, bat its bearings upon the prosperity of the city and State may be traced very much further than t hat one (act. The enterprise being new th rumlier of workmen, with the families belonging to their care, is practically that many added o our population. 1 ney aid all daises oi i dealers and pre duce-rs. by becoming new consumers. Their employment enables mother man. or a number of men in the State to curry on the business oi making leather, which also widens the heal in which labor seeks its reward. But one ot the chief effects is in ilie emyloymeiit at home of the capital involved hi -all the business connections and relations or me factory and ill people. The amount of money aanuily sent out of the State for its boots and shoes is enormous. The figures would almost appal if they weic fully set out. lake out of circulation the amount which this house alone will ex pend in one year at Lome, and the effect upon financial matters all round, would be very appreciable, affecting all branches of business alike. As heretofore that amount of money has been annually sent away to purchase what this firm will now make. Now add the amount to our circu lation, and the affect is appreciable- as in the first supposition, while, instead of being hurtful, it is wholly advantageous to the entire business community. We lake it that, whosoever understands the truest interests of the country, will wel come the advent of this and all similar en terprises, and will do and say whatever he can to secure their entire success. For. most certainly . the fu'd development cf the State demands a greater diversity of industries as much a.s it needs a multipli cation of population; and the great out flow of money for necessary articles of PimsiinmllOil SilulllU Ori t M'CKfU una cheeked and ! made to benefit .our home ar.is.uis. '1 tie Pioneer Loot aud c3Loe ilduulactorj, wo trust, is but the forerunner of a dozen or a hundred of similar establishments in our Stat,e fo come quickly. Daily Oregt niun, Dec. 10th. - Correspondence. - Editoh Entekpri-e I notice that on the lith inst. the City Council was con vened in extra session for the purpose of taking measures to prevent the spread of small-pox in the city, and gravely pro ceeded to, order "one enu of the alley en closed'' on which a family resides sup posed to be suffering from that disease. Do our astute city officials know that over a Jm rul red persons have been exposed to small pox contagion since last Sunday through this same family, and would they not have exhibited more wisdom in re gard to this mailer ij they had ordered the health committee'to proceed at once to vaccinate every inhabitant in the city who had not been recently vaccinated with genuine vaccine virus? And also require them to ascertain by actual in spection whether or not a genuine sore had been produced, and in case uf failure have the operation repeated. This would certainly prevent the spread of the diser.se. The closing uf one end of an alley or a yellow flag will certainly not. II. W. ROSS. - Ilsport of the Board of Health- Oukcox City, Dec. 14. 1870. The Board of Health appointed by the City Council met at the ollice of Dr. Saf farrans. Present Dr. Barclay, Dr. Safturrans. W. Buck. S. D. Pope was appointed Secretary of the Board. Dr. R uclav reported that acting in ac cordance with instructions received from the City Council, he had called and seen Mrs. Dodge, and would state that he found the case a mild one of varioloid. It was resolved that the City Marshal be immediately ordered to close the allev on which Mr. Dodge resides, leaving an opening fronting on Main street for pass ers by. and also to raise a yellow flag over said residence, to remain until further notice. S. D. POI E See" v. JjAruiiruf. At the residence ot the bride's mother, in King Valley. Dee, 4. lb7o, by Rev. J. W. Osburn, Mr. W. T. Price, ot Marioa county. and Miss Sarepta Norton, of Benton County. In Corva'.lis, Dec. 7, 170. of putrid sore throat, Fannie, daughter of George and Sarah Elliott, aged (J years 7 month and 15 uavs. Lines dedicated lo Mr. T. Davenport on the death of his wife, Nov. 2uth, lsTo. "We offer condolence, since the ancl of death hath entered thy uwIlin;r enee more. And eoaveved from thy presence a loved one whom thou d'uls't adore. Ilcr iiiHe.euce and kindness was felt wherever she wen1-. And in her love lia&l eyes beamed clearest content. Her voice was sweet music, when, fj' if chilled tne Heart, And Lid as take courage, though death did us part. She will ever be missed by a large circle of friend. To wlenn her presence failed not enchantment to lend; Bat, thank Heaven, faith ifies to the rescue, and blends hope with our love, WhisiK-riiislie is not dead, bat dw-dbs in bright mansions above. It was a (taln, lovely day v ht'rt her soul took its lUifnr, And soare 1 to the regions of endless delight ; Her voice now unites in rich strains with the Heavenly choir, Her eyes feast on rare beauties that Cur soitls oft desire. Her soul hath triumxhantly escaped its fair tene ment of clay, And now basks in the suriliaht ef eternal day. When ere lon-j thy frail bark shall laud on that happy shore, There thy loved ones wdl dwell with thee ever, evermore. Pro rressioa is stamped on all o-ar earthly career, In eternity it wiil animate the holier sphere. Then griwve. not my friend, grieve not for her sake, Since her thirst for proyrcAio;i thi world could ne'er slake, 15 at in';':uo thee to meet her in yon brighter ei.tiu'i To meet a fond heart, Which truly was thine. V. O. II. ' Tiikiu Xami-: is Lkotox," may be applied to those wtbii'Ue annually ot Consumption. Science has of late years sensibly diminish ed the number, and it is gratif. i i to know that Dr. Witt i Buliim uf Vdd Cherry b ;s created a potent iulluence in a 'tabling this end. Ko iit'itufr;. We do not wish to inform you, reader, ibat Dr. Wonderful, oi anyother man, h is discovered a remedy that curs all diseases of mind, body or estate, and i- dis tlned to make our sublunary hpheie a bliss ful Paradise, to which Heaven hself shad be but a side show, biit we do wisht iu'orm you that Dr. S igv's Ca.arrh licmedy has cured ihousa-ids of cases of Catarrh in its worst stages, and the proprietor will pay $.oo for a ease of tlds loathsome di ease which ne cannot cure. It may lAi procurred by mail for sixty cents, by addressing li. V. Fierce. M. Bitll'alo, N. . For sale at Drug Stores." Dr. Pierce's private Govern ment llevenue Stamp is on each package of the genuine. MERIT ViLL HAVE ITS THE CELEBRATED BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, AL. PIIELIPS, hasnprncd a shop in company with G. CllAitNfOK, on Main "street,?: one door above Ttios. ('harm mi's t- where they will be ready to receive orders for all kinds of Boots and Shoes to suit the people. Ladies shoes mi-ie in the latest and best style. "Nothing but Santa Cruz-; leather is used for srdes, and for lhe nppeis, only the very be t quality, of Fieneh calf 'and kip. Repairing of all kinds promptlj- attended to, at low rates a id in a neat manner. I'ilEl.lPS & CilAliNICK. Oregon City, Dee. t':3m W ANTBD. In all parts of the United States, to sell L. V. DEFOREST & CO.'S Aluminum Gcli Jewelry! AO E NTS ARE MAKING ?200 TO 500 per wee!; selling the Aluminum Jew eirv. The best imitation cf gdd ever intro duced, lt has the exaet color, which it id ways retains, and stands the test of the stionje.-.t acids. No one can tell it from i;old only by weight the Ahirniriuiu Gold tteiu about 1-10 lighter. L. V. Defohest & Co. are selling their goods for l-Io the piiee gold jewelry is sold for, and on nwsl liberal terms to iigenls 1-1 ca.-h, b.iiance ill SO, Co uud fo days. We send persons wishing to aci as agt ut-i, a tull and complete assortment of goods, consisting oi Seals, bracelets. Lock ets, Ladies' and Oenta' Chains, Pins, Rings, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Ac, for -JlOO S'loto be paid when the goods me received, the o ner in jo, (JO und i'O davs. Part:ea -,.i.;.-, i., ..i.... 4. j wul d dress L. V. liKhOKiiST &, CO. 4.0 auU 4i liioudway, N. Y. PACIFIC iOBT AM 8 SHOE HOUSE. Grand Opening Out OF OUtt FALL GOODS. 835,000 WORTH ' CF Boots & Shoes, TO EE UETAILEU AT WHOLESALE FIGURES THE LAUGEST AMOt'ST In Any Ectail Store cn the Pacific Coast. . 1VE llAVE COOTS FOlf Men, Boys & Children, OF ALL SHAPES, STYLE and QUALITY! OVER 'S30 DIFFERENT KINDS of MEN'S BOOTS ALONE. WE BENKISRT'S I'lIILAD QUILTED BOT TOM HOOTS; BUCKINGHAM'S IlAND-MADK SEWED BOOTS, French Calf, Single Doubk and Tap Soles : all shapes ; EKUELL'S MOUTS, Fine Calf,' ChiMinel Nuiicd, and l'i'j;ju l and Tapped Sole ; lleavv Calf, Double Selo, Woe Quilted and Tap Soles ; Lihl Kip, Tap Soles Men's, l?iv's and ( hildi en's. SElBKULICli'S FRENCH SCREWED PHILADELPHIA MADE JjOOTS, II -i.vy and Liht Calf. REED'S, FOGG k HOUGHTON'S GOD FEEV'.-, Ilatchelder's, Johnson it Wood's Part ridiif's and Underwuo.J & Co's CALF Kit' and SLATGll'f Eli EOOTS, E ,stei u Manul'aetiii': . C;ilifa: liiia. Work uiuue Esprcss!y ta- Us. 1IECHT BEOS. UNITED WORKING MEN, C.dil'ornia Co-ope'atives, Ma:ks it ('al isher, Muekinna-'- t Hecht's, and On in Joiie' make of I'.OOTS sii.d SHOES, HKOG.VNS. and LADIES' and CHIL DREN'S DRESS I5ALMORALS. Ye have also a fine assonnent of GENTLE MEN'S Fl.ENCil CALF, HAND-MADE M'JA ED OslVrI Tics, tiuilcJS ; Viiucc AIlcts Those who cms'dur themselves diflicult to fit or su t with a Hoot or Shoe, we would be very nuieti pleased to have call and examiuc our ooJs. Prolzriian, Giillliun & Co., PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, Mo- J2S Front Street, St. Cliatlvs rrcicl Uuildliai;. PORTLAND, OREGON. OctHtf BILLIARDS! Messrs. Fhekm & Coiieiider The well-known R ITard Tabic iriinufac lures. of New Yoik, have stablishcd at fcil rIii'ket St., .Sjs! I"ritiJt-!sco. An extensive b;-aiieh of their business, where they oroi) -so to keep cans aut'v on lian.l the LA:;OE.ST and most complete assortniu- t of IiIkL,l.HE T.-ti?LF, CI()2i:S, CIES, ETC., OX '1 HIM COAST. TIIF T.VULFS are d the latest s-tyle anc; size recently adopted in the Eastern States ; are niuuuiactnred in the bet m-sible man ner, ami furnished with Pil ELAN'S LAT EST IMFUOVEI) O'UKIIIOXS. The new comn.'sition Hillittrd Ball made 13' the Hyatt M mufac' tiring Co, of Albany, N. ., the b:;.t substit.ite Jor ivory vet dis covered. For sa!c On'y by us. Piieei'i Go per set. All goils fold wdl be of the best quali'y, and the priees fully as low ai any othe. house in the business. Parties visiting the city ate invited to visit our ware rooms and im-peet our stock. GEO. E. I'll ELAN, .'41 Market St. N. B. Tiu public are notilied that no other parties on the 1 acifn; coast have the right to sell Phelan's Cio hions. - Nov4:S:n mi. cl .i UK's ' 'Ecr Special Complaints" DR. CLABE'S IN VIGORATOU GIVES strength to the aged and debilitated 5 it is especially designed for young men Who have wasted their vigor by excesses of every kind, and uli persons whose Systems buve become weak by imprudence, arc completely restored bv its use. Pi ice. one dollar. DR. CLARK'S PU RIPER cleanses the blood from all impurities ; such as Scrofula. Syphilis, Mercurial llheumati.-m, Humors of ever 8'rt, Bad Breath, Offensive Perspira tion, Foul Feet, Catarrh, Discharges from the Ear, Sore Eyes. Sore Throat, Falling of the Hair, Ulcers, Boils, Pimples, Blotches, and ail diseases of the Lungs and Digestive Organs. Price, one dollar. DR. CLARK'S PANACEA relieves pair of every desciipti m. Headache, Earache, Toothache, Stomachache, Backache, Pam in the Breast and Limbs, lt is .an invaluable remedy in all Nervous Disorders, and no family should be without it. dollar Price, olle 1K. CLARK'S ELTXIR is a certain cure f.r all weakness of the Genito-Urinary Or gans, and discharges of a muco purulent na ture, Leiicorihea, ( J.movrhea, Snermatoi-- 1 hea. and f-'cminal Weakness, are speedily cured by its tisr Price, one dodar. DR. CLARK'S REGULATOR, for females only, is guaranteed to cm reel nil special in eriuai iiies un,i ti.iiieunies 01 single la dies. Married ladies are cautioned not to use it when in a certain condition, as its eife' ts would be too powerful. Price, one dollar. Ail of these celebrated' remedies arc pre pared from Fluid Extracts under Dr. Claik's immediate supervision, and uie warranted fresh ard pure. All sfllicted persons shou'd .s.-ud a carefully written statement of their ailments to Dr. Clark, and the proper rem edy will be sent piomptiy to their address. Dr. Clark ran be consulted personally at ins oH'n e, and will famish ad the necessary ac commodations to patients who pdace them stives under his care. All letters addicsscd to DR. J CLARK, Novll ly 1270 Broadwav, New Voik. Oregon Lodt Xo. 3, I. O. f O. F. 'sv Meets every Thursday even BJ iur at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's HaU. M-Atn s eet. ' Members ot tne uruci arc i nvuea i" awna Uy older. - ... THE 'NEW FOOD. IKS. ' v-'-V'1.'.- ,1: " . For r. foT7 cents you can hnv yto Oroccr cr Druggist a ; actago cf SEA FARIXE, :::ado from p;:ro Irish Moss, cr Carra-ceii, vhicli vi!l li-ake L-stccn cuart3 of Blanc 3Iango, nnd a ll!:o quantity cf Vnl diRfjs, Custard Creams, Char lotte -Iiusso, &c. It U tho cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food hi the vrorld. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. , A Glorious Cfcanrro ! ! citrLvr "voii.D-s tc?;ic. Plantation Bitters. T2a5s "vvossdcrftal vegetable rcstoi-nivc -3 t!aa eEaeeJ-ssEa-c!aor of 6"33 fecHilc zizscl clcfla inicd. As n nsicl cos'cSaal for tlic njjesl siecI lusicaud, it rzcEaacs. Ai i rccrssy bi tEsc ncrvotia woa'iacsg Co wlaSs'i Xi'02iEcri zzv$ especially sia- ieci, Lt E"3 GMjierscfi'SsMgf every 'olEicsr ciarmsainki. E:a till CSa- cs lTsia, it sac!- r.3 ra spccic rsB every S2ccae. ol" disua'slcE. wSascEa a2a3es22aaae cEsc Erejdily fijreaBgeEa Raad breaks clowti else i!kanl spaa'ais. For sale ly till I3aEis'uisis. Ai'g. 2u, lS7o:l y THE GREAT AnlnfalliblO Bi.00i ptniFiEn, possess ing rare TO-ici end SEtvi.E xiropertics 11 certr-In cure for rheumatism, goct. mx'u aluia. and nil kindred Diseases. It completely restores the system T.hcn Im paired by disease, revives the action cf thi iiij.-i;YS nu:l gi:!tal o itcA.vs, radi cally cures scnorLLA, s.ilt hieki.ii tud all i-aa'PTivi; and cutaxeol's bis tases, gives iimiiediato end permanent relief in dyspepsia. EnvsK-ELAs, Tumofs, Boils, Scald Ilcad, Ulcers and Sores; eradi cates from the system all traces of Mercurial Disease, It is pfSELY TEnTASLE, bein made from an horb found indiscnous in California. It is therefore peculiarly suitable for uso by Femalos and Children, as a Eiooa L'lriii- FlEa osl REXOVATORi For Sale by all Druggists. KEBtKGTOM, UQSTETTER & CO, AGENTS, LZO arid 31 Market Ctrect, Can rrarxlsco. Oct. 2?:lm JOTICE. The People's Transpostaticn Company WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FROM ORE 8 OH GUY AS FOLLOWS: EOS rOHTLAND : At 7 A. M.. every day, except Sunday; And 1 1. M. " " " Monday, Tuesday. Thurs day and Friday, FOX Galera, Alt any and Corvallis. AND OX MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY rOR o A. A. McCELLY, President. No .-.!. 1670-14-?. tt v t '1 ' ' A 4 ' f, ' , ' - ' CWJ iXV NX--" KEDLNGTOX, IIOSTETTER & CO. Stop (hat Coughing ! Some of you can't, and we pity you. You have tried every remedy but tl e ONE destined, by lis intiin.-io merit, to supersede all jdinilar preparations. It is not surprising you should be reluc , lant to try something else af.cr the many xptriments you have made of trashy compounds foisted on the public as a ctriaiu cure ; but Jewell's Pulmonary Syrup is really the VERY REST remedy evr compounded for the cure of Ctugh, Colds. Sore TItrotttt, Atfkma, IVliooping Cough', Hronrliitis and Constumplion. Thousands of people in California and Oregon have been already benefited by the surprising curative powers of Hewe'To Pulmonsry Syrup and with one accord give it their un qualified approbiit on. V'e now address ourselves to all who are unacquainted with this, the greatest panacea of the age. for the hcalinsr of all diseases of the Throat itntl Luugt, assuring you that NgwsIPs Pulmonary Syrisp h is cured thousands, and it will cure YOU, if you try it. This invaluable medicine is pleasant to the taste ; sooth ing, healing and strengthening in its -fleets ; entirely free from all poisonous or deleterious drugs,and perfectly harui--less under all circumstances. For Sale ly all Druggists. REDINGTON, IIOSTET1 ER . & CO., 41G and 418 Front street, Sau Francisco. Rcdingtoii's Essence Jamaica Ginger, ll'hich V conf'ideiitly reroi.imer.di-d us Uie Lett prepa.) tion jwiv lefort the public. This valuable preparation, containing i l a highly concentrated form all the properties of Jamaica Gingerjhas become one of the most popular domestic reme dies for all diseases of the stomach aud digestive organs. As a tonic, it will be found invaluable to all pers His recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; lor wtile it imparts to the system all the plow and vigor that can be produced by wine or brandy, it is entirely free from the reactionary ellicts that follow the use of spniis of any kind. It is also an excellent remedy for females who stiller from difficult men struation, giving almost immediate re lief to the spasms that so frequently ac company that period. It gives immediate lelief to Nausea, caused by riding in a railroad car, or Ly sea sickness, or other causes. It is also valuable as an external ap plication for Gout, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc. UEDISGTO.V, IJOSTETTlSii & CO., 4.1 1 and 418 Front street, Sau Francisco. F I av o r I n g E x t r a c t s AI1E THE PERFECTLY IF RE AND highly concentrated Extracts from Fush Fruits, prepared with great care. Thev i' re put up in superior style, and in a bottle holding TWICE ASM ECU as the ordinary brands of Extracts. Comparing quality and contents, none other are nearly so cheap. Whenever tested on th eir merits, they have been adapted in preference to nil othets. and are now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS ol the Pacilic Coast. MAliK THE AD VANTAGES. l!y purchasing Rtdington's Concen trated Flavoring Extract.-, y u obtain an article not only superior in richness and delic.icy oi fl tvor to any o'her of a simi lar nature, but. far moic economical, be cause e:ich battle In Ids double the quantity contained In a bottle of any oilier flavoring extract sold. REDiMiTOS, IIOSTE1TEK & CO., Agents for the Pacific Coast. Would yon escape FEVER AND AGUE, mid preseive health and vigor durinsr the s'ekiy season, make ecca-iunal use of the following as If von are ATTACKED With Chills and Bilious Fever, or have been a victim to such disease, and used other so-called remedies without permanent relief, seek at once the safest and surest CIFEEj by usin2, according lo directions MASON & POLLARD'S ANTI-RflALARIA, or, Fever and Ague PilR Time lias proved them thoroughly to be the safest - and most reliable remedy known. Tluy contain no mercury or other mineral or chemicid.. Tliy are exclusively Y-ge-table. Thr stimulate the f Mictions of tie liver. Congestion is impossible where they are used. They do not deter from daily labor, by assisting dicrest ion tl ey add flesh mid mii cleto the fraire. Tiny are aiiaoted to all ages and both sexes, ai-d as a FARflBLY MEDECBNE Will CURE in Oudr inotpiehcy, three fourths ot all ibseasrS imddenlal to a mala! imis climate. For Dyspepsia, in small doses, the bnve no equal. For sale by "all Druggists. RED1SGTOS, IIOSTETTER & CO., - SOLE AGENTS; The Battle for Life Winch is continually goin ori between health and disease, 'has. -never received from anv medicine Such tnHr-L-e nnrl nn- mistHkiible assi-taneei on the side of health, as it Las from ftewcll's Pulmonary Syrup UEDIGTO?f, HOSTETTEI1 & CO., IIS and 418 Front street. Sin Francisco. AUCTION AND COMMISSION A. IS Hicl!cigOE2 AUCTIONEER! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Fortified. AUCTION S A LES Of Real Estate, Groceries, GencntlMtrchan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday A. li. TiiclTAP.lfoSj Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Par and Rundle lion English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fiy-atis, isLect iion, R. G. Iron j a lso : A large assortment of Groceries andLiquors A. 13. KlCHAKDSON, AlK-tiOlift-r , Harvest oi? 1S70 S I Selling off to Close e6iu, Asad mo liUMKr Cf ! The Entire 8oc!! OF SHY G00E READY-MADE CLGTIIIIiG, , C0TS AUD ECIS, ileUs Ladies, Misses and Childrctos' HATS AKB CAPS, Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated ware, ramts, tiis, iainpg, Wicks, Chimneys d Etimers I Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. G Idas rjol to he sold RegardSess of Price! this matter, call at the old corner. I. SEELING, . a j tun iu oi.iri ii n nu itrri.Lt South cf I ojie 4" Co. a 1 iu &ttre Ortgtn City. J. IALSTGEV!, IS ST ILL AT HIS Ol.D STAND. CORNER OF MAIN anu SIXTH STREETS, OREGON CITY, OREGON 4 "VTyilERE HE WOULD INVITE HPS friends, and the public-iu jjenei al, to call and examine his stock, consisting ot a. general assortment of Clot Esiijjir Hooe s ss hklI Sieves, Mats a.cI.Caps9' fSF HaVihir frOrr inniiv Vears. cvnen'riiio learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES I U S MAI L PROFITS! JS DETERMINED TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS "WILL S.lence the Cry of Pordand Piices I Oregon City, August 2Sili, lsuy. JOHN MYIifSS, UNDER THE COURT HOI SE. oi: i:E'0N CITY. OREGON. RETAIL D1.AI EES IN O GKOCEISIES,' "Wo also constantly keep on ii&nd SALEM CASSIMEP.ES, FLANNELS TYEEDS AND ELANKETS, "yLIcli wb will Fell at the Factory t'rices, and will take wool in exchange. 5?fWe will also pay the liipdiesd price for Cutter, Epcrs, and all kinds of Vbod coimtrr produce; We will sell rts low as any house in Oregon,. for Cash orjtis equivalent iu good merchantable produce. JOTJ'" Give us a cull si Lis sati. fy yourselves. Sheriff' tr Sale. O IyY VIRTUE OF AN FXECUTIONm y sued out. of the Circuit Court of thj State of Oregon, for the f'ount.v of Clacka mas, in favor of Patrick Pair, ptaintiff", and against Saul Wixon. defendant, for the sum of four lundred and niney-eight dollars, ($498 oo), in U. S. gold com. now due, and with interest at the rate of ten jir cent, per an num from the 25th dov of October, lSTo, find the further sum of slxtr-two 90-1 fM) dollars (02 SiO) costs. 1 have levied unon an ou Monday, the 2Gth d;iv of December, 1670. at 1 o'clock n. m., at the Court House dor, in Oregon City, in said county. J will sf 11 nt VUblic auction, to the hiqest Iidr for IT. S gold coin, to satisfy spM execution. c stR and accruing costs, ail of the light title and interest of said Saul Wixon in and toio following described real property, situated iu said Clackamas eountv, to-wi : The poiith-ea t quarter of section twenty. uine (291, east half f fonth-west quarter of ?ec t on' twtnt.V-nine (29) ; east half of north east quarter of section thirty-two (32), con, taming three hundred and twenty (S20 acres, all in township fiye, south rne, on tiist of the VYilIamellp me-idian. ARTHUR AYARNEU, Sheriff of Clacainas county Oregon City, Novtter 25, 1670.W4 O o