o O o o o aL. rnxv. t- -1 Jas Weekly Enterprise. j DEMOCRATIC PAPER, FOR THE Business IVlan, the Farmer Me FAMILY CIRCLE. 1 jryir EVERY KIIIHAY 13V A. NOLTraER, KDIGI- AS1) l'llKMSHKU. ftrFICF Comer of Fifth and Main streets Ongo"My, Orcon. rTrt o SUli SCRIP TIOX: eiiigitppy one 'car' in adrancc $2 50 TEZMSof ADVERTISING : t :...,,,ntj irn-liiilmcf 1 1" 4l Motk-cs, y f l'i hues, U.J 2 0 ForVh sequent insertion 1 0 OaeC.U nn, one year I20 00 ,!f.cr ,. " 40 jE'e-w Car.!, I sq-iare one year 12 - Rtmitlinrt tn be made tit the risk o Si'tfci'ibfi, and at the t spate of Agents.. rrnL' a xn JOB PRIXTIXG. 0 j j - 3- The Enterprise "nl-:C I- supplied with b.4iitiful. anproved styles of type, ami mod- . y vCin.N'E lKiCS:4ES. which will enable t!ie rroprietor to do .1 -b Fiinting at all times JW, Q'lid: and Cheap ! ez- '.vVrfc s-.lic.ted. ("' wttttit upon rt Specie bnis. tiUSXdJSS CARDS. Attorn 3y at Law, Oregon City, Oregon. Sei..t.l:1-. AW PARTNERSHIP. As. K. KF.I.LY, I J. II. REF.O, Kei'l'tn". Columbia st Ite-si lcm-c orw;r of b?t. -'I ii'i't 3-1 t. I Columliia and 7th sts. Jus. K. Kelly und J. 11. Re 1, under the linn name ot KF.LLY .V UEKD, Will practice law in t he Unn ts of Oregon Oilier on First street, near Alder, over the new Fust office room, Port.and. (4ott JAXSIXCr STOUT. Attorney and Counselor at Law, FOll TLANH, OUEtiOX. OHi-p Under the United States District 'ditrt 11 mm. Front street. 4utf J)AGR & TIIAYKU, AT rORNEVS AT LAW. OFFICE In Cr.-e'. Unildinj, comer of Fiont an.! Stark streets, I'oritund. J. r. CPI.K'. J- C. MOKEtASI). CAFLES & MOREh.VND, ATT0E.NE1? S AT LAW, Cor. FRO XT and WASMXGTOX Sts., FOKTL NI, OUEtlO.V. "O.a.'" on Mam Street, opposite Mason ic Ma 1, Oreo-i Citv. 1W jJsTuFAliKAXS, fliysician anil SurgGon, t.-TO.Tiee 'at hU Di uir Store, near Fost 0,ii;. Oregon City, Oreg-ui. F)tt J. WELCH, DENTIST. Perm-men f.y Located at Oregon. City, Oregon. T II. WATKIXS, M. D., SURGEOX. PouTr.Axn, OuKiun. 0FJCK:E O ld Fellows' Temple, corner Firit.m.l Mder streets Kesidcnce corner of Miu and Seventh streets. 1 Attorney and Coins;lor at Law, n . . . PHJCTOIt AND SOUCITOU. AVOCT. Prai-Uccs in Sta'c and IT. R. Ccurfa. QJire X. ins Front Street. Portland, Orejon, 0 p ; i.sitc M Cor; nick'. I?ook Stoo.r W.. HIGHFIELD, E-tO.li-hed since lS40,at the old stand, Mtin Street, Oregon. City, Oregon. An Assortment of Watche-,, Jew elry, and Sctli Thomas' weight Clock, all of which are warranted to he a- represented. u?painn'4s d'ne on snort notice, ud thankful for past favors. CLARK GUEENSIAH, rVCity Drayman, 0P.EG0X CITY 3. All orders for the delivery of merchan dise or pickaze and freight of whatever des e'ipti-n. to any pirt of the city, willbeexe c itel promptly and with care. 'JJEW YORK HOTEL, ""v - (Oeutfches Oafthaus, . IT Front Street, opposite tlu Mail steam O ship landing, Portland, Oregon. H. E0THF03, J. J. WILKENS, O F II 0 p II I E T O II S . o F.-nnl per Week 5 Oil " with Lodging ' C, oo " ' Day i oo If you wish the very best ' kV.not, PKnt.-. t!r , rC, " i nrisi can on o MUrU-; i RUL0FS0X, 439 Moatgomcrv -'--uoAa r rancisco. -i JOHN FLEMING, DEALER. IX BOOKS AND STATIONER IN MYERS' FIKE-rROOF BRICK, MAIN STREET, OUEGOX CITT, OK EG OX. "Live and Let Live." J7IELDS & STKICKLKR, DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, nfTffnn .... wu.miu i 'jiUUUCE, Ac, CHOICE AV1XE8 AND LIQUORS. S9"At the old staud of Wortman & Fields Oregon Cit , Oregon. . i;;tf JOIIX II. SCHRAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in ifefV SA1VLZS, HARNESS, etc., etc., Main S't-cet, Oregon City, T8 Wishes to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish any article in his line as the largest establishment in the State. He particularly requests that an examination of his stock be made before buying elsewhere. OEO. NOAH, J VMKS MORI! SON. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Formerly flew Columbian, Corner Front and Morrison Streets, POUTLASD, OKECO.V. NOAH &, MORRISON, PROPRIETORS. - Free Coach to itt r j . n. House July 10th tf OREGON LIT BREWERY ! IIEXRYIIUMBEL, Having purchased the above Rrewery wish es to inform the public that, he is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality ot .AG Eli BE Kit, As good as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled. Patronize Home Industry. THE PIONEER CURLED HAIR MANUFACTORY Is now fi.e:ared to supply the market w.th a No. 1 article of Curled lla":r tor Up!io slery work, which will com pare with any imported article hi quality o; price. f pay the h'ghest p-ice for Manes and Tails of Horses and Ta Is of Cows at my store, corner Front aud Salmon streets. I). MKTZ'il R, Portland. Oreirt n. JdllX M.'BACOX, Importer and Dealer in Orj Gv ."EISL. STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, etc., Ac, Orpgon City, Orejon. At Charmao S IVnrner' old ta id, lately oc cupied by S. Acktrman, Main, street. M tf Dr. J, H. HATCH, DENTIST. The patronage of those desiring tirst Oars Operat i'niK, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. R. Xitrous Oxyle administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Offick In Weigant's new building, west side of First street, between Alder aud Mor risou streets, Portland, Oregou. CII AS. HODGE. .CHAS. E. CALEF. .CEO. W. SNELL. HODGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS 1 DRUGS and MEDICINES, TAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, fARXSHES, BRUSHES. PAIXTERS Materials, ana- uruyjigts Sundries. 07 Frent Street, 3 I'ortland, Oregon. JacobStitzee. James B. TJrrox. STITZEL & UPTON, Real Estate Brokers and General Agents, Corner of Front and Vashlnjton streets. TORTLAND, OREGON. -- Will attend to the sale and purchase of'lieal Estate in all parts of the City and -4ate. Special attention given to the sale ol East Portland property. Address P. O. Box 402, rorthmd. Oregon. STITZEL & UPTON. Otf. Peal Estate Brokers. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner Front and Morrison Sts., PORTLAND Oil EG ON. EV3. Keith, Manager. T FINEST AND LARGEST HOTEL ON ; the Northwest Coast. The building is a new brictc structure, and furnished in the most elegant, style, affording the very best accommodations to guests. Free Coaeh and Bagz'tze Wagon, to and from the Hews?. i'i-.tH OREOON. CITY, LEON DELOlJEY, Of the P.ARNUM EESTAUIiANT, Main street, OREGON CITY, Ee to inform the public and his friends that lie has leased the lower part of the CLIFF HOUSE, Which he has opened as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. The lable will at h!1 times be supplied with the beat the market affords. Orders for srtppcrs and parties will' be3 promptly attended to. July 2:tf COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. Front Street PORTL.VXD, OREGOiV. Zieber& Holton Propr's. rpiiE v$DFAistai:tt having re- JL furitishe t and re Kited the above nflmCd Hotel, will henct f rt!i conducted on the EUROPEAN STYLE. Rooms can be had by the Day, Week t or Month. A RESTAURANT' in the House, under jhe inaiiagement of PIERRE M ANCIET, late of the Lafayette. Owing to its location and construction, it is the most de-irable Ht-te in the City, and we intend keeping it as it ought to be K EI'T. Free Conch anl ltagg igc "ngon to and from the Hotel. ZIEI1ER & IIOLTON, Proprietors. Oiliee of tin: Oregon ami Culiforniai oct. 2ltf. Stnsc Comuiinr DAVID R. SMITH, Civil and Met la nieiil Engineer, Solicit" r of Arrerian and Fore'gn PATENTS, MOXTCCMEKV STREET, P. 0. BOX 1161. SAX FKAxnsro. AVltU gencies in Waslilnston, Lon don, Paris, Vienna, etc. Specifications and Drawings Prepared, Ex aminations Made, Caveats Fi ed. Foreign Pat ents Obtained, Rejected Applications Prose cuted, Interferences Conducted, Extensions Applied lor, Re-Issues Procured, Assign ments Prepared, and Patent Business of Every Description Attended to. Sept.23,LS70:ly. WILLIAM &INCER las Established FOR THE MAXUFACTOTiY OF SASHj BLINDS AND OCRS AND MOULDINGS OF ALL H ZF.S. y They will also do TURNING, of eV3ry det'c; iption to order, With Neatness and o Dispatcl 1 ALL WORK WARRANTED. Shop on the River, b; ck of A k m Store, Oregon Cit3r, Or Oregon City, July iJo-tf L!KC0LNDAKER7. BAiLY,K ARDINC c CO., Succes'sois of L. Diei.er in the Lincoln Uaken-, I")EG LEAVE TO INFORM THE CITI 3 zens of Oregon City and surrounding country, that they keep constantly on hand and for sale, all kinds of BREAD, CR CKEI?S, CAKES. PASTRY, CANDIES AND NUTS. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES- Orders promptly filled, and goods deliver ed at the residence of the purchaser when desired. Tlio highest pi ices paid for Butter, Eggs and Vegetables. A liberal -hare of public patronage is re spectfully solicited. Aptil 23, lS70:ly SEND TO RUSSELL & FERRY, AGENTS, PORTLAND, OR TO JOHNSON & M'COWN, OREGON CITY, FOR THE OREGON REAL ESTATE GAZETTE FREE OF CHARGE. Sept. tj tf Final Settlement Notice. TENRV 1IUMBEL, AUMINISTRATO -I ,ri. ajg rf G. A. Arco, havir tiled his accounts and prayer - for final settle ment.it was ordered that Monday, the 2d oar of January 171, be" set apart lor the examination of said accounts, ac wn.cn time all persons interested can appearand file objections if they have anV; (Attest. J. M. TnAZEH, Cleik. - County j u dg?-. dec9w-i ORECOJf, Fill 5 AY, WECEMBEB IttTS? Integrity at a Discount Tf .1 mere Avas ever a, doubt that 1 resident Grant was not n tool in the hands of the politicians, that doubt has been dispelled by the re moval of Secretary Cox. JJy tliis act the President has cjiven his alle giance to that body of managers of whom Senator Cameron is chief aud whose motto is not "principle" but "provender." It has been a long time since we entertained the idea that the present Executive of the LTnited States wns ft strictly honest infill. His recep tion of gifts in money, houses, lands, horses and trinkets, and his return a f i in po rt a n t a p po i n t m e n t s 1 1 1 crefo r, opened our eyes to the fact that, the days of the rrtiflty of the Presiden tial ofnee were ended. This settled, we were prepared not to be surpris ed at anythiiir; find it was well for it has saved us the infliction A' many a shock that our sensitive moral nature might otherwise have felt, from the unheard of and out rageous conduct of the Prcsnlent. Gen. Cox insisted on the puritv of his department of the public ser vice, lie did not want his clerks to be taxed upon their salaries for the purpose of applying the proceeds to carrying the election of some politi cal blackguard, and refused to al low any such assessment to be made. He desired that the appointees of his department should hold their positions through merit and a con scientious discharge of dutv. Put this did not suit Simon Cameron, and the other radical leeches who now control the President and suck the blood of the people. Hence they indicated to the executive that Gen. Cox should be removed, or lalu r, he resigned knowing that his conduct had given oltence to the President's masters, and that his resignation would be demanded. Thus, integrity and honesty have been tabooed in the Interior De partment, and a warning given to all the other Secretaries that official purity will not be allowed to imper il radical successes in elections. Hereafter, when Cameron's com mittee desire to rob the poor clerks of a portion of their humble salaries for the. purpose of raising an elec tion fund, they mu?-t be allowed to do it. The President is completely under the thumb of his Senatorial masters, and has thrown his oMU ial influence into the scale against an honest administration of the Cov intut. We would lather stand in Secre tary Cox's shoes to-day. a thousand times, than wear the dishonest and defiled robes of the President. The one are the stout brogans of un fiincliing and ineorruptable oflicial integrity, and the other the soiled and befouled garments of a political prostitute, who co-habits with the worst of. mankind for the sake of place and pofit. .Democratic WatcJonan. More Changes. 3rore changes are contemplated in the Cabinet. Secretary of State, Fish, will retire before the 4th cf -March, proximo, when the present session of Con- gress expires; and it is said that Ackcrman, Attorney General, will withdraw at the same time and be succeed b one of the present Sen ators from Oregon, whose term will then expire, George 11. v d liams. Another report credits Pn sident Grant with a desire to make a place for Pennsylvania in the Cabinet, aud that, therefore, Postmaster General, Joint A. C res well, of Maryland, must resign. The cause assigned is purely a po litical one, and selfish at that; Maryland is democratic and hope lessly lost to tho republicans ; Pennsylvania is republican and can be made more loyal to that party's fortunes b- the appoint ment of a Pcnnsylvanian to repre sent that State in tho Cabinet. It ts not a question of Mr. C res well's ability, but simply one to secure the vote of a great State for partisan purposes. Still an other report is telegraphed that Governor J. W. MeClurg, of Mis souri, who has been defeated by B. Grantz Brown, will be "provi ded for," a vacancy in one of the Bureau Departments being deter mined upon for his accomodation. All the advices from Washington would indicate that the President is reconstructing his Cabinet with a view to insure a re-nomination and re-election for a second term. It remains to be seen whether the republican Congress' will unite with him for the same purpose. & J Chronicle.. The will of thelatcGcn. Robert E. Lee, which has been admitted to probate, was written by the deceas ed in 1346. - COURTESY OF BANCROFT LTRRAPY encioEBii The Administration afraid to face the next House. Xothing can more strikingly evince the faHure of the Adminis tration to secure a servile nmjorit in the next House of Representa tives (hen the cry, already started m Presidential circles and presses, for a -repeal of the law providing for the meeting and organization of the new House immediately after the adjournment of the old one. If the Administration felt sure ot securing an organization m the interest of the protectionists and their own private ends, there would be no. delay in assemblin their "faithful Commons?' Their conscious weakness makes them now cry out for delayrtand for at least si months of grace before they are brought to judgment. Meantime, they can probe the na ture of the wound they have re ceived, ascertain the number of the Reveiiic Be tinners,'' ai d learn how many of them possess that degree of easy virtue which can be propitiated by Executive patronage. During this Interval, Si T'Vi t fl rv ( i iv' littiJ- livrrlnnr n reform in the civil service and an increased purity of administration, are not likely to be textbooks m mi the President's study. If in des pite of all this manipulation, the partv ot Revenue Reformers shall grow correspondingly to the awakened spirit of the country, as is probable, then it will be deemed some advantage at lea-t to have postponed the evil day of reckon ing. Of course that day must come, sooner or later, but to politi cal defaulters a postponement is always the cheifest of blessings. Meanwhile, it is a most healthy aud encouraging symtom of the times, that an Administration so eager heretofore to summon Con gress in aid and furtherance of its schemes of political, tyranny, is now actually afraid to face the branch of Congress which most directly reflects the popular will. History teaches us that tyrants have often tried this device of postponing the meeting of the del egates of the people, and that in all cases it hits failed to answer the end proposed. Patriot. . e . - CoNGKssro.vAL Gain's. The Con gressional gains by the Democrats in the Fall elections, says the Sac ramento Jlcporicr,- according to the most reliable accounts, are as follows: In Pennsylvania. 5 ; in Indian-?, 2; in Ohio, 1 ; in Vt't Virginia, " ; in Wisconsin, 1 hi ?dichigan, 1 ; in Missouri, 2, and G Liberals equal to 8: in Virginia, 2 : in North Carolina m i en- " T " m r tor- nessce, G ; in Alal jama, .3 ; ida, 1 ; in Arkansas, 2'; m Nevada, 1; in New York, 3. Total, 42. There are 2 44 members with a full house. In the present Congress the Democrats have G3 members In the Forty-Second Congress they will haye JOO, and probably IK), leaving the Republicans less than a good working majority. Glory enough for one campaign. In ad dition, the Democrats will have G more Senators A "Ricukl" Govkrxok. An exchange says Grant hns made, a Governor out of a "rebel." Vin cent Vaughn, late editor of the notorious rebel sheet, the Tusca loosa JSlonitor" and who was an officer in the Confederate service until the close of the war" has been appointed Governor of Utah. Grant and his secretary think it highly wrong that a Federal Hag inthe Soiith'should be lowered at half-mast in memory of such a man as Lee, but it is patriotic to assign to a high position one, who, with out having Lee's great abilities and virtues, did all he could to ad vance the cause for which Lee in curred the hatred of the "trooly loil." Vaughn may be a worthy man, but bow are wc to account for his appointment? Did lie make Grant a present ? .-- - Louisville, Oregon, is the quiet est town in the United States, and there are but three women in it. That is news rrom abroad. As there is no town of Louisville in Oregon, it certainly must be the quietest place, and without even a soul. Lullcthi. Thr.ro hnrmenos to be a "Lewis- - - - i i ville" in Or egon, and the above is a correct discription of the place. a T AAinvr. Ahead. The Reese River Reveille, a bitter little blacl- sheet, sees no hope for its party m th" State ot Nevada. it says "Stewart, Nye and r itcn will have to yield their seats to Democratic corn petit ors." . .,' A llice State of Anairs- A Charleston correspondent of tho New York World gives the following picture of aifairs in South Carolina : The ruling political majorit' in this State, . says the Charleston correspondent of the New York EWorld, is composed of savages for such the negroes unquestion ably are, under the now complete sepcraticn to . which they have been brought by their Radical leaders. New England has stocked the State with male and female ad venturers, some few of them have doubtless been fiithful and compe tent -.teachers of the blacks, but the most of them have been after" the money, and have in many ways damaged and demoralized the negro race. There are instan ces known to me of young and good looking "school inarms," sup ported by Northern societies, and additionally paid out of the State iunds as teachers m the negro schools, who grossly scandalize the communities in which they live by their intimacies with the young black and mulatto men ; riding or walking with them alone far into the woods, where they are some times seen in juxtaposition irrecon cilable Avith decency or virtue. In some of these cases the mulatto Lothario has a Avife and family of his own color, whom he neglects while paying these agreeable at tentions to the lair lady from the far cast. Such women go back home and complain that they Avere subjected here to social ostracism, Avhen, if the' behaved in the same Avay at home, they Avould be sub jected to a like ostracism by all decent " reorle there. Thev feel and know that they can act thus here Avith impunity because their political friends and employers are delighted to have the white popu lation mortified by such open pic tures of the misccgenaceous inter course ami companionship of Avhite girls with negro bucks and mulatto "shorts" and that if any report or their names and their liasons Avere sent north it Avould be discredited, and radical (negro and carpet-bag) volunteer affida vits be forwarded 1at the barrel to prove the young damsels martyrs to rebel prejudice, or at least Democratic slanders. Whatever the common school arrangement mi'ltt do if in the hands of good and competent men, it actually amounts to nothing more under the Scott administration than a heavy leak to the public treasury. Many of the teachers in such of the counties as I have visited are native negroes, Avho positively can not spell the simplest monosyl able; and I have letters now in my possession written or scraAvled by some of these teachers, and oilier h tters of different members ot the South Carolinina Legisla ture in Avhich there is scarcely a word properly spelled. As a picture of the times, and the State under Radical robber re construction, take the folloAving : Near the line of the railway run ning from Wilmington to Kings ville, and only a 1'oav miles from the village of Lynchburg, S. C., a quiet and successful farmer lives with his large family, depending on his crop entirely for suppoit. A few nights since an armed band of twentydfvc negro savages at tacked his premises, and in his presence deliberately applied the torch to liis large and well filled barn and gin-house, reducing the whole establishment, including S00 bushels of corn, to ashes. two nights afterward, another farm in the same neighborhood was visited and burnt out in like manner. What redress have the sufferers by such outrages? If the ruffians -i i i are proceeded against wy iaw il Avill be almost impossible to induce the negro pirv to convict them; but if convicted and sentenced the pardoning power is ready in two days to restore him to liberty, and is certain to do it. it the ruthans are shot there is a hue and cry at once raised of "rebel outrages aud negro mobs arc ready to retaliate. The cause of Judge Casey's vol untary retirement from the Court of Claims is to engage in the prac tice of his profession here, Avhich offers more pecuniary reAvard than the salary of Chief Justice. Of course Air. Cameron, avIio now, in the elegant phrase of his Pennsyl A'ania school of politics, "runs the Administration," will nominate the successor of Judge Casey, and it will be the President's business to record his choice. To this com plexion has the Chief Magistrate come at last. A sort of tail to the kite of Simon Cameron. -jjim.umnjLimu 'Free Missouri.' We have been so accustomed t0 use the above expression as a term -of mockery find derision that; noAA' it has a genuine significance and an honest sound, it has a pleas ant strangeness and beAvilderment about it a feeling akin to that Avhen one aAvakes from a horrid nightmare and finds no goblins to ' haunt his Avaking' hours. "Free Missouri"' once meant the sort of freedom the jailor gives hi? ' prisoner, the master his slave the freedom to lice, Avithont the free dom to enjoy. It meant the erec tion of a despotism, shaming all modem civilization on the gfftA-e of civil and religious liberty. It meant that the learned pf'ofessiolfs ' should retire before the enlight ment (?)of.test oaths; that tin Gospel should pay tribute to Ca?saP, and that prison doors were to 1 C shut upon those Avho proclaimed, the -word of -God Avithont license of Missouri radicalism ; it meant that one hundred thousand rneii of Missouri should be excluded from the exercise of that chiefest right of freemen- the ballot ; it meant that representation should not go hand in band Avith taxa tion ; it meant the subversion and transposition of every element of liberty and justice, and became ji ridiculous mockery of Truth. Tho time Avill ccme when Shame Will reassert her prerogative, and there" will be found few Avho will not den A' that they indorsed mid ftp- q proved the ficedftm (?) that Rad icalism gave Missouri. But ihe truth of history will treasure the facts for the amusement of tho generations that arc to come after" vvs, The transformation scene frofrt "Free (?) Missouri" to FREE MIS SOURI, fro mi the derisive jest to the reality from prison cell to tho Sunlight of freedom is passing bej fore us The ballot-box, stifled for" year's,- spoke with somewhat of its o ancient liberty on the eighth, dhf of November and its eloquent pow er shook loose the shackles i'gpm the If tubs of a hundred thousand Avhite men, fastened there hy that tyrant called Radicalism. It Avaa the same old tight betAveen Right and Wrong with the self-same fe- suit that always has marked and always Avill mark such a conflict G To-d..y, Missouri, queenly iff her beauty and her power, rich in the vastness and fertility of her do main, glorious in her traditions and bouvant in her future, stands forth in the broad sunlight ot free dom. There will be a noble con tention between the unwaA-crihg Democracy and the Liberal Repub licans of the State as to avIio may claim the honor of the victory ; but it matters little, for in the broad charity and gratitude of the enfranchised people both will be remembered and honored for the O good they have accomplished. To proscription and tyranny, aud their machinery of test oaths and baAonets, farewell Missouri- is FUE1Z.Rctcftfc. DirNT Want to mz Peksox ae. Four gentlemen on Treasure Hill Ave re recently engaged at a little game of "draAA" One of the number unfortunately had but one cyebut this did not disqualify him from "playing roots." During the course of the play thefe Avere some little advantages taken, when, at last, one of the party Avho was loser, thought the thing had gone about far enough ; so, drawing himself up he said : "I don't want to be personal, and would not willingly cast, insinuations, but if I see any more cheating going on, I'll knock some son of a b h's other eye out., 0 A Clergyman Avas preparing his discourse for Sunday, stopping oc casionally to revieAv Avhat he had Avritten, and erase that which lie disapproved, he Avas accosted by his little son, who has numbered five summers "Father, does God tell you what to preach ?"' 'Certainly, my cTiild." "Then what makes you scratch it out." Guiltt. The radical favorite of Mro Tlc,twl W. G. Marcy, late Paymaster in the Navy, has plead ed o-ufty f having appropriated S130000 of the United States funds. "That's the way trie money goe's,' Szc. What's Breavixg? A morning o -v.- "V'..d.- enrs rrtnin l - par cr OI ew loi.-v - - i .monts .ire soon to be made -dmwin" that Preston King, fornfc erlv Collector of that port, was mur dered and that men in high places are implicated. Q' & o o o o o o o o o o o