WW fclje iUceltlf) (enterprise. Ttnv as a count v. . . m l ... i i lowing are the proceedings of the County CoiirC December Venn Hon. J. K; Wait preying : p .0rle Semi-annual report in the mut t,r of the estate oj' John Long was filed. The annual report of tbe guardian of ,he heirs of F. Charman was received and proved and filed; the appraisers' re tort was approved ; the vrulotv was al lowed S-'-W as gi'rdiau of tbe minors. Pi tbe'niatter of the eitate of A. Har rington : the final aecouftts of the admin istrator of -said estate were approved 1 . . t . T t.piiii j.f will Estate or rraucis juui-a, iuui mi made and admitted to probate. Onnmissioners' Ijisine..i1 'etitiori of P. ii f',iu for ri'( liiciion of taxes was ixl- Jl. v'"' ' U,ir. Buck was appointed viewer on private, road for Jas. Clark, in place of L. 1) C. Lalourette, who declined to .serve. I'e'tiuon of O. &. C. K. R. Co. for reduc tion of taxes, showing that the real prop erty of said company had not been as sessed by the assessor according to lav Ordered that assessment be set aside and SbyvltT make new asse.-sment. rvt'Uion of Oswego Iron Company for a correction of assessment. Same order as nhove. and SherifF further ordered to de duct the indebtedness allowed at former term of Court. la matter of bridge across Molalla, known as Wright's bridge, M. Itanisby vdi appointed to in.vesiig.ite he same and make tuch repairs as he thinks neces s.irv. Ji niitter of complaint against. Lafayette May ia'gard to the treatment of his sis ter that he has in charge; complaint or dered tiled. J- M. Jloore and Jas. Winston appointed to investigate the matter and report in writing at the next term of this Court. Petition of F. C. Mack and others for a ' road commencing at the residence of J. II. Ralston, at the intersection of the road leading (Mist Win. Holmes' farm to the road leading south from Oregon City past mM KalsionV. thence until it intersects the road leading to Upper Molalla and Hard .Scrabble, near Clias. Moshberger's farm. Riley Andrus, Chus. Walker and qS.uh lei Waldron appointed viewers. JJills to the amount of $j35 52 were al lowed aad orilered paid. Dc.ifXKss Acnvrrv. All the boats of I he l'. T. Company are now employed. The Fannie Pattou went out this morning f: the first time this season. The Active, A. ! City and lieliaiKie went tip yesterday. Tlie two former arrived in the basin from up the river in the morning and unloaded ud started up again. The boats have ali the freight they can carry, and there are now evenboa!s employed, and we are infVrmi'd that there wili be freight enough to keep them all busy during the season. Tins state of things shows that Oregon is S icr:using in her produces. There are two boats daily between this place and 1'ortla.id. which are kept busy. It ap pe,us that the railroad, which was to 'freeze out'' the boats, lias not had any Very serious effect on their business. Mi Ti'.u. Admiuation" Socii:tv? The Mutual A-dmiration Society," in other counties termed the County Court, met lat Mondav. The proceedings will be found in anoiher-eolunin. We are in formed that a young attorney told the chief of the society that he would here after bring iiis ca: es before a court where he could ;et a show for justice. The Otort is run by outside power altogether, (ind unless a person is in the ring.'' lie h is a slim show. For instance, the revok ing of the road which Was laid out on pe tition of Clias. Stoker. AnvKimsKn.s. Messrs. liuiley, Harding & Co., Mr. John Fleming, and oUhts of oar advertisers have received new goods fir holiday gifts. Mr. John Myers has itl-o receive. I a new supply of goods mi'ed for this season of the year. Look over the advertising columns and then pa trotii.e th.ise who have public spirit enuitgh lo set before the public their wares in a ioeal paper. It is always a sure Indi rVi'mu that the men who advertise deal liberal. Tiik Exfi nsiox. A number of" Major'' Tins. Chamum's friends left here last Thursday to participate in the excursion ia lienor of the completion of the railroad to Albany. It is not known whether Tom took along a supply ot John For rest's best'' fur his lrionds on the occa sion. Cotti'LKT kj. The raihoad is now com pleted to Albany, and a grand celebration in honor of the event was to have been had at that place yesterday. As we wore )i t among the personal friends of " Major"' Tims. Charniin. an invitation did not reach us to go up on this menu ruble- oc casion. Goi.t) ! Goi.o ! ! Goi.n ! ! 1 Look at the list of coin premiums offered by the Cali fornia Der.cvolent Soesety, at their draw- 5"$' L) take place December 27th. A rare chaifde. See adverifsement. On icKiis. The Directors of the P. T. Co. met at Salem last Wednesday and elected the following officers for the ensn )'? year : President. A. A. McCully; Vice Present. E. N. Cooke : Secretary, Thos. MeF. Pa! ton. Ai'.sr.xT.-ilcv. Mr. Sellwood left last Tuesday for a missionary visit, in com pany wit! Bishop Morris and Per. J. II. W Sellwood. to Astoria. In consequence of Mr. Scihvood's absence, there will be no service at St. Paul's Church next Sun day. Sunday School at the usual hour. QLvn.Wo 1 earn that "Major"' Thos. Charman is (piite out of humor because Pen. llolladay restricted him to only 30 invitations for this place. It did not give his customers each one, and the slighting of any may cause him to lose their" trade. 'Major' Thos. Charman's railroad ex cursionists returned last niht all right. Ben. llolladay is a clever fellow to fur nish Tom with invitations for hisfiiends to .ake such excursions. RvxaWay. Last Monday a team be longing to a ntin whose name we did not learn, took frijrht in the lower end of town and ran oil' with the wagon, causing a general smash up. Sr vi.T.Kn. The cars stalled on the grade below town twice this week. Last Wednesday they wore about four hours making the trip between here and Port land, a distance of twelve miles, liather fc.ow traveling. Bar.'JEMAN-, alias Schultz. This notori ous individual was captured at Yreka California, a few days ago. The sheriff of Siskiyou county, Cat., and a deputy sheriff from Jackson county, passed through here having him in charge last Saturday eve rung, and he is now safely lodged in the county jail of Multnomah, which county had offered $1 000 reward for his capture'. He is "undoubtedly the individual who was such a terror to tht? citizens of Port land last summer. The Yreka Journal gives the following particulars of his cap ture : Schultz was caught in town last Mon day morning, shortly after daylight, by Hi Ward and John llendrickr. It' was evident he bad stopped orer uight at some place between llawkin.s ville and Yreka, and being cold, came to town to warm up and get something to eat. He proceeded to Wheeler A Baker's saloon to get a drink before breakfast, where Hi Ward recognised him, mid immediately woke up John Hendricks, to assi-t him in making his arrest. They both followed their man to his breakfasting place, and with a pis tol pointed at each side of his head, caused him to surrender, and fork over a five shooter he had concealed in his bosom He was first discovered by a man named Wright, who seems to have been in com pany with him in Washington Territory, and says he made a pair o! boota for him there. Wright recognized him at work at Cou'.tas' blacksmith shop at Cottonwood, when they boih went out to have a conti dential utlk. After this. Wright got ScliHltz's pistol, and pawned it for suffi cient funds to telegraph to Washington Territory, to find out how much reward wasonered for Sehuliz's arrest, which was answered that $150 was oiFered in Wash ington Territory, and $500 at Portland, Oregon. Wright, baring been drinking, showed the dispatch to several at Cotton wood, and afterwards came to Yreka, to inform the. sheriif. stating that Schultz bad threatened to kill him. Sheriff Burgess telegraphed to Portland, and found the man answered the description, and that, altogether, SI. 150 re ward "was offered for his capture. Schultz was at lliley's store, in Ilawkinsville. on Sunday, anxiously in quiring for Wright, and was armed with a six shooter, a live shooter and a yager. When arrested, he said he did not intend to kill Wright, but calculated to pound him, so that his nearest relations could not recognise him. as he had stolen his pistol to raise money towards telegraphing to Washington Territory about him. Schultz is evidently a very shrewd and hard case, and needs close watching to keep him in custody. 5i:w Aim.--We call attention to S. J. MeCormick's advertisement. Parents will find it interebtiilg. Mr. Kast, boot and shoe dealer, Portland, has a notice of im portance to-day. floor M vKKii. Mr. Phelips has located himself in this business in this city. See his advertisement: He is a first class workman, and persons will do well to give him a call. LinKAi,. Pen. llolladay telegraphed up the line last Wednesday that all f reight which would be sent on Thursday by the railroad destined for San Francisco, will be stopped to its destination tree ot charge. Smvixu Society. The Kpiscopal Sew ing St ciety meets next Tuesday at the residence of Mrs. E. D. Kelly. IIaix. There has sufficient ruin fallen to enable all the boats to be brought into use. The river is now at a good stage ot water. It appears that out of ihe thirty invita- tations furnished by Mr. llolladay to "Major" Cbarraan, there were only three given to Democrats. How is that for high'.' The Mtfjor"7 don't like Democrats much, to .-peak of. The opposition steamer Calliope came down fat. til Corvaliis last Tuesday and went up the river yesterday. From the Albany TteyLsler : Andrew Mark tried fording the Santiam at Pond's ferry with his team. It cost him the. loss of things in his wagon, worth a small sum. but came near costing him the loss of horses, wagon and his orra life. He will terry in future. The Democrat of December 2d tells of the Sheriif of Linn sef'S a big posse, surrounding a certain farmer's house, his inin all armed and ready to fire at a mo ment's fignaL all under the impression that Slni'lti. alias Bardmen, was inside. and then the discovery was made that the supposed highwaymen was an honest old Irishman iu quest of employment. Andrew Wiley, of Lebanon, ii under bonds of $1,000 on i charge of hating sold liquor to Indians. Six new members were received into the Albany Presbyterian Church last Sun day. - We fake the following from the Herald : Mr Owens, the first officer of (he ship Montgomery Castle, was playing on the middle deck with a child, six months old. belonging to Captain Hughes. In attempt ing to go down the hatchway to the lower dock, he missed the first round of the 'lad der and tell into the lower hold, twenty feet beneath, falling on the back part of his head and was badly injured. The child was not injured. A Mrs. Murphy, living at the lower end of town, was found yesterday morning by her husband, on the "floor, dead. The ship Montgomery Castle will be ready to sail iu about a fortnight. She will carry one thousand five hundred tons of wheat to Liverpool There are at present twenty-six pris oners in the County Jail. It will cost the tax-payers.of fbheonnty $2,000 for the Irial of "Shultz of which amount $1,000 is as a reward for his cap ture. Prom the Oretjonian : The Jury in the ease of the State of Oregon vs. Chas. JJuren. was dicharged at. 1 1 o'clock A. M. yesterday, after having been out sixty-seven hours, without being able to agree upon a verdict. At the first, there were seven jurors for conviction, three for acquital and two blank, subse nuentlv. after receiving further instruc lions from the court, the jury stood eleveu for conviction, and one for acqui tal. and it stood thus at the eloe. The one man who stood tor acquital, declared he would so stand if tbe jury were kept lor a t weivemontti-. Judge Uice. Gov. Goodwin and others of the North Pacilie railroad party, "went up on the O. fc C Railroad. Sunday, to point several miles beyond Jefferson and back. We understand they were much pleased, not only with the road and its bridges and trestle work, but with the country through which thev reiser We understand that Bafgrnan, bi ought nere uie ottier night trom Ireka, does not ueny u at ne is the Bargman (commonly called Shultz last summer) who escaped from the Steilacoom jail: but he does deny that he was at Portland at all. His defence will probably be that favorite cne of Weller, genior, "a alh ?'oy." From the Bulletin: Hon. J. Thompson, member of the House for Umatilla county, who was tafcen down with the small-pox at Salem just before the adjournment of the Legisli ture. passed through this place last night, on his way home. He looks well, but the terrible disease has left iude'llible marks upon his leat tires. J. H. Underwood, United States Tota! Agent, has establised the following new post offices : In Washington county, at Glencoe, Greenfield. and Wapiton ; Marion county, at Turners and Marion; in Columbia county. Columbia Post Office at what is known as Goza's landing on the Willamette slough ; White Salmon, at the landing cf that name cn the Columbia river. lie has also changed the post office at Belpassi to Gervais. and es tablished Clackamas Post Office at the railroad station known as Marshfield. From the Statesman : Those convicts who arrived the other day from Jackson county were V. S. House and Chas. Ilayden convicted of larceny, breaking into and robbing a safe, and Thomas Brown for burning a barn. The property of the Oregon Stage Company has all been removed from Salem to Jefferson and the heavy rumble o,f Concord coaches through the streets of the Capital is now an echo from the past. Our lawyers appear much pleased1 with our new Judge of the Circuit Conrt. Hon. L. L. McArthnr. We visited the Court room for a short time during the late ses sion, and were favorably impressed with the way in which he seemed to be con ducting the affairs of that institution. We congratulate the Judge upon his suc cess, and hope the good impression that he has mad npon our people, will re main for all time to come. Mountaineer Oreoont a xd Catji-ouxva Stack Cov- rXT. To-day the miil ronfraetnnd sfock of the Oregon nnd California Stage Com pany cbantres hands. The new eontyne tors and proprietors are Mesi;s. . Bradley Barlow, of Vermont :-Owen FnPer. of Tndiam : and J. W. Parker of ICnpsnp. The officers of. the new fompjihv have been chosen as follows: Sonerintendenf , Fran.- CluQrsracro. Esq. : Division Afn'. J. -T. Oomctoek. .Terrv Mir;n. nd W. Tj.. Smith ; Portland Agent. B. G. Whitehouse. Stu.i, they (Iomk. The 3fercury says that on Inst Fridav a Salem livery man presented to the State Department, at Sa lem, another bill of S75 for bucrgy hire, endorsed by Gov. Woods. This makes $780 in ali, charged to trie State for buggy hire for Gov. Woods. Have" Yorr i Cob'jrr. Old, ;Pnin in the Chest, or I'.roYichitis ? In f-ct, have you the premonitory symptoms of tbe -'insatiate archfr," Cori'iimjitinn ? Know, 'that relief is at haul in Jl'Utar J! ahum of Wild Cher -. 1 PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HGBSEa Grand Opening Out of or a FAIL COODS. Ob' Boots 6l Slhoes9 TO BE RETAILED AT WHOLESALE FIGURES. THE LAKUEST A3IOUXT In Any Retail Store on the Pacific Coast. WE n.WE EOOTS iort Men, Boys & Children, OF ALL SHAPES, STYLE and QUALITY. OVER 220 DIFFERENT KINDS of MEN'S BOOTS alum;. WE "HAVE fcEXKERT'3 f'lTILAD QUILTED BOT 'I I 1 1.1 I.I II I I BUCKINGHAM'S HAND-MADE SEWED DOOT.S, l-rencn U;iir, single uouuie .....r Tin ttr.l.x ;)ll hnllp' TERRELL'S LOOTS, Fine Calf, Channel N;ii:ca, and i'egge i ana iappcuoie; Heavy Calf, Double Sole, Wire Quilted and Tap Soles ; Light Kip, Tap Soles Men's. Hov's and Children's. SEIP.ERLICll'S FRENCH SCREWED PHILADELPHIA MAJJiJ liOUi.-.-j Ib-avv and Light Calf. TirviY Viici! .fc noroiiTON'SGOD- IkUUJ' 'j . FREY'.-, Ratcheldjr's, Johnson & oo a s I'ai trid'1--s and unuerwoon it v a CALF KIP and SLATUUTER ROOTS, Eastern Manufaeturr. California Work ina;Ie Expressly For Us. 1IECHT BROS. UNITED WORKINGMEN, California iio-opura-!,j a, uoi- isher Huekiiignarr & llecht's, and On in Jones' make of ROOTS and SHOES, UliOGANS. and LADIES' and CHIL DREN'S DRESS BALMORALS. We have also a fine assorment of GENTLE MEN'S FRENCH CALF, HAND-MADE SEtVEi) O-vfaril Ties, Gaiters Prince AlOrrts. Tl o-e who ons'der themselves difficult to fit or suit with a Root or .Shoe, we would be very much pleased to have call and examine our uoJ$. Protzman, Gilllltaii & Co., PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, No. 12! Front Street, St diaries Hotel Building. PORTLAND, OREGON". Octlitf BILLIARDS! Messrs. Pkelan & CoIIeiidcr The well-known THliard Tabic Manufac tures, of New Yoik, have established at 541 Market St., San Francisco. An extensive branch of their business, where they prop ise to keep constantly on hand the LARGEST and most complete assortment of B1LLIAHD TAULES, CJAH HS, CUES, ETC., OX THIS COAST. I ITHE TADLE'slife of the latest sfttc and size recently adonted in the Eastern States - aie manufactured in the best possible man ner, aifd furnished with PU ELAN'S LAT EST IMPROVED CUSHIONS. The new composition Billiard Ball -made by the Hyatt Manufacturing Co, of Albany, N. Y., the best substitute tor ivory yet dis- corered. For sale only by us. Price 51'iOo per set. All goods sold will be of the best quality, and the prices fully as low as any other house in the business. Parties visiting the city are invited to Visit oar ware rooms and inspect our stock. GEO. E. P II ELAN, 511 Market St. N. B. The public are notified that no other parties on the 1 acilie coast have the right to sell Phelan's Cushions. Nov4:3m COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. Fro::t Street. PORTLAND, OUECO.V. Zicbcr & E-SoSton Propr's.2 riHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING T1E- L furnished and re-fitted the above named Hotel, will UeiiC'efiMth conducted on the 1SUUOPKA2V STILE. Eooms can be had by the DaVj Yeek or jiiuma. A RESTAURANT in the Iloue. under he management of PIERRE MANC1ET, late of the Lafayette. Owing to its location and consfrtictien, it is the most desirable Hotel in the City, and we intend keeiuxg it as it oigut to ee KEFTJ Free OoitfJi ant ila-g.ixe titgon to ml Iniui file Hotel. 2IEBER & IIOLTON, Proprietors. Oilier if the Oregon and Citliiuriiia. net. 2ltf. Stasc (diuu tuv nil. CLARK'S LOUDON REMEDIES "Per Special Complaints " DR. CLARK'S 1NVIGORATOR GIVES tdreiifrth t: the izvd and debilitated ; it's especially designed for young m.-n who have wasted their vigbr br excesses of every kind, and all persons whose systems have become weak by imprudence, are completely retoied bv its use. Price, one dollar. Dir. CLARK'S PURlFElt cleanses the blood from all impurities ; such as Sciofuln. Syphilis, Mercurial Uiieuin;i1im, Humors of every suit, Lad Breath, Oller.sive l'erspira tion, rout rect, Catarrh, Discharges fio.n the Ear, Sore Eyes. Sore Throat, Fiillin of the Hair, Ulcers, Boils, Pimples; Blotches, iind all diseases of the Lunirs and Digestive Orirans. Price,, one dollar: DR. CL-MlK'S PANACEA relieves paie of every description. Headache, Earache, Toothache, Stomachache. Backache, Pain in the Lreast and Limbs. Jt is an invaluable remedy in all Nervous Disorders, and no family should be without it. Price, one dollar. ' DK. CLAHK'S ELIXiil is a certain cure f.r all weakness of the Ge: ito-Urinary Or gans, and discharges of a muco-pui uleut na ture, Leiicorrhea, Gonoirhea, Spermator rhea, and Seminal Weakness, are speedily cured bv its use. Price, one do.lar. DR. CLARK'S REGULATOR, for females only, is guaranteed to coirect all special irregularities and. difficulties of single la dies. Married ladles are cautioner not to use it when in a ccit&in condition, as its effects would be too powerful. Pi ice, one dollar. All of these celebrated remedies are pre pared from Fluid Extracts under I'r. Clark's immediate supci vi-ion, and are' warranted fresh and pure. All afflicted persons should s':'ud a carefully written statement of their ailments to Dr. Clark, ami the proper rem edy will be sent piomptly to their address. Dr. Clark can he consulted personally at ins ollice, ami will furnish a 1 tlie necessary ac commodations to patients who lace them selves under his cure. Ail letters addressed to DR. J.CLARK, Novll ly 1270 Broadway, New York. JOTiCE. The People's Transportation Ccrr.par.y WILL DISPATCH TIILTR STEAMERS FROM OREGON GITY AS FOLLOWS: FOR TOUTLAKD : At 7 A. M., every day, except Sunday. Monday, Tuesday. Thurs day and Friday, FOlt Salenij Albany and Corvallis. ant ox MONDAY, WEDNSSHAY AND .FRIDAY KOtl A. A. McCULLl", President. Nov. 16. lST0.r4o.tf Iteligious Services. St. raids (Episcopal) Church, the Rev. John V. Sellwood. rector. Services on Sunday at lofc a.m. and 7 P. m. Sunday School and Bible class at -J. p. m. 1st Congregational Church. . . . . .Scats Free Moraine Services, lo.4. Sabbath Schr.ol, 12 o'clock M. Evening Services.. i o cioek Rkv. E. Ckkky, Acting Pastor FR1YEK MEETISOS. Sunday eyenin', 5 o'clock Tuesday evening ( o c.ock. o . K. Church,. .Seats Free. Mornins Services, T 10.30 F.veaini Se vices, T o'clock. SOCIAL MKKTIMTS. C1-t Meet in or following Moi lunar Services. Praver MeetiiifiThuisd ivevudiiT 7 co'clok. Za. tutu School iit - o cijck.1'. il 1'HB MEW; POOD. . wmmmmmmmm mmmmmgmi For a f?w. cents yon cau fcxy cf ycur Grocer cr DruId a Iclin-Gof SEAilOSS FAHINE, made from pure Irish Soss or CaiTacca, vliicli ivill inato sixteen quarts cf Blanc Simigo, and a liko qnaiiiity cf Pud dings, Ccstjirtls, Croan:s, Char lotte lUisse, tic. It is the cheapest, healthiest, r.nd most delicious food in tho 70rld. It mahes a splendid Dessert, and hzs no equal a light and dclicato food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Chano ! ! rrxzr: cusat wcrvLO-a Tcrrrc. Plantation Bitters. - T3js vo2Sci"Kl vegetable rcsios;itsvc t!so r'lwt-zz- clsor of .tSac fceSo n:ccl clcfls Cnlctl, A' n Conic ccrclirl for l:c cod nzzi l:zi2 zizlzl, it ncEajcs, As n vczzicily tlza ivorrscn arc cs;5-Ec2s3Jy cw2j ccS, Li - GEi?tc:sCiiii23 every olhcs EiisziS?, Eli ;a"l Cn issajcs, tropica:, tcsapcraic, or ifi'ij5cl, SI acts ti" ti specsfic ia every specacs of filisordca I'iftfcKa KsideraaaSsacs C5a Eodiily fejrcEByr&Ea Jisitl forea5s cHowaa CSsu ass3csaal spirits, For sale toy all DragTaflsts. ' Aug. 20, lsT0:ly THE GREAT AnlnfaUibTo moon j?i:iiiFrr-3. possess ing rare l asic and r;ci; !.E propcrtics-1-d, certain cure for EsaEErjasATi.sss, c;ocjr. Ki'itALCii., and all kindred Diecascs; It completely restores the system vvlien im paired hy disease, revives tbe action of tl-.J iiiis:va oaJ GEsr.vi. orcaxs, radi cally cures scBortxA, salt sactii and all eiiittivi; ij citaxeous Dis eases, gives immediate and permanent relief in dyspepsia, ekysipeias, Tumors, Eoiis, Scald Head, Fleers and Sores; erad: catcs from the eystcm all traces of Jlercurial jbiscase. It is erisEi.Y vcnETAm-E, bein, made from an herb found indigenous in California, It is therefore peculiarly suitable for nso by rcmales and Children, as a hlood pc::ii-E-i;:n atta iseaoimtoji. For Sala by all Drticitti. R E B t H QTQ ft , HCSTETTER CO. . AGENTS, 529 and 531 Market Street, Can rrazcisco. Oct; 20:3m 8 IS70. NewGooils ! New Gco'ds ! 11. CAUriELD BEfiS LEAVE TO INFOIlM T E PUBLIC that he has refitted the old stand, corner Main and Seventh St.s., Oregon City, and has received an entire uw stock of fiuods, con sisting ot DRY GOOf, GROCERIES, CR OCKER Y, G.. I SS ii 'A R E, iroOLEAJJ-lRE, and a rcner.il assortment of evervthing in our line. Thankful tor past favors, we still, solicit a share of the uhlic patromige. Country l'reduee taktn in txchangelfor i;ood'3. NOTICE. LEON DELCUBir, Of the BARNUM RESTAURANT, Main. street, OREGON CITY, Be to inform the public and his friends that he has leased tae lower part ot tbe CLIFF MOUSE, Which he has opened as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT, The tablp w'll at all times be supr lied with tue Lesi me maisei anorus. Orders for suppers and parties wilibe 1 July :tf 1L000 PURIFIER, REDINGTm', 1IOSTEJTER & CO. Stop tliat Coijglilisg! Some of yeu can't, and we pi'y you. Yon have tried every remedy but tho ONE destined; by i!s intiin.-io merit, to supersede all similar preparations. It is 'not surprising you should be reluc tant to trv something else af.crthe many . . ,. j .. . c i. exnerinients vcu nave nmuc ui uumiv compounds foisted certain cure ; tut oa the public &Gwe!Ts Pulmonary Syrup is really the VERY BEST remedy evr compounded for tl.e cure of Coitghst Colds, Sore Throats, Adhma, Whooping Vugltfi, Brornhiii (ind Consumption. Thousands of people in California and Oreprou have been already btnetitedby the surprising cvrutive powers of raeven'o Pu ; m o nary Syrup and with one ac; ord give it their un qualified apprubaton. Ye now address ourselves to all who are. unacquainted w ith his, the greatest panacea ol the aye. for the healing of alt diseases of the Tin-out and JLuug, assuring you that PJcwcII'g Pulmonary Syrup lins cured thousands, anr1 it will cure YOLI. if you try it. This invaluable medicine is pleasant to the taste; ooth ing, healing and strengthening iu its Jell'ects ; entirely free fr'in all poisonous or deleterious drugs.and pei fectly harm less under all circumstances. For Sa.Ie iy allDrtiggists. REDING ION, IIOSTETTER & CO., IIQ and -IIS Front street, San Francisco. RctiiKgion's Essence Jamaica Ginger, ll'Iueh confidently ecr-r.n(ndid a the best prcpai tion new Ufvre the public. This valuable preparation, containing in a highly concentrated form all the properties of Ji.maiea (unger.has become one of the n l ( t popular tlomestie reme dies f.u- all diseases of the stomach aud digestive organs. As a tonic, it will be found invaluable to all pers his recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; -f-.ir wLiie it imparts to the system all the jilow and vigor that can be juodneed by wine or brandy, it is entirelj' free fn-m the reaeti'iuai v clltcls thUt lollow the use of spirits of any hind. It is also an excellent remedy for females who puller from difficult men struation, giving sluicst immediate re lief to the spasms that so frequently ac company that period. It gives immediate relief to Nausea, caused by riding in a railroad car, or by sea sickness, or other causes. It is also valuab le as au external ap plication for Cout, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc. KJiEIXCiTOr-r. IIOSTETTER Sl CO., 4.1 C and IIS Front street, San Francisco, Rtcllngtcn's F I av o r I n E x tracts APE THE PERFECTLY PERE AND highly concentrated Extracts from Frtsh Fruits, prejiared with great care. They are put up in superior style, and in a bottle lidding TWICE AS'MUCII as the ordinary brands of Extracts. Comparing quality and contents, none other aie neaily so cheap. Whenever tested on i heir merits, they hare been adapted in ineierence to ail otheis. ami are now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS ol the Pacitic Coast. MARK TEE ADYAXTAGES. 1'y purchasing Rcdingtem's Conceh trated Flavoring Extracts, yeu obtain an article not only superior in richness and delicacj ol flavor to any other of a simi lar nature, biit. far moie economical, be caase each bottle holds double the quantity contaim-d in a buttle of any other flavoring extract sold. IXIUlXtiTO?.", IIOSTETTER S, CO., Agctfts for the PaciQc Coatt: m. p. Would yon escape FEVER AND AGUE, and presei ve Leu lib and vigor during the s ckly season, make occasional use of the following as A PREVEWTBVE. If you are ATTACKED with Chills and Bilious l ever, or have been a victim to such disease, and used other so-called remedies without permanent relief, seek at onee the safest and surest CUEE, by utdnr, according lo directions MhSm & POLLARD'S or, Fever and Ague Pills. Time has proved them thoroughly. to be the safest and most reliable remedy known. They contain no mercury or other mineral or chemical. They are exclusively vege table. Thc3 stimulate the functions of the liver. Congestion is impossible where they arc used. They do not deter irom chiiiy labor. By a-sT-ting diiie.-tion they add iiesh and inu-c'e,to the fian e. They are adapted to all ages and Lotto sdxes, ar.d as a FAR3ELY Will CURE in their incipiency, tbrce fuutthsot all disease incidental to a mahii-ious climate. For Dyspepaia, iu small doses, they have no equal. For sale by all Druggists. REDIXGTO.V, IJOSTETTEIl & CO., SOLE AGENTS. The Battle for Life Which is continually going on between health and disease, has never received from any medicine such marked and un mistakable assistance, on the side of health, as it Las Lour KeweiS's Pulmonary Syrup KEDIXGTOI?, IIOSTETTEK & CO., 410 and 418 Front street, San Francisco. A UC TION AND COMMISSION AUCTIONEER! ; ' 0 Corner of Front and Oak streets, Fertlfin& AUCTION SALES ' h Of Real Estate. Groceries, General Uercban o c dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday A. B. liiciiARDsoK, Auctioneer, o AT PRIVATE SALE. G English refined liar and Bundle Iiou ' English Square and Octagon Cant steel , Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws Screw s, Fiy-pans, sheet iron, li. G. ll-on ; also : - sr A large assortment of Groceries and LiqfcbM- A. Jj.'Riciiarlsox, Auctioucfcr O Harvest . ci 1B19 l SdUtiy off to Close JBuiin4t o OF i REDY-ilATJE GIOTHIKG Q C0TS A1JD S2ZCES. ileus' Ladies, 5IisseS' and Cbildrens' HATS AKD CAV& Groceries, Crcekcry Glass and Plafdd ware, raints, Uils, Lainpg, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. lias rjoi to le sold O egardEess cf Priced T To convince vonrself wifli vbvnptt'iH O this matter, call at the old corner. . J. SEU.IN, South cf Ivpe 8- Co.'s Tin Sttrei - Oregon Citijt J. U. i?AL8TOly,:' IS STILL AT IIIS OLD STAND. CORNER OF MAIN ami S1NT11 STREETS, WHERE II E W O U L D INVITE II IB friends, and the public in general; to call and examine his stock. consisUtisr Ot ft general assortment of Mats aiaeS Csii - Hardware, , . , ;, Ice Ey$ ??5r Ilavincr frorr mnnv fpnis' p-rnpi ipnre learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS. LIES 1 11 SEAI-l PE0FITS! IS DETERMINED TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL Silence the Cry of Pnr.land Puces! Oregon City, August USth, lSU'J. i - UNDER TEE COURT HOUSE, OKEGON CITY. ORE;oN. RETAIL DEALERS IN 1K.Y OOBS,' HOOTS &siioes: We also constantly keep on band SALEM CASS I MERES, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND RLANKETSj "Which we w ill sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool iu exchange. tT"iXe w ill also pay the highest price for Butter. Eggs, and all kinds of good country produce. We will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash o- its equivalent in good merchantable produce. JKe" Give us a tall and satisfy ymrraelves. DAVIS R. SMITH, Civil and Mechanical Kiigiiicor, Solicit: r cf American and Foreign .PATENTS . q 421 MO.T(;03IEKV STREET, - P. 0. BOX 1161, SAN FRANCISCO. AVilU srntScs i" AV'asliinglon, Lon tloii, Pai is, Vieiii", (e. Specifications and Drawings Prepared, Ex aminations Madp, Caveats Filed, Icreign Pat ents Obtained, Rejected Applications Prose cuted Interferences Conducted, Lxtensious Applied tor, Re issues Procured, Assign-nu-nts Prepared, and , Patent Business of Everr licscilptiow Attended to. Sept.23.1870;1y. . ' VOID QUACKS. A victim of early in A discretion, causimr servous debility, premature decay. Ac., having tried m vin every advertised remedy, has a simple means of self cure, w hich be will tentl free to los fellow-pulferers. Address J. IJ. TAT TLE, 73 Nassau st., New Yc:k. Sept.l0;Sm. 0 o