o o o o O O -O AViT Tot XTV. ' M. G. Stroud, oeuer kuou Good- Mr, Scio, ba3 been appointed ns Mayor of O from Portland to the enc , 1 1. 1 .1, :a Mail Merger We won a pay unit m. a ftflhe ra.',,r- anmoval most ;ll'P i" ro t not for.feaf il.at be would l",art,,y: . i hv the powers' that be if lie if"" , - .,)Py were to know that his appointment We shall take me take the -....r (in i t 1 ' .-. it and ?:iy. that no better ap- tntinent cotiiu nave ueeu ui.wl, r". ire hapnv that d.fr friend has a place wtereUe can display bis many good mml'ities. : - fiKTIKKf- c uuio-c man --.v,..., Manager of the St. Cl aries Hotel, dt Port t',nd ha retired, and that Mr. Jacobs, of llOtel. Ol . Itiuna. tJ. w.. f t le-ed 1 the establishment. : The St. IwU' gained a very good reputation 1 ,k-r tlfe management of Mr. Kieth. l wc believe will "be - fully .stained Iv Mr Jocobs.as he comes ymf! a very jlfgh ,-eputationjisji landlord, PLSArroixTMvT.-If a person is desir ii. : r,niuini tiMti'd. let them mis to have r- Portland and set a time to -.1. (Vtoiid in tiio back return ; part of g,i to V ,1 and then rush to be at the cars by "time advertised; find that the time Jill been ch aflged and the cars left about h h .If an hour before. This was our con iMtion last week. We felt as though we i .1. I,.wl .1 r-il ll'n-i.I f didu t caie wneiuci vc . v. Would it not be well when a change. not lime is made to give notice a day or Qwo in advance? Q t). i'Ki:sox.vi..-eWe notice a card from a Rev. I F. Roberta in the Orcgoninn, "with drawing his membership and ministerial .connection 'from Hie Episcopal Church Tliiamo divine was removed from his ministerial connection some years ago by 'ihe Lishop of this Diocese "lor reasons deemed sufheien t to him." e- , Tit V. Xkw ('ooos. Uur readers wiu ou- i . . 1 !. i i-i'rve hy our auvei using- coiuumt. unu Mr. John Wilson, of the Third Street Store, in Portland, has a large stock of siett-goods, which he is selling cheap. He h is also received anew supply of gent's clothing. Mr. Wilson, by his reasonable prices KfiPlmiioraMe dealings, has built up q-iite a trade at his new store, and per sons iroinir to Portland to trade will do well to give hiw a c?tH. -Q- Tm!-I5o9:x. lii'l i'fi Portland last week, we noticed quite an improvement in that -place in the direction of Amos. N. King's residence. Q lite a number of Jr.rge and tasty vesi.leuCes h:.Ve been rreeted. ;uid the town has evidently taken u start in that diwct'n.TJ. 1'ropCrty has Increased very '.Materially in priei west of Twelftli street within the last yeais -The i"is!ioj S :ott Gramnvir School is a Credit the city, which is located on Fourteenth ?-;-eet. RoBiimiY. Mi. John W. Lewis, of this tity, was robbed of S47." last Saturday night. The money was in a dosk in his h.mse, ami tlu thief of thieves went to the house during his absence. The family Jif.wd the robbers po out of the house, v.ten ihey gave the alarm-, but they made good liii-ir escape. No cj.oe of the perpetrators of the robbery has been ob tained. Suspicion is placed on Certain parties. RiVF.n Nkw.s. The steamer Active has gone into the dry dock for repairs, but will be ready for Fervice in a few days. Tin. Siieeess brought down 1)0 tons of freight yesterday. The warehouse at this place is cram lull of wheat, flour and wool. The river is very low and should this cold wea her continue, the large boats will he forced to lay up again. There were live boats in the basin last night. A Goon linioiK. Mr. Grepe ha built a very fine bridge from the P. T. Cos warehouse to his mill, on the west side i.f the basin. The bridge is about. 275 feet in length aju.l speaks well for his en teiiirise. Such men deserve success and Kill have it if energy will avail anything. Pork I'.u'Kino. Mr. Chas. Logits has engaged extensively in the pork-packing business in this city, and he has already put up fpiiio nonVer of hogs. The pnees paid for porX this srvtson are very liberal and there being a ready market, h is a profitable business for our far tilers. Mahuikd. Our friend Dr. J. M. McCoy Represen'ative from Grant cotinty, was married it Portland la?t Sunday to Miss Davis. We coirgaatnlate our frterfd. nhd wish him much happiness. The Doctor looked as though he intended something serious when we saw him in Portland last t'uturday. Lvw Okkick. Hy reference to ouf. ad vertising columns, it will be seen that S. Ilaelat, Es.. has opened a Law Office in Portland, at No. I):) Front street. Mr. II. lias a reputation second to no lawyer in fhe State, and his standing at the bar is a sure guarantee of success ir his new loca tion. Mr. Chas. E. Warren attends to Mr. Uncial's business at lhs place. tf vu.-rax. We are iahjriiK'd that nine c i 'tM of smill-pox have broken out at Silvertoa ia one family named Duller, an l one case in the family of Mr. Jos Davenport. Cuaxub ok Timk. The mail from the South does not reach this' place now un til 5:3 J p. in. We resume the time will become regulated within the next five or t'ii vears. It has nveraored n. chancre , O Of out once a week ever since, the mail bas been carried by the cars. F.vus, Ly re.ereu.ee to our advertising Cchuaas,it will be seen that the Ladies Aid Society propose to- have a grand Fair n Myers' Hall, on the 20th inst. There will uudonbledly be a full attendance. Bux. We leariv that the Daughters of Jvebek.ih. at Portland, will give a grand' Hall in aid of Rebekah Degree o. . in that evty ot the loth itist. It is to be a grand atr.ur. Accident. Last Monday, Frederick Scliultz, employed in Mr. Grepe's so,w irall. had three of bis fingers cut off, by getting his hand in front of the saw. FiotiT. A tight occurred up town last FriJ iy, Cause too much whisky. Cam.. Mr. Win-. E. Howell, of M-.iXary, gave us a call lest Tuesday. the O O a Prominent Tennessee. Citizen of Maj. Richard F. Cooke (He'd of paralysis at his home, in Putnam county, on the 15th of October, 1870, in the 84th" year of hia age. He was one nf the pioneers to Tennes see, was ah officer under Gen. Jackson in the war of 1S12. was for. several terms a fnember of the State Senate, nnd wa from the organization of the State to within the past ten years, when stricken with blind ness, one of the leading citizens ol his sec tion of the'Sfate: CookeviHe; the comity seat of the county in which he resided, was named utter himself or in honor ol hi? name. " His ancestors came from Scotland. kIlis father was a Marytander. and brought up deceased in South Carolina, from w hich State he moved to Tennessee and settled in what was known as Jackson county. Here be spent a long and useful life in pri vate pursuits rind in the service of the Government and State. He was possessed of popular manners and fine personal appearance,-and attracted friends wherever known. He was a man of marked char acter, of vigorous intellect, and was one of the most hospitable and public spirited men in th5 State. His influence was great and was always exerted in behalf of Chris tianity and the best interests of the com munity in which he lived. He itasiUo father of tiro of onr principle wholesale merchants. Cols. Watson M. Cooke, of Cooke. Settle & Co.. and Bolivar II. Cooke, tff B. Ii. Cooke fc Co. We take the above frofn a Tennessee paper. The subject of the notice is the father Cf C. AY. Cooke. Esq.. a worth and respected chitcn of this city. P ?.! TTC-". W e see from the New York Herald of the 8th ult., that all the Churches, with about three honorable exceptions, were devoted in New York city on the Sunday prior to the election for stump speeches to aid the success of the Radical ticket. It appears that all the public balks were engaged and the preachers, so called, were obliged to use the pulpits for their purpose, and thus disgrace the sacred calling of their Lord and Master. The dirty preacher who would forsake 1 he high calling for which he professes to have been consecrated, is the devil in disguise and more dangerous to society and the wellfare of religion than (he most debased wretch on the face of the earth. Those who are guilty of tucli prostitution I' the pulpits aie a disgrace to the cause of Christ. Too Mica Fou-Cs. We received the Dallas TltpubUcan about three weeks ago. containing an article on the resolutions which were pasr.ed by the Legislature just prior to the adjournment, five columns in length. We had hoped err this, time would have allowed us to read said article, but we have been disappointed, aud'shall be forced to forego that pleas ure, it is altogether too long lor us. Wonder if any of the readers of that paper ha'vx? thought the article worth the lime necessary to read it? .f) , : GoSk tx P-ATNEi:siur. Mr. Win. E. Howell, formerly of this place, has pur chased an interest in the Salem Mercury. Mr. Howell is a good business man. and We wish him every success in his new en terprise. We have rt'eeived the -Star Spangle Ranner"' for December. With its Jan. number this unequalled paper begins its ninth year of successful publication. It is a Rich. Rare and Racy -10 column paper. Illustrated, devoted to Literature, i'oetry-j Wit. Ilnmor, Fun, and exposing Swindles and Humbugs. It is only 7." cts. a year, and every sttcscriber receives gratis and prepaid, the new and superb Engraving Pioneers of America1' which cost $1,000 to engrate: Specimens can be seeii at this office, or will be sent free by aldressing "Star Spangle IJariue-iy" Hinsdale, N. if, Ark.ws vs Er.Kcrtox. Since tiie? Arkan sas election, says the lit uniner. - dispatch after dispatch has been received announc ing a sweeping Democratic victory: There was a gain of two Members of Congress, ard the Legislature was largely Democra tic. Behold, not. a di.-patch conies from the Chairman of the Radical Central Com mit. ee, bating that the State has gone Rad ical. When it is known that by the infamous re-constructed Constitution of that State the Radicals have -complete control over the ballot-boxes crtn keep them as long as they please, and (la -vrith them what they please, We can readily understand how this result haft, been brought about. The people have voted one way anr: the villain.? have made the result another. An4 Ihe'sc' scoundrels prate about the purity of elections, and sufrotr.id the polls of New York with vessels, c'iintftw and armed troops ! trar Sr. P.vvii".s Ciiriie n. Jvasr I'oirrr.wo.- Thi.s- beautifitl Church was opened for the first service" ors Stt'ti'Tay last. Though the internal arrangements are not all yet com pleted, the building is so far finished as to be entirely cotryfortable. As soon as plans are received from the architect it v?ill be supplied with chancel furniture, and sit tings in keeping with the chasteand beau tiful style of the church. Bishop Morris preaeliV'I both irii the morning and evening, being assisted in the services by the Rev. J. R. W. Selhvood1. who is the minister in charge. The offerings on this occasion wereVs follows: Pledge for a -stained glass chancel window, SloO; pledge for chancel furniture, $200;: gift of two chandeliers. $(."; U. S. coin" for the building fund. S105; making in all $;2P. We congratu. late the people of thri congregation on the prospect of soon having their church edifk-e compleled, which, while it is an or nament to their town, will we trust, also be the cen'tre and pource of lasting spiritual good to them and their. children. Oregon inn. SEND TO S.USSELL & FURRY, REAL' ESTATE ' .G-EjlSTTS, portland, OR TO JOHNSON" &, I'COVIT, OREGON CITY, FOR THE OREGON HEAL ESTATE ,6'AZETTE FREE OF CHARGE. Sept. 6 It Death Of PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE. Grand Opening Out of oca FALL GOODS. 833,000 WORTH OP Boots -Shoes, TOBSMTAILEPAT.:; WHOLESALE FIGURES. " the j-AUGESi aiioi:;t s In Any Eetail Store cn the Pacific '' Coast. - -'.--....: ' WE n.WK KOOTS FOR Men, 3 oys & Children, , ; OF ALL SHArKS, STYLE and QUALITY. S20 MEN'S BOOTS DIFFERENT KINDS r.f A LONE. WE HAVE SEXKERT'S PIIILAD QUILTED DOT- TOM. LOOTS: - BUCKINGHAM'S HAND-MADE SEWED BOOTS, French Calf, Single Double. and Tap Soles : nil shapes ; TEIIK ELL'S LOOTS, Fine Cal. flannel Nailed, and Pcggt-.i and Tapped Hole ; Heavy Caff, Double Sole, Wire Quilted . and Tap Soles-, Light Kip, Tap Soles Men's, Hoy's and Children's. SEIBEULICli'S FRENCH SCREWED PHILADELPHIA MADE BOOTS, lbavv and Li-jjit, Calf. REED'S. FOOO & HOUGHTON'S GODFREY'.-, IiateheUk-r's, Johnson &, Wood's J 'art ridge's and Underwood & ( 'o's . CA LP KIP and SLATGHTElt BOOTS, Eastern Manufacture. . . CiiliCtmia, "iVork iaa5e Exirt-ss""y Fur Is. IIECHT BROS. UNITED WORKINGMEX, California Co-opeatives, Jkli'i k ct Cal ishcr, Buckingiia Hecht's, and Oniu Jones' make o BOOTS niul ' SHOES, LKOGANS. and LADIES' and CHIL DREN'S dress Balmorals. We have also a line assorment of GENTLE MEN'S FLENCH CALF, HAND-MADE SEA' ED Oxf.ml Tics, Gaiters & I?tne Alfccft. Ti o-o who c uis'dt-r the'njsclveg di.Ticnlt to fit or sn t with a i!oot or Shoe, we wmi'd be veiy much pleased to have call and cxamiuo our goods. Frogman, Giiilliaii & Co., PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, No. 125 Front Street, St. Cliailes Hotel E ti ild i n PORTLAND, OREGON. Octittf IIl. ( L HJK'H LOUDON 113 IvIS DIES Tor Special Complaints " DR. CLARK'S INVJGORATOR GIVES strength to the aged and debilitated ; ii is especially designed for young m n who have wasted their vigor by excess-, s of every kind, and all persons whose systems have become weak by imprudence, ai e complete! y restored bv its use 1'iice. one doil tr. DR. CL'ARiv'S FURIFER cleanses the bh ol from all impurities ; such as Scrofula. Syphilis, Mercurial Rliou'aati.-in, Humors of every S ot; liad Breath, Offensive Perspira tion, Foul Feet, Catarrh, Discharges, fro n the Ear, Sore Eyes. Sore Throat, Falling of the Hair, Ulcers, P.oils, Pimples, ' iRo'ehes, and all disease of the Lungs -and Digestive Organs. Pri o!ir rlollar. lllf- n..ll,'V T XfV. .'; ena until cverv description I ! eadacl.e. Earache, Toothache, Stomachache, Backache, pain in the Rreast and Limbs, it is an invaluable remedy in all Nervous Disorders, and no family should be without it. Price, one dollar; DR. CLARK'S ELIXIR is a n-rtain cure r all weakness of the Geoito-Urinai v Or- f. gans, f ore; nd drs'charges of -h inueo-ijurulent na- Leucorrhea, (ionorroea, Sperniaior rliea, ar;l Semral W eakness, are speedily eured bv its use. I rice,- one do I nr. DR. CLARK'S REGULATOR, I'm'- femaL-s f?nly, i.s guaranteed to coirect all spi-ciab frregiflar!t:cs ;nd d liiculties erf single la dies.- Married ladies are can't i'u'ieil not to Use it when in a cerfahi conriitim-i, as its effects would be too powerful. I'lice, one dollar. Ail of tn-'effe celebrated femeHo's are pre pared from Fluid Extracts under Dr. Clark's immediate xtperrisiou, and i:rc' warranted lresh ard fur. All anricten persons siyoiitd send a cai efully written statement of their ailments to Dr. Clark, and the proper rem edy will be sent piomptly to their address. Dr. Clark can be consulted pevscyiiaily at his otlice, arrd f til frni-li ail the necessary ac commodations to patients wrro plae then? selves under his care. AR letters addressed to DR. .1 CLARK, Novil ly 1-270 Broadway, New York. AGSHT3 WANTS D. JUST CUT. BANCROFT'S raEW IV1AP cr the- PACIFIC SfATESf Califorira, Oregon. AYashington, IJaho, ilo aiana, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Biitish Columb'a and Alaska. Elegantly c-ngrayed on copper and colored in counties. Jtiitli edition, tnoroug.ay re fiscd and brought down to dat; 18.). It shows the greai Oyerlarrd Kailroad, al.-fo' the proposed Northern and Southern Pacific Itailroads and their connections; also all ltailroads oompleted and projected iu Cali forma and Oregon. " Upon the same i-hect. on a less scab', art the mans of Alaska, and a complete Railroad' ma of the United St ires. n other man can compare wito mis e n- tion in fullness of detail, and beauty and ac curacr of its topography. - An "enterprise ol such magmtuue ano im portance as this large and elearant copper plate map, in order to be properly appreci ated, should be in every office, school house and dwelling. Those wish ng an agency should apolv imrnediatclv-for terms, to A. L. HANCROFT A CO., Fiildishers 721 Market street, San Franci-:co, Cal. Nov. 11 -It ""iSP-If-yon Wish the very best Cabinet Photographs, von nn-st ca'l on LRADLEY .t KU LOFSON, 43rJ Moat-omery ttrt-et, San Francisco. 1 .nVATC-H-ESV-' AT OLD PRICES. Having been the first to adopt the plan of aC'ording persons residing at a distance the opportunity of obtaining rist-'chiss rratches for their own use, at wholesale prices, and 1.4-iug also the original inventors ud sole inanufataircrs of the widely advertised Onde VTartehes, c.f which there are so many imi tations, and now the inventors and sole pro prietors and manutactiit eis of tire new , ma teria!, which we ; have named the Norton (iol.t Mt-t il, (and secured in legal form,) h. pei ior to al! ether metals and tally equal in brilliancy of dolor, weight, wear, &c, to fi.ue IS Karat gold, and to be obtained through no o her source. We hare concluded.. to resume me rmau hasiiiess so snceessuuiy conuueted by us from livVT to ISH m connection w.th our wholesale deparfmet,1 for the purpose of placing again a reliable line ol our special ties bet-ore the piib.ie. Also being Sole Agents Hi the United States forth- Livefpo'J Watch L. we are autoi i.ed by tnem to clos-e out i hu ge line of Eurooean Watches, chains, Acc now in stock for, cash at prices never before known. All beautiful m Iniis-h artistic, in de s gn, reliable for accurate time, durable and of the latest .styles. Every. Watch will be retailed at less than the c st of transporta tion, ar d forwarded securely packed, pre paid.'to any pait ef the country on ' receipt of price. Money tan be sent to ns bv Ex press, with orders for Express Co. to return Goods or Cash, which u ill sScv.re prou.pt ness and safety to purchasers: Among our Ik-twill be found A Benutifi.1 English Silver Solid Double Case Watch1, genuine English full plate jew eled movements, adjusted regulator, steel cat hands, engine turned ner!, correct and ser vicabltarticle, larg or small size, in com I lete ruanii'g order with an elegant Gent's Vest Chain, Locket and Key, all complete, niiiile t fi ee for j . .$5; A Very Handsome Watch in line IS karat Goal plated Double Cases imitation f $ lot Gold '-Watch engraved or idain, genuine English fail plate jeweled movements, ad justed regulator, correct, and in complete running order with elegant Gent s est Cham, with Locket and Key, mailed, pr paal tor only $S. The rido Cold Watch In Massive Oride Gold Double hunting Mag ic Spring Cases, elegantly engraved, or en gine turned, Genuine Patei.t Lever Move ments, full jeweled, regu'ated and warranted to keep correct time, and wear equal to gold. Tecsely l,ke in appearance, make, luush iVhancy of col r, to f'Jeo Gold Watch. some of thes; pjletid tl watches will be for warded by mail free to any address, in hand some morocco ease, lined with velvet and sati a-( Ladies' or Gents' s'z'i Watch,) bo dily .;; ".- - -fi'j. Patent Stem Winder, Or Keyless Watch. AVinds ip trr.m the Stem, requires no Key cm not be wound the v. long way, in heavy Oride Gold Double Cases, three-qiouter f late live Jeweled Lev er -Movement, Exposed Actum. Acciraieas a Timekeeper. Supei ior f.-guhifed. Single one sent to any addre-s by mail, in handsome case for .io. The Norton Watch - Tliis widely known, TCMiiVlc and elegant Watch, so long and fu't approved of by the Government and Railroed Ollicials. is r.ow encased in the net tm-jnored Norton Gold Metal, the very latest discovery in the sci ence flt' M Mallnrgy," which for hardness, durability ar.d bvrwiatiey of color and polish has been'for.nd to surpa-S nit other known met. ils. It does not tarnish by wear, expos ore to heat, moi-tniv, eh '.n;.e f climate, or tl.e action cr any acids or ga'sscs, and per manently ntima its beau ii fid color lidly eipial t i tbe lint -"t gold , and never wears out This celtbnited watch is m nolid li uble bunting eases, t f Xoi ton ("old Metal, rich in design' art'it: in ti: ish, with magic spring pu-h pin, imitation patent s: winding stem, iinprove'l bevel swrH, .double joints, engine tinned nerl, extra fine furl nby jvwi-hd levi r movements, coyered wi h engraved du:t caps, aecur.-.tely aejusted to ail degrees d heat or cold, with all the latest improve ments, cannot be surpassed for correct tune keeping qualities, and experts Cannot detect the sSigiite-t ddlVrer.ee it. appearahee from one of the. liue.-t 2 -0 G.'dd Watches and ias's as long, wi ars as we'i, ini.1 Veeps as correct time. They aie manufactured solely by ns, and a e 4ln.ro ughly warranted in every t i sj ei t fi r live yea;s. A single one of the aoeve bca iti'id Watt Tics maded pre paid to any addiess, in ve .Vet Pined morocco e. isc. with k"-, ac, a'l complete, for oi ly f: Watches for Holliday presents manuaic tared to order. 'Genuine American Watches cf all grades, in g Id or silve r cis s. from $1S up to A-ioo. Otiier good watches cpially low. W.th ev cry tlub of six Vatc::cs of any kind, we send one ex'ia Watch of same kind free, as a premium to getter up of Club. A super stock of Genuine Oride Gold Chains, from i- to each, warranted fully equal 1o Gold i i brilliancy of color, wear, tc. Bill of over collided on delivery, if desired. Al! bills of $12 and less must be ca-h in I'. O. money orders, or iegilcred letters, at our risk. G od -i carefully selected, p . eked and f rwaid -d prepaid by mail, or by expre-s, on receipt, of pri..e. Safe deli', cry of all goods guai unteed. Watches forwaiaed to be examined to parties known,' when express chc.rges b t'i w::ys sue paid. No goods for ward'ed west of the Mississippi River, with hilt to collect on deliver)'. Pmc'iaceis must pay all express charges on goods sent C. O. D ; al tor return fi money. All cash or- i dei-s. tofwavdo I tree d cnarge- to (icstma ' tion. Catabgiies Free. Address all ordets CHAS. 1. NORTON ft CO. Im roUT. liS OK WjtTv'HTS, ..".. s ", Nassau Sfieet; New York. Fs1.!ish-1 l-sj7,:iiov4 1S70. Messrs. iliefsn CoiScader The well-kno'.yn R Ibard Table Manufac tures, of New Yoik, have i stablishedat T ?I;rvkct Sf., San Fianristo. An exfensi ve branch of their business, where they prop ise to keep constantly oil hand the LAHGKST and most c-oniplete assort meat of riL.L.I.VK"0 TAHI.-'SS. CLOTHS, CUB.S, FTC, ON THIS COAST. 1 .TIIFi TAHLRS are ot the latest s-tye and j-i.e recently adopted in the Eastern States ; g- e mannfaet'nreu in the best pcssrtble man ner, and furnished fith RilKLAN'S LAT EST I M PRO YE D ClISliroNS. The neAV composition Pdliiard Ball made bv the Hyatt Mjnuoicttiring Co, of Albany, . Y-, the oest substitute lor ivory yet dis covered. For saie on'y by us. Pncel- 00 per set. Alt goods sold will be of the best quality, and the prices fully as low as any other house iu the business. Parties visiting the city are invited to visit our ware rooms and inspect oar stock. GEO. E. I'll FLAN, 511 Market St. N. B. The public are notified that no other parties on the t acii'nj coast, have the ... t-. i . . . . a... i r .. . - tit to sell 1 neian s v, u mons. .ov:.m Final Settlement. INT THE M ATTER OF TIIE ESTATE OF .1. Yv". Dairington, deceased. In the Countv (kmrt of Clackamas county, Oregon. Notice is given to all concerned that the Ad ministrator ot saia estate lias tiled his ac counts for final settlement, and the Court h is appointed the first Monday in December, A. D. ls7'. for hearing objections to the, sithe and' the examination and settk-ment of suc'n accounts. A . 1 1 A R 71 1 N G T 0 N A d m ' r . Johnson & Jl.t'oan, Aiu s. $5 GOOO $ COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TTMTU'RR5?TTY DTP P AT TT?nDMTA THE NEWPOOD. For a fevr cents ycU can huy of your Grocer or Druggist a r aclisc of SEA 3I0SS FAIIINE, iiiado from p:ire Irisli Jioss, cr Carrageen, wliicli ivill make sixteen- quarts of Blanc 3Iaagc, and a like quantity cf Pad ding, Custards, Creams, Char lotte Eusse, &c. It i3 the cheapest, hcalthiesT, and most delicious food in tlie -vvcrld. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal ; as a light and delicate, food for Invalids and Children. ) A Glorious Change ! ! TIIE GREAT "WO.ir. IJTi TGr.'IC. Plantation Bitters, Tlais vo2ilcrr2l vegetans e rcsxoratave' 'tho s3scc!l-a;a-claorof tSsc fceuJe and c3c::lia tnlcil. A-5 a tosaic aa-1 corsSial for tlic aged kebj! liscagrcaud, ii aclaics. A3 a rcEnccJy iba CEso Eaca-orss wcaJiBiicss to wSaicEa -ivomc:a are cspecaaUy se3"- Jcct, it is SMpcrscdiM-x ctcst oISeci sliaataJaaat. Ia all C2fi--aaalo-s;, ta-osacal, tetnapcraie, or fi'Bg-sd, it Kcli a? a spccsIc ia every specacs of c1isrc2ci waicla aaslIci'iBa5EBC5 riEae fcotSaiy strcja-lla asad tsa'caiks dovis tlSac aiaimal spirals. For sale ly all EJa-asgrgists. fi.vg. 20, lS7u:lv THE GEE AT LOQD PURIFIER, An Infallij: stooa ix:iiiFir:K, possess ing rare toxic and sebyixe properties a certain care for tuiKirsiATisM. cofT,' ruan -ii fti i, end all kindred Diseases, It completely restores the system when ira paired by disease, fevives the action of th- K1XEY'S onl CK.-IT.L. ORG.lS fadi- callv cures scitoFt'LA, salt r:!EI.h and all EniPTivE nni citaseolm D:j C3SCS, gives ininicdialo and permanent relic.'' ill DYSPEPSIA, EKYS1PEEAS, Tumors. Eoils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; eradi rates from the sy8tom all traces of Mercuria: "Disease, . . It is ti:"E"l.V VCCETASLI", being made from an herb found indigenous in Coiifomin. It is therefore peculiarly suitable for uso hr Temales and Cliildren, as a blood :rx:- F1ER onJ KESOYATOa. For Sale by all DruEgUts; fs C D t N GTQ N , KC5TETTCR & GQ. AGKNTP, 1520 fi.xi.cl 531 Iarket Street, aa Tranclsco. Ocf. 20r,m jG47. i37C. lvTevv8oodb;! Hew Goods IX. CAUFIEL1) ? T EGS LEAVE TO INFO I'M T E PUBLIC 1 that he has refitted i lie old stand, corner Jla-.n and Seventh Sts., Oregon City, and has received an entire new stock of goods, con sisting of - BR Y G0GDS: GROCERIES, ' CROC jf hi Y; GLASS U'A RE, WOODEXIVARF; ntid a general assortment of everything in our line. Thankful lor past favors, ve still solicit a share of the iii'oiic patronage. - - . - " t Country ITuCtuce alien iu txcnmge.ior goods. 4".:!y NOTICE. LEON DELOUEl-, Of the BARNUM RESTAURANT, Maira street, OREGON CITY, Ii e to inform the public and his friends that he has leased tlie lower pari of the OLIFF HOUSE, "Which he has opened as" a FIHST CLASS RESTAURANT. The table will at all times be supplied wifi the best the market affords. Orders for suppers and parties will' be promptly attended to. " "" July S:tf o AV ! ';',' REDINGTON, HOSTETTER & CO. iStop thai Conglilsig ! Some nf you can't, and we pi'y you. You have tried every remedy buttle ONE destined, by irs'intrinsic merit, to supersede all similar 'prepai ations. It is not surprising yon should be reluc tant to try something else abc r the many experiments Jofi Lave made of trashy compounds foisted oa the public a-s a certain enre ; but - - . Kewo!l'G Pulmonary Gyrup is really the VERY BEST remedy ever compounded for the cute .Cough, tbiis, Fore Throats, Ail.'una, J Whooping Cough'', Bronchitis' and Cvrt sumption. Thousands of people in California and Oregon have been already benefited by the surprising curative powers of rcro'S's Pu i in on a ry Syrup aftd with one nc-'ord give it their 6n cpialified approbat'on. Vv'e now address ourselves to all who are unacquainte d with this, ti e greatest panacea of the age. for the healing of all diseases of the THroa.1 aits! .Lungs, assuring you that F-Jeveirc Pulmonary Syrup has cured thousands, and it will cure YOU, if you try it. This invaluable medicine is pleasant to the ta-te ; sooth ing, heading i;nd strengthening in if:5 Jeftects ; entirely free from all poiso'notm or dele'ei ioiis drOgs.iind perfectly harm less under all ciicianstances. For S'sslc I: j- all IJriiggists. REDING'l ON, IIOSTETl'ER & CO.,- 41C and 41S Front street, Sa& Ffanciscd. Essence Jamaica Ginger, J Which '.- Co f,lf Hily rrrjinmtr.dt d ts the hest pre, a i tion u:u- Uf,'re the public. This valuable- prrpr.rrdien, ccn'.ainiig in a higluy conccntrafed term nil the properties of Jamaica inger,has become 1 one of the most popular domestic reme dies for all diseases of the stomach and digestive oru!!". , As a tonic", it will be found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether .produced l y fever or otherwise; f'tr while it imparts fothc system all the plow and vigor that can be produced by wine or brandy, it is entirely free tY'm the reactionary t-lh-cts that follow the use of spu its of any kind. It is also an excellent remedy for females who suffer , from difficult men struation, giving n! m' ft immediate re lief to the spasms that so frequently ac company that period. It gives l m mediate relief to Nausea; caused by riding m a railroad car, or by sea sickness, or other causes. ... Ii is also va'v'a le as an i xterrnl rp plicaCon for Gout, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc. IXKBI-XGTOS.", liOSTETTIn. & CO., 41G and 41S Front street, San Francisco. Bcilifiglon's ' F I av o r I ii g E x f r a e t s A11E THE rFRFECTL Y FERE AND highly concentrated Extracts from TnSli Fruits, prejuircd with great ( are. They are put up in superior style, and in a bottle holding TWICE AS'ML'CII as the ordinary brands of Extracts". Ce'miiaring quality and contents, none other are nearly so cheap. Whenever tested on tiikik :.ri;r.iTS,they have been adopted in )u e!'erence to all ' oflieis, arid are noiv tlie STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS of the I'aeilic -Cjast. MARK THE ADVANTAGES; By purchasing Ettlingf en's Cenceh t rated Flavoring Extracts, yru obtain an at tie! e not oidy superior in nchr ess and delicacy o! flavor to ai-y o'her of a simi lar nature, but far mote economical; f e canse e; c!i In tt'e In Ids d-.uble ti.e quantity coiitaincd in a bottle of any other Havering extract sold. llEIKCTO IIOSTKI TI'Il A CO.; Agents fur LliC FaciCc Coufcf. V,-ould yon escape FEVETt AND AGUE, and i reserve health and vigor during the s'ckly f-cason, make occasional use of the following r. If you are ATTACKED with Chills and Bilious Fv6r, or have been a victim to such disease, a d used other so-called remedies wi;hoit permanent rslicf, seek at once the safest and surest CURE; ' by using, according to directions MASQH St- POLLARD'S or, Fever and .Ague ITils. Time has proved them thoroughly to be the safest and most reliable remedy known. Tin y contiiin no mercury or other mineral or chemical. Tin y are exclusively vege table, 'flu y stimulate the functions oi' the liver. Congest:. n.is impossible where they arc used. They do not deter froin daily labor. Fy a-sistin.g dige.-tion tl ey add flesh and nuT-cleto the fYaire. They are aoaptcd to all ages and both sexes,-ai-d as Will CURE in their incipiency, three fourths .-f :il! (3 sf iises incidental to a malarious climate. For Dyspepsia, iu small dose, tlit-y hft.ee no oipiul. For srrle by all I 'roggi.-ts. rtt"GIiAGTO.V, Ii'OSTETTE'lt Si CO., - SOLE AGENTS.' The Battle for Live Which is continually going"on. between health and disease, has never received from any midiclne such marked and un mistakable assistance, uu the side of health," as it has Loin Howell's Pulmonary Syrup REDI5GTOI', HOSTETTER CO., 410 and 413 Front street. S.m Francisco. A U C TION AND COMMISSION' A. IS RicilisiiMlsoii, AUCTIONEER! Corner of Front and Oak str&ets; Tortlcnd: ' AUCTION SALES . Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Merchatl aise and Horses, Ecery Wednesday and Saturday I A. U. KiciiAKfrsox, Atictionecn AT PTilVATE SALEj . English refined Bar and Bundle Iron j English Sipiare and Octagon Cast steel O Huise shoes, Files, ihisps, saws; ' - ' . Screws, Fij-pans,- sheet iron; R. G. Iron j also : A large assortment of Groceries aa4 Liquor A. Ii. Kiciiakdsox, Auctioneer , ' . . , ' , ., ". " - - r Harvest ot,1870 ! I Selling elf to Close Business Ana iiuMtotro f TSac Esalirc .Stocll DRY G00SS. OF ' EEZ-DY-SADE'CLOTHIKd.- ICOTSifKD SHOES - liens' Ladic$,MIsScs'a?id Childrens' . HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Flated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, c Wicks, 'Chimneys and Burners t Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Jlas got to be sold o t, To convince ydnr?elf with respect to this matter, call at the old corner. I. SELLING, South cf Tcpe $ C'o.'s Tin Stow, Ort-goh City: IS STILL AT HIS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN and SIXTH STREETS , OREGON CiTV, OREGON. HERE II E WOULD INVITE HIS friends, and the public in p-enera'l, to call a nd c xa m l n e ne his stock, consisting ot tt general assortment of Moots salami SacS ii;uiinr iron many vears eineuencJ learned that TifEJsECRET OF SUCCESS LIES IU Sri AIL PROFITS? IS DETERMINED TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILU S.hnce the Cry of l'ordand Pi ices! Oregon City, AiiLjust 2Sth, lStj'J. ' G UNDER THE COURT HOUSE; Ui'E'ON CITV. ORFCUN. RETAIL DEALERS IN 0 BOOTS &SMOES$ ' We also constantly keep on hand salem c a s s i m e r e s, fla n n els; tyi:edsand reaNkets; Which we will sell at the Factory- PriceS and will take wool in exchau. ' llgT We will also pay the ftighes-t price for F.utter, Eggs, and ail kinds of good.country produce. We, w ill selt ns low as any house in Oregon, for Cash or rts erjnivulent in goef merchantable produce.- . O Hi' Give us a call and satisfy yViirselves. -e- DtVID R. SMITH, Civil. njjtl Ttlrciianieal Englnnr, Solicit r of American and Foreign PATE W T S , 4." MCi'TGO-tlEitV STREI-J; P. 0. SOX 1161. SAX FKANOISCO. Q XYiiik AzrUdcs IVashinjitoh, "Lori doii, Paris; Vienna, etc. Specifications and Drawings Prepared .Ex aminations Made. Caveats F,:ed, lore.gn Pat .nt Ot.taiued, Rejected Applications Prose cuted Interferences Conducted, Extensions Applied for. Re issues Procured, Assign ments f'repared, and Ia(nst Biisiiiess of Every OcsciJptlon Attended to. Sept.2S.lST0:ly.. AVOID QUACKS. A victim nf early in discretion, ennsing Bervnin debility, premature decay, xc, having tiied in vain every advertised remedy, has a simple means of self-cure, which he will ?nd frpe to Ins feI!ov-ifercrs. Address J. II. Tl T TLE, TS Nassau st., New York. bepl.le:im. o Q G O O 'O o o o o f& o - j r