O J Eljc tDechln (gutcrpriac. TOAVX AXD COUNTY. -.rvvvTloN.-Al'Out two wccks 8tucc , r nblisbc,l a noliee, taken from one of V?ex ales, asking of the thereabouts onr excbne ortinjs to be from .f M -r Mr l&e riuie in this city. b wife. Mr. l Jence we have d tvJ vs 11 the woman claiming E s w . was divorced Jrom him to be l'1 l(1 wft3 subsequently mar sometime S-a :nt.tl Moor, and it ? f n ears that this advertisement fur i iSl bv the woman with the in- ;n,ion of nnof.im IVr .ns interested can o U.n all n Mr. Dodge ana uw Mr. Dodge tion they desire by aaaie-0 ot tins place. rr-Kn Vim nii Patfon is n0ff ready for service, having been made ns good as new, and her power great increased. She will probably be the . , t wt on the line, as she is beyond fastest boat on Tllt. wrtter had fail en a in&cb this week that the He banco I s necessarily laid up. It i probable the rain this weeK wnl n.. he tr. n uw the larcer boa.s riv er smncu-'iii. i" to run. i.-.-., .w. see a notice in the I-ortland papers to the clTfet that Dr. r.arclay, of Ibis city had informed Dr. Dickens, of that place, that he. (DrJ Bar clay) was attending some genuine cases of all-pox. The Doctor denies of ever evh." informed Mr. Dickens ot any such fnets a he had not been attending any. ivhat did this Dr. Dickens make such a mi .-atement for? CiiiKK. We are under many obligations to Mr. Win. Dartlow, for a large jug of most excellent cider. Mr. P. evidently understands t he art of making this article, as it is as good, if not. better, than any we have eve" drank, and as clear as any champagne. It was a rich treat. I'ki.i. oiv THK Pkiixjk. John llunsakor. a boy about 13 years of age, fell from the Clackamas bridge last Saturday evening, imnrmn- hunself badl v. He fell a distance id about W leet. aim mo omy that he escaped with his li!e. j r wouoer is Cai.i.kd. (!ov. Curry gave us a call last Friday. The Governor has removed from our co ;n'y to Po' tland, which we very much regret, ah he is a host within himself when it comes election time. We wi.dibim success wherever he may go, as h : is a high-minded and clever gentleman. Paii.ho.vd Ai.icvr. Mr. A. J. Curtis has W;n stationed here as Agent for the Rail road Company. Mr. C. appears to be very much of a gentleman and we have no doubt but what he will give gener;ii satis faction to all unth vli )m he may have business transactions. Skwixg Soctkty. The ladies connected wilh the l-'piscopal Church, in this city, iiave organized a Sewing Society. They meet every Tuesday afternoon. The next meeting takes place at the residence of Mrs. No liner, next Tuesday. Accidental Shoo i inu. Mr. A. C. Dai ley, while handling a pocket, pistol, acci dentally discharged the same, the ball passing through his leg. making a flesh Wound, though not serious. SocrAin.K.--Tlie members of the Con gressional Church will hold regular. week ly soct.itiles for the benefit of the Church. Tuesday evening is the time selected. Ukcovkimxc. We are pleased to learn that the Wright family are fast recovering from the small pox. We were in erroi when we stated that two of the children had died? There has but one of them died. Nor Tuck. The report that the small pox was among the few remaining Molalla Indians is not true. The disease has been no wh.-re in thia county except in the Wright family. Thanks avrx Tiiank.- giving day was Very gone ."ally obsetved in this pla.ee. There was service held in the Episcopal and Methodist CI itrches. Fk-stivai.. The festival given last Fri day evening by the Ladies Aid Society, was well attended, and was a success. TilK Ham.. The ball last evening was v,-vl atteuded and was a very pleasant alfair. Stauti.!N( Axsni'xt'EMKXT. The farm er.! of the United S'ates lose annually Slo.UOO 00') worth of live s'ock by dis- caes which might be cured and the stock Paved by a little timely knowledge of the IW.erhvtrij Science. The important dis covery mide of late in Europe, in the several departments of Verterinary Medi cine, are indicative of the age! Their interests, pride, and patriotism should n rouse them to a sense of their indifference and consequent dependence on other na tions for Yerterinary knowledge. To fill this great want of the people. Yeteriniry Editor of the Xmc'cnn Slock Journal, ans wers through the Jiurnal all questions re lating to Sick. Injured or Diseased Ilcrses. Cattle, Sheep, Swinv or Poultry, this makes it a very valuable work for refer ence, and an almost indispensable com panion to all interested in s'ock breeding. The low price at which it is published G S1.0) a year brings it within the reach of all. while the pplendid inducements offered to agents and premiums to subscri bers make it to the interest of every far mer and stock breeder to extend its circu lation. Send stamp for a specimen copy, illustrated show bill and premium list. Address' N. P. Dover & Co.. Publishers, Parkensburg, Chester Co.' Pa. K.vi.boc's Magazine for November. We have received the November number of BaII ous Magazine, and have read it with interest, as we always do every month Ballon is issued. It has the best variety of contents of anv magazine in the. coun try. Its romances are always well written. its sea stories such as only true-hearted sailors can write, and all its reading is original and of the best quality. There are l;k) nages. lo of them with illustrated subiecta. and all for the? small sum of L cents, or S1.50 per year, threat improre m;nts are promised for the coming year. All periodical depots sell Ba'lon's. Thomas & Talbot. 6.'J Congress street, Boi- tou, are the publishers. O o Tiik Physicai, Like of Woman Advice to the Maiden, Wife and Mother, by George lLNopbeys, A. M., M. D, &c This is a plam and practical treatise prepared by ii physician of skill and experience, in which he aims to fmnish information to women in their peculiar constitutions and relations, married and single, so as to en able them to preserve their own health and perform their duties to themselves and their children. The most direct sub jects are treated in language so chaste as not to offend any pure mind. Tim New York Medical Record one of the highest authorities on the merits of such woiks says of it : We sincerely hope that for the real benefit ot American women it may meet with a hearty reception, and be productive of great good in "preventing many ot these di ordi rs now s rife in the community, which are solely the result of ignorance of the ordinary laws of fe male hygeno. It furnishes reliable medical instruction npon points which every woman and every man ied man ought to know and few do. It is a work that will' bene fit all lo read, and we earnestly recom mend its . perusal, to every considerate man and every woman in our land. The agent, Mr. llur , 's now canvas rg j M oay , g ; amendm ,lts t( . , t us city lor the sale oi itie work; wliiv.-' to the Cons itution. voted upon and carried by the people ot Missouri, at the last election, were as fol lows: I. The first abolishes the District Couit system. II. The second abolishes the juror's test oath. IK. The-third abolishes the double-liability c.'ause for private corpora'ions. IV. The fourth abolishes the voters' test oath. V. The fii'lh abolishes the disqualifica tions for holding office oc account ot color, "disloyalty. '-' Ac. VI. The sixth prevents the General As sembly, or any city, town' or municipal corporation whatever, from voting money for any sectarian purpose, or giving any sectarian denomination any grantor dona tion whatever. Angoka Goats. The Jacksonville Sen tinel says : Hubert ilargadlne, of Ashland, has pur chased 20!) Angora goats, in California, and proposes to give them a trial in this section of the country, about Ashland. They are valuable tor their coats of long, fleecy white hair, much prized for manufactur ing purposes. If a suc cess, and we have no reason to doubt it. it will add another important article to our list of home pro ductions, and Mr. Jlargadiue deserves credit for his entet prise. The radicals have ameded the constitu tion so as to allow a negro to become President, but they have been very care ful not to meddle witii the provision which excludes a naturalized citizen from the enjoyment of that honor. 85, O GO GRAND ENTjERPRISE-1 : CAPITOL PREMIUM," $10,CG0 '. PAKTIAL LIST OF PRIZES TO 15E AWAKIM'I) D.KC. 27th. iS70 : 1 I'runi tint j to!tl Coin, SLO.ODC) 1 1 reniinm, 1 I'ltiii'imi, 1 Premium, 1 Premium, I Preanuni, 1 Premium, 1 Premium, I Premium, 10 Premium, 10 Premiums, r,ooo -!,o( to 2, oof) 1,000 1 ,ooo 1 MM 1 ,ooo 1 Jioo 2.0-M 1,000 ."iO.OOO Season Tit lkets, 2. 51) :tc-Tri. 3.",OitO I'ii.t-s, :n:niiiifiii to j5,t!00, -vill lc n-. -iirtt I'd So Tit lvet Iluliliis. This Grand Enterprise is gotten up in Aid of the AEVADA SCUOOIj WISTUICT, Nevada Cit", California. TltCSTKKS : Ilox. J. I. Cai.tv::i,i., Ji'dgk Niles Skauls, and A. H. C iii:e;oi;v. Treasurer: Sank of ITevada County. References residing in this city : G. ' vox St'intiTTiifu?:, Postmaster; JrnGE T. 11. RoLi'i;, A. W. Pottkh. ex Sheriff; J. A. Lancaster, oational Exchange. Responsible A gents wanted. Liberal com missions ailiowed. For full particulars and terms to Agents, address 11. L. GRIN NAN, Secretary, Nevada City, Cal. A. LEYY, Agent for Oregon City. N'ovll.td For TIi lit y Years Has that wcll-ktiown, stanard and popular rcmedv, PAIN KILLER, manufactured by Perry Davis & Son, Frov dence, H. I., been before the public, and in that time has become known in all parts of the world, and been used by people of all na tions. It remains to-daj, that same good and effi cient remedy. Its wonderful power in re lieving the most severe pain lias never been equalled, and it has earned its world-wide pepuhuityby its intrinsic merit, no cura live agent has had such a wide-spreid snle or piven such universal sati.-faction. The various ills for which the Paia Killer is an unfailing cure, are t o well known to require capitulation in this advertisement. As an external and internal medicine, the Pain Killer stands unrivaled. Directions accom pany each bottle. Sold 05 all druggists. Price 2." cts., f.n ets., and $1 per boffle. SEND TO RUSSELL & TERRY, , RE AL" ESTATE PORTLAND, OR TO JOHNSON &, M'OOWN, ORECO CITY, FOR THE OREGON REAL ESTATE GAZETTE FREE OF CHARGE. Sept. ii tf PACIFIC BOOT 9E HOUSE, Grand Opening Out of our FALL GOODS. 805,000 WORTH OF Soots & Shoes TO EE RETAILED AT WHOLESALE FIGURES. , THE LAltGEST AMOUXT In Any Ret ail Store on the Pacific . . - , - . Coast. . . "WE HAVE TOOTS FOR Men, Boys & Children, OF ALL SHAPES, STYLE and QUALITY. DIFFLUENT KINDS 'rf MEN'S BOOTS ALONE. WE HAVE KEXKLRT'S 1TIILAD QUILTED BOT TOM HOOTS; BUCKINOIIAM'S ItAND-JIADK SEWED BOOTS, French Calf, Single Doubh- and Tap Soles : all shapes; -TE If HELL'S HOOTS, Fine t:air, rhannei Nailed, and Pegged and Tapped Sole ; Heavy Calf, Double Sole, Wne Quilted and Tap Soles ; Light Kip, Tap boles Men's. P.ov's and I InldieiiV. SElBFilLlCiPS FlfENCll SCREWED PiilLADKLPillA MADE BOOTS, lleavv and Liht Talf. KEED'S. FOGG & HOUGHTON'S COD FBEY.-, Patcheldji's, Johnson & Wood'.- 1'ari ridge's and Uiuknvnod it 'oV CALF KIP and SLATGllTEIi BOOTS, Eiitein Maiiufuctui'c . -C;i lifu: AVork mjitHe Eipvissly fur Vs. IIECIIT PROS. UNITED WORKINGMEN, C.dit'orniu Co-ope'-ati ves, Marks A Cal ishcr, liuck'mgiiU-r it Hecht's, and On in Jone-' make ot HOOTS -.i i:d SHOES, llliOOANS. and LADIES' ami CillL D HEN'S DRESS HaLMOUALS. We have also a tine assorment of GENTLE MEN'S FRENCH CALF, HAND-MADE SEA Ei) O.vf-i-il Tics, CJjtitt-r Si ti-in.-c Alltc-rts. Those who c uis'eler themselves difficult to fit or suit with a. Root or Shoe, wc would be very much pleased to have call and examine our gooJs. Profman, (iiiHhun & Co., PACIFIC LOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, Flo. 8 2! Front Street, St. CJiuilos Hotel Uiiililiiig. PORTLAND, OREGON. Octlltf J) II. CLARK'S LOKDOIT RBTvlSDIES ' Tor Special Complaints ' ' J. CLARK'S IN YIGORATOR GIYKS strength to the ared and debilitated ; ii is especially designed for yotmir uu n who have wasted their vigor by excess' s of every kind, and all pe. sons whose systems have become weak by imprudence, are completcl v restored bv its use Puce, one dollar. DR. GLARK'S PL'RiFKR cleanses the bl od fiom all imjini ities ; such as Scrofula Sypi.iiis, Mercuiial Uheumati-m, Humors of every s -rt, I'.a.l Ureath, Oliecslvi; Pcrspir.i tion, Foul Feet, -C ttarrh, Discharges from the Far, Sore Ryes. Sore Throat, Falling of the Hair, Ulcers, - Roils, Pimples, IJIotehes, and all diseases of the Lungs and Digestive Organs. Prh'C, one dollar. DR. CLARK'S PANACEA relieves . pair of every description Headache, Earache, Toothache, Stomachache, Rackache,. Pain in the breast and Limbs. It is an invaluable remedy in all Nervous Disorders, and no family should be without it. Price, one dollar. 1)1!. CLARK'S ELIXIR is a cu tain cure for all weakness of the Gei ito-Urimuy Or gans, sine! discharges of a nuico -purulent na ture, Leucorrhea, Gonorrhea, Spermator rhea, and Seminal Weakness, are speedily cured bv its use. rnce, one do lar. DR. CLARK'S II KG ULATOR, for females only, is guaranteed to col rect all special irregularities and d IHculties of single la dies. Married ladies are cautioned not to use it when in a certain condition, as its effects would be too powerful. Price, one dollar. All of the?e celebrated remedies are pre pared from Fluid Extracts under Dr. Clark's immediate supervision, and are warranted fresh at d pure. All afflicted persons should send a carefully Written statement of their ailments to Dr, Clark, and the proper rem edj will be sent piomptly to their address. Dr. Clark can be consulted personally at his office, and will furnish all the necessary ac commodations to patients who place them selves under his care1. All letters addressed to DR. J CLARK, Novll ly 1270 Broadway, New York. AGENTS WANTED; JTJST OUT. SACROFT'S MEW MAP OF" THE P AGS FIG STATES, California, Oregon. Washington, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Uritish Columbia and Alaska. ER-gantly enixrared on copper and colored in counties. Fifth edition, thoroul ly re vised and brought down to date 1870. It shows the irreat Overland Railroad, also the proposed Northern and Southern Pacific Railroads and their connections; also all Railroads oompleted and projected iu Cali forma and Oregon. Upon ti e same theet, on a less srale, arc the maps of Alaska, and a complete Railroad map of the United States. No other map ean compare with this edi tion in fullness of d. -tail, and beauty and ac curacy of its topography. An enterprise of such magnitude and im-po-tanceas this Iarjje and elegant copper plate map, in order to be properly appreci ated, should be in every odice, school house and dwelling. Those wishing an ageucy should aprdv immediately for terms, to A. L. BANCROFT t CO., Publishers, 721 Maiket street, San Franckco, Cal. Nov. 11 ot KST If you wish the very Lest Cnblnet PhoV-srraphs, von must call on HRAPI.EY A RULOFSON, 439 Montgomery street, San Francisco. $5 GOOD $8 -WATCHES, AT OLD PRICES. Having keen the first to adopt the plan of affording persons residing at a distance the opportunity of obtaining lirst-class watches for their ow;i use, at wholesale prices, and eing also the original inventors and sole manufaturers of the widely advertised Oride Wartches, of which there are so many imi tations, and now the inventors and sole pro prietors and manufacturers of the new" ma teria!, which we have named the Norton Gold Met.-d, (and secured in legal form.) sn perior to all otber inc-t!s and tally equal in brilliancy of color, weight, wear, .to., to liue is karat gold, aud to be obtained thiough no her source. We have concluded to resume he retail business so successfuilv conducted hbv us from lS-7 to in connection with our whoUsalo departmit, for the purpose of placing arain a reliable line of our special tics before the pubic. Also being Sole Agents In the United States for the f.ivei po 1 Watch Co. we are autoiizod by them to close out a large line of European Watches, chains, Ac. uow in stock for, cash at prices never before known. All beautiful in tioi.-b artistic, in de sign, reliable for accurate time, durable smd of the latest styles. Every Watch will be retailed at less tban the c st of transporta tion, ard forwaiced securely packed, pre paid, to any part of the country on lcceipt ot price.. Money can be sent to us by Ex press, with orders for Express Co. to return Goods or Cash, which will secure prou.pt ness and safety to purchasers. Among our tist will be found ? A P.eautiful En-jdi.-h Sllvr-r Solid Double Case Watch, genuine English full date jew eled movements, adjusted regulator, steel cut hands, engine turned nerl, conect and ser vicable article, lat fre or small size, in com jdete running order with an elegant Gent's Ve.-t Chain, Locket and Key, all complete, mailed fieefor '." ,r. A Yen Handsome Watch in tine is kaiai Gold plated Double Cases imitation of leo Gold Watch engraved or plain, genuine English full plate je-w tied movements, ad justed regulator, correct, and in complete iiiuning order with elegant Gent's Ytst Cham, with Locket ..smd Key, mailed, prt pa d tor only s. Tiio Ovldo QokS Watch In Mlassive Oride Gold Double hunting M ig ic Spring Oases, elegantly engraved, or en gine turned. Genuine Patei.t Lever Move nient-!, full jeweled, regu'atcd and warranted to keep correct time,"and wear eeptal to gold, precisely like in appearance, make, linish bri.hancy of cohir, to im Gold Watch, some of thes; splend d watches will be !or warded by mail free to any address, in hum-'-some .morocco case, lined with velvet ant! -atin- (Ladie' or Gents; a'w.'i Watch,) tor only 1-'. Pate sit 4tort"j 4 w 1 f Or Kevless Watch. Winds uji frr.m the lem, requires no Ke3r c:in not be wuund the wiong way, in heavy Oride Gold I)ut)le (lases, three-quai ter plate live Jeweled Lev er Movement, Fxpo.-ed Action. Accurate as. a Timekeeper. Stipe, ior r. guhited. Single one sent to any addre.-3 by mail, in handsome case lor 15. t ilC ivJ'Jl lOii iiciivUi This widely known, leli.ible and elegant Watch, so long and full approved of by the ('ovtrnmcnt and Railroed Ollh-uds, is now encased in the new improved Norton Gold Metal, the very latest discovery in the sci ence of -Metallurgy," which for hardness, durability inl brilliancy of color and polish has been found to surpass all other known metals. It dues not tarnish by wear, expos are to heat, tiioi-te.re.'change of climate, or the action -or any acids or gasse-, and per manently ret.-. ins its beautiful color fully cou.il t the finest gold, and never weais out t his celebrated watch is in Solid double hunting cases, of Norton Gold Metal, rich in design artistic in finish, with magic spring push pin, imitation patent s.-lf-windiug stem, improved hevel si ell, double joints, engim turned nerl, extra fine full ruby jewt ltd lever movements, covered wi.h engraved dti-t cips, accurately uej.isted to all b gree. o heat eu" cold, with ail the latest improve ments, cannot be surpassed for correct turn keeping qualities, and experts, cannot detect the slightc-t difference it appearahce from one of" the fine-t $'o0 Gold Watelies ami las s as long, wc ai'3 as well, and keeps a correct tin e. They are ma mi fuc to red s del by us, aid ase Vhoronghly Wat ranted it. every respelt f r live rea.s. A single om of the above beauti ill Watches ui-t led u-e paid to any address, in ve'vet lined morocco case, with'k y. Ac, a'd complete, lor only .f 15 Watches for Iloliitlay presents manulac-turi-d to oi dor. Genuine American Watches of all grades, in g Id or silver cases, from 18 up to .-ico Otiier good watC ies equally lowj With ev ery club oi' si.v Watches of any kind, we send one extra A'atcli of same kind free, as a premium to getter iqi of Club. A super stock ot Geuuine Oride Gold ( bai ls, from t- ;ii each, warrant -d fully eaua! to Gold in brilliancy of color, wear. &c. Rill of over i3 eolh eted on deJiverv. if desired. Ail bills of and less must "lie ra-h in P. O. money orders, or iegitered letters, at. our risk. " G aids carefully selected, p icked and f rward-'d prepaid by mail, or by express, on receipt of price." Safe deli try of all goods guarunteed. Watches foi w.aitcd t ) la examined to parties known, when express clu'.rges b t:i wavs are paid. No goods for warded west of tbf Mississippi River, with bill to colleet on dellV -rv. Pu'chas-crs must pay all express charges oi good-- se;.t C. O. I) '; also ior leiuru ei money. All cash or ders forwarded free f charge- to destina tion. Catalogues Fiee. Address all orders CIIAS. P. NORTl'N ct CO. LiroiiTi KS of Wltchks, Ac., bii Nassau Street, Now York. Established lSo,:nov4 1S70. BILLIARDS! Messrs. Phc-hm & CoIIeKdc i i rr.i imst The well-known R li'ard Table Manufac tures, of New York; bare stablishcd at 541 Murkett sr., ban I ianeiscn. An extensive branch of their business, where tliev propose to keep consfant'T on hand the LA'l?OEST and most cernplete assortment ot JB1L.1.IAKD TAULTiS, CLOTHS, CUES, KTC, ON THIS COAST. J ;TIIE TACLLS are ot the latest sty'e and size recently adopted in the Eastern States ; are manufactured m the best possible man ner, and furnished with PHELAN'S LAT EST IMPROYEl) CUSHIONS. The new composition Rilliard Rail made by the Hyatt Manufacturing Co, of Albany, N. Y., the best substitute for ivory yet dis covered. For sale only by us. Piice$12 00 per set. All goods sold will be of the best ejualit-, and the prices fully as low as any other house in the business. Parties visiting the city are invited to visit our wore rooms and inspect our stock. GEO. E. PIIELAN, tA Market St. N. P. The public are notified that no otber parties on the Facilic coast have tlie ngbt to sell Phelan's Cushions. Nov4:3m Final Settlement. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF J. " W. llai rington, deceased. In the County Court of Clackamas county, Oregon. Notice is given to all concerned that the Ad ministrator of said estate has filed his ac counts for final settlement, and the Court has appointed the first Monday in December, A. D. 1870. for bearing objections to the same and the examination and settlement of sucli accounts. A. HARRINGTON, Adm'r. Johnson &- McCown, Att)s. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TINTVF.R55TTY OTT P.fiT.TTTnPMTA HEW FOOD. J- r (. " ; For a few cents you can fcuy your Grocer or Brasrffist r. Of I M&aso of SEA MOSS FAItIXE, inado from p;iro Irisli Moss, cr Carrageen, which will mate sixteen quarts of Blanc 3Iange, and a like quantity cf Pud dings, Custard.?, Creams, Char lotto Russe, . ice. It 13 the cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Chanrrc ! ! Trie: cit that voitr.rs toxic. Plantation Bitters. ctaor of tSac ffcc3j3e rssncl tlciiia tntcd. A3 n Casa'c san-l cordial for fiUac agl nizil lassgri-uvS, it Iara-5 izo eqtiml n-saoiag" JstOKii nclaics. i rcitaedy for ttEnc ncrvos'i'-J vo3i5ia.S3 Co wEbbcSs vo;iicBa- zivQ cspccarslly siui JccJ, It fi-ujrvrrAC-jkfisa every olSncr s2;ss?--;;-a!t, Er,a all Cli taiaJcr?;, trosacaU, tcz22i:viit.Ct oa ffiiy-S-3, it jsci til ii gaciSac fja cry sssccsca of clisordlcE wMcSa aasaflcrBaaasics Sae bodily f-ircsagtla saaal Ejac:aiif slov.aa tla nasimul gg)5a'i:s. E'or sulc Ity all ESa-tigjjBSts. Aug. 20. 1870:1 THE GREAT ' ' 'fe 4 ''6 An Infallible iri-3 iU2t iriEK. possess ing rare toxic and sebvixe properties r. certain curd for n:ii:i:i itish, tOLTt xEunALfa.t, mi all kindred Diseases. It completely restores the system when inv j-aired ly disease, revives Iho action of ths ti s:.ic vs n i gkxitai. or.G.ixs, radi cally cures StROFi;i.A, salt ir:i.-.n and all EntPTiVE nuJ cl't.ixeous Dis eases, gives immediate and permanent rclie.' in dyspepsia, 1-rnsiPEL.vs, Tumors, Boils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; erad; catcs from the system all traces of Mercurial Disease, It is pcaELY v-kkkxaisl-. being made from an herb found indigenous in. f:iifornin. It is therefore peculiarly suitable for rise by Females and Children, as a bloob ii:ki- FIEn aa ItEXOVATOK. For Sale by all Dfu'53. R E B I N QXQ K , HOSTETTEE1 & CQ AGENTS, 59 and 531 Market Street, Ean Francisco. Oct. 20:3m 1347. I37C. New Goods ! Hew, Goods ! II. CAUF1ELI) IEOS LEA YE TO IN FOR ft! THE PURLIC y that lie has refitted the old stand, corner Main and Seventh Sts., Oregon City, and has received an entire lo.w stock of goods, con sisting of DRY G0OTS, GROCLTjnS, cii o ckeh y, a i. a & 1 1 n n, ' ivvovrzivARF, and a .general assortment of everything in our line. Thankful lor past favors, we still solicit. a i-biire d the nil, lie patronage. Country Produce a ken iu txchengejor goods. 45:ly i LEON DEL QUE Y, Of the DARNUM RESTAURANT, Mala street, OREGON CITY, I2 to inform the public and his friends! mat lie Has leased the lower part oi the : CLIFF HOUSE, Which he has opened as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT The table will at all times be suprdied with - the bet the market aOords. Orders for suppers ami parties will be promptly attended to. Julr 2:tf t-i i- A. BLOOD PURIFIER. TT'. f T. - 1 1 KI-JULNG ION, liUSTLi ILli A. UO. Stop that Coiigliliig ! Some of you can't, and we pity yoQ. You have tried every remedy but the. .ONE destined, by its intrin.-ic merit, to supersede all similar preparations. It is not surprising you should be reluc tant to try something else af.cr the many ' experiments you have made of trashy compounds foisted on the public as a certain cure ; but ?evve!rs Pulmonary Syrup is really the VERY BEST remedy ever compounded for the cure of Coug7ts, l(s, Sw Throat, Asthma, IV'hoojiing Coughs, lirunhit'in and t'onsumptionT Thousands of people in California and Oregon have been already benefited by the surprising curative powers of FJevvelPs FuSrrtojiary Syrup and with one accord give it their un qualified approbat'on. Ye now address ourselves to all who are unacquainted with this, the greatest panacea ot the age. for the healing of all diseases of the 'rlnoat and Lungs, assuring you that Newell's Pulmonary Syrup has cured thonsnnds, an1 it will cure YOU. if you try it. This invaluable medicine is pleasant to the taste ; sooth ing, healing and strengthening in its "Reflects; entirely free from all poisonons or deleterious dru-s.nhd perfectly harm' less under all circumstances. For Sale l nil IJi ngglsf s. REDIXGTON, IIOSTETI ER & CO., 410 aud 413 Front street, San Francisco. Rotiiiisrtoirt Essence Jasnalea Ginger, lVhich i.- confiJeiithj rtcor.iviendtd as Hie hett prepartiuii now before the public. This valuable preparation, containing in a highly concentrated form all the properties of Jamaica Giliger.has become one of the most popular domestic reme dies for ail eliseases of the stomach and digestive organs. As a tonic, it will be found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; for while it imparts to the system all the glow and vigor that can be produced by wine or brandy, it is entirety free from the reactionary eflects that follow the use of spii'us ot any kind. It is also an excellent remedy for females who suller from difficult men struation, giving almost immediate re lief to the spasms that so frequently ac company that period. It srives immediate relief to Nausea, caused by ridmg in a railroad car, or by sea sickness, or other causers. It is also valuable as an external rp plicat on for Gout, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc. REDIA'GTOS, IIOSTETTER & CO., 410 and 418 Front street, San Francisco. Rciiington's F 1 av o r i is g Extracts ARE THE PERFECTLY' PFRE AND highly concentrated Extracts from Fresh Fruits, prepared with great care. Thcv are put up in superior stvle, and in a bottle holding TWICE AS'MUCH as the ordinary brands of Extracts. .Comparing quality and contents, none olii r arb nearly so cheap. Whenever tested on tiiei ft merits, they have been adopted in preference to all others, and are row the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS of the Pacific Coast. UK THE A I) I 'A XT A GES. Ry purchasing Rcdington's Concen trated Flavoring Extracts, yen obtain an article not only superior in richness and delicac of flavor to ai y other of n 8imi lar nature, but. f;ir moie ccoromicaJ, be cause each bottle l. Ids double the quantity contained in a bottle of any other flavoring extract sold. IlEDLVGIOS, IIOSTETTER & CO., Agents for the Pacific Coast. E to V Would yon escape FEYER AND AGUE, and pfeseire he: 1th and vigor during Iho sickly season, make occasional use of the following as A PREVENTIVE. If you are ATTACKED with Chills' and Rilious Fever, or have ben victim to such disease, and used other so-called remedies without permanent relief, seek at once the safe and surest ctiEji:, y iisinc. according to directions MASON & POLLARD'S ANTI-MALARIA, or, Fever and Ague Pills. Time has proved them thoroughly to be the safest and most reliable remedy known. They contain no mercury or other mineral or chemical. They are exclusively vege table. Thry stimulate the fnnctions of the liver. Congestion is impossible where they arc used. They do not deter from daily labor; . liy asnistin dijret-tion tl ey add flesh and mn-clelo the frafre. They are adapted to all ages aud both sexes, at.d as a FAf&iLY Medicine Will CURE in their incipicncy, three fourths cd all d seasrs incidental to a malarious climate. For Dyspepsia, in stnall doses, they have no equal. For Sale by all Druggists. UEDI.VGTOX, IIOSTETTER .CO., SOLE AGENTS- The Battle for Liffe Which is continually going'on between health nd disease, has never received from any medicine such marked and un mistakable assistance, on the side of health, as it has from KevvcIPs Pulmonary Syrup REDIXGTOI?, IIOSTETTER & CO., 416 and 418 Front street. S in Francisco. AUCTION AND COMMISSION. A. 11. Hiclaarfilsoi AUCTIO NEEH ! Corner of Front ami Oak streets, I'oriknd. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, Genera! Merchfcti disc and Horses, O -Every Wednesday and Sa&rday ! , A. B. RieiiAKDSox, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALT?. English refined Rsr amijEundle lion , English Square and Octagon CuQ steel ' Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws ; - - Screws, Fiy-paus, sheet iron, R. G. 'Iron j 0 s also : A large assortment of Groceries ardLiqucrS A. D. Riciiahdson, uctiotiet r 5T A. t : -r t.- ,n 9 3 Selling off to Close I its i nets, Attd. no I1UMBIU Gf -! ofr- DHY GO Ji), O READY-MADE cfOTIIIXG, C0TS AKD SHOES, ilens' Laities, Misses'and Childreus HATS AND CAP'S Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, ; Wicks, Cbinireys and Burners I Hardware, Cutlery,etc., etc. lias gci to le sold - Elegardsess of cPrLce'f c fo. To convince j-eursc-'f with rerpect to this matter, call at the oid corner. I. SEELING. South of T vpc C'o.'s 'J in t- 'i re. 0 3 IS STILE AT HIS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN and SIXTH STREETS, OREGON CITY, OREGON w HEFvE HE WOULD INVITE HIS friends, and the public i crucial, to call and examine his stack, consisting ot a general assortment ct O -r? y Hoots S5aoc IISltH ISSlCl (CalYlUt list scl w siiT c . o ilaving frorr many years' cxpciienre learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES IN 5 MAI I, PROriTS! IS DETEILMiNED' TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL Sdence the Cry of Poriland Pi ices! O Oregon City; August 2Sth,-1SUU; O 7 UNDER THE COURT HOUSE, O OREt'ON CITY, OREGON. RETAIL DEALERS IN O 7 o Hoots & shoes, - . MAEDWAEE, Wt; also constantly keep on hand O SALEM CASS I ME RES, FLANNELS TWEEDS AND Rl2nKETS, 0 Which we will fell at the Factory Prices and will take wool in exchange. JSTW'e will also pay the highest price for Buffer. Eggs, and all kinds of good country proeluce. We will fcell as low r.s my bouse in Oregon, for Cash o- its equivalent in good merchantable produce. AiT GiVe us a call and satisfy yoXirselves. DAVID Pi. S5IITH, Civil atml SIccliaiiicaT Kiiginefi', Solicit-r of Amcricaii and Porcign PA T E MTS, 431 MOXTCOJIEKT STREET, P. 0. BOX 11G1. SAN FRAN-CISCO,;, . AV'Itli Arciic'cs in VasJiigon, Lon- q tion, Pui is, Yijiiiiia, t t. SpeciRcations and Drawings Prepared, Ex aminations Made, Caveats Filed. Foreign Pat ents Obtained, Rejected A ppbeatrons 1'rose Ciited, Interferences Conducted, Extensions Applied for, Re-Issues Procured, Assign ments Prepared, and Patt-nt "Business or Every DesciZptia ii Atttmlnl to. . Sept.23.1870:ly AYOID QUACKS. A v'cV.m f early in discretion, causinjr nerrrni debility, premature defty, Ac, having tried in vain every advettised remedy, han a simple means of self-cure, which be will fen lfwo to his fellow-sufferers. Address J. H . Trrf. TLE, 78 Nassau st., New York. Sept.l0:3m. v . -: I t - f : ft t'- r F ? ; r r