The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, November 25, 1870, Image 2

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(EIjciDcckln (Sntrqmsc.
Orsgca City, Oregon ,
Nov. 24,1870
What Democrats Rejoice Over-
The Oregonian can't see where the
ground for rejoicing' on the part of the
Democracy comes in over the Lite elec
tions, and asfcs, what have they " gained
in place of Louisiana and New Jersey ?"
Why, the gain of one Representative
from Michigan by white votes, is more of
a victory, and the Democracy have bet
ter reason to rejoice than the Radicals
hate fat their success la the tvo States
named by the negro vote. "We rejoice
over successes gained by white men and
the Oregonian rejoices over the success of
negroes. But while we are on the sub
ject, it may be as well to state the
grounds for rejoicing, which are, the gain
of five Senators, namely, in West Vir
ginia, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennes
see, Oregon anS Alabama. We lose the
Senator in Jlinnesofa, whieh makes a
clear gain of five, or a reduction of the
Radical vote in that body of ten. There
are elected up to this time 222 members
Congress., of which ' the Democracy
have, according to the reports received
by us, which are as reliable as those of
the Oregonian. 101, and the Radicals 119,
and two "Independent." There are yet
to be elected 22 members, of which the
Oregonian claims ten, and we are willing
to concede them eight making their
strength in 'the Forty-second Congress
127 against 115 Democrats, and two " In
dependents"' which gives them a ma
jority of 12 over the Democrats and 10 over
the opposition. In the present Congress
there are 150 Radicals against 71 Demo
crats. If the Oregonian fails lo see any
reason for Democrats to rejoice in such
results, the cause must be that the editor
feels too much like mourning. There is
nothing in these figures which is calcu
laied to give any Radical cause to re
joice, while there is much which is ex
pected to make him feel sad and dejected
Theygare not to blame for not feeling glad
and rejoicing at their pending doom.
There is another reason why the Radi
cals are so much dejected. The result
ehows conclusively that the next Presi
dential election will go Democratic. The
Electoral College is composed of 319
votes, of this number the Democracy can
now safely rely on carrying the follow
ing :
Delaware . .
Wary hied
New York.
c?v--: V.7.7
West Virginia
North Carolina
.... 8
. . . . t
. . . J
.. ..13
. 7
.. ..11
. 3
. . 6
. .10
. . o
And the-Democrais have an equal show
- of carrying Arkansas, '5. Mississippi.
07, and New Jersey, 7 total, 19,
making 109, which leaves . the Rad
icals 220, or give them all the doubt
ful States und they have 1.39. These
figures are not calculated (o inspire the
Radicals with much of a disposition to re
joice, and we do not wonder that they
grow very angry at the Democracy for
entertaining the hope of a fpe'edy deliv
erance from Radical rnisrulc. The De
mocracy have much reason to be jubilant,
and the present indications are most
favorable. The Radicals dare not take
any other man for their candidate but (he
present incumbent, and 3 the elec-
Jions wereh. test of his administration. If
it continues to grow in disfavor for the
next two years as in the past, the Radical
parly will not carry a single State out
side of New England. The ball is rolling
on, and no man cin stop the popular tide.
Ti.ectiox.s. The New York Dcmoaat
of the 2C,th nit., has the following in re
lation to Ihe October elections. It ' will
be seen that this report differs somewhat
from thai receive by telegraph, and as
thu n.nnur n-a .,.l.i;. 1 1
j'uuiitLuu several days
after the election, it may be regarded as
correct :
In rennsylvniiia, there was W
hope than almost anywhere else, the Con
gressional delegation has been balanced
and now, instead of ten majority in the
delef ation for the Republicans. the Dem
ocrats have one more majority than the
Republicans, with one independent"
member. For a State whose Congres
sional districts have been manipulated
and gerrymandered by the Republican
in such maimer as to secure to themselves
all possible advantage of ground, this
will do, and furnishes such encourage-
v....,w..v.jr t-iuer states as
to give them greater strength.
Ohio has given us but "two additional
members. In three districts the Demo
crats gained, but there was a loss of one
in the 1st District. The greatest tri
umph in Ohio, however, is in the defeat
of Schenck.
The Iloosier State has outdone herself.
Everything there has gone Democratic!
and besides electing their State ticket,
the Democrats have reversed the Con
intMt L li i 1 1 I 1 11 1 t 11 f - t . r-.
gressional delegation, making eight Pom
werats to three Republicans,
..oni. iuij.uwiuii- wi iuit i
Democrats to indent in the least, even i
TW" L . t ' i . . . . ?
"M lUCTlf litlllH ?! U 1 u .
If the administration of Grant finds
anything to be happy over in that we
herewith offer I lulu our congratulations,
lor they may certainly be happy under
vuc must uu verse circumstances. i
The Litigant Bill.
Some of the Radical organs arc taking
on terribly over the passage of the Liti
gant Rill, and in their denunciation of
the act. go entirely astray from the truth
The bill is what its title indicates, and the
want of such an act has been seriously
felt by parties in counties where there
was but one paper, as the prices charged
in many cases were nothing better than
robbery. This bill provides for regular
rates, and, notwithstanding the assertion
of the statesman, the price ia less by con
siderable than is charged for transient or
legal advertising by any paper in this
State. The usual charge per square of
ten lines in all papers with a certain
widih column, and we have heretofore
charged 2 60 per square of minion type,
for twelve lines, our columns not being
as wide as other papers. This bill re
quires the official paper to use type
a size smaller, nonperiel, and publish the
same at the rates we are now charging
for Kinion type, and the bill further re
quires two copies of the paper to be fur
nished to the County Clerk and one to
the Clerk of the Supreme Court, free of
charge, besides placing aicm under $500
bonds, for tho performance of duty accord
ing to law. The bill undoubtedly bene
fits Democratic papers where there is a
Republican paper published in the same
county, but where there is but one paper,
the benefits are all for the party who lias
'the advertising to do, and not for the
publishers. " Now let us see which party
will have the most official" organs under
this act : Jackscn county. Republican ;
Douglas, Democratic ; Lane, Democratic:
Benton, Republican ; Linn, Democratic;
Polk, Republican ; Marion, Democratic;
Clad manias, Democratic ; Multnomah,
Democratic ; Wasco, Republican ; Union
and Raker, Democratic ; Yamhill, Repub
lican. Thus it will be seen that the Dem
ocrats will have eight official organs and
the Republicans four, just one-third
which is a very fair representation for a
minority party, and - our Radical friends
should be satisfied with this proportion,
and all (ho counties which will have Rad
ical official organs, with the exception of
Denton, are Democratic, and it certainly
is as objectionable for them to give their
patronage to the Radical papers as it can
be for Radicals giving to Democratic
papers. There are but four papers ef
fected by this bill, as in the other four
counties no papers of the Radical 'persua
sion are published. Rut the four thus ef
fected will try and raise a terrible howl
over their loss, and of course they are ex
pected to denounce the bill.
Now let us see what the difference is
between this bill and the practices by the
Radical Judges, who had the ordering ol
advertisements under the old law. Com
mencing with Judge Deady, he has ren
dered a decision or order, by which all
advertisements from his Court must be
pub'ished in the Oregonian. In every
Circuit Court it has beea the practice of
the Judges to order their advertisements
in the Radical organs, and this also holds
good in County Courts, while Democratic
Judges have made it a rule to letlitigan's
publish in what paper pleased them.
While there was no law to designate ofii
cial organs heretofore, the practice has
been as thorough to give it to particular
friends on the Radical side as it can be
under the present law, besides allowing
them to charge what they pleased, which
was never too low. We r g ird the bill
a good one for the litigants, and in a
few cases it of benefit lo individu
al papers. To us, es we have stated be
fore, in this county, it is no benefit, and
simply cuts down the present rates about
ten per cent., without any other consider
ation in return for it. The trouble with
the Radical papers whieh take on so over
this bill is. that it takes away a little
' fatT? they have enjoyed for the past ten
years, and gives it to their opponents. It
is natural that they should feel sore over
Radical Rom;ei;y. Fernando Wood, in
his speech at Tammany Hall last month,
in spenking of the Radical party and the
public debt, said :
They conceal tho true state of affairs,
and never allude to the $100,000,000 of
debt that lies pigeonhold in the Treas
ury Department. From the manner in
w hich they boast of reduction of the debt
it would seem as if such thing were heard
of for the first time in the history of the
country. At the close of the American
Revolution there was a debt cf $75,000,
000 ; in 1812. when the war with England
broke out, it was $122,000,000 ; but in
18:57, at the close of Andrew Jackson's
term as president and 1817 to that tinii
the government was Democratic the
whole debt was liquidated, every dollar
of it. In 181( we had a war with Mexico,
and in ISIS the debt was up to $82 000.
000 ; in 1850. by the much abused Frank
lin Pierce, the public' debt was reduced to
twenty millions of dollars, and when Lin
coln was elected President it was almost
entirely paid off. Contrast thi3 with the
debt4under the Republican Admuustra
tion, and he would say, so help me God
no beleived two-thirds of that debt was
absolute and wholesale Republican rob
1 j A K A Y KTT B 1 OWX StTK IV I,AW. We
copy tins Horn the Salem Statesman of
-November 20ih :
w e learn lrom 1 . IS. lllis, Esq.. who
has just returned from Yamhill county
that there was a very light docket at tlx
....iv. iviui ui win i iinu luere. lie. SpcaKS
of one case as impoitant. which is now
pending, involving the title to the town
site of Lafayette. It appears that the
original claimant of the land arranged in
some manner to give seventy acres in the
midst of his claim for a county seat, and
the patent for the same was issued in ac
cordance with the arrangement. The
hens of the original claimant now come in
and claim the'land as tin 'ir own rn tVn.
ipt Dem- ground that the patent was fraodMlently
lowa and obtained The i3 of considerable in
e for the forest to the residents of Lafayette, who
. iu nit- residents ot JLafayette who
don't know certain if they have a title to
uon i Know c
their homes.
General . C. Lee. son of General R F
Lee. has been elected to succeed his Vhor
as President cf athingtou College Vir-
The Court House.
The County Commissioners, in their de
fence for removing the Court House, say :
. The building was fitted
up (not at the county expense as repre
sented.) and at the October term the
county leased it - -
Mr. Ralston, in Lis statement, says :
I went into 'the
Clerk's office and in the presence of W. 1.
jsnrns, asked J. M. Frazer, County Clerk,
if there was any record of a renting of an
other house. He told me there was none,
but there was a record instructing him to
notify 'me that they would leave the
building on the Gist of October. 1 then
handed them a proposition to lease the
building'for two hundred dollars p. r year.
After getting my propositiou !or two "hun
dred dollars they leased of other parties
at six hundred dollars ptr year as the
dates will show.
Jlr. Myers, in his published statement
in regard to this little matter, speaks as
follows :
I examined the rec
ords of the September term, and found no
order or any agreement to rent any other
house. On the first day of the October
term, before any business had been trans
acted, I filed with the Clerk a notice in
writing, and called the judges attention to
the fact, that as there was no record of any
contract for renting any other building. I
after consideration, had concluded to take
hco hundred dollars per annum, and was
prepared to go into writing on the same
terms as pefore. for as long a term of years
as they might desire to use the building.
The tax payers can judge from the ex
tracts quoted whether the Commissioners
transacted 'i the county's business as they
would their own." or whether they were
actuated to squander $200 per annum for
the rent because the Court House was in
a building owned by a Democrat.
Inducement to Our Subscribers-
We have made arrangements by which
we are enabled to offer to our subscribers
the American Steele Journal with the Ex
terpkise, at the small sum of 'three dol
lars per annum. This is the best journal
for farmers published in the United
States, and none should do without it. In
order that our subscribers may receive
the benefit of this arrangement, it will be
necessary for them to pay in advance.
All subscribers on our list who have not
paid for their subscription may receive
its benefits by paying for their paper now.
With this combination, our readers will
get a local paper and also one which
ought to-be in the hands of every farmer,
for the usual price of subscription. Let
all our present subscribers pay up their
subscription between this and New Year's
and receive the benefit of this proposition
and commence the year of" the Stock
Journal with the beginning of 1871. This
makes the Entkhtkise the cheapest paper
in Oregon. We hope all our subscribers
will take advantage of this offer.
Impkrtixkxt. A few weeks ago, an
article appeared in this paper over a star,
and an individual, who had no interest in
the matter, took it upon himself to ascer
tain w ho the author was. He inquired of
every one he had the slightest suspicion
of being the author, and receiving a neg
ative answer, finally, after he had nearly
given up his search, some one suggested
to him (as his own little brain never would
have done it) who the probable author was.
He met this gentleman on the street, and
very abruptly asked him whether he was
the author of said article, to which he re
ceived an affirmative jyiswer. Instead of
receiving a gentlemanly reply, he should
have been informed that it was none of
his business, which would not have been
half as impertinent as his question. It
shows the irnpudenco of the fellow to
learn something which was none of his
business, and he should have received
a just rebuke. It is hardly necessary to
state that this busy body was Ihe Repre
sentative from Caneniah precinct, as there
could hardly be found another with an
equal amount of impertinence.
Small-vox. We regret to learn that
Hon. J. R. McLain, of Baker county, has
been taken down with this disease, a!
Umatilla, while f .n his way home from
Salem. He remained in Portland about
two weeks after the adjournment of the
Legislature, having been exposed to the
disease, and not having any symptoms of
it, he started for home with his family, to
to be taken down on the road. Mrs! Mc
Lain, who attended him. has also taken it.
At last accounts Mr. McLain was getting
better. We hope both may soon recover,
and that it may not extend to any other
members of their family.
Cokkkctiox Last week's Albany Dem
ocrat, published a rumor to the effect that
Hon. John Ostrander, of. Linn county,
had died from small-pox. Mr. Jennings,
of this city, has received a letter from Mr.
O., dated Scio, Oct. 18th, in which he
says that he has so far recovered as to be
able to wait on the rest of his family who
are down with the disease Mrs. Ostran
der and a small child. The former was
getting better, but the child was in a
critical condition.
The Dikkejjexce. In Jackson and other
counties where there are only Radical pa
pers published, and the county officials
are Democratic, the Sheriff advertises the
time of meeting the tax-payers in these
papers. In this county, the Sheriff gives
notice through posters, which he had
printed in Portland. It shows the differ
ence of the men.
Official Organ. The Governor has
designated the Mercury, at Salem, as the
official organ for Marion and Yamhill
counties'. This is proper as the Mercury
is published in the same Judicial District
in which Y'amhill county is located, and
is the most convenient for parties in
The Oregonian has failed to inform its
readers of the fact that a number of Rad
ical members of the Legislature voted
for the " Lock Swindle." Why not claim
a purl of. the honor?
dan "bter of Henry Smith, living in
Jotopbine county, aged 18 years commit
s?fciSe bv shooting herself through the
head, on ihe 20th hist. . -
The Oregonian says that Mr. Ostheiro,
Ronresentathe to the Grand Lodge, I. O
O F from this state, may be expected
home'in about two weeks. Mr Jay,
theo-.her Representative, has already ic-
The ame paper, has the following:
Since the 1st of August ninety-six per
sons havegueen confined m the county jail
for "various offenses.
The police of East Portland have a
clue to the late burglars who broke into
a store and stole a safe.
Dv the arrival --of the Gwgr with 770
tons of iron, the Railroad Company has
rails enough to reach Albany.
Fire families from California, number
ing sixty persons, recently arrived at
Est Portland, where they intend to lo
cate. :
Thomas Trainor, sentenced at this term
of the Circuit Court to two years in tbe
Penitentiary, for robbery, was taken to
Salem on Saturday, by Sheriff bills.
Two converts to the Catholic faith
Miss Lucy King and Miss Lizzie Terry
were received into the church yesterday
afternoon at the chapel of St. Mary s
Academy. " -
The Ikrald says that Hon. J. C. Carson
has so far recovered from the prevailing
disease as to be able to be on the street
- The same paper says that a man named
Albeit llermansou. whose wile not long
since abandoned him and took to the beer
slinging business, tried a pistol Sunday
morning as a curative for his sorrow. He
went lo the saloon where his w ife was en
gaged and besought her to return to his
home ; but she treated him with indiffer
ence and refused to receive his overtures.
Finally he induced her to go into a room
with him, where he gave her his watch and
some jewehy and then shot himself wiih
a revolver, the ball entering his right
breast inflicting a dangerous if not a fatal
We take the following items from the
Statesman :
E. F. Haft has been appointed, by the
Governor. Commissioner-of deeds for
Oregon at San Francisco. Henry Hedges,
of Clackamas county, has been appointed
. Notary ' Public. A meeting of School
Land Commissioners will lie held next
week to arrange for making titles to school
hinds sold. Tliis has not been done for
the last two years, as no provision had
been made for clerical force. The Pilot
Commissioners elected by the Legislature
received their commissions last Thursday.
A fellow named Clark, recently sen
tenced to Slate Prison, tried the crazy-
dodge in o.'der to get into better quarters
of the Asylum, but didn't succeed
The Chinese doctor at Portland calls the
epidemic now prevailing the - Chinese
We learn that Mr. Jesse D. Carr has sold
the stock on the road from Oroville to
Salem, to Harlow tv. Co., the parlies who
succeed in getting the mail contract.
The workshops of 15. F. Drake and
Eoothby A- Siapleton are being rapidly re
built this pleasant weather. The wails of
the entile front and sides are up, and the
joist will be immediately put in place and
work commenced on the roof.
The O. A C. U. R. Co.. has placed on file
in Ihe office of the County Clerk, a plat of
the town of Gervais. between Waconda
ami I5elpas.-i, and to become a business
point. It i situated on the lands of Hon.
Sm Drown and Mr. Thornberry.
We regret to learn of the death of Mrs.
Davenport, and daughter of Li. C. Gear,
Lsq.. who died day beloiv yesterday at
her home in tin Wal lo Hills. ' Her hus
band was slightly ill while attending the
session of the Legislature, and supposed
his complaint to be not ding more serious
than chicken-pox. Mrs. Davenport was
taken soon after his return and her disease
is said to have assumed the worst features
o! small-pox.
Agent Lafjllette writes from Grand
Rondo Agency lhat two of the Indians
there have had the email pox and one of
them had died. He speaks of the necessity
of efficient steps being taken to prevent
the spread of the. disease : says he is
sending the Indians all off to the moun
tains, and recommends that all those absent
from the Reservation be immediately sent
home, when he will have them also sent to
the mountains, anil keep them out of the
way until the. disease is eradicated.
Judge Poise has adjourned the Circuit
Court for Polk county, which was to been
held thi? week, owing to the presentation
of a petition numerously signed by citi
zens of Dallas and other parts of the
county, who represented that such a step
was necessary to avoid the spread of the
small-pox in that county. The Judge con
sidered the subject of too much import
ance to neglect and. Court stands adjourn
ed there until the first Monday in January
next. It was stated there that five deaths
had occurred from small pox in Polk
The Democrat says that Mrs. Holeyboss.
whose husband some years ago was killed
by the falling of a tree, a short distance
above this city, Saturday was stricken
down wilh congestion of the brain from
which she died in a few hours. She leaves
several or han children, the youngest of
whom are twins.
A young lady in Scio, who had three
offers of marriage while hoeing potatoes,
and assorts that it presumes that those
who read this will go to hoeing potatoes
next year, and if they do, Linn county
will have a lively "crap.'
There will be four railroad stations be
tween Albany and Salem, viz : Jefferson
eight rciles distant ; Pickard's five miles
from Jefferson, and Marion, six miles from
Pickard's. The latter named is the station
for Scio. and is expected to be a place of
considerate importance in the future.
The Corvallis Grzctle states that Doctor
George C. Harris, of that place, is posi
tively of ihe opinion that the disease now
prevailing is 'Crystal line small-pox' and in
support, of I), 3 theory he quotes from
Fberlo's Practice, Page 421.
The Dallas Depubllcan asserts that Miss
Kerdenhol who has the small. pox in the
same house whore Mr. Frederick died in,
has almost recovered. The same paper
also states that the other case of reported
small-pox in his neighborhood turns out
to be chicken-pox.
1 lie lumner notices the fact that it is
stipulated in the charter of the North Pa
cific Railroad that the rails shall be of
American iron, and adds th it the company
will probably avail itself of the iron ores.
entier on the Columbia or Willamette
river, for making the rails necessary on
the western portion of the road.
Speaking of blooded stock, the Farmer
asserts that we have now in Oregon thor
oughbred horses, thoroughbred Durham
cattle; the best breed of Cotswold.
I rench Merino and other sheep. Wo have
M. ...... .... -. . , . . ...
utaiei wnites. meters. i,erkh!res. nnd
I other valuable breeds cf hogs so that
we are not very far behind any State for
the pes ession of valuable animals.
The Plaindealer says : ...
A man by the name of Goodhue, was
sent to the Insane Asylum.
Sheriff Van Bnrcn took three prisoners
to the Penitentiary las-.t week.' Jackson
Grant, horsestealing, for one year:, Dan.
Clark, for embezzlement, four years ; and 1
Henry Glass, for stealing mowy. loMhrce
' J
Mr. John Fulerton, of Canyonville,
met with a very siions accident, at the
residence of of Mr. Shirl. near that place
on Tuesday last. He was painting on a
scaffold about twenty-live feet high, and
is supposed lo have stepped too far back,
and fell to the ground, breaking both
bones of the leg below the knee, and sus
taining very serious injuries on the back
of the head. .
From Mr. Wood, mail carrier between
this place and Randolph, Ave get the fol
lowing items : , .
Lane & Co. have commenced operations
in their mine wilh splendid prospects for
the winter. The Eagle Company w ill also
soon be ready to commence woi k. The
steamer Coiamodore which was wrecked
on the bar at the moiuh of the Coquille
river, some time -ago. has been floated up
the river about three miles from the
mouth, and the owners have commenced
taking out her machinery. 1 ney aie quae
confident that she can be repaired with
out anv groat cost. The steamer, it will
be remembered, was sold at auction and
purchased by Messrs. l'ershbaker &. Fer
ry, for S.jU'J. They have since been of
fered $ 1,000 for their bargain.
" Circuit Court adjourned on Tuesday,
and Judge, jiu-y, attorneys, witnesses and
ligitanls, have all returned to; their re
spective homes. Judge Thayer deserves
great praise for the able and satisfactory
manner in which he disposed of the busi
ness before him.
Our new District Attorney. C. W. Fitch
has proved himself an able and efficient
officer, and gave universal satisfaction.
Mr. F. is a young man of no ordinary
ability and we bespeak for him a promis
ing future at the bar.
A report has been current in town dur
ing the week that Hon. C. M. Caldwell
had died of thesniall pox, at his residence
at Galesville. Dr. Hamilton, who returned
from Canyon viiie, informs us that the
report is false. Mr. C. is now well and
Telegraphic Clipp'nss.
Loxoox, Nov. 19. A dispatch from
Munich on Thursday says the negotiations
that were carried on at Versailles have
been finally concluded. Treaties are to
be signed in a few days. The conslitnlion
of Bund''' has undergone some modifica
tions. . Bavaria is allowed to enter the
Confederation upon her own conditions.
Rumors continue of a proposed concen
trated attack oh the Prussian position be
fore Paris by the French, attended by a
sortie from the city. The time fixed for
this grand movement is to be next Mon
day or Tuesday.
Viknxa. Nov. 10. In the " Rcichsralh "
to-day the ministry carried an address to
the Throne by a large majority.
Journals of this city are vigorously anti
Russian. The Austrian reply to the Russian note
is expected to reach St. Petorsberg to-day.
The resignation of Potocki from tin
Cabinet is expected in a day or two, but it
is denied lhat any Mich action is contem
plated. Eoxoox, Nov. Id. A Ikrald cable tel
egram ttoni Florence, on the 18:1), says excitement prevails over the war
question, in regard to IJu.-sia's position on
the Treaty of 1 s"t. Popular enthusiasm
is in favor o ' adherence to the cau-e ol
Russia. The report that the ministry is
re.-oived not to take joint action wiiti Eng
land and Austria is we'll received. The
position taken by the Cabinet is nnder
s ood to be a detevmiiunit n to lull en
tirely aloof lrom any complications that
may grow out ( f the question. The Gov
ernment will have enough to do in har
monizing the new state oi ;iff.irs at Rome
Otueial papers stale that tie report of
Frusta':; intended interference in behalf
of the Pope are entirely unfounded.
They were raised by t gents of Austria lor
I fcolti.-h ends. It is certain that Daly's
position will be that of .entire neu'ralily.
1 u'tpalehes tiom 1 1 reiue state that the
Itallian Government has certainly declin-j)
ed to join l be uip.omutie movement
against Russia.
Loxdox. Nov. 19. A warlike feeling
.prevails all over England. An important
division exists- in the Cabinet on the Rus
sian question, which is likely to lead to a
dissolution of the Ministry. Granville in
sists that England must now put down
her foot (irmly, or forever give up her !
voice in European affairs, lie holds that J
the present attitude of Russia" means j
future, if not immediate, prosecution of Tier
long cherished designs on-the Fast. Ihe
present moment is the only time when
"England can hope to resist fnccesf-fully
the policy against which heretofore she
has fought at great sacrifice of life and
In view of probable early convocation
of Parlian cat. Gladstone hesitates to com
mit himset for war, or against it. on the
present provocation.
A better feeling prevails in Russia,, in
consequence of GoatschakofTs dispatch,
whieh is considered as assuring the de-s-ired
object without w. r.
New Yokk, Nov. 22. The World's
London cable special says Downing street
believes Russia will submit her claim to a
Congress, after the present war.
The reprovisioning of Paris ngain ob
struct an armistice. Paris is quiet within
and without.
Bei?t,!X. Nov. 23. According to a letter
from Versailles incessant exertions are
directed to the formation of a second line
of investment, to cover the operations of
the inner line.
The strategy of General R'AuroIlis i.s
undeisfood at Versailles, and has been
met with a counter movement with the
center at Orleans. D'Aureltis has extend
ed his lines both north and south, intend
ing to enclose the Germans on both flank.
The latter have executed a similar move
ment, falling back at the same time on
Paris. Gen. D'Aureltis' line is now said
to extend from Leman, through Vendome.
Orleans and Bourges, to Never?. His
main body rests alonsr this line, while it is
feared that a large section of bis;
force has passed north toward Evereaux-
His lino also extends from Orleans to Au
gerville, and in a triangle, of which Ven
dome. Orler.ns and Angerville forai the
points. The German line extends from
Chateau Neuf. through Chartres and Etarn
pes. to Fontainbleau.
Loxdox. Nov. 22. A Tribune correspon
dent at Garibaldi's headquarters, at Auuin
on the 18di. says, the reported quarrel be
tween Garibaldi and the Prunes Tireurs
is utterly unfounded. Large numbers of
the latter, through the Lead quarters, are
asking to bo placed under ihe General's
command. From Marseilles an l h te.
pp. rime a Is of Junio Saone ct Loire thev
come faster than equipments can be sup
plied. A special from Berlin, to day, fays the
treaty with the South German States,
Daden and Hess, for the establishment of
a German "iSiir.d." was signed on the 15th
inst. It adopts the North German Con
stitution, and the Protocol makes the fol
lowing stipulations : .The Constitution to
! f "t0 Jan 1S' ?ri JhSSS"
i d net i on of iti enmnmn military ourtget.
The transfer of the postal and telegraphic
service in B de.i in ihe Bund will be post
poned to the first of January, 1S72.
Baden and llesse are in no way responsi
ble for the recent loan of the existing
loan of thereceit Bund. Laws coact ru
ing the press and public meetings will be
placed within the Jurisdiction of the Bund,
Hesse will have two -more votes in the
Bund, ond Baden three, making 18 in all.
On questions affecting only particular
states, their votes only are taken. A dec
laration of war cap only be made with
the consent of " the Council. Southern
llesse is to return six members aiidl&don
fourteen members to the German Diet.
It will be necessary to have a majority of
itiroe-iourtus, instead of two-tuirus as Here
Advices from Paris to the 19th have
bien received bv balloon. For two days
the Prussians fired on the engineers work
ing on Fcrt Ivry. 'Their fire was returned
Loxdon, Nov. 23. Liile is well armed
provisioned and garrisoned. ....The manu
taciure of arms and mttrailleurs is active
The sedges ot Montmed v and Mezieres are
reported raised. The besiegers have gone
to the interior of Franco.
The Duke of Cleveland write.-, to the
Tunes arguing against war. He says the
English have no army for foreign service
and no allies but Austria and Turkey
both bankrupt.
Office-, IVo
Front .Street,
Special Collector cf Claims.
A' largo amour. t of CITY and EAST PORT
LAND 1'ri peitv for Sale.
A! J.Ml'KOVKl) FA RMS, and valuable u"
fiutivat. d LAN US, located iii all parts ot
the M-.te ' ' - - - '
Invest meats in REAL ESTATE and olhei
PR ' U'EUT Y m.-ide fot eon e -nondcriU.
CLAIMS of all descriptions, promptly col
IIOI'.SES and STORES leased.
Aii kinds of Financial and General Aconcr
business transacted.
Parties having FARM PROPERTY fur sal
will pk-u.-e Iviriii.-h description.-: of ihe same
to the AC EATS OF THIS Or r ME.
ea. h of the principal Cl'iiES iu:d TOWNS
ol tins ST A it.
Julv 2:tf ,
e ft1 n p?4T.-5" r r" ?? r r-i s
Xllia. JL. 3lAltnrv wi I open a Select
S-d o .1 on Main street, opposite the icsidenee
of Dr. Barc'ay, u Monday, Xov. 2th, 1?7',
a Jul respecEully solicit Ihe patronage of the
.re -ideiiis ot Oregon City and vicinity.
'Tw m j .?'." oo ier quarter ot thiitcen
Oregon City, Xov. 17, 1S70.
on Laxle. ro. 3, I. O. of O. F.
Hse,. Akets every Thodav even
S&&if big at 7 o'clock, infhlri Fellow'
ITaU.-'-Ma'iii s- ect. .
Members of the Order are invited to attend
ly ord r. X. (Jt.
15 n Practice. You might as expect
to relieve and cure an inflamed ee by dust
ing irritating powders into it, as t expect
to .subdue and cure Catarrh (winch is an in
flaininatioii of the mucous membrane of the
air passages in the head) by the u-e ot irri
tating snuU'-i or strong, c.tusJic solutions.
Er. Sage's Catarrh Kemody cures Catarrh
by its mild, soothing action, .ieh subdues
the inll.iniHiatiou and lestores .ihe. natural
sec t timi of the mucous follicles. The pro
prietor o'fi-rs ",,!' for a ease, of Catarrh
tie can rot cure.. Sent by mail on receipt of
sixty cents. Sold !,v driiggi ts. Address
K. V. Fierce, M, !., "lUO Seneca street, Buf
falo, N. Y.
The 12 Lever Yntch, No. lV.go, pur
chased i'rom Cbas. I'. Norton & Co, 85 Sas
sau street, N. Y., January "th, has beer, car
ried Uv me over ix months, with a totrl
variation in time of only J second-, withont
the slightest legislating, and presents the
same bi i aucivof cob r us when mi re based.
Sec. American S. 31. Co., N. Y.
New York, 30, l7o.
lUlieceu Dcgi-fc Loitge Xo. 2, 1. O. O. TP
G Meet on Ihe Second and Fourth '
cf each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow?
Hall. Members of the Degree aie invited to
attend. By order of X. G.
A Body siml Mintl disease.
Ftich is dyspepsia. The stomach and the
brain are too intimately allied for the one to
sillier without the other, so. that dyspepsia
and despondency are inseparable. It may
be added, too, that irritation of the stomach
is almost invariably accompanied by iriita
tim of the temper.
The invigoratin j- and trinquiiizing opera
tion of Hostter's Eitteis is most powerfully
developed in cases ot indigestion. The first
e fleet of this agreeable tonic is comforting
and encouraging . A mild glow pervades
the system, the ehionic uneasiness in the
region of the stomach is lessened, and the
nervous restlessness which characterizes the
disease is abated. This improvement is not
transient. It is. rot succeeded by the re
turn of the old symptoms 'with superadded is always the case w hen iiinnedic ited
stimulants are giren for the complaint.
Each doe seems to impart a permanent nc-ces-ion
of healthful ir.vigorat.ion. But this
is not all. The aperient and nn'.i-bilioiis
propei ties of the preperation ae M-aretlv
scenndary in importance to its tonic virtues.
If there is an overflow of bile the .secretion
.-.i..,j uiuiism niLii.ii proper limits, and is
toned and regulated. The effect upon the
discharging organs is equally salutary, and
in cases of constipation the cathartic action
is pisi suincient to produce the desired re
suit gradually and without pain. The Put
tors also pn note heidthy evaporation from
the surface which is particularly desirable
at this wason. when sudden spells of raw
unpleasant weather tire apt to eheek the
natural perspiration and produce congestion
of the. liver, coughs, and cohis. Ihe best
ertft-zuard uzh,xt all disease is bodiln vuun
and this is the great Vegetable Ilcstorative
essentially promotes.
Tie five Dollar Sewing Machine pur
chased by me, January, 1HC6, from the Eam
i!y Sewinvr lactone Company, f-6 Nassau
street, N. Y. , has been in almost constant
u.-e ever since. It has not been out of order
once. Has cost nothing for repairs, and I
find it simple and leliable in operation, aad
a. ways teady to sew. Those friends of mine
ftho use them the new improvements
are very much Jenstd. T:.e one I ITave I
would not pair with.
LIS We.-tCeth Street, New York. ,
i" iniiiis, aim is j - w- i . -
the bdeary organ is inert and torpid it if t of Clackamas, dated the 3d aaj oi-
Wistar's Balsam ot Wild CnER2l J
meoicme is "a comcrinution an.t .. r S
dted" for healing and curing ll e
which, afflict us in the sh-mt . , tlle i;',
colds, aud inil animation of the thro-V"
and chest. a, liic-
attend. By order of
"re lnvi.-V
J, , i. i v,i. u ..1.7 V. li(J( TP
L private instructor for niarru-H i
or thosa about to be married h,.o, J'o:
female, in everrlLing concern,- e
iolotrv and iclatious of our sp!,i 1
ilia r-f'(nf 1 1 nn .it!,-! . . kVi'iw
uiiu mi j.ii i-.iv.. nt volition t
smimr: incluUing all the r,o- a- 1 ofof.
never uetore given m uie En-rHf, . "'uj
' ; .. - " " UlSfnr...
1v W1I. YOUXG. M. 1). Tl.w ' '? '8"
liable and interesting work u :a".vf:
in plain language for the general r-alKt?
s dlustnited with, nnnien,iH ent 'M
iAll Toun" married Peon'.o. nr , fUnl
i..r : : " i ' co,-i
pediment io married Lfe, should 1,
book. It discloses, secrets th..i 0
should be Aeoiisini ted with .;n .
mat icuai iuim;u U anu not li
the house. It w.ll be sent to ?S
on receipt ot .fifty cents.'i, 'Jtii
i OUNG. No. 410 Snruceati-pt ..k, "7." "
. ' V ID II i.
Philadelphia V ..
Tivxv To-Day.
Lt the unders:trned has opent-d
H:i Front slrwt irftthn .: ..e t ', ".'" I
... ,1 iiiuri(j a,
p : A . " i' ""i tie ,.,
in my oflice, at Oregon City, wbo will for, ,
;mi uuiuiiuuii'oauon io me, or give iuffi 1
tion iu regard to business now n n,T )P i
S. HL'F! t
The People's
Transportation Compar.
At 7 A. M.. every d.-.r, except StindiT
And 1 P. M. ". '
Monday, Tuesday. Thurs
day and Friday,
Fglt O
Salem, Albany and Cerva!Iis,
5T2 r.EL" GH2 TUT.
A. A. McCULT.Y, Prcsid-at
Xov. HE
AG 12 XT as WAX IK I)
In all parts of the United States, to 11
per week selling the Aluminum. I'
I tie be?t imitation cf g.dd ever in!
dueed. It has the exact color, which it
ways letains, and stands the tet of l
strongest acids. No one can5 tell 'it irr
g Id onlv by weight the Aluminum (
luiug abinit l-lo Mxhtflj. E. V. 1)kf p.b,-i 4
Co. are selling their goods for 1 -1 t!ic pr
gold jewelry is sold f'-r, and en most I:f
terms to agents 1-4 fasti, balance m y','
and im days. We sem! persons wist.irs
act as agent, a full and eoinof teassortrnr
of goodis, consisting ol Seals, lra-eiets.Wi'
ets, ladies and Ga-nt.-,' C hains, rins, Kirr
Sleeve Hu'fons, Sti.ds, Ac.,(j)or h"-
be paid when ihe goods are received, t!
other 75 in i 80, Co'' ami '.Ml days. Part
wi-hing t order goods .mil art as A-;mi
will address L- V. IiEKOHEST itW
iO and 42 ltroadway, N Y
Watch !
iti; ci i
Eureka Aluminum Gold Watch Co-
40 and 42 Broadway, New Yoik,SoIeAgci.l-
f-.r the'U. S. q
And have authorized them to fell their g-J
Ei iikka Alvsiixtm Com Watches tr inrff
dollars, ar.d to warrant etch and every"!
totkeen pnrrpi't limp for iraif vcr.r. I"1
Watch we jruarantee to he the' hest n-
cheapest time keeper t!it is now imw in
anv part of the elobe. The works are m
double raeps T.iitiv!' ntifl Cents' size, "
arc ttf-:mlifnll- pli:is(ii-l Tli eases TDif
of the metal now so widelv known iaDirof
as Aluminum Gold. It has tliecx:o
of (Jold, which ' ahcau rdainf, H l"
stand the test of the strongest acM-. n
can tell t from v'old only hy weilih
f.10 ii-hter. i"e
works are made by maeliinery, same a
we. 1-kuown American M'ateh. lheAl
5 ilir
1'i.iiii io ii v-ii' ij iii(rtti. iiu.v - --
to sell tho Vtch for find niukeafnuu
oj-ofit. Vf Tisift.- tlr W sit eh sahly i
,..ll Iiav .....f ... .i 1..- n-,oil In nnV liftf-
.Tiiic.ti jvja. aun ri.iiu it i.m in"" ' (
the If. S. on nt S-t :"-0 : tiftV C r.tS
packing and uostaire. Address all rd(rs .
JL. V. liKFOKESTMw-; (
NovlS:3m 40 and 42 Broadway,
Sheriff's Sale.
1J order of sale issued out of theUrci'1
(!inirt i,fu. fsf itoiif (ii-inrQ for tlieo"111-'
I...,, a m k-a ...,a in n rhnn tea. Pul-
ant to a decree in favor of Charles 0
and acaiust Jacob Boehm and Mar? J f J
his wtie, for the sum of fifteen hundrea"
cuhty 70-100 dollars with intt-re.-1 ' V
gold coin, and costs and disburseff
taxed at sixty -one 1;-100 dollars, by
of a decree of foreclosure of mortfe'' C
real estate, 1 have this 7th day of o ,
A. D. 1870, levied on the following
parcels of land, specified in said e"f f ,
ordr of saleai follows, to wit: LoIV,ia
(4) and Cve(S) in block twent.Tcve" l--
Oregon City, Clackamas county, Uref "' '
itiwirnint tl.P oMilUid lllilPS lUCril
together with tlie appurtenances thoreiw
belonging, or in any Ne apperta.n.
aid Jacob Boeh
Alary Boehm, his wife, defendants
me property i rue saiu n"-" 0a
Mondav, the lath day of December, -j- f
iu, ai itie nour ui nut ui.."---- jo0r
said day, in front of;tbe Court Hu.-e
in Oregon City, in said county, yy-h
eeeu to sen lue auie w ....ion,
for U. S. goid coin, to satisfy said execu
costs and accruing costs. ...rp
- SherilfofClackau-as Cuum.
Nov. 7th, A. 1. IS-,'. - O
Willamette Lodge Ko. l.wj7""
Meets every Saturdav pv-pmnr, 4 , J-.i
S.E. corner of Main and Fifth streets r:t
nVlnrt. Visitinor mmhc-a . t 7 1
t r- ti f i.mfi -r rrrr rr- r a t