o TOWN AND COUNTY. BE.UOMAU . The office of ibis paper is removed from lbe fll .td to tho room formerly occn pW Mlbe County Clerk's office, nearly opposite to our old F.vfiisTLe Ilev.Mr. Sellwood be-in a class In vocal music lor chil Ln. In ibe Episcopal Church, on Salur , Lrnin- next (Nov. 19th) at ten ?3iJk TnsSoods quahttca.ions as 0 cl , ' ..... u.n well known in this eom- luuity to need any recommendation from V anu many families in this ciiv ill re-5-Jat the opportunity offered to send i -ir children "to be. instructed by him. "bopet my have .full class .as Uiere U no better qualified irson in tin. State to do justice to those who may desire to lcaru nii.sic. Cf.osKi.CrThe ollJ Oregon House, which 1ms been open in this city for the accom modation of lh traveling public and our citizens for the past twenty years, was closed lust Wednesday morning. The t.rouerty is advertised to be sold by the Li. .n the 7ih of next month. The old Oregon House should be respected fur the good it has done. It is probably the widest hotel in Oregon but unless it is refitted and completely reconstructed, it u-nong the tilings that were, and should never a"ain be opened to the public in in present condition. Dkitii fkom Small-Pox. It becomes our painful duty to record the death of U'o children of the late Harrison Wright, of smiU-pot. The father died about two WeeKS HgO IIOI1I 11113 uMii.inju, cwi two young children have followed, him to an early grave. The rest of the family, c insisting of the mother and live children, are all down, but it is hoped that they m.tv recover, as they are provided with proper imrsa and medical aid. Sei.kct School. Mrs. L. Martin adver tise to-day jhat she will open a select rclmol in the house opposite fhe residence tif l'r. Barclay, on Monday, Nov. 28. This lid) comes here highly recommended as a teacher, ft out reliable sources, and we hope she in ly receive a liberal share ol ji.nron.tge. V select school has been f ully wanted in thi place, and we trust that this may prove a success. Small Pox. A report reaches us that tiiii dreaded disease has got simong the MulalU Indians, boated on the Molalla river, about eleven miles from this place. The Indians who are around our town as h-iciale with 'djii tribe, and are liable to thread the disease among the white peo ple.0 We would suggest that Indians who associate with (hose afflicted be not al lowed to visit or remain in town. Fern TitK HoLiD.vvs. Mr. 15. L. Stone, jfweierand watch dealer, of Portland, has just received a new and fine selected sU)Ck in Ms line for holiday presents. See his advertisement aud give h.m a cull before 'u purchase elsewhere. He is ready lo give you bargains. Ills goods are what Fkstival The Ladies' "Aid Society Mill hold a feslival at Myers' Hall this rvfiiing.b r the betiedt of the M. E. Church. Kvrrybodv is invited to be present, Prof. McL'ibhciiy and lady will entertain the company with music. A ai.vMvk i d (Jkt Iii;u. By refering to our advertising columns, the anxiotm as pirant after great wealth at little cost or II .IV W ill illlll t W VOl'V lllllWT llM ll-W Willi looking tor. Kea.l tiie list f j.-reinums. fiC . Ilir 1 ll IMMI' 1 . lit J f l'l' ill! A S,(- Oi.l I'lurict on another natre. MoxTiir.v Meeting. The m.mihly meet itig of tle Corigregatiot.al Sunday School lakts place next Sumlay. The monthly lil-etinrri ol l hw Ri'hool consist ot sinrm ---rs - n o aid (M iit I'Vci'Cisi'S. r.na are saui to lie highly iiitiT'Siing., KoiifiKKV. .Mr. J. Boehir, proprietor of t ie Oretron House, was robbed last Tues day night of a gold watch, $20 in gold, and some other small change. No trace of the robber has been ascertained. rK.Tii. Mrs. T. V. Davenport, of Sil- iTton.died from the effects of small-pox his, week. Her husband was a member f the Legislature, nod on the adjourn ment of that b uly he carried the disease Imnie with him. The entire family have Ihtu a lllii-led with it. O. NYu:iNi CoMri-KTlos". The depot for the Oreeon Central Railroad, in the rear th M. E. Church, is nearly completed. As we write, the carpenters are shingling the roof, which is nearlv finished. TiuxKsrriviNO Day. Gov. Grover has appointed Thursday, the 24th inst., as a d.iy of enefiil thanksgiving, in accord :ic wiih the recommendation of the President. AociNATtox. There has been a great t''.' ?f activity in. the vaccination line. , v is as it should be. People cannot be f cautious in this matter. CmntiK A bridge has been constructed ' Mr. Grepe across the basin, which en ll!es him to go to the mill tit any stage oi CtTTiMj SciiAi'K. A cutting affair oc- CMrred in or.e of the saloons t.p town last fdnpsday evening. There was no seri c,i damage done. Ciuxr.E of Time. P.y reference to our verti.-iiig columns, it will be seen that P. T. Co. hive charged their time of 0(?arhire fronrthis place up the river. Otstkr Staxo. Mr. Haas has opened a e ovster stand in connectien with bis , "nere oysters uiu ue uitu iu anv ' : r: . i " - . it . . v... i. . i - jive uim a can. T.r 'srxKss. Last Sunday evening there ""re seven steamers lying in the P. T basin. This makes it look like bttsi h:w SroiK.-Mr. J. M. Paeon, at the See his advertisement. Railroad. The track is now nearly pleted to Jefferson, oa the Santiam. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, Office, STo. PORTLAND, 64 Front Street, - , - OREGON REAL ESTATE DEALER. Speoial Collector of Claims, A large amount of CITY and EAST PORT LAN 1) Property tor Sale. Also. IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable i,n. cultivated LANDS, located in all parts of the State. Investments in HEAL ESTATE andotber niiirhitli made fot tone-pondunt.i. CLAIMS of all descriptions promptly col lected. HOUSES andSTORES leased. All kinds of Financial and General Agency busiuess transacted. Paities having FARM PROPERTY for sale will p!ea.-e furnish descriptions of the ame to the AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE in .ach of the principal CITIES and TOWNS of this STATU. Julv-'Uf Sheriff's Sale. OY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND ! oid r of sale issued out of the Ciicuit Court of the State of Oiegon for the count y of Clackamas, dated the 3d day of Novem ber, A. D. li57o, and to me directed, pursu ant to a decree in favor of Charles Lo-'us and againlt Jacob Dochni and Marv Boelnn his wite, for the s-um of lift ecu hundred and e-gbty 70-100 dollars with inure.-t in U. S. gold coin, and costs and disbursements taxed sit sixty-one l;VluO dollars, by virtue of a decree of foreclosure of mortgage oa real estate, I have this 7th day of November A. D. ls7o, levied on the following described parcels of land, sptc litd in said decree and order of sale as follows, to wit: Lots. Jour appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wi-e anriertaiuiii" - the property of the said Jacob Cochm and j Alary lioehni, his wite, deeiukints, and on Monday, the 12th day of December, A. D. 1S7, at the hour ot one o'clock, r. i. of said day, in frout of the Court House door iuuiegwu City, in said county, I will pro ceed to sell the same to the highest bidder for U. S. goid coin, to satisfy said execution, costs and acci uing costs. - ARTHUR WARNER, Sheriff-of Clackamas Countv. Nov. 7th, A. D. 1,70. 835,000 GO GRAHO ENTERPRISE! CAPITOL PREMIUM, $10,000! PARTIAL LIST OF PRIZES TO BE AW ARDEI) DKC. '27th. 1670 1 Premium, tJold Coin, $10,000 1 renijuin, I l'r m um, 1 Premium, I Premium, I Premium, 1 Premium, 1 Premium, 1 Premium, lo Premium-', lo Premiums. 5,000 3,0;0 2,000 1.000 .000 1,000 1,000 1 ,000 2,000 1,000 50,000 Srason Tickets, 3.50 rnch. 35,000 l'rizts, uissou tiling to $85,000, will lie avvanhd to Titkct Iloldci s. This Grand Enterprise is gotten up in Aid of the R EVA OA SCHOOL. OI STRICT, Nevada City, California. . TIU'STKKS : I. Caldwki.i.. Jrnr.E Xiles Seahls, and A. LJ. GiiEtiouv. Hox. J. Treasurer : Bank of Nevada County. References residing in this city : vox SoiiMiTTBrnr,, Postmast.-r : JrnGE G. T. II. Kolkl:, A. W. Pottkh ex Sheriff; J. A. Lancastlu, National Exchange. Responsil.le Agents wanted. Liberal com-mis.-ions ulUowed. For fail p siticularsand terms to Agents, addi ess li. L. GKINNAV, Secretary, Nevada City, Cal. A. LEVY, Arent for Oregon City. Novll.t.d For Tliirty Years lla that well-kiiown, stauard .and popular remedy, PAIN KILLER, manufactured by Perry Davis & Son, Jror dence, R. I., been before the public, and in that time has become known in ali paits of the world, and been used by people of all na tions. It remains to-da', that same good and effi cient remedj Its wonderful power in re lieVitrg the most severe pain has never been equalled, ;ind it has earned its world-wide pcuhirit3' by its intr insic merit, n cura live agent has bad such a wide-spread sale or given such miivcisal satisfaction. The various ills for which the Pain Killer is an unfailing cure, a: e too well known to require capitul.tiion in this advertisement. As an externa! and ii tcrnal medicine, the Pain Killer stands unrivaled. Lirections accom pany e.ch I settle. Sold b all druggists. Price 2." cts.. C0 cts., and ?1 per bottle. AGS3MT3 WANTED. JUST CUT. BANCROFT'S HEW MAP OF THE PACIFIC STATES, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, liiitisb Columbia aud Ala.-ka, Elegantly engraved on copper and colored in counties. F.ith edition, tborong! ly re vised aud brought down to date JS70. It shows the great Oyerlaud-Pailroad, also the proposed Northern and Southern Pacific Railroads and their connections; also all Railroads oompleted and projected id Cali forma, and Oregon. Upon ti e same bcet, on a less scale, are the maps of Alaska, and a complete Railroad map of the United St ites. No other map can compare with this edi tion in fullness of detail, and beauty and ac curacy of its topogrnphv. An enterprise ol such magnitude and im portance as this large and elegant copper plate map, in order to tie properly appreci ated, should be in every otlice, school bouse and dwelling. Those wishing an agency should apply imn.ediatelv for te-nis, to A. L. HANCIiOFT &"CO., Publishers, 721 Maiket street, San Francisco, Cal. Nov. 11 fit 4 VOID QUACKS. A victim of early in t discreuon, causing nervous debility, premature decay, Ac, having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has a Simple means of self-cure, which be will send free to h's fellow sufferers. Address J. II. TL'T TLE, 75 Nassau St., New York. Sept.lO:om. (4) and live (o) in Lock twenty seven (27) in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, as designated upon the oilkial maps thereof 1 PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE. . Grand Opening Out OF OUR FALL GOODS. $35,000 WORTH OP Boots & Shoes, TO SE RETAILED AT WHOLESALE FIGURES. THE LARGEST AMOUXT In Any Retail Store on the Pacific uoast. we Have boots for Lien, Boyfi & Children, OF ALL SHAPES, STYLE and QUALITY. "XiS DIFFERENT KINDS of MEN'S BOOTS ALONE. WE HAVE KENKERT'S PIIILAD QUILTED COT TOM FSOOTS; BUCKINO HAM'S HANDMADE SEWED BOOTS, French Calf, Single Double and Tap Soles ; all shapes; TERRELL'S BOOTS, Fine Calf, Channel Nailed, and Pegged and Tapped Sole ; lleavif Calf, Double Sole, Wne Quilted and Tap Soles ; Light Kip, Tap Soles Men's, Hoy's aud t hildreuV. SEIUERLIC1PS FRENCH SCREWED PHILADELPHIA MADE BOOTS, Heavy and Light Talf. REED'S, FOGG & HOUGHTON'S GOD FREY'., Batcbeldcr's, Joluison & Wood's Partridge's and Underwood & Co's CALF KIP and SLATGUTER BOOTS, E.istein Manufacture Califs n::i "Work made Expressly For Vs. IIECHT BROS. UNITED WORKINGMEN, California Co-opcatives, Marks & Cal isber, BuckingmiT & Hecht's, and On in Jone.-' make of BOOTS and SHOES, BHOGANS. and LADIES and CHIL DREN'S DRESS BALMORALS. We have also a fine assorment of GENTLE MEN'S FRENCH CALF, HAND-MADE SEiVED Oxford Ties, Gaiters it Prince Albeit. Those who c-msrder themsrdve3 difficult to fit or su t with a Boot or Shoe, we would be very mucti pleased to have call and examine our goods. Prolzmai), Gillihan & Co., PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, Wo. 121 Front Street, St. C'miles Ilottl ISttilclIiig. PORTLAND, OREGON. Octlftf nil. CLARK'S LONDON REMEDIES "For Special Complaints." DR. CLARK'S IN VIGORATOR GIYES strength t ) the aged and debilitate I ; it is especially designed for young mm who have wasted their vigor by excesses of every kind, and all jie.sons wlicSe systems have become weak by imprudence, are completely restoicd by its use Price, one doihir. DP. CLARK'S PUR1FER cleanses the bh od from all impurities; such as Scrofula. Syptiilis, Mercurial Rheumatism, Humors of every sut, Bad Breath, Offensive Perspira tion, Foul Feet, Catarrh, Discharges from ihe Ear, Sore Eyes. Sore Throat, Falling of the Hair, Ulcers, Boils, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases of the Lungs and Digestive Organs. Price, one dollar. DR. CLARK'S PANACEA relieves pain of every desci rption Headache, Earache, Toothache, Stomachache, Backache, Pain in the Breast and Limbs. It is an invaluable remedy in all Nervous Disorders, and no family should be without it. Price, one dollar. DR. CLARK'S ELIXIR is a certain cure for all weakness of the Genito-Urinary Or gans, and dischaiges of a nuico-pin ulcnt na ture, Lencorrbea, Gonorrhea, Spermator rhea, and Seminal Weakness, are speedily cured bv its use. Price, one do lar. DR. CLARK'S REGULATOR, for females only, is guaranteed to eoirect all special irregularities an ! d.fiiculties of single 1 dies. Married ladies are cautioned not to use it when in a certain condition, as its effects would be too powerful. Price, one dollar. All of these celebrated ren.edies are pre pared from Fluid Extracts under Dr. Clark's immediate supervision, and ure warranted fresh ard pure. All afificted persons should s-itid a carefully written statement of tlieir ailments to Dr. Clark, and the proper rem edy will be sent promptly to their address. Dr. Clark cm be consulted personally at his office, and will furnish a,'l the necessary ac commodations to patients who place them selves under his care. All letters addressed to DR. J CLARK, Novll ly 1270 Broadway, New York. SEND TO EUSSELL & FESPwY, PORTLAND, on to JOHNSON & M'COWN, OREGON CITY, FOR THE OREGON REAL ESTATE GAZETTE FllEE OF CHARGE. Sept. 6 tf Final Settlement. IN THE MATTER" OF THE ESTATE OF J. W. Harrington, deceased. In the County Court of Clackamas county, Oregon. Notice is given to all concerned thaC the Ad ministrator of said estate bas filed bis ac counts for final settlement, and the Court has appointed the first Monday in December, A. D. 1870. for hearing objections to the same and the examination and settlement of such accounts. A. HARRINGTON, Adm'r. Johnson & McCown, At l) 6. $8 WATCHES, at old Prices. Having been the firat to adopt the plan of affording persons residing at a distance the opportunity of obtaining first-class watches for their own use, at wholesale prices, aud being also the original inventors and sole manufaturers of the widely advertised Ondc Wartches. of which there are so mam- imi tations, and now the inventors and sole pro prietors and manufacturers of the new ma teria!, which we have named the Norton Gold Met.il, (and secured in legal form.) su perior to all other metals and lully equal in brilliancy of color, weight, wear, 4c, to fine 1& karat gold, and to b obtained Hiiougb no odier source. We Lave concluded to resume he retail business so successiully conducted by us from 1S57 to 18'io in connection w.th our wholesale departmct, for the purpose of placing again a reliable line of our special ties befoie the pub ic. Also being Sole Agents In the United States for the Liverpo d Watch Co. we areautoiized by them to close out a large line of European Watches, chains, ic. now in stock for, cash at prices never before kuovvn. All beautiful in finish artistic, iu de s;gn, reliable for. accurate time, durable and of the latest styles. Every Watch will be retailed at less than the c ist of transporta tion, ard forwarded i-e.uieiy packed, pre paid, to any paitcf the country on leceipt ot price. Money can lie sent to us by Ex press, with orders for Express C'o. to return Goods or Cash, which will secure prompt ness and safety to purchasers. Amoui' our li.-t will be found A Beautiful English S.lrer Solid Double Case Watch, ceuuine Eimlih full nlate iew- eled movements, adjusted regulator, tet: cut hands, engine turned nerl, correct and ser- rvicable article, large or small size, in com plete iuumi;g order with an elegant lent s vest Cham, Locket and Ivev, all complete. mailed fieefor A Very Handsome Watch iu fine 18 karat Gold plated Double Cases imitation of $lco Gold Watch engraved or plain, genuine English full plate jeweled movements, ad justed regulator, correct, and in complete i mining order with elegant Gent's Vest Cham, with Locket and Key, mailed, pr pa.d lor only $S. The Oricio Gold Watch In Massive Oride Gold Double huntinir Mag ic Spring Cases, elegantly engraved, or en gine turned. Genuine Putct.1 Lever Move ments, full jeweled, regulated and warranted to keep correct time, and wear equafto-gold, precisely like in appearance, make, linish bii.hancy of color, to S'Juo Gold Watch, some of thesj splend d watches will be for warded by mail free to any AMdress, in hand some morocco case, lined with velvet and satin- (Ladie,' or Gents' sizj Watch,) for only 1-2. Patent Stem Wander, Or Keyless Watch. Winds, up from the Stem, requires no Key cm not be wound the wiong way, in heavy Oride Gold. Double Cases, three-quai ter plate five Jeweled Lev er Movement, Exposed Action. Accurate as a Timekeeper. Superior r gulated. Single one sent to any address by mail, in handsome case for $15. The Norton Watch. This widely known, reliable and elegant Watch, so long and fully approved of by the Government aud Railroed Ollkials, is now encased in the new improved Norton Gold Metal, the very latest discovery in the sci ence of 'Metallurgy," which for hardness durability and brilliancy of color and polish has been found to surpass all other known metals. It does not tarnish by wear, expos ure So beat, moisture, chango of climate, or the action or any acids or gasses, and per manently retains its beautiful color lully equal t i the finest gold, and never weais out This cekbiated watch is in solid double bunting cases, of Noiton Gold Metal, rich in-design artistic in linish, with magic spring push pin, Imitation patent self-winding stem, improved bevel swell, double joints, engiue tuined nerl, extra fine full ruby jeweled lever movements, covered wiih engraved du-t caps, accurately aej'ist d to all degrees ot heat or cold, with all the latest improve ments, cannot be surpassed for correct time keeping qualities, and experts cannot detect the slightest difference it appearahce from one of the fine-t ffl'O Gold Watches and lasts as long, wi ars i.s well, and keeps as correct tin.e. They are manufactured solely by us, and ate thoroughly warranted in every respebt f r five rears. A single one of the above beantilul Watches mailed pre paid to any addiess, in ve vet lined morocco case, with k .y, &c, a'l complete, for only J15 Watches for Ilulliday j resents manulac turcd to order. Genuine American Watches of all grades, in gold or silver cases, from jf 18 up to $-.iou. Other good watches equally low. W.th ev cry club of six Watches of any kind, we send one ex'.ra Watci of same kind fiee, as a premium to gi-tter up of Club. A super stock ot Genuine Oride Gold Chains, from 2 to $G each, warranted fully equal to Gold in brilliancy of color, wear, Ac. Bill of over $i2 collected on delivery, if desired. Al! bills of $l- and less must "be- ca-b in P. O. money .orders, or registered letters, at our risk. G ods carefully selected, packed and f rwardrd pre paid by mail, or bv expre-s, on receipt of price. Safe deli-cry of ali goods guai uuteed. Watches forwi.iued to be examined to parties known, when express chcrges b itli ways are paid. No goods for warded west of the Mississippi River, with bill to collect on delivery. Purchasers must pay all express charges on goods sent C. O. 1).; also tor return ci money. All cash or ders lorwardc l free of charges to destina tion. Catalogues Free. Address all orders CliAS.'P. NORTON & CO. IlirORTKKS OF WinVHES, Ac, S; Nassau Street, New York. Established lb57,:uovi 1S70. BILLIARDS! Messrs. Pheian & lolieiulcr The well-known R lliard Table Manufac tures, of New York, have established at 511 ?Iarkit St., San Francisco. An extensive branch of their business, where they prop se to koep constantly on hand the LARGEST and most complete assortment of BILLIAHD TAHL.ES, CLOTHS, CUES, ETC., ON THIS COAST. I iTIIE TABLES are of the latest stye "and size recently adopted ia the Eastern States ; are manufactured m the bc?t possible man ner, and furnished tvith PHELAN'S LAT EST IMPROVED CUSHIONS. The new composition Billiard Ball made by the Hvatt Manufacturing Co. of Alban-, N. Y-, the best substitute for ivory yet dis covered. For sale only by us. Piice?12 00 per set. All good3 sold will be of the best quality, and the prices fully as low as any otLer bouse in the business. Parties visiting the ity are invited to visit our ware rooms and inspect our stock. GEO.-E. PHELAN, 541 Market St. N. B. The public are - notified that no other parties on the Facifh; coast have the right to sell Phelan's Cubions. Nov4:3m Administrators Sale. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THaT ON L Saturday the 22d of October, 1870, at the larm ef John Long Deceased, in Clackamas County, 1 will self the Mules, Horses, Cat tle, Sheep and other personal property be longing to the estate of said deceased. Sale to commence at 10 A. M. Terms announced on dav of Sale. - F. O. "McCOwN. Adminstrator, with will annexed, of Eatate of John Long. $5 vtr 'isar? V7? THE NEW FOOD. . For a few cents you can bir of your Grccer or Druggist i. r acka-e of SEA MOSS FARINE, made from pure Irish Moss, cr Carra-ceu, which will make sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange, and a Jike quantity of Pud dings, Custards, Creams, Char lotte llusse, &c. It is the cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food far Invalids and Children. A .Glorious Change! I Tim CKEAT WORLD'S TOXIC. Plantation Bitters. Tiiis vos5dcrfc2l vegetable rcstorji'e is tEao elieci-WBi-clior ol" tlHe ccllc d taeila tatcd. As n 60222c nsstl cordial for t2ie aged acMl lassmd, il lias iso cqusl :ji8o:bjj slosra achics. As 11 rcB23c3y Tor CEac nervous weakness to wlhacli women rsrc csjccinUy sub ject, it is eiapersecliEBg every other stimssSasat. En all Cli raaalcs, tE'opacaJ, icajperale, or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder wliicli i352dcrs3iisies 6Eic bodily strcaigtfa and breaks down the animal spirits. For sale ly all Druggists. Aug. 20, 1870:iy THE GREAT An Infallible qlood piaiFirn. possessv ing rare toxic and xebvixe pwrpcrties a certain cure for kiieijiatism, con. KHL'nAi.ciA, and all kindred Diseases. It completely restores the system when im paired by disease, revives tho action of tha uiUAETji and tiExiT.iL ORCATS. radi cally Cures SCROFt'LA, SALT iuiei m and all Eiit'pTivE nod ciTAXEObs Dis eases, gives immediato and permanent relic in dyspepsia, ehysspelas. Tumors. Eoils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; eradi cates from the system all traces of Mercurial Disease, It is Pl'BELY vegetable, being mad from an herb found indigenous in California. It is therefore peculiarly suitable for usa by leniales and Children, as a DLOon I'l a:- FlCIt and REXOYATOn. For Sale by all Druggit." REBtNQTOK, KQSTETTER & CO. AGENTS, 520 and 531 Market Street, San Francisco. Oct. 20:1m 1847. 1870. Few Goods ! New Goods ! K. CAUF1ELD BEGS LEA YE TO INFO KM THE PUBLIC that he has refitted the old stand, corner Main and Seventh Sts., Oiegon City, and hits received an entire new ttock of goods, con sisting of DRY 'GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE!, JVOOPEMVARF, and a geYieral assortment of evcrythiug in our line. Thankful tor past furors, ue still solicit a share ot the ml die patronage. Country Produce aken in txehangefer goods. DAVID R. SMITH, Civil and 3Icehanical Englntrr, Solicit :r of American and Foreign PATENTS, 43i MOSTGOMfcKT STREET, P. 0. BOX 1161. - SAX FKAXCISCO. "Willi ARencien in AVaslingon, lHn don, Paris, Vienna, etc. Specifications and Drawings Prepared, Ex aminations Made, Caveats Fiied, Foreign Pat ents Obtained, Rejected Applications Prose euted. Interferences Conducted, Extensions Applied for, lie-Issues. Procured, Assign ments Prepared, and Patent Business of Every Descliption Attended to. Sept.:3,lS7C:1y. . i-'v I ' 1 ',', AV ! ';'', REDINGTON", IIOSTETTER & CO. Slop that Coughing ! Some of you can't, and we pity you. You haye tried erery remedy but ti e ONE destined, by its intrini-io merit, to supersede all similar preparations. It is not surprising you should he reluc tant to try something else af cr the many experiments you liave jnade of trashy compounds foisted on the public as a certain cure; but Newefl's Pulmonary Syrup is really the YERY BEST remedy eyer compounded for the cure of CougJi, Co'd.i, Sjih Tltroatst, Asthma, llhwjing Coughs, Brondtit'ut and tJonvmption. Thousands of people in California and Oreprou have been already benefited by the surprising curative powers of NeweN's Pulmonary Syrup and with one accord give it their un qualified approbaton. We now address ourselves to oil who are unacquainted with this, the greatest panacea ot the ajre. for the healing of all diseases of the Throat and Lungt, assuring you that Newell's Pulmonary Syrup hns cured thousands, and it will cure YOU. if you try it. This invaluable medicine is pleasant to the taste ; sooth-i ing, healing and strengthening in its ..'effects; entirely free from all poisonous or deleterious drngs.and perfectly harm less under all circumstances. For Sale by all Druggists. REDINGTOX, IIOSTETTER & CO , 416 and 418 Front street, Sau Franeisco. Rcdington's Essence Jamaica Ginger, JVhich is confidently recommended as t7ie beat prepai tion, noto before the public. This valuable preparation, containing in a highly concentrated form all the properties of Jamaica Ginger.bas become one of the most popular domestic reme dies for all diseases of tLe stomach and digestive organs. As a tonic, it will be found invalunble to all persons recovering from debility, w hether produced by lever or otherwise; for while it imparts to the system all the glow and vigor that can be produced by wine or brandy, it is entirely free from the reactionary effects that follow the use of spirits of any kind. Jt is also- an excellent remedy for females who suffer from difficult men struation, giving almost immediate re lief lo the spasms that so frequently ac company that period. It gives immediate relief to Nausea, caused by riding in a railroad car, or by sea s:ckness, or other causes. It is also valuable as an external ap plication for Uout, liheumatism, Xeu ralgia, etc. REDIXGTOX, IIOSTETTER. & CO., 416 and 418 Front street, San Francisco. -Rcdington's F I av 0 r i 11 g Extracts AKE THE PERFECTLY FERE AND highly concentrated Extracts from Fresh Fruits, prepared with great care. They are put up in superior style, and in a bottle li Iduig TWJCJ'. AS ML (J 11 as the ordinary brands of Extracts. Comparing quality and contents, none other are neatly so cheap. r - Whenever tested on their merits, tliev have been adopted in preference to :ill otheis, and are now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS of the Pacific Coast. MA UK THE A D VA XTA GES. By pnrcbP.slng Rcdington's Concen trated Flavoring Extracts, you obtain an article not only superior in richness and delicacy of flavor to any olher of a simi lar nature, but far more economical, be cause Ci'ch bottle In Ids double the quantity contained in a bottle of any other flavoring extract sold. UEDIXGTON, IIOSTE1TER & CO., Agents for the Pacific Coast. "Would you escape FEYER AND AGUE, and preserve-health and vigor during the sickly season, make occasional use of the following as A PREVESNSTaVE- If you are. ATTACKED with Chills and Iiilious Fever, or have been a victim to such disease, and used other so-called remedies without permanent relief, seek at ouce the safest and surest CIJEE, by tisinc. according lo directions MASON & POLLARD'S , or, Fever and Agttc Pills. Time lias proved them thoroughly to be the safest and most reliable remedy known. They conta ft no mercury or other mineral or chemical. They are exclusively . vege table. They stimulate the functions of the liver. Congestion is impossible where they are used. They do not deter from daily labor, fc'y a.-sisting digestion they add flesh and mUcleto the fraire. They are adapted to all ages and both sexes, ar.d as a PAmiLY ftlEDiCINE Will CURE in their incipiericy, three fourths ot all diseases incidental to a malarious climate. For Dyspepsia, in email doses, they have no equal. For sale bj "all Druggists. REDIXGTOX, IIOSTETTER & CO., , SOLE AGENTS. The Battle for Life Which is continually going on bettreen health and disease, bas never received from any medicine such marked and un mistakable assistance; oa the side of health, as il has from Newell's Pulmonary Syrup REDISGT03, IIOSTETTER & CO., 416 and 418 Front street. Sin Francisco. AUCTION AND COMMISSION A. B. Riclta.i'tlsoia, ATJCTIONEE if! O Corner of Front aDd Oak streets, Pertlend. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, Gefceffi!?IcrcLan dise and llorsea,w Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer. AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined J5ar and Bundle Iron : English Square and Oetagon Cast steel Horse shoes. Files. Rnnnsi saw-c Screxvs, Fry;paus, sheet iron, K) G. Iron ; a lso : . A large assortment of Groceries and Liqnors A. B. Richardsox, Auctionetr Harvest ot 1870 ! ! Selling off to Close--Busincss, And no HlfMI JO! The Entire Stfck ! DRY GOODS, Q KEADY-MADE CLOTHING, .JEC0TSA1TD SHOES, ileDs' Ladies, Misses' and Children!? O HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated ware, raints, uils, Lamps. Wicks, Chinmeys and Burners ! G Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. lias got to he sold Regards ess of Price! 3 To convince yonm-lf with re?pcct to this matter, call at the old corner. I. SELLING. South if I ape 3- Co.'s Tin Store, Oregon, C tty. J. iALST IS STILL AT HIS OLD STAND. CORNER OF MAIN and SIXTH STREETS, OREGON CITY, OREGON. ; WHERE HE W OULD INYITE HIS friends, and the public in srneraL to O call and examine his stock, consisting ot a general assortment of Dry Goods, CiofliisEj Soots sjim! SIiocSjd lints sold. Caps,. Hardware Crcltery5 Groceries, &zc o ff Jlavitio- ft nrr mailt- i-nat-t' oVhnrhr a learned lhat THE SECRET OF SUCCESS . LIES IN SMAIL PROFITS! IS DETERMINED TO r . OFFER SECII INDUCEMENTS AS WILL hdence tbe Cry of Poi'iland Prices! . Oregon City, August 2Sth, lSG'J. JOHN MYEKi UNDER THE COURT HOUSE, OI5EG0N CITY, OREGON. RETAIL DEALERS IN :: DRY OOBSr ; ; ; f 3; BOOTS & SlIOlSS, .. -. v O - 7 "We also constantly keep oh hand i SALEJt C A S S I M E R E Si FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND RLANlvETS, Which we will sell at the Factory Prices, , and will take wool in exchange. I 5?V'e will also Butter. Eggs, and all kinds ofgood country produce. We will sell as low as any bouse in Oreeoti. for Cafib or it "merchantable produce. t ...... JKs" uive os a call ana satisfy yourselves. LEOII DEIjOTJEY", Of the BARNUM RESTAURANT, ' Main street, OREGON CITr, 5 Beg to inform the public and his friends ; that he bas leased the lower part of the CLIFF HOUSE, Which be has opened as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. The table will at all times benpr died with, the best the market affords. Orders for suppers and parties will be promptly attended to.. July 2:tf ! r- II vou wish the very best Cabinet Photographs-, - vou mnst call on BRADLEY & RUL0FS0N, 439 Montgomery btreet, San Franeisco. O - " " " O --:.. O (5 o o