'X, o o o o o O 0 0 -. COXPLICT. : - B" CHAKLKS G. Tv-niTIXO- Thi mystery of sin. and woo. The dismal depths of dread and bate. Press on my soul with leaden weight Ljtiave mo no respite here below, o My boosted strength to reaknc33 titrns, I cannot be the man I wo'ild : Now evil seemeth like to good To good. itself with passion LurnX My heart against my soul contends .My mind whirl3 in a gloomy round, In dark nor diy is refuge fourrd-- The self same fear on both attend. Dreams curse mo with renewed pain O Of happiness 1 may not win, Or hateful scenes of deeper ein. And whisper : '-This shalt thou attain !? - And voice3 busy at mine cars rr .1 . 4 . i . - i f i 1 . . ? . jcuipi me ivna nmis oi loss an i gam j And every simple draught I drain Is mingled with my bitter tears. If the fell foe of all my life Shall leave iiiVouly for the grave, . Nor any blessing come, to save . .One human joy amid the strife. D Thou. O Christ uplift my soul From the dim caverrs of despair ; So streiiGrihened bv th ir loving cs.ro, I'll combat tiil I reach the goal A Shirtless Editor. OT BY MARK TWAIN". Editors have a first rate time in Texas. The ladies of a town clown there have given to the editor of the, paper an embroidered shirt, which contains a pictoral history of Texas, including the war with Mexico, and the meeting of the first Legislature, and also pictures of the Iruits and cereals ef the State, are all worked in red worst ed. The editor never wore a shirt in his life, and he thought it was a banner for the temperance proces sion which was to come oil" next week. ,So he made a little speech of thanks, in which ho said, he would fling it out forever to the brec7.es of heaven, that ihey might KISS ITS FOLDS, And that until his hand palsied it lioulel never be tr;iilel in the dust never ! The ladies didn't under stand -him, they blushed and said they Ave re sorry they made it too lon:j?- But a committee man took the editor aside and explained the shirt to him in a whisper, and the next day he appeared at the ofr.ee -with that shirt mounted over his ooat. and he wrote lour columns of explanation for his paper. The shirt is much admired by the boys of the town, and, Avhen the editor ocs out tor a walk they follow him in regiments, studying the his tory of Texas and the line arts off the back of the shirt. Somebody gives the following good advice to girls. "We think the ideas are very correct : "Men that arc worth having, want women for Avivcs. A bundle of gewgaws, tied together with a string of ilats and quivers, sprinkled with cologne set in a saucer this is no help for a man who exnects to raise a .family of boys on veritable bread and meat. The piano and lace frames are good in their places, and so are ribbons, frills, and tinsels, but you cannot make a dinner oi the tormer or a blanket of the latter, and awful as such an idea mar seem to you both dinner and blankets arc es sential to domestic happiness. Life has its realities as well as fan c'ws: but you make it all decora tions remembering the tassels and omtains, but iorgetting tho bod- stead. Sunnosc a man oi sense i.1 and of course good prospects, to be looking for a wife, Avhat chance have you to be chosen ? i ou may lap him or you may trap him, but how much better to make it an ob ject for him to catch you. Render yourself, worth catching, and you wi I need no shrewd mother or brother to help you find a market Sklf-Sltpobtixg Topcka (Kansas) OMEN. -The says, 7 tecord- pome tiyee years ago two maiden ladies appeared in the vicinity of Osawkee. They built a cabin of poles, which they carried on their shoulders over a quarter of a mile. In this habitation they have resided with no protector except a large! and savage dog. They bought no land but invested their money in m. - 1 rpi , - o moci-w. a ney now navo nineteen head of cattle. 48 hoos. -pirht, horses, and a largo "outfit"0 of" geese, chickens, etc. They man age their business transactions without, any outside aid. They cut and put up their own hay, chop their own wood, and do the name amount of work that two men would do, and have no soci ety, out appear to be women of fair education. The history of theso women, previous to their appear ance in this cabin on the grasshop per, and the causes which led them to adopt this singular mode of life are involved in mystery. Grant has a brother in Chicago who looks so much like the Presi dent that people are continually giving hini presents, and then wondering why they don't get any office. Uliss. "says" that thing is played out, and papers published in that city should in justice to their readers make a note of it, that they must know how thev aret being victimized, o '"V . ' TO THE ";: ' XERYOUS & DEBILITATED WHOSE SUFFERINGS Have been Protracted from Hidden Causes, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE Prompt Treatment to render existence desirable. If vou are suffering or have suffered, from involuntary discharges, what ell'ect does it produce upon you? general health ? Po you feel weak, debilitated; easily tired ? Does a little extra exertion produce palpitation of the heart? Doe your liver, or urinary or- g-n, or your kidneys frequently get out of order i 16 your urine sometimes thick, nnlKy or flock-, or is it ropy on settling? Or doe a thick stum rise to the top? Or is a sedi ment at the bottom after it had stood awhile? Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels'-constipated ? I) j you have spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the head ? Is your memory im paired ? Is your mind cons'antly dwelling on this subject? - Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of life? Do you' wish to be left alone, to get away from every body ? Does any little thing make you start or jump ? Is your sleep broken or restless V Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant ? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you en j y yourself in society as well ? Do you pur sue your business with the same energy? Do you fool as much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fits of melancholy? If so do not lay it to -our liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights? Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but little appetite, and you attiib ute this to dyspepsia, or liver complaint? a i 9 self-abuse, venereal diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all'capable of producing a weakness oi me generative organs, i ne j organs or generation, when m perfect health, MAKE THE MAN. Did You Ever Think that those bold. deCant.cnergctic.persevering, successful business men, are always those whose generative organs are in perfect health? Von never hear sncb men complain of be ing mclaiucholy, of nervousness, or palpita tion of tne heart. Ihey are never afraid they cannot succeed, in business; they don't become sad and discouraged ; thev are all ways polite and pleasant in the company of ladies, and look -ou and them right in the face none of your downcast looks or other meanness about t'.icm. I do not mean those who keep the organs inflated by running to excess. These will not only RUIN THEIR CONSTITUTIONS, but also those they do business with or for. How many men, from badly cured diseases, from the effects of self-abuse and excesses, have brought abont that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced the general system so much as to induce almost every other disease r PARAIiYSIS, spinal affections, suicide, and almost every other form of disease wit ich humanity is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored for all but the right one. Diseases of theso organs require the use of a Diuretic. HELPED ID'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU is the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for diseases of the Bladder, Kidnej's, Gravtl. Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Female Complaint-!, General Debility, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female," from whatever cause originating, and no .matter of now long standing. If no treatment is submitted to. Consump tion or Insa.- iiy may ensue. Our flesh and hi 00(1 are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, aud that of Pos-t.-rity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. HELMBOLD'S S2XTEACT SSHCIIU, Established upward of Nineteen Years, IS PREPARED BY II. T. EELIrlBQLB, Druggist, 594 Broadway, Piew York, AND 104 South Tenth St., Phiia., Pa- i-'t? -m.'j per Hottle. or G - .o' delivered t... anv address. Druggists everywhere. Bottler for Said by all None are gennine unless done up in steel c.m.nc. niaer, .wun tac-simve of Chgaiicui Warehouse, and signed CIV H.T. HELBGLD, GREAT REDUCTION 13. L. STORE'S, No. 1 07 Front Street, AVALTIIAM WATCHES, GOLD 'CHAINS AND RINGS, CLOCKS, OROIDE WATBIIES AND CHAINS, FINE JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. .All at '3STew Yoi'k 3?r-ices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. EVERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED. "Watches and Jewelry repaired. juOif THE IXGEIl" XEW f v. FAMILY SEWING MACHINE Witii Attachments for all kinds of Work, is fast ivinrung fa cor in. the hoxue hold, as shoici by tin sales of last year, amounting to e;glity-xix thousand seven hundred and eighty-one JSIach ines , irh ich far exceed those of an ij other Company. This new FAMILY MACHINE is capable cf a range and variety of work such as was thought impossible, a short time ago, to per form by machinery. Vj e claim, and can show those whom it may c ncern, that it is the cheape.-t, most beautiful, delicately an anged, nicely adjusted, easily operated, and smoothly running of all the family jewing Machines. It is remarkable, not only for the range and variety of its sewing, but also lor the variety and different kinds of texture which it will sew with equal facility and perfection, using S.Ik Twist, Linen or Cotton Thread, fine or coarse, making the INTERLOCKED ELAS TIC STITCH, alike on both sides f the fabric sown. Thus beaver cloth, or leather, may be sown with great strength and uni formity of stitch, and in a moment this will- ling and never wearying mai-hine may be adjusted fur line work c.-n gauze or gossamer tissue, or the tucking of tar letan.or rnfiiins, or almost any other work "w hich delicate fingers have been known to pei form. i'urchascrs can soon be convinced that our new Family Machine embodies NEW and essential pr inciples simplicity of construc tion ease ot op.rat.on uniformity ot i'Klj CISE action at any speed capacity fir range and variety of woik, line -n cjaise, leaving all rivals behind it. Tlie f oliliug Cases. The New Family Machine may be had in a variety of folding covers and cases. Som show in polished surface only the urain an tint of the wood, while others are finished i n all the elaboration of art. Tlie A tin ii in flits For Hemming, Felling, Ruflling, Braiding, Binding, Cording. (lathering. Tucking, Em broiderinsr, Ac., ave not onlv numerous, but new hroucht to irreat perfection. Most of them can be attached or detached by a sim ple move ot the hand. The quality of the work can only be fully appreciated ou ob servation and ex-itnination. Mucliiiie Twist, LIXEX TnilED,SI'00. COTTO.N", OIL, &C. We have ai d shall keep i:i stock at our Central Olhce, and Agencies, ion spools of vaiinus sizes.) Twit of all sizes and colors. Linen Thread, Spool Cotton, Oil, and all other articles necossa.-y in the use of our ma chines. We wish it understood that we manufacture the Twi.-t sold by us ; that we shall aim to have it excel in quality and exceed in quan tity, for a given price, that of other manu facturers, and that the Twit made by us in oar new and extensive mills, supplied as they are with the most impiovcd machinery and skilled labor can be relied on for the desirable qual'ties of uniformity of !-ize,even ncss, Ungth of thread as marked oa tach pool, strength, excellence of Color, and beauty of finish. The Singer Hanuiacturing Co., No. -133 Broadway, New York. San Francisco Office. . Aug 2 .100 Montgomery St. :3m JEW WAGON AND Carriage Manufactory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets. Oregon City Oreon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as mauv new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very best of meci.asirs, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort of n vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. Blacksmithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing nratlv, qnicklv and cheap ly done. DA VID SMI TH. Opposite Excelsior Market gllAPES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. STB EE T, Oregon City. B st BILLIARD TABLES in O EEC! ON Hav." been introduced , and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. THE BAR IS SUPPLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors ano Cigirs. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon already famous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE OV DTI r OUT, ilie3 supplied. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, PRICES ggggg Portisi egoia. jSTOLTCE. The People's Transportation Company "WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FROM OREGON CITY AS FOLLOWS. FOR POUTLAND : At 1 r. M., every day, except Sunday. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND F'KlDA"" K01V For Salem, and Dayton. AX1 ON TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, 1 13" .IS ysT o A. A. McCULLY Cth. ISG'J.I-lO.tf President. An: LAUDEH & BeF RANGE'S WAT BUSINESS COLLEGE, FOHTLAITD, OREGON, For the instruction of Middle-Aged Elen, Ycnng Men and BoySj In the branches cf a Business Education. rf-ins IS "WITHOUT DOULT A MOST i JL thorough ind etlicient Institution, and ! has has made for irs'lf a name in Oregon, of which its friends are ju-tly proud. The brancht s which stand out prominent ly in the cai'iiculuni of htudy are COO KK KEPI NG. COMLRCIAL ARITHMETIC, POLITICAL ECONOMY, PENMANSHIP, COMMERCIAL LAW, CORRESPONDENCE, AC. . A most thorough practical department is in constant operation, in which are com pr sed all the minutiae of business att'iirs. Students can enter at any time. No va cations. Call at room1?; corner of FRONT and AL DElt streets,, or send for a circular contain ing full information. Address, LAUUE.Y & Ih'PitAS'CE. Portland, Oregon. The standard remedy for C'g-i1ir, Infl-i- fnza, Sore Throat. Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver Compiiid, Bronchitis, Bleeding of the Lungs, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including Coxsumi-tiox. "IViitnr's Balsam does not dry up a Cough, but loosens it, cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing theennse of the complaint. None genuine unless signed 1. Lltts. Prepared by SetiI W. Fowle it Sox, Boston. Sold by Redixutgn. Hos. tetter A Co., San Francisco, and by dealers generally. JelS:ly WiLLlAEVl SliMQER iwS Established gjg A F-ictory EOll THE MANUFACTORY OF SASH, BUNDS AND EGGRS, AND MOULDINGS OF h SIZES. JT3 They will also do TURNING, of every description to order, With ITeatness" and Dispatch '. o ALL WORK W A K R ANTED. Shop on the River, back of Ackerm Store. Oregon City, Or"goii Oregon Ciy,.7ulT C0:tf WALTER BROS. New C AKP JQTINGIS VELVETS, THREE-PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, ' WINDOW-SHADES, PAPER-HANGINGS, LACE - CURTAINS, &c, &c We lYouhL Call the attention of pur ties fitting tip houses, or being in need of anything in our line To oxir Stock, which is Oils OF Ulh COMrLETp.tST On (Sic Fsicille Cosist ! Our Goods being specially selected at the Factories in England and the Eastern Slates, we can sell AT THE LOWEST SstiaJFs'siiacI&eo Prices. WALTER BliO 5 No. 89 Front street, between Alder and Washington, Portland Oregon 112 FRONT STREET, Near Morrison Street. FIRST STREET, , Near Yamhill. EAST & CAHALIN, New Stock of Boots and Shoes N. JEST RECEIVED! Best Selection in the City ! Comprising all the leading and best brands known, such as Benkeit's, Tirrell's, Fogg's, Houghton & Coolidge's. Reed's, Godfrey's and numerous others, of gents' and bovs wear. Also Miles, Sieberlich's, Brat's, San Francisco and custom-made ladies and children's wear. Our customers and the public in general are invited to call and examine our stock, which we will sell cheaper than ever. P. S. Boots made to order, and an assort ment of our make constantly on hand. From the National , Elgin) Watch Co The attention of watch buyers is called to" the following improvement i"n4!ie American Weifches, manufactured by the National (,E1 gn) Watch Company of Elgin, 111.: The Euiix Watciiks are" furniseed with Burt's patent pinion, to prevent damnge to the train in case of the breaking of the main spring. . . The Eljiin watches are furnished with a jiatent hair spring stud lo prevent th; chang ing the adjustment of the hair spring after tlie watch has been regulated. The Elgin watches are furnished with a patented contrivenee for the letting down of the main spring without rti,iovi:i Hie dial or haids. The Elfin Watcher are to constructed that the barrel can be removed and the mam spring changed without taking the watch down. The Elgin Watches are furnished with the only complete protection agains dust yet in troduced upon American made movements. The dust excluder used upon the Elgin move nentenectually encloses the woiks, and renders the entrance of dust ar iniposibiiit v These improvements are peculiar to the Elgin Watches, and are found on none oth ers. The dust-excluder will specially Com mend Uelf to miners, railroad men and oth-. ers engaged in nut -of-door employment. The Elgin Watch branded " B. W. Ray mond "' is constructed wiih especial reference to its use upon engines and moving trains, and the Company claim for it that" it is the best railroad watch in the world. The fol lowing prominent railroad oflicials have giv en it their hearty endorsement and commen dation : E. B. Phillips, Esq., President Lake Mini e and Michigan Southern R. R.; Col. C G. Hammond, Superintendent Union Pacific R.H.; Ed ward 11. S illiams. General Super intendent Pennsylvania R. R. Co.; L. D. trucker, General Superintendent. Erie R. It.; J. M, Toucey, General Superintendent Hud son River R. R. ; G. L. Dunlap, General Su perintendent Chicago aud North Western R'y and many others. Ladies desirous of purchasing a handsome. strong and correct time piece, will find the cleg watch bearing the trade murk of i i t iiv ri f iv! i . ..ii i j.iui ti.ui 10 oe nn i mil tney desire. Inquire of y our jeweler for the LADY EL GIN. The real Elgin Watches, elegant, accurate, durable, in many styles and at various prices, Circh accompanied by the special warrantee ceitificate of this Company, and usually also guaranteed by the local dealer or watch maker, can be had of most jewelers in all towns throughout the Unites States. Call and ask to see them. As an additional pro tection, look for ' National Watch Co.;' on the dial, and one ot the following trde marks, viz., "B W. Raymond," "H. Z Cul ver," "II. H. Taylor' "G. M. Wheeler " "W II. Ferry," "Matt. Lafhn,,' "J. T. Ryerson," "Lady Elgin," or ' Frances Rubie," together with the words "Elgin, Ills.," engraved up on the gilt plate inside. These are the trade maiKs to denote the various grades and styles, but as even these have been pirated, require aho the special warranty ceitificate' duly signed by T. M. Averv. the I'ri,(.ni of the Company, and numbered to correspond with the watch.. 1 The trade on the Pacific coast supplied at factory prices by Levison Bros, Vy Wash ington street, San Fiancisco, who have on hand at all times a full supply of all grades of movements, and material" Tor renairiuo the same. 1 a An illustrated pamphlet, entitled "Makiii" U atches by Machinery," by the late Albert D. Richardson, will be forwarded free of charge bv sending address to NATIONAL WATCH COMPANY, -159 and 101 Lake street, Chicago ; No. 1 Maiden Lane. New York or L VISON BROS, ' 62y ashington st, San Francisco, Cal. aug'JOmS Physician & Accoucheute. DR. BIARY P. SAWTELLE, OFFERS HER PROFESSIONAL SER vices to the people of OreoH rr,i ,i vicinity. Residence in the miles east of Oregon City. Miyl4:tf T .1 " . .. o--- nun country, ten rSTICES- BLANKS, of erervdoi tivn, i tinted at the Lmi.ki hr. ef;c LlNCOLNBAKERy. BAILEY, HARDING & CO., Successors of L. Dilleb in the Lincoln Bakery, EG LEAVE TO INFORM THE CITI zens of Orecron Citr and surrounding country, that they keep constantly ou hand and tor sale, all kinds of BREAD, CRACK El!:", CAKES, PALTRY, CANDIES AND NUTS. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders promptly filled, and goods deliver ed at the residence of the puichastr shcn desired. The highest pi ices paid for Butter, .Eggs and Vegetable s. A liberal s-hare of public patronage is re spectfully solicited. April 2d. 1870?ly Frcfn the National (Elgin) Watch Co. The attention of watch buyers is called teH the improved American Watches', manufac tured by the National (Llgin) Watch Com pany of 'Elgin, 111. Ladies desirous of purcha' iug a handsome, strong and correct lime piece will find the elegant watch .hearing the trade maik of "'LaDV F.LGIN" to be all that thev desire. Inquire of your jeweler for the LADY FL G1N. The trade upon the Pacific coast supplied at factory prices by Levison Bros,0-2y Wash ington street, San Francisco, who have on hand at all times a full supply , of all grades of movement, and material for repairing the same. An illustrated pamphlet, entitled "Slaking Watches by Machinery," by the late Albert D. Richardson, will be forwarded free of charge bv Fending address to NATIONAL WATCH COMPANY, o'.) and (11 Lake street, Chicago; No. 1 Maiden Lane, New York ; Or LMVLSON BROS, 020 Washington st., San Francisco, Cal. aug.!( ni2 o HAS BEEN A VERDICT RENDERED Zr. by hundreds on this coast to the Su peiior Medical Vntues of BU. J. V. isriSJHCiSV & soxs FREMIUM LUNG BALSAM ! The safest and finest rcmedj' congenial with the laws of nature ever yet discovered in medical Science. Also, Dr. J. W. Murray & Sons' MAGIC OIL, the King ofall Pains. The best family medicine in the world. Sure rcmedj' for sudden attacks, as Spasms, Croup . Cramps, Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. ft is one of the most reliable medicines in all nervous and inflamatory complaints and pains, such as Rheumatism Sere Throat, Diptheria. Sprains, Bruises, Felons, Weak. Swollen and Stifi' Joints. Contracted Cords and Muscles, Lame Back, and numei ous other complaints. Directions on each bottle. Mothers and nurSes will- find it an incom parable Soothing Syrup, safe and harmless when diluted with sweetened water, lor the mst delicate child. Office lot! Front street. Portland. For sale by all druggists and traders on this coast. Sept. 3:ff Dr. J, H. HATCH, DENTIST, The patronage of tnose desiring tirsi Class Operations, is respectluliy solicited. Satisfaction iu all cases guaranteed. N. B. Nitr ous Oxyde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Ofjtick In Weigant's new building, west side ol First street, between Alder and Sloi risou streets, Portland,' Oregon.- WALL A MET IRON WORKS COMPANY ! Iron JFossMcIergj And Boiler Builders! JSorth rront and L st?., Portland, Oregon. THKSE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and have facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and efficiently. We have secured the services of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coat for fifteen years gives him a thorough knowledge of the various kinds of machinery required for mining and milling purposes. We a-e prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery aud boiler works, such as .MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOURING MILLS ! SAW MILLS f QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING I'UMPS ! ! &C. Manufacture and Err air Machinery of all lits. JJION SHUTTER WOJlK ai San Francisco coot and freight. Wheeler Ean dalVs Patent Grinder an I Amalgamator. DitTioar's and Steveis Self Ailjnstimj Patent 1'Uton. pen-king, either applied to old or net'.' steam ctlindtrs. Quarts Stampers, Shoes and dies, if the best hard iro?i- Ziy A. G. WALLIXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery. GREGORIAN BUIJLD1ISG, So. 5 IVitfcliington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and E0LND to anv desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety ol style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly tended to. at- To Stock Drovers. - rym ROAD ACROSS THE CASCADE X Mountains, know ss the ' Old Emigrant Load, is now in splendid cider for the ac commodation of the public. The bridges on the road hare all been thoroughly repaired and stock drovers will find it no trouble to cross the Mountain by this route. Ihereis tplenty of good water and grass on both sides of the Mountain, and the distance across is only 50 miles, being the ortest as well as the best road oyer the Cascade Mountains. Stock drove s and emigrants will find it to their advantage to travel over this route. Toles reasonable. JOSEPH YOUNG, President. Cl.ickamas county, July,lS70:jul6if AVOID QUACKS. A victim of early in discetion, causing nervom debility, premature decay, ic, having tried in vain every adveitised remedy, ha. a s:mple means of self-cure, which'bc will tend free to his fellow-sufferers. Address J. H. TtT- 1. 1., ( .Nassau Scpt.l0:"3m. it., New V C'l K. FRENCH MEDICAL OITW BR. JULIEN PERRAULT' i . or Meflicine of Paris, CiiuUunte of Queen's Colkg,aiul Fh) -tUt I.lw St.JolmBaplhtt Sctittv ot S 'if t-isco. Pr.-Perrault has the pleare to i patients and othi is seeking contidei tH ical advice that he can be consulted t) his office, .Armory Hall Building v,l' East corner of Montgomery nr,d Sacral streets, San Fraiiftisco, Rooms Nus t i l! first floor, up srfii a, enti ai.ee on' Vl! Montgoniery oi Saci chic nto s-ti rets DkT Pehkailt's; studies have btcn .1 , p-rlusivclv devoled to the various forms of Nervous ' and PI..-;. Mi bility, the result of injurious habits ECf in youth, which nsuahy terminate jn f'i tence and sterility, and pcnnanectlv ;rJ11' sill tho conccniilaiits of old acp. vi f secret ir, firniitv exists involving ih l ' ness of a life and that of others. morality dictate the necessity of its retw 1 for it is'a fact that pien.alure deciii,eof ,v T.fcw. . ...... ""UKTijijh. compulsoiy. single life, etc., have ' sources iu causes, the getm of which h,,,! ed in early life, and the bitttr fruits',.,.31:' long afterw ard; patients, laboring undci-iL complaint, will complain of one or . the tfollowing symptoms: Noctual F; ncss of Memory and Sight, Discharge fr the Urethra nn ('( ill'' to Stool rrv...rL " " r. 0 . "'i!0 ic r It to! I r-fnill 1-nri-ItlPt trn T' , B " Loss jf Memory ens'iis, Ideas are cited afcd there is a disinclination to attend tob' iness, or evtn to reading, wiitintr fir l society of nanus, etc. Ihc patient.' Ifear ng are weaker . " leen disturbed bv riirnn-a t.i-.. Slfrliirif. 119 InitHtwil. lilltltinou r.. . -'i ft inv Tv'rft wt-.iif rniA.t(ir. ' , . .. ... , ......v. . ....Tm,V1MrJ iiiauc puiu, kiju inunoness ot the hi Some ot the common s rnptoms are iiinr''' ineoouy. l aiienis snnei irg lrom Ibis flv case, shonld 'fply iii:m. diately to Te "jyl it a v i.t, eitinr in person or by letter uf will guarantee a ciae cf Senrual Emissioc' and Imjiotcnce in six or eight Week?, " Patients tiifiering from vencrial dit-ease ii any stage. Gonorrhea, Gleet, Slrictm Bubo, Ulc. rs, Cutatious Eruptions h-"' will be treated successfully. All Subi1;;1 and Mercurial Taints entirely len.ov'ed lt the ,'ystem. Dit. Pekkai i-t's ciplc mas are in Lis bjtt where patients can ne for theiiit elves ThJ they are under the care of a regular fdnrj tidpractitior.tr. The best rifcimcisgivt. if i 'quirt d. 1'atients f uf;rir g ndcr chronic &hest. can call and examii e for tl.tniM-lvcs. i't invite investigation ; claim rot to ktw evcrytliing, nor to cure tverybedv, lmt do claiui that iu all cases taken uniur trut". n:ei.t we fulfill our ptomif cs. Ve 'arficilr.' ly request these who have tried th s tcat4 doctor, and that acverti.-cd phyyitiaa iji) worn out atTel disci urrged, to call'tioitto Low charges and quick cures. Ladies suH'eting fioi any conu laint iti. .1 ... ii...: i. ui niM iu uicii fi., can em si.il me Coclit wnn uie assuiancect relict. Fuaulc iIcitlily Pills. Dn. PtnnAVLT is the only agent in Cali fornia for Dn. Biott's Female Monthly 1 Their iniuie me sale has estubliihed tluirtcp. utation as a female rcn;fc'y ui)j:p:rfi:i(i,f, and far in advance of every oil.er i tnndT fir suppressions and irregularities, sad (,t.rr ohsti uctions in females. On tbe i cceipt five dollars, these Pills will be fci t lv ni r express to any part of the woild, beiuit from curiosity or el;:ii:age. j'ersons at a eiistance Cfln be erred it home, by addressing a letter to 1r. Ph. iiAfi-T, con er of Sacramento and Mon'gMa. ery ilrcets, R onss 10 and 11, i t 1!oj !;;. I L.. I. - . r. Kt. rian xiancisco, staung ii.e cae minutely as possible, general habits tf lit ing. occupation, etc., etc. All ce tiininnicatioiS confidential, lyrta PRIVATE MEDICAL AID." Qiiiclt Cuyt's and I;trsilc C hargn PR. W. K. D O II E R T Y ' Pi lvatr !t?ffli-nl si Sliii i-I.iil 1 SI ITUTE, Sacramento Street, Btlow MONTGOMERY, pposi'e thefaciSc Mail Steamship Company's Ofiice. (Private entrance LeaeksdViff streft.,) Establiud Expressly to Afford the AfH clti Sound and Scientific Medical Aid, in the Treatment and Cure of all I'liva',"! and Chronic eases, Cusi'S of Scciecy. rnd Sexual D:son!cr.' 'To tTit- Afiiictci!. . r. DUiiiAH l reiio ns Ins si:ccr thanks to I:i run crous p.nticr.ts for tlicir patroi.age. and would tal e this cpj ottunitT to remind theni that he continue to cci:nitt at his It si it v.t e for tl c cm e i.f i lu lie i eases of the Lungs. Liver, Kidi evs, hini five and Grcuno-L i Ii ai y Organs, si.tl .4 private di.-ease, viz : Sipf.i'is in silt it-fnrri inn. stages, Seminal Weakness and nil the boi l ill eoicquence's e.f sel&uhiue. (hnur been, Gl ct, Strictun s, Ni;ctt.inai ar.d Uinr- nal Emissions, Sexual Deb fly, lMsesMsd the. Back and Loirs, j i.f;an.niatien of ilf Bladder and Kidneys, e ti . ; site! he lop that his lor:ir cxi'Clience and sum esf:il vnt- lice will r(llitilMlf tr. nvmi. lim u cllf(( I ubiic patronage. I'.v the nn'etiee of rr.ar.7 years in Eniope and the United States. Lc i' enab id to apply tl e m st t-fi.c'.ent cnnst.f ccssful remedies against diseases of all k'i;d.. 11c uses no me i cuiy, cl tii.i cs n;odctatc,tifu his putUnts in atuirflt r.nd hoi or;ib!e t', and has le'eier.ces tf tit curMiontble ui ty from me n of known lespectaljilitv i high standing in foe ety. All t arties (ac suiting him bv letter or e-thei whc. ill ceivc the best and gentlest tieatme-t n implicit sec:ecy. To Females. When a female is in trtaible. or sffiicffd with disease, as weakness the Lai ksrd limbs, jiain in the bead, din:ness of i).li lohS cf muscular j owcr, palpitation tf tie beatt . in itabi ity, nervousness, extreme ur inary difficulties, derangementof digest" functions, general debility, vrginii's, tlfd.J eases of the womb, hystciia, tei ility any!l other diseases peculiar to fe nudes, s-lief Ii;"'' go er write at once to jho celebrated teo:l doctor, W. K. DOIIFRTY, at Lfs Medical In stitute, and consult him about her ucuWf" and diseases. The Doctor is t fiectirg riiotf urcs than any other physician hj tlie " '. . . v ' ...If you, but apply immediately and save yIM'o "fioni painful snffeiings and prcninture det All married ladies, whose delicate l)ia!,h other circumstances prevent an incrrase , their families should write or call at I)IL K. DOHERTY'S Medical Institute, and thfj will receive every possible relief and 1Q,J' Tbe Doctor's c dices aie so arranged tUle can be consulted without fear of cbservatioa. To Correspcitlciits. Tatienls residing in anv rait of flieftp ,i : . . . . - r-L. tl.f oninH .ii;icvi ufcstKiii, i i.i. .ii. 1 1 ... ' jo i j ri.T nn iinirv i (lmir lf.l;(" tive cases, and who think proper to sui mu written statement of snch, in prtferoncf uu: t oro rpstlfCtiB1' lv assmed that their communications wi iiuiuuig n pei sen1 ni iuiciuch, "i ... , , J't.l t,.-,l arirl onnfi.t.-ntial. If the C8. 1 be fully and candidly described, personality munication will be unne essary, as ins tions for eliet. i egimen and the general f.w ment of tlie case itself (including ,IierfnrJ d es), will be forwarded wifliut ?ei),f', in such a manner as to convey no ideaw TinrnArl nt f 1 A 1 a i t . (V r naifpl." its-Consultation by letter or f tka';7( FREE. Permanentcure guaranteed oruy ffpermatcnaira. DR. DOIIERTY has jus-t published n j poi tant j aniphlet, embodying bis own r.e and experiences in relation to Inir('!eDr v iriiity ; being a Short Trenves on p" torrcca nr Seminal Weak nefn, Physical Debility consequent on " , t on, and other diseRses of the Sexual vr? This little work contains information e utmost value to ail.whtther marricdon and will be sent FREE by mail on ccip six cents in postage stamps for return f age. Addics". ' ' . n San Fi7nt;H0 .' O o o o c o o