f o O o j o i I1 f I- J trSASO COUNTY. VP. v. Last W ednesday, a r vournt men met on the street fT commenced skylarking, wbea the k?, arrested a young man named kP,tf,C,;vamara. an employee of the 1 . .nntran OU lUiiuiii'J rr-l, nmlhm9fl nntlCaTS tO ipecial delight in arresting the men h .mnlov. lie starieu wnu uuu i ibtir employ immediately, f't 'watchman desired to show huym lblAe w , rlrllS(,d to stop until he " the iail He was informed that if tLuer in there he would be c?Pul. ..... tt... onnscfliiences. lie then , -..trr the consequences, lie men S ! Reorder. Whitlow'. tf!r V.r.hotise. where he was immediate- V-r' i voii The. next mornins he twd lor trial? when it was plainly 5y: that he was not drnnk and baa not mined any offence, and alter a long .Ctls released. By Ibis effort of .-i,m.n io e-et a fee. the city is com- ., .1 nV a lUIliv led ,j have amounted to We think the Council ought to appoint a man who IJj'jerstands his duty. lw,c. V kittle boy of our ac ' In while at play the other day. 1 1'1!'. 1 M,.iit...l -Lord !'; at something astonished him. when his mother Sistered a gentle reproof at hw tcn '.'TpVto profanity. -Why. mother." he ST -2 Lord aiad word?" '-No my fan," chc replieu, u" "- " :bt place. Auer wuue iuc i hinning about the house i ii. urnped his toe," ana nis mamer wus Uiihrd to hear him sing out, '-Lord re right place V' Democrat. We are acquainted with this interesting . oml a half Touth.but ouiicloss Iii(. v " 41 ", ' lationship would have loroiuuen us 10 a notice of the0fact above related. make Vi'e regard him. a rather brilliant boy. xotiter t.-i.Ax:. We notice on an is nd a short distance below town a large Jut. WlilCu very mutu itot imiv. ..v. lint StOOU OSl iC Pinnu v "j 1- . .. ILnf.tlrtl'in(T f,j!lU 01 OUl I'"" ' I" "-"'o ,- .lzens in trie Some of the ,m of t ie 1'. 1 company. kiowing ones iimih. mat n um un.u n.vn wb? The saiue partivs. with a View of .'.pping boats from running by it. T!w ?etim3 very probable, as there is a jare dam where tlie water passes on one tide of it. Two Boats. On last Monday the steam er Senator was placed on the route be tween this city and Portland. We learn tut hereafter, the Senator will leave this .-,'v la-aiie morning, auu mi; w .. i . i Alert Port- UnJ. thin giving us two boats daily be- tween here and Portland. Frt'.tT. Last Tuesday a couple of men from the country engaged in a street fight. One of the men was intoxicated and the other commenced to goug his eyes out. Siranjre to say that the night watchman aJ Ilecorder witnessed this disturbance of the jreace without interfering to stop it or wake an arrest. They probably tin light that they had no money. 5 h'KrAinr,o. Last Monday the steamer Airrt, under command of Capt. Pease, was taken off the route between here and Portland, andjhoroughly overhauled and repaired, and placed oil the line again in the short time of three days. This we call q"uiek work. Nkakinu Conn.ETioN". A large number of workmen ale "engaged on the Fannie Patton, getting her ready for the fall trade. When she is finished, she will be the handsomest boat on the line. Si.mmsg School Last Friday evening Prof. McGibbeney of Portland, opened a inging school in3 this city. There were lifiy Scholars on the organization of the J.v axe. L'iSt Monday an unfortunate woman, named Mrs. Elliott, was brought If fore Judge Wait, and pronounced insane and committed to the Insane Asylum. We were unable to learn the cause of her in fanity. Ix.trur.o. A boy named Wm. Thomas wis thrown from a horse last Sunday, dis locitiog his wrist and otherwise bruising tini up. Hkcoverixg Cornelius RinOarson. the young "man vho cut his foot very badly Iwt week by cutting it, has so far recov ered so as to be able to be about the streeU. Excitement. Considerable excitement prevailed in town last Monday, over the Mercantile lottery. We learn that Capt. Millers daughter and Mrs. II. S. Buck each dtew a prize of $100. I'l.ASTixo. A number of men arc em ployed by the Railroad Company in blast ing rocks projecting from the bluff. New Bridge. The heavy timbers for the Aberneth bridge are all in their place and the bridge will be complete shortly. o CutcuiT Court. The Circuit' Court is in session. It will probably adjourn to-morrow, o ThanktgUlnz Proclamation. President Grant i6uedon October 21st, the following : Whereas, it bohfives a people sensible of thir dependerfce on the Almighty, p ib'.iely and collectively to acknowledge the gratitude of his favors and mercy, and humbly beseech for their continuance; And Wuk,iikh, the people of tbe United States, during the year now about to end. aav, cause to be thankful for general prosperity, abundant harvests, exemption horn pestilence, foreign war and civil strife: ?, 7 Vi Now Tin; re fore, be it known, that 1. b. S. Grant. President of th United States concurring in any similar recom-inend-itions fram Chief Magistrates of Sutes, do hereby recommend to all citi zins to meet in their respective places of worship, on Thursdty the 24th y day of November next, to give thanks for the bounty of God during tbe -year about to close, and the supplicate for a continu ance hereafter. In witness whereof, I have set my hand Sa 1 caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at tbe city of Washington, this 21st d iy of October.'in the yeaf of our Wd one thousand eight hundred and seventy and of the Independence of the United States the ninety-fifth. (.Signed) U. S. Gkant. By the President. iUajilton Fish, Sec'y of State. O . Insaxe. A gloom has been cast over this community, says the State Journal, for a week past, by the .unwelcome news that one of our most esteemed citizens, ilr. Jerry Luckev, had become entirely deranged. For" several days he had acted stiangely, and on Tuesday it became evident that he was not in his right mind. Since that time he has been laboring un der insanity. JJgT If your tongue is coated, mouth tastes badly, have a poor appetite, feel dull, stupid, despondent, sleepy or dizzy, your liver does not act properly, ftud nothing will relieve and cure you so speedily as Dr. Pierce's Alt. Ext. or Golden Medical Discov ery. It stimulates all the secretions to ac tion, restores the appetite and unclogs the bowel.. As a blood purifier for the cure of Pimples and lilotches on the face, Eruptions, Salt Ithetim, Erysipelas and all Scrofuloua and Skin diseases it is unequaled. No fam ily should be without it. Sold by druggi-ts. The $12 Lever Watch. No. 13,"8rt, pur chased from (.'has. P. Norton & Co, 86 JS'as sau street, N. Y., January fth, has beer, car ried by me over six months, with a tottl variation in time of only 2'5 seconds, without the slightest regulating, and presents the same biit aucy of colur as when purchased. JAMES R. WILOX, Sec. American S. M, Co., N. Y. New York, July 30, 1S70. Tl e Five Dollar Sewing Machine pur chased by rue, January. 18C6, from the Fam ily Sewimr Mach'ne Company, Nassau street, N. Y. , has been in almost constant u-e ever sinre. It has not been out of order once. Has cast nothing for repairs, and I find it simple and lelialile in operation, and always ready to sew. Those friends of mine who use them with the new improvements arc very much pleased. The one I have I would not pan with. MRS. ANN W. CUT 1 1 BURT, 423 Wot Sfith Street, New York. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, Ofiiee, 3fo. PORTLAND, 61 Front Street, OREGON REAL ESTATE DEALER. . Special Collector of Claims. A larpe amount of CITY and EAST PORT LAND Property for Sale. Also, IMPROVE!) FAUMS.and valnab'e un cultivated LAN US, located in all parts of the State. Investments in REAL ESTATE and other PROPERTY, made for corre.-pondtmts. CLAIMS of all descriptions promptly col lected HOUSES and STORES leased. All kinds of Finaucal and General Agency business transacted. Parties having FARM PROPERTY for sale will please furnish descrpt'ons of the same to the AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in each of the principal CITIES aud TOWNS of this STATE. Julv2:tf CARRIAGE "CiUIDE. EVERY ONE H IS OWN DOCTOR. A private instructor f r married persons or t'oosa about to be married, both male and female, in everything concerning the phys iology and relations of our sexual system, and the production and prevention of off spring, induuing-all the new discoveries never before given in the English language, by WM. YOUNG, M. 1). This is really a val uable and interesting work. It is written in plain language (or tlie general reader, and is illustrated with numerous engravings. All young married people, or those contem plating marriage, and having tlie least im pediment to married Lfe, should read thU biKjk. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted witli : still it is a book that must be locked up and not lie about the house. It will Le sent. to anv iiddtess on receipt of fifty cents. Address Dr. WM YOUNG, No. 410 Spruce street above Fourth, Philadelphia. Nov4:'m. A Hotly and 3!incl disease. Such is dyspr psi.i. The stomach and the brain are too iatiirately allied for the one to softer without the other, o that dyspepsia and despondency are inseparable. Jt may be added, too, that irritation of the stomach is almost invariably accompanied by iriita ti;m of the temper. The invigorating and trannuilizing opera tion of Hostter's Bitters is most powerfully developed in cases of indigestion. The fiit effect of this agreeable Ionic is comforting and encouraging . A mild .clow pervades the system, tlie chinnic uneasiness in the region of the st mach is lessened, and the nervous restlessness which characterizes the disease is abated. This improvement is not transient. It is not succeeded by the re turn of the old symptoms with superadded force.as is always the case when imuiedicited stimulants are tfiven for the complaint. Each dose.seems to impart a permanent ac cession of healthful in igoration. Rut this is not all. The aperient and anti-bilious properties of the preperation ae scarcely secondary in importance to its tonic virtues. If there Is an overflow of bile the secretion is soon brought witl.ia proper limits, and if the bileary organ is inert and torpid it is toned and" regulated. The etlect upon the discharging organs is equally salutary, and in cases of constipation the cathartic action is just sufficient to produce the desired re suit gradually and without pain. The Bit ters also proriote heilthy evaporation from the surface which is pat tic dai ly desirable at tliis season when sudden spells f raw, unpleasant weather are apt to check the natural perspiration and produce congestion ot the liver, coughs, and colds. The best safeguard against all diease is bodily vigor, a:Id this is the great Vegetable Restorative essentially promotes. ltcto:ca Degree L.oclge Xo. a, I.O. O. P Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVL'XIXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. By order of N. (J. DAVID R. SMITH, Civil ami Meclianieal Engineer, Solicit -r of American and Foreign PATEPitS, 431 MOXTCOJ1EUY STREET, P. 0. BOX 1161. SAX FllAXCISCO. AVItH AgMU-lf in AVHshlngton, Lon don, Paris, Vienna, etc. Specifications and Drawings Prepared, Ex aminations Made, Caveats Filed, Foreign Pat ents Obtained, Rejected Applications Prose cuted, Interferences Conducted, Extensions Applied lor, Re-Issues Procured, Assign ments Prepared, and Patent Business of Every Description Attended' to." Se pi.23.1 S70:ly. - Administrators Sale. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TIIaT ON JJN Saturday the 22d of OctoberlSTO. at the tarm ef John Long Deceased, in Clackamas County", I will sell the Mules, Horses, Cat tle, Sheep and other personal property be longing to the estate of said' deceased; Sale to commence at 10 A. M. Terms announced on dav of Sale. F. O. McCOwN. Adminstrator, with will annexed, ct Estate of John Long. Wlstar'n Balsam of Wild Chc'rv r This medicine is a ccmbinrtion of Inrm iudeed" for hc iling and curing all the ills which afflict ns in the shape of coughs, cold.-, and intiamation of the throat lungs and chest.. AVillamette Lndse No. 15 I. O. T Meets everv Saturdav evenine-. at the rooms S;E. corner of Main and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Visitin-? members are invited tr attend. By order of W. C. T. Oregon Lodge Xo. 3, I. O. of O- F. .jsjSgiSgHjj, Meets every Thursday even S at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Hall, Main s,cet. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. N. G. of Premiums in aid of the Nevada School District, Nevada City, California. PARTIAL LIST : 1 Prrmlumj Cold Coin, 1 Premium. " " 910.000 f,000 3,000 2,0o0 1.000 1,000 1 ,OoO l.OOo 1,0(10 200 100 1 Prtinum, 1 Premium, 1 Premium, 1 Premium, 1 Premium, 1 Premium, I Premium, 10 Premium", 10 Premiums, each each 50,000 Season Tickets to the Grand Fair com mencing Oct. liTth, will be sold at $2.50 each. Treasurer, Hank of Nevada County. 'J45,0OO Premiums, amounting to $S.",000, will be awarded to the holders of season tickets. For reference we refer you to, any citizen of Nevada Cit3 California." Responsible agents wanted. Liberal com riiissiuns allowed. For full particulars and terms to agents, address R. L. GltlNN AN, Secretary, Nevada City, Cal. Sept. 10. m2 COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. Fro sit Street. FORTL.VXD, OllJSGO.V. Ziefoer & HoSton Propr's- TI1E UNDERSIGNED HAYING RE t urm'she'i and re titled tlie above named Hotel, will he:;cif.ith conducted on the EUKCPEAX STYLE. Rooms can be had by the Day, Week or Month. A RESTAURANT in tlie House, under he management of PIERRE MANC1ET, late of the Lafayette. Owing to its location and constructien, it is the most de.-irable Hotel in the City, and we intend keeping it as it olght to be KEI'T. Free Coael anil Uairjrajre W axon to mid I'rcni tlie Hotel,. ZIEBER & 1IOLTON, Proprietors Office of tle Orfjjon and 'California oct. 21tf. Stiigct'omiwiiv THE GEEAT An Infallible r.i.ooa it;niFifeR. possess ing rare toxic and xervixs properties n certain cure for iikei'atism, coiTi Kf.rn.iLci t, ar.d all kindred biseaseai It completely restores the system when Im paired by disease, revives the action bt tho KIIl;VH and GCXITAL OUSAXS, radi cally cures scrofiiu, salt uiieih and til KHCPTIA'E nnd CITAXEOOS Dis- ciises, gives immediate arid permanent relic. la HYSfEPSlA. ERV3IPELAS, TUmofS, Koils, Scald llead, TJlccrs and Sores; trad; rates from tho system all traces of SIcrcuria. Disease, It is pt'aElY VEOETABI-K.bein'jmade from an hei-b found indigenous in California. It is therefore peculiarly suitable for use by Females and Children, aa a ci-ood Mini. FIER sal KEXOVATOR, For Sale by all Dru'ts REQtrtGTON, HQ8TETTEH & CO. AGENTS, 520 and 531 Market Street, San Francisco. Oct 20:nm Th s the mos tfcoro itrh b!ood purifier yet discovered, and cires xll humorirom the worst Scrofula to a' common Eruption. jhimale.8 hiid Blotches on thefece anc sculy or rough thin, which are such annoying blem- i-hes t.i many 3'oung persons, yield to the ue of a few bottles of "this wonderful meoi-ine. From one to eight bottles cure Sail lUifiitri, Eryxiprlis. Sc'ild Head, Jiing Worms, Hods, Scaht Krvntions of Hi Skin, Scrofula Sore9, Ulcers and ''Canker" in the. mouth and sttrmarh. It ia a on re medicinal extract of native roots fnd plants, combining in har mony Nature's moft sovereign curative prop ert ii s. w Inch God has instilled into the vegetable kingdom fur healing the ick. It is a great restorer for the strength and vigor of the svstem. Those who are languid, sleep le-s. have viervou apprehension -or fears, or anv of the affections symptomatic of xctak nes, will find eonvinciog evidence of its re storative power upon trial. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated aud despondent, have frequent Headache, mouth tastes badly in the'morning, irregular appetite and tongue r.otoi T-nn arfl sulFerinfr from Torpid Liver or " Bil:ousness." In many cases of "Liver Comrlairl" only a part of these symptoms 9n Pvnei loner d. As a remedy for all such case Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery lias v'o equal as it effects perrVct cures, lenv tner 1,,-Drctrpncrthpnpd and healthy, tor , v,Z ,,r ii.jt.it. .,.1 Pnnst.Dation of the- Bowels it is a never failing remedy, and those who bare used it lor this purpose are loud in its praise. la Broncbul,-1 liroacana I.nnrr nispjisoa it has nrodaced many re markable cnre , where other medicines bad failPfL s,,ld hv Hrno-o-ists at ?1.00 per twt tie. Prepared af he Chemical Labiatory of I K. V. I IERCE, M. D., linSdlo, JS. x. -j fj a?'-- PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, Grand Opening Out OF OUR FALL GOODS. 835,000 WORTH OP oots & Shoes, TO BE RETAILED AT WHOLESALE FIGURES. THE LARGEST AKOUXT In Any Eetail Store on the Pacific Coast. WE HAVE BOOTS FOR Men, Boys & Children, OF ALL SHAPES, STYLE and QUALITY. DIFFERENT KINDS of ALONE. MEN'S BOOTS WE HAVE EENKERT'S PIIILAD QUILTED COT TOM 1500TS; BUCKINGHAM'S HANDMADE SEWED BOUTS, French Cylt', Single Dowble nnd Tap Soles : : II shapes ; TEK HELL'S BOUTS, Fine Calf, Channel Nailed, and Pegged and Tapped Sole ; Heavy Calf, Double Sole, Wire Quilted nnd Tap Soles ; Light Kip, Tap Soles Men's, Bov's and Children's. SEIBEBLICH'S FRENCH SCREWED PHILADELPHIA MADE BOOTS, Heavy and Light Calf. K BED'S, FOGG & HOUGHTON'S GODFREY'.-, BateheUL-r's, Johnson tt Wood's Partridge's and Underwood & Co's CALF KfL and SLATGHTER BOOTS, Eastern Maiiufucturr. Culifornia. male Exjiressly Is. IIECIIT BROS. UNITED WORKING M EN, California Co-ope'ati ves, Maiks & Cal isher, BnckingnaT & Ilecht's, and On in -Jones' make ot BOOTS ai.d SHOES, BliOGANS. and LADIES' and CHIL DREN'S DRESS BALMORALS. We have also a fine assorment of GENTLE MEN'S FliENCH CALF, HAND-MADE SEA ED Oxford Tics, Gait era & Prince Alberts. Those who cms'der themselves d ifficult to fit or suit with a Boot or Shoe, w e would be very much pleased to have call and examine our goods. Protzinan, Giliihan & Co., PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, No. 12! Front Street, St. Cliaiies Hotel building. PORTLAND, OREGON OctHtf i FIRST PREMIUM IMPROVED FAMILY $5 SEWING MACHINE. ? 12.50 clear profit per da;. $75.00 per week. $300 per month made easy by any Lady or Gkxtleman introducing this Gexcine and Oui31nal Oli Favorite. Vi;h its many nete and practical additions, making the most complete combination of valuable and useful improvements ever etlected in any one ma chine. The embodiment of extreme sim plicity, efficiency and utility, entirely differ ent in model and design from any low priced machine. It is tbe most serviceable.elegant and reliab'e Family Sewixo Machine ever invented, gives perfect satUfact'en wherever introduced. Has received Pkemicms. Stood the te.-t of 10 years, and is fully approved ot bj every family who have them in use. Is noiirte.is, makes the strong and beautiful Elastic LockSticu, with wonderful rapid ity and CKKTAixf y. Sews' anything a needle WILL GO through. Lorn the finest to the thickest fabric, firm and neat with -eatr. Uses all kinds of silk or thread direct Jrom the ppool ; is improved with new self-acting feed, spring tension, selt-iruider. and uses- the adjustable straight nekple, perpendicu lar motion, with powerful lever action. Pos sesses all the good qualities of the bet high priced wiachines condensed, without their complications or fault. Samples of sewing sent FRrt on receipt of stamp tor certifi cates, ttc.see derckiptive t a Mrin.ETS, mailed free. A thorough practical sewing machine for f.imily use. "Tribune." A very i-trong and reliable machhieat a low price. "Stan dard.1' This beautiful sewing machine is one of the most ingenious pieces of mechan ism ever invented.-" Democrat," Ga. Worth many times Its cost to any family. " N'. Y. Weokly." It is Quite a new machine with its many late improvements, and sews with astonishing e?t.e, rapidity and neatness. " Republican' N. Y. Single machines, as samples,- selected with care, for family use, with everything complete, sent to any part of the countrj'" per express, packed in strong wooden box, fkee, on receipt of price, $5.00. Safe deli very of goods guaranteed. Forward cash by registered letter, or P. O. money or der, at our risk. Ascents wanted, male or female, everywhere. New pamphlets con taining extra liberal inducements, sent free. Address Family Sewing Machine Co. Oflice 86 Nassau Street, New Yoik. Religions Services. St. Pauls (Episcopal) Church, the Rev. John . Sellwoo 1, rector. Services on Sunday at a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and llible class at 2 p. u. 1st Congregational Church Morning Services, Sabbath School, Evening Services, , Rev. E. Gf.rky . . . . .Seats Freo. 10.15 12 o'clock M 7 o'clock. Acting Pastor PRAYER MEETINGS. Sunday evening, Tuesday evening, o M. E. Church....... . .5 o'clock . .7 o'clock Seats Free. Morning Services, Evening Service?, .' 10.30, . . .7 o'clock. SOCIAL MEETINGS. Class Meetlnc following Homing Services Praver Meeting Thursday eveninsr 7 co'clok. Sablsath School at 2- o clock r. Mr. CHARLES-XL WARREN, Attorney at Law, Oregon City, Oregon. Sept.l6:ly SEND TO RUSSELL & FERRY, PORTLAND, OR TO JOHNSON &, M'COWN, OREGON CITY, FOR THE OREGON REAL ESTATE GAZETTE Fit EE OF CHARGE. Sept. 6 tf 1847. 1870. Few Goods ! New Goods ! 11. CAUF1ELD BEGS LEAVE TO INFORM THE PUBLIC that he has refitted the old stand, corner Main and Seventh Sts., Oregon City, and has received an entire new stock of goods, con sisting of DRY )G0ODS, GROCF1UES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, WOODESWARE, .and a general' assortment of everything in our line. Thankful tor past favors, we'still solicit a s-hareof the ublic patronage. Country Produce taken m exchange for j;Oods. 4S:ly friTTTI TVTT" TKT TirrT For a foTr cents you can buy of your Grocer' or Druggist a r ackago of SEA MOSS PARINE, made from puro Irish jIoss, or Carrageen, which" Y,ill make sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange, and a like quantity cf Pud dings, Custards, Creams, Char lotte Russe, &c. , It is the cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food in tho world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicato food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Change ! ! Tim CHEAT WORLD'S Tor.'ic. Plantation Bitters. Tliis vosB1erfial vegctalMe restorative is the slaeet-an-cSior of tlie fecllc hbbiI cleJjali taictl. A ii Conic snd corciial for tEae aged ass;! lunged, it Cia-3 lso equal nmosig sIoeei aciiacs. As :i rcisaedy for tBoc nervous weakness to wlaacli women arc especially sub ject, t is superseding e-cry other stimnlanl. Ilx all C5n matcs, tropical, temperate, or frigid, it acts as n spccsfic in every sjccies of disorder xvliich undermines tlsc StodiBy strcngtlft aud I)r-ea3is down the animal spirits. For sale by all Druggists. Aug. 20,1 870:iy- C. W. POPE & CO., PEALF.K3 IX STOVE?, TIN. PL ATE. SHEET IPwON", BRA- JKKS7 CUl'PJ-;!, LEAD PIPE, IKON PIPE AND EIT r IX(S, RUIUIES 1IOSR, FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS. ZLVO, COPPFR, BRASS AND IRON WJRli. Also a general assortment of House Fur ni.-shing (iood.s. - MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING AND JOBBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONK TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICE?. O-T- Also'at POPE S STOVH STORE you will find HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND UN WARE. LANTERNS, LAMPS AND OIL, LUCINE AND NKiHT LAMPS. ALt-0 PERAMBULATORS. o All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. W. POPE & CO. Oregon City Oregon. ILlTl ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner Front and Morrison Sts.. PORtL ANI OREGON. Him Keith, Manager. 17MXEST AND LARGEST HOTEL ON . the Northwest Const. Tbe building is a ne bricK structure, and furnished in the most elegant style, affording the very best accommodations to guests. Fre Conch and Baggage Wajon to and from te Hcuse.- am EEDINGTON", HOSTETTER & CO. Stop that Coughing ! Some of you can't, and we pity you. You have tried every remedy but tl e ONE destined, by its intriu.-io merit, to supersede all similar preparations. It is not surprising you should be reluc tant to try something else aficr the many experiments vou have made of trashy compounds foisted on the public as a . certain cure ; but Newel Ts Pulmonary Syrup is really the VERY BEST remedy ever compounded for the cure of Caught, Colds', Sore Throat, Asthma, Whooping Coughs, Bronchitis and Consumption. Thousands of people in California and Oregon have been already benefited by the surprising curative powers of Ncwell's Pulmonary Syrup and with one accord give it their un qualified approbation. We now uddress ourselves to all who are unacquainted with this, the greatest panacea of the age. for the healing of all diseases of the Tliroat and Lungs, assuring you that Jewell's Pulmonary Syrup hns cured thousands, and it will cure YOU. if you try it. This invaluable medii ine is pleasant to the taste ; sooth ing, healing and strengthening in its 'effects ; entirely free from all poisonous or deleterious drups,und perfectly harm less under all circumstances. For Snle Ity all JJingglst. REDINGTON, HOSTETTER &. CO., 41G and 418 Front street, San Francisco. Rcdington's Essence Jamaica Ginger, JVkich is confidently recommended as the best prepat tion now before tlie public. This valuable praralion, containing in a highly concentrated form all the properties of Jamaica Gihger.has become one of the most popular domestic reme dies for all diseases of ttc stomach and digestive organs. As a tonic, it will be found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; for wtjle it imparts to the system all the glow and vigor that can be produced by wine or brandy, it is entirely free from the reactionary eflects that follow the use of spirits of any kind. It is also an excellent remedy for females who sutler from difficult men struation, eiving almost immediate re lief to the spasms that so frequently ac company that period. It gives immediate relief to Nausea, caused by riding m a railroad car, or by sea sickness, or other causes. It u also valuable as an external ap plication for Gout, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc. REDIXGTOX, IJOSTETTEU tSf CO., 41G and 418 Front street, San Francisco. Rcdington's Flavoring Extracts APE THE PERFECTLY TERE AND highly concentrated Extracts from Fresh Fruits, prepared with great care. They are put up in superior stvle, and in a bottle holding TWICE AS" MUCH as the ordinary brands of Extracts. Comparing quality and contents, none other are neatly so cheap. Whenever tested on their MEniTS,they have been adopted in preference to all otheis. and are now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS of the Pacific Coast. MARK THE ADY A XT 'AGES. Ry purchasing Rcdington's Concen trated Flavoring Extracts, you obtain an article not only superior in richness and delicacy of flavor to any other of a simi lar nature, but far more economical, be cause Ci.ch b ttle holds double the quantity contained in a bottle pf any other flavoring extract sold. REDISGTOX, HOSTETTER. CO., Agents for the Pacific Coast. Would yon escape FEVER AND AGUE, and preserve hen 1th and vigor during the sickly Reason, make occasional use of the following as A PREVENTIVE. If you are ATTACKED with Chills and Bilious Fever, or have been a victim to such disease, ai.d used other so-called remedies without permanent relief, seek at once the safe:t and surest CUEE, by using, according to directions MASON & POLLARD'S or, Fever and Ague Pill?. Time has proved them thoroughly to be the safest and most reliable remedy known. They contain no mercury or other mineral of chemical. Thfy are exclusively vege table. They stimulate the funvtions of the liver. Congestion is impossible where they are used. They do not deter from daily labor, liy assisting digestion they add flesh and mu-cleto the frarre. They are adapted to all ages aud both sexes, and as a FAMILY MEDICINE Will CURE in their incipiency, three fourths ot all diseases incidental to a malarious climate. For Dyspepsia; in small doses, they have no equal. For sale by "all Druggists. REDINGTO.V, IIOSTETTBR & CO., SOLE AGENTS.' The Battle for Life Which is continually going on between health and disease, has never received from any medicine such marked and un mistakable assistance, on the side of health, as it has from Newell's Pulmonary Syrup REDIXGTOIf, HOSTETTER & CO., 415 and -415 Front street, San Franfllsco. AUCTION AND COMMISSION A. 15. Kie!5ii'Sson, AUCTIONEER! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland, G AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, General Mercharl dise and Horses, D ' Every Wednesday and Saturday ! -A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALEV English refined Bar nnd l4if T, English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws Screws, Fiy-pans, sheet iron, R.' G. Iron ; also: A large assortment of'Groceries andLiqnors A. Ii. Riciiardsq.v, Auctioneer Harvest ot 1870 ! ! Selling off to Close JBusincssif And no HUMBUG J DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING. C0TS AND SHOES, liens' Ladies, Misses and Childrcns.' HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery- Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners P Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc Has goi to le sold Reg&rdSess of Price! G t3 To convince yourself with refpect to this matter, call at the old corner. I. SELLING, O South pTepe Co.' 't Tin Store y Vregon. City.- J. IS STILL AT HIS OLD STAND. CORNER OF MAIN ,un SIXTH STREETS. OREGON CITY, OREGON. T-JfTTlERE HE WOULD INVITE IITS V T friends, and the public in general, to' call and examine his stocky Consisting ot a1" general assortment of Dry Chooc! 9 Hoots siiiiSfi6c&g If rats aiact Caps, Crocfccry, o c navimr tionc many years experience ' - i a learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES I H SMAIL PROFITS! IS DETERMINED TO Q OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILLq Silence the Cry of PoriUnd Prices! Oregon City, August 2Sth, 1819. JOHN MYEKS UNDER THE COURT HOUSE, OREtiON CITV. OREGON. RETAIL DEALERS IN DEY OOIS, I500T& & SHOES, We also constantly keep on hand SALEM CASSI MERES, FLA XX ELS; TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Vhicli we wiU sell at the Factory Prices, aiid will take wool In exchange. o , 95" "We will also pay the hi"g"hest price for Butler, Eggs, and all kinds of good country produce'. We will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash ov its equivalent in good merchantable produce. J6SGive us a call and satisfy yourselves.- LEON DEliOUETT, Of the BARXUM RESTAURANT, Maint street, OREGON CITY, Beg to inform the public and bis fiiendsl tha he has" leased the lower part of th CLIFF HOUSE. Which h has opened as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. The table will at all times be supplied with the bfcst the market a3orU3. Orders for suppers and parties will be promptly attended to. July 2:tf - ' iT" 1 'ou 'ish the very best Cabinet Photographs, you mnst call on BRADLEY A RULOFSO.V, 439 Montgomery btrcct, San Francisco, I o i o 0 O O o o o o o r -f o o c: o 0 G i O f 1 o ( r I' -v f - Sir T - - O .-. "4 V . t;ii P,.OT7PT,T?Q V OTP T5 ITrinA