i ' o 0 G o o O o o o 0 o O 7, Sep' - Sty. id ex. J filihf 'at the ":rteen u pos 'lackjii ;d.and l -said luciive e ben f land d thai : at in- Cotirt rid an 1 ward y the 'o said the site in '3 th ert, $t sb'i'J1 V,a-' ors to' jer 4 Heeds and; n. and n i bent found " con is or- '-NTKK- tion in( s, lor' 3! ter. eign d, t:x- m 1'ut-1'iose- usions' ssign- ption tl oilier m the itii it. lIfm ie u-e ieine. ', ,,, Sons, and let of htif-prop- thu . If' i igor fr re dull, have. y in igne ,iver ' ivt r onis' ;ut h very ertv- t'or the amt uro an-1 hot- yof o O ,01 11 H'1- .oOl'' tW 0("H cr ' . am- ; ich-' tb zcu ri tri al) & UK ity it V or 1 I'M 4 t i' tMl beii thd' ti .riic lUfeWtJ C-uierpriec "M .-"l . - AND COU1TY. iMijiortant lit al Estate Crisis. , few &mtbs ago several persons from rt.u.c who claim an acquaintance tl)ij ju.iu , ... . rnltv.or. with the early inwj a:i-l purpose of hunting up Joseph the Then! IS- lljtf IUIUC1 li A IIHI.V, ....... . .he. 1 ; heir ) ins vast estate in of 1'orlUaJ. Diligent search was tite city ., I- made lor nun, aim uu i 1 I... war! ' I 'i the city of St. Louis, an old aud , r,,id jumper. iuey inioruieu mm oi d tti death oi "- "" . .i!:.. ,wt;ite which tliey had left be- i, l tbein. oft'eriii- to prosecnte the suit l,in tueia. u'"-" 'o ; , i m i or pay him a reasonable s: n,,,r. :"2 it Joseph Thomas ku- im ot uovving , i it would be imp)s.sible for him to pros hm Hie suit, took them up on the latter nWitum and made the parties a good utd and received therefor a sufiicieut turn to keep him in good circumstances r ,he remainder ol his days. , Ibe deed 'J,, li'e.l in the County Clerk s omce ot VuUnoin-tU county, about two weeks in vid Hie suit to eject the present oc pQui of the said estate will probably lie I"1 tl'l ' 1'. 1 it " " f " .:,.. t(nr r-n n rnui his Tll'MlllS jJe Uitf wi.h a number credible witnesses .,I,d documents They s ij thot. Joseph ti,....vi5 liiai rieti r iiii.;iuein oiiuun- i a l i ..il. l. ..... c'n'fhf vear Thev lived together k man and wife for the space the space of five v,.:..-i. darinsr which time Finice was born. it seems, however, that they did not live toother happily, and, owing to domestic trouble, separated, the mother taking the (t-hUd. ami alter a iftmber of years, in is7 iinruigrated to Oregon and took up iiud settled ujn, under the donation law, that tract of land which now forms a part of ruiitii Portland. Joseph Thomas being unsettled and of n wild and roving disposition, went into tlio backwoods of Arkansas, as a trapper, and there lived for a number of years with Indians. He finally again drifted kirk to thOivilizedvorld and spending vmie time as a street beggar and pauper was finally found as before stated, and started wfih the parties to whom he sold his right and title to the estate, for Oregon. ::iid arrived here on last Monday morning, lie wili appear as a witness in the suit, lie is unite an old man of medium height, somewhat crippled, and has evidently sivn the best, day of his physical being. Mrs. Caruthers in conversation with her friends his acknowledged that lier son was born out of Wedlock ; but these other parties contend that Finice was born in tlke second year of their marriage. Oaite a dtitfero:ii in the two statements. seems unreasonable to suppose that Mrs. Caruthers would confess her f r i lilt iuid her son s disgrace it thri Statu was Jiot iipoijjher. The trial will undoiibtedly bring to liglit some very ititeresting facts whiih have heretofore been kept a secret. oM.iny a'jiit with anxiety the decision ol Hie great approaching trial. Ax Oltiiaoe. The sonuthern mails which re due Ktre 0:50 in th.e nicrning did not arrive here yesterday until in the afternoon, owing, we understand, to tne train bavins? to wait at Salem until the Mieci.d train with thd ' Presidents Car " kirived thPre. This is very annoying to the people at larsre, as well as the nassen- gers traveling on that road. We would suirgt t that the - President ""build a not li Then er load for his own special benefit - President "-Ui l wilt not oe compelled to be dragged over the same rails over which common folks are destined to trave'. Attkmi'tkd Roi:i;ki:v. Vv'e are informed that on last Friday evcuing a suspicious looking charrcter attempted to break into t!iQouse of Mrs. Dement, but waj fui'.eG in his attempt, by a watchful dog warni.iff the itunates of the premises of the pre face of th.e thief. After playing drunk for a while, he was made to understand tl:i,t that was a hard place to steal from, so he took to his heels and left the place. Xi:w StDKWAT.K. A new sidewalk has been built in front of Mr. J. M. Moore's residence. This is a good improvement, and it would not be amiss to say that if the old and worn out sidewalk in several pla ces in this city were torn up and replaced by new-Ciunk. it would add very much to the beauty of the place, as Well as fa cjllate pedestrians in their travels over the same. Pi -lung Snags. Cuff . Aron Vickers of fhis City, has lately been engaged by the P. T. Co. in removing snags and other ob MnicUons in the river from Eugene City to t!m place. lie says all that is needed now to make things lovely is a little rain. Me hope it will soon come and make things look like business on the river. 0 L.iKGK Ilousi:. "We noticed last Monday ndhe stable or Willis.v Bioughton, a fine O looking stallion. lie is a very large, and powerful animal, and is said to be of very choice stcck. As a draft horsoWe think lie is a success. He lias been taken to the State Fair. Fukigut. The P. T. Co's steamers from above come down each trip loaded the giigrZs with freight ; and we are Informed that there is such' an accumala tion of freight on the upper river that all ihe warehouses are filled to their utmost capacity. Large Trains. The' trains running be tween Portland and Salem present quite a fine appearance this week, the locomotives having in tow fie or six passenger cars. All of which are usually well crowded with people weeding their way to the Fair. I.iviiER. The lumber which was to be brought here this Week, for the erection of the uew depot, has not yet come owing to the nvsh business, on the railroad, this week. We are informed that it will be here next monJay. Cuaxue of Time. The O. & C.R.U. R. Co. have again changed the time of arri val and departure ol the trains. "We have leen unable to learn the time, but can (;)s?afely say that it is very close to the old iime. Ecxaway. On last Thursday a team belonging to Mr. Ferguson wasleft stand ing and ihey conepxded to take a spin and to take the wngon with them, of which .th?y made a total wreck. o - . Accident Our young friend Theodere 'Bacon while splitting a stick of wood the other day, bad th-3 misfortune to let the ax feiip is to' his foot making a painful wound. Q Telegraphic Clippings. ifUItOPEAX 'V.VR SEVi'S. Loxoox, Oct. 7. The Masonic Frater nity ot England have contributed seventy thousand pounds sterling for the relief . of the families of German soldiers. : A great gun lor D'lvry on the south of Paris, is nearly ready to place in position. Its range is killometres, and it requires thirty-four kilogrammes of powder for each'discharge. Gen. liourbakihas been allowed to re-enter .Metz. A Paris correspondent of the London Times writes that the supply of meats are fast vanishing ; J5readsu.i!ls are plenty ; there are also plenty of guns and Ammuni tion. The question of food begins to be seri ous and food riots are feared. A club of men are urging the people on, saying that the provisions belong lo the people, and that Paris had no right to take them. Five thousand beeves and four thousand sheep are killed daily, which would perhaps be enough for all if just distribution were made; but. unfortunately, money buys the best in quantity and quality, and little or none is left for the poor. Mauy groceries have byen closed by the people for raising prices. All Americans will leave Paris when Wash bu rue leaves. Loxoox, Oct. 7. The Empress appeals to the Powers to prevent the Bombard ment of Paris or the partition of France. MAriSKiiJ.us, Oct. 7. Garibaldi has ar- ..: i i A balloon company oilers to take peo- i. x- I.. w r.in 9 iin.t franca h...1 . .WJ . Bismarck complains ot Belgium fey mpa- plains ot Uelgiuui sympa thi.ing with France. Jesuits are leaving Rome. London, Oct. 7. A cable dispatfh to the Trrfmue from Metz, says. Bazaiue made a desperate attempt to crush through the Prussian lines. He advanced his troops, under cover of a thick iog, and com menced the attack. Having engaged the Prussian artillery, he made a dash lor the petits and triinde les Tapes, annihilating (he outposts. Bazaine forwarded a large body of troops on the right, close to the Moselle, advancement up the valley until checked by Prussian cannon, and w'as ti- nally stopped by the advance ot two Lundwehr brigades of the 10th army corps. A fusilier battalion of Landwehr and several battalions of the Dih regiment of Lundwehrs suffered severely. , At 4:30 p. m.. the French were driven back from all their positions. The Prussian victory was complete. Loss considerable on both sides. A furious cannonade is going on to the south. Ofu,KAXS. Oct. 10. The Commander in chief of the Ijth army corps sends the following report to the Minister of War, Garubetta. at Tours : About 9 o'clock this morning at Arte nay, where there was a brigade of Lor gue'le aud several companies of chasseurs, we were attacked by a considerable force of the enemy, who succeded in occupying the place. Gen. Reyau went to the assist ance of the French forces with live regi ments and six battalions, and also a but tery of eight guns. After combating un til 3 o'clock p. in. our troops were re pulsed into the lorest, wmcii i retain ami shall defend at any ,cost. Ihe I'russiaus outnumbered us. Loxoox, Oct. 11. A correspondent of the Telegraph says that the 1'russians. on leaving Milhouse, fired on the people, kill ing and wounding several. Advices from .Metz to Sunday say that firing from the works are steadily main tained. Much sickness prevails. Rinder pest Las appeared. The I'russiaus took 2.000 prisoners in the encounter. Many persons were wounded.' It is stated that Lord Lyons recently suggested to Bismarck the expediency of an armistice. Bismarck replied that Prus sia would be glad to make peace at any time and any where, but no proposition entertained looking to a truce would b for a moment. Twelve French iron dads passed Dover to day. boti'-.d eastward. Garibaldi has exhorted the people of Nice and Savoy to discontinue agitation at present, as it does no good and only em- harasses the French in their struggle against Prussia. " Tucks. Oct. 11 Another body of Prus sians have arrived here. London, Oct. Id. King "William has re lieved Versailles from the payment ot the 100.000 francs which had been levied by the 1'russians. A squad of Prussian -hussars was at tacked on the night of the 7th, through the treachery of the inhabitants ot a vil lage. The village was afterwards burned by the Prussians as a punishment. Nu merous bodies of French have since been Uispersed iu that ne'ghborhood. LoXDox, Oct. 11. The Germans are closing in upon Thionville. They have been largely reinforced, and are receiving guns from Sfrasbutg. War material is shipped daily from Liverpool, in large lots, sn posed to be for F"rauce. A detachment of the. army of the Crown Prince, under General Von Detrain, de feated a portion of the Aimy of the Loire yesterday, ne.u- Orleans, taking 1,00 priso ners and three pieces of artillery. The French tied in disorder. The Prussians were a second time repulsed at Chattissy, but rallied, and taking posession of the place, they set fire to it. It is now in ruius. The French say that the Prussians have burned several villages on the plains of Bauce. The National Guard. 10.000 strong, un der Gustav Flourens. have demanded of the Government that Chassepot rifles be given their, and that a change be made in the practice of opposing on every battle field one Frenchman to three Prussians. The answer was unfavorable, and Flour ens resigned his command. Chicago, Oct. 12.-3:20 p. m. A tele gram to the Evening Post says private dis patches announces the surrender of Metz and its garrison to the Prussian forces. , LonijOx, Oct. 12. The Times ha.s an ar ticles going to prove that Bismarck's obvi ous policy is to render France powerless for offense or defense hereafter. Tunis, Oct. 12. The Minister of W; r publihes the following telegram from Or leans at a late hour last evening : The scene of the battle to day was so n nr this city that balls and shells fell in the out skirts. The 1'russians are near Gallieu. Troops sent from Tours to reinferce the loth corps, formed a junction with that body near Artenay. Torres, Oct. 11. The Prussians have threatened to execute the auihoilties of Albals, because at that place the French Tierre.irs surprised the enemy, killed many, and captured others. The French Government has given offi cial notice that a Prusiau prisoner will be shot for every, person so killed by the Prussians. Vkksauxks. Oct. 12. via. Berlin and London. 13. 1 esterday the trench army ot the Loire was driven out of Orleans after a nine, hours' tight. Orleans was subsequently stormed. The Prussians took up their march with 10,000 prisoners. Their own loss was small. Bavarians partici pated in the engagement. Loxikjx, Got. 12. Prussia i3 negotiating with the smaller States of Germany for national unity under Frederick, in place of the Confederation. The session of the North. German Parliament w i 1 1 probably be resumed before the meeting of the Prussian Diet. The Parliament will be required, to provide means for war and adjust certain questions springing from it. Elections for this body will probably occur on the 18th 'of October, and those for deputies in the Prussian Diet eight days later. Bncssi-.w. Oct. 13.' Rinderpest is spread ing, rapidly throughout ..Belgium. Much alarm exists, not only here, but in Holland and Prussia. Flokbxck.' Oct: 13. Engineers pay it will require at least 2 years to prepare Rome to serve as the Italian capital. The seat of Government will, therefore remain at Florence. - , Loxnox. Oct. 13. Particulars of the battle before Me'z on Friday last are re ceived. The French made a sortie in force, and after the battle, were driven back with tremendous loss. The Prus sians took a great number of prisoners. Cattle in and around Metz are dying by hundreds, from rinderpest. The bodies cannot be burned quick enough to pre vent the desease from spreading. The dis ease is spreading rapidly. A Western paper" tninks that women "would not make jrood statesmen. "The question ot the age" would ahvay s trou them , 1 sTc!y offensive discharge from the nose. vvitll ..stoI,piair up" of the nose at times, nf'th ' 11.a f orv,n ,., ' watering or weak eves, impaired hearing, ir regular appetite, occasional nausea, pressure air! pain over the eyes, and at times in the back ot the head, occasional chilly debility are symptoms which are common to Catarrh, et all of them are not present in every case. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures Catarrh in its worst form and stages. It is pleasant to use and contains no poisonous or caustic drugs. Sent by mail on receipt of sixtv eents. Address R. V. Pierce, M. I). , Bulla, lo, X. Y. A phamphlet sent free. Sold by druggists. A distressing Cough causes the friends of the sufferer as much pain as the sufleror himself. Dr. Witars lirfsnm of IVild Cherry will certainly cure coughs, colds, ar rest consumption, and that speedily. WLeu did it ever fail ? WIXIAM DAVIDSON, Oftice, '. 61 Front PORTLAND, Street, OREGON. SAL ESTATE DEALER. Special Collector of Claims. A large amount of CITY and EAST PORT LAND Property for Sale. Als; LMPROVKI) FARMS, aDd valuable un cultivated LANDS, located in all parts of . the St.-.te. Investments iu . REAL ESTATE and other PROPERTY, made for correspondents. CLAIMS of all descriptions promptly col lected. HOUSES aud STORES leased. At! kinds ot Financial and General Agency business transacted. Parties having FARM PROPERTY fur sale will please furnish descriptions of the same to the AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in each of the principal CITIES and TOWNS of this STATE. Julv 2:tf FIRST PREMIUM $5 IMPROVED FAMILY SEWING MAOHINE. $12.50 clear profit per day. 75.00 per ireek. -J'jOO ( r niiiiitli made easy by any Lady or Gkxtlf.max introducing this Gkxi-ixk and Original Old Favorite. Widi its many nun and practical additions, making the most conplite combination of valuable and uxeful imjircvimcnts ever effected in any one ma chine. The embodiment of extreme sim plicity, efiieieucy and utility, entirely differ ent in model and design fiomauy low priced machine. It is the most serviceable, elegant and reliab'e Family Skwixg. Machine ever invented, gives perfect sati-factien wherever introduced. lias received Premiums. Stood the te.-t of 10 years, and is fully approved of by every family who have them iu use. Is noiseless, makes the strong and beautiful Elastic Lock: Stich, with wonderful rapid ity and certainty. Sews anything a veedle will go TiiRorcii, fiom the finest to the thickest fabric, jinn and neat, with erne. Uses all kinds of silk or thread direct Jrom the fip'xl ; is improved with new self-acting feed, spring tension, self-guider, and uses the adjustable .straight nekule, perpendicu lar motion, with powerful lever action. Pos sesses all the good qualities of the bext high priced machines condensed, without their complications or fault. Samples of sewing sent fkee on receipt of stamp For certifi cates, c.,see tiKSCRiPTiVE pamfhxets, mailed free. A thorough practical sewing machine for family ut t. "Tribune." A very strong and reliable' machine, at a low price. "Stan dard." 'This beautiful sewing machine is one of the most ingenious pieces of mechan ism ever invented. - 'Democrat," Ga. Worth many times its cost to any family. " N'. Y. Weekly." It is quite a new machine with its many late improvements, and sews with astonishing ease, .rapidity and neatness. " Republican," N. Yt Single machines, as s impies, selected with care, for family use, with everything complete, sent to any part of the country per express, packed in strong wroden box, free, on receipt of price, fo.00. Safe delivery of goods guaranteed. Forward cash by registered letter, or P. 0. money or der, at our risk. Agents wanted, male or female, everywhere. New pamphlets con taining extra liberal inducements, sent free. Address Family Sewing Machine Co. Office 86 Nassau Street, New York. This celebrated medicine has won a de servedly Ivgh reputation as an alleviator of paiu and a preserver of health. It has tie come a household remedy, trom the fact that it gives immediate and permanent relief. It is a purely vegetable preparation, made from the best ami purest materials, safe to keep and to use in every tamny. it is recom ! mended by physicians and persons of all i classes, and to-day, after a public trial of thirty years the "average life of man it i stands unrivalled and unexcelled, spreading ! its usefulness over the wide world. Its large and increasing sale affords positive evidence i of its enduring fame. We do not deem it necessary to say much in its favor as one small bottle wili do more to convince yon of its eflicacv than all the advertisements in the world. Give it one fair trial and you would not be without it for ten time- its "cost. Directions accompany each bottle. So'.d br ail drrsjistrj; I'rice 2 j cli. t 5o cts., and 1 ntr hoLiLe COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY," UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORrJIA, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA. Rebecca Degree Lodge So. 3, 1. O. O. F 9s. Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDA Y E 1 rEXIXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. By order of N. G. Willamette tiotlge No. 15 I. O, fc;. T Meets every Saturdav evening, at the rooms S.E. corner of Mam and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are invited to attend. By ordwr of W. C. T. e No. 3, I. O. or O. F. Szzt&f Meets every Thursday even jgjfe&jS ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's ""..llall, ,Main s eet. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. Gr. BY AUTHORITY OF A SPECIAL ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE Sf ATE OF CALIFORNIA. S 1 ,000,000. GRAND GIFT CONCERT IN AID OF ihe Mercantile Library Association of San Francisco, California. MONDAY, October 31st, 1870. Tickets of Admission, $5 00 gold coin. Treasurer The Bank of California. During the entertainment the sum ot $.j00, 000 LT. S. Gold Coin will be returned to the Holders of Tickets, by the distribution, by chance, of the following GIFTS : 1 Gift of . . 1 Gift ot... 1 Gift of 1 Gift of 1 Gift of 1 Gi:t of 1 Gift of 1 Gift of 1 Gift of ... 1 Gift of 1 Gift of 1 Gift of.... 1 Gift of 1 Gift of.... 1 Girt of.... 1 Gift of.... 1 Gift of 1 Gift of 1 Gift of 1 Gift of 1 Gift of 1 Gift of 1 Gift of lo Gifts ?1,'" .$100,000 Gold. 50,000 " 25,ooo " 20,0o0 ' ly.ooo " IS.OOO " 17,000 lfi.ooO " 15,000 " f 14,000 " 13,000 " 12,000 " 1 1 ,000 " lo.ooo " 9,000 " 8,000 " 7,000 " 6,000 " 5,000 " 4,00 " 3,000 " 2,000 " 1,500 " lo,()o0 " 15,000 " 10,000 " 12,Of)0 " 15,oo0 " 10,000 " 42,500 " each, each . each. 20 Gifts, 20 Gifts, 30 Gifts, 50 Gifts, 50 Gilts, 125 Gifts, 750 5 '0 4o0 SoO 200 100 each, each, each, each. C23 Gifts in all..., '.00,000 The Concert and Distribution will take place und'-r the immediate direction of the Board of Trustees of the Mercantile Library Association, assisted by a Supervisorv Com mittee selected Iron: State, City and County officers, and well known citizens of San Francisco. ROBERT R SWAIN. President M. L. A. W. II. L. BARNES, Vice President. WM. C. U ALSTON, Treasurer. After paying the expenses of the entertain ment, and making the distribution of the Gifts, the balance will be applied to ex tinguishing the present indebtedness of the Mercantile Library Association. Holders of tickets to which gifts may be awarded, will receive the same on presenta tion of such tickets or coupons to the Ku.-i-ness Agents of the Board of Trustees at their office, No. 3lS California st., San Francisco. NO'JL'JCE. . HOLDERS OF TICKETS 10 THE GIFT Concert in aid ot the Mercantile Library As sociation, are hereby notified that the Con ceit is postponed until Monday, Oct. 3 let, IS70. Unexpected Interferences have opeiafed to make this deity necessary to- accomplish the result of freeing the Library from debt, without recourse to other privileges granted by act of the Legislature, passed February 19. 1870. , ... ..- , ,w (. . This is positively the only postponement which will be made, The Concert will take place on the day above named, commencing at nine o' 'dock, a. m., and to continue until all the gifts have been awarded. "The funds already in bank are considerably t"JSre than sufficient to insure the successful Completion of the contract with the, pujblic i. ne saie or iicKcts win positively close on I riday, the 2Sth day of October, 1870. . . All tickets remaining unsold at that time will be Withdrawn from sale and cancelled. They will be advertised by their numbers, on the 20th day of October, 1S70, in one or more of the daily papers of this City. Any dimi nution thus ln.iae in the number of tickets to be drawn, will not afl'eet the number or amount of the gifts. They will be as hereto fore advertised, to-wit : 62S gifts, amounting in all to 50o,o00 gold. Ticket holders residing out of San Fran cisco will receive duly accredited lists of the awards of Gifts, which will also be published in the leading San Francisco daily papers, on the 1st of November, 1870. Delivery of gilts will commence November 2d, 1870, at the otlice. No. 31 S California st., to all parties presenting tickets to which gifts have been awarded. All gifts awarded to non-residents will be held to their order and for their account. ROBERT B. SWAIN. Prest. M. L. A. W H. L. BARNES. Vice President. W. C. RALSTON, Treasurer. THOS. R. HAYES, Recording Sec'y. DAVID WILDER, Corresp. Sec'y. Trustees : W.AsHtfritNER.'J. M. McNultt.A. M. Ebbets, W. E. Woon, Isaac Wokmser, A. P. Elfk.lt, W. G. Badger, F. B. Reynolds, S. IIubbaro. Maurice Dore 3c Charles R. Peters, BUSINESS AGENTS, No. 318 California Street. Sept.' I0:m2 ST. CHARLES HOTEL, , Corner Front and Morrison Sts., PORTLAND OREGON. M. Keith, Manager. 17INEST AND LARGEST HOTEL OX . the Northwest, Coast. The building is a new brick structure, and furnished in the most elegant style, affording the very best accommodations to guests. Free Coach and Baggage Wagon to and from theJkv.se. 43:tf Card. Orfgox City, Aug. 25th. 170. MESSRS. EVERSON & MIODI.EMISS, General Agents, and S. M. Ilotdredge, Man ager Oregon and Washington Branch Office of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company : We received on the l'Jth inst. 5,0o0 in behalf of the widow of S. IJosenstein, insured in your company on November Coth, ISf.S. Words cannot ex press bow welcome this money is to the be reaved widow of Mr. Rosenstein, for it is all that she has to protect her from actual want. I shall ever be grateful to your Company for the promptness and hearty good will with whicli this money was paid. R. JACOB. Am 'r of Estate of S. Rosenstein, dee'd. 3:w4 AVOID QUACKS. A victim of earlv in discretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay, &c, having tiied in vain every advertised remedy, has a simple means of self-cure, which he will send free to his fellow-sufferers. Address J. H. Tt-T-TLE, 7 Nassau st.,. New York'. &ept.L0;ai. SEND TO RUSSELL & EERRY, REAL ESTATE ; .G-EjSTTS, portland, OR TO JOHNSON &. M'COWN, GREGCN G!TY, FOR THE OREGON REAL ESTATE GAZETTE FREE OF GHAIIGE. Sept. ti tf 1847. 1870. Few Goods ! Hew Goods' ! II. CAUPIELD BEGS LEAVE TO INFORM THE PUBLIC that he has refitted the old stand,' corner Ham and Seventh Sts., Oregon City, and has received an entire new stuck of goods, con sisting of DRY GOODS, GROCEIiiES, CROCKER Y, GLASS WARE, WOODESIVARE, and a general assortment of everything in our line. Tbankiul for past favors, we still solicit a share, of the public patronage. Country Produce taken iu exchange for goods. -. ,. 43:ly PJOTSOE- LEON DSLOUEY, Of the BARNUM RESTAURANT, Main street, OREGON CITY, Beg to inform the public and his friends that he has leased the lower part of the CLIFF HOUSE, Which he has opened as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. The table will at all times be supplied with tile best the market afTords. Orders for suppers and parties will be promptly attended to. Julv 2:tf Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Or egon, for the county of Clackamas. Mathcw Merritt vs. Elsy Ann Merritt ) Plaintiff. j Deft 'endant. To Defendant, Elsv Ann Merritt. IN THE NAME CF THE STATE OF OR tgon: You are hereby requested to ap pear and atiMver the complaint filed ugainsst you in the above entitled suit, within ten days after the service of this sum mons upon you, if served in Clackamas county, or twenty days if served in any other county in said State, and unless you appear and answer said complaint in said time, or on or before the first daT of the said Court, commencing next after the ex piration of six weeks from the publication of this summons, to-wit: On. the Fourth JAntdayin CetcJu; A. J)., 1S70, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in the complaint, to-wit: A decree forever dissolving the Bonds of Matiimony existing between you and plaintiff. By order of lion. W. W. Upton, Judge of said Court. September 5th 170 . JO H S.SOX. & McCOWN, Scptl0:Gw Att'ysfor Plaintiff. iT'TT f"1 MEW FOOD. 'Si. For a few cents you can buy cf your Grocer or Druggist a packagedf SEA-MOSS FARINE, made from pure Irisli Mossy or Carrageen, vIiidi will make sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange, and a liko quantity cf Yu(l (Ilngs, Custards, Creams, Char lotte Kusse, Sec. It is the' cheapest, healthiest and most delicious food i:i the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Change ! ! TTIE CJtiEAT WORLD'S TCISIC. Plantation Bitters. restorative is tlse s5icei-uii-chor of tSac fcclilc and dc5;ili talcd. As a 60221c ;::2 I cordial for the ageel and l:si2fxid, it tins 110 cqisal asnoisg , slcsra actiics. As a remedy for fi2ae nea'X'ons wcalssess to wSsacJi womcai arc cspecirslly ssslj jeef, ft is supei'sediaig every other stira2!ant. la all Cli mates, tropical, temperate, or frigid, it acta as a specific in every species of disorder wliicla uiideramaies tlae Iiodily streaigtli and breaks down the animal spirits. For sale ly all EJruggists. Aug. 20, lS7C:ly EEDIXGTQ, IIOSTETTEU & CO. Stop that Coiighin ' Some of you can't, aud we pity you. You have tried every remedy buttle ONE destined, by its'intrinic merit, to supersede sdl similar preparations. It is not surprising you should be reluc tant to try something else aficr the many experiments you have made of trashy compounds foisted on the public as a Certain cure ; but Newell's Pulmonary Syrup is redly the VERY BEST remedy ever compounded for the cure of ' Cough, Colds, Sere Throat i Axth nia, IVhobping Coughs, BroncJtitis and Consumption. Thousands of people in California and Oregon Lave been already benefited by the surprising curative powers of NewelTs Pulmonary Syrup and with one accord give it their un qualified approbaton. We now address ourselves to all who are unacquainted with this, the greatest panacea of the age. for the healing of all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, assuring you that ftlewelTs Pulmonary Syrup Ins cured thousands, and it will cure YOU, if you try it. This invaluable medicine is pleasant to the taste ; sooth ing, healing and strengthening in its effects; entirely free from all poisonous or deleterious druprs.and perfectly barm less under all circumstances. For Sale lay all Druggists. REUINGTON, HOSTETTEIl & CO., 410 and 418 Front street, San Francisco. JOHN MYjEIL UNDER THE COURT HOUSE, OUEGON CITY, OREGON. RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY KOIS, GROCERIES, HOOTS & SHOES, IIARDWAIIE, We also constantly keep on band SALEM CASS IME RES, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which we will self at the Fa.ctory Prices, aud will take wool in exchange. 3?"We will also pay the highest price for Butter, Eggs, and all kinds of good country produce. We will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash o- its equivalent in good merchantableprude.ee. 3 Give us a call aud satisfy yourselves. C. W. POPE St CO., DEALKItS IX STOVES, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, BRA ZIERS," COPPER, LEAD I'H'E, IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS, RUI5BER HOSE. FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS, ZINC, COPPER, BRASS AND IRON WIRE. Also a general assoitment cf House Fur nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Vlare. TvOOFING AND JOBBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORD.EI;, AND AT Lav, PRICES. o Also at POPE'S S'lOVE STORE you will find HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND TINWARE. LANTERNS, LAMPS AND OIL, LUCINE AND NIGHT LAMPS. ALSO PERAMBULATORS. - o All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. "IV. POPE &" CO. Oregon City Oregon. H:lj J. R. RALSTON, r TS STILL AT HIS OLD STAND . CORNER OF MAIN and SIXTH STREETS, OREGON CITY, OREGON. "TTHERE HE WOULD INVITE BIS V y friends, and the public in general, to call and examine his stock, consisting ot a general assortment of Dry Goods, Clotlaiia ISoots and Slaocs, Hats sin cl Caps, Hardware. Crocltcry, Groceries, &c ZJ Having from many years' experience THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES IN SKAIL PROFITS! IS DETERMINED TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS. WILL Silence the Cry of Poriland Prices! Oregon City, August 2Sth, 1S69. ZdiP' It' you wish the .very, best Cabinet Photographs, you most call on BRADLEY A- RULOFSON", iZ'd Montgomery street, Sua Francisco. "LIMIIMMMII II I ' ' Recliiigton's 0 Flav oring Extracts4 ARE THE PERFECTLY PURE AND highly concectrated Extracts from Fresh. Fruits, prepared with great care. Thev are put up in superior style, and in a bottle bidding TWICE AS MUCH as the ordinary brands of Extracts. Comparing quality and contents, none other are nearly so cheap. p Whenever tested on their MEiUTS,they have been adopted ii; preference to all. otheis. and are: now the STANDARD. FLAVORING EXTRACTS of the Pacific' Coast. O O J JT--1 UK THE A I) YA NTAdEs: B3' purchasing Rtdingtou's Concen trated Flavoring Extracts, you obtain an' article not only superior in richness and. delicacy of flavor to any ot her of a simi lar nature, but far more economical, be-, cause each b-.ttie holds double the quantity contained in a bottle of any other flavoring extract sold. k REDIXGTOX, IIOSTE1 TEH & CO., Agents for the Pacific Coa.st.' O O A! LEY, HARDS & CO.,' Successors of L. Diller in the Lincoln Bakery, 1)EG LEAYE TO IM-OKAl 'iilfc Clii-. ) zeus of Oregon City and surrounding country, that they keep constantly on baud and tor sale, all liinds 01 BREAD, CR CKER, CAKES, PASTRY, CANDIEs AND NUTS. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES.. Orders promptly filled, aud goods deliver ed at the residence of the pui chaser when desired. . The highest prices paid for Butter, Eggs and Vegetables. . ;: ... . A liberal . s-bare of public patronage is re spectfully solicited. April 23, lSTo.Iy JOHN FLEMING 3 DEALER IN BOOKS AND STATIONERY, o . 0 o ' IN MYERS" FIRE-PROOF BRICK, MAIN" $T K EET, CItrCOX CITY, OK EG OX. p. o Would yon escape FEVER AND AGUE, and preserve health and vigor during ihe s.ckly season, make occasional use of the following as A PREVENTIVE. : If you are ATT CKED with Chil's and Bilious Fever, or'have been a vicfirfr O to such disease, ar.d used other so-called remedies without permanent relief, seek at once the safest and surest o CURE, by usingr accoi ding to directions q MASON & POLLARD'S ANTM&ALARIA,' or. Fever and Ague Pills. Time has proved them thoroughly to be the safest and most reliable remedy known. Tin y contuin no mercury or other mineral or cheiuical. They are exclusively vege table. They stimulate the functions of theliver. Congestion isimpossible w litre they are used. They do not deter from daily labor, by assisting digcst?tn tbej' add flesh and muscle to the frarre. They are adapted to all ages and both sexes, ai-d as a FAMILY rEOiGIHE' Will CURE in their incipiency, three fourths ot all diseases incidental to a malarious climate. For Dyspepsia, iu small doses, they have no equal. For sale fcy al! Druggists. itEDlNGTON." HOSTETTEIl & CO., SOLE AGENTS. AUCTION AND COMMISSION Am IS.' RieSaardsoia, ., AUCTIONEER! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland . -AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Merchan ' : . , j ir . , .. Every Wednesday and Saturday K. B. HicHARDsoN, Auctioneer." G . t; AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron Englisli Squar and Octagon Cast steel ; Horse shoes, piles, Rasps, saws ; , . , , , Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron ; also : v A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer Harvest of 1870 L! SclUnyoiflo Close Ihtsmcss, Aiid no HUMBUG ! TSae Eiilire Stock! or DRY GOODS. J READY-HADE CLCTHIKG; IC0TS AND SHOES; 'o liens' Ladies, Misses' and Childrens' HATS AND CAFS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps; . Wicks, CLinmeys and BuraerPj Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. , Has got to he sold Regardless of Prior y t To corvmce yourself with fe cct to this waiter, call at the old corner, A o 1. M-a.i.i.x Soutli ofTpe Sf Co.'s Ti't 7 ,to'rc o Ore sen. City o O f ' I 0 O O if n -j 'S 4 o O O i O o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o O