o O" o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o OP A FIGIITIXG DOUG. AN AFI'-CCTIXG DITTY. An Oregonian owned, a terrier dorg A bob-tail ornery cuss And that there purp got that man In many an ugly muss : For the man was on his muscle, And the dorg" was on his bite, So (o kick that dorg goned anitnile Was sure to raise a fight. A woman owned a Thomas cat. That fought at fifteen pound ; And other cats got up and slid When that there cat was round. TheCfiian and his dorg came along one day, Where the woman she did dwell. And the purp he growled ferociously, Then went for the cat like . ILriried to chaw 11 ic neck of the cat. Uut the cat he wouldn't be chawed, So he lit on the back of tint there dorg. And bit! and clawed! and clawed! Oh. the hair itew and the purp he youled ! As the clawr went into his hide, And chunks of flesh were peeled from his back ; Then he ilummuxed, and kicked, and died ! The man he ripped, and cussed and swore. O As he gathered a big brick-bat, That he'd be dog-goned essentially If ho didn't kill that cat. But the woman allow'd she'd be blessed if he did ! And snatched up an old shot-gun,. Which she fired and peppered his dia phragm With bird-shot number one-. They toted him home on a window blind, And the doctor cured him up ; But he never was knfiwn to fight again, Or to own another purp. Folks may turn up their snoots at this 'ere rhyme, I don't care a cuss for that ; All I want to show is that fighting dorgs May tackle the wrong Tom cat. The Lost Dinner. In the town of Newcastle, in .'England, there was a man ly the 3i alii e of Patient Joe. He worked in a coal inc. He was called Patient Joe, because if trrief came to him he would say, " It's all for the best ; those who love God shall find all things work together lor .good." If things went well with him Joe would praise God ; ami if things Went if! vith him he would praise God, iiP.d say, " God knows best "what is for my good. We must not iudizc of thincrs by this life (Silone ; t heroes a life to come after this : and things that may not seem good for us here may be good for us there.'' O In the coal-pit where Joe worked some of the men would jeer and laugh at him when he said " It's all for the best." There was a man by the name of Tim who would Jose no chance to laugh at Joe. One day, as Tim and Joe were -getting ready to go down into the pit, Joe, who had brought his din ner of bread and bacon with him, laid it on the crround for a moment. in Before he could take it up, a hun gry dog seized it and ran oil. " Ha; ha !" cried Tim, " that's all for the best, is it, man ? Sow stick to thv creed and say 'Yes.' " " Well. I do say ' Yes,' " said Joe; " but as I must eat, it is my duty to try to get back my dinner. O If I get it back it will be all for the best, and if I don't get it back, why it M ill be all for the best, just Othe same. God is so great, that he can rule the smallest things as wcllc&s the greatest." o Joe ran after the dog; and Tim with a laugh and an oath, went down into the coal pit. Joe -fan a long way, but could not catch rthe dog. At 'last Joe gave up the ,chaseand came back to the mine, thinking to himself that the men would have a good laugh at him. But he found them all pale with alarm andwe. " What a narrow .escape you have had, Joe !" said . one of them. " The pit has caved inind poor Tim is killed. If that dosr had not run oiF with your din ner von would have gone with Tim ; into the pit and been killed too." Joe took off his hat, and while his breast heaved and his cheek grew pale, awl the tears came into cliis eyes, te looked up to heaven ,but said not a word. A Lo"H Stoi;y with a jFoiiat -There is a good story going the rounds of a young lady and gen tleman at a fashionable party in Nashwille, Tenn., a few even ings since. The- young man Ava handsome qUh! happy, the young lady arrayed in all the ex quisitc taste of lavender, rose, etc., witj goldpowder hair flowing over her swan-like neck. Finding -the heat of the room too much for them, they sought the cool shade of an arbor. The music rose and 3foll, trine flew on silver pinions and after an absence of about three hours, our young friends entered tie brilliantly illuminated parlors. The young lady passed on in the dance, but the young man was slightly taken aback by his next neighbor informing him that round his neck was the unmistakable O print of two armsf all in chalk, and on one shoulder and on his upper lip nd cheek yellow powder. The young lady's hair was ob served to be several shades paler, floral: Carry a dusting broom in your pocket. i( File right !" said an officer to the company. "Bed.id," said an Irishman who stood near by sharp ening his saw; "It's me property and I'll be after doin' as-I plaze about it. in) 'i mum "'ii i ii 1 n " i- ' j-m i.f, 'ftgtwn ... , H."asmsmmaaa TO THE XERYOUS & DEBILITATED WHOSE SUFFERINGS HAVE BEEN Protracted froni Hidden Causes, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE Prompt Treatment to render existence desirable. If von are suffering or have suffered, from involuntary discharges, what effect does it pro. uce upon 3-our general health ? Do you leel weak, debilitated, easily tire-1 ? Does a little extra exertion produce palpitation of the heart? Does your liver, or urinarv or gans, or your kidneys frequently get out of order ? Is your urine sometimes thick, milky or tiocky, or is it ropy on settling ? Or docs a thick scum rise to'thc top? Or is a sedi ment at the bottom after it lias stood awhile? Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated? Do you have spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the head? Is your memory im paired? Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subject ? Do you feel dull , listless, moping, tired of company, of life? Do you wish to be left alone, to get away from every body ? Does any little thing make you start or jump ? Is your sleep broken or restless ? Is ihe lustre of your eye as brilliant ? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do von cn joy yourself in society as well ? Do 3 011 pur sue your business with the same energy ? Do you feol as much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and llagging, given to tits of melancholy ? If so do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights? Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but little appetite", and you attrib ute this to dyspepsia, or liver complaint? sell-abue. venereal diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of producing a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of generation, when in perfect health, MAKE THE MAX. Did You Ever Think that those bold. defiant, energetic, persevering, successful business men, are always those whose generative organs are 111 perfect health ? " You cever hear such men complain of be ing melanchol3', of nervousness, or palpita tion of the heart. The" are never afraid the' cannot succeed in business; they don't become sad and discouraged ; they are all ways polite and pleasant in the company ot ladies, and look you and them right in the face none of 3'onr downcast looks or other meanness about them. I do not mean those who keep the organs inflated by running to excess. These will not only RUIN THEIR CONSTITUTIONS, but also those they do business with or for. How many men, from badly cured diseases, from the effects of self-abuse and excesses, have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced the general system so much as to induce almost every other disease IDIOCY, IJAX5 spinal affections, suicide, and almost every other form of disease which humanity is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored for all but the right one. Discuses of these organs require the useof a Diuretic. ID'S m FLUID EXTRACT is the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for disease-! of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness. Female Cora plaints. General Debility, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. If no treatment is submitted to, Oonsump tion or lusar i'y may ensue. Our flesh and blo'ul are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Pos terity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedv. HELMBOLD'S 5; fa A. JL j-iJ Established upward of Nineteen Years IS prepared r.y H. T. HELMBOLD, Druggist, 594 Broadway, Mew York, AND 104 South Tenth St., Phila., Pa- Price 1.2 per Bottle, or 6 Bottles for S'i.50, delivered to any address. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. None are genuine unless done up in steel ensrraved wrapper, with fac-simile of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed H. T :, l0:iy HELMBOLD. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRIG AT 13. L. STOISTETS, Ko. "207 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. WALTIIAM WATCHES, GOLD CHAINS AXD JUNGS, CLOCKS, OROIDE WATI5IIES AND CHAINS FINE JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. .All at jSTervr York Prices; SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES: EYERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED. Watches and Jewelry repaired1. juTltf THE "IXGEU" SEW -4 FAMILY SEWING- MACHINE, filth Attachments fur all kinds of IVork, is fast icinnhig furor in, the house hold, as shoivn bj the sales of last yctr, amoeniling to eighty-six thousand seven- hundred and eig!:ty-me, JSIacK in es , irit ith ftr exceed those of any other Company. This new FAMILY MACHINE is capable of a range and variety of work such as was thought impossible, a short time ago, to per form by machinery. We claim, and can show those whom it may concern, that it is the cheapest, most beautiful, delicately arranged, nicely adjusted, easily operated, and smoothly running of al! the family Sewing Machines. It is remarkable, not only for the range and variety of its sewing, but also lor the variety and different kinds of texture which it will sew with ejual facility and perfection, using S.Ik Twist. Linen or Cotton Thread, line or coarse, making the INTERLOCKED ELAS TIC STITCH, alike on both fides of the fabric sown. Thus beaver cloth, or leather. may be sown with great strength and uni formity of stitch, and in a moment this will ling and never wearying machine may be adjusted for fine work on gauze or gossamer tissue, or the tucking of tai lctan ,or ruffling, or almost any other work which delicate fingei.s have been known to perform. Purchasers can soon be convinced that our new Family Machine embodies NEW and essential principles simplicity of construc tion ease of operation uniformity ot PRE CISE action at any speed capacity fin- range and rariety of work, line or coarse, leaving all rivals behind it. TIic Folding Cases. The New Family Machine may be had in a variety of folding covers and cases. Some show in polished surface only the grain and tint of the wood, while others are finished iu all the elaboration of art. Tlte Attachments For Hemming, Felling, Poflling, Braiding, Rinding, Cording. Gathering, Tucking, Em broidering, Arc, a,-e not only numerous, but now brought to great perfection. Most of them can be attached or detached by a sim ple move ot the hand. The quality of the work can only be fully appreciated on ob servation and examination. 5Iacliinc Twist, LIN-EX THREAD, SrOOL COTTO.V, OIL, &C. We have and shall keep in stock at our Central Ofhce, and Agencies, (ou spools of various sizes,) Twist of all sizes and colors, Linen Thread, Spool Cotton, Oil, and all other articles necessary in the use of our ma chines, 'Ye wish it understood that we manufacture the Twist sold by us ; that we shall aim to have it excel in quality and exceed in quan tity, for a given price, that of other manu facturers, and that the Twist made by us in our new and extensive mills, supplied as they are with the most improved machinery and skilled labor can be relied on for the desirable qualities of uniformity of size, even ness, length of thread as marked oa tacli spool, strength, excellence of color, and beauty of fiuish. Tho Singer Manufacturing Co., No. 45S Broadway, New York. San Francisco OHice 109 Montgomery St. Aug 23:3m NEW WAG OX AX1 Carriage Fwlanyfactory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old star-d Corner of Main and Third streets. Oregon City, Oregon. Takes this method to inform 1,5s old pat- rons, and as many new ones as may r 1 oe pleased to call, that he is now prepared, 'Hh ample room, good materials, and the yery bost of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and tarn out all complete any sort of a vebicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. Blacksmif'ning, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing neatly, quickly and cheap ly done, DAVID SMITH. Opposite Excel-ior Market gUADES SALOOX. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. 3IAIX STJIEET, Oregon City. Bert BILLIARD TABLES in, OR EG OA' Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. THE BAB IS S UP PLIED Wth all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon already famous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE STONE .jL"E1! OX DRAUGHT. cyTaaiBjos supplied. jSfOTICE. - 6 The People's Transportatiorf CornpErny WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEA'MEKS FROM OREGON CITY AS FOLLOWS FOR PORTLAND : At 1 P. M., every day, except' Snnihy. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDA" FOR For Salem, and Dayton.- t AXl) OX TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, FOR 0 A. A. McCLTLLY, President. Aug. Cth. lSO'J.f-lo.tf LAUDEN & CcFRANCE'S NATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, PORTLAND, OREGON, For the instruction of Middle-Aged Men, Yonng Men and Boys, In the branches of a Business Education. rpilJS IS WITHOUT DOUBT A MOST I thorough and eflicient Institution, and has made for iisHf a name in Oregon, of which its friends are justly proud. The brancht-s whien st:ind out prominent ly in the curiiculum of study are BOOKKEEPIXCr. COMKUCIAL ARITHMETIC, POLITICAL ECONOMY, PENMANSHIP, COMMERCIAL LAW, CORRESPONDENCE, &.C. A most thorough practical department is in constant operation, in which are com prised all the minutiae of business affairs. Students can enter at any time. No va cations. Call at rooms; coiner of FRONT and AL DEU streets,, or stnd for a circular contain ing lull information. Address, LALDE.V fc DtFRAKCG. Portland, Oregon. The standard remedy for Coughs, Influ enza, Sore Throat . I I'ioopi ng Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, Bronehitls, pie f ding of the Lungs, and every affection of tho Throat, Liinars and ChesL including CoygcMrnoy. AVistar's Huisum doe not dry up a Cough, but loosens it, cleanses the hjngs, and allaj's irritation, thus removing thueaase of the complaint. None genuine unless signed I. Bt'i ts. Prepared by Seth W.Fowle & Sos, Boston. Sold by RumxoTGX. Hos. tetter ,t Co., Saa Francisco, and by dealers generally. Jel8:ly WILLIAM SINGER Has Ustablijheel A Factory FOR THE MANUFACTORY OF FURMTURE, SASH, BLINDS AND COORS, AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. JBSr They will also do TURNING, of every description to order, With Neatness and Dispatch! o ALL WORK WAIiRANTED. Shop on the River, back of Ackerman Store, Oregon City, Oresron Oregon City, July 20:tf WALTER B New CARFETIKGS VELVETS; BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, OIL - CLOTHS; WINDOW-SHADES; PAPER -HANGINGS, LACE - CTJBTAINS, &c; &c We Would Call the attention of par ties fitting tp houses, or being in need of anything in our line To our Stock ivhich is ONE OF lilt C OllPLETEST On the Pacific Coast! Our Goods being sj)eciallg selected at the Factories in England and the Eastern Stales, we 6an sell AT THE LO WEST SaiiFiaiicisc6 Prices. WALTER BliOS., No. SO Front street, between Alder tjO.J and Washington, "Portland Oregon 112 FRONT STREET FIRST STREET, :Near Jlornson Street. Near Yamhill. KAST & CAHALIIT. New Stock of Boots and Shoes JEST RECEIVED ! Best Selection in the City Comprising all the leading and best brands known, such as JJenkert's, Tirrell's, Fo org's, Houghton & Coolidge's. Reed's, Godfrey's and numerous others, of grwla' and boys' wear. Also Mile's, Si-etsrlich's, Hurt's, San Francisco' and custom-made ladies and children's wear. Onr customers and the public in gehr'ral are invited to call and examine ow slock, which we will sell cheaper than eter. I'. S. Boots made to order, and an assort ment of our make constantly on hand. CARD From the Hational(EIgin) Watch Co. The attention of watch buyers is called to the following improvement in the American. Watches, manufactured by the National (.El gin) Watch Company of Elgin, 111.: The En;ix Watchks are furniseed with Burt's patent pinion, to prevent damage to the train in case of the breaking of the main spring. The Elin watches are furnished with a patent hair spring stiid. to pi event the chang ing the adjustment ot the hair spring alter the watch has been regulated. ltie J-Jgin watcnes are lurnisiieu wit!) a patented contrivence for the letting down of the main spring without removing the dial or ha rids. The Elgin "Watches are so constructed that the barrel can be removed and the mam spring changed without taking the watch down. The Elgin Watches are furnished with the only complete protection agains dust yet in troduced upon American made movements. The dust-excluder used upon the lilgin move njentseflectually encloses the works, and renders the entrance of dust ar in)posibility These improvements are peculiar to the Elgin Watches, and are found on none oth ers. The dust-excluder will specially com mend itself to miners, railroad men and oth ers engaged in out-of-door employment. TheElgiu Watch branded " J. W. Ray mond r' is constructed with especial reference to its use upon engines and moving trains, and the Company claim for it that it is the best railroad watch in the world. The fol lowing prominent railroad olhxialshave giv en it their hearty endorsement and commen dation : E. . Phillips, Esq., President Lake .shoie and Michigan Southern li. It.; Col. C. G. Hammond, Superintendent Union Pacific R.U.; Edward 11. Williams, General Super intendent Pennsylvania It. It. Co.; L. D. Pucker, General Superintendent Erie It. It.; J. Al, Toucey, General Superintendent Hud son itiver It. It. : G. L. Dunlap, General Su perintendent Chicago and Nonh Western li'y and many others. Eadies desirous of purchasing a handsome, strong and correct time piece, will find the elega watch bearing the trade mark of " LADY ELGIN" to be all that they desire. Inquire ot your jeweler for the LADV EL GIN. The real Elgin Watches, elegant, accurate, durable, in many styles and at various prices, each accompanied by the special warrantee certificate of this Company, ami usually also guaranteed by the local dealer or watch maker, can be "had of most jewelers in all towns throughout the United States. Call and ask to see them. As an additional xro tection, look for "National Watch Co," on the dial, and one ot the following trade marks, viz., "Ii W. Raymond," "H. Z. Cul ver," "II. H.Tavlor," "G.M. Wheeler," "W. II. Ferry," "Matt, Laflin,,' "J. T. Ityerson," "Lady Elgin," or ' Frances Rubie," together with the words "Elgin, Ills.," engraved up on the gilt plate inside. These are the trade marks to denote the various grades and styles, but as even these have been pirated, require also the special warranty ceititicatc, duly signed by T. M. Avery, the President of the Company, and numben-dto correspond iith the watch. The trade on the Pacific coast supplied at factory prices by Levison Pros, C'l'j Wash ington street. Sap Fiaucisco. who have on hand at all times a full supply of all grades of movements, and material for repairing the same. An illustrated pamphlet, entitled "Making Watches bv Machinery." by the late Albert D. Richardion, will be- forwarded free of charce bv sending address to NATIONAL WATCH COMPANY, 159 and K.l LaKe street, Ltncago ; Np. 1 Maiden Lane. New York ; or L VI SON BUOS, 629 Washington st.., San Francispo, Cal. aug2om2 Physician & Accoucheuee. DR. MARY P, SxlWTELLE, OFFERS HER PROFESSIONAL SER vices to the people of Oregon Cit; and vicinity. IJesidence in the country," ten miles east ot Oregon City. May H:tf .. JUSTICES' BLANKS, of every descri tion. printed at the ENTKuriaM; eflic From the National (Elgin) Watch Co. The attention ot watch-buyers is called to the imjrroved American Watches, manufac tured bv the National (Elgin) Watch Com pany of "Elgin, III. Ladies desirous of purchasing a handsome, strong and correct time piece will find the elesant watch bearing the trade mark of 'LaDV ELUIN" to be all that they desire. Inquire of your jeweler for the LADY EL GIN. , , , The trade upon the Pacific coast supplied at factory prices by Levison Bros,(3'29 ash ington st ret t, San. Francisco, who have on hand at all times a" full supply of all grades of movements, and material for repairing the same. An illustrated pamphlet, entitled "Making Watches Itv Machinery ." bv the late Albert 1). Richat rfson. will "be forwarded free of chartre by sending address to NATIONAL WATCH COMPANY, 159 and 1(11 Lake street, Chicago ; No. 1 Maiden'Lane, New York ; Or LEVI SON BROS, 629 Washington st., San Francisco, Cal. Saug'J0m2 Remington's sencc Jamaica Ginger, Which aV cemfidently recommended ai the best prepai tion now he-fore the public. This valuable preparation, containing in a highly concentrted form al! the properties of Jamaica Oinger.has become one of the most popular domestic reme dies for all diseases ci" the stomach and digestive organs. As a tonic, it will he found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced by. fever or otherwise;' for while it impart?to the system all the glow and vigor that can be produced by wine or brandy, it is entirely free from the reactionary efiects that follow the use of spirits of asy kind. it is also an excellent remedy for females who sailer from difficult men struation, giving almost immediate re lief to the spasms that so frequently ac company that period. , , . , It gives immediate relief to Nausea, caused by riding in a railroad caror by sea sickness', or other causes. It is also. - valuable as an external ap plication for Gout," Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc- . . REDI3,GTO, HOSTETTEIl & CO., 41G and 418 Front street, Sah Francisco". T -0- A VERDICT HAS BEEN RENDERED by hundreds on this coast to the Su perior Medical Virtues of I5U. ,T. W. MURRAY it SOS; FREEJIUBI LUNG BALSAM V The safest and surest remedy congenial with the laws of nature ever yet discovered . in medical Science. Also, T)r. J. W.. Murray fc Sons' MAtilC Olt., the lying of all Pains. The best family medicine in fhe world. Sure remedy fsrr sudden attacks, a? Spasms, C roup, Cramps, ITeuralgiA, Headache, To&thache, etc. Jt is one of the most reliable medicines in all nervous and inflamalory complaints and pains, such aa Rheumatism" .Sere Throat, Diptheria. Sprains, Praises, "Felons, Weak. Swollen and Sti.T Joints, Contracted Cords and Muscles, Lame Back, and numerous other complaints. Directions on each bottle. .,, Mothers and nurses will find it an incom parable Soothing Syrup, sate and harmless when diluted with sweetened water, lor the most delicate child. Office I013 Fronttreet, Portland. For sale by all dr'iggisla and traders on this coast. . . Sept. 3df Dr. J, H. HATCH, DENTIST. The patronage of those desiring first Class 0e ration, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction iu all cases guaranteed. N. B. Ait rots O.ryde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Ofkicb In Weigant's new building, west side of First street, between Alder and Mor rison streets, Portland, Oregon. WALL A MET IRON WORKS COMPANY!! Ifois. !Fomilcrs9 STEAIVl EiMG!i3E And Eoiler Builders ! rpp?p5 North Front aiulE ts,. Portland, Oregon. rpiIESE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the JL bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and have facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and efficiently. We have secured" the services of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coast for fifteen years gives him a thorough knowledge of the various kinds of machinery required for mining and milling purposes. We arc prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOURING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING I'CMPS ! ! &C, &C, &C, JUanvfucture and Repair Machinery of all l ino-. IRON SHUTTER WORK at San Francisco cost and freight. Wheeler & Ran dall's Patent Grinder and Amalgamator. Ihenitar's and Steven's Self Adjusting Patent Piston, Packing, either applied to od or vew steam cylinders. Quartz Stampers, Shoes and dies, if the best hard iron Z:y A. G. CALLING'S Pioneer Book Bindery. OREGONIAN BUILDING, Xo. 5 "Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to any desired pattern. MUSIC ROOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. To Stock Drovers. THE ROAD ACROSS THE CASCADE Mountains, know ss the ' Old Emigrant Road," is now in splendid order for the ac commodation of the public. The bridges on the road have all been thoroughly repaired, and stock drovers will find it no trouble to cross the Mountain by this route. There is tplenty of good water and grass on both sides of the Mountain, and the distance across is only 50 miles, being the shortest as well as the best road oyer the Cascade Mountains. Stock drovers and emigrants will find it to their advantage to travel over this route. Toles reasonable. JOSEPH YOUNG. President. Clackamas county, July,lS70:jul6if FRENCH MEDCAL OFF lev DR. MIEN PERRAULT Dr. or Medicine of the Fan.it J Paris, Graduate of the lniV,r Vf Q.ue's College, and Physician of".V St. John BaptUte Society of San ?'h Cisco. '"I Dr. Perrault has the pleapure to inf patients and othirs seeking confidential ical advice that he can be consulted d nei his office, Armory Hall Buildinn ? vlyf' East corner of Montgomery and m streets, San Francisco, Kolml ?Nos first floor, up strirs, entrance on .'in ' Montgomery or Sacramento streets Dn. Perkai lt's studies hare been Bi . exclusively devoted to- ihe cu! ?l various forms of Nervous and ii,..: . Ilie bility, the result of injurious habits c, in youth, which usuahy terminate in m lence and sterility, and tiprman.,i. A....'. J - vence ana sierinty, ana permanentlv ;r,ah all the concomitants of old oiuci luiiiiiuij cAieis involving the ha ness of a life and that of r,tW? ness of a life and that of otW? , "TP'- morality dictate the necessity of its tcnir r for it is a fact that premature d?H;S that premature decliS t .? ' vigor of manhood matrimonial unhapijinp compnlsoi v sincle life. etc.. v,o,., .,! sources in causes, the erm ot which is iianf ed m early life, and the bitter fruits ta.V Ion g afterward; patients, laboring nnder tW nplaint, will complain of one or moi'Pr, cuiupiaiui, win compiain 01 one or mortrM the tfoilowinfT Kvnintnms:0n(.t.i . sions," Pains in the Back and Head, "Weak" ness of Memory and Sight, Discharge from the Urethra on going to stool or making Wg ter, Intellectual Faculties- are Weakened' Loss of Meiaory ens'is, Ideas are clouded' and there is a disinclination to attend to buSl iness, or even to reading, writing or i)a" society of friends, ete. The patient will probably complain of Dizziness, Vertigo and that Sight and Hear.ng are weak,entd'and sleep disturbed by dreams; mejancholr Sighing, palpitation; fainting, coughs slow lerers ; while some have external r'"hn matic pain, and numbness of the bv' Some of the common symptoms are pimpj in the face, and aching in difl'erent parts of the body. Patients suffering from tl,j; dis ease, should apply imimdiutelv to Pr. p. raclt, either in person or by letter 'as he will guarantee cure of Seminal Emissions and Impotence in six or,eight weeks. Fa'tients suffering from venerial disease ia ' any; stage, Gononhea, Gleet, Strictures Bubo, Ulcers, Cr.tareous Eruptions, etc' will be treated successfully. All xjhilitic and Mercurial Taints entirely len.oved Irom the fy'stem. Dk. pEKRAt-LT's diplomas are in his offce, where patients can see for themselves that they are nnder the -care of a regular educa ted practitioner. The best rtfertBcts ghta if required. , Q .Patients suffering under chronic disease, can call and examine for themselves. Ve invite investigation; claim not .to know everything, nor to cure everybvd'y, but e do claim that in all cases taken unuer treat ment we. fulfill our promises. We particular ly request those who have tried' this boastt t doctor, and that advertised phvsician th; worn out and discouraged, to call Low charges and ouick cnresD Uplift Uj, Ladies sufl'ering iron any complaint inci dents to their sex, can colsuU the doctor with the assurance of relief. ! ( .Female MonlJily Pills. Dr.'Perraclt is the only agent rn Cali fornia for Dr. BioTt's FeQiale Mon.tBly l iik Their immense sale has established theirfs utation as a female remedy unapproaelitj, and far in advance of eery other remedy ) r suppression? and irregularities, and.olLtf obstructions in females. On the receipt t' five dollars, these Pills will he sent by nf! or exjiress to any part of theworld, "setuif from curiosity or damage. O . Persons at. a distance can be cured si Iiome, by. addressing a letter to Dr. I'ik ravjs.t, corner of Sacramento and Moiitgi ery streets, Rooms 10 and 11, tf Box P. (). San Francisco, statingthe cases minutely as possible, general habits of Fir ing, occupation, etc, c. All coainiunicaticns conlidential. Ivrtp ; PRIVATE MEDICAL AID. Q,m1c1 Cures and IHcrterate Charges ; DR. W. KV D O It E R T Y ' S I Fs-ivat-e Medical ami Surgical' i 1NSTITXTTE, 0 Sacramento Street, Below MONTGOMERY, opposite the .ciSc Mail Steamship, Company's Oliee. (Private entrance Leadesdoifl' stjprf.) Established Expressly to Afford the Affi tied Sound and Scientific Medical Aid, in tli Treatment and Cure of all Private' and Chronic Diseases, Cases' of Seciecy. and SexuaXisordirs. To Ilie Attlicti-fl. DR. W. K. DOllERTY returns his sincere thanks to bin numerous patients for their patronage, and would take this opportuBitj to remind them that he continues to consult at his Institute for ti e cure of chronic dis eases of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Diges tive asd Grenito-Urinary Organs, and nil private diseases, Tix ; Siphilis in all its forms and stages, Seminal Weakne-s and all the horrid consequences of selbn?e. Uomrr hva, Gh et, Strif turt s, Nueturnal and Diur nal Emission?. Sexual DeVhty, Diseases of the Pack and LoiiiF, inflammation of the Hhidder an3 Kidneys, etc. ; and he bejes that his long experience and successful prac tice will continue to insure him a share of pmblis patronage. By the practice of mzj years ia Europe and the United State?, he i enabled to apply the most efficient find suc cessful reir.edifs against diseases fall k inds He uses no Miercury. clmrfies moderate, ties'' his patients in a correct and honorable aT and has retertnees of unquestionable veraci ty from men f known respectability high standing in society. AH parties cmi' suiting him by letter or otherwise, will re ceive the best and geeSlest tieatme jt an implicit secrecy. To females When a female is in trouble, or afliictt!5 with disease, as weakness of tfte bark ar. limbs, pain in the head, dimness of piph loss of muscular power, nalnitalion of the heart, irritability, nervousness,Gextreme ur I inary difficulties, derancement of dicestirft functions, general debility, vaginitis, all d'u8 eases of the womb, hysteria, sterility and I other diseases peculiar to females, she shon go or write at once to t lie celebrated firr.aic doctor, W. K. DOHERTY, at his Medical In stitute, and consult him about her troubles and diseases. The Doctor is tflecting mere enres than any other physician in the s'ta!e of California. Let no false delicacy present you, but apply immediately and save yenrsej1 from painful sufferings and premature death All married ladies, whose delicate health C other circumstances prevent an incrt-as1' their families should write oPcall at DB K. DOIIERTY'S Medical Institute, and tlitf will receive every possible relief and L'P The Doctor's oflices aie so arranged that'ie can be consulted without far 3f observatioD To Corresponclenfs. Patients residing in any par t of tbefta1 however distant, - lio mav desire the opiB'1' and advice of DR. DOHERTY in their res' tive cases, and who think proper to submit written statement of such, in preference 1 in4i3-T-icTi- sup rpsrectui-. iiviuni ca- ILi vnui ii-Jiv i iv " j . - i ly assured that their communications held sacred and confidential. If the case fully and candidly described, personal cor munication will be unnecessary, as strrs,. tions for diet, regimen and the general trf ment of trie case itself (including the reff dies), will be furwarded without delay, as in such a manner as to convey no idea 01 purport of the letter or parcel. . jers-Consultation by letter or other'- FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no pi Spermatorrhflra. DR. DOHERTY has just published n im portant pamphlet, embodying his own vie and experiences in relation to Impotence irility ; being a Short Treaties on Sperm torrhcea or Seminal Weakness, 'erT'! Phystcal Debility consequent on this tion, end other diseases of the Sexual f L This little work contains information of ' utmost value to all, whether married orsinp.. and will be sent FREE by mail on rece'f' l( six cents in postage stamps tor return 5 age. Address. W. II. DOHERTY. M- P-- , julyOO'y San FratcLco O 'it