o o "toavx axd couxtv. uSl State of Affairs l .;..t, anii- ill of our city J a do not j ,r. neither do we wish to defend any . , t i3 doing a wrotig ; but when out 03t ,rc inflict upon citizens, we think ra?0a i ,nr to nve the city officers a de U 1 S.n-eTtbat the public may know in b',i L of nislit watchman and city of dai,e ; ..jdiunded out- r tf 1 t'?-Ul re cn i ,,v;Vs on the peopie huuo tmL-imu few nights ago a uimcuuy the law. , . un tWO ot our citizens aoout aro.-H.; ,n war and a small fight the l'ra" !e0-i .. : , . , ... . . The night watch beiag pres- place. .mriu-bance without ur.iiv- ent que. . u , but wish. iSiitt . exhibition of authority ,D?,no Z bt to also revenge him,eif for and no 0"" a warrant issued S St.Jas. Vul.cn ace rtL o being drunk and disorderly. SSI won the arrival of the boat from 1 've1 b on.ht before -chief justice th ilJ m although it was proved ' ; was not drunk, but J, ? d Ink a few glasses of beer. They r,Vr to tret a -niece.- msiua u itr that he had resisted the officer in f ! ,lNM"ir"e of his duty only a slight 1 7;;:. IVota the charge- The watch- that lie I.. H1 fllii liUl " lliuli hut that seme one ua IjisiUlerandihuthel had their hand on heard his voice behind him. & U'itnn was was a; so pnneu nun not near him. With iVdiis before him the chief justice., with all the dignity imaginable hud himself hick and said the mau -uau .:imuuuicui.v d-rik a Mass or two of beer." and after ".ling from McCormick's Almanac and it 'e'.V p-iteni oiiicu i'-i1'-1"-' o-" -man $2 50 and costs, in all amounting ,n ..in fid. This we think is a very out- reoii? affair, and looks aa if all the olli r i . !-,. o "l-lii.Pli Till The per? care lor is io iu.hw u. present watch ins arrests sin p-eent watchman has lately while mak ing arrets shown an ilPtimed exhibition tif authority. OV OeaLiUg uni:.ntu . ,,ivr the head with a large Cane. We : ul Wit vs wis!) to uphold ollicers while do : iug'ilieir duty; but beating men and luTiking- them up with clubs while arrest 1 in then" we think is altogether unneces " f irv. There have been, at ditfoftmt times, a r.l'.mber of persons acting in the capac - itv of niglit watchman, and it has never 1 b.W necessary for any of thera to beat : persnis up in th manner this one has. At die lime Mr. Newman resigned the fosiiion. he, by consent of the mayor, .irp'itized a young man to watch for him vn the meeting of the council. As n as he appeared to be sworn in. this rentier wanted to know his political prin ciples;; and ascertaining, as he well knew, lint he was a Democrat and not merchant uhle. ued. as we learn, his influence in Hiving a man appointed that possibly the liilioals might catch to vote for them, en the present incumbent was appointed. Tne tirst man he arrested he beat in such a horrible conditio. l that "he waa com pelled to seek the aid of a phyrdeian. At the. time, we thought the man had resisted liimond it being late at night he could fi't no assistance. We have since learned J'oia men whose; veracity can not be doubted, that the man was perfectly JiiollVn.'-ive. and that the whole thiirg was a nr. outrageous affair. The i-econd was altogether unnecessary, as it was r.riy in the evening and all the assist am:J necsssary to in ike the arrest could li.ve been obaineil without diiliculty. In regard fi the r.rrest of Cajd. Wilson it was undoubtedly ;l piece of malic.', as we iueYnfwrmed that the watchman has -;ti I that all he wanted was a chance to L'ft at hiru."' Jtai)pears lie got at him by iuving him arrested in this manner. JJut 'he most peculiar tiling of all is. where all ;hU ::ost comes IVotn. The watchman's costs were .-52 00; then; were no witnesses io pay. but still Uiere were Sl-t 00 costs. Uaopears to us tuat the whole thing was n speculative mat:r. I low the people of this city will uphold men in power that will perpetrate such outrages is more than wo can imagine. Auuestkd. On !nrday lr!t Mr. Zach. Dubsiiii, who resides on the Tualitan, a few mile-! from town, was arrested on com plaint of a man' by the name of Smith, w ho taarged him with the theft of a mit Of (luthes in' Marion county during the fore J'art vt hist week. Mr. Dubson was placed trrder bonds (Qy his appearance before the J ustiof of tl.'e 1'eaee on Monday for ex nntination. When the hour appointed for the trial arrived, the witnesses for the I'roM'cu'ii were asked if they had seen Mr. Dubson before, and they replied that they had not. consequently lie was im me diately discharged, and the accuser made to pay the costs. Persons making such PWe charges should be more careful and pic,i on somebody that ic(ubl steal it they got a chance, and not wrongfully accuse "gentleman like Mr. Dobsoil of commit ting such a crime. 1'xcrusioN- Tickets. It i3 announced that during the continuance of the State 1'air. excursion tickets will be old for the trains which leave East Tort land at six o'clock, a. v.. of each day. The time oc cupied for making the trip is three hours. pviee of tickets is not yet announced. Tlas will ire those desiri-jf to take a feep it the Fair and returning on the s-!tiie day. an excellent opportunity of dokur so. O O lrtnsT Thim ch Tr.vtx. On last Friday the first freight (train left East Portland, an. 1 arrived at Salem in good order. It kdn the first through train that has jrhed that place. 'Although the O. & li. Company have len taking h'ciiht back and forth between East Port 1:"id and Sah.m for some time, but with Jjw inconvenience of hiving to transport i! y waoa part of thwav, which is now ohriatod. 0 -nxnv F k a en Ce . Two young men of , f,ur city were compel'ed to piy double 'Jire oa (the macadamized road last Sun 5 The man at the toll-gate and the 1 , n at the Mihvauide ferry each extorted ''ill jre from the in. It would be well far Persons traveling over that road to go "m Heeled, so as to be able to protect -"uiaeives irom imposition. Look on for TontuiLnrdcx. "We fre- lently notice oncthe arrival and depart- ol" ot trams, a lot and on the mr ofijoys climbing off nra., . i . , . -' "" " T" lO nt" 0! it they still persist in hansf- L?T.in'pn r neur the track- Parents ou al look on', for their children, or it way be necessary to have a funeral. Accim-XT- On MomLiv bist Af r v, '3fcGregory fell from the trestle work of e O. & C. Railroad at Molalla breaking cTlly IWWZ him seriously later o ivtw Sidewalk. Our enterprising citi zens Messrs. llumbel and CauS eld, have' erected a sidewalk from 8th street io the railroad track, making the walk much shorter to the station. The gentlemen de serve great for having erected such a con venience lor the public at their own ex pense. O. & C. Railroad. We are informed that the grade was completed on last Tuesday for a distance of three miles be yond the Santiatn, and it is confidently ex pected that a tiie rate it is being pushed forward nosv it will be completed to the hundred-mile stake by the end of this month. Excitejikxt. On last Thursday Mf; Eugene LaForest had the misfortune While being on board of a spirited animal to lose control of him and let the horse run away, lie escaped without injury, however, al though he went throirgh town at a 2:10 pace. Low- iVatek'. The upper river is at present at a very low stage,- A boat on coming down, last week, struck bot tom, but was easily got off by the use of a lighter. Thanks. The ladies of St. Pauls Church desire to return their thanks to those who kindly assisted them in their tableaux on Thursday evening, the 2tu of September. Coxsti-.uctiox Tkatx. Last Sunday quite a large construction train passed through loaded with fuel, and timber for laying the track. I Cidkk. ". B. Part-low, Esq., has our thanks for a jug of sweet cider. The Herald says : The Oregon Central Railroad Company in the person of its Secretary. Dr. Towler, has brought suit against Simeon G. Reed, J. C. Ainsworth. R. 11. Thompson. J. II. Ladd and YV. S. Ladd. for the recovery of blocks A. P. C, 1). E, F. G. 11, I. J, K. L. M and N in Carnther's addition to the city, of Portland, worth $11)0.000, for the sur render of S77.000 in lirst mortgage bonds, and for $1,000,000 for violation of their contract to construct the West Side road. Judge Upton has granted an injunction restraining them lrom selling any of the blocks referred to, and from transferring any of the mortgage bonds in their pos session. The complaint alleges that said gentlemen became the possessors of said property through fraud, and that they had done other and divers acts incompatible with the welfare of the complainant. We know nothing of the transaction, but sup pose the defendants, in their reply, will set up a good defense as against the repre sentatives ot the old West Side Railroad Company. A gentleman from Baker City informs hat the Hurnt River Ditch Company. us that of which T. J. Carter, of this city is Presi- dent, have sold their ditch to a Chicago company fur $7o 000, they retaining a fourth interest. The new proprietors ex pect to expend $100,000 upon the ditch during the coming w inter. A Mr. Butler, in driving his team upon the ferry at the east side ot the river, was thrown from his wagon by the sinking of one of the fore-wheels to the hub. liad the horses' efforts to pull the wagon out proved successful the man would proba bly have been killed. Alex. Campbell. Esq., Port "Warden for the Col umbia District, has appointed Capt. Win. II. Muulihrop his Deputy. The appointment is a good one, and will doubtless merit the a 'probation of the mercantile portion ot our community. The officers of the steamer Rescue re port having passed the bark Edward James below ot. Helens. She was hard and fast ashore at that point. The Nate-small says : We learn of a sad accident over in Poik. on .ilul LrceK. Ua baturday morning a boy aged lo or 10 years, named Frank Morgan, went out hunting grouse, and was found, after some hours, dead, with a charge of" shot from his gun in his head. The shooting was no doubt accidental. Another forerunner of the immigration that is to fill our State, canie to us on Sat urday in the arrira! of Mr. Wm. Bond, of Erie comity. Pa., who has come on here to purchase forty thousand acres of Oregon lands, upon Which about fifty regular old sturdy Dutch Pennsylvania farmers, with their" families, intend to settle. This is great and good evidence of the progress ; of the State. Mr. William Davidson, the well known real estate agent, deserves credit for having induced! these good peo ple to immigrate to this point, as he hid rent his circulars and papers, with infor ir.atinn of this State, to them, long ago. Not o'nly that, but be' has been in constant communication with numerous other par ties in that State. We welcome Mr. Bond, and we hope that sufficient inducements will be held out to him and those he rep resents, and that we may gain so desirable a class of farmers. There is ample room for them ail, and the State seeds them. The Bulletin says : Lieut. lienor, of the L'nited States En gineer Corps, who has been sent from San Francisco by order of the Government, in accordance with certain Coast Survey laws passed by Congress at its last session, has returned to this city from up the Wil lamette river, where he has been survey-' incr the different bars and impediments to the uninterrupted course of navigation found in the river. Lieut. lienor states that he found six principal bars between this city and Albany, -alio! 7-hich he care fully surveyed, taking soundings at every few feet on each bar, and he gives it as his opinion that a comparatively small sum would make a proper channel for navigation to that point. Department regulations prohibit Lieut. Herrer from communicating the statistical report of his survey. That can be given to the pub lic only through the Department at Wash ington. Therefore we can present no fur ther information upon the subject to out readers. The schooner Louisa Simpson was re leased last Wednesday : 1'. Wasserman and M. Koshland having justified as sure ties for the amount of her bonds $7,250 $1,300 of which was for the vessel, and $2.1)50 for the cargo. The Louisa Simp son will soon sail for San Francisco. Tie Five Dollur Sewing Machine pur chased by me, January, ISOtj, from the Fam ily Sewing Macbbie Company. Si Nassau street, S. Y., has been in almost constant use ever sinre. It has not been out ot order once, lias cost nothing for repairs and I rind it simple anri reliable in operation and always ready to sew. Those friends of mine who use them with the new improvements are very much pleased. The one I have I would not part with. MRS. ANN W. CUTHBUKT, -1J3 West 06th Street, New York. Telegraphic Clippings, EUROPEAN AVAR NEWS. London, Oct. 1 We have now official contradictions of the statement that Rus sia is preparing for war. The rumor of the purchase of iroii-ckids from the United States is denied. The reports of French successes in the neighborhood of Paris is flatly contra dicted by the Prussians. They sa v the re port of the retaking of Versailles by the French is a wholesale invention. The Red Republican Government at at Marsailles is gaining headway. London, Oct 2. The siege of Saissons continues. Sorties of the garrison have been repulsed by Reuderst'vrg, Walden berg and Frankfort Landwvhrs. and the Thirteenth Corps. The French have atdced for a truce for the burial of their deal. Bismarck formally denies that any dis position exists on the part of the Prussians to make France a second rate power. The Germans captured at Strasburg 170 guns, valued at 2 000.000 franc's. Berlin. Sept. ;). On Wedesday ihere was heavy lighting at Metz, near Colom begars and Lunexy. Negotiations have been concluded with the Bavarian and Wertemberg Legation. Mrrrz. Oct. 1. Cholera is raging among the German troops at Nehaiou. and is ma lignant among the troops at Rheums. The infected districts are surrounded by a san itary cordon. The suffering garrison coin prises only a few thousand. The garrison at Bitche made a heavy sorile yesterday afternoon, and this morn ing but boili were repulsed. London. Oct. 2. The Duke of Nassau was killed on the 2iih. while ridimr with the King of Prussia and staff, lrom Rheims to Chalons, for the purpose of conferring with Prince Frederick Charles. In the thickest part of the woods there suddenly ranged out a volley of musketry from an ambush of French Terriens. The third carriage, containing the Duke and staff, was riddled with bullets. One aid de camp was instantly killed, and another mortally wounded, and the Duke also. The fifth canri ige. containing thti King, was struck by several bullets, bat no one was hurt. The woods were scoured by the cavalry, but without result. The Duke died on Sunday. Touts. Oct. 2. Government issued a proclamation to-day fixing the election for a Constituent Asssembly on October lC'.h. Bi:i:t.tn. Ocf. 2. A royal decree has been issued ordering those districts of France occupied by the armies of Ger many, not included in the jurisdiction of Alsace and Lorraine, to submit to the Grand Duke of Mecklenberg as Governor. London. Oct. 2. The King of Prussia has sent 50.000 thalers to the relief of the inhabitants of Strasburg. The Queen's birlh-d-iy was celebrated enthusiastically at Berlin. An immense serenade was given by six hundred sing ers and musicians. Viknxa. Oct. b The Review sajsthe alarming news about Russian war prepa rations is untrue. Gen. Ignatietf is still at Constantinople. Russia makes no war movements whatever. The relations be tween Russia and Austria leave nothing to be desired. Nfa fcuatkau, Sept. 20. via Touts. Oct. :'. One thousand Prussian cavalry passed Verd to day. It is said they go to join the corps of 10;), 000 men now forming at Tool. The German army which recently cross ed the Rhine, neur Mulhansen, is macrh ing on Schie-stadt. and will occupy the entrance to the valley of Ste Marie aux Mines. Bkhlin. Oet. Bismarck has issued a circular Io the Prussian resident minis ters abroad. lie insists that the condi tions of the proposed armistice were mod erate. The French- he says, declined them altogether, with the offered oppor tunity of an election to the Constituent Assembly in the Departments held by Prussians. w hich the latter believed Would have favored peace. London. Oct. o A World special says it is asserted to-day that the Prussian Government has addres,i,,(1 a remon strance to England on the subject ot the refusal to prohibit, Ihe exportation of arms bar the supplv of France. A tetter lrom Napoleon, da'ted Septemb'-1' -,;ta. o inor William says the lime has arrived for him to speak. "The duel between Germuny and France can only terminate in com plete ruin or a loval reconciliation Jof both powers. The Emperor adduces his interview with the King of Prussia at Se dan : that it convinced him that the King would prefer the alliance of France ,n ruin. Surely it only remains to indicate the means of accomplishing this object. Berlin. Oct. The North German Ga zelle, to-day, announces that heavy ship ments of breadstuifs have been made irom America, to supply the French, and says that on Sept. 18th. a French steamer brought 2(1 English cannon and 1. G00 rifles and cartridges for the French army. A pacific movement has been com menced at Cronstadt in favor of the ad hesion ol Wurtemburg and North Ger many. Mr Fhienp, stop that terrible cough if ymi wc uld avoid a consumptive's grave. This you can do by using Dr. Pierce's Alt. Ext. or Golden Medical Discovery. For curing all throat, bronchial aod lune diseases it lias never been equaled. Pimples on the fV.cf, Eruptions, Blotches, and ell Scrofulous dis eases are cured by this wonderful and ir.o.-t valuable medicine. Sold by druggists. Be ware of Counterfeits. Ob-erve that Dr. Pierce's private Government Revenue Stamp is on each bottle. A distressing Cough causes the friends of the sufferer as much pain as the suflen-r himself. Dr. ll'iMarx Balaam cf Wild Cherry will certainly cure coughs, colds, ar rest consumption, and that speedily. When did it ever fail ? WILLIAM DAVIBSOIT, PORTLAND, - - - OREGON. REAL ESTATE DEALER. Special Collector of Claims. A larze amount of CITY and EAST PORT LAND I'rnpertv for Sale. Also, IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable nn cu.tivated LANDS, located in all parts of the State. Investments in REAL ESTATE and other PROPERTY, made for correspondents. CLAIMS of all descriptions promptly col- IIOUSES and STORES leased. All kinds of Finaucial and General Agency business transacted. Parties having FARM PROPERTY for sale will please f urnish descriptions of the same to the AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in each of the principal CITIES and TOWNS of this STATE. Julv :tf liefcticu. Degree Lodge So. 1i, X. O. O. F (O K ilect on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVSIXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. By order of N. G. Willamette Lodge No. 131. O, C. vT Meets every Saturdav evening, at the rocrr.s S.E. corner of Mam and Fitthatreets, tt 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are invited to attend. By ordr of "W. C. T. Oregon. Lodge Xo. 3, I. O. of O. I-'.-- vr, - ' Meets every lhnrstlay even ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Ball, ,Main s cot. Member of the Order are invited to attend By order. BY AUTHORITY OF A SPECIAL .ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. S i ,CGQ,000. RANI) GIFT CONCERT IN AID OF vJT the Mercantile Library Association of Sun Francisco, California. MONDAY, October 31st, 1S70. Tickets of Admission, $..00 gold eoin. Treasurer The Rank of California. During the entertamment the sum ot $."no( 0OU LT. S. Gold Coin will be re'intiied to the Holders of Tickets, by the distribution, by chance, of the following GIFTS: 1 Gift of. $100,000 Gold. 1 Gitt of 50.000 1 Gift of '.",, 001) 1 Gift of 2o,0o0 1 (Pitt of 10,000 1 Gift of. IS, 000 1 Gift of 17,eo0 1 (Jift of. 1 0,000 1 Gift of lo,0O0 1 Gift of " " 14,000 1 Gift of l ;,ooo 1 Gift, of . I 12. 000 1 Gift of 11 ,000 1 Gift of ' 10,000 1 Gift of i,000 1 Gift of 8,o0o 1 Gilt of 7,o()0 1 Gift of ' . 0,000 1 G0t of A.ooO 1 Gift of 4jo.ii) 1 (Hft of :;,ooo 1 Gift at' L'.fioO Kiittof l.r.oo lo Gifts $l,"o0 each 1 0,(100 , 20 Gifts, Too each 15 ,000 i0 (Jiffs, f.oo each K',000 :;) Gifts, 4o0 each 12,000 50 Gifts, "00 each 15, oof) 5o Gi ts, 20.1 each in, 000 425 Gifts, luo each f-J,5,,0 it C23 Gifts in all. ?500.oo0 The Concert and Distribution will take place und' r the immediate direction of the Board of Tru.-tt-es of the Mercantile Library A.-sociation. assisted by a Supei visorv Com mittee selected from Mate, City and County officers, and well known citizens of Sail Francisco. RORERT B. SWAIN, President M. L. A. W. H. L. BARNES, Vice Piesidcnt. WM. C. RALSTON, Treasurer. After paying the expenses of the entertain ment, and making the diti ilmtiun of the G.fts, the bidame will be applied to ex tinguishing the present indebtedness cf the Mercantile Library Association. Holders cf tickets to which gifts may be awarded, will receive the same on nresi sta tion of such tickets or coupons to the Ru-i-ness Agents of the Board of Tnist!-es at their office, No. 'dl-i California st., San FrancLco. NOTICE. HOLDERS OF TICKETS 1 O THE GIFT Concert in aid o! the Mercantile Library As sociation, are hereby notitied that the' Con cert is postponed until EVSortday, Oct, 3 let, 87Q. Unexpected Interferences have operated to make this delay necessary to accomplish the result of freeing the Library from debt, wi.hout recourse to othi r pi ivilegvs "ranted by act of the Legislature, passed February 15). tSTO. This is positively tho only postponement which will he made. The Conceit will take id ace on the day above iiuir.t-.l, comrneneiivr at nine o'clock, a. m., and to continue until all the gifts have been awardt-d. The funds already in bank are considerably more than sufficient to insure the successful completion of the contract with the pu'.lic. The sale of tickets will positively cl sj on Friday, the 2;!h day of October, ls7o. All tickets remaining unsold i;t that time will be withdrawn from sale and cancelled They will be advertised by their numbers, on the 20th day of October, ls-To. in one or more of the daily papers of this c ty. Any dimi imti'in thus m.iae in the number ( f tickets to be drawn, will not affect the number or amount of the srifts. They will be as hereto fore advertised, to-wit : 02 gifts, amounting in all to Ss.vVi.enn gold. Ticket holders re-iding out of San Fran cisco will receive duly accredit' d lists of the awards of Gifts, which will also be published in the leading San Francisco c'ailj' papers, on tho 1st cf November, ST0. Delivery of shifts will commence November 2d, ls7 at the office. No. .US California st., to all parties presenting tickets to which gifts have been awarded. All pii'ts awarded to non-residents will be lul l tj their order and for their account. ROBERT P.. SWAIN. Brest. M. L. A. W. H. L. BARNES. Vice President. V7. C. RALSTON, Trea surer. THOS. R. HAYES, Recording Sec' v. DAYID WILDER, Corrcsp. Sec'y." TrvsUes : W.Asni?rnxEn.J. M. McNn.Tr.A. M. Ehhets, W. E. WoDi'j Isaac Wokmseu, A. P. Em-klt, W. G. Badger, F. B. Reyxoli s, S. I1u:isard. llaurico JJore & Chsrkn It. Peters, BUS I NESS A G EN TS, No. 318 California Street. Sept. 10:m2 ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner Front and Morrison Sts., PORTLAND. OR EG ON. frl. Keith, SVSanager. F INEST AND LARGEST HOTEL ON the Northwest Coast. The build in:: is a new brick structure, nr.d furnished in the most elegant style, affording the very best accommodations to guests. Tree Coach and Uatzaze Vi'O'Jon to end from the frcv.se. " 43:tf Caul. O.i'-noN- Citv, An sr. 2"t'h. is TO. MESSRS. E VERS ON & M IDDLEMISS, General Agents, and S. M. Holdredge, Man ager Oregon and Washington Branch Office nFthe New England Mutual Life Insurance Company: We received on the. 10th ius'. S..OoO in behalf of the widow of S. Rosenstein, insured in your company on November 30th, lSt. Words cannot ex press how welcome this money is to the be reaved widow of Mr. Rosenstein, for it is all that she has to protect her from actual want. I shall ever be grateful to your Company for the promptness and hearty good will with which this money was paid. R. JACOB, Am 'r of Estate of S. Rosenstein, dee'd. Sept. C:wl AYOID QUACKS. A victual of earlv in discretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay, &c, having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has a simple means of self-cure, which be will send five to his fellow- sufferers. Address J. II. TIT TLE, 73 Nassau it., New Yoik. Sept.lOiCm. SEND TO PwTJSSELL & FEEEY, REAL ESTATE AG-ENTS, PORTLAND, OR TO JOHNSON & M'COWN, OREGON CITY, FOR THE QHEGGIJ HEAL ESTATE GAZETTE LIli:i: OL1 CHARGE. Sept. U tf 347. 137Q. New Goods ! New Goods ! 15. CAUFJELD BEGS LEAVE TO INFORM THE PUBLIC that be has refitted the old stand, corner Ma: n and Seventh Sts., Oregon City, and has received an entire new stuck of goods, con sisting of BUY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GRASS WARE, JVC 01) EA I I'A R Ei and a general r.ssortvnent of everything in our line. Thankful for past favors, westiil Solicit a shai e of the public patronage. Country Produce taken in exenange for goods. 43: ly NOTECE. LEON DELOUEY, Of the RARNUM RESTAURANT, Main street, OREGON CITY, Begs to inform the public and his friends that he has leased tie lower part of the CLIFF HOOSS, Which he has r-penrd as a FIRST CLASS RESTAUEA?JT. Tho table will at. all times be supplied with the best the market ailords. Orders for suppers and parties will be promptly attended to. July 2:tf Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Or egon, for the county of C'ackamas'. Mathcw Merritt ITaintiffi vs. f Defe Elsy Ann Merritt ndant. To Defendant. Elsv Ann Merritt. IN IT IE NAME CF THE STATE OF 071 tgon: Yo;i are hereby requested to ap pear and answer the complaint (Ted against you in ft.o above entitled suit, within ten days afer the service of this sum mons upon yod, if served in Clackamas county, or twenty days if served in any other county in said State, and unless you appear and answer said complaint in said time, or on or before the hist day of the said Court, commencing next after the ex piration of six weeks from the publication of this summons, to-wit: On, fJw Fourth Jfondcoj in C-cto-; -, A. J)., 1 970, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de lnaiuled m the complaint, to-wit: A decree forever dissolving the Bonds vt' Matiimorn existing between you and plaintiff. By order of Hon. V. V. Upton, Judge of said Court. Seotcmber 5th 1ST') JOHNSON. & M. COWN', ScptlO:0v Att'ys for Plaintiff. TEE MEW lOOD. . mmmsms::m i. For a lew cents yon com huy of your Grocer or Druggist a riiekagocf SEA 3IOS3 FAIiIXE, nmdo from pure Irish. 2Ioss, or Carrcsjceii, vhicli will rciaio sixteen cRi:rt3 of Blsnc Mane, and a like qRiiiiiy cf Pud dingp, Custnrd: Creams, Cliar Ictio Eusse, &c. It i.s the cheapest, hoaltljiest, and most delicious food in the world. It maizes a, splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a Uv::d ami delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Chan-re ! ! Tin:: gheat vi"o:ii-.i-.; Tcrj Plantation Bitters. restorative is the gliecl-Jizs-clior of t2ie reelile mud lei!5 talecl. As n fonie a:5l cordial for tSic aged asitl laticjicll, it no cq:sal :iS2ao:s:j stona ncliics. As a remedy for the nervous vea5i:2ess to wlsieli are especially gjj jeet, it is spersietlsaj? every other s2iann2an. In all Cli nsates, tropica!, temperate, or frigid, it act as a specific in every species of disorder wliiclj usidermine-B tiie Esodily strength aastl Fjreaks lovia tlie animal s;5rits. For gale lyy all Iru??gists. Aug. 20, 1 870: ly 0 LU5 ...7. ''V: i'i" KKD1NGTON, IIOSTETTEil & CO. Slop that Couglun Some of von can't, and we pily you. Yon have tried every remedy but the ONE destined, by its in ti in.-ic merit, to supersede all bimilar preparations. It is not surprising yoti should be relnc tant to try something else af cr the many experiments you have made of trashy compounds foisted on the public as a. cc r ; a i ii cure; b u t Kowcil's Pulmonary Syrup is really the YKltY P.EST remedy ever compounded for the cure of Cough, Cold., S'tf; Throat, Atthirut, IVliMpiiig i'tiif'hx, R'oH-hitis a iid ('insintpticn. Thousands cf people in California and Oregon have been already benefited by the surprising curative powers of fJewcISTs Psj!morsary Syrup and with one accord give it their un qualified approbation. We now ad.lress ourselves to all who are unacquainted with this, the greatest panacea ot the aye. for the healing of all diseases of the THroul uml .Lungs, assuring you that fJeveH's Pulmonary Syrtsp' has cured thousands, sirn1 It will cure YOU, if you try it. This invaluable medicine is pleasant to the tate ; sooth ing, hcaltng mid strengthening in its elfects; entirely free from all poisonous or deleterious drut:s,ind perfectly harm less under all circumstances. For Siile Ijy all Uiijg gisls. RKDINOTOX, IIOSTETIKB A CO., L16 and -IIS Front street, Sun Francisco. UNDEU TIIE COUIiT HOUSE, OtlECON CITV, OIIEOON. lfETAIL DEALEBS IN i)EY GOODS, We also constantly keep on hand SALEM CASSIM E B E S, FLA XN ELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Winch we will sell at the Facfotv Prices, and will take wool in exchange. ?Tu e will also pay the bighe.-t price for Butter. Eggs, and all kinds of good country produce. U'e will sell as low as any bouse in Oregon, for Cash or its equivalent in good narchii 1 1 1 a b 1 e p rod nee. Give us a call and satisfy yourselves. C- W. POPE & CO., PEALliltS IX STOYES, TIN PLATE. SHEET IRON, F.ftA ZlKIt' COPPEH. LKA1) PIPE, IKON PIl'i: AND FITI'fXCS, ItUUBEit BOSS. FOIM'E AND Id FT PUMPS. ZINC, COFPFB, BRASS ,N1 IRON Also a general assoitmcnt cf llonsc Fur nLLiiig Goods. MANUFACTURER'S OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFlXCr AND JOBBING OF EYERY BLSCUli'TlON DON G TO OR!FR, AND AT LOW PRICES. Also at POPE'S SIOVIK STOKE will find yon HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND 1 1.XWARE, LA XTEIlNS, LAMPS AND OIL, LUC1NE AND NIOUT LAMPS. ALSO PERAMBULATORS. All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. c. v.. roPK co. FI:ly Oregon City Oregon. J. R. RALSTON, IS STILL AT HIS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN ,m SIXTH STREETS, OREGON CITV, OREGON. "TT7IIERE II E WOULD INVITE II IS V I friends, and the public in general, to call and examine his stock, consisting ot a general assortment of Moots sincl SIiocs9 Hats sisicl Caps, iT Having from many rears' experience learned that TIIE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES IN SMALL PE0EITS! IS DETERMINED TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL Silence the Crv of Portland Prices! Oregon CB3-, August 25th, IS'39. y" If von wish the very best Cabinet Pholoraphs, yon mnst call on BRADLEY & RULOFSON, Montgomery street, Sin Franciico max imviajisia.1;.' lumuD.mwuin Eeclmgtoii' Flavoring Extracts ARE THE PERFECTLY PURE AND highly concentrated Extracts from Fresh Fruits, prepared with great care. . They re put up in superior style"; sad in a bottle holding TWICE AS MUCH as the ordinary brands of Extracts. Comparing quality and contents, none other art nearly so cheap. Whenever tested on their MERiTS,they have been adopted in preference to ait otheis. and are now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS of the Pacific Coast. o MARK THE AD VANTAGES. By purchasing Redington's Concen trated Flavoring Extracts, you obtain art article not only supeiior in richness and dclicac of flavor to any 6ther of a simi lar nature, but f..r more economical, be cause each bottle holds double the' quantity contained in a bottle of any other flavoring extract sold. k UEWXiiTOX, IIOSTKTTER & CO., Agents for the Pacific Coait. UNOQLNJJAKERY, lA!LY,H ARDITJG & CO., Successors of L. Dillhr in the Lincoln Bake 1 y, BEG LEAVE TO INFORM TIIE CITI zens of Oregon City and surrounding country, that they keep constantly on band and for sale, all kinds of BREAD, CRACRE!:, CAKES, PASTRY, CANDIES AND NUTS. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders promptly filled, and goods deliver ed at the residence of the purchaser when desired. Tho highest pi ices paid for Butter, Eggs' and Vegetables. A liberal share of public patronagft is re spectfully sol ic iled. Aoril 23, 1S70:Iv JOHN FLEMING, DEALER IN BOOKS AM STATIONERY,1 IN MYERS' FIRE-PROOF BRICK, G MAIX STCmiT, OREGON CITT, OltEGOX. P. Would yon escape FEYER AND AGUE, and preset ve health and vigor during the s c-kH' season, make occasional use of the following as A PREVENTIVE. If you are ATTACKED withOChills nnd Bilious Fever, or have been a victim to such disease, and used other sa-called remedies without permanent relief, seek at once the safest and surest CUEEj bv usinsr, according to directions MASON & POLLARD'S ANTB-E&ALARlAy or, Fever and Ague Tills. Time has . proved them thoroughly to be the safest J and most reliable remedy known. They contain no mercury or other mineral or chemical. They are exclusively vege table. They stimulate the functions of the liver. Congestion is impossible whew they are used. The do not deter from, daily labor. By assisting digestion they add flesh and mti-cleto the frame. They arc adapted to all ages and both sexes, ar.d as a FA 88 2 SLY MEDI&iNE Will CURE in their incipiency, three fourths of all diseases incidental to a malarious climate. For Dyspepsia, in small doses, they have no equal. For sale by all Druggists. ItEBiri;TO.Y, IltJSTETTKIi & CO., SOLE AGENTS: A UCTIOXAXl) COMMISSION A. M. MleliciiHlson, AUCTIONEER! Corner of Front and Oak streets-Portland, AUCTION SALES Q Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Merchah' disc and Horses, Ecery Wednesday and Saturday A. L. LicHARDsox-Auctioneer. AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar i.nd Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel ; Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron ; also : A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors1- A. i'. Riciiakdsox, Auctioneer Harvest oi 1870 ! I Sdl'iRfj off to Close EBusiness , And. no HUMBUG! OF BUY GOODS. EEADY-ETADE CLOTHING, C0TS AND SHOES- ifens' Ladies, Misses' and Childrens' HATS AHD CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated- Vare, Paints. Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners!0 Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got to le sold Regardless of Price! To convince yourself with respect id this matter, call at the old corner. I. SELLING, South of I ope 4- Co.'s Tin Store, Oregon Ciiys- V o o O o o o O 0 O O O