O o G f lj c jLUcchliruterp vies . TOV. -V AXD COUXTY. Ti,.. ct,..nii.r Sritifilur as per I yTXL'lt Kf' ------ . J ...,ntWM launched last Thurs- anno nnce.- o'clock. A large crown 01 wuia 1 .ontlemcn were present on the occa " vn quite fi number of persons i.! themselves of the opportunity of RVtt. , See ride" on board the appa-UOumh-.v craft, as she ghd gracefully KX 7 v iter where she Moated as bean ie a aaierymph. She will be 7 to the wharf near the Com mVi Machine shop, next Saturday If ?; i Jt engines will be replaced. vh ,n oleic d she will be equal in SSI aSd durability as well as in beauty, 10 Entoi-vtek with .v Bear. OS last Sat nrJ,y while Mr. Haas was out .hunting I .bort distance from the city, he encoun-,!ar- '-bar.'' Mr. II. fired at the WV iVorn'din- him when bruin turned v,.is:irV. w when a lianu w uauu wuv ,1 not near now many l--'vere fought; but the difficulty 4-r0!12:U "ML L.blv settled, and each he r way rejoicing, the bear taking W heels in search of more peaceful , D V) his 1 the man stioiuueieu ma bum, nuaut-i.-."';- i nanrliiu.n. ami which was ia a uui.fc-- , . . . ' 7 returned to the city, very much tat.gued. Sn.uir.-0n last Wednesday a stranger procured a book at this place and put ,;r if, under his arm, marched up to the ? cabin of Tom. Montgomery, a half-breed f lidii-'on the blutl. m mis pmce, aim un manned of him bjs ;-es." -lont-ffu,l(.rv came -down with the stamps,;' n-ctivui" in return an old freight bill jroni the bark Jane A. Faulkenburg as a o,,.cdit: but when the collector demanded a lit from his '-better half,"' Tom could .-.(e it.- anu ioiu u;e m t'" ild "ro and consult the law ;v butdur- WOlliii . .1 11. 11. iV "I lK I'll."' iiic tilS iUBi.-uv '"- o N.VTIOX.X I'l'SlN'KSS Coi.t.eok. We de fire to direct the attention of the public ".nemlly to the consideration of the Na tional Easiness College, Portland. This itis'titutfe'r has been in continuous opcr' tioii fur over four years, and has now over three hundred graduates, many of whom nccti'iy HiRitiou.-i of profit and trust. The iiiu' 'required for comi)leting the course is cimipaiativel short, thus making the in sUuiion the cheapest means of acquiring a sound commercial education. See ad vor'.ist'inent iu another column. Tam.kax'x Vivaxts. The entertainment given by the ladies of tlie Episcopal Church, last evening wasoa success, both financially and ia giving satisfaction to the audience. The i;cenes, among which were " oetie from th; Court ofc Queen K'izahetii." ' The Angel's JSlcssing," " A ,';inie of Chess. orSatan outwitted by a woman." "Scenes In the life oLPocahon tas," Fashionable Family." and a mim lor of others, were all executed inline style. The music was good, and added much to the evening's enterlaiumenU I'm, OW"la'.OAln. On last Saturday. wliile the steamer Alert was making her I landing at this place, Dan Magill, the r:i;i'e. while in the act of walking ashore an the ganpqdank. lost his balance and fell it) the distance of about fifteen feet, 1 inking ufon the rocks below, consider alily bruising him up. Although confined Ki3isbed.it is hoped that he has sus- l.iined no danger ou3 injuries. Ar no:t a BoH aius. On. last Saturday evening, a beautiful display of the aurora loixullis or irorthorn lights, was visible. U was first seen at about seven o'clock in t!ie north-east, arid at, ten o'clock as we were crossing the river at Portlnnd we mw anolh"fChnd brighter display in the . Rfirih-west. which was very beautiful and iimntin iting the sky in a very picturesque manner. Tioon o Tkmpi.au ? Convention. The flood Templars of Oregon City held their district convention on last Saturday. to elect delegates, to the Grand Lodge, uhich will meet here pome time during tie next m.gnfh. We observe also that they are laying down the carpet and oth erwise very nhid: improving the appear ance of their hall. a tT O m:r,!;i:w Holiday. Quite a number of llio stores and business places were clcsed hiFt Saturday, in consequence of a holi day which tliePoHebrew portion of the population observed. We understand that it was their New Year's Day. The holi days Listed from Saturday "at G o'clock until Tuesday at the same hour in the evening. Ki'xaway. On Monday last while Mr. jos. Teal and two other gentlemen whose nvmesare unknownto us, were being con. Medina buggy from the end of the- ""K to isuiem the horses became unman p ihle and ran off. One of the horses ''naming himself a "January IIoss.:? U'ked off the dash board. No other winnge was done. rETRiFiKD Oak. On last Friday while workmen were engaged in digging a well u uie ure;on City Seminary, a piece of ' '-mhodied in the earth to the depth ; t futeen feet. The depth to which this ;vi ocon buried, and its changed : ,w :,rtn ideate that it had been" in I position for a great many years. . tvt-UN'r' Siif.e p. Quite a number of s.ioep have been killed by bears near the , Jia not distant from this 'A r 1 nt r place. ; ,lJ 01 young men have H; n Mat.. 1 . 1 gone out tm -1 , llle ne-eessary equipment? ;. P,,ln,sh th raxrau kn-s : but with what -'o5s, wo have been unable to learn. twck a Rock. The steamer Success 0-1 lw trip up the river, on last Thursday s nick a rock at the foot of Rock Island! "id .was beached ahort 'distance below. eut of the damage done. ' Wmatiox WAXTEn-Of William O , ' bon, supposed to be in this State- -y information as to his whereabouts u! be thinkfullv received bv his nephew ' Libson. Morristown, "Cass countv. "'soun. cKkw Depot. The O. & C. R. R. Com rv have purchased of the M. E. Church Wilde 20 feet square of ground 1 Keh to erect a depot. The con ; --4..oa tor the sama. was S i."if o 0 o O Handsome I'xiESKxr. The pupils of Prof. S. D. Pope to-day presented him with a handsome gold watch chain, token of their appreciation of his services in their behalf while Principal of the Ore gon City Seminary. Lost. On Sunday the 10 inst., between the residence of J is. M. Moore and the Congregational Church, a lady3 glove fastener. The finder will be duly re warded by 1 caving the same at this office. Passengers. Owing to the large num ber of passengers going to the Capital last Monday, the Railroad Company found it necessary to add another passenger car to the train bound for that place. Accident. On last Saturday a man on the steamer Alert, shot off one of his fin gers, by the accidental discharge of a re volver. It was very fortunate that it did not result more seriously. Painting. We notice that the Odd Fellows' building is being repainted making it look very much improved, and well repaying the owners for a little la bor and waste of paint. Change of Time. On Wednesday last the time of the O. & C. R. R. Co. was changed, in consequence of which the mails will now close at the hours of 7:50 and J:20, a. m. Rktuhnkd. Mr. C. W. Cook and Capt. A. F. Hedges returned last week from a trip' to Eastern Oregon where they have been securing ranches which they intend stocking. . Thanhs. Mr. Larry Burns placed upon our table a fine lot of pears, for which lie has our thanks. 'Yes, Mr. Burns, those '"Douglas pears" were very de licious. Entertainment, Two men with a-hand organ and monkey are around town to day giving an entertainment to a large crowd of boys that fellow them up. STATU H.EAV.S. The Herald says : Mr. Samuel Wilkeson, Secretary of the North Pacific Railroad, in his report to the Company, says that the distance be tween New York and Shanghai is 1,G0!) miles less by way of I'uget Sound or Portland, than by San Francisco. After consulting Lieut. Maury's wind and cur rent charts, and applying the experience of prominent sea captains, he gives it as his opinion that steamships from Puget Sound can reach Shanghai six days in ad vance of those from San Francisco. The new Steamer Yancouver was towed to the Willamette Iron Works last Tues day, for the purpose of receiving her ma chinery. The Statesman says : A man who has recently been discharged from the railroad, attempted suicide near a farm house on the French Prairie. He first opened one of the veins in his arm, but thus did not bleed to suit him, so he then tried his throat, almost severing his wind pipe, but am not wound either ot the large vessels ot tue neck. Dr. Richardson who was called to dress his wounds, thinks that he will recover. A now saw mill which has just been erected in a splendid cedar grove ia the coast mountains above Moore's Yaliey, was destroyed by fire one day last week. The woods were burning, and although every exertion was made to keep the flames away, they reached the building, ana made a clean sweep of around. everything The Oixgonlan says : As the jnnnehah'i was taking on board a lot of sheep, at the American Exchange wharf on Saturday morning, for some point below, the sheep became frightened and one or two leaped in the water. This was just as good a thing as the balance of the Hock wanted, and away they went, one alter another, until fifty sheep were in the river, taking one man with them in his efforts to stop the ,lioelo The man was picked up. and small boats manned by citizens started in pursuit of the swim ming sheep, all of wtich were retaken, but some of them managed to reach East Portland before being captured. Taken in all its details the incident caused great excitement and amusement for a time. A San Francisco exchange has the fol lowing : '"Miss Leo Hudson will leave for Portland. Oregon, on Thursday next She goes under an engagement with Mrs. Bird, and will treat the i'ortlanders to a series of equestrian dramas liockicood be ing the first. As the horse drama has never been given in tbs.t part of the world. Miss Hudson will doubtless create a sensation. A man was found lying by the read side north of Salem, yesterday, with his throat cut, but not bad enough to cause death and a skillful surgeon mended it. so as to prevent a job for the coroner of Marion county and the undertaker. We could not learn what reason the unfortunate person assigned for the attempt to commit suicide. The California brings a large amorrnt of galvanized telegraph wire for the Oregon and California Railroad Company. Wrecked. The Ontario, of Port Town send, a schooner engaged in trading on the coast was wrecked while trying to en ter one of the little harbors below cape Flattery, a few days ago. OlympiaTran script. The sleamor "Wasp, which has Ije'ch laid up at the Willamette Iron Work for the purpose of receiving new and more pow erful machinery, commenced her regular trips to Vancouver 0:1 Monday last. Her speed is much increased, being about ten miles an hour. On the 2d, inst., Miss Julia Smith, living within four miles of Baker City, Oregon, committed suicide by shooting herself with a revolver. Temporary insanity is though to have been the cause. The race which came off at the Fair Grounds, near Salem, on Saturday last between Joe Hooker and Fire Eater, sin gle dash of 300 yards, for a purse of G00, was won by the former. Prussian law rcquies every man capable of bearing arms to enter the army. No suqstitutes are allowed. He is enrolled at twenty, and serves seven vears three in the regular army and four the reserve. He is then in the '-Landwher'7 for nine years, and then enrolled in the "Land strum" till he is fifty. Li case of war the regular army is called first, then the re serves, then the Landwher. The Land- strum is not called beyond the frontiers. IN Adams. Wm Algro, Wm Uagby, John Calvert, Wm Emery, Jos Rev 2 Hartley. David IJ iinbothom, Geo Knox, J J Lucas, John T Rnwlston, Wm Roberts, Jane Mis Standi!, Andrew Smith, J Traylor, J N Went worth, Mr Alter., Mary Mrs. Croniu, Wm Cnmmirs, Carrie Mrs Hanoven. John 1 1 untin, John llowhlian, Patrick Kttly, Nelly Miss Lewis, IJ li liigprs, Sarah Mrs Starkey, John Seam on, S S Tray or, James 11 liomnson. Andrew T, Wilson, Mr Rev YV hite, Samuel Wluimle. E A .Mr When called for, please s;iv advertised. J. M. RACON, P. M IIawic. Hawk, SriT. Spit. Plow. Blow, and disgust everybody with the offensive odor from your Catarrh, just because some old fogy doctor w ho has not discovered and will not believe that the world moves tells you that it cannot be cured. The proprietor of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy wiil pay $500 reward for a case of Ca tarrh which he cannot cure. Sold by druggists, or send sixtv cents to R. V. Pierce, M. D., 133. Seneca street. Buffalo X. Y.. for it. A pamphlet sent free. Be ware cf couiztcrfiets and worthless imitation : Re member that the genuine' has L)r. Pierce's private Government Stamp upon each package. This Stamp isssued by the Euited States Government expressly for stamping Dr. Pierce's medicines, has his portrait, name and address, engraved upon it, and need not be mistaken. M any St'FKKii rather than take nauseous medicine. All such, who suffer from coughs, colds, irritation of the bronchial tubes, and tendency to Consumption, have is Dr. Mlstar's Unlsam of Wild Cherry a remedy a's agreeable to the palate as effec tual in removing disease.- Religious Services. St. Pauls (Episcopal) Church, the Rev. John W. Sellwoo.l, rector. Services on Sunday at lo a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Rible class at 2 p. m. 1st Congregational Church. Morning Services, Sabbath School, Evening Services . .Seats Free. 10.4). .12 o'clock M. ... .7 o'clock. Ricv. E. GrcxtKY, Acting Pastor riUYEll MEKT1XCS. SnnJay evening, .. 5 o'clock 7 o'clock. .Seats Free. 10.30, ... 7 o'clock. loesday evcuing,. M. E". Church, : Morning Services, Eveuiag Services,. SOCIAL MEKTIN!P. Class Meeting following Morning Services. Braver Meeting Thursday evening 7 co'clok. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock P. M. Rkv. C. W. Toii, Pastor. AVhat the Miiiers Stiy of Ilostcltci-'s giciiiiicli Hitters. Dating the season' when the Cold Harvest is generally suspended, and the reapers of the glittering crop seek the cities to enjoy themselves, there is, of coarse, a good deiil of conviviality among this enterprising and hard-working class ; but dmm drinking in rot canicdio the excess that it was some years ago. Jnis may lairly De attributed to the growing distaste for raw spirits engen dered bv the use of IIOSTETTEK'S STOM ACH BITTERS. This famous stomachic is in universal favor with the miners. They take it wi h them to the interior, and ue it regularly, not as a beverage, but as r strength sustaining touic, and an antidote t the unhealthy influences to which they an exposed in the localities where they labor; and, on returning to the cities and towns hey find in its refreshing and invigorating properties the- best sale guard, not onlj against the diwases, bat against the di!pa turn of crowded communities. It is one cf the peculiarities of the j ep r tionthat iti an antidote to inebriety. T'.ese who take it as an appetizer and invigorant, aver thsi they have no desire whatever for liquor cf any description, airxl, whatever fanatics mar think to the contrary, HOSTETTEIt'S BIT TELIS is a powerful ally of the temperance cause. It is because unmedicatcd alcohi I weakens the stomach and the nervous syi teni by its reaction, that it begets a cravia for itself. It excites, and when the excite mei.t passes oil", Uebil ityr ensues, and more fuel is needed to renew the at tilieial fire thai has, so to speak, burnt itself out. But the effect of the great vegetable to'de and alter ative is to invifroate the system perma neatly and heahhtuliy. WILuLIAM DAVIDSON, Gl Front Street, OREGON, PORTLAND, REAL ESTATE DEALER. A large amount of CITY and EAST TORT LAND Property for Pale. Also. IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un cultivated LANDS, located in all parts of the btr.te. Investments in REAL ESTATE and other PROPERTY, made for correspondents. " CLAIMS of all descriptions promptly col lected. HOUSES and STORES leased. All kinds of F.naucial and General Agency business transacted. Parties having FARM PROPERTY for sale will n'c-ar-e furnish descriptions ot the same to the AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in each of the principal CITIES and TOWNS ot tin STA Itf. Julv r:tf Oregon City Prices Current. The following are the prices paid for produce, and the prices at which other ar- ldes are selling, in tnis market : WHEAT White, V bushel, 90$1 OATS B bushel. 40 cts. POTATOES 'p bushel. 4050 cf?. ONIONS bushel, SI 00("J$1 50v 1- LOUR "tt bbl. So 00(p,Sa 50. BEANS White, y lb.. 304 ct3. DRIED FRUIT-Apples. V lb"., i reaches. lb., lf.jc; Plums, B-t lj xo cii.; ouiiiiiiis. u.. ij- BUTTER -t? To.'. 25cUi. EGGS dozen. 2025 cts. , , CHICKENS H dozen. S2 5uft3 00. SUGAli Crushed, lb., 20 cts.; Island ft., 1012 cts. ; N. O.. lb.. 15 cts.; San Francisco refined. "H ro . 10 -J cts. TEA Younr Hvson, J lb., 81 50 ; Ja pan. fo.f 90cai 25 ; Black, lb., 75e. (77) SI 00. COFFEE ip 2202. cts. SALT ti lb., H:s cts. SYRUP Heavy Golden, gall., 90c. ; Ex. Heavy Golden. gall., SI 00 BACON Hams. rp B)..- 16 cts ; Sides, 15 cts. p lb.; Shoulders, 10 cts. LARD-P)., 12015 cts. , OIL Devoy's Kerosene, gall., 70c 75 ; Linseed oil. raw, gall.. $1 00 ; Linseed oil. boiled, gall., $1 00. WOOL "(3 lt 20022 cts. BEEF On foot, 7 08 cts. lb. rOKK On foot. C cts. rl rr. SHEEP Per head. $2 OO0$2 50. HIDES Green, lb.. 5c. ; Dry, V lb., 10 cu COURTESY LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING the Postoffice Oct. 1st. 1670. Ilclicc Degree Liodgc So. 3, 1. O. 0. 1? q j$ Meet on the Second and Fourth J TUESDAY EVEXIXQS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. By order of .N. G. Willamette Lodge No. 15 I. O, Or. 1 Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooms S.E. corner of Main and Fifth streets, at 7 l-g o'clock. Visiting members are invited to attend. By ordtr of W. C. IV Oregon Lodge No. 3, I. O. or O. F- F2(Xtiife Meets every Thursday eren 4 ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's mnm Hall, Main s eet.. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. N. ti. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner Front and Morrison Sts., PORTLAND , OK EG ON. M. Keith, Manager. T7UNEST AND LARGEST HOTEL ON ? the Northwest Coast. The buiUing is a new brick structure, and furnished iu the most elegant style, affording the very best accommodations to guests. Free Coach and Baggage Wagon, to and from the House. 43: tf Card. Okkx;ox City, Aug. 2."th. 1S70. MESSRS. EVERSON & MIDBLEMISS General Agents, and S. M. Iloldredge, Man ager Oregon and Washington Branch Oltk e ot tiie New England Mutual Life Insurance Company : We received oil the ltUh inst. 5,oo0 in behalf of the widow of S. Rosenstein, insured in vour company on November 30th, 18G3. Words cannot ex press how welcome this money is to the be reaved widow of Mr. Rosenstein, lot- it is all that she has to protect her from actual want. I shall ever be grateful to your Company for the promptness and hearty good will with which this money was paid. R. JACOB, A3m'r of Estate of S. Rosenstein, dec"d. 8ept. o:v4 8B47. 1870. New Goods ! New Goods ! II. CAUFIELD BEGS LEAVE TO INFORM THE PUBLIC that he has refitted the old stand, corner Ma:n and Seventh Sts., O.egon City, and has received an entire new stock of goods, con sisting of DRY GOODS, GROCEUIES, OR O CKER Y, G L A SS WA R WO OD EX WARE, and a general assortment of everything in our line. Thankful for past favors, we still solicit a share of the public pal rename. Count 'y Produce taken iu exchange for oods. iZAj o no o LEON DELOUEY, Of the BARNUM RESTAURANT, Main street, OREGON CITY, Begs to inform the public and bis friends tliat he has leased tne lower part of the CLIFF HOUSE, Which he has opened 3 a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. The fable will at all times be supplied with the best the market affords. Orders for srrppers and parties will be promptly attended to.- July 2:tf J. R. RALSTON, IS STILL AT HIS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN ano SIXTH STREETS, OREGON CITY, OREGON. WHERE HE WOULD INVITE HIS friends, and the public in general, to call and examine his stock, consisting ot a geueral assortment of MsiiBsI ware -17 Having fr'o'm many years' experience learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES IN SMAX-L PROFITS! IS DETERMINED TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL Silence the Cry of Portland Price! Oregon City, August 25th, ISO?. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Or egon, for the county of Clackamas. Mathew Merritt i Plaiutili". vs. V Elsy Ann Jlerritt ) Defendant. To Defendant, Elsv Ann Jfcrritt, IX TIIE NAME OF THE STATE OF OR gon: Yon are hereby requested to ap pear and answer the complaint tiled against vou ia the above entitR-d suit, within ten davs after the service of this sum mons upon yon, if served in Clackamas county, or twenty days if served in aoy other county in said State, and unless you appear and answer said complaint in said time, or on or before the first day of the said Court, commencing next after the ex piration of six weeks from the publication of this summons, to-wit: On the Fourth Monday in Octoer, A. D; 1870, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in the complaint, to-wit: A decree forever dissolving the Ponds of Matiiniony existing between vou and plaintiff. liy order of lion. W. W. Upton, Judge of said Court. September ."th 1870 J OILXSOX. & M( COWN, SeptlO:ow Att'ys for Pliuti2. OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, THE NEW rOQp, . For a few cckIs you can buy of your Grocer or Druggist a package of SEA MOSS FAEINE, mado from pare Irish Moss, or Carrageen, wlilcli wiil make sixteen quarts cf Elanc Mange, and .1 Hko quanlity of Pud ding?, Custards, Creauis, CKar lotte Russe, e. It is tho cheapest, "healthiest, and most delicious food in tiie world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and deiicato food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Chanrro ! ! THE GREAT TVrOItr,D"3 TOXIC. Plantation Bitters. T2ass "vo52Serfi3l x-osrcitnti restorative is tEao sS2ccS.-E3' cEsorof !ae fecliio msBcl cle!bf Si fated. As :i tosssc aaatl corcSiiil for tSse aged zzzid liassgriaiial, it acltacs. A3 ia ressacely for CEac nervous v.-ca3tMcss So wJsicEa wossscbi nvo especially sua jeef, nt s siapcrscjliaisg every otlaer slisnsaiasaj. In cull DSi-E-nales, tropica!, teseaperale, r frigid, it acts as a specific ia every species of" disorder wiaicli MBwIcrBsiiMcs Sise liodiiy strcngrtta asad fcrea?ss cSowta tlae aniasal ssjariis. For eaie ly all ISruggists. Aug. 2), 1 t7o:l v G- W- POPE a CO., STOVES, TI.V PLATE, SHEET IHOX.BRA 7JE S" C Ol'I'EK. LEAD PIPE, IRON pi I E and fittings, iiuuueh HOSE. FOP.CE AND LIFT i-u.MPS, zinc:, coppfk, 1JUASS AND JUON W1KE. A?so a c;oucral assoit cut of House Fur nishing Oood.s. MANT7F ACTUREUS- OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING AXP .TOP.EING OF EVER DESCKiniON DONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. Also at rOPE -i SlOYirSTORE you wiil II u J HARV)WAr,E AND BASKETS, VOODEN, WARE AND 'XlN'.rARE, LANTEENS, LAM PS AND OIL, LUCINE AND NKiHT LAMPS. ALSO PERAMBULATORS. All of the above aiVc es are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. AV. J'OI'E & CO. Oi eg'iu City Oregon. Jl:lj IHCCLN BAKERY. baeley,hard:kc&co., Successors of L. Dilleu in the Lincoln Pakery, BEG LEAVE TO INFORM TIIE CITI zens of Oregon City and surrounding country, that they keep constantly on- haml and f'r sale, all kinds of BREAD, CRACIvEKS, CAKES, PASTUY, CANDIES AND NUTS. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders promptly tilled, and goods deliver ed at the residence of the purchaser when desired. The highest p: ices paid for Cutter, Eggs ETr.d Vegetables. A liberal share of public patronage is rc- fpectiuliy solicited. April T-i, lo:iy JOHN FLEMING, DEALER IN BOOKS AND STATlOHERYj IN MYERS" FIRE-PROOF CRICK, From the Ifational (Elin) Watch Co. The attention of watch-buyers is called to the improved American, ll'atch?-, manufac tured by the National (Elgin) Watch Com pany of Elgin, 111. Ladies desirous of purcha- ing a handsome, slrong and correct time piece will find the elegnnt wntch bearing the trade mark of 'LADY ELGIN" to be alt that they drsire. Inquire of jour jeweler for the LADY EL GIN. The trade npon the Pacific coast supplied at factory prices by Levtson Bros,G21 Wash ington street, Sin Francisco, who have on hand at all times a full supply of all grades of movements, and material for repairing the same. An illustrated pamphlet, entitled "Making Watches by Machinery," by the late Albert D. Richardson, will be forwarded free of charge bv send ng address to NATK'N L WATCH COMPANY, l."r and t',l Lake street, Ciiicngo; No. 1 Maideu Lane, New York; Or LEVISON BROS, 629 Washington st., San- Francisco, Cal. augi0m2 KEDIXGTOy, IIO'STETTER & CO. Slop that Coughing ! Some of you can't, and we pity you. You have tried every remedy but tl.6 ONE destined, by its intrinsic merit, to supersede all similar preparations. It is nut snrprisins you should be reluc tant to' try something else af':cr thfc many experiments you have made of trashy compounds foisted on the public as a certain cure ; but WewelTs Pulmonary Syrup is really the VERY BEST remedy ever compounded for the cure of Cough, Cold-; Sore Throat, Adltina, Jl'hooping t'ongi, IJro:)c7iitls and Consumption. Thousands of people in Californfa and Oregon have been already benefited by the surprising curative powers of fewelTs Pulmonary Syrup and with one accord give it Iheir un - qualified approbation. We now address ourselves fo aKl Who Jarc unacquainted with this, the greatest 1 panacea of the age. for the healing of all diseases of the Tlirojit and. Lungs, assuring you that Meweli's Pulmonary Syrup Rni-T cured thousands, am1 it will cure YOU, if you try it. This invaluable medicine is pleasant to the taste ; sooth ing, bealrng an-1 strengthening in its effects; entirely free from all poisonous or deleterious drugsr.arrd perfectly harm less under all circumstances. For Sale ly all DrnggUs. REDINGTON, 1IOSTETTER & CO., -ilG and 118 Front street, Sau Francisco. J" Mr MYJEIf So under THE COURT HOUSE, OPECON CTTV, OREGON. RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY IS, HOOTS & SHOES, , We also constantly keep on hand SALEM C A S S I M E R E S, FLA NN ELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which we will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange'. 57"We will also pay the highest price for Butter, Lggs, and all kinds ot good country produce. We will sell as low as any house in Oregon, tor Cash or its equivalent in good merchantable produce. Give us a call and satisfy yourselves. Redington's F I av o r I ii g Extracts ARE THE PERFECTLY PURE AND highly concentrated Extracts from Fresh Fruits, prepared with great care. Tlicv nre put up in superior sfvle, and in a bottle holding TWICE AS'MUCH as the ordinary brands of Extracts. Comparing quality and contents, none other are nearly so cheap. Whenever tested on their MERiTS,they have been adapted iu preference to all others, nnd are now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS of the Pacific Coast. MARK TIIE ADVANTAGES. By purchasing Redington's Concen trated Flavoring Extracts, you obtain an article not only superior in richness and delicacy of'ilaTor to any other of a simi lar nature, but far more economical, be cause each bi;ttle holds double the quantity contained in a bottle of any other flavoring extract sold. k REDINGTON", IIOSTETTEU . CO., Agents for the Pacific Coast. Would -on escape FEVER AND AGUE, and preserve health and vigor during the sickly season, make occasional use of the following a3 A PREVENTIVE. If you are ATTACKED with Chills and Bilious jever, or have been a victim to such disease, and used other so-called remedies without permanent relief, seek at once the safest and surest C1TKE, by using, according to directions MASON & POLLARD'S ANTI-MALARIA or, Fever and Agrte Pills. Time has proved them thoroughly to be the safest and most reliable remedy known. They contain no mercury or other mineral or chemical. They are exclusively vege table. They stimulate the functions of the liver. Congestion is impossible where they are used. They do not deter from daily labor, by assisting digestion tbey add flesh and mu-cleto the frame. They are adapted to all ages aud both sexed, ard as a FAMILY R3EDICINE Will CURE in their incipiency, three fourths ot all diseases incidental to a malarious climate. For Dyspepsia, in small doses, they have no equal. For sale bj all Druggists. IIED1XGTO.V, HOSTETTKR Se CO., SOLE AGENTS. The Battle for Life Which is continually going on between health and disease, has never received from any medicine such marked and un mistakable assistance, on the side of health, as it has Loui Meweli's Pulmonary Syrup nEDIXCTON, IIOSTETTEU & CO., 415 and 413 Front street, San Francisco. A U CTION AND COMMISSION ... A. II. HicltsiiMlsoM G AUCTIONEER f Corner of Front and Oak streets, I'ditland. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Merchari dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. B. liiciiARDsox, Auctioneer; AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bundle Iiohq English Square and Octagoii Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron j also : A large assortment of Groceries and Liquorsi' A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer Harvest oi 1870 ! ! Selling off to Close Iusincssy And no HUMBUGI! Tiie Entire Stock I oV DRY GOODS. ESDY-IIADE CLOTHING, C0TS AHD SH0I&, Mens' Ladies, Misses' and CLildrens HATS AHD CAPS. Groceries, Crockefy Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimrjeys and Burners J Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc.- Has goi to le sold Regardless cf Priced To convince yourself with resnect to this matter, call at the old corner. I. SELLING, South of Tope Co.'jj Tin Store; , .. Oregon City.- ilcdiiigtoiVs Essence Jamaica Gingci Wlticli if covfidt Tilly reocnimendtd as the best prepartioii now before the public. This valuable preparation, containing in a highly concentrated form all the properties of Jamaica Ginger.hns become one of the most popular domestic reme dies for all diseases of theGstemach and digestive organs. As a tonic, it will he found invaluable' to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; 11 fur while it imparts to the system all the glow and vigor that can be produced by wine or brandy, it is entirely free fnHn the reactionary t-ftocts that follow the use of spirits of any kind. It is also an excellent remedy for females who Fuller from difiicultmen struation, giving almost immediate re lief to the spasms that so frequently ac company that period. It gives immediate relief to Nausea, caused by riding in a railroad car, or by e sea sickness, or other causes. It is also valuable as an external ap plication for Gout, Rheumatism, .Neu ralgia, etc. IS.EDIXGT03T, HOSTETTKR & CO., 41 6 and 413 Front street, Sau Francisco.- Jacob Stitzel. James 2. UrTONV "STITZEL & UP TO N, Meal Estate Drokcrs and General Agents, Corner of Front and Q Washington streets, TORTLAND, OREGON. Will attend to the sale and purchase" of Real Estate in all parts of the City and State. Special attention given to the sale of East Portland propertjv. Address P.- O. Los 452, Portland. Oregon.- STlT7Fr, .1- TTU'mV 19tf. Ileal Estate Brokers. WILLIAM SINGER- JIas E&tuLlithed A. Factory TPS- FOR TIIE MAX UFA CTORY OF o SASH, BLINDS AND 00ORS, AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. RS- They will also do TURNING, of every" description to order, With Neatness and Dispatch.1 q all work warranted. Shop on the River, back of Ackeiman Store, Oregon Citv, Oregon1 Oregon City, July 20:tf Dr. J, H. HATCH, DENTIST. The patronage of those desiring first Class Operations, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all canes guaranteed. . N. It. Xitrous O.vjJe administered for the Tainless Lxtraction of Teeth. . OfFicft In Weigant's new building, west side of First street, between Alder aud Mor risou streets, Portland, Oregon. Guardian's Sale. IN TUE COUNTY" COURT OF THE State of Oregon for Clackamas county. In the matter oft Ire guardianship of Freder ick S. Allyn, a minor. On this day James II. Allyn, the guardian of the abo-e named minor, appeared' and filed a petition repre senfing that it was necessary to sell the N L i of the S E 4 of sec. S3 in T. 1 S R E J - Allvn, and M otir ,n the name of the State - aboT nSdCourt aU be Regular term there r ,n the first Monday of October," lVo a the ct't House iu Oregon City l-f ', ,,,.. Oregon, and show cause ?' uld' no granto sell said Iaud" County Judge." TOIINSON S ilc-.w, Attorneys for Guardian.' Sept. lOAvf Q f j