0 0 o O 0 O r nan rur i n linn i i hi mi i i in. ii i m J QWX AXD pOCXTY. jlailroatl Accidents. , gaturday last at the southern tor- of the rauroau, a iram Ifl10 1 new Piece of road, which began to -pjc fire weight, casing the 'ettl and several cars to run oft KomiTV': V. Fortunately there was 1'"" . ... .TorvvKTrt done. One baggage .nil lb uau"o t r.rwasoau.v . it S V' .1 ihatPMr. ovo E. Cole haa nis I I Sddislocated The wreck was taken to tiie."u 7 ,..o,d when the iatelli- VWS U no lr more serious one trt knh nd, arrived here, which was 'J; n On Monday morning the lf ocomoiro, Portland, and the hand nt,T 1 1-" ", aii and basrgage car and wmct-Ai., -. f,-om the one Llti ,rin .' i tiar.illcl with the IfyJ.IC --- -,. ...v,;i, .o .! ... r. i l- ti-mf-u iiui . " p v 1 c t-l ort I an which was rX., esb -ing drfven into the ground, ffi. hi hat im.ae.Uato locality is very aulas the train went over -it the i ck cVari to sink on one side, whore 4 track m0 , no( t0 be a little I 'aI Er other, causing the I V r.Tr , r, with a crash to the ' " , t. n, of about twenty Si: S t over half buried In the feet. WJ,jjrin..entv n total wreck. Jlr. trZ pStly on hand with a orceof men to remove the sand andas- L m is not SO M-nutio -- , - V T f. 11 it carried with it about ouu icei oi ' ALc"acI?. At the time of falling there .... !... f,,,ir r.ci-SOnS On Uie nam. ..u. I-'l' Ilodnett, engineer escaped with a Kdned ankle; Mr. S. II. Hudson, fire- : ci!.ri,tlT iniured. but not danger- i. was sligutiy injmt-u. ..0 lv but Mr. It. O. Thomas was injured J 1 (i,..n tiw others: but no , wrJ 'seriously than the others ; but no I ? U for his recovery are entertained. I ) Tbe brake.siiiaij escaped unhurt by leap- in-from tlie car. me uje y i ,n0n Uie main track on ednesday and I taken to the machiiie shop for repairs. ; Chin Mcsh'. On last Saturday an aged i mm came into town with his team loaded I vith produce. A large crowd of boys f ritbercd around him, hallowing to his i team to " whoa.' and calling him by the I name of " Uotchy," at which he became ..in. 'h euraLfed and proposed to chastise I n,..m iviih his crad. The boys also took I a hand in the row. A few stones were I thrown by tli parties, with no damage I lotie to either party, and the whole was i finished oil' with a grand melee of chin I music." The boys should stop tliis. or I tlify may have serfous trouble with the ? aforesaid gentleman. 1 O J Gkbuax Rki.it'- Frxn.-Mr. J. II. Schram. President of the committee for the Ger- man ltelief Fund? says they have collected 1 ami forwarded to tl Goldsmith, of Tor t 1 ,'andthesum of $208, contributed by the t German citizens ot this place. He wishes 1 ih to extend the thanks of the? Committee I to the contributors and also to Sheriff ! Myers for the use of the Court House. I Rksk'skd. Prof. S. I). Tope, who has ' for several years given such general satis faction as Principal of the Oregon City - rVtninary, lias, we are sorry to learn, re i'ij;iied that position to accept more lucra tive employment in mrue other branch. May success attend him in m future occu pation. We have been unable to learn : vho is to he h:s successor. O I'ki:s)xai.. Onr well-known and cs , teemed friend 11. (I. Head, at present fore- nn(i of the Orctjun llrrold, gave us a call tin li'st Monday morning. He looked ; hearty and clieerlui as i?ftial. He re- 'iiained here for fieveral hours, making mr sanctum cheerful with his presence, uuj then returned again to Portland. Tiiaxks. Two young ladies, Miss Bolds n:nl Mi.-s MonOlion, of this place, on last Friday evening, placed upon our table two .ancers overflowing with rich ice Cream, for which they hate our siucere thanks. Mav their future be as crowned with success and happiness as the saucers Were full of the delicious luxury. IIookixo Mi:ix)xs?. On last Wednesday n farmer drove into town with a load of ftater melons, and left a boy to watch the frairon. While he was rone n, party of fast buys went through his load and car ried oil' unite a ouantitv of the melons. The boys should stop this, or they may get into trouble. Cau'. We hare received quite a num ber of calls from young" ladies during the week, which served very much (o tfheer "p the otherwise monotonous routine of Timing office duties. Call again, ladies. we are always glau to hate visitors, and fsj ecially those of the fair sex, call on us U.wr.TtoAn ExcVii-io'N. On Sunday lapt n excursion train passed through this place from Portland. From parties pres s'Tft we learn that a ycry pleasant time was had. A large party passed up the river the Paine O.ir to attend r spiritual camp meeting at'Putteville. Dr.rxKs.Wc noticed during tSo last t'fk rpiite a number of drunken persons laying aroiTdsd !oose on the street. If we -ronot mistaken, there is an ordinance prohibiting this. Jf such is the case, we "'ink for therbenefU of the public it had ihctter bo enforced. nKMSvF.n.-Mr3. M. E. White has rc ajvedhor millinery shop from the old and to the upper floor of tbe Cliff llouse, wtc she will be pleased to see all her l'lu Customers nml ... '1 T! T- , T .111' I . M C : . 1 . " f I " ". to titan , iii;. ijiii, tic runage --roiii m iaur uer wiin meir iiat onage. Moke Chixamex: We noticed on last Lailroad, there were two platform cars loaded with Chinamen tvhirdi wwn I'Ut to work grading on the road. ' Cufp .Horse Ri-istauraxt. The popular Proprietor of thS establishment will fur- a (lay or nipht a Rood snuare meal. t "P ?! cofftfe or an excellent dish of t ojrs. Give him a trial. ) Hitk GitArEs. We notice at the store j OI Mr. A. Lew n 1 . r--n o rw;t c 0reSon grapes. They are the first we ave SCt'Q i" market, this season. Good Templar's Festival The Good "mplars of this place gave another ice Cream fe8tival in their hall on Saturday eveamg last. O O o IIomk Ao-ux. Our fellow townsmen Mr. S. Ackerman and Capt. J. W- Coch rane arrived home during fte week, the former from' San Francisco, where he had been purchasing goods, and the latter from a tour through the Atlantic Stales. Cuaxge of. Time. On Tuesday last the time on the O. C. Railroad was changed as follows : The up trains leave at 8:30 a. U . ana -.ow i. vtu v ii u iwtio i-avtr;ii 2:.'iO p. m. anu e: r. 'M. i-u be closed at 8 a. m., and 2 p. m. ..mails, will Omission. In our report of the County Court proceedings last week we omitted to mention that notice was served on the proprietors of the buildings now occupied that they would be vacated at the expira tion of the present lease. A Giaxt. Janksvii.k, Wis., August 21. Several days ago. as some laborers were digging a foundation for a barn on the grounds of Mr. Stanley, in fhe town of Janesville, section G, they unearthed a human skeleton of enormous size. It was found in a sitting posture, and is in a fair state of preervation. The skull measured 32i inches in circumference, and the thigh bones 4-fi inches in length. Dr. Town drow examined the remains shortly after they were exhumed, and gave as his opin ion'lhat when alive he must have been not less than 11 feet in height. The teeth are very large, one which the doctor extracted measuring lj inches in length. The lower limbs, from the knees to the toes, are pet rified, the flesh having turned to stone, and the parts being perfect in shape. Dr Towndrow offered Mr. Stanley SlO.OUt) for the remains, which offer was promptly accepted. The ne ws of the discovery crea ted quite a sensation iu the neighborhood. Dr. Towndrow has removed the skeleton to his home in Xecsho, Dodge County. He proposes to prepare it for exhibition. The managers of the Northern Pacific Railroad determined to build four large docks at Dulufh, the eastern terminus of the road, at the head of lake Superior. The managers have also determined to erect a magnificent freight and passenger depots at Duluth, and are now preparing for available sites. The Herald says ; The schooner A. M. Simpson, recently seized by the Collector of the Sitka Dis trict, for violation of the revenue laws, has arrived in the river. She was anchored near Rtrnie's Landing yesterday, w hen the Okanagon passed her. She comes here for adjudication in the U. S. District Court. The barkentine Jane A. Falkinberr. Cathcart, master, arrived from Honolulu last evening, in tow of the steamer Okan a.aran. She occupied but 14 davs in mak ing the passage from port to port, being the fastest time on record. She brings a full cargo of Island produce, together with a lot of coral and old-fish. A young man named Johnson, while hunting on the lower Calumbia, had the misfortune to shoot himself through the right foot. He was taken to Astoria for medical aid. The wound, though painful, is not dangerous. Soni-: jIoutii. For sore mouth, cither in human beings or animals. no application is equal to tannin, which should always be kept 111 the house for that purpose. A little of the powder sprinkled on the in- liamed or sore spots will cure al most immediately. Utah has had a shower of liz ards. Anything for a change, lirigham says he can get awav with all such things as lizards, if he can keep the Eastern ministers away from there. Religious Services. St. Pauls (Episcopal) Church, the Hev. John W. Sellwooil, lector. Services on Sunday at lojjs a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and liible class at 2 m. 1st Congregational Ciiurch Seats Free. Morning Services, n.i". Sabbath School; .-.- 12 o'clock M. Eveuint; Serviced, 7 o'clock. Rev. E. (Jkiuiy, Acting Pastor 1'RAYKli 51EETINUS. Sunday evening, 5 o'clock Tuesday evening,. 7 o'clock. o M. K. Church Scat Free. Mornitig Services, E'veniug Services,. . . .1 (").:)', 7 o'clock. social mketinus. Class M'eetinpf following Moininp: Service?. Prayer Meeting Thurscbtyeveiiinar 7 co'clok. SabLath School at 2 o'clock P. M. Rkv. C. W. Tom), Pastor. If you have a discharge from the nose, offensive or otherwise, partial loss of (he sense of smell, taste or hearing, eyes watering or weak, feel dull and stupid or debilitated, pain or pressure in the head, take cold easily, you may have the Catarrh. Thousands annually without manifesting half of the above symptoms terminate in corisn ption and end in the grave. No disease is so common, more deceptive or less understood by physicians. Ii. V. Pierce, M. D. of Buffalo, N Y., Is the proprietor Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy a perfect Specific for Catarrh, ''Cold in tbe Head," or catarrhal headache, which he sends to' any address, poS. paid, for si:ity cents, or four packages for 2. Parrrplet serft free. Sold by druggists- The Qckstion Settled. Those eminent men, Dr. Jas. Clark, Physician to tbe Queen Victoria , and Dr. Hughs Dennett, say that consumption can be cured. Dr. Wis tar knew this when he discovered bis-Balsam ok Wild CiiEisnr, and experience has proved the correctness of his opinion. WILLIAM DAVIDSON", Office, . ?."o. Gl Front Street, PORTLAND, - - - OREGON. REAL ESTATE DEALER. Special Collector cf Claims. A large amount of CITY and EAST TORT LAND Property for Sale. Also, IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un cultivated LANDS, located iu all parts of the State. Investments in REAL ESTATE and other PROPERTY, made for correspondents. CLAIMS of all descriptions promptly col lected. HOUSES and STORES leased. AH kinds of Financial and General Agency! uusmess transacted. Parties having FARM PROPERTY for sale will plea.-e furnish descriptions of the same to the AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in each of the principal CITIES and TOWNS pf this STATE. Juiv 2:tf Oregon City Prices Current. The fdllowing are the prices paid for produce, and the prices at which other ar icles are selling, in this market : WHEAT White, bushel, 90$1 OATS 1 bushel. 40 cts. POTATOES bushel. 40'30 c(s. ONIONS bushel, SI 00( l 50. FLOUlt bbl. $5 00(?,S.j 50. BEANS White. ft).. S(u 1 cts. DRIED FRUIT Annies, lb- 4J.; Peaches. lb., lfijc: Plums, It)., 1j 1G cts.; Currants. lb.. 1020 cts. JJL i 1 Eli lb.. 25cts. EGGS dozen, 2023 cts. CHICKENS dozen; $2 50(3 00. SUGAR Crushed. t If)., 20 cts.; Island "t fl., 10(7?A2h cts. ; N. O., lb.. 15 cts. ; San Francisco refined. lb. lG-J cts. TEA Young Hvson, lb., SI 50 ; Ja pan, J0cSl 25 ; Black, ft,., 75e. S1 00. COFFEE ft).. 22(.25 cts. saTjT "p, tt.. i.:rcts. SYRUP Heavy Golden, 3 gall., 90c- 5 Ex. Heavy Golden. f gall., $1 00 BACON Hams, i lb.. 10 cts; Sides, 15 ets. ft).: Shoulders, 10 cts. LARD lb.. 12,15 ets. OIL Devoe's Kerosene.? gall. 75 ; Linseed oil. raw, gall- 70c. $1 CO ; Linseed oil. boiled, f ? trail., $1 CO. WOOL ft,., 2()22 cts. BEEF On foot, 7 cts. j lb. rOKK On foot. C cts. rc) lb. SHEEP I'er head. $2 002 50. HIDES Green, ft lb.. 5c. 5 Dry, ft).. 10 eta Ca rtl. Orkoox City, Ancr. 2-r,th. 1P70. MESSRS. EVERSON t MIDDLEMISS, General Agents, and S. M. Iloldredge, Man ager Oregon and Washington Branch Office of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company : We received on the l'jth inst. -),000 in behalf of the widow of S. llosenstein, insured in your company on November SOth, 18CS. Words cannot ex press how welcome this money is to the be reaved widow of Mr. Rosen stein, for it is all that she has to protect her from actual want. I shall ever be grateful to your Company for the promptness and hearty good will with which this money was paid. R. JACOB, Adnvr of Estate of S. Rosenstein, dee'd. Sept. 3:w4 Ilcbtcca. Degree I-cTge-Ao. 53, I. O. O. F Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESBA Y E 'EXIXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend, liy order of K. G. Willamette Lodge So. O, tio :i Meets every Saturday evening, at the roorr.s S.E. corner of Main and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are invited to attend. By ordfe-r of W. C. T. Oregon Lodge No. 3, I. O. or O.'i. Sls' Meets every Thursday cven 5?ifE ing at 7 o'clock, iu Odd Fellow's "&:s Hall, Main s cet. Members of the Order are invited to attend I!y order. A. G. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner Front and Morrison Sts., PORTLAND OREGON. Keith, EVianagor. 17INEST AND LA KG EST HOTEL ON . the Northwest Coast. The building is a new brick structure, and furnished in tbe most elegant style, atlording the very best accommodations to guests. Frc Coach and Huggage W'oyontoand from the Hutxc. "4o:tf JOHN FLEMING, DEALER IN BOOKS AND STATIONERY IN MYERS" FIRE-PROOF PRICK, MAIN STREET, ORFCOX CTTV, OREGON". Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Or egon, for the county of Clackamas. Mathcw Merritt i Plaintiff. vs. V Elsy Ann Merritt ) Defendant. To Defendant, Elsy Ann Merritt. 11 N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OR- Kon: You are hereby requested to an pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled smt, within ten "days after the service of this sum mons upon 3"on, if served in Clackamas county, or twenty days if served in any other county in said State, and unless you appear and answer stud complaint in said time, or on or before the first day of the said Court, commencing- next after the ex piration of six weeks n am the publication of this summons, to-wit: On. the': Fourth Monday in Octoha; A. !), 1870, the plaintitf will apply to' the Court for the relief de mauded in the complaint, to-wit: A decree forever dissolving the Ponds of Matiiftiony existing between von and plaintiff. Py order of Ho fit. W. W. Upton, Judge of said Court. September ."th 170. JOHNSON & McCOWN, Septl0:0w Att'ys for Plaintiff.- Notico IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE COUN ty assessor of Clackamas County, Oregon, will attend at the County Clerk's office in said county, on Monday the 2Gth day of Sep tember, A. D., 1570, and with the assistance' of said Clerk will publicly examine the As sessment Koll and correct all errors in raln-ntions,- desci iption. or qualities' of lands, lots or other property. All persona inter ested will please appear at such time and place. Done bv order of the County Court. Sept. -5 th, lb70. C. C. GARRETT, Assessor of Clackamas Co., Oregon. Septlu:-3".- Guardian's Sale. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF TITE State of Oregon for Clackamas county. In the matter of the guardianship of Freder ick S. AHyn, a minor. On this day James H. Allyn,"the guardian of the abo-e named minor," appeared and filed a petition repre pentinfi; that it was necessary to sell the N E I of the S E 4 of sec. 03 in T. 1 S R 2 E, be longing to sai-1 minor, m order to educate and" maintain said minor. Therefore, the next of kin of the said minor Frederick S. Allvn, and all other persons interested, are in the name of the State of Oregon hereby required to be and appear before the above named Court at the next regular term there of, to wit : on the first Monday of October, 1S70, at the Court House in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, and show cause why a license should not be granted to sell said laud. J..K. WAIT, County Judge. JOHNSON & McCOWN, Attorneys for Guardian. Sept. l(:-iw A YOTD OIJACKS. A victim of carlv in discretion, causing nervous debility, nrpmatiii-e deeav. &c. having tried m vain every advertised remedy, has a simple means of self-cure, which" be will send free to his fellow-sufferers. Address J. H. Tt'T TLE, 7S Nassau st., New York. Sept.lt:Gm. COURTESY OF TTHTTTrcoc Tmv IS70. New Goods ! New Goods ! K. CAUFIELD BEGS LEAVE TO INFORM THE TUBLIC that he has refitted the old stand, corner Main and Seventh Sts., Oregon City, and has received an entire new stock of goods, con sisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES; CROCKER Y, GLASS Jfll?, JVOOPEXIVARE, and a general assortment of everything in our Hue. Thankful for past favors, we still solicit a share of the public patronage. Country Prodrtce taken iu exchangc.for :oods. pjotic LEON DELOUEY, Of the BARNUM RESTAURANT, Main street, OREGON CITY, Regs to inform the public and his friends that he has leased the lower part of the CLIFF HOUSE, Which he has opened as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. The table will at all times be. supplied with the best the market allords. Orders for suppers and parties will be promptly attended to. July 2:tf IALSTO IS STILL AT HIS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN and SIXTH STREETS, OREGON CITY, OREGON. XXHIERE II E WOULD INVITE II IS V T friends, and the public in general, to call and examine his stock, consisting ot a general assortment of CIO 1531 Mails soscl Caps, II 3.11 WSII'C. Gii.H!CiieSj &:c. -'.' Having fron: many years' experience learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES I N SHAH PROFITS! JS DETERMINED TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL Sih-nre the Cry of Portland Prices! Oregon City, August 28th, 130y. New Oro Fino Theater ! (Formerly the Wigwam) SALEM. ORE GO IT. t-pilK A ROTE PLACE OF AMUSEMENT JL will be fitted up in a most thorough manner, both for the Comfort and Conveni ence of patrons,- and the artistic repiesenta tiou of the Legitimate and Sensational Drama ! The. f tage will have all the Modern Im provements, Properties, and a Company of UNEXCELLED ABILITY I Composed of all the Ladies and Gentlemen of last fC:ison, and a strong acquisition from San Fraucisco. Among the Favorites will appear Mrs. - M. KATES, Miss Annie Pixlcy, Miss jHiiisiic Pixley, lilrs. K.K. Kt-jicli, Iilisa Iiitie Indies, itlrssrs. F1. M. Bates, .T. II. Vinson, Ii. C. Melville, It. Clin ton, AV. II. Siiiitli, II. Can-old, J. F. Kiirncy, antl others. The sen son at Salem will open about the middle of September,- and Continue until after the Fair, DURING WHICH TIM E WILL BE ritOnUCED THE Legitimate antl Sensational Drama,Gorredy, Extrav aganza, Burlesque and Farce. THE ORO FINO THEATER, PORTLAND, will open with the above company about the midd.e of October, for the regular Jb all and Winter Season of twenty-six weeks. F.-HI. IJA'I'KS, JMLilliagcr. aug2Swi LINCOLHBAKERY, BAILE Y, HARDING & CO., Successors of L. Diller in the Lincoln Iiakery, BEG LEAVE TO INFORM THE CITI zens of Oregon City and surrounding country; that they keep constantly on hand and for sale; all kinds of DREAD, CRCKER, , CAKES, PASTRY, . CANDIED AND NUTS. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders prompt!) filled, and goods deliver ed at the residence of the purchaser when desired. , . Ttie highest prices paid fjr Cutter, Eggs and Vegetables. A liberal share of public patronage is re spectfully solicited. April 23; ISTOrly Jacob Stitzfx. James B. Upton. STITZSL & UPTONj Real Estate Brokers and General Agents, Corner of Frbnl and Washington streets, TORTLAND, OREGON. !" Will attend to the sale and purchase rf.il T-"tnff in nil T)arts of the Citv and vi i. . . . . i t ( State. Special attention given to the sale of East Portland property. Address P. O. Box -4S2, Portland. Oregon. L'T;T7rt f- I'OTOV 3tf. Ktal Estate Brokers. 1847. BANCROFT LIBRARY, m? oat t-phdmt a THE MEW -FOOD. 1 1 mBijS For a few cents to: cf ycur Grccer or Druggist f. rackagc of SEA MOSS FAKINE, made froui pure Irish Tfloss, or Carrageen, wliicli will iiiaio sixteen quarts ci Blanc Mango, and a like quartHy cf Pud dings, Custards, Creams, Chariot-to Russo, &c. It is tho cheapest, health i est, and most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and lias no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Change ! ! ?11TZ GREAT WORLD S TCr.'IC. Plantation Bitters. Tea is v."0254dOS"f-3l vccln'oSc rcsJor:aS5t i lie fiJscct-;isi-clacr of (lac iQcIi5c nt2Bl iCiifiS tutcd. As n o22lc nsnsi crtrd aiil for llic agctl ri3si Iisngfuul, It Eira-3 no CQiinl si:Mcrag' f;3or:: aclsacs. As :i rcsi2Ci3y fop Eac? Hcrvoii.i AveaEisicss o tvIuBcIa v.vo:2icsa rare cspcciaSy oj-iId'-JecC, it is stsperscciis-i-j every KiaJcs, troascai, Ccirnpcmte, or frigid, it ncls sig n sgecisic in every species off disopder vScfi tmilfpasakscn tlSac ?;oiliJy slressgtla iibuI L're;tSts down tJse asiisnnl spisils. For sale by I1 E&rwg'S'ists. Aug. 20, lS70:ly C. . POPE & GO-, deam-:i:.s IN STOVES, TIN PLATE, S1IEE F TR0N,r.RA ZIP S' ( OPPEK, LEAD PIP E, IRON 1'IPE AND FITTINGS, RPKREIl IIOSK. FOIIC'E AND I.IFT PUMPS. JNC, COPl'IR, PR ASS AND IRON WIRE. Also a pencral assoit, nibbing Goods. ent of House Fur- JI ANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Iron Ware. Sheet ROOFING AND .TOURING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORiM R, AND AT LOW PRICES. o Also at t-OPE'SJ SIOVE; STORE you will find HARDWARE AifP RASE ETS, WOODEN, WARE AM) TINWARE, EA NTEl.'NS, RAMI'S AM) OIL, LUCINE AND NKillT LAMPS. ALSO PERAM ISL'L.VTORS. o All of the above articles are for sale'at PRICES TO SUIT TEE TIMES. C. AV POPE CO. Oregon City Oregon. ll:ly JOHN MYERS. II. C. MYERS. UNDER THE COURT HOUSE, OREGON CITY, OREGON. RETAIL DEALERS IN BEY 5g, HOOTS "We also constantly keep on hand SALEM CASS IME RES, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which we will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. RTWe will also pav tbe highest price for Putter, Egg- and all kinds of good country produce. We will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash or its equivalent in good merchantable produce. . r Give u5 a call ana satisfy yourselves. From the National (Elgin) Watch Co. The attention of watch-buyers is called to the improved American, Hratc!tr, manufac tured by the National (Elgin) Watch Com pany of Elgin, 111. Ladies desirous of purcha' ing a handsome, strong and correct time piece will find the elerrfuit watch bearing the trade mark of "LADY ELGIN" to be all that thev desire. Inquire of your jeweler for the LADY EL GIN. The trade upon the Pacific coast supplied at factory prices by Levison Bros,C'29 Wash ington street, San r rancisco, who have on hand at all times a full supply of all prrades of movements, and material lor repairing the same. : . ...... An illustrated pamphlet, entitled "Making W&tfhes by Machinery," by the late Albert D. Richardson, will be forwarded free of charge bv sending address to NATIONAL WATCH COMPANY, 159 and 101 Lake street, Chicago ; No.,1 Maiden Lane, New York ; Or LEVISON BROS, ti Washington st., San Francisco, Cal. au"'20m2 HEDINGTOX, IIOSTETTER & CO. Stop that Coughing! You have tried every remedy but the ONE destined, by its intrinsic merit, to supersede all similar preparations. It is not surprising you should be reluc tant to try something else after tbe many experiments yon have made of trashy compounds foisted on the public as a certain cure ; but Kcwcll's Pulmonary Syrup is really the VERY BEST remedy ever compounded for the cure of Cough-", Co'.J, orr Throat; A dtnw, Whooping Coughs, Bronchitis and Consumption. Thousands of people in California and Oregon have been already benefited by the surprising curative powers of Newell's Pulmonary Syrup and with one accord give it their un qualified approbat'on. :A We now address ourselves to all who "are unacquainted with this, the greatest . .panacea of the are. for the healing of ail diseases of the Throat ami JLmys, assuring you that Newel Ts Puimonary Syrup has cured thousands, and . it will cure YOU, if you try it. This invaluable medicine is pleasant to fhe taste ; sooth ing, healing and strengthening in its cllvcts entirely free frmi all poisonous or deleterious drujrs.nnd perfectly harm less under all circumstances. For Sale fry nil Druggists. REDINGTON, IIOSTETTER & CO., 41G and 413 Front street, San Francisco. Rcdiiigton's Essence Jamaica Ginger, Jl'hich confidently recommend fd as the beat pr par tlon note Lcfore the public. This valuable preparation, containing in a highly concentrated f orm all tbe p r o p e r t i es o f J a m ai c a ( ! i n ger, h a s b eco m e one of the most popular domestic reme dies for all diseases of the stomach and digestive organs. As a tonic, it will be found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; jffor while it imparts to the system all the glow and vigor that can be produced by wine or brandy, it is entirely free from the reactionary eflccts that follow the use of'spiiits ofatiy kind. Jt is also " an excellent remedy for females who suffer from difficult men struation, giving almost immediate re lief to the spasms that so frequently ac company that period. It gives immediate relief to Nausea, caused by riding in a railroad car, or by sea sickness, or other causes. It is also valuable ns an external ap plication for Gout, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc. UEDISGTO.V, IICSTETTKU CO.; 4.1C and 118 Front street, San Francisco. Rcdiiigton's F I av o r i n E x t r a c t s APE THE PERFECTLY PURE AND highly concentrated Extracts from Fresh Fruits, prepared with great care. Thev ure put up in superior stvle, and in a bottle holding TWICE AS'MUCII as tbe ordinary brands of Extracts. Comparing quality and contents, none other are nearly so cheap. Whenever festedon tiieih ri:niTS,they have been adopted in preference to all others, and are now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS of the Pacific Coast. 3E1RK THE ADVANTAGES. By purchasing Redington's Concen trated Flavoring Extracts, yon obtain an article not only superior in richness and delicacy of flavor to any other of a simi lar nature, but far more economical, be cause ei'.ch bottle holds double the quantity contained in a bottle of any other flavoring extract sold. k REDIXGTOS, IIOSTETTER CO.; Agents fir the Facific Coast. M. $c P. Would yon escape FEVER AND AGUE, and preserve health and vigor during the S'ckly season, make occasional use of the following as A PREVENTS VE. If you are ATTACKED with Chills and Bilious Fever, or have been a victim to such disease, and used other so-called remedies without permanent relief, seek at once the safest and surest CUEE hy using, according to directions MASON & POLLARD'S ANTI-MALARIA. or, Fever and Ague Tills. Time has proved them thoroughly to be the safest and most reliable remedy known. They contain no mercury or other mineral or chemical. Th.y are exclusively A-ege-table. They stimulate the functions of the liver. Congestion is impossible where they are used. They do not deter from daily labor. l:y a.-sisting digestion tl ey add flesh and mu-cleto the frarre. They are-adapted to all ages and both sexes; and as a" FAMILY MEDICINE Will CURE in their incipiency, three fourths ot all diseases incidental to a malarious cPnrafe. For Dyspepsia, in small doses, they have no equal. For sale by all Druggists. REDIXGTOX, IIOSTETTEtl & CO., SOLE AGENTS. The Battle for Life Which is continually going on between health and disease, has never received from any medicine such marked and un mistakable assistance,- on the side of health, as it has Loin Newoll's Pulmonary Syrup REDIXGTO.7, IIOSTETTER CO., 415 and -lis Front street, San Francisco. AUCTION AlsD COMMISSION AUCTIONEER! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Pofttencf. AUCTION SALES , Of Real Estate. Groceries, General Merchan disc and Horses, Every Wednesday anl Saturday ! A. B. RicirARDsoxy : Auctioneer; AT PRIVATE SALE, English refined Par and Bundle lion' English Square and Octagon Cast steel ; Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; ' Screws, Fiy-pans, sheet iron, R.'g. Iron ; also: A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors A. B. Riciiakdsox, Auctioneer rj Harvest oi 1S70 ! ! Selling ojf to Close Eusincss, Aiaci sao HUMBUG ! OF DEYIGOODS, . RE A V Y-HADE CL0TEIKG.- C6l8 AND SHOES; G ilebs' Ladies, Misses' and Chilureus' O HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chillis eys and Burners I 0 Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got to he sold Regardless of Price! tH, To convince yonr.e!f with rc?pect to' this matter, call at the old corner. I. SELLING, SoutJi cf Tope $ Co.'- Tin Store, Cregci City. Si ummons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon," for the county of Clackamas, Patiick Dalev, Plaintiff, vs." Famnel Vv'ixson, defendant. To Samuel Wixson, the above named de fendant : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Ore-, gou : Yen are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filert against you, in said Court in tbe above entitled action,' with in ten days after the service of this sum mons rporr yon, if served in Clackamas county, or twenty days 'f servtd iu any other county in said State. And unless j u so ap pear and answer said complaint in said time, or on or before tho first day of the teim of said Court, commencing next after the expi ration of six weeks from the publication of this summons, to-wit : On the Fourth Monday in Cctol.cr , J-1.Z.,1S70, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the" relief demanded iu the complaint, to.wit : Judgment against you, Samuel Wixson. for $308 10-100, Tn U. S'. gold coin, and interest thereon sinca the 13th of April, 1809, at ten per" "ent. per annum, and also for the further sum cf 80-100, in U. S. geld coin, also for costs and disbursements of this action. Ry order of Hon. W. W, Upton, Judge of said Court. JOHNSON & McCOWN. . . Alfys lor Plaintiff, Aug- IS, lsrO:wG FOR THE 3IAN UFA C TOTi Y OF FUf&jSSTURE, SASH, BLINDS AND GG6RS, AND MOULDINGS CF ALL SfZES. TS Thev will also do TITR"IG nfcvonr detci iptiou to order, With Ieatnes3 and JJLspatcIi ! -o ALL WORK WARRANTED. Shop on the River, back of Ackerman s Store, Oregon City, Oregon Oregon City, July cO.-tf Dr. J, II. HATCH, DENTIST. The natron a'-'-e of f hosp rloslrinnp J-i-rst. m,t Operation, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in a!f cases guaranteed. N. IJ. A ifriits fr'r's nrtmimstpi-wl f,it"ho' Painless Extraction of Teeth. Offick In Weigant's new baildirig,-west side of 1-irst street, between Aider ai.eV iler fison streets, Portland, Oregon. n AYUat tlie ?Iincrs Siiy of Ilosteitcr's MJmacli liitters. During the season when the Gold Harvest . is generally suspended,- and the reapers of the glittering crop seek the cities to enjoy themselves, there is,- of course, a good ileal of conviviality among thi3 enterprising and hard-working class; but dram drinking is not carried to the excess that it(Was some years ago. This may fairly be attributed ta the growing distaste for raw spirits engen dered bv the use of IIO.STETTER'S STOM- ACH BITTERS. This famous stomachic is in universal favor with the miners. They take it with them to the interior, and tve it regularly, . not as a beverage, but as strength sustaining toic, and an antidote to the unhealthy- .influences to which they aio exposed in the localities where they labor and, on returning to the cities and towns, they find in its refreshing and invigorating properties the best safe guard, not only against the d leases, but against the distipiir t i on of crowded communities. It isonect the peculiarities of the preparation that iti an antidote to inebriety. Jjiose who take i as an appetizer end invigorant,- aver thfi thev bare no desire whatever for liquor ct an v description, and, whatever fan atca may think to the contrary. HOSTETTEIi'S BIT TERS is a powerful ally of tbe temperance ctuse. It is because uninedicarted alcofu I weakens tbe stomach and the nervous sys tem by its reaction, that it begets a cravin for its'elf. It excites, and when the excite ment passes off, debility ensues, and mora fuel is needed to renew the artificial fire that has, so to speak, burnt itself out. lint th effect of the great vegetable tonic and alter ative is to invijre-ate the system fcrms teiitly aud heal ih fully. i J o G o O v J