O o o End of the Thieves' Carnival- The "carnival of thieves," as the last session of Congress was very properly called by the .New York Tribune, ended last Friday by a general departure of the members for their homes and stumping gi'oitnds. The session was one of the most worthless, corrupt and disgraceful ever held in Washington. Its legislation was controlled by thieves and rings by party or individual in terests, and not by the public- good. Jobs, jobs, jobs this cry constituted the emotto and moral of all that was done; and grand and petit larceny w as the order of the day from the first to the last hour of the session. The loyal patriots assembled in the capitol Were not fastidious in their lar cenies, and xere equally prompt and efficient in stealing millions of public lands, or prigging soap, sta tionery and tooth brushes. In petty meanness this Congress ex ceeded all its predecessors. It made a scapegoat of a clerical car pet bagger for selling cadetships to cover up a multitude of similar transactions; and became virtu ously iiulignant at Whiemore for doing on a small scale what Grant does on a large one. The one peddled his cadetships for a few hundreds with which to buy nig ger votes, the other bestows his highest oflices for money or prop erty in house's or real estate. 31 embers elected by majorities of thousandsweic turned out of their scatsOto make way for rascally vagabonds who never dared to face their constituents, while oth ers whqiad no earthly right to a Feat were paid large sums for keep ing up a pretense of a contest. "Whitewashing committees were paid enormous sums to prepare reports screening notorious rogues from mmisliment for infamous Crimes, ml to save tllO part V from I i t a ti i i merited disgrace. Jobbers, mo-. nopolists and fanatics .directed the . votes ot the loyal members upon all questions, and their decisions were invariably against the inter ests of the masses nnd in favor of capitalists and the shoddy aris tocracy. In no single instance did the wishes and interests of the people prevail against the com mands of the land grabhers, the money sharks and the lobby thieves. In the higher walks of statesmanship, this Congress was a signal and disgraceful failure. -The session opened with an immense bellowing about the Alabama 9-laims, and iizzled out with 'nego tiations in n worse condition than ever. There was a noisy -splurge about Cuban affairs, but a nod from the White House silenced if, and there was nothing done. The two bodies worried and fumed over the everlasting reconstruction infamy, but accomplished nothing . but the irritation and disgust of Qthe South, so that the Union is no nearer restoration than when the session began. Corruption was the business and perjury the pas time of the majority. Taken all in all, the most fanatical Jacobin O is unable to point out three good measures enacted by this Congress. It seems incredible that an in telligent1 people should tolerate sncPa body of legislators for any length of time. It is doubtful whether another people upon the face of the globe would endure such robbery, corrupt inn and icn Oeral infamy for a single season. The American people, have this autumn an opportunity to change this state of affairs, and they owe it to themselves and the good name of the country to effect that change without mercy or remorse. The jackals and the thieves who i? nave neon tairenmg at the public crib at "Washington, njj'l who now come impudently asking a popular endorsement of their many crimes, should be spotted by the people everywhere, and everywhere de feated. If by party trickery or by a division of their ill--ott rn plunder they secure renominations in loyal caucusscs, the people owe it to their own dignity and honor to spurn such creatures at the polls, and show the upstart dema gogues that they have trespassed too far and too long upon the pa tience of constituents. Offenses against the Constitution, against the laws, against decency, against the peace and happiness of. the eountry. such as these Congres sional Jacobins have repeatedly committed, would excite the dis irust and resentment of barbarians. They should at least meet with the emphatic condemnation of the voters of the United States. Down with the Rump Jacobins. Ohio crisis. A V am pike. James Garnet, nn imprisoned thief, at Virginia, Xe vadnf was discovered some tinu since, while in the act of drinking his own life blood from a vein in the riht arm. lie informed the jailor That he had subsisted on thnt kind of fare at certain intervals for years0 Dealers in city lots in San Fran cisco, say that real estate is "flat." The statistics fully sustain this opinion. O - TO THE XERYOtS & DEBILITATED WHOSE SUFFERINGS HAVE BEEN Protracted from Hidden Causes, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE Prompt Treatment to render existence desirable. If von are suffering or have suffered, from involuntary discharges what elfect does it produce upon j our general health ? Do you j teel weak, debilitated, easily tire-1 ? Does a lis tic extra exertion pro luce palpitation of the heart.' loe- vaur liver, or urinary or- n, or your kidneys frequently get. out of order ? Is your m ine sometimes ttr.cK.miiKy or florkv. or is it ropy on settling? Or des a thick s um rise to the top? Or is a sedi merit at the bottom after it nas stod awhle? Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated? !' you liave spells ol fainting, or rushes or t)hod to the bead ? Is vour memory mi pa red? Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subject ? I) yon feel dui. listless. moping, tired of company, of I i Ft- ? Do you wish to be left alone, to' get awaj- from every body ? Does any little thing make you start or jump ? Is your sleep broken or restless ? Is the lustre ot vour eve as brilliant i llic bloom on voik cheek as bright? Do you en- j y yourself in society as well ? Do you pur sue your business with the" same energy ? j Do vou feol as much confidence in you self? Are jour spirits dull and flagging, given to fits of melancholy? If so do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have vou restless niii'its ? Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but little appetite, and you attrib ute this to dyspepsia,, or liver complaint.'' FSOW, READER, sell-a'.u-e. venereal d:sc cses badlyeured.and sexual excesses, are all capable ot producing a w.eaktIPM Gf the gei.e.ative organs. The organs of generation, when in perfect health, make the man. Did You Ever Think that those bold defiant, energetic, persevering. successful business men, are always those whose generati.-e organs are in perfect health? Yon rever hear such men complain of be ing melancholy, of nervousness, or palpita tion of the heart. The)' are never af raid they cannot succeed in business; they don't 'become sad and discouraged ; they are all ways polite and pleasant in the company ot ladies, and look you :m I them right in the race none of your downcast looks or other meanness about them. I do not mean those who keep the organs inllattd b;r running to excess. These will not -only RUIN THEIR CONSTITUTIONS, but also those they do bu iness with or for. How many men. from badly cured diseases, from the effects of self-abuse and excesses have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced the general system so much as to induce almost every other disease IDIOCY, liUtfACY, spinal affections, suicide, and almost every other form of disease which humanity is heir to, and the real cause oft! e trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored for all but the riiiht one. Dise.iscs of these organs require the useof a Diuretic. HELMBGLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU is the great Dinretic, nnd is a certain cure for disease- of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravtl. biopsy, Organic Weakness. Female Com- i p;aint. General JK unity, and all diseases oi the Urinary Orgas-s, whet her existing m .Male or Female, Irom whatever cause originating, and no" matter of now long standing. It no treatment is submitted to. Consump tion or Insa. i y may ensue. Our flesh and bio d arc supported from these source, and the health and h:ippine-s, and that of Pos terity, depends upon proni;;t use of a reliable remedy. I! ELM COLD'S EXTRACT iSUCIIU, Established upward of Nineteen Years, IS PREPARED BY H. T. HELTiIBOLD, Druggist, 594 Broadway, Eew York, AND 104 South Tenth St., Phila., Pa- ' r f.--- Per Bottle, or 6 Bottles for -.a. de.ivered t. any address. Sold by all ' - owa c r i w 1 1 -r-; None are genuine unless done up in steel , " rapper, wun tac-simile of Chemical V. arehouse, and signed my H- T- HELMBOLD. An GEEAT REDUCTION Ift! PRICES AT 33. L. STORE'S, Xo107 Front Street, WALTIIAM WATCHES, OROIDE WATCHES AND CHAINS, UKU1 FINE JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. A11 at jSTew York Prices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. EYERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY" REFUNDED. Watches and Jewelry repaired. juOtf THE "SIXGEii" SEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, tilth Attachment for all kinds of Work, is fast winning facor in the how-e-hold, as g h men by the sales of last year, amounting to eighty-six thousand seven hundred and eig'ity-one Machines, irhichfar exceed those vf any other Company. This new FAMILY MACHINE is capable of a range and variety of wmk such as wis tin tight impossible, a shart lime ago, to per form by mathineiy. V e claim, and can show tho-e whom it mny concern, that it is the cheapest, most beai. tiful, delicately an anged, n eelv adjusted, easily opurated.ai.d smoothly running ot al! tlie lamily hewing Machines. It is remarkable, not only lor the range and variety o! its sewing, but also tar the variety and different kinds of texture which it will stw with equal facility and perfection, using S.Ik Tw .4. Linen or Cotton Thread, fine oi coarse, making the INTEULOOKED ELAS TIC STITCH, alike on both hides f the fabric sown. Thus beaver cloth, or leather. may be sown with great strength and uni fortuity of stitch, and in a moment tiii will ling and never wearying mat h ne may be adjusted for tine work on gauze or gossamer tissue, or the tucking of tarktan.or ruffling, or almost any oti.er work w hich delicate ringers have been known to pet form. Purchasers can soon be convinced that our new Family Machine embodies NEW ai.d essential principle- simplicity of construe tion ease of operation uniformity ot PRE ClSE action a: any speed capacity f i rangt and raiiety of woik, fine ni coarse, leaving all rivals behind it. Tlic Folding Cases. The New Family Machine may be h id m a variety ot folding covers and c.i.-es. Some show in polished surface only the train and tint of the wood, while others are finished iu all the elaboi ation of art. Tlie All:it lui'.ruts For TTemminsr. FelKnr, Bufirnjr, Braiding. B ndin, Cording. Gathering, Tuckinj;, Em broidt-rinrr. Ac, a'-e rot only numerous, but iv w brought to srreat. perfection. Most oi tl.em can be attached or detached by a sim ple move ot the hand. The quality of the work can only be fuliy appreciated uu ob servation aud examination. Plaelilnu Twist, l.IXEX TBREXD, SPOOL COTTO.V, OIL, C. We have at.d shall keep i;i stock at our Central OHice, arid Agencies, on spools of raiinus sizes.) Twi.-t of all sics and colors. Line. i Thread, Spool Cotton, Oil, and all other ai ticks necessa.y iu the use of cur ma chines. A c wish it nnder.-tood that we manufacture the Twi t sold by u- ; that we shall turn to have it excel in qmlity and exceed in quan tity, for a given price, that of other manu facturers, and that the Twi-t imide by us in oar new and exteusire mills, supplied as they are with the most impioved machinery ;ind skilled laborj can be relied on for the desirable qu.il'ties of uniformity of HzcfeE-tr ness, lt ngth of thread as n.arkea oj tach spool, strength, excellence of color, and l.eauty of fin s'.i. The Singer Hanutiuixij Co., No. 45S Broadway, New York. San Francisco OHice 130 Montgomery St. Aug 2S:;jm Stp:w wagon AND Carriage Rfianufactory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of Lis premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very b?ft of mechani -s, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out a!! complete any sort ol a vehicle from a com nmn cart to a concord coach. Try me. Blacksmithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing neatly, quickly and cheap ly done. DAVID SMITH. Opposite Excelsior Market gn APES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAIS STUB FT, Oregsn City. Bet BILLIARD TABLES in OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. . T 11 F B A 11 1 S S UP PLIED With all the choicest qnalities of Liquors anj Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon already famous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE STONE N ! OT' DRAUGHT. fiTg-Tamilies supplied. - J : COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, f: : UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, s BERKELEY. CALIFORNIA Portland, Oregon. JNOTICE. The People's Transportation Company WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FROM OREGON CITY AS FOLLOWS: FOR PORTLAND : At 1 1 M., every day, except Sunday. MONDAY. WEDNESDAY" AND FRIDA" FOR For Salem, and Dayton. AND OX TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, ' A. 331 332? ISJT, o A. A. McCULLY", President. Aug. fith. 13tfc.4Uf The standard remedy for C-orJj, Influ ents, Sore Throat, IVhotip'rig Cough, Crovp. Li rrr Comp'uint, Bronchi!)", Blading of the Lung, and every aflection of the Thtoat. Luntrs and Chi'st". including Coxsitmptio.v.' AVi-lMi-'s ISalsssm does not ly up h Cough, but loosens it, cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus rt moving the cmi& of the complaint. None eenune unless signed 1 I'i tts. Prepared by Sktii W. Fowlk A Son, Boston. Sold by ilEiuNOTr.x. Ho-. tetter A Co., San Francisco, and by dealers generally. JelP mm?- 'J 1 is Ii in dy does not simply roUtre tor a short time, but it products peilVct and per manei t cures of ti c worst ca-es of Chronic Nasal Catnrrh. and I iriJl pen $-100 rurar.i for a rae thai 'I canvr-.t tvre. "'('old in the head " and Catarrhal Ilf-adache Hie cured with a f w application. If you have a di charge Irom the no.ce, offensive or otherwise, stopping up of the nose at times, parti il los of the sense of smell, taste or hearing, ej es watering or weak, feel dull, have pain or !rea?ure in tlie head, you may rest a-sured that you have Catarrh. Thousands annually. withoi.t manifesting half of tl e aoove sys tems, terminate in consumption and end in the grave. No disease is s common, more deceptive or les-1 understood by physicians I will send my pamphlet on Catanh to any addie-s free. Dr. Sage's Catairh Remedy is now SOLD BY MOST DRUGGISTS IN ALL PAUTri OF TUB WORLD. Price 50 cents Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of CO cents, or four packages fir two dollars Beware of counterfeits nnd worth lr.s imitations. See that my private vtaw.p. which is a positive guarantee ef genuineness, is upon the outside wrapper. Remember that this private s'amp, issued by the United States Government expressly for stamping my medicines, has my portrait, name and a.ldress, and the woids ' U. S. Ceitificate of Genuineness" tngraved upon it, and need not be mistaken. Don't be swindled by travelers and others, representing themselves as Dr. Sage ; I am the only man now living that has the knowledge and rirht to manu facture the genuine Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem edy, and I never travel to soil this medicine. K..V. PIERCE. M. D., ju23m3 153 Seneca street, Buffalo. N.Y. fa K -o A-VERDICT HAS BERN RENDERED by hundreds on this coast to the Su perior Medcai Virtues of dr. j. w. mi-iik a. y & sorts' -PREMIUM LUNG- BALSAM! The safest and surest remedy congenial with the laws of nature ever yet discovered in medical Science. Also, Dr. J. W. Murray & Sons' MAfilC OIL., the Kinst of all Pains. The best family medicine in the world. Sure remedy for sudden attacks asSpa?ms,Cronp, Cramps, Neurahria, Headache. Toothache,' etc. It is one of the most reliable medicines in all nervous and inflamatory complaints and pains, such as Rheumatism Sere Throat, Diptheria. Sprains, Bruises, Felons, Weak. Swollen and Stiff Joints, Contracted Cords' and Mu-cles, Lame Back, and numeiousother complaiuts Directions on each bottle. Mothers and nurses will find it an incom parable Southing Syrup, safe and harmless when diluted v iih sweetened water, tor the most delicate child. Office 10C Front street. Portland. For sale bj all druggists and traders on this coast. Sept. T:tf ' I ii 1 JiiilfcTiitlfalHil 11 li il i WALTER BROS. New CAD PITTING VELVETS, BRUSSELS, THREE -PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES; PAPER-HANGINGS, LACE-CURTAINS, &c, &c We Would Call the attention of par ties fitting tip houses, or being in need of anything in our line To our Stocky which is ONE OF lllh C OMPLETF.ST On tlie Pacific Cosist ! Our Goods Leing specially selected at the Factories in England and the Eastern States, we can sell AT THE LOWEST Saials'asacisco Prices. WALTER ERO No. 89 Front street, between Alder and Washington, Portland Oregon 15.) 112 FRuNT STREET, 131 FIRST STREET, Near Morrison Street. Near Yamhill. KAST ti CAIIALIN, New Stock of Boots and Shoes JUST RECEIVED! Best Selection in the City ! Comprising all the leading and best brands known, such as Benkert's, Tin-ell's, Fogg's. Houghton & Coolidge's. Reed's, Godfrey's and numerous others, of cents and boVs' wear, Also Mile's, Sieberlich's, Burt's. San Francisco aud custom-made ladies and children's wear. Our customers and the public in general are invited to call and examine our stock, which we will sell cheaper than ever. P. S. Boots made to order, 'and an assort ment of our make constantly on hand. Sji 31 From the H itlCUal Elgin) Watch CO The at for lion of vatili b ivcrs is ca'Ied to he folio vii c imnrfireioents in the A mericun WaUhe, manufactured by tlie National (El gn) Wa?e! C nnpany of'.K'gjn 111.: lie Ll'jJN Watches are furniseed with Unit's pa't nt pinion, to j reve .t damage to he tra n in case of the bie.iking of the main spring. Tin- Llnin watches are furnished w'th a patent hair spiingstni to pn vent th; chan--ing the adjustment et the hair spring alter ihe watch has been regulated. The lClrin watches ate furnished with a naten'ed -onriven.-e fo t.'.e letting d -wn of the main .-pri :g tvd'iout rtmoring the dial or hands. Th: Elgin Watche-- ae vo constructed that ihe barrel can be removed and the mrun, spring changed without taking the watch down. The Elgin Watches are furnished with the only complete protection agains dust yet in troduced upon Aineric hi mad movements. The dust excluder used upon the Elgin move snentsellectnally inclos es the woiks, and renders the entrance ot dust at imposdbility T: ese iuiprovenients are peculiar to the Elgin Wat. in s, and are found on none oth ers. The di:t exclu ier will spec allv com mend it-elf 10 miners, railroad men and oth ers engaged in ut of door employment. The Elgin Watch r.rancled " B. W. Ray mond "' is constructed wi:h especial ref rence to its use upon engines and moving ti tins, and the C.mpanyc!aim for it that it is the Lest ruilroi.d wa'ch in the world. The f'ol lowing prtmiricnt raihoad officials have giv en it ilieir hearty endorsement and commen dation : E. B. Phillips, Esq., President Lake .-bote ar.d Michigan Southern R. R.; Col. C (L Ilammo jd. Superintendent Union Pacific R. U.; Edwaid 11." Williams. (Jeneral Super intendent Pennsylvania R. R. Co.; L. D. Uucker, General Snjierintt-iident Erie R. R.; J.M, Toueey, General -Super.ntendeiit Hud son River R. R. G. L. Dunlap, (Jeneral Su perintendent Chicago and 'or.h Western R'v and many -titers. Ladies desirous of purchnsing a handsome. stror;g and correct time piece, will find th; elea t watjh beaiing the trade mark of " LA I V ELGIN" to te all that they desire. Inquire ot 2 our jeweler for the LADY EL GIN. The real El-'in Watches, elegant, accurate, durable, in many styles and at various prices each accompanied by the special warrantee ceitificate of this Company, and usually also truaranieed , by the local dealer or watch maker, can be had of most jewelers in all towns throughout the Unium States. Call and ask to see them. As sn additional pro tection, look for ''National Watch Co," on the dial, and one ot tlie fol owinw timdk marks, viz , "B W. Raymond," 'iT 'A Cul ver," "II. ILTavlor," "G. M. Wheeler" "W II. Ferry," ".Matt. Lnfiin,,' "J. T. Rverson," "Lady Elgin," or Frances Rubie," to"Cthei with the words "Elgin, Ills.," tngraved up on tl.e gilt plate inside. These are the trad marks to denote the various graehs find styles, but as even these have been p rated, require al-o the special warranty ceitificate' d.ily signed by T. M. Avery, the President of the Company, and numbei edto correspond 1 with the watch. The Uade on the Pacific coast suppli. d at factory prices by Levisou Bros, ' 2i Wash ington street, Sau l-'i aneisco. who have on hand at all times full supply of ull grades of movements, a:,d mateiiai for repairing the same. An illustrated pamphlet, entitled "Making Watches by Machinery," by the late Albert D. Richardson, will be forwarded free of charge bv sending address to NATIONAL WATCH COMPANY, 1-59 and lfil Lake street, Chicago ; No. 1 Maiden Lane. New York ; or . LEVI-ON BROS. 629 Washington st.,tSan Francisco, Cal. aug20ni'2 Physician & Accoucheur e, DR. IilAEY P. SAWTELLT- O' FFEP.S HER PROFESS TON A L SER vices to th'' peoj Ic of Orc-goi-. Cit and vicinity. Residence in the couLtry, ten miles e. st of. Oregon Citj'. May 4:tf JUSTICES' BLANKS, of overjdescri tion. printed nt the Enteki-ei.se offic Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas. Charles Logus, I'laintiff, vs. Jacob Boehin and Mary Boehm, Defendants. To the above named Maty Bochri, defend ant. TN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF 0R X egon : Y'ou are hereby requ:red to ap pearand answer the complaint iileu against you in the above entitled suit, within ten days after the service ot this sunsmonslipon you, if served in Clackamas count', or twen ty days if served in any other county in said State, and unless you appear and answer said coinphiint iu said time, or on or beford the first day of the term of said Court, com mencing next after the expiration of six weeks irom the publication of this summons, to-wit: On. the Fourth Monday in,October,A.I).,l$Q, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for fhe it-uei uemanded in the complaint, to-wit: The foreclosure of a mortgage given by you and Jacob Boehm, defendants, dated, 14th day of March. lM;i, on lots numbered 4 and in block niimlK-iPil 97 in Dn-ciin OtV. also, for costs and disl ursements of thi suit, By order of lion. W. W. TT. fon. Judire of said Court. JOHNSON & JIcCOWN, Atty's lor Plaintiff. Aug. 13, 1S70:wG Sunmons. In the C'rcuit Con t f the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county. DAVID C. WILLS, Plaintiff, vs. W. C. WILSON and DANIEL WILSON, Defendants: To DANIEL WILSON, one of the above Defendants : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORF gfm. you are heieby notified and lequired io appear, aud answer to the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled action, on or be'ore the liist day ot il.e next regular term o! the said Court, following pix weeks publication ot this summons, to-wit : on or before the fourth Monday in October, l-7; and if you fail jo to amwer, for want there of, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for t!'e sum ot Gve 1 undred and seven t.;. nine dollars, in gold coin, and interest thereon pince the 1st day of January, 1M57, besides the coats and disbursmeiita in said action. Published by order of Hon. W. W.Upton, J udge. KELLY & REED, Att'ys for Piaintiff. August G, !S70:wG WALL AM ET IRON WORKS COMPANY! STEAM ENGENE And Eo Ier Euilders! JSorth P ront and h, sts., Portland, Oregon. rpiII-JSE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the X bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and have facilities for turn- ut rnacn"'er.v promptly and efliciently. Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex- 1 Priciic'' on coast for fifteen years civ, s hint n tlmrfjiHfh 1: li-i? (. nf 1 1 1 viM-imic ! kinds of machinery required for mining and muling purposes. e a-e prepared to exe cute ciders for all '.-lasses of machinery and boiler works, such as MINING AND FLO f KING STEAMBOAT MACfllNEltY MII.I.S ! PAW MILLS ! MINING PUMPS ! ! QUAKTZ MILLS ! 'JJanv fuH a re and Uriah JIachi.erri of all lhu9. IJiOX SHUTTER WORK at San Francisco Cftond freight. Wheeler it Uan dalVs Patent grinder an 1, . Amalaameitor. I'ntnMir's and Steven'' Self Adjiixtintj Patent Piston- J'arL ina, either applied to obi or nev ut' am cylinders. (artz Siomjiers, She- and dies, if the best hard iron, o:y LAGDEN & M RANGE'S WAT it WAL BUS COL ft JLi. PORTLAND, OREGON, For the instruction of Middle-, ged BTen, cnig Blen and Boys, In the bi am lies of a Fusiness Education. rpiIIS IS WITHOUT D0U1.T A MOsT X. thorough and dheieiit In.-ti'Vition, and has made for i s If a name in Oregon, of which its friends are jti tly proud. The blanch s which stand out prominent ly in the cun ionium of study are BOOK KEEPING, COMER0IAL ARITHMETIC, POLITICAL ECONOMY, PENMANSHIP, COMMERCIAL LAW, CORRESPONDENCE, AC. A most thorough practical department n in constant operation, i;i which are enm pr sed all tiie minutiae of business affairs. Students can enter at any fime. No va ca i-M's. Call at room;; coiner of FRONT and AL DER streets,, or snd for a circular contjin ing full information. Address, LHDE.V Di-PIIAS'CK. Portland, Oregon. A. G. WALLING S ! ! I t iuievi cu j OltEGOMAiX HUIJLDirsG Jiti. 5 -VusIiingo Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to any desired pattern. MUSIC HOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc.,, bound in every variety of style known to the trade. v Orders from the country promptly at tended to. To Stock Drovers. THE ROAD ACROSS THE CASCADE Mountains, know ss the Old Emigrant Road," is now in splendid eider for te ac commodation of the public The budges en the road have all been thoroughly repaired, and stock drovers will find it i.o trouble to ci osthc Mountain by this route. There is tplenty of good water and grass on both sides of the Mountain, a- d the distance across is only 50 miles being the shortest as well as the best, road oyer the Cascade Mountains. Stork drove s and emigrants will find it to their a'cTvantaee to travel over tnis route, loles reasonable. JOSEPH YOUNG, President, j f Jickamas county, July, I?7:juDkf j - - -- FREHCH MEDICAL 01 PICE. DR. JULIEN PERRAULT, Dr. of Medicine of the Fatuliy r Paris, Ginchiate of Hie l-'iUvt rtiitJ Qnrn's Coil gtr,anl Fliysic-iA-t, of lk St. .Tolin Baplhte Society ofSau i'rai.. cisco. 1 Ppmnrrp V o a tl-o nloatn.n patients and oth is seeking cor.tidei.tial n (H ical advice that he can be consulted daily at his office, Armory Hall Building. Nc-ni, East corner of Montgomery and Saeran.cm0 streets, San Francisco, Kot.Dis Nos. It, io, first floor, up ftiiis, entiaiV tn either Jlontiromery oi SaciMncr.to streets. DrT Pebkaclt's studies hare been almost exclusively devoted to the cuie of the various folnis of Nervous and I'l ysica! do bilitv. the result of injurious habits acquis in yuth, which usual y terminate in imj,0. tence and f-ttrility, and permanently induce all the concomitants of old age. Where a secret ii.firmity exists involving the happj. ness of a life and that of others, reason atnl morality dictate the necessity of its renioTal for it is" a fact that pi en atuie d-lir e of tl vigor of manhood nis.ttin.onial unhappiiitfp compulsoiy single life, etc., have their sources in causes, the geimof v, hich is tilant. i cd in early life, and the bitter fruits tasttd long atterwain; patienis, iar;er:ng under tLie complaint, will complain of one or more i f the U Rowing symptoms: Noc:ual Emis. sions, Pains in the Ba k and Head, Weak ness of Memory ar.d Sight, scLarge lioiu the Urethra on going to stool or mi-kir tr, Intellectual Faei ltief- tie Weiikei cd, Los of Memoiy evs tp, Ideas aie clouded' and there is a d;sin lination to attend to bus iness, or even to reading, writing tr tie society of imnda. etc. The patient probably complain of Dizziness, Vet:j:o, and that Sight and Hear rg are weakened and s-leep disturbed by dreams; melancholy, pighing, palpitation, lamtings, coughs ,'.Ld slow fevers ; while some have external rel.u- . - r i i . c , maeic I'uii!, tou iiiiinuuess ut ei,e LetV. Some 'f" the ce n.mon t-j nipumis aie piinj ll-s in the face, and acl ing in different arts of the b dy. Patients si.lierii g fiom this dis ease, should : 1 ply in.nt. diutt lv to Pit. 1 EK. rai lt, e the r in person or by letter ss It will guarantee a cine ;f Scnonai Emissiuis and Impotence in six or eight weeks.- Patients tufferii g from verieiiul disease in pny stage, Conoi 1 l.ea, . Gleet, r-trictt.u Bubo, L ie is, th tiipeons Eruptions, etc ' will be Heated successfully. Ail Sjluiiilc and Mercurial Taints entirely ien.oved Irem the system. o Dk. Pei:rai lt'8 oij hmr.s are in Lis f ITcf, where patients can s- e for tl en -selves tl.it they m e ui.de r ihe caie of a nguhr ee'uca tt d practitioner. The best references givtn if require a. I'atients sufrirg under chrenic diverse, can call and exan.ii e ier the ntlv s. V't invite investigation; claim i t to 1 uw everything, nor tit cure t vei a hf"y, 1 . T,e 'o claim l lis-1 in all eases taken uneier tuat mei.t we fulfill eur picm ses. V. e p;;iiici hr ly request these who have tried th s I ;;?!,() do ti r, i:nd that acvcitised pi vsich.n ti. v orn out ai d d:si urr.f ed, to tail i j en t. Lew t barges ai d quick e nies. Ladii s suffering hoc any complaint ird dents to their s-ex, can coi fcult the dtdur with the as.-mance of relief. Female Mcmlily Fills. Dr. Pf.rrai lt is the only sgent in Cali fornia for Dr. Bjott's Female Monthly 1 ill-. Their immense sale l-.as established tl.eiriep utation as a, len.ale len.ecy i.m j j reacltd, and far in ahance of tvei oil tr itiredi Itr suppress ons and Singularities, ai d eihtr ohsti uctions infcnia:(. On the nceipt if five d llais, tin se I'.ils will he se-i t by n a 1 tr express to any pait of the woibj, 'seeQe from curiosity or dan. age. Persons at a distance ccn he ci nd a home, by addressing a let tr to Lit Iik-raii-t, eort-er of S;.i n me r.to ::r,d M nim. ery streets, U cms H and 11, ir Bex :?, I'. ) Siili Francisco, statingti e we as minutely as possible, g rerai habits if liv ing, occuj. ation. e tc, eic. All c n.u LiiiCatioi s Ct'i tidcntial. 1 ri; 4p PRIVATE IiilDICAL AID. Quick Cuiis anil JIclii-nte t hnrges, 1 R. W. K. I) O II E It T V ' S Piivaic JInHeal ani -tugiial 1NS1 ITl'TE, Delow MONTGOMERY pi osi:e the 1'ac Mail Steamship Con rariv'j- OfT'ec. (I nvate entrance l.edisd. iff sUftt.l Established Expressly to A iiVo el t he tM .Soi.nd and Scientific ?i dical Aid, in tlic Treatment a:. el Core of all- Timet; at:el Chronic I'i e.-ses. Cases of Sccteey. t: lid Sexual D. sorters. In tin- Afiiittei:. DR. W. K. L-CIIEETY re urns his si me thanks to hi- luncioi.s jstittts foititr patrotiage. vnd would lake this e j oiriinitr to remind them that he continues to circuit at his Institute for ease s of the Luns, ll e cu: e of thin it- dis- . Liver, Kidnevs, 1 Lic 5 Urinai v Oi trai s, mo sil live and Grer.ito private di ease-, viz : Sip.nlisin all it-lou andstagis, Semiri-.l Wt-akne s and all t!.t l.oriid otiscquenccs f self-al.n e. (h r.ttr htea. Gl et, Strict ur. s, Nncti.i nal m.d 1 -ii.r- c i:al Emissions, Sexual Deb 1 ly, l i.-ts,stsf Ihe Rack and Loir?, ii.tiammrtn u of tl-' Bladder and Kidneys, e tt . ; ri d 1e l.f-p that his long expel ience and succcs lr.l t-isr-lice will continue to ii sine him a sl.arejf public patronage. Ly the piaclice of n:siy years in Europe and ihe United States. U' it enabled to apply tie m st Dc.tnt jndsc cessful ien.ct.ies against dise. tcs of all kin', lie ust S no n ercuiy. cl.arpes liiotlt iate-,tit;i. his patients in a comet and l.oi crah.e wit, and has ielciei:ces of nt ewvi fie r;l !e ti:ti ly from ine n of known iesptcti.bi!iJ si-d high siamling in n.c e-ty. All j i tics iw suiting him by letter -r rthei wise, w iil ccive the Le.-t " v.ud gf i.tlctt titatme t :a implicit sccrtcv. "To JFn:.-?lcj. When a female ism tit ubie. or j fHidcd wilh disease, as weakness ot the La k mil limbs, pain in tlie head, din t.ess el si:l!. lo.-s of muscular tower, palpitation of 'l'e heart, in it, bi ity, nt rvou.-icss, i xtreier.r inary diilici.lties, del ungc mt nt of dige-tive functions, general del ility, vaginitis, i.l! (! easts of the womb. lnsieVta. sieiilitt aiduil other diseases peculiar to ft males, sht-sia i'-' iro tr v n'e at out e to ti e c h brattd fe nude doctor, W. K. iH'Hh RTY, at his Mtditvl In stitute, and consult him alout her titiilii5 and diseases. TheDoe t- r is t netting im'1 cures than any f.iliei r hypici;)n in the Stst of CitlUornia. Let no tal?e delicacy v'tTt'1, u, but apply immediately and save yn.r.-u! from painful snffeiirgs ami premature de:. All married ladies, whose delicate health ' other circumstances prevent an iuoic:j"n tlieir families should write or call at D3L K. DOIIERIY'S Mtdica! Insti nte, ai d ilfj will leceive every po-sihle relief ami The Dt ctoi's offices are so arranged that can be consulted without IVar of obsei valiois. To C'oii-esjioiiilcnts. Patients residing ia any pa it of the?&ie however disrunt, whomaydt s re the opiriion and adv:ceof LR.DOHERTY in their resi;fC" live cases, and who think proper to Hit n it a written statement of such, in priliKr.ce io holding a persoi al interview, me it sjTctjKl" ly assuit d that their conmumicat-Mis wilHe held sacred and confidential. If the cs;H "-,e fully and oar. d idly described, personal ct n.; n.unication will ie ui necessary, as iustiuc tions for diet, i cgimen and the general Lent ineBt of tl;e care itself (irdnding ti e itn d es), will be forwarded without delay, in Mich a manner as to convey no idcaof tw Durp.ort of the letter or parcel. S-Consu!tation by letter or etkciwif FREE. I'trmar.entciiic guaiaMecd ornofaj f per kj at orrliff - DR. D0HERTY has just published cn im portant) an-;phJet,.emb- dyif g his own nt ard extierieiict-s in telation to Impotence e iiiiity; being a Shoit Treat es e.n Sp-erniu-torrhtea or Seminal Weakness, Neivu?t Tin-!fni Debility consequent on this aPtC' t on and other diseases oflheSexual0rt.fi3 This little work contains iufoimatiou et tle utmost value t ! all.wht-ther married t r.-iup it FREE by mail on receipt of i ssnd will be sent six cents in postage stan ps lor leturn l1- age. Add; ess. U ir DOTIFRTV. M. P.. juh 5"ly San Francisco C-l 1