The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, September 03, 1870, Image 2

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tLljclDeckln (Enterprise.
Oregon City, Oregon ,
Saturday : : : Sept. 3, 187C.
A Futile Endeavor.
Ben. Ilolladay. in the blind conceit of I was to retain the offices, and failing in gon City and Cauemah precincts was G2,
his unaccountable egotism, deliberately j tnjSi there is nothing left for them to act and the Radical majority in these three
proposes to buy the seat in the United i upou, and when the Senatorial contest is j precincts was 107. In 1370 the same pro
States Senate for Geo. H. Williams, the ovcr thy disorganization of the party may J cincts which gave a Democratic majority
man he has found disposed to legislate for be expected. The Democracy have a dis- cf 62 in 1S(JS gave a majority of 112, a dif
his interests rather than those Of the peo- j tinct set of principles which they believe ' lerence of .17 votes in favor of the De
ple. In casting about, he has come to the ! to be incompatible with the views and j mocracy. The ihree precincts, Oregon
conclusion, so his actions prove, that the ! sentiments entertained prior to the eiec- City, Milwaukie and Canemab. in 1868
most purchasable material was to be found J tjnI1 by the party which opposed them, gave a Radical majority of 107, and in
in Southern Oregon, and he therefore ets v.'e charged then that the Radicals had no 1S70 they have a majority of lot), a differ-
im mediately at work to invent an excuse
whicn they can use in case they are in
duced to go into the arrangement of bar
gain and sale. This excuse is the plea
that no other man thane Flaxbrake can
secure a road for Southern Oregon. The
excuse is as fallacious and groundless as
his estimation of the integrity of the De
mocracy of Southern Oregon is false and
slanderous. Is it indeed necessary to re
elect Williams in order to secure a road
for Southern Oregon? This is the burden
of the song doled out day, after day by his
pensioned o;gan grinder, and the chorus
of which is taken up and sung by nearly
every Radical organ of the State. They
don't condescend to tell us whence Flax-
brake gets these powers, denied to ordi- j
nary mortals they only utter their abso
lute ipse dixit and demand of all implicit
faith in the assertion. Cheel
is a eoot
1 at
tribute of journalism, and impudence of
assertion ofttimes seemingly supplies the
place of legitimate argument, but when a
journalist presumes too much upon the
ignorance or credulity of his readers he
very often wins their disgust instead ot
directing their bias. Such is the result of
the cheeky assumptions of Ilolladay and j
his paid organs. The proposition they
advanccPis so manifestly absurd that no
man whom the gods had not made blind
for his own destruction would lor one mo
ment propose to use it. Indeed the very
converse of their proposition is the true
one. If the people of Southern Oregon
desire a road through that section, both
common sense and reason demand that
some man not under Ilolladay "s control
should be elected Senator. The Act of
Congress under which Mr. Ilolladay is
building his road designates its route
through the Umpqua and Rogue River
Valleys. He has commenced the building
of this road. He has secured the land
graiftt for the first twenty miles already.
He has also through Flaxbrake obtained
permission to float his grant so as to gob
ble up all the valuable Land in the Wil
bamette Valley. He will
i tin tie the road
to Kugene City, secure all the valuable
vacant land, and theu if Geo. II. Williams
is elected Senator be will endeavor to get
the Act amended so that he can diverge
his road over an easier route, leaving
Southern Oregon in the cold That this
is his uttermost object there is no reason
able doubt. If such an impossible thing
afe the election of Williams or any other
man whom Ilolladay designates should
occur the next thing the people ol South
ern Oregon would see published in Hul
laday's organ would be the report of his
engineers that the route through Southern
Oregon was utterly impracticable, and
that the only way ta secure through con
nection would be by some other route.
The only safety for the people of Southern
Oregon lies in the
lection of a Democratic
Senator, who will demand of Mr. Hollada
inasmuch as he has secured such a val
. , , . . ... ,. ,, i
ablf. land mnt in (tu , i:iniri 'o -illi.r
that he shall push his road through upon
the route designated, and thus secure a
road throughout the whole length of the
Sate. As to any promises be may make
to that or any other section, they can un
derstand their value by referring to his
violated word in regard to the employ
ment of Chinese laborers. And as to any
threats he may make, they are as futile as
bis endeavors last June to thwart the will
of the people by the free use of gold. lt
is to the interest of the people of ad see -
tions of this State that this capitalist who
has so soon exhibited his desire to rule as
with a rod of iron should be checked, and
if necessary ground to powder between
the upper and nether millstones of State
Legislative power.
We unhesitatingly present the name of
Senator Williams before the people ol
Oregon, as a man whose career for five
years past has developed character ami
influence beyond that of any man ever
sent from the Pacific coast.--Statesman.
Yon -unhesitatingly" presented Ins
name on the Gth of June last, and it was
" unhesitatiPgly" rejected by the voters
of Oregon. As for the "character and
influence" which he developed, the peo-
pie of Oregon have long since come to
the conclusion that they desired no farther
" developments ot that Kino, i ney even
asked him to resign two years ago tor tne
character and influence ' which he ba :
establi hed. It would be a fine joke to
elect Williams this time, when the De
mocracy asked him to resign his seat two
years ago.
Jt noj? Boise's Decisiox. Judge Boise
has tendered his decision in the Whitney
Johns contest, in Linn county, in favor of
the latter. The case will be appealed to
the Supreme Court, and the final result i
looked lor with mufh interest.
Preparing to Disband.
The Radical party organs of Oregon are j
preparing to disband the organization. In
all their naners may be found the asser-
iim, tt.t ti. tr tnrtv issues UOW ;
liuu luut unit; aiv j'W (j"'-
that all have been disposed of-and con- '
i sequentlv ask. under these circumstances,
! the Democracy to go with them and elect ;
one of their number to the L . b. benate.
Thic o-ii Rimnlv ridiculous. The ,
June election was fought by both parties
with the utmost tenacity. Each party had
set forth a platform of principles, and suc
cess fell upon the side of the Democracy,
and yet there are now no party issues.
Pr.iv tell us when the principles involved
j .
I in the last election in Oregon were settled? I same vote, ax mat etecoua me unn
The onlv issue made by the Radical party I cratic majority outside of Milwaukie, Ore-
party principles, that it was only held to-1
gether by the cohesive power of plunder, !
and that when out of power the organ iza- I
. . - . .
tion would pass away, Such is evidenuy
the case. There yet remains one linger
ing expectation which appears to beep
union among its brethren, but when that
bubble explodes and their defeat in a j bad a larger majority in 1870 in the p re
choice ot U. S. Senator is realized, the or- cincts outside of the railroad than they
ganization will be one of history, and the ' had last year, yet these imported votes
infamy and corruption of its members dnr-j turned the scale in the three precincts
ing the time they held sway will be pre-j against them. Over 100 railroad hands
sented in its fullest aspect after September j voted in Marsh field, Milwaukie. Canemab
20tb. This appears to be the course of
the party throughout the Union. As last
as they become ousted from power the or
ganization falls through, and its members
seuk some uew triend to hang their hopes
li pon.
The administration of Grant. not withstand
ing they claim such reductions in the na
tional debt, is giving the party no hopes
)f continuing its organization or hold on
power after the present term, and every
indication goes to show that a complete
and decided defeat awaits them in 1872.
; This fall we look forward to a great change
i in both Houses of Congress, and while we
' may not gain the lower House, we will
; have a formidable
opposition, one vwue.i
atly in developing the weak
and destructive points of the Radicals.
The policy of the administration in every
vital issue has been such as to make the
people lose confidence in the party which
placed it in power. The' are seeking for
relief from other quarters, and many are
flocking to the Democracy all over the
L nion. The Democratic party has main
tained its organization durms the past ten 1
years of unparalleled defeats. Their prin
ciples have always been the same, and
while some of its members may be induced
to follow off after strange and untried
principles, we find tin
maainz a nasi v
return to the only pa
which has been
, stron and sincere enough in its priuci
! pies to adhere to its oiganization under
' all circumstances. Rut snc5i is not the
! case with the Radical part)-. Power lost
breaks their ranks, and nothing can rails
j them again when once defeated. Fxcite-
ment and prejudice has kept them in
j power longer than the sober sense of a
j free people would otherwise have done.
! and as this passes away they must lose
I forever the power which they have so ter
ribly abused, and with the loss of that
i power the oiganization must disband,
i Our Radical friends in Oregon foresee
! this state of affairs, and ask, as a favor.
that they be granted the last privilege of
i uniting with the Democracy to re-elect
; one who kno .vs that his doom is forever
; sealed, and the leading member of their
: party. While this is a dying party's last
; request, it shows more impudence than
I any proposition we have ever seen made,
j When the life of our enemy is ebbing
; away, for him to come and ask us as a
party to trive him not only life, but powei
t J o J '
! to crush and again curse us, is a little too
S great a favor for us to grant. We believe.
and a majority of the people of the United
l States will come to the same conclusion
I before the election of 1S72. that the Radi
: cal party is to be a matter of hi
lory and
i it is best to let it become such as soon as
possible. It is their dying appeal in Ore-
gon. but we think they had better die.and
let the rotten corpse be placed from the
8,?"t or tDe honest people of the State,
1 11 wiU be e greatest pleasure w hich the
membera ol the Bemoeratic party can have
to pronounce the he-ieilo-io.n nnA n.
remains, mere will not be MKinirh tf
not. oe enoueru le t
oi its own
party to give it a respectable
burial. Three weeks from to day the
agony will be over, and then the mourn
ful songs of Radicalism
w u
be no longer
it be.
heard in Orejroa.
o mote
absuko. it has been the universal rale
I heretofore that when a party gain thej
election they are entitled to ihe emolu-
meats resulting from such election. The
Radical organs of Oregon are endeavor-j
ing to change this programme, and are
loudly and fruitlessly engaged iu the effort
to convince the Democracy that thev have
j no man qualified in their ranks to fill the
office of p. S. Senator, and. in fact -that !
m Ueo. H. Williams
can fill that I
the I
In their
'heir stnr
speration th
ey Bimply
oy bv surmosino- tle?
cuiocr.rcy would labor so earnestlv
to defeat Williams and then turn around
and elect him. This would be very nice,
wouldn't it ? These fellows must have a
very poor opinion of the Democratic mem
bers of the they themselves
are very simple-minded.
MW says
w Papft.
nr. .i. .
Cpton intends shortly to
i paper i
The Clackamas County Contest.
The necessary steps have been taken
by the Democratic candidates for the Leg
islature to contest the right of their oppo-
DCHtS to
tbeir seats in that oouy. me
. t . " 1 1
main question winch will be involved in
this contest is, mj -i -
for the purpose of voting constitutes a
g - "
The result in this county was obtained by
the railroad hands, who have since the
election been taken from the county, and
who never had a bona fide residence in the
county. In 1868 the Democracy lost this
county on the State ticket by 25 majority,
and on the Representatives by about the
enee ot o2 votes, and this difference is
gained by a known actual decrease in the
bona tide voters of these precincts. This
i c i .i i i
vuie is maue up irom ine uauua nnpivjeu
on the railroad and imported into this
county for electioneering purposes, and
while it will be seen that the Democracy
and Oregon City precincts, and the main
j question is whether such votes can be
counted against the legal voters of the
county, and thus deprive the bona fide
! citizens of a fair expression of their choice,
j There is no question in the mind of any
j citizen of this county but what a fair ex
pression of the legal and actual voters of
the county would have elected every man
on the Democratic ticket by a majority
ranging from 40 to 75, and the question
now is whether the people of this county
shall have this right.
It is useless to protest that legislation
should not be governed by favoritism or
be made a matter of political preference.
It .. l 1- 1 . 1 ... m
n anvavs nas ueeu ami always win oe
tne case mat. However good a can
goon a cauue may
be. it must be efficiently represented to
succeed. Statesman.
This undoubtedly is true so far as Con
gressional legislation goes. It has been
for personal favoritism, and nothing else,
that anything has been secured lor the
past eight years. Rut what presumption
to ask the Democracy in the same article
to elect Geo. 11. Williams, whose views
i ;uiu sejinuifuta are anu gonisiie io a great
majority of the members of the Legisla
ture, and who have no persona favoritism
lor him. Hadn't the Radical members ot
the Legislature better stay at home'.'
What is the use for them !o go to Salem it
the same rule is applied in Oregon ? This
same argument was used two years ago in
I the campaign, and also last year, yet we
find that Mr. Smith has made an able Rep
I resentative, and did more than both of his
Radical predecessors. It is another in
stance of " drowning men catching at
straws. Two years hence a majority of
the C. S. Senate will be Democratic, and
then, applying the same rule as laid down
by the Statesman, what would Williams'
influence be lor his remaining four years'.'
The time is coming when personal favor
itism won't control the Senate or House
of Representatives, but right and justice
will be the watchword.
Stkamku DisaSL,ED. The Statesman savs
the steamer Suceess met with an accident
on her way up last Tuesday. When about
a mile above Wheatland one of the flues
of her boiler leaked so badly that, she was
c impelled to stop. The fire was put out
and the flue plugged. She steamed up
again and came on to Lone Tree Rapids,
a short distance above, w here the leak be
came sti bad that she was compelled to tie
up for the night. The engineer and mate
started about dusk overland for Salem. for
repairs. They got lost in I he woods and
wandered around until midnight, when
they found a road, but being somewhat
bewildered thej look the wrong direction
and were making good headway towards
Dayton. Py waking peojde at a farm
house tfiey were put right, made Salem in
I -!ni1 nme. ami yesterday morning started
dick to ine scene ot disaster witu tne re
tiuisite pluLTS.
i E.ui.or"s Magazine for Skptbhbeb.
: We welcome the September number of
i JSiOU S Magazine, tor we always hnrl
'. something in it to interest us and our
household. It is filled with original stories
Ol love, oi aoFenuue ana me sea. ana
withal, has some dozen or more illustrated
articles, scene!" in this or other countries.
The price of Sail
Ballou's Mii'tzin is so cheap
d be in every famil v in the
i vr i i -
i nnlv VI ,1 1...I naav ir 1 .
that it shoul
country. It is only $1.50 per year, or 1."
cents single cop, antl is for sale at every
I pr!n ipal periodical Bore in the eon n try.
! Address Thomes & Talbot. 03 Congress
i St., Boston.
Arimvixo. We notice by the Portland
papers that most of the Representatives
from the Eastern part of the State have
arrived in that cilv. on their way fo the
Legislature. Eastern Oregon never had
bettor representation in that body than
she has at this sessirn. and we feel COnfi
dent that their labors will be such as to
gain them the heart v endorsement of their
The Yonnj tittles' Rural is the title of a
new rural and literary monthly, designed
I for young men and young women, which
j is to be issued by II. N. F. Lewis, the pub
! Usher of the Western Rurml, at Chicago,
i Prizes are offered for stories and contribu
I tions from young writers. $1.00 per year.
Marrikp. Mr. Win. Thompson, of the
Plaindeatet, was married at Salem on the
25th nit., to Miss L. C. Shannon. We wish
; oar young friend much joy in his new life
I and hope that he will make as good and
j faithful a husband as he did " devil.''
Telegraphic Clippings.
Sfoa.v, France. Aug. 25.--MeMahon is
trying to reach Bazaine by way of Mez-
ieres, Montmedy and Tbionville, but toe
Prussians have cut through Varienes and
Dun. Fighting is going on between Dun.
Bozany and Monzo'n. An important ac
tion wdl probably take place before long
near .Montmed v
A Tribune special says the beat informa- j
tion from Bazaine's armv which are brer-
man omciai telegrams now I" ""'-
he is shut in Met., and makes his strength !
about 60,000. McMahou's army cannot j
exceed 100.000, troops remaining being
raw levies. The Prussian force left at j
Metz. or within sn intuiting distance, is
computed at 2."0,000 or 300.000. after de
ducting 100.000, sent to reinforce the
Crown Prince.
Chicago, Aug. 27. New York specials
say : Advices from Berlin say that after
four days' hesitation and delay, caused by
the movements of McMahon, the Crown
rnnce nas oecn ordered io pusu wnruu Montmedy, with the Belgian boundary
to Pans without delay. It is not believed , bebind. The Prussians who were march
the city will be invested. Communica- . OQ par3 depioyed from Stenay to
lions will be cut off and 1 arts entered by Xrozes and bave changed their direction :
a storming colftmn of 100.000. With Paris ingtead of go1ng west, they are going
rv i , . , . r. l
cat.u.i.u, HiS,-u.n n,m w l -.o
Sl 11 Hi til t II' I 111 .1 LI V I 1 il lllll (11 1IIIL.1
are in the field it is believed in Berlin
that there would be an end to the war.
Lo.vdon. Aug. 27. Thursday evening
the beadqnartera of the Prussian army
were at Bar le Due. The advance had
reached a point midway -between Chalons
and Thierry. The march on Paris was to
be conducted slowly by the Prussians, as
no further opposition was anticipated.
Theie is authority for saying the fortifi
cations of Paris, unless manned by at
least 300.000 men. are worthless. Accord
ing to French report Luneville is so filled
with Prussia! wounded that 3,000 are left
unsheltered in the street.
Paris, Aug. 29 Midnight. The follow
ing news was made public at the office of
the .Minister of the Interior : The Prussians
are pushing through Nancy and going to
wards Chalons. The siege of Ton I has
been abandoned, owing to the vigorous
resistance by the garrison. The Prussian
scouts cut the railway at Lamonilly, be
tween Montmedy and Mezerem. The body
was repulsed by French sharp-shooters
and the railroad repaired.
Paris, Aug. 27. The King and Crown
Prince are moving on the city by way of
M ru ne and Aube.
Paris. Aug. 27 Midnight. The follow
ing official intelligence has been made
public :
On t'.ie 25th inst. at 9 a. m.. Verdun was
... Kit ha Pnnunono 111 Odil !mnfr. .
.i . i i. . it... t !..;...,. .-rCvv. '
ine rrussiana were repuisea wim eouni- ,
eraoie loss.
The movements of the Prussians along
the Aube seem to have been arrested.
They are billing back on St. Dizier. Purge
bodies of infantry are passing through
Paris. Aug. 28. McMahou's main army
is at Stenay.
lheLmperoriH at Return-
viiie. aim uie i mice imperial ia ui uruici.
nM. i ; . .. , i.: . 1 1.
... ,.11,- 1 : . .1
i j ne i iiii iii uie ine-iiiiii; men dwu-
IIIK .1- 111 I .1 MlUillUlCUI.
.... r m wi .,
Pauis, Aug. 29. The Jtfontfeur
of the
27th says the attack by McMahon and la
za'me on the Prussians near Metz. may he
delayed for a dav or two. and the road to i
-J -ii ii !
Paris is open. 1 he arrival here ot the'
rrussians must be calcinated upou at:
cording to daily marches in about six
days. Perhaps they will arrive sooner.
It would serve no purpose to conceal this.
T he following is official : The Prussians,
nndei the Prince Royal, have been Been
i goiug towards Sirrippes. The German
' forces in the Department of the Aube hav
; nig abandoned their encampment, are
marching on Seuamessy? Twenty-five
thousand Prussians have recently passed
: Jernville Verangeville, going in the direc-
tion ot Nancj and Montierender. rwenty-
.i l. ., .l.i it.
uiwitgu uubiuhs, gvtng inv.aiii bperiwT.
Pfalsburg and Strasbourg still hold out.
Condon, Ang. 28. The following is an
official dispatch dated Par le Due. Satur
day night. The garrison of Yitrey sur
rendered on Thursday morning. The
Prussians captured 1 ' guns, IT French
of the French Garde Mobile were annibi
lated by the Prnssian cavalry.
LoMioN, Aug. 28j The army of the
Crown Prince at Ear le Luc has been !
.'l.lVAMV UHl l I 1 111 11 11 Kill UIJIUVI
. . ... ,
army, ihe army is niovuur raiudly and
.v it I probably be before Paris on Tuesday
' '
'I- 1....
or Wednesday.
Revolution at Munich is threatening.
Aim.on. Amr. 21. via Brussels, Aug. 28.
Special to the New York
Prussians summoned Longwy to surren
der, but the commanding oflBcer refused.
Pauis. Aug. 28, via Brussels. The sieges
of Strasbourg, Look. Tbionville and Metz.
have made no progress. The capitulation
of Pazaine for want of supplies, is ex
pected. - lliu ssKi.s. Aug. 2S. Prussian sconting
parties are at Meaux. one hour from Paris.
PARES. Aug. 28. Herald special : There
are flying rumors of a battle, but they are
not confirmed.
i , , on t-t.
Afii.oN. Luxembourg, Aug. 28. There
i , ,.. .i..: ..ii .i ..I in .., -
t, , . r. ii-i i -
Doss, between bienay and Verdun. ir-
, . J .... -i. x-
ing steady troiu morning ti l night, no
eon.iiianoe.i oy rnw - , PAri, Aug. 29. Official dispatches state
OU-, t fri 1 iT' " I g 5U?gn : tha Pmian army continue the move
wbicfa 30U shells were thrown into the cay. , , Retbel and Meziers.
particulars. JiK 1 , . ' u 7,. ' .
1 . j ated by a desire to stop the enusion of
Bscssels, Aug. 29. Marshal Bazaine U blood undertook to bring about some sort
certainly under the walls ol Metz. j of truC(. mediation. With this viewhe
There is a report that typhus fever is went to Lingolsbeim and had an interview
raging dreadfully among the troops ol wifl, Major Liezinsky. Chief of the Prus
Metz. rendering long resistance impos-1 sitn gtaff He urg ,ht bombardment
s''e- ! was contrary tr the laws of modern war-
Loxnox. Aug. 2911 .v. m. It is re-j fare. Inhabitants had been denied leave
j , . j
? . ' .
4:7 .
ported mat .M eMail on was aeieatea in a
at tie with the t rown 1 rince, which
on Sunday evening. Latest dis-
patches represent the contest not yet de -
eitkd, and lighting now going on between
Charleville and Ardennes. 60,000 troops
have left Paris to join McMahon.
Loxnox. Ang.29. All palaces in France
are to be appropriated as hospitals for
Russia ami England are strongly op
posed to the dismemberment of France.
The Emperor is now at Pest rienville,
about 2." miles north of Chalons. Mar
shal McMahon is near Stenay. The Uhlans
occupy Montmedy.
It was reported that Gen. Steinmetz had
been displaced because of great losses in
curred. His forces bad been incorporated
with those of the Crown Prince, it now
seems that the report is false.
The Prussians have appeared at Dieppe.
14 miles north of Chalons. The Prussians
now in the valley of Aube are concentra
ting at Sommey.
The Prussian Landwehr are investing
Tbionville. The Prussians hold all south
ern Alsace.
A republican conspiracy has been dis
covered in South Germany.
A coup d'etat at Madrid is looked for.
It was Bismark who ordered the imme- j
Itaf.. lrhM mi pTiri Tin. Ivintr apnni- 1
esced. though his generals strongly op-
posed it until .Munich should be dis-
posed of.
The Russian and French ambassadors at
neutral courts have asked the interposition
of foreign powers to guarantee the French
A Paris letter says 200.000 good troops
are in the city, besides 18,000 gunners
from the fleet.
One hundred thousand Prussians are
between Enernay and Rheims. Gens
Froeard and Bourbaki have been wounded.
A dispatch from King William's head
quarters says an action took place on Sat
urday near Sommesons, between the third
regiment of Saxon Horse, supported by
(jJe jjj jj,lgsarei aDd six squadrons of I
French Chasseurs. Our troops were vic-
torions. The French -commander
woundetj ami aken prisoner,
v report says Bazaine telegraphed to
wifnot to" go Versailles; there will
bfc m) daner, Au gocs here better and
A battle is reported going on between
McMahon and Prince Frederics Charles.
LIVERPOOL Aug. 29. The Prussians are
making a nana movement on mcjiuiioh.
the same as they did on Pazaine. McMa
hon already occupies the line from Bethel
to btenav, leaning on Mesleres, sedan and
nortb Their troops aronadTrozes march
in the direction of Romiily ; those around
Chalons in that of Snip pes. and those
which were between Stenay and Yari
ennes, iti the direetioa of Retbel, by
Grandpre and Vouziers, while a strong
Maboil at stenay. Meanwhile strong
Prussian columns are advancing from
Luneville and Joinville to St. Dizier.
where the headquarters of the King were
reported to be yesterday. The manifest
intention of the Prussians is to destroy
lahon. as they destroyed Bazaine, and
tWn t
urn attention to Paris. A great bat-
tie will be fought before many days be
tween Retbel and Montmedy. We do not
believe in the dispatch from Retbel this
forenoon stating that McMahon and Ba
zaine are in communication.
Loxoox, Aug. 29. Advices from the
scene of war report the Emperor's head
quarters at Vouziers.
It is thought that (he Crown Prince is
moving north, and will encounter McMa
hon west of Rheims and Epernay.
It is said the French advance repulsed
the Prussians at Atligny, a few miles
northwest of Vouziers.
! McMahon is reported in Ardennes. For
! eft and Bazaine are between Metz, Con
i flans and Etam.
I A later dispatch states that Steinmetz
' marched northward from Metz. pursuing
i McMahon. to pit-vent him from disturbing
. ' J . " "
the Prnssian forces investing Metz.
the resse has a story that Col. Galialt.
on a reconnoissance, surprised 150 Uhlans
! and captured all. It is reported that he
: will be made General for his brilliant
j Preparations to interrupt the Prussian
, advance are made within a circuit of forty
i, , , ....n,
' 'i-lit-V'.M ULIO I'l-llllll. lllill .1 L!,--
mentions battle was g ung n all day. as,
according to all accounts. McMahon must
I I .1 1 ,1,.. flU 1 1 ....
icnuucu i in uuujnui i iiuee rreucf-
ick iviiarie.s io uay.
The Basque Provinces are declared in a
f. S . ... .,
Fne Car lists are swarming in the north-
. .
Mil i'I'k, iii i. iinnriu irnm iiiu
frontier anticipate the Approach of formid
able disturbances in Spain.
A fight occurred at Lisbon between
French and German citizens, during which
! many were killed.
London. Ang. 30. 1:30 p. m. TlR fol
; lowing from the French war office is inst
received : Nearlv DOQ.OOU men are n a
triangle, formed bv lines runninc from
; ItbeiiKS. Bazaipe is not shut up : he has
126,000 men. and McMahon is 180. 000
j strong. They are stealing two inarches on
I the Prince Royal, who is two days ahead
of Frederick (
hallos. It is hoped the lat
ter cannot come up in time. Fifty thou
sand men left Paris on Monday, for the
vicinity of Retbel. It is said the Prussian
force there is 590,000 strong.
BftCHSKLS. Aiifr. 30. Belgian I r oops are
; hastening to the front from all quarters.
! A "Treat battle between the Preach and
I i Ms.-ians in uppaicmiv 1111 uu :ien i., aim me
services of the Belgian troops will, no
doubt, be necessary to protect the country
from invasion.
The approach of hostile armies to the
: T, , .. -
Beljrium frontier exciter
. .
s great apprchen-
. , , , ! I i 1 . ' 1
J'lie Belgian army
.M.V ...w
is p'it on a war
footine by a strone vote.
and is ordered to the front. Arming ol
the Garde Civile goes on rapidly.
LeMoude. Lou van and Antwerp are
fully armed.
The Cmirrier's special this morning is
very brief and merely says Ihe Ministry
have packed up and are on the eve of de
parture for Tours.
Brussels. Aug. 30. The investment of
Louaguan by Prussians, rep irted yester
day, is denied. Me.Mahon"s headquarters
are at Sedan. It, is still believed MeMa-
. ilun wili persevere in his attempt to reach
I Met, and Bazaine.
j The Prussian entered Vouziers on the
heels of the retreating French. King Wil-
Ham's route to Paris is by the Upper
, v 11
! Marne and .dense.
Caki skuhk, Aus. 30. The Gazette of
,. . , ' , . ,. . ,
this cifv has the following from otrasbarir:
J"" fc"J '. . . s
i I ......innrv in I'u hi.ii a hi.' 11 r oof n.
to withdraw from tne city, i ne oisiiop
obtained 24 hours cessation of bombard -
merit in order to (rive the Governor time
1 to negotiate. The Governor was invited
j to come out and examine the preparations
j which had been ma le bv the Prussians for
I continuing the siege. As Majoi Liezinsky
escorted the Bishop bacK to otrasooiirg
bis flag of truce wa
mi lieu won ouneis.
Rnmlist.rrim.Ant. continues w ith GTlittS Ol the
largest calibre, and the surrender of the
citv is merely a matter of time.
Paris, Aug. 30. AH Germans have been
ordered to leave the city in three days.
Measures have been taken to blow up the
paStvavs iirnnnil the f'.itv on the ilDllear
ance of the enemy.
The report of an attack on the Paris and
T.v.ns railu-av is circulated in Paris.
The bombardment of Strasbnrg is be -
coming severe, and much damage is al-
ready done.
50. POO
people from ontsidi
of Paris
came into that City
the last few-
Nothing received from the fiv tit except
rumors of engagements terminating favor
ably to the French. liieials and others
from the front insist that a great battle
was fought Sunday, and Bazaine and Mc
Mahon had gained immense advantages.
They say the latter expected to meet bv
tins tune tne army of the Crown Prince
j to which reinforcements have constantly
arrived, there is no doubt that a great
j and most important battle will t ike place
at once. McMahon has also received large
1 rciuiorccim uts.
San Fkaxcisco, Sept. 1.
BWDSSELS. Aug. 31. The King of Prus
sia has sent the following to the Queen;
" Varennes. Aug. 3. The Crown Prince
has been in action with fourth, twelfth aud
seventeenth corps, and the 11th Bavarian
troops. McMahon was beaten and driven
beyond Meuse ; twelve guns, some thou
sand prisoners, and material of war cap
tured' The following dispatch has no date : it
was filed at Brussels: French defeated
by the Prussians fighting going on at At-
leyny. JBCJBBDOn IS. or seems to
treating on defences ot the noith.
be, re-
LONDON. Aug. 31. It was reported this
morning that the Emperor is seriously ill
at Sedan. His condition excites great
The Times says McMahon is endeavor
ing to retreat on Soissons. having failed in
his attempt to relieve Bazaine at Metz.
Paris, Sept. I. Ze Public says, there
was no fighting yesterday. The'Govern
ment, however, have good news. McMa
hou's march has been undisturbed. Ba
zaine has won several small engagements,
but correspondents are forbidden to affix
names of plans or where they occuried.
London, Sept. 1. There is an unverified
rumor that McMahon is crossing the
Meuse at Stenay, and pushing lor Mont
medy. He lias six hundred guns. A col
lision between him atitt Prince Prederick
Charles is expected.
CHICAGO, Sept. 1. A New York special
says, a private dispatch from Brussels
says, fighting has been going on for four
dass between McMahon and Prince
Charles. Both armies are working for a
position and the conflicts have been be
tween detached dorps. The fighting is
said to have been desperate. The Prus
sians have captured three eagles, four mi
trailleurs and several thousand prisoners
while the French have captured three
pieces of artillery, including the famous
Tubingen batteryr. There was a fresh en
gagement again this morning, six miles
from the Belgian frontier, between the
command of Proissard and the Prussians
Yon Weid. It is believed here (Brussels)
that these engagements will involve both
armies in a decisive battle.
A dispatch from London, midnight, says
McMahon was utterly routed alter two
das' battle, and is falling back on Paris.
London, Sept. 1. The Independence
Beige, (Brussels) of yesterday, says. Mc
Mahon, yvhile on the bights of Beaumont,
on Tuesday, advancing to Montmedy. was
attacked by the Germans and flung back
with dreadful carnage. This region of
country is now absolutely depopulated
This corresponds with the Prussian ac
count of the action near Beaumont report
ed last evening.
Noon. Xo additional details of the de
feat of McMahon are yet received.
Tin? Ministers go to Tours immediately.
It is said that 200.000 Prussians have
been killed and wounded since the war be
gan, and that half a million francs are
daily expended.
It is said that McMahon disobeyed the
Emperor's orders to detuch 30,000 troops
to protect the Prince Imperial.
The Hum of Radical rule.
We take the following article from the
New Yoik Evening J'ost.a leading Repub
lican paper.
Seven hundred Chinese laborers have
been brought across the continent to Mass
achusetts, to take the places of white men
in some of the shoe shops in that Stale.
Leather is ' protected against foreign
competition, hides are "protected ;'? shoe
ibread. lasting and ' elastic fabrics are
" protected ;
oils and chemicals, ail the
matenaia useu oy
are protected.1
the currier and tanner.
' The morocco manu
facturers are to be protected, in the bill
now before the Senate. All the machin-
ery us
ed in the manufacture of boots and
hoes is made from " protected iron and
j steel : the clothing manufacturers who
I supply the shoe-makers are protected :"'
j the fish ami potatoes they eat are protect
ed.'' But the men and women who make the
shoes are pot "- protected. On the con
trary they have been robbed for a term
of years, and now they are to be kicked
out ami the Chinese are put in their places.
! I.'..,. Iiil.. awuva l.-in.l ..I' ...,(...;..! .... .....I
1 ,.1 nuv v. v i j iv i (i M . .' I ill.. 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 11 1 1
which has been used by the .Massachusetts
shoe-maker has been made unnecessarily
dear to him by the tariff, in order (bat
: M""1 ;"u c,cc ""-"'."'J' " monopoly.
lliu vuiiiiuiiau uu 13 uu impoi tetl IO
take the place of the Christian New Eng
land shoe-maker, comes in free. The tar
iff does not touch him ; it makes ev
niaieriai oi inuusiry uear.oui it cueapens,
pauperizes labor. That is what is called
Why are these Chinese brought to Mass
achusetts'.' Because thev promise to work
for less w ages than the New England men
and women can afford to take. Why are
wages lowered .' Because the tariff, fram
ed in the interests of the monopolists,
makes all the materials of industry dear.
The people of the United States now have
fewer shoes and boots to wear, in propor
tion to their number than they had ten
years ago. and the exports of boots and
shoes has almost ceased.
Yet there is no branch of industry in
which there have bi en greater improve
ments, or more complete substitution of
machinery and hand-work. A workman
can now do at least twenty-live per cent
more work in a day. and of much better
quality than he could ten years ago : yet
he gets no greater comfort for his days'
wages, in fact, not as much as then.
We have this strange result coming
with improvement antl invention ; the peo
ple le.-s well shod, the workmen more
poorly paid, if wages be measured bv
: what they will buy.
What do the high tariff monopolists
j carj ? 7V.'r pockets are full ; -,Y wealthy
i s uis and daughters live iu luxury ; their
" , . Y"- " , ,,,' , oul lor
I agents are in L om
i . j "" f uo oeeu
cunning enougn to persuade the Pressidenl
and the republican majority in Congress that
- the country is prosperous," because they
the mohOprAists are getting fatter daily.
Was it lor this that Congress guarr'aiiteed
me noiiu 01 ttie Pacific Railroad, and
u minions 01 acres ol land that tho hicrh
I " mu" tl("sl lmgnt. when they had
J starved and rot.b 'd the white woik'mgmen
i d women as long as thev would bear it.
1 ov'mg in the pauper and heathen labor
j ; 9 to ,B workshops from which
nieu anu women have been
driven .
We are to have a Ccngressional election
this Fall. Will any man say that the peo
ple should vote on any consideration for
a candidate, no matter whether he is a re
publican or a democrat, who woultl per
petrate this shameful and injurious sys
tem of high tan iff' protection, w hich is
driving Christian New England workmen
ami workwomen from the shops where
they seek to earn their living, and putting
in their places pauper barbarians of Chi
na? Make the material and tools used in the
shoe manufacture free ; strike them out of
the tariff, where they produce uo revenue i
that we cannot easily spare, and not only
will wages rise at once, but the business,
one of the largest and most important in
New England, and one. too, which has
never been protected, will revive at once,
and the foreign trade which the tariff has
lost us will be regained, while the opera
tives will receive proper wages. Let the
Christian societies combine with the shoo
manufacturers ifi New England to demand
this of Congress ; and let then refuse, this
Fall, to support any one for Congress
who will not pledge himself to insist, in
Congress, on the immediate repeal of all
duties which make the manufacture ot
shoes dear, and thus lower the wages of
the operatives. No man has a right to
call himself a republican, or to be support
ed by the republicans, who would perpet
uate for a day this gross wrong to New
England working men and women.
Mew To-I)ay.
1847. 1870.
New Goods ! New Goods !
that he has refitted the old stand, corner
Main and Seventh Sts., Oregon City, and has
received an entire new stuck of goods, con-si-ting
WO Ol) EA IV a RE,
and a general assortment of everything in
our line. Thankful for past favors, we still
solicit u share of the public patronage.
Country Produce taken in exchangejfor
the Postotlice Sent. 1st. ls70.
avery, Win C
Brown, Rebeca
Brown, Sarah Mis
Cotton, Margaret
Douglas, W
Iuwood, Isaac 3
Liadley, Betry
Malone. Isaac
Morey, David
Nelson, A
O'Connor, Luke
Hash, J M
Bichhardt, C
Smith . J
Western, William
Goners, William
Carter. S E Mrs
Fk'ttiming, Henry II
Lines, Chaa J
Lamb, Presley
Miller, James
Nelson, L F
Nelson, A men
Priest, Thomas
Robertson, Martin
Searls, Chaa
Turner, J t
McLaughlin, R
Melrvin, S
l ouiig, tie!)! v N
When cjlkd for, please sav advertised.
J. M. BACON. P. M.
o ,
Oregon Citt, Amr. 2."th. P7o.
General Agents, and S. M. Boldredge, Man
ager Oregon and Washington Brunch Office
ot t tie New England Mutual Life Insurance
Company : We received on the 19th inst.
$5,000 in behalf of the widow of S.
tiosensteio, insured in your company on
November 80th, 1868. Woids cannot ex
press how welcome this money is to the be
reaved widow of Mr. Rose ostein, fee it is all
that she has to protect her frona actual want.
I shall ever he grateful to your Company tor
ihe promptness and hearty good will with
winch this money was paid".
Adm'r of Estate ofS. Rosenstein, dee'd.
Sept. ."i:w4:
C irner Front and Morrison Sts.,
M. Keith, Manager.
the Northwest Coast. The buiWing is a
new brick structure, and furnished inCjiie
mot el gant s1 vie, affording the very best
accommodations to guests.
Free Coac.'t and Hag-gage Wagon to and from
the Ileum. 4:i:tf
J by I mitli' ds on this coast to the Sa
ptiior Medical Virtues of
DIt. ,X. W. KVflRAT & SONS'
The safest and surest remedy congenial wiili
the lairs of nature ever yet di.scoirei't d in
medical Science. Also, Dr J. W. Murray &
Sons' M.Y'ilC Oil., the Kmc: of all Pa'iittj.
The best family medicine in the world. Sure
remedy for sudden attacks as Spas ms,C roup,
Cramps, Neuralyria. Headache, Toothache,
etc. It is one of the most reliable medicines
in ad nervous and inflamatury complaints
and pains, such as Rheumatism .Sore Throut,
Diptberia. Sprains, Bruises, Felons, Weak.
Swollen and Stiff Joints, Contracted Cords
and Mu.-cles, Paine Backhand numerous other
complaints Directions on each bottle.
Mothers and nurses will find it an incom
parable Soothing Syrup, sate and harmless
when diluted w ith sweetened water, tor the
most delicate child. Office 106 Front street.
Portland. Por sale by all druggists uud
traders on this coast.
Sept. ,1:tf
; q
No Heaauo. We do not wish to inform
you, reader, that Dr. Wonderful, or any
other man, lias discovered a rernedv that
cures all diseases of mind, body or estate,
and is designed to make our sublunary
sphere a blissful Paradise, to which Heaven
itself shall be but a side show, but we do
wish to inform you that Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy has cored thousands of ca-es of ca
tairh in its worst forms and stages, and theG
proprietor will pay $500 for a case o: this
loatliso ne d seaae that he cannot cure.0 It
may be procured by mail for sixty cents, bv
addressing It. V. Pierce, M. P., l$3 Sener'a
Street, Buffalo, Y. A pamphlet free'
S old by drmrgi.-ts. L mk out for men
senting themselves as Or. Sajre ; Dr. P erte,
whose private Government Revenue Scamp
is on every package ol the Genuine, is the
only man living who can mauifacture the
Origin.d Dr. Suge's Catarrh Remedy.
Win ut tlie Miner Say or Hoete iter's
Stumiuli Bitters.
Dm ing the season when the Cold Harvest
is generally suspended, and the reaperscof
the glittering crop seek the cities to enjoy
themselves, there is, of course, a good deal
of conviviality among this enterpt ising and
hard-working class ; but dram drinking is
not carried to the excess that it vnta som-j
years ago. This may fai.lj- be attributed to
the growing distaste for raw spirits engen
dered bv the use of HOSTKTTER'S STOM
ACH BITTERS. This famous stomachic is
in universal favor with the miners. They
take it with them to the interior, and uje it
regularly, not as a beverage, but as a
strength sustaining toidc, and an antidote to
the unhealthy influences to which they ait.
i o-.,,o.,.l !,. 1 ...... 1 ,,,, ...i.,,,q timv lulior:
l CAIJ'IOCU 111 NIC lUVWlfJSO Biwm wny iw-.-j
I anH nn tnrn;n in tin. nties and towns.
! they find in its refreshing and in vigorauiis;
; properties the tiest safe guard, not only
1 against the disease, but against Uie tfioi-
tion of crowded communities, it is one cl
the peculiarities of the preparation mat 11 11
an tmlidoU to inebriety. Those who take it
as an appetizei and invigorant, aver that
they have no desire whatever for liquor ol
anv 'description, and. whatever fanatics nny
think to the contrary, HOSTKTTER'S BIT
TERS is a powerful ally of the temperance
cause, ft is because unmedicated alcoh 1
weakens the stomach and the nervous sy-"
tern by its reaction, that it begets a cravin,'
for itself. It excites, and when the excit -ment
passes off, debility ensues, and mot
luel is needed to renew the artificial hi e that
has. so to speak, burnt itself oat. Bat the
effect of the great vegetable to-de and alter
ative is to mvigo'-ate the system pernio
neatly and healthfully.
UST1CES' BLANKS, of every descrip
tion. pri
inted at the Enteki iue olbc