The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, August 27, 1870, Image 3

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ITliKiEF. The dam In the Caafield
reek baa finally reced ed the attention of
tjj6 authorities asd-the stagnant water run
sC The hands in the" woolen factory were
rail off last Saturday.
A. Chinaman aad Indian had a fight last
3 calur(iay." inutiau came on aeouuu
The Indians are beginning to bring in
.v.,, f:il I catch of salmon.
h The repairs to the Congregational
tfaurcb. have been completed, and will be
0fi for services to-morrow.
h ,ias. Thornton, of Portland, is now in
V:a city drawing maps of the Willamette
IlViMey for Messrs. linseell & Ferry, real
i 1 .. T-.l.. -,1
, W .... . . i ,L. n .
Mtnit! ueaieis t ui uaim.
I There will be a dance given ai toe vjoun
lllonse. next Tuesday evening. Professor
Cardlnell. 'of Portland; will - be bere and
iurnish, music for the occasion.
i The ToeomoU ve, ran 'over a cow last Sat
urday evening inlhe upper end ol town.
eagipeV got off two or three times to
vlrt7 her off tbe'track', but ebe was de
imaiaed td'dorittt the passage of the lo
;o!otive; when; it come upon her with
full -9feed." throwing her a distance of
:uboUt;t-xenty feet.
High- Kearxs. This individual has
leen ucarasof his regular drunks during
'tin past-w6ej. and made our streets the
Vyfie of disgraceful language and bois
totk., Whii-e this may amuse the
rKY8.''':t is no -credit to a town which has
any pretentions to civilization, and can
umy be uooked open with disgust and
hha'uie tj'ttie iespoetable class of our cit-Mfflf-
if " hve a city government,
-why is thiiaaE allowed to walk. or rather,
-stger. xbnmfrb -ur -streets, using lang
u.ipe that wrtuld disgrace the vilest and
mit djf rtdei plaoes? Is there no law
tii protect our wives and. children from
FiK-li ndeot'Rcy? If oot, the sooner our
?rity ccryoraiion is abolished the better.
? If ther hy do not the proper ofSeers
attend tt their da ties? What does the
j city tax the property, owners $3,000 per
jarnturu for and colfcet about $2.0(10 be
" hides, if it is not for the protection of her
'pt-aeeahle citizens! The fact is. this city
corporation is run by an old worn-out
f i-t of fossils, aud the sooner their time of
office expires or they rfk3icte, the better
it will be for both the pece and prosper
ity of Oregon Cify.
, Poors and Sjkjes. W "call the atten
tion of our readers te the advertisement
f of Messrs. Pro tun an, Oilliban fc Co., of
: l'-rtlui, wader new to-day. This is one
of tlx; largest retail 'bonses ia Portland.
, Their aclook is always uereplete and their
pruy-stts low, if'eot lower, than any hoase
in that city. They are thorosghlj reliable
and persons deaHng with them will find
1 thfir -4?ls as Uxry represent them. There
' etoro is in White's brick, on First street.
t Tiik Cikocs. Das. Caste llo's circus per-
r" formed in this city 4ast Thursday evening.
to acnowded ho!. The street parade
i wasery grand aied the perfcrcwance in
: tue'iveiiing surpas.?d Anything that has
' ever bet-n in Oregon. The horses are in
good order, well trained and the tumbling
and gymnastic performances were xcel
lent. We believe everybody was pleased
with the performance.
Thkatkr. By reference to our adver
tising columns, it will be seen that Mr. F.
.M. JJates, the popular and successful thea
trical manager, has taken what is kaowa
t the "Wigwam" at Salem, and converted
it into a theater, where a dramatic season
will be performed, lasting during the
fitting of the Legislature and State Fair,
by a splendid company. Mr. Bates is
.master of bis profession, and we know
ihat be give satisfaction to all" who
Miiiy give him ttieir patronage.
The Htrahl says that Trainor, the no
torious robber, and running partner of
Sunlvs. was arrested at Cementville, op
jiosite Astoria, last Wednesday night, lie
reaohed Portland on Thursday night in
charge f SheritF Bills, and is now safely
lodged i jail. Trainor denies any knowl
edge of Shultz. and insists upon it that he
is not even ae-quainted with him. It is
understood thai the officers are in posses
sion oi hifonnatiou that will lead to the
capture f Shultz.
.I.e.ti:rvej. Hon. 1 1. F. G rover, Gover
nor select, ietii!ried from a visit to the
Eastwa States, last Tuesday, and passed
throug'fc here fr Salem on Wednesday.
"We were .pleased to notice a marked im
'(rovenKiBt in the Governor's health, and
we feel saxitsfied that he will be physically
enabled to meet the emergency which
awaits biea on the 12th of September. He
was very cordially received by his many
frtwids at Portland, nd serenaded on the
evening of hihrriral.
To Open.- We sees, some very cheap
notices stuck up around the effect
that the Oregon City Seminary will com
mence next Monday. We presume that
the manager of that institution thought it
too expensive to advertise the fact, so he
posted up written notices, which bo one
would see. The tax-payers of this city
would be glad if the manager wonki ex
hibit the same degree -of economy i-a oth
er matters.
Linn Cocxtt Faib We acknowledge
toe receipt fromMrS. E. Young, Secre-
kry of the Linn County Agricultural So-
iety, of a complimentary ticket to attend
tne i Uth Annual Fair, to be held on the
'grounds of the Society near Albany, on
the 20th, 21st. 22d. 23d and 24th of Sep
tember. The past Fairs of the Linn Coun
ty Society have been a credit to our State
and we feel satisfied that the Fair of 1S7
Vill fully equal iu predecessors.
Kksi'med. Capt. Geo. Pease has resum
ed his place as Captain of the Alert. Mr.
Magill takes the place of mate, which po
sition he has so long and faithfully held.
He made a very efficient "chief " duiiug
the absence of Captain Tease.
5VorvKMEN. A number of. workmen
passed through bere last Sunday to work
on the railroad. Ben. probably found out
that his Chinamen couldn't do. the work
and so he was forced to re-engage some of
cars now run as far as Aurora
Dutchtowa). We learn that the mail will
be carried by railroad from and after the
" Ul pvemoer. connecting wim me.
Btages at Aurora.
Home. Mr.
G. P. Church and wife, who
are been absent on a visit to their friend,
ine former to the Eastern States and the
Jatter ia California, returned home last I
PosrPoxKD.--ltr. Wertbtemer baa post
poned bis auction sale of furniture until
:t Saturday, Sept 3d, giving persons
Who may desire cheaD furniture 6n wir
"Accdient. As the wagon -containing
the lions belonging to the Circus was pass
inf through town last Thursday, the bind
-wheel came off and threw a man on the
seat with the driver to the ground, his
head striking on a stone. It stunned him
for a while, but no serious injury was re
ceived. Sap Accident. A mule team ran away
last Friday., in which was Mrs. D. Wright,
and threw her out of the wagon, severely
injuring her angle.. Dr. Ross was called
and we learn that she is doing well. "
NeV Goods. Some of our merchants
are in receipt of their fall stock of goods.
Mr. John Myers received an addition to
his stock last TuesdSy ; Mf. Caufield also
received some good.?. S. Ackerman has
returned from San Francisco with a large
and well selected stock for the trade. -.
New Stoke. Capt. Z. C. Norton has
purchased a stock of goods and will open
a store on his farm, about eight miles from
this city, abr ut the 1st of September.
Gone. Mr. Jf M. Moore, an fcfid citizen
ot this place, left here last Thursday on a
visit to Missouri, which place he left for
Oregon 27 years ago. and now returns to
view the scenes ol his early life. '
Sold. The city has disposed of the old
engine to Mr. J. it. Moore, who proposes
to put her in order and run her with water
power in his establishment in case of lire.
We have not learned the price paid.
Sickness. We learn tht considerable
ague exists at present in ouf town. Most
of the officers on the upper river boats
are afflicted with the '-blessing." They
probably get it abafd and bring it here.
Rain. We had quite a refreshing rain
last Sunday and Monday. It did no dam
age but a great deal of good in putting
out the fires which had been raging in the
woods. We also had some rain on Friday.
An Error. The eensUs taker for this
county, evidently made a mistake in his
report of the number of Chinamen. He
returns 33, when there are 40 employed
in the factory alone in this city, besides
two wash-houses and a number employed
in private families.' -
Drunks Quite a number of drnnks have
been visible in town during the week.
Meeting. We have been requested to
give notice that a meeting of the German
citizens of this city and vicinity, will be
held at the Court House, this (Friday)
Rye. We were shown last week, by J.
Flieschner, Esq., some very fine rye, rais
ed near Albany. Linn county. It was
full and looked as tine as any we have
eve r seen.
Gone to Salem. Sheriff Bills, of Mult
nomah county, passed through here last
Sunday, having in charge James Wilson,
who was convicted ot highway robbery
and sentenced to the penitentiary lor the
term of eight years.
Books. Mr. John Fleming has a new
card in to-day's paper. He has a fine
stock of books and stationery.
Fire The moss on the roof of a China
wash-house ignited last Thursday. It was
discovered in time to preveutauy damage.
Oregon Chops Oregon is reported at
i per cent, below average in her wheat
crop this year Tn the report of the Com
missioner ot Agriculture. We would be
satisfied il wre supposed that these mia
re presentations were made ignorantly, but
such cannot be the case, as every paper
in the tate has published the fact that our
crops are above uverage. Is it done to
relief California, which is placed at 15
per cent, fceiow average? There is some
thing wrong in these statements. Do Or
egon justice.
Prkuioi Blttek Dr. J. C. Hawthorne
offers a private prerniUm at the next State
Fair of a riding saddle worth s75 00 to
the lady that made and put up the best
twenty-five pounds of butter belore the 1st
of July of this year.. His object in offering
the premium was to incite persons to make
a godd "article of keeping buttllf and to
show that a superior gride can be made
in Oregon as well as elsewhere. .We hope
that there will be a lively competition for
this liberal premium.
The Or.egonian. has much to say about
the indebtedness of certain Democratic
counties. . Will that paper giye us the
names of any counties that have been or
are now under Radical control which are
not indebt, or were turned over to th
Democracy, free from indebtednes? In his
own county the Democracy had to pay off
a little debt of 46,000 which his patty
left when they went out of office. All the
counties which are in the hands of Radi
cals are indebt. The Radicals should be
very still on this subject.
Magazines. We have received Harpers'
Monthly for August, Ballon "s. and a new
magazine entitled Old and New, published
by Houghton & Co., Boston, and edited
bv Edward E. Hale, sent us by V. E.
Loomis. of San Francisco. These maga
zines are, s usual, very interesting.
The Big Tender of Ben. Holladay says
that we are hankering after a notice from
him, but that he " need be in no hurry
that sort of game can be bagged at any
time." We would advise the Tender to
hurry up, as his occupation will probably
be gone alter the Senatorial election.
Take Youf. Own Pape&. -A
cotemporary very justly remarks
that every democrat ouht to
take his own county paper." If
he loves democratic principles he
sureiv can axiom trie price per
week it costs to pav for a local pa-
per, ana tnereDy neip to spreau
. i i i i i i
them. I he cost ol a paper is no
excuse for not taking one. There
is not a week passes but that five
t mes that amount is spent ioolish-
lv. which minht much better have
which would thus bu v more read
me? matter than five times the
amount invested in the shape of
books. A man may read books all
his life, but if he fails to read the
Ku i
I Wltnoul
papers he may be called, ignorant.
a newspaper a man is
virtually out ot the world.
Oregon City Rices (Jorrent1
The following are' the pric'e3 paid for
produee; AM the prices at whirjh other ar
ticles are selling, in this market : - .
T WHEAT White. 53 bushel, 90S1
OATS bushel. 50 cts. -
POTATOES bushel. 40,50 cts.
ONIONS bushel. $1 0(J S1 50.
FLOUR i bbl. $5 50$t 00.
BEANS -White. tf.. 3(SU cts.
Peaches. lb,, lfilc: Plums, ri &.,
.. 6.;
1G cts.; Currants. "R fi).. 1020 cts.
BUTTER -f fi.. 2icte.
EGGS "8 dozen. 20(2o cts.
CHICKENS t? dozen. S3 004 00,
SUGAR Crushed. $ E.. 20 cts.; Island
1? t.. 1012 cts. ; N. O.. lb.. 15 cts.;
Sah Francisco refined. fl . IGfjcts.
TEA Young Hyson, .Mb., Si 50 ; Ja
pan, -ft lb., U0cSl 25 ; Black, ., 75c.
$1 00.
COFFEE lb.. 22(.25 cts.
SALT fi)., 13 cts.
SYRUP Heavy Golden, JS3 trail., 90c. ;
Ex. Heavv Golden. eall.. SI 00
BACON Hams, l 2.. 16 cts j Sides,
15 Cfs. fi).: Shoulders, 10 cts.
Lard i fij;. i2i5 cts.
OIL Devoe'a Kerosene. gall., ?0c.
73; Linseed oil, raw. gall.. $1 CO ;
Linseed oil. boiled. gall., SI 60.
WOOL fi).. 2022 cts.
XJEEF On foot, 7 ,8 cts. fi).
POKK On foot. C cts. fi.
SHEEP Per head. $2 00S2 50.
HIDES Green, $ fi.. 5cN; Dry, lb..
10 cu
A startling Truth i Hundreds die ar
nnally from neglected coughs and colds.wben
by the use of a single bottle of Dr. tViitar's
Balaam of U id Cherry their lives could be
preserved to a green old age. .
"There was a frog who lived in a spring,
He caugtit such a cold that hs could tiotsFig."
Poor, unfortunate Batrachian ! In what a
sad plight he must have been. And yet his
misfortune was one that often befalls singers.
Many a once tuneful voice among those "who
belong to the ' genus homo" is utterly spoiled
by ' cold in the head," or on the lungs , or
both conilnned. For the above mentioned
"coaker" we are not aware that any reme
dy was ever devised, but we rejoice to kuow
that all human singers may keep their heads
clear and their throats in tune by ft timely
use of Dr. Sajre's Catarrh Remedy, and Dr.
Pierce's Alt. Ext. or Golden Medical Discov
ery, both of which are sold by druggists.
Office, A'o. Gl Front
real Estate dealer.
Special Collector of Claims.
A lare amount of CITY and EAST FORT
LAND Property for Sale.
Also, IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un
cultivated LAAub, located in all parts of
the State.
Investments in REAL ESTATE and other
PROPERTY, made for correspondents.
CLAIMS of all descriptions promptly col
lected. .
HOUSES and STORES leased, '
All kinds of Financial and General AeeUcy
busiuess transacted.
arties having F ARM PROPERTY fVr sale
will please furnish descriptions of the same
each of the principal CITIES and TOWNS
of this STATE.
From the National (Elgin) Watch Co.
The attention of watch-buyer's is called to
the impr'oved American, IVat.chef, manufac
tured by the .National (Elgin) atch Com
pany ot J-Jzin. 111.
Ladies desirous ot purchasing a handsome,
strong and correct time piece will find the
elegant watch bearing the trade mark of
-LADY ELGIN" to be all that they desire.
Inouire of -your jeweler for the LADY EL-
The trade upon the Pacific coast supplied
at fiictorv prices by l-evison Bros, 620 Wash
ington street, San Francisco, who have on
hand at all times a tull supply ot all grades
of movements, and material for repairing
the same.
An illustrated pamphlet, entitled "Making
Watches by Machinery,", by the late Albert
D. Richardson, will be forwarded free of
charge by sending address to
159 and 161 Lake street, Chicago;
No. 1 Maiden Lane, New York;
629 Washington st., San Francisco, Cal.
Tle "crrtiet of California.
Californians, as a rule, take nothing for
granted. Ary article that lacks intrinsic
merit is sure to be a failure in she Golden
State. Twelve years ago HOSTKTTER'S
STOMACH BITTERS were qull'y intro
duced here; Their uses were plainly .set
forth, and the communit.y was invited to give
them a fait trial, as a remedy lor dyspepsia,
biliousness; intermittent and remittent
fevers, general dehilitv, nervous a flections,
and all the ordinary diseases Of the digestive
and secretive organs. They Were also re
commended as an appetizing and Invigorat
ing preparation, and a- a preventive ot'eom
plaiits of an epidemic character. The result
rnav be summed up in a few words. A de
mand for the article immediately sprang Up,
and has ever since been increasing in a pro
pressive nuin4 until HOSTETTER'S BIT
TERS have become a leading commercial
staple in the California market, and along
the whole Pacini! seaboard, from Central
America to British Columbia. The con
sumntion of the irreat vegetable tonic and
restorative in the Pacific States alone, is up
wards of oke. million bottles per year, and
it- ponularitv overshadows that of every
other medicine, proprietary or otherwise,
sold on this side of the continent. This fact
is so notorious that it is like repeating
recognized truism to put it in print. SinCC
the introduction of the BITTERS the de
mand for the adulterated liquors of corn
merce has gradually declined, both in the
cities and at the mines. The perfect purity
of the article, its restorative and preventive
properties, and its -admirable adaptation to
thA want of a nertnle too prone to exhaust
ive labor of body and mind, are appreciated
hv thi medical profession, and it is pre-
eorihPil as a stomachic and alterative to the
exclusion, in a great degree, of all the un-
medicated alcoholic stimulants.
Religious Service.
cf tl -Enisconall Church, the Rev. John
W. Sellwood, rector, services .-u
at 104 a.m. and 7P.t. Sunday School
and Bible class at 2 p. it. '
1st Congregational Cbarch Seats Free.
Morning Services - - v
Sabbath School 12 oclock M.
Evening Services, 0 clocK.
Rev. E.Gerrt, Acting Pastor
Sunday evening 5 o'clock
Tuesday evening,. 7 o clock.
M. E. Church,. - .Seats Free.
Morning Services .: .10.30,
Evening Services, 7 o'clock.
Class Meeting fullowing Morning Services.
Prayer Meeting Thursdayevening 7 co'clok.
Sabbath School at 2 o'clock P. M.
- pEV. C. W. Topb, Pastor.
Rebecca. Degree Lodge Soi 2, 1. Oi O. F.
Meet on the Second and Fourth.. .
of each month, at 1 o'clock, In Odd Fellows
Hall. Members of the Degree Are invited to
attend. Iiy order of . - N. G.
Willamette Lodge No. 131. O. C. T
Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooms
S.E. corner of Main and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2
o clock,
Visitins members are irjtited to
By ordir of W. C. T.
naltnpmah Lodge No. I, A. '. and
A. M. Holds its regular ro mmnm
"cations on the First and Third Sat
urda-vs in each month, at 7 o'clock.
from the 20th of September to the 20th of
March, and 7 o'clock from the '2'th of March
to the 2oth of September. Brethren in good
standing; are invited to attend, s ,
By order of. "W. M.
OregoiuL.od;e Xo. 3, I. O. of O. F.-
Meets every Thursday even-
ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd k ellow a
Hall, Main s eet. ,
Members of the Order are invited to attend
; By order. N. G.
Is ahead of anything of the kind. ' Handy
and cheap. Try it Sold by Druggists.
This Remedy does not simply reluct for a
short time, but it produces perfect, and per
manent cures of the worst ca-;es of Chronic
Nasal Catarrh, and I will pay $500 reward
for a rase that I cannot cure. "Cold jn the
head" and Catarrhal Headache are cured
with a few applications. If you have a dis
charpre from the nose, offensive or otherwise,
stopping hp of the nose at. times, partial
loss of the sense of sfriell, taste or hearing,
eyes watering or weak, feel dull, h'ave pain
or preasUre in the bead, you may rdst assured
that you have Catarrh. Thousands annually,
without manifesting half of ti e aopve sys
tems, tef.ninate in consumption and end in
the grave. No disease is si common, more
deceptive Or less understood by physicians.
I will send my pamphlet on Catarrh to any
address free. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy is
Price 50 cents. Sent by mail, postpaid, on
receipt of CO cents, or four packages for two
dollars. Beware of t'ounterftita arid worth-s-
imitations. See that mt private tamp.
tfhich is a positive guarantee of genuineness,
is upon the Oiitside wrapper. Remember
that this private stamp, issued by the United
States Government expressly- for stamping
hit medicines, has my portrait, name and
address, and the words"-' U. S. Certificate of
Genuineness " engraved upon it, and need
not be mistaken. Don't be swindled
travelers and others.representing themselves
as Dr. Saee ; I am the only man now living
that has the knowledge and ri;ht to manu
facture the genuine Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem
edy, and I never travel to sell this medicine.
R. V. PIERCE,1 M. D.,
ju23m3 183 Seneca street, Buffalo, N.Y.
At the1 commencement of the Diarrhoea,
which always precede- an attack of the
Cholera, take a teaspoonful of the Pain Kil
ler in sugar and water, (.hot, if convenient,)
and then bathe freelv the stomach and bow
els with the Pain Killer clear. Should the
diarrhoea or crumps continue, repeat the
dose every ten or fifteen minutes until the
patient is relieved. In extreme cases, two
or more teaspoonfuls may ' be given at a
The Pain Killer, as an internal remedv,
has no equal. In csises rf Cholera, Summer
Complaints, Dyspej sia. Dysentery, Asthma,
it cures it. one night, by taking it internally,
and bathing with it freely, Its action is
like magic, when externally applied to old
sore-i, burns, scalds and sprains. For sick
headache and toothache, don't fail to try it.
In short, it 13 a Pais Killer.
Directions accompany each bottle.
The Pain Killer is sold by all dealers in
Prices, 25 cents, 50 cts. and $1 per bottle.
C. W. POPE & CO.,
Also a general assort
ent of Tlouse Fur-
nishlng Uoods.
Tiri, Copper, and Sheet
Iron Ware.
; o
Also at rOPE S STOVE; STORE you
will find
Ware and tinware, lanterns,
lamps and oil, lucine and
1;iit lamps. also
All of the above articles are for saleat
. C. AV. POPE & CO.
Jl:lyi Oregon City Oregon.
street, OREGON CITY,
Bes to inform the public and bis friends
that he has leased the lower part ot the
Which he has opened as a
The table will at all times be supplied' with
the best the marKei anoras.
Orders for suppers and parties will be
promptly attended to.
Jnlv 2:tf - - . .
Kiln3 If you wish the very best
r-oKinot Photosrraobs. you must call on
BRADLEY & RULOFSON, 439 Montgomery
? rryr ' !J,?" --ya .j-v. "
street, San Francisco.
itt?J& &f2i;, f&trlC-.-
For a few cents yoa can luy
of your Grocer or Druggist a
F aekage of SEA 3I0SS F ARISE,
made from pure Irish Moss, or
Carrageen, which 'will make
sixteen quarts of Elanc 3Iange,
and a like quantity cf Pud
dings, Custards, Creams, Char
lotte Eusso, e. It i:; the
cheapest, healthiest, and most
delicious food in the world. It
makes a splendid Dessert, and
has no equal as a light and
delicate food for Invalids
A Glorious Change ! !
Plantation Bitters
Tlias wonderful
restorative is t5ic
clior Of the feebSc ntt'.l 2cs3i-
n tonic tjs:il cordial
for tSie aged mid languid, il
has no equal amosig storca
acliics. As a. rcBsaedy for SEae
nervous Aveakness to wfiiacli
Avomcn are csjccinl3y sub
ject, it is siijicrsedisss; ev'cry
oiSacr sticnulaut. En all Cli
mates, tropical, Cesiaperafie,
or frigid, it acts as a stfcciJIc
in every species of disorder
which undermines the bodily
strength naad hrealis down tlac
anianal spirits. For sale ly
all Druggists.
Aug. 20, lrfTO:! y
Frobi theN&tionaKElgiri) Watch Co.
The attention of watch buyers is called to
the following improvements in the Amirictm
Watches, manufactured by the National (El
gin) Watch Company of Elgin, 111.:
Tlie Elgin Watches are iurniseed with
Burt's patent pinion, to prevent damage to
the tra n in case of the breaking of the main
The Elein watches are furnishpd with a
patent hair spring prevent the chang
ing the adjustment of the hair spring after
ihe watch has been regulated.
The Elgin watches are furnished with a
patented contriveuce for the letting down of
the main spring without removing the dial or
The Ellin Watches are so construct? d that
the barrel can be removed and the main
spring changed without taking the watch
The Elg-n Watches are furnished with the
oidy complete protection agains dust yet in
troduced upon American made movements.
The dust-excluder used upon the Elin move
mentsetiectually enclosses the works, and
renders the entrance of dust ar impossibility
These improvements pre peculiar to the
Elgin Watches, and are found on none oth
ers. The dust-excluder will specially com
mend itself to miners, railroad "ten and oth
ers engaged in out-of-door employment.
The Elgin Watch branded " B. W. Ray
mond "' is constructed with especial reference
to its use upon engines and moving trains,
and the Company claim for it that it is the
best railroad watch in the world. The fol
l.iwirig prominent railroad officials have giv
en it ttieir hearty endorsement and commen
dation : E. B. Phillips, Esq., President Lake
Shoie and Michigan Southern R. R.; Col. C.
G. Hammotid. Superintendent Union Pacific
R. It.; Edward 11. Williams, General Super
intendent Pennsylvania R. K. Co.; L. D.
Rucker, General Superintendent Erie R. R.;
J. M, Toucey, General Superintendent Hud
son River It. R. ; G. L. Dunlap, General Su
perintendent Chicago and North Western R'y
and many otners.
Ladies desirous of purchasing a handsome.
strong and correct time piece will find the
lesrar.t watch bearing the trade mark of
LADY ELGIN" to be all that thev desire.
Inquire of your jeweler for the LADY EL
The real Elsin Watches, elegant, accurate.
lurable, in mau v styles and at various price?,
each accompanied by the special warrantee
certificate of this Company, and usually also
guaranteed by the local dealer or watch
maker, can be had of most jewelers in all
towns throughout the United States. Call
and ask to see them. As an additional pro
tection, look for '-National Watch Co." on
the dial, and one ot the following trade
marks, via., "B AV. Raymond," 'H. t. Cul
ver," "11. u. Taylor, "G. Wheeler, "v.
II. Ferry," "Matt. Lauin,,' "J. T. Ryerson,"
"Lady Elin, or ' Frances Rubie," together
with the Words "Klirin, Jus., engraved up
on the gilt plate inside. These are the trade
marks to denote the various grades and
styles, but as even these have been pirated,
require also the special warranty ceitiricate,
duly signed by T. M. Avery, the President
of the Company, and nunioeredto correspond
with the watch.
The trade on the Pacific coast supplied at
factory prices by Levison Bros, fi-2y Wash
ington street, San Fiancisco, who have on
hand at all times a full supply of all grades
of movements, and material for repairing
the same.
An illustrated pamphlet, entitled "Making
Watches by Machinery," by the late Albert
D. Richardson, will be forwarded free of
charge bv sending address to
159 and lfil Lake street, Chicago ;
No. 1 Maiden Lane. New York ;
629 Washington bt., San Francisco, Cal.
Dr. J, H. HATCH,
The patronage of those desiring first Class
Operations, is respectfully solicited.
Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed.
N. B. Nitrous Oxyde administered for the
Painless Extraction ot leeth.
Office In Weigant's new bnildine, west
side of First street, Letween Alder and Mor
rison streets, Portland, Oregon.
Stop that Coughing !
Some of you can't, and we pity you.
Yon have tried every remedy but ti e
ONE destined, by its intrinsic merit, to
supersede all similar preparations. It
, is not surprising you should be reluc
tant to try something else after the many
experiments you have made of trashy
compounds foisted on the public as a
certain cure j but
Newell's Pulmonary Syrup
is really the YERY BEST rehiedy eter
compounded for the cure of Coughs,
Cold, Sore Throats, Asthma, IVhouping
CoUghsi Bronchitis and Consumption.
Thousands of people in California and
Oregon have been already benetited by
the surprising curative powers of
Newell's Pulmonary Syrup
and with one accord give it their un
qualified approbation.
s5 We now address ourselves to all who
jfare unacquainted with this, the greatest
panacea of the age. for the healing of all
diseases of the Throat and Lungs,
assuring yoil that
Newell's Pulmonary Syrup
has cured thousands, and it will cure
YOU. if you try it. This inraluable
medicine is pleasant to the taste ) sooth
ing, healing and strengthening in its
effects; entirely free from all poisonous
Or deleterious drugs.and perfectly harm
less under all circumstances.
For Sale toy all Druggists.
41G and 418 Front street, San Francisco.
Essence Jamaica Ginger,
Which i.-: confidently recommended as- ihe
' best prepartion noib he fore the public.
This valuable preparation, containing"
in a highly concentrated form all the ?
properties of Jamaica Ginger.has become
One of the most popular domestic reme
dies for all diseases of the stomach and
digestive organs.
As a loniC) it will be found invaluable
to all persons recovering from debility,
whether produced by fever or otherwise;
ffor while it imparts to the system all the
glow and vigor that can be produced by
wins or brandy, it is entirely fr&e from
the reactionary effects that follow the
use of spirits of any kind.
It is also an excellent remedy for
females who suffer from difficult men
struation, giving almost immediate re
lief to the spasms that so frequently ac
company that period.
It gives immediate relief to Nausea,
"caused by riding in a failroad Car, or by
2,sea sickness, or other causes.
It is also valuable as an external ap
plication for Gout, Rheumatism, Neu
ralgia, etc.
416 and 418 Front street, San Francisco.
Flavoring Extracts
highly concentrated Extracts from Fresh
Fruits, prepared with great care.
They sre put up in superior style, and
in a bottle holding TWICE AS MUCH
as the ordinary brands of Extracts.
Comparing quality and contents, none
othpr are nearly so cheap. '
Whenever tested on their MERiTS,they
have been adopted in preference to all
others, and are now the STANDARD
By purchasing Redington's Concen
trated Flavoring Extracts, you obtain an
article not only superior in richness and
deliCacj of flavor to any other of a simi
lar nature, but far more economical, be
cause each buttle holds double the
quantity contained in a bottle of any
other flavoring extract sold. k
Agents for ttiS Pacific Coast.
m. p.
Wonld yon escape FEVER AND AGUE",
and preserve health nd vigor durinpr the
sickly season make occasional use of the
following as
If you are ATTACKED with Chills
and Bilious Fever, or have been a victim
to such disease, and used other so-called
remedies without permanent relief, seek
at once the safest and Burest
by using, according to directions
or, Fever and Ague Pills. Time has
proved them thoroughly to be the safest
and most reliable remedy known. They
contain no mercury or tuer mineral or
chemical. They are exclusively vege
table. They stimulate the functions of
the liver. Congestion isimpossible where
they are used. They do not deter from,
daily labor. By assisting dicestion they
add flesh and muscle to the frame They
are adapted to all ages and both sexes,
and as a
Will CURE in their incipiency, three
fourths ot all diseases incidental to a
malarious climate. For Dyspepsia, in
small doses, they have no equal.
For sale by all Druggists.
The Battle for Life
Which is continually going on between
health and disease, has never received
from any medic ine such marked and un
mistakable assistance, on the side of
health, as it has from
Newell's Pulmonary Syrup
41 and 418 Front street. Ban Francisco.
A. S. Rielia,ilofiy
of Front and Oak streets, Portland
Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Merchan
dise and Horses, O
Every Wednesday and Saturday !
A. B. Richardsox, Auctioneer.
English refined Bar and Bundle Iron O
English Square and Octagon Cast steel
Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws;
Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron ;
also :
A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors
A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer
Jacob Stitzel. James B. tlPTCN.
Heal Estate Brokers avd General
Agents, Corner of Front and
Washington streets,
K-f Will attend to the sale and purchase
of Real Estate in all parts of the City and
State. Special attention given to the sale of
East Portland property.
Address P. O. Box 42, Portland. Oregon.
19tf. Heal Estate Brokers.
Harvest cf 1870 ! !
Selling off to Close Business,
tlinl no MlTIBlTG !
Mens' Ladies, Misses' and Childrens' n
Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated
Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps,
Wicks, Chimneys and Burners !
Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc.
Has got to he sold
Regardless of Price!
To convince yourself with respect to
this matter, call at the old corner.
South of lope Co.'s Tin Store
Oregon City
Administrator's Sale of
Eeal Estate.
JJ pursuance of an order of the County
Court ot Clackamas County, State of Ore
gon, made oil the 5th day of Hily, 1877in
the matter of the estate of Chas. Cutting,
Sen., deceased, the undersigned, administra-
tjr of said estate, will sell at public auction
to the highest bidder the real estate herein
after described, subject to confirmation by
said County Court, on the Sth day of Septem
ber, 1S70, at 1 o'clock, P. M., at the Court
House door in s-aid county and State, with .
all the improvements and the appurtenances
thereunto belonging said real estate situate
lying and being in Clackamas county, State
of Oregon, and described as follows, to wit :
Commencing at N. E. coi ner of C. Cutting's
donation land claim, number 47. sections
35 and 86, in township 4, S. R., 2 E. ;
thence south on east boundary 40.00 chains,
to the right bank of Milk creek, by rock l'2x
12x12 inches, marked C 52, between ihe
roots ot large fir tree five feet in diameter".
" S. 6.3" W. " " 5.00
" N. 33 W. " 12.50
" N. 21 W.y " " 7.50 "
" IV. 61 W, " " 11. Q0
" N. 25 W. " . 8.00
" N. 81 W. 6.50 "
" West " " 9.00 ' ''
" N. 81 W, " " 9.50
" N.23W. " 4.50
" N.74aW. " " 3 50
" N. 16 E. " " 3.50 "
to north boundary line of said claim, post set
as witness" to true corner, f0 links east on
said boundary line, from which an alder tree
10 inches in diameter bears. N., 70a E. 10
links, and alsi an alder tree 12 inches in di
ameter bears S. 45 E. 7 link:?. Thence east
on north boundarj' line G2 chains to place of
beginning, containing 1 10 acres more or less.
Also, twelve lots in the town ot Cuttmgs
ville, more or less.
Terms and Conditions of Sale.
Said Real Estate to be sold to the highest
bidder for U. S. cold coin, one-third paid
down, one-third in six months from date of
sale, and the remaining one-third in one
year from date of sale. Deed at expense of
Administrator of the Estate ot Chas. Cut-
tini Sen , deceased.
Oregon City, Aug. 12, 1S70.
40: w 4
The standard remedy for Coughs, Influx ,
enxa? Sore Throat, Whooping Cough Crcvpt
Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, Bleeding of the,
Lungs, and every aS'ection of the Throat,
Lunes and Chest, including Coxscmptiox.
AVistar'g Balsam does not dry up a
Cough, but loosens it. Cleanses the lungs,
and allays irritation, thus removing thtcavst
of the complaint. None srenuine unless
signed I. Butts. Prepared by Seth W.Iowlh
& Sox, Boston. Sold by Redingtgx. Hos.
tetter & Co., San Francisco, and by dealers
generally. JelSdy
niTPnii a vimii a ifflTfl
Formerly New Columbian.
Corner Front and Morrison Stretls,Q
Free Coach to and from tli Honae
July 16tb, tf