0 o o o o o o o TOWN AXD tOUXTY. Discharged. About 250 railroad hand were discharged lust Saturday. What the cause for this is. we are not informed, but the reason assigned by those who claim to know, is that t was necessary to suspend work on account of the non-arrival of iron. The iron was not expected to ar rive until last week, aid we see that two cargoes hare arrived, and the cry was made that not enough white men could be had to get Che grading done in time for Ihe 4ron. and about 150 Chinamen were put to work. Over that number of white men have been discharged, while ihe Chinamen retain their places, it is use less to say that this- is done for Ihe pur pose of transplanting the white men. 1 hi fact is too plain too admit of contradic tion, and the statement that there is not work for the white men. is simply a story goten)Up to pahate the treachery of Ben Holladay. or why does be retain the Chin amen and discharge those which he fluid would be preferred and were woiked on the ground of economy. It took him little longer than we anticipated to get rid of the voters by which he carried this county, yet he has done as we said that he would The truthfulness of our assertions are established. Mr.IIolladay has given the falsity to his declarations by his actions TnK Scpper The supper given by the ladies of the Episcopal Church, last Fri day evening, was in every way a success. The company was not as large as we had hoped, but those present enjoyed them selves better than if the room had been more crowded. The supper was excel lent and the tables were nicely arranged, and the ice cream was so good that the ice gave out before the demand was sup plied. Miss Georgia Tope, the Misses Holmes, and other ladies, assisted by Mr. I'ype. Rev. Mr. Sellvvood and others, add ed greatly to the entertainment with their fine singing. We noticed a roasted leg of mutton at the head of the table, beauti fully and artis'ically arranged, which we learned was presented and arranged by Mr. Leon Delouey. of the Cliff House Restaurant. We are also informed that the Lincoln Bakery furnished very liberally for the occasion. We are re quested by the ladies to return their Mhanks to those who furnished supplies for the table and also to the. public for their libera! patronage. Stka&joat Itk.ms. The Albany brought down fVont Salem about a hundred men whiPhud been discharged from work on the railroad. Hen-didn't even irive them "i i , g i o - - - tln'ir passage to Portland. The Alert was about three hours behind her regular time, caused by being detain ed on account of smoke, last Monday. The steamers Senator and Fannie Pat - ton are being thoroughly repaired. The old bottoms have been taken off, and it will be necessary to make new ones for ! half of each boat. When they are re tailed they will be as good, if not better, i than when new. CE.vsrs ok CCr,ACKAMAs Cocxtv. The following hat been furnished as the census ' of this county : Number of white males. ' 3.282 ; No. of white females. 2.637 ; No. oj colored males. 64 ; colored females. 9 : total number of inhabitants. 5.992. Clas iflciilion of color blacks. 40; Chinese. 't t ; total. 73. Foreign born males. 407; fi'iii-ilfs ..fi.l T,,t.ii ....... i. - ' . xwvMi, ...x.,. A v l - li It 111 U V I of voters. 1.4!)fi. Citizens whose right has been abridged on other grounds than re bellion or other crime, to vote. 3. Num ber rf dwelling houses. ,-.1.285. Number ..r t !i : . . -.. .... . laiuuies. i ,ii o. 1 tie ceusus ot l Sol) re turned a population of 3.160. Increase hi ten years. 2.52C. Mu.WAiKiK a CiTr. The Herald says that our Milwaukie neighbors are some what elated over the idea that the West Side road is to crosd over the Willamette river ut that points and form a junction ith the main trunk near Mill No. 2. To meet the situation. Rev. Mr. Sellwood has had a portion of bis farm troniing on the railroad subdivided into lots and blocks, with a view of accommodating those who may desire to do business at that point. Eligible blocks are held at. $500 each. Milwaukie property is looking up from the same cause, and lots are held at stiff figures. Pkksoxai.. Jake Fprerger. the pleas ing and accommodating proprietor of the Cosmopolitan Hottl. at Portland, and Mr. Henry Fuller, gave us a passing call last Wednesday. Dr. F. M. Mason, late of Clarkville. Baker county . arrived in our city last Wednesday. The Doctor comes highly recomendeil from that section. He is look ing for a place to permanently locate. Stolen. A young man, about 20 years of age, was lodging at the residence of J. V". Lewis, and working on the railroad, He was discharged last week and prior to leaving he entered a couple of rooms in the house and stole from one a watch and pome money, and the other a coat. A warrant wi 8 T-sued for him and followed to Portland, b it he made good his escape ; thieves visited the residence of Mr. John '.Hatton. on the hill, and knocked at the J) oor. He demanded what they wanted and who they were, and receiving no i 4 answer, called to a neighbor to bring his ' shot-gnn. when they took to their beds j and made good their escape. . Sharp. A fellow selling papers on the 1 boats at Portland, frequently receives a , half dollar or two bits, when he rushes '. PfT. telling the buyer that he'll bring him i the chang in a moment. He played this : game on a young man of our acquaintance ; this week, and then gave him a paper of last year's date. Returned. Mr. Clay Myers returned : home last Monday, from east of themoun i, tain?, where he is engaged in stock-raising ' le expects to return, taking with him his : family, about the 5rst of October. . Home Agaix. Mr. W. B. Barlow and ife, and J. L. Barlow. Esq., returned last , Saturday from their visit to the Atlantic ; tes. Capt. Pease also returned last I Thursday. We learn that all of them had t pleasant and agreeable trip. We are i Sde to note their safe return. Cattle Steauxo. A man named Wil I son was arrested last Saturday, charged 1 Wl'h, stpal'ng a beef from Mr. Ramston. i an? brought before Justice Moore. The 5 evidence against him appeared conclusive j ana was fann.i ard costs. He has since left for parts un- known. o i n(an and white man were adver tising the saloons. The City Marshal ar jwted them. The white man paid his fine aa the Indian Ls working liia out on' the Bereft. Ntw Fence. Mr. A. J. Apperson has had a neat new fence put atrottnd his resi dence. Dr. Barclay's residence is ceiving a new coat of paint, and Jud"-e Caufieid is giving his store and late iesi. dence a ing. i borough overhaiiilng and paint- Mls:c We hear the music dispensed every evening by a gentleman whose place of business is opposi e the rjnsiofhVo highly spdken yf. A stranger remarked to us the other day that he was Mie best violinist that he has heard on the coast. Openkd. Paul Grisber's new saloon was opened in gay style last Monday night. A fine lunch was served and the Oregon City String Band furnished music for the occasion. IIktcrxi.vg. Among the- passengers due in San Francisco on the 9th. from the east, are Mr. J. Ralston and wile, father nf m- Ralston of this city. Bid-S. Interesting notices for bids to furnish supplies for the Tttalitin Fur Co., are stuck up around town. The railroad hands Tuesday. An escort money. were paid off last was sent with the A couple of boys were caught the eth er day in the act of stealing lead pipe. a piece: of STATE NEWS. From the Herald : The corner stone of St. David's Episco pal Church, at East Portland, was laid last Wednesday bv lit. Rev. Bishop Morris assisted by Revs. W. II. Stoy and J. R. w' Selhvood, of Milwaukie, and J, W. Sell- woou. ot Oregon City. A destructive Sre occurred at Canyon City. Grant county, last Friday, destroy ing the entire city. Loss stated m $250,000. The census of Washington county shows an entire population of 4.260. Mr. Ireland, while takinsr the census of this city, discovered an old French ladv who stated that she was 105 years old. She has been blind for a number of years from the decay consequent u,on extreme old age. Camp No. 2 and Bridge No. 3 are re ported to have been destroyed by fire on Saturday. The camp contained a very considerable quantity ol grading tools, all of which were totally destroyed. One of Holludav's vessels laden with railroad iron from Newport, Wales, ar rived in Ihe Columbia river on Sunday morning last. She will probably reach this city some time to-day. The entire population of Portland, as given by the IT. S. Marshal, is 8.347. The center pier of the railroad bridge :ieros Hie hantiam was floated to us place on .Monday aliernoon. and workmen were engaged in sinking ii yesterday. Rev. E. C. nderson. to whom the County Court tendered the office of School Superintendent, accepted the office and qualified last Saturday. The various bod carriers of this c it v have organised themselves into a society vvi.h a view of furthering and protecting their labor interests. The Star Society'' is the name selected, and an article in the constitution requires that each member have a five-pointed siar fastened in u con spicuous place upon his hod. From the Bulletin : Wai.i.amet Vai.i.ky Railroad Company. The stockholders of this new Railroad Coi ipany met last Saturday and organized by the election of the following Board of Directors: Ben. llolladav, William L. llalsey. .uedorum Crawford. C. II. Lewis. A. M. Loi vea. I. Goldmith. T. R. Cor uelins. At a meoriiisi of the Board of Di rectors. Ben. Holladay was elected Prosi dent; William L. Halse . Vice President ; Medorum Crawford. Secretary. The Catholic Sentinel says that this (St. Mary's school) favorite institution ot learn ing will commence its annual course ot instruction on Monday, the 22d inst. From the Pidiivhnler : Appkopkiatk Namk. Ren. Holladay has recently bought ten acres ol prairie on the line ot his railroad near the Molalla. and laid out a town, which he has named Can by City. This is to indicate, we presume, that the lots are for sale. We are informed by letter from Empire City that Henry Wycofi. ex-1 reasnrer of Coos county, has -absconded with about S3. 000 of county inone. That's the way the money goes when Republican officials follow the example of their leaders in Washington. From the Oregon Statesman. The Salem Mills offer from 80 to Foe is a bushel lor wheat, but are not buying any great amount, as the farmers won't sell at that price, and the millers cannot see their way to oiler more in the present unsettled state of the market. Prices have very materially declined both in San Francisco and Liverpool. A lot of wrol amounting to 4A.OO0 lbs. is ready at Salem for shipment to Boston. It goes to A. Peabody. V C. Whitson of Polk counfy has re ceived his commission as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Idaho. Our friends at Bethel and on that mail route are as yet unsuppiied with mail facilities, as no mail contract has been let as was advertised for, or at least none has gone into execution. Mr. O. D. Bebee was accidentally shot at Salem by a pistol which he dropped on the sidewalk as he was getting into the stage. The wound is quite serious, but not dangerous. From the Oregonian. A con tract has been made to ljuild a jail in Umatilla county for $5,000. About forty men are at work on the new light-house at Cape Blanco. It is ex pected that it will be completed before Christmas. It will cost between $50,000 and $75,000. We have received a catalogue of the Corvaliis College, being the fifth issued by that institution. The attendance during the lau College year was very favorable indeed, and w e should judge the institution was in a flourishing condition. From the Albany Democrat : Last Monday a German giving his name as Ferdinand Wetzel, aged 26 vears. was apprehended by Marshal Long on a com plaint of insanity, and after being exam ined by Drs. Rice and Tate, before His Honor, fudge Johns, was adjudged insane, and on Tuesday was tasen down to Port land by Sheriff Irvine. Last Tuesday the new saw mill on Cedar Flat. 15 miles east of Lebanon, together with the residence of its proprietors.Messrs ! Stearns & B'dwell, was destroyed by fire. Two Irish brothers named McDonald, living in Linn county, have recently fallen heir to a million dollars by the death of a near relative ui ireiand. A two year old son of Jas. Harris, of Kings Valley. nton county, was scalded to death last week. From the Jacksonville News : Ma.x Muller lias been appointed Post master at this place, to succeed J. M. Sut ton. He will enter upon the duties of his office soon. On Wednesday morning of this week the iron door over the t.ellar in front of Bilger's tin shop Was1 opened for some purpose, and Charles Lovel in walkino: along the sidewalk, not noticing it. acci dentally fell through the doorway, his chirt and neck catching on the door. By some means a gash was cut in his throat from which he came near bleeding to death. Dr. Ganung was called, and succeeded in stopping the flow of blood. Oct of Danger. Miss Mary Woodward, who was accidental ly poisoned last week, has so far recovered that her physician pronounces her out of danger. This will be good news For her many friends. pubUcan. Who Knows : in.' ..'m.itv Ci-.-rk man ages to get the Countx (', rl to nccasion ally entrust him wi;!i g-: ing county printirg done, which he sends to Portland and the county pais fully as much, if not more, for the work than the same can be done here. Has the Clerk tak n iuto the clique a job office and does he receive his regular per cent, on the county printing? The Clerk's office ought to pay better now since there is broker to speculate in coun ty orders, and a per cent, on the printing. This is what might be called business. Dox't tiE IltfMtfL'GOED with the foolish irlea that cit irrh cannot be cured ! Tbe world moves, ;ind medical sc encs is progressive. The proprietor of Mr. Sage's Catarrh Rt-m-edy will pay $5n.l reward tor a case of Ca tarrh wliich lie c.imiot cine Sold by druz gists. Can tet 't by m til tor .-ixty cents from Dr. il. . Pierce, of K13 Seneca' strt-et, Burial , N. Y., who is the sole propri tor and tue only m mi now living that cau iiake the (Genuine. Don't forget that the genuine has Dr. Pierce's private Governu-eat revenue stamp on each package. Forx'D at last ! A rern?"1v that not on'y relieves, but cures -consumption and its nu merous satelites which revolve around it in the shape of cuughs, colds, 'ntfue .z bron chitis, &c. This remedy is Dr. l lialtamof TI ihl Cherry. ttll S I WILLIAM DAVIDSON", me. So. Ot IVoiit Street, PORTLAND, - - - OREGON". REAL ESTATE DEALER. Special Collector ;f Claim'?. larcfP amtu t of CITY an ! EA T I'O LAND I'ropprtv fo Sale. Also, IMPliOVED FARMS, and va'uab'e un ciiitivit, d LANDS, located in all parts ot the State Investme-its in REAL ESTATE a-ul other PROPERTY made fo corre .onrlent.,. CLAIMS of all descriptions promptiv col leeted. 1IOCSES and STORES leased. All kinds o' E.tiauc al aud General Agency business transacted. Parties having H1 A R M PUOPERTY for sale will pi. a e iiirnish descr nt n is of the ame to the GENTSOE THIS OFFI' E in ea.di of the pr incipal CI 1 IES a d TO WNS d' this STAI'E. Julvi':tf CARD From ihe National Elgin YlIiCd. The at'e-i io'i of w Uch buyers is called to the i-vprniy-i -1 mer cn 1 1 " '.e-, ma uf.c t'-ir-d by the Nati-.n d Eltriu ) Waich Com pany of Elin, 111. Ladies desiroos of purclia ing a handsome, s'roni an i correct- '.nie pi:-ei- will fiinl the elegant w' itrh bearing the trade mark of 'L DY EhGl tf be alt that thev rleire. Inquire of your jeweler for the LADY EL G I N. The trade upon the Pacific coast, simplicd at f ictorv prices by Lev son I?, o-,i':2'.l Wash ington sire t, Sin Francisco, wh-i have mi hand at all times a full supply of all trrad'-s of movements, andmateritl for repairing the same. An illustrated pamphlet, entitled "Making W&tehfs hv Machinery ." by ihe late Albert D. Ri'diards'"-., will be forwarded tree of charge bv send ng ad-tress to NATI N L WTCH COMPANY, 1U and H;l Lake street, C'-ic -co ; No. 1 ilaiden Line. New York; Or LKVISON BKOS. 20 Washington st , San Frai.cisco, Gal. a;ig20m2 Tin- Viutict or Califoi uians, as a rub1 granted Aey article 'h merit is sure to be a fa . t::U it !a lure i ks intriti v.. : he Golde State. Twelve years ago i KHTSTTEK'S STOMArll BI I TERS were qnila intro duced here. Their us s were plainly ..et forth, and the community was invited to g ve them a fair trial, as a remedy lor dyspepsia, biliousness, intermittent and remittent fevers, general de'dlitv, nervous alfections, and all the ordinary diseases of the digestive and secretive organs. They were also re commended as an appetizing and Invigorat ing preparation, and a- a preventive ol corn plai'ds of an epidemic character. Tbe result may be summed up 5n a few words. A de mand for the article immediately sprang up, and has ever since been increasing in a pro gressive ratio, until HOSTETTER S BIT TERS have become a leading commercial staple in the Ca ifornia market, and along the whole Paciti seaboard, trom Central America to British Columbia. The con sumption of the treat, ve- e able ton C and restorative, n the Paciti - St ites alone, is up wards of one million hotti.es per vesir and it popularity overshadows that of every other medicine, proprit fury or ot'-erwise, sold en this side of the c- ntlnent. This r'ac; is so notorious tuat if is like repeating a recognized trui?m to pu' it n print. Since the introduction of the BITTERS the de mand for the adulterated liquors of com merce has gradually declined, both in the cit es and at" the mines. The perfect purity of the h.rt.cle, its restorative and preven ive properties, and its admirab'e adaptation to the w ants ot a people too pro ie to exhaust ive labor of bo y an ! mind, are aopreciated hv thf mpi :fa ntotession. ann il is pre- sciibed as a stomachic and alterative t the exclusion, in a great degree, of all the un medtcated alcoholic stimi lanis. Rebecca Dvgrec Lodge No. 3, 1. 0. O. F. Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDA Y EVEXIXGS. ot each month, at 7 o'clock, in O Id Fellows lialt. Members of the Degree aie invited to attend. By order of ,X. G. Williimerte O-iclge o. 15 !. . Meets every Saturday evening, at tbe ro-a S.E. corner of Main and Fifth streets, at 7 1 5 o'clock. Visiting members are invited to attend. By ordr of W. C T. If von wish the verv best Cab net Phot' graphs, on nvist call ou BRADLEY & RULOFSON, 439 Montgomery street, San Francisco. iUultuoitiaU Lull ye So. 1, A. h.umd A. Holds its regular rommuni 'ytT cations on the FlrH and Third Sat in each tsoiith, at 7 o'clock, from the 2 (Ah of September to the -20th of March, and 7 o'clock from the 2"th of March to the 2oth of September. Brethren in good standing are invited to attend. By order of W. M, Origon Lode Vo. 3, I. O. of O. M-e3 every Thursday even ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Ha.II. Miir. s eef. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. Bf. G. DITU Ctt'S 'IGHTXI.(i FU-KIUfR Is ahead of anything f the kind. Handy at:d cbear. Try it. Sold by Drnggisls ju e2-:2m i ! i- i! ni does .-Hiij.ly , t n t. . a short time, h it produces p t f t t Tid per nia'if nt cures of the worst cases n Ohtrii N:sid i'atnrrh. and I icitt pny S'oo reir'n-d for a rate that I cat. m nt cure, "'('old in Hip head " and Catarrhal Headache ire cured , wi'h a f-w application :. If you have a di charge from tbe nose, offensive r utner-w.M-, I stopping up of the nose at tim-s, partinl lo-s of the sense of smell, tiisfe or bearine. eyes watering or weK, teei nui., u ve pain or preasure iti t!ie bead, vuu may rest assured that you have Cat irrh. Thousands annually, without manifesting half of tl e aoove sys tems, terminate in eonsumptioji and end in the grave. So disease n so common, more deceptive or les- und -rstnod by physicians. I wilt send my pamphlet on Catarrh to anv address free. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy is now SOLD B MOST DRUGGISTS - IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Price ")() cents Sent br mail, postpaid, on receipt of !) cents or fm- pack-iges fr two dollars Beware of eaunt'-feits and worth liss imitation. See that my private stamp. which is a positive guarantee of genuineness, is upon the outside wrapper. Remember th it this private stamp, issued by the United States Gov-, rnmem expressly for stamping my medicin 's, has my portrait, na-ne arid address, and the word U. S. Certificate of Genuineness " t ngraveii upon it, and need not be mi-tiikt-n O .n't. hp sinrltfH hv trf1Vilor ;ir.rl .ttlim-a c..r.u.-uiiti.i. tl.A.i.....lr... I ...... ...... i LT. IIIUI ,11 II. as Dr. Sage ; I am the only man now living that has tins knowledge and riiit to m inu facture the genuine Dr. S ide's Catarrh Rem edy, and I never trivel to seilt:ii- up- icine. R. V. P1KKCE. M. D , ju23m3 183 Seneca stre t. Buff I... .Y. now to cm;: it. At the com eneement of the Diarrhtea, w ich always precede- an attack of the Choler.i, take a tea.po tiful o!' the Pain Kit- let- in sugar and water, (.hot, if convenient.) and then i.ythe Ire lv t'-e stomach and bow els with the Pain Killer clear. Should the diarr: ce.i or er .mps cont.nue. repeat the dose evcy ten or til'teen minutes until the patient is reliwvd In ox reme. eases two or more teaspoonftils may be given at a dose. Tlie 'a in Kd'er, ! has n eqnat: In i se Complaints, Dvsn tia it cii' es i one nigh . o an intornal remedy, f ('lndera, Su miner H senterv, Astii ma ;ikin; i: intern . ano Itathing "witn it treelv I s action is like m.iiii , w en externally applie to 1. s ire;, bur if, scahls a d s.yraiii-. Fix- s:ck h ai ie!ie a d to .I'-iifhc, don't '.'ii t try it In s o?t, t i a Ptx u.i.mi. 1 )i r t ion- 'iCi' m . u .;-'i ' t T e Pain Kiiier i- ..m i by ah .; -. r in Meii cities. I'ricps, 'l cuts, "o cts. anil 1 per otfi Soilins: Out nt Cost. UHKITURE AT RSOUGEO PRICES. piIE tlNDERSTG N ED DESIRING TO X close his business, otfeis his entire stock ot Furniture, lleihi ni Ac, at vfry low prices, until the'JTHiios ., when the '(-main-i'tg -toek on hand wiil !. offered at Pu l c Auction Tertns o' sale Alt su ms u dor twe: ty d -liars, cash : ir-cr tint amo r t, 3o days credit, wit: apj.i- ved seeuriiv All Pi'!"' IIS iriil !! d o l'.ti arc )equ-tel to call and m -ke i tti i ( -uta e navn,e; t. P- pi n bavin . T.re-' t h- -f n?e v i! idea to 1 1 l.' Li " I S i p,y 111 v-1. V TH AT MY Y! ! t: oil i e ; r,-e - - are '.-.ri ii,'i' on b of her V A YLOlt. ha- ett mybe-1 a d board v.- or piov ca'io'i, thcrelore all hereby warned not to tru-t or my accoun , as I w ill pay no i contracting. GrO. W. Aug. Pith, 1S70. w4 NB STATIONERY. IIVS VS.1UST RECEIVED fine stock ot School Books. Sta ionery and fvery tbinir usaallv kept i a b ok if st re, direct from l' e East, which he oSfo s to the public at reduced pii es. St'e nn er the Toiirt House (riv- me a all and ex amine my lod- and jo ic s Oregon Citv Ju e is. Is7(':tf COSfiOPOLSTA HOTZL (Forme ly Arrig"id's,) Front Street, Portland, O: -g.n. J. PROPRIETOR. T IE PROPRIETOR known House havi OF THIS WELL uperi' r accom- o iatioiis, guarantees emire gat-Ktactio- to an f he Hotel t'oa -h will he hi 'itt. -n.i mce to i vev pas-engers and Oig jae o and trom the' Hotel, lr- e f cVir e. OrK e Oregon and California Sta.e Co. Aug. l;tf Patronize Home Industry. pjgj.JER CURLED HAIR MANUFACTORY IS NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY THE ma k with a N" 1 article of Curled Hair on Up olsterv work, which will com p re with any imported article In quality oi price. , Ip y the highest trice Tor Ma' es and Tails .if Horses' and Tails of C ws at my store, corner Front and Salmon streets. I). MI TZ'iFR, Portland, Oregon. IROTZ3IAV BROS. NO. 121 FRONT STREET, Portland, Oregon. Aiiot Her Sprin ! 0 STOCK BOOTS & SHOES JUST OPENED OUT. rpiUR IS THE SECOND FtTLL ASD AS JL sorted stock received this spring. We beg leave to assure our customers that wi; will keej our store ALWAYS FULL, And our Goods shall be of FIRST QUALITY in the MARKET. Those who have not heretofore dtfalt with !-s, are r s;ei tfullt invited to cail and ex mine out goods. We haiieriire com -titton in prices, a sortment and qualityi may23tf C- W- POP & CO , OEALKKS IV STOYES, TIN PLATE. SHEET IRON, BR A ZIE s' OPPEIt, LEAD PI;'E, I : " PIPE AND FITIINtJS, RUHBEKgio HOSE. FOICE' AND LIFT PUMPS ZI'VO, COPPER, BRASS AND IRON VIRE. Also a sreneral assott ent'of House Fur nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copp&r, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOF: NG AND JOBBING OF EVERY DESC :P TION DONE TO OR ER, AND AT LOW PRICES. o Also at POPEi S S IOVE ST.. UK yoil will find HARDWARE ANT) BASKETS, WOODEN, V A R i: A X 1) I N 'V R'.', i. A NT E . . N S, LAMPS A vd OIL. LUCINE AND N It HIT LAMPS. AL O PI R A M . ; C L A TO R r-'i o All of ti e alove articles are for sab jat P i ! 1 CES TO .-s U I T II K T I M ES. C. "IV. POPE &. CO. 71:lr Oregon City Oregon. Administrator's Sale of Eeal Estate. ToTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Til AT IN lA pursuanee o! an order .f the County Oonrt ot Clackamas (.'ounfy, State of Ore rn, made on the otfi day of .inly, ISTo, in the matter ol the estate of Chas. Ctitt-ng, Sen., deceased, the undersigii' d, adminis ra t r f said estate, will sell at public auction t. ihe : ighest bi ider the r-al estate h--i-iu-aft'-r des ribed. suhjci t, to coniirmation by sai I l onntv Court, on the Slh day of Septem ber, ls7o, at 1 fi'clock, P. M.,' at the Court. House door in aid county and State, with all tlie improvements and the appurtenances thereunto belonging said real estate situate1 ving and oeing in ."la kanias county. State of Ot egon, arid describetl as follows to wit : Co '.mencintr at N E. corner of Cutiihg's ! nat'on laud claim, number 4T sect ns ; nd 3o, in township 4. S. R., 2 E. ; thence south on east boundary 4o.no chain-, lo the right batik ol Milk creek. Iy rock il'x 12x12 inches, marked C V2, between 'he roots ot birje fir tr e five ft-ft in diameter. Ttience N.(J.j W.oown said creek o.uii chains; S. rt.V W. " 5. on " N.a:iW. " " 12.50 " n. '2i w. " " r.oo " N. (il" W. ' H. U0 " " N. 2-V W. " " S.oO N. 81" V. " " 6.50 West " " f .oo N. si" VT. " 9.o0 N.23W. " ' 4.0O X.74-W " ' 3 r,0 N. Di E. ' " S.od " to north b- unda y line of said claim, post set as witness to true corner, fxi Jink- east on stdd bonnd.iry line, from wliich an alder tree lo inches in diameter bears X. 70J E. 10 links, and als an alder tree 12 inches in di im ter uears S. 4"" E. 7 I i n k Thence tat on north hound ry line C2 chains to plac.' of inning, containing lltjacre- more orle.-s. Aln.-i, twelve i ,t- in tlie t. wu nf Cutt.ngs vd:i, " ere or ! ss. Term a and (Conditions of Sole. Said Real Estate t be sold to the hijjhe t b d er f r I'. S g id Co n. lie-third paid d vv :, i iie-lhird n six months tr m Oat- ot si ad he letoainit g Mie-ihiid in one year from at - ot side Deed at expense ot pmc'iaser. CII AS. CUTTING, Ariminist atcr bf the Estate ot Chas. Cut ting, Sen , deceased. O.egon City- Aug; 12, 1670. 40:v4 WiLLiAT. SINGER iiS A- factory FOR THE MANUFACTORY OF FUKXITUBE, SASH, BLINDS AMD LC0H33 AND M '.ULDINGS OF M L S'ZES. They will also do TURNING, of every de-crij tion to order. With. Neatness and Dispatch! ALL Wo;;K W AliR NTED. sho - on th Rive , b ick of A' ke m-n s St r.-. Oregon itv Oregon Oregon City, July Iny.tf GEO. NOAH. JAMES MORB SOS. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Formerly New Columbian, Comer Front and Morrison Streets, POUTLVSI), OKEGO.V. NOAH & MORRISON, PROPRIETORS. Free Coach to a ml from tlie House. July leth, tf REDINGTCO,, HOSTETTER & CO. Stop that Coughin cr f Some of you can't, and we pity yon. You have tried every remedy but th ONE destiued, by its inttiusic :nent, to supersede ad similar preparations. It is not surprising you should be reluc tant to try something else af.cr the niaiiy experiments you have made of trashy compounds foisted on the public as a certain cure ; but Newell's Pulmonary Syrup is really the VERY BEST remedy ever compounded for the cure of Ctmgh&j Ol'Js, Sore Ta-oats, Axthma, IVhooping Coughs, Bronchitis and Consumption. Thousands of people in California and Oreeron have been already benefited by tbe surprising curatiTe powers of Newell's Pulmonary Syrup and with one accord give it their un qualified approbaton. We now ad i: ess ourselves to all who are unacquainted with this, the greatest panacea o! the age. for the healing of all diseases of the Tlroit and Lu ngs, assuring you that PJewell's Pulmofiary Syrup has cured thousands, and it will cure YOU, if you trv it. This invaluable medicine is pleasant to the taste ; sooth ing, h-a!ing and sti engthening in its effects; entirely free fr-m all poisonous or deleterious dru js.aiid perfectly harm less under all circumstances. For Sale by nil Druggists. REDING'I ON, HOSTETTER k CO., ilG and 413 Front street, San Francisco. Rrdingto' ' Essence Jamaica Ginger, Which covfirterithj recommended an t'e, bet prepai tion noxo before the public. This valuable preparation containing in a hiffhly concentrated form all the properties of Jamaica Gingerhas become one of the most popular domestic reme dies for all diseases Of the stomach and digestive organs. As a tonic, it will be found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; J f r wi lie it imparts to the system all the L'h.w and vigor that can be produced by wine or brandy, it is entirely free from the reactionary eftects that follow the use of spirits of any kind. It is also an excellent remedy for females who suffer from difficult "men struation, giving almost immediate re lief to the spasms that so frequently ac company that period. It irive-s immediate belief to JaUsea, caused by riding m a railroad car, or by sea sickness, or other causes. It is also Valuable as an external np plicat on for Gout, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc. ItEDI(JTOX, IIOSTETTEU & CO., 4 1 ti and 418 Front street, San Francisco. Remington's F I a v o r i n gr F x tracts AllE THE PERFECTLY PURE ANO highly c ncentrated Extracts from Fresh Fruit's, prepared with great care. Thev i' re put up in superior stvle, and in n bottle holding TWICE ASMUCII as the ordinary brands of Extracts. C .rnparing quality and contents, none other are tie;rl r.o cheap. Whenever tested on tiikih MEKiTPjthsy have been ad pted in (ire.'eretice to nil others, find are now the 1'ANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS ot the Pacilic Coast. MA UK THE ADVANTAGES, liv purchasing Rtdington's Cohcen trated Flavoring Extracts, you obtain an article not only superior in richness and delicac ot fl ivor to at y o her of a simi lar n.iture, but. far mote economical, be cause e: c!i b. ttle holds d"uble the quantity contained in a bottle of any other flavoring extract sold. k IlEDiXuTOX, HOSTKiTER S. CO., Agents for the Pacific Coast. & P. Would yon escape FEVER AND AGUE, ar.d preset ve he 1th and v'gor during the s ckly -easo:i, make occasional use of the following as A PREVENTIVE. If you are ATT CKED with Chills and liilious r ever, or have been a victim to such disease, a d used other so-called remedies wi bout permanent relief, seek at once tS:e safest and sui est CUBE, by using, according to directions MASON & POLLARD'S ANTI-ftiALARIA, or, Fever ftnl Agvie Pills. Time has proved them thnr. ughlv to be the safest and most reliable remedy known. They contain no mercury or ot er mineral or chemical. They are exclusively vege table. Tivy stimulate the functions of tlie liver. Cone-thm is impossible wh- re thev are used. They do not deter from daily labor. l;y a-sisting digestion they add flesh and u;u cleto the frarre. They are adapted to all ages and both sexes, ai-d as a FAMILY aiEDIOiME ill CURE in their im ipieney, thres fourthsof all diseases incidental to a mala-ious climate. For Dyspepsia, in small doses they have mieqaal. For sale bj id; Druggists. UEDLV'iiTOS, HOSTETTEH & CO.4 SOLE AGENTS. The Battle for Life Which is cntinually going on between health and disease, has never received from any medicine such marked and un mistakable assi-tarice, on the side of health, as it has from Newell's Pulmonary Syrup REDISGMW, HOSTETTER A CO., 415 and 418 Front street, San FranciscOi AUCTION AXD COMMISSION A. 15. Hici&iclsoii9 : AUCTIONEER i Corner of Frcnt and Oak streets, Portland. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, GeneralMerchan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday A. B. RicHakdsox, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Rar and Uundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel ; Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; O Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron ; aj.so : A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer Jacob STiTzrL. iAY,k? f. UrTOXi ST IT ZE L & UPTON, Real Estate Brokers and General Agents, Corner of Front and Washington streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. 3f Will attend to the sale and purchase of Real Estate in all parts of the Citv and State. Special ettention given to the sale of Last Portland prnpertj. Address P. O, Pox 4f!2, Portland. Oregon STIT2EL A- UPTON, 1 9tf. Ileal Estdfe Brokers. Harvli oi 187071 o Selling off to Close Business, Aitd no liUMBUO! Tlae Ewiirc fStocItJ OF drygo:b, re .dy-made cl0thing4 c0ts and shoes, AIcds' Ladies, Misses' and Cbildrens' O HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Fairits Gils Lamps, Wicks, ChimDeys and Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got to he sold Regardless of Price! $3. To convince yourself with respect to this matter, call at the old corner. o I. SELLING, SoutJi of Tope 4' Co.'s Tin Store, Oregon Cityt Dr. J, H. HATCH, DENTIST. The patronsge of tnose desiring iirst Class Operation, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. Ji. Nitrous Oxyde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Office In Weigant's new b idding, west side of F'irst street, between Alder and Mof rison streets, Portland, Oregon. To Stock Drovers. THE ROAD ACROSS THE CASCADE! Mountains, know ss the " Old Emigrant q Road, is nnw in splendid order for tbe ac commodation o' the public. Ti e bridges on the road have all been thoroughly repaired md stock drovers will find it i o trouble to cross the Mountain by this route. Ibereis tplenty of good water and grass on both sides of the Mountain, and the distance across is only 5o miles being the shortest as well ns the best road oyer the Cascade will find it to their advantage to travel OTef thisioute. Toles reasonable. JOSEPH YOUNG. Pr sident. Cfickamas county, July, 1870:jul6if 16. I f) NOTICE. LEON DELOUEY, Of the BARXUM RESTAURANT, street, OREGON CITY, Main O Begs to info-tn the public and his friends that he has leased the lower part of the CLIFF HOUSE, Which he has opened as a o FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT The table will at all times be supplied with the best the market aftords. Orders for suppers and parties will be promptly attended to. July 2:tf The standard remedy for Conglm, Ihil cnia, Sore Throat. IVhooping Cough, Croups I Aver Complaint, Bronchitis, Bheding t the Tung, and every affection of the Throat Lunjrs and Chest including CoxsrMFTiox. AVi-tBi-'s lialsum does not dry up a Cough; but loosens it, cleanses the lungs, a n d a 1 1 a vs i r r i t a t i on , t h u s re mov t w g th e ca v.-e of the 'complaint. None genuine unless signed I. Bt'TTS; Prepared by Seth H.Fowle & Sox, Boston. Sold by Rewxgtgs, Ho.s tetter & Co., San Francisco, and by dealers generally. Jel8:IJ TXSURAXCE THE MANHATTAN LIFE AND Xorth British cmd Mercantile JFtre Insurance Companies, E. D. WHITLOW 16tf OREGON CITY, AGENT. O J. O o