f -K J o o o )4 o o O e km I 2TI)c tUetkin Enterprise. TOWS AX Oj COUXT V, Cocxty Court I'uocekdin-os Aiui-st Term. The following are the County Courtproceelin-5 for Clackamas county, at the August term, Judged. K. Wait pie siding : The County Clerk was ordered to make a requisition for two copies of the Code, one lor Marihfkdd aud one lor Cutting s precinct. Application of J. IT. Hamilton for a itn-i. tn sell liuuor. was refused. l'etition of J-li. W. S II wood to have viewers appointed to view and locale a road leading from Cah.-ui's store, thence to the 0. C. II. li- thence easterly to inter act the Foster and Mi!waukie mads, was granted. Messrs. J. L. Oasen, Hiram A. S.raight and J. L- lluiisaeker were ap pointed viewers. The petition of citizens to have a road located commencing at Howard's mill and thence to Mav's mill, on Mill creek, thence to baker Prune, was granted and S. Wal dnn. Aii am Knight and Jos. Pairott were appointed viewers. The petilioas which h id been circulated by the TJoiirt for instructions wheiher the . people desired to have, a number of bridges built, were returned. A majority , . remonstrated. The report of the viewers for a private r road for Chas. Stoker, was placed on tile uand read the first tiwe. The Clerk was ordered to receive bids ! for the building of a br.dge across Aber ..oeatby creek. Tti claim of David Wright for dam isges on account of a defective bridge, was i allowed $25. A.Mr. Warner was ordered to have the 'jai!repaired and cleaned. iTbe following bills were ordered paid : toMKUPitisK. for advertising. $17 ; A. W'es sebt. $1 "5; for jurors at July term. SE5 .20 : State vs. Khoades. insane. $25 35; -J.'JL Frazer. as per bill rendered. $85 00 ; State vs. (i. Wilson. $25 15; I). Wright, ;' Campbell & Capps, $12 ; J. M. 15a coni'fir stationery. $1 88 ; A Warner, as pei't'.'l rendered. $37; White, for board of Rbeads, 0 ou. ritOUATE HU.STNES.S. AthT-tirii-drator of the estate of John Luring' allowed further time and ordered to rep i t at the September term. A-d-rinistrator of the estate of F. Char .njan. re.quesled further time to tile his an .muil -report ; allowed. Tue-puardian of II. Neans. insane, filed an inventory. Appraisers were appointed and instructed to report at the next term. In the matter of the estate of Foster; will admitted to probate and ordered rec orded with proofs. G Sr. IIki.kx's Halt.. We are indebted to Rev. Mr. -"Sellwood, of this place, for a catalogue of the teachers and pupils of this school for its first year. We have not Cbml time to examine it thoroughly, but we see tbt the institution is a success from i;s commencement, and is a fixed in stitution. T'be pupils in attendance from September to July numbered 132. The next term will commence on the first Mon day of September. The school is. under ihe supervision of the Ht. Uev. 15. Wistar Morris, with the following teachers : Miss Mary B. Rodney. 1'iincipal ; Miss Lydia Rodney. First Assistant ; Miss Clementine Rodney, Teacher of Music ; Mrs. Anna Reed. Teacher of .tnsic ; Miss Annie At kinson, Assistant Teacher : Miss Catherine C. II. Durton. Assistant Teacher. The ' institution is a beavtjiful structure. situ Hied in a central and convenient part, of Portland on Fifth, street, between Clay and Taylor. 0 qDkatii. Mrs. AJdie Noon, daughter of; "Mr. I). H. Good, of this city, died in Fort land last Saturday. Her regains were A) rough t up on the A'.er on Sunday to this place for interment. A large number of .sympathizing friel.-i, and the (T.mel Temp lars Lodge, were on the wharf to- meet i he cold remains of her who was uni versally bgloved as a member and friend. The .remain were taken to the Congrega tional Church, where the funeral sermon was -preached, and after the service tire corpse was followed to its final resting jilaee by a large number of our citifceTvs. DistiRACxrcL. We are infoiined that a -number of small boys, eight or ten years of age, make it a practice to fiarg around faloons begging lager, also, that some boys 15 to It' years of age, pass their nights in sakions The proprietors of thes-e plaoes. be it said to their credit, don't want them there, and wish the parents of Ihese wayward youths would manage to keep them at home. We learn tb-U a gentleman of this city made a very feeling and pathetic appeal in behalf of the Chinamen, at the M. E. Church, last Sunday evening. The time Jop-dioldi rsg up John for sympathy is post. Why not raise a loud cry against the in humanity of the slavery in the Woolen Factory? It would undoubtedly be done if a Democrat was running ttat institution. Slavery is all light if worked by a Radi cal. hirrnKNT. An impudent fellow walked into a private residence the other day, where a young lady was playing the piano. Jf She requested to known his business, and he said he wanted to hear her play. She very politely informed him that she was no; in the habit of entertaining strangers tnd to leave, which hint he took. A Scfpek axi Ice Ckeam. The ladies of the Episcopal Church, in this city, will give a supper and ice cream for the bene lit of the Church, this (Friday) evening. A fine f-upper may be expected, and as the object is a worthy one. we hope to see the sentence would have been complete, our citizens generally attend. T,. , J I I-ust he was an ultra pro -laverv Deino Jhere are some persons in this town j cr;lt . mxt a Rlrong supporler of cncban. who are chronic drunkards, and the law j n-s a(im;n;stl .,,;., . r should step in and reform them. Would it not be an act of humanity to have the City Council pats a "Common Drunkard"' ordinance? Injcred. A Chinaman had his hand caught in the machinery at the Factory, mabing ii very severely, and breaking the cog ot the machinery. The Chinamen seem to be out of luck in this establish ment, a similar accident having occurred last week. Ne.slv ax Accident. As the locomo tive was passing around a point near Mill No. 2, last Friday, a hand car was comiug up the track, with a number of men on it. The men had scarcely time to jump off and throw the car off the track before the locomotive reached them. Convocation. The next annual Convo cation of th. Episcopal Church, of the diocese of Oregon and Washington Terri tory, meets at Ttinity Church, Portland, on the Kith of Septembercext. Suspended.-- Services has been suspend ed' at the Congregational Church for three weeks, while the church is being repaired. oo Rei.ioioIs. Rev. J as. It. W. Sellvvood, of Milwaukee, will preach at St. Paul's Church, iu this city, at the usual hour to morrow morning and evening. Appointed. At a meeting of the City Council, held last Wednesday evening, Mr. E. D. Whitlow was appointed Citv Recorder, in p'ace of Mr. J. A. Smith, re signed. Heavt Fkeujut. The steamef Albanv brought down from Salem, last Tuesday. 70 tons of freight. This is a remarkable large freight tor this season of the year and stage of the water. Improvement. The P. T. Co. have con structed a platform attached to the wharf so that passengers can now come ashore or go on board without going ou the low er deck. Secret. The stockholders of the Tual atin Fur Company had a meeting last Thursday evening. The proceedings of the Company are held strictly private lor the present. Coaches. There are two new coaches on the wharf for the Oregon and Califor nia Stage Company. While Mr. Phillip Miller was riding a vicious horse last Sunday, the saddle turn ed with hirn. and his foot caught in the stirrup, and he had a very narrow escape from a serious accident. Painting. Mr. Chas. Logus is having his row of buildings.on Main street, paint ed. It would likewise. be well for others to do Shultze. A horse was missing from his owner last Sunday, who came to the con clusion that Shultze had appropriated ;he animal. A warrant was obtained and a number of individuals sent in search of the horse and thief, but no thief. The horse wa.3 found The nuisance t n Caufield creek has so far escaped the notice of the Marshal. It should be attended to without delay, as the stench from it is anything but healthy. Removing. The Street Commissioner id ,; ,i, , i , ,KS. . 1 , i " " i put on Mam street, and vsmg them to till up the big holes ie front of the factory. Castincr. A large lot of castings, for the mill at Albany and gas works at Sa lem, are on the wharf of the 1. T. Co. Goon. We notice that new sidewalks ate being laid down in various parts cf the town. Sunstroke. Another Chinaman was sunstroke last Friday, from the effects of which he died. John can't stand " Meli can man s'! sun. Mail by Railroad. We learn from re. liable authority that the mail will be car ried by the railroad iu a few days, con necting at Aurora with the stages. Gone to Sax Francisco. Mr. 8. Acker man has gone to San F'rancisco to get a i large stock of goods. Our German citizens were very jubilant last Wed net-day over the success of their friends at home. New Curiicn. A subscription list is in circulation in this city to raise funds to build a Baptist Churcn. The list had. last Tuesday-, ri guatures to tht 150 on "it. amount ot $2,- Rroke. The wheel belongirg to the Water Company broke the shait last Wednesday- night.. Water is now being sup plied by the factory wheel. The porch in front of Hugh Kearn's shoe shop was discovered on tire last Thursday. Mr. Phillip Miller saw it in time to prevent any damage. The ives. We learn that clothes-line thieves are around. Mrs. Russell and Mrs. Foster had their's robbed this week. Pardon. A petition is iu circulation to ask for the pardon of John E. Walch, who wjvs convicted in this county of an assault witli intent to kill. Dedication. The new Odd Fellows' Hall, at bayton. will be dedicated next rriuay. i tie l.ouge in tuts city propose attending in a body on the occasion. I. O. O. F. There will be a special meeting ot or uregon Lodge, o. J, on Tuesday evening next. A full attendance is requested. Coming Home. Among the passengers which left San Francisco last Monday for Portland, we notice the names of Mr. W. I). Barlow and wife, and J. L. Barlow. They will probably be home to-day. Selling Oct. Mr. Wertheimer. furni ture dealer, offers li is stock of goods at greatly reduced prices until the 27th inst.. when he will offer the balance on hand at auction. Now is your time to get a supply of luruiture cheap. Every man who goes into political life must be profaned for its vicissitudes. I have a heait for every fate7' in 'politics, and therefore 1 do not complain or repine over our want of success?. The above extract is taken from the reception speech of Senator Williams. If he had added that he had a conscience that could apply itself to all phases in i the political calander, or no conscience. I - s m i j 4 j u Ak cV o ; i 1 1 j 1 1 1 . i J l Senator Douglas : next a war Democrat ; next a strong opponent to negro suffrage in any portion of our country ; next in j favor of negro suffrage in theSoiitb ; next in favor of negro suffrage in all the States of the Union. One day be declares that the Southern Slates are in the Uniop. and Ihe next he asserts equally as positively that they are not and never have been since the commencement of the war. One day he pledges himself to vote for the interests of one railroad monopoly, and the next be votes directlv asrainst bis pledge. Politically. Geo. II. Williams has bad a-' heart for eery fate." There was no depth in political trickery that he did not resort to to gain his election to the Senate, for which be was defeated about a half dozen tin es before be was successful and there has noshing been lett undone, no matter bow low and dir-honorable by himself and hie supporters-, to re-elect him this time. Had he dot bad a -heart lor every fate." politically, he would hive done- like Tbns. II. Pearne left the State in tiiw-ust. His Lxst as4 Seal defeat may jyet cause him to 4o bq. Important Le riEa. We give much of our space, to the exclusion of other mat- ter, to the very able and important letter 1 of Hon T ? r.,;,i t.. it ,i 1 ot lion. J. S. fciaith. It covers all the ; ground on the railroad controversy, and; shows that th fi-m:t,1.. in nvjHu.J i s have been caused by the bad fai:h of : en- ator Williams, v, ho sought to labor ouly for the benefit cf his master. Holladay, and he probably thought that his treachery in the matter would secure him the strength of Southern Oregon for his re-election. Mr. Smith's letter is a plain, honest, and practical statement of facts, and we ask every one to read it. The Railroad. While Ren. Holladay is keeping his road back for election pur poses, and making U. S. Senators that will labor for his sole interest, it seems from the following dispatch that the California Company are making rapid progress to wards the southern boundary of our State and he may yet find that he is not the only man who is willing aud able to build railroads in Oregoa. The dispatch is as follows : Makysville. Aug. 9. Commencing to day, the California and Oregon Railroad will lay four miles of track per day. Improvement. For the past three or four wet ks the McMinnville Blude, tie of ficial organ of the Sta'e, has been printed on a half sheet. Sines the "Dear Sena tor's" return, it has discontinued entirely This is an improvement, and we congratu late our friends in Yamhill iu getting rid of the nuisance. War New.s. We give full accounts of the war news in this week's issue. It is a matter iu which our readers feel an inter est, and we therefore publish the dis patches in full. $1,0,)0 Rcwurri i.-iufiV-ed by the proprie tor of Dr. Pierce's Alt. Ex.1, or Golden Mfd ical Discovery for a medicine that will equal it in the can; of all diseases fr wh.cli it i recoraiasndea. lor r:oncnitis, sever: C "tilis, and the eailv stages ot Con' -ill Ml p- tion.it has as! iii.sii cl the medical faculty by its wonderful cures, and 1 i u nd red of the bet- phy-ic ans pronounce it the irreat.t medical discovery of the ng. While it cures the severest c mirhs, it ti engthens the i-yst-m a'id puiiii-s the blood. A- a cnie for pimples on theface, eruptions, blo'ehes, scrofulous diseases, and " liver complaint" or hiiioiwiess,-it has :ver be-n eq nileJ. Sold bv dru-ririst-. The actmine has Dr. Pierce's pi i vate Jovermueiit revenue stamp, on the outride wrapper. WILLIAM DAVIDSOIT, Oliicc, So. CI Front Strc-tt, PORTLAND, OREGON". REAL ESTATE DEALER. Special Collector cf Claims. A lartre amount of CITV and E.V.ST FO IT- LAXl) Propei ty tor Side, Also, IMPROVED FAPvMS.nnd valuab'e i:n- cultivated LAX OS, located in all paits of the State Investments in REAL ESTATE and other PRi)PEUTV made fo; forre-pondi--nts. CLAIMS of al! desct intions promptly col lected. HOUSES and STORES leased. All kinds ' Fmaiicul and Genera! Agency business transa.-ted. Parties- having FARM I'COPERTY for sale will pha e iuriii-h descri jit'oas oT the same to ihe AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE in ea.-b of the principal Cl'ilES and TOWN'S of this STATE. July -2-.tf Tlie Vei-.tset of ( :i 1 : fti it i.'i. Californians, as a rule, toko nothing for granted. Any article that lacks intrinsic merit is sure to hi a fa-lure iu he Golden State. Twelve years ago UOSTETTEU'S STOMACH BITTERS were ciuMly intro duced here. Their us-s were plainly .set forth, and the community was invited to give them a fair irial. as a remedy fr dyspepsia, biliousness, intermittent and remittent fevers, irrner.il dehilitv, nervous affections, aud all the ordiaary diseases of the dijrestiv.3 and secretive organs. They were also re commended as an appetizing and Invigorat ing preparation, and a- a preventive of com plai' ts of an epidemic uharacter. The result may be summed up in a few words. A de mand for the article im-iiediately sprang up, and has ever since been inc-'ea-in.r in a pro gressive ratio, until IlOSTETTEllS I51T TEUS havtf beeotne a leading commercial staple in the Ca ifornia market, ami along the whole Paciti-. seaboard, from Central America to Dritish Columbia. The con saniption of the iireat veieiable ton c and re-t.irative, 'n the Pacific States alone, is up wards of one million r.oiTi.Es per year, and it- ptpulaiity ,versha !o s that "of every other medicine, proprietary r ot' erwise, soiil on this sitJe of the continent. Thist'ac is so notorious that it is like repeating a recognized truism to put it m print. Since the nitr dm tion of the HITTERS the de mand for tiie adulterated liquors of eom meicehas giadually declined, both in the cit es and at the mines. The perfect "purity of the r.rticle, its restorative and preven ive properties, and its admirab'e adaptation to the wants of a people t-o prone to exhaust ive labor of bo iy and mind, are appr-'riated by the medical profession, and it is pre scribed as a stomachic and alterative tt the exclusion, in a great degree, of all the uu m dicated alcoholic stimidanis. 2-:;; If you wish the very Lest Cab net Photographs, von must call on BRADLEY .V RCLOFSON'. -139 .Montgomery treet. S tn Francisco. as- CI201.13RV. HOW TO CIRS IT. At the com i en- ement rf the Diarrhoea, w ich ahvavs precede- an attack of the Cholera, take a teaspo nful of" the Pain Kil ler in sugar and water, (.hot. if convenient.) and thenVsthe tre lv the stomach and bow els with the Fain Killer clear. Should the diarrl.ee. i or cramps continue, repeat the dose eveiy ten or fifteen minutes until the patient is relieved. In ex reme cases, two or more teaspoonfuls may be given at a dose. The Pain Killer, as an internal remedy, has no equal. In cuses f Cholera, Summer yompiaiots, Drspep-i i. Dysentery, Asthma, it cuies iu one niyht, bv taking irinternallv, and bathing with it Ireeiv. F action is like magic, when estern;;UV applied to ol j sore-!, burns, scalds aad sprains. For sick headache a-.d toothache, don't tail to trv it. In s: ott. it a Pais Killer. ' Directions accompany eacli bottle. Tne Pain Killer is sold by all dealers in Medicines."' ' - Prices, "25 ceats, 50 cts. aj;d SI per bottle. 1 A ill m I W I f ft iU I I III If .J 4 A A m,Uo1lS l" re"u XX"CatioDS n X ufddv in each month, from the 2(;;h of September A. JI. Uolds its regular communi Ncations on the First a nd Third Sett at 7 o'clock. September to the -iOtli of March, and "4 o'clock from the 2tb of March to -"-h ot September. iretnreuia good staudiuir are invited to attend. By order of W. M. Ort-i;on Lwic So. 3, I. O. of O. igg'y. Meets every Thursday even ifil ing at 7 o'clock, ia Odd Fellow's lla!1( 3 eet. Member? of the Order are" invited to attend Ry order. X. ti. j. J ran )af nr. V - -- This Rein dy does not simply rtlier.e f.r a short time, but it produces perfect and per manent euit'H of the worst ca-es of Chronic Nasal Catiirrh. and IirUlpay $"U0 reicard for a ca-e that I can iioture. "Cold in the head" a::cl Catarrhal Headache are cured wish a f w applications. If you have a dis char-re from the u .-e, oilensive or otherwise, stopping up of the nose at times, partial lo-s of the sense of smell, taste or hearing, eyes wateri g or weak, feel dull, h ive pain or pl easure in the head, you may rest a-sured that you have Cat iri h. Thousands annually, without manifesting half of tl e aoove sys tems, tennma e m ronsunipt'.oti and end in the urave. No disease ii si common, more deceptive or les-1 understood bv idiyi' ians. I will send mv namphlet on Catanh to ituv f- add re.-s free. Br. Sage's Catarrh Remedy is now SOLD BY MOST DRUGGISTS IN ALL PARTS OP THE WORLD. Price 50 cents Sent br mail, postpaid, on receipt of 00 cents or f uir packages f r two dollars. Beware of counirrfeits tmd U'ortU fas imitations. See that my private stump. which is a positive guarantee cf genvititrtesx, is upon the outside wrapper KernemWtr that this private s amp, issued by the United States Govt rmui lit expressly for s.tauipin, my niedicm-'S, has my portrait, name anil addiess, an I the woids U. S. Certificate o Geiiu nene-s " t-ngravt-d npon it, and need not be mi-taken. R.m't be swindled by travelers and 1 hers, representing themselves as Dr. Sage ; I am the only man now living that has Tim kno-.v(-de and riuiit. to ni niu facture the genuine Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem edy, and I never travel to sell this medicine. R. V. PIERCE. M. I)., ju23ni3 1S3 Seneca street, liuilalo, N.V. lias Established FOR THE MASVFACTOIiY OF FFMITURE, SASH, BL!M0SAND GGORS, AND M I'LDIvr,S OF tT, S ZKS ttsr They will also do TURNING, of every description to order, "With ITeatness and Dispatch ! o- all wo;:k WAKRANTEI). Shop on the River, b ck o ' Ackeim n j St. re, Oregon City, Oregon Oregm City, July ".'out' GET. NO ATT. JAMES KORil SON. INTERNATIONAL HOT? L, For;-ner3y Mew CoiLiiTJbian, Corner Front and M.jrrison Srevln, POIi.TL.AXI, OUEGO.V. NOAH & MORRISON, PROPRIETORS. Free CufH to n ntt fi oiu tlic Ilotisc. lulr l'ith. if BOOKS AMD STATIONERY, 9 ri S JUST HECEIVEI) ft Fr, - -V o k. Sta'ionery and evei v hirt:' usually kert in a b 'ok store, direct from ti e East, which be o2e s to the public at reduced pii es. Store uniler ha Court House (Five me a call aud ex amine my c-c mI. and prices. 0'e'on City. .Iu .e IS, l-7il:lf COSMOPOLITATJ HOTE! (Formeily Arrioni's,) Front Slrctt, Portland, Oregon. PROPRIETOR. rpTE PROPRIETOR OF THIS WELL JL known House havi ng superior accom ouatioiKs, guarautecs enure satisfaction to all uue-fs. Zs'f 1 he Hotel Coach will be in attendance to eonvey pas-engers anl baggage to and irom the Iloiel, trt- of charge. O.licc Ore-gnu and California Stage Co. An;. I:tf JXSUKAXCE THE MANHATTAN LIFE AND ybrth Eriiish and JTcrcantile Eire Insurance Companies, E. D. WHITLOW OREGON' CITY, AGENT. 16tf Dissolution Notice. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between William Siu-er and M. W't-rtheimer, ndt-r the firm name of Smger fc Wei t'leimer, has been di.-solvtd by mutual consent. WILLIAM SINGER, M. WEKTHELMER. Oregon City, July 'Si, 137i:jn3ow4 Final Settlement. In the matter of the Estate of John Gribble, deceased ; in the County Court for Clack amas county. State of Oregon. THE EXECUTOI? OF SUD ESTATE having 'tiled hi? exhibit for tir,.;.l settie- ni't nt, thereof, it i. cfilereii by tbe Court ibat the r.th daj- of Sej'eniber, A. D.. umO, be eet smart for sid 0:iil st-tilement wish A. E, Gribble. the Executor then of. ' By order of Hou. J. K: Wait, Countv Jndar. J. M, FR AZER. Countv Clerk. Dated, Aag. 5, ISTOtw COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, NO. 121 FRONT STREET, Portland, Oregon ' EBTOC5C BOOTS & SHOES JUST OPENED OUT. pFIIS IS THE SECOND FULL AXU AS I sorted stoek received tliis spring We beg leave to assure our customers that we will keep our store AL WAITS FTJIiIi, And our Goods shall be of EIRST QUALITY in the MARKET. Those who have not heretofore dealt with us. ure n spectfully invited to ca.l and ex unnne oui g-xids. We challenge competition ia I'nces, a soitment and quality. inay'2btf C. W. POPE & GO., DEAI.EK.3 IX STOVES, TIN PLATE. SHEET TRO V.DR A Z1E s' )PPE!. LI-Al PI I-. I I'VE AN D ITT I IN'tiS, RUl'liEll ROSE. FOI.TE AN I I IT PUMPS. ZI. C U'PFR, BRASS .AND I N" WIRE. Also a jreneral asso; t nisLing G'ods. ent' of House Fur- ?.I A X U FA CT U RER ! OP Tin, Copper, and Sheet Bron Waro. ROOFrXO- AND JO'RnXO OF EVERY DESC T1CJN DONE t O OK R, AND AT LOW PKICES. o Also at PC3?X'S f1 U v'E STOItE you will Hud IIAPRWAP.E A XI") P.ASXETS, WOODEN, WARE ND'JIN' VAR , I.ANl'EbNS, LAMPS AN D OIL. LUCINK AND NK, TIT LAMPS. AL.-O PEUAM 1L7L.T0R. AH of the above ai tides ars for sale at Plt.CES TO SUIT Pf TIME . C. AV. POPE & CO. 21:lr Oregon City Oi egon. Patronize Hcmo SnduQ'rv. TIIE FICKEEH CURLED HAIR LI AN UFA C T ORY TS NOW it:epared to -i ff .y THE mark' t w.ih a Nv 1 'e o' Curled llab- Ujiholslery work, which will cmi p n w th any m.poi te article hi quality r price. 1 ptv the highest i rice Tr Manes and T i Is of J iore-i nd Tails of C-'ws at my a ore, coriKT Front and Snlm in sM-eef. D. Ml TZ WfR. " Portia. id, Oi on. The standard renn dy for "oiTgli's, Infln- rzi4, Sore Throat. IVIioipl ogt. Croup, I.io r COillp'ili 't, Brinichiti , I hiding f the I.ungf, and every affection of the Throat, Liiiisrs and Chest, including CoxsrMrnox. Wis tar' liaUim docs not dry up a Cough, but Iooscmh ir. cleanses the lungs, ; nd all ay irritation, thus rnnovi g the cause f t e ! mphii it. None genu tie unlpss 'n.ne 1. Ih'TTs. Prepared bv SbTii W. Fowle Sox, Boston. Sold by Rkiixgt,;x. Ho-s. tetter A: Co., Saa Francisco, ami bv dealers geiit-ia ly. JelS:iy LTOII DELOJEY, Of the P.ARXUM RESTAURANT, Main strett, OliLG K C. i 1, B'2'jr to i if'orm the public and bis fiienils tiiat he has leaded t .e lower part of ihe CLIFF HOUSE, Which he has i pened as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. The table w'll at. all times be supplied with th be-t the market axon's. O drs for suppers an 1 parties will be piomp.ly attended to. Jolv 2:tf Summon 3 In the Circuit Couit f the State of Oregon tor Clackamas county. DAVID C. WILLS, riaintiff, vs. W. C. WILSON a-d DANIEL WILSON, Defendants: To DANIEL WILSON, one of the above De endants : IN THE NAME OF TIIE STATE 0F0RF- g n. vou are nt-iein nouneo una required to appear, and answer to the complaint filed against you in the above, entitled action, on or be;ore the first day of the next regular term of the said Court, following six weeks publication ot this summons, to-wit: on or before the fourth Monday in October, lsn and if yen fail so to aiv-wer. f-.r want there o', the plaiiritf will take jii'lcment against you f. r t':e suui ot five hundred and serf ii t; nine dollar. in g-!d coin, and interest thereon since the 1st dav ot January pr besides thecoma an 1 disbureaictU in aa'i I action. p 1 Published by oiderof Hon. TV. W. Upton, J udge. EELL V A REED A tt'ys lor pia-itl AugiEt C, l.'TOtwe RLDiXG 1 U-. liUStETl Eii CO. Stop that Cougliing! Some of vou can't, and we pity yon. Yon hare tried everV lemedt buttle ONE destined, by bs iutihiio merit, to supersede all i-iinilar prepm ations. It id not surprising: von should Pe lelac tant to try sometLi'nic else at' cr the many experiments you Lave made of trashy compU!idd foisted tu the public as a certain cure ; but Jewell's Pulmonary Syrup is reilly the VERY REST remedy ever compounded for the curd of Citigji, Co!; Sore 'I'hroatx, Alhina, IVluoplhg Cough, Broiich't'S and Cowumptiun. Thousands of popie in 'California md Ore.iroa have been already benefited by the surprising curative powers of Newell's Puirrsonary Syrup and witb one ac; orJ give it their tiu quatitied aporobut on. We now ad hess ourselves to all who ore unacou iinted with this, tiie greatest panacea ' the ae for the b-.'silin of all diseases of ihe Tinout ztkitl L.iitig, assuring you that fleweira Pulmonary Syrwp h is cured thousands, an'' it will cure YOU.it' you tr it. This invahnLli medirins is pleasant to the ta t- ; sootb itiLT, In ulintr an 1 st i-nl heninp in its flTvcts; eutirdy free fr in all poisonous or deleter ous dni-s.iHi'l perfectly barm less under alt circumstances. fi ly aitl lirupgists. REDING I OX, HO.STET I ER & CO, 41G and 41b Fro lit- street, Sau Francisco. R tiingto Esscisee Jainniea Ginger, J' hirh j.- covfilrr'tii; rfrrnmfmhd (is t e Lent prepai Hon note before t.e public. This valuable preparation, c n'a'r in in a hijrhly oo-cent rated form all the properties of Jamaica 'in'-er,h:is become i e of the most popular dome-tic reme dies for all diseases of" the stumud and digestive orguns. As a ionic, it will be found invnlu-ible to all persons lecoverin tiom debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; f r wtile it iinpai ts to the system all the plow and vijror tli.it can be produced liy wine or brandy, it is entirely free t" in the reactionary elli-cts that follow the use of spun s of any kinl. It is a'so an excelU nt remedy for females who sutler from dillicult men struation, siivint!: almost immediate n -lief to the spasm that so frequently ac company that pei'Oii. It pie- linmedia'e relief to Nausea, caused bv rii.'ii tr in a railroad car, or by sea s;ckness, or other causes. It is also valua le :is aii external ap 1 li at on for (.out, i heamatisni, Xtu ralaia, etc. nKlJJ'.GTOV, fl' STETTKR & CO., 416 and 418 Front street, San Francisco. Hc:Iingto:rs Flay (i r i n i? E x t r a c t s A!ET1IE " RFECTI.Y PF RE N highly c ncer.trat 'd Extracls from Fies'i i i nils, prepared with great rare. Thev ere put up in superior s'vle, and . in aboitle b. hlin TWICE AS C1I as the oroinary brn'ids of Extracts. C-'mariiig quality and couttnls, none other are neatly so cheap. Whenever tested on tih:ir siEiiiTs.thev have been ad -pted in pre erencf to all otheis. .iti.1 are vow tie T A NT) A HI) FE.VVOIiING EXTRACTS of the Pacific Coast. MA UK THE ADVANTAGES. By purchasing Rtdington's Concen trated Flavi ring Exti act-, y uobt-.in an article nut only superior in richr ess an i delic.ic of flivor to a: y o ber of a simi lar n .it u re, but. far mine economical, be cause Ci'di b ttle la lds doubl the q iaritity cont;-.iiii i in a bottle of any other flavoring extract sold. . llEOIXt.TOX. ItOSTE'ITEU & C04, Agents for t'e Pacific Coast. Would yon escape FEVER AXD A CUE, and esei've bealih ami v got- d urine the s ck'v cor.Hon, make occasional use of the following r.s A PREVENTIVE. If you arc ATT CKED with Chills and Bilious Fever, or have been a victim to such disease, ai d used other sn-culle I remedies wi bout permanent lelicf, seek at once ti.e safest and su e-t cup, ii: , by using, acjoreling to directions MASON & POLLARD'S Aarn-asALARiA. or, Fever and Ague PilN. Time has proved them thoroughly to be the safest and most reliable reiuely k'-own. Th y contain no mercury or ot er mineral or chemical. " b -y are exc-i-sdvelv vecre tab.e. Tie j- titimulate the f m-tioi s of the liver. Conjie-tion is unpo.-sibh- v',, re thev are usid. They do not letr iTom daily tabor, by a sistinir d ve-tion I bey add Qi sb and mil cle io the f, a:re They are H.lapted to ah a,;t3 aad bulb" sexes', aL.d as a FAMILY ItfEDIOSSME ". ill CURE in their incipienr-v, three fourths ot all diseases io.-idental to a rnata.-v.iis climate. For Dysr-ep.ia, in small d-jses. they have no equal, tor sale b all Drugi.-ts. UEDiXUTOX, HOSTET1EII& CO., SOLE AGENTS. The Bnttfc for Life Which, is continual v coins on between liealr.ii and d;-ea-., "ba never received fioni p.!iv mrf'i : e such marked ac, un mistika'Ue a--i :a:ictf, tue aide of health, as it ha5 f.oi.a pJewell'c Pulmonary &ycup LEDIXGTO, HOSTETTEIl &CO., 419 and 11 S Front street. San FrEciaco. i AUCTION AND COMMISSIOJt G AUCTIOXE E R ! Comer of Frost and Oak streets, Portland. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Jlerclmn ctise and Ilorses, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. B. RiciiAnnsux, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALF English refined Bar and Bundle lion English Square and Octagon Cast stetl ; Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fiy-pafi, sheet Roii, R. G. Iron ; also : A large assortment ot Groceries and Liquor A. 1. ii'lCHAKDSOX, AllCtioiit t-t Jacob Ffi l. James p, Uptox ST IT SE L & UPTON, Real Estate lirokerx and General Agents. Corner of Front and Wash ing toil streets. PORTLAND, OREGO.V. Jfvrni attend to t lie sale and pnrchas oMteal E-taie in all pal ts of the City ai d t:itc. Special attention given to ihe sale trf ast F'ori'and property. Address R. 0. I'cx 4-1-2, Portland. Oregoa. S1TTZKL & UPTOX. 19tf. lie-a) Estate Broker. Harvest ot 1S?G ! ! Selling off to Close Eitsmess, Aail 12 o HUMBUG I Tiic Entire Slocls. I EE1DY-MADE CLOTHING. C0TS AND HOES,- ile-Dii' Ladies, JIuses' and Childreus' HATS CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plate d V. are. Pa t ts. tils. Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys aud Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. . Has got to le sold Regardless of Price ! To convince ynnr?e!f with respect to this matter, call at the obi corner. I. SFIddXG. South cf Tvpe 4' Co.'s 7 in Her', Oiegcn City. N OTICE. The People's Transportation Ccmpar.y WILL DISPATCn TI1LTR STEAMERS FROM OREGON CITY AS FOLLOWS : FCH F0HTIAKD : At 1 P. M., every day, except Sunday. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY FO t For Salcin, ani Dayton. AND ON TUESDAY AXt FRIDAY, O rOR A. A. McCULRY, President. Aug. !h. 1869.f40.tf O Dr. J, H. HATCH, DENT 1ST. The patronage oftfmse desiring tirat Ciass Operations, is respectfully soliciu d. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. 1L Xitroxis Oxyde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeih. )ffick In Weiirant's new bi 'lt'inp, v eft side of First street, letwen Alder and Mor lisou streets, Portland, Oregon. Q To Stock Drovers, rYUE TvOAD ACROSS THE CASCATE S- M untains. know ss the Old Eniitract. Road."' i- io w in sph ndid rd r li r the ac- otr.modation o- the puhlic Tl e b-i !ges on' he toad liave all been ihorongl ly re aired.. and stoc k drovers will find it i o trouble to c oss the Mounta n by this route. Ihefeds' plenty of good water and cr s-j on bmh sidt s of the Mountain, ad the distai ce" acros is onlv r.O miles being the shortest as well us the bet road oyer the Cascade Moun'ains. Sto k drovers and emigrants will find it to thf ir sdvantsige to travel over thisioute. Toles reasonnMe. JOSEPH YOUNG. Presidents Clackamas county, July, 1870:jii6.f Notice yS HEREBY GIVEN T HAT THE UNDER X signed has been, by the County Court of Clackamas county, appointed A dmistratorj with the will ann ;xr(i. of the estate of James R. Poring, deceased. All per oris havinjnti claim? again? i said estate, are reqnii ed"., I present tlie.m to the undersigned, ' ' " Ijtid, Mu'itnomah county, with t-f I-O.er voucher, withiu six montbs lrartne date Portland, Oregon, Julv Tnth. 1S79. Wuv. CH A I'M AN, juQSw-t AdndniM r-. trr. Agents ! Read This ! WTZ WILL PAY AGENTSA SALARY V of tSO ptr wi and expens s. or all wa coinmisn'on, to 611 our nevr and wonderful invei tions. Address M. WAGNER & CO., Marshall, JLch, May 2Sm2 o o o O O ! i If it es o o i I I I I i; I o o o o 0 li li - i I tf ! r O 9 O o j'r'