o O o 0 O o O O o o o o o o o o V O o o -3 0 o o Ji)c IDetkltj enterprise TOWN AND COUSTT. Refused. Tbe County Court refund to grant a license to Mr. Hamilton, of Cane mah. to sell liquor ina less quantity than one quart. His petition was signed by a large majority of tbe actual voters of the precinct, yet the Court took the poll books of the late election and held that he had not a majority of those voting at that pre cinct, of he entire population of the pre cinct is not equal to the vote cast, and it would be impossible for any person to nrocure the signatures of those that voted. .. . 1- - If l . l..C r..fJ as more man one-uan ue ictt ii un.? unknown. A Dirtrr Thick. Some one scratched the name of John Myers, as Sheriff, off of notices posted up, and substituted the name of Mr. Warner. This 13 a contempt ible trie, and shoufii the parties who did it be found out, they might have some trouble for their meanness. They would probably find out that there is a law against such work. A Shame. We have seldom seen a spec tacle that looke 1 so disgusting as the one presented last Monday at the funeral. The horses attached to the carriage in which the iou rn rs were, balked on the hill.and f all hlid to get out and walk. Such horses are a poor recommendation for a livery CSable. Death. Mrs. manda Comstock.a very highly esteemed lady of this city, died at her residence last Saturday, after a long O ami painful illness. The funeral took place on Monday .which was well attended. .She was in the fiRy-first year of her age. and loaves t,husband. two daughters, one son. and a large circle of friends to mourn her deaih. Ciiickkx Thieves. We hear of a num ber of chicken thieves about town. Mr. 1L L. Kelly sentjlie contents cf a double. barreled "hot-gun after one last Monday, but did not hit him. They stole seventeen j iing chickenscirom the residence of Mr. Muss last Thursday. Pile Driver, -The steamer Shoo Fly took up the river a pile driver last Tues day, to be U3ed in driving piles on the river bar.-!. The P. T. Co. are doing all tLit is possible to navigate the river at low stages of water. V etch's ei. Mr. C. W. Cook returned yesterday to this city. He brought with iiim a pair of young cashmere goats, as a present to Mr. A. Hood, from Gov. Ed wards. of California. They are pure white, and iheir coat is similar to that of a sheep, being wooly. 0 DisiHt.vcErcr,. A. lnt of boys are in the habit of watching on the bank of the river for the down steamer, and when they see her coming undress and go in swimming in plain view of the passengers. This kind of conduct should be stopped. Pki:soxai Col. Kelly was in town yes. lerday and gave us a call. We noticed the pleasant countenance of our friend Jo. Teal on the stage as he passed through for Portland, last Monday To he Removed. The City Council last Monday night, instructed the Street Com missioner to either have the rock recent ly uut on Mainotreot crushed or removed. Mysterious. A pis!? shot was fired last Saturday night on the steps leac'ing up the hill. It was probably done to call some ene out. f.Mispicion restson the man stopping with the Indians. Kxin'ErENT. About the only excite ment we have it? tuAvn is when our French and (rerman citizens get K arguing the lim its of the wv between their respective Gfcdiintries. They get very warm over the subject. q j New Town. Mr. Ben. Ilolladay has purchased a part of what i known as liaker's Prairie, and laid ofTa town .called Molalla. Ifc is situated about ten miles bouth of this jdace. Misic The Aurora Prass Band passed through here on the cars last Tuesday for Portland, to furnish music for the Pen. Ilolladay reception. Tuack Laid. On last Tuesdav the track was laid across the Molalla. The trestle work across the rivr is about sixteen hundred feet in length. Stopped. The Imperial Mills in this city have run out of wheat, and are now en gaged in making repair preparatory to the" receipt of the new crop. CA furious cow chased a couple of ladies last Friday. The cow should be cared for. A Chinaman was killed on the railroad above this place last Friday by sunstroke. Pi.kas.vnt Time The Good Templars ofcLone Star Lodge had a very pleasant time last Saturday. A fine dinner and speeches were the order of the day. Ixji RKD. A Chinaman working in the Factory had his finger caught in a cog last Saturday. lo damage done to the cog. o Visitor. Mr. Frazer. from Texas. father of the County Clerk, arrived in this place yesterday on a visit to his son. Hops. Henry Franz, of "this place, has f-onie hops grooving in his garden, said to be of a superior quality by judges. Robbeiw. A couple of robbers visited the house of Mr. Souchu. in this city, lest SaGiid iy. He went after them, and they took to their heels and left. Cocnty Covkt. The County Court was in session this week. We will publish the full proceedings next week. Laid Up. The steamer Active has been laid up. Workmen are engaged ia put ting a new bottom on ibo Senator. Called. Mr. Simpson, editor of the Jhrald, called last Saturday, in our ab sence. . Got a " "Frnr." Purser Biles bas a new young purp,'' without a collar. The Daily Herald is now delivered by a carrier in this city. Ixvitatiox. We are in receipt of an invitation to attend, the opening of Ban croft Co.'s new book and stationery establishment. '721 Market street, San Francisco. It is one of the finest estab liihujeyts of the kiDd itbe United States. o O STATE NEWS. From the Herald we take the following items: " We are informed that the North Pacific Transportation Co's propeltor California and the O S. N. Cos magnificent steam boat Oneonta have been chartered to go down the river, to-day, to meet and extend a welcome to the Count and Countess Pourfales, Gen. Canby, Hon. J. S. Smith Hon. Geo. II. Williams and Hon. Pen! Stark, who are passengers on the steam ship Oriflamme. A man named Oafman was working in the O. & C. 11. II. saw mill, now in course of erection, near Millwaukie. lost his ballance and fell to a considerable dis tance, injuring himself severely. The unfortunate man was conveyed to tbe Company's hospital, where he 'how lies in a critical condition. We learn by a private letter from a gentleman in New York, that Governor Grover and wife were at the Metropolitan Hotel, in the latter city, on the 12th ult.. and were in good health aud enjoying themselves much. 0 The numerous friends of Hon. Lansing Stout will be pained to learn that he is at present suffering from a severe attack of cholera morbus. From the Oregonian : Messer?. Bellinger and Burmester who had announced a law partnership at Albany, have concluded to try their fortunes at the metropolis. Mr. Burmester has formed a partnership with Lansing Stout. Esq.. and Mr. Bellinger proposes to locate at East Portland. Mrs. S. W. Carleton died at the Occi dental hotel at 5 o'clock yesterday morn ing, after an illness of only a few hours, of diptheria. A house owned by Mr. II. Jvelley. at Keiley's mill two miles south of East Portland, was burned to the ground, with a portion of the household goods. Gov. Ballard and family, late of Boise City, Idaho, arrived in this city Wednes day evening, en route for Linn county, their former home. From the Bulletin : The bark Zephyr, now out some days from San Francisco, bound for this port, has on board a large quantity of railroad iron for the Oregon uud California Rail road. The Norwegian ships Fordenskjold end Loveid. now nearly due here from Newport. Wales, are also loaded with railroad irjn for the same road. Sheriff Bills has off-red an additional reward of $500 for the arrestand delivery at the County Jail of George Bardman. alias Hughes, alias Schultze, the highway man and robber. From the Bedrock Democrat : The store of McCreary fc Tracy, of this place, was broken into, and goods to the amount of $110. and coin aU ol i dust to the amount of $15 or $20 were abstracted therefrom by some burglar or burglars. A. J. Wetherby, one of the County Commissioners of this county, met with an accident by which his left shoulder was dislocated. From the Plaindialer : lioseburg is bn-y with improvements in progress. The Court House walls and rafters are up. The carpenters are put ting on cornice. The F. &, A. M. have laid the foundation for the erection of a fine hall two stories high. Many other buildings are in course of construction, or undergoing repairs. Our quite village was thrown info quite a feverish state of excitement, on Sunday morning upon ascertaining that the house of cur neighbor Mr. Clay Slocum, had been entered during the night previous and robbed of a pair of pantaloons, which Mr. S. had taken off on going to bed. containing some thirty dollars, and his boots. The crime must have been committed by an old hand as the articles lav within four feet of the bed where Mr. Slocum and his wife were sleeping. No clue has yet been obtained to the perpeta tor of the offence. The Corvallis Ifcrcury says Mr. Joseph Hamilton, whose farm lies across the river, in Linn county, opposite Corvallis. has just threshed and garnered eight hun dred bushels of oats off a ten acre field which has been uuder cultivation 2.J years. From the Eugene Journal'. Messrs. Stratton & Gray have bought and shipped til. 048 bounds of wool this season. This is a large amount for one firm to handle considering th it there are probably a half dozen linns in town which have all bought wool this season. Last week B. P. Goodman purchased of N. Comegys two hundred acres of laud situated three miles above Springfield, in the Forks of the Willamette, at $20 per acre. Land in all parts of the valley is rising rapidly in value. The Jacksonville Xtics says that the Sister's school will open Aug. 8th, instead of the 1st, as noticed in last week's issue The Democrat says that Messrs. Beach & Monteith intend to dispense with steam power for their flowering mills at Albany and bring water in by a race from Cala pooia creek. The race will be about c-ne-iifth of a mile in length. A great saving in running expenses will thus be effected. From the Oregon Republican: A sad case of accidental poisoning oc cured a short distance from this place on Tuesday night last. Miss Mary Wooward. on the evening mentioned, intending to take a dose of quinine in alcoholic solu tion, by mistake took into the stomach a large potion of b chloride of mercury (corrosive suplimate) dissolved in alcohol. The mistake was instantly discovered, and the patient commenced eating lard. An eneac was also . administered. In the meantime a messenger was also dispatch ed for a physician. The patient is very low. hanging between life and death, but from the fact that she is yet alive, there are hops of her recovery. From the Oregon Statesman. Salem his caught the infection of law le ssness. and robbers and burgalers are be ginning to operate around there with con siderable vigor. The residence of Dan Waldo was de stroyed by tire on thi 2d inst. Leonard Willkim. the Railroad hand who was stabbed Siturdav n ight. died yesterday at noon, at the Mansion House where he had been conveyed. And an in quest held, a post mortem examination being also had. and the result was a finding that the deceased came to his death in consequence of a wound received at the hand of one John Brady. Miss Anna Waldo, youngest daughter of Mr. Daniel Waldo, died yesierday at tlie old residence on the farm in the Waldo hills. She had been lingering in feeble health for a long time, and it is remarka ble that her death occurred at 9 o'clock a. m. the hour when the flames were consuming the family residence in town. The hotel at Aurora was broken into on Monday eight, entrance being made through a window, und exit through the door, leaving it unbooked. Te thief took some clothing worth about $0, and a satchel belonging to a traveler. A number of Portland gentlemen dis tinguished for not being very valuable as fellow-citizens, are said to have made thei appearance yesterday. Some fellows, who may need a taste o? justice, treid tf-enter premises on Piefi Hill,' about 10 o' clock Thursday nighi causing considerable alarm to a woman It may be possible Shu'tz is in town, we learn that he is well acquainted about here. West Side Railroad. From a long edi torial in the Oreyn B-p-dAican. it appears that Ben. Ilolladay stepped in just abou the time that arrangements were being made for constructing the road by other parties. That paper thinks the railroad on that side is as good as dead for the present, especially if Ilolladay gets the franchise. That was our opinion on the start. He does not propose to have any competition in this matter if he" can help if. Last Thursday, on becoming aware ol the fact that the Republicans designed going on a steamer to meet Hon. Geo. II. Williams, now due on the Oriflamme at that port, several Democrats resolved to extend the same compliment to Hons. J. S. Smith and Benj. Stark, who were also on the Oriflamme. Capt. Ainsworth. of the O. S. N. Co.. was applied to for a steamer, and granted the use of the mag nificent Dalles packet Oneonta for the purpose. Willamette University. We have re celved the annual catalogue of this Uni versify. Tbe institution is in a prosperous condition. Two hundred and fifty-eight scholars attended last year. Toadyism. There was any amount, of toadyism displayed last Thursday at Port land. Williams, of course, spoke. We shall refer to his speech hereafter. Arrived. Hon. J. S. Smith arrived home on the steamer last Wednesday. Mr S. has made a faithful and energetic mem ber of Congress. We welcome him back. William Davidson't Oregon Circclar We have aain examined this circular accompanied wi;h a "Western Oregon sketch map of the Willamette Valley," and find in its two letter-sheet pages, all that, has been attempted by the Slate Agricultural Society, which have unitedly flooded the country abroad with 80 or 1 Hi page pamphlets. The recent attempt ot those laboring to induce immigrants t the State has been too intense and over labored ; too many poetic generalities mixed np with statistics so much so, ar to give the reader great doubts as to tin good faith ol thest immigrant drummers, who scream to the immigrant somethiuL' after tbe fashion of hotel flunkies. On the contrary. Mr. Davidson's circular is a plain aud concise summary of ( r gor. as it is ! Just such a description of the State as an old resident would send to his friend abroad, with nothing exaggerated. This is pist the sort of information t send those who desire information abru the State, previous to breaking up iheir Eastern homes. Mr. Davidson will preseri a copy to any one wishing to send ii abroad to friends. Commercial. WILLIAM DAVID SOU, POI1TLAXD, - - - OREGON'. REAL ESTATE DEALER. Speoial Collector of Claims. A large amount of CITY and EAST TOUT LAND 1'roportv for Sale. Also, IMPROVED FARMS, and valuab'e un cultivated LAX OS, located in all parts o' the State Investments in REAL EST AT H aid other PROPERTY made fpi corre-ponrients. CLAIMS of all descrint.ons promptly col Uvted. HOUSES and STORES leael. All kimls ol Flnanc al and General Agf nry business transacted. Parties having FARM PROPERTY for sale will pl. a-e lurnUh ileso.rptions of the same to the AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in ea.-b of the principal CITIES and TOWNS of this STATE. July 2:tf Thr, Vital Statistics of California Show that periodic-id fevers and acute and chronic disorders of the stomach and bowels, are among the most promirent and f.ital dis eases in this State. Disobedience to the laws of health, ns regards diet ; the use ot perni cious stimulants ; and tbe wear and tear of business excitement, and of " fast life" gen erally, have mitch to do with the prevalence of these maladies in our cities ; while in tin interior, and especially in the gcld-vu 1 ling districts, they are chiefly due to malaria, un wholesome w.iter, and the exposure and pri vation incident to life in new settlements and mining tumps. Now, it :s a fuct that it i as possible to protect the human sy-tem n.iain-t these maladies, as to guard life ami property u'jainst the incursions of assas.-ms and thi'-ves- Strengthen the vita! organization with HOSTKTTEU'S SIOMACH HI TT Kits, and it becomes as capable of resisting the active princip'e of epidemic or endemic ci ease, as a fire-pnv.f safe is (if resisting th. actum of combu-tion. This is tin- experi ence of thousands who have remained on scatlv d by malariou disorders in the sickli est sea on while '.heir neighbors, who neg lected to tone and regu'ate their sy-tems with this uneq'-.alled medicinal stimulant, have fallen th ek and fast around them. Weak ness invites disease. "ig r reptts it. Help nature to fight the good tight with infection, whether it be in the air, ti e water, or the soil, with this matchless preparation. a compound of the rarest vegetable extracts with the purest of all tl.ffesive stimulants. DUTCHER'S L.IGHTXIX KI.Y-KtUtElt Is ahead of anything of the kind. Handy and cheap. Try it. Sold by Druggists. june2o:2m Rebecca Degree L.ol;e -o. , I. O. O. V. Meet on the Serond and Fourth TUESDA Y EVEXIXGS. of each month, at 7 o'clock, in 0 !d Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. Fy order of N. L Willamette IhmIsc o. 15 1. U NIeets every Saturday evening:, at the S.E. corner of Main and Fifth street, at 7 : ' o'clock- Viititt members are invited to at tend. By ordor of W. C T Z-1J" K yon wish the very best Cab net Phot sjrajhs, vni nvst cad on bUADl-KV .t iiULOF.SON, i Vj Mont- me y streef, Saij Kranciico, DiultnomaU Lodge Xo. 1, A. t'. anti a -A. 31. Holds its regular communi Wcitions on the 'First and Third Sat r urday in each month, at 7 o'clock, from the 2oth of September to the 20th of March, and 7 A o'clock from the 2th of March to the 20th of September. Brethren in good standing are invited to attend. By order of YT. M. Oregon Lo;lsi Vio. 3, I. O. of O. F.- vi Meets every Thursday even ijKs ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. W. ti. , ,-r . ii. J i u I, iLH this lt-m d does n t si i j 1 v reiiere f-r a -hort time, but it pioduc s perfect and per manent cures of the wor.-1 eases of Chronic Xasal Catarrh, and I will pay S".00 rewad for a rae ihat I cannot i-vre. "Cold in the head" and Catarrhal Headache are cured with a few applications. If you have a dis charge from the nose, offensive or otherwise, stopping up of the nose at times, partial loss of the sense of smell, taste or hearing, eyes watering or weak, feel dull, have pain or preasure in the head, you ma- rest assured that you have Catarih. Thousands annually, without manifesting half of tl e anove sys tems, terminate in consumption and end in the grave. No disease is si common, more deceptive or les- understood bv physicians. I will send my nan phbt on Catarih to any address free. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy is now -OLD BY MOST PTIUGGITS IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Price 50 cents Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of G.) cents t.r four packages fur two dollars. Beware of co'utirfcifv and worth ess imitations. See that my private tamp. which is a positive guartuttvc of grnti ridnxx, is upon the outside wrapper. Rememhtr that this private s'amp, issued by the United States Government expressly for stamping toy medicines, has my portrait, name and address, and the words ' U. S. Certificate ot Genuineuess " engraved upon it, and need not be mistaken. Don't be swindled by travelers and others, representing themselves ;is Dr. Sage; I am the only man now living that has the knowledge and right to manu facture the genuine Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem edy, and I ne.'ei travel to sell this medicine. R. V. PIEKCE. M. I)., jn23ni3 11 Seneca street, Buff.do. N.Y. WILLIARfl SIOER Ha EstaliUd FOR THE MAXUFAC'J OLY OF SASH, 3LIHDS AND BCQRS, AND M HTLDIXGS V ALL SIZT.S They w ill also do TURNING, of every de.-c; iption to order, With Keatncss and L-'satch ! o- ALL YO:;iv W a lilt NTED. Shop on the River, b ck o' Aekeim-m s Store, Oregon city, Oregon C l eg on City-, .1 u ly c:tf Notic HEREBY GIVEN TH AT THE UNDER 1 signed has been, by the County Court t f C'l ck.-tmas county, appointed Adinistrator, wi h the will annexed, of tbe estate of .lames L. Boring, d 'eeas.il. Ail parous 1 av.nu claims azainst sa d ttat. , are requited to pre.-ent them to the undei si ;nc 1, in Port i.n d, Multnomah county, with the propei votic ii rs, witlria s;x im n hs ir mi the date he !',. Portland, Oregon, July pith, 1S79. YV. V. CHAPMAN, j u 2 l,.vt Administrator. OE ). xoaii. j..ves m mrt sox. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Formerly iuo v Columbian, Corner Front, and M) rison Stre.ts. i o : it i a x xn, o 1 1 1 : g o v . NOAH & MORRISON, PROPRIETORS. Vr?c Coach to ana from tlie Home. July Hjih, tf BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Tola st Fie 351 1 is-s,-, HAS JUST RECEIVED a fine stock of School ij'J'";h Hooks. Stationery and every- ItT'ff r thing usually kept in a book ' st,.re, direct from the East, which he olFeis to M e public at. reduced piiees. Store undei the Court, House . CSivs me a call and cx anvne mv goods and prices. O'-egon City.. In:. e is, U7:tf This iab e Family Medicine has bee:i wideh aid favorably known in our own and foreign eoi.n-ries, u- ward- of TIIIItTV TEAKS ! It has los' none of its good name by re peated trials, but continues to oceupv a prominent position in eve y family medicine chest. It is an External and Internal Remedy. For Summer Complaint, or any other form ot bowel disea-e in chiidr n or adults, it is an almost certain eure, and has without doubt been more sue-essf:l in cming t -e various kinds f CH'lLE'iA than any other known remedy or the most skil ful physi -rian. In India, Africa :tnd China, wbeie This dreadful disea-e is most prevalent, the Pain Ki ler is considered by the natives, as well as Euiopt an residents in those i lun.ites, a fitf remedy ; and while i', i- a most ef'Lient remedy for pain, it is a perfectly s.ife medi cine, even in unskillful hands. Liiectious accompany each bottle. Sold by "all Drtifrai ts. Pri. e 2" ts , ..0 cts., and : per bottle. Julv H':4 .v :ents ! Read This ! V7E WILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY V (if so" It Si and exj-eiist-s. or alt w a t-ommiss-on, to sell our new and wm.deruil in vet tmns. Address M. WAGNER CO., Marshall May L'Sii.2 COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOPJJTA. PESOTZH1X BROS. IffO. 121 FRONT STREET, Portland, Oregon. Anoiiier Spring ISTOGK BOOTS & SHOES JUST OPENED OUT. aIlIS I THE SECOND FULL AND AS JL soi ted stork received this spring. We beg leave to assure our customers that W3 will keep our store ALWAYS FULL, And our Goods shall be of FIRST QUALITY in the MARKET. Those who have not heretofore dealt with us, re respectfully invited to cad and ex amine out goods. We challenge competition in prices, as soitment and quality. may2stf C. W. POPE & GO., I E.VLKK3 IX STOVES, TIN PLATE. SHEET IRON.P.RA Z1E S' COPPEIf. LEAD PIPE, IRO Pli'E AND FITTINGS, RLT I'.HEii HOSE. FOIICE AND I I FT PUMPS. ZINC, COPPER, PR ASS AND IRON WiRE. A'so a general assoit ent' of fcIIouse Fur nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING AND .10 BRING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DON H TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES.. o Also at POPE S; SIOVE STORE you will lind II A ' WARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND '1 IN WARE. LANTERNS, RAMI'S AND OIL. LUCINE AND NIGHT LAMPS. AL0 PERAMi'ULATORS. All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. W. POPE fc CO. Il:ly Oregon City O.egon. tronlze Home Endustry. THE FICNEER CURLED HAIR MANUFACTORY IS NOW TREPARED TOM PPi.Y THE maik t w,th a No 1 nrth le o! Curled Ihrr oi Up! olstery woik, which wili com p re uith any imported article In quality r price. 1 p iy the highest t r'ce for Maces and Tails of Horses and Tails of C ws at my store, corner Front and Sabmrn streets. I). Ml.TZt.FR. P rtlaml, Oregon. The standard rem. o i r oiighsi, Infln- enxsi, Sorf I'hroa .Whooping Cough, Crmip, lArir L'irnjdai tit, Bronchitis, Bled ing if tin l.ungx, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs anl Chest, including Consumption'. Wislar's lialsam does not (ir3T up a Cough, hut loosens it. cleanses the lungs, :md allays irritation, thus removing fhfcaite of the complaint. None arenirne unless -ignod I. P.i tts. Prepared by Skt;i V.Fowlk A Son, Roston. Sf)hl by Reoinhtgn, Hos. TETTF.it .t Co., San Francisco, ami by dealers generally. JelS:Iy LEON DELOUEY, Of the P.ARNUM RESTAURANT, Main street, OREGON CITY, Regs to inform the public and bis friends Uiat he has leased the lower pari of the CLIFF HOUSE, Whic'i lie has opened as a ' FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. The talle will at all times be supplied with th be.-t the market a!!ortis. O.ders for suppers and parties will be piomp.ly attended to. Julv 2:tf Notice, 1) ARTIES II O L I) I N G V ARRANTS a.aiust Clackamas County of tbe fol ow ing numbers can have coin !or ihe same by cal ing at the Treasurer's r die, at the store ol John M.ers. Oregon C ty, Oregon. In terest wiil stop from this date: Ao. A". A"". iY.i. Xo. :r.u i54 27'.5 S';:t.") 1.2 tiCol 47 " fl 2f i 7 17 11 5'U7 821 2S10 Jl 3V,2 iio:to 1x4 H2iS r.4 i 132 244S 2011 i;,:5 an 7 4 83 Gl'.fJ 41 79 3RJS d 7 27i;2 :-iu31 3V24 3"2.- 2'.i70 57 II. SAFKARR NS, Treasurer Clackamas County. Ott gon City, July 23, 17o. VT:" ' Dissolution Notice. rpilE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE JL existing between William .Sin-or a.id M. Wertlieimer, under ilie timi name of Singer & Wert. eimer, has been di-solvt d bv mutual consent. WILUAM MM; Hi M. N ERTHI'I I i'i; Oregon City, July 3, l5lo:juUyw4 NOTICE. REDINGTON., IIOSTETTER & CCK. Stop that (Wglimg ! Some of von can't, flnf! -Ve pi'y yoti. You have tried every 1 ctfiedf bnt,tl e ONE desticeti, by its intrinsic ate'it,- to supersede all similar preparations, it 19 not snrprisitu: von should be rrlii tant to try something else af ,cr the many experiments you have made of trasliy compounds foisted on tu.e public as a certain cure ; but Newell's Pulmonary Syfup is reillv the VERY BEST remedy ever compounded ;'-r the cure of t'vagh, Co'd Sore Throat, Asthma. IVltiWping Cough, Bronchitis and Cvnsnmplton. Thousands of people in California and Oregon have been already benefited by the surprising curative powers of at NeweU's Pulmonary Syrup and with one acord give it their un qualified approbation. We now address ourselves to'all who are unacquainted with this, the greatest panacea of the age. for the healing of all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, assuring 3 011 that Jewell's Pulmonary Syrup hns cured thousands, and it will cure YOU. if you try it. This invaluable medicine is pleasant to the ta-te ; sooth ing, healing and strengthening in its effects; entirely free from all poisonous or deleterious dm us, and perfectly harm less under all circumstances. For Sale by all Druggists. REDINGTON, UOSTET l'ER & CO , 410 and 418 Front street, San Francisco. Reiliiigton's Essence Jamaica Ginger, IVhich (V confidently recor.imendid ax the heist prepartion now lefore the public. This valuable preparation, containing in a highly concentrated form all the propei ties of Jamaica Ginger.has become one of the most popular domestic reme dies for all diseases of the stomach and digestive organs. As a tonic, it will be found invaluable to r.ii persons recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; J 'f-.ir wLile it imparts to the system all the glow and vigor that, can be produced by wine or brandy, it is entirely free from ihe reactionary effects that follow the use of spniis of any kim1. it is also an excellent remedy for females who suffer from difficult men struation, giving almost immediate re lief to the spasms that to fre juently ac company that period. It ghes immediate relief to Nausea, caused by riding m a railroad car, or by sea sickness, or other causes. It is also valuable as an external ap plicaton for Gout, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc. UEU1XGTOX, IIOSTETTER & CO., 4IG and 4is Front street, San Francisco. Rrdingloii's F i a c r i ii g: Extracts ARE THE PKRFECTl.Y PFRE AND highly coneer.trnted Extracts from Fresh Fruits, prepared with great care. Thev ere put up in superior style, and in a bottle holding TWICE AS ML'CU as the ordinary brands of Extracts. Comparing quality and contents, none oilier are nearly so cheap. W ht-never tested on their merits, they have been adopted in preference to all otheis. ami art- now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS of the Pacific Coat. MA UK THE A I) VAXTA GES. Ry purchasing Redington's Concen trated Flavoring Extracts, you obtain an article not only superior in richness and delicac; ot flavov to any odier of a simi lar nature, but far more economical, be cause e.'ch bottle holds double the quantity contained in a bottle of any oilier llavoi ing extract sold. UEDLM.TOX, IIOSTETTER & CO., Agents for the Pacific Coast. fh P. Would yon escape FEYER AND AGUE, and preserve health and vigor during the s ckly season, make occasional use of the following r.s A PREVENTIVE. If you are ATT CKED with Chills and Rilious Fever, or have been a victim to such disease, and used other so-called remedies wi hout permanent relief, seek at i n e the safest and surest C TJ R E , by using, according to directions MASON & POLLARD'S AIMTE-iVi ALARI A, or, Fever and Ague Pills. Time has proved them thoroughly to be the safest and most, reliable remedy known. They contain no mercury or other mineral or chemical. They are exclusively vege table. Tin y stimulate the finctionsTof Cue liver. Congestion isimpossible wlv.-re thev are ustd. They do not deter from daily labor. l;y a sisting digestion tl ey add flesh and mu cielo the frarre. They are adapted to all ages and both sexes, ar.d as a FAMILY E3EBICSNE Will CURE in their ineipiency, three fourths of all diseases incidental to a malarious climate. For Dyspepsia, in small doses, they have no equal. For sale by'ali Druggists. REDIXGTO.V, IIOSTETTER & CO., SOLE AGENTS. The Battle for Life Which is continunllv going on between health and disease, "bas never received from any m. dii too such marked and un nn st... k a hi" nsi-ta;ue, ou the side of health, hs it 1 a-i foul Keweli's pulmonary Syrup ' rEnuoTn-, hostetter &co., S 416 and 41S Front street, San Fi-ancisco. AUCTION AX I) COMMISSION A. 15.1iiciia.iisOEi9 AUCTIONEER! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate. G roceries, General Merchau -0 , disc aiid Hoi sesp Every TFedpesday and Saturday A. ij. Richardson, Auctioneer. I 1 111 ( ni rj OiHtl' t ng'ish refined Rar and T. d1-;. Jj a,i , , English Square and OctagotV t;.zt .-u?el Horse soes, l iies, Rasps, sav. s ; Screws, .Fry -pans, sheet iron, R. G Iron ; a 1..-.0 : Q A large assortment of Grocericf rtif1 1 ionors A. B. JJicilARDSON, Ain lione t o Jacob ffrrrzrf,. Jave.s r. Unox, STITZBL U UPTOI Heal jYatute IJfoiers and Central Agents, Coi'iitr (if Front and Washington &treet. TORTLAND, OHECO.- O Will attend to the sale rr7!t?!ir'TVnsd of Real. Estate in all parts of th Pitt and State. Special attention given to thepalt- of East Portland property. o Address P. O. Box 4 12, Portland. Oreg )ii. STITZEL & UPTON, 19tf. Real Estate Brokers. Harvest o 1870 ! ! Selling off to Close JJuswcsp, o Aiaci iio liUMBUd ! Tlie JSf afire Stocli! o OF- DPwYICOODS. RE DY-MADE CL0THIKO. C0TSilD SIICES, liens' Ladies, 5Iisscs' and Chilurens' HATS 'AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Flatecl Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Enrners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got to le sold o Regardless of Price! t"55u To convince j-onrsclf with respect to this matter, call at the old corner. I. SELLING, w South of I oe Co.'s 7 in Storr, Oregon City. Sheriff's Sale. "VfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN" THAT I V J viitue of an execution" is.-ued out of tlie C iicuit Coiut, of tl e r tat- of tliegt n, for the county of Clack:1 nc, and 'o me di rected, in favor of William P. Doland a::d against James M. Moore, lor ihe Mini of five thousand, eight bundled and t ireftcn dol lars and 45-l'uO (S."i,81'. 4 ''), w:th interest at tlie rate of In per cent. cr&nuuni from the 11th day of May, 1-Sf0, anil tbe lurtbir st m of S i0 100 costs and for dollais ac cruing costs ; 1 have this record day of . Imy, A. D., 1 S 7 0 , levied upon all the light, title and i nte re.-1 of the sa'd James XL Xlooie, which he now hrs, or may have had at ury time since tbe eleventh day of March, A. D., IsGl, in tlie following di scribed land, to-w it : Claim (37, being part of section thirtv-one Cll). T two (2) south R, two (2 ; st eon taimng about sixty three f f 3) am. sMtl e f;.ne being the land sold by Geo. A. IV: sr, Ad ministiator cV fonts rn n , of the estate of Robert Moore, deceased. And will pit ecd to se 1 the same, at j ublic Ait-tint , to Ute highest bidder torcash.in frortof ihcCouit IL use do T, in Oregon C ty. on Saturday, thesxth day of August. A. D., 17o, at li e hour of 10 o'clock a. m., to satisfy t-aid exe cution, costs and accruing c sts. JOHN MYERS, Sheriff Clackamas county. Ry T. J. McCakvek, Deputy. Oregon City, July 2, 187O.:ju0t5 Sheriff's Sale. "VfOTICE IS HER ELY GIVEN THAT RY JJl virtue of an execution, issued out of tbe Ciicuit Court of the State oi Or g n, for the count3' of Clackamas, and to ine direct ed, in favor of" William P. Do. and at d against James XL Xloore, for li e M:in of rive tl ousand. eight hi. tidied and n neuen dol lars and 4.VlpO, (.,S10 4o) w ith interest at tbe rate of ten per cent, pei ani.um from Ihe eleventh day of May, l!-::f, and tbe furil it sum ot 2S 'JO costs, and for dollns accruing costs ; 1 have this second day of July, A. D.. Ib7(, levied nj on sill the inicr est which James M. Moore now ha-, or may have had since the eleve- th day of March. 18;l, in and to the land elait.t of Robert Moore, deceased, said claim I t 'np known upon the plats in the Lrnd (i!5 p.t Oregon City as claim No, 71, Notihuuiiou No.O o, section ."fi, T. 2, S. R. 1 E, i.i.C e'aim No .",4, part of section 1,T. 3 S. R. 1 F, ra"d irtcr e.st being an undivided fonith interest in snid claim. And will proced to sed the samt , at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the Court" llmipc rfcor, ?n Oregon City, on Satuiiay. tbe sixth day of August, A. I).. 1870. at the Ik ur ot 10 o'clock a. m., to satisfy ,aid t-xecution, costs and ac cruing costs. JOHN MYERS, FhcritT CI:okams eu tv. Ry T. J. X'rf'AKVER, Depi.iy. Oregon City, July 7, K, u.rjuttto Dr. J, H. HATCH, DENTIST, 'The patronage of those desiring first Class Operations, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. R. Xitrous Oryde administcied for the Painless Extraction ofTeeih. Office In Weigant's new b.uRm.g, west side of First street. 1 etween Alder and Mor rison streets, Portland, Oregon. To Stock Drovers. rpHE ROAD ACROSS THI CASCADE JL Mountains, know bs (he ' Old Emigrant Road." is now in splendid trder for the ac commodation "o? the put lie ThebiVges on he road have all been thoroughly lej aued. and stock drovers will lind it i.o trouble to ci os the Mountain by this roiitp. Therein tplentv of gnnd water and gr:-ss on both sides of the Mountain, and Hie distance across is only .riO miles being the shortest as well as the best road oyer t' e adek Mnnn'ains. Stock drove s andOem iu I nts i wni iino ii ki iiK-ii uuvaiiiagi; 10 iravei over i thisioutc. Tolcs l tasonahle. J0EPH YOl'NG. J 'resilient. Clackamas county, July, 137):iu i;Lf O O Q o o o o o i'i o ! I t i I 1 1 O V si ? G I I ! I 3 G e. o o o o o 0 II G O ; O j O O A f 0 O o 1-5 1 tv p r m - - i u 3-