The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, August 06, 1870, Image 1

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VOIi. 4.
The Weekly Enterprise.
usinosSPsn, the Farmer
OFFICE Corner of Fifth and Main streets
Oregon City, Oregon.
Single Copy one yearin advance,!.' $3 00
Transient advertisements, including all
le.ii notices, sj. of 12 lines, 1 w .$
2 50
1 00
For e.ieli subsequent insertion
One Column, one year
Half " '
y ter " "
a;u-i!ies Card, 1 square one year. . ,
$120 00
Kg Remittances be made at the risk o
Siit'icribfrs, and at the expense of Agents.
CTS The Enterprise office is supplied with
IxMiitifu!. anproved stvie.s of type, aiid nind
eiiir, MACHINE IMtKSrtKS, which will enable
thtT riopOftor tn do Job Piinting at all times
O Neat, Quick and Cheap !
Ttf" Work solicited.
AH li'tii'icf i tr.inxMHions upon a Specie b.r-ii.
Anecdote of Daniel Webster.
A Boston correspondent assures
ns that the following, one of the
many funny anecd tes that Ports
mouth, New Hampshire, people
tell of Mr. Webster, has not ap
peared in print : o
During Mr. W's residence in
that city, in his younger days,
there was a furniture-dealer named
.ludkins doing business in the
town, who A as a very well inform
ed as well as ambitious man. He
was patronized by Mr. Webster,
who often dropped into the shop
to order or superintend the mak
ing of some piece of furniture.
These opportunities of conversing
uith, a man so learned as Mr. W.
were the delight of Mr. Judkins' s
life; and on the removal of the
former to Boston, the payment of
a considerable debt due Mr. J.
was willingly left for future settle
ment. Attempts were made at
various times to collect the debt
always in vain. Finally,
Mr. Judkins determined to go to
Boston and see Mr. Webster him
self. He reached the city after a
long and fatiguing stage-ride, and,
making a Sunday toilet, proceeded,
to the large house on the corner of
High and. Summer streets. "Is
Mr. Webster in V" asked he of the
servant who answered the bell.
"Yes, but he can not possibly be
"But 1 must see bun.
"No; he is entertaining some
5 Washington gentlemen they are
dining.'kMr. Judkins had heard of
. . . 1 11! 1 . . . 4. i 1 . . .
subtertuges, aim oer.eeu not me
serving-man. "Well, I will come
in ami wait till dinner is over."
The puzzled servant, needed below
stairs, decided to take the importu
nate stranger's name to his master.
Fancy the surprise of Mr. Jud
kins at seeing Mr. Webster rush
ing up stairs and insisting upon
the poor man's joining his Iriends
at ,he dinner-table! He would
take no denial, ami carried him
forcibly almost, introducing him
as "my old and dear friend, Mr.
; Judkins, of Portsmouth," and
seating him between a distinguish-
ed Bostonian and the Secretary of
the Xavy; and to use the woids
i of the worthy cabinet-maker, "I
was for four mortal hours just as
k good as any body; my opinion
uas asked on a good many sub
jects, and they all, seemed to think
Vnew- a good deal. I was invit
to visit them, and to go to
Washington, and every body asked
; ute to drink Avine with them ; and,
by George! I made up 111' mind
never to ask for my bill again. I
was a poor man, and needed my
j iivrjiiey lut I bad been treated as
- I never expected to be treated in
tla'n world, and I Avas willing to
p.iy for it." Epitou's 1)i:.vavkr,
in Jfaipertt Magazine for July.
An exchange tells us that among
1 the old settlers of the East a sin-
milar maxim prevails. Every year
lit which occurs a month with two
' ioiis is believed to be specially
yo.Uictiye of babies. With ex-
MIcnt n$ visions lor chiutless
Y treats, the liatpr influences of
the moon that ms twice born in
y :i month, are reilected beloAv, and
u.iuy 15 ;ijl iu ui" 111 oiuvi in ev
ery house. The belief is as strong
a it is strange. The Germans
of the East have in it a faith that
i abiding and the years in which
this lunar phenomenon occurs al--iiv
.. u :.. 1
I - i a itMui m a uuge crop 01 ua-
I I ies. In January there were two
new moons, and 1870 therefore,
nmst be a season in which married
hfo brings its happiest fruition, and
the children of the American eagle
Hirope-rtionately increase.
The Charge Coming
The liidcous monstrosity into
which our once free republic lias
been turned by Radical usurpation
the open, shameless reign of fraud'
corruption and villainly developed
at Washington and the vile vindic
tion and venomous legislation of
which the dominant "party has
been guilty for the avowed purpose
01 securing nseit in place and
power, are having their legitimate
effects at last, and the first shad
ows ot its callapse are tracing
themselves widely and distinctly
throughout the hind. The politi
cal history of this country lias
taught the party which legislates
for its own instead of ihe people's
benefit, commits stupid suicide,
and the history of the world has
further taught that the arraying
of casts against each other, "and
still more of races on the same
soil, inevitably result, in the utter
political downfall, if not absolute
physical extinction, of the weaker.
Of this grave political mistake the
anxious and rapacious leaders of
the Hadical party have been fla
grantly guilty. To insure their
continued hold upon office and
power, they have first disgusted
the white race by fawning upon
and flattering the negro, and then
incensed and outraged the white
man by making laws discriminat
ing to his disad vantage. Socager
are they to make sure of the iicav
vote, that they have actually
placed the white man at the mercy
and in the power of the ignorant
negro as if the white men had no
rights under the Government to be
respected, while the negro is to be
treated as the pet, spoiled child.
The elFeet ot such legislation is
having its legitimate and natural
result. The whites are banding
together as well from alarm for
the safety of republican govern
ment, as for the preservation of the
existence and privileges of the race.
They feel keenly the indignities
heaped upon us as a people, as
well as the outrage of robbing us
of our birthright. The white men
discovert'!, settled, and redeemed
this country ; his wisdom framed
for himself and his posterity a
republic, the like of which the
world never before beheld ; his
capital, enterprise and ingenuity
constitute our natural wealth and
greatness, built our railroads, tele
graphs, hotels, theatres, and great
public institutions; the govern
ment is his only, and to none of
all this lias the negro contributed
either in money, brains or other
wise, and yet for the purpose of
flattering the new voter tieing him
to the liadical leading strings,
Congress undertakes to say that he
shall vote down the white man,
shall have higher privileges than
he, shall not be discharged from
the employment of the man, and
further that he shall sleep and eat
at the vvhile man's hotel, and sit
in the same theatre and attend the
same churches and public institu
tions, on an equality Avith the
white man, his wife and children.
And should the Avhite man refuse
any of these privileges which he
could deny to his own race, or the
negro, if he run a hotel, could
deny to him to the faored one,
he is liable to fine and imprison
ment, the distraction of his business
and damages to the blackamoor
he has ventured to oflend.
This putting of the white race
under the heel of the black, how
ever, is done for a purpose. If
Congcess had only the negro's
welfare and co pi fort at heart, it
would seek to make his dealings
with the Avhite race pleasant and
profitable to him. But, in their
anxiety to impress upon the new
j voter that the Radical party pre
fers ana values him above the
white race, they overshot the
mark and array the two races in
jealous enmity, hostility ami antag
onism to each other. " The result
of this conflict is easily perceived.
The negro is duped in'the Radical
ranks, but denied office, he is no
better oft' than when he had no
vote. Elated in his temporary
privileges, he renders himself offen
sive by his insolence, and, not
being able to exist without the
aid of the white man, lie suffers
want and will die of neglect.
While on the other hand the white
man, jealous of his rights, stung
by insult, and indignant at his
humiliation, will raas against the
hideous innovation, and it will be
well if he does not permit his
sense of outraged justice to de
generate into au indiserimiuating
The effect of this partisan legis
lation has already displaying itself.
It has given the Empire State to
Democracy by ninety thousand
majority, and still more recently
Oregon has gone Democratic.
Ea'cii in Washington city the cor
rupt municipal government though
endorsed by the President, Cabi
net and Congress, and supported
by imported voters from the States,
lias beeen routed, root and branch,
by over three thousand majority
These are simple and plain indica
tions of the future, and show that
the white men arousing from their
lethargy, dropping their" preju
dices and combining in behalf of
their race and country happy
augeries of the grand, universal
and surely coming change. 27ie
Eastern (Shoreman.
Shall Women Become Politicians?
The great mass of women can
never be made to take a deep, a
sincere, a discriminating, a lasting
interest in the thousand political
questions ever arising to be settled
by the vote. They very soon
weary of such questions. On great
occasions they can work themselves
up to a state of frenzied excite
ment over some one political ques
tion. - At such times they can pa
rade a degree of unreasoning pre-
jndieCjOf passionate Hatred, of blind
fury, even beyond what man can
boast of. But, in their natural
condition, in every-day life, they
do not take instinctively to politics
as men do. Men are born politi
cians; just as they are born ma
sons and carpenters, and soldiers
and sailors. Not so women. Their
thoughts and feelings are given to
other matters. The current of
their chosen avocations runs in an
other channel than that of politics
a channel generally quite out of
sight of politics; it is an effort for
them to turn from one to the
other. With men, on the contrary,
politics, either directly or indirect
ly, are closely palpably, inevitably
blended with their regular work in
life. They give their attention un
conciously, spontaneously, to poli
tics. Look at a family of children,
half boys, half girls; the bovs take
instinctively to whips and guns
and balls and bats and horses, to
lighting and wrestling and riding;
the girls fondle their dolls, beg tor
a needle and thread, play at house
keeping, at giving tea-parties, at
nursing the sick baby, at teaching
school. That difference lasts
through life. Give your son, as he
grows up, a gun and a vote; he
will delight in both. Give your
daughter, as she grows up, a gun
and a vote, and, unless she be an
exceptional woman, she will make
a really good use of neither. Your
son may be dull; but he will make
a good soldier, and a very tolerable
voter. Your daughter may be
very clever; but she would certain
ly run away on the battle-field, and
very probably draw a caricature
on the election ticket. There is
the the making of an admirable
wife and mother, and a valuable
member of society, in that clever
voung woman. She is highly in
telligent, thoroughly well educated,
reads Greek and Latin, and has a
wider range of knowledge and
thought than ninety-ii'iie in a hun
dred of the voters in the same
district; but there is nothing of
the politician in her nature. She
would rather any day read a fine
Kem than the best political speech
of the hour. What she does know
of politics reaches her through
that dull but worthy brother of
hers. It is only occasionally that
we meet a woman Avith an inherent
bias for politics; and those are not,
as a rule, the highest type of the
sex it is only occasionally that
they are so. The interest most
women feel in politics is secondary,
fictitious, engraitea on them by
the men nearest to them. (Susan
T Cooper, in Harpers JIayazinc
for Awjust.
The President having appointed
a man to be Associate Justice of
the Supreme Court at Washinton
who never was admitted to the bar
and who is now a twelve hundred
dollar department clerk, the bar
of the District have held an indig
nation meeeting, and appointed a
committee of three Republicans to
protest against the confirmation.
A Judge of the Court called on
the President, but Grant said he
thought his nominee Avas compe
tent to be a judge, as he had read
laAv two years.
Texas is ahead, and Washing
ton's body servant is nowhere.
Texas reports that a negro woman
died in that State, on the 7th inst.,
who was 133 years old, who Avas
"one of the oldest inhabitants of
Texas," and who was "formerly a
servant of General Washington's
Henry Ward Eeecher's Opinion of
Stonewall Jackson.
Under the heading, "The death
of Jackson," the NeAv York Inde
pendent contained during the late
Avar, the following :
"A brave and honest foe has
fallen ! Thomas Jonathan Jack
son lias died of wounds received
in the confusion of the battle ot
Chancellorsville, at the diands of
his oAvn men? There 4s not a
. . L 1 ! 1
' , . . "l,v" vv' "" t'"i
and Richmond papers scarcely ex -
aggerate Avhen they say that the
Confederacy could better have
: J-, v,
in council, his peculiar excellence
was in ine ueiu. e kuow ot no
man on either side that surpassed
him, if any equalled in handling
an army. j
e are in some respects nettcr
judges of his millitary talents than
Southern men, since Ave telt the
blow winch they only saw clelt.
It is certain that no other man i would take a boy that smokes,
impressed the imagination of our j Avhen he could as well have as
soldiers and the whole community good a boy who does not. To
so much as he. An unknown baceo is a source of daily expense
name at the beginning of the Avar, ! a motive till a boy comes to a
1 1 .1 'I. -r ....
save to his orother ouiicers, m his
class in the miMita' y school at : for though the parotid glands save : nomination provided the Demo
Lexington, n., his lootsteps vere j the kidneys some work, yet he that cratic Convention should do so.
earliest in the field from which .makes a. urethra- of his mouth, That Convention made none,
death has now withdrawn them, j must lose from his blood much preferring to wait till Herman
But in two years he has made his that is needed to aid digestion, should resign, Avhich decency
name familiar in every civilized ' Avhereas the kikneys do their own required he should do. Four
and on the globe as a general ot
as a general ot
and energy.
rare skill, resource
i 1 1
No other general of the South
could develop so much power out
of so slender and precarious means,
by the fervid inspiration of his
own mind, as Jackson. He had
absolute control of his men. lie
drove the through marches long
and diflicult, Avithout resources,
feeding them as best he could ; he
delivered battles as a thunder
cloud discharges bolts, and, if the
fortunes were against hirn, then
even more remarkable skill than
in advancing, he held his men
together in retreat, and with
extraordinary address and courage,
eluded pursuit : sometimes fight
ing, sometimes fleeing, till he
brought off his forces safely. Then,
almost before the dust Avas laid
upon the Avarpath, his face was
again towards his enemies, and he
was ready for renwed conflict. His
whole soul Avas in his work. He
had no doubts or parleyings Avith
himself. He put the force of his
being into his blows for the worst
cause man ever fought for, as few
of our generals have ever learned
to do for the best cause for which
trumpet ever sounded. There is a
difference of opinion on this ques
tion. Ei Enterprise. Hence
forth Ave know him no more after
the flesh. lie is no longer a foe.
We think of him now as a noble
minded gentleman, a rare and
eminent Christian ! For years he
has been an active member of the
Presbyterian Church, of which he
Avas ruling elder, lie never, in
all the occupations of camp, or
temptations of campaigns, lost the
fervor of his piety, or christian
"We know that before every
important move he spent much
time in prayer. He had so put
his soul in the keeping of his mas
ter, that he Avas relieved from all
thought of self, and had the
whole power of his life ready for
his Avork. Officers of Fremont's
army, Avho .pursued
famous retreat from
doah Valley, found
him in his
the Shenan
him 'to be
greatly beloved by the common
people, among whom
in 'Ft nii (ii
times, h
t -1 1 1
lil U'l II1V.1
le had labored in prayer
meetings, in temperance meetin-s,
and iu every other christian Avord
and Avork. Xo wonder he fought
AA'ell along a region where topog
raphy he had mapped down with
prayers exhortations and christian
"He Avas unselfish. lie fought
neither for reputation now, nor for
future personal advancement. He
therefore did not fall into the
ruinous habits of our generals,
who are always neglecting to do
the things that can be done, be
cause they are small, but squander
time and men and patience, in
getting ready for great battles,
which elude or defeat them, He
incessantly struck on the right and
on the left, and kept alive the fire
in the hearts of the illclad, poorlv
fed and over-worked men, by the
excitement of enterprise and the
constant relish of victories, small
in detail, but whose sum was all
"Let no man suppose that the
North will triumph over a fallen
son with insulting gratulations !
XoAvhere else will the name of
Jackson be more honored. Not
for his adhesion to the cause of
S)A , AUGUST 6, 1870.
slavery, but for his untarnished
, perf;oi;ai character,, for his devout,
piety, and for his military genius."
Boy Smokers.
If- a man should tell us that a
healthy child could put his s'stem
under the influence of a powerful
narcotic every day, without perma
nent injury, Ave should tell him that
he didn't know much ahout that.
We never saw so many bovs
. .
iMiiwuiuy nun.
, The practice Will reduce the final
stature of the boy who begins at
fourteen at least half an inch. It
. """""r" i-v
still more. The boy who smokes
can near trouoie uener. lie
; is a leather jacket that shields ins
hide from the lash of adversity,
i e doubt it there is a business
i man m Boston so green that he
, man's pay. It wastes his blood
work better, and m health rob the
ii-,. . .. i , - j i ""w"' ihi-iuihu me mere repOTon
lose Ins place in a store with less , and Democrats for more than a . of the Committee to which such
grief. It worries bun less to get year past, and the opinion of C. j cases were referred, would have
to the foot of his class. Tobacco Delano. Cnmmissintior of TntPmnl ! A "UU1U
blood of nothing useful. Man is Chairman of the Republican Cen
the most precocious crop the Yan-; tral Committee solicited the Dem
kee raises, and just now it is scant ocratic Committeee to put a can-
m quantity. Let it not .be interior
in staple also. Host on Aeics
Editorial Slavery.
Every editor of a newspaper
will appreciate the truth of the fob
lowing passage from some of the
writing of Capt. Jlaryatt: it is
not Avritingthe leading article itself
but the obligation to write mai ar-
ticle every day or week, whether in-
ciined or not, in sickness oi
health, m affliction, disease ox the
mind, winter and summer, year at-
ter, tied down to the tasK, remain
ing in one spot. It is something like
the walking of a thousand hours.
I have a fellow feeling, for I know
how a periodical will wear down
one's existence. In' itself it ap
lvurs nothing: the labor is not
manliest ; nor is it
the labor, but
it is the continued attention Avhich
it requires. Your life becomes, as
it were, the publication. One day's
or week's paper is no sooner cor
rected and printed than on
another. It is the Stone of Sysi
phus; an endlesss repetition of
toil, a constant weight on the in
tellect and spirits, demanding all
the exertion of your faculties, at
the same time that you are com
pelled to do the severest kind of
drudgery. To Avrite for a news
paper is very well, but to edit one
is to condemn yourself to perpetu
al drudgery.'"
Large Sals.
We learn from from Jacob Stit
zel, Esq., who has just returned
from an extended tour through the
valley with Win. Chalmers and
party, recently from Scotland, that
he succeeded in selling Mr. Chal
mers the farm of Ben. Cornelius,
Esq., on the Cornelius Prairie, con
taining 1,000 acres, the purchase
price of which was 814,000. Air.
Chalmers intends to return to
Scotland for his family, and at once
return to locate upon his purchase.
Mr. Stitzel also tells us that during
his long acquaintance Avith our
farming lands, he never saw finer
looking crops than on his
through the valley.
He judges
..... .....x, - uicieu ner narsuiv in tne presence
least 0,000,000 bushels of wheat of- company, ami she threatened
for exportation. The grass crop tliat if he Jia,ft behave better to
is so large that a large portion will j ward jier? sie would mvcr a.
remain uncut. The oat crop is al- j to hirn arran. He retorted that h
so large. Farmers are all busy j wisht,( sh(J oubln't; and she has
harvesting, and everything looks :
bright for the future of Oregon.
Ixpiaxa's Favorite. The de
mocracy of Indiana present the
name cf Thos. A, Hendricks as
their favorite candidate for the
the Presidency. Mr. Hendricks ca
reer, first as a member
ti . v t !
HOUSe Ul nqM.mnaM,, ,
as ommisioner oi toe veuerai
Land Office, under Buchanan's Ad
ministration, and then for six years
in the U. S. Senate, during the
whole of which time he was the
bulwark of democracy, all stamp
him as one of the greatest states
- . i .1, ri i
man of the countrv. and if hp
should happen to be the choice of
the National Convention, we know
if no man A'ho wnnl.l mnr oc.
snredly lead the democracv to
Democratic Stna-orFicm Donglas.
(From the Pluin'doaler.
The Oregontan of the 26th lias
an article headed an "unfouded
claim," which makes an attack on
the Hon. L. F. Mosher, Senator
elect from this county. In the
r -
joint, oenaior, out a oenaior irom sinking ltselt in the partisan. The
Douglas alone. When he was evidence introduced 2ro. and con.
appointed Deputy , Collector is a was all duly submitted and exani
matter of no imnortancp.i ns he innrl tka"r1rv,T-.u
i 7
j nau no contestant tne legislature -
; was not called upon to pass upon
j the question of his eligibility.
The fact of Mr. Herman's be-
tug uieiigiuie umier me vonsimi -
. tion of Oregon had been a subject
Revenue and of Senator Williams
had been solicited
by the former,
We have seen letters from both
1 o-ciitl
Herman could not bold both offices.
The Republican County Conven
tion met first and made no nomina
tion, but it Avas Avell understood
that they had authorized their
,! Central Committee to make a
weeks before the e ection the
; diuate m the field, so that they
could also make a nomination.
This the Democratic Committee
did tAvo weeks before the election."
Why the Republicans did not
nominate their man Ave cannot
say im(.
Ave do know that Mr.
Clark, their
Chairman, never
they did not have
. i .. ul ih..t
SIfjt.jent time
to do so. I he rea--ome
of that party
the true one, that-
S()n rriven
j was,roi)aj,y
' jf tie l(.publicans had a majority
: in l)e s;enate they would giA e
jIcrnian llis seat im if tho Sehate
should be Democratic he would be
ousted, and the result in the county
Avas quite doubtful. To prove
that they did have sufficient time,
in Gardner the most remote pre
cinct in the count y, the Republicans
run Geo. Hinsdale against Mr.
Mosher, and he received the full
vote of his party. We do not
propose to argue the question
whether the refusal of Woods to
issue a proclamation would vitiate
welt settled.
But to the fling that
Mr. Morsher only received a few
votes, Ave have to say, that his
name was printed on all the Dem
ocratic tickets, and that he receiv
ed 0-35 Aotes, Avhile the aA'erage
Democratic, vote for the Legisla
tive ticket Avas 750, notwithstand
ing that the Republican fudges
in four precincts refused to make
any return of his vote two of
them refusing to have his name
entered upon the poll-books. Had
the vote of these precincts been
received, Mr, Morsher would have
run ahead of his ticket.
! We do not believe Mr. Mosher
feels much interest in the matter,
i as Ave know the nomination was
' forced upon him against his Avishes.
but the Democrats of Douglas
will insist that there lepresentative
shall have his seat in a Demo
cratic Senate.
I Twenty-one Years of Silence.
There is a woman in the toAvn of
Harmony, Chantaqua county, N.
York, avIio has not spoken to her
husband for twcnt v-nup In
the yenr 1849 wY ")1Usband contra-
nnt snflt-f,n fft
dm. They have
continued to live together peace
fully, and during the long silence
have had several children Every
thing goes on at their house as
usual with farmers The husband
is attentive, and does his convers
ing with his wife through one of
can or m ifMisi'iToii liv liotM it ui i tl ifi :i i A
? --------- - - - - - - - I KJ V V 1 I iMJ I I H II I I I '11 riMTCVi'iO , T .
f' tt.r. -""'-. -- oi instance, ne win
oi inein5.u ti. v,:ii t.
ie taoie, "win
mother J.nv
e some meat
Or, at another time, "is your
mother going to town with rne to
day ?" The family is wealthy, and
belong to the better class of Chan
taqua farmers and respectable citi
zens. Snmp JU-hrt-d fidlnw has found
out that husbands are like dough
i because Avives need them. It has
inortir n-fnrrr(l fo us before, but
I .i
mav not this explain why there are;
i J . .. ii o ii
! ?o many crusty ienoAt .
NO. 30
Another Congressional Gutrsge,
At lat, at the very closef the 0
session. Congress has decided th..
contested election case of Switzler
against Dyer, from the Ninth Con-
gressionaf District, and the decis-
ion is another instance of the great
. ji.-ju , c wvuv 01 me countrv
Mf viiv vviiiiJiu Ltre; OJJ eiet'i JOIN
, composed almost exclusively of
Radicals and they reported Col
1 Switzler as beino- entitled to the
seat. In tf?e halcvon dav W.
, congress became a political mob
and a lofty sense of honor and rL-
went, and Congress would
merely have gone through the for-,
mabty of endorsing the'in vesica
tion and report ot the cotumitte.
but m this late day, AvhenHonor
is set aside, and indecency and ar
rogance are the ruling characteris
tics of Congrr?ss,no such an honor
able line of policy is followed. In
the late case, notwithstanding 'this
report of a Radical Committee in
favor of Switzler, the facts being
so plain they could not report other
wise, Congress decides that Dyer
is entitled to the seat, by a strict
party vote only two Republicans
having the manliness to vote for
the Committee's resolution in favog)
of Switzler. The history of th
present Congress is full of such
base and cowardly incidents. The
rule prevails that if the contestant
is a Radical, lie musUe voted in;
it a Democrat, voted' out. The
establisment of such princinple
has given Congress the character
it now bears of being an infamous,
corrupt, and basely partisan mob!
The Methodist Episcopal Church
m Cincinnati is in a ferment. A
Mrs. Eliza Vag Cott has been
licensed as a regular Methodist
preacher by a Quarterly Confer
ence m Troy. 3IorethTa bakers
dozen of the ministers of that
denomination held a meeting in
Cincinnati, an the 20th inst.j(nd
resolved against the lie v. Mrs.
Pliza as not in harmony with the
Scripture, nor to be .allowed as
a prudential inpnsni-.. 71,. ira. ..
cut her
" V . -1 S I m I I 1 I I - V
ciquurai looting entirely
r. i . .
away, and left her no Gospel stand
ing whatever. The Chairman, the
Lev . 3Ioody, discovered that slie
was born out of due time, Quid
thougth the proceeding "one of the
efforts of rationalism and infidelity
to razee the Christian ministry.5'
One of the speakers admitted that
John Uesley licensed women to
preach, but they improwed on
his methods after his death, and
stopped the woman. Dr. Rust of
the Wesleyan Female College
.-vm,11(,vh .i cry ot alarm: "We
are floating to perdition on this
tide of revolution.'' Mr, Rugbce
modified his expressions by say in"
that he was not referring to Airs.
an Cott or any other woman'
and other speakers indicated that
mere was a wide div
ergenee of
opinion m the matter.
itching palm mnsf t.rt
a.scource of great cliagrinOto tho
j - - v. v ' V respectable portion of the
Republican party. The latest
project to buy him a A50,000 paid
up life insurance policy seemed
the very height of mendicant
pertinacity, and fairly brokealowii
the patience of his supporters,
I he Evening J'ott, a Ieadino- Radi
cal paper of this -city, madedaste
to denounce the rcjiort as a false
hood, and insisted that it had not
a shadow of truth.
But the East, with characteristic
honesty and straightforwardness,
now retracts, and says: 0
It is reported to us on what wc
believe to be trustworthy authori
ty, that there is this foundation
for the report that a paid-up lifir
insurance policy for fifty th6iisand
dollars Avas to be given to the
President; It is said General
Horace Porter, one of the Presi
dent's secretaries, and Mr. James
Wheeler, his brother-in-law, have
been for some time soliciting sub
scriptions to this end; also that in
Philadelphia ten thousand dollars
were subscribed ; and that in this
city nearly a dozen subscriptions
were obtained, and among them
that of Collector GrinneJI.
Talk of "robbing the cradle and
the grave," this is a literal skin
ning of the dry-bones of Death.
Oh Avhat a President. Iome
rofs Democrat.
Akerman has been sworn in as
Attorney-General of the United
c . 1 TT
mates, ana ixoar will set
J house in Boston.
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